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Topic sentence: The main causes of deforestation are commercial farming by big business and farming by

local people.

1st supporting sentence: Huge commercial farms have taken over large areas of forest in many countries.

Details (examples): In Indonesia, for example, industrial logging is carried out to clear huge areas for the
production of palm oil, while in Brazil, large areas of the Amazon rainforest are cleared to grow soy and
vegetable oil.

2nd supporting sentence: In contrast, local farmers may cut down and burn trees to clear an area just big
enough to graze cattle or grow crops.

Details (facts/explanation): However, after two or three years, the land can no longer be used, so the
farmer moves to another piece of land. Normally, it takes around ten years for cleared land to recover, but
in populated areas, the land is never allowed to recover.

Details (reasons: This constant reuse of land leads to heary erosion - the loss of the top layer of soil which
protects the ground. Erosion, in turn, can cause flooding in heary rain.

Causes and effects of climate change

Introduction: The Earth's climate has changed several times throughout history. According to the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), there have been seven cycles of warming and cooling in
the last) 650,000 years. These earlier cycles occurred naturally as a result of changes in the atmosphere.
In contrast, nearly all climate scientists agree that the climate changes we are seeing today are caused by
human activities, especially burning more fossil fuels and deforestation and these activities are having
serious negative effects on our planet.

Conclusion: To conclude, human activity is clearly causing the dimate to change and, as a result, the
planet is experiencing a number of negative effects. It is important that we reduce our negative impact on
the planet as much as possible - for example, by using renewable energy instead of fossil fuels - before it
is too late.

In academic English, be careful not to make generalizations unless you have details to support them. For
instance, a reader of the example sentence below could argue that not all cultural traditions change.

All cultural traditions change.

You can avoid generalizations by using words such as many, can or tend to

Quantifier : Many cultural traditions change.

Verb : Cultural traditions tend to change.
Modal verb : Cultural traditions can change.

, especially like such as , including for example

One (Another) example is One (Another) suggestion / method / idea is
, Particularly for instance ,

Cities should encourage commuters to use public transport.

It is important to encourage commuters to use public transport.
Encouraging commuters to use public transport is a good idea.


According to X,
X states / writes /believes / says (that)...

Response: I agree/disagree with the author that ... because …

I think that … In my opinion, … In my experience,

Summary and response

Tin the article Customs around the world', Schmidt (2018) says it is important for travellers to
learn about the customs of other countries in order to prevent cultural misunderstandings in
the places they are visiting. Schmidt focuses on three countries - Brazil, Japan and Saudi Arabia -
and describes some customs visitors should know about. According to the author) Brazilians are
informal people. They touch a lot, and punctuality is not expected on most occasions. Japanese
culture is exactly the opposite. People don't touch in public, and there are rules for how to
exchange business cards, how to dress, what kind of gifts to give and when to arrive at a
meeting or someone's home. Saudi culture is also formal. For example, women and men are not
allowed to touch each other in public. The author stresses the importance of personal
relationships and warns us that it is important to spend time asking about a host's family or
health, before starting to talk about business matters.
I definitely agree with Schmidt's main point it is easy to make a mistake if you don't know about
other people's customs. To give an example from my own experience, I was travelling in India
when I was invited to dinner at a friend's home. I had never been to an Indian home, so I
decided to do some reading about a proper gift to bring.
One of the things I learnt is that a guest should not bring white flowers, because white is
associated with)death. Reading this information before the event prevented me from making an
embarrassing mistake In short these examples remind us that travellers must study the customs
of a new country before visiting it.

opinion phrases:
In my opinion,
In my view,
I believe (that)
I think (that)

should / shouldn't
ought to
need to / don't need to
must / don't have to

The government needs to play a larger role in fighting obesity.

Individuals ought to make better food choices.

Many people  claim  that individuals should be responsible for their own health.

Governments should promote healthy eating to / in order to increase life expectancy.

Governments should build more leisure centres so / so that people can play more sport.

Some people say it is up to individuals to manage their own weight. However, others believe
governments should take the lead.
Although some people say it is up to individuals to manage their own weight, others believe
governments should take the lead.

Cities should encourage commuters to use public transport.

It is important to encourage commuters to use public transport.
Encouraging commuters to use public transport is a good idea.
collocation about health and fitness :
life expectancy
serious illness
heart disease
educational programmes
advertising campaigns
junk food
balanced diet
regular exercise
physical activity

collocations about transport :

traffic congestion
public transport
cycle lane
rush hour
car share
road rage
parking restrictions

collocations about the environment :

climate change
environmental group
natural resource
power plant
tropical rainforest

Reason: because of, due to, as a result of

Preference: rather than, instead of
Exception: except for, other than, apart from
Contrast: in spite of
Addition: in addition to, along with
Choice: instead of
Choose a new area of technology or invention and discuss its advantages and disadvantages.

Do you want a smart home that’s essentially controlled through one app? Do you want to control your
devices without looking for remote or Control your home from your cars? Have you ever heard of
smartThings or do you know what is it and how it is work? SmartThings is a collocation of devices and it
was created by samsung company. This technology , like another topics , has two aspecs and it consists
of advantages and disadvantages. Using technological devices makes people`s lives more convenient.

There are many reasons to use it. One reason is using advanced devices can make life easier. Imagine
that the home which knows how and when you like to wake up and helps ease your daily routines.
According to the Information that is available this company claims you don't need to look for the remote
control anymore you just need to download its application then you can control all devices. Another
benefits of SmartThings is controlling devices when you are out of the house and if you forget to turn off
devices you can do it with your phone.
There are definitely some disadvantages and one of them is high cost. All of the people can’t afford it so
it’s not accessible for everyone.
To sum up, with the passage of time and the progress of science, people's lives become easier day by
according to the study/ according to economists/ some experts

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