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My name is Jack. I’m thirteen (13) year old. I have a nose mask. Can you see it?

I have many
colors nose mask. I have red colors. I have blue. I have green I get pink too. They all fix to my
nose neatly.
My nose mask is plenty, my nose mask is my best friend. My mama buys me a nose mask. My
aunty buys me a nose mark too. And my uncle buys me a nose mask.
Nose mask is a good friend. Many people wears it. My mama wear a nose mask as she goes to
work. And the market too. My papa too wear his nose mark. My parents wears nose mask any
were they go.
My nose mark is the hero of covid-19. Together, they can defeat corona virus. The world need
more nose mask.

Tailors works day and night. Preparing the enemies of codid-19. My nose mask is my non-living
friend. My hand wash is my non-living friend too.
I wears my nose mark. I pocket my hands wash. And have reserve in my bags I love nose mask. I
love hand wash too. They save me from corona virus. I wear it when I’m going from home. I
wears it when I’m going for class. In groups. and many many places.
My school shares nose mask. My church shares nose mask. My country share nose mask. World
health organization (WHO) shares nose mask. And many groups shares nose mask. And hand
wash too.
I goes on the road with my nose mark. I see people with nose mask. People too see me with nose
mask. I speak to people with nose mask. And people speaks to me with nose mask.

I used my hands wash before shaking hands. And after shaking hands. I removed my nose mask
by the saying of the health people.
I wash my nose. I takes good care of my nose mask. My nose mask protect me from covid-19. It
protect me from bad oder scent. As I protect it from dirts.
Tailors make money from nose masks. People sell nose masks. People share nose masks. We all
wants corona virus to leave the earth.
One day jack forget about his nose mask. He walked far away from home. Soon he saw a police
man pushing some people for a nose mask. So he hide. But another police man saw him without
a nose mask.
And he starts to run behind jack. They runs from one street to another. A police women join the
race too. Two police were chasing after Jack. A solider man join them three (3) officer were
chasing Jack.
Jack jumps, they jumps. Jack speed. They speed. Jack got on a boat. They got on a boat too. Jack
jump into the river. The officers jumped there too. So jack hide under the wood.
The government guards search. But they did not see Jack. And they go back.
Mr. Covid-19 himself came. As soon as jack saw him. He removed his shite. And cover is nose.
Mr. covid-19: hey boy! Wear your shirt back I am here to take you home. The officers are still
looking for you.

Jack: who are you?

Mr. covid-19: (lies to Jack) my name is doctor mark. I’m here to save you.
Jack: (was refused) Doctor mark! Where is your nose mask? I’m seeing covid-19 on your skin.
And you are telling me your name is mark. If you are a doctor. Where are your medical
Mr. covid-19 can you read? Who teaches you how to read? You are just a kid. You do not need
to be a reader?
Jack: my teachers tells me much about corona virus. My parents too knows much about you.
Everyone are against you! My pastor says, ‘you are the friend of death and the devil. You does
not like to see people together. Worship centers as normal. Are you award of that?
Mr. covid-19: hey! Stop acting stubborn. Put away the shirt from your nose and mouth. And
waste the hand wash too.

Jack: what kinds of doctor you are? You still telling me to be un-protected. Where is your nose
Covid-19:! Nose mask is not the cure for this virus. Removed the nose mask. And waste the
hands wash. And I still take you home.
Jack: no Mr. Covid-19. I do not wants you to take me home. You always taking people to their
grave yard.
Mr. covid-19 has goes around Jack many times. But it was afraid of him since he has a nose
mask and hands sanitazers. Covid-19 was still begging Jack to remove his shirt from his nose.
And to waste the hands wash. But Jack refused.
Jack and covid-19 was still, talking. The government started to spray the city for corona virus.
Soon they were reaching to them covid-19 fled. And jack runs home. He never goes out of nose
mask again.

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