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The word "values" refers to a set of beliefs, principles, and standards that are considered
important or desirable by an individual or a group. These values guide behavior and decision-
making and are often shaped by cultural, social, and personal factors. Examples of values
include honesty, integrity, respect, empathy, and responsibility.

2. Adolescence is a period of signi cant emotional and psychological development, and it is

common for teenagers to experience heightened emotionality during this time. This can
manifest in a variety of ways, such as mood swings, irritability, anxiety, and intense feelings of
joy or sadness. There are many things that can trigger these emotions, including changes in
hormones, stress related to academic or social pressures, family con icts, and the process of
identity formation.

3. The three stages of Filipino Values Formation are the pre-socialization stage, the
socialization stage, and the institutionalization stage. While all three stages are important in
shaping Filipino values, the socialization stage is arguably the most critical. During this stage,
children absorb values and behaviors through their interactions with family, peers, and other
social institutions. This stage establishes the foundation for a person's worldview and shapes
their attitudes towards authority, relationships, and community. Therefore, it is crucial that
positive values are instilled during this stage to promote healthy social and personal


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