Order 1615700 - Equity in Education

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Research Proposal: Equity in Education

Equity in education is an objective that every person within education can get behind

them. No educator would not want to see all their students gain an equal opportunity for success.

It is, however, a challenge to understand what it means to talk about equity in education, whether

it is about resources, funding, outcomes, and academic support. Therefore, acquiring true equity

implies looking at all the above aspects from the perspectives of larger systems as well as an

individual student's perspective. This proposal, therefore, aims to take a closer look at what it

means by equity in education and how it can be enhanced both at school and classroom levels.

Equity in education promotes a significant impact on the [prosperity and strength of the state,

local and national economies.

Equity in education describes when each student receives the resources necessary to

acquire the fundamental work skill s of writing, reading, and simple arithmetic. It necessitates

the installation of systems to ensure every child possesses equal opportunity for success (Castelli

et al.). This requires the need to understand the challenges and barriers experienced by individual

students and availing additional support to help outdo the challenges. Even though such actions

may not guarantee equal outcomes, every person should endeavor to guarantee each child equal

chance for success. Equity in education measures the success in education within society through

its outcomes and not by its resources.

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Having chosen the topic of equity in education, it has become clear that this topic is

significant to the success of a nation and its economy. Therefore, learning how to implement

equity in education is beneficial to nations and their economies. Firstly, equity ensures every

person has access to similar treatments, advancements, and opportunities. Additionally, it also

aims to eliminate and identify barriers that may prevent the full participation of particular

groups. This is one of the reasons I find this topic intriguing.

Secondly, as mentioned before, equity in education is a necessity for economic mobility.

Without equity, the economy may suffer from a gap in achievement between various societal

groups. This due to the unpreparedness among students to achieve their working potential,

consequently creating income inequality, thus forming a wealth gap. Moreover, parents from

poor backgrounds may not afford to send their children to expensive schools compared to parents

in wealthy family backgrounds. This results in structural inequality, and therefore, inequality in

education implies that society loses the economic and income output potential of the low-income

families. This consequently slows the economic growth for everyone and therefore the need to

understand and study the subject and its significance.

Inequality in education creates an achievement gap among races in the US. For instance,

the average achievement of black and Latino students is low compared to the scores of the

whites. Studies have shown that the achievement gap due to inequity in education has cost the

economy of the US more than all recessions. Researchers estimate that if there had been no

achievement gap in the US in the years between 1998 and 2008, the US GDP would have

improved by $525 in 2008 (Amadeo). In addition, if the low-income students enjoy similar

educational achievements as their wealthier counterparts, they would have added $670 billion in
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the GDP. These revelations indicate the significance and impact of equity in education and thus

my interest in the subject.

Inequity in education also causes enhanced income inequality. Throughout a lifetime, employees

holding degrees earn 84% more compared to those with high school diplomas, and those with

master's degrees earn more than high school graduates by 131% (Amadeo). In addition,

inequality in education has also caused structural inequality in which low-income people may

attain inferior education compared to their wealthy counterparts. Therefore, enhancing equity in

education guarantees uniform economic growth and, therefore, societal growth and achievement

of desired goals.

There are potential curiosities and experiences I have with the topic for this proposal. The

significance and impact of equity in education is one major factor that the international

community should consider. This is because the equity in education will guarantee the

achievement of the sustainability goals as anticipated in the United Nations Development

program goals (Barth). However, I am curious about the awareness of the need for equity in

education among nations and institutions across the globe. This proposal, therefore, will prove

vital and add to the existing knowledge on the significance and impact of equity in education and

the growth and development of an economy.

Moreover, while handling the above subject, this proposal will consider a significant

working research question to guide in performing the research paper. The primary research

question is what is the impact of equity in education. Through this research question, the

proposal will answer the question of inequity in education on the mobility of an economy and the

need for equity in eliminating and reducing crime rates and increasing property and per capita

values in nations.
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Overall equity in education is a significant global aspect. This is because the equity in

education assists students in developing the skills and knowledge they require and become

productive society members. Notably, providing children with an equitable beginning would

result in better social and economic outcomes for regions, nations, and individuals. Therefore,

equity in education is a significant concept that every person should be made aware of.
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Works Cited

Amadeo, K. "How Equity in Education Impacts the Economy." The Balance, 2021,


Barth, Patte. "Educational Equity: What Does It Mean? How Do We Know When We Reach It?

Research Brief." Center for Public Education (2016).

Castelli, Luciana, Serena Ragazzi, and Alberto Crescentini. "Equity in education: a general

overview." Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences 69 (2012): 2243-2250.

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