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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 2: Networking Infrastructure

Submission date 15/6/2023 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Le Van Thuan Student ID: BH00630

Class Assessor name Le Van Thuan


Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Vu Lam Phuc

Grading grid

P1 P2 P3 P4 M1 M2 D1

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❒Summative Feedback: ❒Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Signature & Date:

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Table of Contents
I.Introduction: ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
II.Body: ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards. ............................................................................................... 5
1.Denfine network : ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
2. Discussing network protocols and standards : ............................................................................................................................................16
P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements : .......................................................................................................30
1.Network topology definition: .....................................................................................................................................................................30
2. Discuss the Impact of topology: ................................................................................................................................................................30
3. Communication and Bandwidth : ..............................................................................................................................................................36
P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types: ....................................................................................................38
1.The operating principles of networking devices : ........................................................................................................................................38
2.The operating principles of server types: ....................................................................................................................................................45
P4. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software. .........................................................................50
1.Meaning of interdependence: .....................................................................................................................................................................50
III.Conclusion: .....................................................................................................................................................................................................58
IV.Evaluation : .....................................................................................................................................................................................................58
V. References: ......................................................................................................................................................................................................59

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 As a network expert , in this section I will introduce you to the project I am about to present . My project is
to install network equipment and design reasonable transmission lines as well as ideas to build a local area
network infrastructure in a building, creating good connection. , so that everyone in the building can access ,
share information , communicate and collaborate through each other through connected devices , but it also
provides security . So to meet the above needs, we need to have some routers, and physical components such
as routers, switches, ... in addition to software components such as , network routing protocols , and
operating systems and applications that manage the security of access to confidential documents . So
organizations need to make specific plans, maintain and constantly promote their network infrastructure, to
ensure information as well as documents, in addition to pay attention to the How to protect against
information theft, network security and future network development.

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P1 Discuss the benefits and constraints of different network types and standards.
 - First of all, benefits: with increasingly advanced and modern technology, the internet is also an
indispensable companion in the 4.0 development era like now. Here are the benefits of the internet.

 Provide a huge store of knowledge and information :

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 Currently, the Internet is considered a huge "encyclopedia", containing a treasure of information and
different knowledge. With just one click, you can collect and use countless resources about the field you are
looking for, to serve your learning and working activities. Moreover, thanks to that, you can improve your
knowledge and know more new and interesting things. Just a phone or computer with wifi connection, you
will "know all" all the information you have. want to collect.

 Connecting is convenient, fast and more enjoyable :

 The Internet makes communication and connection between people simpler than ever. With the help of this
tool, people can even stay at home, but still connect with the whole world - something that people in ancient
times never dared to think about.

 Share information with everyone easily:

 The internet makes it possible for people to share information and documents with each other quickly and
conveniently, this helps people wherever they are, needing any information with other people. My
colleagues, friends, ... can still share and know each other without having to meet in person

 Open up the opportunity to work and make money from the Internet :

 The development of the Internet also formed corresponding new professions. From there, it helps to increase
jobs, professions in society and the ability to make money from the Internet such as selling online, blogging,
freelancer, Tiktoker, Youtuber...

 Diversify and simplify learning :

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 Not only providing people with a means to study, look up and collect information beyond books, the Internet
also makes learning more diverse and interesting with online learning. Thereby shortening the time and
distance in accessing knowledge, improving human skills.

 Easier online shopping :

 The explosion of online shopping is one of the inevitable results when the Internet is growing strongly.
Thanks to the Internet, we can buy "everything" right at home without having to step foot in the store.

 - In addition to the above benefits, along with positive development, there are also negative things of the

 Increasing cyber violence

 With the strong development of the Internet, the problem of violence is gradually shifting from direct
physical violence to emotional violence online. Because the Internet environment unintentionally helps
extremists to "hide" and not need to confront directly. So they easily use their words and words to attack

 Reduce connection, interact directly

 Children in the past, when there was no internet, always wanted to go out to socialize, and go out with
friends, meet friends more than at home, but now it is different, children today tend to always stay indoors.

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The family refuses to go out and just plugs their face into the internet, which is how bad habits are formed
for children

 Susceptible to mental illness

 One of the harmful effects of the Internet that is of great concern is the increase in mental illnesses. This
comes from the fact that most of the information on the Internet has not been controlled, there is still a lot of
inaccurate content that can affect user psychology. Constantly receiving negative information in the long run
can make them increase depression, stress, paranoia, anxiety disorders ...

 Declining creativity
 Did you know, the benefits and harms of the Internet will "go hand in hand" when just one click has the
information you need right away. This inadvertently makes people lazy in thinking, brainstorming, even
"killing" creativity.

 Easy to steal personal information

 Stealing information, revealing personal information is also a very noticeable harm of the Internet.
Cyberspace is too "Open" making it difficult for people's privacy to be placed in a discreet private state. On
top of that, stolen personal information is also the cause of many cases such as fraud on social networks,
impersonated accounts, threats/slanders/cyber violence... Cases of information theft The increase in fraud
through social networks is one of the harmful effects of the Internet that is worrisome.

 Form the habit of liking attention

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 "Illusion of power", "sentence like view" is a term used by Gen Z to refer to a "disease" of the era - Love to
attract attention. The Internet makes many people who have hobbies noticed, applauded and praised by
others. They will use sensational articles, images, and videos to find virtual “likes” from others. This habit
increases competition, competition, even arrogance and forms other distorted thoughts and perceptions.

1.Denfine network :

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 The father of today's internet is three American scientists (Leonard Kleinrock, Donald davies and Paul
Baran). The predecessor of the modern internet was the ARPANET project, studied in the period from 1969
to 1974. Accordingly, in 1974, people officially used the word "internet" to name the global network system.

 The Internet began to be widely used in 1995 The Internet began to be widely used since 1995The year 1980
can be considered as a turning point for the development of the internet system. Specifically, around this
time, the US National Institute of Defense Science NSF at the establishment of a large-scale computer
research center NSFNET. After 2 years, the TCP/IP protocol was officially standardized, forming a network
connecting devices using the protocol around the world.

 By 1984, the ARPANET network began to be widely used in the US military field. It gradually becomes a
great advantage for the US military when it comes to large-scale military operations.

 From 1995 up to now, the internet has been widely applied in many more fields, not only in the military as in
the early days. It is estimated that in 2007, over 97% of information globally was exchanged via the internet.

 So what is the internet?

 The internet is simply understood as a system that allows any internet-connected device around the globe to
be able to access it no matter where or where there is an internet connection. , the name is a network of
countless computers linked together. It acts as an information transmission system according to the data
transfer model. This system consists of many computers and devices with internet connection of individuals
and organizations that are closely linked. Combined with that is electronic technology, fiber optic systems
and wireless networks when arranged on the world's best.
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 The internet provides a lot of resources and information that people can find, in addition to a lot of
convenient services, and with the growing technology trend like now, the internet is no longer a thing. alien
to us.
 We have 3 main types of popular networks :

a.LAN :

 LAN (Local Area Network) or local area network is a computer network used to connect devices over a
narrow area, such as in an office, a building, or a neighborhood. The purpose of a LAN is to share resources
and data between devices in that area.

 LAN has the following main characteristics:

 Scope: A LAN is limited to a small area, like an office or a building.

 Connecting devices: A LAN includes devices such as computers, printers, phones, servers, data storage
devices, and other network devices that are connected to each other by cables or connectors. wireless.

 Topology: LAN has many topologies such as: Bus, Star, Ring, Mesh, Hybrid.

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 Protocols and standards: LANs use protocols and standards such as Ethernet, Wi-Fi, TCP/IP, and IEEE 802
to ensure compatibility and communication between devices on the network.

Advantages LAN Disvantages Lan

-All resources can be connected to a single -Although LAN saves a lot of money on resource
computer with network so that whenever there is a sharing, the initial cost of setting up the network is
need the resource can be shared with the connected quite high.
computers. -Unauthorized users can view all the browsing and
-There is no need to purchase individual licenses for download history of all connected computers.
each computer in the network. All can work under a Therefore, this may lead to Policy violation.
single license. -Because access to programs and other types of data
-The data is placed on the server so it can be is fairly easy, security concerns are a big problem in
accessed by LAN users at any time. Therefore, this LANs.
not only saves a lot of time, but also ensures that the -LANs often experience hardware problems and
messages are delivered to the right people. system failures
-Users can access their own datasets by logging into -LANs are usually created to cover a limited
their respective accounts. distance (up to 10km). Most probably it is operated
-If the data on the server is updated then only all in small areas such as in offices, banks and schools.
LAN users can access them. -The central server present on the LAN architecture
-The LAN is capable of sharing the internet manages all attached computers. If in case the server
connection between all LAN users. A single encounters any error, all connected computers are
computer with an internet connection shares the also affected
internet with all connected computers. -The presence of viruses in LAN-based
-Each computer on the LAN is assigned a MAC infrastructure is very dangerous. If one of the
address. This address will be used normally when attached computers is affected by a virus, it can
sending and receiving data easily spread to the rest of the computers on the

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 A wireless area network (WAN) is a type of network that provides video, image, data, and voice transmission that covers large
geographical areas. It is made up of a combination of LAN and MAN. To carry out the transmission, it receives the help of
modems, routers, hubs and switches.
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 Scope: The WAN spans different geographical areas, including cities, countries, or global.

 Connecting devices: WANs connect different LANs together through devices such as fiber optic lines, phones, modems,
routers, switches, firewalls and other network devices.

 Topology: A WAN can have many topologies, including: Mesh, Star, or Hybrid.

 Protocols and standards: WANs use protocols and standards such as Frame Relay, ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode),
MPLS (Multiprotocol Label Switching), TCP/IP, and routing protocols to ensure compatibility. and communication between
different LANs.
Advantages WAN Disvantages WAN
-Usually covers large geographical areas (1000kms or more). -Since WAN has more technologies combined together, it
It is possible that if your business offices are located in faces more security problems than LAN and MAN. This can
different locations, then without effort, all branches can be open a security hole that opens the way for malicious attacks
communicated through the WAN. and identity theft
-Using WAN means you can share connected data with all -As mentioned earlier, WANs often face security issues.
devices in the respective network, no need to purchase Could be the result of data transmission that hackers can
separate email, file and backup servers easily access. Therefore, in every PC, the firewall needs to
-From WAN, users can get updated files and data from be enabled.
servers. Companies can work to update files from the server -WANs are fundamentally complex and complex due to their
so that all connected devices can receive them geographical scope. Therefore, they are very expensive to set
- Increased bandwidth, Using a leased line means more up
bandwidth than a standard broadband connection. -In some areas, especially in remote areas, there is no
-One of the biggest pluses of WANs is that they provide adequate power supply system or line structure. As a result,
guaranteed uptime. WAN providers offer weekly, quarterly, customers often face connection loss issues more often.
or annual uptime. -Troubleshooting a WAN network is a difficult task and
requires more time.
-Maintaining a WAN is a difficult task to perform.
Especially keeping a data center running 24/7 is the biggest

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c, MAN

 MAN network stands for the phrase Metropolitan Area Network, which means that the urban network is installed in a large
area such as a municipality or a socio-economic center, which can be a large city, town or any other area. any large area with a
concentration of buildings. MAN network is essentially a combination of many LANs together via cables or other transmission

 MAN network is a combination of many LANs together within a municipality, city, town

 The MAN network is built with the main purpose of providing businesses with many types of added services at the same time
on the same transmission line of data, audio, images and video. Besides, the MAN network also allows users to deploy
applications in a very simple and fast way.

 Unlike a LAN, a MAN is owned by a group of people or a network provider that sells services to users. Therefore, it is larger
than a LAN (local area network) but will be smaller than a WAN (wide area network). The maximum distance between two
nodes of the MAN network is about 100km.

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Advantages MAN Disvantages MAN
-Support sending data in 2 directions at the same time, wide -Compared to LAN, the investment cost of setting up MAN
connection range usually covers a city block or whole city. network will be more expensive.
-The MAN installation allows users to share their internet access -It takes a lot of time and effort to build a MAN network system,
so that multiple users can access high-speed internet. which needs to be done by a team of skilled technicians.
-MAN network is capable of creating high-speed connections The MAN network consists of many local area networks, so the
over a wide range of up to hundreds of Mb/s and can be method of network administration is also more complicated and
expanded up to 1Gb/s for: e-commerce development, complicated.
information exchange , state administrative management, - Bandwidth is only average.
directing work, public administrative services.
High security and more comprehensive than LAN, MAN
network data is quite safe.
-Maximizing traffic on bandwidth on telecommunications and IT
network infrastructure to help diversify services, enhance service
delivery capabilities, and bring significant profits to service
Capable of combining with multiple networks of many
organizations rather than being managed by just one
- Thanks to the integration of new IT and telecommunications
network infrastructure on the existing IT and
telecommunications network infrastructure, it helps to be
flexible when deploying new services.
-Compared to WAN, the cost of deploying and building a MAN
network is lower because it requires fewer resources.

2. Discussing network protocols and standards :

a, Network protocol definition:

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 A network standard is a set of rules and regulations used to establish and maintain network systems.

 Network standards help ensure compatibility and connectivity between different network devices, reducing problems and
increasing system safety.

 Network standards can be developed by different organizations such as ISO (International Organization for Standardization),
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineering), IETF (Internet Technical Organization), TIA (Association of
Electrical and Electronic Engineering). media association) and others.

 Network standards may include provisions for IP addresses, network protocols, network architecture, and security.

 Compliance with network standards helps ensure network compatibility and connectivity, and helps protect the privacy and
safety of network users.

b, Discussing network standards :

 We have some common network standards such as:

 Ethernet: Is a networking standard used on LANs. It has a maximum data transfer rate of up to 10 Gbps.

 Wi-Fi: Is a wireless networking standard and is used on LANs. The maximum data transfer rate that can be achieved is 7 Gbps
and wifi including network standards such as, 802.11a standard, 802.11b standard, 802.11g standard, 802.11n standard.

 TCP/IP: Is a network standard most commonly used on Internet networks. It has protocols like IP, TCP, UDP, FTP, SMTP,
 Bluetooth: Is a wireless networking standard and is used on mobile devices and laptops. The maximum data transfer rate is 1

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 LTE/4G: Is a cellular network standard and is used on cellular networks. The maximum data transfer rate that can be achieved
is 1 Gbps.

 - Some of the most popular and international networking standards organizations today are:

 The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is a non-profit, professional organization that promotes prosperity
through the advancement of technology innovations that create the foundation. professional association for its members and
fostering an open world community. IEEE promotes the high-tech process of creating, developing, integrating, sharing and
applying knowledge of electronics and informatics technologies, as well as the sciences, to benefit people and professions.
Karma. This organization officially opened in early 1963. Its members now more than 420,000 people all over the world,
including engineers, scientists and students. A major influence of IEEE was the development of the 802 standard for LAN and
was universally adopted.
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 ISO was established on 23 February 1947. The headquarters of the ISO Secretariat is located in Geneva, Switzerland.[1] As of
2018, ISO has 161 national standards bodies.[1]

 While ISO defines itself as a non-governmental organization (NGO), its ability to set standards - often becoming statutory
through agreements or national standards - making it more powerful than most other NGOs, and in effect acting as a

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consortium with close links to governments. Attendees included a standards organization from each member country and
major corporations.

 ISO works closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which is the organization responsible for the
standardization of electrical equipment.

 ISO standards are internationally standardized rules to help organizations operate sustainably, create capabilities that enhance
the value of organizations in all areas of production, trade, service. When applying ISO standards, the quality of products made
meet the quality requirements of users.

 Some ISO standards:

 ISO 14001: ISO 14001 is an environmental management system standard that helps agencies, organizations and enterprises
minimize the negative impacts of their business and production activities on the environment. The latest version of ISO
14001:2015 was updated on September 15, 2015.

 ISO 22000 Standard: ISO 22000 is a standard for food safety management systems and requirements for organizations in the
food chain. ISO 22000:2018 is the latest version developed by the international standardization organization ISO in the field of
food safety.

 HACCP Standard :HACCP are principles used in the development of a food safety management system. HACCP standards are
applied in the production and processing of food in many countries around the world.

 OHSAS 18001 Standard: OHSAS 18001 is an international standard that addresses requirements related to health and safety
management systems. OHSAS 18001 helps organizations control and anticipate hazards that may arise from normal operations
and in special situations and to improve those activities.

 ISO 45001 : ISO 45001:2018 is a set of standards issued on March 12, 2018, and is a new international standard for
Occupational Health and Safety management, replacing OHSAS 18001.

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 ISO 13485 : ISO 13485 is a standard that sets out requirements for a quality management system applied in manufacturing and
trading establishments of medical equipment and instruments. ISO 13485:2016 is the latest version.

 In 1988, the Bureau of Standards became the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). NIST is headquartered in
Gaithersburg, Maryland, and operates a facility in Boulder, Colorado.

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 The American National Institute of Standards and Technology has the English name of the National Institute of Standards and
Technology. It operates under the United States Department of Commerce (English name: U.S. Department of Commerce).
Since its inception, it has been associated with the primary mission of enhancing the competitiveness of American industry. To
do that, attention should be paid to the improvement of measurement standards and technological capabilities. The ultimate
goal is towards economic development and improvement of social life.

 IETF is an acronym for the phrase Internet Engineering Task Force and translated into Vietnamese means Internet engineering
task force.

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 At the beginning IETF was an activity supported by the United States Federal Government. Until 1993, the IETF operated
under the umbrella of the ISOC Internet Consortium, which is an international membership-based non-profit organization.

 IETF is part of the IAB and is a distinctive open organization with more than 80 mission-specific working groups. Along with
that, IETF standards exist as RFCs (Request for Comments).

 The International Telecommunication Union or the International Telecommunication Union, abbreviated as ITU (English:
International Telecommunication Union) is a specialized organization of the United Nations to standardize international

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 ITU was established on 17/05/1865 in Paris - France. On July 15, 1947, ITU officially became a specialized organization of
the United Nations. ITU headquarters is located in Geneva, Switzerland.

 - A protocol is a set of rules and agreements that devices and applications use to communicate with each other over a network.
The purpose of the protocol is to ensure that the transmitted information is received correctly and completely.

 Protocols operate on layers of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model and the TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) model. Each layer in the model plays a different role in the communication process and is
responsible for a specific part of the process.

 How Protocol works :

 A protocol is a set of rules and agreements that devices and applications use to communicate with each other over a network.
The purpose of the protocol is to ensure that the transmitted information is received correctly and completely.

 Protocols operate on layers of the OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model and the TCP/IP (Transmission Control
Protocol/Internet Protocol) model. Each layer in the model plays a different role in the communication process and is
responsible for a specific part of the process.

 When two devices or applications want to communicate with each other, they establish a network connection. This process
includes steps such as:

 Define the information to be transmitted and how it should be transmitted.

 Establish a communication connection. The information will be divided into packets and sent over the network.

 Check and correct errors during transmission. Packets are checked to make sure they arrive at the correct address and are not

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 End the communication connection. After completing the transmission, the connection will be closed.

 Protocols can be implemented in hardware, software, or both. Different protocols may use different communication methods,
including wired, wireless, and Internet communications. Protocols also provide applications with features such as
authentication, encryption, and access control.

 Some major types of network protocols Protocol :

 OSI model :

 The OSI model (Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model, abbreviated as OSI Model or OSI Reference Model) -
roughly translated as the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model - is a design based on the layer-level principle,
explained in a logical way. Technical abstraction of communication connections between computers and design of network
protocols between them. This model was developed as part of the Open Systems Interconnection plan initiated by ISO and
IUT-T. It is also known as the OSI Seven Layer Model.

 layers of the OSI model

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 Layer 1: Physical Layer

 Layer 2: Data-Link Layer

 Layer 3: Network Layer

 Layer 4: Transport Layer

 Layer 5: Session layer

 Level 6: Presentation layer

 Layer 7: Application layer

Advantages OSI Disvantages OSI

 Clear layering: The OSI model divides the network into 7  Complexity: OSI has too many layers and is too
layers, making it easy to manage, upgrade, and fix errors. complex, which makes implementing and using this
 Standardization: The OSI model has been standardized model very difficult.
by ISO, helping manufacturers of networking equipment  High Cost: Due to its complexity, it can be more costly
to provide compatible products and providing a standard to apply the OSI model in the network compared to other
solution for data transmission. models.
 Functional separation: Each layer in the OSI model  Inflexibility: Due to its structure, OSI is not flexible in
performs a specific function, making it easy to isolate responding to the special requirements of the network.
functions and keep track of them.  Inconsistent with reality: Many parts of the OSI model
do not match the realities of modern networking
applications, such as cloud and IoT applications.
 No development: Although proposed in 1984, the OSI
model has not been developed much in recent times and
has been replaced by other models such as TCP/IP.

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 -TCP/IP model :

 The Internet protocol suite, also known as the Internet protocol suite, is a conceptual model and a set of communication
protocols used in the Internet and similar computer network systems. The name TCP/IP comes from the two underlying
protocols of the protocol suite, TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and IP (Internet Protocol).[1] TCP and IP are also the
first two protocols defined.

 The IP protocol suite uses data encapsulation to abstract (reduce concepts to make it easier to understand) protocols and
services. Generally speaking, higher-layer protocols use lower-layer protocols to achieve their goals.

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 A standard TCP/IP model consists of 4 layers that are superimposed, starting from the lowest layer, which is the Physical
Layer → Network Layer → Transport Layer and finally the Application Layer. (Application).

 Layer 1 - Physical Layer

 Layer 2 - Network layer (Internet)

 Layer 3 - Transport layer

 Layer 4 - Application Layer

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Advantages TCP/IP Disvantages TCP/IP
 High reliability: TCP/IP uses an error control  Security: TCP/IP is not designed to guarantee the
mechanism, which ensures that the transmitted data is confidentiality and security of data transmitted over the
received correctly and in the correct order. network. This can lead to security vulnerabilities and
 Connectivity features: TCP/IP has the ability to establish risks to systems and data.
connections, transfer data and disconnect flexibly. Cross-  Traffic management: TCP/IP does not provide network
platform: TCP/IP works on many hardware and software traffic management functions, which can lead to network
platforms, making it very popular and easy to use. overload and decrease network performance.
 Save bandwidth: TCP/IP uses data compression  Reliability: TCP/IP can be interrupted or lose connection
techniques and minimizes duplicate data transmissions, during data transmission, which can lead to data loss or
which saves network bandwidth. slow time in transmission.
 High security: TCP/IP has high security features  Scalability: TCP/IP is not flexible in scaling and adapting
including login, authentication and data encryption. to changes in the network topology. This can lead to
 Easy configuration: TCP/IP allows flexible configuration technology failure and reduced network performance.
and easy installation on the network.

P2. Network topology & communication and Bandwidth requirements :

1.Network topology definition:

 Network topology is the arrangement of the various elements (links, nodes, etc.) of a computer network. Primarily, it is the
topological structure of a computer network, and can be described in terms of physics and logic. The physical topology
(physical topology) is the arrangement of the various network elements, including device storage and cabling settings, while
the logical topology (logical topology) specifies how the data flow in the network works. Node distances, physical
intersections, transmission rates, and/or signal types can vary between two networks even though their topologies may be

2. Discuss the Impact of topology:

 We have the following common network topologies :
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 Bus topologies

 Ring topologies

 Star topologies

 Mesh topologies

 Tree topologies

a, Bus topologies:

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 Linear network model is a type of network model in which terminals connect and use the same signal transmission cable. That
cable can be twisted or coax. The two ends of the cable are attached with a special device called Terminator. Terminator has
the function of preventing signal loss or degradation at both ends of the cable.

Advantages Bus topologies Disvantages Bus topologies

 It is the easiest network model to install.  Doesn't work well with multi-terminal networks
 Works efficiently with a small number of terminals  Slow data transfer speed compared to other network
 Fewer number of cables compared to other type of models
network model  Difficulty in problem solving
 Easily connect or disconnect one terminal without  High packet loss rate
affecting other devices  If the linear cable is damaged or broken, the network
 Low installation cost compared to other network model will be broken up
models  For every additional terminal to the linear network,
 Easy expansion by connecting cables of two linear the network performance is degraded.
networks together

b,Ring topologies :

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 The circular network model is a type of model in which terminals connect to each other in a closed circular circuit. Each
terminal will be connected exactly to the number of two adjacent terminals. If the number of terminals in the circular network
is large, repeaters will be added to ensure that the signal on the ring is not attenuated.

Advantages Ring topologies Disvantages Ring topologies

 Reduces collisions when packets are sent in a certain  The terminal needs to receive the token to transmit
direction  If one terminal is damaged/disconnected/paralysed, the
 When a terminal is added to the network, there is almost entire network will be paralyzed
no effect on network performance  Data transmission speed is slower than linear network
 Has a moderate cost of installation and expansion  Difficulty adding or removing a terminal to the network,
 Good data transfer rate adding this device can affect the operation of the entire
 All terminals have peer rights in data transmission (based network
on card transfer across terminals).  Difficult to solve problems
 Difficult to expand

c,Star topologies :

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 The star network model is a model in which the terminals are connected in turn to a central device. This central device can be
a Hub or a Switch.

Advantages Star topoligies Disvantages Star topologies

 Highly reliable, if one network wire or one terminal fails,  Use more cables than linear and circular networks
it will not affect the rest of the terminals.  Depends on the central network device. If the central
 High performance, no conflicts if the mid-range device is network device fails, the entire network becomes
a Switch unusable
 Installation cost is not high  Installation costs are higher than linear and circular
 Easy to install networks, including a significant cost for central
 Adding terminals or expanding the network will not equipment
affect the operation of existing terminals and networks  Need to operate cost for central equipment
 Easy troubleshooting

d, Mesh topologies :

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 The Mesh Network model is a type of model in which terminals connect to each other one by one through a transmission
medium. The terminals not only play the role of sending and receiving devices, but also act as relay devices for packets of
other terminals.

Advantages Mesh topologies Disvantages Mesh topologies

 A broken/faulty terminal does not affect the network  The highest installation cost compared to the above
 There is no problem of bandwidth contention since network models
the terminals are connected in pairs  Complicated installation
 Very easy to troubleshoot  Consumes more power because terminals are
 Hard to lose packets responsible for relaying packets transmitted in the
 High security and privacy network
 Adding or removing terminals does not affect the  Complex in operation, high maintenance cost
network system
 Works effectively with all situations that arise during

e, Tree topologies :

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 Tree Topology consists of a device that is used as a hub to control branched extension devices across connected nodes. This
type of connection is similar to a star network. The workstations are arranged in layers depending on their features.

Advantages Tree topologies Disvantages Tree topologies

 Bus and Star integration will add information nodes  When the central device unfortunately fails, the
and expand the network system. whole system will stop working.
 The device works independently, easy to  The repair process requires a lot of knowledge as
troubleshoot. well as experience.
 Adding extension branches is expensive and slows
down performance.

3. Communication and Bandwidth :

a,Bandwidht :

 Network bandwidth (Bandwidth network) is the capacity of wired or wireless network communication link. Represents the
maximum amount of data transferred from one point to another over a computer network or an internet connection in a certain
amount of time – usually a second.

 Synonymous with capacity, bandwidth describes the data transfer rate. Bandwidth is not a measure of network speed as many
people think – a common misconception.

 How Bandwidth Works:

 The more Bandwidth a data connection has, the more data it can send and receive at the same time. Bandwidth can be
compared to the amount of water that can flow through a pipe. The larger the tube, the more water will flow through it at once.

 Bandwidth works on the same principle. So, with the capacity of the communication link or pipeline is higher. Then more data
can pass through it per second.

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 End users pay for the capacity of their network connection. Therefore, the larger the link capacity, the more expensive the cost.

 Why is bandwidth important?

 In any given deployment location, such as a home or business. All have Bandwidth limits. Meaning, there is only so much
space in the pipeline for data to flow through. For this reason, multiple devices in a location must share bandwidth. Some
devices, such as TVs, have higher bandwidth. While tablets are often used much less than TVs. Although speed and bandwidth
are not interchangeable. But greater bandwidth is essential if speed is to be maintained across multiple devices.

b, Define commutations in terms of networking

 In computer networks, interchange is the process of exchanging information between two or more devices in the network to
transmit data.

 This is an important way to ensure that devices in the network can transmit data efficiently and without causing line collisions.
There are two main types of network commutation:

 Circuit switching: In circuit commutation, devices connect to each other directly and create a key transmission. Data is
transferred over this link while other devices wait until the line is released.

 Packet switching: In packet commutation, data is divided into small packets and transmitted independently over the network.
These packets can pass through many intermediate devices in the network before reaching their destination. This method
allows several devices to transmit data at the same time and increases the efficiency of network transmission.

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P3. Discuss the operating principles of networking devices and server types:

1.The operating principles of networking devices :

 Resource sharing: Network devices such as routers, switches, hubs are designed to share resources between different network
devices such as computers, printers, storage devices,...
 Communication: Network devices and servers are used to communicate between different network devices. Users can send and
receive data from different devices through these network devices.
 Management and control: Network devices and servers are used to manage and control the network. These devices allow
network administrators to control and monitor access to network resources.

a,Reapeater :

 Wifi repeater is a wifi extender, considered a support device to extend the coverage of wifi network in your home by receiving
the existing wifi signal in your home, then amplifying and retransmitting that signal to devices. that you use.

 The wifi extender is capable of taking the existing wifi signal, and then sending out the amplified signal. From there, wifi
repeater transmits the signal to other wifi connected smart devices more easily.
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b,Hub :

 Hub is a device born for the purpose of connecting computers or other devices in the same LAN.

 Hub has a mechanism to act as a connection hub. Thanks to it, the data packet is only transmitted to one port as well as
creating many copies. Thanks to the hub, the data will and forward them to other ports and the data is fully transmitted.

 Based on the function that is currently divided into 3 popular types of hubs, including:

 Passive Hub (Passive Hub): helps identify errors and indicates faulty hardware. Thanks to that, the user only needs to forward
the data packet to other ports after receiving it from a specific port.

 Active Hub (Active Hub): equipped with more powerful functions to help monitor data, check and prioritize data packets
during transmission, support repair of data packets broken
 Smart Hub (Smart Hub): supports administrative departments to designate users with common interests. Smart Hub will also
help get the job done more efficiently with great flexibility
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c. Bridge:

 Bridge – A bridge is a type of device designed to connect multiple local LANs to form a larger LAN, essentially the bridge is
the LAN connection layer. This function, also known as a network bridge, examines incoming traffic, determining whether to
filter traffic or forward it out.

 The bridge acts as a repeater with the effect of extending the network. The network traffic per subsegment is further reduced
by fragmenting into small communication connections. The bridge bridge helps to increase the maximum number of
workstations in the LAN as well as extend the physical length. Has the effect of reducing conflicts in the network.

 The 3 most popular types of Bridge today :

 Transparent bridge

 Translational Bridge
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 Source-route Bridge

d. Router :

 Is a computer network device used to transfer data packets across an internetwork and to terminals, through a process known
as routing .Router is used to share the Internet to many other devices in the same network layer

 In order for a WiFi Router to work and broadcast WiFi in the area of use, the Wi-Fi Router first needs to connect to a Modem.
This modem will be connected to the Internet connection of network providers.

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 Between the modem and the WiFi Router will be connected via a network cable from the LAN port on the main modem
through the WAN or LAN ports depending on the operating mode you use. The devices in the network all have a separate IP,
the Router will help route and transmit signals in the Internet environment in the most accurate way.

 The data transmission time in the WiFi Router is done in a very short period of time without interrupting the transmission or
disconnecting when using Internet services.

 The WiFi router will be responsible for sending packets (packets) between 2 or more network systems together. It is a WiFi
hotspot so that receiving devices such as phones, computers, televisions can connect via WiFi waves.

 Types of Routers :

 Wired Router

 Wireless router

 Virtual router

e, Switch

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 A switch, in the context of a network is a high-speed device that receives incoming data packets and redirects them to their
destination on a local area network (LAN). So what layer of the OSI model is a typical switch located at? A LAN switch
operates at the data link layer (Layer 2) or the network layer of the OSI model and, therefore, can support all kinds of packet

 Switch plays an important role in the network system with many outstanding advantages. As follows:

 Switch allows hosts to operate in full-duplex mode (can read - write, listen - speak) at the same time.

 The switch only establishes a virtual circuit between the two respective ports, so it will not affect traffic on other ports

 The switch decides to transfer frames by MAC address, so it is classified as a layer 2 device. It is because the switch has the
ability to choose the path to decide to transfer the frame, so it helps to increase the performance of the LAN. Furthermore, the
error rate in the frame can be reduced.

 The devices will be connected indirectly through the ports of the Switch. The switch knows which machine connects to its port
without having to share the bandwidth. Switch ports will determine how much bandwidth to transmit, so there is no limit to
transmitted traffic to a certain threshold level.

 A Switch will act as a controller so that networked devices can effectively communicate with each other. Thereby helping to
allocate resources and enhance cost savings of enterprises as well as increase employee productivity.

f. Gateway:

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 Gateway is a network node used to connect two networks with different transmission protocols. It will handle the input and
output of the network because all data must pass through the gateway before being routed.

 All networks have a boundary. This boundary will limit communication with devices directly connected to it. Therefore, if a
network wants to communicate with devices/nodes or with networks outside that boundary, they function as a gateway.
Gateways typically feature a combination of router and modem.

 Gateways are added at the edge of a network and manage all internally or externally redirected data from that network. When
one network wants to communicate with another, the data packet is routed to the gateway and then routed to the destination
through the most efficient path. In addition to routing data, a gateway will also store information about the internal paths of the
host network and the paths of any additional networks it encounters.

 Gateways are essentially protocol converters that facilitate compatibility between the two protocols and can operate on any
layer of the open systems interconnection (OSI) model.

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2.The operating principles of server types:
 Application server: An application server provides application services to its clients. For example, a web server provides web
pages for users to access.

 File server: A file server holds files and provides access to users over the network. For example, a file server can provide
access to users to store, share, and access documents on the server.

 Email server: The email server manages sending and receiving email messages between users. This server can operate based
on protocols such as SMTP, POP3, IMAP, and others.

 Database server: The database server stores and manages the data of its clients. This server can operate based on database
management systems such as Oracle, SQL

a, Application server

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 Application or application server (App Server) is a mixed software framework. Application server allows the creation of web
applications and server environments to run them. It typically includes various compute elements, running specific tasks
required for cloud operations, and web-based software and applications.

 Application Server consists of 2 components:

 Server operating system (OS)

 Server hardware.

 These two components work together to support and provide computer-intensive services to the resident application. When an
application server executes and provides users or other application access when using the functionality of the installer
application. The above application is usually written in Java and runs on Windows NT systems.

b, File server :

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 A file server is a main computer responsible for storing and managing data files so that computers on the same network can
access files. It allows users to share information over a network without having to transfer files or use an external disk or other
storage device.

 The main function of a file server is to allow multiple users to access files stored for free for the file repository. For that reason,
these servers are especially popular as a central storage place for company internal files, not just for individual users.

 A file server can be a dedicated or non-dedicated server. Dedicated servers are often used for enterprise applications, as they
provide faster data access and provide higher storage capacity than non-dedicated systems.

 Thus, all computers can become a server and act as a file server. Some of the benefits that file servers bring to businesses

 Security and data backup

 Easy data recovery:

 Employee monitoring support

c, Email server

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 Mail Server or Email Server (email server) is a server system used to send and receive email messages. Mail server is
individually configured according to the domain name of the business, with all the same parameters as a regular server such as
CPU, RAM, Storage, ... . Besides the feature of storing and organizing Emails on the internet, Mail Server is a professional
protocol for correspondence, management and internal communication, commercial transactions...

 Classification of mail servers

 Mail server Microsoft and Google

 Independent mail server

d,Database server

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 Database server or data server is a data warehouse used to store websites, data and information. A database server is a LAN
computer dedicated to storing, maintaining, and restoring databases. Database server includes database management system
Database Management System (DBMS) and database. Based on requests from clients, the Database server searches the
database for the specified records and passes them back over the network.

 Database server components

 Client

 Server

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P4. Discuss the inter-dependence of workstation hardware with relevant networking software.

1.Meaning of interdependence:
 The interdependence between workstation hardware and network software is related to the fact that the two need to be
compatible and work together to ensure network connection quality and computer performance. If there is no interdependence,
it can lead to problems such as connection failure, reduced working speed, or even inefficiencies.
 Interdependencies between workstation hardware and related network software Computer hardware is the physical components
of a computer including chipsets, microprocessors, RAM memory, hard disks, network cards, and other components. Other
device. Network software includes applications such as web browsers, email software, routing programs, and security

 The workstation hardware must be selected to match the network software. For example, a computer with a weak processor
cannot handle heavy applications and large files transferred over the network. A network card that is not compatible with the
network protocol will not be able to connect to the network. In addition, the hard drive must have enough space to store files
shared on the network.

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 The interdependence between client hardware and network software has to do with who they need to work together to ensure
network synchronization and efficiency. Computer hardware that provides processing power, memory, and other features for
network applications. Meanwhile, network software provides protocols, connection rules, and network services to manage and
control network operations. Therefore, network hardware and software need to be compatible and supported. properly
configured to ensure the network works stably and efficiently. If one piece of hardware or software is not working properly, it
can affect the entire network and reduce its performance and reliability. Therefore, choosing and installing the right network
hardware and software is very important to ensure stable network operation and meet the needs of users.

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 - Define networking software:

 Network software is the applications and tools used to manage, control, and connect devices and resources in a computer
network. Network software includes network management applications, line monitoring and control programs, firewalls,
security software, network analysis software and other applications that help improve safety, efficiency and network reliability.

 - Popular network software :

a, Server software:

 If you install a Server Software program and connect to the internet, any computer can become a web server. Server Software
is specialized software to install and run on any computer that can meet the memory requirements. Thanks to it, users can
access the website's information from another computer over the internet.

 People often rent small servers, virtual servers VPS or Hosting to store data for their website.

 A server can serve both Static and Dynamic content. Static means content is intact and easy to set up. Dynamic is the content
that has been processed or created by the server with data from the Database, formatted, pushed into the HTTP Template and
then sent the results to the user.
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b, Client software :

 Client software is software installed on a user's computer or electronic device to connect to and access another service or
server. This is software that must be installed on the user's device to perform certain tasks. For example, web browsers like
Google Chrome, Firefox or Safari are the software clients use to access websites. Email clients such as Microsoft Outlook or
Apple Mail are also client software used to access the email service.

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c, client operating system

 Client operating system is an operating system installed and run on personal computers (clients) to support and manage the
activities of users on that computer. Common examples of client operating systems include Windows, Mac OS, Linux,
Android, and iOS. These operating systems provide users with graphical interfaces, file management, networking, and
supporting applications to help users interact and use the computer easily and efficiently.

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d,server operating system :

 Server operating system is an operating system designed to run on servers to manage and provide network services to other
devices in a network. It is optimized for server resource management, security and performance. Some popular server
operating systems include: Windows Server, Linux, and Unix.

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e, firewall

 In computing, a firewall or firewall is a network security system that monitors and controls incoming and outgoing network
traffic based on predefined security rules.[1] A firewall often establishes a barrier between a trusted internal network and an
untrusted external network, such as the Internet.[2]

 Firewalls are often classified as Network Firewalls or server-based firewalls. Network firewalls filter traffic between two or
more networks and run on network hardware. A server-based firewall runs on host computers and controls network traffic in
and out of those machines. They are also classified as protective firewalls to protect the security of personal computers or local

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networks, avoiding intrusions and attacks from outside and blocking firewalls usually set up by Internet service providers. and
is responsible for preventing computers from accessing certain websites or servers, often used for Internet censorship purposes.

 The effect of a firewall: a firewall can filter traffic from dangerous sources such as hackers, some types of viruses so that they
cannot destroy or cripple your system. In addition, because all sources of access to and from the internal network and other
networks must go through the firewall, the firewall also has the effect of monitoring and analyzing traffic flows and deciding
what to do with those traffic flows. suspicious volume such as blocking some data sources from allowing access or tracking a
suspicious transaction.

 Firewalls in Cloud Computing

 For today's users, the most important thing is availability, an IT system or a website must always be up and running for new
production businesses to work. The configured cloud-based firewall service keeps good network throughputs and eliminates
bad throughputs and ensures 99.99% system uptime.

 Advantages of cloud firewall - Cloud Firewall

 High Availability: Cloud Firewall is architected with a system driven approach to ensure the highest level of availability.

 Equipped with VPN (virtual private network): Cloud Firewall service provides VPN capability to eliminate the need for
multiple devices

 High Performance: Cloud Firewall is capable of handling peak network throughput loads to ensure maximum performance in
even the most complex environments.

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 As a network specialist in this section I have detailed and outlined what is needed in my project on how to install network
systems and also the uses of network components. , the advantages and disadvantages of each system , customers can rely on
what I analyze to be able to meet their needs

IV.Evaluation :
 Network infrastructure is the physical and technological infrastructure needed to build and maintain a network. It includes
basic components such as servers, network devices, network cables, network control systems, and network management
software. ).

 Network infrastructure provides connectivity and data transmission between network devices and users. It ensures efficient
communication and communication between members in a network, allowing sharing of network resources and services such
as the Internet, data storage systems, printers, software applications and more. .

 Network infrastructure is built and configured according to network standards and protocols such as Ethernet, TCP/IP, Wi-Fi
and other network technologies. It also includes providing network security measures such as firewalls, data encryption, and
access management to protect systems from security threats and intrusions.

 Assessment of network infrastructure:

 Whenever we need to develop the network infrastructure of a company, or our organization, it is imperative that we invest and
upgrade, fix problems when it occurs, and must be thoroughly overcome, in addition, it is necessary to pay attention to both the
bandwidth of the transmission line and the quality of service
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 Assessment of network infrastructure:

 Whenever we need to develop the network infrastructure of a company, or our organization, it is imperative that we invest and
upgrade, fix problems when it occurs, and must be thoroughly overcome, in addition, it is necessary to pay attention to both the
bandwidth of the transmission line and the quality of service

 Once we have identified the goal, we must continuously promote and build the necessary things such as:

 Support to build data centers

 Build diverse connections

 Especially to ensure safety and security issues

V. References:
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