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A Comparative Analysis of Local Governance Performance in

Paracale, Camarines Norte: Input to LGU Improvement Plan

A Thesis Presented to the 

Faculty of the College of Arts and Sciences

University of Nueva Caceres

In Partial Fulfillment 

Of the Requirements for the Degree


John Eric Salen

May 2023



The Philippines is an archipelago which comprises

7,641 islands, 2,000 of which are inhabited while more than

5,000 are yet to be officially named. Among the hardships

that are being faced by archipelagic countries are the

challenging physical environment itself, the uneven

distribution of economic activities, uneven living

standards and challenging center-region relations

(Balisacan et. al, 2006). With these issues in mind, the

Philippine government responded by integrating the Local

Government Code in its political framework through a system

of decentralization, thereby empowering the local

governments and their capability for local governance.

With the enactment of the Local Government Code, local

governments around the country such as provincial and

municipal governments as well as the barangays were somehow

given some form of autonomy in the conduct of their

mandate. However, in the case of the barangays, some of

them continue to struggle as they are not equipped to

sustain programs, plans and policies for their development

28mainly due to lack of financial resources (Qichun &

Shufang, 2016). As an effect, the quality of local

governance that they are providing for their constituents

is also diminished.

Barangay Macolabo is one instance of a barangay that

is struggling as they are only allocated an amount of

2,377,933 pesos for the Fiscal Year of 2023. With a daily

average budget of almost 6,500 pesos, added by the expenses

for the operation of the barangay, the honorarium of the

Barangay Officials, Treasurer and Secretary, the Barangay

Tanods and the Barangay Health Workers, a clear picture

could already be seen as to their struggle in their

deliverance of public service due to financial constraints.

Through this research, a general view of local

governance in the Municipality of Paracale will be

provided. By examining the local governance characteristics

of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Macolabo through the lens

of the leadership and the constituents, a Barangay

Improvement Plan will be conceptualized to address the

lapses in the conduct of local governance of Barangay

Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo. With this, a better

understanding of local governments and their conduct of

governance will be attained that could translate into more

effective and calibrated programs from the national and

provincial government. Also, a comparative study conducted

in the barangay level could be beneficial in bridging the

gap in literature relating to the study of local


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the similarities and

differences between the local governance in Barangay

Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo. Specifically, this

study intends to answer the following questions:

1. What are the local governance characteristics of

Barangay Macolabo and Poblacion Norte in terms of:

a. Livelihood

b. Education

c. Peace and Order

d. Infrastructure

e. Financial Administration

2. What Barangay Improvement Plan can be proposed for

the underdeveloped Barangays in Paracale?

Scope and Delimitation

The scope and main focus of the study is to develop a

Barangay Improvement Plan by delving in the similarities

and differences in the following areas of local governance

of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo:

1)Livelihood, 2) Education, 3) Peace and Order, 4)

Infrastructure and 5) Financial Administration.

The target population of the study is composed of the

Barangay Officials of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Macolabo

that head the committees that handle the areas of local

governance being studied. The perspective of these Barangay

Officials will play a pivotal role in providing a point of

view internally as to the operations of their respective

barangays in the conduct of governance. However, to avoid

bias on the part of the Barangay Officials, a pair of the

longest living constituents in every Purok together with

every Purok Presidents in Barangay Poblacion Norte and

Macolabo will also be included in the conduct of the study.

Additionally, the Municipal Mayor and the MLGOO of Paracale

will aid in triangulating the data provided by the Barangay

Officials and the constituents and in providing their

respective inputs in the creation of the Barangay

Improvement Plan.

The study deliberately excluded the other barangays in

the Municipality of Paracale due to practicality and

feasibility reasons. Also, geographic considerations were

also taken into account since Barangay Macolabo is an

island an hour away from the town center and Barangay

Poblacion Norte is only located in downtown Paracale.

Despite the exclusion of other barangays, the researcher

hopes that the Barangay Improvement Plan could be

replicated or implemented in the other barangays in the

Municipality of Paracale.

The study will be conducted from June 2022 to March

2023 in Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo in

Paracale, Camarines Norte.

Theoretical Framework

Concentric Zone Theory (Burgess, 1920) is one of the

earliest theories to explain urban social structures that

argued that social structures extend from one central

business area. It shows the correlation between

socioeconomic status and the distance from the central

business district as depicted through concentric circles

that shows that as the circles goes further away from the

center, it equates to poor socioeconomic status. The main

concept of this theory is applicable in the stead of

Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo. Barangay

Poblacion Norte is located near the central business

district in downtown Paracale. Therefore, it can be deduced

that the socioeconomic status in the said Barangay is much

better than of Barangay Macolabo which is located an hour

away from the central business district via boat.

Systems theory (Easton, 1953) conceived the political

system as integrating all activities through which social

policy is formulated and executed, pointing out that the

political system itself is the policy-making process. It

highlights a “conversion” process in which the environment

generates demands and support which serves as the input

that will pass through the political system, thereby

producing decisions that will act as the output. Feedback

is expected which is either negative or positive. This

theory can be contextualized in the case of Barangay

Poblacion Norte and Macolabo because the same process as

illustrated by Easton is the same process currently being

observed or experienced by both barangays in their

policy-making process. In general, this affects the

deliverance of services of Barangay Poblacion Norte and

Barangay Macolabo in the areas of local governance being

studied that shapes the characteristics of the same.

Through Governance and Good Governance: A New

Framework for Political Analysis by Yu Keping (2017), the

author laid out what are the fundamental differences

between government and governance. Additionally, a summary

of the perspectives on good governance were identified

namely: 1) Legitimacy, 2) Transparency, 3) Accountability,

4) Rule of law, 5) Responsiveness and 6) Effectiveness.

This framework which can trace its roots way back from 1990

focuses mainly on the area of public administration. It is

also the area of good local governance in the public

administration domain wherein the Department of Interior

and Local Government’s thrust is focused on since the

conception of their Seal of Good Local Governance. In

conclusion, the framework as provided by Keping (2017), can

be reflected in the current study since it is also a

framework very similar to that of the DILG and is a

framework aligned with the conduct of local governance in

the provincial, municipal and barangay level. If this is

the case, it will affect the local governance

characteristics of a local government unit.


Figure 1. Theoretical Framework

Conceptual Framework

This study will dwell on the local governance

characteristics of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Macolabo to aid

in the conception of a Barangay Improvement Plan addressing the

determined lapses in the conduct of governance in both


As depicted in the paradigm, the independent variables

are the Barangay Officials, the constituents, the Municipal

Mayor and the MLGOO-designate in LGU - Paracale. The Barangay

Officials and the constituents will be providing their input as

to the local governance characteristics of their respective

barangays. Meanwhile, the Municipal Mayor and the

MLGOO-designate of the LGU concern will provide their

professional opinions on how the Barangay Improvement Plan will

be formulated. The dependent variable in the study is the Impact

of Local Governance to Development in the barangay level since

after the conduct of the study, this will be the main theme that

will be evident in the results.


1. A good quality of local governance can be the main

factor in the general development of barangays in


2. Geography aids in the development or underdevelopment

of a barangay.

Definition of Terms

This section tackles the different terminology used in

the chapter for a better understanding of the study.

Local government. Local government can be described as

some government bodies elected by the people that have

administrative, legislative and executive functions on the

territories under their jurisdiction. It is defined as an

authority that decides or determines certain measures

within a given territory (Ndreu, 2016).

Local governance. Governance or management of local

affairs by the people as part of that community (Ndreu,


Local governance is considered as

a system and function whereby different actors get together

for discussing the contemporary and future plans, elect

their representatives, and take decisions collectively

(Chaudhary, 2019).

Development. A comprehensive societal process to move

the underdeveloped nations from their state of economic

backwardness and slow sociocultural change to a dynamic

state characterized by sustained economic growth and

sociocultural and political transformation that improves

the quality of life of all members of society (Rabie,


Good governance. The public administration process

that maximizes public interest (Keping, 2017).


Balisacan, A. M., Hill, H., & Piza, S. A. (2006). An

Overview: The Philippines and Regional Development.

Zhang, Q., & Li, S. (2016, December 6). Key Issues of

Central and Local Government Finance in the People's
Republic of China.

Reza, B. (2019). Concentric Zone Theory. 1-6.

Hanumanthappa, D. G. (2023). “An Overview of David

Easton and the Political System”. International Journal of
Political Science (IJPS) , 9(1), 14-16.

Keping, Y. Governance and Good Governance: A New

Framework for Political Analysis. Fudan J. Hum. Soc. Sci.
11, 1–8 (2018).


LOCAL GOVERNANCE. Social and Natural Sciences Journal,
10(1), 8.
Chaudhary, D. (2019). The Decentralization, Devolution
and Local Governance Practices in Nepal: The Emerging
Challenges and Concerns. Journal of Political Science, 19,

Rabie, M. (2016). Meaning of Development. In: A Theory

of Sustainable Sociocultural and Economic Development.
Palgrave Macmillan, New York.



This part presents a review of related literature and studies to

the current study. This section will also provide an overview of

the current understanding regarding the study of local


Related Literature

According to Banogon (2019), the success of every

government’s program or policy depends on the quality of

governance. He introduced the connection of the notion of

governance with the three interrelated spheres namely:

democracy, transparency and accountability. The article also

reiterated the significance of good governance in the

decision-making process to manage government resources properly

and to deliver programs efficiently for the interest and welfare

of the citizens.

Matildo (2022) highlighted the important role of good local

governance through the local government units in the country’s

development. He further emphasized the role of rural community

authorities which are the barangays in acting as a bridge

between the government and the populace as they are essential to

the performance of state duties as well as democratic and

deliberative governance and citizen participation.

As emphasized by Marques (2013), good governance is

essential to achieve success at the local level. He argued that

‘governance’ embraces the capacity of a state to function

effectively, and promote society's welfare and to deliver public

services through the exercise of political power. Therefore,

local governance is crucial for local development, delivery of

social, and public services. In spite of this, the local level

is still facing numerous problems despite the devolution of


Ridzuan et al. (2021) also concluded through their research

that good governance practices are required to keep the public

informed about policy, increase participation opportunities and

resource allocation efficiency in both the public and private

sectors, reduce corruption and unethical practices. It also

boosts government stability, consensus, and trust. Another

conclusion reached by the study is that good governance

practices increase citizens' trust in the government, especially

the local governments, as trust is one of the fundamental

pillars upon which justice and political systems are built. Poor

governance practices being amplified by corruption also erode

citizens' trust. All of this has a cumulative effect on the

capacity of social or civil institutions to function for the

common good and to deliver services that the people deserve.

In an Ethiopia-based study conducted by Beshi & Kaur

(2020), it was concluded that good governance through the

perceived transparency, accountability and responsiveness aids

dramatically in building the trust of the people towards the

government. The researchers highlighted the paramount importance

of transparency as it provides the citizen a picture of what

they are actually doing, which would then translate to a growing

trust from them. On the other hand, when the government

practices accountability in the process of their policy-making

process and implementation, it gives off an impression to the

citizens that they are responsible for their deeds, thereby

increasing trust. Lastly, the citizens need to be governed in a

fair manner and seek the appropriate answer to their questions.

Responding to this, thus, is assumed to be an integral part of

the practice of good governance.

Related Studies

Among the notable studies linking good governance to the

competency of the barangay officials is the study of Caldo

(2015). By assessing the competency measures of Barangay

Officials in Barangay San Jose, Santo Tomas, Batangas, the

findings showed that the Punong Barangay and the Sangguniang

Barangay Members had strong belief that they are competent

enough in the performance of their duties and functions.

However, according to selected residents in the said barangay,

they are not certain as to the competency of the said Barangay

Officials. Finally, the research showed that Barangay Santo

Tomas was yet to institutionalize the existing competency

measurement tool provided by the Interior Department.

Amoroso et al. (2020), through their Descriptive- Survey,

was able to assess the Local Good Governance Index of Barangay

Abucayan in Goa, Camarines Sur. This similar study yielded

results regarding the number of ordinances and its impact on the

governance of the barangay. It showed that the inadequacy in the

number of ordinances in the barangay does not equate to bad

governance but reflects on the technical and writing skills of

Barangay Secretaries in the barangays. Another interesting data

in the study is the observed notion of socialization or

pakikisama on the part of the constituents when asked whether

their officials practice good governance, most of the

constituents answered that they observe its practice. However,

the officials themselves contradicted by responding that they

sometimes lack dedication and responsibility in implementing


In the study of Nishimura (2018), entitled A Local

Governance Survey in the Philippines: Mayor Version, the

researcher asked about the mayor’s opinion regarding local

governance. The notion of good local governance according to the

majority of the respondents is to implement projects with lower

cost and faster speed. The others responded that their idea of

good local governance is to satisfy as much as the widest range

of constituents regardless of the cost and speed of project

implementation. The mayors were also asked about what is the

most important element for good governance. 221 of them answered

“Strong political will of the chief executive” while 206

prioritized the activation of the people’s participation and 108

opted for the enhancement of the capability of the LGU.

A similar study was also conducted by Monocay & Mejica

(2020) in a highly urbanized city in the Province of Negros

Oriental which a recipient of the Seal of Good Local Governemt

(SGLG) Award. Findings reflected that the selected barangays

showcased high levels of performance in the areas of social

service, peace and order, disaster and environment management.

However, when grouped according to income and population, the

participating barangays have a high level of governance

performance except in the area of environment management, which

yielded that the low income and least populated have an average

level of governance performance. The data also showed a

significant difference in the level of governance performance in

the areas of social service, disaster management, and

environment management when grouped according to income

and population.

A localized and related study in the Bicol Region was also

conducted by Floranza (2021) specifically in the Province of

Catanduanes . The study revealed that the barangay captains are

relatively capable in handling the affairs of their barangays.

However, according to the Barangay Kagawads, Secretaries and

Treasurers, this capability is strained by the two factors: 1)

Non-cooperation of the residents or the constituents themselves

and the 2) non-cooperation of the Barangay Kagawads. The study

came up with the recommendations of enhancing the capability of

the barangays in governance through programs and seminars as

well as intensifying the monitoring and assessment of their

barangay performance to awaken their awareness towards their

duties and functions.


Determining the local governance characteristics of a

barangay plays a huge role in ascertaining how that certain

barangay operates and whether it exercises good local governance

in the conduct of their mandate. In the study of Banogon (2019),

he emphasized how significant good governance is in the

decision-making process to manage government resources properly

and to deliver programs efficiently for the interest and welfare

of the citizens. Matildo (2022) and Marques (2013), on the same

note, explained through their study the importance of having

good local governance at the local level since the barangay

serves as a bridge between the national government and the

populace. Their study also talked about how huge of an

assistance are the barangays in the governance of authorities at

the provincial and national level. Beshi & Kaur (2020), together

with Rizduan (2021) also put emphasis on the importance of good

local governance and the conduct of its good practices. However,

they had put another positive impact of good governance aside

from development which is the trust of the people in the

government. Once trust is present among the community, according

to them, everything will fall in place.

A study as localized as this will be very helpful in

providing additional information in the area of local

governance. Through studying local governance characteristics,

local governments can determine their strengths, weaknesses, the

lapses in the conduct of their governance and the areas upon

which they can improve on. The research of Caldo (2015) could be

beneficial in the study as it talked about the competency of

Barangay Officials and a measurement tool in determining such.

Its findings and recommendations can be replicated in this study

but the focus would be on the competence of Barangay Officials

in their duties in functions in the specific areas of local

governance being studied. The international study of Nishimura

(2018), although it focused on the mayors in various local

government units around the Philippines, can also be recreated

in the barangay level. By knowing how Barangay Captains or

officials depict the meaning of good local governance, this can

give a semblance on how they operate as a local government unit

and provide details as to the local governance characteristics

of their barangay. Finally, Monocay & Mejica (2020)conluded in

their study that several local government units perform in

almost every aspect being considered by the DILG in awarding the

Seal of Good Local Governance when they are grouped in income

and population, this findings could be a good point of

comparison as Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo are

on opposite poles in terms of population and income. Barangay

Poblacion Norte has a much higher income and population while

Barangay Macolabo is in contrast.


Banogon, M. (2019). The Practice of Good Governance in the

Two Cities of Negros Oriental, Philippines. Journal of Public

Affairs and Development, 6, 89-115. ISSN 2718-9228

Matildo, E. L. (2022). The Service Delivery of Local

Government Officials in a Philippine Rural Community. European

Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences: Proceedings,

11(4), 361-369.

Marques, E. (2013). The government, political actors, and

governance in urban policies in Brazil and São Paulo: concepts

for a future research agenda. Brazilian Political Science

Review, 7(3), 8-35.

Ridzuan, M. R., Abd Rahman, N. A., Kong, L. K., Ju, S. Y., &

Yaacob, N. A. (2021). Exploring The Effects of Good Local Governance

on Citizens' Trust in Malaysia. Journal of Administrative Science,

18(2), 144-149.

Beshi, T.D., Kaur, R. Public Trust in Local Government:

Explaining the Role of Good Governance Practices. Public Organiz

Rev 20, 337–350 (2020).

Caldo, R. (2015). Assessment of Competency Measures of

Barangay Council in San Jose, Sto.Tomas, Batangas. DLSU Research

Congress 2015.


Amoroso, S., Abay, J., & Magat, M. (2020). Assessing the

Local Good Governance Index of Barangay Abucayan, Goa, Camarines

Sur: A Descriptive-Survey. Southeast Asian Journal of Science

and Technology, 5(1). Retrieved from

Nishimura, K. (2018). A Local Governance Survey in the

Philippines: Mayor Version. IDE-JETRO.


Monocay, M. D., & Mejica, M. N. A. (2020). The Governance

Performance of Selected Barangays in Highly Urbanized City.

Philippine Social Science Journal, 3(2), 149-150.

Floranza, Jaymund. (2021). Barangay Governance in Northeast

of Catanduanes, Philippines: Basis for Catanduanes State

University Panganiban Campus Extension Program. 2. 100-123.




This chapter highlights the methodology and research

design employed in the study, the research participants,

including data analysis and the techniques used in

interpreting the data gathered.

Research Design

A qualitative approach in the conduct of the study

will be implemented for a more flexible understanding of

the area of research, a comparative method of inquiry,


According to Mohajan (2018), qualitative research is a

form of social action that stresses on the way people

interpret, and make sense of their experiences to

understand the social reality of individuals. As to its

characteristics, Levitt et al., (2017) described

qualitative research as inductive in nature, and the

researcher generally explores meanings and insights in a

given situation. Gopaldas (2016) further tackled its

contents by referring to it as a range of data collection

and analysis techniques that use purposive sampling and

semi-structured, open-ended interviews.

Research Participants

The participants of the study are the following: 1)

Barangay Officials of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Macolabo

that chairs the committees governing Livelihood, Education,

Peace and Order, Infrastructure and Financial

Administration in the Barangay, 2) Purok Presidents in

Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay Macolabo, 3) the 2

longest living constituents in every Purok in Barangay

Poblacion Norte and Macolabo, 4) the Municipal Mayor of

Paracale, and lastly, the 5) MLGOO designate in

LGU-Paracale. A purposive sampling technique will be

employed to easily pinpoint the participants possessing the

necessary characteristics and experiences for a better

turnout and understanding of the data.

Research Locale

Poblacion Norte is a rural barangay located in the

heart of Paracale, Camarines Norte with 4,001 residents

according to the 2020 Census. On the other hand, Barangay

Macolabo is a rural and an island barangay situated an hour

away from downtown Paracale via boat. According to the 2020

Census, it houses 860 individuals.

Data Gathering Tools and Procedure

This study will utilize research-completed and

subject-completed instruments in the form of an interview guide

and questionnaire.

An unstructured interview guide will be formulated to

determine the respondent’s perspectives on the local governance

characteristics of Barangay Poblacion Norte and Barangay

Macolabo. An unstructured questionnaire will also be provided

for the Municipal Mayor and the MLGOO of Paracale to aid in the

creation of a Barangay Improvement Plan. All data gathering

procedures will be done face-to-face.

First, the researcher will coordinate with the intended

participants regarding their willingness to participate in the

conduct of the study. Once the consent of the participants is

secured, a demographic analysis will be conducted to lay a

foundation of understanding regarding the characteristics of the

respondents for a smooth process of data collection. Once due

diligence is done and the rights of the respondents are well

explained as well as their ethical considerations, data

collection will commence.

Data Analysis Techniques

Generally, as a comparative study, the researcher will

utilize various comparative methods to examine and identify

common themes, ideas and patterns that will constantly appear on

the information and data that will be provided by the

participants in the study.

To get a more clear picture of the situation on the

ground, a narrative analysis approach will be used to

further interpret the core narratives of the participants.

After the collation of the data from the perspective of the

participants, thematic analysis will then be employed to

locate emerging themes and patterns for a refined view of

the data from the narratives of the participants.


Mohajan, H. (2018). Qualitative Research Methodology in

Social Sciences and Related Subjects. Journal of Economic

Development, Environment and People, 7(1), 23-48.

Levitt, H. M., Motulsky, S. L., Wertz, F. J., Morrow, S.

L., & Ponterotto, J. G. (2017). Recommendations for

Designing and Reviewing Qualitative Research in Psychology:

Promoting Methodological Integrity. Qualitative Psychology,

4(1), 2–22.

Gopaldas, A. (2016). A Front-to-back Guide to Writing a

Qualitative Research Article, Qualitative Market Research:

An International Journal, 19(1), 115–121.


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