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aa 7 pxperieNT -4 perermnarion OF COP OF WASTE WATER : EXPE! : PRINCIPLE: asure of the oxygen equivalent oft hat portion of orga, 1 by a strong oxidising agent. This parame ste treatment plants, n demand is a me hich: Chemical ox} and inorganic materials w! important for industrial wast oxidise! ei adies and control of was 4 inorganic impurities which include straight chai, aliphatic compounds, aromatic hydrocarbons, straight chain alcohols, acids, pyridine and other oxidisable materials, Straight chain ‘compounds, acetic acid etc., are oxi more effectively when silver sulphate is added as a catalyst. But silver sulphate reacts with chlorides in the waste water to form precipitate which is oxidised only partially by this procedure. This difficulty is overcome by adding mercuric sulphate to the sample, Waste water contains organic an¢ PROCEDURE: Part - A: Preparation of standard Mohr’s salt (FAS) Solution : Weigh about 9.8 grams of Mohr’s salt (FAS) accurately into a 250 cm® volumetric flask through a funnel, Add two test tube full of dilute sulphuric acid. Wash the funnel 4 to 5 times with ion exchange water. Remove the funnel and dilute the solution up to the mark. Mix the solution will. Calculate the Normality of Mohr’s salt solution. Part - B : Determination of COD (Back titration ): Pipette out 25 cm of the waste water sample into a 250 cm? conical flask. Add 10 cm® of standard potassium dichromate solution followed by 30 cm® of 1 : 1 sulphuric acid (containing silver sulphate & mercuric sulphate) with constant shaking of the contents of the flask. Add 2 - 3 drops of ferroin indicator and titratre against the Mohr’s salt solution until the solution turns blue gree" to reddish brown. Part - C: Blank Titration: From the blank value obtained by titrating 10 cm? of K,C1,0; and 1:1 H,SO, solution against Mohr's i Pe gainst Mohr's salt solution, calculate the COD of water sample © scanned with OKEN Scanner yrsuLTS AND DISCUSSION: : sanang eightof weighing bottle + FAS = W, \weightof empty weighing bottle = Ww. Weightof FAS transferred = W,-W) Nivonar'ssat = _Weightof Mohr’s salt x 4 392.14 : : : Indicator and colour FAS in Burette Trail1 | Trail2 | Trail3 change Final burette reading, Foon Initial burette reading 0.0 0.0 0.0 Volume of FAS (em) Bluish green to reddish brown| run down (y) CALCULATIONS : Letthe blank titration valuebe x cm? Letthe volume ofz.N Mohr’ssalt solution consumed by unreacted KCrO, beycm* 1000cm’ of 1N Mohr’ssaltsolution = 1equivalentof oxygen = 8gramsofoxygen Boxy) xz (xy)emBofzNMohy’ssaltsolution = yy of oxygen = Bey) xz thatis, 25emBofwastewatersample = SEW XZ g of oxygen 7000 ‘7, 1001cm3 wastesample Seanez g of oxygen of,CODofthewastewatersample = —-—8000 x oye mg.of oxygen RESULT: ‘The COD of the given waste water sample contain: mg/Lof oxygen. - <, © scanned with OKEN Scanner prief Procedure: Weigh out the given Ferrous ammonium sulphate (FAS) crystals accurately into a 250 ml volumetric flask. Add 2t-tdil. HSO,. Add ion exchange water, dissolve the crystals, dilute upto the markandmixwell. Normalityof FAS = Welghtof FAS taken x 4 Equivalent weight of FAS (392.14) Burette : Standard FAS Solution Conicalflask : 25mlwastewatersample + 10ml. K,Cr,0, + 1tt of 1:1 HSO, Indicator 2 Ferroin ColourChange : Bluish green to reddish brown Perform the blank titration in the same way as above but without waste water. From the differencein the titre values calculate the COD of waste water sample. = Bi. © scanned with OKEN Scanner on demand? cal oxyeen dem i red for the complete oxidation of organ of water by 2 strong chemical ox, 1. What is chemic he {of oxygen requ me ent in the sample fied potassium diel 0 are not oxidise It is the amour inorganic matter P! ach as acidil agent s ands that are not oxdised in the COD teu, 1s of organic comp! din COD test. general grou! ‘i 2. What general groups of On gine Aromatic hydrocarbons @) .e role of silver sulphate? catalyst in th cid. Oxidation is effecti 3. What is th Silver sulphate acts as 4 hydrocarbons and acetic a¢ le of mercuric : ceidation in COD test and cause erroneously high res! o. Mercurie fon of tereurie sulphate bind the halide ions present in vere ta rt form pet ionized mercuric chloride and prevent the precipitation of silver halide by making halide ions unavailable. 5. What are the products formed after COD analysis? During COD analysis, organic matter is completely oxidised to carbon dioxide and water by acidified potassium dichromate solution. in the oxidation of straight chain aliphay ive in presence of silver ions, ic sulphate? 6. Why is sulphuric acid added during the preparation of standard FAS solution? Sulphuric acid is added to prevent the hydrolysis of ferrous sulphate into ferrous hydroxide. 7. What is the composition of ferroin? Ferroin is Ferrous 1, 10 - Phenanthroline sulphate. 8. Mention a few applications of COD test in environmental engineering practice. i) The COD test is extensively used in the analysis of industrial wastes. ii) _Itis particularly valuable in survey designed to determine and control losses to sewage systems. iii] The COD is helpful in indicating toxic conditions and the presence of biologically resistant organic substances. 9. What is the limitation of COD? ae on at palates oh Cn test is its inability to differentiate between ‘ ee and biologically inert organi 1 provide any evidence of the rate at which ¢ ganic matter. Also, it does n0! stabilised under conditions that exist in n; 10. Define BOD. he biologically active material would be ature. Bio-chemical oxygen demand (BOD) is defined as the ai nt of oxygen required for the biological oxidation of i ae ape i 0 e ’ & for a period of 5 days, organic matter under aerobic conditions at 20°C 11. What is the role of 1 tt of 1:1 H,S0.p It is added to make the meqj d iu Suiting sence mM acidic because only acidified K,Cr,0, acts a8 12. Mention the units of COD : and Bo) ——— D. It is mg/L of o. ia “ © scanned with OKEN Scanner

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