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_ > Stem Cell Therapy LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to: 1. explain stem cell therapy and its various forms; and 2. assess the potential benefits and detriments of stem cell therapy to medicine and health care. | << Chapter 5: Stem Cell Therapy i conceptualizat; the Ptualization Of stem Cell thera b however, early attempts at ransferring c ls mah 7 following is a timeline of the deve] ini + 1998: US scientists grew stem cells from human embryos and ann San germ cells, establishing cel] lines still in use today, + 2001: Embryonic stem cel] turned into a blood cell. * 2004: South Korean Scientists cloned 39 human embryos and developed them over several days, ' 2005: The same team of South Korean scientists developed stem cells tailored to match individual patients, * 2006: Japanese scientists identified conditions that would allow Some specialized adult cells to be “reprogrammed” genetically to assume a stem cell-like state. * 2007: US scientists extracted stem cells from cloned monkey embryos and developed them into mature heart and nerve cells in the laboratory. - 4 ‘« | ications Human stem cell applicatio 231 Unit 3: Specific Issues in STS Human diseases that can be treated by stem cel] therap Yy: Diabetes Rheumatoid arthritis Neurodegenerative diseases (e.g., Parkinson's, Alzheimer’s and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) Osteoarthritis Stroke and traumatic brain injury Spinal cord injury Heart disease Cancer Baldness Hearing problem Crohn’s disease Wound Male infertility STEM CELL HEHEHE iariinngiigiiiiistet iy 238 The human body is composed of different cell types each designated with a particular function. For example, nerve cells are part of and involved in how the brain and the spinal cord function. Stem cells are basic cells that are able to develop into any type of cell in the body. They have the capacity to create more stem cells and to differentiate into different cell types. The human body uses stem cells to replace worn out cells, For example, cells of the intestinal lining are replaced with new cells by stem cells every Chapter 5: Stem Cell Therapy four days: There are three types of stem cells—adult, embryonic, andinduced pluripotent. Adult stem cells produce only a limited “amber of human cell types. They replace existing cells in the organas they wear out and die. Embryonic stem cells are created from leftover embryos that are willingly donated by patients from fertility clinics. Unlike adult stem cells, embryonic stem cells are pluripotent meaning they can generate all types of cells in the human body. Induced pluripotent cells are regular skin, fat, liver, nerve, or other cells that scientists have modified to behave like embryonic stem cells. Applications, Sources, and Controversies Scientists hope that stem cells can be used to develop personalized medicine, in which human organs can be grown in the laboratory to replace damaged organs and, in theory, replace older cells to delay the aging process. Stem cells are currently being investigated for the treatment of certain cancers such as leukemia (cancer of the bone marrow) and other diseases. The study of stem cells also aids in understanding the processes and functions of the human body. Scientists watch stem cells develop into tissues to understand how the body creates new tissues in a Tegulated or controlled manner. Bone marrow transplant is a method of stem cell therapy that has been used for many years without controversy. This process involves harvesting stem cells from the patient’s bone marrow, —— the pelvis, using a large needle that reaches the it hs e bone, The patient’s own stem cells are then transfused or her bloodstream. Somatic cell nuclear transfer is noth €t method that consists of taking a denucleated female Unit 3: Specie oe and implanting a donor nucleus from a Somatic sum (egg cell) wide as (fi ovum (cg) then stimulated to divide as if it has bee, (body) cell. The ovum is fertilized, thus creating a human embryo. This embryo woyj4 ertilized, s . then consist of pluripotent stem cells that genetically match the jonor’s DNA from which they came. Both these methods showcase d ‘ the ability of stem cells to replace damaged or destroyed cells t, treat diseases and develop innovations in medicine. Most of the controversies surrounding stem cell research focus on how embryonic stem cells are sourced. Critics of stem cel] research argue that sourcing stem cells from human embryos is unethical. They believe that such process of sourcing violates the sanctity of life and is tantamount to murder. Many countries such as Germany, Austria, Ireland, Italy, Norway, and Poland prohibit the use of human embryos as a source of stem cells for treating human diseases. However, countries such as Australia, Belgium, China, India, Israel, Japan, Singapore, South Korea, Sweden, and the United Kingdom allow the use of human embryos and somatic cell nuclear transfer. In the United States, President Barack Obama overturned an order signed by President Bush in 2001 that barred the US National Institutes of Health from funding research on embryonic stem cells. In the Philippines, Administrative Order No. 2013-0012 issued by DOH, prohibits and restricts activities involving stem cells from embryonic, aborted fetal, and genetically altered animal and plant stem ce Ils. This includes the creatior n, importation, promotion, marketing, and use of ste m cell therapies, imate Change and the Clima Energy Crisis E ; LEARNING OBJECTIVES : At the end of this chapter, the students | should be able to: e 1. identify the causes of climate ae change; ! 2. assess the various impacts of climate change including economic, geopolitical, biological, meteorological, and more; and | 3. apply science and technology concepts to the issue of climate change, 5 & Cha je sis pter 6: Climate Cha ge and the Energy Crisi weather is defined as short-term c : han i variables such as the temperature Bes In atmospheric ; i Precipitati ; barometric pressure in a given area Pitation, wind, and of the Earth or of a particular area, Particularly temperature and e an precipitation, over a period of time. | have been increasing experiences of extreme weather patterns in the last 30 years. Scientists are also concerned with the alarming increase in the Earth's atmospheric temperature, a phenomenon called global warming or climate change. Climate change is defined as a global or regional change in the climatic patterns brought by the increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide produced by fossil fuels and other human activities. According to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate change is caused directly or indirectly by human activities. Anexcerpt from the article by NASA emphasizes the difference between global warming and climate change: Global warming refers to the upward temperature trend across the entire Earth since the early 20th century, and most no! fossil fuel emissions since the Industrial R surface temperature has gone up by about 0.8 baseline (of 1951-1980). dominanth Climate change refers to a broad range of global ppenomens Nandita by burning fossil fuels, which add heat-trapping gases to the Tt s te warring but phenomena include the increased temperature trends describe a q senna also encompass changes such as sea level rise; ice mass Lae : it a blooming; and the Arctic, and mountain glaciers worldwide; shifts in flower/p! &xtreme weather events. ably since the late 1970s, due to the increase in evolution. Worldwide since 1880, the average °C (1.4°F), relative to the mid-20th-century — ae ee ~ 9 ™ Issues in STS Ry Unit 3: Specific Air pollution from factories Climate change is not unusual. In the past 3.5 billion years, the planet's climate has been changing because of natural phenomena such as asteroid collisions, volcanic eruptions, solar input, and the shifting of tectonic plates that alter wind and ocean patterns, The planet has experienced long periods of global warming and global cooling over the past 900,000 years known as glacial and interglacial (between ice periods) cycles. These events changed the Earth's atmosphere over a long time. Driving Forces of Climate Change ng and climate change. These activities have not only heavily affected the Earth’s climate but also intensified the negative side effects of climate change. Greenhouse gases Such as water vapor, carbon dioxide (CO,), methane (cH), chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), nitrous oxides (N,0); and Perfluorocarbons ( PFCs, such as CF) h: ined in the atmosphe: , Nave remaine Phere for almost 50,000 years, The rise in the level of carbon 244 y e Chapter 6: Climate Change and the Energy Crisis ‘i other gree! dioxide and greenhouse gases in the Atmosphere also increased the global temperature. These gases trap and absorb heat in the atmosphere, keeping this energy for a longer period ina process called the greenhouse effect. * 3 120 —UrC—s——SS ver Global mean surface temperature f-gases 2% (fossil fuel and industrial processes) cy Global greenhouse gas emissions by gas 245 Unit 3: Specific Issues "91 ~ Temperature ,and CO, Records 8 Dome C) — oe Current CO, level 400 C0, {Vosto CO, (EPICA Dome C) 0 €O, (ERICA Dome O _ o* Co, (EMEADANE C) a > Q : 2 : g 5 | = 3009 | & g = | 2 : | Bod ; ei 230 9 | ov oy f\ ( i | 5 Vane y | E emi V | i 1 200 vio | 10) | (6007700600 500) 400) 300 200° —~:100 0 Thousands of Years Ago Vostok ice core data The data above is based on the comparison of atmospheric samples contained in ice cores and more recent direct measurements, The figure below provides evidence that atmospheric CO, has increased since the Industrial Revolution. Sr Re alte alee pete Mcdaa= cs Fuels, 1900-2014 10,000 9,000 8000 7900 6,000 5,000 4,000 3,000 2,000 | 1,900 | o| Million Metric Tons Carbon, 1900 1910 1920 i939 4940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 Global carbon emissions from fossil fuels, 1900-2014 246 [ —— oOo g Chapter 6: Climate Change and the Energy Crisis Majority of human activities Contribute to global warming. This include fossil fuel combustion (49%), agriculture (13%), deforestation (14%), and industrial processes (24%), + Rise in global temperature _ In the last 35 years, Earth experienced its warmest years, the highest record having been recorded in 2016. In that year, 8 out of 12 months, from January to September with the exception of June, were noted to have the highest temperatures. * Rise in ocean temperature - As the average global temperature rises, the ocean temperature also rises, This change affects marine life and biodiversity. Rise in ocean temperature El Nifio - With the changes in atmospheric circulations near the equatorial Pacific, warm spells and droughts in nearby countries intensify. 247 —_ + Melting of ice sheets - Ice sheets are continually Melting in Greenland and Antarctica and have decreased in Mass, According to the data from NASA's Gravity Recovery an a Climate Experiment, 150 to 250 km’ (36-60 mi’) of ice were lost in Greenland per year between 2002 and 2006. From 2002 to 2005, about 152 km’ (36 mi’) of i ice were lost in Antarctica, Melting ice sheets in Greenland Glacial retreat - With the increasing temperature, the glaciers in the Himalayas, Mt. Kilimanjaro, Andes, Rockies, Alaska, and Africa are melting at an alarming rate. Glacial retreat 248 (90) eamevedwier 1850 1900 year Chai . Inges in global average temperature, global average sea level, and Northern Hemisphere snow cover Source: Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc, (n.d) 249 ic Issues in STS tures have been reaching higher limates and lower levels in colder climates, 1 s of intense rainfall and floods are ction to communities, unit 3: spect f episode massive destru The number © causing increasing, e events such as unusually heavy rains and extreme : : j 3 5 J droughts Extrem CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF CLIMATE CHANGE ON ENERGY sonnets The use of fossil fuels greatly contributes to global warming and climate change. The global economy consumes energy at a tremendous rate, especially with the high demand of energy in lies Numer Ee ae 2} 8 Be SONG Ne both developed and developing countries. A recent study shows that by 2040, the rising water temperature might diminish the water supply that is needed for energy production. Given the high demand for energy consumption, power plants around the world will have difficulties in meeting the needs of the people. Around — — enn supply is generated by hydroelectric fuels are oe ona plants. Even nuclear energy and fossil warming causes a rise in —_ ant Climate a and sie! nd heat waves, which threate" the wat €F resources for power plants in the world. 250 A study has claimed that the world: projected to be Significantly a the we! Production 's fected by the impacts of climate The same researchers Predicted that the annual Capacities of hydropower plant stations and thermoelectric power plants will continue to decrease, emphasizing the importance of alternative sources of energy. Given the growing energy crisis, countries are resorting to alternative sources of energy such as solar, wind, biomass, wave, and tidal energies. Energy conservation is encouraged, and countries around the world are coordinating efforts to promote sustainable energy. Agreements and protocols are being made to minimize the production of carbon dioxide and promote the efficient use of energy. 251 - a ae ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS TEST How does carbon dioxide (Co. ,) Cause global warmin ) What are the effects of climate change? What are the different alternatives to traditional] Sources of energy? What are the human activities that contribute to climate change Define the following: 1 252 Climate - Weather — Greenhouse gases — ee Global warming - Pollutants — Pollution- Environmental Awarenese LEARNING OBJECTIVES At the end of this chapter, the students should be able to: 1. define environmental awareness and explain the concept of environmental degradation; describe the concept of sustainable development: identify various factors causing environmental degradation; assess the effects of environmental degradation; and recognize the Philippines and the world’s commitment to the Protection of the environment. Chapter 7: Environmental Awareness Humans are dependent on the environment for survival. The environment encompasses every living and non-living thing on garth. It is the source of air that people breathe, the water that people drink, the land where people build their homes on, and so much more. With the rapid growth of human population, the need for environmental resources exponentially increases. This growing need for resources puts a staggering pressure on the environment because many conventional resources are non- renewable. These resources are limited in quantity and often do not replenish themselves naturally over a short period of time. Non-renewable resources such as oil are continuously extracted, which makes it possible that there will be no more oil to use for consumption in the near future. Since humans are the primary beneficiaries of the environment’s resources, they also have the responsibility to be the chief protectors of the environment. This is why it is important to raise environmental awareness among people. Though national and international laws have already been created to safeguard and protect much of the environment’s resources, individuals must also be active agents in this endeavor. ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS — ‘wn Huuunccainsauoninancniegniitoiaeeuiciieiu insist ae ry important part of human The environment constitutes a ve life, Unfortunately, the natural environment is on the brink of destruction, and humanity is to blame. People’s exploitation of "aw materials has caused environmental degradation. Given the alarming rate of environmental deterioration, people “te pushed to become environmentally aware. Environmental awa : Teness means being mindful of the environment and the aren wre g : — Unit 3; Specific Issues in STS that affect it positively and negatively. This does not factors areness but also act’ involve aw: only inv al crisis, either individually or as part of a group, jronmental awareness, people can be encouraged and eventually eliminate the Through env e environment. Preservation of ive engagement in addressing environment: to take key actions to mitigate s that are destructive to th factor: o benefit the present and future natural resources is necessary t generations. Sustainable development For development to be sustainable, there must be a conscious effort to protect the environment. Sustainable development, according to Brundtland Commission Report (1987), is a “process of change in which the exploitation of resources, the direction of investments, the orientation of technological development, and institutional change are all in harmony and enhance both current and future potential to meet human needs and aspirations.” Furthermore, sustainable development also emphasizes that development must aim to meet the needs of the current generation without completely depleting resources for future generations. It also takes into consideration the present generation's ability to keep these resources available so that future generations can also benefit from them (Earthscan Pub, 1987). Pursuing sustainable development does not mean that humans al reno longer allowed to use the Earth’s resources, It simply suggests that hu i mans must consider the rate at which environmental resources are utilized, 256 y ¥- Chapter 7: Environmental Awareness eNVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION nn sn THT HH ML ww natural disasters and the Earth’s constant shifting tectonic plates affect the Earth’s physical surface. An earthquake can cause parts of the Earth’s crust to break apart or merge. Volcanic eruptions can cover entire areas of land with lava and thereby reshape the landscape of a particular region. These changes are natural and when they occur, the Earth is able to adjust to the changes that they introduce because of a phenomenon called natural landscape evolution (Johnson et al., 1997). Mt. Pinatubo crater Mt. Pinatubo crater in August 1991 in December 2008 Ever since humans learned how to make use of the Earth's Surface for agriculture and residential purposes, there have been Significant changes in the Earth’s landscape. Although relying °n environmental resources is necessary for the survival of ™ankind, using such resources to the point of exploitation leads t : ° environmental degradation. Johnson et al. (1997) defined environmental degradation as a ‘maging alteration that upsets environmental processes. Compared 257 Unit 3: Specific Issues in STs nities such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, to natural calam ; ation is linked to man-made disturbances op, environmental degrad Earth's natural processes (Johnson et al., 1997). Human activities such as industrial, land, and even social development result jn environmental deterioration as they can lead to the depletion of resources and in extreme cases, cause the obliteration of ecosystems and natural habitats and the death of millions of wildlife. Environmental degradation puts the survival of mankind at risk. Therefore, it is necessary for humans to take responsibility for the negative consequences that the pursuit of large-scale developments bring to the environment. Causes of Environmental Degradation Pollution Pollution is the introduction of harmful substances in the environment, which is present almost everywhere in different forms. According to Sharma et al. (2013), air and water pollution cause environmental degradation that result in the death of millions of people. A particular example of water pollution is contamination of bodies of water that harm the quality of water as well as its biodiversity, Animals, plants, and human beings are greatly affected by different kinds of pollution, Water pollution, for instance, endangers the quality of water affecting marine life and puts many organisms at risk of being endangered. This is caused by silt which is deposited and built up in riverbeds and ocean floors through soil erosion from deforestation, Air pollution damages the quality ey breathable air, which can lead to respiratory diseases in all animals. 258 Land pollution destroys the Ea qoxic materials can also Compr. the health of animals and hu ‘Mans living in the area, population Growth According fo Roser and Ortiz-Espina (2013), the world populati has grown in great magnitude from bei ee the 1800s to well over 7 billion in 20 for energy, food, and water also incr 15. eased, The demand for energy has risen dramatically, from 5,652 terawatt hours (TWh) in the 1800s to 151,548 TWh in 2016 (Ritchie & Roser, 2018), The amount of calories a person consumes has risen from 2,196 calories per person a day to 2,898 in 2013 (Roser & Ortiz-Espina, 2013). A large proportion of the world’s population is having difficulty in ensuring safe and secure water supplies as they are currently experiencing water interruptions (Vorosmarty, et al., 2000). Population growth greatly strains the physical land area of the planet. Extreme measures are done to fulfill the needs of the Srowing population. One such measure is the clearing of forests, Where the land is primarily used for agriculture, residential, industrial, or even commercial needs. Unfortunately, this leads to ecological imbalance, resulting in environmental re This leaves the land unpreservable that may cause as buildup “ tinder, a potential breeding ground for forest fires, displacemen' of Wildlife, and other such disasters. 259 Clearing of forests to address agricultural needs Urbanization Another cause of environmental degradation is urbanization or the shift of population from the rural to urban areas and the transformation of towns and cities into larger areas due to the gradual increase of people living and working there. The United Nations projects that by 2050, the number of the world’s population living in urban areas would increase from 55% of the world’s population in 2018. Almost 90% of the increase would take place in Asia and Africa. While urbanization brings better access to jobs, education, modern facilities, and healthcare, it also magnifies the risks of environmental hazards such as flooding, air pollution, water contamination, and improper waste disposal, which ultimately contzibaie to the destruction of natural ecosystems and the spread of diseases, Moreover, highly dense and populous urban areas consume ot only more food and water but also energy compared with rural a an urban heat island (UHI)—a metropolitan 260 — 0 that is significantly warmer than the rural areas around it due t0 the heat created by energy from all the people, vehicles, and facilities. Urbanization also contributes to changing regional weather patterns as urban areas are said to generate more rainfall que to the UHI effect. The concrete and asphalt grounds in urban greas also hinder water infiltration, causing the alteration in water runoff patterns and making urban places more prone to flooding. industrialization As societies continue to develop, the industries necessary to sustain them also evolve. These include primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industries that involve extracting, processing, refining, and technologizing raw materials to finished goods. These industries have developed means and technologies that make human life more convenient. Unfortunately, such industries also pose many dangers to the environment. Many manufacturing industries exploit natural resources to the point that they are unable to replenish them, further shrinking the availability of those resources, In addition to this, industries in the energy and transportation sectors often emit waste into the atmosphere, suchas excessive heat and carbon dioxide that adversely affect air quality. Effects of Environmental Degradation The negative effects of environmental degradation are felt by oe pie oes the Earth. Those that are unable to adapt in ad changing environment are more vulnerable to the environmental decay. Examples of these effects include Climate cries : mai crisis, scarcity of resources, loss of biodiversity, and even ichealth risks, 261 | —— “Me Unit 3: Specific Issues in STS es Environmental degradation affects the availability of natura resources. Exploitation degrades the quality and quantity OF these resources. Deforestation not only depletes resources b; Ut also causes soil erosion that weakens the soil’s quality and structure, if Such exploitation of the environment continues, much of the Valuable future, The Earth’s natural processes can be disrupted by the different forms of environmental degradation. The continued emission of harmful gases depletes the ozone layer, the Earth’s Primary form of protection against the harmful rays of the Sun. Th; the Earth’s ability to naturally keep itself cool, thus d the natural atmospheric cycles experienced in different parts of the world. resources used today may no longer be available in the is Corrupts isorienting Environmental degradation is one of the factors that has led to | the loss of biodiversity, Biodiversity refers to the different kinds of living organisms found in a given area. Habitats of many species are threatened by the production of needed goods and services. Industrialization and commercialization destroy habitats and the introduction of invasive species can threaten the survival of indigenous species, Humans are also at the receiving end of the negative impacts of environmental degradation. Its effects can range from death caused by exposure to diseases resulting from or aggravated by ait pollution and contaminated water to skin cancer from exposure to UV radiation due to the depletion of the ozone layer. wae ee eeeEEeEeEEEEEeEE The Philippines on Environmental Awareness inthe public sector of the country, laws have been enacted to protect the environment. One of these is Republic Act 7942, also known as the Philippine Mining Act of 1995. This law aims to protect the environment by regulating the extraction of mineral resources by mining companies while expanding foreign investments reasing mining output. Another law is Republic Act 8749, and inc’ of 1999. This law aims to wn as the Philippine Clean Air Act kno’ reduce air pollution by incorporating environmental protection s for into developmental plans. Likewise, it sets emission standard motor vehicles and pollutant limitations for different industries. This law encourages self-regulation on the part of individuals and companies to ensure reduced emission of harmful gases. additions enacted by the government One of the most recent he National Environmental is Republic Act 9512, known as t tion Act of 2008. This law requires he field of education to promote must discuss Awareness and Educa different government agencies int environmental awareness in the curriculum. Schools the threats of harming and ex’ responsibility to the environ protecting, and rehabilitating 1: sustainable development. ploiting the environment, the citizens ment, and the value of conserving, atural resources inthe context of merous studies are conducted to $ regarding current issues. In a & Gallardo (2014), students t the Lyceum of the In the private sector, nu survey environmental awarenes research study conducted by Medallon Who attended an environmental seminar a ed regarding the issues they Philippi . hilippines in Lagunia were interview global warming, A similar are as . : most familiar with concerning 263 . Unit 3: specific Issues in STS oked at different factors that pardo (2012) lo tudents of the University onmentally aware S ly conducted by he study concluded that the r pines were. T stud measured how envi of Northern philip high environme gencies can also help in spreading shing articles on how to preserve ntal awareness levels and good students had very practices. News a) by publi environmental environmental awareness the environment. Filipinos aim to achieve certain goals in spreading and environment in which they live in. However, proper preserving the by the government, private institutions, actions must also be taken and citizens in order to achieve goals inthe preservation of nature. The World and Environmental Awareness i importance of protecting the Earth and its resources is : an decision-makers around the world. World ey aon proactive in terms of integrating eco-friendly many world es ee address pressing phenomena of. a er in order to collectively different international envi environmental degradation through recognize and teitinthensenn treaties. These treaties signing of these treati ° cooperation of all parties involved. The ies is a commitment to drive their countries to conserve a: IV. e e nd safeguard the en ironm nt. The Montreal Ozone Layer is an inter Scot on Substances that Deplete the to protect the ozone | national treaty that focuses on the need signatories, ee It is a treaty designed to help its ormally by the treaty as “parties,” take steps to less en and ev entually eliminate the amount of ozone ql : hapter a Environmental Awareness depleting substances emitt . ed into the at: protocol aims to eliminate t he pri Mosphere. The Montreal Jorofluorocarbon (ro, Primary °20ne-depleting Substance chor ).To date, 197 Parties worldwide ; I i le, includi all nations that are Part of the United Nations, are , cl ding the Montreal Protocol, mee “Bnatories to effects of greenhouse &ases (GHG) the human condition, According to Intergovernmental Panel on Climat on the Earth’s climate and the report published by the Change (IPCC) in 2013, GHG emitted through different industry-related hi luman activities has beena primary driver of climate change from the mid-20th century the UNFCCC convened HG emissions so their effects on human health and climate change can be addressed ( until the present. In response to these reports, with the goal of stabilizing the amount of G| United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2016). The Kyoto Protocol is the first international agreement Sponsored by the UNFCCC. It was an international agreement introduced by the UN in 1997 and enforced in 2005. The Kyoto Protocol recognizes that developed countries are principally "sponsible for the current high levels of GHG emissions in the atmosphere as a result of more than 150 years of industrial activity. Asa result, the protocol indicated heavier sanctions and demanded Seater action from developed nations in reducing GHG emissions. h aris Agr eement is the 1 es a The P ir all present par ties UNE ccc, The agreement was s ig tall l tries. er smaller countries. cept for Russia, Tur key, Iran, Iraq, * ; lleviate ltis designed to push nations to enact actions that can a 265 Jas help developing countries to financially ange as We fight climate change by “keeping same. The treaty TOF” this century well below 2 degrees evels and to pursue efforts to limit further to 1-5 degrees Celsius” increase Climate Change, 2017). k Convention on ent Goals (MDG) are a set of ating entities of the United guided the the tempera (united Nations Fra The Millennium Developm eight goals formulated by the particip Nations in 2000. These goals served as the roadmap that development plans of all participating nations with a target date of 2015. These plans were established to address poverty, hunger, disease, gender discrimination, ironmental Millennium Summit, held in 2000, re f environmental degradation mewor illiteracy, and env ognized the degradation. The importance of addressing the issue 0 and advocated for environmental sustainability. In 2015, the United Nations mapped a more specific set of goals for the next 15 years—the Sustainable Development Goals 0. The SDGs’ 17 goals ranged from the alleviation of poverty to _ ity cation however, its intentions are similar to the MDGs in terms of environ: ; aye riehnipe a sustainability. Seven out of the 17 goals e SDG : advocate to increase efforts to promote and practice environmental sustainability. IE

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