Fallsem2023-24 CBS3003 Eth VL2023240101317 Cat-2-Qp - Key

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 CAT-II syllabus.

o Module 3: Greedy and Dynamic Programming

1. Greedy Approach : Activity Selection Problem

2. Dynamic Programming:
Elements of Dynamic Programming
Rod Cutting problem
Matrix chain multiplication
Longest Common Subsequence
o Module 4: Graph and Tree Algorithms

1. Graph Traversal algorithms:

Depth First Search (DFS)

Breadth First Search (BFS)

2. Shortest Path Algorithms:

Single Source shortest path : Dijkstra’s Algorithm

All pair shortest path : Floyd Warshall Algorithm

3. Transitive Closure

4. Minimum Spanning Tree :

Prim’s and Kruskal’s Algorithms

5. Topological Sorting

6. Network Flow Algorithms :


Ford Fulkerson Algorithm

o Module 5: Tractable and Intractable problems

Computability Class : P,NP,NP Hard, NP Complete
Cook’s Theorem Reducibility
SAT , 3 SAT , Reducing 3SAT to Clique

 CAT-II Marks Distribution and Question Preparation: 50 Marks

o Module 3 – 10 marks
o Module 4 – 30 marks

o Module 5 – 10 Marks

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