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Information Literacy Project

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Information Literacy Project


In this information literacy project, I chose to write about the nursing career. Nursing

refers to the profession of taking care of the sick or unwell, be it an individual or a community. I

chose nursing because of various reasons. The most important reason is that I am, by nature, a

compassionate person who wants to make a difference. I believe a nursing career can give me the

opportunity to make a real difference because of the nature of the profession. Nurses save lives

daily. They are at the front line in responding to health emergencies, monitoring patients and

educating society through public health programs. Working to save and preserve life is my

passion. Another reason is the presence of diversification in the career. The career gives an

opportunity to specialize in different categories such as neonatal practitioner, working with

infants, anesthesiology, among many others. This work outlines various components of the

nursing career and how it applies to anatomy and physiology.

Job Duties of a Nurse

There are different job duties in the nursing profession, depending on the area of

specification. A registered nurse (RN) works together with a team of physicians to provide basic

patient care. Registered nurses also educate the patients, family and public about various health

issues and provide emotional support to patients and their families. A cardiac nurse helps with

surgical procedures in theatres. A Certified Registered Anesthetist is a highly trained nurse who

helps with anaesthesia during surgery. Clinical Nurse Specialists are often leaders in nursing.

They educate other nurses and perform basic patient care, along with other nurses. Critical Care

Nurses are almost similar to Registered Nurses, but their duties are mostly to respond to

emergencies. They treat wounds and monitor life support machines in emergency situations.

Family Nurses perform duties such as diagnosis and medical prescription. Other nursing duties

include educating patients, pediatric care, physical examination and midwife duties.

Availability of Opportunities

The nursing career has many job opportunities. According to Haddad, a large population

of nearly one million nurses are aged 50 and above. This means that in 10-15 years, there will be

an even greater need for nurses (Haddad et al., 2020). An article in the US Times reported that

the US Bureau of Labor Statistics forecasts that up to 2022, nursing will be the field with the

most job opportunities and that 11million nurses are needed to curb the shortage (Haddad et al.,

2020). Therefore, it is clear that there are many job opportunities in the nursing career.

Nursing Educational Requirements and Special Certifications Needed

Formal education is an absolute requirement for this field. A bachelor’s degree is needed

to be a registered nurse and nearly all other nursing categories. There are few that require an

Associate’s Degree, and some require an advance degree. Therefore, the education qualifications

also vary depending on the type of nurse. However, an individual who has enrolled in the

Bachelor of Science Degree program is given more consideration and responsibilities because of

the high level of training. At the end of the training, a national nursing licensure examination

(NCLEX) is undertaken to give the nurse a state license. The Bachelor’s Degree of Science in

Nursing, alongside the nursing license, is a useful certification needed in the nursing profession.

Job Outlook

Career growth refers to the process of expansion in the job capacity of a profession.

Nursing is a growing career field. According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the nursing

career is growing at a high rate. The growth rate of this field is currently at 19%, which is higher

than the growth rates of other professions (Auerbach et al., 2019). More opportunities are also yet

to be open due to the fact that a large population of nurses are hitting their retirement age. The

growth of the nursing population is projected to increase come the year 2022. This projection is

attributed to the current baby boom expected to live longer, thus creating the need for nursing

care. Due to the rapid increase in lifestyle diseases, it is expected that the number of patients who

will need nursing care will increase. This is going to broaden the nursing profession field even

more. Reforms in the health sector is also a contributing factor in the increase in the nursing

field. Before, nurses were restricted. They were not allowed to take part in leadership and health

policymaking. However, policy reconstruction has paved the way for nurses to take space in

leadership and policy formation. This has made nursing to become one of the most sought-after

jobs with an increasing field. Technology advancement in the profession has also contributed to

giving nursing a growing field. According to (Hart 2019), the holistic nursing approach, which

aims at satisfying the wholeness of an individual, has also contributed to the rapid growth of the


How Nursing Applies to Anatomy and Physiology

Anatomy and Physiology is a course that deals with the structure and functions of various

parts of the body. This course is mandatory for anyone pursuing a medical course. Learning

about the reproductive, cardiovascular, lymphatic and skeletal system, among many other

systems of the body, equips learners with the necessary knowledge to understand the human

body. In nursing, this course is relevant in that it helps the nurse to understand how to take care

of a patient. In the restoration of health, it is important to keep the body in a balanced state. The

nurse applies anatomy and physiology knowledge to establish the presence of balance in a

patient’s body and rectify where possible. The nurses need to have knowledge of how a normal

body functions so that when the conditions of their patients change, they know why and how to

correct it. (Brown & Power, 2017) insist on the importance of the anatomy and physiology

course in equipping nurses with the knowledge to take care of their patients. In simple terms, a

nurse should be equipped with anatomy and physiology knowledge to relate human anatomy

knowledge to the maintenance of health and general body functions.


The nursing profession is a good profession worth practicing. The career has a growing

field with many opportunities that await grabbing. The duties, which are mainly to be a source of

help to the unwell, are noble. The qualifications needed for the job are relatively low compared

to other professions. Another advantage of nursing is that it is broad and full of variety. An

individual has the right to choose his/ her area of specialization. These are some of the reasons

why I chose to write about nursing.



Auerbach, D. I., Buerhaus, P. I., & Staiger, D. O. (2011). Registered nurse supply grows faster

than projected amid surge in new entrants ages 23–26. Health affairs, 30(12), 2286-2292.

Brown, S. J., White, S., & Power, N. (2017). Introductory anatomy and physiology in an

undergraduate nursing curriculum. Advances in physiology education, 41(1), 56-61.

Haddad, L. M., Annamaraju, P., & Toney-Butler, T. J. (2020). Nursing shortage. StatPearls


Hart, J. (2019). The Expanding Field of Holistic Nursing—A Growing Trend. Alternative and

Complementary Therapies, 25(1), 53-55.

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