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Activity week 11.



Grammar focus: The use of There is/there are examples: there is a pen singular

Instructions: there are two pens plural

1.- write “S”= singular or “P”=plural, see the vocabulary list and repeat aloud all the words.

2.-complete the sentences 1-8 using there is for singular nouns and there are for plural nouns.

3.- answer the questions on part 2, the write all of the sentences in your notebook.

4.-what’s in your back-pack?...

5.-Use “there is / there are” to mention the objects in your school bag.

Vocabulary list:

1. Shirt___ 9. Milk___ 17. Ruler___

2. books___ 10. Onions___ 18. glue stick___
3. scarf___ 11. Banana___ 19. Stickers___
4. pictures___ 12. Cake___ 20. Dictionary___
5. Laptop___ 13. Pizza___ 21. Pencil___
6. Paper ___ 14. Notebooks___ 22. color pencils___
7. Eggs___ 15. Pens___ 23. water bottle___
8. Lettuce___ 16. Sharpener___


- There is a shirt on the bed. Singular

-There are 2 books on the floor. Plural

-Is there a shirt on the bed? Yes, there is No, there is not

-Are there 2 books on the floor? Yes, there are No, there are not

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