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blue land poems


Created Date: 2023-07-21T23:39:04.951687+00:00

Language: en

In the eyes of many am so perfect

Unreal that am a doll

A doll with everything that she ever wanted

Any Man who see me see a wife

I should be happy they think

They act so nice to me

if I didn't see

The mirror reflecting the reflection

I would be fooled because

I to reflect a reflection.

Everyday the mirror becomes hollower

That the real people vanish unable to

Reflect the truth ✨. All that is seen is an image.

what is true love (part 1 of true love)

Created Date: 2023-07-17T22:47:15.146085+00:00

Language: en

What is true love?

Is it what is shown In fairy tails ?

Is true love what you look for or u get? Maybe it is an illusion ?

Is it a sacrifice?

A gift?

It is what my parents have?

A curse ?

What I have?

Was ist es ?....

rejoice to a kind Lord

Created Date: 2023-06-16T05:17:55.429894+00:00

Language: en

Rejoice rejoice rejoice I tell you

For the living lord is kind and true

For he send the true the way and the life

To set us free the devil may try but I tell u

I shall bow to the the one and true Lord of Israel so I tell you rejoice rejoice rejoice to the the true king of heaven above.r
good shepherd ὁ

Created Date: 2023-06-10T15:39:43.314994+00:00

Language: en

In those times they asked who he was?

He said he was a Shepherd . what kind of shepherd ? He said a good shepherd. But the evil thief who sot for the destration for the goods shepherd's sheep. He
made some sheep astray .in his Quest to save his sheep he had to go .the evil thief rejoice think the sheep had no shepherd but when the shepherd come back
the evil thief lost his power . Do u believe in the the good shepherd.

rhythm of time ὕ

Created Date: 2023-05-22T20:30:05.602605+00:00

Language: en

I know am so busy that I forgot time has passed,

I remember the old days that when I didn't see you my heart felt empty we completed each other but know it is like I last saw you a year ago.

When we were together we would talk for hours but now I barely remember your voice.

It was us against the world but it was all in our heads however it was a beautiful delusion.

I think at point of my life I fall for you but would never had told you because I was happy I found You because I knew you will never feel the same way.

Anyway that is all the rhythm of


is it me or you

Created Date: 2023-05-09T23:12:01.553749+00:00

Language: en

I don't know if it's me or you

but my heart plays a Melody about you please stay away don't get near me

because when you're next to me I get nervous stay away stay away but when you are away I get so lonely what have you done to me I'm becoming mad
because of you what is this feeling that I feel why does it make my heart race as if I'm competing for a marathon why? why do I feel this way I'm going mad and
is it because of you or me?

broken hope

Created Date: 2023-04-22T00:21:07.779842+00:00

Language: en

In a broken town they is a

Broken home .in this

Broken home they is a

Broken this

Broken family they is a

Broken soul .in this

Broken soul they is a

Broken heart .in this

Broken hope .this

Broken hope used to be

Hope in a hopefully heart

In a hopefully soul in a

Hopefully family in a

Hopefully home in a

Hopefully town but

This hope was broken.


Created Date: 2023-04-13T19:25:26.585671+00:00

Language: en

If the girl in me showed herself

People will ask "why you crying?"

are you hurt because in reality

She couldn't fit in

she couldn't fight

She never got a love confession cuz she was a loser

But even though all that the girl outside liked to smile

She understood even in the world rejects her

Someone love her who gave it all away for her

She understood kindness will never be given back with kindness but she still is kind

Hoping one day the world will see they won't hurt her again

She's 18 and soon she'll be 50 this world won't stop her from aging because it will never hurt her again because she learn to love and that is what matters

She understands because she learnt from the greatest book written by Man given to the world that we all have freedom so we can do what we want as long as
you understand that every choice has a consequence so choose wisely....

what is ....

Created Date: 2023-04-09T19:08:30.224559+00:00

Language: en

what is love

what is kindness

what is peace

what is fun

is love only positive if it benefits you not the one that loves you

is kindness only to prove yourself

is peace only when you leave those who care about you

is fun only when you risk it all

what is ......?

only you understand is ὠ

when you say you love me

Created Date: 2023-04-08T17:02:09.846663+00:00

Language: en

when you say you love me

can you undo my tears

when you say you love me

can you make me smile again

when you say you love me

can you love again

when you say you love me

can you make me see light again

when you say you love me

can you send all the evil in my life away

when you say you love me

will u forgive me for making you wait

lost ⭐ star

Created Date: 2023-04-07T16:15:50.317282+00:00

Language: en

a star in the blue sky

that shine so bright

day after day

people will never appreciate it

but when it becomes dark

they all seem to care even though

they never saw its value but it is to late

because the the bright star is gone of good

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