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Post Modernism

Post Modernism is a concept originated during 1960s, as more and more ideological
constituencies entered the arena, the women, the minorities, people from the developing world
raised voice, and the then conflict prevailing between Capitalist and Communist/Socialist blocks
in the world.

The concept of Post Modernism appreciates the ideologies around and acknowledges that every
idea shall be given right to exist. Hostility may not be allowed but peaceful coexistence shall. No
ideology shall conspire against any or shall silence the others. A tolerant, peaceful co-existence
of all ideologies and their followers is a possibility in a multicultural environment.

In fact, Post Modernism is based on learning, learning that no approach could eliminate the
other, hence a way to co-existence shall be discovered…

a) The conflict between capitalism and communism

b) The hostility of capitalistic and secular part of world against the religious one
c) Enlightenment, Liberalist thought, Conservativism, and the idea of Progressive approach

Criticism on Post Modernism

Opponents of Post Modernism, mainly capitalists, propagate that it is chaotic, confused and lack
understanding of mass structuring of society. They say post modernism would lead us nowhere;
rather it’s a threat to prevailing structure in capacity of a “de-constructionists” approach.

Characteristics of Post Modernism

1. There is no absolute truth

Poet modernism questions the absoluteness of already constructed narratives and
practices. Post modernists argue to examine the standing of perspectives and knowledge
on rationale grounds. The also questions the standing of facts arguing that facts to one
may fall as falsehood to another—hence the facts, perspectives and at time knowledge
can lose absoluteness for its interchangeable nature.

2. Frustrated with modern mega-structuring

Post modernists found criticizing the mega-structuring of societies and communities since this
was seen as interference and manipulation of indigenous and domestic (although mini) structures
of communities. This is only one reason why post modernism reacts to the dogma principles or
practices of established modernism.

3. Rationalization is the norm

Rationalization—to the domestic reasoning and logics, shall become the norm in order to stop
encroachment by others into indigenous functioning of communities and societies.
Circumstances in Pakistan are better understood by Pakistanis, they better to govern matters here
in realization of their responsibility towards global community…just a glimpse.

4. Global community is more important than nationalism

Nationalism of any country cannot overtaken the global discourses and narratives in any
capacity. There shall prevail a harmony within nations with an acute understanding and
responsibility towards the global community—which worth most than any nationalistic narrative.

5. Set of movements

Meaning that post modernism shall reflect through conceptions and endeavors of all disciplines.
This can only make it set of movements. This aspires Arts, architecture, media, other sciences,
all going to adhere the idea of post modernism.

6. People less likely to follow the rigid ideology

In a post-modern world where ideologies are beings contest with research, criticism over their
failures, no rigid idea or ideology if likely to be followed by masses. In the post cold war
scenario people deemed for a better and stable world and gradually came out of their rigid
practices and ideologies. However, this seems to be fairy tale only since rigid ideologies are back
in business, the American elections are an example.

7. Greater pluralism is modern life

Pluralism and multiculturalism are key to post modernists propositions characterizing the way
life would look like. The world has becoming more pluralistic and multicultural in recent
decades wherein in people from cultures living together and sharing lot commonalities while
sticking to their communal identities. Communities are being given voice and their fair share
through polls and all.

This would shape the modern life in postmodernists idea instead of partial development as was
deemed by the modernists.

8. Post modernism encourages the acceptance of diversity

Diversity is taken as advantage and must thing to be appreciated. Diversity should not lead to
discrimination…by accepting it a more tolerant and harmonious society can be established…

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