India at Its Present by Rashmi

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India at its present

A very heartly morning to one and all

present here today I Rashmi of 9c stand
before you all to elaborate on the topic
india at its present.
India is one of the most diverse and ancient
civilization in the world is also culturally and
traditionally rich country.. people from all
over the globe agree that unity in diversity
( )fits perfectly
with our country.
In recent years, india has grown
tremendously in the terms of science,
technology and other production sectors.
Many well known personalities like sir APJ
and great philosopher and mathematician
SHRI ARYABHATTA have contributed a lot to
the world as well as to india
A British historian, sir GRAND DUFF once
said that all the advances in science that we
consider today to be made in Europe were
infact made in india centuries ago.
Our country have one of the oldest
civilization and what makes it special is that
we, the people of india haven’t let go the
values and cultures taught by our ancestors.
But have you ever wondered what all
changes we can bring to our country.
Our past was indeed full of hardship but the
present, the future of our country all the
development that our country should have
it depends on what we choose to be today,
what we want to do for our country, it starts
with you, it starts with me we are the future
of india and we shall live up to it.
At last I would like to conclude by saying

“india is the cradle of human race,

The birth place of human speech,
The mother of history,
The grand mother of legend and the great
grand mother of tradition.
Some of our most valuable and most
constructive materials in the history of man
are all treasured up in india. Thank you!

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