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“Biocatalyst which speeds the rate of chemical reaction without

itself being consumed or utilized”

Activation energy is minimum energy required to initiate a


Enzyme speeds up rate of chemical reaction by lowering

Activation energy

1 min = 4 Trillion reactions

60 min = 240 Trillion reactions

Enzyme Characteristics

 Proteinaceous mostly (Few made up of rRNA- Ribozyme)

 Globular protein
 High molecular weight
 Macro - molecules
 Temperature specific / sensitive (Labile)
 pH Specific
 Substrate specific
 Water as absolute medium
 Required in small quantities to bring a large amount of
 Substrates are smaller in size than enzyme
 They have specialized active site onto which substrate can
attach itself
 Enzymes are of 2 types on the basis of site of action :
 Exoenzyme – Functioning outside the cell
 Endoenzyme – Functioning inside the cell
 They are involved in a chemical reaction but not consumed
or utilized
 They work under both acidic and alkaline medium –
 Their activity can be accelerated by certain ions known as
activators. E.g Zn, Mg, Mn, Cl
 Their activity can be inhibited by few FACTORS such as
substrate concentration, low Ph, High temp, enzyme

Mode of action of Enzyme

1. Lock & Key Model – Fischer (1898)

2. Induce Fit Model – Koshland (1959)

 Lock and Key Model

 This model reflects the complimentary relationship

between substrate and enzyme in such a way that a specific
substrate can fit onto a specific active site of the enzyme
just like lock and key relation.
 This model could not differentiate between actual substrate
and mimicking molecule known as competitive inhibitors.

 Induce Fit Model

 This model states that when a substrate fits onto its

respective active site, it undergoes charge verification with
active site to produce a conformational change in shape of
active site to proceed a reaction.

 This model helps in determining between actual substrate

and mimicking molecules.

Factors Affecting Enzyme Activity

 Concentration of Substrate
 Effect of Temp
 Effect of pH
 Effect of Co enzyme, activators and inhibitors
 Effect of water
 Effect of Radiation

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