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It was love when I trusted you

Once upon a time in New York there was a girl who worked in a
clothing store, in that store she was in charge of serving customers and
creating the styles they asked for that they liked. One day on her way
to work she ran into a guy walking into a coffee shop, it turned out to be
her school friend named Josh. They hadn't seen each other for years, it
turns out they were best friends but little by little she fell in love with
him because of the way he treated her.

Many times she showed her feelings to him but he somehow didn't see
it, as time went by she fell more in love with him and he still didn't
notice. It turns out that Abigail had a very special friend and they had a
good time together but her friend and Josh fell in love, Abigail found
out and felt a great pain in her chest, something inside her was broken,
her heart.

Abigail wanted to know if it was true if they liked each other, it was only
then that a friend of hers told her it was true and that's when she spent
the worst night of her life, she cried until dawn. The next day she
decided to stay away from her friends because being around them or
seeing them together only made her want to cry more.

Back to the present, she avoided him when they met again because
she was still in love with him Josh wanted to make things right and talk
to Abigail because she was his best friend but Abigail wanted nothing
to do with the people who made her feel so bad. Over the years,
Abigail let him go and accepted that what she really felt was love.

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