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File: Studiosity_2_2cheked.docx

Provide specialists with Please check , this and also I have highlighted in red color where I have questions. ,
additional information if you can please make some suggestions.
for the review:


Word count: 5314

Assessment task: Scientific report

Feedback areas:

Choice of language


Use Of Sources

State of document: Almost ready to hand in

Submission ID: 12654cac-e940-47f3-8629-a0a105d4d5f3


Reviewed by
LND, United Kingdom Joined in 2020
Richard D University of Oxford Subject Specialist
Academic Writing
Essay Writing


Focus areas

Spelling / Grammar 31

Choice of language 22

Use of sources 1

Structure 0

Citation Assist

Your draft has been checked for text that matches existing public sources.

From our check, text in your document did not match any other online sources.

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Hello! Thanks for submitting your work – here is some feedback.

Well done on all the work you have done so far for this report. There are just a few things we can work on to
improve your writing.

Your writing is generally very clear and has a good tone, but there are some slips here and there to work on,
including several which relate to grammar.

Unfortunately when your assignment comes to me I can't see the colouring of the text, so I'm unable to pay
particular attention to the red areas you mention. I have commented throughout the assignment on any
areas where I see issues, however.

Your structure has some very useful subheadings and a clear progression of ideas. You might think a little
about precision in terms of creating an overall framework of ideas for the reader, however.

Consider adding a sentence or two to the introduction giving an overview of the areas you will discuss, which
can be as simple as 'This report will examine a, by exploring x, y, and z.'

This sort of sentence should track your report's structure, with x, y, and z referring to things like sections and
paragraphs in order, and where 'a' is your overall topic. An example of this sentence might be 'this report will
explore the three main methods the business used to achieve success: transformational leadership, agile
management, and forward planning.' This sentence implies a three-part structure, clearly laid out. This
practice of outlining your structure is essential so the reader knows what is to come.

On the smaller scale, your sections also need an introductory sentence or two, giving an overview of the
areas you will discuss: 'This section will explore x, y, and z, in reference to a.'

Not only does this sentence allow the reader to follow the structure more easily, but it also allows you to
structure your section more precisely. Begin each paragraph with a sentence stating what the paragraph will
examine (x is an important point to consider in support of a). The key thing is that the reader can match up
this opening sentence with the overview they saw at the opening of the section, so try to use similar

The idea here is that you lay out the key points of each section in an introduction, and each of those points is
given as a paragraph, where the point is given prominence. For example: 'Cats are great animals because
they are good to cuddle, they don't need you to take them for a walk, and they are cheaper than dogs',
would be followed by three paragraphs covering each of those points. In a way, each of your sections is thus
structured like a mini essay.

For paragraph structure, we recommend the Point, Evidence, Explanation, and Link (PEEL) structure, where
you cover each of these four elements in order. The Point of the paragraph is a sentence which gives an
overview of the main point of the paragraph in a single statement (x is the case, because...). Evidence is
information backing up that point, and Explanation is a further analysis of your evidence and connecting it to
the point. The Link provides a connection to the overall discussion of the section.

The key thing here is that the Point is as clear as possible and sets both the goals and the limits of the
paragraph, allowing your structure to be much more precise and easier to follow. It is also the sentence
which is in prime position, making the goals of the paragraph immediate to the reader.

Choice of language

There are a number of pitfalls to look at here, which can have an impact on clarity and consistency of tone.

It is generally best to avoid beginning sentences with words like 'and', 'but' and 'also'. Not only is it frowned
upon to begin sentences with the first two for grammatical reasons, but they also can all come across as if
you are adding some more information that you had forgotten to include in the previous sentence.

Make sure you are consistent in the way you present certain words and phrases which could be presented in
more than one way. For example, if you hyphenate a phrase like 'top-down' you should do so every time it
appears. Similarly, you should ensure consistency in capitalising key concepts, whether or not acronyms need
an article, and any other occasions where there is more than one possibility for presentation.
Cliches are words and phrases that have been so overused that they lose their power. Some common cliches
include 'think outside the box', 'going forward', 'at the end of the day'. Replace these words with more
precise, descriptive terminology related to the context. This will lead to clearer, more sophisticated writing.

It is best to avoid forward slashes in your writing. Instead, write out what you mean fully, normally using the
words 'and' or 'or'. 'There are cats/dogs outside' is much easier to read as 'there are cats and dogs outside'. In
some situations it can also come across like you can't decide which word to choose, so it is best just to pick
one. Note that the one common exception to avoiding forward slashes is 'and/or'.

It is generally best to avoid beginning sentences with words like 'and', 'but' and 'also'. Not only is it frowned
upon to begin sentences with the first two for grammatical reasons, but they also can all come across as if
you are adding some more information that you had forgotten to include in the previous sentence.

Use of 'it', 'they', and 'this': make sure when using these words that it is always clear to whom or what they
are referring. Often the use of them can lead to unclear language. If in doubt, simply replace them with
whatever they are taking the place of, or add a clarifying word after 'this'.

It is best to avoid beginning paragraphs with words like 'however', 'therefore', and 'consequently', as they
imply a relationship with the previous sentence. Given that a paragraph should be fairly self-contained, they
are not generally appropriate ways to begin a paragraph. It is better to state what you are opposing or
continuing from outright. For example, rather than 'However, y is also important to consider', you might have
'Even though x is the case, y is also important to consider'.

Repetition: Be mindful of using similar language too frequently. In a highlighted instance of your text, you
have included the repeated words quite close together. An alternative wording choice may be required to
minimise reader confusion and ensure a more natural flow. If you find yourself repeating key terms within a
sentence, there is likely a simpler construction you can use to make your language more concise and to avoid
the repetition. For example, 'Mechanical engineering is an exciting pursuit, and I hope to study mechanical
engineering at university' could be made much simpler using the word 'it'.

Using the same conjunction, relative pronoun, or preposition more than once in a sentence often creates
confusing extended structures. For example, 'I live in the house which is on the road which leads to the
station' is difficult to follow because of the use of 'which' more than once. Consider the greater
effectiveness of 'I live in the house which is on the road leading to the station'. Whilst it is essentially the
same sentence, avoiding the repetition makes it much more readable.

Sometimes the way ideas are expressed may be unclear. This can be the result of poor word choice or word
order or the ideas are confused. It is important to read over your work carefully, preferably aloud, to
determine if the meaning is clear.

Spelling / Grammar

There are a number of things here, too. Do see the annotations and some more information below. This is
the area where there is the most work to do, so also the most potential for an immediate positive impact.

Subject-verb agreement: The subject and verb in a sentence need to agree in number. A singular subject
needs a singular verb e.g. 'The student writes', while a plural subject needs a plural verb e.g. 'The students
write'. Ensure that all the subjects agree with the verbs in your sentences.
Capitalisation: While there are many uses for capital letters, you generally only need to use them when
referring to proper nouns, at the start of a new sentence, when using the personal pronoun 'I', and with
acronyms. You do not need to capitalise common nouns.

Word form refers to the part of speech of a word: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. You need to ensure that
the word form is appropriate in the sentence. For example, 'The manager did not considerate the needs of
the employees' uses the wrong word form. 'Considerate' is the adjective, whereas the verb 'consider' is the
correct word form that should be used in the sentence.

Comma usage: In a sentence that begins with a connective word such as however, a comma can be used to
separate the connective word from the rest of the sentence. For example: However, the reporter did not
interview any students. In sentences that begin with introductory phrases and clauses, a comma is used after
the introductory phrase. For example: Because of this, the article was biased. Although the students were
unhappy, they did not complain.

A possessive apostrophe can either come before or after the final 's' in a word. Most of the time, with a
singular word, the apostrophe comes before the 's': (The fur of my dog/my dog's fur). If you have a plural
word, so an 's' is already added, you will need to put the apostrophe after the 's' (The house of my
parents/my parents' house). A plural word that does not end in an 's' can be treated as singular for
apostrophes, so both an apostrophe and an 's' are added (the children's playtime). Similarly, a singular word
that ends in 's', such as 'business' has both an apostrophe and an 's' added: 'the business's profits.'

Do look out for any situations where you may be missing a comma that would help to clarify the structure of
a sentence. Generally they are needed when a sentence is split in half by a conjunction or a relative pronoun:
'Johnson was angry, which is why he left the room'; 'I am still hungry, although I've just had lunch'.

Comma usage: A comma should be used to separate interrupting words/phrases/clauses from the rest of
the sentence. These interrupting words/phrases/clauses should add extra information, but they should not
change the actual meaning of the sentence if removed. For example: That student, John, was very helpful
today. Mrs Smith, the new sports teacher, showed us a new technique. John, who has just been made a
Student Councillor, is presenting his speech at assembly.

Colons: A colon is generally used to introduce more information. The information can take the form of a list,
phrases or clauses, or a quote. For example: Please bring the following items to class: your homework diary,
a notebook, your pencil case and your textbook. The instructions said: 'Connect part A to part B'.

It is important to make sure that you always use spaces where they are needed, and not to present any that
are unnecessary. A space is needed between all words, and after full stops and commas. They are never
needed before a full stop or a comma.

Sentence fragments: A sentence fragment is an incomplete sentence. To be complete, a sentence must

contain a subject and a verb and express a complete thought. For example, ‘Writing the first draft of an
essay’ is a sentence fragment because there is no clear subject or verb. In short, more information is needed.
You could create a complete sentence out of this fragment in several ways. For instance, ‘Writing the first
draft of an essay is an important step,’ and ‘The tutor is discussing the concept of writing the first draft of an
essay,’ are all complete sentences because they contain a subject and a verb, and they express a complete
In formal academic writing, it is best to avoid using the word 'impact' as a verb. You should try to avoid,
therefore, phrases like 'x impacts y', in favour of constructions which use 'impact' as a noun: 'x has an impact
on y'. Most of the time including a form of the word 'to have' and the preposition 'on' will do most of the

Missing words/phrases: There are areas of your assignment that appear to be missing critical words or
phrases. You may want to review your use of language in the areas highlighted so that you can add any
language that is missing. This will help to clarify your meaning and make your sentence structure more
grammatically correct for the future.

Make sure to avoid any use of unnecessary commas in your writing. These can interrupt the flow of the
sentence and make it more difficult to understand. For example: 'The authors argue that, their experiment
was a success.' This sentence uses a comma in an inappropriate way which confuses the reader.

The word 'healthcare' is normally presented as a single word, especially when being used as an adjective:
'healthcare professionals', for example.

Use of sources

You have used sources throughout your assignment to back up your arguments. You have engaged both
directly and indirectly with sources, enabling you to provide explanation and evaluation where needed. To
my eye you have an appropriate amount of source material for this type of assignment. Remember when
integrating sources to treat them as Evidence in the PEEL structure outlined above.

There are some inconsistencies in the formatting of your referencing. Make sure to check carefully for any
errors. In particular pay attention to any missing or extra commas, full stops, and spaces. As always, make
sure to check your institution's guidelines carefully to ensure you are using the right style.

Good luck with completing your assignment! Do feel free to submit any later drafts or assignments for more
feedback on your writing.

Did you know you can upload your written work for
subject? We look forward to providing you with
feedback on your next assignment!

Click here to see a full glossary of English writing terms and their definitions.

Please note that the specialist has not proofread your work but has highlighted examples
of the types of errors you need to look
out for. Please review your entire document with
these examples in mind before you submit your assignment.
– Master's Research Project

of the COVID-19 Pandemic's effects on implementing
and maintaining
lean manufacturing procedures in Sri Lankan
manufacturing Industries

Number and Programme of Study


the past few decades, the world has faced severe disasters such as
tsunamis, hurricanes, famine, floods
and noteworthy wars, invasions,
and revolutionaries [You have used the incorrect word form. You
may mean 'revolutions' here.], which have caused millions of deaths. In
addition to natural calamities
and human activities, outbreaks of
infectious diseases have spread to regions throughout the past
posing graver challenges to the development of
civilisations. Even though there were many challenges,
humans managed
to find solutions to eradicate those or control them from continuing
their activities.
However, these
solutions have significantly contributed to modern civilisations'
formation and their rapid

1. Context
of the Study
severe case of acute respiratory syndrome [A comma should be used after introductory
words, phrases and clauses in a sentence.] coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2)
is a highly contagious and
dangerous coronavirus that appeared in
late 2019 and has caused a pandemic of an acute respiratory disease
called " COVID-19[1].
The severity of the pandemic grew due to the disease's
unpredictability, the lack of
experience in limiting its spread, and
the lack of effective treatment [2].

response to the COVID-19 pandemic, nations across the globe
proclaimed national states of emergency
and enacted measures to
decrease the risk of transmission to the general population.
Scientists and medical
professionals worldwide have started
researching and developing adequate viral
preventative medicine for
cures or interventions due to the threats
increasing with the pandemic [3].
Speedy activation of the
worldwide strategy to accelerate research
and development for the discovery of a cure for the deadly virus,
well as rapid implementation of reliable and cost-effective testing
procedures, has become the most
pressing need in the world. Further [Be aware of the difference between 'further' and
'furthermore', the second of which is used in this situation.],
developing, manufacturing, and
distributing personal protective
equipment and sanitising chemicals have
become a booming industry as
consumer demand has increased with
COVID-19 [4].

fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) have shifted with unanticipated
hypergrowth [5].
other hand, [The phrase 'on the other hand' normally needs to be set up with an 'on the
one hand'.] demand has drastically dropped for some sectors [6]
due to additional
obstacles, such as
material shortages and increased worker
absenteeism, which sparked fears that the supply chain could

World War II, 2020 has seen some of the most significant drops in
global trade. In 2020, international trade
fell by 8.9%, the most
significant decline since the last global financial crisis [8].
Furthermore, economic
reports stated that during the first
two quarters of 2020, the reductions in world industrial
production and
goods commerce were comparable to those of the Global
Financial Crisis [9]. However, as of
global trade volume had returned to pre-pandemic levels at
an extraordinary rate [10].
Figure 01 indicates
the volume of world trade and industrial

1 Volume
of world trade and industrial production [11]

Global Institute explores global economic growth. By 2040, Asia will
be the world's economic hub.
The region accounts for almost 50% of
global GDP and 40% of global consumption [12].
The COVID-19
pandemic's economic shock effects on Asian nations and
their local supply interruptions have generated
massive macroeconomic
concerns. The Asian Development Bank forecast indicates that
inflation will rise
from 3.1% to 3.5% in 2023 amid higher fuel and
food prices [13]. But
[In general it is best to avoid
beginning sentences with the word 'but', as it is often frowned upon, and can come across
like you are adding a clause to the previous sentence that you had forgotten about!
Consider beginning the sentence with an alternative word like 'however', or joining the
sentence to the previous one.]among Asian economies, the pandemic has left Sri Lanka's economy
significant scars.

2. COVID-19,
Perspectives on the Sri Lankan Economy and
Manufacturing Industry
In reaction to the
rapid spread of COVID-19, the Sri Lankan government has decided to
limit the movement
of people by implementing a curfew and closing the
country's airports on March 19, 2020. The rising
transmission of the
COVID-19 virus, lockdowns and social isolation significantly
influenced Sri Lanka's
economy.  Due
to [The phrase 'due to' has a quite specific usage which isn't really present
here. Consider the much more versatile 'as a result of'. ] the airport closure and lockdown, the
number of tourists entering
the nation has reached zero.

Sri Lanka's GDP is

predicted to be $84.0 billion, with the Services, Industry, and
Agriculture sectors accounting
for 57.4%, 26.0%, and 7% of the total,
respectively [14].
Featured aspects of the trading account for the
industrial sector's
contribution to the export market. The textile sector has witnessed
significant expansion
during the past four decades. It accounts for
around 44% of the country's overall exports and 33% of the
manufacturing workforce. In the year 2020 [This is another introductory phrase which should be
followed by a comma. Please see my notes in the Feedback Summary section for more
help with this issue.]apparel export revenues
were $4.4 billion, a decline of $1.3 billion from 2019 [15].

The liberalisation
reforms drastically altered Sri Lanka's economic environment in 1977
and were maintained
throughout the subsequent three decades.
Traditional crop plantation exports were replaced by value-
industries, ending the nation's reliance on tea, rubber, and coconuts
[16]. The export-oriented
sector has emerged as the leading job creator in the economy,
accounting for more than half
of total employment growth. The
textile industry dominates the manufacturing sector, despite the
significance of the food and beverage, chemical, and rubber-based
product industries. Textiles and clothing
account for around 65 per
cent [Make sure you are consistent in how you present this phrase,
either as a word or a symbol.]of total industrial exports [17].

Sri Lankan government aims to improve the country's gross domestic
product by enhancing local output
and encouraging foreign direct
investments. Vision 2025 and Empowered Sri Lanka aim to achieve the
following over the next three years: a per capita income of $5,000
per year, the creation of one million new
jobs, an increase in
foreign direct investments to $5 billion per year, and a doubling of
exports to $20 billion

Due to the emergence

of COVID-19, supply chain and manufacturing organisations within Sri
has [The subject and verb do not agree. Depending on whether the subject is plural or
singular you will need to use a plural or singular verb. Here 'organisations' is plural, so you
need a plural-agreeing verb (have).] faced new challenges. Despite all the restrictions and
issues with
the supply chain and the nations' [You may need to review the position of your apostrophe
here as I would expect this word to be singular. See the feedback summary for more
information.]courage and adoption of
best practices with safe practices, export-oriented manufacturing
facilities continue to operate, and vice versa, and other supportive
operations have begun to work despite
the difficult circumstances.

though a decrease in the output of rubber, plastic, wood, and other
products, Sri Lankan manufacturing
activities increased by 1.9% in
2019. The garment and textile industries have contributed positively
to the
overall expansion of the manufacturing sector. In addition,
disturbances within the country and the global
export market
environment further hampered Sri Lanka's export sector. In April
2020, the Purchasing
Manager Index (PMI) for manufacturing fell to
historically low levels of 41 and 45.3, demonstrating the
impact [20].

2 The Manufacturing PMI
(source central Banks, Sri Lanka [20]

With the significant

drop in tourist arrival and prolonged growth of tourism as an
industry with COVID-19,
and rigorous health and safety regulations,
the Sri Lankan manufacturing industry has persisted with
[Consider the inclusion of a comma before this word to clarify the structure of your
sentence.]the support
of the government and the nation. Manufacturing and supplying
manufactured goods is the most crucial strategy for the
economic revival of Sri Lanka.

3. Manufacturing

In General [This word does not need to have a capital letter. Only proper nouns, the word
at the start of a sentence, the word 'I' and acronyms need capital letters.]terms,
manufacturing refers to the "Production of completed goods from
raw materials utilising various techniques,
human labour, and
machinery following a cost-effective strategy"

Ford, General Motors, and efforts to improve mass manufacturing in
the United State s are just a few
examples of [Try to avoid the use of cliches.] the people and ideas
that helped propel the USA to the
top of global mass manufacturing
and underlying the concepts of mass manufacturing around the globe
evolution and expansion of manufacturing have learned and created
critical techniques and
procedures to maintain the manufacturing
process and the product at high quality and excellent design at
affordable cost.

organisation must address customer satisfaction and needs. The
business or service consistently and
methodically responds to
consumer needs, and a high satisfaction rate consistently
demonstrates the best
competition among their competitors[23].
In addition, maintaining a low rate of direct and indirect costs is
essential for businesses, and maximising the utilisation of
equipment, material, and labour while avoiding
fewer wastages in
manufacturing processes [Commas should be used to separate interrupting
words/phrases/clauses from the rest of the sentence. You will need to include the
comma before and after the interruption.] helps organisations remain competitive and
viable in the

4. Lean
Toyoda and Taiichi Ohno of the Toyota Motor Corporation contributed
to developing the Toyota
Production System (TPS). Later, this concept
was derived from the Lean manufacturing System, and the basic
behind Lean has been explained , [A colon (:) is needed here in order to improve the
clarity of the sentence. Please refer to the notes in the Feedback Summary.]"In contrast, it
combines the
advantages of craft and mass production"[22].

manufacturing is a philosophy of Toyota's Production System (TPS),
which developed after World War II
during the rehabilitation of the
Japanese automobile industry. The term "Lean" was derived
after James P.
Womack and Daniel T. Jones published the book "Lean
[24]From [Make sure to proofread
carefully for any accidental errors to do with missing or extra spaces.]
the concepts of
modern Manufacturing [This is another example of unnecessary capitalisation. Please
review my notes in the Feedback Summary as they should help with this issue.]tools,
processes and systems,
Lean Manufacturing has gained considerable attention from
practitioners in the
current manufacturing sector. It has evolved to
a great extent worldwide
and is widespread in other sectors.
Lean developed as
a mode of thinking that focuses on producing value with fewer
resources and less waste
in any process or service. The Five Lean
principles (Figure 3) provide a foundation for establishing an efficient
and productive

3 The
core Five principles of Lean [25]

The Lean
transformational framework aims to develop a new way of thinking
about arranging human
activities to deliver more excellent benefits
to society and value to individuals while reducing waste. The
fundamental principles of Lean manufacturing serve as a framework for
developing an efficient and
effective organisation [26].
Determining continuous
improvement on each acceptance is the key to
measuring the
effectiveness of implemented Lean Philosophy. Successful Lean
implementation challenges
translating a way of thinking into reality
and achieving continuous improvement.

waste generation in every aspect of the process is vital in Lean
manufacturing. Systematic ways
of eliminating waste within Lean
Manufacturing, referred to as ' [Make sure any inverted commas or
quotation marks come in pairs. Here it is not clear where your quote or expression begins
and ends.]Lean tools, provide the possibility to
work on these events to solve problems, monitor
performance, analyse,
improve work processes, and assist in managing people and change. In
addition, these
tools promote Lean implementation by facilitating the
efficient flow and enhancing quality control. Process
and Lean tools
effectively stabilised Lean implementation and its continuation. The TPS/Lean [Try to
avoid the use of forward slashes in academic writing. Instead, write out what you mean
fully, normally using the words 'or' or 'and', or simply pick one of your two options.]home
concept is depicted in explaining the Set of Lean
tools used to sustain and enhance continuous improvement
and a
different set of Lean tools are designated and available for the
operation and system's performance

4 The TPS/Lean House

The positive outcome

of the Lean approach in many manufacturing organisations has become
popular over
the last years. It gained trust over other sectors due
to the adaptability of the Lean system to other
industries. Lean
Project management [28],
Lean banking [29],
Lean Construction [30],
Lean Supply chain
[31], and Lean
Hospitality, and these industries benchmark and implement Lean
concepts within the
organisations [32]. [Academic writing should be written in complete sentences. Incomplete
sentences are known as sentence fragments and usually occur when there is a missing
subject or a verb.]

works of literature have reviewed the benefits of Lean manufacturing.
The benefits of a Lean
manufacturing implementation system are
reliable and accurate delivery, appropriate maintenance of
cost-effective manufacturing process, more accurate processes, and a
well-developed safety
environment. Also [Try to avoid beginning sentences with the word 'also', as it can come
across like you are adding a point you had forgotten about! Consider an alternative word
like 'additionally'.], the cultural change within
the society and working environment, Matured and well-
workforce is vital in a well-established Lean manufacturing
environment [33].
However, several
researchers also argued that organisations
are unable to attain advantages of the lean system due to
implementation of the concepts and principles of Lean. The
management, resources, conflicts,
employees, and finances are the
most significant impediments to implementing Lean Manufacturing

5. Motivation to Study
the wide range of possibilities for steadily economic growth in Sri
Lanka as one method to boost its
total export volume,
the nation intends to expand its exports of value-added manufactured
goods. Sri
Lanka's cumulative national merchandise exports for 2022
May surpassed $5.1 billion, a nearly 10% rise over
the same period in
2021 and a 46% increase over the same period in 2020. This [Be careful using the
word 'this' not attached to a noun, as it can be unclear to what you are referring. Often
the best approach is to follow it with a word like 'concept', 'approach', or
attributable primarily to the rise in export sales from Apparel &
Textiles, Rubber-based
products, Coconut-based products, Food &
Beverage, and Seafood. [43], [44]. [There are some
inconsistencies in the formatting of your in-text citations, here in terms of the use of full
stops and commas. Please double-check your institution's referencing guide to make sure
you are referencing correctly.]

These excellent
results illustrate the effect of a resilient export-based
manufacturing portfolio, which could
provide a steady solution to
capitalistic economic growth. In addition, establishing a resilient
strategy could help restore the nation's lost financial
stability. Lean manufacturing can play an essential role
minimising waste in the process and increasing organisational
productivity by rebuilding resilient
manufacturing facilities.

Therefore [The word 'therefore' implies a relationship with the previous sentence, so it is
generally not an appropriate way to begin a paragraph, which should be fairly self-
this study aims to examine the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the
development and
maintaining lean manufacturing methods. However,
there is a lack of study data on the effects of the
COVID-19 Pandemic [This is another area where you need to review your use of capital
letters. Please make sure to check your work carefully for other cases like this.]
on creating
and preserving poor manufacturing practices and as
manufacturing entities, what obstacles they faced and
solutions they
employed to strengthen the resilience of manufacturing sectors during
the COVID-19
pandemic. Further improvement of outcomes will aid Sri
Lankan manufacturing firms in their efforts to
maintain and adopt
lean manufacturing practices with strength.

following section identifies the research question, aim, and
objective to establish a well-structured
[Try to avoid making this sort of judgement about the quality of your own work.]research
outcome based on
the requirements of the study topic and expected results.

1.6Research Questions
The increased
uncertainty over the process and resources raises doubts about the
Lean implementation and
maintaining the established Lean system and
its tools and effectiveness. As a result, the following
research questions served as the underlying reason for the study,
which led to the conduct
of research in the first place:
Research Questions
01 - Because of the recent Pandemic, Investigate the significant
supply chain and
production facilities disruptions and how these
changes would influence the Lean Manufacturing

Research Questions
02 - Measure of success of Lean Manufacturing.

Research Questions
03 - How did the recent events influence this measure? [Here you have two
instructions and one direct question, which is inconsistent and therefore a little
confusing. Consider whether you might rephrase to form just direct questions, or just
direct instructions.]

Investigating and
answering the above questions will be advantageous for any business,
as well as
understanding the strategies and the mode of knowledge
sharing and investigation to increase resilience
and operational
capacity during all future health pandemics.

The Covid -19
pandemic and its subsequent outbreak have negatively impacted [It is generally best to
avoid using 'impact' as a verb. A construction like 'have had a negative impact on' is much
more appropriate in an academic context.]various
economic sectors and domains. This problem
affects both national
economies and international trade relations. Few game-changers have
the susceptibility of modern manufacturing systems to
withstand disruptive changes [36].

study aims to "Discover
the major disruption to the production facilities and their supply
chain during the
recent pandemic," as well as the impact of
these changes and disruptions on the continuation of Lean
manufacturing implementations and their practices by drawing up the
research questionnaire.

8. Research Objective

to support the research's aim, four objectives are defined.

5 Research Objective
9. Module
Learning Outcome
2Literature Study
1. Context of the Chapter
study aims to discover how the latest epidemic has caused massive
disruptions in the supply chain and
industrial facilities and the
impact of pandemic on the influences of Lean manufacturing
implementations by
drawing up the research questionnaire.

is one of the tools that has positively impacted [Again, the word 'impact' is best not used as
a verb, but rather as a noun, in combination with the verb 'to have'.] organisations'
ability to
stand out during tough times [37].
Additionally, the Lean system is always open to a systematic
solving strategy. These problems pave the way for the next
improvement and implementation of
modernised solutions to withstand
incremental development.

keywords and titles used for getting relevant articles through Google
Scholar, Research Gate, Scopus
and Taylor and Francis are Lean
Management, Lean Manufacturing, a shift in management paradigm over
the Pandemic, Disruption caused by COVID-19, Supply chain over the
pandemic and robustness of Lean
thinking in alarming situations such
as a pandemic. Further, a constructive literature review has been
conducted to highlight the critical component of the Lean management
system, emphasising the pre-and
post-pandemic variations in the
system [38],[39].

chapter will overview the existing theoretical environment, develop a
debate, and critically expand the
current knowledge on subjective

2. Overview
mentioned that the fundamental
expectation of those methods is the strategic focus on
organisational performance while [Again, consider the inclusion of a comma before
this word, to make the division of the sentence a little easier for the reader.]sustaining
business growth in every
aspect [41].
All organisational functions are
supposed to prioritise and optimise
their operations and processes;
nevertheless, successfully navigating these hurdles does not ensure a
prosperous future. Obrenovic [42]
has explained
that organisations with a networked structure are more
agile, and resilient in facing adversity. Organisational freedom,
self-organised, and autonomous
business units rapidly adapt to
emerging changes in the external environment and embrace challenges

world is undergoing unprecedented, rapid, and unpredictable changes.
Catastrophic occurrences will
become more common but also less
predictable. Climate change, digital and technological revolutions,
geopolitical unpredictability will play significant roles.
Moreover, the recent unexpected and quick spread of
the COVID-19 pandemic has pushed many organisations to adjust their business
practices and strategies in
response to the extraordinary trade
disruption across most industry sectors [43].

sectors contribute to economies, there are significant arguments in
the economics literature for sector-
specificity in financial growth,
performance, and outcomes [44].
Further, Gabriel [44]
has summarised the
findings of Su and
Yao [45]
which [Consider the inclusion of a comma before this word, to
clarify your sentence structure. Normally one includes a comma before the relative
pronoun 'which', to distinguish the relative clause from the rest of the
sentence.]investigated the specific role of the manufacturing industry as
the primary driver of economic
growth in middle-income economies. In
addition, he illustrates that manufacturing drives services, but not
vice versa. In the short and long term, there is a strong correlation
between the decline/increase [Try to
avoid the use of forward slashes in academic writing. Instead, write out what you mean
fully, normally using the words 'or' or 'and', or simply pick one of your two options.]in the
manufacturing sector growth rate
and the decline/increase in the service sector growth rate [44],[46].

a significant contributor to the global economy, the current pandemic
has devastated the manufacturing
networks, demand and supply chains
that support manufacturing operations, and production networks.
Manufacturing processes and management have played a crucial role in
regulating and managing
catastrophic unanticipated events. In such
surprising circumstances, strategic decision-making, progressing
recovery plans, productivity enhancement, and several other vital
factors played a crucial role in restoring
the organisation to its
primary state and regaining control [47]–[49].

addition to the widespread application of management concepts in the
manufacturing portfolio, Lean
manufacturing has gained attention for
its practical use in disaster recovery. In the modern manufacturing
world, Lean manufacturing has been incredibly significant in the
manufacturing industry [Your sentence
began with a very similar phrase. If you find yourself repeating key terms within a
sentence, there is likely a simpler construction you can use to make your language more
concise and to avoid the repetition.] and other sectors.

research was designed and developed to collect scientific data on the
recent development in Lean
manufacturing during COVID-19, with a
focus on investigating the impact of the implementation of lean
manufacturing procedures and their maintenance of the Sri Lankan
manufacturing industry during COVID-
19. Further, research has
continued the finding design and plan to continue the excellence of
manufacturing tools and practices applied in Sri Lankan
manufacturing industries during another pandemic.

3. Lean
Toyota's production
system (TPS) is known to have inspired the development of the Lean
philosophy. In the book written by Womack and Jones, ' [Again, do ensure any quotation marks or
inverted commas show the beginning and the end of the phrase they contain.]Lean
Drohomeretski [50]
summarises that Lean Manufacturing emerged during the post-World War
economic crisis in Japan as Toyota Production System (TPS) to
respond to challenging economic conditions
and limited resources. The
concept of Lean management is to maximise the value for both
beneficiaries and
the owners by optimising the use of all available

But [In general it is best to avoid beginning sentences with the word 'but', as it is often
frowned upon, and can come across like you are adding a clause to the previous sentence
that you had forgotten about! Consider beginning the sentence with an alternative word
like 'however', or joining the sentence to the previous one.]according to
literature, there is a
non-clear definition of a 'Lean' management
system. According to Lawal [51], Lean is
a collection of
operating concepts and procedures that maximise value
by minimising waste [51]. Antony [52]
and summarised various authors' viewpoints and evolution
in the literature surrounding Lean philosophies,
principles, and
measurement. Lean management has not been clearly and consistently
defined, and there's
confusion about "what Lean implementation?"
which implies some implementation approaches, frequently
and ending with misguided efforts. Lean thinking is considered a
management process that
defines a set of values for customers,
removes the activities that have no contribution to these values,
promotes the execution of parallel activities and adds new activities
that result in the increased value of the
product [53].
From the perspective of Womack and Jones (1996), two essential
concepts in Lean
management are waste elimination and value creation [54].

term "Lean " was first coined in the manufacturing
industry, and over time, it has gained enormous
popularity with users
and various other businesses[55].
Moreover, lean has started to implement [This
area is missing words or phrases that, if added, would help your writing be more
grammatically complete and clear to the reader. You may mean something like 'has
started to be implemented' here.]across different sectors.
Lean tools have continued to develop and
advance over time, expanding
in both their scope of usage and the number of Lean tools created in
manufacturing. Ho Nguyen mentions that [56] ,
[This comma is unnecessary and interrupts the
flow of the sentence. Consider removing it.]Lean application with information technology and
enterprise resource
planning (ERP) has been unfavourable to Lean ideals [57].
Ejsmont [58]
emphasises that
combining Industry 4.0
and Lean methods is a critical evolutionary step for raising the bar
on operational
excellence to the next level.

4. Lean Implementation
Barclay [59] stressed that an
organisation's upper management needs to confirm its deployments
migrating to Lean manufacturing. At that point, many
organisations initiate the required culture shift. Further
in the
deployment, organisations need to know how they are performing and
how far they can progress.

Since there is no clear argument regarding the Lean Implementation

procedures from the fundamental
perspective of Lean Implementation,
Susilawati [60] asserts that the primary goal of Lean is to reduce
that do not add value to a system. But [Again, try not to begin sentences with the word 'but'.]to
reach this goal,
every organisation needs to put Lean ideas into practice correctly
[60]. Furthermore,
has summarised the perspectives of
Rivera [61],
D. Pons [62],
and S. J. Pavnaskar [63]
regarding the
typical steps of Lean
implementation, which include installing value stream mapping (VSM),
which [Try to
avoid using 'which' more than once in a sentence, creating an extended structure, as it can
cause some confusion.] specifies the improvement journey and the organisation.
Installing the concept
of a Lean home permits the establishment of a
sufficient number of Lean tools and the required level of
In the typical Lean implementation, the integration of Lean with
production planning and control
systems like materials resource
planning (MRP) is criticised for compromising certain Pull System

Rafique [64] assumes that Lean

implementation is a systematic manner of doing things that always
appropriate preparation and a proper framework for
implementing these strategies. Pearce [38]
that Lean requires selecting suitable instruments from the
Lean tool to achieve process excellence. It [Be
careful using the word 'it', as it can sometimes be unclear as to what the 'it' refers.

]highlighted the risk of

focusing excessively on the Lean device and pushing for process
excellence while
ignoring the sustainability of the Lean tool inside
the work culture [65].

Successful Lean implementation follows a path

of continuous improvement, demonstrating a direct
correlation between
implementation and performance impact. Lean Continuous improvement
refers to
organisations where all employees work together,
consistently, and continuously, to identify and eliminate
all forms
of waste, and non-value-adding activities, regardless of whether the
business is a manufacturer or a
service provider [39].

Not many companies

or their supporters have seen how adopting Lean helped them become
leaders. Most traditional managers see Lean as a production
process [66].
Researchers have categorised the
obstacles to Lean implementation from a variety of perspectives.
Approximately 70% of lean [Make sure
you are always consistent about whether you use capital letters for this
expression.]projects fail due to numerous obstacles and
opportunities. In light of the high failure rate of
implementation, researchers have worked to identify the barriers and
enablers that contribute to Lean
failure [67].

Jadhav [68]
pointed out problems and issues regarding the failure of Lean
manufacturing implementation
(depicted in Figure 7 ; [It is unclear why you include a semicolon here.]).
Implementing Lean
manufacturing is not a simple task. The opposition
forces or obstacles must be identified and overcome for a
change to
be accepted and implemented successfully within an organisation.
Further, Jadhav [68] concluded
that in
the studied literature, the lack of investment resources, the absence
of top or senior management
involvement, and workers' attitude or
resistance to implementing the Lean system are cited as lean

addition, Puram [69]
have [You will also need to check your subject/verb agreements here.]
designed their research to determine the industry-wide barriers
to lean implementation and the
relationships between these barriers.
He has categorised these barriers into the 4P Model (Illustrated in
Figure 7
); the findings conclude that the causative links between these
barriers have been developed to
identify the obstacles with high
causal strength. To increase the likelihood of successful lean
implementation, it may be possible to drastically reduce the
occurrence of the other obstacles through
careful planning or early
management of these hurdles [70].

6 List of
Lean Implantation barriers (Jadhav et al. (2014))
7 Classification
of barriers in the 4P model (Puram et al. 2021)

studied the critical enablers of Lean implementation for
organisational performance
under the primary categories of
exceptional leadership and management, corporate culture, employee
relationships, and customer focus [71].
Research has indicated that technical and supporting practices should
be considered enablers for implementing lean to improve
organisational performance. Lean
implementation effort aims
to improve the quality of the company's processes and products.
respect for the people who work there , and their cultural
norms [This is another example of an
interrupting word/phrase/clause which hasn't been separated from the rest of the
sentence correctly. Please see my notes in the Feedback Summary section for more help
with this issue.]must also be a top priority [72].

production philosophy focuses on eliminating all forms of waste in
the workplace. Over time, world-
famous companies, manufacturers,
healthcare providers, and government institutions have begun
implementing and maintaining lean manufacturing systems, thereby
enhancing their system contribution to
the expansion of lean
manufacturing's reputation [71],

5. Lean Manufacturing and COVID-19

to the pandemic's destruction, manufacturers realised the potential
of Lean. It has highlighted the need
for innovation and Lean
manufacturing. The pandemic has provided manufacturers who embrace
Lean an
to identify flaws and fix them head-on.
A lean [Once again, make sure you are
consistent in your use of capital letters for this phrase.]manufacturing system allows
Lean tools and methods to improve and maintain its system
together with employee training, quick
changeovers, new product plans
and new product introduction [74].
Jo[75] has
demonstrated that
combining Agile, Lean Start-up, and design thinking
with Lean and Six Sigma accelerates organisational
improvements and
increases innovation. Lean manufacturing has built-in applications that can be applied to
various industries with leading problems to sustain the Lean idea
through continuous improvement.

Changes in consumer
purchasing habits result in fluctuations in demand. There was a
significant impact on
the upstream suppliers of manufacturing
suppliers due to a steep decline in order. This disturbance in the
market posed a considerable problem for the supply chain, but the
push-and-pull aspect of the Lean
structure allowed for some

The article from the

manufacturer [76] has highlighted in
their writing the question of lean manufacturing ;
[Try not to overuse semicolons. While they are a very useful tool for connecting
independent clauses when you want to imply a connection between them, more often
than not simply stopping the sentence and beginning a new one will be quite
sufficient. ]Lean was
established to minimise waste as much as possible without sacrificing
productivity or
customer value. With the global pandemic, many users
and followers have questioned the following tools
and practise
streamlined supply chains, just-in-time (JIT) inventory management,
and minimal waste. Jim
Womack stated, “believing that enterprises
on their own will retain a buffer stock of finished units suitable
for a true emergency necessary”. Further, he said that governments
should hold emergency stocks on a big
scale to reduce the
repercussions of such a worldwide calamity.

6. Insight of Supply Chain and

Manufacturing During Pandemic
According to the
supply chain management institute [82], the
global supply chain has grown, and supply
chain management has
adapted to meet its new challenges. Defining an accurate supply chain
definition is
complex because it involves many diverse aspects. But
[Again, try not to begin sentences with the
word 'but'.]apart from the available descriptions, the term supply chain is more
meaningful ; [This is
another place where a colon could add clarity. Please see my notes in the Feedback
Summary section for more help with this issue.]"A supply chain is a network of facilities and
activities that performs the function of product development,
procurement of materials between facilities,
manufacturing of
products, and distribution of goods to customers" [77].
In addition, supply chain
management can be regarded as the
integration of supply and demand management within and across

supply chain management, numerous terminology and critical concepts
are interchangeably employed.
In addition to the manufacturing
perspective, supply chain technology and tools extend beyond the
manufacturing sectors to meet the needs of the industry. Furthermore,
different ways and methods are
utilised to use the supply chain and
its application globally.
Significantly, the shape of the supply chain has
altered in response
to the increasing demand for and selection of high-tech applications.
A different blend
of modern technology and management concepts supply
chain has developed into
many more popular
areas such as Lean supply chain, Blockchain and
supply chain, Industry 4.0 supply chain, Sustainable and
Green Supply
chain, and Global fast fashion supply chain [78]–[80].

[83] states, " [It is unclear here where this quote ends, as there is no ending
quotation mark.]Supply chain management plays a crucial role in
ensuring equal access to critical
medications and services in low-
and middle-income countries.
The worldwide supply
chain has slowed due
to global health risks, social isolation,
unprecedented business closures and decreased economic activity,
which impede industrial production, travel, transport, lack of
employees for operation, and many other cases.
More informatively,
disruption caused to the supply
chain due to the COVID-19 has been titled Forbes
author Harry
G. [81] mention that "Global Supply Chains Crisis Is Much Bigger
Than The pandemic ". [The
meaning here is unclear. Consider rephrasing to make your meaning more evident.]

During the
disruption caused by the pandemic, the supply and demand of medical
consumables, equipment,
and critical pharmaceuticals fluctuated
significantly. In addition, some healthcare organisations have
struggled to maintain low prices while continuing to deliver
services. Given their importance to society,
health care
[This word is generally presented as a single word (healthcare), especially
when being used as an adjective.]organisations must fulfil their mission requirements despite supply
chain breakdowns and catastrophes [82].
Authors from McKinsey [83]emphasised [Make sure to
proofread carefully for any accidental errors to do with missing or extra spaces.]
the new
supply chain model alongside the
functions of traditional objectives of cost/capital, quality, and
service. By
redesigning their supply chains following these three new
priorities, industry professionals have begun to
work on a
once-in-a-generation opportunity to future-proof their supply chains
considering these additional
formidable challenges and the recovery

The first of these

new goals, resilience, tackles the difficulties that have made the
supply chain a popular
topic of discussion. The second, agility, will
enable businesses to satisfy fast-changing and increasingly
consumer and customer demands. The third principle, sustainability,
acknowledges the crucial role
that supply networks will play in the
transition to a clean and just economy [83].

Recent events such

as the COVID-19 crisis, post-pandemic economic effects, and the
ongoing conflict in
Ukraine have highlighted supply chain
vulnerabilities. The Supply chain heroes, who keep items flowing in a
volatile, uncertain, and chaotic environment, have also been
identified as crucial figures in world economic

7. Combating COVID-19 with the Lean,

Lean manufacturing, and
Supply chain
the SARS-CoV-2 virus spreads, scientists and pharmaceutical companies
are hurrying to develop new
medications for clinical trials to
provide a more effective technique for treating the deadly infection.
manufacturing [It might make more sense here to refer to the 'manufacturers', a they are
the ones who 'are battling'.]of pharmaceutical production, health-related
products and commodities,
and other human necessities, as well as
many other goods and good supply chain and manufacturing
are battling to resist during the covid pandamic[92, [93].

addition to establishing strategies and technology to combat the
problems, an initiative-taking
manufacturing sector initiates efforts
to meet demand. Vallatos [94] stated, “Reverse engineering, 3D
printing, 3D scanning, and the design and manufacture of a more
excellent range of in-house goods and
solutions were selected as a
response to the needs of the healthcare industry. Mohapatra [94] has
highlighted that the fundamental drivers for manufacturing sectors
are product diversification, just-in-time
(JIT), efficient supply
chain, and centralised decision-making. Further, he highlighted
digital technology
factors such as the importance of artificial
intelligence, the internet of things, and extensive data analysis.

Further [This word has been repeated, having been used to begin the previous sentence.
Try to vary your sentence structures as much as possible.],
Lean established manufacturing
facilities have shown that Lean
manufacturing systems and employee training to adapt to new
plans [81] quickly pushed things towards extreme
digitalisation, considering that industries are not immune
to drastic
changes and process change, manufacturing repurposing.

the manufacturing sector, the Global supply chain industry has
begun seeking innovative methods to
prevent disruptions. Herold
[92] , [This is another example of an unnecessary comma which
breaks up the flow of the sentence.]Has derived essential lessons from the supply chain during
COVID-19 transit (logistics infrastructure), personnel, and
organisational reaction. In reaction to the
disruption of the supply
chain, some companies have begun to outsource their manufacturing
activities to
low-cost countries, as opposed to globalising the
supply chain, localising sourcing, and developing a local
chain[84], [85]. To prevent supply chain
disruptions, Raj [86]has created
mitigation techniques for the
present and the future. These
mitigation measures fall under all three categories supply side,
logistic and
storage side, and demand side. Trabucco [93] discusses
the benefits of using lean coordination mechanisms
over the supply
chain and lean approaches in omnichannel strategies to enhance
corporate sustainability
and resilience.

vaccines, vaccine production, and their supply chain management have
repeatedly demonstrated,
despite significant obstacles, the value of
excellent project management, manufacturing strategy
development, and
supply chain management. Additional
sourcing of raw materials and distribution of
vaccines to the entire
world is a remarkable example of creating resilient and sustainable
manufacturing and
supply chain under COVID-19.

addition, all the strategic development undertaken throughout the
covid [Again, make sure you are
consistent in how you present this phrase.] to attain resilience and sustainable manufacturing has
the way for increased world trade, albeit to a lesser scale. However,
the field of research aimed at
developing a solution and a solid plan
to combat the next pandemic is still at the beginning [87],

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