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Understanding Weather and

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Understanding Weather and Climate, 6e (Aguado)

Chapter 6 Cloud Development and Forms

1) This is the cause of most thunderstorms:

A) convergent lifting.
B) frontal lifting.
C) orographic lifting.
D) localized convective lifting.
Answer: D
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

2) There are ________ ways to lift air in the atmosphere.

A) many
B) three
C) six
D) five
E) four
Answer: E
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

3) This occurs when a mountain range forces air to rise:

A) frontal lifting.
B) convergence.
C) localized convective lifting.
D) orographic lifting.
Answer: D

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G7

4) This occurs when a large mass of cold air slides underneath a large mass of warm air:
A) orographic lifting.
B) convergence.
C) frontal lifting.
D) convective lifting.
Answer: C
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

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5) Fronts:
A) are rarely involved with cloud formation.
B) have substantial temperature gradients at their boundaries.
C) are best imagined as vertical walls of air.
D) come in three major varieties—cold, warm, and mixed.
Answer: B
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

6) Orographic uplift is usually associated with rising air:

A) over the great plains.
B) along the Gulf of Mexico coast.
C) over oceans.
D) along the windward side of mountains.
Answer: D
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

7) Sometimes, horizontal transition zones exist in which great temperature differences occur across
relatively short distances. These transition zones are called:
A) fronts.
B) jet streams.
C) anti-cyclones.
D) inversions.
Answer: A
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

8) Orographic uplift:
A) rarely leads to clouds forming above the top of the hill or mountain.
B) creates clouds that usually have the same height, regardless of time or place.
C) provides equal amounts of precipitation on both sides of a mountain range.
D) can create cumulus clouds.
Answer: D
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G7

9) Frontal lifting:
A) is not related to temperature differences between air masses.
B) leads to increased pressure on the warm front.
C) can act in a way that is analogous to orographic lifting.
D) is most pronounced when a cold front meets a cold front.
Answer: C
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2
Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
10) All of the following statements about convergent lifting are true, except:
A) it requires a difference in pressure between two areas with horizontal separation.
B) it typically proceeds diabatically.
C) it leads to the rising of air.
D) it causes wind.
Answer: B
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

11) Frontal lifting is often likened to a conveyor belt and is referred to as:
A) overrunning.
B) trans-continental uplift.
C) frontal overload.
D) isobaric upheaval.
Answer: A
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

12) You would most likely expect a rain shadow on the:

A) east side of the Cascade Mountains in the Pacific Northwest.
B) west side of the Sierra Nevada Mountains.
C) west side of the Andes.
D) west side of the Coast Range in California.
Answer: A
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Application; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5; G7

13) In which state would orographic lifting be most important?

A) Louisiana
B) Florida
C) Kansas
D) Colorado
Answer: D
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Evaluation; Application
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

14) Static stability:

A) is similar to buoyancy.
B) is unrelated to adiabatic cooling.
C) is unaffected by the temperature of the air parcel.
D) is unaffected by the density of the air parcel.
Answer: A
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2
Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
15) This type of air will keep rising after an initial upward push:
A) statically stable air.
B) statically unstable air.
C) statically neutral air.
D) air that is colder and denser than surrounding air.
Answer: B
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

16) Ultimately, the buoyancy of a rising air parcel is dependent upon its:
A) composition.
B) volume.
C) concentration of water vapor.
D) rate of cooling relative to the surrounding air.
Answer: D
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

17) This type of air neither rises on its own following an initial lift nor sinks back to its original level.
A) statically unstable air
B) statically neutral air
C) statically stable
D) none of the above
Answer: B
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

18) When the environmental lapse rate exceeds both the dry adiabatic lapse rate and the wet adiabatic
lapse rate of a parcel of air, that air parcel contains:
A) absolutely stable air.
B) conditionally unstable air.
C) absolutely unstable air.
D) air that cannot reach the lifting condensation level.
Answer: C
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G4

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
19) Absolutely stable air:
A) has a wet adiabatic lapse rate that is greater than the environmental lapse rate.
B) will have a positive buoyancy.
C) needs a push to rise, but will continue rising once it starts moving.
D) is typically warmer than its surroundings.
Answer: A
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

20) Conditionally unstable air:

A) contains a mixture of absolutely stable air and absolutely unstable air.
B) moves through an environmental lapse rate that is between the dry adiabatic lapse rate and the wet
adiabatic lapse rate.
C) always has a negative buoyance.
D) rarely provides precipitation.
Answer: B
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

21) The level of free convection:

A) is relevant only when discussing absolutely unstable air.
B) occurs below the point where a rising air parcel is cooler than its surroundings.
C) is unrelated to temperature of either the air parcel or its surroundings.
D) is above the lifting condensation level.
Answer: D
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

22) The level of free convection is where:

A) moisture content in the atmosphere becomes too heavy to lift.
B) air becomes negatively buoyant and rises by itself.
C) air becomes positively buoyant and rises by itself.
D) usually occurs only early in the morning.
Answer: C
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

23) One of the fastest ways to destabilize an atmosphere is to:

A) allow it to sink.
B) advect it over a cold surface.
C) warm it from the top down.
D) lift it.
Answer: D
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2
Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
24) If air becomes progressively warmer and more buoyant than the surrounding air, it is said to be:
A) absolutely stable.
B) absolutely unstable.
C) neutral.
D) conditionally unstable.
Answer: B
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

25) Air that must be lifted before it becomes unstable means that the atmosphere is:
A) absolutely stable.
B) absolutely unstable.
C) neutral.
D) conditionally unstable.
Answer: D
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

26) The advection of cold or warm air can occur at:

A) low levels.
B) mid-levels.
C) upper-levels.
D) all of the above
Answer: D
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

27) Which of the following causes unstable air to keep lifting?

A) ascent into a layer of stable air
B) entrainment
C) inversions
D) ascent into a layer of unstable air
Answer: A
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

28) This is the least important factor that can influence environmental lapse rate:
A) heating of the lower atmosphere.
B) advection of cold and warm air at different levels.
C) advection of an air mass with a different environmental lapse rate.
D) changes in the amount and type of air-borne pollutants.
Answer: D
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2
Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
29) The lower atmosphere is most likely to have the steepest environmental lapse rate at this time:
A) sunrise.
B) mid-day.
C) sunset.
D) midnight.
Answer: B
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Application
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

30) This the most important mechanism for stopping the rise of unstable air parcels:
A) encountering a layer of stable air.
B) entrainment.
C) friction.
D) reaching the lifting condensation level.
Answer: A
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

31) Entrainment:
A) feeds cloud growth.
B) usually increases the positive buoyancy of unstable air.
C) warms cloud margins.
D) brings unsaturated air into clouds.
Answer: D
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

32) A rising parcel of unstable air:

A) can eventually escape into space.
B) can rise well into the mesosphere.
C) cannot rise very far above the tropopause.
D) will not be slowed by entrainment.
Answer: C
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

33) One of the most detrimental effects on developing cumulus clouds is:
A) the addition of more moisture to the developing cloud.
B) an injection of warm air into the center of the developing cloud.
C) a weak vertical atmospheric wind profile.
D) entrainment.
Answer: D
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Evaluation; Application
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
34) Inversions:
A) are characterized by an increase in temperature with altitude.
B) increase the positive buoyancy of most air masses that enter them.
C) have no significant effect on fog formation.
D) are typically unstable.
Answer: A
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

35) Inversions:
A) are found only with frontal systems.
B) can be found at any level of the atmosphere.
C) are found only near the surface early in the morning.
D) indicate that rain could occur in a few days.
Answer: B
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

36) Subsidence inversions:

A) are less important than frontal inversions.
B) often lead to increased pollution in Los Angeles.
C) are common on the windward slopes of large mountain ranges.
D) are common on the western margins of large high-pressure areas.
Answer: B
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Application
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

37) An inversion:
A) implies that a layer of air is unstable.
B) means that a layer of air is overturning.
C) indicates that a layer of air is stable.
D) has no significance as far as a meteorologist is concerned.
Answer: C
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Application; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

38) Which of the following inversions are more extensive and meteorologically important?
A) radiation inversion
B) frontal inversion
C) subsidence inversions
D) none of the above
Answer: A
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
39) Inversions are detrimental to developing storm systems because:
A) they encourage instability.
B) they cap convective development
C) they increase entrainment.
D) they seriously alter the horizontal moisture profile of the atmosphere.
Answer: B
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Evaluation; Application
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

40) Clouds are least likely to occur in the:

A) mesosphere.
B) troposphere.
C) ionosphere.
D) stratosphere.
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

41) Hail formation is associated with:

A) cumulonimbus.
B) nimbostratus.
C) stratocumulus.
D) cumulus.
Answer: A
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

42) Stratocumulus clouds are considered:

A) high clouds.
B) middle clouds.
C) low clouds.
D) clouds with extensive vertical development.
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

43) This is not a form of low cloud:

A) stratus.
B) nimbostratus.
C) nimbocumulus.
D) stratocumulus.
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
44) Clouds that are high and are always composed entirely of ice crystals are:
A) stratus.
B) thunderheads.
C) alto.
D) cirrus.
E) nimbus.
Answer: D
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

45) Clouds that form downwind from mountain barriers and have a curved shape are called:
A) streamers.
B) lee-side clouds.
C) lenticularus clouds.
D) contrails.
E) none of the above
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

46) The English naturalist Luke Howard devised the first widely used cloud classification system in
A) 1803.
B) 1903.
C) 1667.
D) 1856.
Answer: A
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

47) High clouds:

A) have a typical ceiling around 4500 meters.
B) are composed of ice crystals.
C) include altostratus clouds.
D) have a fairly large water content.
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
48) Cirrostratus clouds:
A) are more likely to herald coming precipitation than are cirrocumulus clouds.
B) contain a mixture of ice crystals and supercooled water droplets.
C) are responsible for the halo effect.
D) are formed by wind shear.
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

49) Middle clouds:

A) are prefixed by "cirro."
B) can often be found within a kilometer of the ground.
C) include cumulonimbus clouds.
D) are composed of liquid droplets.
Answer: D
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

50) Cumuliform clouds:

A) are typically much wider than they are tall.
B) form in absolutely stable air conditions.
C) have very weak vertical velocities within them.
D) typically have higher water content than stratiform clouds.
Answer: D
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

51) Lenticular clouds:

A) have linear shapes.
B) usually form over gently sloping plains.
C) result in a substantial net accumulation of moisture within the clouds.
D) are the result of waves in the air flow.
Answer: D
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

52) Noctilucent clouds are:

A) the same as nacreous clouds, but they exist at a lower elevation.
B) found in the mesosphere.
C) most easily observed in summer.
D) most easily observed near the equator.
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
53) Contrails:
A) are not legitimate cloud forms.
B) are too high in the atmosphere to impact surface weather conditions.
C) are caused by the warm, moist jet aircraft exhausts.
D) almost never last for any appreciable length of time.
Answer: C
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

54) Which of the following pairs of clouds are the primary precipitation-producing ones?
A) stratus and nimbostratus
B) nimbostratus and cumulonimbus
C) stratocumulus and cumulonimbus
D) altostratus and nimbostratus
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

55) Altostratus clouds:

A) scatter a substantial portion of sunlight back into space.
B) allow enough light through to throw sharp shadows on the ground.
C) form halos around the Sun and the Moon.
D) form a series of rows of puffy clouds.
Answer: A
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

56) Stratus clouds:

A) form only from the adiabatic lifting of air.
B) can form sheets up to several hundred miles long.
C) have a high-water content.
D) are a most responsible for colorful sunsets.
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

57) Cumulus congestus:

A) are formed in stable air, typically in inversion layers.
B) have large temperature differences between the bottom and top.
C) are composed entirely of supercooled water droplets.
D) do not have temperatures below about -4 degrees Celsius.
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G7

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
58) Cumulonimbus:
A) can span nearly the entire troposphere.
B) are prevented by the tropopause from entering the stratosphere.
C) are typically composed of ice near the bottoms of the clouds.
D) provide smooth flying for commercial airliners.
Answer: A
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

59) Which of the following are not in the High Cloud group?
A) altostratus
B) cirrus
C) cirrustratus
D) cirrocumulus
Answer: A
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

60) Suppose you are a pilot. What is the safest option as you fly toward a cumulonimbus?
A) fly through it
B) fly around it
C) land the plane
D) use it as an opportunity to refuel
Answer: B
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

61) The cloudiest city in the U.S. is:

A) Lansing, Michigan.
B) Chicago, Illinois.
C) Juneau, Alaska.
D) San Francisco, California.
Answer: C
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G5

62) The sunniest city in North America is:

A) Miami, Florida.
B) Yuma, Arizona.
C) Las Vegas, Nevada.
D) Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Answer: B
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G5

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
63) The cloudiest city in Canada is in the province of:
A) British Columbia.
B) Yukon.
C) Quebec.
D) Labrador.
Answer: A
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G5

64) The greatest amount of mass contained in a cloud is

A) liquid water.
B) ice.
C) aerosols.
D) air.
Answer: D
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

65) This instrument is used to measure cloud heights and coverage.

A) ceilometer
B) barometer
C) hygrometer
D) radiosonde
Answer: A
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

66) The most common mechanism of cloud formation is:

A) adding water vapor to the air.
B) mixing warm moist air with cold air.
C) lowering the air temperature to the dew point by adiabatic cooling of rising air.
D) none of the above
Answer: C
Section: Introduction
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
67) The boundaries of fronts typically have well-defined, sharp boundaries.
Answer: FALSE
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

68) Convergence typically leads to increased density of air near the surface at the area of low pressure.
Answer: FALSE
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

69) Environmental lapse rates usually change little in either space or time.
Answer: FALSE
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

70) Absolutely stable air occurs when the environmental lapse rate is less than the wet adiabatic lapse
Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G4

71) A direction change to a colder wind 200 meters above the surface will most likely increase the
environmental lapse rate.
Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Application; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G4; G7

72) Entrainment is responsible for the sharp boundaries of the sides of cumulus clouds.
Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

73) Formation of radiation fog requires a temperature inversion.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.5 Extremely Stable Air: Inversions
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

74) Most clouds occur in the troposphere.

Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
75) Mammatus is most frequently associated with stratus clouds.
Answer: FALSE
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

76) Nacreous clouds form higher in the atmosphere than noctilucent clouds.
Answer: FALSE
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G4

77) A ceilometer cannot "see" clouds above 12,000 feet above ground level.
Answer: TRUE
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G5

78) Cloud formation typically requires the lifting of air.

Answer: TRUE
Section: Introduction
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

79) ________ occurs when air is displaced upward and undergoes adiabatic cooling.
Answer: Orographic lifting
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

80) Thunderstorms are typically caused by ________.

Answer: localized convection
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

81) A ________ is an advancing boundary where cold air overtakes and replaces warm air.
Answer: cold front
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

82) A ________ is an advancing boundary where warm air overtakes and replaces cold air.
Answer: warm front
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
83) Describe the four mechanisms of air lifting that result in cloud formation.
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

84) How does orographic uplift create clouds? Why is there a rainshadow?
Section: 6.1 Mechanisms That Lift Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Synthesis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G7

85) Describe the important properties and necessary conditions for absolutely unstable air, absolutely
stable air, and conditionally unstable air.
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

86) Why is the saturated adiabatic lapse rate less than the dry adiabatic lapse rate?
Answer: The dry adiabatic lapse rate is valid for unsaturated parcels and the saturated adiabatic lapse
rate is valid for saturated parcels. Once saturation occurs, the latent heat of condensation adds heat to the
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G4

87) Compare and contrast static and potential stability.

Answer: Static stability describes what happens to an air parcel that is lifted or lowered while the
surrounding air is kept in place. Potential stability describes what happens when entire layers of air are
displaced upward.
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

88) Conditionally unstable air becomes positively buoyant once it reaches the ________.
Answer: level of free convection
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

89) State one example of how a meteorologist would use the concept of potential instability to forecast
Answer: Potential instability arises when a layer of dry air overlays a layer of warm and moist air.
Lifting of these layers can increase the lapse rate, thereby creating an unstable situation out of a stable
Section: 6.2 Static Stability and the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Application; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
90) What factors can affect the value of the environmental lapse rate?
Section: 6.3 Factors Influencing the Environmental Lapse Rate
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

91) What are the important ways in which unstable air can be prevented from rising indefinitely?
Section: 6.4 Limitations on the Lifting of Unstable Air
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

92) ________ are thin and wispy clouds composed of ice.

Answer: Cirrus
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

93) Halos are formed in ________ clouds.

Answer: cirrostratus
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

94) Explain why cumulus clouds have clearly defined boundaries.

Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

95) ________ clouds need not form from the lifting of air parcels.
Answer: Stratus
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

96) The ________ class of clouds is characterized by substantial vertical development.

Answer: cumuliform
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

97) ________ clouds have a circular shape and form downwind of mountain barriers.
Answer: Lenticular
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
98) Describe the subcategories of high-, middle- and low-cloud types and give important characteristics
of each type of cloud.
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

99) Describe the important characteristics of cumuliform clouds.

Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

100) Explain the formation of the "anvil" of cumulonimbus clouds.

Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G7

101) List and describe the four cloud forms originally developed by Englishman Luke Howard in the
nineteenth century.
Answer: (i) cirrus-thin, wispy clouds
(ii) stratus-layered clouds
(iii) cumulus-clouds with vertical development
(iv) nimbus-clouds that produce rain
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

102) Describe the modern modifications made to Howard's original cloud classification scheme.
Answer: modern modifications include incorporating cloud heights and temperatures
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

103) The most violent type of cloud is the ________.

Answer: cumulonimbus
Section: 6.6 Cloud Types
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Analysis; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2

104) The amount of clouds in the sky is called ________.

Answer: coverage
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Glob Sci Outcome: G1

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.
105) Which type of satellite imagery relies on solar radiation scattered back toward space by cloud tops?
Answer: visible images
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

106) Which type of satellite imagery relies on electromagnetic energy emitted by clouds?
Answer: infrared (IR) images
Section: 6.7 Cloud Coverage and Observations
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge; Comprehension; Evaluation
Glob Sci Outcome: G1; G2; G5

Copyright © 2013 Pearson Education, Inc.

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