Interior and Fashion Design Unit 4 Text Questions

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1. Could you still use your sewing machine if your feed dogs were not

functioning?Why or why not?


2. Where do you put a threaded bobbin and where does the thread from

the bobbin go when the machine is in use?

The bobbin goes in the space under the needle. You then secure it in. Then
you have to wrap the thread around the side of said space. Then, when you
turn on the machine, it automatically raises up and threads through the fabric
along with the main thread.

3. Why are thread guides important?

Thread guides are important because they are the hooks and loops made of metal
that are used to guide the upper thread in the machine. This helps the thread to feed
smoothly through the sewing machine.

4. If you were going to make a curtain for a window that was two and a

half feet wide and three and a half feet high, what size would your piece

of fabric need to be? Add a half foot to both the length and the width to

account for seams and give your answer in yards.

If I were going to make a curtain for a window that was two and a half feet

wide and three and a half feet high, my piece of fabric would have to be 3ft

wide and 4ft high or 1 yard wide and 1 ⅓ yards high.

5. How has the Internet changed the design industry?

Because of the internet, a lot of tutorials exist that make it simple for anyone

who is interested in the design industry to immerse themselves into the

subject. Technology has also created things like self-sewing machines,

making the job of the individuals sewing a whole lot easier and less time

consuming. The internet has also greatly influenced the trends in the design

industry as well.

6. Think of a new use for one of the man-made fabrics that has been

invented in the past 25 years. How will this new use change fashion?

I think using the fabric made out of pineapple waste to make a vegan leather

coat will be very useful. Not only would it attract the attention of vegans and

animal activists, I think it will also be warm and have a huge sustainability

impact on the fashion industry, since leather coats are coming back.

7. Choose either the fashion or design industry and explain how you think

the baby boomers, those born right after World War II, will change the

industry as they transition from later-middle age to senior citizens.

Explain the reasons for your answer.

I think Baby Boomers can have an impact on the fashion industry as they age

by making clothing more comfortable. I’m sure many older folks want to stay

in style now with the younger generations, so, companies might start making

all of their clothing more comfortable or making more comfortable and

versatile versions of their designs, in order to attract the attention and

business of the Baby Boomers.

8. Do you think that the explosion of shows about design have helped or

hurt those in the industry?

I think the explosion of shows about design has helped those in the industry.

Not only has it been able to inspire and create a new generation of designers,

but it has helped bring newer and more creative ideas to the design industry.

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