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Sing We and Chant It Name:___________________________________

Date conducted: _______________ Have you shared video with Dr. Last? YES NO

Begin by viewing your video. As you watch (a minimum of three times), use the list below to indicate positive
elements (use +) or those that need improvement (use -).


_____ proper foot position _____ arm forward (elbow in front of torso)

_____ knees relaxed (and not bouncing) _____ elbow slightly lifted

_____ lifted sternum _____ armpit space

_____ “tall” posture _____ palm of hand towards floor

_____ shoulders rolled back and relaxed _____ fingers curved but engaged

_____ head lifted at the “crown” _____ fingers creating focus point


_____ preparing yourself _____ correct tempo

_____ establish connection with ensemble _____ correct dynamic level

_____ preparatory gesture _____ correct articulation

_____ rhythmic breathing motion (silent) _____ clear ictus

_____ eye contact _____ confident demeanor

One Pattern and Releases

_____ vertical plane location _____ pattern clarity

_____ vertical plane height _____ internal releases

_____ horizontal plane location _____ final release

_____ horizontal plane width _____ release preparation

_____ clear ictus on each beat _____ subdivided release

Baton Grip and Use

_____ proper contact points on fingers/thumb _____ baton on vertical plane

_____ natural curve of fingers _____ ictus at baton tip (not hand)

_____ correct direction of baton _____ ictus on horizontal plane

Assigned skills:

● For this round, you should teach a concept in between the two run-throughs
● Preparatory gesture: forte dynamic, buoyant articulation, quarter note = 150
● m. 8 - show an internal release on the final third of the bar (release must indicate the new dynamic level
of the repeat).
● m. 8 (second time) - show an internal release on final third of the bar (release must indicate the new
dynamic level on the next page)
● m. 9 - dynamic level is forte
● m. 12 - show a subdivided “tap” off the horizontal plane that indicates the new dynamic level (subito
● m. 16 - show a subdivided “tap” off the horizontal plane that indicates the new dynamic level (subito
● m. 17 - forte cue
● m. 18 - forte cue (for soprano I)
● mm. 18-21 - use left hand to show a diminuendo
● m. 22 - indicate a ritardando by subdividing the bar (use a standard 3 pattern)
● m. 23 - show an appropriate final release (that allows the note to be sung for an appropriate duration, is
prepped, and is released in the style of the piece)

Dr. Last’s comments:

Please write a paragraph indicating the strengths and areas for improvement for this round:

Student grade: ______ Dr. Last grade: _____

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