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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Computing Fundamental

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Student ID

Class Assessor name

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Ⅰ. The Internet's addressing system.
The Internet's addressing system is based on the Internet Protocol (IP)
which is used to identify and communicate with devices connected to
the internet. IP addresses are unique numerical identifiers assigned to
each device on the internet. The most common version of IP used today
is IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4) which uses a 32-bit address space
allowing for approximately 4.3 billion unique IP addresses. However,
due to the growth of the internet, IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) has
been developed which uses a 128-bit address space allowing for a
virtually unlimited number of unique IP addresses.

1. Describes the Internet’s addressing system.

 The Internet's addressing system is a critical component that enables
communication and connectivity between devices and networks
across the global network of networks. It is based on a hierarchical
system that allows for unique identification and communication with
each device connected to the internet.

 At its core, the Internet's addressing system is based on the Internet

Protocol (IP) which is a set of rules and protocols used to define how
devices communicate with each other on the internet. IP addresses
are unique numerical identifiers that are assigned to each device
connected to the internet. These addresses allow devices to
communicate with each other by sending and receiving data packets
over the internet.

 The most commonly used version of IP is IPv4 (Internet Protocol

version 4), which uses a 32-bit address space, allowing for
approximately 4.3 billion unique IP addresses. However, due to the
rapid expansion of the internet, the number of available IPv4
addresses is quickly running out. As a result, IPv6 (Internet Protocol
version 6) has been developed to provide a larger address space,
using a 128-bit address space, which allows for a virtually unlimited
number of unique IP addresses.

 IPv4 addresses are written as four decimal numbers, separated by

dots, with each number ranging from 0 to 255. For example, is a commonly used IP address for local area networks
(LANs). In contrast, IPv6 addresses are written as a series of eight
groups of four hexadecimal digits, separated by colons. For example,
2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334 is a valid IPv6

 In addition to IP addresses, there are also other important

components that make up the internet's addressing system,
including domain names and the Domain Name System (DNS).
Domain names provide a human-readable way to identify and access
websites and other resources on the internet. The DNS is a
hierarchical naming system that translates domain names into IP
addresses, allowing devices to locate and communicate with each
other on the internet.
 Overall, the Internet's addressing system is a critical component of
the global network of networks, enabling communication and
connectivity between devices and networks across the internet. Its
hierarchical system of unique numerical identifiers, such as IP
addresses, and the translation of human-readable domain names
into these numerical identifiers, enables the internet to function as a
seamless and interconnected network of networks.

2. Why divide Internet address into classes?

 The division of Internet addresses into classes was an important

aspect of the Internet Protocol (IP) addressing system that was
developed in the early days of the internet. The class-based
addressing system was designed to help conserve the limited
address space available in the 32-bit IPv4 address system, which
provided only 4.3 billion unique IP addresses. The division of
addresses into classes allowed for more efficient use of the available
address space by allocating blocks of addresses to different types of
networks based on their size and requirements.

 Under the class-based system, IP addresses were divided into five

classes - A, B, C, D, and E. Classes A, B, and C were used for general
addressing purposes, while classes D and E were reserved for special
purposes. Each class was identified by the first few bits of the binary
representation of the IP address.

 Class A addresses had the first bit set to 0 and provided the largest
block of addresses, with the first eight bits (the first octet) used to
identify the network and the remaining 24 bits used to identify the
devices on the network. This allowed for up to 126 Class A networks,
each of which could support up to 16 million devices.

 Class B addresses had the first two bits set to 10 and provided a
smaller block of addresses, with the first 16 bits (the first two octets)
used to identify the network and the remaining 16 bits used to
identify the devices on the network. This allowed for up to 16,384
Class B networks, each of which could support up to 65,534 devices.

 Class C addresses had the first three bits set to 110 and provided the
smallest block of addresses, with the first 24 bits (the first three
octets) used to identify the network and the remaining 8 bits used to
identify the devices on the network. This allowed for up to 2 million
Class C networks, each of which could support up to 254 devices.

 The division of addresses into classes allowed for more efficient use
of the available address space by allocating different block sizes to
different types of networks based on their size and requirements.
However, the class-based system also had some limitations, such as
the inability to easily allocate smaller blocks of addresses to
networks that did not require a full Class C block.

 To address these limitations, a new addressing system was

developed called Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR), which
allowed for more flexible allocation of IP addresses by using variable-
length subnet masks to divide IP addresses into smaller blocks. The
use of CIDR has become the standard for IP addressing, and the
class-based system is no longer used.

Ⅱ. Exercises and practice.

1. Convert the following 8-bit binary values into their

Denary (base 10) equivalent. You must show your

working out?

a. 00110111
b. 10101111
c. 11010110

1. Write down the binary digits in a column, starting from the right-
hand side.

2. Assign each digit a power of 2, starting from 2^0 on the right-hand

side and doubling the power for each digit as you move to the left. For
an 8-bit binary value, the powers of 2 are: 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26,27

Starting from the right, the power of 2 doubles for each digit as we
move to the left. For example, the rightmost digit has a power of 2 0,
the second-rightmost digit has a power of 2 1, the third-rightmost digit
has a power of 22, and so on.

3. Multiply each digit by its corresponding power of 2.

4. Add up the results of the multiplication to get the denary


Let's apply:
a. 00110111
1. Write down the binary digits in a column, starting from the right-
hand side:


2. Assign each digit a power of 2, starting from 2 0 on the right-hand

side and doubling the power for each digit as you move to the left:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1

Starting from the right, the powers of 2 double for each digit as we
move to the left. For example, the rightmost digit has a power of 2 0
(which is 1), the second-rightmost digit has a power of 2 1 (which is 2),
the third-rightmost digit has a power of 22 (which is 4), and so on.

3. Multiply each digit by its corresponding power of 2:

0 0 32 16 0 4 2 1

To get each digit in the denary equivalent, we multiply the binary digit
by its corresponding power of 2. For example, the leftmost digit (which
is 0) is multiplied by 128 (which is 2 7), the second-leftmost digit (which
is also 0) is multiplied by 64 (which is 2 6), the third-leftmost digit
(which is 1) is multiplied by 32 (which is 25), and so on.

4. Add up the results of the multiplication to get the denary equivalent:

0 + 0 + 32 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 55
Therefore, the 8-bit binary value 00110111 is equivalent to the denary
value 55.
b. 10101111

1. Write down the binary digits in a column, starting from the right-
hand side:


2. Assign each digit a power of 2, starting from 2^0 on the right-hand

side and doubling the power for each digit as you move to the left:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Starting from the right, the powers of 2 double for each digit as we
move to the left.

3. Multiply each digit by its corresponding power of 2:

128 0 32 0 8 4 2 1

To get each digit in the denary equivalent, we multiply the binary digit
by its corresponding power of 2.

4. Add up the results of the multiplication to get the denary equivalent:

128 + 0 + 32 + 0 + 8 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 175

Therefore, the 8-bit binary value 10101111 is equivalent to the denary

value 175.

c. 11010110

1. Write down the binary digits in a column, starting from the right-
hand side:

2. Assign each digit a power of 2, starting from 2 0 on the right-hand

side and doubling the power for each digit as you move to the left:

128 64 32 16 8 4 2 1
Starting from the right, the powers of 2 double for each digit as we
move to the left.

3. Multiply each digit by its corresponding power of 2:

128 64 0 16 0 4 2 0
To get each digit in the denary equivalent, we multiply the binary digit
by its corresponding power of 2.

4. Add up the results of the multiplication to get the denary equivalent:

128 + 64 + 0 + 16 + 0 + 4 + 2 + 0 = 214

Therefore, the 8-bit binary value 11010110 is equivalent to the denary

value 214.

2. Convert the following denary (base 10) values into

their 8-bit binary equivalent. You must show your
working out.
c. 210

To convert a denary number to binary, you can use the process of

division by 2. This process involves repeatedly dividing the denary
number by 2 and writing down the remainder, until the quotient is 0.

Let’s apply:

a. 31


2 31 1
2 15 1
27 1
23 1
21 1

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