Sisal + KP+ MS

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“Green” Composites Using Bioresins from Agro-Wastes

and Modified Sisal Fibers

Namrata V. Patil, Muhammad M. Rahman, Anil N. Netravali

Department of Fiber Science & Apparel Design, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York 14853

“Green” composites were fabricated using modified natural fiber development through surface treatments have
sisal fibers and agro-waste derived resins from nonedi- shown significant opportunities for improving the perfor-
ble protein and starch in a simple and cost-effective
manner. Sisal fibers were modified using a novel com- mance of natural fibers [4, 5]. Sisal is one of the widely
bination of mercerization followed by heat treatment used natural fibers as it is easy to cultivate. These fibers
under a pre-determined tension which improved their are extracted from the leaves of Agave Sisalana plant.
Young’s modulus by over 200% (from 5.5 to 16.7 GPa) The effect of various chemical modifications such as
and tensile strength by about 50% (from 300 to 450
alkali treatment, acetylation, silanization, etc., on the
MPa). The non-edible protein and starch were
extracted from defatted karanja (Pongamia pinnata) structure-property characteristics have been investigated
and mango (Mangifera indica) seed cake wastes, in the past [6, 7]. Low density, along with excellent
respectively, to prepare the green resins. Composite mechanical properties of such fibers compared with com-
specimens were fabricated using as-received and mon synthetic fibers can provide lighter and stronger eco-
modified fibers and agro-waste derived resins using a
hand lay-up process followed by hot-pressing. The friendly structures including composites [6].
tensile properties of the composites made with modi- Some “partially green” composites made by combining
fied fibers showed significant improvement as com- natural fibers and petroleum-based resins have already
pared to the composites made with as-received fibers been commercialized and used in various applications [7,
as well as other edible starch or protein-based sisal
8]. Like the fully synthetic composites, partially green
composites. POLYM. COMPOS., 00:000–000, 2017. V C

2017 Society of Plastics Engineers composites also face the same disposal problems at the
end of their useful life due to the presence of nondegrad-
able petroleum-based resins that cannot be separated from
fibers. As a result, the focus has been slowly shifting to
INTRODUCTION fabricating fully “green” composites using natural fibers
Increasing global environmental concerns and fast and biodegradable resins that can be composted rather
depletion of petroleum resources have triggered research than putting them in the landfills [9].
in developing sustainable, environment-friendly, and bio- A number of biodegradable resins have been devel-
degradable materials for use in various applications oped from some commercially available edible proteins
including automotive, indoor housing, sports, and civil such as soy and starches such as potato and corn for com-
structural sectors. As a consequence, fully renewable posite materials [10–19]. A major concern about utilizing
plant-based polymers such as polysaccharides (starch, cel- these sources for technical applications is that they are
lulose, etc.) and proteins have received considerable extracted from edible sources. Considering the increased
attention as “green” materials that satisfy the require- demand for edible proteins and starches in the future,
ments stated above [1–3]. In addition, they are inexpen- from human and livestock sectors, it is critical to explore
sive and widely available around the world [1–3]. Natural the nonedible sources for technical applications, which
fibers have already replaced some nondegradable syn- will not compete with the edible ones in the food security
thetic fibers in various applications such as textiles, pack- interest [20–22]. Some agro-seeds such as Pongamia pin-
aging as well as composites. Although natural fibers are nata (karanja), Azadirachta indica (neem), and Jatropha
not as strong as some synthetic fibers, recent advances in curcus (jatropha) have received attention in the recent
past as the sustainable oil sources for medicinal or bio-
Correspondence to: A. N. Netravali; e-mail: diesel production [20, 21, 23–25]. While some other fruit-
Contract grant sponsor: NSF-CREST; contract grant number: 1137681; seeds such as Mangifera indica (mango), Citrullus lanatus
contract grant sponsor: Wallace Foundation.
DOI 10.1002/pc.24607
(watermelon), Cucumis melo (honeydew melon) are used
Published online in Wiley Online Library ( to extract oils for use in cosmetics and pharmaceutical
C 2017 Society of Plastics Engineers
V sectors [26–28]. After extracting oil, the remaining

FIG. 1. Chemical structure of (a) amino acid, (b) amylose, and (c) amylopectin.

defatted seed cake, rich in secondary metabolites consist- (98% purity) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich
ing mostly of starch and/or protein, remains as waste [21, Chemical, Allentown, PA, and used as received.
22]. Additional value can be easily obtained from these
seed cakes if starch and proteins in them can be extracted
Extraction of KP and MS
and used as biodegradable resins for fiber-reinforced com-
posites [29]. Some of the seed wastes such as karanja, The protein content in DKSC was about 27% while
neem, and mango contain toxins or anti-nutritional com- the starch content in DMSC was 43%. KP and MS
pounds, which, in fact, may be beneficial if traces of the were extracted and purified from the DKSC and DMSC,
toxins from these seed cakes are present in the resins and respectively, using the previously reported methods [22,
composites as they can protect composites from micro- 29].
bial, termite, or ant attacks [20]. In brief, KP was extracted using an alkaline extraction
The main goal of this study was to develop a process and acid precipitation of DKSC [29]. At first, finely
to enhance the sisal fiber properties and fabricate low- ground DKSC powder was dispersed in alkaline medium
cost, fully “green” composites by combining modified (pH 5 10.5 6 0.2) followed by magnetic stirring at 758C
sisal fibers with starch and protein based bioresins for 60 min. The mixture was then centrifuged to discard
derived from agro-industrial wastes. Sisal fiber was the insoluble residues from the supernatant. The superna-
selected as reinforcement due to its abundant availability, tant was adjusted to acidic pH (4.5 6 0.2) for isoelectric
low-cost, high cellulose content, and good specific tensile precipitation of KP. The resulting brown precipitate was
strength. For the first time, as-received sisal fibers were separated, freeze-dried, and ground to fine powder, which
modified using an optimum combination of chemical is referred to as KP. The general chemical structure of
(mercerization) and physical (heat) treatment under prede- the amino acids in KP is shown in Fig. 1a. KP consists of
termined tension to further enhance their tensile proper- several polar and nonpolar amino acids, which are recog-
ties. The effect of combination (chemical and heat) nized by the “R” group varies significantly depending on
treatment on fiber properties has been investigated in this the amino acid [29]. The amino acids within a single mol-
study. Karanja protein (KP) was extracted from defatted ecule are bound by peptide bonds formed by the reaction
karanja seed cake (DKSC) while mango starch (MS) was between the carboxylic and amino groups.
extracted from defatted mango seed cake (DMSC). As- For extracting MS, DMSC was passed through a
received and chemical and heat treated (modified) sisal blender to obtain fine powder. This powder was passed
fiber-reinforced unidirectional composites were fabricated through a 250 mm sieve and stirred in water overnight by
with KP and MS resins, separately, using hand lay-up and magnetic stirring and then vacuum filtered. The washing
hot-pressing processes. The mechanical properties and the and filtration steps were repeated again to wash away
cost of manufacturing of the composites have been illus- water-soluble sugars, leaving the starch-rich residue. This
trated and compared with other green composites. residue was dried in an air circulating oven at 608C for
24 h. The dried starch-rich residue was ground in a
EXPERIMENTAL blender and passed through a sieve to obtain fine MS
powder. MS consists of starch, which is a polysaccharide
composed of glucose units linked with a-(1!4) linkages
(amylose) and a-(1!6) linkages (amylopectin). The
DKSC was obtained from The Ahimsa Alternative, chemical structure of amylose and amylopectin is shown
Bloomington, MN, USA and DMSC was provided by in Fig. 1b and c, respectively.
Manorama Industries, Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India. Sisal
fibers were purchased from Agroindustrias in Yucatan,
Preparation of KP and MS Resins
Mexico. These fibers had a density of 1.45 g/cm3 and
their diameters ranged between 200 and 400 mm. Analyti- To prepare KP resin, KP powder was mixed with DI
cal grade sodium hydroxide (NaOH) pellets, hydrochloric water in the ratio of 1:10 (w/v) using a magnetic stirrer.
acid (37%), glacial acetic acid, and reagent grade sorbitol Sorbitol (10 wt% of KP) was added to the KP solution to

2 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 DOI 10.1002/pc

FIG. 2. Schematic illustration of sisal fiber modification using chemical and heat treatment. [Color figure
can be viewed at]

overcome the brittleness of the protein resin and stirred the other end where the fibers were held in tension by
further for 10 min. After this, the pH of the KP solution applying the desired amount of load. After 2 h of soaking,
was adjusted to 11.5 6 0.2 and was stirred at 808C for 20 the fibers were rinsed several times with DI water, neu-
min. At this stage, KP resin was ready to use with sisal tralized with 1% acetic acid solution, and again rinsed
fiber to fabricate composites. several times with the DI water to obtain neutral pH. The
To prepare MS resin, MS powder was mixed with DI fibers were then dried at 1408C in an air-circulating oven
water in the ratio of 1:10 (w/v) at room temperature (RT) for 1 h under the same tension kept during the chemical
and then gelatinized (without adding any plasticizer) by treatment. These chemical and heat-treated fibers are
increasing the temperature of the solution to 908C for 30 referred to as “modified fibers” in this study. As-received
min. As the temperature increased, the viscosity of the starch and modified fibers were conditioned at 218C and 65%
increased as a result of gelatinization. The gelatinized starch RH for 24 h prior to their characterization.
was used as a resin to bind sisal fibers and form composites.
To test the tensile properties, the plasticized KP and
Fabrication of Sisal Fiber-Reinforced Composites
gelatinized MS were poured, separately, onto TeflonV R

coated glass plates and dried in an air-circulating oven at A simple hand lay-up process was used for fabricating
408C and then hot–pressed in a hydraulic hot-press (Car- the unidirectional composites. Continuous (with respect to
ver, model 3891-4PROA00, Wabash, IN) at 1308C for 20 specimen size) sisal fibers (as-received and modified)
min to obtain KP and MS resin sheets. These resin sheets were immersed into plasticized KP and gelatinized MS
were conditioned at 218C and 65% RH for 24 h prior to resins, separately, taken out and squeezed softly to
their characterization. remove excess resin by hand. The immersion in the resin
solutions and squeezing steps of sisal fibers were repeated
several times to ensure complete resin impregnation of
Modification of Sisal Fibers
the fibers. The wet fibers in the bundles were aligned uni-
As-received sisal fibers were modified by chemical directionally on the TeflonVR coated metal mold to prevent

treatment followed by a heat treatment process. Both any major distortion. After that, they were dried for 18 h
chemical and heat treatment processes were carried out in an air-circulating oven maintained at 408C. Finally, the
under constant tension. A bundle containing 40 oriented dried (still containing small % of moisture) composites
sisal fibers was immersed in 2M NaOH solution at RT were cured in a Carver Hydraulic hot press at 1308C for
while applying a tension of 50 g/fiber for 2 h in a 20 min under a pressure of 6 MPa. All composites were
PlexiglasVR tank built for the treatment as shown in the then conditioned at 218C and 65% RH for 24 h. Sisal
schematic in Fig. 2. In an earlier study, a tension of fiber reinforced KP composites are referred to as Sisal-
50 g/fiber was shown to give the highest improvement in KP composites while sisal fiber reinforced MS compo-
the Young’s modulus and the tensile strength of the sisal sites are referred to as Sisal-MS composites. Modified
fibers [30]. One end of the fiber bundle was fixed with sisal fiber reinforced KP composites are referred to as
the clamp to the tank and passed through the rollers onto Modified Sisal-KP composites while modified sisal fiber

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 3

reinforced MS composites are referred to as Modified
Sisal-MS composites in this study.

Characterizations of Sisal Fibers, Sisal-KP, and Sisal-MS

Attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared
(ATR-FTIR) spectra of as-received and modified sisal
fibers were collected using a Nicolet Magna 560 FTIR
spectrometer with a split pea accessory. Each spectrum
was obtained by averaging 256 scans recorded from
2,000 to 800 cm21 wavenumbers.
Thermal degradation behaviors of the as-received and
modified sisal fibers were investigated using thermogravi-
metric analysis, TGA, (TGA-2050, TA Instruments, DE).
Specimens weighing (6 mg) were scanned from 30 to FIG. 3. ATR-FTIR spectra of as-received and modified sisal fibers.
6008C at a heating rate of 108C/min under a flow of
60 mL/min nitrogen gas.
X-ray diffraction (XRD) patterns of the as-received major peaks at 1,736 and 1,240 cm21 seen in as-received
and modified sisal fibers were recorded on an X-ray dif-
fibers diminished after the modification. The peak at
fractometer (Scintag theta-theta powder diffractometer,
1,736 cm21 seen in as-received fibers is assigned to the
PAD-X, Scintag, Cupertino, CA) equipped with CuKa1
unconjugated stretching of carbonyl group from carbox-
radiation (k 5 0.154 nm) at 40 kV and 40 mA. Data were
ylic acids or esters. A similar peak was observed in hemi-
collected from 208 to 508 Bragg angles (2h) at a scan rate
cellulose by Yang et al. [31]. The diminished peak at
of 38/min and a step interval of 0.028. Average of three
1,736 cm21 in the modified sisal fiber can be attributed
different samples was used to calculate the crystallinity of
to the removal of hemicellulose [32]. The peak at
both as-received and modified fibers.
1,240 cm21 represents the CAOAC stretching vibration
Tensile properties of single sisal fibers (as-received and
of aryl alkyl ether groups due to the presence of lignin in
modified), KP and MS resin sheets (approx. 1 mm thick-
as-received sisal fiber. This peak was also reduced in the
ness) and their composites were determined using an Instron
modified sisal fiber. Yang et al. also observed a peak at
5566 universal testing machine (Canton, MA). Single sisal
fibers were individually mounted on rectangular paper tabs 1,240 cm21 for lignin, which was absent in pure cellulose
and glued at two ends. The fiber diameter was measured at [31]. The ATR-FTIR results confirm the removal of most
five different locations along the gauge length using a cali- of the hemicellulose and lignin from the surface of sisal
brated optical microscope (Olympus BX51, Melville, NY). fiber (an insignificant little trace may be attached to the
The fibers were tested at a strain rate of 0.02 min21 and a fiber) and should result in an increase in the cellulose
gauge length of 30 mm. At least 20 specimens were tested content.
to perform statistical evaluations of the data. Figure 4 shows the TGA thermograms of as-received
Resin specimens with dimensions of 10 3 60 mm2 were (a) and modified sisal fibers (b) along with their deriva-
tested at a strain rate of 0.6 min21 and a gauge length of tive (DTG) curves. The TGA thermograms of as-received
30 mm using the same Instron universal testing machine. At sisal fibers in Fig. 4a show three distinct stages. The
least six specimens were tested to report the average values weight loss below 1508C can be attributed to the evapora-
with standard deviations. The composite specimens with tion of any adsorbed water/moisture. In this case, this loss
dimensions of 10 3 60 mm2 were tested at a strain rate of was about 4–5%. As-received sisal fibers started to
0.6 min21 and a gauge length of 30 mm. A minimum of degrade from 2258C and showed a weight loss of about
six specimens were tested for each composition. 70% in the range of 225–4008C. The weight loss in this
Surface morphologies of the as-received and treated sisal range was observed in two stages. DTG curve shows two
fibers and fracture surfaces of the composites were charac- distinct peaks at 300 and 3668C, indicating two step-
terized using a LEO 1550 field emission scanning electron degradation of the as-received sisal fiber. Thermal degra-
microscope (Germany) at 3 kV accelerating voltage. dation of hemicellulose has been reported to occur
between 225 and 3408C [33]. About 23% weight loss was
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION observed during this stage. Thermal degradation of cellu-
lose component occurred at a higher temperature with
faster degradation rate seen within the range of 340–
Characteristics of as-Received and Modified Sisal Fibers
4108C with a weight loss of about 42% [31]. The com-
Figure 3 shows ATR-FTIR spectra of the as-received plete carbonization of as-received sisal fibers occurred
and modified sisal fibers. As can be seen in Fig. 3, both from 450 to 6008C with 10–15% char yield remaining.

4 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 DOI 10.1002/pc

FIG. 4. TGA thermograms of (a) as-received and (b) modified sisal fibers along with their derivative
(DTG) curves. [Color figure can be viewed at]

The thermal degradation of modified sisal fibers showed improved the purity of sisal fibers by removing hemicel-
two distinct stages as can be seen in Fig. 4b. The initial lulose and lignin along with other inorganic impurities
weight loss below 1508C of about 5–6% was due to the [36].
evaporation of absorbed water/moisture. Cellulose decom- Figure 6 shows SEM micrographs of as-received and
position was observed between 260 and 3508C with a modified sisal fibers at two different magnifications. As
weight loss of about 50%. DTG curve confirmed the seen in Fig. 6a, the surface of the as-received fibers was
removal of hemicellulose at 3008C observed in as- relatively smooth compared to that of the modified fibers
received sisal fibers. The complete carbonization of sisal (Fig. 6b). As mentioned earlier, the mercerization process
fibers occurred from 450 to 6008C with 25–30% char helps in removing undesirable lignin and hemicellulose as
yield remaining. well as other impurities such as silica/CaCO3 from the
Figure 5 shows XRD patterns of the as-received and fibers (confirmed by ATR-FTIR, TGA, and XRD). As the
modified sisal fibers. Two broad peaks were observed in NaOH solution causes the swelling of the fibers, it
both as-received and modified fibers at around 15.08 and removes lignin and simultaneously dissolves the primary
22.08, which can be assigned to (110) and (220) crystal cell wall; a grid-like rough surface appears for the modi-
planes of cellulose [34]. However, the XRD peak for the fied fibers as the fibrils are exposed. This can be clearly
as-received fibers was broad, which comes from the seen in Fig. 6b [37]. The rougher, grid-like surface leads
amorphous phase of the lignin present in the fiber. The to higher specific surface area available for better key
crystallinity index for as-received sisal fibers was calcu- and lock type mechanical bonding with the resin [36].
lated to be 64%, which is close to the previously reported The removal of lignin, hemicelluloses, and other inor-
values of around 61% [35]. Both mercerization and heat ganic impurities results in hydroxyl groups on the cellu-
treatment under tension increase the crystallinity index in lose molecules to be exposed (as shown in scheme in Fig.
modified fibers. Particularly, mercerization under tension 2), which, in turn, provide significant opportunity to
reduced the amorphous lignin content of the fibers. A sig- enhance the fiber-resin adhesion through hydrogen bond-
nificant improvement of crystallinity from 64 to 73% was ing. Both, surface roughness and hydroxyl groups, are
observed after the mercerization and heat treatment of
sisal fibers due to the removal of cementing materials,
primarily lignin, which is noncrystalline. This improve-
ment is statistically significant as the average of three
specimens from various parts of the as-received and mod-
ified sisal fibers used to calculate the crystallinity belongs
to the fibers from the same origin (source). The signifi-
cant increase in the crystallinity is also reflected in the
increase in the tensile properties such as strength and
modulus of the modified fibers. Both treatments also
allowed better packing of cellulose molecules due to
stress as shown earlier in the scheme shown in Fig. 2 [6].
A sharp peak at 24.58 was observed in as-received sisal
fibers, which can be attributed to inorganic impurities
such as silica or calcium carbonate [35]. However, this
peak disappeared after the modification, which indicates
increased purity of sisal fibers. Usually, mercerization FIG. 5. XRD patterns of as-received and modified sisal fibers.

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 5

FIG. 6. SEM micrographs of (a) as-received and (b) modified sisal fibers. Inset images taken at higher

beneficial to obtain higher fiber/resin interfacial shear decreases further due to tension during heat treatment. These
strength, and can result in higher Young’s modulus and changes in structure and chemical composition lead to the
strength of the composites [36]. improvement of tensile strength and modulus of sisal fibers.
Table 1 presents data from the tensile tests that include Due to nonuniformity in the sisal fiber diameters, high
Young’s modulus, tensile strength, and fracture strain of variability in tensile strength of sisal fibers was observed.
as-received and modified sisal fibers. As can be seen in Therefore, a more realistic two-parameter Weibull statisti-
Table 1, significant improvement of over 200% in cal model was used to evaluate the cumulative density
Young’s modulus was obtained after the chemical and function for the fiber strength. Figure 7 shows the Wei-
thermal treatments of the fibers. Similarly, the tensile bull plots for as-received and modified sisal fibers. Proba-
strength of the modified fibers also increased by about bility of failure P, of a fiber with
h length
 iL failed at a
50%. However, fracture strain decreased from 6.1% to r m
stress r is given by: P 5 12exp 2 LL0 r0 Þ ; where, m is
3.1% (by about 50%). These changes are related to the
the dimensionless shape parameter or Weibull modulus,
reduction in hemicellulose, lignin, and pectin components
r0 is the scale parameter or characteristic strength in
resulting in increased cellulose content, which provides MPa, and L0 is the reference length. L0 is considered 1
the strength to the fiber because of its crystalline form. It for simplicity. By linear regression from the Weibull plot,
is common to observe longitudinal shrinkage in the case value of m can be determined from the slope of the fitted
of alkali-treated or mercerized natural fibers if no tension straight line and r0 can be obtained from the X-axis
is applied during the treatment [30]. Mercerization under where the line intersects Y-axis at 0 (i.e., Y 5 0) as can
tension allows much greater improvement of fiber be seen from Fig. 6. The probability of failure P at ith
strength as it improves the molecular orientation, reduces ranked specimen from a total of N specimens is obtained
the microfibrillar angle as well as results in better packing from the equation: P5 N11 i
. The mean tensile strength of
of the crystallites and, thus, reduces the weak links origi-
nated from voids in the cellulose microfibrils [30]. Kim
and Netravali have shown that mercerization of sisal fibers
under tension leads to an improvement of about 110% in
Young’s modulus of the treated fiber [30]. Additional
improvement in Young’s modulus (over 200%) was
observed in this study after the mercerized fibers were heat-
treated at 1408C under tension. The heat treatment under
tension further increases the tensile strength as it is assumed
that the spiral degree of microfibrils (microfibrillar angle)

TABLE 1. Tensile properties of as-received and modified sisal fibers.

Young’s Modulus Tensile strength Fracture strain

Specimens (GPa) (MPa) (%)

As-received 5.5 6 1.2 305 6 57 6.6 6 0.6

sisal fibers
Modified 16.7 6 3.0 459 6 74 3.1 6 0.7
sisal fibers FIG. 7. Weibull probability plots for tensile strength of as-received and
modified sisal fibers.

6 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 DOI 10.1002/pc

TABLE 2. Weibull parameters determined from tensile test of as- reinforced composites are significantly higher than the
received and modified sisal fibers. composites made using as-received fibers in case of both
Weibull Scale Mean tensile Regression
resins. Tensile strength, Young’s modulus, and fracture
modulus parameter strength, coefficient strain of as-received Sisal-MS composites were 102.0
Specimens (m) r0 (MPa)  (MPa)
r R2 MPa, 4.6 GPa, and 3.3%, respectively. Modified Sisal-
MS composites showed significant improvements of 55%
As-received 5.6 330 304 0.94
in strength (over 158 MPa) and just over 75% in modulus
sisal fibers
Modified 6.6 493 460 0.94 (8.1 GPa) along with a small decrease of 12% (2.9%) in
sisal fibers fracture strain. Based on the fiber tensile properties,
improved composite properties for modified sisal fibers
were expected. A similar phenomenon was observed in
sisal fiber is determined as r 5r0 C 11 m1 ; where, C rep- the case of Sisal-KP composites as shown in Table 3. The
resents the Gamma function. It is noted here that the other factors contributing to the increased strength of the
larger Weibull modulus, the more uniform is the fiber modified fiber composites are the increased surface
strength distribution. The Weibull distribution parameters roughness and cellulose content of the modified fibers.
calculated using linear regression methods have been Increased surface roughness allows better lock and key
listed in Table 2. The Weibull moduli for the as-received type mechanical bonding whereas higher cellulose content
and modified sisal fibers were calculated to be 5.6 and allowed better wetting of the fibers by the resins and
6.6, respectively. The lower value of Weibull modulus for higher hydrogen bonding at the fiber-resin interface. It is
as-received sisal fibers indicates higher and uneven defect also clear from data in Table 3 that Sisal-MS composites
distribution, which causes larger variation in tensile have better tensile properties compared to Sisal-KP com-
strength. posites. The reason can be attributed to better starch-sisal
fiber bonding compared to protein-sisal fiber bonding
because of the chemical similarity between starch and
Characterization of Sisal-KP and Sisal-MS Composites cellulose that can result in significant hydrogen bonding
Unidirectional Sisal-KP composites were fabricated compared with protein-cellulose [28]. Table 3 also shows
using the two sisal fibers (as-received and modified) and the theoretical (expected) values of Young’s modulus
precured KP resin containing 10% (w/w) sorbitol as plas- and strength of composites, at 55% fiber volume fraction,
ticizer. Unidirectional Sisal-MS composites were also fab- calculated using the rule of mixture (ROM). As stated
ricated using the same two sisal fibers (as-received and earlier, the expected values for Young’s modulus
modified) and precured MS resin. The fiber volume frac- and fracture stress of as-received and modified fiber com-
tion of 0.42 6 0.02 was maintained in all cases. Previ- posites were calculated using a simple ROM model
ously, it has been shown that KP and MS resins can to compare with the experimental values (Table 3)
replace edible protein or starch based resins, respectively, [27]. The ROM model was used to predict the Young’s
and even some of the petroleum-based resins such as modulus and fracture stress of the composite:
polyvinyl alcohol or polypropylene because of their Ec 5 Ef vf 1 Em ð12vf ), where Ec ; Ef ; and Em are
acceptable properties [22, 29]. Table 3 shows the experi- Young’s modulus values for composite, fibers, and resins,
mental tensile properties of the as-received and modified respectively, and vf is the fiber volume fraction in the
sisal fiber reinforced composites using KP and MS resins. composites. The tensile properties of KP and MS resins
As can be seen in the data presented in Table 3, tensile used for ROM calculations have been taken from the pre-
strength and Young’s modulus of the modified fiber viously published studies from our laboratory [22, 29]. As

TABLE 3. Tensile properties of KP, MS, Sisal-KP, and Sisal-MS composites.

Composite specimens Young’s Modulus (GPa) Tensile strength (MPa) Fracture strain (%)

As-received Sisal-KP 3.1 (1.2) 110.8 (14.2)a 6.1 (1.0)

Modified Sisal-KP 5.8 (0.8) 152.8 (12.8) 3.8 (0.9)
As-received Sisal-MS 4.6 (1.4) 101.7 (10.3) 3.3 (0.5)
Modified Sisal-MS 8.1 (0.5) 158.1 (12.6) 2.9 (0.3)
KP [29] 0.4 (0.07) 10.8 (0.6) 31.5 (6.7)
MS [22] 0.3 (0.06) 3.5 (0.06) 1.3 (0.05)
As-received Sisal-KP (expected)b 3.2 172.6 —
Modified Sisal-KP (expected) 9.4 257.3 —
As-received Sisal-MS (expected) 3.2 169.3 —
Modified Sisal-MS (expected) 9.3 254.0 —
The numbers in parentheses are standard deviations.
Expected values are based on 55% fiber Vohnne in composites.

DOI 10.1002/pc POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 7

FIG. 8. SEM micrographs of the fracture surfaces of as (a) received sisal-KP, (b) modified sisal-KP, (c) as
received sisal-MS, and (d) modified sisal-MS composites in the longitudinal direction.

shown in Table 3, there are some discrepancies between stiffness compared with the previous study [30]. In another
the experimental and the expected values, which can be study, Young’s modulus and tensile strength values of sisal
attributed to the experimental flaws. For example, the fiber-reinforced polyurethane composites with a 30% fiber
nonuniform tension during hand-fabrication of composites volume fraction were found to be 1.81 GPa and 119 MPa,
causes misalignment of the fibers within composites and respectively [38]. At 55% fiber volume, these values would
voids created during hot pressing or bubbles in the resin be about 3.3 GPa and 220 MPa, still much lower that the
can lead to lower Young’s modulus and strength as com- values obtained in this study for the modified sisal fiber
pared with that of the fibers. In addition, these defects composites. Overall, the properties such as tensile strength
negate the enhancements obtained in the fibers, at least to and Young’s modulus of the modified Sisal-KP and modi-
some extent. However, such difficulties observed in labo- fied Sisal-MS composites are higher as compared to other
ratory scale processing would not exist on an automated composites based on pure soy protein or polyurethane resins
manufacturing system used in the industry [30]. As a mentioned above. The superior properties of modified of
result, much better composite properties can be obtained. sisal fiber composites can be attributed fully to their
Earlier researchers have shown that mercerized sisal enhanced tensile properties after the combination of chemi-
fiber-soy protein resin composites can have tensile strength cal and heat treatments. Even after considering the expense
of 188 MPa and Young’s modulus of 3.8 GPa at 55% fiber of fiber treatment, the cost of manufacturing these compo-
volume fraction [30]. However, based on the results sites would be extremely low because of the resins derived
obtained in this study, ROM calculations show that the from agro-wastes. As compared to other synthetic and most
Young’s modulus of modified Sisal-MS composites would natural fibers, the price of sisal fibers is low (0.36 US$/Kg)
be around 9.3 GPa while the Young’s modulus of modified and the green resins, KP or MS, prepared in this study could
Sisal-KP composites would be around 9.4 GPa at the same be available for free, as they are considered as waste by-
fiber volume fraction (Table 3) indicating much better products at present [22, 39].

8 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 DOI 10.1002/pc

Figure 8 shows SEM images of the fracture surfaces of demonstrated that agro-industrial by-products and wastes
as-received Sisal-KP, modified Sisal-KP, as-received can be potential sources of nonedible protein or starch
Sisal-MS and modified Sisal-MS composites in the longi- based resins, which can substitute many edible proteins
tudinal direction after tensile tests. The fracture surfaces and starches used to obtain sustainable bioderived resins.
of the as-received sisal fiber reinforced composites (Fig. The modified sisal fibers showed increased affinity for
8a and c) showed longer fiber pull out (protruding) both protein and starch based bioresins due to better
lengths compared to those of the modified fiber rein- physical and chemical bonding. The tensile strength and
forced composites (Fig. 8b and d). While the pull-out Young’s modulus of the modified fiber-reinforced compo-
length for the modified fibers is much shorter, they still sites were found to be higher than the ones made with the
seem to be held together by the resin after fracture. as-received fibers as a result of the improved fiber prop-
Results of this study confirm the earlier observations erties as well as enhanced fiber-resin interfacial bonding.
made by Kim and Netravali who reported that the fracture The resins used in this study are available for almost free
in the as-received fiber composites occurs partially due to and sisal fibers are inexpensive as well. Low cost of raw
debonding of the fibers from the resin first and then the materials and the processing techniques makes such com-
fibers are broken as opposed to composites with modified posites environmentally friendly, economically viable,
fibers where the fibers break and then the debonding and industrially scalable.
occurs [30]. As stated earlier, mercerization (chemical)
treatment removes lignin from the sisal fibers and, thus, ACKNOWLEDGMENT
increases the cellulose content. As shown in Fig. 1, the
chemical structure of MS consists of amylose and amylo- The use of Cornell Center for Materials Research shared
pectin, both made of glucose monomer units, is similar to facilities supported through the NSF MRSEC program
that of the cellulose from the sisal fibers, which is also (DMR-1120296) is also acknowledged.
made up of glucose monomer units. The large number of
hydroxyl groups present on the surface of both starch and
cellulose leads to the formation of strong hydrogen bonds
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10 POLYMER COMPOSITES—2017 DOI 10.1002/pc

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