Interferencia Indices Sericos

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OrigiMl Article Ann Clin Biochem 1990; 27: 345-352

Interference by haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia in assays on the

Beckman Synchron CX5 and methods for correction
A G Randall, P Garcia-Webb and J P Beilby
From the Department of Clinical Biochemistry. Queen Elizabeth II Medical Centre. Perth. Western
Australia .

SUMMARY. As part of an evaluation of a Synchron eX5 analyser (Beckman Instru-

ments Inc, Brea, USA) we examined a range of tests for interference from haemolysis,
bilirubin and lipaemia. Tests investigated were urea, creatinine, urate, total protein,
albumin, calcium, total bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate
transaminase (AST), y-glutamyl transferase (GGT) and inorganic phosphate. Two
types of interferences were found. One type is found on other analysers and represents
analytical difficulties with the measurement of that particular analyte. The other type
of interference was a consequence of the bichromatic optical system used on the eX-5.
This latter group includes haemoglobin interference in the measurement of total
protein and inorganic phosphate, and bilirubin interference with the measurement of
total protein, glucose and inorganic phosphate. Lipaemia interfered with total
protein, total bilirubin, inorganic phosphate, urate and glucose. Alternative and
modified methods are proposed to improve the measurement of total protein, glucose,
total bilirubin and inorganic phosphate. The use of the modified methods for glucose,
inorganic phosphate and total bilirubin are limited, at this time, by an error in the
calculation algorithm used by the analyser for two step or triggered chemistries, and
to a lesser extent, by a reduction in sample throughput.
Additional key phrases: automated analysis: bichromatic spectroscopy

Many modern analytical systems and methods porated an optical system that allows simul-
are subject to substantial interference in the pres- taneous measurement of the absorbance of the
ence of icterus, haemolysis or lipaemia in chromophore at both a primary wavelength and
samples.' These, and possible interference by a secondary wavelength; the secondary wave-
commonly used drugs, should be tested for in length acts as a reference and the instrument does
every new method and analytical system prior to not use a conventional reference system. This
its use in patient care. system of bichromatic spectrophotometry defi-
The Synchron eX5 system (Beckman Instru- nitely improves the precision of the absorbance
ments Inc, Brea, USA) is a fully automated measurements but it also increases the potential
discrete clinical chemistry analyser suitable for for interference effects. This shortcoming of
use with samples of serum, plasma, urine and bichromatic spectrophotometry with endpoint
cerebrospinal fluid. 2 The spectrophotometric absorbance measurements has been recognized
system comprises a multi-wavelength diffraction for a long time,' as has the need for the absorban-
grating, a pulsed xenon flash lamp and a ces of potential interferents to be checked at the
photodiode array detector. Nominal wave- primary and the secondary wavelengths to avoid
lengths available for analysis are 340, 380, 410, inaccurate results,"
470, 520, 560, 600, 650, 670 and 700 nm with a In this paper we describe the extent of the
half band width of 5 nm. To overcome the varia- interferences we detected in a number of assays
tion in the intensity of the light source that occurs on the eX5 analyser and ways that these inter-
with each flash, the manufacturers have incor- ferences can be minimized or overcome.

Correspondence: Mr A G Randall, Department of Clinical MATERIALS AND METHODS

Biochemistry, Queen Elizabeth" Medical Centre, Nedlands,
Western Australia, 6009, Australia. Plasma concentrations of urea, creatinine, urate,
346 Randall, Garcia- Webb and Beilby

total protein, albumin, calcium, total bilirubin, diameter tube containing sample with + + grade
alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate of lipaemia.' The analytes listed above, with the
aminotransferase (AST), y-glutamyl transferase exception of cholesterol and triglyceride, were
(GGT), inorganic phosphate, glucose and choles- measured on each sample before and after
terol were measured on the CX5 using Beckman centrifugation at 45 ()()() g for 30 min.
Instruments Inc. reagents and according to the Results for glucose, bilirubin, uric acid, inor-
manufacturer's instructions, unless stated other- ganic phosphate and total protein were affected
wise. by the lipaemia and therefore were investigated
further. Lipaemic plasma was pooled and diluted
Haemoglobin interference with normal pooled plasma to yield a lipaemia
Packed red cells (5 mL) from heparinized whole grade of + +. This pool was further diluted 1:3,
blood was mixed with an equal volume of a 1: I and 3: I with the normal pool. The three
plasma pool. The mixture was lysed by sonica- dilutions, the normal pool and the + + lipaemic
tion and centrifuged at 3000 rpm for 30 min. The pool were then assayed for glucose, bilirubin,
supernatant was analysed for haemoglobin on a uric acid, inorganic phosphate and total protein
Coulter Cell Counter model S-PLUS V (Coulter before and after centrifugation at 45000 g for
Electronics, Hialeah, USA). Sufficient 30min.
haemolysate to give a final haemoglobin con-
centration of 5 giL was added to 10mL of the Modified and alternative methods
plasma pool. The spiked plasma was linearly Total protein
diluted in the original plasma pool and assayed The CX-5 total protein method uses the Biuret
as before. No attempt was made to correct results reagent and absorbances are measured at a
for the volume of haemolysate added to the pool primary and secondary wavelength of 560 nm
because the results are an approximate reflection and 470nm, respectively. At the pH of the
of results obtained from haemolysed specimens. reagent, 12'5, both haemoglobin and bilirubin
The analytes listed above were measured on each absorb at 470 nm but not at 560 nm. The method
sample. for total protein was modified by changing the
secondary wavelength to 670 nm and the analytes
remeasured. The sensitivity and precision of the
Bilirubin interference
modified assay was the same as for the original
Bilirubin (crystalline, from bovine gallstones, assay.
Sigma-Aldrich Chemicals, St Louis, USA)
62·4 mg was dissolved in I mL dimethylsulph- Inorganic phosphate
oxide and added to 2 mL of 0·1 mol/L sodium The CX-5 recommended method for inorganic
carbonate. This solution was then made up to phosphate measures the increase in absorbance
5 mL with a mixture of one part dimethylsulph- caused by the formation of a phosphomolybdate
oxide to two parts 0·1 mol/L sodium carbonate. complex in an acid medium. The primary wave-
Of the resultant stock bilirubin solution, 0·3 mL length is 340 nm and the second wavelength is
was added to 10mL of a plasma pool. The spiked 180 nm. The acid reagent and the molybdate
plasma pool was diluted in a linear series in the reagent are stored in separate compartments of
original plasma pool and assayed for the analytes the reagent cartridge and mixed in the cuvette
listed above. The results were corrected for the before addition of the sample. Both haemoglobin
dilution effect of the added bilirubin solution. and bilirubin, under the reaction conditions,
The possibility of a blank effect due to absorb at 380 nm but not at 340 nm.
dimethylsulphoxide was checked using a blank The method was changed to a two step or
solution made by mixing 1mL ofdimethylsulph- triggered method with the molybdate reagent
oxide with 2 mL of 0·1 mol/L sodium carbonate being used to start the reaction with reagents
and then adding O· 3 mL of this to 10mL of the prepared according to Denegaar." Absorbance
plasma pool. No interference was detected. was read before and after the addition of the
molybdate reagent. The first' reading was
Elfect of lipaemia therefore effectively a sample blank. This pro-
Eleven lipaemic samples were selected from non- cedure also works with Synchron CX5 reagents,
fasting diabetic subjects and other hospital using the reagent in compartment A as the
patients. These samples were visually graded for sample diluent and the reagent in compartment B
lipaemia from trace to + + such that it was just as the trigger reagent (data not shown).
possible to see a thick black line through a 1em All results were recalculated from raw absor-
Interference by haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia 347

bance data with the appropriate second reagent bance data with the appropriate second reagent
volume correction applied to the blank reading. volume correction applied to the blank reading.

Total bilirubin
The recommended CX5 method for bilirubin is a
modification of the Jendrassik and Grof method
in which alkaline tartrate is omitted. Absorbance Haemoglobin interference
of the neutral azobilirubin is read at 560 nm. As Interference due to haemoglobin is shown in
an alternative'. Beckman Instruments Inc. also Table I. In our laboratory, specimens subjective-
supplied a Beckman Dri-STAT Reagent ly assessed to have a haemoglobin level of 3 gIl
(enzymatic bilirubin) kit with a preliminary are generally rejected. Interference from haemog-
application to the CXS. lobin was deemed significant if the error at 3 gIL
All results were recalculated from raw absor- was greater than 2·8 times the within-run stan-
bance data with the appropriate second reagent dard deviation we had determined for that
volume correction applied to the blank reading. method, using the CX5. Haemoglobin showed
significant interference with the analysis of the
Glucose following analytes: total protein, calcium, total
The recommended CXS method for glucose is a bilirubin, ALP, AST, GGT, glucose, inorganic
hexokinase method with the reagent supplied in phosphate and cholesterol.
two separate compartments of the reagent Interference by haemoglobin in the measure-
cartridge. The two reagents are mixed in the ment of ALP,8.9 AST and GGT IO activity has
cuvette prior to the sample being added. Using been described elsewhere and IS due to mechan-
reagent, timing and sample volume information isms other than the use of bichromatic
supplied' a user defined method was spectrophotometry. Interference in the total
programmed using the reagent in compartment 8 bilirubin assay can also be ascribed to reasons
as a trigger reagent, other than the instrumental design.l':" For
All results were recalculated from raw absor- example, in the classical Jendrassik and Grof
TABLE I. Interference produced by haemoglobin and bilirubin

Analytc Interference

Name Concentration Haemoglobin Bilirubin

at I giL at 100mmoI/L

Albumin 30 giL 0 0
ASl 31 U/L + \·4" 0
ALI' 91 U/L -I·S" 0
Calciun. 2·30 mmol/L -0'()3" 0
Cholesterol 43 mmol/L +0·06" -0'3"
Creatinine 170 ~mol/L 0 -10"
GGT 106 U/I -3" 0
Glucose 7-8 rnrnol/L 0'04" -0·1·
Inorganic phosphate \·4 mmol/l. -0'2" -0,1"
Total bilirubin 17 jlmol/L + 14· na
Total protein 64 gil. -3" - 3"
Triglycerides 1·65 rnrnol/L 0 0
Urate 0·37 mrnol/L +0·01 -0·02·
Urea 12·S mmol/L 0 0
Modified methods:
Inorganic phosphate 1·4 mmol/L +O·OS· 0
Total protein 64 giL +2· -I·
Glucose 7·S mrnol/L nt -0,05"
Total bilirubin 17 jlmol/L -I na

Results are expressed as the effect produced for a final ctllcentration of 1 giL and 100 jlmol/L of haemoglobin and
bilirubin, respectively. Figures are derived from linear regression analysis of results from 10 progressive dilutions
of the spiked pool. The effects observed were approximately linear up to a final haemoglobin concentration of 5 giL
and bilirubin concentration of 600 /-lmol/L. na: not applicable. nt: not tested. ·Interference > 2·S times within run
SD at 3 giL and 300jlmol/L for haemoglobin and bilirubin. respectively'
348 Randall, Garcia-Webb and Beilby

method the use of alkaline tartrate results in the Interference in Iipaemic samples
formation of alkaline azobilirubin which absorbs Lipaemia at trace levels interferes with the total
at a different wavelength than neutral protein, total bilirubin, glucose and inorganic
azobilirubin. On the CX5 in the absence of alka- phosphate methods (Table 2). Clarification of
line tartrate, both the neutral azobilirubin specimens by centrifugation prior to analysis
formed and haemoglobin absorb at the primary would appear to be the only way to avoid this
wavelength of 560 nm, thus resulting in the problem with the methods provided by Beckman
demonstrated positive interference. Instruments Inc.
Interferences in the measurement of glucose, Using the described method modifications, in-
cholesterol and calcium, though significant, were terference in total protein measurement is
small (Table I). No attempts were made to minimized and interference in inorganic
modify the methods to reduce these interferences. phosphate, total bilirubin and glucose measure-
Haemoglobin interference in the measurement ment is removed, at least up to lipaemia levels
of total protein and inorganic phosphate is due to described as + +.
the bichromatic optics of the CX5. In each case The data presented here are the interferences
the interferent absorbs at the secondary wave- found for one pooled specimen. This was done
length but not at the primary wavelength, thus because of practical problems in collecting
giving a negative interference. The modified sufficient amounts of different lipaemic
method described here for inorganic phosphate specimens. Because the absorption spectrum of
overcame this interference but, as expected, pro- lipaemic specimens will depend on the size and
duced a small positive interference due to the shape of the lipoprotein particles present we
high concentration of phosphate in red cells. In anticipate that the amount of interference found
the case of total protein the negative interference for different specimens will vary.
also converted to a small positive interference,
with most of the difference being attributable to
haemoglobin and other extra protein being
added from red cell contents. The CX5 optical system uses a xenon flash tube
light source. Compensation for variation in flash
intensity is achieved by taking all readings at two
Bilirubin interference wavelengths. The results are calculated from the
Bilirubin interference was tested up to a level of difference in absorbance at the primary and
600 J.LmoIJL. In our laboratory plasma samples secondary wavelengths. Bichromatic spectro-
with a bilirubin concentration approaching photometry will work well only when the reac-
600 J.LmolJL are rare, whilst specimens with a tion chromogen has a narrow absorption peak
concentration of 300 J.LmolJL are seen several ami the two wavelengths are as close together as
times a month. Interference from bilirubin was possible.
deemed significant if the error at 300 J.LmolJL was The approach relies on any interfering sub-
greater than 2·8 times the within-run standard stance absorbing equally at the primary and
deviation for that method. Bilirubin significantly secondary wavelength. When this is not the case,
interfered with creatinine, urate, total protein, a positive or negative error will result. The absor-
glucose, inorganic phosphate, and cholesterol bance spectra of the interferents bilirubin and
(Table I). The interferences noted with haemoglobin depend on the pH of the reaction
creatinine, urate, and cholesterol are not due to and therefore each new method on the CX5
limitations of the analyser. 1.13.14 Interference with requires careful evaluation to avoid interference.
the total protein, glucose and inorganic
phosphate methods is due to the use of Methods for removing interference
bichromatic spectrophotometry. As with Wavelength alteration
haemoglobin interference, in each case bilirubin If an interferent absorbs more at the secondary
absorbs at the secondary wavelength and not at wavelength than at the primary, the obvious
the primary wavelength. solution is to alter the secondary 'wavelength,
The described modification of the inorganic providing that this does not effect either the sen-
phosphate method removed the interference. The sitivity or precision of the assay. The Biuret total
described total protein method reduced the protein reaction is monitored at a primary wave-
bilirubin interference but did not eliminate it length of 560 nm and a secondary wavelength of
completely. The modified glucose method 470 nm. At the reaction pH of 12'5, both
reduced interference due to bilirubin. bilirubin and haemoglobin absorb at 470 nm, but
Interference by haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia 349

TABLE 2. Interference produced with lipaemic samples

Degree of Lipaemia

Analyte ± + ++

Albumin giL 0 0 0
AST U/L 0 0 0
ALP U/L 0 0 0
Calcium mmol/L 0 0 0
Creatinine Jlmol/L 0 0 0
GGT U/L 0 0 0
Glucose mmol/L +0·2· +0-4· +0·7·
Inorganic phosphate mmol/L +0·09· +0'24· +0·36·
Total bilirubin Jlmol/L +6· +10 +20·
Total protein gIL -2· -9· -15·
Urate mmol/L +0·02 +0·04 +0·07·
Urea rnmol/L 0 0 0
Modified methods:
Inorganic phosphate mmol/L 0 0 0
Total protein gIL +1 +3· +5·
Glucose mmol/L 0 0 0
Bilirubin Jlmoi/L 0 0 0

Data are the difference in results on specimens before and after clearing by centrifugation at 45 000 g for 30 min.
The three levels of lipaemia were produced from a pool of lipaemic plasma by dilution in a pool of normal plasma.
·Interference > 2·8 times within run SD.

do not absorb at 560 nm. As the level of the easily be divided into a sample diluent and a
interferent increases, the absorbance difference trigger reagent, and where any interferent is not
between the primary and secondary wavelength altered by the addition of the trigger reagent. In
decreases, thus lowering the apparent total this type of method the sample is mixed with the
protein concentration. first reagent and an absorbance reading is taken,
Small shifts in the secondary wavelength to which in effect is the sample blank. The second
reduce the effects of the interferent are not pos- reagent, which contains the chemicals necessary
sible with the fixed range of wavelengths pro- to start the reaction, is then added and another
vided on the CXS. Were it to be possible, altering absorbance reading is taken. The difference
the secondary wavelength to 480 or 490 nm, for between absorbance reading one and absorbance
example, would reduce the interference to almost reading two is then used to determine the result.
zero. The Biuret chromogen absorbance peak However, because the blank absorbance is
covers a range of just under SOO nm to over taken in a reaction volume less than that for the
600 nm. Altering the secondary wavelength to a test absorbance, it must be corrected ifit is not to
shorter wavelength would worsen interference be overestimated. The correction factor is cal-
due to lipaemia, since lipaemic samples scatter culated as follows
considerably more light at lower wavelengths
than at higher wavelengths, thus giving an ap- RlV + SV
VCF = RIV + R2V + SV
parent increased absorption. Therefore the
closest available wavelength to the primary that where VCF = volume correction factor, RIV =
was not affected by bilirubin, haemoglobin or the reagent I volume, R2V = reagent 2 volume, SV
Biuret chromogen was 670 nm. The use of = sample volume.
670 nm as the secondary wavelength does not In a reaction system in which absorbance
satisfy the criterion of having the primary and increases, not applying the correction factor will
secondary wavelengths as close together as pos- result in a negative error. For reactions in which
sible, but it does reduce the interference from the absorbance decreases, a positive error would
haemoglobin, bilirubin and moderate lipaemia. occur. There is no indication in the instrument
manuals that this blank correction is made with
Using a two step system the software supplied with the CXS. Com-
Sample blanking can be achieved using a two munication with the manufacturer in USA has
step reaction for those reagent systems that can confirmed that this correction was not available
350 Randall, Garcia- Webb and Beilby

in the software provided, although the manufac- without the addition of alkaline sodium tartrate
turer plans to modify the software shortly. and without the application of a blank. Positive
interference from haemoglobin is to be expected
Inorganic phosphate. The phosphomolybdate since under the reaction conditions haemoglobin
complex absorbs at 340 nm and is used as a absorbs at the same wavelength as the
measure of phosphate concentration. The secon- azobilirubin formed in the reaction.
dary wavelength recommended by Beckman The bilirubin reagents are stored on the instru-
Instruments Inc is 380 nm. Both haemoglobin ment as a diazo reagent and as a reagent contain-
and bilirubin absorb at 380 nm and not at ing caffeine, benzoate and acetate. Using these
340 nm. However, a change in the secondary reagents and defining a method to use the diazo
wavelength of approximately 200 nm would be reagent as a trigger reagent gives a negative inter-
required to prevent absorption by these substan- ference for haemoglobin almost equal in mag-
ces at the secondary wavelength. This is contra- nitude to the positive interference found for the
indicated both in theory, and also by the fact that original method. This effect has been described
it would result in more interference from previously?" and occurs because oxyhaemo-
lipaemia, since lipaemic samples scatter light globin is converted to methaemoglobin quite
more strongly at 380 nm than at about 550 nm. quickly after the addition of the diazo reagent.
In the recommended CX5 method, the inor- The absorbance of methaemoglobin under the
ganic phosphate reagent is in two portions, an reaction conditions is less than that of
acid diluent and an ammonium molybdate oxyhaemoglobin. As a consequence the absor-
solution. The two are stored separately and bance due to haemoglobin in the blank reading is
mixed together prior to sample addition. In the higher than in the test reading. The interference
modified method the sample and acid diluent are in the two step modification using CX5 reagents
mixed, an absorbance reading taken, the molyb- is thus not a consequence of bichrornatic
date reagent is added and another absorbance spectrophotometry.
reading taken. The first reading is effectively a An alternative method suggested and provided
sample blank and the difference between the final by Beckman Instruments Inc was to use
reading and the blank reading gives the absor- Beckman Dri-STAT Enzymatic Bilirubin. A.
bance due to the formation of phosphomolyb- preliminary method application to the CX5 was
date. provided with the reagents. In this method
If the volume correction were not applied, the bilirubin oxidase is used to convert bilirubin to
blank would be over-estimated. The resultant biliverdin, The corresponding decrease in absor-
error depends solely on the magnitude of the bance at 420 nm (secondary wavelength, 700 nm)
blank absorbance reading. If the absorbance is used as a measure of bilirubin present in the
reading happens to be zero, the error 1S zero. sample. This method should reduce interference
With bichromatic spectrophotometry, because due to haemoglobin (the quoted interference is
the actual absorbance value used is the difference - 5% for each gram of haemoglobin per litre of
between absorbance readings taken at two dif- sample) and remove interference from lipaemia.
ferent wavelengths. it is possible for the blank However as it uses a two step system it suffers
reading taken at the beginning of a two step or from the fact that there is no volume correction
triggered reaction to range from positive, applied to the initial blank reading as described
through zero to negative over a range of con- above. The effect in this case was found to be
centration of an interferent. much larger than that found for the modified
The volume correction can be done manually inorganic phosphate method because of the
by obtaining raw absorbance data from the blank absorbance was always large.
instrument and applying the appropriate calcula- For example, in the CX-5 method application
nons. The error in the modified two step inorgan- the sample voiume is 10 ul.; reagent I volume is
ic phosphate method due to a lack of an adequate 200 JlL; reagent 2 volume is 16 JlL. From these
blank calculation, was found to be approximate- figures it can be calculated that the volume cor-
ly + 0·2 mmol/L at a haemoglobin concentration rection factor is 0·l}29. In a specimen with a
of 5 gIL. This error is relatively small because the bilirubin of 24 Jlmoll L and no added haemo-
blank absorbance for inorganic phosphate is globin the blank absorbance was 0·04706 and the
always close to zero. reaction absorbance was 0·02406. The blank ab-
sorbance is over-estimated by 0'()()36 which is
Total bilirubin. The CX5 total bilirubin method 15·6% of the difference between the blank and
is based on the method of Jendrassik and Grof reaction absorbance. The resultant error is
Interference by haemolysis, icterus and lipaemia 351

+ 4 jlmol/L. In the same specimen when the separate cuvette, a two step or trigger reaction
added level of haemoglobin was 3 gIL the blank system, bichromatic spectrophotometry, rate
absorbance was 0·36100 and the reaction absor- assays and early reading two point assays. The
bance was 0·31699. The blank absorbance is CX5 uses bichromatic spectrophotometry for
over-estimated by 0·0274 which is 62·3% of the every analysis but, as has been shown, this has
difference between the blank and the reaction severe limitations and can actually introduce
absorbance. The resultant error is + 30 jlmol/L. problems where they are not usually found. The
CX5 allows the application of a two step trig-
Glucose. The recommended CX5 method is a gered reaction system but the calculation algo-
hexokinase method with the reagents supplied in rithm used appears to be flawed. The amount of
two portions, in compartments A and B of the error introduced by this will vary with the par-
reagent cartridge. An assumption was made that ticular application. Two step reaction systems
the reagent in compartment B could be used as a will solve blanking problems for most chemistries
trigger reagent. This appears to be true. Using but would also halve the throughput of the
the reagent in this way produces the same errors machine for the particular test involved. Full
in blank readings as described for inorganic sample blanking will solve spectral interference
phosphate and bilirubin. For example in a problems but is not an option currently available
specimen with + + lipaemia with a glucose of on the CX5. The rate assays tested, some
10·1mmol/L the error caused by the incorrect enzymes and creatinine, have no interference
calculation is - 0·5 mmol/L. problems relating only to the use of bichromatic
Using a full sample blank The modified methods described in this paper
This mode of blanking requires a completely will reduce interferences in the measurement of
separate tube or cuvette to be used, with the total protein and inorganic phosphate to a
difference in reagent in the two tubes designed so manageable level. Interference in the glucose and
that the absorbance in the blank tube accurately total bilirubin assays will remain a problem until
reflects the interferent absorbance in the test the error in the triggered chemistry calculation
tube. Such an approach appears to be the only algorithm is corrected. That problem should be
way to apply an appropriate blank to the resolved by the manufacturer in the relatively
Jendrassik and Grof bilirubin method to correct near future. However, decreased sample
for haemoglobin interference. The CX5 does not throughput remains as a potential problem. A
at present provide for this sort of blanking. simple operating compromise would be to use the
standard method for all samples not noted by the
Rate or two point assays operator to be haemolysed, icteric or lipaemic.
Rate assays, such as for enzymes, and initial rate Such samples could then be analysed using the
assays, such as for creatinine, will only show appropriate modified method if indicated. Used
interference due to bichromatic spectro- in this way, the suggested methods would have
photometry if there is an absorbance change at very little impact on test throughput and provide
the secondary wavelength during the time the a practical solution to the difficulties posed by
assay is being monitored. While theoretically some types of sample.
possible, this was not found to be a problem for
the assays described in this publication.
End point assays, in which the initial absor- Acknowledgement
bance reading is taken very soon after sample We wish to thank Nola Hebiton for her excellent
addition could also be used as a means of reduc- technical assistance.
ing interference. However, the earliest reading
time available on the CX5 is 16s after sample
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