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]The cerebrum[ Updated, December 2019 Dr.


It consists of:
A- Grey matter: it includes Cerebral cortex and Basal ganglia (they contain the cell
bodies of neurons)
B- White matter: contain myelinated cell processes.

]The cerebrum[ Updated, December 2019 Dr. Hindawy
*In sub-mammalian species, it is formed of 3 layers only with major function of smell.
*In mammals, the neocortex (90% of cerebral cortex) is formed of 6 layers while the
primitive three layered pattern persists only in the olfactory cortex.
Cell layers of neocortex from outside inward:
1- Molecular (Plexiform) layer: contains few scattered horizontal cells of Cajal.
*Cell body: small fusiform, whose long axis runs parallel to the cortex surface.
*Processes: arborize within the same layer.
*Function: associative neurons.
2- Outer granular layer: contains small pyramidal & stellate (granular) cells.
Small pyramidal Cs Stellate Cs
Size 10- 12 µm 4- 8 µm
Cell body Shape pyramidal polygonal or triangular
Cytoplasm much Nissl granules scanty Nissl granules
Nucleus Large & vesicular in both cells
*Long apical dendrite that arborizes Few dendrites from the
Dendrites in the superficial molecular layer and angles that arborize in the
Fibers *horizontal basal dendrites that same layer.
arborize in the same layer.
Arises from the base and enters the short and ramifies close to
Axon white matter as projection or the cell body
associative fibers.
3- Outer pyramidal layer: contains predominantly medium sized pyramidal cells with
the same characters as small pyramidal cells but are 50µm in diameter.
4- Inner granular layer: contains predominantly stellate (granular) cells.
5- Inner pyramidal [Ganglionic] layer: predominantly large pyramidal cells (of Betz)
with the same characters as small pyramidal cells but are 100 µm in diameter.
6- Pleomorphic (Multiform) layer: contains fusiform & stellate (granular) cells.

Fusiform cells
Cell body: small fusiform with long axis lies vertical to the surface.
1- Dendrites: arise from the poles of the cell.
2- Axon: arise from the middle or the deep part of the cell body and enters the white
matter as projection or associative fiber.

Function: projective or associative.

]The cerebrum[ Updated, December 2019 Dr. Hindawy
I- Projection fibers:
Afferent thalamo- cortical (sensory + visual +auditory)
Efferent cortico striatal
nigral and tectal
II- Association fibers (on the same side)
(1) Short (intra – cortical): between gyri.
(2) Long (Inter-cortical): between lobes.
III-Commissural fibers (between two hemispheres)

N.B Nerve cells of cerebral cortex are:

1- Pyramidal cells → small, medium, large. 2- Stellate (granular) cells.
3- Fusiform cells. 4- Horizontal cells of Cajal.
5- Cells of Martinotti:
Site Throughout the cerebral cortex.

Cell body Size Small

Shape Multipolar
Dendrites → short, arborize in the same layer.
Axon → ascend toward the superficial layer and ramify there. 3

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