Disaster Management and Risk Reduction

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Disaster Management and Risk Reduction: endangerd by circumstances that affect their

Philippine Law survival and normal development.

What is disaster risk reduction management REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10821]
The NDRRMP outlines the activities aimed at EMERGENCY RELIEF AND PROTECTION
strengthening the capacity of the national government FOR CHILDREN BEFORE, DURING, AND
and the local government units (LGUs) together with AFTER DISASTERS AND OTHER
partner stakeholders, to build the disaster resilience of EMERGENCY SITUATIONS
communities and to institutionalize arrangements and Declaration of Policy. – It is hereby declared the
measures for reducing disaster risks. policy of the State to protect the fundamental rights
What is Republic Act 10121? of children before, during, and after disasters and
A LAW THAT REQUIRES THE COUNTRY'S other emergency situations when children are
GOVERNMENT AND ITS CITIZENS TO BE gravely threatened or endangered by circumstances
PREPARED FOR DISASTER. that affect their survival and normal development.
Why is R.A. 10121 important?
Because the Philippines is one of the most at risk Philippine Environmental LawsPhilippine
Countries in the world 5th in disaster risk With 26.70% AirAct
disaster risk as of 2016 What is CleanAirAct?
Why is the Philippines at risk? • RepublicAct No. 8749, otherwise known as the
Geography Philippine CleanAirAct, is a comprehensive air
Climate quality management policy Program which aim to
Human induced calamities achieve and maintain healthy air for all Filipinos.
The Philippines is 5th most at risk of disasters as of • Contains 7 chapters and 56 Sections
2016 • Approved on June 23, 1999 under the
• The World Risk Index 2016 ranks 173 countries administration of Joseph Estrada.
according to how exposed and vulnerable they are to What are the guiding principle of the CleanAirAct?
natural hazards, including earthquakes, floods and The CAA provides that the State shall:
storms • Protect and advance the right of the people to a
Factors that make people more vulnerable to balanced and healthy ecology in accord with the
disasters include poverty, slum housing, limited rhythm and harmony of nature.
access to medical services and clean water, corruption • Promotes and protect the global environment
and weak law enforcement. while recognizing the primary responsibility of
Why was R.A 10121 IMPLEMENT ED local government unit to deal with environmental
To prevent the loss of lives during disasters natural or problems.
man made,To reduce the loss of structures • Recognize that the responsibility of cleaning the
To prepare the people for the upcoming Typhoons, habitat and environment is primarily area based.
Earthquakes, Landslides ete. • Recognize that “ polluters must pay”
The NDRRMC have a 4 part system: • Recognize that a clean and healthy environment is
Disaster preparedness for the good of all and should therefore be the
Disaster mitigation and prevention concern of all.
Disaster response What can you do to help clean the air?
Disaster Rehabilitation and Recovery ForVehicle owners/motorist:
What are the precautions the NDRRMC take to • Maintain your vehicle by changing oil regularly.
reduce • Keep tires properly inflated.
casualties? • Plan trips and observe proper driving habits,
Role of LGU • Remove unnecessary things from the trunk. Don’t
Under republic act 10121, there shall be a drrm Overload and travel only at speed required by
council for each region. Lgus, from the provincial to traffic regulation and road conditions.
the barangay level, are also mandated to form and For Commuters:
operate drrm councils. Each of these offices must • Patronize mass railway transit (e.i. MRT and LRT)
come up with a local disaster risk redu ction and What can you do to help clean the air?
management plan covering aspects of disaster For office workers:
preparedness, response, prevention and mitigation, • Reduce use of air conditioning and ensure that
and rehabilitation and recovery. Chief drrm officer room are sealed.
Republic Act (RA) 10821 or the Children's • Make sure that light are energy sufficient
Emergency Relief and Protection Act • Use natural lighting by opening windows curtains
This Republic Act No. 10821 of the Government of the at daytime.
Philippines mandates the provision of emergency What can you do to help clean the air?
relief and protection for children before, during, and At home:
after disaster and other emergency situations. It refers • Use low watt bulbs or energy saving lights.
to situations when children are gravely threatened or • Limit the use of air conditioning units and keep
the temperature a few degrees higher.
• Don’t burn garbage 5. Offices
• Avoid using aerosols 6. Recreational places
• Properly dispose of refrigerants, refrigeration 7. Shopping malls
equipment and use coolant. 8. Cinema
What can you do to help clean the air? 9. Hotels
For Everyone: 10. Restaurants
• Talk to people on what they can do about air What places are included in the smoking ban?
pollution. • Under the tobacco regulation act of 2003 ,
• Report smoke- belching to LTO, MMDA, and/or the smoking shall be absolutely prohibited in the
appropriate local government units. following public places such as;
• Walk or ride your bike to places 11. Food preparation areas
• Take bus or mass rail transit whenever you can. 12.Airports
• Plant trees 13. Ship terminals
• Spread the word about ban on smoking in public 14. train/ bus stations
places. How does it help to protect the minors?
What will be done to polluting industries? • RA 9211 has provision for minors where the
• A fine of not more than P100,000 for every day of following are considered unlawful and are
violation shall be charged against the owner of a penalized:
stationary source, until such time that the standard 1. Any retailer of tobacco product who sells or
have been met. distributes tobacco products to any minor.
• For gross violation, the penalty is imprisonment of 2. Any person who purchases cigarettes or tobacco
not less than six years but not more than 10 years upon products from a minors
the discretion of the court.At the same time, the 3. A minor who sells or buys cigarettes or any
PollutionAdjudication Board (PAD) could close the tobacco products
firm through the issuance of cease and desist order. 4. A minor to smokes cigarettes or any other
What will be done to smoke belching vehicles on tobacco product.
the road? Warning Signs
• Smoke belching vehicles on the road shall be Advertisements
subjected to emission testing by properly equipped Restriction onTobacco Promotions
enforcement teams from the DOTC/LTO or its duly • Promotions shall be directed only to persons at
deputized agent.Violators will be subject to the least eighteen (18) years old.
following fines/penalties. No person below 18 years old may participate in
• 1st offence any promotion.
P1,000 • Telephones communication concerning
• 2nd offence promotional offers, programs or events must be
P3,000 included a recorded health warning message in
• 3rd offence English or Filipino.
P5,000 ( with seminar on pollution management) • No tobacco advertisement may be place on a
Activities or Programs implemented to achieve the shopping bags
objective of CleanAirAct: Toxic Substances and Hazardous, and Nuclear
• Linis/Ligtas Hangin Program with the Bantay Wastes Control Act of 1990
Tambutso. • (1) regulate, restrict or prohibit the importation,
• Bantay Tsimnea and Bantay Sunog; manufacture, processing sale, distribution, use and
• Industrial enforcement program for stationary sources disposal of chemical substances and mixtures that
• Promotion of Clean Fuel present unreasonable risk and/or injury to health or
• Strong collaboration between government and the environment;
stakeholders on measures to address pollution. • (2) prohibit the entry, even in transit, of hazardous
Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003 and nuclear wastes and their disposal into the
What is Tobacco Regulation Act of 2003? Philippine territorial limits for whatever purpose;
• Also known as “ RepublicAct No. 9211” and
• Sign into law by the president on June 23,2003 • (3) provide advancement and facilitate research
• This is an act regulating the packaging, use, sale, and studies on toxic substance.
distribution and advertisement of tobacco products. • TSHNWCA shall cover importation,
What places are included in the smoking ban? manufacture, processing, handling, storage,
• Under the tobacco regulation act of 2003 , smoking transportation, sale, distribution, use and
shall be absolutely prohibited in the following public disposal (from cradle to grave) of all unregulated
places such as; chemical substances and mixtures in the
1. Enclosed and confine areas of public hospitals Philippines, including the Philippine even in transit,
2. Medical clinics ( Hospitals, dental, laboratories, as well as the keeping or storage and disposal of
Nursing Homes, health center) hazardous and nuclear wastes into the country for
3. Schools/University whatever purposes.
4. PublicTransportation
• There is an Inter-agency technical Advisory Council Environmental, Safety and Health Issues
attached to the Department of Environment and Natural • The increasing number of discarded technologies
Resources which shall be composed of one; corresponds to an increasing percentage of
• (1) chairman and ten (10) members. Secretary of hazardous materials which compounds the disposal
DENR as chairman, and Secretary of DOH, Director and pollution problem, and can further result in
of PNRI, Secretary of DTI, Secretary of DOST, damage to occupational safety, community health,
Secretary of DND, Secretary of DFA, Secretary of and the environment. Greenpeace reported that
DOLE, Secretary of DOF, since a large portion of discarded devices end up in
• Secretary of DA, Representative from NGO from landfills or with backyard recyclers, informal
Health and Safety as members. labourers and waste pickers, depressed
• Section 13 of TSHNWCA enumerates the following communities and their environment get exposed to
as Prohibited Acts: toxic heavy metals such as lead, cadmium, mercury,
• a. Knowingly use in chemical substance and mixture chromium, halogenated substances including
which is imported, manufactured, processed or brominated flame retardants, and polyvinyl chloride
distributed in violation of this Act or implementing (PVC).
rules and regulations or orders; TOXINS
• b. Failure or refusal to submit reports, notices or on • The world's most dangerous chemical toxins,
the information, access to records as required which are commonly grouped into a collection
by this Act, or permit inspection of establishment called the "dirty dozen" by chemists and
where chemicals are manufactured, processed, environmentalists, are categorized as persistent
stored or otherwise held; organic pollutants (POPs). Several POPs are
• c. Failure or refusal to comply with the pre- pesticides: aldrin, chlordane, DDT, dieldrin, endrin,
manufacture and pre-importation requirements. (There heptachlor, hexachlorobenzene, mirex, and
must be import clearance before entry of any chemical toxaphene. Other POPs are produced during the
substances to the Philippines). combustion process.
• d. Cause, aid or facilitate, directly or indirectly, in the • For example, dioxins and furans are by- products
storage, importation or bringing into Philippine of chemical production and the burning of
territory, including its maritime economic zones, even chlorinated substances, and polychlorinated
in transit, either by means of land, air or sea biphenyls (PCBs), which are used to manufacture
transportation or otherwise keeping in storage any such products as paints, plastics, and electrical
amount of hazardous and nuclear wastes in any transformers, may be released into the air when
part of the Philippines. those products are burned. Other toxins such as as
• Definition of Terms arsenic, beryllium, cadmium, copper, lead, nickel,
• 1. Hazardous substances are substances which present and zinc belong to a wider group of chemicals
either: called persistent bioaccumulative toxins (PBTS),
• a. Short-term acute hazards such as acute toxicity by which include the dirty dozen and can linger in the
ingestion, inhalation or skin absorption, environment for long periods
corrosivity or other skin or eye contact hazard or the HAZARDS
risk of fire or explosion; or • Before the 1962 publication of American biologist
• b. Long-term environmental hazards, including Rachel Carson's Silent Spring which described
chronic toxicity upon repeated exposure. how DDT accumulated in the fatty tissues of
• 2. Hazardous waste are substances that are without animals and caused cancer and genetic damage, the
any safe commercial, industrial, agricultural or risks of many toxic wastes were evident. For
economic usage and are shipped, transported or example, lead was a known toxin in the 19th
brought from the country of origin for dumping or century, with reformers documenting lead
disposal into or in transit through any part of the poisoning in the workforce and leading clean up
territory of the Philippines. efforts.
• 3. Nuclear waste are hazardous waste made • Nevertheless, auto companies, oil companies, and
radioactive by exposure to the radiation incidental to the U.S. government authorized the manufacture,
the production or utilization of nuclear fuels but does distribution, and use of tetraethyl lead, Pb(C2H5)4,
not include nuclear fuel, or radioisotopes which have in gasoline in the 1920s. Health officials warned
reached the final stage of fabrication so as to be usable against depositing millions of pounds of inorganic
for any scientific, medical, agricultural, commercial, lead dust from automobile exhaust onto the streets.
or industrial. However, the lead industry pointed to lead's
• Kinds of List of Chemicals as Provided by importance to the automotive and petrochemical
TSHNWCA industries in increasing engine performance and
• 1. Philippine Inventory of Chemicals and Chemical reducing engine knock (spontaneous ignition of the
Substances (PICCS) - list of allowed chemicals fuel- air mixture in vehicle engines).
substances. HAZARDS
• 2. Philippine Priority Chemical List (PPCL)- list of • Similarly, despite evidence of lead paint's toxic
all prohibited chemical substances. effects on children as early as the 1920s, the lead
industry campaigned for decades to deter concerns.
The National Lead Company, manufacturer of Dutch
Boy paints and lead pigments, produced children's
colouring books, including The Dutch Boy's Lead
Party, extolling the benefits of lead paint. The federal
government finally banned lead in paint and gasoline
in the 1970s and '80s.
• In addition, the danger of a sudden release of toxic
material also looms in the aftermath of extreme
weather events, natural disasters, and accidents.
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