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Excellent-4 Good-3 Fair-2 Needs

Delivery Holds attention Holds attention Holds little Holds almost no
of interviewer; of interviewer attention of attention of
makes eye- most of the interviewer; interviewer;
contact; no time; usually makes nearly no makes no eye-
looking at notes. makes eye- eye-contact; contact; looking
Speaks fluently contact; little looking at notes at notes, always.
and clearly. looking at notes. very often. Speaks with no
Speaks mostly Speaks with little fluently and
fluently and fluently and clearliness.
clearly. clearliness.
Content/ Full knowledge Very good More or less Nearly no
organization to answer knowledge to shows knowledge to
questions in an answer knowledge to answer
elaborate questions in an answer questions
manner. elaborate questions in a understandably
manner. full manner. and in full.
Enthusiasm/ Demonstrates a Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates no
Audience positive attitude pretty much a little positive positive attitude
awareness and enthusiasm. positive attitude attitude and nor enthusiasm.
Shows self- and enthusiasm. enthusiasm. Has no self-
reliance. Shows self- Shows a low self- reliance.
reliance most of reliance.
the time.
Adapted from: ReadWriteThink.

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