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Hay 9 verbos modales puros

Must = debe
Would = haría
Can = podría
Shall = deberá
Should = debería
Might = podría (se usan para decir una posibilidad/ se lo usa para situaciones
I might look for another job
May = puede
Could = podría
1. Modals do not change (He must go)
2. Modals are followed by infinitive without to (It might rain)
3. Negative modals use not or n´t (he might not win/he don´t might win)
4. In questions, the subject and the modal are inversed (Could it rain)
5. Modals have no past form
• He may be able to help you
• She might have to sell her car and other belongings to pay her debts.
• Where is Anna? – I don't know. She could be at the swimming pool or
in the park.
• It might not be as easy as you think.
• Don't ring the doorbell when you get there. Maria's little baby may
be sleeping.
• How did the robbers get in? – We don't know yet. The old woman might
have forgotten to lock the door.
• I called her but there was no answer. She may have left for New York
• When can I see him? Is he likely to come back before six today?
• I wonder who wrote that letter. Could Jim have written it?
• He said that he might go to Italy in June or July.
• She might go to the party.
• He might be tired. But maybe not
• She might be at work
• He must know how to fix it
• They might come to class tomorrow
• They must know my teacher
• I might go t osee one
• It must cold outside.
• She might be at the office.
• I might have dinner late
1. When the action is more important or interesting tan the person who does
the action.
2. The person whi does the action is not known, or nort important
3. The person doing the action is obvious.
4. The object cannot do the action itself
Active: everybody loves chocolates
Passive: chocolate is loved by everybody.
Active: the lifeguard saved a man
Passive: a man was saved by the lifeguard
Active: decorators are paiting my house
Passive: my hause is being painted by decorators.
1000000 were donated to the children´s hospital
This beautiful bridge was built in 1732
100 chocolate cakes were sold on Sunday
Passive: BE + past participle
BE (am/is/are = present) (was were = past) (been = perfect tenses) (being
continuous tenses)
Transforming active – passive
Apple sells thousands of iPhone every day
Thousand of iPhone are sold every day by Apple
The house was built by her grandfather in 1893
This car will be sold by the salesman by the weekend
The washing had been left out in the rain by her husband
Many people´s lives were saved by the volunteers
My neighbour´s car has been stolen by someone.
Lots of money was made by us in 2002
The house will be cleaned on Monday
The house was built (by him) for his parents.
Clue words
Present perfect Past simple
Ever/never Last…
Since …ago
So far Yesterday

Present perfect
Affirmative Affirmative
Subject + have/has + past participle Subject + past simple
Negative Negative
Subject + have/has + not + past Subject + did not + infinitive
participle Interrogative
Interrogative Did + subject + infinitive
Have/has + subject + past participle

She has phoned me four times so far. She phoned me two hours ago.
He has never played golf before She didn´t play golf Yesterday
Mi sister has written many books Shakespeare wrote many plays
He has worked there for six years. He worked there six years

To talk about something that To indicate tha something happened

happened in the past, but we don´t at a specific time in the past
specify when it has happened
(because we don´t know or it is not

I have bought a new car I bought a new car last week.
He has already learned to ride a bike He learned to ride a bike two months
The new school year has just begun ago.
The plane to New York has already The new school year began Yesterday
departed The plane to New York departed ten
minutes ago

We use the present perfec for a state We use the past simple for a state in
wich has done on up to the present the past in a period wich is finished.
She has been in the hospital for three I was in the hospital for three days
days She lived in London for two years
She has lived in London for two years

We use the present perfec with today, We use the past simple with today,
this morning, this week, etc. when this morning, this week, etc. when
these periods are not finished at the these periods are finished at the time
time of speaking of speaking

I haven´t shaved today I didn´t shave today
She has written three prescriptions She wrote three prescriptions this
this morning morning

The present perfect is used to give The past simple is used to give the
new information (general summary) details

The US space shuttle Atlantis has It landed in Florida this morning

returned safely to earth.
Denver Broncos have won the Super Denver won by the comfortable score
Bowl 2016. of 24-10.

Past Simple
We have the specific time: I bought a car Yesterday
Jack was married for ten years -- He is not married now. He is disvorced
My great great grand mother went to England three times – she is not alive now.
I broke my camera last year – action is finished/time is finished
Present Perfect
No specific time: I have bought a car
Jack has been married for ten years -- He is married now
My sister has gone to England three times – she is alive now
I have broken my camera this year – action is finished/time is not finished
For: period of time/length of time (Para: período de tiempo/cantidad de tiempo)
Since: specific point in time when an activity started in the past (Desde: punto
específico en el tiempo cuando una actividad comenzó en el pasado)
• My car has made strange noises for 5 months.
• He´s been sick since last wekend.
• She´s been on a diet since last summer.
• I´ve had a headache for 20 minutes
• She´s been a teacher since december
• She has taken her medicine since last Sunday
• We´ve known each other for 3 years.
• I´ve been sick since last frinday.
• Mary has been here for a long time.
• I´ve been playing the flute for five years.
• I haven´t seen my family for more tan a year.
• I´ve been waiting for you for two hours.
Se lo utiliza para hablar de situaciones imaginarias o que no son probables que
Lo utilizamos para imaginar
IF + sujeto + pasado simple + sujeto + would/wouldn´t could/couldn´t
might/might not + verbo en infinitivo
• If I were (were va hasta para terceras personas no se utiliza was) a
millionaire, I would buy that car (WOULD le da la terminación ÍA al verbo)
• If he won the lottery, he would ttravel around the world.
• If they didn´t play, they would do the homework.
• If I were a millionaire, I´d buy that car.
• If he won the lottery, he´d travel around the world.
• If they didn´t play, they´d do the homework
• If she lived in London, she would have English Friends.
• If I didn´t wnat to go, I would tell you
sujeto + would + verbo en infinitivo + if + sujeto + pasado simple
I would go to the concert If I had enough money. (HAD= tuviera)
I´d go to the concert if I had enough money.
Preguntas Hipotéticas
What would you do IF ypu quit ypur job?
IF ypu won a million dollars, would you travel the world?
IF you only ha done day in Singapore, What would you do?
IF were you, I´d talk to my boss before I quit my job.
IF I were her, I´d break up with him.
IF I had the money, I´d lend it to you
IF I wasn´t so busy, I would invite you over for dinner
• Women´s skirts used to be long and formal (las faldas de las mujeres
solían ser largas y formales)
Women´s skirts didn´t use to be long and formal
Did women´s skirts use to be long and formal? Yes, they did
• Men used to have long hair.
Men didn´t use to have long hair
Did men use to have long hair?
Didn´t men use to have long hair? No, they didn´t
• Children used to dress like adults
Children didn´t use to dress like adults
Didn´t children use to dress like adults? Yes, they did


Structure: WH Questions + did + subject + use to + verb base + complement?
• What did she use to wear when she lived in Canada?
She used to wear a jacket, a scarf and mittens when she lived in Canada.
• When did you use to pluck the fruits from the three?
We used to pluck the fruits from the three in the afternoon at 5 o´clock
• Why did you use to spend a lot of money?
I used to spend a lot of money since I lived in a very expensive city
• How well did Mike use to play piano?
Mike used to play the piano quite well.
1. I used to smoke, but now I have stopped.
2. That auditorium used to be a cinema.
3. I used to like opera, but now I don’t.
4. I didn’t use to like western music, but now I do.
5. I always used to be afraid of the dark.
6. I didn’t use to drive a big car.
7. I have lived in a big city for ten years, so I am used to the noise.
8. It took me a long time to get used to living in the country.
I used to live in a flat when i was a child
did we use to go to the beach every summer?
She used to love eating chocolate, but now she hates it
he didn't use to smoke
I used to play tennis when I was at school
she used to be able to speak French, but she has forgotten it all
did he use to play golf every weekend?
they both used to have short hair
julie used to study Portuguese
i didn't use to hate school

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