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01. asking : may I speak to Mr. Henry Rodrig?

giving/respon : i'm afraid he's out of town

02. asking : may I know what this is about?

giving/respon : actually, our newspaper contacted Mr. Rodriguez last week for an interview

03. asking : Do you mind if i ask your name?

giving/respon : it's Lisa Rodriguez, i'm his daughter

04. asking : do you think i can get hold of him soon

giving/respon : well, you're lucky l, Dad's going to return home at about 8-9 tonight

05. asking : can i take your number?

giving/ respon : sure! it's 987 654 321

06. asking : could i possibly come to the mansion tomorrow?

asking : can i request you to ask him for an appoinment to my behalf?

giving/respon : not a problem. i'll do that

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