Effects of Tillage Practices On Entomopathogenic Nematodes Millar&Barbercheck2002

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Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11


Effects of tillage practices on entomopathogenic nematodes

in a corn agroecosystem
Leah C. Millar* and Mary E. Barbercheck
Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7634, USA
Received 28 February 2001; accepted 20 March 2002


Cultural practices such as tillage affect soil abiotic and biotic factors, which in turn may affect the survival and activity of en-
tomopathogenic nematodes. We investigated the relative sensitivity of an inundatively applied nematode species, Steinernema
riobrave (Texas), and two endemic nematode species, Steinernema carpocapsae and Heterorhabditis bacteriophora, to tillage practices
in no-till and conventional-till corn near Goldsboro, North Carolina. Two baiting methods using Galleria mellonella, one conducted
in the laboratory and the other in the field, were used to evaluate the nematodes in terms of infected insects and nematode per-
sistence. H. bacteriophora, which was only rarely detected, was not significantly affected by tillage. Tillage had a significant negative
effect on the detection of S. carpocapsae and a significant positive effect on the detection of S. riobrave. The nematodes’ dissimilar
sensitivities to tillage may be partly explained by differences in environmental tolerances and differences in tendencies to disperse
deeper in the soil profile. Ó 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.

Keywords: Steinernema riobrave; Steinernema carpocapsae; Heterorhabditis bacteriophora; Entomopathogenic nematode; Biological control; Tillage

1. Introduction ature, moisture, and nematode natural enemies (Kaya

and Gaugler, 1993).
The use of entomopathogenic nematodes in the Cultural practices such as tillage affect soil abiotic
families Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae as in- and biotic factors. For example, reduced tillage en-
undatively applied biological control agents against soil hances soil microbial diversity (Hassink et al., 1991;
insect pests is rapidly expanding. However, field trials Lupwayi et al., 1998), nematode diversity (Freckman
using these nematodes as biological control agents have and Ettema, 1993), and soil arthropod diversity (House
often yielded highly variable results (Georgis and Gau- and Alzugaray, 1989). Soil under reduced tillage has
gler, 1991) and this has been attributed in part to the lower temperatures and higher soil moisture levels
lack of understanding of their biology in natural and compared to conventional tillage regimes (Sprague and
agricultural ecosystems. Knowledge of the effects of soil Triplett, 1986), which may favor the development of
environmental factors on entomopathogenic nematodes disease in soil insect populations (Sloderbeck and
is needed to select the most appropriate species for op- Yeargan, 1983). Soil moisture is considered an impor-
timal insect pest management. The efficacy of entomo- tant factor in influencing the infectivity of entomo-
pathogenic nematodes, as with other biological control pathogenic nematodes (Kaya, 1990). Hence, reduced
agents, can be affected by various abiotic and biotic tillage has been suggested as a method of conserving
factors. These factors can include soil texture, temper- entomopathogenic nematodes (Brust, 1991). The detec-
tion of endemic Heterorhabditis bacteriophora Poinar
was higher in no-till (NT) compared to conventional-till
Corresponding author. Present address: USDA-APHIS, Raleigh
(CT) in corn (Brust, 1991). Hummel (2000) found a
Plant Protection Center, 1017 Main Campus Dr., Suite 2500, Raleigh,
NC 27606-5202, USA. Fax: +919-513-1995. greater percentage of bait insects infected with endemic
E-mail address: leah.c.millar@aphis.usda.gov (L.C. Millar). Steinernema carpocapsae (Weiser) (Fletcher strain) in

1049-9644/02/$ - see front matter Ó 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
PII: S 1 0 4 9 - 9 6 4 4 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 0 4 2 - 7
2 L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11

NT compared to clean-till corn, tomatoes, and cabbage. 2.1. Laboratory soil baiting (Experiment 1)
The presence of crop residue, which is greater under
reduced tillage, favored the persistence of inundatively This experiment was conducted for all three field sea-
applied S. carpocapsae (Mexican strain) (Shapiro et al., sons (1997, 1998, and 1999) on corn. For each year, the
1999). Nevertheless, because of the considerable inter- experiment was replicated at four locations (blocks), each
and intraspecific variability in environmental tolerances containing both NT and CT plots. For each block and
among entomopathogenic nematodes (Poinar, 1990), it tillage regime, there were different nematode treatments in
cannot be assumed that all nematodes species and 3 m  3 m assay areas within the corn fields (Table 1). For
strains will respond similarly to different tillage prac- all three years, the control treatment received only water.
tices. For example, other types of soil nematodes, such To simulate a commercial application, S. riobrave IJs
as plant-parasitic and free-living nematodes, vary in were inundatively applied in a water suspension with a
their response to tillage regimes (Stinner and Crossley, watering can at the rate of 250,000 nematodes/m2 =4 li-
1982; Parmelee and Alston, 1986). ters of water. An aliquot of S. riobrave IJ used in the field
The objective of our research was to investigate the application was used to infect G. mellonella to confirm
relative sensitivity of an inundatively applied nematode their viability. Because entomopathogenic nematodes
and natural populations of two endemic nematodes to have a patchy distribution (Akhurst et al., 1992; Stuart
tillage practices in a corn agroecosystem. and Gaugler, 1994), we augmented the native nematodes
to assure their presence in the treatment plots. Ap-
proximately one week prior to S. riobrave application,
2. Materials and methods S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora were applied by
burial of plastic biopsy cassettes (4 cm  3 cm cages with
The study was conducted during three field seasons 1 mm holes, Histosette II, Simport, Beloeil, Canada),
(1997, 1998, and 1999) in NT and CT corn plots (1997 each containing two cadavers of G. mellonella that had
and 1998: Zea mays L. cv. Dekalb 714; 1999: Z. mays been exposed to H. bacteriophora 11–14 days earlier or
cv. Dekalb 580) at the Center for Environmental S. carpocapsae 7–8 days earlier. At this time, IJs were
Farming Systems (CEFS) near Goldsboro, NC. The just beginning to emerge from the cadavers. Nine cas-
36:6 m  73:2 m plots were in a corn–soybean rotation settes were buried at approximately 5 cm below the soil
(Millar, 2000). The NT plots were planted with a wheat
Table 1
cover crop during the fall and had been under a NT
Summary of nematode treatments for Experiments 1 and 2. Nematode
regime since 1995. The CT plots received no winter treatments (H. bacteriophora, S. carpocapsae, and S. riobrave applied
cover crop and were chisel plowed and disked in the fall singly or in combination with each other) were applied to 3 m  3 m
and spring. The research site used for this study received assay areas within both NT and CT corn fields
fertilizer and herbicides typical for corn production in Experiment Year Nematode treatment
this region but did not receive insecticides. The soil type Laboratory soil 1997 Untreated control (water only)
in the plots is classified as predominantly Wickham fine baiting H. bacteriophora
sandy loam. (Experiment1) S. riobrave
Three nematodes were studied in our experiments. S. 1998 Untreated control (water only)
carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora are endemic to the S. riobrave
S. riobrave + S. carpocapsae
site. Dr. Patricia Stock, University of Arizona, Tuscan, S. riobrave + H. bacteriophora
confirmed the species identification via morphological 1999 Untreated control (water only)
and molecular analysis. The commercially available H. bacteriophora
nematode S. riobrave Cabanillas, Poinar, and Raulston S. carpocapsae
(Texas strain, originally from Biosys, Columbia, MD) S. riobrave
S. riobrave + S. carpocapsae
was chosen as a nematode that could potentially be S. riobrave + H. bacteriophora
used as an inundatively applied biocontrol agent in
corn. All of the nematodes were cultured in the labo- Field soil baiting 1997 Untreated control (water only)
(Experiment 2) H. bacteriophora
ratory using last instar Galleria mellonella (L.) (Lepi- S. riobrave
doptera: Pyralidae, greater wax moth) (Northern Bait, S. riobrave + H. bacteriophora
Chetek, WI and Nature’s Way, Hamilton, OH) (Kaya 1998 Untreated control (water only)
and Stock, 1997). Infective juveniles (IJs) were stored H. bacteriophora
in tap water at 10 °C for no longer than two weeks S. carpocapsae
S. riobrave
before field application. S. riobrave + S. carpocapsae
Two experiments were conducted, the first one in- S. riobrave + H. bacteriophora
volving soil baiting with G. mellonella in the laboratory Preliminary sampling during the winter of 1997 did not reveal the
(Experiment 1) and the other involving soil baiting with presence of the native S. carpocapsae; therefore, this nematode was not
G. mellonella in the field (Experiment 2). augmented during the 1997 field season.
L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11 3

surface at a randomly chosen location within each same soil baiting method as above, to determine any
square meter (1 cassette/m2 ) in the plot to simulate nat- multiple season effects of tillage on the nematodes.
ural foci of infection. Additional biopsy cassettes were
prepared to monitor emergence of IJs in the laboratory. 2.2. Field soil baiting (Experiment 2)
The day before application of S. riobrave (pretreat-
ment dates 5/14/1997, 5/20/1998, and 5/19/1999), the day This experiment was conducted during the 1997 and
after application of this nematode, then weekly for one 1998 field seasons in different areas of the same NT and
month, and then once monthly, nine (1997) or six (1998, CT corn fields as for Experiment 1. For each block and
1999) soil cores were collected in a regular pattern tillage regime, nematode treatments (Table 1) were
(1 m2 ) from each 3 m  3 m assay area. In total, there applied to 1 m  1 m assay areas. The control plots re-
were nine sampling dates each for 1997 and 1998 and ceived only water. S. riobrave was applied using the same
eight sampling dates for 1999. For all assay areas, method as for Experiment 1. Approximately one week
1:5 cm dia:  10 cm soil cores were collected. The soil prior to S. riobrave application, H. bacteriophora and S.
samples (cores) (216/date in 1997, 192/date in 1998, and carpocapsae were applied by burial, at approximately
288/date in 1999) were placed individually into plastic 5 cm below the soil surface in the center of the assay area,
zip-lock bags. These bags were taken in an insulated of one plastic biopsy cassette containing two cadavers of
cooler to the laboratory for baiting with three last instar G. mellonella that had been exposed to H. bacteriophora
G. mellonella. The samples were stored at room tem- 11–14 days earlier or S. carpocapsae 7–8 days earlier.
perature (22–25 °C) for 3–4 days, after which the num- On six dates (1997) and five dates (1998) throughout
ber of living and dead insects was recorded. In 1997 and the growing seasons, live G. mellonella larvae in biopsy
1998, this baiting technique was repeated for each bag cassettes were buried in the treatment plots to detect
until there was no longer 100% larval mortality (that is, nematodes. Eight (1997) or six (1998) individually caged
at least one larva was still alive, following the 3- to 4-day insects were buried in each assay area, four on two edges
baiting period). In 1999, this baiting technique was re- of the assay area, and four (1997) or two (1998) in the
peated for each bag until there was no larval mortality. center. After four days, the caged insects were retrieved
Determination of nematode genus infecting the dead and taken back to the laboratory in a cooler. The
insects was by the color of the insect cadaver (reddish number of living and dead insects was recorded and the
for H. bacteriophora; ochre or tan for S. carpocapsae mortality of each nematode species was determined us-
and S. riobrave). In 1997, the presence of native stein- ing the same method as for Experiment 1.
ernematids was realized too late to allow for distinction
between S. carpocapsae and S. riobrave. In 1998 and 2.3. Soil characteristics
1999, the insects killed by steinernematids were dissected
in Ringer’s solution 4–5 days after initial exposure to Soil samples of 5 cm diameter and 5 cm deep were
soil samples and the adult nematodes were identified to taken for evaluation of soil characteristics for Experi-
species. Nematode male genitalia and the presence/ab- ment 1. In 1997 and 1998, gravimetric percentage of
sence of a mucron (for males and females) were used to soil moisture (mass of water/dry weight of soil) and
distinguish between S. carpocapsae and S. riobrave. percentage of organic matter were monitored in each
Keys and descriptions (Cabanillas et al., 1994; Kaya and block/tillage combination on each sampling date. In
Stock, 1997; Poinar, 1990), as well as advice from 1998, soil pH and texture (percentages of sand, silt,
Dr. Khuong B. Nguyen of the University of Florida and clay) were also determined for each block/tillage
at Gainesville and Dr. Enrique Cabanillas of the USDA/ combination on one sampling date. In 1999, the above
ARS in Weslaco, TX, were used to distinguish the two soil characteristics plus soil water potential ()kPa)
steinernematids. The number of insects infected by each were monitored for each 3 m  3 m treatment area
nematode species was an appropriate indicator of the within each block/tillage combination: soil moisture
relative number of nematodes present in the field, be- and water potential on every sampling date, organic
cause a significant positive correlation between the matter on three sampling dates (early, middle, and late
number of infected insects and the number of nematodes seasons), and pH and texture on one sampling date.
was determined in the field for the two steinernematid Soil pH was measured from a 1:2 soil:water suspen-
species (Millar and Barbercheck, 2001). Other authors sion, soil organic matter was measured using a dry
have confirmed a linear relationship between insect ashing procedure (described by D.A. Storer, Agro-
mortality and number of nematodes penetrating into nomic Service Laboratory, Agrico Chemical Company,
bait insects as well (Koppenh€ ofer et al., 1998). unpublished), soil water potential was measured using
In 1998, the treatment areas were marked using sur- the filter paper method (Kaya and Stock, 1997), and
vey equipment. This enabled us to locate the 3 m  3 m the percentages of sand, silt, and clay were determined
treatment areas one year later in 1999. These areas were using the hydrometer method (Gee and Bauder, 1986).
resampled on two dates (7/1/1999, 7/12/1999), using the Soil temperature was monitored all three years
4 L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11

throughout the field season in both tillage regimes in compared to NT across sampling dates, we did not
one of the four blocks (block 4 in 1997, block 3 in detect a significant effect of tillage on the number of
1998, and block 2 in 1999) using a Campbell CR-21 infections by H. bacteriophora (P > 0:05) (Figs. 1A
data logger (probe buried at 10 cm soil depth). In ad- and 2).
dition, data on rainfall during the field seasons were In Experiment 1 in 1998 and 1999, the mean number
obtained from a weather station at the farm office. of infections by S. carpocapsae was numerically higher
in NT compared to CT. This difference was not sig-
2.4. Data analysis nificant in 1999 (P > 0:05). However, when combining
the 1998 and 1999 Experiment 1 data, plus the data for
Analysis for effects of tillage on H. bacteriophora was the 1998 plots resampled in 1999, there were signifi-
carried out for all three years, whereas analyses for cantly more S. carpocapsae infections in NT com-
effects on S. carpocapsae and S. riobrave were carried out pared to CT (F ¼ 6:87; df ¼ 1; 6; P ¼ 0:0395) (Figs. 1B
only for 1998 and 1999. Analyses for effects on S. rio- and 2).
brave were carried out using only data from post-treat- S. riobrave infections were detected more frequently
ment dates and treatments where this nematode was in CT compared to NT for Experiment 1 in 1999
applied. Following square-root transformations, the (F ¼ 62:25; df ¼ 1; 3; P ¼ 0:0042) (Fig. 1C).
nematode data for both field experiments were subjected
to split–split plot analyses of variance using the General
3.1.2. Nematode infections between years
Linear Models Procedure of SAS (SAS Institute, 1988).
For Experiment 1, the overall (NT and CT combined)
For each year, tillage regime was the whole plot factor,
mean numbers (averaged over all sample dates) of bait
nematode treatment the subplot factor, and sample date
insects infected by S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora
a sub–sub plot factor. When combining years, additional
per sample were both slightly higher in 1999 (S. carpo-
split–split plot analyses of variance were performed,
capsae: 0:198  0:027; H. bacteriophora: 0:064  0:011)
which included year as an additional factor. In 1997 and
compared to 1998 (S. carpocapsae: 0:171  0:020; H.
1998, the soil moisture and organic matter variables were
bacteriophora: 0:040  0:011), but these differences were
subjected to a split plot analysis of variance, with tillage
not significant (P > 0:05). In contrast, the mean number
as the whole plot factor and sample date as the subplot
of S. riobrave infections per sample was significantly
factor. In 1999, the variables, soil moisture and water
higher in 1998 (1:024  0:050) compared to 1999
potential, were subjected to a split–split plot analysis of
(0:220  0:023) (F ¼ 61:56; df ¼ 1; 6; P ¼ 0:0002). The
variance, with tillage as the whole plot factor, nematode
treatment by year interaction was not significant
treatment as the subplot factor, and date as the sub
(P > 0:05).
subplot factor. In 1999, organic matter, pH, and texture
variables were subjected to a split plot analysis of vari-
ance, with tillage as the whole plot factor and nematode 3.1.3. Effect of soil characteristics on nematode infections
treatment as the subplot factor. When combining years For the 1999 data, analyses were carried out to
for soil characteristics, additional split plot analyses of detect a relationship between the measured soil char-
variance were performed which included year as an ad- acteristics and the number of nematode infections, re-
ditional factor. Soil water potential was log transformed gardless of tillage regime. Because soil characteristics
for analyses and all other soil characteristics were ana- were not monitored for each 3 m  3 m treatment area
lyzed using non-transformed data. A significance level of in 1997 and 1998, the data for these years were not
a ¼ 0:05 was used in all analyses of variance. A poly- included in the analyses. Polynomial regression on the
nomial regression was performed on the 1999 data to non-zero (i.e., using only soil samples with at least
determine the relationship between soil water potential one insect infected by the particular nematode species)
(log transformed) and the number of bait insects infected 1999 data showed a significant quadratic relationship
by each nematode species (Abacus Concepts, 1989). between soil water potential (log transformed) and
Data in text and figures are presented as non-trans- the number of insects infected by S. carpocapsae
formed means with the standard errors of the means. (P ¼ 0:0106) (F ¼ 3:408; df ¼ 2; P ¼ 0:0374) and S.
riobrave (P ¼ 0:0124) (F ¼ 3:591; df ¼ 2; P ¼ 0:0332).
The polynomial regression model was non-significant
3. Results for H. bacteriophora infections (P > 0:05). The optimal
water potential (maximum point on the quadratic
3.1. Laboratory soil baiting (Experiment 1) curve) was calculated to be 398:11 kPa for S. carpo-
capsae and 794:33 kPa for S. riobrave. No significant
3.1.1. Effect of tillage regimes on nematode infections relationship was detected between soil organic matter,
Although the number of infections by H. bacterio- pH, or texture and the number of nematode infections
phora was more often numerically higher in CT by each species.
L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11 5

Fig. 1. Infections by tillage regime (Experiment 1): mean numbers  SEM of G. mellonella larvae infected per soil sample by (A) H. bacteriophora, (B)
S. carpocapsae, and (C) S. riobrave in NT and CT during each year’s growing season.

Fig. 2. 1998 plots resampled in 1999 (Experiment 1): mean numbers  SEM of G. mellonella larvae infected per soil sample by H. bacteriophora,
S. carpocapsae, and S. riobrave in the 1998 NT and CT plots resampled in 1999, one year after nematode field applications.
6 L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11

3.2. Field soil baiting (Experiment 2): effect of tillage significantly higher in NT in 1997 (Table 2). Soil pH was
higher in NT compared to CT for 1998 and 1999 com-
For Experiment 2 in 1997 and 1998, combining all bined (F ¼ 23:15; df ¼ 1; 6; P ¼ 0:0030) (mean  SE for
nematode treatments and sampling dates, the mean each year presented in Table 2). In 1999, the soil mois-
numbers of infections by H. bacteriophora and S. rio- ture, water potential, organic matter, and pH were not
brave were numerically higher in CT compared to NT, significantly different between the different 3 m  3 m
whereas the mean number of infections by S. carpo- assay areas (P > 0:05). There was no significant differ-
capsae was numerically higher in NT compared to CT ence in percentage sand, silt, and clay between the two
(Fig. 3). However, these differences were not significant tillage regimes and the four blocks in 1998 and 1999 nor
(P > 0:05). between the different 3 m  3 m assay areas in 1999
(P > 0:05). Comparing the 1998 and 1999 field seasons,
3.3. Soil characteristics there was no significant effect of year on soil moisture or
organic matter (P > 0:05).
Percentage of soil moisture was higher in NT com- For all three years, the average maximum soil tem-
pared to CT for all three years (Table 2). In 1999, soil perature (°C) across dates was higher in CT compared to
water potential was higher in NT compared to CT NT (Table 2). For 1997 and 1998, the average minimum
(Table 2). Percentage of organic matter was higher in soil temperature across dates was higher in NT
NT compared to CT in 1998 and 1999, but was not compared to CT. In 1999, the average minimum soil

Fig. 3. Infections by tillage regime (Experiment 2): mean numbers  SEM of G. mellonella larvae infected per 1 m  1 m treatment plot by (A) H.
bacteriophora in 1997 and 1998, (B) S. carpocapsae in 1998, and (C) S. riobrave in 1998 in NT and CT.
L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11 7

Table 2
Comparison of soil characteristics (mean  SE) in the NT and CT regimes during the 1997, 1998, and 1999 growing seasons
Soil characteristic Year NT CT P value
Percentage of soil moisture 1997 15:4  0:92 9:77  0:82 0.0090
1998 16:63  1:17 11:73  0:98 0.0070
1999 17:8  0:49 11:73  0:47 0.0023
Soil water potential (kPa) 1999 1610:93  335:45 14359:28  3588:39 0.0023
Percentage of organic matter 1997 2:54  0:13 1:94  0:1 0.0614
1998 2:64  0:13 1:44  0:01 0.0233
1999 2:72  0:12 2:03  0:10 0.0370
Soil pH 1998 5:43  0:19 4:86  0:21 > 0:05
1999 4:81  0:06 4:47  0:05 > 0:05
Mean max temperature (°C) 1997 28:26  0:86 30:63  1:26 N/Aa
1998 29:47  0:62 30:90  0:56 N/Aa
1999 25:00  0:72 27:29  0:62 N/Aa
Mean min temperature (°C) 1997 22:78  0:87 22:41  1:03 N/Aa
1998 24:96  0:49 24:46  0:53 N/Aa
1999 20:95  0:37 23:60  0:55 N/Aa
Statistical comparison of temperatures between the two tillage regimes was not possible because the soil temperature was only monitored in one of
the four blocks (replicates) during the study.

temperature across dates was higher in CT compared to The different application techniques used for the en-
NT. Combining both tillage regimes over approximately demic and the introduced nematodes may have influ-
the same time period per year 5/25–8/22, 1998 had the enced their sensitivities to tillage. However, the objective
highest mean minimum and maximum soil temperatures of this study was to evaluate the effect of tillage on an
(min ¼ 24:7  0:4; max ¼ 30:2  0:44), followed by inundatively applied, commercially available nematode,
1997 (min ¼ 22:6  0:7; max ¼ 29:5  0:8), and then and on naturally occurring endemic nematodes. The
1999 (min ¼ 22:3  0:4; max ¼ 26:2  0:5). application of the introduced nematode simulated a
commercial application, whereas the application of the
3.4. Rainfall endemic nematodes simulated natural foci of infection.
We only rarely detected the native nematode, H.
Over the same time period (5/20–8/14) for each year, bacteriophora, and did not detect any effect of tillage on
the 1999 field season received the highest total amount this nematode, although the mean number of infected
of rainfall (54.7 cm), followed by 1998 (22.9 cm), and bait insects was almost always numerically higher in CT
then 1997 (14.9 cm). In 1997 and 1998, there was a compared to NT. The percentage of infection by H.
moderate amount of rain through most of the season bacteriophora in our study was less than 0.05%. One
and then a heavy rain near the end of the season in hypothesis for this low infection rate is that soil fauna,
August (1997: 7.6 cm 8/17–8/23; 1998: 11.9 cm 8/23–8/29, microarthropods, and/or predatory nematodes may
8.4 cm 8/30–9/5) (Figs. 4A and B). In contrast, in 1999, have consumed much of the nematode-killed Galleria
there was a very heavy rain (>16 cm) in the middle of and/or the emerging IJs and contributed to the low es-
the season (6/13–6/19) and then two more heavy rains tablishment potential of this nematode (Kerry, 1995).
during the second half of the season (9.4 cm 7/11–7/17; This hypothesis is currently being investigated by one of
8.4 cm 8/8–8/14) (Fig. 4C). us (M.E. Barbercheck).
Endemic S. carpocapsae appeared to be negatively
affected by tillage. In contrast, the data suggest that
4. Discussion tillage favored the inundatively applied nematode, S.
riobrave. Several abiotic and biotic soil factors, i.e.,
The effects of tillage practices on soil abiotic factors structure, temperature, moisture, organic matter,
were consistent with those of other studies (National chemistry, and abundance and distribution of antago-
Research Council, 1989). Compared to the CT regime, nists and potential hosts, could have contributed to
the NT regime was characterized by higher organic these effects.
matter, soil moisture content, soil pH, and soil water In another study on corn, Brust (1991) found that
potential. The maximum soil temperatures were lower NT, compared to CT, was associated with a significant
and the soil temperatures were more stable in NT increase in detection of a population of endemic H.
compared to CT. There was no significant difference in bacteriophora using G. mellonella as an assay insect.
soil texture between the tillage regimes. Because the population Brust studied was endemic to a
Our study suggests that the three nematodes have research site in Clayton, North Carolina, which is ap-
different sensitivities to the conditions created by tillage. proximately 66 km from the present research site, we
8 L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11

Fig. 4. Rainfall during the growing seasons: total amount of rainfall (cm) per approximately one week period during the (A) 1997, (B) 1998, and (C)
1999 growing seasons.

expected a similar outcome for the endemic H. bacte- been factors influencing the more frequent detection of
riophora population at our site. The fact that we found S. carpocapsae in NT. This type of environment may
no significant effect of tillage on this nematode may be provide more hosts for endemic nematodes (Brust, 1991;
attributable to its relatively low detection rate in our Kaya and Gaugler, 1993). Also, under a CT regime, the
study. The percentage infection of G. mellonella by H. soil surface has higher temperatures and lower moisture
bacteriophora ranged from 39.2% to 87.2% in Brust’s compared to the rest of the soil profile. Hence, the fact
study, which is much higher than the infection rate of that S. carpocapsae has been categorized as an ‘‘am-
less than 0.05% in our study. The different results be- busher’’ (Campbell et al., 1996; Grewal et al., 1995;
tween our study and the study by Brust could be at- Kaya and Gaugler, 1993), which is a nematode that
tributed to a difference in the geographic isolates, which typically remains nearly sedentary at or near the soil
may vary in a number of characteristics, including sen- surface, may explain its relatively higher sensitivity to
sitivity to tillage. Also, the sites of the two studies may tillage. On the other hand, a ‘‘cruiser’’ nematode, which
differ in crop history, soils, antagonists, hosts, flora, etc. is typically more mobile and moves deeper in the soil
The results of our study agree with those of other profile, may not be as affected by tillage because it can
studies in terms of S. carpocapsae infections (Hummel, move to a more stable environment of the deeper soil
2000; Shapiro et al., 1999). The greater complexity of the profile. H. bacteriophora is considered to be a ‘‘cruiser’’
soil environment associated with higher levels of organic (Campbell et al., 1996; Grewal et al., 1995). The
matter and the presence of more weeds in NT may have difference in foraging behavior of these two endemic
L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11 9

nematodes, S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora, was environment of S. riobrave than that of NT thereby
supported by a separate study at the same field site, for favoring its infectivity and persistence.
it suggested that H. bacteriophora had a higher tendency In our study, the optimal water potential for detec-
than S. carpocapsae to move deeper in the soil profile tion of S. riobrave was lower than that of S. carpocapsae,
(Millar and Barbercheck, 2001). i.e., detection of S. riobrave was more frequent in a drier
The introduced nematode, S. riobrave, appears to soil than that for S. carpocapsae. The optimal temper-
share characteristics of both ambushers and cruisers ature for growth and development of S. riobrave appears
(Cabanillas et al., 1994; Grewal et al., 1995; Grewal to be about 30 ° C and this nematode seems to be nat-
et al., 1994). This nematode has vertical and horizontal urally selected for biological control at high tempera-
dispersal abilities intermediate to those of S. carpocap- tures (Cabanillas et al., 1994). Optimal survival and
sae and H. bacteriophora and it parasitizes both mobile pathogenicity were at 25 °C for S. carpocapsae (Kung
and sedentary insects effectively (Grewal et al., 1995). et al., 1991) and survival of this nematode in soil de-
This categorization of its foraging behavior was sup- creased with increasing temperatures above 25 °C
ported by a separate study at the same field site of the (Molyneux, 1985). The temperate origin of S. carpo-
present study, for it suggested that this nematode had a capsae perhaps favors its persistence at low temperatures
tendency to move deeper in the soil profile intermediate (5–25 °C) (Kung et al., 1991). In corn, S. riobrave was
to those of S. carpocapsae and H. bacteriophora (Millar more effective in controlling corn earworm than
and Barbercheck, 2001). The foraging behavior of S. S. carpocapsae at high temperatures (Cabanillas and
riobrave may partially explain the fact that it was not Raulston, 1996). S. riobrave also performed better than
negatively affected by tillage, by enabling it to move to S. carpocapsae at higher temperatures in laboratory
the more stable environment deeper in the soil profile. studies (Gouge et al., 1999; Henneberry et al., 1996).
Active vertical migration may serve as a means of sur- The higher number of infections by S. riobrave in
vival for this nematode in extended dry periods (Caba- 1998 compared to 1999 may have been a result of many
nillas et al., 1994). factors, which include the overall higher soil tempera-
Not only was S. riobrave not negatively affected by tures in 1998 compared to 1999. Another reason,
tillage, but its detection was favored by tillage. Be- though, for its lower infectivity in 1999 compared to
cause S. carpocapsae was detected less frequently in 1998 could have been the more fluctuating weather
the CT compared to NT, one could hypothesize that conditions for the 1999 growing season, during which
decreased interspecific competition for resources may there was a drought followed by very heavy rains. Not
explain the increased success of S. riobrave in CT. only may these differences in soil temperature and
However, in another study, we found that these two weather conditions between years have affected the in-
nematodes did not affect each other in terms of the fectivity of S. riobrave directly, they may have affected
number of infected insects (Millar and Barbercheck, the availability of insect hosts and/or the activity of
2001). nematode antagonists. The availability of suitable hosts
The origin of this nematode may help explain the is a crucial factor that determines the survival of nem-
greater success of S. riobrave in CT. The original cli- atodes at a site (Mracek, 1979).
matic locality tends to determine the temperatures at Knowledge of differences in sensitivity to production
which infective juveniles became inactive (Molyneux, practices, such as tillage regimes and soil environmental
1985). S. riobrave is endemic to a semi-arid subtropical conditions, may be used to better select cultural prac-
region that receives about 60–70 cm of annual rainfall. It tices and nematode species or strains that enhance bio-
was originally isolated from a soil with 1.1% organic logical control. For instance, our study supports the
matter, soil pH 8.3, and daytime soil temperatures of notion that persistence is greater in areas similar to the
about 35  4 °C at 5 cm deep during the corn-growing nematode’s climatic origins (Kung et al., 1991). In a
season (Cabanillas et al., 1994). Its ability to survive and humid temperate region that experiences seasonal
persist in the soil after extended dry periods indicates drought such as the coastal plain of North Carolina, a
that S. riobrave is well adapted to this semi-arid region nematode that is adapted to a relatively warm, dry cli-
(Cabanillas et al., 1994). The site of our study is a humid mate, such as S. riobrave, may be more efficacious when
temperate region that receives about 122–127 cm of a CT regime is used. In contrast, if one wants to con-
annual rainfall (State Climate Office of NC, NC State serve naturally occurring nematodes in this region, es-
University). Over the three years of this study, the soil pecially predominantly surface dwelling ones like S.
temperatures and percentage of organic matter in CT caropocapsae, our study suggests that reduced tillage
were closer than those in NT to the soil characteristics of may be more appropriate. Endemic nematodes are
the original site of isolation of S. riobrave. In addition, adapted to abiotic and biotic characteristics of the na-
the lower soil moisture in CT was probably closer to the tive geographical area, which in our case may have been
soil moisture of the site of origin. In summary, the CT approached more so by a NT regime (although still far
regime probably matched more closely the native soil from being undisturbed) than a CT regime. Conserving
10 L.C. Millar, M.E. Barbercheck / Biological Control 25 (2002) 1–11

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