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Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

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Review article

Non-surgical treatment options for pulmonary aspergilloma

Min Lang, MD, MSc a, *, Angela L. Lang, MD, MSc b, Nikunj Chauhan, MD c, Amanjit Gill, MD c
Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Anesthesia, Critcal Care, and Pain Management, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
Department of Interventional Radiology, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH, USA


Keywords: Aspergilloma, also known as mycetoma or fungus ball, is the most common manifestation of pulmonary
Aspergilloma involvement by Aspergillus species. The fungal ball typically forms within preexisting cavities of the lungs.
Aspergillosis Diagnosis requires both radiographic evidence along with serologic or microbiologic evidence of Aspergillus
species involvement. While clinical features such as hemoptysis, chest pain, shortness of breath, cough, and fever
are helpful in diagnosis, they are non-specific symptoms. Surgery is currently the mainstay of treatment for
Bronchial artery embolization aspergilloma but is associated with considerable mortality and morbidity. Alternative options exist for patients
who are poor surgical candidates and for those who prefer a less invasive treatment modality. Systemic treatment
with amphotericin B is ineffective and is not recommended as a monotherapy, but systemic azoles is effective in
approximately 50–80% of patients. Potential alternatives to surgery include intracavitary instillation or endo­
bronchial administration of antifungal medication, as well as direct transbronchial aspergilloma removal.
Bronchial artery embolization and radiotherapy are options to manage hemoptysis until definite eradication of
the aspergilloma. More rigorous studies are needed to better establish non-surgical treatment paradigm for
inoperable patients.

1. Introduction lesion with thin walls and normal surrounding lung parenchyma.
Complex aspergilloma develop in cavities with thick walls and are sur­
Aspergilloma is a manifestation of chronic pulmonary aspergillosis rounded by fibrotic pulmonary tissue, vascular adhesions, and thickened
(CPA), a spectrum of diseases caused by long-term aspergillus infection pleura [7,8]. Patients with simple aspergilloma are often asymptomatic,
of the lung [1]. It is characterized by the formation of a mass of viable while those with complex aspergilloma commonly present with more
and dead fungal material, inflammatory cells, fibrin, mucus, blood, and severe symptoms such as hemoptysis, bronchorrhea, chest pain, poor
tissue debris within preexisting cavities of the lung [2]. Aspergillus nutrition status, and impaired respiratory function [9,10].
fumigatus is by far the most common pathogenic species in humans [3]. Approximately 7%–10% of aspergilloma cases resolve spontaneously
They are notorious for being highly dispersable due to their remarkable without treatment [11,12]. Those with persistent symptoms, such as
hydrophobicity, and their small size allows them to bypass mucociliary hemoptysis, require further treatment, of which surgery is the
clearance and reach lower airways. Other species such as Zygomycetes, gold-standard. The appropriate management for patients with asymp­
Fusarium, Flavus, Niger, Terreus can lead to aspergilloma formation as tomatic aspergilloma remains controversial [12]. Some authors advo­
well [4,5]. cate surgical interventions in asymptomatic patients, as the
Various diseases that cause pulmonary scarring or cavities, such as aspergilloma remains a risk for developing life-threatening hemoptysis
lung cancer, cystic fibrosis, bullous emphysema, tuberculosis, and pul­ that carries a mortality rate of approximately 38% [13]. Surgery itself,
monary abscesses predispose individuals to pulmonary aspergilloma. however, is not without risk; in studies performed after the year 2000,
Worldwide, tuberculosis is the most common antecedant disease (25%– the reported post-operative mortality and morbidity rates is approxi­
80%) for development of aspergilloma [6]. mately 4% and 33%, respectively [14–20]. Non-surgical options exist for
Aspergilloma can be subdivided into simple and complex types. patients who have contraindications for surgery or for those that do not
Simple aspergilloma are characterized by a single isolated cavitary wish to undergo an operation. These alternatives tend to carry less risk

* Corresponding author. Department of Radiology, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, Cleveland, OH, 44195, USA.
E-mail address: (M. Lang).
Received 7 October 2019; Accepted 17 February 2020
Available online 19 February 2020
0954-6111/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. This article is made available under the Elsevier license (
M. Lang et al. Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

Fig. 1. (A) Illustration of pulmonary aspergilloma. (Art by the CCF Medical art and photography department). (B, C) Radiographic and chest computed tomography
demonstration of the air crescent sign. (Reprinted with permission from Abramson S. The air crescent sign. Radiology 2001; 218:230–232).

and may be an option for primarily asymptomatic aspergilloma patients. 3. Non-surgical treatments

2. Diagnosis While surgical resection is currently considered the gold standard of

treatment for symptomatic aspergilloma, many patients have contrain­
Diagnosis of aspergilloma requires the combination of radiologic dications to surgery including poor respiratory reserve, multiple or
evidence and direct serological or microbiologic evidence of Aspergillus bilateral aspergilloma, and patient preference. The morbidity associated
species. While clinical features including weight loss, productive cough, with surgery is considerable and potential complications include hem­
hemoptysis, shortness of breath, chest pain, and fever can be helpful, orrhage, empyema, wound infection, tracheobronchitis, bronchopleural
these symptoms are non-specific and may be associated with the un­ fistula formation, and seeding of Aspergillus infection [30–32]. Fortu­
derlying pulmonary disease. nately, as most patients with aspergilloma are asymptomatic, they may
The typical radiographic appearances of aspergilloma are of a not need treatment and can be observed conservatively, but this remains
rounded fungal ball inside a cavity, which is usually thick walled. Two an area of debate. The reported spontaneous resolution rate is approx­
radiographic signs may aid the diagnosis: 1) the air crescent sign (Fig. 1B imately 5% over 3 years, or 7%–10% of all cases [6,33,34]; but the
and C), which is a crescent-shaped air space separating the fungal ball natural history of aspergilloma has not been extensively studied. For
from the cavity wall, and 2) the Monod sign, which is characterized by inoperable patients that require treatment, there are several
the intracavitary mass gravitating freely depending on the patient’s alternatives.
positions [21]. Pleural thickening may be an early sign of aspergilloma
formation which precedes the appearance of an obvious intracavitary 4. Systemic administration of antifungal medication
fungal ball [22]. Computed tomography (CT) demonstrates early stages
of aspergilloma much more readily than plain chest radiography. 4.1. Amphotericin B
If a fungal ball is observed on radiographic imaging, then a diagnosis
of aspergilloma can be confirmed with a positive serum Aspergillus IgG Systemic administration of amphotericin B has a reported cure rate
test. Elevated levels of Aspergillus-specific IgG antibodies are almost of approximately 10%, which is similar to the spontaneous rate of res­
always found in patients with chronic pulmonary aspergillosis, regard­ olution [35]. It appears to have a limited role even as an adjuvant
less of the disease pattern [23–26]. The optimal cutoff value for IgG therapy to surgical resection. A review performed by Benhamed and
antibodies, and the sensitivity and specificity of the test depend on the Woelffle found adjuvant amphotericin B did not affect morbidity or
enzyme immunoassay kits used. Newer assays can achieve a sensitivity survival in post-surgical patients [36]. Furthermore, the potential
of 97% and a specificity of 98% [23,24]. If the test for IgG antibodies is complications associated with amphotericin B, particularly nephrotox­
negative but radiographic imaging and clinical features of the patient icity, makes this option unfavorable [37]. Within recent years, aero­
are highly suspicious of pulmonary aspergillosis, a different assay for solized amphotericin B administration through a nebulizer has shown
IgG antibodies should be performed. Alternatively, testing for serum promise at treating pulmonary aspergillosis and may be effective as a
Aspergillus-specific IgE antibodies could be considered. prophylaxis for invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in high-risk patients
Aspergillus-specific IgE antibody is found to be elevated in up to 66% of [38–42]. Whether aerosolized amphotericin B will be effective at
patients with CPA and can be useful when clinical suspicion is high, treating aspergilloma has not been investigated.
especially in asthmatic and cystic fibrosis patients [22]. Assays for
Aspergillus cell wall components, specifically galactomannan (GM), 4.2. Azoles
from bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) can also be considered when
diagnosis cannot be confirmed with serum IgG antibodies. Sensitivity of Itraconazole is the most tested of the azoles to treat aspergilloma due
GM tests on BALF ranges from 72.2% to 77.8%, and specificity ranges to its relative low cost, oral route of administration, adequate lung
from 77% to 90% [27,28]. Finally, a positive culture of Aspergillus penetration, and good activity towards Aspergillus fumigatus. [43] In an
species or a positive Aspergillus polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay open international study consisting of 42 cases of aspergilloma, treat­
from respiratory samples support the diagnosis of aspergilloma but is not ment with 50–400 mg itraconazole daily led to symptomatic improve­
sufficient on its own for diagnosis since airway colonization by Asper­ ment in 62% of cases with minor gastrointestinal side effects [44]. A
gillus species can be seen in chronic lung conditions including tuber­ multicenter clinical trial demonstrated that daily dose of 200 mg of
culosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), itraconazole for a duration of six months is effective at treating asper­
non-tuberculous mycobacteriosis, lung cancer, and interstitial lung gilloma, with a cure rate of 63.4% [45]. In a more recent prospective
disease [29]. study, Gupta et al. found patients treated with 200 mg of itraconazole
twice daily and those who received weight-based dosing had good

M. Lang et al. Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

clinical response - meaning control or decrease in hemoptysis, cough/­

expectoration, shortness of breath, and weight loss – and at least partial
radiographic improvement in 75%–85% of patients [43]. The Infectious
Disease Society of America (IDSA) recommends itraconazole at a dose of
200 mg orally every 12 h, similar to treatment of invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis, with the total duration of treatment dependent on the in­
dividual’s clinical and radiographic response [46].
Voriconazole is an alternative oral agent to itraconazole and is
indicated for treating resistant strains of Aspergillus fumigatus. It has
demonstrated efficacy against invasive pulmonary aspergillosis in a
pivotal 2002 study [47]. 144 and 133 patients with invasive pulmonary
aspergillosis were treated with voriconazole and amphotericin B,
respectively, in a large randomized, unblinded trial. 52.8% of the vor­
iconazole group had either complete or partial resolution of clinical
signs and symptoms at 12 weeks, compared to the 31.6% in the
amphotericin B group. Furthermore, the 12-week survival rate was
70.8% and 57.9% for the voriconazole and amphotericin B groups,
respectively. While this study demonstrated the effectiveness of vor­
iconazole in treating invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, a more severe
manifestation of pulmonary aspergillosis than aspergilloma, the use of
voriconazole to treat aspergilloma has only been reported in three case
reports where only 2 of the 3 patients were completely cured [48–50].
The IDSA recommends voriconazole for pulmonary aspergilloma at a
dose of 6 mg/kg IV every 12 h for one day, and 4 mg/kg IV every 12 h
thereafter; oral therapy can be 200–300 mg every 12 h [46].
Azoles have several disadvantages that preclude its use as a primary
treatment for aspergilloma. The overall efficacy of itraconazole is below
70% and has yet to be established for voriconazole. Furthermore, pro­
longed treatment duration, often more than six months, is required to
clear the infection and there have been cases of aspergilloma relapse
following the discontinuation of the antifungal [51]. Finally, due to the
delay in response, azoles are not helpful in treating patients presenting
with life-threatening hemoptysis.

5. Intracavitary instillation of antifungal medication

Direct intracavitary delivery of antifungal medication has been re­

ported since 1964 by Brouet and colleagues [52]. Direct delivery of
antifungal medication to the cavity increases aspergilloma penetration.
With modern CT guidance, catheter placement is accurate and relatively
straightforward (Fig. 2). Dynamic intravenous contrast enhancement
can also be performed to identify intervening thoracic vessels so they
can be avoided during catheter placement [53]. Most importantly, lung
function is preserved in the process of treatment, making this a good
alternative to surgery for patients with limited pulmonary reserve.
Length of hospital stay is significantly shorter for patients receiving
intracavitary instillation of amphotericin B (ICAB) than those who were
treated by surgery [54]. Furthermore, intracavitary instillation of anti­
fungals can be done on an outpatient basis.
The efficacy of intracavitary instillation amphotericin B varies be­
tween studies. Early case series on this technique by Brouet et al., Kra­
kowka et al., Shapiro et al. and Hargis et al., showed that 66.6%–100%
of patients exhibited clinical improvement such as cessation of hemop­
tysis [52,54–56]. Several case reports and series since then have further
demonstrated clinical success with ICAB [54,57–60]. Despite good
clinical outcome in most patients, radiographic clearance of the fungal
ball, however, was achieved in approximately 30% of cases. The reason
of this is unclear but may be due to: 1) delayed radiographic improve­
ment compared to clinical symptom resolution, 2) remnant mass on
imaging represents dead cells, and 3) ICAB was only able to prevent
Fig. 2. (A) Illustration demonstrating percutaneous instillation of antifungal invasion of the fungal ball into surrounding lung parenchyma rather
medication directly to the aspergilloma cavity via a pigtail catheter. (Art by the than clearance of the infection.
CCF Medical art and photography department) (B, C) Demonstration of CT- There are two large retrospective studies on ICAB treatment of
guided pigtail catheter placement within aspergilloma cavities. aspergilloma. In 1998, Giron and colleagues published the first large
cohort study consisting of 40 patients, all of whom were non-surgical
aspergilloma candidates due to poor respiratory function [61].

M. Lang et al. Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

Fig. 3. (A) Computed tomography image demonstrating pulmonary aspergilloma in the right lower lobe. (B) Digital subtraction angiogram of the left intercosto­
bronchial trunk demonstrating hyperplastic bronchial artery (arrow) with significant hypervascularity around the aspergilloma cavity.

CT-guided percutaneous injection of amphotericin B paste lead to the 7. Transbronchial removal of aspergilloma
cessation of hemoptysis in all patients [55]. The authors emphasized the
importance of using small caliber cannula for injection, complete filling Transbonchial removal of mycetoma through bronchoscopy is a
of the cavity as much as possible, and neuroleptanalgesia to prevent relatively recent technique described by Stather and colleagues [67].
coughing. The second large retrospective study published in 2013 [62] The results from the case series are promising, as 6 of the 7 treated
demonstrated that hemoptysis ceased in 85% of cases, however, recur­ patients exhibited complete resolution of the aspergilloma at 9 months
rence of severe hemoptysis occurred in 33% (6 of 18) of patients and follow-up. The technique utilizes CT scan with virtual bronchoscopy
11% (2 of 18) died during a mean follow-up period of 18 months. reconstruct for pre-procedural planning, flexible bronchoscope through
The total dose of amphotericin B required for aspergilloma clearance either a rigid bronchoscope or double-lumen endotracheal tube for ac­
is unclear; Kravitz et al. instilled 50 mg daily for 10 days, Giron et al. cess, and biopsy forceps and basket retrieval device for aspergilloma
treated the patients with 50 mg daily for at least 15 days, and Lee et al. removal. The technique, however, is impossible in patients without a
used 50 mg for 15 days [57,61,62]. The total dose of amphotericin B direct airway leading to the aspergilloma. Other disadvantages include
used in Yamada et al. ranged from 250 mg to 1085 mg [63]. The optimal the requirement of general anesthesia for the procedure and
regimen for ICAB has yet to be formally determined. post-procedural complications including hypoxemia and minor
The method is not without potential complications, including hemoptysis.
pneumothorax or subcutaneous emphysema following catheter place­ Another transbronchial technique is direct intracavitary instillation
ment, or missing the cavity containing the fungal ball during ampho­ of itraconazole through bronchoscopy. Tani et al. described the tech­
tericin B infusion [57,62]. Overall, ICAB appears to be an effective nique in a single patient who failed oral voriconazole treatment [68].
short-term treatment for symptomatic pulmonary aspergilloma in Direct instillation of itraconazole was performed a total of 9 times with
cases of oral or intravenous antifungal treatment failure. an overall dose of 715 mg. Radiographic clearance was observed by the
fourth injection and the patient was successfully treated without
6. Endobronchial instillation of antifungal medication recurrence.

Endobronchial adminstration of antifungal medication has been 8. Treatment for hemoptysis

poorly studied. Based on animal studies that demonstrated safety of
atomized amphotericin B delivered endobronchially, Ramirez reported 8.1. Bronchial artery embolization
the first series of such treatment in humans in 1964 [64]. The results
were impressive as all three patients showed marked clinical improve­ CPA can be complicated by life-threatening hemoptysis. For patients
ment and clearance of the fungal infection. Yamada et al., Guleria et al., who are poor surgical candidates or have extensive disease, bronchial
Hinerman et al., Ikemotoa et al., and Hamamoto et al. subsequently artery embolization (BAE) can be an important treatment option for
found success with endobronchial treatments with amphotericin B, ke­ short-term control of hemoptysis. In the majority of instances, hemop­
toconazole, fluconazole, and miconazole in a total of 9 patients [63,65, tysis arises from the bronchial arteries due to changes in the terminal
66]. While all patients demonstrated symptom improvement, only 6 vascular bed, but collateral or variant supply can arise from other sys­
patients had complete clearance of the fungus ball. The technique of temic arteries including intercostal, subclavian, or internal mammary
administration, however, varied across studies. Guleria et al. delivered arteries (Fig. 3) [69]. Successful embolization semi-permanently oc­
medication directly into the cavity whereas Hinerman et al. adminis­ cludes these vessels, thereby stopping the hemorrhage. Immediate
tered the antifungal at the mainstem bronchus; Ikemoto et al. delivered clinical success, defined by cessation of hemoptysis, is attainable in
endobronchial instillation through tracheal puncture. Furthermore, the 73%–99% of patient with a variety of lung pathologies ranging from
dose of antifungal medication required as well as the duration of treat­ tuberculosis to malignancy [69,70]. Recurrence of hemoptysis, howev­
ment remains to be established. er, occur in 10–55% of cases.
Compared to percutaneous intracavitary instillation of antifungals, Studies on the outcome of BAE in aspergilloma are sparse. He et al.
the endobronchial technique allows for frequent inspection for local reported that BAE was effective at treating massive hemoptysis in 84%
adverse effect or progression of the disease, and avoids the risk for (21 of 25) of patients with pulmonary aspergilloma [71]. Beomsu and
pneumothorax secondary to percutaneous needle puncture. However, colleagues reported immediate success of the procedure in 64% of pa­
the drug delivery to the cavitary is less precise with the endobronchial tients with CPA and 67% of patients with simple aspergilloma [72].
method, which may require longer treatment duration. Discomfort from Unfortunately, 55% of patients with CPA and 33% patients with simple
repeated bronchoscopy may also make this option less attractive. aspergilloma experienced recurrence of hemoptysis. Interestingly, two
cases of aspergilloma managed initially with BAE for massive

M. Lang et al. Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

hemoptysis had disappearance of the fungal ball on radiographic images

2 weeks after treatment [73]. Such positive response to BAE is extremely
rare and embolization as a method to eradicate the aspergilloma cannot
be generalized. Nonetheless, BAE appears to be a safe and effective
procedure for the acute management of life-threatening hemoptysis in
patients with pulmonary aspergillosis.

8.2. Radiotherapy

When BAE is not successful at managing hemoptysis in patients who

are poor surgical candidates, radiotherapy may be considered. Radio­
therapy leads to occlusion of the vessels that line the aspergilloma cavity
without affecting the growth of the fungus. Early effects of radiation on
small vessels include swelling, necrosis, and compression by peri­
vascular edema [74]. Eventually, perivascular and vessel fibrosis
completely occludes the circulation.
The current knowledge on radiotherapy for hemoptysis secondary to
aspergilloma is lacking, with only 8 cases reported in literature by
Shneerson et al., Falkson et al., Glover et al., and Samuelian et al.
[74–77] In all reported cases, hemoptysis was successfully treated
without any signs of toxicity and morbidity up to 6 months
post-treatment. Long-term outcomes of these patients were not avail­
Fig. 4. CT-guided radiofrequency ablation in a case of pulmonary able. There is no consensus on the radiation dose that should be deliv­
aspergilloma. ered for treatment. The most recent report by Samuelian et al. suggested
3.5 Gy per fraction weekly and continuing for 1 fraction after cessation
of hemoptysis [75]. Currently, it remains a second-line option to BAE to
treat hemoptysis secondary to pulmonary aspergilloma. Further studies

Fig. 5. Proposed treatment algorithm for patients with pulmonary aspergilloma.

M. Lang et al. Respiratory Medicine 164 (2020) 105903

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We would like to thank Amanda Mendelsohn, medical illustrator at [32] A. Brik, A.M. Salem, A.R. Kamal, et al., Surgical outcome of pulmonary
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