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The magnificent melody of the pipe organ spread as if drawing concentric


On both sides of Virgin Road, guests dressed in fancy robes were filling the
seats, and the entire hall was filled with solemn dignity.

In terms of formality, it was perfect as befits a Duke’s wedding.

However, there was no joy or bustle like a wedding ceremony anywhere.

‘I think it would be more appropriate to say a funeral.’

It really was.

Both the groom’s guests and the bride’s guests all had dark expressions.

‘Make some faces. No matter how uncomfortable you guys are, will I be the
only one?’

Now I have to walk down the middle of this frozen ceremony hall and stand
next to the man who will kill me.

“Now, priest, Edith Rigelhoff, please enter.”

The priest, who may have come to officiate at a wedding or to attend a funeral
mass, ordered my position in a gloomy voice.
I practiced all day yesterday and simulated it in my head, but I couldn’t help but
feel nervous.

I kicked the hem of my dress with my tiptoe and walked slowly forward, just as
I practiced hard to prevent an accidental fall.

But the hem of my wedding dress was not a problem.

The chest... No, I know my breasts are big and beautiful, but my breasts are too

I tried it on for the first time today and thought something was missing that
covered my chest.

‘No matter how voluptuous a dress is, isn’t it a bit like a dress like this on the
wedding day?’

As if I wasn’t the only one who thought so, the gazes looking at me clearly
contained negative emotions.

Dislike, contempt, disregard, or lust.

I walked beside my husband, the man who would slit my throat, cutting through
the heavy air, feeling no crumbs of favor.

Of course he didn’t even look at me. To him, I probably felt like a curse or a
punishment that had been placed on him.

‘Whoa, I didn’t fall anyway. Stage 1 cleared.’

I bowed slightly to the blunt priest and let out a small sigh of relief.
The priest nodded nonchalantly and began to recite a blessing prayer.

“Everything in the world praises you, Creator Hershan. Bless these two beautiful
men and women who will build a happy and warm family in the arms of the
Creator today...”

Hmm... I don’t think I’ll ever be able to build a happy or warm future with this

In this situation where I knew that a man who hated me would slit my throat, it
was extremely uncertain whether I would be able to obtain a ‘happy or warm’ or

But on my part, there was no way to deny or avoid this situation in advance.

When I opened my eyes, I was possessed by a new bride who was to be married
in a week.

I don’t know how crazy the process was.


Misfortune doesn’t come alone.

That day was like that.

If I had only attacked one by one, things that would have been appropriately
beaten, avoided, or calmed down, all rushed at me at once.

“Soo-na! I told you not to do this!”

“Huh? This is senior Youngeun...”

“I’m sorry, chief. Soo-na is still not good at working with Excel. I will fix it

Ahn Young-eun, who used to do all sorts of things with seniors just because she
came in a year earlier, blamed her mistakes on me.

Manager Park, who had printed out the messy Excel table and waved it around,
nagged at me for a long time while glaring at me sternly, then went back.

I looked at Young-eun with an absurd expression, but she didn’t even look at me
and sat down as if she was tired.

— Ahn Young-eun, how long will that fox live like that?

— Isn’t it me?

— Ugh... I’ve been cursing since morning, Soo-na. Cheer up.

My motive for joining the company comforted me via messenger, but it didn’t
give me much strength.

It might be because I saw her go to buy coffee with Young-eun arm in arm at the
end of lunch break.

I felt bad, but this was common, so I just thought it was bad luck and moved on.

It was Friday, and I had a date with my boyfriend after work.

I did, but when it was time for work, I received a message from my boyfriend to
cancel the date.

~Darling~ I, overtime today, confirmed to work on the weekend ㅠㅗㅠ I’m

sorry. See you next week. I’ll buy you something delicious♡

Putting aside the fact that I couldn’t see him all weekend, I was upset to hear
that my boyfriend, who had been constantly working overtime recently, had to
work weekends as well.

It’s a pity to just go home. Even if I hadn’t stopped by the XX Mall, which was
our meeting place today, and even if I hadn’t seen my boyfriend walking hand in
hand with another woman, I could have ended with such concern...

I stared blankly at their backs moving away, and it was only after they
completely disappeared that I took out my cell phone and sent a text message.

— They say you work overtime, so you think the woman you hang out with is
your boss at work? The two of them seemed to be working really hard. Bury the
bones in the rectum. Do not contact me in the future.

Strangely, even when I witnessed my boyfriend cheating on me with my own

two eyes, I didn’t feel like my hands were shaking or I was about to cry. In fact,
I wasn’t even angry.

It must have been subconsciously anticipating this breakup.

‘Because he was too much for me...’

He was a sincere man who grew up in a well-to-do family and worked for a
fairly large company. He was likable, handsome, moderately tall, friendly, and

Unlike me, who struggles not to show off his lack of money and not to be
discovered that he is from a poor family, he was the kind of man who could feel
relaxed even in the smallest of lifestyle habits.

While I was grateful that such a man treated me kindly and even pretended to
die at my words, I couldn’t shake the thought of ‘how long will this last?’.

And that ‘when’ was only today.

‘Money is tight. This weekend, I’m going to pay for the romance fantacy novels
that I put in my cart and see it.’

Thinking like that made me feel a little better.

It was my pleasure to read romance fantasy novels before going to bed, but if I
didn’t have enough pocket money, I had to wait and read one episode a day for

I did, but when I thought I could pay for the few books in the cart by saving
money to meet with a man with no nutrition, my steps on the way back became
lighter in an instant.

It was because of the misunderstanding that today’s bad things ended there.

“What are you doing now? Hurry up, you girl!”

“Uh? Brother?”
My older brother was waiting for me at the door of my studio next to the steep
stairs in a shabby multi-family house.

Before I even got close, the smell of alcohol wafted in and my body stiffened.

“Hey, give me all the money you have.”

“What? Where is my money?”

“You have a card! Get a cash advance and give it to me! I will be called soon
and send it to you.”

“Brother, gambling again...!”

“Oh, fuck, you talk a lot! Who is it that you are alive so far, but are you nagging

My brother suddenly shouted and my ears were deafened, but I was more
anxious about whether there was someone next door or if he was listening.

‘I’ll eat that lifesaver excuse until I die, right?’

My brother always confidently demanded money on the pretext of giving me a

bone marrow transplant 13 years ago when I was suffering from leukemia.

I don’t know how many times I thought that it would have been easier if I had
just died without receiving a bone marrow transplant.

Even more so today.

I tend to forget bad things quickly, but now I’m fed up with this repetitive

“...No. Do you know how much money your brother borrowed from me? Tell
them to pay it back and borrow it!”

“What? You damn bitch!”

I thought my mad eyes were glistening, but my brother slapped me on the cheek.

Lights flashed in front of my eyes and my ears were deafened, but more than
that, it felt like I was floating in midair.

‘Ah, there were stairs behind me, really...’

The moment I thought about it, I felt a great shock and pain soon after. It was as
if he hit her head hard on something after a raucous tumble down the stairs.

That was my last memory as Soo-na Choi, a woman in her 20s who was humble
in Korea.


It felt like sleeping for a while.

Consciousness gradually dawned and I realized that I was not dead.

I opened my eyes wondering if it was a hospital, and I saw a landscape that

could never be a hospital.
‘Princess room...?’

It was a room similar to the Palace of Versailles I saw on the Internet.

Besides, there was no pain in my body that should have been broken or at least
badly bruised. No, I even felt that I was much more energetic than usual.

‘What? How long have I been passed out?’

As I slumped up from the bed, my reddish-brown hair, rich enough to feel the
weight of it, flowed down from my shoulders.

After suffering from leukemia, my hair thinned out, so I’ve never dyed my hair.

I was dumbfounded with my fine hair in my hand when someone knocked on

the door.

“This is Sophia, my lady.”


“I will go in.”

Then the door opened and a young woman with a slightly frightened appearance
entered, carrying a copper washbasin on a sort of tray.

The clothes she wore were like the maid clothes that cosplayers often wear. No,
that couldn’t have been a maid outfit.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 1



“There was an order from the owner to stop by the office after dressing up.”


“Hurry up.”

Without knowing why, she had to wash my face, comb my hair, and put on a
long dress.

And when I stood in front of the mirror to check my makeup, I realized that
things were going pretty strangely.

‘Who, who are you?’

My appearance in the mirror was so unfamiliar.

Red prayer was a westerner with brown hair, light brown eyes, fair skin and a
glamorous body.

It’s pretty, but looks a bit angular. It would be a good impression to take with
you when you go to refund.

And in the meantime, someone’s memory slowly began to flood into my head.
It was the memory of Edith Rigelhoff, a 22-year-old aristocratic lady who had a
week to get married.

It was strange that a memory of a ‘noble’ girl had formed in the mind of a
human living in the 21st century, but it was even more strange that the name was
not unfamiliar.

‘Edith... Edith Rigelhoff. Where have you heard of it, who is it? Oh wait! No

I remembered. That was the name of the wicked woman in Romance Fantacy
novel that I had read until the end the other day.

It was a romantic Edithion titled <I Refuse to Obsess>, aiming to develop cider.

‘Nonsense! Did I possess the evil woman of Romance Fantacy novel?’

It seemed like my mind was going crazy. You’re not a hero, you’re a villain!
No, before that, possessed!

“Please wait in the room for a while. I will come after receiving permission from
the owner to visit again.”

The maid named Sophia spoke curtly and left without hearing my answer.

Trying to calm my terrifyingly pounding heart, I quickly recalled the story of the
novel. Because I had to come to my senses quickly in this gap.

‘The main character was Liese Sinclair, right? The male lead was Cliff Ludwig.’
I was taken aback, but fortunately my head was back on track.

It was a novel that I enjoyed reading, so it was fortunate that I had a lot of
memories left.

Liese Sinclair, the main character of the novel, was a bright, innocent and
beautiful girl like the goddess of spring.

However, handicaps exist for all protagonists.

She was the illegitimate child of the Count Sinclair by touching a maid.

The count puts the beautiful and clever Liese on the family register, thinking
that she will be able to use it someday, but Sinclair and the people bully Liese.

While the family’s persecution intensified, he fell in love with the Duke and
Duchess Ludwig, who stayed for a while in the Sinclair family, and moved to
the Ludwig family.

‘And that’s where I’ll meet Cliff, the male lead, and Killian, the sub male lead.’

Cliff and Killian are the two sons of a ducal family, and the brothers, who fell in
love with the same woman at the same time, fiercely try to get Liese without any

Giving what Liese wants, and dealing with what threatens Liese without Liese’s

They were the subjects of the ‘obsession’ to refuse the title.

However, like all heroines who are not cunning and have a bright nature, she
doesn’t notice the two men’s ‘slightly’ excessive love at all, and cleverly solves
the case that beset her.

In the end, she marries Cliff, the eldest son of the Duke, and becomes a
Duchess, and the people of the Count Sinclair, who persecuted her, regret it by
hitting the ground... It’s a common subject, but it was such an interesting story.

And there, Edith Riegelhoff was one of Liese’s many ‘enemies’.

‘In Volume 3 or 4, she was a woman who married the sub male lead of
convenience, right? So you’re saying that the wedding with the male lead is a
week away?’

The second son, Killian, who loves Liese, was forced to marry for the benefit of
the family.

The Rigelhoffs were villains who, together with the Ludwig family, pretended to
be emperors and secretly joined forces with the opposition faction to attack the
Ludwig family.

However, unlike Killian, who hated Edith, the problem was that she fell in love
with him at first sight.

‘You were blinded by jealousy and did everything possible to kill Liese!’

In addition, while acting as a spy for Count Rigelhoff, he conspires with his
maid, Sophia, to steal internal documents and secrets from the Ludwig family.

‘I put the dead flag hard...’

Of course, that evil deed was discovered by Liese, and in the end, the people of
Count Rigelhof fell down together.

In the hands of her husband, Killian...

It was a truly insignificant villain.

I remembered that there were some bad comments about it, saying that it was a
‘female enemy’ composition made out of jealousy with a man.

Anyway, apart from the confrontation, I couldn’t understand Edith the whole
time I was reading it.

‘Pretty face, good body, healthy, good family, lots of money... What’s wrong
with clinging to her husband? If it were me, I would give up my husband and
live happily.’

I knew very well that people in love often make irrational choices, but it took
too long for me to understand that because I didn’t have enough money.

My wish was to live without worrying about money or worrying about health.

It was a family that was not rich since I was young, and I even got leukemia
from such a family.

Her brother’s bone marrow was transplanted and even cured, but her body
suffered from harsh drugs and chemotherapy could not be healthy.

In addition, my older brother, who had been working daily jobs without even
finishing high school, fell into gambling and extorted money under the pretext
of a bone marrow transplant, and my parents had no strength or will to stop him.
So, the feeling of love was a luxury to me.

According to Maslow’s 5-level need theory, I was in a very insecure position,

barely satisfying my physiological needs.

Even so, the reason I made a boyfriend was because I still needed a place to lean

I wanted someone to protect me. Perhaps... I don’t know if I wanted someone

like the male lead in the romantic drama to save me.

Of course, that didn’t happen.

Anyway, because of that, I was envious of Edith rather than Liese, and I was
frustrated by her choice.

How about throwing that husband’s love to another woman?

If only she had given up her husband’s love, she would have been able to live a
comfortable life.

‘If you are in a harmonious family with a lot of money and good health, you
should be grateful.’

Edith did not know how happy it was to not worry about money or to be healthy.
Even if it was a position where you didn’t have to notice others, why did you
covet something else?

‘You’d rather have me Edith it. I’m really confident that I’ll do well.’
I never thought that God would really give me the role of Edith, but I did think
that way.

The proverb that words become seeds didn’t come out of nowhere... For a
moment! Come to think of it, my wish came true...?

‘So this is it, right? Villain possessed water Romance!’

If it was someone who didn’t know anything, it would have been overwhelming,
but it was a dream situation for me, who had mastered all the clichés of

The bewildered heart gradually turned to joy.

‘Yes, this should be the price of an unfair death! Hurray!’

The memories of Edith Riegelhoff hadn’t fully popped into my head yet, but
they were slowly forming, so it was far better than starting out without knowing

Tonight, it seemed that a dinner was set up for the last time before the wedding
with the families of both families.

It seems that God was very sorry for me, saying ‘preservation of original
character memory’, which is not provided by most Romance stores.

Just then, Sophia returned.

“Miss. The master has allowed a visit.”

“Huh. I’ll go.”

I took a deep breath and headed for Count Rigelhoff’s office as Edith’s memory
told me.

“Good morning, Father.”

It felt like calling someone I didn’t know completely as my father, but what’s
difficult about that is that he’s an idiot with a lot of money. Even if you ask me
to act cute, I can do it as much as I want.

However, Count Rigelhoff’s reaction was quite different from what I expected.

“Isn’t it too late for morning?”

His gaze, looking up and down as if trying to find fault, was like the eyes of
Manager Park at work.

And only then did Edith’s situation within the Rigelhoff family begin to be
entered into her mind.

‘Uh? Uh huh? What’s this!’

I didn’t remember all of the full text of <I Reject Obsession>, but Edith was
definitely ‘a wicked woman with a high nose and arrogance because she grew
up only finely’.

However, according to the memory that just entered my head, it was just an
‘image for external use’.

Edith Rigelhoff was nothing more than a puppet of Count Rigelhoff.

Dressing Edith in a fancy dress and wearing expensive jewelry, she showed off
her family’s wealth, and her arrogant attitude showed off the family’s

Edith’s beauty, voluptuous body, and splendid style were all billboards for the
Rigelhoff family.

In reality, she was a physically and emotionally abused daughter who

desperately clung to her parents and brother to be loved.

‘This is a scam! How could this be!’

As I was struggling in shock, Count Rigelhoff spoke in a sharp tone.

“Today, you must not make any mistakes. Because the Ludwig guys are going
to fret because they can’t catch the pod.”

“...Yes, Father.”

“I will negotiate to let in three of our family maids as your maids. You have to
say outright that you won’t entrust your body to anyone other than our family’s
maid. It would be nice to scratch their egos if they couldn’t accept that much.
Can you do well?”

I didn’t know what the hell it was, but I had to pretend I knew it.

Without paying attention to my answer, Count Rigelhoff, who had been writing
tonight’s scenario for a long time, then began to curse Duke Ludwig.

Only then did Count Rigelhoff begin to think of the reason why he was so
anxious about not being able to destroy the Ludwig family.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 2



‘That’s why my stomach hurts because my friend who was worse off than you is
doing better now, isn’t it?’

The current Duke Ludwig and Count Rigelhoff have been rivals since

However, at that time, Count Ludwig, who had less prestige than Count
Rigelhoff, was given the title of Duke after making a big contribution in the war.

And Count Rigelhoff believed that the duchy had been stolen from the Rigelhoff

“Originally, it was a title that your grandfather was going to give to our family
because of his great achievements. But they stole it! Even the emperor is foolish.
To give the Dukedom to such bastards!”

Yes, well, the spirit can win like that. I understand up to that point.

But why should I be the scapegoat for that revenge?

According to the memory that had just arisen, I was getting married to the Duke
Ludwig as a bait to hide the black feelings of Count Rigelhoff, and the Count
knew very well that if things went wrong, I would be blown away from my

‘Why is my family like this in the past or present life? Am I wrong?’

It was so absurd that I felt like I was about to burst into tears, but I held it back.
It wasn’t a family that comforted their daughter when she cried.

Still, it’s not without hope.

I’ll be leaving this house in a week anyway, and I’ll have to find a way to live in
the Ludwig family, the main setting of the original story.

‘Yes, in the early stages of romance, possessed by a wicked woman, there is

always a crisis! As long as I don’t do it like Edith in the original work, I can

I made up my mind and prepared for the evening meeting between the two


Although he had strengthened his fighting spirit, he was fed up with the majesty
of Duke Ludwig’s residence, which was no different from a castle.

Count Rigelhoff’s family was enough to make my eyes go round, but now that
I’m a Dukedom, it’s another level.

Winning the war with the neighboring country must have been a huge deal, and
the mansion is enormously large and luxurious.
‘Since the Ludwig family, who lived less than themselves, received a mansion
like this, did Count Rigelhoff have to roll his eyes...?’

The difference was big enough to make me think so.

Besides, the mansion was not the only one received. I don’t know, but I’m sure I
got more things like estates and chests of gold coins.

Anyway, it wasn’t that important to me.

‘It’s more important to not get hit even if I block the negotiations today.’

Count Rigelhoff was trying to negotiate for me to send some maids with him.

Of course, it’s not because I’m worried about my safety or my life.

The maids he wanted to send in with me were all mercenaries trained in

assassination and theft.

‘Can I call such people maids in the first place?’

In particular, Sophia, the close maid who brought in my wash water, was a fairly
favored subordinate, and was in charge of my escort and surveillance at the
count’s residence.

Although she was using honorifics, she was above me in terms of power within
the count’s residence.

‘And he’s also the person who helped Edith in most of the evil deeds he
committed in the original work.’
It was said that just not taking Sophia into it would make my life considerably

I took a slow, deep breath so as not to show my nervousness, and followed the
Counts and Sisters of Rigelhoff and my brother, Shane Rigelhoff.

“The Count and Countess Rigelhoff, the successor to the Count, and Miss Edith
Rigelhoff have arrived.”

With the butler’s polite introduction, we were ushered into a large dining room.

On one side of the large, elongated table were the members of the Ludwig

‘To see in person the characters that I had guessed from the writer’s

When I saw the people of Count Rigelhoff, I didn’t think much of it, but when I
faced the main characters in the work, I was amazed and excited.

‘That person is Duke Axel Ludwig, next to him is Duchess Jocelyn Ludwig,
and... And... That’s Cliff, the male lead!’

Who is not male lead, he is very handsome.

Gold eyes with black hair.

It’s cool when it’s expressionless, but it’s a beauty that looks like it’s going to
melt away when you smile.
How about a well-muscled body? Even just running my eyes over my clothes
made my saliva go down.

‘He’s one of the most handsome men I’ve ever seen. My heart hurts.’

However, Cliff was a man only for the female lead, Liese.

The person I’m going to marry is next to Cliff... Oh, my God!

Cliff has just been demoted to being the second most handsome man I’ve ever

‘...Now I know for sure why Edith was strangled by him.’

It’s a family of enemies, it’s Nabal, and if it’s that visual, you can’t hang your

Killian Ludwig was a handsome man with dark hair and mysterious gray eyes,
somewhat rebellious.

He doesn’t have a single frown, but his cool eyes clearly show the displeasure
he feels, and his nose and jawline are straight and sharp as if they were cut...
Overall, his face was more sensitive than Cliff’s.

His physique is similar to Cliff’s, with a wide chest, a slender waist, and strong
thighs... Ah, this seems to sexualize the male leads too much...

Anyway, I will just say that it seems that my unjust death in my past life has
been rewarded with just the pleasure of my eyes today.

And the last visual impact was received from the female lead Liese Sinclair.
Liese, who attended the dinner even though she was not a member of the
Ludwig family, was so dazzlingly beautiful that the novel described her as ‘like
a goddess of spring’.

Bright blonde hair that seems to be floating on its own, eyes that look like the
blue waters of Jeju Island — it’s a pity that my expressive power is this much
—, smooth and soft-looking fair skin, and a delicate body that I want to protect
even though I’m the same woman...

‘This is the dignity of the woman of romance!’

It was so beautiful that it took my breath away.

Wow, the exclamation seemed to come out without my knowledge, so I had to

keep my mouth shut.

But perhaps I was the only one who was mesmerized by Liese’s beauty, and
Count Rigelhoff’s brow furrowed disapprovingly.

“You worked hard to come. I prepared veal because Edith likes it, but I hope it
suits your taste.”

“I feel very reassured as a father sending his daughter to you to care so much...

At Duke Ludwig’s polite greeting, Count Rigelhoff’s words slackened.

“Wasn’t it that only the families of the two families were to attend this event?”

Cliff and Killian’s faces turned cold at the question of Count Rigelhoff, who was
obviously uncomfortable with Liese’s presence.
Ugh, guess who isn’t the male leads?

“Liese is already a child like our family. Since we will continue to see each
other anyway, I thought it would be better to say hello in advance, so I asked
him to come down.”

Duke Ludwig explained, but he didn’t look too happy either. It was clear that he
would not let go if he held on to just one more word.

‘Why are you doing this already!’

From the beginning, I was trying to calm myself down before the board broke,
but Liese spoke first.

“Sorry. After all, it’s not a place for me...”

“Liese, there is no reason for you to be sorry. You are my family The one who
doesn’t understand that doesn’t deserve to be in our family.”

Killian grabbed Liese’s wrist as she tried to leave.

In the original work, it was written that Edith’s eyebrows were raised fiercely
here. It’s a situation that deserves it.

But I didn’t mean to at all.

I have to look good for Liese to save my life, and when I see a pretty girl, I want
to get close to her.
“What the Duke and Killian said is right, Father. When I get married, I’ll keep
running into him anyway, so what’s wrong with saying hello in advance now?”

I don’t know if I laughed properly because I was nervous, but I did my best

Count Rigelhoff nodded his head broadly, wondering what he was thinking, and
smiled kindly.

“Well, Miss Liese is like Killian’s ‘little sister’. Yes?”

Wow, no matter how you look at it, this is ‘Mak-Eun’.

Count Rigelhoff had noticed that the two sons of the Ludwig family were
infatuated with Liese.

I was nervous inside, but Killian didn’t answer and looked away.

Killian avoided the question without saying yes, only Liese looked at him in

“Then let’s start the dinner.”

Duke Ludwig ventilated the atmosphere as if he would not allow any further
commotion, and the servants who were waiting began to serve delicious food.

If you sit still, the luxurious menu created by the best chef will be placed right in
front of you.
I was worried that Count Rigelhoff wouldn’t be thrilled again, but he seems to
be a ‘smile and stick a knife in the back’ player, so he is very cultured and polite
in front of him.

But that was nothing more than a façade.

As the second glass of wine was served, Count Rigelhoff slowly brought up the

“By the way. I have no doubt that the ducal family will take care of our Edith,
but it is not comfortable to send a daughter with her parents in her arms.”

Count Rigelhoff looked at me with a sad look, then turned his gaze back to Duke
Ludwig and his wife.

Duke Ludwig is also ‘finally the beginning.’ He nodded his head with a smile on
his face.

“I fully understand that feeling. But don’t worry too much. I will take care of it
myself to ensure that you do not lack in any of them.”

“Oh, how could I ask the Duke for such a favor? I just want to send away a few
of my child’s maids. Maybe the maids I’ve had for a long time will suit Edith’s
taste well.”

The crisis has finally arrived.

However, Duke Ludwig seemed to be a quick-witted person, so he paused

without answering right away.
Well, even Edith would be seen as a spy for the Rigelhoff family, but it would
not have been straightforward to hear that Count Rigelhoff would let in more
people of his own choosing.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 3



“Our family maids are also quite talented. It will exceed Edith’s standards.”

“Did Duchess Ludwig bring no maids with her when she got married?”


In many ways, the conversation was advantageous to Count Rigelhoff.

After this conversation, in the original work, Sofia could have been sent in with

Count Rigelhoff looked at me again with a benevolent and sympathetic

expression to put an end to the negotiations.

“Hey, Edith. It seems that Duke Ludwig didn’t like the fact that you brought
some maids with you. What should I do?”
I got goosebumps at the acting that looked like I was going to burst into tears at
any moment, but I had to stay alert. The decision made here will determine my

“I am... It’s fine if you don’t bring her maid.”

“Huh...? Eh, Edith...?”

“Isn’t the Duke’s maid no better than our family’s maid? I don’t want any maids
to leave the county they love because of me. So you don’t have to think about
sending me a maid, Father.”

Not only the Duke, but also the Duke’s two sons were watching me with keen
eyes. He seemed to think that after laying the cushion like this, he would ask for
other conditions.

But I am innocent, gentlemen!

“Please forget my father’s request, Your Excellency the Duke. It seems that my
father is very worried about marrying me, who is still immature.”

“No, well, at least one...”

Duke Ludwig sounds like a big deal. What are you talking about because you’re
weak here!

“As the daughter-in-law of the Ludwig family, I don’t want to be seen as spoiled
in the future. I will come alone she believes that the Duchess will send a maid
with good skills.”

I tried my best to put on a smile that looked as good as possible.

Edith’s eyebrows were slightly raised, so it was difficult to make a mild-looking

The people of the duchy nodded their heads, even though they were
uncomfortable with it, and Count Rigelhoff’s expression hardened.

And as soon as he got into the returning carriage and left the gate of the Ludwig
family, Count Rigelhoff shouted.

“Are you crazy!”

I wondered if he would hit me in the face first, but at least I was fortunate. From
now on, I had to act with all my might.

‘Father! Didn’t you see Duke Ludwig’s expression earlier?”


“He was already aware of what his father meant by sending the maids with him.
What should I do if you make such obvious demands?”

At those words, Count Rigelhoff’s eyelids trembled.

It must have been strange for my daughter, who had only been doing what I
asked her to do, to say everything she had to say with her head upright.

But I couldn’t back down from here.

“If you’ve already aroused suspicion, what’s the use of taking a maid in? There
will be more watchful eyes around you. That’s why I’d rather not have it,
“That’s it...!”

“Have you forgotten what the primary purpose of this marriage was? It was to
dispel their doubts. First of all, we must blunt the edge of the vigilance they set
against us.”

How is it, the talker of the marketing department staff in the Korean peninsula,
trained in all kinds of presentations since college!

Unsurprisingly, the count’s ferocious expression softened.

“Then... What are you going to do next?”

“For now, I have to enter alone. And when their suspicions are allayed, I’ll make
an excuse, homesick or whatever, that I’ll fetch her mother’s maid ‘for a while’.
I won’t stop that.”


“Don’t be impatient and ruin things, Dad.”

In the end, Count Rigelhoff was persuaded by me.

It felt like the knife that had entered under my neck had moved about 10
centimeters away.


And after a hectic week, here I am at this black comedy wedding.

The priest is still reciting prayers. In Korea, there is a trend to get rid of long and
boring officiating ceremonies, but there seems to be no such trend here yet.

“Thus the faithful children of the Creator build yet another nest, God, bless the
rings they share and the everlasting covenant that dwells therein.”

Oh, finally a ring exchange.

As I practiced, I turned to face Killian.

Unlike me, who lightly turned around even in an uncomfortable dress, he slowly
and barely stood towards me as if he really didn’t want to.

His formal attire, finally seeing it properly, was so cool that it made me drool,
but looking at him stunned now seemed like a big accident was about to happen.

Thankfully, this revealing dress kept me awake.

‘Yes, yes, Killian. Sister knows all about you. So let’s get rid of it quickly.’

It was sincere. Because I also wanted this uncomfortable and terrible time to
pass quickly.

Two chidren approached with rings placed on small cushions. The children who
thought they were still seven years old were so cute.

Unlike the adults of both families who glared at each other as if they were going
to eat each other, these children’s cheeks flushed with excitement just being in
charge of being part of a beautiful wedding ceremony. I couldn’t help but smile
at them like they were disarmed.
Killian looked down at me coldly and picked up the bridal ring.

I politely held out my left hand, and Killian... Really, barely touching my hand, I
put the ring on the ring finger of my left hand.

I didn’t even support my left hand with my other hand.

‘Wow, he must really hate it.’

What followed was more spectacle.

He reached out and snatched the ring before I could pick it up. Then he put the
ring on himself and stood facing the priest as if he had finished his business.

I was the only one who was about to pick up the ring, but I ended up standing
awkwardly facing him.

The groom’s side of the guest seat exploded with laughter, and the bride’s side
of the guest seat felt anger that would rise at any moment.

It wasn’t that I was okay with it, but if I showed off that I was offended now, it
would only make the situation worse.

I lightly kissed the children’s cheeks and stood facing the priest.

And I thought as I felt the cold air gently spreading from Killian’s side.

‘Yeah, it’s okay if you don’t have men in your life.’

If I had nothing but a healthy body in an affluent life, I should be satisfied. If I
greedily claim to have a man, I will be punished.

‘A life of leisurely enjoying one’s hobbies without worrying about being hit by
one’s father or older brother. How good!’

If you’re lucky, you might be able to sleep with that nice, handsome guy a few
times, using your heir as an excuse.

If even that doesn’t work and you’re lonely, you’ll make a lover later.

Yeah, that’s enough.

I made up my mind once again to give up ‘Romance’ of Romance Fantacy novel

and enjoy ‘Fantacy’ to the fullest.


The reception, which was worried that it would be noisy and busy, probably
because they were not meant to hang out with each other, ended early in a rather
chilly atmosphere.

‘I never thought I’d be so grateful that the two families weren’t on good terms!’

Liese seemed worried that I might be disappointed, but I was rather fortunate.

I had to keep my back straight all day because of the dress that was too tight in
my chest, and it made me feel as if my spine was broken.

What about feet wearing uncomfortable high-heeled shoes and swollen calves?
Just when I wanted to scream that this was torture, Liese, who had been asked
by the Duchess, led me to the bride’s room.

And the maid who was waiting took off the embarrassing and uncomfortable
dress and changed into bed linen.

‘I thought I was going to die before the story even started. Ha...’

Only then did I let out a sigh of relief that I was alive.

But Liese, who had sent the maid out, hesitated.

“Do you have anything to say, Ms. Liese?”

“Ah, that...”

I could have overlooked it, but no matter how tired I was, I didn’t want to miss
this opportunity to talk with the female lead.

Besides, isn’t one of the rules of survival for romance novels possessed by the
wicked woman ‘getting close to the good heroine’?

‘A kind and righteous Liese would never avoid my friendly approach. Whoop!’

Like a character hiding a ruse, I laughed sinisterly inwardly, and it was hard for
me to keep my mouth shut, so I realized that Liese, who wiggled her hands, was

Liese, who was wearing an ivory-colored plain but luxurious dress, was much
more dazzling than I had been adorned with glittering jewels.
Rather, Liese was more suitable for the appearance of a chaste and shy bride.

Maybe that’s what the author was aiming for.

“Today... I apologize for Killian’s rude behavior towards Miss Edith. He hopes
you don’t hate him too much. Even though Killian looks cold and blunt on the
outside, he is actually a deep-hearted person.”

Uh? I remember this scene!

Even in this scene in the original story, Edith talked to Liese first.

Then, she exploded in anger at Liese, who told her not to hate Killian, saying,
“What’s wrong with wearing a white dress to someone else’s wedding? Are you
talking about Killian’s name to me, who has become Killian’s wife?”

To be honest, the reader knows why Liese said that, but Edith, who had to hear
such words without knowing the inside story, thought it was worth getting

But who am I. Amn’t I the possessive who finished reading original story?

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 4


“I fully understand. Killian was forced into a marriage she didn’t want to do, and
she’s probably offended. But that doesn’t mean I hate Killian. After all, he is my

I appealed my harmlessness to Liese, who will soon meet Killian and talk about
me. Liese’s expression brightened as if it had been eaten properly.

“Ms. Edith is really mature and kind!”

“Oh, Miss Liese is such a kind and affectionate person. Today’s dress suits you
so well. No, I think the dress looks pretty thanks to Miss Liese.”

It was sincere.

Wow, can you really be this pretty... I wish I could chew on that soft cheek with
my mouth.

Liese, let’s leave Cliff and live with your sister. Sister will take good care of

“Pi, you must be tired, but I’ve been holding on too long. Sorry. If you’re
resting, Killian will come later... Will come.”

It was cute how her cheeks turned red.

It would be embarrassing and awkward to imagine the first night of Killian, who
has been living like brother and sister for 5 years.

But you don’t have to worry, Liese. Because that won’t happen.
I waved my hand to thank Liese as she returned and I was finally able to be left
alone in the silence.

“Whoa, is the wedding episode finally over?”

I slumped down on the bed, took a breather, threw off the bed linen that the
maid had worked so hard on, and soaked myself in the bathtub on the other side
of the room, behind the curtains.

“Ha-ha... It’s nice that it’s hot.”

It was a bathtub prepared for the couple to wash themselves after having sex.

It seemed to have been filled with hot water in consideration of the time to have
sex, but as I enjoyed going to the sauna in my previous life, it was just the right
temperature to warm up.

As I was soaking in the hot water, it seemed that my aching body was slowly

“If you live as the daughter-in-law of a Duke, you can even have the maid get
water in the bathtub, right? Amazing, great.”

Even if Count Rigelhoff was annoyed and Killian felt a sharp wind blow, it was
true that this possession was luck.

It is an inconvenient world without smartphones and internet, but when I was

living as Choi Soo-na, I was enjoying luxury that I never imagined.

What if you can’t access the internet? Books, plays, and operas also exist in this
world, and there are hunting competitions, picnics of all kinds, parties and balls.
I don’t have to go to work, I’m free from housework, and I don’t have to worry
about my bank account balance or my brother threatens to borrow a loan in my

“Now, if you only cut ties with that bastard’s family...”

He had the confidence to live quietly and enjoy life in the Ludwig family
without interfering with the male lead, female lead, or even the sub male lead
husband, but Count Rigelhoff was the problem.

Even if I live quietly, if Count Rigelhoff behaves according to the original story,
I too may be accused of being a spy for my family and my hair will be blown

‘It wouldn’t be a questionable marriage anyway. There’s actually a conspiracy

behind it.’

Duke Ludwig suspected that the Rigelhoffs were allying themselves with the
Duke of Langston, who was seeking the emperor’s throne, and the Rigelhoffs
proposed a marriage alliance to prove their innocence.

There were rumors that Count Rigelhoff cared for his daughter Edith, so I was a
kind of hostage.

Killian, who became the marriage partner, naturally refused, but Duke Ludwig,
who had to hold the leash of Count Rigelhoff for the time being, persuaded

It was also there that the heartbreaking narrative of Killian, who fell for Liese,
came out.

“I love you, Liese. A piece of paper makes me the husband of another woman,
but my soul will always long for you.”
The comment section of the episode where Killian, locked in a dark room, shed
a hot tear and recited that line, was spectacle.

All sorts of comments exploded, such as saying that I can’t throw away this
stock, looking at me as a writer man, and asking for Liese to set up a harem.

Anyway, Killian had no choice but to follow the decision of the owner of the
house, the Duke, even though he had such a desperate heart. Because family
interests were more important to him.

‘That’s the sadness of the sub male lead.’

Perhaps the male lead Cliff’s schemes got involved in the process.

On the outside, it seemed that Killian, who had a cold impression, would be
more obsessed with Liese, but in reality, Cliff, who seemed soft at first glance,
was much more crazy.

Maybe that’s why they removed Killian before the situation got serious.

‘Oh, I don’t know, I don’t know. I want to get some rest today. I’m tired.’

Putting off complex thoughts until tomorrow, I relaxed. After being possessed, I
suffered from nervousness all week, so I was very tired.

As the tension was relieved, sleep poured out, so I leaned my head against the
bathtub and dozed off.

Thanks to that, I didn’t hear someone open the door and come in.
“You are a heartless bride to wash alone before the new groom arrives.”


I was startled by the sudden sound of a man’s voice overhead and covered my

“Who, who...!”

“Is there anyone else in the bridal chamber other than the groom? Or maybe
there was someone waiting?”

“Uh...? Ki, Killian?”

Killian’s eyebrows wrinkled, wondering if it was unpleasant to be called only by

name, or if he just hated everything about Edith.

But the fact that he was here was surprising.

“...I thought you wouldn’t come.”

Of course it was. In the original work, there was a scene where Killian and Liese
had a conversation around this point.

At Liese’s words to be nice to Edith, Killian grabs Liese’s wrist and asks if she’s
serious, and just as he is about to kiss her while looking at her desperately, Cliff
appears and interrupts.

In the end, Killian left Liese by Cliff’s side and avoided the seat, and went into
his room and drank alcohol to soothe his sore throat.
Anyway, if that’s the case, doesn’t that mean you didn’t enter the bridal

Killian snorted at my vague answer.

“Fortunately, you seem to have some awareness.”

“It has to be. You avoided even sharing a wedding ring. I am an idiot if I don’t
see it.”

Killian stiffened, probably not expecting to be attacked. But I never expected

him to feel sorry for me.

To him, Edith Riegelhoff is just the daughter of a mean man and the culprit who
frustrated his love.

“Did you expect even passionate courtship?”

As expected, he asked back with a straight line.

Reasonably speaking, I should have been angry too.

But now, everything just bothered me, I was sleepy, and on the other hand, I
thought that I could save my life only if I didn’t hate Killian.

It was also physiologically impossible to get angry at that face.

“I was just saying what happened. Seeing your reluctance to contact me, I’m
telling you that I knew you wouldn’t come to my room today. So... Are you
going to sleep here today?”
I said it in the softest possible voice, but I don’t know how it was for him to

He glared at me with displeasure, then turned and left without answering.

“...Why are you here in the first place?”

Has the original plot been changed, or is this the same as the original work?

But right now I don’t have the energy to think about anything in detail.

I got up from the half-cooled bathtub and wiped myself off. Tonight, I will sleep
soundly in that fluffy bed!


“Killian? Didn’t you go to the bridal chamber?”

Liese was standing on the balcony on the second floor where the moonlight was
pouring in.

The ivory-colored dress she was wearing looked like the color of a bride, so
Killian wanted to hold Liese’s hand and head to his bedroom.

However, Liese, who he wanted so much, pushed him to go into the bride’s

“I went.”

“Then why did you come back?”

“She didn’t have any expectations for tonight either. Although she was a little

Liese’s eyes widened at Killian’s answer.

“What are you talking about? A while ago obviously...”

“I heard she’s already dozing off in the bathtub by herself?”


Seeing Liese’s flustered appearance, Killian chuckled.

“Liese, it’s a problem because you only think of everyone as good.”

“But Miss Edith is a good person. You accepted me generously at dinner a week

“It must have been because of my father’s eyes. The corners of her mouth were
trembling from her forced smile.”

“It can’t be! How kindly you treated me today.”

“You have to think carefully about whether it was really friendly or sarcastic
with a smile.”

Killian couldn’t agree with Liese no matter how well he spoke of Edith.
What kind of person is Count Rigelhoff? Isn’t he a man who pretends to be
cultured and kind on the outside, but does all sorts of snake-like tricks behind
the scenes?

I grew up under such a person, but there’s no way I’ll be fine just because I’m
her daughter.

Right now she pretends not to know anything and pretends to be hypocritical,
but it was clear that Edith entered the duchy to help her father with his work.

He had no choice but to marry Edith to prevent Count Rigelhoff from leaving,
but Killian had no intention of continuing this marriage smoothly, nor of
maintaining it for long.

‘If it’s that greedy Count Rigelhoff, I’ll dig my grave before long, so I’ll just
throw that woman away then.’

Killian thought about that and clenched her molars tightly, but Liese frowned
and put on a troubled expression.

“Why is that, Liese?”

“No, that... After listening to Killian’s words, I wondered if Edith was angry
with me earlier...”

“What? That she was mad at you?”

“Oh, no, that’s not what I meant, I think I made a mistake.”

“Tell me what happened, Liese.”

Killian’s eyes widened quickly.

Liese chewed her lips and sighed again before speaking.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 5



“I took care of Miss Edith and came out... Edith complimented my dress. At the
time, she thought it was just a compliment and was happy...”

Liese fiddled with the hem of her dress.

The dress she was wearing today was bought by Killian, saying that she wanted
her to wear it to her wedding.

I tried to refuse, saying that wearing a white dress to a wedding is not a bit off,
but Killian earnestly asked, saying, ‘This is ivory, not white.’

Besides, since the dress Edith will wear is white and has a lot of gold threads
mixed in, it is incomparably more splendid than this dress, so I accepted
Killian’s request because I thought a dress as simple as this would be fine.

However, if Edith’s compliment, “The dress suits you well,” is meant to be

sarcastic, you end up laughing in front of him without even noticing.
“Was Miss Edith offended?”

Killian gritted his teeth when Edith said that he had pointedly mentioned Liese’s
dress, which was nothing else.

‘To cowardly argue with the powerless Liese, knowing that it was the Ludwig
family who prepared Liese’s dress...’

However, I couldn’t see Liese’s heartache because of this.

“No way. Think of the dress she wore today. Wasn’t it just that you were
sensitive to your dress?”

“Ah! Edith, you were really pretty today, right? Really shiny...”

“It was shallow.”

“What, what do you mean, Killian! Isn’t it too much to be vulgar to your own

When Liese questioned with a shocked expression, Killian quickly tempered his

“Sorry. Was it a bit harsh to write in front of you?”

“It’s not that I’m sorry, I should be sorry for Miss Edith! Don’t you feel sorry
for her? She came alone to a place where no one knew, trusting only Killian.
She needs Killian to take good care of.”

However, Liese’s request, worried about Edith, hurt Killian’s heart.

He grabbed Liese’s wrist and asked in a low voice.

“Are you serious?”


“You are cruel, Liese. With what kind of heart did I endure today... Is it because
you really don’t know?”

Liese’s blue eyes trembled anxiously.

Killian was sure that Liese knew his heart.

As you know, Liese was someone who couldn’t express any opinions about this
marriage. Perhaps this was Liese’s way of trying to soothe her heart, she didn’t

This is what happened, put your heart on Edith... Don’t be too sad...


“Killian. I am... I am...”

Killian couldn’t find anything to say and quietly lifted Liese’s chin. Liese’s
surprised face was so lovely.

How comforted I was by that kindness and innocence like the spring sunlight.

Killian slowly approached Liese’s lips.


If it hadn’t been for the obstruction, Killian might have been able to kiss Liese

“Hey, Cliff!”

Startled, Liese moved away from Killian and waved at Cliff with an awkward

“Anyway, that person...”

Killian growled lowly, but Liese pretended not to hear and laughed hard.

And the main character who ruined Killian’s precious moment approached with
a calm face as if he hadn’t seen the scene where the two were about to kiss.

“It was late at night and I was surprised that he wasn’t in the room. But Killian,
why are you here? Did you leave the bride alone?”

“If you feel sorry for me, my brother will go and comfort you.”

“You don’t want to create a scandal about coveting your sister’s woman, do

When it came to Liese, Cliff, who never backed down, had no choice but to turn
his back on Killian.

If there were rumors that the Ludwig family had a fight over Liese on the
wedding night, Liese would be in trouble.
I didn’t want to make it more difficult for Liese, who was still suffering from
enough embarrassing rumors.

Killian went into his bedroom and took out a drink, feeling the pain as if his
heart had been cut by a sharp knife.

It was a night where I felt like I had to drink at least to fall asleep.


I was going to sleep soundly until the sun rose in the middle of the sky, but in
the morning, my eyes opened by themselves.

Even though I was possessed by Edith, the office worker’s biological clock
alarm that wakes up at 6 o’clock was still running.

‘Oh, I’m tired... Huh?’

Contrary to what I expected, of course, that my whole body would hurt like it
would break, it was quite tolerable.

‘Wow, this is the stamina of a 22-year-old, no, that’s the stamina of a healthy

I wasn’t this healthy when I was 22, so it must be a matter of basic fitness, not

‘It’s really good. It’s so so good!’

I was so happy that I didn’t get sick despite all the hardships yesterday.
And just like the saying that a healthy mind resides in a healthy body, there is no
sick spot, so I started to see the situation more positively.

‘If I do well, I might be able to live as a cute daughter-in-law. Her husband is

crazy about her other woman, but her parents-in-law are different.’

It is said that if you get married, you will hate the prohibition of ‘poetry’, but as
long as I can be loved by people called ‘parents’, I don’t care if it’s my parents-

‘Good! First of all, say hello!’

It seemed like a traditional Korean culture, but it seemed that no in-laws would
dislike a daughter-in-law who came to say hello the morning after the wedding.

Besides, isn’t one of the rules of survival for a romance novel being possessed
by a villain is to win the favor of the main supporting characters!

Excitedly, I hurriedly got up and then stopped.

‘Blood on the bed... Should I drop something like that?’

In one romance novel, it was said that the aristocratic couple looked through the
bedding where they spent the first night and checked for bloodstains.

Only after confirming that, the marriage is officially recognized...

But I immediately shook my head.

If I did something like that on my own, Killian might roll his eyes.
Because he was a man who would protect his pure body for Liese.

‘A handsome virgin, good. But I think it’s a bit too much to force virginity even
to the male lead.’

Did Killian of the original work, who did not give up his love despite not being
chosen by Liese, lived as a virgin until his death?

In my heart, I mourned Killian and pulled the sling line. I laughed out loud for
some reason when I tried to pull the ‘Seolleongjul’ that I had only read in

“Good night, my lady.”

“Huh. Please take care of Sean and the leader.”

“Yes. I will wash my face soon.”

Unlike Sophia, the polite maid, who had bowed her head without making eye
contact with me, left without a sound of footsteps.

‘Lady, no matter how many times I hear it, it feels strange.’

Even though I was married, I was still called a lady. It was because if she was
called Mrs. Ludwig, she could be confused with the Duchess.

It seemed to me that sooner or later Killian would be given part of the Dukedom
and the title of count, and only then would I be called a countess or something.

‘In the original version, Edith died without ever hearing his wife’s voice.’
I took a deep breath, brooding over the idea that if I made a mistake, I could
follow her.

And with the help of the maid, she tried to transform into a true daughter-in-law.

But the problem was the clothes.

There were more than one or two dresses sent to me by the Rigelhoffs, showing
off their family wealth, but they were all splendid and cut deep in the chest, so
there was nowhere to look.

“What did you say your name was?”

“This is Anna, miss.”

“Yes, Anna. Go to the bedroom and ask for the breasts of this dress to be
covered more naturally. Get rid of the flashy decorations. Hurry!”

“Yes, my lady.”

Anna didn’t obey my instructions and immediately grabbed the dress and ran to
the Duke’s bedroom.

Seeing that compliant attitude, I could see how abnormally Sophia, the
Rigelhoffs’ maid, had treated me.

‘Well, from her point of view, I must have been the Rigelhoff family’s pet dog.’

Although they decorate them beautifully, they are nothing more than ‘dogs’.
Leaving Sophia away was truly a godsend.

While Anna came back and touched my hair and put on light makeup, the quick-
witted bedroom maids of the duchy adjusted my dress and sent it off.

When I asked to cover the hollow chest part, I caught the frill in that short time
and repaired it as if it was originally designed like this.

I also reduced the fancy decorations, and now it’s something I can wear.

‘I have to leave the rest of the dresses to be mended quickly. How do you wear

I sighed slightly as I looked at Edith’s dresses piled up like a mountain. Even at

first glance, it’s flashy, so it’s crazy.

If she wore something like that, it was clear that the Duke’s people would firmly
label her as ‘extravagant and vain Edith’.

Anyway, the greetings came first.

I put on a more neat dress and ordered Anna to say hello to the Duchess.

Fortunately, the Duchess did not refuse my visit.

“I think you can go right now.”

“Okay? Okay. But how do I look?”

“You are beautiful.”

Even if the AI answers, I think it will be more sincere than that...

‘Because the people in this family must be wary of me...‘’

The servants may have been ordered to be careful with their words in front of

I decided to be generous with Anna.

“If you are, then so be it. Then, will you guide me to His Excellency’s room?”

“Yes, lady.”

Straightening my back, but with a slight smile on my face so as not to look too
arrogant, I passed through the hallway of the Duke’s house and headed for the
small drawing room connected to the Duchess’s bedroom.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 6



In the parlor with the door open, the Duchess and Duchess Ludwig, dressed
comfortably, were getting off the car.

A teacup was placed in the seat across from me, as if I had prepared my own.
“Greetings to the Duke and Duchess. Did you have a good night?”

“Thanks to you, I slept well. You must have been tired yesterday, but I’m
worried that you’re too nervous to come to say hello in the morning.”

“Thanks to everyone in the Duke family for their consideration, I also rested
comfortably. Thank you.”

Duke Ludwig’s expression was a little stiff, but the Duchess accepted my
greeting with a benevolent expression.

I was able to naturally sit across from them and drink a cup of hot tea.

Even in the middle of a casual conversation, they didn’t ask why they didn’t
come with Killian or what their relationship with Killian was.

‘Well, looking at the fact that I prepared only my own teacup...’

It must have already been reported that he did not sleep in the bride’s room

They wouldn’t have any reason to bring up a story against them.

Instead, the Duke asked a question that seemed to attack me subtly.

“I know very well that the count is very precious and raised well, but... I wonder
if you know some of the responsibilities of being a hostess of an aristocratic
house. Oh, of course you can learn from now on.”
It really shines when I read the original work. I would have been embarrassed if
I had been asked this question without thinking.

“I can manage the cash flow and organize the documents. Of course, there will
be a Duke’s way, so if you tell me, I’ll understand it as soon as possible.”

“...It seems the Count clearly taught that.”

It was a nuance, as if he had come to steal our family’s cash records and internal

“If I am not trustworthy, teach me something else. I will do my best to learn.”


Duke Ludwig cleared his throat for no reason, as if he didn’t know he would
openly listen to him say, “Don’t believe it if you don’t believe it,” and the
Duchess patted him on the side and rolled her eyes.

It seemed that the Duchess would be more communicative than the Duke.

The wife smiled softly on behalf of her husband.

“It’s good that you learned about keeping money and filing documents. Then
can you help me with my work in two weeks? It won’t be too difficult. If you
want to rest more, you can start next month.”

“Do we need to wait until two weeks? I have nothing to do anyway, but if you
leave it to me from today, I will do my best.”

Then, I wanted to say sorry, so I added it.

“Ah, I bet your wife needs some time to adjust things as well. Then... Call me
whenever you need me.”

I’ll probably have to leave out documents that shouldn’t be visible to me.

However, the Duke and his wife did not show off like that in front of me like

“My parents-in-law are not so bad as to make my daughter-in-law work as soon

as she gets married. You too will need time to prepare the things you need to
stay here.”

“Thank you for your consideration.”

“Speaking of which, if you need anything, tell me.”

“Then... If you don’t mind, may I call the person from the dressing room?”

The two opened their eyes wide as if in surprise for a moment, then smiled and
nodded their heads. Perhaps, as soon as I got married, I would rather have
ordered an expensive dress with the property of the Duke.

‘Yeah, I like having such low expectations. Then they will rate me more highly

With some insidious thoughts, I didn’t say why I wanted to call the dressing

“And I think I need to figure out the structure of the Duke’s residence first,
because the Duke’s residence is so wide. Can you give me someone to introduce
you to the mansion?”
“If Killian does that...”

“Killian is busy.”

I didn’t need his guidance because I was determined not to run into Killian as
much as possible in the future.

It’s something he wouldn’t even bother to do in the first place.

The Duke and Duchess immediately called the butler as if they realized that they
were talking nonsense.

“This is Philip the butler. Philip knows best about the inside of the mansion, so
let him guide you.”

At the introduction of the Duchess, Philip greeted politely with a light smile on
his face.

“My name is Philip Clement. Please call me Philip. It is an honor to welcome a

new member of the Ludwig family.”

“Nice to meet you, Philip. But the butler of the ducal family would be very busy,
but I’m worried that I’m wasting your time. Even if I just accept the introduction
of the maid...”

“It’s instead of Killian. We can’t just assign a maid to replace Killian.”

Are you sorry for me? That would be nice.

“Then, I will gladly accept the favor.”

I greeted the Duchess and immediately followed Philip.

It would be much more fun to look around the mansion than to sit around in
your room with nothing to do.

And the selection was excellent.

“This is the ‘Sistine Hall’, a hall that exhibits art collections from the days of
Count Ludwig. We change the exhibits once a month.”

Famous paintings were hung on all sides of the room, and statues were placed in
the middle.

‘Isn’t it that there is an art museum in your house where different exhibitions are
held every month? Amazing...’

In my previous life, I couldn’t go to the exhibition I was interested in at the

Municipal Museum of Art because I didn’t have time or was burdened with the
price of the ticket, but here you can see such high-quality works of art for free!

When I thought about it, my heart pounded even though these paintings and
statues were not all mine.

“Is it okay to come and see at any time? Do I need to get someone’s

“If you are a member of the Ludwig family, you can come in anytime.”

Liese would be included in that, but well, it’s not something I’m going to argue
Anyway, I have secured a place to come to play when I am bored.

But besides that, there were many places that looked interesting.

“This is a jewelry showroom. The Duke’s jewels are displayed, and during
important parties, the Duke’s family members use the jewels here. Unlike the
Sistine Hall, you must have permission from the Duke or Duchess to enter.”

If there is a room where beautiful jewelry shines.

“This is where you manage your weapons and armor. It is a place where the
Duke and his little masters usually come. The weapons stored here are all made
by renowned artisans.”

At first glance, there were rooms lined with extraordinary cutlery,

“This is the Great Library, the heart of the Dukedom.”

There was also an enormous library.

‘It will take a long time just to look around.’

With so many things to enjoy, my anticipation rose and I became happy.

Even if I tried to manage my expression, the corner of my mouth kept going up,
so it seems like I just followed him around with a smile.

“The mansion is so large that it is difficult to look around all of it within one
day. Take a look around here today, and I’ll show you more the day after
“Thank you, Philip. I didn’t even notice the time passing because Philip’s voice
and speaking skills are so good.”

“It’s an overstatement.”

My compliments on Philip were not meant to please him, but from the heart.

Of course he would be wary of me, but he didn’t show any signs of it and treated
me respectfully.

Besides, it didn’t seem like he talked much, but he picked out the important
points of each room, so it felt like he had been tutored with tweezers.

After a pleasant morning thanks to Philip, I decided to follow him back to my


Philip even taught me a new route and gave a fruitful lecture until the end.

“This is the ‘Great Corridor’. It is a good place to see the beauty of the
courtyard. His Excellency the Duke also enjoys walking and talking here.”

“And... It’s worth it. It is so beautiful.”

The Ludwig family, including the people and the mansion, everything was
beautiful, so it was pleasing to the eyes wherever I looked.

‘I’ve always regretted not being able to travel abroad in my previous life, but I
never thought I’d be rewarded like this after I die.’
Visiting ancient castles in Europe would not have been more exciting than now.
It’s much more fun to see a castle where real people live than to peek at an old
time that has been stuffed and covered with dust.

‘So pretty.’

Arched shadows colored the floor and walls, and ivy, which had just begun to
sprout new leaves, climbed up the pillars.

Through the railing, we could see the well-maintained courtyard. Liese, Cliff,
and Killian drinking tea on the opposite balcony...

“Ah, that, the young ladies often have tea at this time, but oh, it seems that today
they are having tea with Lady Liese.”

At the same time as mine, Philip’s gaze stopped there, and he was quite
flustered, unlike the calm he had been before.

‘Well, it’s only embarrassing to see that the groom who scorned the bride is
drinking tea with another woman.’

Even since I’m notorious for being a wicked woman, Philip will think that I’ll
be strong no matter what happens now.

In the original work, there was a scene where Edith witnessed that appearance,
and at that time, Edith glared terrifyingly until Killian and Liese looked at him.

Of course, all he did was receive Killian’s contemptuous gaze.

However, I was already overflowing with happiness just by confirming the

Duke’s wealth and noble taste.
“Ugh, that’s right. By the way, the garden will be more beautiful when spring is

“Yes, yes.”

“I think I will come here often in the future. Then, shall we continue?”

“Yes? Ah, yes. Let’s go.”

I smiled and followed Philip.

His eyes look at me with a pity for some reason, but it must be my mistake? The
person the butler feels sorry for is Killian, not me.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 7



“Okay, how was her reaction?”

Duke Ludwig summoned Philip, who guided Edith to the mansion.

“She followed my instructions well and grasped the structure of the mansion
surprisingly well. She especially liked the Sistine Hall, where the art was
“Did you notice anything strange?”

“No. There was none at all. Contrary to rumors, she showed a very dignified

“Hmph! Count Rigelhoff must have trained her for that much.”

Duke Ludwig frowned and tapped the end of the armrest of the chair with the tip
of his finger.

Even if she came and went after being trained by a snake-like person, Edith was
definitely different from the rumors.

At yesterday’s wedding, apart from the vulgarity of the dress, she maintained an
elegant and upright posture to greet the guests, and even though she must have
been tired, she did not lose her smile throughout the day.

Even though Killian was so rude during the ring exchange, she kissed the
children affectionately and behaved so as not to make the atmosphere awkward.

None of them fit the popular rumor that she was arrogant and careless.

‘Rumors tend to be stimulatingly inflated, but...’

In fact, he and his wife were said to have prepared their hearts for the news that
they were coming to say hello this morning.

I had already heard that Killian had not stayed in the bridal chamber the night

I thought she would definitely come and pick me up.

Edith had a lot to say, such as how he educated his children and whether he was
ignoring himself.

But she had literally come to say good morning.

I tried to provoke her on purpose, but I only ended up being counterattacked.

‘Killian, he made things difficult. If this happens, we won’t have anything more
to say!’

It wasn’t that he didn’t know that Killian loved Liese.

Duke Ludwig also adored Liese like his own daughter, and he planned to marry
her as his daughter-in-law.

However, until this year, Count Rigelhoff had to hold on to the leash so as not to
stick to the side of ArchDuke Langston, so he could not refuse their offer of a
marriage alliance with Edith.

Although he felt sorry for Killian, he could not pass on the daughter of the
Rigelhoff family to Cliff, who would become the successor, and finally got
Killian and Edith married after persistent persuasion.

“Don’t force me to do more than a couple on paper.”

Killian left the place with a face as if he had lost his soul, and he was unable to
say anything.

However, since Edith was rumored to be a wicked woman, I thought that even if
Killian neglected her, he would have a reason to throw Edith out later.
I couldn’t believe Edith would be so calm...

Duke Ludwig let out a sigh, but Philip cleared his throat beside him and added
his words.

“In fact... On the way back through the Grand Corridor, Lady Edith spotted
Master Killian on the balcony opposite.”

“Spotted? No way...!”

At the expression ‘spotted’, Duke Ludwig made an angry expression.

On the balcony of the Grand Corridor, Liese and his two sons often had tea time.

“Yes... Master Cliff and Master Killian were having tea with Miss Liese.”

The Duke covered his forehead with his hand.

Yesterday was the wedding. And the groom didn’t even spend his first night in
the bride’s room.

She saw such a groom flirting with another woman from the next morning.

Even if the Duke was Edith, there was nothing to say because it would cause
blood to flow backwards.

“There must have been an uproar.”

“That is...”
“What? No, did you think there was a way to appease it?”

Philip was not unfamiliar with the Duke’s nervous mood. So Edith’s reaction
was embarrassing to him as well.

“That is... She didn’t care at all.”


“I don’t know what she thought on the inside, but she didn’t make a fuss or get
angry on the spot. She just moved around as if she hadn’t seen anything.”

Even Philip himself was not confident in his voice, as if he couldn’t believe
what he was saying. And Duke Ludwig was speechless for a while. Because it
was nonsense.

After thinking about it for a long time, he finally came to this conclusion.

“Edith Rigelhoff is also not normal. Tsk.”


After returning to my room and having breakfast and lunch with the food the
maid had brought, I readjusted my situation while basking in the sun on the
balcony attached to my room.

I had already given up a lot in this wicked woman’s fantasy romance, but I felt
like it would be tough just to survive.
‘The best thing is to be a part of this family and spend the rest of your life
comfortably. But will things go so easily?’

I gave up on my husband’s love and promised to be satisfied with an affluent

life, but that was only possible if the people in this house accepted me.

‘Shall I speak frankly about my situation and appeal to sympathy?’

Until now, all of my appearances were made by my father, and I was actually a
daughter who was abused by my father.

While thinking about that, I immediately shook my head.

‘There’s no way Ludwig people will believe me. Besides, why did Killian
accept this marriage in the first place?’

If he knew I wasn’t even worthy of being a hostage, he would instantly annul the
marriage itself.

Then I’d be kicked out without a single penny, without being able to return to
Count Rigelhoff’s family.

In the worst case, I could have been killed for betraying my family.

‘Then what about divorce and leaving?’

According to my marriage vows, upon divorce, I will be given a small mansion

and enough money to live on for the rest of my life.

It would be the safest way, but I thought I should first find out if a divorce is
possible with only a woman’s will in this world.
Besides, even if I tried to get a divorce, I had to prove that I wasn’t my parent’s
helper, and there was no guarantee that my parents wouldn’t come and harass

‘It’s a pain in the ass. Maybe I’ll have to run away at night?’

Maybe this is the most realistic way.

‘Since I have to assume the worst, I need to figure out how the world is going
and collect money.’

Of course, that was a countermeasure assuming the worst situation, and the
ultimate goal is to quietly stick to a corner of the house and suck honey.

‘Anyway, I think I did well for the Duke and Duchess Ludwig today. Let’s focus
on those two in the future. I think it would be good for him to look good to Liese

Liese Sinclair.

A woman destined to be the protagonist of this world.

However, her life was not easy until she came to the Ludwig family.

The children of the Sinclair family did not recognize Liese as their brother and
constantly bullied her. To them, Liese was like a doll that they could bully and
play with.

‘Then, the Duke and Duchess Ludwig came to stay at Count Sinclair’s house,
and thanks to Liesee preventing the Duchess from falling off her horse, the
Duchess became interested in Liese...’
At that time, the Duke and his wife, who learned about Liese’s unfortunate life,
were enraged that the young and kind Liese was being abused, and received the
‘right’ to Liese in exchange for the huge amount of money lent to them by the
Sinclair family.

Thanks to this, Liese has the surname of Sinclair, but the Sinclair family could
not claim any rights to Liese, including parental rights.

‘That’s why Liese must have hit the ground when she married Cliff.’

As the son-in-law of the Duke family, he could have secured his share, but
rather, he became the enemy of the Duke family and stepped on the steps of

‘Liese is, in a way, a character who has no luck in this world.’

If Liese was on my side, I could easily escape from the fate of death.

Actually, it was the first thought that came to my mind after possessing Edith,
but I was worried about it because I was strangely reluctant.

‘Is it because Edith is set up as Liese’s enemy in the original work? I’m not very
comfortable dealing with Liese.’

It may be a matter of course. Because Liese and Edith had a relationship that
couldn’t be mixed like water and oil.

Even if it’s not a matter of personality, how can the man I love embrace the
woman I love.
Of course, it was a condition that didn’t apply to me, but I didn’t want to get
close to it, probably because I knew that Liese was the one responsible for the
downfall of Edith.

‘In the current situation, trying to be friendly could actually lead to

misunderstandings, so it’s better to be kind for now, but keep a reasonable

But it was something I couldn’t just sit idly by.

‘Let’s put aside getting close, first of all, let’s observe the three people

If you are a Jipi keeper, it is a law of 100% approval.

In order to survive in this world, basic research is essential, and the most
important thing in that investigation must be the three main characters.

The next day, I dressed as casually as possible, brought my opera binoculars,

and decided to observe the three of them from a distance, pretending to
understand the interior of the mansion.

‘If I find the place where Liese is, the other two will naturally follow.’

I recalled the memories from the original story and searched for places where
Liese might be.

Grand corridor, courtyard, second floor terrace, and garden.

‘Finally found! But why are you outside, it’s still cold.’
Under a large tree in the garden, she was reading a book in perfect shape as if

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 8



She covered her shoulders with a thick shawl and delicately flipped through the
bookshelves. It was so pretty that even the same woman would stare at her in

But I was the only one who saw that pretty look.

‘Why are you alone? I thought there would of course be male leads where Liese

But as soon as I thought about that, Cliff appeared out of nowhere.


“Ah, Cliff!”

“The wind is still chilly, so why are you here?”

That’s what I wanted to say too.

The weather is still too cold to direct the reading scene outside. I’m cold too

“It is so frustrating to be confined to my room. It’s chilly, but the air is so clear
that I feel like my stomach is open.”

“Then what if I catch a cold?”

Cliff spoke kindly and quietly sat close to Liese.

“What book are you reading?”

“It’s a book about the history of the imperial family. Because I didn’t get this
kind of education... Just in case I didn’t know, I was afraid it would become
someone for His Excellency the Duke.”

Although Liese is listed on the family register of Count Sinclair, she is ignored
as an illegitimate child and has not learned anything that a noble should learn.

She felt indebted to the Duke and his wife, who treated her like a daughter, and
feared that the Duchess would be disgraced because of me, so she always wore

‘Poor. Is it Liese’s fault that she was born as an illegitimate child? It’s the
father’s fault for making fun of his lower body!’

As if I wasn’t the only one who thought so, Cliff wrapped his arms around
Liese’s shoulders with a pitiful expression and lightly kissed her on the head.

“You will never become anyone.”

“It doesn’t matter if you read it because you like it, but if you just watch it
because you don’t want to become someone, stop. All you have to do is have
fun here, Liese.”

Cliff kindly soothed Liese, but Liese’s smile was somehow bitter.

And I thought I knew how Liese felt right now.

‘Cliff, since you know everything, you’ll think it’s okay. But those who can’t
learn and don’t have it aren’t like that.’

No matter how much Cliff protected Liese, she couldn’t get rid of the complex
that Liese herself felt.

I thought that Liese’s self-discovery and study was for her own sake.

But because Cliff was obsessed with Liese, he didn’t like Liese to stand alone
without me. So he must be coddling with such words.

In the meantime, I saw Killian approaching.

“Liese says she will study hard, so why are you interfering? Liese, do whatever
you want to do. If that’s a way that satisfies you, I’ll be happy to help.”

It was a comfort that was different from Cliff, but if I were Liese, I think I
would have been more grateful to Killian.

However, it was a bit weak for a line the male lead had to say.
The line that male leads might say in a romance drama like this is ‘I’ll give you
everything, you only look at me’.

‘Killian. I agree you’re right, but that’s why you can’t beat Cliff. Cliff is a
sweet, twisted guy.’

Cliff would rather have Liese become someone who can’t do anything without

He could put up with Liese being kind to Killian, but he would feel very anxious
about her standing alone.

Anyway, as expected, two men gathered where Liese was.

‘But don’t they work? Is it my job to follow Liese all day?’

It is said that nobles do not work is a virtue, but even if they played, they were
only circling around Liese to the extent that I wondered if they were playing too

‘If it were me, I would have kicked it out because it was annoying, but Liese
accepts it well.’

Do I know that there is no point in trying to drive them away, or am I unaware

that they are clinging to me...

Either way, it’s certain that it’s not normal. Or is that level of ignorance for the
heroine of Romance a basic patch?

‘No, but that’s what I mean. If Edith had married Killian, wouldn’t it have been
the beginning of volume 4 of <The House/Envoy>? Then you must have already
leaned towards Cliff...?’
That’s how the story of marrying Killian to the villain came out.

However, looking at it now, I had no idea which side Liese gave more heart to.

Even I, who read the original story, am confused, so maybe those two men
really didn’t notice.

‘Wow, Liese Sinclair. Fishing management skills are not common. I have to
learn something like that too.’

If she did this without knowing, she was born with it, and if she did it
knowingly, she could be called a villainess. Of course, Liese is innate.

“Killian! Why is Edith coming alone?”

As Killian approached, Liese welcomed him.

But was there a need to bring out my name there, Liese?

“I don’t know what she’s doing.”

As expected, Killian’s voice instantly became dry.

“But if Edith is bored alone...”

“Liese, you don’t have to worry so much about her. She’s just a hostage that
she’ll be here for a while and leave. Think so.”

Ugh! That’s what I was thinking.

Well, that was the case in the original work as well. Killian regarded the
marriage as ‘a disaster to be put up with for a while’.

And it became a reality. That was before Volume 5 even started.

‘Should I do this much for today’s spying?’

Feeling a chill around my neck for some reason, I carefully pulled myself back
and returned to the room.

That day, Killian’s words disturbed me all day long.


An expensive teacup broke with a loud bang.

“Aagh! It’s crazy? Are you crazy? Why would you want a woman like that!”

A voice shrill like a scream made me hysterical.

And Damian Sinclair, who arrived slowly at the request of the maid who rushed
in, looked pathetically at his younger sister Layla, who was having a temper

“What happened again this time?”

At the bored voice, Layla turned her head and glared at her brother.

“Are you asking because you don’t know?”

“There are many things. Which of them?”

“I heard that Edith Rigelhoff married Killian Ludwig!”

“Ah, that one?”

The Sinclairs were not invited to Ludwig’s wedding.

The reason was that they wanted to hold a frugal ceremony with only relatives
gathered, but the pride of the Count Sinclair was torn to shreds as the closest
aides to the duchy were noticed to have attended.

More than anything else, the fact that the bride at the wedding was a daughter of
the Riegelhoffs drove Leyla almost mad.

This is because Count Rigelhoff had a bad relationship with Count Sinclair, and
Layla had a crush on Killian for a long time.

Edith, who was arrogant that she would soon become the daughter-in-law of the
Ludwig family, was upset.

“Why is it Edith Rigelhoff? Why!”

“The Ludwig family seems to have a hobby of collecting insignificant women,


“Is that something to laugh at?”

“Then what? Do you really think that seat should have been yours?”
Having been stabbed to the point, Layla’s face was red with anger and shame.

“Is your brother still the heir? As a daughter, I also try to help the family by
finding a good wife, but why is my brother so carefree?”

Even after hearing that, Damian didn’t look too bad. Rather, there was a strange
sense of composure over the smiling face.

“That’s why you can only be a daughter, and that’s why I’m the heir to this
family, you fool.”


“When you go out to a party, you talk nonsense and then come back, don’t you?
I come to hear the important stories of the social world.”

Leyla slowly let go of the hem of her skirt that she was holding tight.

“Something... Have you heard any rumors about this marriage?”

“Of course.”

Damian gestured to the shivering maids to remove the broken teacup and sat
across from Layla.

Although not as bright as Liese’s blonde hair, it was noticeably pale brown, and
Layla’s blue eyes, which were said to be beautiful, although not as clear as
Liese’s blue eyes, had a savage personality unlike her pretty appearance.
And the only people who could touch her were her brothers, Damian and Anton,
and her parents.

Among them, her brother, Damian, was the one Layla relied on the most.

“What is the rumor? Don’t hesitate and talk to me quickly!”

“Anyway, with my temper...”

Layla urged him on, but Damian didn’t speak until he had a leisurely drink of
the maids’ freshly prepared tea.

“Do you think Duke Ludwig will trust Count Rigelhoff?”

“If you believe such a snake-like guy, you’d be saying that Duke Ludwig is also

“I’m saying this because Duke Ludwig isn’t stupid. But Count Rigelhoff has the
right to distribute the iron ore produced in the southern mines.”


“You know that iron ore is an important mineral for making weapons, right?”

Layla averted her gaze and didn’t answer.

Damian sighed and shook his head, but he had no intention of bruising Layla.

Originally, a woman just needs to know how to dress up beautifully and make
her husband happy.
Rather, it was a woman who was troublesome when she knew too many things.

“Anyway, the right to distribute such iron ore remains with Count Rigelhoff
until the end of this year. That’s why the Ludwig family needs to hold on to the
leash of the Rigelhoff family.”


“There are rumors that Count Rigelhoff is showing interest in the Prince of

ArchDuke Langston was the uncle of the present emperor, and one who
disagreed with everything the emperor said.

There were also rumors that he coveted the throne.

“If you’re ArchDuke Langston, aren’t you an opponent of the emperor?”

“Yes. So what would happen if Count Rigelhoff, who had the right to distribute
iron ore, joined the opposite side of the emperor? Will it be very dangerous?”

Layla nodded her head in understanding.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 9


“By the way, Count Rigelhoff, this man is not usually cunning. To the extent
that I wonder if he deliberately spread rumors that he might be on the side of
ArchDuke Langston.”

“What do you mean?”

“After annoying Duke Ludwig by spreading such rumors, he asked for his
innocence to be trusted and offered a marriage alliance. Isn’t it amazing that he
took the place of the Duke’s in-law so easily?”

“What? Such a despicable thing!”

Damian chuckled and drank his tea again. However, Layla’s frown did not

“But what good news is that? It doesn’t change that Count Rigelhoff became the
son-in-law of Duke Ludwig.”

“Aww, our naive Layla. Do you know that anyone can become a Duke? Duke
Ludwig isn’t that easy.”

“Don’t spin around, tell me quickly!”

Damian grinned and leaned over to Layla.

“Of course, if Count Rigelhoff calmly saves himself for the sake of his daughter,
whom he handed over as a hostage, he will probably not miss the position of the
son-in-law of Duke Ludwig.”
“What? Are you kidding me now?”

“But Count Rigelhoff is greedy. He had been jealous of Duke Ludwig before.
After all, that person will do something before the end of the year, and Edith
Rigelhoff will be just a blindfold and thrown away.”

Not many people knew about it.

Everyone in society knows that Count Rigelhoff loves his daughter dearly.

But Damian knew one more thing besides the rumors about the relationship
between Duke Ludwig and Count Rigelhoff.

He still cannot forget the scene he accidentally witnessed while attending a party
of a count’s family.

“Stupid bitch! You can’t do it right!”

“Now, I was wrong, Father!”

Count Rigelhoff, who usually listened to her daughter’s words, hit Edith fiercely
on the head, and Edith, who usually had a proud nose in front of her father,
shrugged her shoulders and begged for forgiveness.

At first, I thought I might have misunderstood, but a conversation that couldn’t

be mistaken continued.

“Tell me how many times I am Young-shik, Count Everton, not Young-shik,

Count Raybarton! Make sure this time Approach Youngsik, Count Everton, and
get information about the cost of the Anchorage Bridge order. Do you
“Yes, father. Sorry. This time, I will not make a mistake.”

After watching the two of them for a while, Damian was convinced.

‘Edith Rigelhoff’s arrogant villain image was completely made up!’

Edith, sensual and beautiful, was gorgeous enough to stand out wherever she
went, and there were many men who coveted her.

And Edith enchanted those men and gave them information for her father.

“Nonsense! If Count Rigelhoff is talking about that girl, Edith, he’ll die!”

“Everyone thinks so. But this is solid information. Wherever you go, don’t tease
me carelessly. Because this is extreme okay?”

“Huh. Okay!”

Damian smiled at the sight of his younger sister, who had not been able to
overcome her temper until earlier, and nodded her head calmly.

Then he added kindly.

“Be patient, Layla. Killian Ludwig and Edith Rigelhoff’s marriage is valid until
this year. I’ll give you the seat next to Killian Ludwig, as we’ll get the iron ore
distribution right from my family next year.”

Layla’s face brightened.

“So stop crying. No man likes a woman with wrinkles between her eyebrows.”

“Huh! Thanks brother!”

Layla smiled happily while acting cutely to her brother, as if she had never
thrown a teacup and played evil.


For a while, I lived peacefully, being guided around the mansion by Philip and
figuring out little by little what the Duchess was supposed to do.

It may have been more peaceful because I tried not to actually run into each
other while observing the three main characters.

I decided to take care of Killian’s words lightly. It’s a character that was set up
like that in the first place, so what am I supposed to do?

“Ah, weather Joota.”

Closing the book I was reading, I stretched out and yawned.

Apart from my precarious situation, this moment was so peaceful.

Since I grew up, there hasn’t been a day when I haven’t worried about money.

But now I don’t have to worry about money, work, parents or older brother.

I felt like I would live only after I died.

Suddenly, I became curious about what happened after my death.

‘What would my brother do after I fell down the stairs and died?’

At that time, my brother’s pupils were not normal. The eyes of a complete

I couldn’t see anything like reality in my brother’s eyes. Always looking only at
the golden castle in the faraway fantasy and following it.

If you lost that much money, you might realize that it was a mirage that would
never be caught, but at the gambling house, it seemed that someone would win
money from time to time in order not to lose a hukou like an older brother.

‘Maybe he took my wallet first. It would be nice if I could have hidden my

corpse in a suitable place, but there is a high probability that I would have left it
as is...’

If the time here and there passed the same way, my brother would probably have
been caught by now.

There was no CCTV in the old multi-family house I lived in, but there was a
luxury apartment complex across the street.

There is no way that not a single image of her brother was captured on the dense
CCTV from the entrance.

‘I’d rather be caught, severely punished, and come to my senses...‘’

I hoped so. Not out of vengeance, but because I wanted my brother to at least do
his part as a human being.
‘Would Mom and Dad be sad?’

My parents, who farm in the countryside, were responsible for dressing, feeding,
and taking us to the hospital until our siblings graduated from high school, but
basically, they weren’t very interested in their children’s affairs.

I didn’t want to know how much my brother or I studied, what our friendships
were like, what our dreams were, and what our worries were.

And even though I knew that my brother was addicted to gambling and
borrowed money from me, he was indifferent.

‘Maybe he thought it was just a nuisance. I’m still a human, so I pretended to

cry, but...’

I’d rather not be sad. Because they love their children so much, it would be more
of a headache if I lost the will to live because of my death.

‘Mom, Dad must have taken a few days to breathe. He must have cared more
about my brother than the dead me.’

In addition to my family, I thought of people at work and my ex-boyfriend, but

it didn’t leave much impression.

Everyone would have been surprised by my death, but they would have quickly

I felt a bit lonely at the thought that no one would have cared about Choi Soo-
na’s vacancy, but it was rather fortunate when I thought of the rest.

‘Yeah, that’s it.’

After thinking about it, I decided not to worry about the people in my previous
life anymore.

Then, as I let out a sigh, Anna told him that the Duchess was looking for him.

‘Let’s calm down. Now is the time to worry about dealing with the people in the
present life, not the people in the previous life.’

Having become a bit sentimental from recalling the events of my previous life, I
stood up with a firm heart.

The Duchess delivered the welcome news in a generous voice to me, who had
visited me with the face of a true daughter-in-law.

“Edith. As you asked the other day, I called the dressing room. I’m supposed to
come tomorrow morning, so if you have anything to order, think about it in

“Oh, already? Thank you for listening.”

“What is gratitude? Thanks to that, it’s been a while since Nana and Liese have
been able to match their dresses.”

As expected, Liese is not a wife to be overlooked.

‘Oh, come to think of it, wasn’t this an episode from the original story?’

I called the dressing room to fix my dresses, but the original Edith called to
order an expensive dress.
And then, Liese was called to that spot, and it seems like Edith and Liese’s face-
to-face competition took place...

‘Wow, that’s creepy. Regardless of my intentions, the episodes of the original

work are continuing steadily, aren’t they?’

It really gave me goosebumps on my forearms.

I asked to call the dressing room without much thought, but that’s the flow of
the original story...

‘How did this episode go?’

I tried to gather vague memories.

It seems that the two of them each ordered a dress design they wanted to wear,
but Liese found a design that suited her perfectly and commissioned it, and
Edith ordered a frenzied dress with everything in it to beat Liese.

The ‘two much’ dress couldn’t have been okay, and in the end, when there were
only compliments on Liese’s dress, the pissed-off Edith got angry, saying that
the level of the dressing room was poor.

And it led to the ending where Killian, who heard the story, made fun of Edith.

‘Well, I’m not buying a new dress, so the result will be completely different.’

I thought lightly of it that way.

After that, I spent time figuring out which dress to leave in the dressing room,
and thinking about where and how to fix it.
The long-awaited next day.

“Miss. Someone came from the dressing room. I will take you to the drawing
room of the Duchess.”

“Ah, you’re finally here! Thanks, Anna.”

Excited, I followed Anna into the drawing room of the Duchess.

Liese was already in the drawing room.

“Thank you for inviting me, Mother. Hello, Ms. Liese.”

“Oh, hello!”

Liese seemed to be glad that I greeted her first, so she jumped up from her seat
and greeted me.

It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a face, but when I see it again, it’s
dazzlingly beautiful.

‘You should get used to it soon... I feel like I’m going to go crazy every time I
see it.’

He almost made a stupid face again, but managed to cover it up with an

awkward smile.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Episode 10



“Hello? My name is Emily Royal from <Royal Dressing Room>. It is an honor

to invite you.”

Emily, the owner of the dressing room, was a soft brown haired woman who
appeared to be in her early forties.

It seemed that she had brought not only colorful fabrics and laces, but also a
style book with various designs.

“Shall we pick out the Duchess first?”

Madame Royal took out a style book for older ladies and spread it in front of the

But the wife, who was handing over some style books, raised her head and

“Um... As I get older, it seems like I only choose similar designs every time.
Will you guys pick out a design for me this time?”

The Duchess turned to me and Liese and asked.

‘Unexpected situation! Contingency! Why are you taking the test without
A cold sweat seemed to run down his back.

What lies ahead is unclear.

Among the designs that Liese and I chose, whether the wife likes the design of
Liese more, or whether the design Liese chose receives more praise after making

I was very nervous, but Liese seemed rather happy.

“Can I really?”

“Of course, Liese.”

Thanks to that, the same style book was placed in front of Liese and me.

To find it in it.

Sweating profusely, I calmly looked through the style book.

But this was clearly a test against me.

Liese has lived together in this house for 5 years, so he must have a good
understanding of his wife’s tastes, and I...

‘It’s been less than two weeks since I fell into this world!’

I never thought the style confrontation episode with Liese would go like this...

The flow of the original work was much stronger than I expected.
“I want to see what this design looks like. I think it will suit you very elegantly.”

What Liese chose was a blue silk dress.

Madame Royal quickly took a sample fabric and put it on the Duchess’s
shoulder, flattering that it was an excellent choice.

Indeed, wearing a set of pearl earrings and necklaces as shown in the style book
seemed to suit the wife very well.

‘It’s a very correct choice.’

The Duchess, with wheat-colored hair, amber eyes, and very fair skin, would
look good in any color match, but blue seemed to be the closest to the answer.

“You made a really good choice, Lady Liese. This is the latest design in our
dressing room. This silk is also the highest quality product delivered to the
imperial family...”

Madame Royal happily praised Liese’s discernment.

The wife also smiled in satisfaction, as if she liked Liese’s recommendation.

“Which one did Edith choose?”

“Uh... I am...”

When the atmosphere that lifted Liese slightly subsided, the Duchess’ gaze
turned to me.
Is this also the flow of the original work?

I had spread out a picture of a dress with a slightly fancy design, which Edith of
the original story would have chosen.

Of course, no matter what I choose, I think my wife will prefer the blue dress
that Liese chose...

“I think the dress that Miss Liese chose would really suit her mother. But on
days when you want to change your mood from time to time, I think this style
will be fine.”

I pointed to a brown silk dress.

The coppery lustrous brown silk was gently embroidered with vines with gold
thread, and a dark purple underdress was elegantly pleated through the slit of the

The trimmings of the ensemble (lace or ruffles worn under the elbow-length
sleeves) and robes were also the same deep purple as the underdress.

In my eyes from the 21st century, it was a design that the Duchess would digest
elegantly and with dignity, but I doubted if it would be so in the eyes of others.

“Lady Rigelhoff’s eyes are also excellent! Few people appreciate this two-color

“The dress is beautiful, but... Don’t want it to look too flashy to me...?”

As expected, the Duchess shied away with a slightly perplexed expression.

However, as people get older, they say that they need to wear fancy things to
look gorgeous!

I tried to put on a good-natured expression and opened my mouth.

“First of all, Madame Royal. I am no longer Lady Rigelhoff. If it’s awkward to

call me Mrs. Ludwig, just call me Miss Edith.”

“Oh, my! I made a mistake. Ho-ho!”

“And mother. This dress looks gorgeous at first glance, but it goes well with the
dignified atmosphere of the Ludwig family. Besides, my mother has the beauty
and dignity that go with this dress.”

The die is cast.

The Duchess, embarrassed by my answer, said she would order the two dresses
Liese and I recommended.

I had no intention of winning this match anyway.

Even if you beat the main character, it’s a job to accumulate terrifying points.

Of course, if you lose, you will be told behind your back, but I emphasized that
you should try this design ‘for a change of mood’ in preparation for that.

Sometimes it is said that it is a dress to change the mood, but how about
something a bit fancy?
Anyway, when the Duchess’s dress selection was over, Liese’s dress selection

“I just came to watch. I really can wear anything. Even the dress you have is

Liese, knowing the price of the dress, waved her hand and refused.

Well, if you are a person with good looks like you, even if you wear a mat, you
will be praised for your avant-garde fashion. Originally, the completion of
fashion is the face.

“There will be a lot of tea parties soon, so you will need a dress with a bright

The Duchess, lightly ignoring Liese’s futile refusal, started looking through the
style book to find a dress that would suit Liese, and Lady Royal took out the
fabric from the style book she found and brought it to Liese.

“How about this, Liese? A floral print would be perfect for a spring tea party...
Oh, that would be nice too A light blue and pink ribbon would look really good
on you.”

I was watching the pictures of dresses that my wife was excitedly choosing from
the side, and I pointed to them in a hurry without realizing it.

“This too! This kind of pink doesn’t suit just anyone. Lady Liese has fair skin,
and her cheeks are the color of strawberry milk, so they will suit her really

“Oh, I guess so. Edith’s eyesight is good. How about this white empire dress?”
“That would make Ms. Liese look too young. Wouldn’t this be better if it was
white and simple?”

I pointed to a Greek robe-style dress. Wearing this, Liese would really look like
a goddess.

With a pretty model in front of us, there were so many things we wanted to
wear, so the Duchess and I shook our heads for a while longer.

It was not about what to choose, but about what to give up.

Liese just laughed embarrassingly next to him.

“Haa, then only five suits like this...”

“It was a difficult decision, Mother.”

“I know. Next time I call the dressing room, I’ll have to call it much earlier than
the season.”

Madame Royal, as expected, checked the dress Liese was wearing with a happy

And finally it was my turn.

“Choose a design you like, too.”

“Oh, I didn’t call the dressing room to order a new dress.”

Whoop whoop. One of the rules of survival for the evil woman’s possessed
Romance! Try to reverse the image!

From now on, I will spend my money to the fullest, but right now I needed to
overturn my image.

So I intended to present myself as a frugal person who repairs the dress she
already owns, although this is not frugal at all, rather than being the queen of
extravagance, ordering expensive new dresses.

I winked at Anna, and Anna, with the help of some of the maids, brought ten
dresses I had picked out this morning.

“I’m going to have some repairs on these dresses, Madame Royal.”


“Aren’t you going to be in charge of repairs?”

“Oh no! It can’t be. However... How do you want to repair...”

“I will explain that from now on.”

When the maid held the dress open, I went in front of her and explained the
parts to be mended one by one.

“Please cover the chest part of the dress as a whole. It was uncomfortable
because it was cut too much. Please cover this much.”

“Ho, ho ho ho! Your taste has changed a lot from before.”

“Let it be. And please take off all the jewels from this dress.”

“But even the labor cost to embroider those diamond beads must have been

“So I left a few dresses that I really worked on. Please just take this off.”

“Ah... Yes, I will do that.”

To be honest, I felt good inside because I thought I would be able to secure my

slush fund just by removing the jewels from my dress.

After completing the repair order for 10 dresses in that way, I checked once
more to see if Madame Royal had written down the details carefully, and then
sat down.

“But Edith. Since you already called someone, why don’t you order the dress as

“I can’t even wear the dress I brought. I’ll be ordering the new dress next year.
Thank you for caring, Mother.”

In fact, from today on purpose, instead of using the title ‘Duchess’, I was
constantly calling her ‘mother’ and trying to deepen my intimacy with her.

I felt that the Duchess was awkward, but it was a title that would be more
difficult to change later if we didn’t settle it down early in the marriage.

Anyway, I stood up wishing that this event was a success.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 11



‘Huh? Liese seems to be in a good mood.’

Liese tightened her lips and tried to hold back her smile. Looking at the style
book, it seemed like she had high expectations for her new dress.

‘Even if it’s fine, it seems like you’re happy with the new dress. I can’t even ask
you to buy it with my mouth. Ugh, poor thing.’

I returned to my room with a light heart, hoping that I had won Liese’s favor.


A fortnight after the wedding, the Duchess began entrusting me with work.

When I went to the Duchess’s office, the one who greeted me was none other
than Liese.

“Welcome, Miss Edith!”

The bright smile on his face is as red as always.

“Good morning, Miss Liese! You said you would come early, but you came

I smiled and responded to her greeting.

I was not surprised when Liese popped out of the Duchess’s office, as I already
knew the contents of the original work, but I wasn’t Edith to the original story.

“How can you entrust family documents to someone who is not even a family
member of this house? A person who is not even an aristocrat and who has not
been properly taught...!”

It was a valid question, but since it was Liese who was already living like the
daughter of this family, the Duchess was very displeased with Edith’s

So I will respond with a smile on my face.

“I’m probably not good at things, so Lady Liese, please teach me a lot.”

“That’s the level of running errands for the Duchess.”

“My mother wouldn’t let anyone stay by her side. From now on, let’s get along
well and have fun.”

Liese guided me to the place where I would sit and work, and the Duchess
looked at us with a happy face.

They seemed happy to see that East and West (?) seemed to be on good terms.

Ink and pens, a document tray, and a stack of papers lay on my writing desk.
‘It feels like working for a company in this world... Why do Koreans make
people work there even if they use Romance Fantacy novels?’

I sighed in the atmosphere that reminded me of the first day I went to work at
the company.

However, one of the life wisdoms I gained in my previous life is ‘There is

nothing wrong with learning anything.’

‘It’s most likely that you’ll run away at night, but you never know. Killian might
turn round and take me down to the manor.’

If so, you might be able to put what you have learned to good use.


“Yes, Mother!”

“The bundle of papers I gave you was probably out of order. Maybe the dates
are messed up. All you have to do is organize it according to the date.”

“Is it okay to simply organize by date? Wouldn’t it be okay if we didn’t classify

by customer or transaction item?”

“I’d be more grateful if you categorized it that way.”


It was embarrassingly simple that I was nervous.

I unpacked some of the papers and began to examine them one by one.

‘That’s about it! It’s a problem because there’s a lot of it, but the work isn’t

Sometimes there were documents written in bad handwriting, so it took time to

‘decipher’ them, but I organized the documents relatively easily.

“Edith is also good at work. Neat.”

I was even praised by the Duchess for checking some of the documents I had
organized and piled up.

‘Good! That’s how the original story changes!’

I laughed shyly, then met Liese’s eyes and laughed again.

She, too, smiled softly.

Working like that, the morning passed quickly.

Even if I did work, it was only about 2 or 3 hours at most, so it was a little
disappointing as a Korean office worker who was trained to work overtime.

“There was a lot of work. Please take care of me tomorrow as well.”

After receiving the Duchess’ ‘permission to leave work’, I came out of the office
and hummed in a good mood for some reason, when Liese called me from
“Hey, Edith.”


“Yeah... If you are not busy, would you like to come over for tea in the

A shy blush appeared on Liese’s cheeks.

“I can’t help it if you’re busy...”

“I’ll go! Thank you for inviting me.”

As if I was really happy, I held my hands together and smiled.

To be honest, I didn’t want to get involved with the main characters, but if I
refused, I could be accused of hurting Liese’s heart again and being accused of
being a villain.

“What time shall we go where?”

“We have tea at 3:30 in the afternoon. Today, let’s have a drink on the balcony
of the Great Hall.”

The expression ‘we’ was oddly jarring. Liese must have written it
unconsciously, but he felt like drawing a line between them and me.

Besides, being on the balcony of the Great Hall where I saw them the other day,
I felt a bit uncomfortable.
However, how dare you go against the main character’s words when it comes to
the subject of being an extra who needs to get out of the villain role.

“Today’s weather is nice, so the courtyard must be more beautiful. Then can we
be there by 3:30?”

“Yes. Then I’ll see you later.”

I waved at Liese with a bright face until the end and then turned around.

And the first thing I thought of was the original plot.

‘Was there a tea time invitation episode in the original work?’

I had so many tea times at the romance club that I couldn’t remember exactly
which part it was.

‘Well, you’ll know when you go.’

You can’t go through all the episodes of the original story.

I just don’t think there’s a need to think too sensitively because I just don’t have
to commit the evil that Edith did in the original story.

But something surprising happened.

“Follow me.”

Sometime after 3pm, Killian came to my room and asked me to follow him.

It seemed to be the first time he had spoken to Killian since the wedding.

“What is it? I have an appointment with Miss Liese in a while...”

“I am going there.”


Bona Mana, Liese must have sent it.

The figure of Liese forcibly pushing the back of Killian, who grumbled about
why I had to escort her, was good in front of my eyes.

Maybe today’s teatime invitation was planned to somehow make things better
between me and Killian.

‘Liese is having a hard time because of me and Killian.’

I donned a light shawl and followed Killian.

It was obvious that he would never look back at me as he walked ahead, so I

calmly watched his back.

‘Hey, look at your shoulder. Are you a former swimmer? Ugh, that waist... I
wish I could try a back hug.’
But neither his broad shoulders, nor his narrow waist, nor his firm hips and firm
thighs were anything to compare with.

‘This is the first time I’ve ever been bewitched by looking at a man’s body.

If such a man is her husband, even a normal woman will suffer from infidelity.

‘But don’t worry. I’ll just lick it with my eyes.’

It’s okay for Liese to have it. I’m just fine with my eyes closed.

After walking for a long time in such a happy mood, I was at the entrance of the
great hall before I knew it.

Then, Killian suddenly turned around.

I was just appreciating his butt, so when he turned forward, his eyes landed on
the embarrassing part.


Unknowingly, I looked for my mother and raised a surprised gaze.

As expected, Killian was looking down at me with a disapproving face.

“I warn you in advance.”

Alas, a warning.
“Liese is like our family. You are more important to me than you are. So... Be
careful with your words in front of Liese.”

Oh, was that a warning?

But when I listen to it quietly, my backbone pulls. What did I say?

When I was reading the original story, it was cider that Killian fired at Edith, but
since I was in Edith’s position and listened to it, I felt bad even though I knew

“And... Do you hurt me like this?”

A female comedian said.

Say ‘I hurt you’ straight to someone who jokes rudely.

But there’s no way our obsessive sub male lead would turn his back on such a

“What have you got to be hurt about? Wasn’t that what you were prepared for?”

“I am a human too.”

“Person? Aren’t you a snake?”

“You are very polite, Killian. Shall we treat Miss Liese according to the
manners of the son of the Duke?”

Only then did Killian’s mouth shut.

Even though I promised myself I wouldn’t expect anything from this man, I felt
sick to my stomach.

So, how difficult was the original Edith that loved Killian?

“I think he wanted to ruin my mood and make me a meaner woman, but that’s
too bad. I am not a woman who is easily swayed.”


“Of course, being hurt is another matter.”

Without listening to his answer, I passed Killian and walked towards the
balcony of the Great Hall.

I should be smiling, but the corners of my mouth didn’t move.

Unaware of anything, Liese spotted me and smiled broadly, waving her hand.

“Miss Edith! Here it is!”

Ah, dazzle!

The female protagonist seems to be the female protagonist.

Liese’s sunshine-like smile made the melancholic mood just disappear as if it

were sterilized.

Liese Sinclair, you beautiful, sinful, demonic woman!

“Miss Liese! Thank you for inviting me to tea time.”

“I mean, thank you for coming, Miss Edith.”

“We are the same age and we always stay together... Why don’t you just call me
by name now?”

“Uh? Really? Is that okay?”


Like waking birds, Liese and I sat down chatting nonsense.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 12



Cliff was already sitting at the table, and Killian, who had followed, also sat
down with a cold face.

Liese, the hostess of this place, poured tea into the guests’ teacups and gave a
brief explanation of today’s refreshments.
I sipped tea with Cliff and Killian as they raised their glasses.

‘I miss coffee, but this isn’t bad either.’

The tea Liese served was fragrant, like the tea drunk in a Duke’s family, and
somehow sweet, with a clean aftertaste.

As I was admiring the taste of the tea, Cliff, who was sitting across from me,
made eye contact with me.

He was the second most handsome man I’ve ever seen, so my heart skipped a
beat without realizing it.

“Life here... You seem to be adjusting well.”

I was really curious about where the hell he was talking and what he was saying,
but I smiled nonchalantly.

“It’s thanks to everyone in the Duke family for being considerate of me, well.”

“But isn’t it already too early to help her with her work? You’re newlywed...
How about going on a trip with Killian?”

At those words, Killian’s eyes suddenly became ferocious.

‘Aha! Are you using me to get rid of Killian?’

I got to witness the love battle between the brothers over Liese right in front of
my nose. It looks like a shrimp’s back will explode in a whale fight.
“Um, well. Killian seems to be very busy...”

“Killian is busy. I have nothing to do.”

Then Killian snorted and counterattacked.

“Brother, wouldn’t it be better to go inspect the estate soon? Winter is over.”

“Hmm... Indeed, it is. Liese, do you want to go inspect the estate together? You
said you wanted to try a trip before.”

Gosh, the male lead is one step above the sub male lead.

Among them, Liese was the only one who was confused.

“Oh, I, I...”

“Why are you making Liese difficult? Liese, you don’t have to pay attention to
what your brother says.”

“But if I’m gone from here... Because of you, Liese will get into more trouble.”

Liese’s gaze was momentarily directed at me and then moved away.

Killian’s love for Liese was nothing more than speculation by the luxury men.
Although she’s a bit pushy, you can assume that she’s getting along like a good
brother and sister.

If it was now that Cliff was hanging around Liese with Killian.
But what would happen if Killian didn’t leave Liese’s side after Cliff went on a
tour of the estate?

Even under the same circumstances, the two will instantly look like a man-
woman relationship.

It is true that Killian loves Liese, and even though he is married, rumors will
quickly spread that Edith is cold to the Ludwig family because he has not been
able to organize his feelings.

There will be worse rumors about Liese.

‘As expected, even if I was born only a year earlier, my older brother’s level of
thinking is different.’

I felt a bit like a spectator.

In the meantime, the refreshments prepared by Liese were really good, so I ate
an eclair instead of popcorn and watched the brothers fight.

Cliff passed the ball to me with a gentle smile, probably not liking my
nonchalant attitude.

“What do you think of Edith?”

“Yes? What do I think?”

“My opinion about being the only one leaving this mansion. In other words, the
situation where Liese, Killian, and you will remain.”
Unlike Cliff, who was smiling round and round, Killian and Liese’s expressions
were pitifully hard.

However, rather than feeling sorry for Killian, I became a little annoyed with
Cliff’s behavior for getting me into this fight.

Knowing that Killian loves Liese, knowing that he forced himself to marry me,
knowing that I am in no position to be loved by Killian, as if playing with
someone on the palm of my hand...

So, without realizing it, I answered in a slightly pointed tone.

“It doesn’t matter.”


“It is Master Cliff’s duty to inspect the territory, so if Master Cliff goes, he goes,
well. Do I have the right to say go or not?”

“I don’t mean that...”

“But if I were to express my honest opinion about taking Miss Liese, I think that
would be a bit unreasonable. Long-distance carriage trips are quite arduous, and
since Liese isn’t Master Cliff’s wife, it’s a bit much for her to recommend such a
thing... I also think it will be burdensome for her.”

It must have been a completely unexpected answer, Cliff and Killian’s

expressions changed at once.

Cliff was still smiling, but somehow looked cold, and Killian looked a little
And Liese...


I thought it would be embarrassing to get caught up in a fight between brothers,

but Liese smiled lightly with her head down.

‘Something... Strange.’

I don’t know why that felt strange.

It must feel good to have gotten out of an embarrassing position thanks to my

defense, but... Somehow, I thought that this was not a reaction that the character
Liese would show...

“Cliff. Do I really need to go inspect the estate right now?”

However, when Liese raised her head again, the smile from earlier had
completely disappeared, leaving only a worried expression that Liese might

‘Did I see it wrong?’

Well, maybe it was. The corners of Liese’s mouth look like it’s upturned, so it’s
because she’s always smiling.

“No, that’s just what I said.”

Cliff reassured Liese by showing a real smile, not the fake one he used to give
Then he looked at me again and smiled.

“My sister-in-law seems to have a very generous heart.”

That son of a bitch is unlucky to the end.

A guy who pretends to be an adult and is easygoing while peeling pumpkin

seeds behind his back is more unlucky than Killian who openly opens it.

“I tend to try to be generous. Even at this moment.”

Can’t you just turn it around? Do you know how to do it too?

I looked at Cliff and smiled brightly.

Oddly enough, it was a bit scary to see Killian staring at me.

‘Killian, did you see I’m on your side? Even if you feel bad, don’t kill me.

With such selfishness, he gave Killian a slight wink.

Even the face that was distorted at once was also handsome.


Returning to my room after a slightly uncomfortable tea time, I sat down in front
of my desk and thought about the original story, <Obsession Refuses>.

‘I’ll have to sort out the dead flags in Edith.’

The Law of Survival in Romance of Evil Possession... Oh, that’s too long From
now on, I’ll just call it ‘survival rule’.

Anyway, all the Romance characters of the possessed novels come up with a
plan to organize and avoid the dead flags, remembering the original story.

So I also had to sort out the evil done by Edith in the original work and think of
a way to avoid it.

I took out a piece of paper and wrote down the parts where Liese and Edith
collided in <I Reject Obsession> step by step.

‘Did you avoid putting poison in your car or releasing poisonous snakes in
Liese’s room because you didn’t bring Sophia with you?’

Sophia quickly and accurately put into action whenever Edith gave her a word.
In that respect, Sophia can be said to be a greater villain than Edith. As if his
girlfriend, who prepared everything he asked for in a short time, was more
amazing than the boy detective Kim ○-Il.

Once again, it was a good thing to leave Sophia behind.

But other than that, there were many other attempts by Edith to frame or kill

‘It’s normal to go to all sorts of parties and gossip about Liese, pour hot water
on Liese’s head as she walks around the garden, and present poisoned
embroidery needles. In addition, I poisoned the cake Liese sent and ate it myself.
Ugh, a poisonous bitch.’

Edith tried to ingest the poison himself and frame Liese as the poisoner, but I
didn’t have the courage to swallow the poison myself.
I hate to be sick. Being sick in a previous life is already enough.

‘I think there was more than this, but it’s vague.’

I felt like I should write it down if more came to mind.

Even if this paper is discovered, I have replaced it with words that only I can
recognize so that it will not be seen as ‘evidence of a conspiracy to harm Liese’.

<Right lifestyle>

— Refrain from social activities for the time being (= do not go out to parties
and talk dirty)

— Don’t put too much sugar in your tea (= don’t put poison in your tea)

— Because insects come in, be sure to close the window and sleep (= don’t
release poisonous snakes)

— Don’t throw trash out the window (= don’t pour tea over Liese’s head)

— Hygiene management is for myself and others (=don’t eat poisoned cake,
don’t give Liese something poisoned)

— Be grateful for what you have (= never covet Killian)

‘For now, this much...’

No matter how much I squeeze my head, I can only remember this now.
I nodded as I read through what I had written down once more, then paused at
the last sentence.

‘I should be grateful for what I have, and I can’t covet even Killian.’

But I didn’t know why his subtle eyes as he was looking at me came to mind.

You don’t know what you’re thinking, your watery eyes on a cloudy day...

How beautiful would it be if love was put into those eyes.

If those gray eyes in love looked at me...

Umm, if you look...

“Hey, I can’t even imagine.”

All I could see was looking at me with contempt, and I couldn’t imagine looking
at me with eyes full of love. It’s so disappointing that it’s kind of funny.

‘It’s a good thing. What am I supposed to do with imagining that?’

I smiled to myself and circled the ‘Be grateful for what I have’ item over and
over again.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 13



“Killian? What are you doing there?”

The still air shook lightly.

“Ah, Liese...”

“What’s going on?”

Killian, who was lost in thought looking down at the moon-soaked garden from
the balcony, smiled faintly as he saw Liese approaching, as if he had been cut
out of moonlight.

“No, nothing...”

“Nothing. Is it because you fought Cliff during the day?”

“Are you fighting Cliff? I?”

“Cliff... So, while talking about the estate inspection...”

Liese hesitated and couldn’t speak any more.

Only then did Killian remember Cliff provoking him during the day.
“Ah, that’s nothing.”

“Then, what is it for?”

Killian met Liese’s eyes, who were looking at him with concern.

In the past, I liked the way Liese looked at her, so I sometimes deliberately
pretended to be serious in front of Liese’s gaze.

Even now, I liked Liese’s gaze, which only looked at me, but I didn’t do stupid
things to deliberately make Liese worry.

Right now, from that afternoon tea time, thoughts about ‘that woman’ kept
coming back to me, and I didn’t have much to worry about.

“There are things that are a little annoying.”

“You are suffering alone again. Tell me I don’t know if it’s something I can help

“It’s not even worth your attention.”

He smiled, but the clever Liese quickly noticed something.

“If... Is it Edith?”

Killian let out a long sigh instead of answering.

“Why Edith? Do you still hate Edith that much?”

“She keeps annoying me.”

“You care that much? Edith didn’t even mention Killian...”

A wrinkle formed between Killian’s forehead.

“Is she not talking about me at all?”

“Yes. I’ve never heard of Edith talking about Killian, but the Duchess said she’d
never heard of it either... You had a complicated expression.”


I laughed because it was somehow absurd.

“Why? Is it because you want to talk to Edith?”

“Who with such a woman!”

The snake’s offspring.

Right now, she’s just lying flat on the floor waiting for everyone to relax.

And when the time comes, she is definitely a woman who will reveal her fangs.

I didn’t want to even meet her face, let alone talk to her.

“And... Do you hurt me like this?”

“I am a human too.”

But I don’t know why the words she said kept coming to mind.

‘Couldn’t you have been hurt by something like that?’

They both knew that it was an arranged marriage anyway.

She is a bold woman who stepped into the Ludwig duchy by herself, knowing
that she would be ignored and suspected because she had something to gain.

A woman like that couldn’t have been hurt just by hearing a few harsh words.

‘Yes, I must have acted like I was hurt to get stabbed.’

Isn’t that the woman who fearlessly stood up to Cliff Ludwig?

‘But why did you take my side there?’

Even if everyone knew that he loved Liese, She couldn’t openly say that in front
of his recently married bride.

Even more so if the bride is trying to catch the pod of this side.

That’s why he got angry at Cliff for trying to tell him how he felt about Liese.

But really unexpectedly, isn’t the woman who just said she was hurt by me
shooting at Cliff instead of me?

“I’m sorry. I am not a woman who is easily swayed.”

As Edith snorted, she didn’t seem to care about the slightest criticism.

Rather, it seemed that she was more angry at the rude opponent, and the
response was also arrogant like her.

‘Honestly, it’s all cold inside... No no. Why am I thinking this?’

Killian shook his head as if to get rid of Edith, who was winking at me. Then he
quickly changed the subject.

“Really. You said you ordered a new dress the other day? My mother likes to
dress you in new clothes.”

“Oh, there are so many dresses... I’m so sorry to my wife every time...”

“What do you have to be sorry for? It’s my mother’s hobby. He said from long
ago that there was no fun in raising us. Now that you’re doing it, think about it
and help me out.”

The Duchess, who raised only two blunt sons, always envied families with

My husband and sons were all knights, so sometimes all three of us got
depressed on days when we were late for training.

That wife has become much brighter than before after bringing in Liese, who
was severely abused as an illegitimate child by Count Sinclair.

It was thanks to Liese being kind to her like her own daughter.
“In that case, buying Edith’s dress would have made her happier...”

“Huh? What do you mean?”

Liese, who raised her eyebrows, let out a small sigh.

“Actually, it was Edith who asked to call the dressing room person that day.”

“I guess you decided to take away the Duke’s property as soon as you got

“No. Edith that day, she only had the dress she brought repaired.”


Killian was momentarily confused.

If the woman famous for extravagance had called the dressing room, she would
have ordered several super-expensive dresses, I thought.

But she, who is famous for not wearing a dress once worn, repairs it and wears

“The Duchess invited the dressing room and asked if it would be good to have
the dress tailored, but Edith refused, saying that it was too much for her to wear
all the dresses she brought.”

“Then... Are you saying that your mother lost face in front of the people in the
dressing room?”
“Oh, could it have been! However, it seemed that the wife was a little
disappointed. Perhaps the wife wanted to buy Edith something nice...”

Killian snorted as if it was ridiculous.

“There are various ways to raise people’s medicine. It must be someone’s


“Edith probably didn’t mean that! When the Duchess and I were choosing
dresses for me, they looked really hard!”

Liese tried to cover Edith, but Killian’s eyes were clearer and fiercer than

“It’s not enough to entrust her own dress, so it’s okay to entrust you and my
mother’s dress? To be arrogant...”

Killian gritted his teeth.

Then, I suddenly remembered that the clothes Edith wore today weren’t that

I couldn’t remember what kind of dress it was, but it seemed that, unlike the
vulgar dress at the wedding, the woman’s flesh was barely exposed.

‘If that woman’s inner body was revealed, there’s no way I wouldn’t know.
Because I hate it more than other women do.’

Every time Edith showed off her inner skin, not knowing that she was ashamed,
her eyebrows furrowed.
Do you know what kind of voice you hear among men?

“Do you think Edith Rigelhoff could lick everything from head to toe?”

“Ah, Edith! It’s good! With that soft looking skin!”

“Is there any man who would look fine in front of her naked body? Ahaha!”

She seemed to hear the giggles of men as shallow as her.

And suddenly, I remembered the day of my wedding when my voluptuous

breastbone was exposed.

Even the slender, pure white naked body who fell asleep in the bathtub alone...

For some reason, his throat was dry, but Killian gulped down his saliva to calm
a certain desire to wake up inside him.

“Have you ever played a strange prank on me? Like choosing a bizarre dress...”

“No! My dress was chosen by the Duchess and Edith together. Don’t hate Edith
too much, Killian.”

“Rather than hating it, I’m just wary of it.”

Killian also reassured Liese by patting her shoulder, who was worried that Edith
might have been relatively hated because of me.

At the same time, in his heart, he felt sorry for Edith who looked down on the
Ludwig family.
But on the other hand, it seemed that the noble atmosphere of the Royal
Dressing Room was not suited to the woman’s flamboyant taste.

‘I’ll have to ask him to find another dressing room that will satisfy her great

Of course, it was only for the sake of the face of Duke Ludwig.

It was because that woman might be talking about things like, ‘I couldn’t even
ask for a dressing room because my level wasn’t right.’


Today, while thinking about the original work and adding and subtracting items
to <Right Life Habit>, I suddenly realized one important thing.

In order to be grateful for what you have, you need to know how to fully enjoy
what you have.

‘So let’s try something extravagant!’

I had quite a bit of money in my hands.

When I got married, there was cash that the Rigelhoff family had given me as a
dowry, in addition to jewels and artwork, but the Ludwig family did not accept it
and gave it to me for pocket money.

The unit of currency in this world was ‘senna’, and the money I had was 5
million senna.
It was difficult to determine the exact exchange rate, but it seemed to be about
50 million won.

‘Fifty million won worth of money! Where should I spend this money?’

It’s the first time I’ve had hair like this. To realize that this really is a fantasy
world, in a place like this!

But I didn’t know where to spend the money.

‘Dress? No. It’s a dress that piles up and piles up, and there’s nowhere to go out
wearing it, well. Jewelry or accessories? No, no. I don’t have anywhere to wear
a dress, so do I need jewelry or accessories?’

In Korea in the 21st century, there would have been many places to spend
money, but it was difficult to find a place to spend money here.

Top-notch cuisine comes out whenever you want, the books you want to read
are in the library in your house, you don’t need dresses or jewelry, essential
consumables are also purchased from the family at once on a semi-annual

‘This is the first time I’ve ever been nervous because I have nowhere to spend

I was shaking my legs unhappily when Anna came up to me and whispered.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 14



“Miss. I’m almost out of the perfume and rouge I’ve been using. Shall we call
the perfume master (artisan who makes the perfume) and the cosmetics dealer?”

“Oh yes! Good!”

As expected, Anna was an essential character for the story!

‘I’ll try luxury cosmetics too!’

I thought of co-workers in my previous life who used niche perfumes or

expensive imported cosmetics.

I, who tried to look like them, never fixed my makeup in front of other people’s

I wasn’t ashamed that it was a road shop cosmetic, but it was a little
embarrassing that I was scratching so hard that the bottom was exposed on a
compact with all the transferred letters and stickers peeled off.

‘I used to hide lipstick in the toilet bowl and put it on... Now that I think about it,
there was no need to do that. What was so embarrassing?’

Maybe I subconsciously thought that I would be found out that I was unloved.

A person with really high self-esteem would rather be proud saying ‘I’m this
I smiled bitterly and waited for the people Anna would call.

Anna was called by the perfume master.

He carefully sniffed the scent of the perfume I had been using before and

“This is the finest rose perfume with Ashley roses. Shall I make it this way

“Are there different types of rose perfume?”

“Sure. The type that is commonly used is a perfume with titania rose. It’s thick
and heavy, and it’s the first thing that comes to mind when you think of rose
perfume. However, there is a feeling that it is too heavy for young people to

“Well, how much is that?”

“It’s relatively inexpensive. One small bottle is about 20,000 senna.”

Huh? Wait for a sec. If you count 20,000, isn’t it 200,000 won?

I don’t think that small bottle is less than 50ml, but that’s 200,000 won?

That’s the sum of my monthly transportation, communication, and utility bills!

“Ha ha ha, that, that’s right... What else?”

“The kind of rose that young people are looking for is the Ashley rose. It is a
light and fresh rose scent with a light grassy scent. What you are using is a very
fine perfume mixed with Ashley rose, a type of wild raspberry, and ambergris.”

It sounds expensive just by hearing the explanation.

“How much does this cost?”

“It will depend on the mixing ratio, but if you make it similar to the perfume you
are using, maybe... It will be between 50,000 and 70,000 senna in a small

Yes? Why did the price suddenly double or triple?

500,000 won is far more than my monthly food expenses in my previous life...

“The highest quality is a perfume that uses a Tessian rose or a Nathaniel rose. It
is over 100,000 senna in a small bottle.”

So, you’re saying that a 50ml perfume bottle costs over 1 million won. Yes?

...Am I miscalculating the exchange rate between won and senna? Why so

I was clenching my molars trying to control my mouth that was about to open,
but the chief asked again.

“How about trying the Nathaniel rose this time? It smells a little deeper than
Ashley’s rose.”
“Oh, oh, no! That, I’ll use the original one. I don’t like the sudden change of

“Ha ha ha. Well, you’re still at an age where you’d prefer a light and refreshing
scent. Then I will make it similar to the one you used before.”

At that time, Anna advised.

“Why don’t you mix Ashley’s roses with a little Nathaniel’s?”


“You may like a scent you are familiar with, but since you are married, it would
be nice to have a deeper scent.”

If it’s Anna, that would be the case, but I’m nervous about how expensive it will
be. She becomes the daughter-in-law of the Ludwig family, so you can’t say no
to her just because she’s expensive, and really...

“Is that so? But mix a little bit of that expensive rose, just a little bit.”

“It’s a good compromise. Then it is about 80,000 senna in a small bottle.”

“Are you 80,000 senna?”

My hands are trembling.

It’s money that I don’t care if I get rid of all 5 million senna with my pocket
money, but buying a small perfume for 800,000 won feels like I’m committing a
crime against Soo-na Choi in my previous life.
Anna next to me gave another piece of advice, as if she had noticed my hints.

“Anyway, since you keep using similar perfumes, how about ordering a larger
quantity? Then the price will be much lower.”

“You’re right. If you craft it in a big bottle, um... He must be about 130,000

A large bottle looks roughly 100ml, so 50ml is about 65,000 senna.

“Can’t you do it for 120,000 senna?”

“Yes? Alas, then I have nothing left!”

“Ugh! Then... 125,000 senna.”

Is there a law that says nobles can’t haggle over prices? So, how can you rip off
the nobles to your heart’s content?

Trying to maintain such a dignified mindset, he gently smiled at the head of the
village. He even added something like an excuse.

“It’s because I don’t want to hear that I spent too much money as soon as I got
married. Instead, I will definitely call you next time.”

“Hahaha, this is what a ducal family has hired a thrifty daughter-in-law. I can’t
win. Then I’ll just believe what you say and do it for 125,000 senna.”

“Thank you!”
Successfully bargained for the first time in this world! Are you feeling more

But the ordeal was not over.

This is because the cosmetics merchant came after the head of the funeral home
was gone.

“I need rouge for my lady. Do you have a color similar to this?”

When Anna opened the jar of rouge I was using and asked, the cosmetics dealer
took a closer look and opened the bag she had brought.

“It’s a product from Melrose. It is a good product, but the response to the new
product from Lens is also very good.”

Then he took out a few jars of rouge. Melrose’s jade-colored pottery was pretty,
but Lang’s pink pottery was even prettier. It was because the lid had a ribbon
attached to it.

“The color is similar, and there is a saying that Rannce’s products have better
color development. I think this color will suit you well, in addition to the colors
you have used before.”

“They are all really pretty. But how much are these for one?”

“Melrose products are 8,000 senna, and Lens products are 10,000 senna.”

...I think we can bring the price down further by subtracting the price of the
pottery jar.
The pink rouge jar was really, really pretty, but I turned my head away with
tears in my eyes.

“Um... I’ll just keep using the original product.”

“All right. Don’t need a puff? There are also hand mirrors and hairbrushes.”

I tried to shake my hand saying I didn’t need it, but Anna said she needed a
brush to apply rouge.

In the end, I had no choice but to pay 8,000 senna for that.

‘Price... It’s too expensive.’

I spent 141,000 senna on just one perfume, one rouge, and one rouge brush.

My hands kept shaking because I felt like I was going to lose my sense of

‘It’s not easy to enjoy what you have.’

Recording my money in a small notebook like a household account book, I had

to admit that I was too pathetic for luxury.

But I couldn’t help it.

Even though my brother often robbed me of my small salary, I really lived a

long way away, trying not to look ugly in the eyes of others.
‘I need to slowly get used to the luxury of spending money. Let’s start with
other luxuries.’

I couldn’t afford to spend money, so I decided to enjoy the luxury of not having

Because enjoying culture and art would be a luxury that even my depressed soul
could fully accept.

‘First is the Sistine Hall!’

It is a room full of art that I have been eyeing the most since Philip showed me
around the mansion.

Even in my previous life, I liked to appreciate art works, but the opportunity to
see the actual work right in front of me was rare.

There is no way that the artist or work I knew in my previous life could exist
here, but it is enjoyable to see the work with the artistic spirit even if it is not the
artist I know.

I left only to tell Anna that I would go to the Sistine Hall, and walked slowly
towards the Sistine Hall.

After taking a deep breath in front of the heavy door of the hall, I opened it with
all my might, and a somewhat musty smell greeted me in the stillness of the air.


I couldn’t help but admire it like the first time I saw it.
The walls of the hall, larger than most galleries, were hung with a variety of
works, from items as small as the palm of your hand to large enough to be seen
at a distance.

I enjoyed the work with a relaxed mind, as if I had rented the gallery alone.

It couldn’t be more luxurious than buying expensive perfume.

“My God, how the hell did you draw something like this?”

In front of a work so elaborate that I wondered if it had been taken as a

photograph, I approached it right in front of it and examined its detailed brush

“It reminds me of Monet. Stylish.”

Like Monet’s work, the feast of light and color made me stare at it endlessly
from a few steps away.

“Oh, this is so cute!”

I couldn’t help but laugh when I saw the dog’s expectant expression in the
picture of the girl playing with the dog.

Then, an incredibly large piece appeared.

In front of it, it was impossible to capture the entire painting at a glance, so I

approached the opposite wall and sat down on the floor, looking up at the
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 15



“It’s overwhelming...”

It was a painting depicting a scene of war.

The blood-stained sky and the countless corpses of soldiers strewn with blood
represented the tragedy of war, but the eyes of the god-of-war man standing
above it were full of will to end all such tragedies.

The liveliness of a horse roaring long with its front paws raised, the will to
victory and great sense of responsibility cast on the face of the male god who
leads the soldiers, the various expressions of each soldier who believes in him
and follows him, and the willingness to help them even with farming tools. The
gritted faces of the people...

Looking at such a magnificent piece of art, I am simply speechless.

But someone spoke for me.

“The attitude of appreciating a work of art is really... That is unconventional.”

Unexpectedly, Killian was approaching.

“Here... What are you doing?”

“What’s strange about me coming to see my family’s art?”

“Ah... It’s like that again.”

“Well, the Rigelhoffs aren’t very interested in art, so it must be surprising to you
that a place like this even exists.”

Boy. Behaving harshly.

‘Your house doesn’t have anything like this, right?’ It’s not even a point order
that raises medicine.

If I wasn’t in a position where I had to save my life from Killian, I would have
snapped at him for being conceited.

In other words, I’m not in a position to do that right now.

“It is as you said. You even change the artwork once a month, right? These are
really great collections.”

Even though I smiled as if I was surprised, Killian’s expression didn’t improve

that much.

“How do you feel after viewing the work?”

Instead, Killian asked while looking up at the large piece together.

“I feel overwhelmed. There are so many emotions of so many people in this
work, and it’s so vivid that it’s hard to believe that one artist imagined it.”

I gained a little more courage when Killian nodded silently even with his brow

“War is a tragedy, but the male god, the main character of the painting, shows a
noble will to end this tragedy. Everyone looks up to him and follows him, but
he... He doesn’t seem to be delighted with the admiration of others. Even if he
wins, I feel like he won’t be happy. War is something that can’t be happy even if
you win.”

“War is a tragedy no matter how it is packaged. The hero who led the war to
victory is the one who knows that fact best.”

I nodded at his words.

Killian glanced in my direction and added another word belatedly.

“This work was drawn to commemorate my grandfather’s victory in the war

against the kingdom of Yanok. The model of a male god who leads the soldiers
is my grandfather.”


“I didn’t think so, but it seems you didn’t know at all.”

“Yes. I did not know.”

Killian’s eyebrows furrowed even more at the refreshing recognition.

“I’ve never heard of you enjoying art, so why are you here?”

“As you get older, your tastes change. I wasn’t very interested in it before, but I
got more and more interested in it even before we got married. But if there is a
place like this in the Duke’s residence, can I just skip it?”

I groaned and got up from my seat.

Then I moved on to their next work.

“So, do you have a favorite writer?”

Killian unexpectedly asked me about my taste. It seemed like a good

opportunity to get close to him, but unfortunately I don’t know any of the
writers in this world.

Even if they were the original authors, they wouldn’t have even set the names of
the artists. How do I know that?

“It’s embarrassing, but as I said earlier, I just got interested in it, so I don’t know
of any artists.”

“...Not at all?”


I sighed quietly and turned my gaze toward the work. He is shaking his head all
the way.

You know how to give comfort to people.

Rather than bothering him, I decided to look at the painting calmly and focused
on the appreciation again.

Then I forgot that Killian was by my side.


Because of that, I unknowingly made a noise in front of a painting that looked

like a scene from a myth.

It was also because the shepherd boy in the painting, who looked about 15 years
old, looked just like Killian.

Killian seemed to be curious about my reaction as well, and sneaked up to me

and was taken aback.

“When I was young, I was forced to become a model at the request of a painter
close to my father!”

Killian made similar excuses, but when I found something to tease, I tilted my
head and put on a serious face, pretending not to hear what he was saying.


“What is it?”

“It’s nothing.”

“I asked what.”
“It’s nothing. Just...”


“It’s still difficult to be that size, but I want to.”

Then I moved on to the next picture.

The shepherd boy was almost completely naked, wearing a mana-like robe, and,
of course, his little ‘precious ear’ was also drawn.

Looking at the painting again, Killian protested with his face reddening at once.

“The body in the painting is not me model!”

“Oh, I see.”

“Isn’t that obvious? There’s no way a son of an aristocrat would reveal his entire
body in front of a painter!”

“Huh... I guess.”

Consistently in a voice that seemed to disbelieve at all, I could feel Killian

clenching his teeth even without seeing it.

To be honest, I wanted to laugh in front of him, but I also bit my lip and held it
back. It might have made him even more angry.

“What the hell, you’re someone who has a hard time discussing art.”
Killian scolded me, then turned around and left.

I laughed to myself as I watched him leave.

In fact, it’s not that bad when you think about saving my life, but isn’t it too
dreary to live without jokes like this?

“But it must be much bigger than that now, right?”

I glanced at the shepherd boy’s groin and burst into laughter again.


It had already been two months since I possessed Edith.

Whether it’s because people’s ability to adapt is amazing, or because of Edith’s

memories, I’ve adapted to this world much better than I thought.

As I stayed quiet, the gazes that looked at me seemed to gradually fade, and
each day was peaceful.

‘I wish I could live like this all the time.’

I often leaned against the banister and looked out at the garden spread

Of course, he had to check beforehand that Liese’s tea time would not be held
on the balcony of the Great Hall.
I also visited the garden outside the mansion.

With spring coming, it felt so good to feel the energy of life rising just by
walking in the garden.

The smell of grass everywhere and the small flowers blooming slowly seemed to
soothe my tired soul.

But the most enjoyable thing was walking on the promenade near the
gymnasium in the morning.

Today, I took a walk on that road by myself.

I could tell from the sound of blades clashing that someone was using the

I pretended not to know anything and went for a walk, but when I made sure that
no one was around, I hurriedly ran to hide among the garden trees that the
gardener had cut with his artistic spirit.

‘Do not walk in the garden in this taste.’

Crouching down on the ground on the less leafy side of the garden tree, I began
peeping at the gymnasium through the gap.

‘Today, too, my husband is healthy.’

Peeping at Killian training with his shirt off was a hobby of mine that had just
I came across this road by accident, and when I saw him undressing for the first
time, I thought it was a real nosebleed.

‘I can’t believe I’m the only one watching this gracious scene... What if I feel
sorry for the other readers of <Home/Delegation>?’

No matter how many times I watch it, it thrills me every time I see it! Always
new! Handsome is the best!

I really want to wave a glow stick.

A man with a big chest and full of muscles was so cool.

Look at those clearly split muscles.

With a bumpy, angry back, and Apollo dimples that are dented like arrows...

The groin of the shepherd boy I saw last time in Sistine Hall must have been
much more dignified than then.

‘Ha... He’s not lucky, but he’s really handsome. As expected, I prefer Killian
over Cliff.’

Cliff, who trains with me across from him, was also taking off his top, but it felt
slightly more angular than Killian.

I’m sure there are people who like that kind of body, but I like round and strong
muscles like Killian’s.

After admiring Killian’s bulging muscles for a long time, I thought I should go
back when my squatting legs started to go numb.
‘I’m going to have a good look today.’

I said hello in my heart and was about to get up, but Killian looked somewhere
and smiled and waved his hand slightly.


My heart was about to drop.

Even though I was looking at it from a distance, I could vaguely see the finely
folded eyes and the coolly stretched corners of the mouth.

And that his smile is so beautiful...

It wasn’t until he turned around that he could see where he was looking.

‘Ah, it’s Liese.’

From the side he was looking at, Liese was waving at the two men.

‘Well, there’s no other person other than Liese that Killian can laugh at like

Even after recognizing that fact, I sat there blankly for a long time.

I knew in my head that I had to get up and go into the mansion, but I couldn’t do
anything because I kept thinking of Killian laughing.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 16



‘I... What a fool.’

During the 28 years of living as Choi Soo-na, I never once thought of myself as
an idiot, but I guess it was just that I had never seen a truly handsome face in my
previous life.

‘I thought personality and heart were important for men, but was it all my

After chewing on Killian’s ecstatic face over and over again, I got up and
limped back to the mansion only after I almost lost feeling in my toes.

The visual and emotional shock of Killian’s face doesn’t diminish my work

I headed for the Duchess’s office.

“From today, all we have to do is classify the documents there by type and write
down the items we need to purchase, the quantity, and the price in a nice way. It
will probably take a few days because of the large amount, but it’s not urgent, so
take your time.”

“Yes, Mother.”
The documents given to me today were about weapons and armor to be
purchased from the Ludwig family.

‘Have you completely let go of your guard against me? To make me touch these

The history of buying weapons or armor must be the first-class information of

the samurai family, but judging from the fact that it was given to me to organize,
it seems that the efforts so far have not been in vain.

It was clear that the blade that had been aiming at my throat was moving farther
and farther away.

I started organizing the papers that explained the pros and cons of each weapon
and armor, grouped by type.

Then I wrote down the table from what I can see right away. It is better to write
it down in a table so that you can check it clearly later.

It seemed that I was deeply engrossed in sorting papers and organizing tables, so
I didn’t even know that someone was approaching me.

When I came to my senses, Liese was standing next to me, watching me work.

Liese made eye contact with me and smiled brightly, but somehow I felt

‘It’s like this again.’

It’s been a really strange symptom ever since.

A certain aspect of Liese’s momentary appearance was strangely disturbing.

‘If... Is it because of the basic attributes of the character Edith?’

If you recall the fact that I was possessed by a person from Romance Fantacy
novel whose memory was intact, it was quite possible.

I’m trying to change the things that have been decided like fate in this world
right now, so maybe the power to go back to the original work is working.

‘You can’t lose to the character settings of the original work. If you do that, your
hair will fly off.’

I gulped down my saliva and smiled pretty.

“Liese! When did you come?”

“Oh, just now... However...”


Liese took the paper on which I was drawing the ticket and said with a tilt of her

“What is this?”

“It’s a ticket. If you organize it like this, it will be easier to see at a glance later.”

“It’s the first time I’ve seen it organized like this.”

“Uh... Really...?”

Could it be that there is no such thing as a ‘ticket’?

In actual history, votes have existed since ancient times, but the author may have
deliberately set it up as a world without votes.

Even at first glance, the documents organized in narrative form look more

“Uh, anyway, wouldn’t it look more comfortable this way?”

I smiled awkwardly and explained the structure of the table, but Liese’s
expression didn’t brighten even after hearing the explanation.

“Um... It’s definitely a way to put a lot of information on one sheet, as Edith
said, but to be honest, it’s a bit awkward for other people to see.”


“It’s a matter of getting used to. Edith may have used this kind of theorem, but
other people don’t. Everyone will be at a loss as to what to look at.”

“Is that so?”

Maybe I am going too far. The author of this article is also from the 21st
century, but the background of the work is ‘virtual early modern Europe’.

There may be parts of what I say and do with the sense of the 21st century that
don’t fit the setting of this world.
So, just as I was thinking of rewriting what I had organized into tables like other
documents, the Duchess got up from her seat and approached me.

“What’s up?”

Before I had time to answer her soft question, Liese smiled like an angel and

“Edith was helping me sort things out. Edith is still not used to the job.”

“Oh, it seems Liese is helping Edith a lot.”

The wife looked happy.

Liese, the wife of the first son, and I, the wife of the second son, were helping
each other work, which made her happy.

But somehow I was slightly, very slightly offended.

“I’m sorry, chief. Soo-na is still not good at working with Excel. I will fix it

It was because he remembered a previous life where he was scolded because of

someone’s words even though he did a good job.

For me, who had suffered from all sorts of paperwork in my previous life, this
kind of work the Duchess entrusted to me was not at all difficult.

In the past three weeks, far from making mistakes, he had always done more
than the Duchess had entrusted to him.
But why does Liese treat me as someone who is ‘unaccustomed to work’ even
though she knows that the table I drew is ‘convenient’?

In my previous life, I couldn’t say a word to the manager who was angry with
me, but now I wanted to talk.

“Yes, Liese is helping me a lot. But, mother. I want to ask what your mother
thinks about this ‘ticket’.”

“Huh? Graph?”

I quickly put the ticket I had drawn in front of the Duchess.

“There was a lot of information contained in the documents, so I was in the

middle of a brief summary like this. Here, write each bearer like this and write
down only keywords for each item. I write down the quantity and price to buy

I explained by pointing to each row and column of the table.

The general manager, the Duchess, listened intently to my explanation.

“Liese says it’s not used much, so others will be unfamiliar with it, but I think it
wouldn’t be bad for mothers who need to read a lot of information to try this

She looked over the table I drew and said with a broad smile.

“Oh my God, thinking all this! Edith, you are amazing!”

“Uh...? Is that so?”

“Of course! This is a really good idea. In the future, we will organize our
documents in this way.”

The Duchess fumbled over the table I had drawn several times and nodded.

He seemed to understand the structure of the table while thinking to himself.

“Would you like to organize all your paperwork this way? So that I and others
can learn from what you have done.”

“Yes! All right.”

For some reason, my heart skipped a beat.

I was praised for something really insignificant, but I felt like an elementary
school student whose homeroom teacher stroked my hair.

After feeling that feeling for a while, I suddenly came to my senses.

‘Oops! Did Liese feel bad?’

I secretly looked at Liese.

However, she was nodding eagerly as she looked at the paper on which she had
drawn the ticket with the Duchess.

Then, as if he felt my gaze, he looked at me and made an apologetic expression.

The little smile on her face, with her eyebrows drooping, somehow made me
feel more sorry for her.

‘Did I say this without thinking too much of Liese’s face...?’

I thought of the senior who stabbed me in the back of my head, and involuntarily
became hot.

If I want to survive in this world, I have to look good to Liese...!

‘I forgot my duty. I have to be like a plant in this house, unobtrusive and


Feeling a sense of crisis, I laughed at the side and entered at the right time.

“But to be honest, this is all thanks to Liese’s support from beside me. Liese
taught me one by one.”

“Oh no! What am I? To be honest, Edith knows so well that I didn’t have much
to teach you.”

Liese waved her hand and trembled in humility.

‘I don’t know if this will ease my resentment. Look at me, Liese.’

I did my best to smile at Liese.

It’s cowardly, but it’s unavoidable.

I have to hope that Liese isn’t offended by this incident, I’m the villain
supporting role. Sniff.


It’s very rare for Killian to come to my room.

After we got married, the only time he visited my room was on the wedding
night and during Liese’s tea time only briefly.

So it doesn’t look like there’s much use like today, but coming in from the
morning and sitting there like that was enough to make me nervous.

‘What? Is this the prelude to another episode?’

Maybe it’s because I haven’t woken up yet, I can’t remember which episode this
is the intro to.

Killian sat on the sofa in the small drawing room attached to my bedroom and
looked around my room with an expressionless face.

Contrary to his perfect figure, I was still wearing acupuncture after getting out of
bed and barely washing my face.

He didn’t say a word until Anna prepared the tea.

‘Did you catch me peeping every morning? Or maybe Count Rigelhoff had a
fight? Or else, Liese expressed her regret over organizing the paperwork with
that ticket the other day...?’
I tried to look calm on the outside while replaying all the disturbing
imaginations in my head.

The tea was placed in front of Killian by Anna, so there was no poisoning

“I came because I wanted to see...”

As soon as he opened his mouth, Killian sent an emotionless gaze.

“...You will not.”

“Are you telling me to just say it quickly and leave?”

“If I ask you to stay longer, will you stay longer?”

“You don’t lose a word.”

“Because I can’t learn how to lose.”

“Would you mind?”

I quickly regretted Killian’s reaction, who responded coldly even when I talked
with a smile.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 17



Why do I keep forgetting that Killian is a character set up to cut my throat?

Every time we meet, ‘yeah yeah.’ It wasn’t enough even if I lay flat on my face,
but when I met Killian, I felt playful for some reason, and I came up with
something to reply.

‘Is this also the influence of the original plot? Edith of the original work also
roasted Killian all the time. Of course, this and that are a bit different.’

Even though I started a conversation, Killian just stared at me and said nothing.

Eventually, I gave up listening to his answer and just enjoyed my morning as

usual over a cup of tea.

The weather was nice today.

Spring was ripening, so everywhere you looked, you could see a feast of bright

I got up and opened the window.

The fresh scent of spring slowly colored my room.

“The weather is nice...”

It was a bit chilly in the morning, but even that felt refreshing.
I was trying to straighten the slippery shawl when Killian came up behind me
and held me between him and the window with his arms outstretched.

I was so taken aback by the unexpected situation that I stiffened.

“Looks like you’re helping your mother well.”

“Yes? Oh, well, that’s right, of course... It’s a job.”

“I heard that you are suspiciously skilled...”

Suddenly, I wondered what this was all about. It seems that yesterday’s incident
reached Killian’s ears...

“It is better not to do anything stupid. What you see and hear in your mother’s
room is to be forgotten as soon as you leave that room.”

“Do not worry. I’m not smart enough to remember all of that.”

“Well. Surprisingly, it doesn’t seem like it’s too bad.”

What? Did you come to pick up the fight now?

No, it’s fine, so I’d like you to tell me from a distance. Because it feels like I’m
going to spit out my heart with my mouth.

“Oh, and...”

“What else?”
“Was your mother’s favorite dressing room too noble and classy to be able to
capture your taste?”


What is this again?

“If there is a place you want, please tell me separately. I will call you.”

“No, so...”

“I heard that you, who are famous for never wearing the same dress twice, didn’t
match a new dress, so there are so many different ways to protest.”

So now, even the fact that I didn’t have a new dress made me a reason to hate

Other times, it was a trick to try to escape the extravagant image, but in the end,
the result is the same as the original story!

‘It’s unfortunate.’

Even though I promised not to go against Killian’s planting, strangely, his

misunderstandings and criticisms were hard to bear.

“Protesting... How?”

Killian didn’t answer.

“Killian, you really don’t know anything about me.”

“What do you mean I don’t know?”

“If I didn’t like the dressing room, I called another dressing room right there, so
why would I have the dress mended? Did you think I would notice others with
something like that?”

I straightened my shrugged shoulders and turned to him.

He flinched and stepped back slightly, who had been clinging to him as if he
were about to rub his lower leg.

“It’s not my fault, you just hate me. I’m somehow trying to fit it in that I’m the


“Of course I understand why you want to blame me. That will put your mind at

I couldn’t tell what my expression was because I was messing around.

Killian seems pretty surprised, but I have something to say.

“You are cowardly.”

“Your behavior of trying to solidify your own happiness by sacrificing me, who
is innocent, and acting as if you were the only victim is cowardly.”

Killian’s eyes widened.

However, anger welled up in those eyes.

“That is... Do you have any impressions of the position obtained by

blackmailing our family?”

“Did I make that threat?”

“It’s the first time I’ve ever seen a child cut off his father’s tail.”

“You know nothing about me, Killian. Nothing.”

“I know the Rigelhofs well enough.”

After all, to Killian, no, to everyone in the Ludwig family, I meant that
Rigelhoff was only a man.

No matter what I do, no matter how hard I try...

“If you keep calm like you are now, nothing bad will happen. So don’t do
anything to arouse suspicion. That is the best advice I can give you.”

I was devastated.

No matter what I do, you’ll doubt me...

“That is very useful advice.”

I answered by turning away from him.

I didn’t want to see that flowery beauty anymore.

Killian glared at me, then turned and left.

The thud, the sound of the closing door seemed to reveal to me the inside of him
who had completely closed his heart.

I was alone in a large, beautifully decorated room.

The room that seemed to be filled with the energy of life until just now felt

Loneliness rose from the tip of his toes.

‘Why are you doing this all over again? I was originally alone.’

Feeling depressed, I quickly turned my body back to the window.

Just then, several small birds were sitting on the branch in front of me and

I was envious of the birds because they seemed to be enjoying the coming
splendid spring without any worries.

‘If possible, I was going to stay as the family’s Jibakryeong and drink honey
until I die... If things don’t go well, I’ll have to run away at night, well.’
It seemed that the time had come to seriously consider the next best option, a
runaway at night.

Although it seemed to come much faster than I thought.

‘Good. Starting tomorrow, let’s focus more on raising money.’

I shook off my desire to be depressed and called Anna.

Even if I was sad anyway, it wasn’t a world where anyone looked back.

Because it was always like that.


After leaving Edith’s room, Killian headed for the gymnasium.

In the first place, I had only stopped by Edith’s room impulsively on my way to
the gymnasium.

‘Damn. Why did I hurt myself?’

It was probably because of the story I heard from the Duchess and Liese

“Edith is very smart. She even came up with a way to organize information by
drawing a grid like this.”

As if surprised, the Duchess showed Killian the table Edith had drawn.
From his point of view, it was a fairly efficient way of organizing.

“I guess we can extract the information by compressing it like this.”

“Killian... It seems to me that Edith is trying to adapt to this house in her own

“Now is the time to buy yourself.”

“Isn’t that child also the one who ended up in an arranged marriage? Even that
child was left alone in what was no better than enemy camp. Couldn’t you pity
him a little?”

No matter how much Edith flirted in front of her, his mother felt sorry for Edith.

However, Killian could not relax his guard against Edith.

It was because Liese’s perspective was a little different from that of the

“My mother said that she is a good helper at work. How does it look to you,

“Um... Edith seemed very smart.”

The nuance of the answer was subtle.

It seems smart, but as if there’s something awkward about it...

“Is something stuck?”

“Oh no! Unlike me, who didn’t learn anything from the Sinclair family, he
learned very quickly. That’s kinda... I was envious.”


Killian comforted her by hugging Liese’s shoulders, who smiled bitterly, but he
sensitively accepted what Liese pointed out.

In fact, it was thanks to about 4 years of education that Liese was able to help
her mother as much as she is now.

And for someone who hadn’t learned anything from the Sinclair family, Liese
acquired knowledge very quickly, and everyone knew that Liese was smart.

‘If Liese is smart enough to envy, then it must mean that she’s not smart enough,
but that she’s already trained for that kind of thing.’

Besides, the last time we met and talked at Sistine Hall, she didn’t sound as
stupid as rumors had it.

He said he didn’t know any artist, but if you listened to his impressions of the
painting, he wasn’t an idiot who didn’t know anything, and he had a high level
of understanding of the painting.

Of course, I’m sorry you teased me at the last minute over the damn picture,

So, on my way to swordsmanship training this morning, I suddenly had the idea
to stop by Edith’s room.
‘I’ll have to watch her movements and warn her not to do anything stupid.’

Killian, who entered Edith’s room with such a firm resolve, felt a strange and
mysterious tension.

‘The scent of roses...’

Unlike Liese’s room, which had a subtle scent of violets, Edith’s room had a
sensual rose scent.

The moment he smelled the scent of roses and soft flesh, Killian forgot what he
was talking about.

“Uh? So early, what is it?”

The look of Edith who greeted him with a tilted head was even more

‘What’s wrong with her pajamas!’

The light, off-the-shoulder nightgown that was barely hanging over the shoulder
was dangerous as if it would slip off at any moment, and whenever the sunlight
penetrated, a naked silhouette was reflected.

Besides, the face that was not yet awake looked hazy as if possessed by
something, which stimulated a strange feeling.

He looked around the room, trying to suppress the odd feeling.

Fortunately, thanks to Edith’s fight, I was able to regain my senses quickly.

However, as Edith, who was drinking tea without caring about me, approached
the window and opened the door, Edith’s body scent flew in the wind, and
Killian approached Edith without realizing it and locked her in his arms.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 18



The tips of Edith’s rosy ears, her parted lips, her slender nape, and the curves of
her shoulders and breastbone were dizzying.

‘What am I doing?’

Killian spat out anything because of the embarrassment and awkwardness that
came along with the realization.

You seem to be helping your mother well, but just do it the way you are now,
and don’t think strangely.

He also said that it was OK to call another dressing room because he

remembered that Edith had only left his clothes repaired at the Royal Dressing

Of course, I admit that I did not speak in a gentlemanly manner. But he didn’t
know that he would be blamed by her.
“It’s not my fault, you just hate me. ...I can see why you want to blame me. That
will put your mind at ease.”

“You are cowardly.”

Why did I have to listen to that?

It was too complicated in my head. The more I thought about it, the more my
temples throbbed.

“You know nothing about me, Killian. Nothing.”

Why did the woman’s face look so sad when she said that?

And she was right.

Killian didn’t know anything about Edith.

From the beginning, he saw her only as ‘the daughter of Count Rigelhoff’, and
everything he guessed about her was based on memories of Count Rigelhoff.


The pain that started in the temple spread to the whole head, and the pain was
like breaking the skull.


And when Liese’s voice was heard from somewhere, the throbbing head
gradually got better.

It seemed that Liese, who often came to see Killian and Cliff’s sparring, was on
her way to the gym today as well.

Killian felt relieved at the disappearing pain.

“Killian, why is that? Are you sick?”

“Oh, no. Are you okay.”

Liese, who was looking up at herself anxiously, smelled of fresh violets.

‘Yes, I like the subtle scent of violets. The strong scent of roses is just

The more I thought about it, the clearer my head became.

“It’s really okay, Liese. I came to see an unlucky woman from the morning,

“Edith... Did you come to meet me?”

“I came to warn you not to think nonsense.”


“I didn’t say anything harsh. Just...”

Killian couldn’t clearly explain why he had stopped by Edith’s room.

However, since she was next to Liese, it seemed like she didn’t have to think
deeply about that reason.

‘She’s just a spy sent in by Count Rigelhoff. If she wants to grumble, blame my

Killian thought so and erased Edith’s sad eyes from his mind.

Tried to erase.


After Killian went, I had to spend the next few days looking for something to
keep me occupied to avoid thinking about him.

If I wasn’t doing anything, I couldn’t bear it because the cold words that Killian
had uttered seemed to cut my heart.

‘At times like this, I have to go outside.’

Even in my previous life, if I felt a little depressed, I filled a large tumbler full of
iced americano and then went outside and walked.

I especially liked going to large malls, and it was refreshing to go window

shopping or sit on a bench and watch people pass by.

Ever since I became possessed by Edith, I’ve been confined to the mansion,
which made me feel frustrated.
I was deliberately staying at home because of the original Edith, who went out
to parties and gossiped about Liese, but wouldn’t it be okay to just go out to see
the streets instead of having a party?

As soon as I made up my mind, I immediately called Anna.

“Anna. Let’s go out to play.”

Anna’s eyes widened for the first time in surprise at the unexpected proposal.

But she didn’t question or bother.

“Yes, lady. After notifying the Duchess, I will prepare to go out immediately.”

“Huh. Please.”

While Anna went out to inform the Duchess, I packed the jewels I had removed
while mending the dress in a small bag.

Then I opened my closet and went through it, picking out the clothes I was
going to wear. Just by doing that, the depressed feeling seemed to get lighter and

Anna, who had just returned, told her that the Duchess had allowed her to go out
and put her in a dress for going out.

“Where do you go out?”

“Actually, I wanted to ask Anna, where should we go out to have fun? To be

honest, I’ve never been out on the main street alone.”
Again, Anna’s eyes widened.

However, she quickly lowered her gaze, as if she had been taught not to ask

“I guess it depends on what you do. If you are looking for cute clothing stores,
accessory shops, and dessert cafes, Le Belle-Marie Street will be fine, and if you
are looking for a place with banks, galleries, opera houses and high-end cafes,
then Darsus Street will be fine.”

“Let’s go to Darsus Street.”

“All right.”

Thanks to Anna who calmly prepared for the outing without asking useless
questions, I got on the carriage in a good mood without having to make excuses.

And soon the scenery that began to be seen out of the wagon window was
enough to excite me.

‘This is the downtown area of the romance world!’

The ambiguous streets of early modern Europe, which gave nothing to historical
research, unfolded in a charming way to suit my taste.

I felt like I was passing through a theme park decorated in a ‘European style’.

While I was peering out the carriage window, the carriage turned left at a large
crossroads and entered a street with many well-built stone buildings.

“We have arrived, lady.”


Anna instructed the knight to go to the coach station somewhere on this street,
and came and stood beside me.

“Do you have a place to stop by?”

“Huh. I want to stop by the jewelry store first.”

“There are several famous jewelers.”

“Among them, I want to go to a place that pays a good price for buying jewels.
Do you know where it is?”

After thinking for a while, Anna recommended three places: <Amabile>,

<Datrias>, and <Lute Pecan>.

“How do you know Anna so well? I feel like I know everything in the world.”

“It’s an overstatement.”

Of course, it’s probably an extra that the writer created to avoid a cumbersome
and uninteresting narrative, but it couldn’t be this comfortable having a
character who always gives a quick answer whenever I ask something.

What if you can’t search the internet? I have Anna!

“Then let’s start with <Amabile>.”

I walked around the jewelers with light steps. Fortunately, the calm diamonds I
took out were of high quality, so I was able to get a much higher price than I

The place that paid the highest price was <Datrias>, but they said they could
only give it by check, so <Amabile>, which paid the next highest price, sold it in
full cash.

“Let’s go to the bank this time.”

“The bank is right there.”

At the place Anna pointed to, a seemingly sturdy building occupied the middle
of the road.

‘Is this how Harry ○ter felt when he first visited Grin○ter Bank?’

As I passed through the main gate of the bank lined with huge pillars like a
Greek temple and went inside, I remembered a fantasy novel I had enjoyed
reading in my previous life.

“Thank you for visiting Central Bank Mallen.”

Upon entering the bank, a man dressed as a butler greeted me politely.

Unlike the bank in my previous life, it was a place that looked like a library.

“If you tell me what happened to you, I will guide you.”

“I came to make a safe in my name.”

“I see. Then this way.”

I followed the man’s guide to the window. The chairs were soft and luxurious,
and the inside of the bank was luxurious.

‘Well, I’ll use the nobles and the bank here.’

While looking around curiously, I smiled at the window clerk’s greeting.

“You want to open a safe?”

“That’s right. A safe in my name that only I can open.”

“There are three types of safes. There are small safes that store 10 million senna
or less, medium-sized safes that store 100 million senna or less, and large safes
that store more. What would you like to open? For your information, starting
with the medium-sized safe, a separate maintenance fee is charged in proportion
to the amount deposited.”

The cash I got from changing my jewelry was a little over 5 million senna, and I
had taken 4 million senna out of my original cash to save.

10 million senna seemed like it would fill up quickly, but there’s no need to pay
maintenance fees in advance.

“I’ll open a small safe for now, and later change it to a medium safe.”

“All right. Then, please sign the opening agreement.”

Although I was nervous, I pretended to be okay and read the agreement to open
the agreement step by step and signed it coolly.
However, I did not forget to use a pseudonym just in case.

Then he offered 9 million senna money to be deposited in the safe.

It was a lot of money in my opinion, but I wasn’t too surprised, as it didn’t seem
like a big deal in the eyes of a bank employee who lives only for money every

“When withdrawing money, you will receive a password and signature along
with a few questions to verify your identity. If any of them are incorrect, you
cannot withdraw, so never forget your password.”

“Okay. Thank you.”

Like an elementary school student who opened a bank account for the first time
in my life, I came out of the bank with a grand mind.

After opening the safe, the remaining 300,000 senna was in the bag, which was

“Now, let’s go eat something delicious, Anna.”

Hungry, I went to the restaurant Anna recommended and was surprised to see a
long line in front of a dessert cafe.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 19



“What is that?”

“This is <Peridot>, one of the most popular bakeries in the capital. Some
products there are famous for being difficult to buy even if you line up before
the store opens.”

“And... Is it that delicious?”

“I don’t know because I haven’t tried it, but on the days noble ladies visit other
houses, they say they always order servants to buy strawberry tarts from there.”

It was very appetizing, but I wondered if I had to eat it while making the
servants suffer.

After all, we had to eat, not tea or cake.

I took Anna to a restaurant with a nice outdoor terrace.

It is a restaurant next to a park with green leaves, so you can enjoy food while
breathing in the fresh air on the terrace.

Since it was a restaurant frequented by aristocrats, the food was expensive, but I
was willing to pay for Anna, who followed me around without showing any
signs of annoyance.

‘I’m happy that I can buy and eat as much as I want without worrying about
I still vividly remember packing lunch boxes to save money in my previous life.

When I was sitting alone in the kitchen and eating a boxed lunch, someone
opened the window in annoyance, and someone looked at me as if I was right.

‘Yes, just having a lot of money makes me happy. Let’s trust money rather than
expecting something emotional from others.’

I tried to be strong and convinced myself.

But it was unavoidable to feel bitter even thinking about it.

Some people get the favor of others so easily, but why am I having such a hard

But it wasn’t the time to lose heart. I shared bread with cheese and ham and a
sea bass dish with Anna, chatting about various things, then pretending to be an
idiot to get to the point.

“The commoners say they don’t have carriages at home? So, what do you use
when you go on a trip?”

“Sometimes we rent a wagon, and sometimes we pay for long-distance wagons

and ride them.”

“Then do you stay overnight at an inn on the way?”

“People with money stay at inns, and people without money stay homeless.”
If you were going to run away at night, you had to know in advance how to ride
a long-distance carriage and how to stay at an inn.

“Wow, that’s amazing. Where do you ride the long-distance wagon? I’ve never
seen one.”

“You will. Long-distance wagons look completely different from noble wagons.
Think of it as a covered cart.”

“Ugh. I don’t think the ride will be very comfortable.”

“That’s why everyone says they take motion sickness medicine. The place
where long-distance carriages from the capital gather is near the south gate.”

Okay. A long-distance carriage near the south gate of the capital. Prepare motion
sickness medicine in advance.

“Do you send someone to make a reservation if you want to stay at an inn or

“Usually, you just go into an inn you can see and stay if there is a room
available, or you can’t. People without money sleep in a stable.”

“Sleeping in the stable? Why? Are the inns expensive?”

“A cheap place costs about 3,000 senna a night, but the expensive place costs
even 7,000 senna, so it is expensive for commoners.”

You mean the inn costs about 5,000 senna a night? Completed input in my head.
I ended the conversation about the trip with a mysterious face like a young lady
who knows nothing about the world, although it is true.

There were many things I wanted to ask, but Anna, the Ludwig family’s servant,
couldn’t help but report on my outings, and if her tail was long, she would get
stepped on.

“Is there anything else you need?”

“No. Today, I just went out to dispose of the jewelry I took off my clothes and
open a safe. Thanks to Anna going with her, she feels a lot better. Thank you.”

Despite my thanks, Anna’s expression hardly changed, but I noticed that she
was a little surprised that we had been together for several months.

I just wished in my heart that it was on the positive side.


As long as I started seriously thinking about ‘running away at night’, I had to

actively use the library to get information for living in this world as I live in a

Fortunately, the people in this house didn’t seem to be interested in what books I
read in the library.

So today, too, I’ve been stuck in the library since morning, looking for books
with the contents necessary for survival and reading them.

I was researching ‘how to tell old beans from old beans’ for a long time when
Anna suddenly appeared and quietly called me.
“Huh? Anna? What is it?”

“I’ll take you to the Duchess’ drawing room, my lady.”

“Why? Who is looking for me?”

“Yes. The jeweler came, and her wife asked her to come too.”

I thought that Liese would already be there in the part where he said that he had
been with ‘the lady’ for a long time.

To be honest, I didn’t want to see Liese or Killian yet, but the Duchess called
and I couldn’t help but go.

Besides, isn’t it a ‘jewelry’?

‘Okay. If you think about the day you run away at night, you should tear it off
beforehand while you can.’

Emotions disappear someday. It is foolish to miss the important things by being

buried in emotions that will disappear.

“Okay, let’s go.”

I left the book with the librarian and followed Anna into the Duchess’ drawing

In the drawing room, not only the Duchess and Liese were present, but also Cliff
and Killian.
They had already spread out the products brought by the jeweler and were
picking out things that would suit Liese.

I was really reluctant to join the friendly atmosphere, but I smiled like it was

“You called, Mother.”

“Ah, Edith! Come on.”

Unlike the Duchess, who greeted him warmly, Killian’s gaze was still cold.

No, something looked at me saying that I had come.

It’s a huge improvement compared to the wedding day when he didn’t even turn
his head in my direction.

“This is Mr. Felix Eppard, the owner of <Eppart>, a jewelry store that has been
dealing with our family for a long time. It’s been a long time since good things
came in, so if you like something, pick it up.”

“Thank you.”

On one sofa sat the Duchess, Liese, and Cliff, and on the other side were the
jewelers Felix and Killian.

I had no choice but to sit next to Killian.

After a moment of awkwardness, they started playing princesses again, trying

this and that on Liese.
“Doesn’t this sapphire match Liese’s eyes too well?”

“Okay. How about this pearl necklace?”

“Oh, that goes well too! The white pearl necklace I bought last time wasn’t bad
either, but this one looks better because it’s cream colored.”

Liese continued to shake hands, but the Duchess and Cliff seemed excited.

Killian couldn’t actively participate, probably because of me, and only pointed
at things that looked okay from time to time.

Watching that scene reminded me of reading this episode in the original story.

‘Oh, that’s it! The jeweler episode where Edith was humiliated!’

Even in the original work, the people of the duchy only cared about Liese.

Liese, who couldn’t see that, offered Edith a small necklace, but Edith bluntly
refused, asking where did you offer something like that.

And sitting proudly, whenever someone placed a jewel on Liese, she didn’t even
look at her and just spat out, ‘I’ll do that too.’

The jeweler is at a loss and says, ‘Everything here has only one piece’, and Cliff
buys all the jewels in this place with a blank check. Leaving only the necklace
Liese recommended to Edith.

And to an angry Edith, Killian throws the necklace, saying that there is nothing
left for him to do.
‘At the time, I just thought it was exciting, but now that I’m in Edith’s position,
I understand. It must have hurt his pride.’

Of course, Edith’s attitude wasn’t right, but wasn’t it that he was hurt so much
that he had no choice but to take that attitude?

No, why did you call someone in the first place and treat it like a bag of barley?

While I was blankly thinking about the original work, Liese pointed to one of
the necklaces and said, as if it was embarrassing that people only recommended
jewelry to me.

“I think this necklace would look good on Edith!”

Even if I didn’t mess around, the original episode progressed steadily.

The necklace Liese pointed to was a thin gold necklace with a small drop-
shaped red jewel attached to it.

‘I thought Liese had rejected it because she chose something strange, but it’s
pretty! As expected, did you just hate it because Liese chose it?’

Although the size of the jewels was on the small side among the items that the
jeweler spread out, honestly, from a modern perspective, I liked these better than
couture-class accessories piled high with large jewels.

“Oh my, how pretty! This... Is it ruby?”

I took it because I only knew ruby as a red jewel, but luckily ruby was right.
“You two are very discerning. This is the highest grade ruby. The filigree design
and bezel setting were also done by our best artisans.”

There’s no way for me to know what’s great, but it must mean pretty and
expensive anyway.

In fact, the vivid and transparent red ruby was pretty, so I looked into it for a

“Please try it on.”

“Yes, Edith. It can be different from what you see.”

The jeweler and Liese recommended it.

I smiled shyly and reached for the necklace.

However, there was someone who picked up the necklace before me.


He unlocked the necklace without a word.

I wondered why he was acting like this all of a sudden, but it caught my eye that
the Duchess was watching from the other side with a proud face.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 20



‘Aha! I can’t make my mother worry, is that it?’

No matter how I felt, I couldn’t show the cold wind blowing in front of my

I gathered my bountiful hair and gave it to my neck.

The person who didn’t want to be touched even when putting on a wedding ring,
this time, for some reason, put on a necklace normally.

But I didn’t miss it and felt his hand tremble a little.

‘It looks like he’s holding back things he doesn’t like.’

I asked, pretending to be shy, deliberately trying to upset him further.

“How are you, Killian?”

If anyone sees it, it will look like a newlywed couple pouring sesame seeds, but
Killian is probably going to die.

Even now, he is covering his mouth with his hand while looking at me, but I can
see that he has bitten his molars.
He looked around my face, neck and necklace for a long time before finally

“It’s fine.”


He frowned slightly between his brows and nodded as he spoke to the jeweler.

“Give me the bill for this necklace.”

“Oh, Killian! It is the first gift to the bride!”

The Duchess happily held her hands together. She must have been quite
concerned about the relationship between me and Killian.

I was still smiling as I watched him just nod his head without answering.

In fact, unlike when I came here, I was in a pretty good mood now.

‘I will hate my wife to death, but I have to reassure my mother, and she will die
of annoyance, right? Hmph! It’s a pain.’

In front of Killian, who had to buy a present for his wife he didn’t like, Cliff
proudly presented all the remaining jewels to Liese.

“Cliff! What will Edith do if she buys it all with Liese’s...!”

The Duchess bruised Cliff, but since everyone was cheating anyway, I politely
shook my hand.
“No, Mother! It wasn’t that I didn’t want to buy anything else, I just really liked
this necklace.”

Killian was mean but sincere when he said he liked the necklace.

Of course, if I had acquired a large jewel, my slush fund would have been full,
but famous jewels are at risk of being stepped on when sold later.

Besides, this is just enough to be worn as an accessory for everyday wear.

But somehow he heard that, and Killian’s gaze turned to me.

I said with a brighter smile.

“Thanks for the gift, Killian. I will cherish it.”

The neck of his neck twitched greatly.

I stopped teasing him that much because I didn’t feel like provoking him any

Anyway, even though the flow of the episode was different, the result was the

I received only one small necklace reluctantly bought by Liese and Killian, who
received a lot of jewelry gifts filled with everyone’s love.

‘I’m a bit worried about this.’

No matter what I do, this story won’t change...?


For a while, I lived a peaceful life.

There were a couple of things to worry about, but anyway, Killian didn’t quarrel
now, and helping the Duchess with her work and building trust went smoothly.

But incidents always happen by surprise.

“This is a letter addressed to you, my lady.”

As always, Anna picked out the letters addressed to me and handed them over.

Most of them were party invitations, but no matter how ‘party animal’ Edith was
in the past, several invitations came in every day.

‘In the original version, you didn’t miss out on this party and went out and
spread malicious rumors about Liese, didn’t you? Ugh, the liver is big.’

Even if they had kept secretly slandering Liese, Killian or Cliff would have
found the originator, but since they spread it in so many places... No, maybe
Edith of the original work did this on purpose.

Hoping that Killian would notice that he was so angry and sad.

‘You should have wished for it, Edith.’

Anyway, by not going to the party, I completely sealed off any dead flags.
I wish I could have finished checking the letter by tossing a bundle of invitations
to the party today as kindling, but I froze as I passed the invitations with cloudy

‘Count Rigelhoff...!’

It was a letter from Count Rigelhoff, who had been quiet for a while.

I roughly guessed that Anna would inform Duke Ludwig of this fact.

‘Have you even opened the letter?’

Apparently, the sealing was clean, but the envelopes could be exchanged as
much as they like, and the handwriting could be copied as much as you like.

I chewed my lips, opened the envelope, and began to read a letter that wasn’t
going to be very welcome.

— See Edith.

It’s already been three months since you got married.

Haven’t you had a bad day?

I know it’s hard to adapt to that house, but now the time has come to plan work.

I heard that you are helping the Duchess with her work and accessing the Duke’s
If there are any documents about weapons belonging to the duchy, steal them

If it is difficult to steal, it is good to write a summary of the contents and send


Even after that, the contents continued for a long time, but he wanted one thing
from me.

Stealing weapons-related documents.

Of course, the letter was written in a special ink and had to be read by heating it
in a candlelight.

I could read the true contents of the letter because I had Edith’s memory, but to
others, it would look like a letter written by an illiterate father borrowing an old
phrase, worrying about his daughter’s safety.

‘Anyway, how did you know that I was managing the Duke’s documents?’

That meant that there was a spy from the Rigelhoffs in this family as well. It was
because there was no way Duke Ludwig would have bragged about it outside.

‘What... There must be a spy from the Ludwig family in the Rigelhoff family, so
is it the bloody field?’

I was a bit nervous when I first saw the letter, but I was no longer living on a
leash with Count Rigelhoff.

I immediately took out a letter and wrote a reply.

— Respected father.

(Long and long greetings omitted)

When I came to see for myself, the Duke Ludwig is so solid and powerful. It’s
beyond imagination.

If you try to destroy them, you will have to prepare for extinction.

Besides, isn’t there nothing wrong with the Ludwig family in the first place?

Bongjak is the will and authority of His Majesty the Emperor, so why do you
hate the Ludwig family?

Besides, there is no justification for ArchDuke Langston to become emperor. At

this rate, you will be cornered into treason.

Therefore, I think it is desirable to give up and develop Rigelhoffman’s

strengths more with the protection of the Ludwig family.

Then I’ll cut it short.

It was written in special ink, as Count Rigelhoff had done, so as not to appear
too halfhearted.

‘I’m sure Count Rigelhoff wouldn’t be able to give up his ambition to this
extent, but...’

It was enough for me, the Count, to give up on me.

I was drawn to him screaming that he was a traitor and gnashing his teeth, but I
wasn’t too worried.

Well, it’s better if you grab it by the scruff of the neck and fall down and go to
the goal.

It was one day when I was anxiously awaiting the reaction from the Rigelhoffs
after sending the letter.

“Miss. His Excellency the Duke is looking for you.”

“Huh? His Excellency the Duke?”

It was sudden and strange.

Duke Ludwig was so busy with the affairs of the imperial palace and the Duke’s
family that it was hard to see his face.

But why is he looking for me...

‘Somehow I feel uncomfortable...’

The fact that another knight besides Anna came to pick me up also fueled my

But with no reason or way to escape, I adjusted my dressing well and followed

In the Duke’s office, not only the Duke but also the Duchess, Cliff, and Killian
were seated.
“I heard you called, Your Excellency.”

“Okay. Sit there.”

The heavy air seemed to press down from above.

It seemed that something big had happened.

The Duke and Cliff’s expressions were heavy, the Duchess looked nervous, and
Killian... It was pale.


The silent Duke called me.

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“I will ask straight forward. Did you leak the Duke’s documents to the outside

“Yes? me?”

The Duke was looking at me with frightened eyes without answering.

It was as if I was convinced that I had leaked the documents.

I was a little embarrassed, so I didn’t even notice my mouth opening, so I looked

at him face to face and came to my senses.

“No! I never did.”

“Okay? Do you swear on your father’s honor?”

“I swear by my father, as well as by my honor and my life.”

The Duke’s eyes narrowed at my angry expression.

“Then you just threw your father and your honor to the ground.”

“What the hell are you talking about?”

The Duke tossed some of the papers he was holding in front of me.

“Isn’t this the document you organized?”

I picked up the paper he threw and looked it over.

It was a document related to purchasing weapons and armor that I had organized
a while ago.

“Yes. It is correct that I arranged it.”

“I heard you even organized the contents by drawing a table?”

“Yes, it is. At the time, you saw the Duchess and Liese together, so you would

“Yes, it is. Everyone remembers...”

There was a faint sneer on the Duke’s lips.

“It’s true, Edith. The documents are fake.”


“Everything written there is fake.”

It was absurd. No, yes, let’s pretend it’s fake. So what?

“There must be a reason why you ordered me to file fake documents. I just did
what I was told to do. I’m not sure what the hell is the problem.”

“Edith Rigelhoff!”

The Duke screamed as if he couldn’t stand it any longer.

I was surprised by his booming voice, but even more surprised that he still
called me ‘Riegelhoff’.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 21


“If you hadn’t leaked this document, why would Count Rigelhoff select only the
items listed in this document and pre-order? My, I made you touch fake
documents out of concern for this!”

So, they didn’t believe me, so they sorted out the fake documents, and I dutifully
fell into their trap and leaked these fake documents to Count Rigelhoff.

Once again, it was embarrassing.

Because I never leaked this document.

I even replied to the Count’s letter asking me to come to my senses to leak the

“I never leaked these documents.”

“Haha! You are so great too. So how do you think this happened? How did the
documents that only you can see end up in the Rigelhoff family?”

“It’s not a document that only I could see, Your Excellency Duke.”


The middle of the chest became clear.

Just like Edith did in the original work, it seemed that I would be futile in front
of them.

But... But what else can I do other than protest?

“As Your Excellency said earlier, both the Duchess and Liese were able to see
this document. There must be someone else who made this document.”

“They are all members of my family.”

“I am also a member of this family. My name on paper is no longer Edith

Rigelhoff. And it is the Duke himself, and no one else, who has put his seal on
the document as a witness for the groom.”

“Are you trying to play with me now?”

“What is Miss Liese’s name? Is she Liese Ludwig?”

My provocative question seemed to freeze the air in the office.

“Now... Are you trying to blame Liese for your mistakes?”

“Who saw that I leaked that document? Count Rigelhoff knew the contents of
the document I was looking at. Does this fact alone make me a criminal?”

I felt like crying.

These people were just fooling me. No, maybe some stupid spy?

“I’ll say it again, the Duchess knows that I was looking at those documents, and
Miss Liese knows too. And I know that too. Didn’t I know that I would be the
first to be suspected if something like this happened?”

For the first time, the Duke’s mouth fell shut.

Yeah, he thought I was an idiot for not caring that much.

“If you didn’t trust me at all, you shouldn’t have entrusted me with such a task!”

And yet, I know why they entrusted it to me.

“But... You would have been able to put pressure on Count Rigelhoff only if you
caught the pod that I leaked the documents. Yes?”

Actually, it was like that in the original story.

Edith does not know that it is a fake document and steals inside information
about the Ludwig family and sends it to her father.

Of course, since the false information was sent, the Ludwig family did not suffer
any damage, and the Rigelhoff family ended up buying a bunch of useless

But I didn’t.

But how the hell did that document reach the Rigelhoff family?

Angry, he mentioned Liese’s name, but in fact, Liese had no reason to do such a

‘As expected, can’t I go against the flow of the original work?’

I felt as if my uneasy guesses were getting stronger.

And it was devastating.

‘No matter what I do, I can’t avoid ending up with Killian cutting my throat?’

If it was something like this, it would be better not to do it.

It would have been better if my life ended with just falling down the stairs!

Even if I tried to hold back, the tears flowed without stopping.

Even if I cried, I would only get a bruise for dragging on unluckily, like an

“Hmm. Is it really something you didn’t do?”

Surprisingly, the Duke asked in a much softer voice.

I just nodded.

“If you’re sure I did it, just hit me in the neck. Didn’t I tell you earlier? I will
risk my honor and my life.”

I was so angry that I didn’t even have the strength to scream.

I really just wanted to slit his throat cleanly.

“You’re talking about a pierced mouth.”

Suddenly, Killian intervened.

He looked at me with contempt and was gnashing his teeth.

Then Cliff spoke to the Duke in a calm voice.

“Father. Wouldn’t it be nice to do some more research first? Of course... We’ll

have to block the suspect from going outside, though.”

The Duke nodded heavily as if he was reluctant to accuse me of being the


“Edith is on probation for the time being. If you really are innocent, wait for the
truth to come out.”

And I was ‘taken’ to my room that way.

Killian, who took me in person, had Anna and the knight wait outside before
closing the door.

And without letting go of my forearms that were tightly gripped, he pushed me

against the wall.

“Are you crazy?”

“I wish I could go crazy.”

“You think I’m joking!”

He glared at me like he was going to eat me.

“Do you know what Duke Axel Ludwig’s nickname was on the battlefield? It
was a ‘guillotine without warning’. In front of such a person, do you want me to
slit your throat?”

That's a big nickname. No, but what does that matter now?

I frowned, but Killian clenched his molars as if he was barely holding back his

“I know very well that you have guts. But don’t say that you’re going to die.
Because running away with death is cowardly.”

“Therefore... I was more annoyed that he told me to cut my throat, is this?”

“If you commit a crime, you have to pay for it. Otherwise, the truth will come

He must have thought I would commit suicide to protect Count Rigelhoff’s


I couldn’t help but laugh out loud now.

It felt like I was talking to a wall.

“Well. As much as you don’t trust me, I can’t trust you anymore. I feel like
you’re going to somehow frame me as the culprit.”


“It is. You are the ones who put the fake document into my hands, you are the
one who notified me that the Rigelhoffs had acted on the document, and you are
the ones who investigate and pass judgment on it. I just have to be confined in
this room and accept your verdict.”

The arrogant man who believed that the Duke Ludwig was flawless frowned as
if in displeasure.

However, he was not a stupid man, so his head seemed to be spinning enough to
think about changing his situation.

He just looked down at me with his molars clenched together, and then he
finally opened his mouth and muttered:

“I promise, on my honor, that I will never be biased in my investigation. In

between, I’ll let you know how it goes.”

I didn’t know how he was feeling. In fact, I wasn’t really interested right now.

“Do as you please. Ah, but there is something about not being biased, right?”

As he looked at me with a frown, I said with a feeling of self-destruction.

“Even if Liese and I are on the list of suspects at the same time, are you
confident that you won’t be biased?”

His mouth was tightly shut.

I pulled my forearm out of his loose hand.

“That’s what it means to be impartial, Killian. That’s why I don’t trust you.”
He tried to say something, but I didn’t want to hear anything.

“I am tired. Go back.”

Leaving those words alone, I walked into the dressing room.

Without ever looking back at him.


“Is running away with death really cowardly? Do you know what it feels like to
be the one who even thought of that?”

Locked in the room, I was reproducing my anger while thinking over what
Killian had said.

Killian seems to be mistaken that I tried to protect my family’s honor by dying,

but I just wanted to assert my innocence in a situation where no one believed

“Like a bad guy. Is it good enough? Is it all if you have a good body and are
sexy? Tsk. Thinking of you makes me want to see you again! Damn you!”

I really hate this world where faces are probable.

I want to hate Killian, but when I think of his face and body, I really can’t hate

’You can’t get married for 3 years based on your appearance? No. Even after 15
years of marriage, my husband still looks good. Even if you fight, your anger
melts away when you see your face. I never thought the day would come when I
would understand the internet story that said, ‘Looking good is the best.’

But in this situation where the handsome husband has no intention of appeasing
me, it is understandable to feel angry and upset.

“Ha... I don’t mind being pointed at as cowardly, so I want to die too. If that’s
what I want, why should I live so painfully?”

I slammed the pillow to vent my anger, then sighed deeply and wiped my face
with both hands.

This life is also very irritating, but my previous life was more like a dog than

My housework is always stressful, my brother who comes to take money from

me whenever I forget, my sick body, my ex-boyfriends who were cheating on
me or ignoring my promises, my acquaintances who took it easy on me and hit
me in the back...

During the 28 years I lived in that gap, I wonder if I ever thought of dying.

But I have one memory from my previous life that has kept me from suicidal

It was at the time when I was sharing a hospital room with leukemia patients my


“Hey, hehe... Ugh...”

The day I found out that my brother’s bone marrow matched mine, I lay on my
side on the bed alone and cried endlessly.

It wasn’t because I was happy.

“Oh no! That’s fucking sick! Just say goodbye!”

It was because I kept thinking of my brother’s voice telling me to die without

hesitation in front of me.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 22



Just then, a voice that seemed to die out at any moment called me.

“Hey! Does it hurt a lot?”

I sniffed and turned around to see a girl my age with no hair left standing.

His cheeks were sunken from his skin and he was pale as if a layer of flour had
been applied, but his eyes were really pretty.
“Ugh, oh, no...”

I shook my head.

With a worried face on her face, the child pushed the infusion tray and
approached me.

“Then why are you crying so much?”

“Sorry if it was noisy...”

“No. I also cry often. Maybe it’s because you’re afraid of dying too?”

At that moment, for some reason, I felt a surge in my stomach.

“I’d rather die!”

“What? Why...?”

The child asked in surprise.

“My mom and dad only think that being sick is annoying. My brother and I had
the same bone marrow, but he told me to just die. Hehe... I would rather die

I don’t know why I said that to a child I didn’t even know.

And I don’t know why he said such careless words in the leukemia ward where
the shadow of death always hung over him.
The child had been fidgeting next to me in silence for a long time before
speaking in a very small voice.

“Why... Why can I live... Are you saying you’re going to die?”

It was a very small voice, but I held my breath.

“As long as you live... You can change the future. Of course, you may not be
happy, but... Anyway, you have a chance.”


“I am... Don’t even have that chance. The day I leave this hospital room... I
mean the day I die. If I die, I won’t be able to repay my mom and dad for all
their hard work, I won’t be able to see my friends anymore, and I won’t be able
to turn 20...”

The child’s pretty eyes were watery.

“I really envy you... Do not say that. If I can live, I have to live somehow. Don’t
let it end like this...”

The child, who was about to say something more, wiped his eyes with the sleeve
of his hospital gown and smiled again.

“If you are alive, then if you try to change the future, things will definitely get
better. Cheer up.”

All I could say was that I was sorry for the boy who looked much worse than I

And a few days later, I had a bone marrow transplant.

While I was waiting in the recovery room after receiving my brother’s bone
marrow transplant, a nurse came and said.

“Fortunately, there was just one seat in the five-person room, right? I’m making
the bed right now, so I’ll wait here a little longer.”

There was no hospitalization room, so I almost went to a double room, but my

parents swept their hearts out, saying that it was really fortunate.

I also had no idea until then.

However, the hospital room I went back to was the same room I stayed in for a
few days, but my seat was changed to that of ‘the child’.

“Hey, over there! The kid who was here...”

When I wondered where the child was, the mother frowned and patted me on the

“I’m not asking that kind of thing here!”

Only then did I realize

That the child had left after a long hospital stay.

“The day I leave this hospital room... It is the day I die.”

The voice came to my mind and my body trembled.


The moment he breathed his last breath, how much he must have envied me
when I went to get a bone marrow transplant. How sad it must have been for
him not to have his further chances.

And from then on, I didn’t carelessly mention suicide.

Even when thoughts of wanting to die overflowed, I couldn’t bear to die because
I thought of that child.

‘I already think I want to die, is it too bad? Yes?’

Recalling the face of the child whose name I do not know, I clenched my teeth.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I hurriedly wiped them with my sleeve.

‘You have to be strong. I haven’t done my best yet. I still have a chance.’

I was determined to live a more energetic life.


When I changed my mind, my life became more relaxed.

Probation is a punishment, but for me, a housekeeper, it was just a peaceful

It really would have been if Killian hadn’t popped up.

“Please... Should you have come at this hour?”

“Because I don’t have time for it.”

He came just in time for dinner, so I had to sit across from him to eat.

“Ha... Is it so. Well, you must be busy. So, what are you here for today?”

He ate the bread and ate the stew without answering my question.

The way he was eating was also very picturesque, but I bent my head and openly
started a fight.


Even though I called him, he slowly munched his mouth and even glazed over
with wine before answering.

“Isn’t it polite to talk when you have food in your mouth?”

“That’s right.”

Then he continued eating without a word.

In the end, I had no choice but to eat. And it was a wise choice.

The stew was so delicious that I forgot everything I had said about Killian until
now, so I couldn’t help but snort.

The Duke’s chef was really good. Just the deliciousness of the rice made me
want to bury the bones of the Ludwig family.

In Count Rigelhoff’s family, it seemed that they only fed as much as bird feed to
maintain this figure, but perhaps because this world was a romantic world, even
after coming to the Ludwig family and eating as much as they could, their
bodies did not change.

This is a real fantasy.

“...You eat well.”

“Uhm. It’s really good.”

I answered without even looking at Killian. Now this beef stew was more
important than his gracious face.

The beef without any fishy smell was chewed softly, and the gravy with the
aroma of milk exploded in the mouth.

I don’t know what it’s made from, but the sweet and addictive taste of the roux
goes fantastically well with the boring meal bread.

Just when I felt sorry for the disappearing stew, Killian indifferently pushed a
small bowl with a lid in front of me.

Without much thought, I opened the lid of the bowl and found more stew.

“Uh? Why is this in a separate place here?”

“It’s an extra serving in case the food runs out.”

“Ah... Can I eat this?”

“Ha... Yes.”

“Shall we share?”

“I am done.”

Then you should sigh or not, just make people notice.

“Then... Thank you for this food.”

I also emptied the stew from the extra plate.

Killian quietly watched me eat and muttered to himself as if talking to himself.

“It goes down your throat very well.”

It was kind of quiet.

Did the devil’s snout finally start?

“There is no reason not to.’ Cause I’m innocent I didn’t do anything, so why do
I have to tremble?”

“I hope you are right. We are currently investigating all other routes that the
document could have escaped. As you say... Liese was also subject to
investigation. Just because it’s Liese doesn’t mean you’re just investigating.”

“Oh, that’s surprising.”

“The investigation is fair to the end, so don’t worry about being partial.”

“All right.”

I didn’t bother talking because I didn’t want to fight him.

He sat there with a serious face, as if he had something more to say, and finally
got up without saying anything.

“I will go back today.”


Come to think of it, it was the first time I had ever sat so close to him for a meal.

Thanks to that, the rice seems to have tasted better, and it sounds sad when he
says he will leave.
‘Oh hey, this idiot. Anyway, since a handsome man is by my side, I’m out of my

Compared to last time, it seemed like they treated me like a person, so I guess I
had anticipation without even realizing it.

Killian and I parted ways with an awkward goodbye.

After that, all that was left was time.

Of course, it was a very happy thing to roll around on the bed, but it got a bit
boring by the third day.

‘Should I enjoy my hobby now?’

Yes, this is the time.

Even in my previous life, I liked making and decorating things, but I couldn’t
start properly because I always lacked money and time.

But now things are different!

‘What shall we start with? Embroidery? Knitting?’

Concerned, I called Anna. Anna was the only person I could call and talk to
right now.

“Anna, Anna! Do you know what hobbies the ladies from other families enjoy
these days?”
“Usually embroidery or painting, active people enjoy horseback riding.”

“Wouldn’t there be something unusual?”

Anna pondered over my bottomless question before carefully opening her


“It’s not a hobby of noble ladies... These days, commoner girls from well-to-do
families play with dolls of princes and princesses...”

“Are you making dolls yourself?”

“No. It is to make clothes with rags left over on the wooden doll. Kids from
really well-to-do families make and wear pretty fancy clothes. It is a hobby that
parents generously allow because it is beneficial for improving sewing skills.”

Is it like changing clothes for a Marron doll? Would be fun

“I want to try that too. Where can I buy a wooden doll?”

“Commoner kids usually ask their dad to make them... If you would like to try
it, I will place an order directly with the father-in-law.”

And... A wooden doll made by my father, how precious it must be. I envy you.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 23



“Will you? Is the doll worth this much?”

I took out 200,000 senna of the remaining money I put in the safe last time and
held it out.

It was a situation where I was trying to relieve stress, so I didn’t waste money
like before, even though I took out 200,000 senna. Or maybe I’ve gotten used to
the aristocratic life in the meantime.

But Anna only picked up 50,000 of them.

“With just this much, you can order a pair of male and female dolls from a
skilled artisan.”

So I gave Anna the remaining 150,000 senna and asked for it.

“Then, buy some good fabric and sewing tools for making doll clothes with this.
The rest is labor cost.”

“It’s my job to take care of the lady, so I don’t need to pay for my labor.”

“Why? What do you want to receive from me?”

“Yes? Oh, no, not like that...”

It was the first time I had ever seen Anna flustered. Just by looking at it, she
could tell what kind of words she was receiving.

“Then what are you so nervous about? It’s too little money to hurt my pride to
buy you. So just take it as a cost of labor.”

After thinking about it for a while, Anna accepted it.

“Thank you, lady.”

“I really wish you well. It’s because I’m so bored these days.”

In fact, I knew from the beginning that Anna was the one attached to watch over
me. It’s also a natural thing.

But at least she didn’t look me in the eye or ignore me.

Even for that alone, I was grateful to her, and I always had a desire to repay her.

If Anna had rejected my sincerity in the end, it would have hurt me even more.

And, perhaps thanks to the cost of the labor, Anna brought a pair of wooden
dolls, sewing kits, and a box of various fabrics and buttons that evening.

“How did you already make it?”

“Fortunately, the orderer canceled the request.”

“Good luck! This is really well made.”

I thought of a crude piece of wood, and surprisingly, it was a sleek wooden doll
with movable joints.

“Good job, Anna.”

“Can I get you a doll clothes pattern?”

“Huh? He, can you?”

“If you tell the bedroom, they will draw it right away. I’ll be back.”

I felt that Anna had strangely become kinder.

Is it really because of the labor cost…??

Anyway, thanks to Anna, I was able to start making doll clothes the next day.

I only remembered it after I started, but I wasn’t very dexterous with the things I
liked to tinker with.

At first, I was annoyed by the sewing that didn’t turn out the way I had hoped,
but I soon changed my mind.

‘It’s not about who evaluates it, so what if you can’t do it? I’m just looking for
fun by killing money and time. And this is a true luxury.’

Thinking that this was a part of extravagance, I felt relieved at once and
suddenly every sweat was fun.
It was a bit annoying to have to grass to keep the threads from unraveling, but I
was thrilled every time what was a piece of cloth changed into a three-
dimensional piece of clothing.

‘Yes, this is my hobby! Whether you do well or not, feel joy!’

I had never enjoyed such peace of mind in my previous life.

I always lived as if I was being chased by something, and I was looking at

efficiency versus time.

It’s ironic, but it’s only now that I’m possessed by someone else’s body, and I
finally feel like I’m living as myself.

No one was looking for me all day, and thanks to myself having nothing to do, I
was able to dress the male and female dolls in decent clothes after three full days
of dedication.

When I turned the inside of the clothes inside out, the crooked stitching and the
protruding seams were a mess, but it didn’t matter because I couldn’t see it from
the outside.

“It’s pretty plausible, isn’t it?”

After congratulating myself in the absence of anyone around, I cut a thick thread
and began attaching it to the doll’s head.

It reminded me of the old days when I had leukemia, so I hated going bald.

I made the male doll with black hair and the female doll with brown hair, but
they looked much better with the hair attached.
“Finally finished!”

After looking at the male doll wearing a white shirt, black vest, and black pants
and wearing a dark blue cape, and the female doll wearing a light yellow basic
dress, they stood facing each other.

“Come on, kiss.”

The two faceless dolls stood facing each other and shyly kissed each other.

‘I’ve never been able to do it at a wedding, but you guys can kiss your heart’s

I put the doll in that pose and looked at it for a while. I felt like I was getting
lonely for some reason, but I found it funny to be overly immersed in playing
with dolls, so I quickly cleared the area.

Now that I’ve made doll clothes, I’m going to try embroidering.


“Edith Rigelhoff is on probation.”

“What? Is it really?”

“According to Hanson’s letter, yes.”

“Ahaha! What’s up!”

Layla, who was drinking tea with her younger brother Anton, smiled broadly at
the news Damian had given her.

It was the happiest news since Edith took the seat next to Killian, who had only
looked sideways and looked after him, to none other than Edith.

“What on earth did a bride who had just been married receive a probation order

Layla asked Damian with twinkling eyes.

Damian recalled the letter from Hanson, the spy planted in the duchy, and
briefly summarized the entire story.

“They stole the Duke’s internal documents. To Count Rigelhoff.”

“Oh my god... Are you bold or stupid? How long have you been married, are
you already revealing your true colors?”

“You should have rushed. Count Rigelhoff must be planning to attack the
Ludwig family within this year.”

There won’t be any noticeable conflict until the end of the year, but just because
the water surface is calm doesn’t mean it’s calm all the way to the bottom.

Count Sinclair, who was aiming for an aide to the Duke Ludwig, was closely
observing every move of the Rigelhoff family, which is currently the most
closely related to the Duke Ludwig in terms of business.

That’s why I was able to notice their feelings in advance.

“Since Edith was discarded in the first place, Count Rigelhoff would have tried
to secure advantageous information as soon as possible, no matter what the
ducal family dealt with. But Duke Ludwig isn’t that kind of a person.”

Layla nodded her head, but Anton refused.

“But no matter how much they were caught, wouldn’t it be dangerous if the
duchy’s internal documents ended up in the hands of Count Rigelhoff?”

“I’ll say it again, Duke Ludwig isn’t such a nice person. Did he really entrust
Edith with an important document?”

“Well, even if it’s like me, I can’t leave it to you.”

“Even from what Hanson said, he doesn’t seem to care about the leaked
information from the Ludwig family. If that’s the case, he might have entrusted
the document with useless content and tried to check what route it flows over

At that, Layla burst into laughter.

“Foot! So Edith, that woman was caught in a trap in a good way?”


Layla felt even better.

The fact that Duke Ludwig looked at Edith like that was proof that he did not
recognize Edith as his daughter-in-law.
“Then why did you only get probation? You dared to deceive the duchy, so you
have to kick it out right away!”

“Layla. Not everything is as simple as you think.”

“What? Are you ignoring me now?”

Damian sighed as he looked at his younger sister, who quickly became irritated.

“You say that because you are so naive. Why did Duke Ludwig marry Edith to
Killian in the first place? It’s because of the idea of holding on to the leash of
Count Rigelhoff.”

“But Edith says that Count Rigelhoff will throw away the cards!”

“It’s because the Ludwig family doesn’t know that yet!”

Who would have imagined ыomeone who wouldn’t mind spending 5 million
senna on a dress for his daughter is using my daughter as bait.

“Then can’t we tell the Ludwig Duke family about it?”

“That’s not allowed.”


“Then Count Rigelhoff will keep herself tight. That would only delay their
Layla’s lips pouted out, but Damian thought the secret would be out by the end
of the year. Around the time Count Rigelhoff really abandoned Edith and
rebelled against Duke Ludwig.

However, there was one thing that bothered me.

Damian recalled the rest of the letter he hadn’t given to Layla.

— ...Master Killian, who had no interest in her, Lady Edith, before, seems to
take care of her strangely after this incident. He sometimes stops by Lady
Edith’s room, and sometimes they eat together.

Of course, it hasn’t been confirmed that Lady Edith was the culprit in the
incident yet...

It was pretty bad news.

’It’s better that Killian stays indifferent to her... ‘I’ll dump her eventually, but
she somehow cares about her.’

Damian sipped his tea and brooded over his thoughts.

However, for now, Liese was more of a nuisance than Edith Riegelhoff.

“Brother. What are you thinking so hard about? Crumpling up to the face...”

Contrary to Layla’s ecstatic mood, Anton looked at his brother’s expression

before asking.

Damian said nothing about Killian.

“Edith will take care of it, so don’t worry. Rather, Liese, that girl is the


Even Layla’s expression crumpled at that name.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 24



“I feel bad just thinking about him. To bewitched the Duke and Duchess Ludwig
while pretending to be kind and naive with trash in the gutter... It’s really

“The problem is, that cunning bitch has even possessed Cliff and Killian. Seeing
that Killian even married Edith, he seems to have given up halfway, but thanks
to that, Liese has a higher chance of marrying Cliff.”

“It’s crazy?”

Layla was so angry that she was about to spit fire out of her mouth.

“It’s not going to be solved just because you’re so angry.”

“You mean if I marry Killian, I will have to treat her as my superior! Absolutely
hate it!”

“That’s why they say Liese is more of a problem than Edith. Besides, if Liese
becomes Cliff’s wife, it will be more difficult for our family to become close
aides to the ducal family. It could be your biggest obstacle to marrying Killian.”

Layla’s eyes seemed to go dark.

“It is a sin for that girl to be born. Does that make you the Duchess Ludwig?

“So before you take the seat next to Killian, you have to figure out what to do
with that girl.”

Sinclair was at a loss for words between the siblings.

They had to get rid of Liese, but Liese, who was fully protected by Cliff and the
Ludwig family, had no way to point their swords at them.

Layla, who had been tapping the armrest of the sofa so nervously, suddenly
stopped her hand and spoke cautiously.

“How about using Edith Rigelhoff?”

“What are you talking about?”

Anton frowned and asked back, but Layla’s face was colored with a faint smile.

“Judging from the fact that he was bragging about it before marriage, it’s clear
that Edith has a crush on Killian too. If so, wouldn’t she be hating Liese too?”
At that, Damian nodded slowly.

“Well, there’s probably no woman who won’t fall in love with Killian.”

“So we just stab Edith’s side well. She makes that woman hate her Liese even
more, so just lay her plate down and she will take care of the rest.”

“Hmm... You also have good ideas sometimes.”

“I know. If it’s Killian’s problem, is your sister racking her brains too!”

“Did you say everything?”

The three siblings, who resemble each other, curled their eyes similar to each
other and laughed happily. But there was a sinister undertone in the laughter,
and it sent chills down the spines of the maids who served.


The days that should have been written as ‘probation’ and read as ‘vacation’
were passing by.

I was spending time leisurely embroidering and practicing, having become

bored with making and dressing up doll clothes.


“Mommy, what a surprise!”

Thanks to Killian’s sudden attack, I had to pierce my fingertip with a needle and
see blood.

“Killian! The courtesy of knocking was sold out...!”

“A document written in your handwriting has been found! Are you saying this
isn’t your fault?”

He grabbed both of my forearms painfully and shook me.

“Ah! It hurts, so let’s talk about it for now!”

“Father will call you soon. What are you going to explain?”

He had an urgent, anxious face. Evidence that I was the culprit was found, but I
don’t know why he’s a mess.

“I would say you tried to put the blame on me for something I didn’t do. Why?”

“You... Are you sane now? Or are you making fun of Duke Ludwig?”

He glared at me like he was going to devour me, but honestly, I knew that this
wouldn’t kill me, let alone drive me out.

‘There’s still a lot of me left to disappear.’

In the original work, this work itself was Edith’s work, and the evidence was
found as it is now, but in the end, Duke Ludwig buries the work. Of course, he
did throw a stinging warning at Count Rigelhoff with this.
“I’m sorry during the talk. His Excellency the Duke is calling Miss Edith.”

I didn’t come out as if the original work had to proceed quickly, and the knight I
saw then came to pick me up.

“Okay, let’s go.”

I put the embroidery frame aside and got up lightly, but Killian’s face was still

“Face your face, Killian. Wouldn’t it be nice for you if evidence was found?”

I jokingly threw it out to change the atmosphere, but he left first with a hard
face. Anyway, with temperamental hair.

Following Anna and the knight to the Duke’s office, the atmosphere is rather
light compared to last time. Only Killian seemed serious.

“Sit down, Edith.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

As I sat down, he put the ‘evidence’ Killian had spoken of in front of me.

“This is a list of items requested for trade that the arms dealer received from
Count Rigelhoff. Written in your handwriting.”

I picked up the paper and examined it to see how the original work made me a
And at a glance, I realized that someone had forged my handwriting.

The tables were also not the way I was drawing them.

‘The Duchess, Liese, or someone who must have learned how to draw marks
from the Duchess forged my handwriting.’

It was a strange thing.

Why did I have to imitate my handwriting? As if he knew that this would be

discovered, and he had to accuse me of being the culprit...

In any case, I had no intention of taking on this false accusation.

“You copied my handwriting.”

The Duke and Cliff snorted at the same time.


“That’s the part that the Duke and others should look into.”


The Duke called out to me with a voice full of laughter.

“Rather, the Rigelhoff family suffered losses, so to be honest, I won’t punish

I’ve never missed forensics so much. If it was modern, it wouldn’t be a problem
in the first place...

“Dismissal. This is not a matter of being punished or not. It’s a matter of my

honor. Could you bring me the papers I filed back then?”

The Duke seemed displeased, but obediently handed over the documents at the

I drew a table myself, unfolded the parts I had organized, and compared them
with the ‘evidence’ presented by the Duke.

“To me, a ‘table’ is a concept in which the height or width of a cell can be
adjusted according to the amount of information. But when I first explained this
to others, they all drew tables with the same cell size, like a grid.”

It was only then that the Duke seemed to have noticed that the table I drew and
the table for ‘evidence’ were a bit different.

“I don’t draw sloppily like this. This means that a person who has not yet
grasped the concept of ‘table’ is nothing more than a drawing made by me.”

“...Or maybe you drew it like this on purpose.”

“What are you doing? If I had prepared for discovery, I wouldn’t have written it
in my own handwriting in the first place. Do you see me as a fool from last

I was so embarrassed that I laughed out loud.

“And if you look closely, the handwriting is a little different. Perhaps I did not
use a capital Q throughout this document.”
The capital Q used in ‘proof’ was written in a sleek, single line, like a lady from
an aristocratic family would use.

But I don’t use Q like that.

“I will ask Anna to bring me my diary. I probably have a Q written in my diary.”

The Duke agreed and Anna brought me my diary.

It wasn’t a great story, but there were a lot of writings that I sometimes wrote
because I was emotionally ill, so I searched for Q while hiding it from the Duke
and others.

“Ah, here it is. I write Q like this.”

Everyone’s eyes widened at the completely different handwriting from the Q

used in ‘Evidence’, where the circle was drawn first and the stroke was drawn in
the second stroke.

In particular, Killian seemed surprised enough to pick up my diary and take a

closer look.

“You see? This is a document someone forged to frame me as a criminal. The

Duke must catch that rat.”


At first glance, the Duke seemed to agree with my words.

Then, someone knocked on the Duke’s office.

“Your Excellency the Duke. This is me, Liese.”

Liese didn’t seem to know that a ‘trial’ was taking place here.

I knew the Duke would tell me to leave or to come later.

“You’re here. Come in.”

“Excuse me. Ah! Did I interrupt you?”

Seeing the serious atmosphere, Liese widened her eyes as if she was surprised,
but she was probably more surprised than I was.

‘What, why did you let Liese into the room?’

Then I realized something obvious that I had completely forgotten about.

‘Oh right. Liese will reveal Edith’s crime, indeed!’

It seems to be the right time for the main character to be active.

“No. I called because I have something to ask you.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

Although Liese was nervous, she looked at the Duke with clear eyes.
“Liese. Hasn’t it already been four years since you helped Jocelyn with her

“Yes. It already happened.”

“I see. Didn’t Edith teach you how to organize the contents in tables last time?”

“Yes! It was a very efficient method, the Duchess was delighted.”

“How about that, who knows?”

Liese seemed to think for a moment, then answered in a clear voice.

“Edith explained it to the Duchess and me, but I didn’t really understand. The
Duchess seems to have understood, but it’s different from the document format
you’ve been using so far, so you’re not using it well yet.”

“What else?”

“I think we should ask if the Duchess taught her aide. Master Cliff and Master
Killian are probably familiar with it from the Duchess. I didn’t understand the
concept well, so I never explained it to anyone.”

The Duke’s cool gaze returned to me.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 25



“If Joslyn never taught anyone else, at best only Edith and my family would
know and use this method.”

“Yes. Maybe. However... Even if I ask why you asked that... Does it?”

Liese asked after looking around the room with a frightened look.

“It’s none of your business. Go away and see.”

Unlike the cold gaze directed at me, the voice he sent to Liese was soft.

Liese looked at me, worried that she had done something wrong.

However, unable to disobey the Duke’s order to leave, he silently bowed and
left the room.

“That’s very strange, Edith.”

A sigh came out. It’s such a big deal that I feel like I’m only sighing these days.

“A table is a concept that anyone can understand just by looking at it once...!

Ha... No. That’s it. I think you’ve concluded that the culprit is me anyway,

“That’s not the end.”

“Even though I showed you a table that was completely different from what I
usually draw, and a misaligned handwriting, it all turned into nothing at Liese’s
words. I told you what a great testimony again...”

It was honestly disappointing.

I couldn’t quite remember how Liese framed Edith as the culprit in the original
work, but I knew that if it was the main character, he would come up with a
more plausible reasoning or evidence.

‘Did the probability granted to Liese decrease because of the evidence I


Really... The taste was bitter.

If you write a novel with this kind of probability, you will get a lot of curses
from readers, but the flow of the original work was still driving Edith as the

Moreover, the Duke expressed it as ‘Edith and my family’. I also have the
surname Ludwig, but the Duke has been excluding me from the other day to the
extent that I wonder if it was intentional.

While he was confused, the Duke let out a long sigh and nodded.

“Yes, what you say makes sense. It’s hard to be sure with such evidence.
Anyway, I’ll leave this matter out of the question. I will also revoke the
probation order issued to you.”

I meant to admit that I wasn’t guilty, but it didn’t mean that I believed that I was
In the original version, it was clear that Edith was the culprit, so the ending of
this episode wasn’t so blurry, but now I feel uncomfortable because I don’t
know if this situation is beneficial to me or not.

“All right. I’m just going back... For a moment! What are you looking at?”

While I didn’t pay attention for a moment, Killian was reading my diary.

I hurriedly took the diary from him.

“Reading other people’s diaries, what are you doing?”

“Did you write down any information that others shouldn’t see?”

“Is there anyone who writes down information in a diary and refuses to show it?
It’s because it’s my secret story! Really everyone... You have no intention of
being polite to me!”

I jumped up in anger and left the Duke’s office.

Then Killian came out and grabbed me.

Of course, I didn’t mean to apologize.

“I can’t trust you.”

“I know! It has always been and always will be!”

“Isn’t it natural that you are suspected, considering what you’ve done in the
Rigelhoffs? There were so many things that you can just bury things like this.”

“It has nothing to do with me.”

“It doesn’t matter. You, too, have assisted in much of your father’s conspiracy.”

“What is that...!”

The moment I tried to refute, the things Edith had done in the past began to
come to mind.

Edith not only seduced men and stole information, but also ruined a family party
favoring the Ludwig family according to her father’s order, and interfered with
the marriage by creating a scandal among the children of the family.

‘Why is that only being entered now!’

Thanks to that, I was able to keep my mouth shut in front of Killian.

‘This possession... I think there are too many flaws for some reason.’

Increasingly anxious.

I thought I became the main character of the villain’s fantasy novel, but the
situation doesn’t change no matter what I do.

As I kept my mouth shut, Killian sighed as if he had given up on something and

began to pull my arm.
“I will take you to your room.”

Like Killian, I let out a deep sigh and trudged along.

But Liese was waiting in front of my room.


“Ah! Killian... Edith...!”

She looked at me with a worried face.

“Are you okay? I was so worried that I might have said something strange

Killian stroked her hair as if to reassure her.

“Nothing happened, so don’t worry, Liese.”

“But... Then why is Edith...”

I was staring at Killian’s hand stroking Liese’s hair without my knowledge, and
suddenly came to my senses.

“I was trying to figure out who I could teach about tables. His Excellency the
Duke is also very interested in it.”

“Ah, that’s right! I’m glad if that’s the case. I couldn’t see Edith at all these
days, so I wondered what was going on.”
“I just took a break because I had a cold. I am all better now.”

Only then did Liese smile broadly.

I don’t know why her sunny smile is so uncomfortable.

‘Liese... You really don’t know anything...?’

He said he couldn’t understand the concept of ‘table’. To the extent that no one
can teach it.

But Liese definitely understood everything I said that day. It’s not a difficult
concept, so there’s no way that smart Liese couldn’t understand it.

I shouldn’t be like this, but I keep getting suspicious of the female lead Liese.

Was it because of Killian who left me and went to Liese, or was it because the
role of Edith came about that way?

“I will go in. Please talk to the two of you.”

I deliberately smiled brighter and went into my room and shut the door.

From behind, Liese said, “Uh, uh...” heard a noise, but she pretended not to hear.

But when I was right in front of the door, I could hear all the sounds outside.

“Killian. I think Edith is offended...”

“It’s none of your business.”

“What happened? Yes?”

To Liese’s question, which seemed to be shaking his feet, Killian sighed and
paused for a moment before answering.

“Edith is... I was suspected of stealing internal documents.”

“Yes? Could it be that you were referring to that document?”

Killian nodded, and after a moment of silence, Liese shouted again.

“It can’t be!”

“I want to believe that too, but...”

“Have you got any evidence?”

“It’s a bit ambiguous.”

“Oh my god...”

It was a shocking voice. Kind and pathetic...

“It’s my fault.”

“Sometimes, in the afternoon, I would stop by my wife’s office to do some more
work and then leave with the door open. If someone stole the document...
Maybe it was then.”

I, who was eavesdropping, frowned involuntarily.

‘For a moment. This is kind of weird...?’

Liese said, almost certain that the documents had been stolen from his wife’s
office while he was away.

If I just heard that, I’d think that the kind-hearted Liese was blaming me
unnecessarily, but if someone who knew the circumstances of the mansion were
listening, of course they would doubt me.

There are always guards guarding the area around the Duchess’s office, and it’s
obvious that he’s someone who can pass there without any suspicion.


I heard Killian’s weary voice.

“What do I do? What should I do to ask for forgiveness from the Duke?”

“You don’t have to. Because I decided to put this thing away anyway. It’s not
even clear that Edith stole it.”

“But who knows where the document is in your wife’s office...”

Liese was speechless, but it was clear who she wanted to accuse as the culprit.
‘Liese Sinclair! You me...!’

I laughed out loud because it was so absurd. They said I couldn’t do that until
just now!

But contrary to her thoughts, I was suspicious of Liese.

‘Anyone who has access to the room at will, who knows about the tickets, who
knows where the papers are... That also applies to Liese!’

However, this was just my opinion.

Killian, who only liked her, would have been convinced by Liese’s words that I
was the culprit.

Soon you’ll be screaming or banging on this door.

“Liese. Let’s not talk about this any more.”

Huh? Why is your voice so calm? Is it to gain momentum in anger?


“Don’t dig into what’s done. Forget it. Understand?”

Killian wasn’t angry, and he didn’t accuse me of being the culprit.

I was really surprised.

Even Liese seemed surprised.

“Yes... All right. I’m sorry for bothering you.”

“No. Let’s go back.”

He took Liese and left in front of my room.

‘What? Until now, you seemed to believe that I was the culprit, but why didn’t
you come running?’

I stood at the door for a long time after they left.

I couldn’t understand Killian at all.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 26



The next morning the Duchess called me into her office.

There was no one in the office but her.

“Edith. I heard that you suffered a lot.”

“There was no such thing as suffering. She was comfortable in her room.”

“Isn’t the hardship of the mind more difficult than the hardship of the body?”

I couldn’t deny that end.

I took a deep breath, my nose twitching.

“Just in case, I didn’t really steal the documents. I could risk my life.”

The wife nodded quietly.

“I know you won’t believe me. It doesn’t matter if you have more muscle. I


Her warm hand held mine.

“Believe. I trust you.”


Tears come to my eyes when I hear such words in this situation...

“Huh... Sob...”

“How hard has it been for you? You really worked hard, Edith.”

“No one believed...”

“I believe. I know that you did your best to help me and that you are trying to fit
in in this house somehow. How can you not know that. It’s something I’ve been
through in the past...”

She understood me from the perspective of a daughter-in-law.

After getting married and living in an unfamiliar house, the days of trying to get
a good impression and adapt to her somehow occupied a large part of her life.

“I don’t know who pulled this vile prank, but I do know it wasn’t you.”

“Heh, heh, heh, thank you...”

After falling into this goddamn world, I was overcome with emotions at the first
‘understanding’ I had, and tears poured out endlessly.

I wanted to answer in a more mature way, but I couldn’t breathe properly

because my tears didn’t stop, as if something was broken.

Crying like a child clinging to the patting hand, I thought of one hope.

‘Perhaps... The Duchess might believe it.’

It seemed that the Duchess would believe me if I told her about my situation in
the House of Rigelhof. Even so, she seemed like she wouldn’t kick me out.

I decided to confide in my wife, feeling that I could survive this situation if at

least one person could understand me.

“Mother. I’m actually...”

“Yes, Edith.”

“I’m from Rigelhof Street... In fact...!”


“Ugh... Heo-eok...”

“Edith! What’s wrong! Edith!”

It was strange.

The moment I was about to tell you about my situation, my eyes became yellow
and my breath stopped.

My tongue didn’t move, my tinnitus rang, and my head hurt as if it would break.
Suddenly, everything stopped and I was engulfed in darkness.

And after a while, from somewhere in the still darkness, a clean and emotionless
voice like a morning news announcer was heard.

[Edith Riegelhoff says until the 3rd stage exception conditions are met...]
At first it sounded like a hum, but as I concentrated, the voice gradually became

[Edith Riegelhoff cannot reveal hidden settings about himself until he meets the
three-step exception.]

I heard it clearly, but it was difficult to understand its meaning.

‘What? Step 3 exception condition? What is that?’

But nobody explained it. It was just an emotionless voice repeating the same
thing over and over again.

[Edith Riegelhoff says until the 3rd stage exception conditions are met...]

The more I listened, the more frightened I struggled to wake up from the dream.

Thanks to giving my body strength for a while, I was able to come to my senses
with my teeth clenched.

When I opened my eyes, I was on the bed in my room, and Anna was standing
guard by my side.

“Not... Me...?”

“Miss! Are you awake?”

“Why me...”
“It sounds like you’ve been wasting a lot of energy. It seems that he fainted as
the tension was released...”

It seemed that the doctor had already been there.

“Me... How long have you been lying down?”

“My lady, you just woke up after two days.”

Omg. I slept a lot longer than I thought.

I was kind of hungry.

Maybe it was because I had slept for a long time or because I was hungry, but
my head was a bit blank, but the dream I had earlier was strangely vivid.

‘You can’t reveal hidden settings about me until I meet the 3rd level exception?’

I don’t know what a level 3 exception is, but I know for sure that I can’t reveal
my truth right now.

It was too strange to dismiss it as a dream, so I told Anna as a test.

“Anna. Me, actually.”

“Yes, speak, lady.”

“I, Rigelhoff... Whoa...”

The tinnitus rang again, beeping, and my tongue stiffened.

‘Okay! I won’t talk! I won’t!’

As soon as I thought about it, my tinnitus disappeared and my tongue loosened.

“Huh, huh...”

“Miss. You are still unwell. Don’t try to force yourself to talk. Take a good rest.
I will be by your side.”

“Thank you...”

“It’s my job.”

“Perhaps, Killi... No, no.”

I was about to ask if Killian had come and gone, but hurriedly turned away.

He couldn’t have come.

And you don’t have to feel bad about confirming that fact.

Following Anna’s advice, I sighed again and finally woke up late at night.

‘I slept too much, so I couldn’t sleep more.’

My mind was buzzing.

While I had nothing to do, I calmly thought about the time I had spent the past
three months or so possessing Edith Rigelhoff.

When I first woke up in Edith’s body, I thought I was the main character of the
evil woman’s possessed Romance.

I thought that if I was the only one with a kind heart, I would be able to escape
from death like other cider romances and get a great male lead.

That false hope was shattered in less than a week.

After that, I gave up on my husband and vowed to live without worrying about
money as the daughter-in-law of a rich family.

It seemed pretty good too.

Strangely, however, the episodes of the original story progressed steadily, and
no matter how I tweaked them, the results were the same as the original story.

And the document leak incident gave me one certainty.

‘Villain possessed water is the law of survival in Romance, and I’m just
possessed by a mortal villain. I can’t change this story.’

I wanted to grab someone and argue about where this kind of possession was,
but I just misunderstood it on my own in the first place.

For Edith Rigelhoff, this novel cannot be a happy ending romance.

Edith and I weren’t the main characters.

‘There’s no way I could be the main character... My dreams have become wild.’

After pondering the whole story for a while, I decided to stop struggling and
accept death.

If you die once, can’t you die twice?

It wasn’t giving up or suicide.

I just accepted my fate as a terminally ill woman.

Of course, it was scary to have my throat cut, but wouldn’t it be over soon if I
closed my eyes?

Since Killian says he’s a great knight, he’ll probably cut it in one shot so it
won’t hurt.

At the same time as such a thought, a strange misconception was born.

‘If you’re going to die anyway... I should at least try it like Edith in the original
story. Is not it?’

The episode I am thinking of is the episode where Edith tried to seduce Killian
with her body.

Feeling threatened by the leaked documents, Edith sneaks into Killian’s

bedroom at night and kisses him while he is sleeping.

When he woke up, he tried to seduce him by taking off his thin apron, but he
was kicked out in shame, receiving Killian’s tremendous contempt.
The guards who were on vigil were caught and shamed for it, maybe?

‘So let’s just kiss, kiss only.’

At first, I thought it was a ridiculous idea, but as time went by, I changed my
mind to ‘what can’t be done?’

The thought itself seemed to be the flow of the original work, and since I can’t
change the original work anyway, I have no choice but to follow the flow.

Besides, it shouldn’t be unfair to be possessed by a villainess extra without that

much merit and suffer dog death.

I decided to try it right now, so that the horn is also sweet.

In the original version, Edith wore only a gown and a slutty bed linen that shed
all her flesh, but otherwise it would be like showing her naked body to men

I just put on a gown over the bed linen I was wearing.

Then, putting on soft fur slippers, I carefully came out of the room without
making the sound of my footsteps.

Everyone was sleeping, but not a single ant nested in the hallway.

‘If not now, when else will I try to hit a handsome man on the lips? When I die,
even if I die, I have to keep a good memory with me.’

Taking a deep breath, I hurried silently and reached the front of Killian’s room.
I was nervous that it might have been locked, but the door was left open for the
progress of this episode.

‘Oh, the huge flow of the original story. First of all, thank you.’

I was nervous for no reason, so I moistened my lips with my tongue.

Oh, it’s a little dirty.

I wiped my lips again with the sleeve of my gown.

I intended to turn away with only a warm, innocent, and soft kiss that never gets

...To be honest, Killian won’t allow more than that. Unfortunately.

As I approached Killian’s bed stealthily, even breathing, I saw Killian asleep in

a sculpted form.

Even the top half of the body is undressed.

‘And... It’s a face I’m never used to... It’s new every time I see it, really.’

Hearing this sound, the middle of my chest pounded so much that I wondered
what would happen if Killian woke up.

The heart is only the size of two fists, but why is the heart sound so loud?
‘Wake! You only have one chance. I’m just aiming for the lips quickly and
accurately. Okay?’

I don’t know if what I’m doing is a crime, but if I’m going to die anyway, I’d
rather commit a sin than die innocently, right?

I looked at his handsome face and naked upper body as if fascinated, then took a
deep breath and approached his lips.

As I got closer, I heard low, even breathing.

From then on, I think I was probably holding my breath.

“I’m sorry I stole your first kiss, Killian. I really tried not to like you... I guess I

I even apologized in my heart and put my lips to his mouth.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 27



‘It’s warm...’
I could feel the warmth of my body through the soft skin of my lips, and the
inexplicable scent of his body tickled the tip of my nose.

He is a person who always behaves coldly, but you do not know why his body
temperature and scent are so warm.

And even though it was only a part of the body facing each other, I was ecstatic.
To the point that her mind just went blank...

He lingered on his lips for a moment, then slowly removed them and exhaled

‘Now, I have to be strong.’

I knew what was about to happen.

When you open your eyes, you will meet Killian’s eyes full of astonishment.

They will despise me for being horny, for being a prostitute, for not knowing
shame, and they will grab my forearm and throw me out the door.

And the two guards on patrol would be embarrassed to see that.

Well, I can’t help it.

I was prepared to be embarrassed and slowly opened my eyes.

‘Ah, also...’
When I opened my eyes, I could see Killian’s startled eyes less than a span
apart. The saliva went down.

“I, I’m sorry. That... I’ll go back on my own. Therefore...”

I was going to say something casually, but I seemed to be taken aback for a
moment, so nothing came out.

Seeing me like that, Killian smiled, half-raised himself, and grabbed my


“You pretended not to be, but now you’re so horny that you can’t even play?”

Oh yeah. It was a similar line to me, really.

“No, I just kissed...”

“Well, good.”

“Yes...? What, what?”

Without losing any strength in his hand on my forearm, he straightened himself


Yeah, that’s how you drag me out the door... Why are you throwing me into

“Where, try to satisfy me like a flower snake in Rigelhof. Don’t you know again
Will there be a body?”

Uh? Come on?

This is not it!

Why is the original story starting to change now!!


The day Edith collapsed, Killian wasn’t in a good mood since morning.

I couldn’t quite explain why I was in a bad mood.

Maybe it’s because Edith didn’t confess to her crime until the end, or because
she herself knows that there’s not enough evidence to convict her of being the

‘Or maybe it’s because of that woman’s diary I stole yesterday.’

As that woman said, it was true that one should not steal someone else’s diary

If I hadn’t read that, I wouldn’t have felt so uncomfortable.

— This morning, I hid on the side street of the gymnasium and spied on Killian.

No matter how many times I see it, my face shines every time I see it. Why is
your body so good? When I think about it, I salivate again.
As expected, my preference is Killian rather than Cliff.

When I read that far, I was angry and a little funny at the same time.

That she acted so arrogant in front of me, but was doing such a cunning thing
behind me.

However, when he read the following, his mood somehow calmed down.

— But his beauty wasn’t all that. Just then, Liese passed by and waved her hand,
and Killian smiled brightly and waved his hand.

I thought I was going blind then. Could it have been more handsome there!

I didn’t know because he never smiled at me.

How much virtue did Liese, who can see that face every day, have accumulated
in her previous life? I envy you, really.

Edith wrote it like it was nothing special, but the sentence ‘I didn’t know
because you never laughed at me’ strangely weighed on my heart.

‘What’s there to laugh at this woman?’

I thought so and tried to pass it on.

However, when Edith said that I didn’t have any thoughts to be polite to her, and
stood up, my heart throbbed in the middle of my chest.
She ran out with a face as if holding back tears, but for some reason I had no
choice but to follow her.

“I can’t trust you.”

Why did I say such a thing to someone who was already suffering as much as
she was suffering?

Maybe I just wanted to be convinced that I was right. No, it was more like self

“I know! It has always been and always will be!”

He was the one who hurt her, so he didn’t know why her words felt like a blade.

Thinking about it always gave me a headache. In the past, digging into a single
thought always gave me a headache like this.

And strangely, that headache only eased when Liese was around.

“Oh, Killian... Edith...!”

So when I saw Liese standing in front of Edith’s room, I felt relieved. It will free
me from headaches.

But no.

“I will go in. Please talk to the two of you.”

I realized it when I saw Edith leaving me and Liese behind.

She didn’t expect anything from me.

Give up.



There was no dampness in her eyes, only dry emotion.

“If someone stole the document... Maybe it was then.”

Even after listening to Liese’s important testimony, I was not comfortable with
only thinking of Edith’s turned back.

And even though Liese was by his side, the headache didn’t get better.

So I thought we should just ask about it and forget about it, but it happened the
next day.

As usual, he was about to start his morning sparring with Cliff.

A servant came quickly and whispered.

“Miss Edith has passed out.”

“What? What do you mean!”

“It is said that she fainted while talking to the Duchess in her office earlier. Now
the servants...”

Before the servant finished speaking, Killian was running.

I ran up the stairs two at a time and headed for the Duchess’s office on the
second floor, when the servants were trying to wrap Edith up.

“Leave her.”

“Killian! Killian, what about this!”

The Duchess was embarrassed and even showed tears.

He picked up Edith, who had collapsed, because he wanted to be seen by the

doctor before asking questions about everything.

And when I looked down at her, I noticed that the proud, high-nosed woman’s
face was full of tears.

“This, what the hell...”

“Killian! Let’s move now! Because I sent someone to bring the doctor.”


The whole time I was carrying her, who collapsed from crying, my heart was
beating strangely and my head hurt so much.

The hurriedly called doctor examined Edith calmly and then asked quietly.
“Has there been anything lately in which she has exhausted her energy?”

Then the Duchess answered with tears in her eyes.

“That’s right. For a while, Edith suffered a lot.”

“Hmm... Okay. Well, nothing serious. It seems that she passed out because she
was exhausted from the tension. As long as she wakes up, there won’t be any
major problems in her daily life, but for the time being, I think you need to pay
some attention so that the lady can feel comfortable.”

The doctor wrote the prescription with a nonchalant expression, but Edith’s face
was still pale as she lay there.

Killian looked at that face, which had no trace of life left on it, and asked the

“What did she and my mother talk about?”

“I know you won’t believe her, but she said she never leaked the documents.”

“That’s what she said before...”

“So I said I believe her.”


“I said I believe in Edith.”

For a while, I couldn’t say anything.

She sighed and continued.

“That one word made her hungry, Edith. She’s been shedding tears ever since.
She said she didn’t trust anyone... Thank you...”

I was out of breath.

The headache and tinnitus got worse, but I couldn’t help but think of Edith’s

Although he was only a husband on paper, he was of no help to her.

Even the word I believe in...


“Killian! Why are you like this!”

“Oh, no. These days... I got a little bit of a headache...”

“Anna! Go get the doctor! I think we should show off Killian too!”

“No. You’ll be fine soon.”


Killian managed to stop his mother from showing himself to the doctor, and then
stared at the sleeping Edith for a long time before coming out.
When I came out of Edith’s room, Liese was waiting for me.

“I heard Edith passed out. Saying goodbye now... Will it be difficult?”

“She is sleeping now. I think you should come later.”

Liese held Killian’s hand with a worried face.

I felt something refreshing from the hand Liese held, and the throbbing
headache gradually began to subside.

“Killian. It’s not your fault.”

“...I guess so.”

“So don’t torment yourself with guilt.”

“Trouble, who. I’m just worried that the rumors will spread strangely and bother

Killian assumed that this heart, like a fingernail, was constantly bothering him.

Seeing Killian’s complicated expression, Liese said as if changing the topic.

“Edith seems to have a softer heart rather than a look. She was trembling with
anxiety enough to collapse...”

As soon as he heard that, sharp tinnitus scratched Killian’s eardrums.

He felt repulsive at what Liese had just said.

It wasn’t that Liese said it with malice, but it sounded as if Edith was trembling
with anxiety because she wasn’t innocent.

“I was innocent, but I could have been deeply hurt because no one believed me.”

“I guess so. Poor Edith... Anyway, you seem very surprised, so take a break.

Liese’s hand caressing his cheek didn’t calm his shaking inside, but strangely,
he couldn’t disobey Liese’s words.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 28



“Okay... It should be.”

And for two days, he suffered from unknown guilt and headaches.

But that night when he heard that Edith had woken up, he was awakened by a
suspicious human being who barely fell into a light sleep.
‘What? Is it an assassination?’

As he was about to reach for the dagger he had hidden under his pillow, the next
moment he noticed that it was Edith who had broken into his room.

The light scent of roses let me know that it was her before the sound of her

Curious about what happened to the person who fainted and barely woke up this
night, he let Edith do it.

Edith sneaked up to the bed and stood there for a while.

Just when I thought it was an assassination, Edith slowly lowered her body.

The smell of her sweet flesh almost made Killian forget to breathe.

And Edith, who hesitated for a moment, kissed him lightly to make him feel

A light kiss that didn’t even come in between the lips, and wasn’t strong.

Had I been in a deep sleep, I probably would have passed by without noticing.

The moment Edith kissed him, Killian opened his eyes in surprise.

Then he looked at Edith, who was standing right in front of him with her eyes
closed and only her lips touching.
Her long brown eyelashes quivered, and her thin eyelids opened slowly as their
lips parted.

But Edith wasn’t too surprised to see Killian open his eyes. As if she knew he
would wake up...

“I, I’m sorry. That... I’ll go back on my own. Therefore...”

Killian couldn’t leave Edith, who said she would go back, leaving only a futile

‘As expected, the rumors about using the body as a weapon seem to be true. You
think you’re at a disadvantage, so you’re trying to seduce me with your body?’

The guilt he had felt for an unknown cause evaporated in an instant, and a heat
of anger or excitement surged up from his lower abdomen.

It was embarrassing, but on the other hand, I thought that I would like to see it
one by one.

Before he could think of anything else, he was already holding onto Edith’s

“You pretended not to be, but now you’re so horny that you can’t even play?”

No, he was in heat himself. It was probably a violent, one-sided desire.

I knew it, but as usual, I rebuked Edith and pushed her.

“No, I just kissed...”

Killian hurriedly knocked Edith onto the bed, who was trying to protest timidly.

‘You were going to go back with a kiss, where did you come up with a
ridiculous excuse...’

Killian sneered, determined to make sure the woman was up to speed.

“Where, try to satisfy me like a flower snake in Rigelhof. Don’t you know again
will there be a body?”


Killian took off Edith’s gown, who looked embarrassed, and put his hand inside
the hem of her skirt, which he had felt since the last time.

Her smooth thighs trembled at his touch.

“Ki, Killian! Can you do this?”

“Can I do this? What are you talking about?”

“No, I mean... Would you mind if I...?”

Killian’s hand stopped.

‘So, even though she knows that I love Liese, does this woman care enough to
worry about my situation?’

My teeth were split. At the same time the desire to flatten Edith’s bridge of the
nose also rose.
He soon started stroking Edith’s soft skin again.

“That’s not something to ask me. Aren’t you the one who crawled into my bed
in the middle of the night because you’re confident?”

Then he swallowed Edith’s lips as if he would not allow any more

miscellaneous thoughts.

I had no intention of just rubbing my lips ticklingly like Edith had done in the
first place.

When he pierced through her soft, warm lip crevices and found something sweet
and soft, Killian felt a sense of excitement that his hair was going to stand on

So, without realizing it, I became deeply immersed in kissing.

Edith’s breath, lips, tongue, and saliva, which should have been disgusting, were
ridiculously sweet and fragrant.

“Eup, oops!”

When Edith, who couldn’t breathe properly and was flustered, struggled I barely
took off my lips because of her resistance, and Edith only blinked her eyes in

Seeing this, Killian laughed as if it were ridiculed.

‘Hmph, pretending to be innocent.’

Then, with a feeling of provocation, he took her hand and placed it on his chest.

“It would have been a pity to just peek at it every time, but take this opportunity
to take a good look at it. You can even touch it.”

“Uh, how did you...!”


It was worth seeing Edith’s expression as she couldn’t open his eyes wide
enough to even open her mouth.

Killian thought he was crazy, but he held her hand and made her touch his upper

It was an act that he forced her to do, but Edith did not try to withdraw her hand.

I got goosebumps as her thin, soft hand, completely different from mine,
brushed over the sunburnt skin.

It was an action to embarrass Edith, but his throat was dry.

“...Are you satisfied?”

“Huh? Ah... That’s... Yes...”

It was strangely pleasant to see Edith, who couldn’t take her eyes off my body
even in the midst of her surprise.

I also felt as if I was making fun of an innocent lady.

I couldn’t stand Edith, who opened her mouth small and touched my body as I
made her touch it, so I buried my lips on the back of her white thin neck.


Edith breathed in with a strange noise, but even that was cute now.

‘If Edith Rigelhoff is cute, I must be crazy.’

Not that it wasn’t, but the warm body temperature and the rising scent of roses
made my head dizzy.

I definitely thought it was a vulgar and disgusting smell, but why is it so good
now? I felt like going crazy.

Around her neck hung the ruby necklace I had bought for her as if it was natural
for her to do it.

The red ruby, like a drop of blood on the white nape of her neck, suited Edith

Even now, I can’t forget the tension when Edith gathered her hair together and
gently entrusted me with her neck. Thanks to her, I hung her necklace and even
my hands trembled.

I thought that she was going to make a fuss about asking me for such a cheap
thing, but she has always worn this necklace ever since.

Feeling a tickle in my stomach for some reason, I kissed Edith’s hollow clavicle
where ruby had touched, then moved downward and pressed my lips together.
“Ah...! Killian...”

Something snapped somewhere in my head as Edith called my name in a

desperate voice.

After that, Killian couldn’t control himself either.

It was just the beginning of a night dominated by passion, instinct, hot body
temperature and slippery sweat.


I did.

I did it.

And now I was hiding under Killian’s blanket.

“She is not feeling well today. Get some bath water ready.”

“Yes, Young Master.”

The maid, who was not shaken even after hearing Killian’s order, which was
completely different from usual, prepared a bathtub by the window of Killian’s
room with two other maids after a while.

They covered the side of the bathtub with a blanket, prepared towels and gowns,
and bowed their heads before leaving. Killian, who stretched himself greatly,
whipped out the blanket and lifted me up.
“Well, I can walk...”

“I know.”

“Ah... Mmm...”

It was embarrassing to have a moment like this in the bright sunlight, apart from
what happened at night.

Not knowing where to put my hands and eyes, I ended up burying my face in
my hands.

My heart skipped a beat and I heard a low laugh.

The vibration seemed to hold and shake my heart.

“Tell me if it’s too hot.”

He hugged me in his arms and slowly sat down in the bathtub.


As I sat in the hot tub, I let out a moan of satisfaction.

Again, a small chuckle was heard.

“The first night you fell asleep sitting in the bathtub by yourself. You seem to
like bathing in the bathtub quite a bit?”
“Ah, haha, well, yes...”

Killian gently washed me, put me in a gown, and wiped me with a towel again,
as I shrank like a mouse and couldn’t resist.

“You’d better get some rest for a few days.”

“I guess... I should.”

After a passionate night and even washing me, I had no idea what feelings he
had for me.

It doesn’t seem like he’s going crazy, so he won’t suddenly say that he loves me,
and I wondered if something he’d been holding back toward Liese might have

Although I became a substitute for Liese, I was not miserable. That was when he
was a tolerable man.

I’m doing this with the most handsome and sexiest guy by my standards, and
there’s no way I don’t like that.

I don’t expect anything from this man emotionally, but since he’s strangely
friendly today, my heart strangely melt.

‘It’s a huge change compared to the wedding day when he didn’t want to touch
even one fingertip.’

I smiled for no reason when I remembered the image of him putting on a ring
with a hard expression like a stone.
After drying my hair thoroughly, he even put me on acupuncture and then
ordered the maid outside to call Anna.

“You seem to have a slight fever, so as soon as you return to your room, cover
yourself with a blanket and rest.”

“Yes, thanks.”

We looked at each other, hesitated, thinking we should say something more, and
then parted ways.

I returned to my room unnoticed by Anna, who had picked me up, but I couldn’t
understand the whole series of events from last night and earlier.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 29



‘What? Why did the original work change there yesterday?’

So far, I’ve tried to change the outcome of the episode, but even if the middle
process is slightly different, the result hasn’t changed.
However, the episode where Edith tried to seduce Killian changed completely
last night.

Edith, who tried to seduce her body, became a flow that Killian embraced, so
Killian was no longer a virgin for Liese.

Besides, Killian’s first kiss should be Liese, but even that went wrong.

‘Of course, Liese’s first kiss was Cliff. Anyway, Killian’s position as a sub male
lead will be shaken. What will happen to this?’

It was complicated in my head, but for some reason, laughter leaked out.

I kept thinking of Killian, who called my name and hugged me, his kisses, and
his hot gestures.

He seemed to believe that I was trying to seduce him with my body...

“Oh, I don’t know. Let it be.”

Anna’s mouth was strictly controlled, so probably no one in the mansion would
know that we had become a ‘real couple’.

But I know.

Because of that fact, I kept laughing, but I was embarrassed to show Anna that
way, so I covered myself with a blanket.

‘A real couple... Wow, what should I do, what should I do!’

It seems that she fell asleep while chewing on the incident with him, kicking the
blanket, and laughing nonchalantly.

I heard the announcer’s voice again.

[Step 1 exception conditions met. Exceptions have been made and the author’s
rights have been reduced. Stage 1 exception conditions will expire.]


It was a strange explanation.

Phase 1 Exception Conditions? Is that enough? And what are the rights of the
original author?

I didn’t think he would answer my question, but I still asked the voice with all
my might.

‘What the hell is the first-level exception condition?’

Surprisingly, the voice answered.

[Step 1 exception condition: Follow the original editing method that failed.]

I had goosebumps all over my body.

First of all, that voice knows that this world is in a novel and that I am
possessed. Knowing that the original Edith and the current me are different
In addition, ‘exception conditions’ seemed to be a condition that had to be met
in order to make an ‘exception’ that could twist the original work in this
situation where it was being dragged along with the flow of the original work.

The last time the voice talked about the 3rd stage, and this time it was the 1st
stage, so it seemed that there were several stages.

It felt like someone was looking down at me who was possessed by a novel and
mocking me.

‘I’ve been trying hard not to follow the path that Edith in the original story
failed in the meantime, but in the end, that’s what strangled me?’

I don’t know who set the conditions, but it was too bad taste.

An ‘exception situation’ occurs only when you follow the failed method.

But it wasn’t a very hopeless situation.

I still didn’t understand everything the voice was saying, but I was certain of one
hopeful thing.

‘The original story could have been different!’

The voices in the dream were never to be ignored.

Like the voice told me the other day, I couldn’t tell anyone about my situation.

So you can believe that I was lucky enough to meet the first stage exception
conditions like that pervert and change the original plot.
You can change the ending of Killian’s throat being cut and dying miserably.

‘It’s still too early to give up. You can do it, Choi Soo-na! I can do it, Edith!’

A glimmer of hope was visible.


I took two more days off.

For those two days, I locked myself in my room and embroidered while thinking
about the future.

After organizing my thoughts, a few questions came to my mind.

First of all, who is the “original author” the voice said?

‘Who was the author of <Home·Delegation>? It was a pen name that started
with K...’

The voice said that because I met the first stage exception conditions, an
exception occurred, and the ‘authority of the original author’ was reduced.

What does it mean when the author’s authority is reduced when it is a novel that
has already been completed?

At first, I wondered if it was the will of this world to follow the original story,
but something seemed different.

The scope of a person’s rights or powers.

This means that the range has been reduced.

And it means that there is a subject wielding that right or power.

‘Am I the god of this world?’

Because the original author is like a god in his work.

Regardless of the identity, if the authority of the subject as the original author
was reduced, where and by how much did it decrease?

Did it decrease in all parts or did it decrease in one part?

And how is the original author moving this world?

Is the will of the original author being reflected in real time, or is the will of the
original story being reflected?

Even if the authority of the original author is reduced, the incident continues, so
does a power greater than the original author maintain this world?

‘It’s too vague. The information is sorely lacking.’

Somehow I felt like I was playing an unfavorable game.

And another one.

Because I created an exceptional situation by meeting the first-level exception
conditions, the setting of the character Killian changed significantly.

Still, will Killian try to follow the original story?

So, is there a lack of probability?

Even if there is not enough probability, will they be forcibly fitted?

If not, can I keep changing the story as I create probabilities?

However, seeing that there are at least three ‘conditions’, I thought that I
wouldn’t be able to change everything right now.

‘My head hurts... Anyway, I’ll have to keep an eye on Killian for the time

We had to see what choices Killian made when a new episode took place.

If he follows my intentions, my future will be even brighter.

‘Otherwise... I’m going to die like the original character.’

I sighed, but I had to do what I could for now.

And on the third day, when I was about to get out of bed and wake up, the
Duchess called me.

“Edith. Are you okay?”

“Sorry to startle you. It’s okay now. It’s been a while since I’ve been okay, but
my mother is out of town, so I’m late to say hello.”

She had been to the imperial palace with the Duke for the past few days. Perhaps
she had discussed the dynamics of Prince Langston and the Rigelhoffs and
prepared a defense without their knowledge.

“The Duke was also very worried. And he’s all over the place that he thinks he’s
pushing you too hard. He is a man who has lived on the battlefield for a long
time, so his tone is hard.”

For that matter, Liese’s voice was quite soft.

But I couldn’t say anything like that.

“It’s strange that you speak softly when questioning important issues within the
mansion. I’m fine, so please tell me not to worry too much.”

“Thank you for understanding, Edith.”

I didn’t want to worry about the Duchess, so I smiled as brightly as I could.

“What do you want me to do in the future? You don’t have to help me with my
work if you want, but I think... I think it would rather solidify the view of
misunderstanding you.”

“As long as my mother is okay, I want to continue helping her with her work.
But at this rate, the person who framed me might do the same thing again.”

Although I was quite suspicious that it might be Liese.

“So, I want to work under the direct supervision of someone my mother trusts.”

“Edith, honey, surveillance...”

“Ah, was the expression like that? So what I want to say is...”

“No, I know. You want a place where you can work without being

“Yes, that’s right.”

The wife thought for a moment in silence.

I wondered what to do if I asked her to help Liese, but the person she pointed
out was her aide, Linnon Filch.

“Linnon is the person who inspects the tax-related documents sent from each
territory and prepares the documents to be sent to the imperial palace. He is a
person who deals with money matters, so he can be a bit strict and ruthless, but
he is never one to be swayed by emotions or be partial.”

“He is exactly what I want.”

I sincerely hoped that he wasn’t a soft person who was swayed by emotions.

Even when I was working at the company, I hated the boss who emphasized
‘Jeong’, liked dinners, and liked friendship.

People like me, who have vague pride and can’t speak, are always branded as ‘a
person who can’t live in society’ and even belittle their work ability.
And Linnon Filch, whom I met the next day, seemed more stern and unfeeling
than I had hoped.

Besides, I was much younger than I thought. Late 20’s to early 30’s?

“Nice to see you. This is Linnon Filch. Feel free to call me Linnon.”

A blunt voice with little tonality flowed from the gray-pale man’s mouth.

“Nice to meet you, Linnon. This is Edith Ludwig. I want to help Linnon starting
today, what can I do?”

‘First... Please sort all receipts here by year. I will have to classify it by case
later, but for now, only by year.”

What he handed over was a large box full of randomly jumbled receipts.

There were wet and dry marks here and there, and some had footprints.

“This... How come...”

“It’s the stupid worker I worked for last time. He said he was offended by me
and ran away, scattering several years worth of receipts on the floor.”

“You messed up the Duke’s papers and ran away? Caught?”

“Sure. She was the son of a male writer, and thanks to her father emptying her
hands to become her feet, she could barely end up with reparations.”

“Oh my god...”
I shook my head, but Linnon continued with his sullen face.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 30



“My lady, don’t expect me to be kind to you either. You will regret that you
agreed to work with me.”

Looking at Linnon, I realized that Killian’s eyes were at least emotional.

He was looking at me as if to judge me, but I didn’t see contempt or even

suspicion in his eyes.

I thought that the Duchess took care of me and introduced me to the most
‘functionally moving’ human being.

“I want two things from you. Competent and fair. If you protect that, I won’t
mind if you call me stupid.”

“Then I’m glad.”

“Then, it seems that the greetings are about this, shall we begin?”
Linnon nodded lightly and went back to her desk.

I also began to sort the receipts by year, unfolding them one by one on the wide

There was a window, but no direct sunlight, so Linnon’s cool office was quiet,
as if time had stopped.

Except for the rustle of my receipt opening and the sound of Linnon scribbling
something with his pen or flipping through papers, I didn’t hear anything

‘It’s calm.’

As I continued to suffer from various things, I felt more comfortable than ever in
the quiet time filled with simple labor.

While I was concentrating like that, Linnon called from behind.


“Yes! What’s going on?”

“Today’s business hours are over. You may go back.”

“Uh? Has it already happened?”

It is a place where the sun does not shine well, so I did not feel the passage of
“I’ll just wrap this up and go back. Wait.”

To be honest, I wanted to work a little more, but when I was here, Linnon, who
also served as my supervisor, couldn’t move.

I hurriedly put the receipts into the box, double-checked to make sure nothing
had been dropped, and handed the box to Linnon.

He looked down at my offer for a moment, then accepted.

“Thank you for your effort.”

“Linnon did a great job. Then I’ll see you tomorrow.”

After saying hello to Linnon, the hallway was bright.

Anna was waiting near Linnon’s office to take me to my room.

It felt like being dragged into reality.

‘I don’t remember reading about an extra named Linnon Filch in the original
work. So I won’t get caught up in a strange episode.’

I went back to my room feeling more comfortable than before.

But the door was half open.

Anna ran ahead of me, confirmed the ‘intruder’, and nodded at me with a
reassuring face.
“You are here.”


It was the first Killian I saw in three days.

“In my room... For some reason...”

“Can’t I come?”

“No, well, I’m not saying that... Uh?”

Entering the room, looking sideways at Killian, I saw what he was fiddling with
and unknowingly took them away with my hand.

Two wooden dolls, dressed in newly made clothes, fell to the floor with a
crackling sound.

Killian’s expression subtly hardened.

“Ah, ha ha! No, this is, how to say, just a hobby! It’s a hobby, but it’s a bit
embarrassing to show others your skills... No, why are you entering someone
else’s room without permission in the first place? Anna! Put that away hurry.”

I made a male doll dressed like Killian and a female doll dressed like me face
each other and even kissed me, but to hear that Killian saw it, I wanted to die of

While Anna quietly put away the dolls, I had nowhere to look, so I looked
around and changed my mind.
“That... How have you been doing?”

It was kind of awkward.

If it was like before, I think I would have been quicker, but now, for some
reason, it was embarrassing to look at his face and it was difficult to talk to him.

“You seem to be doing well.”

“Thanks to Mother. He started helping his mother’s aide. Sir Linnon Filch, do
you know?”

“Of course. Because we grew up together since we were little.”

“Is it so?”

“His father is Theo Filci, the butler who manages the ducal estate. He originally
managed this mansion, but his father left the manor altogether. Linnon stayed
here and became the tax paperworker.”

Oh, that’s right.

As I nodded, Killian’s gaze was sharp as if he were about to dissect me.

“What’s wrong, Killian?”

“No. Are you ready to eat yet?”


He was about to ask to dine with me, but I was looking forward to it when
suddenly someone knocked on the door.

When Anna opened the door, Liese was standing outside.

“Ah! Killian, you’re here too.”

Liese, who smiled brightly, was still beautiful, but I was uncomfortable looking
at her.

I was disappointed that she thought of me as the culprit, and I was stung for
nothing when she took away the ‘virgin’ keyword from her sub-man, Killian.

“Liese? Why do you...”

“Cliff called Killian and asked if it would be nice to have a meal together. He
must have something to say. Ah, Edith! Would you like to go with Edith?”

Liese, who discovered me belatedly, hurriedly suggested, but it was obvious that
the words were out of politeness.

“Can I just go and visit you?”

“Cliff will probably say it’s okay. Maybe...”

If you’re going to use the word ‘maybe’ twice, don’t say it at all, Liese.
Well, Liese, who had a good heart, would have had no choice but to recommend
it to me, no matter what Cliff’s intentions were.

I wanted to follow him at least, but I didn’t want to see Killian caring for Liese
more than me.

“I think Lord Cliff will be embarrassed. It seems that the two of you have
something to say. If you call me next time, I will join you then.”

“Would you like to? Let’s eat together next time, Edith... So, Killian.”

Liese called Killian in the way that we should go now.

Killian sighed heavily, nodded, and followed Liese.

Then, before closing the door, he looked back at me for a moment.

When I met his eyes, I couldn’t move from the spot for some reason.

I wondered why he had come to my room and what he wanted to say to me.

“Miss. I will prepare a meal soon.”

“Ah, yes. Ok, thanks.”

If it wasn’t for Anna, I would have stood there for a long time.

I checked the wooden doll Anna had set aside and was very relieved to find that
nothing was broken.
I was a bit embarrassed when I realized later that I had checked the male doll
first without my knowledge.


For the past three days, Killian couldn’t stop thinking about Edith.

The desire to break into Edith’s room and covet her soared right away, and it
seemed like I was going crazy wondering what she was doing right now.

However, the reason he couldn’t find it was because he needed time to sort out
his feelings.

At this rate, it would be tantamount to falling into Edith’s temptation and being
swayed by it.

‘I thought physical relationships were too easy. I never thought I would lose my
mind like this.’

The long time I spent thinking that Liese was the only woman and not
contacting anyone completely collapsed in just one night. And by the woman he
despised the most...!

Even so, let alone regretting it, I wanted to do it again, so it was absurd.

Today, I couldn’t stand it anymore, so I went to Edith’s room.

There was no response even when I knocked, so I opened the door and went in,
and found a strange object on the table while I was slightly intoxicated by the
scent of her own rose.
‘What? Doll?’

A well-trimmed wooden doll was standing there wearing a fancy outfit.

At first, I didn’t think much of it, but when I looked closely, the male doll had
black hair, a white shirt, and black pants, and the female doll had brown hair and
was wearing an indoor dress.

Judging from the fact that she even hung a red jewel necklace, the female doll
seemed to be modeled after Edith herself.

‘Then, the male doll...?’

Assuming that the female doll was Edith, it was very easy to guess the identity
of the male doll.


And the two wooden dolls were facing each other and kissing.

Involuntarily, a fever rose at the tip of my ear, but at the same time, a smile
came out for no reason.

‘She knows how to do cute things.’

My chest tickled.

If Edith hadn’t pushed the dolls away violently after returning to the room with
Anna, I might have kissed Edith impulsively.
‘What did you hate so much? Have I seen dolls? Or did you enter her room
without permission? Or do you just hate me?’

The night Edith had been flirting with me, she seemed to like it too, but thinking
about whether it wasn’t so made her nervous.

Edith was his first woman, and he did not know what kind of psychology each
woman’s reaction meant.

‘Have I been clumsy? Or did it hurt you? What if you just endured the night
with me? No, what the hell! What am I thinking now...!’

As I was suffering from agony without being able to organize my complex

thoughts, I remembered the story of women who possessed men with their
bodies and ruled over them.

If so, could Edith have intended her symptoms now?

“...Lian, Killian!”

“Ah! Did you call?”

“Yes... She called several times... Is something going on?”

Liese was looking this way with a worried face.

Cliff had a puzzled expression.

“Nothing. What were you talking about?”

“Have you been completely out of your mind? You were talking about her.”

“The woman?”

“Is there anyone other than Edith Rigelhoff that we will call ‘the woman’?”

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 31



Killian’s brow flinched momentarily at Cliff’s title.

But, in fact, it was an unusual title. Because I also always called her ‘that

“It’s because I don’t care. That woman, why?”

“I heard that she will be working under Linnon’s supervision from today.”

“It seemed so.”

“So I asked Linnon to stop by. Ask her if anything was wrong.”
Cliff raised the teacup with a graceful motion.

He still seemed convinced that Edith was the culprit in the document leak.

“It must have been strange from the first day.”

“Still, you never know. Because Linnon is quite sharp.”

And after a while, Linnon really came.

“Did you call?”

“Sorry for being busy, Linnon. It’s not different... Did you start monitoring
Edith from today?”

Killian didn’t like the words Cliff used.


Of course, there was a purpose of surveillance, but it was to help mother’s work
to the end.

Even Edith asked for someone who could double as her watcher first.

Killian covered his mouth with a teacup to hide his dissatisfaction, but Linnon
answered in his characteristic emotionless voice.

“I heard that you should properly grasp the documents that Lady Edith is
handling so that they are not in danger of being lost, but to be precise, Lady
Edith has come to help me with my work.”
“That is it. Anyway... How do you see it? Did you get any suspicious signs?”

Linnon didn’t say anything for a while, perhaps reflecting on the morning of
working with Edith, then opened her mouth slowly.

“I’m not sure I saw you briefly today, but to be honest...”

Killian was so nervous about what he was going to say that he forgot to drink his

“She seemed to be working very meticulously. She has excellent concentration,

understanding, and judgment, and most of all, she has persistence. My office
environment could not have caught the eyes of an aristocratic lady, but she
worked diligently without any complaints.”

“This is the first time I’ve heard you compliment someone like this. Didn’t she
try pretty hard to please you?”

“Well. After all, I only saw her this morning.”

“But... Okay, okay. I might call you again next time. Do not let go of her watch
over her.”

Cliff encouraged and sent Linnon back.

But from the side, Liese said shyly, her face dyed red.

“I think Linnon has a crush on Edith. It’s the first time I’ve heard him
compliment someone like this.”
At those words, Cliff sighed.

“Linnon isn’t usually someone who is swayed by emotions...”

“But where in the world is there a man who has no feelings? Linnon isn’t
married yet, and Edith is pretty... That might be enough.”

When Liese opened her mouth, she was always lovely, but Killian was offended
by what Liese said for the first time today.

‘No matter how much they say they’re a married couple on paper, they still say
things like that when I, my husband, is by her side...’

No, I couldn’t even call it “on paper” anymore. Because I even slept with Edith.

But I couldn’t show that situation.

“No way. I believe in Linnon. It’s been years since I’ve seen Linnon. Is it
because you don’t know how harshly Theo taught Linnon?”

Theo Filch meticulously educated his successor, Linnon, from one to ten.

It was harsh enough to say that even the strict operation was not too much.

However, Linnon accepted her father’s education without hesitation and built up
her skills.

One of the things Theo taught Linnon back then was never to have any feelings
other than loyalty to your master’s family.
At that time, there were often noble ladies who ran away after having an affair
with a servant, so Theo put a lot of emphasis on that to Linnon.

“Besides, when it comes to beauty, Liese, you add more. Linnon, who was not
shaken by you, could not have been shaken by Edith.”

“Ki... Killian!”

Liese blushed and flusterd.

“You’re playing tricks on Liese again.”

Beside him, Cliff made a sarcastic remark.

It was a routine thing.

However, the emotions that Killian felt were quite different from before.

‘It’s nothing...’

Every time he said something that contained his heart to Liese like a joke, and
every time Cliff laughed at him as if he was laughing, his heart ached.

But now, nothing happened.

In fact, I was more concerned about other things than that.

‘...Could it be that Linnon really didn’t have a crush on Edith?’

He said he would trust Linnon, but he didn’t know about people.

Although Linnon was blunt in front of Liese’s beauty, Edith is a different type
of beauty than Liese.

‘I don’t know if Linnon’s taste is for sensual beauty.’

If you face such a voluptuous woman for hours in a closed room where the two
of you are alone...

‘Linnon is also a man, so he might have been shaken. Maybe she had a wild
imagination. She said that if the woman was determined and tried to seduce...’

When he thought of Edith kissing him and raising her moist eyes, and Linnon
looking stoic at the same time, his stomach seemed to heat up.

“If I’m done talking, I’ll get up first.”

“Uh? Already?”

“I have to go down to the Ryzen estate next week with my father, so I have a lot
to prepare.”

“Okay, go in first.”

Liese tried to catch Killian as if she was a bit embarrassed, but Cliff said
goodbye as always.

Before, I didn’t like this, so I sat there until the end, but now I was able to get
The painful days of imagining what Cliff and Liese would have done if they
were left behind somehow felt far away.

Now, more than that, I couldn’t stand it because I was worried about the
relationship between Linnon and Edith.

‘I’m worried about Linnon. She might have been trying to seduce her Linnon as
well... Surely something will happen while I’m gone?’

Though thinking that it was Edith who was bad, Killian gritted his teeth as he
remembered Linnon.


I waited for the start of a new episode, helping Linnon with his work three times
a week, enjoying my hobbies, and occasionally chatting with Killian.

After tracing the memory of the original story, it seemed that an episode in
which the confrontation between Liese and Edith would stand out would begin.

And a few days after Killian left for a tour of the estate with Duke Ludwig, the
Duchess called me and Liese and said.

“Next month, the Countess Ermenia will open a bazaar. So starting tomorrow,
there will be an embroidery meeting at my house. You too should attend.”

The bazaar episode was about to begin.

You may want to know what the bazaar and the embroidery meeting have to do
with it, but the setting in this novel was like that.
The items that elegant wives put out at the bazaar are mainly embroidery works.

And the bazaar was prepared by forming an embroidery group among close
wives, and the meeting place of the embroidery group to which the Duchess
belonged this year was, of course, Duke Ludwig.

Because it’s where the main character lives.

“My skills are not very good... I don’t know if it’s causing trouble or not.”

Liese answered humbly like a heroine, but in truth, I wasn’t really good enough
to show off my skills.

In the meantime, I tried embroidery as a hobby, but it was still at the level of
very basic stitches.

Edith of the original work had little memory of embroidery, probably because
her embroidery skills were poor.

‘Then how about it?’

After all, it was an event to promote friendship and raise donations, so it

wouldn’t matter if you didn’t have great skills.

I just said I would attend and focused on preparing the embroidery tools.

Originally, when you start something, having equipment is the most fun.

And the next day, I had to face the eyes that looked me up and down for the first
time in a long time.
“As you all know, this is my daughter-in-law, Edith.”

“Nice to meet you. Edith Ludwig. My skills are lacking, but I will do my best.”

I received the introduction of the Duchess and politely posted my greetings, but
the members of the embroidery club seemed to regard me as ‘the Rigelhoff
family’s helper’.

Well, well, the people in this family are still there, but how can you tell them

“And this is Miss Liese Sinclair, who is staying as an honored guest in our

“Hello? This is Liese Sinclair. Please teach me a lot.”

Liese, who smiled brightly, received friendly gazes and replies.

‘Isn’t it a perfect environment for a normal person to become a villain?’

I felt bad for Liese’s friendly response, but anyway, what I wanted wasn’t a
future where everyone would be kind to me.

Only the people of the Ludwig family I would live with, more precisely, Killian,
had to have no thoughts of killing me.

‘Choice and concentration, choice and concentration.’

After thinking that, the cold attitude of the wives towards me became nothing.
After greeting each other, the full-fledged embroidery time began, and the wives
with good skills picked up fairly large embroidery frames and announced plans
to make masterpieces.

As I took out the small embroidery frame to place the embroidery on the
handkerchief, I was slightly stunned, but Liese anyway... Huh? What is that?

“I’m going to embroider a wild flower garden on a muslin shawl I just


“Oh! You must be really pretty. By the way, did you make that shawl yourself?”

“Yes. I wove it myself with the help of the maids in the bedroom. It’s a bit
messy, but...”

“Sloppy! Did you make it too well? You know how to handle a loom, that’s

To embroider such a large shawl... Was Liese like that in the original story?

Rather, it seems that Liese embroidered the handkerchief, and Edith ordered the
maid she brought to buy a very large piece... It’s fraying.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 32


“What would Edith want to make?”

I was startled by the Duchess’s voice and looked up to see that everyone’s eyes
were on me.

“Oh, well, I’m going to embroider a handkerchief.”

The plain handkerchief I lifted felt too small.

As expected, they are pitiful eyes.

“I wondered how many copies I would make and put out...”

I timidly appealed that I would make several copies, but nothing changed.

Only the Duchess responded kindly, saying, ‘You must be pretty.’

‘Isn’t this really not selling a single copy?’

I had hoped that the Duchess would secretly purchase it for the sake of the
family’s face, but if it didn’t work out, I’d have to ask Anna to buy it for me.

I didn’t get involved in the conversations of the other wives, and I just flipped
through the embroidery design book.

‘Hmm? This must be pretty.’

A new design caught my eye among all the fancy patterns.

It didn’t seem difficult, and it didn’t look too childish.

I decided to embroider a little bird with a bay leaf in its beak, and painstakingly
painted a design on a handkerchief.

It was a little embarrassing to do just that one, so I went around the handkerchief
and added a laurel pattern.

While I was working so hard on the design, my wife, who had been giving me a
particularly cold look from earlier, sneaked up to me and started talking to me.

“Oh! The design is similar to the one my daughter made the year before last. It
will be very pretty when finished.”

“Yes? I think this design is cute too...”

At that time, the wife who sat next to her pretended not to know anything.

“I remember the handkerchief Miss Larissa made the year before last. By the
way, how old is Miss Larissa this year?”

“Seventeen years old. I already have a virgin womb.”

“Then you made that handkerchief when you were fifteen. She was just like a
little girl, but to say that she has already become a lady, time flies.”

“Yes? Ho-ho-ho!”

Everyone laughed happily and moved on to other topics of conversation, but I

understood very well what they had to say.
‘It’s true that you put it on the same level as a 15-year-old. Yes?’

It was also used when the Duchess was busy looking at other people’s work.

‘Wasn’t that lady secretly friendly with the Count Sinclair? Why is she making a
fuss over me and not Liese?’

Well, if the Duchess betrayed Liese, whom the Duchess cherishes like a
daughter, he would hate the Duchess.

‘It will be very eventful in the future.’

I was kind of annoyed, but I didn’t need the attention of people who didn’t
matter anyway.

I made up my mind and focused all my attention on my embroidery.

However, despite the consideration of the Duchess, whenever there was an

embroidery meeting, I became more and more isolated.

In particular, the lady who was close to Count Sinclair secretly compared me
and Liese and led the bullying.

‘In a way, it’s only natural that Edith became jealous of Liese in the original

It’s because I know the original work that I can be bored with such
provocations, otherwise I might have hated Liese too.
Even today, Liese was embroidered with all sorts of flowers and grasses on her
shawl with a spirited skill while receiving plenty of cuteness from the other

That shawl will probably end up in the hands of Cliff among the two men who
were fighting over each other.

‘Yes or no.’

I looked down at the handkerchief with only laurels embroidered around it,
contemplating what color to paint the bird’s body.

Originally, I was going to fill it with yellow, but I thought it would look too
much like a chick.

After thinking about it, I took out a thread and tried it on, thinking of making the
body light gray and the wings silver and black.

Then, a hand appeared in front of my eyes.

“How about doing it in this color?”

Liese handed me a pink thread and asked when it came.

Maybe it was sad to see myself being bullied.

“I think it would be really cute if the leaves on the beak were this light green.”

Of course you will.

The combination of pink and light green almost never fails.

I appreciated her consideration, but unfortunately I had no intention of making it

look girlish like that.

However, if she refused Liese’s proposal here, she would say that having no
skills is arrogant or that she doesn’t know how to listen to others’ advice, so she
had to be careful.

“Thanks for the advice, Liese. But this... It’s because I’m making it while
thinking of Killian.”

“Huh? Killian... What?”

It just happened to remind me of Killian, who has gray eyes, and said it around,
but well, it didn’t seem like a bad excuse to use.

“Yes. Because Killian’s eyes are this color...”

“Come to think of it, I see.”

“Don’t tell me because it’s embarrassing. OK?”

I asked with a smile like a shy new bride.

The wives who tried to punish me for rejecting Liese’s proposal couldn’t refute
the excuse I gave.

What would they say if the new bride said she would embroider while thinking
of her new groom, especially the second son of the Duke Ludwig?
Rather, he was busy watching the happy Duchess.

“You are so lovely, Edith! Killian’s eyes are a very pretty color.”

“Don’t you think it looks like His Excellency’s pupils?”

“Oh my, he is too!”

When I even joked with the Duchess, the ladies next to me laughed and matched
the rhythm.

“Newlyweds are nice. It’s so sweet...”

“I know, right. By the way, is Killian doing well?”

Liese tried to answer their question, but I quickly intercepted her words.

“Sure! Now, with the Duke, I went down to look around the estate that Killian
will receive. When I get back, I’ll tell you that you asked how I was doing.”

After I answered, Liese closed her mouth and smiled.

To be honest, whenever I do this, I deeply understand the Ediths of the original


He knew that Liese had no ill intentions, but she was seriously lacking in tact.

‘It’s a question for me, and it’s a question about my husband, so why are you
trying to answer it?’
Of course, the author of this world said, ’Liese tried to answer, but Edith
intercepted her words with a ferocious face. She replied that Killian was doing
well, but in fact, Liese knew that Killian seemed distressed recently.

It’s like a damn world that’s only narrated from the main character’s point of


“How are you, Killian?”

Blowing a cool breeze, Duke Ludwig asked Killian.

They stood on the hillside of Philiac Mountain, overlooking Ryzen, the territory
that Killian would receive with the title of count.

“Fairly... I’m fine.”

Killian tried to answer nonchalantly, but Duke Ludwig noticed that his son was
quite pleased.

Well, if I hadn’t, I’d have been a little sad.

Because Ryzen was the territory he chose after careful consideration for Killian.

“It’s a bit far from the capital, but it’s rare to find a territory with such great
potential for development. In fact, ten days by carriage is not that far.”

“Sure. If you run by horse, it will take less than a week, so it’s not very far.
There are places that take a month.”
Killian was very satisfied with Ryzen.

In fact, I was a little worried about which territory my father and older brother
would separate.

In the past, I thought it didn’t matter anywhere, but if I were to bring the high-
nosed Edith to live, I wouldn’t be able to match her eye level with a tolerable

‘But if it’s a territory like this, that woman won’t say anything. It seems that my
father felt sorry for me for giving away such a net waste land.’

At one time, Killian had no intention of continuing his marriage with Edith for a
long time, but now he was thinking of bringing her down to the manor.

It was because Edith was more tolerant than I expected, and I already knew that
Liese’s heart had left me.

After making up my mind like that, I felt more at ease.

‘Yeah, it’s made with this.’

The wind of early summer that hit me halfway up the mountain was refreshing,
as if it would wipe away the lingering crumbs left inside.

Ryzen in the north was cooler than the capital in all four seasons, so it was more
comfortable than the capital, which gradually gets hotter.

“How cold does it get in winter?”

“It is a little colder than the capital. More snow than temperature is a bit of a
problem. Snow clouds can’t get over Mount Philiac, so I sprinkle a lot of snow
on Ryzen. However, there has never been an avalanche or an isolated territory.”

“That’s it.”

Except for the snow problem in the winter, estate was pretty good.

‘Edith, as long as she doesn’t complain about being cold.’

If she complains about being cold, he’d be fine with giving him a fur coat. It
would have been foolish to miss this estate just because it was a little cold.

Ryzen’s area was not very large, but the production of agricultural products
compared to the area was very large.

The land was fertile and the rainfall was just right.

In addition, the working population was quite large thanks to the lack of large
cities around to absorb the youth.

“Since there are a lot of young people, it would be good to develop industries
other than agriculture. If we pave the way across Mount Philiac, it could become
a midway point for merchants roaming across the empire.”

“That’s a good idea. But before that, it would be better to solidify estate’s
security capabilities. Because when outsiders flock to it, crime tends to

Killian nodded with a throbbing heart.

When he placed the territory he would rule in front of his eyes, he wanted to try
this and that, so he even felt impatient.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 33



“Let’s go back to the castle now.”


After descending from Mount Philiac, they returned to the lord’s castle.

The castle’s butler, Vincent, who had welcomed the owner of the estate after a
long time, was hectic.

Ever since I heard that they were coming, I had been sweeping the inside and
outside of the castle, but it seemed that I was not satisfied.

In fact, it was the same with Killian.

The estate’s castle was left to the caretakers, so it had no decorations and no
luxuries necessary for aristocratic life.
‘The castle itself is well-maintained, but the interior decoration and furnishings
are too crude. Edith, how much trouble can she find?’

Although they were a contemptible family, the level of wealth of the Counts
Rigelhof was not something to belittle.

The amount of money the family spent on Edith’s clothing was staggering, so
there was no way this last name caught her eye.

‘When I go back to the capital, I’ll have to find a good furniture craftsman first.
I’ll have to look into tapestries and tabards... As for the other things, I’ll have
her look for them.’

He had planned to come down to the manor without hesitation as soon as he

received the title, so there was no time.

If I had to come anyway, it would have been better to come as early as possible
to inspect the estate, and I didn’t like the fact that Edith-related problems
continued to arise within the Duke’s residence.

‘Will she have a hard time if she gets away from the party or extravagant daily
life? What can I do though? There are things she has to endure if she wants to be
a countess.’

Come to think of it, Edith had never attended a party since she got married.
Maybe she’ll get along just fine here too.

If you’re really struggling, you can just send Edith to the capital during the

‘I’ll be able to do it well.’

There were certainly concerns, but Killian decided to look to the future with

While he was staying in Ryzen, he had a deep conversation with his father about
the problems of the estate and the direction he should work on in the future, and
then returned to the capital.

For Killian, it was a time when his heart swelled with the thought of

He wasn’t even aware that Edith had intervened in all of his thoughts.


The long-awaited bazaar day has dawned.

Killian, who went to look around the estate he was going to receive, said he
returned yesterday, but even after returning, he didn’t even show his nose, as if
he had a lot to discuss with the Duke and his wife.

Well, he has no obligation to report to me...

Fortunately, I was busy completing the embroidery work, so I had no time to

regret his absence.

“Do you really look okay?”

“Of course, lady. There are many wives who have no interest in embroidery, so
this is enough.”
Innocent Anna had been suffering from my anxious questions for several days

There was nothing I could do about it now, but I bullied Anna several times to
hear the answer, ‘It’s okay.’ It was because he had heard harsh criticism from

After that, I made a few more copies and selected three of the best ones for the

It didn’t even catch my eye.

However, contrary to how nervous he was, when the morning of the bazaar
dawned, he became calm.

‘Yeah, well, I’m not going to die just because this doesn’t sell.’

This episode was just to show the difference between Liese and Edith’s ability,
so there was no risk to their lives if something went wrong.

I packed the three handkerchiefs I had painstakingly made in my bag and took
out a picnic dress to put on.

This, too, was an alteration of a dress she had brought with her when she got

The light gray cotton dress, with all the cumbersome lace, ruffles and ribbons
removed, was neat enough to look like a uniform motif at first glance.

But even so, it had a refreshing and cute taste.

‘Madame Royal is quite skilled.’

I liked all 10 dresses that I ordered because they were much prettier and more
natural than what I asked for.

After getting ready to go to the bazaar, Liese also came out wearing a bright

The lovely picnic dress with light blue fabric and pink ribbons really suited the
blonde and blue-eyed Liese.

If I put on a bonnet and parasol over there, I thought it would look like a doll.

“Uh? Edith! You look so pretty today!”

Liese smiled brightly and praised me. Standing next to Liese in full dress, I
seemed to be nothing more than a background as I had hoped.

“Liese is really dazzling today. I thought that dress would look good on me.”

“The dress is really pretty, isn’t it? Madame Royal is amazing.”

Then Cliff came out and said.

“Madame Royal’s skills are also skills, but I mean you’re pretty. Isn’t that right,

I wondered if Cliff had shown up for some reason, but the Duchess looked up at
us and said,

“I will be late. Let us go first The Duke and Killian will come later.”

Oh, it seems the whole family is going today.

I followed them, expecting to see Killian today, but thinking about it, nothing
good would happen to me if he came.

‘At that time, it doesn’t seem like Killian’s basic personality has changed just
because the original story went wrong... Even if I came to the bazaar today, I’d
probably fight with Cliff to buy Liese’s work.’

I climbed into the carriage hoping that today would pass without incident.

Decorative flags were already fluttering in the spacious garden of Count

Ermenia, where the bazaar was held, and iced tea and light snacks were prepared
in tents here and there.

I didn’t expect much until I came, but when I saw the clear blue sky, warm
wind, and happy faces of excited people, I was also excited.

“Those who brought bazaar goods, please submit them here!”

Someone shouted, and people with supplies rushed to that tent.

I followed the Duchess and Liese, paid three humble handkerchiefs, signed the
donation list, and returned.
After that, we sat in the tent assigned to us, had tea, and had light conversations
or greeted the people who came to greet the Duchess.

When the Royal Dressing Room was called, the Duchess wearing the blue dress
Liese had chosen was praised by the people.

“Your dress suits you really well. Are you new?”

“Yes. It’s been a while since I called Madame Royal. This is the design that our
Liese chose. How is it? Are you okay?”

“Of course! It fits perfectly as if it was designed for my wife! Lady Liese’s eyes
are amazing!”

Also, I knew it would be like that.

But I’m glad I didn’t get compared to the design I chose.

Anyway, I couldn’t sit still at such a fun event.

“Edith! I heard that the bazaar has begun, why don’t we go and see it?”

Just in time, Liese made the suggestion in an excited voice.

Since I was only keeping an eye on when I would wake up, I nodded lightly to
her and started walking around the venue with her.

“And... That’s great!”

People who are good at cooking made and donated pecan pie or apple pie
themselves, and put out unused jewelry.

Foreign rare items were also seen, and high-quality alcohol was also listed.

“Aren’t those earrings so pretty?”

“This is really cute. Ah! That bracelet looks like someone preoccupied it. The
ribbon is attached.”

“It’s already sold out, so I guess the competition at the bazaar will be fierce

Liese pointed all over the place excitedly, and I was in a good mood for no
reason, so I hung around as if I were friends with her.

And Cliff, who followed as if he were our escort, would be quietly attaching a
ribbon to the thing Liese said was pretty.

I had to put up with shame for a while at the stand where the artworks we
donated were displayed.

Anna said that my handkerchief was enough, but her jaw dropped when she saw
large-scale knitted works or embroidered works with complex techniques.

Even Liese’s shawl work looked ordinary.

‘Anna, you liar.’

Of course, it was a white lie, but if I had known it was this much, I would have
burned the handkerchief...
I hurried away with Liese to give Cliff a chance to preoccupy Liese’s shawl. Not
because I’m ashamed to see my work, but for the sake of the male lead!

Leaving Cliff behind, we went back to the tent, and at first glance, the wife and
her daughters, or young ladies who seemed to be friends of the daughters,
looked up and down in our direction.

‘I don’t feel good for some reason...’

It was a very familiar picture even to me who lived in modern times.

like... I wonder if it’s like Iljin who is waiting for the main character.

“It’s been a while since I came up to the capital, so I can’t adapt to the social
world these days. An illegitimate child wandering around the bazaar.”

“Mother! You have to be careful with what you say. Not just an illegitimate
child, but an illegitimate child living as a guest of the Ludwig family. How
much do you care about the Duke and his wife?”

“Okay? The Duke and Duchess Ludwig are very famous people... Do you keep
that as a pet?”

I looked at them frowning at them saying absurd words, but suddenly I felt
Liese’s hand holding my arm tremble and turned my head.

Liese’s ear lobe was red as she bowed her head.

And he was holding onto my arm as if I were his lifeline.

I suddenly felt a sense of mission to protect the heroine.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 34



“I can’t adapt to the social world these days. The country villagers and the like
stir up the bazaar. Besides, don’t you notice?”

Perhaps not knowing that I would stare at me and attack, the wife sharply raised
her eyes.

“What else is that?”

“Edith Rigelhoff.”

“Ah, he said he was just leaving...? It’s really rumored. There is not even one
place that looks better than an illegitimate child.”

“So you heard that you are being ignored even by your own husband?”

They mocked me as if they were determined. However, I wasn’t the original

Edith, so there was nothing to get excited about.
“Hmm... So, to Edith ‘Ludwig’, who is just going out, what kind of country is
that person who is just going out? I have no idea who he is just by looking at his

I wondered if he would keep his mouth shut, but a young lady next to him raised
her chin and answered.

“If Countess Bryn doesn’t even know you, Edith, shouldn’t you look back on
your culture and insight?”

“Anyone who picks a fight on a passer-by will have to learn basic etiquette

At those words, the woman who was said to be Countess Bryn’s eyebrows
twisted even more.

“Now I see that bastard looks better. At least you seem to know where you are.”

“And your wife will have to look good in the eyes of that ‘woman worse than an
illegitimate child’. If this matter comes to the ears of the Duchess now, Count
Bryn will be in danger.”

Countess Bryn looked me up and down again, clutching her fan.

“I’ve heard rumors that the Ludwig family brought in a daughter-in-law they
didn’t like, but I thought it would be that much.”

“They were forcibly brought in by Count Rigelhoff.”

“Do you feel sorry for Killian?”

Like worker bees swarming around the queen bee, the young ladies were
pouring out only sounds that Countess Bryn liked.

The look was so funny.

“Okay, if you’ve said everything, can you stop blocking the road? Lord Cliff
Ludwig is coming after this.”

I felt like I could feel Cliff’s energy, so I said this without looking back, but I
wonder if they really saw Cliff, and they hurriedly disappeared leaving behind
disapproving glances.

Then, Cliff’s kind voice came from behind.

“Why are you standing there?”

At the sound of Cliff’s voice, Liese let out a trembling breath and raised her

I glanced back at Cliff and whispered to Liese.

“Are you okay?”

“Yes. I’m fine...”

“Do you know someone?”

“You are a friend of the Count Sinclair. Even Edith got to hear harsh words
because of me... Really sorry.”
“I am really fine. Talk wildly, what. I have nothing to lose.”

While I was shrugging, Cliff came and looked at Liese’s complexion, and Liese
quickly smiled as if it was nothing.

‘He also lives a very difficult life.’

Those who wanted to look good in the Ludwig family knew that they cared for
Liese, so they praised Liese, but those who didn’t, even after the 4th volume of
the original work, still looked down on Liese, saying that she was an illegitimate

‘It seems like I’ve been included in that gossip, but...’

Even the people who looked down on Liese made fun of me, saying that I was
worse than Liese, and if it was Edith of the original work, it would make me roll
my eyes.

‘But to me, one Killian is more important than you.’

I went to the Duke’s tent while repeating ‘selection and concentration’ again.

Back at the tent, Duke Ludwig was sitting, but Killian was nowhere to be seen.

‘Ah, I must have ran to buy Liese’s work. But what about Cliff would have just
bought it.’

If I had known it would be like this, I would have come a little slower.

By noon, people flocked to the bazaar, and the boisterous greetings continued.
And the episode started to do its job.

In other words, it means that me and Liese started to be compared in earnest.

There was nothing like the group of Iljin people blocking the road earlier.

“Oh my, Ms. Liese gets more and more beautiful every time I see her!”

“It seems that Mrs. Ludwig has already made Miss Liese a daughter-in-law?”

“I saw the work that was put out at the bazaar earlier. How can you be so

No, this was not a comparison. Because I was completely ignored.

Earlier, those people had a fight, so there was a way to pay them back, but these
people didn’t have that either. It was as if they couldn’t see me at all.

‘Selection and concentration, selection and concentration... These people are

nameless extras... Let’s not be offended by the words of the 2Ds.’

The elaborately decorated aristocratic wives were calling each other by name,
but it was a face and name that I couldn’t remember when I turned around.

That’s probably the fate of the folding screen extras.

Then someone brought up my name.

“Oops! There was also Lady Edith! However... I think my style has changed a
bit from before...?”
“Come to think of it, I see.”

I guess so.

Because the girl who used to emphasize her breasts and preferred flashy dresses
suddenly appeared in plain clothes.

Maybe that’s why he didn’t notice that I was here.

‘Ah! Could that be why Edith wore raunchy and flashy clothes? Otherwise, you
won’t be noticed next to Liese...’

In this way, I came to understand Edith again.

Just then, Killian, who must have failed to buy Liese’s work, approached.

“Killian! It seems like we haven’t seen each other in a long time.”

As expected, Liese greeted him first.

Seeing that he hasn’t seen her in a while, it seems that he hasn’t had time to see
Liese’s face since returning from the estate yesterday.

I don’t know why that’s so comforting.

“I know. How have you been doing?”

“Yes! What about Killian?”

“Me too, what...”

His gaze turned to me. Do you want to be ignored when you say hello? But if
you don’t do it, you’ll hear people say you won’t do it again, right?

“I miss you, ah, no, did you have a good trip?”

I almost said I missed you unintentionally. Why am I living so carelessly these


“...I had a good trip.”

Fortunately, Killian did not ignore my greetings.

He even approached me.

“Did anything happen in the meantime?”

“I was busy preparing for the bazaar, well. Because I am not good at

“It seemed so.”

What did you see?

“Other than that... Don’t you?”

“What’s the big deal? Just a little... I was bored.”

“Why. Without me?”

“Ha! What the... Aren’t you overly self-conscious?”

But I couldn’t answer no.

To be honest, without Killian, everything was boring and boring.

There were a lot of days when I couldn’t see Killian even when he was at the
mansion, and I don’t know why.

Despite my unfriendly reaction, Killian only smiled and did not spit out any
harsh words.

We enjoyed the bazaar as a happy family after a long time.

Intermittently, Liese talked to Killian, but strangely, Killian did not respond for
a long time.

‘What happened?’

Thanks I was good.

Killian sat next to me the whole time, and I was spared the sack of barley I had

How nice it would have been if the day ended just like that.

“I’m going to go fix my makeup for a while.”

The problem was that I was in a hurry to go to the bathroom because of the iced
tea I kept drinking.

After using the luxurious bathroom in the mansion, I came out feeling light, but
someone grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the side of the building.

“Oh, brother?”

“It’s been a while, Edith.”

It was Edith’s brother, Shane Rigelhoff.

It is clear that the tension has loosened in the meantime. You forgot that the
Rigelhoffs could come here too!

Shane looked like Count Rigelhoff, blonde, and said he was handsome, but I felt
very uneasy from the first time I saw him.

It’s partly because I suffered too much from my older brother in my previous
life, but it’s also because this person also didn’t look at me well.

Sure enough, in Edith’s memories that soon followed, this human was no
different from her older brother in the previous life. It was clear that he saw me
as expendable to his career.

“Ha ha ha! Alone, are you here?”

“Of course I came with my parents. But, what the hell happened to you?”

As he pretended not to know anything, his eyes widened.

“Are you being watched by the Ludwig family?”


“I thought you were crazy because I sent you a letter telling you not to think
about attacking the Ludwig family, but right after that, you sent weapons related
documents, and those documents are fake again.”

I hesitated.

“Brother. The weapon papers. When and who did you get it from?”

“Your reply came shortly after, through a private messenger. Did they give you
fake documents to try?”

Who the hell sent that document?

At the time, he was suspicious of Liese, but thinking about it, Liese had no
reason to do so. What’s wrong with him, so he’ll hurt me?

And I had one more question.

“If you’ve guessed that far, you know that I’m in a precarious position in the
Ludwig family, right?”

“So you have to act wisely. Can’t you do that much?”

“I suffered quite a bit because I was suspected of stealing the document.”

“So? What are you telling me that you’re stupid?”

My curiosity was quickly dispelled. After all, Shane wasn’t concerned about my

Suddenly, it seemed as if the anger she hadn’t been able to pour out to her
brother in her previous life welled up.

“By the way, the weapon-related papers. I didn’t send it.”


“I don’t know who did it, but it looks like they sent it to fuck me.”

“What are you talking about... For a moment. If it’s not you who sent it, you...”

“Yes. The letter I sent to my father is my sincerity. Stop thinking about hitting
the Ludwig family. I’ll be in big trouble later...!”

He turned his head with a groan.

My ears were deafened and physiological tears burst out. It was next that his
cheeks burned like they were on fire.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 35



“You are really crazy.”


“Are you betraying the grace of the family that fed, clothed, and raised you? Do
you think we will keep a traitor alive in our family?”

I hastily wiped my tears and looked at Shane.

“He fed me, clothed me, raised me, and... Yes, if you have to call it grace, then
my letter was sent to repay the grace. My warning, you better not ignore it.”

Despite my heartfelt advice, Shane smiled at me and gave me a low growl.

“A hawk is medicine for a bastard that doesn’t recognize its owner and goes on
a rampage. Do you think there is no way to tighten your leash just because you
are in the Ludwig family?”

Then, he quickly left the place.

After he was gone, my heart started beating fast.

It was because Edith’s memories from a very long time ago came to mind only
“Sorry, Father! Sorry!”

“Stupid bitch! I’ve taught you several times, but I couldn’t do it!”

“Kyaaak! Wrong, wrong!”

Cheeks and head and back and forearm... No, Count Rigelhoff, who had been
randomly hitting anywhere his hands and feet could reach, shimmered.

I don’t know why the hell he did this to his own daughter.

However, young Edith did not dare to rebel or run away.

No one helped her, and she had no choice but to act as her father’s puppet.

‘For Edith, this marriage... Killian... I must have been really desperate.’

That’s why Ludwig desperately wanted Killian even though he couldn’t refuse
the Rigelhoff family’s order to steal insider information.

My eyes grew hot.

Even though there are many differences, I could understand Edith’s feelings.

Is that why I became possessed by Edith, not someone else?

It’s also about saving my life, but I didn’t want to let Edith die a miserable

I took a deep breath and came to my senses.

‘Haa, too late. If I’m late, I’ll be suspicious.’

I hurriedly took a handkerchief from my bag and wiped away my tears.

Looking in the hand mirror, the cheeks Shane had slapped were red, but it
seemed like they would somehow get over it if he pretended to be slightly
heated by the sun.

The corner of my mouth seemed to keep falling, so I practiced smiling a few

times before turning around the corner of the building.

And it was then that I met Killian’s eyes.

“I have been looking for a long time. Where the hell are you coming from?”

“Ah... The mansion is beautiful, so I wanted to see what it looked like on this

“There’s a lot for you to be curious about.”

I lowered my head, covered my cheek with my hair, and asked in a deliberately

cheerful voice.

“No way, did you come looking for me on purpose?”

“It can’t be. I also came out to wash my hands and only found you.”

“Ah, that’s right. It almost made my heart flutter.”

“Are you excited about that?”

It is full of nuances that you are Anya.

“It’s thrilling to have someone who cares about where I’ve disappeared. Isn’t


It was so bittersweet.

Did someone care about the empty seat of Soo-na Choi who died?

If I die as Edith Ludwig, who will take care of the empty seat?

Returning to the tent after the speechless Killian, I felt a little weak at the
thought of Shane’s threat and my own lack of support.

But it wasn’t all bad things.

“Even at this year’s bazaar, all donations were sold out at high prices! Thank
you. We will deliver your warm hearts as necessary items to each orphanage.”

Mrs. Ermenia, the organizer of the bazaar, announced the end of the bazaar with
the news that all items were sold.

‘Uh? Then someone bought my handkerchief too! Oh, thank God!’

Originally, items donated to the bazaar are processed so that there are no unsold
items, but I still decided to believe the organizer’s words that ‘all’ items were
sold at a ‘high’ price.

Today would have been a really good day if it hadn’t been for meeting Shane...


Returning from the bazaar, Count Rigelhoff hysterically dragged out the cravat,
threw it away, and sat down on the sofa. Then he turned his head to Shane, who
had followed him into the study, his eyes shining sharply.

“Take a closer look at what you said at the bazaar earlier.”

Shane sat down across from the Count, and belatedly Sophia, the maid, came in,
preparing tea for the two of them.

When the teacup was filled, Shane opened his mouth only after passing a sip.

“Edith has definitely changed.”

Shane frowned as he remembered Edith he had met at the bazaar.

“Even though I met my brother, instead of being polite, he became very


“How did you get cocky?”

“I’d rather understand if you said you were beaten over the head by the Ludwig
family. He raised his head very stiffly and talked to me, and he doubted whether
it was Edith.”
At those words, Count Rigelhoff’s eyes narrowed.

Since she was beaten and taught to be completely obedient to other family
members from a young age, Edith did not dare to look into Shane’s eyes unless
they were in front of other people’s eyes.

He couldn’t believe that Edith raised his head and spoke softly.

However, Shane gritted his teeth to see if he was really outraged.

“At first, I spoke well. Are you being watched by the duchy, and what

“Did you?”

“I asked when and from whom he got the documents related to the fake weapon,
and he asked if he knew that he was in a precarious position in the ducal

Next to him, the maid Sophia said in disbelief, ‘Ouch.’ and took her breath.

“I was taken aback, but the letter I sent to my father said he was sincere and told
me not to think about attacking the Ludwig family, so I slapped him. Did he
dare to betray his family?”

“You mean you couldn’t come to your senses even after being beaten?”

“Rather, more. What? Did he really send that letter to repay the family’s
kindness? Do not ignore self warnings. Sigh!”
At those words, Count Rigelhoff let out an absurd laugh.

“Edith is really crazy. Or maybe the Ludwig family has taken possession of it
more terrifyingly than we have.”

“Maybe he thought he was free now that he was out of this house.”

Now even Count Rigelhoff’s teeth were grinding. Is this what it feels like to be
bitten by a dog?

“You should have killed my mother and me in the first place! I didn’t want to
raise such a mongrel that I didn’t even know who it was!”

Edith was not the real daughter of Count Rigelhoff. Not to mention that she was
her own daughter, she did not know who Edith’s father was.

It’s just that Edith’s mother was the younger sister of Count Rigelhoff.

“Brother! Please save me! Please!”

My younger sister, who usually behaved badly, knelt down in front of me and
cried profusely only when she was so full that she could not hide it.

How dumbfounded I was when I said I didn’t know when I had a child or whose
child it was...

However, he couldn’t bear to kill his sister who had a baby, so he sent her to the
manor under the pretext of recuperation, and when the child was born, he
registered it in his family register.
It was possible because his wife also went down to the manor in a recuperation
car, and it was inevitable for the family’s honor, but in fact, she was reluctant
from the beginning.

‘The old man died right after giving birth. Tsk.’

The sister who prayed for help gave birth to a child and the bleeding did not
stop, and eventually died shortly after.

I should have abandoned Edith when the fortuneteller said that she was a girl
who ate her mother and that it was unlucky.

‘Even if Anais was healthy...!’

His wife, Anais Rigelhoff, was a beautiful woman, but she was too weak to have
children after giving birth to Shane.

It was fortunate that she had an heir, Shane, but it was somehow uneasy to have
only one son from an aristocratic family.

So, it was Edith who raised it thoroughly as a family dog, thinking that it would
be useful someday.

“I reaped what I deserved to die for and raised her as the daughter of a count, but
you betrayed the family without knowing the favor?”

Count Rigelhoff clenched his fists and trembled.

At that time, the maid Sophia, who had been sitting quietly by her side, stepped
“Master. I will go and crack down on Lady Edith.”

Count Rigelhoff’s and Shane’s gazes turned to her.

Since it had already been discussed with Shane, Sophia had no qualms about it.

“It must be that the lady doesn’t have a railroad yet and doesn’t know anything
about water. I will make sure that you cannot leave the Rigelhoff family even if
you belong to the Ludwig family.”

“The Ludwig family might harm you. Will you be okay though?”

Count Rigelhoff asked a question he hadn’t even asked Edith.

“What can I do for Master and Shane?”

As Sophia smiled, Count Rigelhoff nodded.

“You are much better than Edith. Then go get Edith to wake up and spy on the
inside of the Ludwig family.”

Then Shane intervened.

“What if Sophia’s ‘discipline’ doesn’t bring the girl to her senses? What if I tell
the Ludwig family about it?”

But Count Rigelhoff had a different idea.

“If he was going to tell me about my situation, rumors would have already
spread in the social world. He’s a stupid bitch, but he knows my situation. If he
knew he was abandoned by our family, would he take him with him to go to

“Well, that’s right.”

“But you should always be prepared just in case.”

He grinned and ordered Sophia.

“Sophia. If that doesn’t work out, it’s okay for Edith to be mysteriously
assassinated. The culprit must be Killian Ludwig.”

“I understand, master.”

Sophia showed off a bright smile that she had never seen before in front of

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 36



After the bazaar, summer slowly approached.

‘It would be like dying in the summer without an air conditioner.’

I was leisurely thinking about that, but suddenly, a very frightening fact popped
into my head.

‘However... How long did Edith appear in the original work?’

I don’t know why the thought came to my mind now.

<I refuse obsession> was a 5-volume romantic edition, and Edith appeared at the
end of volume 3 and disappeared before volume 5 began.

And at the beginning of Volume 5, Liese receives Cliff’s love confession along
with a proposal.

‘How old was Liese at the time?’

Right now, Liese and I are 22 years old, the same age.

And Cliff proposed to her when she was twenty-three.

‘Are you sure. I remember thinking that at that age, I wouldn’t even have
graduated from college.’

Alright, here’s the quiz.

Until the episode where my throat gets blown off, how many months will it be?

As I thought about it, my back suddenly became wet with a cold sweat.

Then, suddenly, Anna knocked on my door.

“Miss! Now, you should come out for a while!”

“Huh? What’s the matter?”

A feeling of foreboding ran down my spine.

As I went out into the hallway, I heard a woman wailing from the front door on
the first floor.

“I beg you! Please let me meet my lady! Even before marriage, you couldn’t
even leave your mind without worrying about me, so I don’t know how you’re
doing here alone...!”

I wondered what kind of commotion this was, so I followed Anna downstairs

and found that the Duchess and the butler Philip, as well as Cliff, Killian, and
Liese, were already down on the first floor.


I dared to see a woman sitting on the porch of Duke Ludwig’s mansion,

weeping, and chills ran down my spine.

She also found me and called my name before I had time to escape.

“Ah, lady! Miss Edith!”

“Cow... Sophia...”

“Ah, my God, my lady... Why are you looking so bad?”

“Yes? What? What?”

Sophia, whom I hadn’t seen in a long time, clung to me with a worried face,
unlike the Rigelhoffs.

I wondered how the maid had managed to get the Duchess and the heir down,
but Shane was standing behind Sofia.


I blankly called out to Shane, but he continued speaking with a sad expression as
he stood facing the Duchess instead of me.

“I feel very sorry for causing a commotion. However, Sophia, who was Edith’s
exclusive maid, missed Edith so much, and we, too... I was anxious because I
couldn’t know Edith’s safety at all.”

“You could have visited anytime and met Edith.”

“Thank you for your words, but you probably know very well that it is not as
easy as it sounds. So, at least let Sophia stay by Edith’s side. Isn’t it just a

Only then did I know what Shane was talking about, “how to tighten a dog

“Oh, brother! I’m really fine!”

“Miss! Please, please don’t abandon me yes? Hehe... You can hit me and punish
me. Just so that I can take the lady by my side...”
Sophia clung to me even more.

Then Shane joined in.

“Edith. Isn’t it Sophia who has been by your side since you were little? How
much Sofia was worried about you...”

“There are rumors that the young lady is being persecuted by the ducal family!
He said he couldn’t even come to his best friend’s tea party...!”

Sophia squealed as if she couldn’t take it any longer.

I thought that if I didn’t go to the party, I wouldn’t be framed for spreading

gossip about Liese, but I thought that would provide an excuse like this.

Unknowingly, I looked at the Duchess and Killian.

“Nu, who says he is being persecuted!”

“You’re still looking at other people’s eyes! She heard that even at the bazaar,
she sat like a loner by herself. Everyone said that Sinclair, a guest at this house,
only cared about the young lady...”

Oh, that’s a bit irrefutable.

And the Duchess and others also shrugged as if they had been stabbed.

After all, this time, the Ludwig family had no justification for rejecting Sophia.
“If you are that concerned, leave this maid behind. I will use it as Edith’s
exclusive maid.”

“Thank you. Sofia’s salary will be taken care of by our family.”

“No, there is no need for that.”

“No. If even Sophia takes notice of this house, who will protect our Edith?”

Ha... Anyone who sees it will think it’s a sister complex. The human who
slapped me hard...!

But I couldn’t expose Shane. When I tried to tell her if you hit me at the bazaar,
my tongue stiffened again and I heard tinnitus.


I refused several more times, saying I didn’t need a maid from the Rigelhoffs,
but thanks to Shane, who pushed me to say that even that was not paying
attention to the Duchess, I finally had to accept Sophia.

‘This too... Is it the original flow?’

If you think about it, the episodes that will happen in the future were all things
that Sophia moved.

Poisoning attempt, information leak, spying...

‘What do we do? How can I stop this?’

Sophia was a mercenary skilled in assassination and stealing.

It was almost impossible for me to resist Sophia.

Besides, Count Rigelhoff would have entrusted me with full authority over my
disposal, so even if I died at the hands of that maid, Count Rigelhoff wouldn’t
blink an eye.

Of course, it wasn’t that there wasn’t a corner that I believed in at all.

‘If I die, Sophia can’t be in this house anymore. The original work will also be
greatly distorted.’

So I won’t kill you.

I watched nervously as Anna taught Sophia her business.

And finally, when Sophia and I were left alone in the room, Sophia’s expression
completely changed.

“It’s been a while, Miss Edith.”

“...It doesn’t seem like it’s been that long.”

“When I heard Shane talk about the young lady, I couldn’t believe it, but seeing
how you replied, it seems that you really did.”

Wow, that’s just so creepy.

I held back my instinctive fear and tried to convince him as calmly as possible.
“Sophia. The power of Duke Ludwig isn’t all that it seems. Besides, its power is
growing day by day. If my father doesn’t change his mind, our whole family is
in danger.”

“That is not for you to judge. All you have to do is follow the master’s orders.”

“Even if they all die then?”

“You should think of raising the name of the family by dedicating your life.

Oh, this is real.

Sophia is, to the very core, Count Rigelhoff’s.

I wondered how he could follow that human this far.

“Shane said, the weapon-related documents were not sent by the lady...”

“I didn’t send it.”

“Is it because you knew it was a fake document? Did the ducal family imitate
the lady’s handwriting and send it because she didn’t send it?”

Uh? could you have thought so?

But I didn’t think that the Duke’s family had to do such a thing.

Their primary purpose in letting me see the fake document was to test me out,
not to attack the Rigelhoff family.
Even so, to avoid getting beaten up by Sophia, it might be better to say that I
didn’t send it because I thought it was a fake document.

But on the other hand, if you acted that way, you could be suspicious of Killian

‘Let’s only kill one Killian. Let’s do that properly.’

I replied, recalling ‘selection and concentration’ once again.

“I didn’t even think it was a fake document. Because I had no intention of

stealing it in the first place.”

As expected, Sophia’s gaze turned cold.

“Therefore... You mean you really made up your mind to betray your family.”

“I don’t know why this is a betrayal. Are you sure the Rigelhoffs will win if they
beat the Ludwig family? Even if ArchDuke Langston became emperor, do you
think he would give his father the title of Duke? Now, His Majesty’s throne is
secure, and the Ludwig duchy is stronger than the ArchDuchess of Langston.”

“You’re welcome. ArchDuke Langston has the Count in his favor, and sooner or
later the Emperor and the Duke Ludwig will fall.”

“Who is it? Father? Your father is really mistaken. It’s all just your wishes!”

It sounds like there was a pop.

Sophia, perhaps sensing the hint of sarcasm in my voice, came over and slashed
me in the back of the head.

“Is a vulgar sow arrogantly teasing her snout?”

Sophia gave up on her respect, spat out swear words at me, and started beating
the part covered by her clothes at random.

“Evil! Aww!”

It hurt more than I could have imagined.

I picked out and hit only the places that were painful but inconspicuous, enough
to make me wonder if those who learned were different.

I rebelled, but Sophia didn’t flinch like a man made of wood and stone.

Then, suddenly, he squeezed my throat and said.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 37


“If you want to betray, do it. If your years are useless, I will kill you and hold
the Ludwig family accountable.”

Even in the midst of tears welling up from the choked breath, I understood
Sophia’s meaning.

She should be able to make up enough to make it look like I was killed by
someone from the Dukedom, and she’ll grab the pod and persistently bite the
Duke Ludwig.

No one would imagine that Count Rigelhoff, who was famous for his daughter’s
care, would have killed my daughter.

‘So you pretended to love me outside.’

They were really nasty people.

To the extent that the Sinclair counts seem rather human.

The moment I was about to lose my mind, Sophia let go of my neck.

I choked like crazy and wrapped my arms around my aching neck.

“So, if you don’t want to die, do well as a pretty doll like you did before.”

Sophia’s voice was muffled.

But I didn’t have the slightest desire to give in to her.

Edith, who has been abused since childhood, may be afraid of Sophia, but I
know she can’t be the one who kills Edith.

In this world, only Killian Ludwig is set to kill Edith.

It wasn’t some extra that didn’t even explain how he died.

“You will regret it, Sophia.”

He said in a hoarse voice.

I thought he would hit me again, but Sophia just looked down at me with a
laughable look.


Killian was lost in thought, tinkering with the embroidery of a light gray bird
biting a laurel leaf.

After visiting the Ryzen estate, it happened to be the day before the annual
bazaar held by Countess Ermenia.

Actually, about it, ‘I’m tired, but I have to go there again tomorrow.’ It was just
an impression.

That is, until I heard the news my mother gave me.

“And Edith embroidered a bird on her handkerchief. Do you know what color it
“Can I know that? Is that an important issue?”

“Whoop whoop. It is the color of your eyes.”


“They put the numbers while thinking of you. Aren’t they so cute?”

It was a very unexpected answer.

The mother laughed as if it was funny, saying that Edith had told her not to tell
you about it, but Killian wondered what Edith had meant by saying that.

Maybe it was a trick to impress my mother.

And as soon as he arrived at the bazaar the next day, Killian knew that Edith,
Liese, and Cliff had all gone to the bazaar and followed him.

However, because he followed them too late, he witnessed Edith and Liese
returning from the tour.

Just as they were about to pretend to know, a group of women blocked Edith and
Liese’s path.

‘Countess Bryn? He went down to recuperate in the manor, so he must have


Although she was a wife famous for her vicious words, she had many followers
because of the prestige of Count Bryn and her caring personality.
However, the woman started a fight with Liese, saying that she was not an
illegitimate child or that she was a pet.

‘Is that woman crazy?’

He was about to approach him in anger, but Edith stepped forward to block the
trembling Liese.

“I can’t adapt to the social world these days. A countryman or something like
that stirs up the bazaar.”

At that bold provocation, even Killian said, ‘Whoops.’ I was surprised, but the
other side started making fun of Edith.

He was saying that he was just going out or that he was worse than Liese
because it was true, but the words that a woman said pierced Killian’s heart.

“So you heard that you are being ignored even by your own husband?”

It wasn’t a mistake. Even now, I didn’t think that I had to take care of Edith

But I couldn’t figure out why I felt guilty.

“I’ve heard rumors that the Ludwig family brought in a daughter-in-law they
didn’t like, but I thought it would be that much.”

“They were forcibly brought in by Count Rigelhoff.”

“Do you feel sorry for Killian?”

The words the women left behind were tied to Killian’s legs.

The words they uttered were like blades disguised as words. It wasn’t even a lie,
so it was a sharper weapon.

‘It’s all because Count Rigelhoff is greedy.’

Killian blamed the Rigelhoffs. Even so, he was nervous the moment he looked
away to check Edith’s expression.

However, unlike the frozen Killian, Edith took Liese and left without incident.

There was no anger, no shame, no contempt on her face.

Edith was not someone who could be hurt by mean words.

‘Was she such a strong person...?’

But suddenly, he remembered the woman who had said that she was hurt by the
words he had uttered.

Killian, who was watching Edith return to the Duke’s tent, tried to follow her,
but then turned around again.

At the bazaar event, Killian found three handkerchiefs that were clearly
embroidered by Edith.

‘Really... How to say... To put it mildly, it’s a simple skill.’

Among the splendid embroidered works, it was a simple work that was not
much different from that of young girls.

‘There shouldn’t be a disgrace where the goods from the Ludwig family’s
bazaar remain until the end.’

Thinking about that excuse, he bought three handkerchiefs Edith made on the
spot and stuffed them into his inside pocket.

And when I returned to the tent, the still beautiful Liese greeted me with a bright
smile, and Edith...

“I miss you, ah, no, did you have a good trip?”

Did you mean you wanted to see me?

No, it can’t be. She couldn’t have wanted to see me, who would only make nasty
comments about her whenever I met her face.

Besides, isn’t her husband ‘ignoring’ her to the extent that everyone else knows?

But the atmosphere at the bazaar was good.

The weather was nice, and it was nice to meet and greet my acquaintances after
a long time.

Edith, who laughed and sipped iced tea and picked up tea food, was also okay.

It seemed like there would be nothing I couldn’t live with if she behaved like
Perhaps it was because of that thought, he even said a few words to Edith
without much thought.

“More than the ones I wore before... Much better.”

“Yes? Madame Royal’s skill was quite good. You would be surprised to know
what this dress looked like.”

So I knew that the dress she was wearing was not new, but had been refurbished.

Right across the street, someone was complimenting Liese’s beauty and her new
dress ‘again’, but while Killian was sitting there, no one complimented Edith.

‘If only I hadn’t been able to manage my reputation...’

Yes. The reason why people ignore Edith is because Edith has not cared about
her own reputation.

However, when a group of other wives complimented Liese without even saying
hello to Edith, Killian had to admit that he was offended.

‘Anyway, she’s now my wife... Isn’t this ignoring me?’

Yes, it was because of that.

But just then, Edith woke up to fix her makeup and come back.

‘Are you in a bad mood?’

He didn’t even know she couldn’t stand it any longer and left because she was
being ignored to the point where it was embarrassing to see him from the side.

So I watched her go into the mansion and got up.

“Where are you going, Killian?”

Just as he was about to leave the tent, Liese gently grabbed the hem of his
clothes and asked.

At the same time, the eyes of the other wives also turned to him.

“Oh! The Lord Killian were also there! Long time no see.”

“My God, to have grown up so nicely, Mrs. Ludwig shouldn’t be worried.”

At other times, I would have greeted each one for the sake of reputation and
mother’s face.

However, since they had been trying to look good only to Cliff and Liese
without even paying attention to me and Edith, I didn’t feel very good about

“Excuse me, but my hands are sticky, so I need to wash them.”

Leaving only that remark, he hurried toward the mansion.

I entered the mansion and looked around to see where the women’s bathroom
was, and then I saw Edith’s reddish-brown hair outside the window.
She was with a blonde man.

‘No way, I don’t think she’s enjoying a tryst with another man with so many
eyes on her, right?’

Even Edith wouldn’t do something so embarrassing.

Even thinking so, Killian hurriedly came out of the mansion and sneaked toward
the corner where they had disappeared.

He didn’t even realize he was killing footsteps.

The man who had been dragging Edith pulled her over and whispered something
to her, then roughed her up.

And only then did Killian find out the man’s identity.

‘Shane Rigelhoff...?’

Shane glared at Edith with a grinning expression, then turned and walked away.

Even as he moved away, Edith stood still and trembled.

‘What did that bastard say?’

When I saw that she took out a handkerchief and touched her eyes, she must
have been crying.

However, Edith soon took a deep breath and took out a mirror to examine her
Then, with a strange face, she only raised the corner of her mouth with a smirk,
then put the mirror in with a tired expression and turned around.

Killian quickly took a few steps away and pretended to be there just in time for
her to turn the corner.

“I have been looking for a long time. Where the hell are you coming from?”

“Ah... The mansion is beautiful, so I wanted to see what it looked like on this

“There’s a lot for you to be curious about.”

As soon as they met, Killian noticed that one of her cheeks was flushed.

‘You mean Shane Rigelhoff hit Edith?’

It was unbelievable.

The family’s love for their daughter was a famous story in the social world.

However, when I thought of Shane’s unfamiliarly stern face and Edith’s red
cheek after meeting her, I couldn’t help but think of the result.

Even so, Edith continued the conversation lightly in a nonchalant voice.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 38



“No way, did you come looking for me on purpose?”

It was nonsense.

He sarcastically asked if he was excited about things like that when he got older,
but Edith said it as if she were going to disappear.

“It’s thrilling to have someone who cares about where I’ve disappeared. Isn’t

It seemed that Killian would never be able to forget her lonely expression.

However, her heart to soften toward Edith was stiffened by the words of Liese,
who came late and opened her mouth with difficulty.

“I don’t know if this is my mistake, but it was at Count Ermenia’s house


“What happened?”

“That is... I was passing by while talking with Cliff, and I definitely overheard
the successor of Count Rigelhoff talking about Duke Ludwig to Count

Liese wiggled her little hands before continuing with Killian’s request to talk in
more detail.

“It was really accidental, so I didn’t listen closely. It was such a short moment
that even Cliff couldn’t see it. However... I’m sure I heard the words of Duke
Ludwig and Edith’s name. Did he meet Edith yesterday?”

A cold feeling of uneasiness chilled the center of his chest.

And a few days later, from the morning, Shane brought a rather vicious maid,
and didn’t he dare to put that maid next to Edith?

‘Did we kiss in advance...’

It reminded me of Count Rigelhoff, who had been trying to get Edith a maid
before marriage.

Even at first glance, the maid Shane had brought was nothing like a normal

What kind of maid in the world could do such a depravity in front of the Duke’s

‘Edith could have complained about my situation to Shane. That’s why Shane,
angry at the Ludwig family, offered to attach her maid, and Edith might have
been moved and shed tears...’

As she said, the blushing of her cheeks may have been because of the sunlight.
Perhaps because of that suspicion, Edith’s many times saying no to it all seemed
like smoke.

Rumors of persecution of Edith had even spread, but there was no way not to
accept that maid.

‘If you keep an eye on it, you’ll know. Is Edith’s attitude acting or is it sincere?’

From the next day, Sophia became Edith’s exclusive maid, and the duchy
secretly increased the number of watchers around them.


It’s a thought I’ve had a few times in my previous life, but I have the thought
that living as an Edithor is far from every day.

‘It’s better to work.’

It wasn’t until the morning shift, when I could avoid Sophia’s watch, that I
finally caught my breath.

‘Besides, if you come to Linnon’s office, at least you can have tea and snacks!’

Originally, I didn’t enjoy refreshments when I was working, but since I was
hungry, I couldn’t see anything.

Because Sophia was starving me.

“Today, depending... The refreshments seem to suit your palate.”

Linnon said with a face that didn’t know what the hell he was thinking.

“Ah, haha, that, that’s right. It’s delicious today...”

I was about to eat all the cookies and madeleines on the plate, but out of
conscience, I left one for Linnon.

But it seems that I was looking at the nasty leftovers with anxious eyes.

“You can eat it all.”

“Uh? What about Linnon?”

“I don’t normally like sweets.”

Yep, that’s what it looks like.

They say that they deliberately look for bitter and tasteless things to eat.

But why does that face look so handsome today?

“Then... It’s a waste of me to leave behind...”

I ate the rest of the cookies and madeleines while adding such lame excuses.

‘Haa, I think I’ll buy some now.’

I barely filled my hungry stomach, but in fact, I wanted to eat meat and bread.
To be honest, I felt like I wouldn’t have a wish if I ate a bowl of hot soup.

Pork soup, cow head soup, bean sprout soup, sundae soup, oyster soup...

‘Ah, I’m going crazy.’

Just thinking about it made me salivate.

“Would you like more?”

Linnon asked how he knew I was just spitting.

However, baking flour that was only sweet was over.

“No. Then... Shall I work?”

But when that evening came, I regretted thinking about the cookies and
Madeleine that I couldn’t refill.

It was clear that I would not be able to eat even that since the next day I would
take a break from work for a few days.

“Isn’t it too mean to starve?”

He glared at Sophia and complained, but that only made her feel better.

“If you want to eat it, you have to prove its usefulness.”

“You treat people like animals?”

“Even a beast can recognize the ears of a horse if it is swollen to this extent. It
seems that the young lady is not even as good as a beast.”

“That’s funny. You may be my father’s dog, but I am a man. I have my own free

“I look forward to seeing how far that free will will go in the face of hunger.”

Sofia mocked me, then suddenly came up to me and grabbed my hair and shook
it wildly.

“Evil! Aww! Let go of this!”

After shaking for a while, Sophia let go of my head like throwing it onto a

“If you don’t like being beaten, you have to be docile.”

“Huh... Uh... Who is for you...”

“What really happened in between? He wasn’t that stupid... Tsk.”

I was hit more with sharp fists on my bones and spine, but Sophia was holding
my head on the pillow so I couldn’t even scream as much as I wanted.

But it was very strange.

In my previous life, I would never have considered myself brave enough to face
such violence, but now I never wanted to give in.
I wanted to stand up to the violence the Rigelhoffs inflicted on Edith.

I wanted to protect the self-esteem that Edith had to helplessly lose.

At least I knew they couldn’t kill me.

In fact, there was another reason besides that.

‘There’s no way the Duke’s family didn’t put guards around here.’

It was because of the belief that there must be someone watching somewhere.

Of course, no one knows what’s going on in this room, but mistakes happen in
the blink of an eye.

The guards might catch me pretending to sympathize with Sophia without even
realizing it.

‘Of course, that story will reach Killian’s ears. How much more will I have to
work to clear up that misunderstanding?’

Killian was the one holding my lifeline.

If I was misunderstood by him more than this, it seemed that I would not be able
to clear up the misunderstanding within a short period of time.

‘...I want to see Killian.’

When I thought of Killian, I missed him again.

I wanted to tell him all about my situation and beg him for help.

But, it seemed like I could hear the voice of the narrator from somewhere.

[Edith Riegelhoff cannot reveal hidden settings about himself until he meets the
three-step exception.]

Now it’s not enough to hear in dreams, do you even hear hallucinations?

‘I know, I know!’

I groaned as I lay face down on the bed and sighed.


Sophia let out a laugh as she beat Edith to her heart’s content.

‘What really happened? It seems like people have changed, right?’

I believed that no one knew Edith Riegelhoff better than I did.

It was because he was the one who had ‘disciplined’ and raised Edith from the
age of 12, living like a maid close to Edith.

However, the current Edith was not the Edith he knew.

‘Why did the kid who was trembling and obedient even with a single slap
suddenly change like that?’
Edith, who grew up being severely punished by Count Rigelhoff from a young
age, became infinitely weak in the face of violence.

If you hit her too much, she would shake her body out of hand, so outside it was
a matter of hitting her only as much as she could stand and tightening the leash.

But in just a few months, people change completely, and even after being beaten
like that, they roll their eyes and say arrogant things.

“Because she was so stupid, she forgot her owner. Tsk. I will have to train more
thoroughly in the future.”

She muttered in annoyance, but a smile filled with anticipation bloomed on her

In fact, Sophia felt the greatest joy and pleasure from beating Edith.

Being able to beat a noble lady mercilessly as a commoner mercenary was

something that satisfied her self-esteem.

‘It’s a bit annoying that it shouldn’t be visible on the outside, but...’

In order not to be discovered by the people of the Duke Ludwig, I had to pick
only the part that was covered by clothes and hit it just enough so that it
wouldn’t bleed, but then somehow the intensity was weaker. That was a bit

However, since humans have more than one vital point, there are many ways to
harass them without seeing blood.

‘Let’s see how long I can keep my cheeky face.’

Capturing the ridicule that spilled out, Sophia pretended to be a maid and went
down to the dining room to have dinner.

Then, at the stair landing, I ran into the rumored Liese Sinclair.

“Oh, hello? I heard you’re Edith’s new maid.”

“...Nice to see you. This is Sophia.”

“Your name is Sophia. Nice to meet you.”

The smile was spotless and bright.

As rumored, it was dazzlingly beautiful, but Sophia felt sick to her stomach.

‘A girl like a fox.’

For Sofia, Liese was on the same level as Edith, or even lower.

‘You’re like a lustful prostitute who seduces men with an innocent face!’

Otherwise, the always cool and rational Shane couldn’t have been so possessed.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 39



“Sophia. When you enter the Ludwig family, find out how Liese Sinclair is
doing, what she likes, and if there is anything special about it, and let me know
by letter. Don’t tell your father about this. Understand?”

The orders Shane secretly gave me floated around in my head.

When the little master she had admired for a long time brought up Liese’s name,
dyeing her ear lobe red, Sofia noticed that he had Liese in mind.

At that time, all I wanted to do was to tear apart Edith and the illegitimate
daughter of the Sinclair family.

I didn’t dare to covet the position of Shane’s wife. However, she couldn’t let her
illegitimate son, who was born on her maid’s boat, seduce Shane.

However, when she came to the Ludwig family, Liese was treated more than
expected, and her escort was at an impenetrable level.

Of course, it was not Sophia who would give up easily.

‘I’ll never leave that illegitimate bitch alone...‘’

Sophia, while sharpening her sword inwardly, bowed slightly to Liese and left in
front of him.

Then, casually passing by with a servant, he was quickly handed a small note.
— The territory that Killian Ludwig will receive is Ryzen.

It is unknown whether he will take Edith with him.

Another mercenary planted in the Ludwig family was paying for his meal

‘Even this ignoramus pays for food, but Edith is still so useless, Won. That’s
why I don’t have the right to eat, and that’s why my husband ignores me.’

When I thought of Edith, I just felt pathetic.

Even though I was confident that I would do much better if they gave me the
status of the count’s daughter.

Sophia felt pity for my situation of having to call those lesser than me lady, and
took Edith’s meal for me to eat. While thinking about how to make fun of the
starving Edith today.


After five days of starvation, all I could think of was something to eat in the

However, because Linnon was away on a business trip for several days, they
couldn’t even get refreshments.


Sophia took my meal and I ate it all in front of me.

Even that alone makes me angry, but she deliberately scratched my insides even

I threw the piece of bread I ate last night on the floor and said.

“If you’re really hungry, do you eat that?”

Honestly, if Sofia wasn’t watching, I might have actually picked it up and eaten

But it wasn’t my pride that was about to collapse.

“How can a man eat what a dog used to eat?”

At that, Sophia also laughed for a long time. I heard that a girl who is not as
good as a dog is uselessly stubborn.

Anyway, I thought that if I was humiliated like that for lunch today, I would
pick up some bread without even realizing it, so Sofia ran out of the room while
Sophia went to get a meal.

Everyone was busy preparing meals, and the smell of food was vibrating

I searched for a place where I could not smell as much as possible, and then I
remembered the Great Hall and headed there.

‘Hungry... Hungry...’

It wasn’t that he didn’t think about hiding somewhere else and calling another
maid to bring him something to eat.
In fact, on the first evening, I used that method while laughing at Sophia.

I did, but when I went back to my room, Sofia forced me to vomit all of it.

Toxic year.

When I vomited up, my stomach hurt so much that the memory of moaning all
night still lingers like a trauma.

When I went to the Great Hall, the smell of grass and flowers masked the smell
of food, so it was much better.

As I was walking around like that, something caught my attention.

‘And... That pie looks delicious...’

A peach pie that looked like it was freshly baked was placed on a table.

How beautifully the sugar water was baked, the smooth surface made it look
even more appetizing.


Unknowingly, I was just staring at the pie, and I was startled when someone
called me.

“Edith! Why are you doing that?”

It was Liese.
The moment she thought why Liese was here, she could see her surroundings

Liese, Cliff, and Killian, who had eaten lunch a little earlier, were about to have
tea and dessert on the balcony of the great hall.

I was passing in front of it, and I was standing there staring at the pie...

‘I think we can do a disgrace here before Killian cuts his throat...?’

Since I hadn’t eaten, my head wasn’t spinning, and I couldn’t think of anything
to explain my actions just now.

“If you have eaten, would you like to have tea together?”

Liese asked kindly, but I shook my head, recalling the nightmare of vomiting.

“Just... I just looked at it because I thought it was already peach season.”

“Oh, I see...”

I looked at Pie again and my eyes met Killian’s.

As if he was pathetic, he frowned and doubled my shame.

“I-I’ll just go back. I was just taking a walk.”

I was sad to be hungry, but being treated like a beggar made me feel like crying,
so I hurried back to my room.
But maybe the look in my eyes wasn’t serious, so around three o’clock a maid
came to my room with a peach pie.

“Lady Liese sent it.”

It was the peach pie I had been staring at before.

The sweet smell of peaches quickly filled the room.

‘I’m sure I’ll eat that myself.’

While I was trying to get rid of my lingering thoughts while thinking about that,
Sophia, who had turned her back to me and was thinking about something for a
long time, suddenly set a table for refreshments.

Then he served hot tea with a piece of peach pie and told me to eat it.

“If I continue to starve like this, I’m sure someone will suspect me. So, I will
allow you this much.”

Then he even left the room to eat comfortably.

“He... Why is this suddenly...?”

At first, it was absurd, but when I thought about it, Sofia seemed to be good at
using her brain.

It’s not because I haven’t eaten, so I’m getting really dizzy.

My pride was still hurt, but I thought we could compromise on this level, so I
gulped down the peach pie.

It was as delicious as I had imagined.

‘I think my favorite fruit from now on will be peaches.’

Even thinking about that, I was sweeping my stomach, which was not enough,
but I was still able to avoid dying of hunger. After a while, I felt a pain like
squeezing my stomach.

“Ah...! Oh, what is this... Ah!”

It hurt.

It hurt terribly.

My stomach ached so much that my eyes turned yellow, and I broke out in a
cold sweat, and my limbs trembled.


Unable to walk to the bed, I fell to the floor, but struggled with the pain as if
something sharp had stabbed me in the stomach.

After waiting on the floor for a long time, when my mind became hazy, an
episode from the original story came to mind.

‘No way... The poisoned cake incident...?’

It was Edith putting poison that caused stomach pain in the cake Liese sent as a
gift and performing a self-play.

‘I didn’t put any poison in it...’

But the mystery was quickly cleared.

The door opened in the distance, and Sophia came in, and she wasn’t at all
surprised to see me down.

‘Sure, damn it...’

By the time my vision went completely dark, I could vaguely hear Sophia

“Kyaaaagh! Miss! Wake up! Miss!”


How lost were you?

I slowly opened my eyes feeling that the surroundings were bustling.

Sophia’s voice pierced her eardrums.

“How can you be like that, Miss Liese! Did you hate my lady enough to want to
poison yourself?”

“Oh no! I never did! I just sent it because I thought Edith would like it!”
“Yeah, you liked it. She said that Miss Liese sent it, and how happy she was.
But while I was out for a while, the lady... Hehe...”

As expected, Sophia was accusing Liese of being the culprit.

Yes, that scene is perfectly original story. Even if Killian is a bit different from
the original work, my express train to kill has not stopped yet.

But I couldn’t give up. I finally realized that the original story could be different,
but I couldn’t go back to the starting point.

My stomach still hurts, but I had to stop Sophia’s scheme somehow.

“Cow... Pia...”

When I finally called Sophia, everyone’s surprised eyes turned to me.

Even in the midst of that, I was happy to find Killian. Still, I must have come to
see that I fell down.

No, did Liese come because she was accused of being the culprit...?

Anyway, I had to put a stop to this situation.

“Miss! Are you all right? Are you in a lot of pain? You’re not feeling well right
now, so don’t force yourself to talk. Hehe, my poor little girl...”

Sophia came to me with a teary face, like someone who couldn’t live without
But her gaze was clearly closer to ‘Shut up!’ I’m not the one to shut up though.

“Liese... What did you do... I’m just, kinda... It’s just pretending.”

“Yes? It’s just pretend! Miss, you even vomited blood!”


Are you saying that you just fed me a poison that would make me vomit blood?

Ah, pissed off...

Even if I can’t avoid the future of being decapitated by Killian, I will definitely
kill you!

I clenched my teeth and said with the most pitiful expression on my face.

“I just felt a little bad. So, fuss... Don’t smoke.”

Then, without giving Sophia a chance to say anything, she spoke to Liese.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 40


“I’m sorry, Liese. I heard harsh words because of me... I’m really, really fine.”


Liese came up to me and took my hand.

Killian’s eyes were narrowed and his expression seemed to gauge my intentions.

Yes, even at first glance, it must be suspicious that I insisted that I was fine.

“I can’t believe it.”

Sure enough, Cliff didn’t get over it easily.

He seemed displeased that Liese was accused of attempted poisoning.

Cliff looked at Sophia and me coldly before calling a few maids.

Then I ordered the maids to search my room like teeth.

“What, what are you doing!”

Sophia jumped up in surprise, but she couldn’t stop Cliff’s ferocious spirit.

But honestly, I wasn’t too worried. The poison must have been put in by Sophia,
and there’s no way such poison could be found in my room...
“What is this?”

...I don’t have it, but it seems kind of messed up.

In his hand was a small vial of clear potion. At first glance, suspiciously, the
bottle had a paper with a picture of a skull attached to it.

‘No matter what anyone says, that’s poison. It’s clear.’

Just because he’s Cliff, there’s no way he wouldn’t know that. And Cliff’s eyes
were on me.

“That... My stuff... It is not.”

“Interesting. So who would have hidden something like this inside the porcelain
decorations in your room?”

Cliff questioned me while waving the small vial in front of me with a sneer.

His mouth was smiling, but his eyes seemed like he was going to choke me at
any moment.

But fortunately, Liese clung to him.

“Cliff! Edith is a patient. What are you doing to the patient!”

“But Liese!”

“Edith is not your thing. Why are you blaming the victim, Edith? And it could
just be a lotion or an emergency medicine.”
Liese was defending me diligently, but I was convinced that the one with Cliff
was the German I ate.

Sophia’s face is nervous like never before.

‘Did you put it in this room again? Ugh... Who is stupid?’

I’d rather just throw it outside.

Well, that’s why the episode won’t progress.

When it becomes difficult to find the bottle and it is difficult to determine the
owner of the bottle, the episode becomes too long, so the writer must have tried
to solve it simply like this.

I let out a long sigh and closed my eyes.

Even Killian’s gaze at me was too much for me now.

And by the afternoon of the next day, it turned out that what was in the vial was
poison that caused stomach pain and vomiting.

Well, it was expected, but the future was bleak.

Cliff was angry that I had staged a self-made play to put the blame on Liese, and
everyone other than Cliff had no choice but to suspect me.

“Isn’t it crazy to search the room right away? Annoying...”

Sophia, the culprit behind all this, was annoyed by my side.

“You pretend to be smart, but you can’t do anything right.”

I grinned at Sophia while lying on the bed, and Sophia glared at me with fierce
eyes and then punched me in the stomach.


My stomach, which had even squeezed blood, felt like it would break through.

“If you climb one more time, I will kill you.”

Perhaps this failure herself was painful, Sophia lost her usual composure and
became angry with me.

Then, curled up like a shrimp, he left the room, leaving me alone in agony.

“Ugh... Sob, heuk...”

I felt like my stomach was twisted because I had poisoned my body after
starving for several days.

Having suffered from leukemia in a previous life, I thought I could endure the
pain, but it wasn’t.

Pain is always new.

“It hurts... Ah...”

I couldn’t pinpoint exactly where the pain was.

It felt like my stomach hurt, my back hurt, my heart hurt, and my heart hurt.

Just then, the door opened and someone strode forward.

“Are you in severe pain?”

It was Killian.

I took a deep breath and nodded slightly.

But what came back was not sympathy, but bruising.

“Then why did you take the poison and eat it...! Don’t you know it’s

He also seemed to believe that I had staged a play.

It’s the same thing every time, but this time I couldn’t help but say it.

“I am not. I never did.”

“Then who the hell...!”

“I am not! Sorry!”

Tears flowed as I felt the sharp pain.

I wanted to hold back my tears because I was afraid that he would make fun of
me for acting, but I couldn’t control it because it hurt so much.

I was so used to enduring the pain alone, but just because I was used to it, it
wasn’t okay.

‘If only I could die like this...’

The thought of wanting to end everything like this tormented me again. It was
an impulse that I had been fighting against all my life.

I pulled the blanket and buried my face in it, feeling that I couldn’t stand it if
Killian criticized me any more.

“If you don’t have anything to say... Go back.”

He stood still there for a long time, and eventually turned around and left.

There was the sound of a door closing and the room fell into silence.

I’m not too funny

Pretending to be strong, I asked him to leave, but when he left, it felt like my
heart was ripped in tatters.


After returning from Edith’s room, Killian was confused.

It was undeniable that this incident was Edith’s own play.

If Cliff hadn’t searched Edith’s room and found the bottle of poison with that
animal instinct, Liese would have been misunderstood as trying to poison Edith,
no matter how fine Edith was.

It seemed that the peaceful atmosphere of the bazaar was broken in an instant.

However, the reason I couldn’t blindly hate Edith was because of what the
doctor who examined her said.

“Your body is too weak. You should take good care of your medicine for the
time being.”

At first, I thought it was because he was weak because he took poison.

However, when asked again, the doctor gave an answer he could not have

“It looks like you’ve been starving for a few days.”


“It’s not exact, but it seems to me. There are a lot of young ladies who recklessly
starve to lose weight, and their situation is similar.”

I couldn’t believe it.

It was because he knew how well Edith eats, even if he didn’t know anything
“It doesn’t seem like she starved for a long time, but since hse swallowed the
poison while she hadn’t eaten, it’s more lethal than if she swallowed it while she
was healthy. She will be in pain for a while.”

“Approximately! Is there any medicine that will relieve the pain?”

“There is also a pain reliever in the medicine we prescribe, but only when it is to
a certain extent. Now you just have to be patient. Warming the stomach will
help a little.”

It was absurd.

The fact that he had been poisoned after starving for days made him angry, apart
from the fact that he was trying to frame Liese.

‘Are you stupid or toxic? Then what if I die!’

Killian was very angry and called Edith’s maid, Sophia, to question him.

At first, Sofia, who said that Edith eats well every day, confessed that she was
starving herself to lose weight only when she told her the doctor’s diagnosis.

“Will you lose weight?”

“My lady gained a lot of weight after getting married. In the meantime, she
seems to have been unaware of even the lady herself, but she said that she
should lose weight because I told you...”

It is said that he gained a lot of weight after marriage, but no matter how much
he remembered, Killian couldn’t recall where and how Edith had changed.
However, the current Edith did not gain enough weight to lose weight. Rather,
places like the nape of the neck and collarbone look too skinny, so it’s

‘Where the hell is there a place to remove it!’

Besides, it’s nice to see how well he eats...

Then, suddenly, I thought of Edith, who was sitting quietly alone at the bazaar.

‘Did you feel embarrassed when you heard people complimenting only Liese at
the bazaar? So, to lose weight...?’

Before marriage, despite being rumored to be a villainess, she was a woman

who received the attention of society.

The person who did that was treated cold food in an instant, so it was only
natural to miss the attention of others.

‘Perhaps I drank poison because I wanted attention rather than trying to frame

If that was the case, it would be really pathetic.

If I had starved for a few days, I would have known that I was not feeling well,
but the thought of swallowing poison made me even feel scared.

‘But I can’t let my father incur his wrath like this!’

Duke Ludwig was furious with the suspicion that Edith had tried to harm Liese
even by swallowing poison.
It was natural.

The Duke and his wife promised to keep Liese safe while rescuing Liese, who
was living under severe persecution in the Sinclair family.

However, another threat to her arose within the Ludwig family.

Killian let out a long sigh.

‘I have to buy sympathy somehow and calm my father’s anger. Otherwise, he

won’t let Edith go unnoticed this time.’

Killian, who was worried, headed to Edith’s room.

Since she seems to have opened up to me a little, I thought I’d try to convince
my father to be honest and ask for forgiveness.

But as soon as I entered Edith’s room, I saw her curled up in agony.

The hand that was holding the sheet so tightly that it turned white was shaking.

“Are you in severe pain?”

I hurriedly approached and checked, but Killian couldn’t help either.

The doctor said that for the time being, even if he took medicine, he would feel
sick to his stomach, so this was the only pain Edith had to endure.
Killian got angry without even realizing it because his sick and thin body was

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 41



“Then why did you take the poison and eat it...! Don’t you know it’s

It felt like my stomach was being torn apart.

I couldn’t understand why she did this when she was going to be in so much

However, Edith said she was not the culprit until the end even though she shed

“I am not!”

Oddly enough, I felt as though I was constantly hearing from her the plea that it
was not her.
‘If you see that even in the state of evidence, you claim that it is not like that, is
it really not? But then who the hell would do this!’

While surrounded by such suspicions, Edith covered herself with a blanket as if

trying to hide her tears and said in a weary voice.

“If you don’t have anything to say... Go back.”

Killian realized then.

Edith didn’t look at him.

She didn’t expect anything from him.

It always has been like that.

Killian was kind of upset about that.

‘I’d rather you tell me everything and hang on me! Don’t you know that I’m the
only one who can help you right now? Or is it because I’m not trustworthy?’

I wasn’t sure if this was anger or something else. He didn’t know whether this
feeling was for Edith or for himself.

I wanted to say something more, but I couldn’t think of what to say.

In the end, he had no choice but to come back with his molars clenched.

With only indefinable feelings for Edith...


It was Liese who saved me.

“Edith couldn’t have done that.”

“But it’s got the same poison that she ate!”

“Edith says you don’t know. If Edith really wanted to frame me as the culprit,
why would he say he pretended as soon as he woke up?”

“I guess that would make him look innocent.”

“In the first place, Edith, who is the real daughter of the count and has already
become Killian’s wife, would have wanted to harm me because she felt sorry for
her? It makes no sense.”

It seemed like that kind of argument had come and gone, but the people in this
family, who couldn’t openly say ’Because Killian loves you!’, couldn’t break
Liese’s opinion.

In addition, Liese drove a wedge into their conscience with words that pierced
their conscience.

“Edith is not feeling well right now, but it’s too cruel to push her against things
that aren’t clear! Edith is just a girl the same age as me!”

In the end, the people of the duchy decided to take a step back.

I believed that I was the culprit, but out of respect for Liese’s opinion, I decided
not to punish or hold me guilty.
In fact, what I was most curious about when I received this information from
Sofia was Killian’s reaction, but I couldn’t ask Sofia about it.

Anyway, after getting out of the crisis thanks to Liese, I felt sorry for doubting

‘No matter how much, I was almost accused of poisoning because of me, but it’s
a great mercy. After all, he’s the main character.’

In fact, in the original work, it went like this, and it was concluded that Edith
was the culprit, and Edith, who was actually the culprit, apologized to Liese and
barely escaped being kicked out.

I didn’t poison myself, but this situation caused by Sofia made me look like the

However, Liese embraced me for not even apologizing, and thanks to that, I was
able to return to my daily life without much questioning.

‘Okay. It might be because of my jealousy that Liese looked suspicious all this

I tried not to pay attention to Liese, but as I was constantly being compared and
discriminated against, it seemed that I hated Liese without even realizing it.

I could understand now that Liese seemed to be accusing me of being the culprit
of the leaked documents. From her point of view, I was suspicious enough.

‘How could a heroine in this world harm a villain like me? She was self-
conscious about me.’
I felt grateful to Liese for making this event unprecedented. If it wasn’t for
Liese, he might have had to stay locked up in this room for another few months.

It would have been enough to last for a few months, but the problem was that
there was not much time left before my throat ran away.

Sophia was there too.

‘I’ll have to get along well with Liese.’

Having made that resolution, I cautiously asked Killian, who stopped by a few
days later to check on my condition.

“Liese... What do you like?”

“Why do you ask that?”

“Anyway, since I’m not being framed, I thought I should give you something.”

Killian’s gaze at me shook for some reason.

Come to think of it, it was a bit surprising that Killian came to visit me.

It’s good, but I’m a little worried about doing something I’m not used to.

“If that’s the case, well... I will probably sleep.”

“Are you sleeping?”

“Yes. I like reading and embroidering, but if I’m going to give a gift, I think
embroidering would be better. There are many things to present.”

“Ah, I guess.”

After answering, I was stunned inside.

It wasn’t because I really had any special intentions that I had to repay Liese.

However, even that was influenced by the flow of the original work.

In the original work, Edith gave Liese an embroidery needle set as a gift of

Of course, with a lot of poison.

‘So, how did it go?’

The original Edith wasn’t too stupid, so it wasn’t fatal poison.

After applying the poison that poisons him little by little, he secured an alibi
while watching Liese gradually weaken.

‘But in the end, the poisoned embroidery needle was discovered by Cliff, who
thoroughly investigated everything Liese encountered.’

My stomach was drying up, but Killian went out saying that he would call a
handicraft dealer right away.
And after a while, the handicraft merchant called by Killian laid out all sorts of
things and suggested this and that.

“How about this? This is a high quality embroidery needle set. I have sold
dozens of sets of these, and those who have used them once are so good that I
recommend these needles to others.”

Why did I pick up a needle in the first place!

“No needles!”


“Oh, no, that... It’s too small! Still, it’s a gift, but it should look like something.
I-what is that?”

I quickly turned the merchant’s gaze to the other side.

“Ah! This is good too! This is an embroidery thread set imported from Suitan
Kingdom. It is made from the finest cashmere wool. You have good eyesight.”

“I’ll do it with that!”

It was quite expensive because there were so many colors and a lot of thread, but
I bought it and wrapped it myself without thinking it was a waste at all.

‘This will do nothing. There’s no way you’ll get stabbed by a thread.’

I didn’t know what I would do if I left it to Sophia, so I went straight to Liese

after buying and wrapping the yarn.
“Edith! Is your body okay now? I still have a bad complexion...”

“It doesn’t hurt much anymore. Rather... I heard that Liese put a lot of effort into
her efforts for me. Thank you very much.”

“It’s only natural! Edith is just a victim too.”

Seeing her worrying about my physical condition first, I sincerely hoped that I
could get to know her in my heart.

“This... It’s nothing special, but it’s my little sincerity.”

“You don’t have to worry about this...!”

Liese seemed taken aback after receiving my gift.

“Thanks to you, I didn’t go through hardships, so that’s a natural gift. Just

accept it, Liese.”

Killian, who was sitting in Liese’s room, gave a hateful answer.

Did you come in advance and wait because I was afraid that I might say
something harsh to Liese?

“Killian. I knew from before that I was on good terms with Liese, but it’s rude
for her to sit in the lady’s room.”

“Sit down and...?”

“I’m sorry, Liese. My husband is a little bit, because he doesn’t know how to get
in and out.”

You don’t know too much how to get in and out of Liese.

At those words, Liese burst out laughing, and Killian laughed as if it were

But the atmosphere wasn’t bad. To the point where you’re mistaken that you can
make a good relationship like this.


However, things did not go the way I had hoped. It seems like it’s always been
that way, though.

The damn ‘flow of the original work’ broke out the incident as if it was anxious
to drive me into a villain again this time.

It was evening, a few days after the gift of embroidery thread to Liese.

Suddenly, my door burst open, and Killian, who was contemplative, jumped in.

“Edith Ludwig! What the hell have you done!”

I was grateful for his sudden appearance, as I was about to get hit by Sofia when
I was smirking, but I couldn’t understand a word he was saying.

“Killian? What the hell is going on? What’s wrong?”

Killian paused when he saw me asking the question.

“Edith. You’re going to say no this time, right?”

“Yes? What? You have to explain everything to me so I can answer!”

He said, holding my shoulders roughly.

“Liese has fallen!”

“Yes? Are you Liese? Why?”

“I got poisoned while embroidering with the embroidery thread you gave me as
a gift.”


This time, I was also very surprised.

Because it can’t be.

“Nonsense! What do you mean? I bought the thread from a handicraft merchant,
wrapped it up on the spot, and carried it myself. In the meantime, no one has
touched it!”

“So you didn’t ask? What the hell have you been doing?”

My head was dizzy.

Does that mean that the flow of the original work changed the normal thread
into a poisoned thread even if I didn’t do anything?

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 42



‘No, it can’t be. If that’s the case, it doesn’t make sense to change the details.
Someone poisoned it!’

But why did it have to be the embroidery thread I gave you? Why did you have
to accuse me of being the culprit?

“Killian. Right now I’m doubtful, but think soberly. I... How can you be that

Killian didn’t say anything either, but he seemed to be barely holding back his
anger as he clenched his molars.

You have to calmly convince Killian.

“Do you think I would do something like that in a situation where everyone is
suspicious of me because of the peach pie incident?”
Killian didn’t agree with me.

Well, I can’t believe this situation right now, but others are shocked.

“I want to believe in you too. But how many times has this been done? Can’t
you keep me from doubting you?”

At that moment, a good idea came to my mind.

Because Killian’s wishes were exactly the same.

“I don’t want to be suspicious either! So please give me more maids to watch

over me. Will that work?”

Sure enough, Sophia looked at her with fearful eyes before interjecting.

“Miss! Surveillance!”

“Even so, I will prove my innocence! Besides, there is no surveillance. Because

I didn’t do anything wrong. From my point of view, it is just an increase in the
number of maids.”

I can hear Sophia grinding her teeth from here.

Hmph! How long did you know that I would be swayed by you?

“Killian. I’m begging you. Please don’t doubt me without even doing that. If
nothing changes, I have no choice but to doubt the Duke.”

“Then good. Let’s call Anna back right now.”

“Great. Thanks for doing me a favor, Killian.”

Killian wouldn’t know at this moment how much I appreciate him.

I can finally escape from Sophia’s violence!

Killian sat down and called the butler to reassign Anna to me.

He may have called Anna right away, thinking that I would be planning
something with Sophia if he left for even a moment, but for me, it was to avoid
Sophia’s assault, which could happen in a matter of seconds.

‘Thank you very much, Killian.’

I thanked Killian several times in my heart for unintentionally saving me.

But the problem remained. Because I was still the biggest suspect in Liese’s

“Have you checked out the handicraft merchant?”

“I should have caught it by now. But would he have tried to poison a random
person? Who lives off of it?”

“Well, yes... After I gifted the thread to Liese, did no one have access to it?”

“If I were to say that the people who came in and out of Liese’s room were
Liese’s close maid, Cliff, me, and mother. There was a time when Liese’s room
was empty, but it’s too short a time to think that she’s found the embroidery
thread and even applied the poison.”
“But it’s not completely impossible. Yes? Maybe liquid poison was sprayed
over the embroidery basket.”

Killian looked like he didn’t like it, but he didn’t object.

“Killian. Again, I am absolutely not. If, by any chance, I decided to hurt

someone, I wouldn’t do something that would get noticed right away.”

“That is a very tense declaration.”

“You can be nervous. Anyway, I can’t help but feel that someone is trying to
harm Liese safely by using me as a scapegoat.”

Then, Killian finally looked at me with eyes other than suspicion.


“The Count Sinclair.”

As expected, Killian’s eyes grow cold at the name Sinclair.

I had been busy taking care of myself and had forgotten about it, but Liese
Sinclair’s main enemy was not me, but the Count Sinclair family.

Especially her half-brothers and sister, who were no more beautiful or smarter
than their illegitimate daughter Liese.

“I’ve heard rumors too, but I heard that the half-brothers in that house aren’t
very friendly to Liese.”

“I heard that they tried to harm Liese many times before.”

“I don’t know what kind of rumors are going around.”

“But you can’t argue.”

Killian shut up.

Then I paused for a beat and spoke in a coy voice.

“Haven’t they been too quiet all this time?”


“And the Count Sinclair don’t get along very well with the Count Rigelhoff

Killian nodded slightly.

“If Liese dies or gets seriously injured and I get punished or expelled because of
that... The Count Sinclair must be very happy. Isn’t it?”

“I guess so.”

“And you can’t bet that among the many servants of this mansion, there won’t
be a single spy from the Count Sinclair family, right?”
“That... In the meantime, it sounds like Rigelhoff’s spy is also involved.”

“There are also people from the Ludwig family in the Rigelhoff family, right?
Don’t think I don’t know that much, it hurts my pride.”

Our eyes met.

His eyes seemed to be burning for some reason, but I had no intention of being
pushed away from here either.

“At first, to be honest, I doubted that the duchy would frame me and disgrace
the Rigelhof family.”

“How could we do such a mean thing! I can say on my honor that it never

“You’re upset that you were suspected for a moment, right? Even though I said I
would risk my life, you didn’t believe me. Can you imagine how I felt?”

His brow twisted.

Still, I’m glad he didn’t cover it up and criticize or ignore it.

“But don’t worry. I also believe in you and the Duke. To be more honest, I don’t
think you’ll ever feel that I’m worth the effort.”

“You were surprisingly self-objective person.”

After all, I don’t give up obediently.

“The term self-objectification is not used for such things. Anyway, I thought
about it in many ways while lying down this time. Who the hell is doing this...
And the conclusion I have reached is the Count Sinclair.”

“It’s a pretty plausible guess, but I don’t know if my father and older brother
will fully agree.”

“I understand. To be honest once again, I’m doing this because I don’t want to
be suspicious of Liese rather than them. I don’t want to be remembered as the
person who gave me the poisoned thread as a thank you.”

At those words, Killian opened his eyes wide as if he was a little surprised.

“Don’t you hate Liese?”

“What? Why me?”

“You all know what I think of Liese, don’t you? Besides, everyone praises Liese
rather than you...”

You know very well that I owe a duck egg to the Nakdonggang River.

To be honest, I don’t know if I was a little jealous in the past, but now I’m not at

You’re the heroine who might save my life. Why am I?

Anyway, now I had to strongly appeal that I wasn’t jealous of Liese.

“Killian. Do I look like someone who would beg for your love or the praise of
others? Even doing such a bothersome thing?”
Killian seemed at a loss for words.

Yeah, it’s the first time I’ve been so shameless.

But when I said this, I really felt like a ‘strong older sister’ and my courage and
self-esteem rose.

While I was bluffing, I raised my chin a little more.

“I am Edith Ludwig. Do you think I’ll be jealous of an other woman just

because I want a man’s love? Don’t get me wrong.”

I can’t believe the day will come when I can say these lines in my life!

My whole body is thrilled.

I feel pretty cool now!

But then Killian suddenly put his hand on the back of my head.

‘What? Are you going to grab my hair?’

I’ve been beaten by Sofia lately, and when a hand reaches my head, I get
nervous without realizing it.

But Killian put his hand on the back of my head and held it firmly, then kissed
me straight away.

Contrary to his rough attitude, his lips were surprisingly soft on my lips, and
then, in between, he slipped his tongue between them.

I felt cautious enough to get out if I rebelled.

But I couldn’t resist kissing him.


I was surprised for a moment, but I was helplessly caught up in his kiss.

It was really strange to feel only the sweetness of someone else’s lips and

When I didn’t push him away, he moved deeper into me, and there was nothing
I could do but hold on to his shirt.

It was a feast of hot, giddy, sweet sensations.


“Ha ha ha...”

He continued the slow kiss for a long time, and he finally let me go when I was
out of breath.

I managed to control my hazy mind and looked up at him.

“This... What does it mean?”

Even to my question, Killian, who had been looking at me from corner to
corner, gave a short answer.

“Just. I want to. I just wanted to do it.”


“Anyway, I will share your opinion with my father and older brother. I sincerely
hope that you are not guilty.”

Killian picked up those words and got up and left.

“What, what...?”

It was absurd.

He still doesn’t seem to trust me, but there have been times when I’ve felt subtly
given away after a night we impulsively spent together.

Even that alone made me think it was a big step forward, but such a sudden

It was absurd and surprising, but to be honest... It was great.

When it comes to the leading role in romance, this kind of technique seems to be
standard equipment.

He must have been a virgin who hadn’t even kissed until he did it with me.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 43



“This... Are you hopeful?”

I don’t know how much I penetrated into Killian’s mind.

His heart must still be filled with Liese, and I’m probably just a foreign object
that bothers me.

But that little attention could save my life.

‘This and that is annoying, suspicious, and annoying, but I just need enough
attention and affection to think that killing is too much! Just give me that much

I don’t even want a bigger interest.

Praying for such a small wish, I welcomed Anna. The rotten face of Sophia
coming in after him was electrifying.

As Edith was enjoying an evening free from beatings, a discussion was going on
in Duke Ludwig’s office.

“Of course, as the woman said, the Count Sinclair has been quiet lately. But
that’s just speculation.”

“The idea that Edith is the culprit is just speculation. Besides, like Edith said,
it’s so instantaneous. Edith isn’t stupid enough to do something that would make
him the culprit right away.”

“But no one else has ever touched that embroidery thread.”

“It’s just that we couldn’t find the culprit, brother! Did you suddenly become an
idiot because it’s Liese’s job?”

Killian seemed to be able to understand Edith’s feelings a little.

No matter how plausible logic he refuted, Cliff never stopped doubting Edith.

If Edith is the culprit because no one else has touched the embroidery thread,
then why is Edith the culprit when no one else has been found to have poisoned

Cliff looked as if he had been brainwashed.

“Anyway, I don’t think this is Edith’s work. You don’t know who came in and
did this while Liese’s room was empty.”

“Even if it was, why did it have to be that embroidery thread?”

“Liese must have poisoned something that could be touched! If it’s an
embroidery thread, it’s something that you can touch for a long time, so you
might think it’s suitable!”

“Isn’t it too much of a jump?”

“Accusing Edith as the culprit because the embroidery thread she gave you was
poisoned is a serious jump. Besides, you said you obtained poison and applied it
to avoid the eyes of the watchers we placed around Edith? Are the Ludwig
family watchers so incompetent?”

Killian was frustrated with his brother, but his persuasion was not in vain.

Whatever Cliff might have been, Duke Ludwig slowly shattered the confidence
that had wrapped around his thoughts like a hard shell.

“There is a point in Killian’s words. It’s hard to believe that Edith or the child’s
maid got her poison away from her watchful eye.”

“The maid named Sophia could have brought it in.”

“Since the peach pie incident, the maid’s luggage has already been thoroughly
checked. She may not know the maid.”

In the end, Cliff also took a step back.

And Liese, who heard the story, also sided with Edith.

“Couldn’t Edith, who must have had a hard time recovering from her aching
body? Besides, when I delivered the gift, Killian was also in my room. There’s
no way Edith would have casually given such a terrible thing in front of
Looking at Liese, whose lips were still blue, Cliff clenched his molars.

“Edith, the woman raised suspicion that the Sinclairs were trying to harm you by
framing her. She has no evidence, but I think she needs to investigate.”

At those words, Liese weakly shook her head.

“I don’t want the Duke’s manpower to be wasted because of me. Fortunately,

the treatment is going well.”

“Liese. It’s about taking your life. I can’t just get over it.”

“Cliff... Me, it’s so hard Can’t we just bury it?”

As the water formed over Liese’s blue eyes, Cliff felt a pain as if his heart were

If I could, I would have wanted to capture Edith and torture her by feeding her
the painful poison just enough to keep her from dying.

However, he was also afraid that Liese would continue to suffer if he continued
digging into this matter.

“If that’s what you mean... Okay.”

“Thank you, Cliff.”

“But I promise you. If other evidence is found... At that time, I will do my best
to find the culprit.”
Liese had no choice but to promise to do it for Cliff, who seemed distressed
because he couldn’t find the culprit right away.


Layla grinned as she read the letter from the spy planted in the Ludwig family.

— Miss Liese collapsed from being poisoned by the poison on the embroidery
thread, and it is said that Miss Edith gave it as a gift.

It is believed that the second method was used after the self-made play of
poisoning the pie given by Miss Liese and eating it failed.

Not only the Duke, but also Cliff and Killian were very angry.

After reading the letter, Layla narrowed her eyes and murmured.

“Liese, that girl has a long rope. Just don’t die.”

It seemed that Edith’s efforts to develop hatred for Liese by using the people
around her were finally paying off.

I thought it was amazing when I heard that she tried to frame Liese by mixing
poison with the peach pie sent by Liese, but as soon as that failed, she
immediately tried to retaliate, like Edith the Villain.

Just then, Damian entered Layla’s room.

“Why did you call again today?”

As soon as she read Hanson’s letter, Layla sent a maid to call Damian and
handed Hanson’s letter to Damian.

“Edith is working pretty hard, but he fails every time.”

Damian, who opened the letter and quickly scanned it with his eyes, also smiled.

“It was close this time.”

“It’s bold, but it’s kind of stupid. Still, this job is a bit of a waste. It was a great
opportunity to put them both away.”

“I know.”

Then Layla raised her eyebrows and asked.

“Or maybe... Is this what your brother ordered you to do?”

But Damian shook his head.

“I am not.”

“Yes... I see.”


Damian rolled his eyes as he tapped the corner of the folded letter on the palm of
his hand.

“I know your mother got poison some time ago.”

“What? Really?”

“I don’t know what it was used for or what kind of poison it was. But you seem
to want to keep it a secret, so don’t ask too much.”

“Okay. I don’t want to take her mother’s tantrum either. However... Why did
you keep it a secret?”

“I don’t know. And it’s not clear whether her mother is behind this or not. She
should be the one or two people my mother wants to kill.”

It wasn’t something to laugh at all, but Damian and Layla chuckled.

To them, the exchange of lives of people who had nothing to do with them was
just a joke.

“Anyway, what is certain is that Edith is gradually losing her place in the
Ludwig household.”

“There was nothing to wear in the first place.”

“To lose completely is a different matter. It might be difficult now, but if Edith
completely loses trust, we can directly attack Liese and put the blame on Edith.
Would the Ludwig family believe that Edith was doing it?”

Layla nodded happily and thought of Liese and Edith.

“Edith has nothing to worry about since she is digging her own grave like this.
Liese, that girl can’t be lucky forever either.”

The siblings of the Sinclair family put their heads together again for the day they
would use Edith to get rid of Liese.


Right after the incident, I thought that Cliff or the Duke would call me in right
away, but whatever Killian said, I was ordered to be put on probation, but I was
not taken away and questioned.

In fact, I was also curious about the person behind or the culprit behind this

‘Who the hell poisoned that embroidery thread? Why did it have to be an
embroidery thread? Because Liese likes embroidery? Or not... You know I gave
you the embroidery thread as a gift...?’

I told Killian plausibly that the Count Sinclair was suspicious, but in fact I had
no idea.

Of course, in the original work, Edith herself was correct.

But this time I didn’t.

In my actions that deviated from the flow of the original work, the strong flow
of this world tried to drive me into a villain even by having another character,
and to find a probability there and go back... Well, there’s no way Liese and her
maid could have done it, so only the Count Sinclair remains.
‘I think it’s quite different from the original plot? There aren’t many Sinclair
counts in the 4th volume of the original work where Edith appears.’

While thinking about that, I shook my head.

‘No, there is still no evidence that the Sinclair family did it. And even if there is
another suspect, this situation where I am accused of being the culprit can

In the end, I had no choice but to wait in this room for someone to tell me the

The good thing was that he no longer had to suffer from Sophia’s tyranny.

Since Anna was a maid with a higher rank than Sophia, Sophia had to do errands
such as bringing meals and preparing bath water.

In other words, it never happened that I was left alone with Sophia.

“Sophia. You should give it a hint.”


“Since the peach pie incident last time, you have been seasoning all my food.
What’s the matter?”

“Ah... It was...”

I couldn’t blindly eat the food Sophia brought, so I made her taste it on purpose,
and when the taste was over, I ate the food as if it were delicious.
If she could shoot lasers with her eyes, Sophia would burn me to death again and

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 44



Thanks to that, my weak body, which had been unable to eat, gradually got
better, and my dizziness all the time got better.

The outcome of the incident was heard one day when I was recovering

Someone came to my room and said something in Anna’s ear, and Anna said it
back to me.

“A few suspicious circumstances have been detected, but Lady Liese said she
doesn’t want to make things big...”

“Are you going to bury it again?”


“It’s very rare...”

It’s really rare.

When Liese buried the peach pie incident, all she could think of was thanking
her, but I thought it was a bit strange that Liese kept asking for an incident like
this to never happen.

To rescue me?

No, I don’t think so.

In the meantime, I heard it through Killian, but even Cliff and the Duke admitted
that it didn’t make sense that I tried to poison Liese as soon as the peach pie
incident was over.

So in this case, I was slightly off the line of suspect.

Then, just because it’s burdensome that the incident related to you is growing
within the Duke’s family?

Hmm. It deserves it.

Liese was still a guest here, not a family member.

‘Since the Sinclair family can’t come out already, the flow of the original story
might have led Liese to ask about this case.’

One big conspiracy theory.

But otherwise, Cliff’s attitude couldn’t be explained either.

When it comes to Liese’s safety, it’s Cliff who is reckless. Even if it was Liese’s
request, it was impossible to ask about the incident in which Liese’s life was
directly threatened...

‘If that’s the case, does it make sense to go against the force of the flow of the
original work?’

I shook my head as I remembered that thought.

It is a story that is too empty and draining, and the voice that used to explain the
rules of the game to me in a dream is not explained.

‘Obviously someone has me playing the game... Are doing the same thing
However, there are stages where I can intervene and change the story.’

The voice said in the dream.

I got an exception because I met the exception condition in step 1.

However, the truth about me cannot be revealed until the three-level exception is

The truth about me, Edith, is almost a twist. Being able to tell that fact will bring
about a big change in this story.

And to make that much of a change, you have to meet the three-level exception,
and maybe...

‘It must mean that as the stages pass, there are more things I can change...!’
My fists were clenched tightly.

I’ve made different assumptions and thought about it several times, but it
seemed that this was the only reason that ‘levels’ existed.

The problem is, as with step 1, I don’t know what the exception conditions for
steps 2 and 3 are.

It must be a situation where you have to hope that the cow will backtrack and
catch the mouse.

‘No matter how you think about it, it’s vicious. You mean it’s fun watching me

While I was lost in my thoughts, Anna, who had been visited by someone again,
approached and whispered.

“The lady’s probation has been released. You can go to Lord Filch’s office
tomorrow morning.”

“Thank you, Anna.”

I went to Linnon’s office the next day, completely unaware of how the case had
worked and had been resolved.

I decided to ask about the case, but with the eyes of the servants and knights
looking at me, I realized that the suspicions about me had not yet been resolved.

It was to the point where I thought that the probationary order might have been a
measure to protect me from such gaze.
‘Well, Liese has already been with this ducal family for 5 years, and during that
time she has also attracted favor from the servants. In their eyes, I’m just the
daughter of the Rigelhoff family and a wicked woman who is jealous of Liese.’

It seems like there is a long way to go, but the fateful day is approaching, so my
stomach is burning.

However, Linnon’s office, which had been open for the first time in a while, was
still there.

The smell of paper, the slightly cool air, silence, and a dry feeling.

For some reason, my heart softened.

“It’s been a while, Linnon.”

“Hello, lady.”

I haven’t been out for quite a while, but I wonder if Linnon has been doing
everything alone.

Of course, he is a person with that much ability, but I felt sorry that he seemed
to be having a hard time because of me.

‘Linnon wouldn’t want to work with me...’

He would need a worker who could go to work more stably than me.

Because I had asked the Duchess for no reason, Linnon had done nothing wrong
and took on the shunned me.
But today, Linnon treated me the same way as before, like someone who hadn’t
even heard of me.

“Today, you can organize these by date.”

“All right.”

I took the file that Linnon gave me and sat down at my desk.

Receipts and purchase statements were laid out one by one on the wide desk,
and again, nothing was heard in the office except for the rustling of paper.

Some may find this silence unbearably frustrating, but I felt comfortable.

There was no glare to find fault with my attitude, no need to try to understand
anyone’s psychology.

I was just a worker who needed to be good at organizing receipts.

As a result of quietly focusing on my work, I was able to complete all my tasks

in an hour.

“I’ve done all of this.”

“I’ve thought about it before, but you have good concentration and quick

“No, well, it’s a simple task.”

“If everyone thought like a lady and did the work, I wouldn’t have had to cut so
many workers.”

I laughed when I remembered the story of the person who scattered all the
documents of the duchy and ran away.

“The papers the lady worked on are meticulously and neatly organized, so I have
no place to touch them. It is always a huge help.”

Linnon said in an impassive voice.

But today, I don’t know why that indifferent compliment is so comforting.

Suddenly, the tip of my nose started to ache, and tears fell.


“I’m sorry, Linnon. I am... No, no. Sorry.”

I didn’t know what to say. I was grateful to him for evaluating me solely for my
work. Because of my reputation or a series of events, there must have been a lot
of room for other feelings to intervene, but he treated me excluding personal

Linnon doesn’t know how much consideration that is for me now.

“Sigh, uh... Sorry. If you give me a little time, it will stop soon, soon.”

I tried to hold back my tears by hiding behind a pillar, feeling sorry for Linnon,
who was probably bewildered.
But Linnon caught me trying to hide behind a pillar and handed me his

“There is no need to hold back your emotions like you are being chased like
that. Emotions are bound to explode someday if you forcefully cut them off.”


“You take care of things so quickly that you have time, so you can take it as
slowly as you like.”

After leaving me behind a pillar, Linnon quietly went to his desk and began to
do his business nonchalantly.

Feeling much more at ease with that, I buried my face in the handkerchief
Linnon had given me from behind the pillar and tried to calm myself down.

Even if most of the people who try to put me down and attack me, I didn’t know
that someone would know my sincerity would be such a great comfort.

‘It’s an extra whose name doesn’t even appear in the original work...’

He was mentioned only a couple of times as ‘the Duchess’s aide’.

The Duchess also appeared a few times, so her aides had nothing to do with

However, I was greatly comforted by such screen-like supporting actors.

Of course, their opinions can’t change their reputation for me, but...
‘For a moment.’

Thinking that far, I came up with a certain assumption.

It came to my mind in an instant, so I don’t know why I thought of it.

‘The Duchess or Linnon are minor supporting actors. Their opinions can’t make
a big difference to the flow of the story...’

It may be a guess.

But strangely, it felt close to certainty.

‘So rather, these people are hardly affected by the flow of the story.’

No matter what impression they have of me, I can’t get in the way of the story.

Conversely, it means that they are characters whose thoughts about me can
change without being swayed by the flow of the original work.

‘As for supporting actors, they are not subject to the flow of the original work,
so I can change them more.’

My heart was pounding.

If that’s true, I can make a lot more helpers.

Of course, even if I made helpers, they wouldn’t be able to change my situation,

but they might be able to make a very small change in my favor.
‘And that might give me a big chance.’

Maybe it will be a small hole through which you can escape from a miserable

In addition to the goal of saving his life by forming a bond with Killian, he
began to see a small hope.

‘Yes, you always have to have a plan B ready.’

I decided not to ignore nameless extras from now on. Because they were
precious people who could be my lifeline.

‘First, let’s attack the servants of the mansion.’

Fortunately, the Duke’s servants had never made a mistake.

‘First of all, greetings!’

As I returned to my room to help Linnon with his work, I greeted the servants
who made eye contact with me with a slight smile.


I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 45



Most of them hurriedly lowered their heads as if they had seen something they
shouldn’t have seen.

I didn’t feel good about the obvious rejection, but I smiled hard for my route that
was different from ‘Choice and Concentration’.

And the effort was not in vain.


“Ah yes! Oh, how are you?”

“Thank you for your hard work.”

“Ah... Yes, go, thank you.”

A freckled young maid and a middle-aged male servant who were mending the
old railing greeted me back.

‘Yes, one by one, one by one...’

In fact, it was nice that they didn’t have to be of great help to me.

It was enough just to confirm that I wasn’t a ghost.

So, feeling a little warmed up, I went back to my room. It was a mistake to get
drunk and not look around properly.

“Are you here, lady?”

I heard Sophia’s voice chilling down my spine and the sound of the door closing
behind me, then she grabbed me by the neck with her arms and pushed me
against the wall.


“You dare to betray your master in an arrogant way?”

Somehow, only Sophia was in the room.

Sophia, who had been teased by me for several days, seemed angry to the top of
her head.

It was evident from the fact that the strangling force was much stronger than

I couldn’t even groan because I was choking so hard, Sophia threatened me


“I will give you one last chance. Please steal the tax details of the major estates
of the duchy from where you work now.”

She loosened her neck as if to give me a chance to respond.

I coughed for a while to pass the time, but there was no sign of Anna coming
“Huh... If the... If I refuse, what will happen?”

“My lady is dying. It’s something I got permission from the owner.”

Sophia said with a grin, as if she wanted me to be shocked.

However, it was not that surprising since I had known that person’s true
intentions since she got married here.

“If you kill me here and now, will you find out that you are the culprit?”

“You think I’m stupid like a lady? Don’t worry, I’ll kill you to make it look like
the Ludwig family did it.”

So you’re saying you’re not going to kill me right now?

“Sophia, I am giving you one last chance. Please calm down. You’ve been here
too, so now you know. The Duke’s family isn’t that easy.”

“Well. I thought there were only idiots out there? Besides, the two sons of this
house only have their eyes on the illegitimate woman.”

“So... Did you poison Liese’s embroidery thread?”

“What? Isn’t that what the lady did?”

As expected, Sophia knew it was my fault. It is certain that Sophia never had a
chance to even reach for that embroidery thread.
I struggled through the loosening of her restraints and managed to free myself
from her arms.

But Sophia just stared at him as if it didn’t matter.

“I am... I have no intention of stealing documents.”

“Why are you so anxious not to die?”

“Shall I make a prophecy? Even if I help, the Rigelhoff family will be

annihilated. Even my older brother, whom you love so much.”

As if the last word was decisive, Sophia turned on the light in her eyes and
rushed at me.

I noticed that she loved Shane because I caught a glimpse of her affectionately
kissing a letter to Shane.

It was really shocking.

It seems like the two of them get along really well...

Anyway, at this point where I was being beaten, none of that mattered.

Of course, it did not lead to a dangerous assault because there was a restriction
that no traces of being beaten should be visible to others, but if the assault was
prolonged, there was nothing good.

“I’m going to expose everything you hit!”

“Ha! If you could, you would have already. Do you think I don’t know why I

Sophia said again, suffocating me by pressing my head against the pillow.

“You know that. Knowing that you are a discard card in Count Rigelhoff’s
family, the only thing left for you is to be discarded here as well. Killian Ludwig
will be more than happy to throw you away.”

Hearing the reason he hadn’t thought about for a while from someone else’s
mouth made his heart feel cold.

“And the master will make even useless things useless. Imagine what a terrible
life that would be.”

Then I lifted my face.

I couldn’t help but gasp like a sprinting dog.

“So think carefully. Because the only place to accept a person as lacking as you
is your family. If you successfully steal the papers, I will also revise and send
my evaluation of you to Shane.”

Sophia whispered seductively, then rolled me onto my back and quickly

corrected my appearance.

And as soon as she took a few steps away, the door opened and Anna entered.

‘It’s like a beast’s hearing.’

It would be a perfectly normal sight for Anna to see.

“You came back early. The Duchess called me for a while, so I went.”

“Yes... Me too... I just came.”

Anna nodded lightly and ordered Sophia to bring her a meal.

Sophia bowed slightly with the most obedient attitude and went out.

However, I did not forget to send me a look like ‘Think carefully’.


Of course, I had no intention of following Sophia’s words.

But what she said was enough to hurt me a little.

“You know that. Knowing that you are a discard hand in Count Rigelhoff’s
family, the only thing left for you is to be discarded here as well.”

Sophia must have made such a threat because she did not know that I would
have my head cut off before I could be thrown out of this house, but at least she
knew that I couldn’t ask for help from anyone in this house.

“Killian Ludwig will be more than happy to throw you away.”

That’s what anyone can see.

I was living as inconspicuous as possible and with minimal pride, but in the eyes
of others, I was just a hostage to prevent the betrayal of the Rigelhoffs and a
stranger I didn’t want to get involved with at all.

Killian will be the same.

He would spend the night or kiss me, but it was only a physical urge, not
because he had any other feelings for me.

I could tell from the fact that he still stayed by Liese’s side whenever he had free

His attitude toward me was slightly better than before, but I wasn’t sure if it was
enough to want to help me when I was in trouble.

‘Edith must have grown up with this kind of verbal violence, right? Even as an
adult, I feel sick to my stomach, how hard it must have been for young Edith.’

Somehow I became self-pitying, but I genuinely sympathized with Edith.

In the original story, she would have crawled through this despair and died
miserably at the hands of the man she loved without anyone understanding.

I felt like I was going to cry even though it wasn’t something I had been

I was lying on the bed blankly thinking about that when someone knocked.

It was too late for anyone to come.

Anna, who slept in my room to keep an eye on me, got up and quietly went

But soon, a completely unexpected voice was heard.

“Everybody get out.”

It was Killian who seemed to be in a bad mood.

“Killian? What are you doing at this hour?”

As I got up, Killian kicked Anna and Sophia out, closed the door, and strode
toward me.

Then he pressed my shoulders back onto the bed.


“The probation is over, but why don’t you crawl into my room this time?”


Killian’s eyes, which spit out completely incomprehensible words, were shaped
into something like anger.

“I am... Did you decide to go to your room after the probation?”

I didn’t think I’d ever made such a promise, so I rolled my eyes and asked him,
but Killian smiled.
There was clearly an aura of ridicule.

“Isn’t that your way?”

“My way?”

“If you feel uneasy after claiming your innocence, seduce them with your body.”

“What, what?”

“It even worked pretty well. Because I’m a jerk.”

I had never really understood Killian’s words before, but this time I couldn’t get
the context to the point where I wondered if the dimensions he and I were living
in were a bit different.

“Killian. Have you been drinking?”

“If getting drunk is your preference, have someone bring it to you.”

“No, not that... You seem a bit drunk right now. I have no idea what the hell
you’re talking about.”

“You don’t know...? You don’t know...?”


A crooked smile crept across Killian’s lips.

He was laughing, but I could feel he was on the verge of an explosion.

However, I couldn’t turn my tail on such unfair and insulting remarks.

“First of all, I have always been innocent. You just didn’t believe it.”


“And I never seduced you physically. That thing at that time... Technically...
Could it have been your misunderstanding?”

“Now, are you claiming that you were unilaterally beaten by me?”

“It is not. It may have been caused by a misunderstanding, but... I have no

intention of denying that I liked it.”

I was going to speak confidently, but when I remembered what had happened
that night, a fever rose from the nape of my neck.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 46



“But I wasn’t intentionally trying to seduce you.”

“You came into a man’s bedroom in the middle of the night dressed in a dirty
spit and kissed me, but it wasn’t seduction, ha... A convenient excuse.”

“Ah, no, I really tried to match your mouth just once. Really.”

I tried hard to explain, but Killian laughed and shook his head.

Well, from his point of view, it’s tempting... It may have looked like it did.

And it seemed clear to me what he thought of me.

A prostitute who seduces with her body to cover up her lies!

And... In my previous life, I never thought I would get such a grand title...

“I think I know a little bit about how it works now. Since Killian Ludwig is a
caught fish, are you going to focus on other prey now?”

“What? Haha, Killian! What kind of imagination are you stretching? Another
prey? So, do I have any prey here that I can catch?”

I laughed at his ridiculous assumption, and then Killian gnashed his teeth and he
came closer.

It was only then that I realized that his breathing was quite rough.

“I have heard rumors that you are a good hunter. You use your advantages so

His lips suddenly touched the nape of my neck.

“Where do you think I heard that Edith Rigelhoff’s skin was so smooth and


He bit my shoulder as he ran his lips over the nape of my neck.

“At a club where young men gather, you were a hot topic. Do you know?”

It didn’t hurt where he bit it, but it felt like he was on the verge of something,
and he was short of breath.

“Even if you don’t want to hear it, the story always comes out. How tempting
you are, how many men have fallen for you...”

That was a bit embarrassing.

No matter how much I searched Edith’s memories, she had never crossed the
line with a man.

Of course, there were times when she gently seduced them, and there were times
when she pretended not to know how she gently kneaded her, but she never
allowed more than that.

That was also Count Rigelhoff’s guideline.

I don’t know where to sell it, but it was because the price would drop if it wasn’t
a virgin.

So, all the guys who gave my name and spread stories must have been bluffing.

But who will listen to me?

“So... How easy would it have been to seduce a man?”

“Oh, no, no...!”

“The more you do this, the more you know that a man loses his temper.”

He impatiently pulled down my bedclothes.

As I listened to his insulting words, a strange feeling of anticipation rose up, so I

couldn’t actively stop him.

However, Killian, who thought he would run wild at any moment, suddenly

“Ki, Killian...?”

His gaze was fixed over my shoulder.

‘What? Did I do something to break the mood?’

It must have been because I was in a state of excitement that I had such
However, Killian seemed to be frozen because the excitement that had been
heating up until just now did not disappear in an instant.

He hurriedly got off my bed, lit a nearby lamp, and started looking behind my
shoulder again.

And only then did I realize what he was looking at.

“This... This is by no means an accidental bump.”

He was looking down at the bruise Sophia had created.

“Killian, this, this, so...”

I opened my mouth to make an excuse, but the truth is, I didn’t know what to
say either.

When he made me lay down and pulled my bedsheet down even further, the
words Sophia had said echoed in my head.

“If you know that you are a discard hand at Count Rigelhoff, the only thing left
for you is to be discarded here as well...”

It was dizzying.

I believed in the big flow of the original work, but when this situation came up,
my anxiety rose.

In the original story, Edith was not beaten by Sophia, and no evidence of being
persecuted was revealed.
But how does the story change when Killian finds out that the bruises that must
have been made countless times on my body were Sofia’s work?

Killian looked at my back and was silent for a long time. No, there was no slight


I tried to get myself up again, but he turned me over, brushed my hair, pulled
down the bed linen, and checked my body thoroughly.

I couldn’t see what my back was like, but seeing Killian so serious, it looked
pretty flashy.

After giving up and relaxing my body, Killian calmly dressed me again.

‘The atmosphere was nice. Damn.’

So close.

It was ecstatic to overlap with Killian, but in fact, for now, it’s just... His body
temperature was desperate.

If he hugged me, I thought that the embers of courage that had gone out could be
revived a little...

“I apologize for losing my temper.”

“Oh no! We are a couple, a couple. I know it’s his, his wife’s duty...”
Knowing my wifely duty, Killian would have liked to do some of her husbandly
duty, but judging from the current atmosphere, it was nothing.

“A couple...”

There was no more heat in Killian’s voice. He seemed to have regained his cold

It was clear that soon there would be questions I could not answer.

“Yes, we are a couple anyway. So let me ask you. Whose is it?”

Sure enough, he asked right away. I couldn’t answer.

Because of that damn restriction, even if I tried to name Sofia, my tongue

stiffened first.

As I was silently averting my gaze, Killian swept my hair behind my ear.

It was definitely softer than before.

“Answer, please.”

I said nothing, but he heard an answer from my silence.

Then, with a determined face, he got down from the bed.

I didn’t feel any remorse for me at all.

It’s as if he doesn’t even feel a physical need for me, so I’m impatient.
“Killian... That... I know it’s inappropriate in this situation, but I just... Can you
hug me?”

“Is that to distract me?”

“No, not like that... Just... Just because I want to...?”

You kissed me just because you wanted to.

Can’t I?

...Can’t you?

“I am not a beast enough to hold a person covered in bruises. Just have a good
night’s sleep today.”

Oh, also...

Killian left with a more angry face than when he entered.

I was left alone in a room surrounded by silence.

‘It looks like the steam has leaked.’

With a body like this, I can’t even stand in for Liese.

I felt sick to my stomach, probably because Killian gave me a bedclothes and

didn’t even cover me with a blanket.
‘Oh, it’s cold...’

It’s summer, but it’s cold.

Every time I met Killian, I confirmed that his heart wasn’t going to me, and yet I
became more and more greedy, and the loneliness pierced me.

I had no hope but Killian, but I was sad because I was close to despair for him.

I was sad that he didn’t give me a warm hug.

‘It was better the first time you ignored me altogether. They seem to care
strangely these days, so I’m expecting nothing.’

I tried to breathe, but the water that formed around my eyes quickly dripped.

I urgently wiped my tears with my sleeve.

‘Ah, why are you so embarrassing? I can’t be weak. They say that no one else
will take care of me here. Therefore... I can’t be weak.’

I tried to hold it in, biting my molars, but tears quickly wet my eyelashes and

‘Oops, you idiot... Stupid, stupid, stupid!’

I put my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

I wish I could wake up in my cheap self-made room tomorrow morning.

Killian was a brilliant light that made my heart flutter just by looking at it, but I
thought it would be better to live a dull life without knowing that light than to
suffer like this.

Maybe it was because my heart was empty, or maybe it was because I had a
fever from crying, so I couldn’t continue my thoughts and fell asleep.


Killian decided to let go of the idea of knowing Edith.

Edith wasn’t the person he thought she was. I’m telling you, not even the

“Do you think I would do something like that in a situation where everyone is
suspicious of me because of the peach pie incident?”

I was somewhat surprised by Edith’s question as if it was absurd.

Maybe it was because, as he also barely noticed, everyone in the Ludwig family
was ignoring her.

In fact, I thought it would be foolish enough to do it again even under suspicion.

She proudly asserted her innocence and even asked for a guard to be put in if she
suspected anything.

Even without making that much effort, she even gave a tingling advice not to
easily drive herself as a criminal.
‘Edith is right. We were suspicious of Edith whenever something happened,
without making the slightest effort.’

When he realized that fact, Killian felt more curious than embarrassed or

‘Why did I do that?’

When I realized it, it was something I couldn’t understand.

The Ludwigs had never used such sloppy tactics anywhere, whether on the
battlefield or in politics.

‘Why didn’t I feel any discomfort until Edith pointed this out?’

I felt like I was possessed by a ghost.

However, he did not seem to have dulled his senses, as he was suspicious of the
sensitive reaction of the maid from the Rigelhoffs when Edith asked for more

Anyway, the surprises for Edith continued.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 47



Even in a situation where she was under suspicion, Edith analyzed the incident
with a calm and dispassionate attitude.

The fact that Liese’s room was empty was something that Killian and Cliff were
also sensitive about.

I deliberately told Edith that the free time was short, but in fact, it was empty for
quite a long time.

However, after seeing Edith, who probably did not know about the
circumstances, immediately point out and doubt that part after the handicraft
merchant, Killian came to think that Edith was not the culprit.

If Ludwick had been a stupid attempted poisoner, as people thought Edith would
have been, she would have been flustered and consistent with excuses when she
was driven to be the culprit.

However, Edith acted coldly, as if seeing things that had nothing to do with her,
and a person that smart would never have done things in such a row.

And Edith’s reasoning that followed was also plausible.

If you think that the idiots of the Count Sinclair are behind this incident,
everything fits.

Because they hated both the Liese and Rigelhoff families.

If Liese was killed or injured because of Edith, the Sinclair family might have
tried to take something away from the Ludwig family using Liese’s safety as an

‘If that’s true... Edith has been suspected and insulted while not guilty of

Edith continued to insist that she was not guilty, but she was the only suspect.

If that was the Sinclair family’s ruse...?

That assumption alone left Killian breathless.

Maybe that’s why I’ve been turning away from that easy assumption more.

But it was too early to hand over the apology that he was already sorry. Because
nothing has been revealed yet.

Instead, I kept arguing with her.

It’s very strange, but as I kept talking to Edith, I wanted to see her face-to-face
with her by scratching her insides and provoking her so shamelessly.

“Don’t think I don’t know that much, it hurts my pride.”

“I said I would risk my life, but they didn’t believe me. Can you imagine how I

“I trust you and the Duke. To be more honest, I don’t think you’ll ever feel that
I’m worth the effort.”
Edith, who did not get angry at the rude provocation and responded proudly,
was attractive enough to make me drool.

‘Was she like this?’

She was someone I had only known through rumors.

I thought that was enough.

I admit it. I was arrogant.

Edith, whom I met face to face only after preparing for marriage, was a
completely different person from the rumored character I knew.

Of course, that voluptuous and seductive appearance was a separate issue.

“I am Edith Ludwig. Do you think I’ll be jealous of another woman just because
I want a man’s love? Don’t get me wrong.”

When Edith raised her chin proudly as if mocking him, Killian had no choice
but to kiss her, who was far more dizzying than the ‘rumor’ he knew.

If I hadn’t done that, I might have put up with her more, then I would have
knocked Edith to the floor and clung to her like a beast.

The crisis was glossed over with the absurd excuse of ‘I just wanted to do it’,
but his pitiful desire did not disappear, he just waited for the right time.

Hearing that Edith’s probation had been lifted from today, he paced in front of
Linnon’s office in time for Edith to be working.
Feigning a coincidence, it was to check her condition.

‘I’m asking you to go in and look at the tax receipts from last year’s Ryzen
estate. That would be natural enough.’

Even when he came up with such an excuse, he didn’t notice that there was
something strange about him.

When I quietly opened the office door after taking deep breaths several times,
the scene seen through the gap in the door made Killian stand tall.

“Sorry. If you give me a little time, it will stop soon, soon.”

Edith was crying.

I didn’t know what to do, as if I was embarrassed by the endless tears, and I
even tried to run away.

And that kind of Edith was captured by Linnon.

“There is no need to hold back your emotions like you are being chased like
that. Emotions are bound to explode someday if you forcefully cut them off.”


“You take care of things so quickly that you have time, so you can take it as
slowly as you like.”

After handing her the handkerchief, Linnon went back to her seat like a mature
adult and started working casually.
Edith buried her face in Linnon’s handkerchief from behind the pillar, took a
moment to catch her breath, and took several deep breaths to calm herself.

And before leaving the pillar, Edith practiced smiling while raising the corners
of her mouth, as she did next to the corner of Countess Ermenia’s residence...

“I’m fine now. Thank you for your understanding, Linnon. What should I do

Smiling more naturally than she had practiced, Edith accepted the job from

And Killian eventually couldn’t go inside and turned his body back.

‘That is... It was a practice to smile.’

At the bazaar, when I saw Shane smirk in the mirror after he left, I wondered
what she was doing.

Her eyes weren’t smiling at all, but it was such a strange expression that she was
struggling to lift the corners of her mouth.

‘Smiling... It was practice...’

I remembered how Edith came back from the corner and smiled casually.

My stomach felt stuffy.

My head, which had been fine for a few days, started to hurt again.
Killian squeezed his throbbing temples and tried to think of something else.

And the thought that immediately came to mind was Linnon, who was handing
her a handkerchief.

‘Could it be that Linnon seduced Edith? ...No, no. Linnon just acted in a very
gentlemanly manner. It’s because Edith cried that Linnon took out her
handkerchief. Edith seduced Linnon.’

As usual, I remembered the thought of rebuking Edith, and the headache got

Without realizing it myself, my instinct to avoid pain started blaming Edith as a

way to think of her and not get sick.

‘I knew that too. Men know well that women’s tears are weak. Linnon wouldn’t
be immune to that. Yes, the bad one is Edith.’

As if trying to convince himself, Killian kept repeating, ‘It’s Edith that’s bad.’

Then the headache got better for a while, but that wasn’t the ultimate reason he
felt bad.

Eventually, he struggled with a throbbing headache and pondered why he was

feeling bad.

Then, at the end of that thought, I had no choice but to face my embarrassing
true heart.

‘How could you seduce Linnon over me?’

It was disgusting.

On the day we spent the night together, she clung to me so beautifully, and after
that, she didn’t come back and even kissed me, only to accept it.

‘Eat me... And throw me away...?’

It was an expression only used by lustful men, but that was all I could think of.

I tried not to look funny to Edith, but Edith seemed to have seen through me

‘I made a mistake. I took this woman too easy.’

When I erased the thought that Edith was stupid, everything I had done in front
of her so far seemed like a mistake.

Killian, who was buried in such thoughts until nightfall came, couldn’t stand it
when the servants started to turn off the lights in the hallways.

He jumped up from his seat and went to Edith’s room. He sent out all the
surprised maids and insulted and pushed Edith.

The surprised eyes that seemed to know nothing were disgusting. She was
detestable, but I thought, strangely, endearing.

So I had no choice but to kiss her on the neck and avoid her gaze.

Just when the scent of roses from her made him feel like he was going to turn
around with excitement, he froze at a sight he couldn’t understand at all.
‘What is that?’

Edith’s shoulders were still round and smooth.

However, her shoulders, which should only glow white in the dark, were stained
with black bruises the further they went.

It wasn’t a bruise that could have been caused by accidentally bumping into

Judging by the green and purple bruises, it was probably made over several

“Killian, this, this’s, so...”

Edith tried to explain something, but Killian, seeing her back, refused to believe
anything she said.

She, too, did not speak any more, perhaps in despair.

She didn’t even answer the question of whose fault it was, but that was a
sufficient answer for Killian.

If Ludwig was human, there was no reason Edith couldn’t answer.

And until she was like this, the proud maid of Rigelhoff had not even posted a
single report.

Anger welled up inside him, but Edith suddenly begged in a faint voice as if
holding onto the hem of his clothes.
“Killian... That... I know it’s inappropriate in this situation, but I just... Can you
hug me?”

“Is that to distract me?”

“No, not like that... Just... Just because I want to...?”

Even though she wasn’t crying, he had the illusion that Edith’s eyes were wet.

I couldn’t understand why Edith was trying to protect the maid by even seducing
him with her bruised body.

I don’t know if she had her own circumstances, but Killian could never forgive

“I am not a beast enough to hold a person covered in bruises. Just have a good
night’s sleep today.”

Then he went straight to his room to find some ointment for the bruise, and he
had to cool off his anger for a long time before going back to Edith’s room.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 48


‘You’ve become like that, so far, you’ve never said a word. Not a word!’

The evidence of brutal assault, clear even in the dark, raised a fire of anger in his

He knew that he was not a trustworthy husband to her.

But at least I thought I could become a protector, but to her, I couldn’t even
become that.

Well, since I’ve never protected her, it’s not like that I couldn’t understand.

After barely controlling my stomach that was about to explode, I went back to
Edith’s room and saw that Edith was asleep in the meantime.

But the tears on her eyelashes and cheeks were still glistening in the light.


He called her name in a low voice, but Edith was soundly asleep as if she had

“What the hell are you... What are you hiding?”

Edith keeps her mouth shut even though she is receiving all sorts of contempt
from people, Ludwig and even me.

As if the day would come when he could reach her truth, Killian let out a long
sigh that melted the stuffy inside.
However, the hand that applied the medicine to her body was infinitely careful
and gentle.

I had to gather patience in the middle because of Edith who was tickling and
moaning a little, but Killian applied the medicine to her body and hugged her
until the dawn broke.

Killian let out a self-deprecating laugh as he watched Edith digging for warmth
without even knowing it was him.

‘It was me who was stupid. What can I do with shaking like this?’

Killian thought he was crazy even as he kissed Edith on the cheek.

Unless I’m crazy, how can I be swayed like this by a woman who doesn’t even
know my true feelings?


When I woke up in the morning, I felt refreshed.

I think it was because I had a very cozy dream last night, and I slept through it
without waking up even once.

In that cozy dream, someone gently caressed my body.

I don’t know who it is, but I didn’t hate it when I gently caressed it, as if I were
touching something fragile. No, it was good enough to bring tears to my eyes.

I wanted to entrust my body to that hand, and entrust my heart to that warmth.
‘It’s really amazing that it’s a dream full of senses.’

It was the first time I had a dream in which I saw nothing and did not have a

But thanks to that, the gloomy mood of last night was blown away, and I
stretched for a long time.

However, the feeling of having to be soft was strange.


It felt like the acupuncture needles were sticking to my back as if I had applied
sticky body lotion.

“Uh? What is this?”

When I reached over my shoulder and touched it, there was definitely something
on my back.

And by applying it to the ‘bruised area’, I noticed that it was an ointment.


Killian was the only one who would do this.

Sophia and Killian were the only people who knew I had bruises, and Sophia
wasn’t the best person to drug me.
‘Then, I hope that dream... Killian...?’

Just imagining Killian anointing me made my toes shrink.

But misunderstanding was forbidden.

Since Killian grew up with a strict education, he couldn’t have just watched a
woman get hurt to the point of black bruises. That’s what she is, no matter how
much she hates it.

‘Don’t fall asleep. No, if I hadn’t been sleeping, wouldn’t they have applied the

I kept feeling sad that if I hadn’t slept, I wouldn’t have been able to make
another sweet scene with him.

But it is useless to regret what has already passed.

The fact that he took care of me was something I was grateful for.

‘By the way, I think he has caught something about Sofia, but what’s going to

Actually, I didn’t have high expectations.

Sophia was a maid sent to me under the name of Count Rigelhoff, and she came
with the mission of watching over me so that Duke Ludwig would not persecute

However, Killian’s ability to act far exceeded my expectations.

Today wasn’t the day to help Linnon with his work, so I was just sitting in my
room reading a book, when suddenly Killian entered my room with a knight and
grabbed Sophia.

“Killian! What is this!”

I asked in surprise, but Killian’s gaze was on Sophia.

“I will kick this maid out, Edith.”

“What? Kick her out... Huh?”

“Take her out.”

Even though I was dumbfounded and asked, Killian gave an order to the knight,
only glaring at Sophia terribly.

Embarrassed, Sophia screamed as soon as the knight grabbed her.

“This can’t be! I am the maid Count Rigelhoff sent to guard my lady!”

“Oh, really?”

“What on earth are you going to do to my lady that you’re taking me off! Count
Rigelhoff will never sit idly by!”

Sophia raised her head stiffly on the subject of the maid and screamed.

But Killian didn’t waver at all.

“A maid like you who can’t do her duty isn’t helpful at all even if she’s by
Edith’s side.”

“What nonsense is that! I’ve been taking care of her since she was little...!”

“From a young age? You mean you’ve been like that since she was little?”

The temperature of his voice dropped sharply.

He sat down in the chair next to me and asked Sophia as if he were interrogating
her in earnest.

“You. What do you think the duties of a maid are?”

“Well, that’s it, so that the attendant can always stay comfortable and healthy,
it’s to check before calling.”

“You know you well.”

“Of course! Since she was young, I have been thoroughly educated as a maid
only for the lady.”

“Then it’s even weirder.”

Killian turned his head slightly and looked at Sophia.

“Has a maid so well aware of her duty not reported or treated the bruises on her
master’s body?”

For the first time, Sophia’s mouth shut tight.

“Besides, no matter how much I think about it, the person who will make that
scars... I mean, it seemed like you were the only one.”

“Oh no!”

Sophia protested, but her eyes turned to me. The threat that she would not let go
if she opened her mouth was clear.

“Even if you didn’t stare at Edith like that, Edith didn’t say a word. Is it good or

The surroundings became quiet. To the point where you could hear a gurgling
sound coming from Sophia’s throat.

“Ah, I didn’t know about the minor injuries she had because she didn’t talk
about them. It’s my fault for not looking into it...”

“Is she slightly injured? If it’s something trivial, do you want me to give you a
minor beating and let it go?”


“It is amazed that you are trying to deceive me to the end. Well, you are the
maid that Shane Rigelhoff sent in with all his might, so you’re not an ordinary

However, Sophia seemed surprised by something other than that Killian had
been roughly aware of her true identity.

“Well, by the way, the Young Master saw the wounds of the young lady... Do
you mean that?”
Her eyes were wide open and she was looking at me and Killian alternately.

There, Killian smirked and laughed.

“What are you so surprised about? Edith and I are married, so is it really that
surprising that the husband checked his wife’s body?”

Perhaps that was the point, Sophia couldn’t even control her mouth opening.

“I want you to be flogged for contempt of a nobleman, but they begged me to let
go of your limbs, seeing how well you was treated as a vassal by the Rigelhoff
family. More suspiciously.”

It’s not even morning yet, when the hell did the Rigelhoffs get the news?

I was tongue-tied by Killian’s ability to act.

“I will not listen to your opinion in kicking out this maid.”

Killian’s gaze finally turned to me.

I nodded my head, not showing any signs of being overjoyed.

“Anna. And Leonard. Keep silent about what you see and hear in this room until
you die. Neither will be safe if the story leaks out.”

Anna and the knight gave a short answer to Killian’s threat. Like Anna, the face
of the knight named Leonard was terribly businesslike.
Seeing the terrifying resemblance between their expressions, I had a hunch that
the two would never reveal this.

In the meantime, Anna had packed all of Sophia’s belongings. From the moment
the knight seized Sophia, she was squirming something, but from the moment
Killian said he would kick Sofia out, she seems to have packed Sophia’s things.

It’s the behavior that resembles the owner.

“Anna. Take good care of Edith. I must send their noble maid in her carriage
from the Rigelhof family.”

Oh my god.

It seemed that the Rigelhoffs had even sent a carriage to take Sophia.

Why don’t you go around spreading rumors that you’re a suspicious person!

Killian gave me a long, meaningless gaze before taking Sophia out.

Left in a desolate room, I was completely absorbed in what had just blown up
like a storm.

Then Anna quietly came to me and whispered.

“It’s my negligence for not taking good care of the lady’s condition. If you
punish me, I will accept it sweetly.”

“Uh? Oh no! What’s wrong with Anna...!”

Sophia deliberately waited on her when she changed her clothes so that Anna
would not find out that she was injured.

It was impossible for Anna to notice the bruises on my body, since I wasn’t
being attended to in the bath or getting a massage.

Even so, Anna had a gloomy expression, as if it were really her own fault.

“Thank you for your forgiveness. Then... May I take a look at your body?”

A sigh came out. If she said no, she might be punished by Anna.

I nodded shyly and went to the bedside to take off my clothes.

As I removed the outer dress and carefully lowered the chemise for the last time,
I felt Anna’s breath stop behind me.

How bad is that?

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 49




After Anna, who is not agitated, called me with a trembling voice, I waited for a
long time before continuing.

“Why didn’t you say anything until this happened?”

Everyone would find it frustrating. So would the country.

If it hadn’t been for the fucking restriction of not being able to say the least bit
about how I was treated in the Rigelhoffs, I wouldn’t have been able to hold
back and tell someone.

But for those who don’t know it and can’t understand it, a plausible excuse is

“How can I say that?”

I turned around and saw Anna furrowing her brow. It’s the first time I’ve seen
Anna’s expression change so dramatically.

And with that one word, Anna understood everything and didn’t ask more.

She is an example of a quick-witted maid.

“I was presumptuous. I’ll give you some medicine.”

I fell on the bed and placed myself in Anna’s hands.

‘It’s good that you got rid of Sophia... I’m afraid of what kind of aftermath this
will bring in the future.’

There were a few more episodes left for Sophia to commit, but I was afraid of
how that part would transform and attack me.

But one fact had been scratching my insides satisfactorily since earlier.

‘Killian dumped Sophia for me. I know I can’t do it myself...’

He must have noticed my position within Rigelhoff.

I was beaten by a maid, and rather than worrying about my safety, Count
Rigelhoff even sent a carriage to send Sophia back intact...

If your head turns even a little, you won’t know. Even Anna seems to have
noticed already.

However, instead of kicking me, who had no value as a hostage, Killian threw
Sofia away.

‘This is the part where I can have hope, isn’t it?’

Of course, I hardly thought that Killian would kick me out.

Because I’m closer to the main character than Sophia, and my narrative has
more weight than Sophia’s.

Since there are still many things I have to do in the future, I had the belief that
the big flow of the story could not exclude me.
Even so, it was a great comfort to me that Killian did not ignore my situation
and took action.

‘You have to be alert at times like this. If you watch it in movies or dramas, it’s
said that when it’s like this, it gets loose and ruins the work.’

I don’t know how much sympathy Killian had for me, but it’s true that he sees
me as ‘a woman who tries to seduce him with her body when she’s at a

‘So from now on, I should never get dirty with Killian and keep a clean distance.
Then he’ll find out someday. That I would never be that kind of woman.’

Then their hatred for me would diminish, and now that they knew about my
circumstances, Rigelhoff might just look at me when he cuts people’s throats.

‘Good! You can do it!’

I smirked and shook my body slightly, and knowing that I was crying, Anna put
her hand on top of mine and patted me.

Well, this isn’t bad either.


The original author.

She called himself K.

It was because he forgot what his original name was, but K didn’t mind that fact.
What was important to K was this world.

The perfect Liese Sinclair world she created.

K loved Liese Sinclair, the main character she created.

Liese was the perfect heroine with all of K’s wishes, to the point where one
wonders how he created such a lovable being.

That’s why, when he was possessed in this world after his death, he thought he
had been blessed by the gods.

What a joy it is to be able to live together in a world where the characters you
create live!

Liese, whom I love so much, was really beautiful, and the male leads for her
were a combination of fantasy.

Watching their life and love right in front of you was heartbreaking.

But at the point where he was living the same life for the fifth time, K had the
first thought that this might be a curse rather than a blessing.

I open my eyes at the point where the original story begins, and when the
original story ends, everything becomes blurry and I go back to the starting point
and repeat...

K fell into an infinite loop of hell.

However, K, who loved the story he made up and Liese so much, denied that

‘The world I created can’t be hell. Then... Okay! Let’s make a variation on the

The story needed a change to endure the repeated life, but the desire to make
Liese stand out even more did not diminish.

And the solution was simple.

‘I need a more lively villain.’

So K sprinkled this story into another dimension of the universe.

And among the people who read the story, the person who thought it would be
interesting was possessed by Edith Rigelhoff.

It produced interesting results.

‘As expected, I wasn’t wrong.’

The possessors, who read the original work and quickly accepted that they were
possessed in a romance fantasy novel, showed interesting behavior.

At first, they are mistaken for being possessed by a wicked woman and are

After that, unlike Edith in the original work, he tries hard to live a good life.
However, if the flow of the original story did not change and the comparison
with Liese continued, he became a fresh villain incomparable to the original

Thanks to this, K was able to forget the tedium of repetitive life, and Liese was
able to become a more prominent protagonist every time.

The thing that makes Liese look the most attractive. That was K’s joy.

But K. did not feel that he was being unfair. It was because he possessed a
person who had died anyway, and Edith had already set up a device that could
go against the flow of the original story.

This is the ‘three-step exception condition’, and whenever the exception

condition of each step is met, K’s dominance is weakened and an exception
situation favorable to Edith occurs.

However, whenever a situation contrary to the exceptional condition occurred,

the flow of the original work became stronger.

Of course, it was not easy to meet the exception conditions because it was a
game that was advantageous to K. However, there were nine Ediths who met the
first stage.

That was fine. Rather, it had the effect of making the story more interesting.

However, K, who had treated all the Ediths as if they were ants, felt a strange
tension with the 13th Edith who was possessed this time.

‘There’s something different about her.’

It was Edith with a personality that is difficult to define in a word.

Even though I wanted to give up soon, there was a strangely persistent corner.

Most of the Edithors panicked and started to collapse when they were accused of
being the culprit of the document leak.

Especially this time, in order to make Edith a definite culprit, I even gave a new
setting, ‘Do not use tables in forms.’

Edith, however, was not taken aback. He examined the evidence that made him
the culprit as if to try it once, and he brought the papers and diary he had written
and compared them to the forged letters, claiming his innocence.

The people around her were persuaded by her reasonable argument, and the
episode where Edith was supposed to be a spy ended in a blur.

So I wanted to be persistent, but suddenly, as if I had given up on everything, I

went into Killian’s room in the middle of the night and did something like the
original Edith.

‘I didn’t expect to meet the first-level exception condition like that.’

Even the part that met the first stage exception condition, ‘Follow the method
that the original Edith failed’, was different from other Ediths.

When other Ediths met the first stage, the part where they followed the original
plot was to cling to Killian or follow the orders of the Rigelhoffs.

It is to save one’s own life.

But the 13th Edith just kissed Killian and tried to turn around.
The act of kissing was part of the original Edith’s failed plan, so she barely
passed the first stage.

Anyway, when the first stage exception conditions were met, the person who
faced Edith’s actions at that time, namely Killian, began to change.

To quantify it, her dominance over Killian went down from 100% to 70%.

Up until now, there was little concern even if Edith fulfilled the first stage and
her control over Killian was reduced. It was because Killian had never caused
Edith to change his emotions.

But this time, Killian started looking back at Edith.

I was surprised when I found out he had spent the night with Edith, even though
he was a character she had created, it was so strange.

‘Even though Killian is a character with an impulsive side...’

It was the first time I had seen a character leave the hand of the original author
and move on its own.

And that was all an exceptional situation that happened because of the
probability this Edith created, and that was the biggest reason K was nervous
about the 13th Edith.

Besides, there was another point that this Edith was different.

‘I don’t know if they know it, but she’s recruiting extras that I can’t control.’
Although K created this world, she was not a perfect god of this world.

The greatest force leading this world was the ‘flow of the original work’,
followed by probability, and K was only the original author trapped in the
original story.

However, K was able to control the minor settings of the story and dominate the
characters. The more carefully K created the character, the stronger K’s
dominance was.

So, the numerous extras whose names were not set were as if they were not
under the control of K.

That is the reason why I was able to possess different people into Edith.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 50



It was because the extras were able to flexibly deal with any unexpected
situation so that the flow of this world would not be disrupted.

However, the 13th Edith drew the Duchess and her aide Linnon to her side.
And she was trying to change her perception of herself by saying hello to
nameless servants.

In addition, I wondered if I would break down mentally if I was accused of

doing something I didn’t do following the self-made dog pie case, but this time I
also calmly persuaded Killian.

He even insisted on his innocence in a more dignified and haughty manner than
in the case of the document leak, while making a plausible reasoning to accuse
the Sinclair family as the culprit.

Thanks to this, Killian seemed to lean more towards Edith, and he had no choice
but to cover up the case where Edith should be accused of being the culprit.

If the previous Ediths were helplessly swept away and collapsed by K’s tricks,
the 13th Edith felt like fighting against K.

‘Fun... Yeah, this is an interesting situation.’

K accepted the tension he felt belligerently.

‘Now, how do I set the second stage exception condition?’

Edith had to set conditions that would never be exceeded.

If he fulfilled the second level, Killian was almost unable to control himself, and
his control over the main characters other than Killian was slightly lowered.

If the third level was met, K’s dominance would be almost useless, and if Liese
and Cliff were unable to be united because of that, K didn’t even know what the
world would be like.
It was because of K’s confidence that bordered on arrogance that he brought the
possessed chair from the multidimensional universe even after taking such a

However, K had the confidence to protect his world. After all, this was just a
game where K won.

‘It’s a condition that Edith will never be able to meet, and it has to be able to
reinforce the flow of the original work by repeating the action opposite to the
condition. What are those conditions?’

K, who had been thinking for a long time, looked over Edith’s actions and

After a while, the ‘original flow’, which could be called the system of this
world, accepted K’s condition.

[Step 2 exception conditions have been set.]


As he kicked Sophia out, Killian roughly guessed Edith’s circumstances.

‘She’s a daughter raised by the Rigelhoff family to be sold at a high price.’

Actually, that wasn’t surprising.

This is because there were not a few families who gave birth to and raised
daughters for that purpose.

At least the marriage alliance was believed to be the safest.

However, it was surprising that he was controlling Edith even by assaulting her
through the maid.

That’s how perfect the Rigelhoffs’ play was.

‘But if I reveal this fact, Edith’s position will be embarrassing.’

Edith, who has been packing herself up like an arrogant and selfish young lady,
will be deeply hurt if rumors spread that she was beaten by a mere maid.

‘I can’t understand at all, but each family has its own circumstances.’

Maybe they thought of it as ‘discipline’ in their own way.

It’s ridiculous, but people have different opinions, and even villains have their
own cause.

If it was truly unbearable abuse, Edith would have asked for help.

So, Killian didn’t tell anyone about Sophia’s assault on Edith.

“If you look at the recent events, the maid is also suspicious.”

At that explanation, Cliff got angry, saying, “I should arrest her and investigate,
what should I do if you send her away as it is?”

But Killian soothed Cliff.

“Without any proof, if we investigated the maid, would we have only seen
Rigelhoff persecuting people? That would be something to be caught on its


“The maid I didn’t like from the beginning was kicked out at this opportunity, so
I just know that.”

I tried to swear, but Cliff was still sharp.

“Then the Rigelhoffs couldn’t have accepted it without protest...?”

“There is no confirmation, but at least there seems to be a plan. She said that
there were incidents that made the maid suspicious and that she would send her
back, so he accepted it silently.”

In the end, Cliff and the Duke also accepted Killian’s decision.

‘What kind of trouble am I going through because of that girl, Edith?’

I had a troublesome day, but in fact I didn’t feel too bad.

It was because the expression on Edith’s last face when he was dragging Sophia
out was close to being relieved.

‘I thought she was a fox... Tsk.’

I thought she was a arrogant and shrewd woman who never lost to anyone, but
she was a bear-like woman who couldn’t even talk about her pain and endured
The maid probably assaulted Edith right after she entered.

Even so, seeing that Edith never lowered her arrogant chin made me think she
was really amazing.

‘How can you be so significant... No, wait.’

Suddenly, I remembered Edith’s strange behavior after Sophia came in.

‘Come to think of it, that peach pie incident... Didn’t Edith starve for several
days to lose weight?’

Sophia said that Edith voluntarily did not eat in order to lose weight, but looking
back now, it was nonsense.

Just looking at Edith, who started to gain weight as soon as I attached Anna on
her, I could tell that she had no will to lose weight.

So the damn maid was starving her master.

‘No way, that’s why she asked me to put another maid on her?’

Suddenly, the puzzle seemed to fit together.

At the same time, an unexpected laugh broke out.

‘She didn’t just shut her mouth and hold it in. She didn’t intend to give in even
after being beaten like that, she was that kind of woman.’
I couldn’t hide my laughter when I thought of Edith, who had a grim expression
on her face, asking for more maids from the Ludwig family to reveal her

I should have looked at Sofia’s expression then!

‘It’s amazing, Edith Ludwig.’

She wasn’t an easy woman either.

I thought she would do anything for her father, but` she did not obey even the
family’s orders.

I was strangely satisfied with the fact that I had been taken advantage of by her

Liese was also grateful for the decision to let Sophia go without much fuss.

“Thank you, Killian. I really... I didn’t want to think about it any more.”

“I can’t say for certain that the maid named Sophia is the culprit. The Count
Sinclair’s family is still the most suspicious, and she just kicked out the maid
she didn’t like on this occasion.”


Liese, who was slowly recovering from the poisoning, looked really tired.

“Is it really okay if I bury it, Liese?”

“Yes, I am serious. I don’t think I can bear to find out that the culprit is Edith or
the Sinclair family’s brothers. Just... I will pass without knowing.”

Until now, Cliff had tried to convince her, but there was no way he could defeat
Liese, who was crying pitifully.

Killian was the same.

“Okay. So what, do you want anything else? I’ll do anything.”

It was only then that Liese’s face brightened when she suggested it in a half-
playful way.

“Will you really listen to me if I ask you?”

“Of course.”

“Okay, Killian.”

“Yes, Liese.”

Liese hesitated a little, then slightly raised her eyebrows and said.

“Please take good care of Edith.”


“How hard must it have been for Edith? Now that I’ve been poisoned, I think I
know how hard it must have been for Edith, who was poisoned last time.”
Killian knows. Because he saw her in pain firsthand.

“I believe Edith was not the culprit. Therefore... Killian, please comfort Edith,
who must have been having a hard time.”

“Ha... You innocent child with no countermeasures.”

Killian lightly caressed Liese’s cheek, which was still pale.

“But what am I supposed to do, I need to know how to comfort her.”

“You are good to me.”

“That’s because you...”

“Please do the same for Edith. Just like when you comforted me, we drink tea
together, take walks, talk...”

If it had been the same before, it would have been an offer that he would
immediately reject, saying, “Am I crazy?”

It was a mixed feeling of guilt that he didn’t know Edith at all, and curiosity that
he wanted to know more.

“Well, I do need to keep an eye on what she’s thinking.”

“I’m not asking you to do well with that thought.”

“I know. But changing my mind is something that will take me some time,
Liese, who understood his meaning, lowered her gaze as if she was sorry.

“I am not blaming you. Time is medicine, so I will be okay someday. But... It

means I don’t even know my own mind yet.”

“Sorry. And thank you, Killian.”

Killian smiled bitterly and lightly kissed Liese’s forehead.

Her forehead was warm from the slight fever that hadn’t come down yet.

Suddenly, I remembered that I hadn’t put my hand on Edith’s forehead, who

was trembling as she curled up in pain.

I really don’t know why I’m thinking that now.

“Killian. Will you listen to my request?”

Seeing Liese looking up at me with big clear eyes, Killian smiled and nodded.

“Yes, what.”

It was nothing difficult.

We can go out together, take a walk in a sunny garden, buy expensive and good
things in the downtown area, and eat delicious food together.

It was a bit cumbersome, but the method wasn’t difficult, so Killian accepted
Liese’s request without much hesitation.
But things didn’t go as expected.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 51



“If time permits, come over for tea.”

Killian, who took it easy and suggested a tea time to Edith, was politely rejected.

“I’m fine, Killian. Thanks for asking.”

It was as if she was aware of Killian’s offer as a courtesy.

‘Hmm... Was my attitude too rude?’

A little embarrassed, Killian invited Edith to eat together the next day.

“It seems like you eat alone in your room every time, but it’s good to come
down and eat in the dining room.”

“Speaking of which, how about having a meal together today?”

“I know that the Duke is still uncomfortable with me, but I don’t want to
interrupt the mealtime for nothing. Thanks for the suggestion, Killian.”

It was the second rejection.

‘Well, it’s true that my father still doesn’t like Edith.’

Killian, who was worried about making a proposal that was unlikely to interfere
with other family members, said lightly as if he was passing the next day.

“The weather is nice, so I’m going to take a short walk in the garden. Would you
like to go with me?”

However, Edith, who was surprised with her eyes wide open, smiled again and
shook her head.

“No. The sun is still hot, so I’m going to stay in my room.”

“...If so.”

After the third rejection, Killian got the feeling that Edith was avoiding him.

‘Why the hell? Didn’t I kick that damn maid out? Then isn’t it not enough to
hang on to thank me?’

At the same time as I was upset, I had come.

The next day, Killian stopped by Edith’s room and suggested that they go to
someone’s tea party.

But the answer was spectacle.

“Is it mandatory?”

“Duty... But not.”

“Is that the tea party you wanted to go to, Killian?”

“It is not.”

“Then may I ask why you want to go?”

“That’s it... Don’t women like that?”

Edith’s eyes looked startled again, but she soon shook her head after looking at
him like ‘I understand’.

“If it’s because of me, you don’t have to.”

“Do you hate that?”

“I don’t really want to go right now, and I don’t want to waste your time with

It was a subtle refusal even to anger.

“All right.”
“Thank you for asking.”

“I don’t know if you really appreciate it.”

With a bitter taste, Killian had no choice but to return to his room like a defeated

‘Coming to think of it, I haven’t seen Edith go to a party at another house since
she got married... Maybe the party is boring.’

I couldn’t help but feel so understandable and strangely nervous.


“Someone gave me a strawberry tart from <Peridot> as a gift, would you like to
eat it together?”

Around afternoon tea time, Killian stopped by and casually proposed.

“The strawberry tart from <Peridot>?”

Wow, this temptation is so hard to resist.

Even before the store opened, I was really curious about the strawberry tart from
<Peridot>, which was said to be impossible to buy without standing in line.

“Thank you, but lately I’ve been eating too much dessert, so I’ve gained some
weight... How about eating it with Miss Liese?”
“Liese and...? Are you serious?”

“Of course! Because I never care about the two of you being close!”

I tried to appeal to my selfless heart, but I felt that Killian’s lips tilted crookedly
and his pupils became menacing.

“It doesn’t matter if it’s just me and Liese, just the two of us...?”

Finally, it seems that I have been able to take a look at my true feelings.

“Sure! I know very well that you two have been like family for a long time. I
never! I have no intention of interfering with your intimate relationship.”


But, as if he couldn’t believe it, his expression of anger did not show up.

“I am... I’m serious...”

“All right. Excuse me.”

Killian turned around. Then he walked away with the strawberry tart from

‘I wanted to try it once... Won’t you give me a piece of the leftovers?’

You’ve had a bad appetite, but you shouldn’t collapse on what to eat here.

I just wanted a strawberry tart, but Killian might suspect I was slurping on a tart.
‘You have to keep a neat relationship without being clingy. You must never fall
for Killian’s test.’

In order to renew my image to Killian, who misunderstands me as infidel and

lascivious, I have been rejecting several offers from him.

It was clear that Killian was putting me to the test, too, seeing as I made
suggestions that I would never normally make.

‘How many times has this already been? Seventh or eighth?’

It was quite embarrassing to have the appearance of refusing the favor, but it
was not difficult to figure out the intention of the examiner because all of his
suggestions were to do something in close proximity to him.

‘If I continue to appeal to my pure heart like this, Killian will believe in me
someday. Isn’t that the reason why you deliberately even test it? Like the final

I encouraged myself even more with the pride of passing his tests one by one.

But the next day, Liese, who hadn’t gotten out of bed yet, called me.

I still had to appeal to Liese for my innocence, so I quickly headed to the room
where she was lying.

I didn’t bring a present for fear of raising suspicion again.

“Liese! Are you okay with your body? I was very worried.”
“I heard that Edith has suffered a lot. Why do these things keep happening...”

“Where did I read that? At times like this, everyone just thinks it’s because I’m


I just smiled broadly at Liese, who didn’t understand and gave me a puzzled

Liese, who was smiling at the same time, hesitantly opened her mouth with

“By the way, Edith. By any chance, did you feel sorry for Killian... No, of
course there must have been. There might have been...”

“Oh no! I’m sorry for Killian, not even my fingernails.”

“Even your fingernails?”

“Uh... That’s a bit of an exaggeration, but anyway, I’m more grateful to Killian
than sorry.”

I tried to look like the Virgin Mary as much as possible, hoping that Liese would
convey my story well to Killian.

“Then why are you rejecting Killian?”

“Yes? Me?”
“Yes... Killian seems to be trying to get closer to Edith, but Edith seems to be

“Did Killian say that?”

“Oh, oh, no! It’s not what Killian said, it’s just... Where did you hear that?”

It seems the maids made fun of their mouths lightly. I don’t know my speed.

If you don’t know the secret circumstances, it’s a perfect situation to

misunderstand like that.

Unlike before, Killian stopped by my room once a day to suggest something,

and I refused with any excuse.

In a way, it might look like I’m arrogantly rejecting him.

“Um... I don’t know how it sounds to Liese...”

“Yes, Edith.”

“Killian is a pitiful man. He is the one who sacrificed himself for the Ludwig
family. He says arranged marriages are common, but if he was someone like
Killian, he didn’t have to do it.”

“Ah, Edith...!”

“I am not blaming anyone, I swear! Actually, this marriage wasn’t bad for me.”
I deliberately explained in a brighter voice, but Liese’s pitiful brow didn’t seem
to straighten.

“But Killian is different. That person is still... They can’t accept me. In the end,
even making me this or that offer would be forced because of his position.”

“It’s not like that, Edith.”

Liese held my hand tightly and explained in detail that Killian had opened up to
you and that he was trying to become closer with you.

But I felt like I was going crazy and jumping.

‘Don’t say something comfortable, Liese. He’s looking at me!’

Of course, there’s no way that Killian would have been around saying that, so
Liese might be trying to convince me, but I know Killian’s intentions.

‘Liese may have cheated, but I won’t fall over, Killian.’

Even as I thought about that, I had to smile while pulling my trembling facial
muscles as much as I could.

“So, Edith, please open your heart a little.”

“Sure. I’m grateful for Killian. Anyway, I’m worried that Liese, who is not
feeling well because of me and Killian, was too concerned.”

I came back from her hospital visit as mild as possible.

It seemed that everyone was pressuring me from all sides.

‘Reveal your true nature! Take off the mask!’ and poked me in the side, driving
me into a corner, as if expecting me to collapse soon.

‘But no matter how much pressure you put on me, I don’t have that nature. Of
course, if Killian pushes me, I can’t refuse.’

Strictly speaking, that’s because Killian is lascivious, isn’t I?

I set a table for you to eat, but there is no reason to refuse that.

But I’m not going to actively set the table... Huh? It looks like Killian is in my
room again.

‘What are you trying to seduce me with again this time?’

I calmly entered the room and sat across from Killian, determined not to give in.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 52


“Oh, Killian! Were you waiting for me?”

“Where are you going?”

“I’m on my way to visit Liese in the hospital.”

Hearing that I had been to Liese, Killian nodded slightly.

Is this also a scoring point?

Killian went off the rails and spun out Edithorials of little importance.

Things like the weather and news from the Duchess.

Then, subtly, the topic changed to something about me.

“By the way... How about increasing your exercise a bit for your health? I heard
that you take a walk in the morning, but in fact, it would be good to take a walk
around the garden path once after eating.”

“Ah, is that so?”

To be honest, I probably ate a little too much after I started starving, and I
couldn’t stop myself from gaining weight even with the rompan world buffs.

Even so, it’s to the extent that the side meat is slightly caught...

“It changes my mood and prevents me from gaining weight.”

“Do I look fat?”

“Mmm, yes. You seem a little fatter than before.”

Killian’s words shocked me.

If Killian, who is not interested in me, has gained weight, how much did she

I jumped up.

“In that case, it would be better to walk for a bit.”

“I will go with you.”


“You’re taking a walk, escort?”

In an instant, the spine tightened.

“Ah... But now that I think about it, Killian’s remark just now is a bit insulting.
If I gain weight, they tell me how much I gained and exercise...”

“Oh no, I don’t mean that!”

“I won’t go for a walk today. I’ll do it next time.”

I could see Killian clenching his molars.

Wow, I almost got caught in an exam transformation.

If I clung to you like I did earlier, your gaze at me would have become very
cold, right?

“I think my expression has been misunderstood. It was that you gained weight
compared to when you lost a lot of weight before, not that you had gained
enough weight to lose weight.”

“Ah, I see. I’m sorry for the misunderstanding too. But I don’t feel like going
out that much. Of course, thank you for caring about my health, Killian.”

Paste a little thank you note.

Isn’t this a good answer?

“...All right. See you next time.”

“Yes. Do your best today too!”

I saw him off with a smile and a service mindset.

‘Whoa, today’s test passed!’

Taking advantage of the gaps Anna wasn’t looking at, I danced for joy by
myself, but suddenly I remembered Killian’s eyes staring at me and stopped.

It was as if something was going to break at any moment.

‘Now it’s clear that the high ground is not far away!’
It will be the end of doubt.

‘It can’t be like this, but if it were this woman, she’d say it’s right and run.’ She
must be testing me with a willing heart, but since she doesn’t roll like she
thought, she must be in a state of doubt.

‘If I get over this hurdle, then can I have tea with Killian? I want to eat together,
take a walk...’

Will you treat me like a person when you realize I’m not the lascivious,
boisterous woman that rumors say?

I’m really sad. Sob.


I was always nervous while going through Killian’s ‘test’, and if there was any
time to control my mind during that time, it was definitely the time I was
working in Linnon’s office.

Linnon’s office, cool even in summer and full of the smell of paper, was one of
my favorite places in the mansion.

I especially liked the warm silence.

Contrary to the initial introduction that said he was stingy with praise, Linnon
praised me more often than I thought.

In fact, there was nothing difficult about sorting documents by date and
organizing the contents scattered into several pages into one page, but Linnon
said in passing that it was handled neatly and meticulously.
I found peace of mind in those words that were not excessive, but acknowledged
my hard work.

But today, even that seems difficult.

“Killian? Why are you here?”

When I went to work (?), I found Killian sitting in the middle of Linnon’s office.

“Is there anything I shouldn’t be doing?”

“It’s not like that... It’s just, I’m surprised. I think this is the first time I’ve seen
it since I’ve been working here?”

“I come sometimes. Even when you weren’t there.”

“Ah, that’s right... Then, do you have something to discuss with Linnon?”

“Yes, what...”

Well, although he is the second son of the Duke, Killian was also helping the
Duke. He might have something to ask about taxes, so it was no surprise that he
showed up at Linnon’s office.

“Then talk to the two of you. I will be doing my job.”

I smiled and sat down in front of my desk with what I had to do today, but I
couldn’t get rid of the thought that Killian had come to watch over me.
‘Yes, I’ll show you how hard I work.’

I was really focused on my work.

He never paid attention to Killian, and focused only on filing the paperwork.

Wouldn’t Killian have been a bit impressed by how hard he worked?

But Killian, who was quiet about what he was doing, suddenly spoke to Linnon.

“Wouldn’t it be nice to add one more staff, Linnon?”

I guess I wasn’t the only one who thought that word was out of the blue.

“Suddenly... You mean?”

“I’m sorry I didn’t take care of you for a while. When you come in person
during business hours, you look like you have too much work.”

I can finally understand Liese’s expression of being blunt on the outside but
deep inside.

It was a little embarrassing even though it was a proposal with concern for
Linnon, and his voice was hard and indescribable.

“Thank you for your concern, but Miss Edith is helping you, so it’s okay.”

“If Edith helps, how much help.”

“This isn’t lip service, he’s more competent than any other employee I’ve ever
worked with. It has made my job much easier.”

Oh! It’s kind of embarrassing to hear compliments in front of Killian.

It’s embarrassing, but I can’t hide my pride.

‘But why is his expression like that?’

After hearing my compliment from Linnon, Killian’s eyebrows crumpled


At first, I thought I didn’t like hearing compliments, but now that I think about
it, I feel like I have to admit it, so it seemed like a process of giving up my

‘Let’s stay alert until the end and do our best!’

I pretended not to have heard the conversation between the two and worked
harder on the paperwork.


The Diary of Linnon Filch

— April 2, 1824

The Duchess sent Miss Edith to me. She seems to help with work.
I didn’t have high expectations, but it’s true that things have been a little
daunting since the last time the fool ran away.

I hoped that the young lady had at least the intelligence not to confuse the date,
but surprisingly, the young lady was sincere and meticulous in organizing the

She even looked very skilled, like someone who had been working somewhere
for a long time.

I thought that if she continued to do this much, I would have nothing more to
ask for, but in the afternoon Master Cliff called me and asked me about Lady

I answered as I felt, but it didn’t seem like the answer the Young Master wanted.

— May 20, 1824

Lady Edith, who was always diligent, seemed strangely anxious and nervous

When I asked if something was wrong, she took something out of her pocket
and asked if I was okay.

At first, I thought it was a piece of cloth, but upon closer inspection, it turned
out to be an embroidered handkerchief.

It seems that it will soon be sold at the bazaar of the Countess Ermenia.

I can honestly say that the handkerchief is a little wrinkled on all sides and the
stitches are randomly spaced, but I can definitely tell what kind of picture it is.
In my opinion, it was a compliment, but the lady made an expression as if the
sky had collapsed.

I don’t know what to say to women’s embroidery work to make it sound like a

— June 18, 1824

The other day, the Rigelhoffs sent a maid to Edith, but the lady didn’t seem very

Even though she seemed a little weak, she suddenly enjoyed the refreshments
she hadn’t eaten today.

She left a cookie and a madeleine for me, but as I sipped my tea, her eyes were
fixed on it, so I couldn’t help but tell her to eat it.

The way she asked if it was okay was like a young girl.

But why are you suddenly eating refreshments? Have you ever had a baby?

— June 29, 1824

After returning from a business trip, the atmosphere at the mansion is unusual.

It seemed that Miss Edith first poisoned herself and staged a play in order to
harm Miss Liese, and then attempted to poison Lady Liese.

It was an unbelievable story for me.

A person who is greedy will show through somehow, but Lady Edith did not
seem to be greedy.

The circumstances of the superiors were not my concern, so I did not listen to
the servants’ gossip.

Lady Edith said she’s on probation for the time being, but having one hand
empty is quite inconvenient.

— July 15, 1824

Lady Edith’s probation has been lifted.

It seems that the incident involving the young lady has been roughly sorted out,
but the servants still seem to believe that the young lady is the culprit.

I didn’t really care if Miss Edith did that or not.

If you just help me with work like now.

But what did I provoke, the lady showed tears.

I was a little taken aback, but fortunately I had the mentality to hand over the

The lady quickly wiped away her tears and went back to work.

Looking back, you do a really good job.

How much better it would have been if the lady had been the daughter of a
commoner in need of money. Then I would have hired her as a full-time
employee right away.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 53



— August 2, 1824

Today, for some reason, Master Killian came to the office.

It was the first time the Young Master came to sit in my office, but strangely, he
said it as if it was a common occurrence for Lady Edith.

I wanted to correct my memory, but I gave up because Master Killian’s eyes

were ugly.

Lady Edith worked quickly and focused today, whether or not Master Killian
was present. She is truly a talent that I covet every time I see her.

But the Young Master glared at the back and suddenly said to me how about
hiring an employee.

It was a thank you, but it wasn’t that I didn’t hire an employee so far.
I always picked them up, but they all ran away after half a year.

In that sense, Miss Edith was a really helpful person.

The young lady was more sincere, understanding, quick-witted, and smarter than
anyone I’ve ever seen, except for the often-repeated probationary spirit.

So I said that it wasn’t necessary because Lady Edith was helping me these
days, but Master Killian looked at me with terrifying eyes.

Perhaps Master Killian wanted to get Miss Edith’s attention, but if that’s the
case, say something nice to Miss Edith.

Even if he pretended to look at her, Edith didn’t seem to be as ignorant as dust.

The future for the two of them looked bleak indeed.


Killian came to Linnon’s office as if he were going to work every day.

Seeing that they came and didn’t do anything, it seemed to be for the purpose of
spying on me.

But if you want to watch, you have to hide. There is no basic posture of

Anyway, I didn’t care about him and persevered, playing a sincere employee.
No, this is not smoke.

Even in the healing game, my soul couldn’t escape the Korean Peninsula office
worker who earns money to pay off the loan.

“If you add up the amount written on this receipt, the total is 3,568,478 senna.
But the actual statement is written as 3,568,487 senna.”

“Okay. It looks like it was written by swapping the last two digits there. I was
wondering where 9 senna disappeared, but thank you for finding it.”

“It’s not over yet. This number is wrong. It’s not a big deal, but I think it’s going
to get in trouble later if these little calculations are wrong.”

“You’re right. I thought about it before, but the lady is quite meticulous. Thanks
to this, the paperwork that was full of errors has been considerably cleaned up.”

“Thanks to Linnon for teaching me well, well. She worked hard today too.”

“You did a great job, Mrs. Then see you next week.”

Today, I found documents with incorrect calculations, corrected them, and

organized my seat with a proud heart.

“Are you done now?”

“Uh? Killian. Were you still there?”

I forgot that Killian was there because I was at work.

My words were a little offended, but Killian’s eyes were sharp.

“Linnon’s assessment of diligence and perseverance is overly accurate.”

“Uh? That, is it? Thank you.”

“...It wasn’t a compliment.”

“Huh? Isn’t being sincere and persistent a compliment?”

“Ha... No. I’m also going to wake up now, so I’ll take you to your room.”

This was a notice, not a suggestion.

Killian grabbed my wrist and slipped out of Linnon’s office before I could finish
cleaning the desk.

“I couldn’t finish cleaning my desk!”

“Linnon will clean it up.”

He strode toward my room in such a hurry, and I had to run halfway to keep up
with his pace.

And when we arrived at my room, Killian dismissed Anna, who was waiting for
me, and said almost threateningly.

“I know nothing happened tonight.”

“Huh? Ah, yes. There is nothing special.”

There was nothing else to do in the mansion other than helping Linnon. I had
never responded to an invitation to a party, so I had no schedule whatsoever.

“Let’s go see an opera with me.”

“Huh? Why suddenly?”

“Does anything change by putting it off until tomorrow or the day after

“...Not that.”

Still, it’s such an outrageous proposition.

‘This is somehow... It feels like the final exam...?’

It was different from the previous suggestions of things that could be done
within the mansion, from asking the two of them to go out of the mansion.

‘Whoops. Don’t be fooled, idiot.’

I smiled condescendingly.

“Then, you are going to the opera with me tonight.”

“Killian. You don’t have to try so hard. Because I’m really fine.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I mean, don’t feel obligated to do something with me. When Liese is all well,
how about going out with Liese?”

At this point, even Killian would be forced to admit it.

First of all, in the part where he doesn’t accept the request for a date, his dry
chastity stands out.

In the part asking her to go out with Liese, she feels cool, not obsessed with her
husband, and in the part where she pretends not to know the temptation hidden
in the offer to go out in the dark, she shows a priest-level stoic attitude.

I believed that I had passed Killian’s test successfully.

Strangely, however, I felt that Killian’s hand, which was holding my shoulder,
seemed to add strength.


I also felt that his breathing was a little rough.

“What the hell do you think of me?”

“Huh? Of course... My husband...?”

That said, it was a bit of a silly answer.

The fact that he and I were husband and wife became a fact that could not be
denied or denied as the seals of both families were stamped on the documents,
and the seals of the priest were also stamped, but he and I hadn’t been married
very much.
“Are you saying that you thought of me as a husband and rejected all offers to
live as a married couple? Ah! There was one thing you wouldn’t refuse, really.”

“Yes? Wha... What?”

I felt a strange sense of anxiety and anticipation at the same time.

Killian’s eyes, which were wet with heat, were the ones he looked up at some
other time.

He suddenly put me on his shoulder.

The floor suddenly receded and the legs in the air startled me and I struggled.

“Killian! Let me go! I... I’m scared!”

He let me go as soon as I asked. Being on the bed was a bit meaningful, though.

“A husband only has to play the role of a stallion, isn’t it?”

“Stop, no way!”

“But isn’t that the only thing you won’t reject me for? Isn’t that right, Edith?”

Killian was untying the knots on my dress before I knew it.

Oh, how fast his hands were. In the meantime, the heavy dress slipped down.
“Killian, I really didn’t mean this!”

“So, was this your retaliation for refusing the last request to hug you?”

He growled and questioned me, but he didn’t listen to my answer and kissed me.


The heat rushing into my mouth took my breath away.

Originally, he was a good kisser, but today the feeling was different. It was a
little thicker and rough and honest to the point that it felt like a wall was

“Hahaha, Killian...”

“You look like you’re about to cry.”

I didn’t want to cry, but I was embarrassed.

“You know how weak a man is with a face like that.”


“So, didn’t you cry that much in front of Linnon too? Even from a distance, it
made my heart ache.”


“Don’t bring up another man’s name in front of me.”

I was about to say, ‘No, this is what you said first!’, but Killian kissed me again
as if covering my mouth.

Even in the middle of a wild, destroying kiss as if my soul were going to escape,
I remembered the day I cried in front of Linnon.

Killian didn’t come that day...

Even from afar, does that mean that Killian was looking somewhere?

“You’re distracted. How can you think of something else in front of me?”

“Ah, that...”

“I guess I have been too gentlemanly until now.”

“It can’t be, ah! Now wait!”

Killian suddenly hugged me tightly and put his lips on the nape of my neck.

“I won’t let you think of other men.”

“Ugh, Killian...!”

“Yes, so... Just call me by my name...”

His body touched through the thin chemise was hard and hot.
I was a little scared that if he hugged me tightly, my body would collapse as it

But on the other hand, I wanted him to hug me so tightly and deeply that I
couldn’t even think of anything.

The kiss that followed again and his body temperature warming my body made
my head turn white.

For some reason, tears came to my eyes.

“You have to cry too. You might know.”

“Sob, heuk...”

“So, if you make that face in front of another man, I can’t help but be angry.”

I couldn’t understand why I was crying either. I couldn’t understand what the
hell Killian was mad about.

Even so, my body was getting hotter, so I had no choice but to put my arms
around his neck and exhale excitedly.

“Don’t be angry, or angry, whew, or ahhhh...”

“I see what you are doing.”

Killian’s voice was somehow satisfying.

But I was absorbed in the pleasure he gave me without understanding anything.


[Step 2 exception conditions met. Exceptions are made and the author’s rights
are reduced. Stage 2 exception conditions will expire.]

From beyond the darkness, I heard a voice that I was even glad to see now.

At first, I was blankly thinking, ‘Oh, it’s been a long time, hasn’t it?’, but
gradually I came to my senses.

Although the expression that I came to my senses from a dream is a bit

ridiculous, it is true.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 54



‘Wait, what are you talking about? What conditions do you think I met?’

It was the same when the first stage exception condition was met, but this
situation that the second stage exception condition was met was also
Could it be that the conditions are fulfilled every time I sleep with Killian?

‘What is the second stage exception condition?’

Again, I tried my best to convey my doubts to the voice.

The voice spoke as if it were listening to the answer recorded by the machine.

[Step 2 exception condition: Reject Killian Ludwig’s proposal ten times.]


It was such an absurd condition.

Rather, it is easier to understand the viciousness of the first-level exception


Shocked, my first thought was that someone with that condition was playing
with me.

‘Are you sure. They’re having fun watching me struggle in real time.’

The god of this world must be a sadist!

It was clear that he knew I liked Killian and made that condition.

In fact, if I hadn’t made up my mind to clear up Killian’s misunderstanding and

never get clingy with him, I would never have been able to get past the 2nd
stage exception.
‘I really caught a mouse by walking behind the cow.’

Perhaps by now the god of this world is as bewildered as I am.

Thinking about it made me sue a little.

I couldn’t hold back the smile that spilled out and laughed.

In a dream where I felt nothing but darkness, my senses in my limbs gradually


I didn’t have any strength in my languid body, but something held me firmly so
my body didn’t collapse at all.

“What are you dreaming about, why do you laugh while sleeping?”

A low voice was heard.

It was Killian’s voice, so erotic that it shook my eardrums.

It seems that it has passed from a dream for announcements to a normal dream.
Killian’s voice whispering to me...

“Huh... Good...”

When I slightly opened my eyes, I saw the man’s bare chest, albeit blurry.
Considering that I heard Killian’s voice earlier, this must be Killian’s heart.

I rubbed my face against it with a fuzzy feeling.

Even though it was a dream, I could feel the hot body temperature and tight
muscles. I mean it was really good.

‘Ah... Even if I die like this, there will be no time... Huh...?’

It was only after I buried my face in Killian’s chest for a while and breathed in
his body odor that I did everything I wanted to do, and then I felt something

‘The running time is strangely long for this kind of dream...’

Feeling somewhat chilly, I blinked my eyes hard and tried to wake up.

In front of my eyes there was the man’s chest bone, which had deepened as he
lay on his side.

‘Yes, I rubbed my face there.’

Five seconds after that realization, I jumped up.

“Ah, Ki... Killian! I’m sorry!”

Crazy! It was not a dream! I had slammed my face into Killian’s bare chest.

So I apologized, but his smiling face hardened.

“Did you rub your face without knowing it was me?”

“Ah, no, it’s not like that, I thought it was a dream!”

“Dream? Are you sure that I was your partner in that dream too?”

“Yes. However... If it were real, you wouldn’t be able to stay still... I thought it
was a dream.”

Only then did his frown brow straighten.

“That’s all right. Lie down again.”


When I couldn’t understand what he was saying and my eyes widened, he pulled
me back and locked me in his arms again.

He hugged me tightly and let out a long sigh as if he was somehow satisfied, but
said nothing.

I didn’t hate being hugged by him either, so I just let him do it.

I thought I was going to fall asleep again, but Killian was playing with my hair
through his fingertips.

I pretended to be crazy and fiddled with his chest muscles because I felt like he
would let me off whatever I did.

‘I think this will be enough for a C cup... Is not it? I want to rub it once.’

My saliva went down.

But then Killian started to chuckle and laugh.

“Do you like it that much?”

Oh, I got caught.

“Oh no, just... I’m just curious...”

“What are you curious about? It is natural that you will build muscle as much as
you train. I was more curious about your body.”

He gently stroked my back with his large hand.

“How can you... It’s soft... It’s so soft, really.”

“I was a little worried that I might get crushed earlier too.”

At that, Killian shuddered and laughed again, moving his body.

It was a strangely warm and comfortable atmosphere.

“Is it in the middle of the night?”

I asked because it was dark around me.

“No. I just pulled some curtains. It must be around dinner time.”


“You haven’t eaten, so you must be hungry.”

“You are... Are not you hungry?”

“I’m hungry.”

I hadn’t thought much of it until a while ago, but I suddenly felt hungry when I
heard that it was dinner time, having skipped lunch.

“Can you get up?”


I was a little dazed, but not dizzy or difficult.

But Killian looked down at me and suddenly kissed me.

It wasn’t a passionate kiss, it was a cozy, warm, comfortable kiss.

He kissed softly and asked me quietly.

“Me... Are you serious about not looking at me as a stallion or anything else?”

“Why do you ask that? Of course!”

“Well... You’ve never given me that certainty before.”

No, you shouldn’t talk like that! When did I get a chance to do that?

But I am the one who was disappointed.

I have to continue this good atmosphere now to change the future when I die at
the hands of Killian.

“How can I trust you?”

Then, as if he had waited, the corners of his lips curled.

“Let’s go to the opera with me tomorrow. Even outside the bedroom, you’re like

Killian, who tried to say something more when he said let’s go to the opera, just
looked down at me and couldn’t speak more.

He seemed to be contemplating the right words.

“I’m fine. I thought you were forcing yourself to suggest this and that out of a
sense of duty, I didn’t mean to push you away.”

“I can’t believe it.”

“When did you trust me? But I am innocent as always.”

“Then try your best to convince me.”

Killian kissed me again and caressed my body.

If it hadn’t been for that growling sound in my stomach, we might have gone
into second round.
While I buried my face in the palm of my hands at the embarrassing sound,
Killian laughed and pulled the rope.

“Prepare the bath water. We will eat after we’re done bathing.”

“I will prepare it soon.”

Even seeing our nakedness, Anna obeyed the order without the slightest

After taking a bath, we had a late dinner together.

We didn’t have much of a conversation, but I felt full and the time flew by.

“Really... Would you like to go out with me tomorrow?”

“I made the offer.”

“That’s true, though.”

“I will be leaving tomorrow after lunch. When you’re ready, I’ll come pick you
up to your room.”

My heart fluttered at the thought of going out on a date even though we were
already married.

“I’ll wait.”

“...See you tomorrow.”

So we parted as if we were sorry for the next day.


[Step 2 exception conditions met. Exceptions are made and the author’s rights
are reduced. Stage 2 exception conditions will expire.]

‘How so fast!’

K was shocked to hear that the second stage exception conditions had been met.

I thought that this condition would never be broken, but Edith quickly met the
condition as if he had waited.

‘Didn’t you love Killian? She must have looked like that?’

The 13th Edith also fell in love with Killian, just like the previous 12 Ediths. It
was clear.

That’s why he was confident when he set the condition of ‘refusing Killian
Ludwig’s offer 10 times.’

How can you reject a tempting offer from someone you like 10 times?

‘I thought I wouldn’t be able to refuse even once, let alone 10 times...!’

The love that K knew was the feeling of wanting to do whatever the object he
loved wanted, and giving it to him.

Just like Cliff and Killian did to Liese.

Even if you could reject her once or twice for some reason, rejecting her 10
times meant, to K, that you didn’t love her.

Even if someone you don’t love asks for a favor, it’s hard to refuse 10 times, but
how on earth...!

‘I said I was anxious, but I never thought it would really turn out like this.’

It happened between Killian, who could only control 70%, and Edith, who
couldn’t get involved at all, so I don’t know exactly how things went.

However, he didn’t miss what Killian complained about in the middle.

“I think Edith is avoiding me these days.”

How strange it was for Killian, who was talking about Edith, not Liese, with a
bitter face...

However, because of that, he was able to not miss the abnormal signs and
persuaded Edith through Liese.

‘Certainly at that time, there was something strange about the atmosphere.’

Unlike herself, who didn’t like this marriage, Edith said that she felt sorry for
Killian, who fell victim to an arranged marriage.

“He is still... They can’t accept me. In the end, even making me this or that offer
would be forced because of his position.”
At the time, I thought he was complaining roundly because he was mad at
Killian, but now that this situation has occurred, it seems that he really thought
that Killian was forcing him to do something he didn’t want to do.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 55



‘So you’re saying you turned them all down for Killian’s sake?’

Considering the context, it was only possible to come to such a conclusion, but
if so, K helped Edith to meet the second stage exception condition.

Because it was K who encouraged Killian through Liese.

If it had been left alone, Killian wouldn’t have made the offer 10 times in a row,
and if that was the case, Edith, who was relaxed in the middle, might have
accepted the offer at least once.

Encouraging Killian to strengthen the flow of the original story turned into a
reverse blade. It was useless to regret it now.

‘Shit! If it’s down to level 2, that means Killian won’t listen to me!’

It was the second step that had never been met before.
Killian, whose dominance of K has been lowered to about 30%, will be more
difficult to control in the future, and the dominance of characters other than
Killian is also lowered to about 70%.

But K had never experienced what that situation was like.

‘If the three-step exception condition is met... What will become of this world?’

An unprecedented fear came over me.

As far as K knows, if the third stage condition is broken, he cannot intervene in

anything in this world, and this world moves with the probability created by the

But what kind of world that would be, K couldn’t imagine.

He thought he was the god of this world, but when he was cornered into this
situation, he felt very helpless.

‘I created this world! Why can’t I do what I want!’

A bigger problem was that time would continue to flow if the law of following
the original work disappeared.

When Liese becomes the Duchess and the Sinclair family members feel intense
regret at the end of the story, everything slowly fades away and then returns to
the beginning of the story, unlike until now, time continues to flow after that.

However, apart from being bored with the repetitive life, K was not curious
about what happened after the original work.
‘I lived happily ever after, I don’t want to know the story after that! I don’t want
to see Liese grow old!’

K wanted the story to stop at the pinnacle of happiness. How could I have seen
the layer of time sinking down on the beautiful Liese face?

Liese has to be perfect.

It should be stuffed at the moment when it is young, beautiful, happy, and loved
by everyone.

‘In order to do that, Edith must die as a villainess.’

K grinded his teeth.

Unfortunately, K couldn’t kill Edith directly.

It was only after this situation that I realized more clearly, but K was only able
to dominate the character he created, and was trapped in the great flow of the
original work along with everything else.

And in the flow of the original work, only one Killian was set up as the person
who would kill Edith.

‘Of course, since the second stage exception conditions have been met, the rule
of following the original story has weakened. If that’s the case, I could use
probability to kill Edith, but... The penalty given to me will not be easy.’

If Killian fell in love with Liese again, things would be easier, but anyway, the
most powerful weapon K could wield was ‘exception conditions’.
If the last exceptional condition is not met, there is a high probability that
Killian will eventually kill Edith by the flow of the original work no matter what
unexpected situation occurs.

‘So, the 3rd stage exception condition must be set to something that Edith will
never be able to satisfy. I should try to kill Edith as much as possible.’

K was no longer in the mood to enjoy a game.

After much thought, he finally decided on a third-level exception.

And the system of this world accepted K’s decision.

[Step 3 exception conditions have been set.]

Maybe it’s because it’s the first sentence I’ve heard, but the voice I’ve always
heard felt cold today.


“Oh my God, have you ever been to a place like this?”

At the opera house, where I came out with Killian to prove I wasn’t treating him
like a stallion, I couldn’t help but look around and gape.

The high ceiling, wide stage, private rooms around the walls on the 2nd and 3rd
floors, and luxurious seats spread out on the 1st floor seemed like it wouldn’t be
out of place in any modern theater.
It might be because he had only been to a movie theater in his previous life, but
it seemed that the author had conceived the opera theater in a luxurious way,
probably for Cliff and Liese’s date at the opera house.

“Have you never been?”

“Yes. No.”

Searching through Edith’s memories, she doesn’t remember ever being in a

place like this.

The only places where Count Rigelhoff presented his daughter were parties and

Even when he seduced a man, he never sent him to a place where surveillance
was difficult. It seemed that he knew that he would probably run away if he was
sent out to a place out of his surveillance.

“It can’t be. I think I’ve seen Count Rigelhoff and his wife and their successors a
few times in the theater...”

I just smiled bitterly.

Killian only slightly frowned at me, but did not ask for details.

“What is the title of the opera?”

“It’s <Odelette>.”

“What is it about?”
He answered indifferently about the title, but looked at me incredulously when I
asked for the content.

“Don’t you know <Odelette>?”

“Is it a famous piece?”

He searched through Edith’s memories, but strangely enough, he had no

knowledge of opera, theater, or painting.

Then, a vague memory came to my mind.

“You don’t have to know that! You are ignorant because no one knows. Do not
be unnecessarily interested in entertainment, do what you are told to do!”

It was the day when I went to a social gathering for young ladies and returned
home in disgrace because I did not know the contents of a popular play at the

I asked for even a brief explanation, but Count Rigelhoff ignored it as if it was

‘That man was afraid of his daughter becoming more knowledgeable. Because
he would have wanted a dog that was good at telling me.’

No matter how much it was set up to create Edith’s distorted view of love, it was
a family relationship that I really wanted to see.

When I showed signs of not knowing anything about Odelette, Killian thought
about something and explained it with a nonchalant face.
“Odelette, the daughter of a viscount with a strong Gasse, went into the woods
to pick raspberries and found an injured man. Odeleith helps the man out of her
pity, but she falls in love with her. The man says he has lost his memory, but in
reality he was Laslo, a prince from a neighboring country who was being hunted
by an assassin sent by his political opponent.”

“Oh my, my! So?”

Killian let out a small sigh and spoke again.

“The two grow in love, but Odelette’s father wants to marry her off to a man
from a wealthy household to start a family. Upon learning of this, Laslo begs
Odelette to escape with her love.”

“But I think she would have made a different choice.”

“You’re right. After her troubles, Odelette is married to her rich man, and Laslo,
despairing, returns to his country. And a year later, Odelette sees Laslo, the
prince of a neighboring country marrying her princess, and ends her life in shock
and regret after committing suicide.”

“It is a tragedy.”

It was like the European version of <Lee Soo-il and Shim Soon-ae>. How many
love stories with similar sad endings are there?

While we were talking, the lights in the theater turned off and the stage lit up.

As the spotlights poured onto the stage and the beautifully decorated singers
began to sing, I immediately fell in love with the opera.

At first, Odelette and Laslo developed a fresh love while singing bright songs.
However, their love is quickly jeopardized.

Odelette’s father introduces the wealthy baron Hubert to Odelette for the sake of
the family.

“Oh, my God! What should I do! Please tell me the answer.”

Odelette agonizes between the wealthy man Hubert and the man he loves, Laslo,
and Laslo earnestly asks Odelette to believe in herself and come to me.

And Hubert, who seduces Odelette with money, even though she knows that she
has another man she loves.

“Oh, forgive me, Laslo. My heart will always be yours, but I must leave you.”

A terrifyingly clear soprano sang of Odelette’s feelings about choosing another

man over Laslo.

They said that the human body is the best instrument in the world.

Suddenly, a handkerchief appeared in front of me.


When I turned around in embarrassment, Killian was looking at me.

Then he pressed his handkerchief lightly on my cheek.

It seems that I was shedding tears without even realizing it.

“Thank you.”

I whispered a little and took a handkerchief from him to wipe away my tears.

And the play ended with Odelette stabbing herself in the chest with a dagger
behind Laslo’s wedding, which was celebrated by everyone.

When the actors came to the stage and greeted me, I jumped up and applauded
enthusiastically, along with the others.

It was so touching that my heart skipped a beat.

“Was it fun?”

“Yes! I never imagined that opera would be like this. I don’t think I’ll forget it
for a while.”

I put my hand on my still pounding heart and thanked Killian for bringing me

Then Killian thought about something and asked out of the blue.

“If you were Odelette, who would you choose?”

I finished wiping away my tears and answered coldly.

“Hubert. And I’m not going to kill myself.”

Killian stared at me with a slightly surprised face before asking again.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 56



“Hubert? Are you talking about that guy who only has a lot of money?”

“Apart from the touching of the opera, Laslo is a very badass.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“He tested love. Even though he knew what Odelette’s situation was, he did not
reveal his identity because he was testing the love. Son of a bitch.”

Killian seemed shocked by my swear words. But I had no intention of canceling

the swear words.

Killian managed to calm his shock and asked me again.

“But if you really love, can’t you be swayed by the lure of money?”

“Killian. Have you ever been without money?”

“...No, but.”

“To say it’s just money... There are so many things that can be solved with

I knew that all too well. So I could understand Odelette, but I couldn’t forgive

“Furthermore, the existence of the family was at stake in Odelette’s marriage.

Clinging only to her own love, she had circumstances that made it impossible
for her to give up everything.”


“You know this pain all too well, Killian.”

Killian froze at my answer. I quickly turned away, wondering if I had dug up his
wounds for no reason.

“In the play, Hubert was treated as a very mean person, but in fact, Hubert is the
man who loved Odelette.”

“Didn’t he extort money from Odelette, who was already passionately in love
with another man?”

“Is it so. He knew that Odelette loved another man. Even so, you worked hard to
get Odelette. If she were that rich, she could have loved herself and got a woman
as beautiful as Odelette to be her wife.”

“Perhaps, if Laslo hadn’t reappeared as if to take revenge on Odelette, Hubert
and Odelette could have lived a normal, happy couple.”

For the first time, Killian nodded.

“So, it was very stupid for Odelette to commit suicide at the end. To be honest,
it’s not very likely. I would bet the author of this play would be a man.”

“You have a tendency to risk your own life too much, but that’s right. The
author of the play is a man.”

“So you must have thought that the woman would regret it and kill herself. But
as for the woman, she is much stronger than you think.”

I grinned, but Killian just stared at me and didn’t smile.

‘Did I be too mean?’

I just felt sick to my stomach.

Maybe it was a mistake to touch Killian’s wound earlier.

At a time like this, I had to ventilate the atmosphere quickly.

“Shall we go out now?”

“...I see.”

We walked out of the opera house side by side with a feeling of excitement.
I felt like a couple who went out on a normal date, and it tickled my stomach.

Killian stepped out into the street where the sun had not yet set and turned to me
and asked.

“Should we go back to the mansion or take a look around the streets?”

Uh? Looks like you’re taking me with you!

“I want to see the streets!”

“I bet you haven’t seen the streets before, have you?”

“It’s not... It’s my first time with you.”

He then held out his arm to me with a slightly relaxed face.

I swallowed and carefully placed my hand on his arm.

My heart skipped a beat as I felt my hard forearm beneath the fabric.

Everything on the street where the evening sun had fallen seemed relaxed.

Piroche Street, walking with Killian, was close to Darsus Street, where Anna
and I went last time, but unlike Darsus Street, it was a place where commoners
and nobles were mixed.

“Look over there! What the hell is that?”

An old man was on a food stall, wrapping something sticky around a stick and
handing it to the child.

“It’s candy.”


“They say it’s a candy manufacturing method brought in from abroad, but they
say it’s popular these days.”

I suddenly remembered seeing it on TV in my previous life. It is very similar to

the chewy candy made on the streets of Türkiye.

‘It looks like the writer used Turkish candy.’

When I stared blankly at it, Killian smiled and led me in front of him.

“Make me one.”

“Would you like some, my lady?”


“Then I will make you very polite!”

The candy vendor rolled multicolored molten taffy-like sticks around a thin
wooden stick, made a lollipop right away, poked it in the powdered sugar
powder, took it out, and handed it to me.

“It’s 50 senna!”

“Oh, hey, sorry. Because I don’t have enough change... If you wait a moment, I
will change it right away.”

The merchant was taken aback when Killian handed over the 1,000 senna bill.
Well, I don’t think many people even take out bills to buy street candy.

“Change is done.”


Killian put his arms around my shoulders and started walking, leaving the
surprised candy seller behind.

I laughed to myself because it was funny to try Turkish candy that I had never
tasted in my previous life in this strange world.

“Is it that delicious?”

“Yes, it is delicious. It’s very sweet, but it also tastes sour.”

At least 50-senna candy tastes like melted sugar.

However, the fact that it was Killian who bought it might have made it taste
even more delicious.

While I was sucking on a long lollipop, Killian stared at me and swallowed for
some reason.
“Seeing you eat makes you want to eat, right?”

I asked with a half-teasing smile, and he nodded slowly and whispered.

“I want to eat. It’s not like I want to eat candy.”

“Yes? Then what...”

I didn’t understand what he was saying, so I looked up again, and Killian looked
me straight in the eye, swallowed again, and shook his head.

“It’s nothing.”

“It’s bland.”

He seemed embarrassed to say he wanted candy.

At that time, the voice of a young child was heard.

“Buy flowers! Buy flowers!”

A little girl was selling her few flowers in a small basket.

It was already half withered, so no one paid attention to it.

But the child will definitely hang around here until nightfall if he doesn’t sell all
those flowers.
“Please lend me some money.”

When I came out, I forgot to bring my money, so I tried to borrow some money
from Killian, but instead of lending it to me, Killian approached the child and
bought all the remaining flowers.

“Thank you, sir!”

The child, who must have been seven years old, bowed to Killian several times
before running away lightly with an empty basket.

And Killian gathered the wilted flowers he had bought from the girl, tied them
together with his handkerchief, and handed them to me.

“There is no lady who buys flowers herself when a man is by her side.”

“It sounds like old advice, but I’ll take it now.”

I picked up the small bouquet he was holding out and put my nose to it.

The wild flowers, which must have been picked in the mountains or fields, gave
off a scent closer to that of grass, but the simple scent permeated my heart more.

Come to think of it, it was the first time I had ever received flowers from
someone in my past and present life.

My parents in my previous life believed that it would be better to use that money
to buy jajangmyeon than to spend money on a bouquet of flowers that you can’t
even eat.

Actually, I did too.

However, when I received the bouquet myself, I was excited as if my heart was

“This is the first time I've ever received something like this.”

“You must have received such withered flowers for the first time. If it had been
in the morning, the flowers would have been a bit fresher, but it’s a pity.”

“No. It’s the first time I receive a flower itself.”


I was smiling single-singly, looking at the flowers, but I felt something strange
next to me, so I turned my head and saw Killian looking at me with a very
strange face.

“What’s wrong, Killian?”

“Flower... Is this your first time receiving it?”


“Didn’t the men who courted you take the trouble to send you flowers?”

“Ah... That... I didn’t get it. There may be someone who sent it.”

“What else...”
It was a little shocking to me that there was no scene in Edith’s memory of
receiving flowers directly.

There were many men who sent her flowers in return for courtship. The problem
was that all the bouquets were used to decorate Count Rigelhof’s room, or
Shane’s room, or her mansion itself.

‘Why the hell did you scold Edith so much? Wasn’t she her biological

However, I can’t openly say that because I haven’t yet met the third-level
exception condition.

‘I shouldn’t have said that it was my first time receiving flowers.’ With regret, I
turned Killian’s attention to the juggling clown.

“Oh! Look over there, Killian!”

It was something that Killian pointed out as a way to keep me from digging deep
into my problems, but juggling in all kinds of poses and not dropping a ball
thrown into the air was really amazing.

I grabbed Killian by the sleeve and moved closer to the clown.

There were many other spectators besides us, but few threw coins into the hat in
front of the clown.

Commoner children would have no money, and nobles passing by would find it
rude to sit among commoners and watch clowns.

“Killian. No coins, coins?”

“Don’t have.”

“I’m sorry to see this and just pass by...”

“Of course that’s not polite.”

Then he took out another bill and handed it to me.

Again, it was a 1,000-senna bill.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 57



‘This must be the lowest unit of currency he carries.’

After receiving it, I went forward and put the bill into the clown’s hat.

Then the clown started juggling around me, and the violinist behind me played
even more passionately, embarrassing me.

It was probably the largest amount of money they ever received.

I shrugged and looked back at Killian. He was smiling lightly at me.

It must have been funny to see myself holding a bouquet of flowers in one hand
and candy in the other because I was afraid I would ruin the clown’s juggling.

“Now let go of my wife.”

When Killian spoke in a laughing voice, the clown thanked him repeatedly and
withdrew, and I was finally able to return to Killian’s side.

People around us kept glancing at us as if surprised by Killian’s appearance.

It tickled me strangely that he referred to me as ‘my wife’, so I couldn’t control

the mouth-to-mouth.

Why do happy times pass so quickly?

Our evening, which melted away as quickly as 50-senna street candy, ended
with a sweet aftertaste and the smell of fresh wildflowers.

“You may not believe this because you don’t trust me yet, but I had a lot of fun
today. Thank you.”

At the door to my room, I turned to Killian and bid goodbye to him.

“It was an outing that was nothing special, wasn’t it?”

“Everything was a first. It was a great thing for me.”

“What... Is that so?”

I nodded.

I had never felt so happy before. Maybe, maybe there wasn’t.

But beyond that, I couldn’t think of anything more to say.

It seemed rude to hold him too long.

“Then... Good night.”

Killian gave a small nod, and I smiled one more time before closing the door.

A sigh leaked out only when the door stood between him and me.

‘If you do this, you’re going to keep getting greedy...’

The first thing I promised after marriage kept shaking.

In my desk drawer, the piece of paper I circled over ‘Be grateful for what I
have’ is still stored...


Edith closed the door without looking back at Killian, so she didn’t see him raise
his hand belatedly.

Edith closed the door without seeing it, but Killian knocked on the door again
and did not call Edith out.

‘Why am I like this?’

Closing and opening the hand that he lifted and lowered again without
hesitation, Killian slowly moved towards his room.

Everything I did with Edith today was a first experience for her and a new
experience for Killian.

It’s been like that since <Odelette>, the opera I chose just hoping for a smooth

Odelette was such a famous opera that even Killian had seen it several times.

It was just a little different that the lead soprano of today’s opera was a
particularly famous singer, but it was just going to be the same experience for
Killian. If the person I went with wasn’t Edith.

At first, Edith was dumbfounded for not knowing even this famous opera. It
almost made me wonder if she was pretending to be innocent and lying.

However, as I recalled, no matter how many times Rigelhoff had seen people at
the opera house, he had never run into Edith.

‘Could it be that you haven’t been to an opera theater?’

I wonder if she doesn’t like opera, but Edith’s reaction after the opera started
was truly surprising.

“Oh, no!”

She involuntarily covered her mouth and breathed in, sighed along with the
agonizing Odelette, and shed tears at the despairing soprano’s singing.
As I wiped away the twinkling tears, Edith smiled slightly in surprise as if she
hadn’t noticed that she was crying.

It couldn’t be seen as a reaction from someone who didn’t like opera.

‘What the hell happened? There’s no way she stopped going to the opera on the
Riegelhof Street.’

I have such a question, but Edith’s opinion about opera was even more

Edith said she would choose Hubert out of the two men and would not kill
herself and that Laslo was a bad ass.

“He tested love. Even though he knew what Odelette’s situation was, he did not
reveal his identity because he was testing the love. Son of a bitch.”

I had never thought of it that way. Until now, I thought it was just a story of a
foolish woman who lost her true love because she was blinded by material

But when I listened to what Edith said, it seemed right.

Testing love is a very arrogant act of considering himself to be above the other

And Laslo was arrogant.

If he really loved Odelette, he should have reassured her before she suffered
from anguish.
And Edith made another unexpected statement.

“Killian. Have you ever been without money? To say it’s just money... There are
so many things that can be solved with money.”

It was a bittersweet smile, as if there was a miserable past due to lack of money.

In addition, the moment she said that I should be able to understand Odelette,
who married for the sake of her family, made me cringe.

Edith knew that even though I loved Liese, I was forced to marry her for the
benefit of the family.

Even though it might hurt her pride, she never showed it like that.

Rather, it was the side that comforted her that she did not have to be nice to me
by force and that she did not have to suffer from such a sense of duty.

‘How could that be?’

Thinking about that, Edith said with a smile.

“Women are much stronger than you think.”

She was.

Edith was a much stronger person than Killian thought.

Despite the allegations pouring on her, she steadfastly insisted on her innocence
without collapsing, and she kept the family’s honor without succumbing to the
violence of the maid who seemed to be instigated by the family.

It was doubtful whether it was an honor worth protecting.

Edith’s smile, looking back as if nothing had happened, was dazzlingly beautiful
and heartbreakingly sad, yet it seemed as if it would never be broken.

However, when the woman who felt so strong appeared on the street, it seemed
that she had become a young girl.

Even a cheap candy made a happy smile blossom.

“It is delicious. It’s very sweet, but it also tastes sour.”

If the 50-senna candy tasted good, it would have tasted like melted sugar.

However, Edith seemed happy as if she was eating a dessert that could not be
tasted anywhere else in the world.

It would have been better if he hadn’t caught his eye on those lips that glistened
with sugar water.

“Seeing you eat makes you want to eat, right?”

Asking if he was looking at it because he wanted to eat, the look on her lips was
naive yet strange.

Edith didn’t seem to notice until the end what he wanted to eat.
‘It was me who was obscene, not Edith.’

He sighs, but this time she asks to borrow money to buy the girl’s withered

Edith was probably the only lady in the empire who would buy flowers herself
even with her husband by her side.

I bought the flowers that were not noticeable and tied them with a handkerchief
to cover the broken branches, and Edith accepted it with emotion.

“This is the first time I've ever received something like this.”

Her faint voice, as if talking to herself, contained the excitement of a woman

receiving flowers for the first time.

Edith hurriedly turned away when I asked if there was a man who sent flowers,
and Killian began to suspect that Edith’s situation within Rigelhoff was very

‘If there is a person who sent it, but the person in question did not receive it,
where did the flower disappear in the middle?’

There is no way she would have abandoned it.

The men who courted Edith must have all been sons of well-to-do families, and
Count Rigelhoff was someone who could not turn those families into enemies.

If so, it sounds like it was stolen somewhere else in the middle...

‘You’re stealing flowers from your daughter? Why?’

It was an absurd assumption, but considering the house where the maid who had
beaten her daughter was taken to the carriage, I thought that even that absurd
assumption might be true.

That was unpleasant.

She couldn’t even tell the juggling clown to get out of the way, and I was
frustrated at what kind of past the woman was hiding.

“Now let go of my wife.”

Killian was surprised when he said so.

My wife.

The echo of the word came to me like an impression. Like Edith, approaching
with a benevolent smile...

The surrounding commoners stared at Edith, who was approaching me, as if


And only then did Killian realize that his wife, Edith Ludwig, was a beautiful
woman who would stand out anywhere.

“Killian. Let’s go now.”

The voice that came to me and whispered felt lovely beyond rejection.

It was such a fun time.

It’s been a long time since I’ve felt such excitement and serenity.

It’s the same thing I felt when I came out with Liese one day, but whenever I
thought of her, Cliff always came to mind, and on the other side of my heart,
impatience and inferiority complex always bloomed.

But when I was with Edith, I didn’t have to think about that.

Because Edith was a woman for Killian, only for him.

Around the time I was about to apologize for going out too modestly, Edith said
that she really enjoyed it.

“It was an outing that was nothing special, wasn’t it?”

“Everything was my first time. It was a great thing for me.”

First. Everything first.

I was both sorry and glad to hear that.

The fact that all her firsts were filled entirely by him faithfully satisfies Killian’s
desire for monopoly.

But that night, sitting alone in his room and reminiscing about his date with
Edith, Killian fell deeper into the question he had been feeling before.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 58



‘What happened to all those rumors about Edith?’

Killian wasn’t one to judge someone solely on rumors, but the rumors about
Edith Rigelhoff were too numerous and too consistent.

However, seeing Edith himself from the sidelines, she couldn’t be said to be the
rumored person.

‘In the world, who is the venomous, vicious, and lascivious Rigelhoff family’s
flower snake?’

Incomprehensible questions kept coming back to me.

‘Does it have something to do with the saying, ‘It’s the first time I’ve ever been
in an opera, and it’s the first time I’ve ever received flowers’...?’

Killian began to have new suspicions about Count Rigelhoff.

‘I’ll have to take a closer look at the Ediths in the future.’

I felt like digging into the truth she had hidden would lead me to a much bigger
It was when I was immersed in such thoughts.

Someone knocked on his bedroom door. The person who would come to visit at
this time would have been someone close to him.


My heart skipped a beat.

Killian opened the door with a swollen heart.

However, the person standing outside the door was not the person expected.

“Sorry for the late hour, Killian. Can I talk to you for a second?”


Liese had never visited at this time.

Killian brought her into the room, looking anxious and anxious.

“What’s going on? You don’t look good.”

“Killian. I don’t know what to do, so I’m here to hear what Killian thinks.”

“Okay? Then sit here and tell me. What’s the matter?”

“Therefore... I mean...”
Liese bit her lip for a while and was restless.

His white skin seemed even paler today.

“Liese. You came to me means you believe in me, right? Then don’t worry and
talk. Anything will help.”

It seemed that Liese was encouraged a little by the voice of Killian who patted
Liese’s tender shoulder and soothed it.

“Killian. Today... One of the maids of the mansion has gone missing.”

“Are you disappearing?”

“It is literally. Leaving all their belongings behind, only the people

“Did you go out and never come back?”

“I don’t know. No one has seen the maid since she turned off the lights last
night. However...”

Looking at Liese’s swaying eyes, Killian noticed that from now on, this was the
story Liese wanted to tell.

“Of course, it’s still something I’m not sure about, and I don’t believe

Killian somehow felt uneasy at Liese’s way of turning his words around.
“Liese. What do you want to say? Talk.”

At Killian’s low voice, Liese closed her eyes and said.

“The maid said she saw Edith poison the embroidery thread. She said she would
tell Cliff today... She said she suddenly disappeared...”


Liese’s hand was shaking slightly.

In the past, Killian would have been paralyzed and immediately went to catch
Edith just by seeing Liese shudder, but now he couldn’t accept this.

I didn’t want to do anything more to push Edith with only ‘simple feelings’.

“Who did the maid tell that to?”

“They say they told the maids around them...”

“Cliff couldn’t have known that all along, right?”

“It hasn’t been long since you talked about it. She seems to have been thinking
about it for a while... When Cliff heard about this today, he sent someone to find
the maid.”

“I’ve never heard of anything like that.”

“It happened today while Killian and Edith left. Cliff seemed to be trying to take
care of things by himself, saying that if he talked to Killian, he would only cover
Edith... I think Killian should know too.”

Killian’s eyes narrowed. Several assumptions and questions quickly crossed his

“Killian. Could it be that Edith really tried to kill me?”

Liese, who was looking up at her with teary eyes, was still pitiful and lovable,
and he wanted to protect her.

But Killian also had an obligation to protect Edith.

Because she was his wife.

“I don’t think so.”


“She has no reason to do such a thing.”

“That, right? It can’t be, can it?”

Liese asked as if clinging to herself. It seemed that Liese, too, was terrified of
the assumption that Edith was the culprit.

Well, it’s creepy to think that the person I live with face to face every day tried
to harm me with a calm smile.
Killian sighed and continued talking.

“You said it before, but why would Edith want to kill you?”

If Edith was a spy planted within the Ludwig family by order of Count Rigelhoff
and had been ordered to assassinate someone, he would have tried to kill
someone from the Ludwig family, not Liese, a member of another family.

In the past, he thought that he would have tried to kill Liese because he loved

However, based on their experience together, Edith was not jealous of Liese.

‘Because she didn’t even seek my affection in the first place.’

She didn’t expect anything from Killian, to the point where he was upset.

So there was absolutely no reason for Edith to try to kill Liese.

“I wonder if the maid was instigated by someone else.”

“If it’s different...”

“Of course, he must be the real culprit. I don’t want to step on your tail, so
didn’t you just spread rumors that would make me suspicious of Edith and get
rid of them?”

Liese swallowed dry saliva.

“I’ll have to check out all the other maids who said she heard about it.”
“Oh no! I didn’t want things to get this big!”

“Shh, calm down, Liese. You don’t have to worry about anything. It’s chilly in
the morning and evening, so wear warmer clothes.”

Killian carefully covered Liese’s thin shoulders with the shawl again.

“...All right. Thanks, Killian.”

“You’re welcome. Let’s go. I’ll take you to your room.”

Killian stood up with Liese and asked for one thing as they walked to her room.

“Liese. I’m sorry, but in the future, if Cliff tries to take care of Edith-related
things on his own, will you come and tell me? Anyway, as a husband, I need to

Liese, who opened her eyes wide, nodded.

“All right.”

“But don’t show Cliff this way. Then Cliff will keep it a secret even from you.”

“...I guess so.”

Liese also knew Cliff’s personality, so she agreed with a bitter smile.

Killian brought Liese to her room and kissed her on the forehead to wish her
good night.
Killian’s expression, which had been mild until then, turned cold as he turned
his back to Liese’s room.

‘Why did the words come up again now that everything has been covered?’

Edith was right.

It seemed that someone was persistently trying to drive Edith to be a villain.


“Huh? He said he wanted to have lunch together today?”

“Yes, lady.”

“Eh, why the hell...”

Anna only told Killian what she heard, so it was difficult to hear an answer even
if she asked.

After going on an opera date, Killian was making time with me every day.

At first, the afterglow of the date remained, so I just liked it, but after 3 days, I
became a bit puzzled.

Even if I grunted alone, the answer wouldn’t come out, so I decided to ask
during today’s meal.

And Killian showed up exactly at the appointed time.

“Hello, Killian.”

“It seems a bit awkward for a couple to greet each other.”

“Is that so...”

Unlike me, who felt awkward sitting with him, Killian sat across from me very

“Why don’t you help out with Linnon’s work these days?”

The attitude of asking about my current situation was also very calm. To the
point where I wonder if I’m strange that I’m awkward with this situation.

“It’s similar to what you saw when you came. You go, get a job from Linnon, do
it, and hand it over.”

“...You mean no conversation?”

“Yes. Usually yes. Like me, Linnon seemed to like to focus quietly when

Then I remembered what he said about Linnon when he held me. I think they
were asking if you didn’t cry like this in front of Linnon or if you didn’t know
how erotic that was...

“You can’t believe that I still seduced Linnon?”

I asked it without hesitation, but Killian’s mouth was closed as if that was the
correct answer.
I really couldn’t, I really wanted to, but I couldn’t help but ask a question that
came to mind.

“Killian. Are... Are you jealous?”

At those words, Killian glared at him.

“What kind of jealousy is jealousy? After all, you are my wife, so why should I
be jealous of Linnon?”

“Yes, it is, but... Then why did you ask that?”

“What do you mean?”

“It was the night before we went to the opera. I cried in front of Linnon... That’s
right, how the hell did you know that? Did you spy me?”

His fork and knife as he sliced the chicken meat came to a halt.

You spied me, that’s right.

“Huh... I didn’t know you had a hobby of spying.”

“Not like that.”

“Ah, yes. Let’s do that, whatever.”

Then she winked as if she knew everything, and Killian’s cheeks turned red.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 59



“It was just a coincidence. Just as I was about to enter, such a scene unfolded... I
just thought it was not a situation for me to intervene.”

“Considering that, they drove me to be a huge prostitute.”


“Killian. Are you, by any chance, jealous?”

Killian’s bewildered look was funny, so I laughed and teased him.

But he, who had been hesitant until just now, suddenly fixed his gaze on me and
answered in a serious voice.

“Yes. Actually, I was jealous.”

“The rumors about you have been very bad, and even virtuous adults and men
can develop feelings if they spend a long time alone together. So I was a little


“At first, I thought it was because I was worried about Linnon... Later... Yeah, I
think I was a little jealous of Linnon.”

After he finished speaking, I felt that the area around our table was too quiet.

Enough to hear saliva going down my throat.

“Are you curious now?”

“Ah, yes.”

“Then you’d better finish your meal. The food will cool down.”

“Yeah, that’s right!”

Strangely, my heart pounded and my appetite, which had been around until just
now, had completely disappeared, but I forced food into my mouth so as not to
find out my embarrassment.

‘Why is he suddenly like that?’

It seems that the opera date was the starting point of some big change. Suddenly
being so honest...
However, as someone who knows the ‘flow of the original work’ like something
in this world, his change was more embarrassing and suspicious than welcome.

It seemed like it was time to ask what I was trying to ask in the first place.


“Yes, please.”

“Excuse me... Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“What do I mean?”

Killian seemed to have decided to take it out a little bit, but I had no intention of
going overboard.

“To spend time with me, to be honest with me.”

“What’s wrong with that? Isn’t that natural for a couple?”

“I’m saying this because we haven’t been like a normal couple until now. Don’t
try to talk further.”

With my firm will, Killian put down the cutlery as if he had given up hope of
properly burying it.

“You... I thought I should know you better.”

“Well... You want to know?”

“I admit I am late. That I’ve been childish all this time.”

“Oh, no, not like that.”

“I want to get to know you from now on. Of course... I don’t completely trust
you. You are still the prime suspect in the past incidents.”

“That’s right, I guess.”

“But now, I think it might not be you. And I hope it wasn’t you.”

Anguished light flickered in Killian’s eyes.

It wasn’t like he decided to trust me, but my heart skipped a beat.

‘The light of hope is getting brighter!’

I had the illusion that Sanctus was resonating somewhere.

Killian has now declared that he wants to get to know the real Edith Ludwig,
throwing away his prejudice against me.

This alone greatly increased my chances of surviving.

“Thank you, Killian.”

“It’s not something you should be thankful for, but it’s actually something I
should apologize for.”
It was such a huge change that I wondered if I was the person who picked up my
wedding ring and wore it on my own, not wanting to touch me at all.

‘I’ve made it this far!’

My heart was so full that I felt like I was going to cry.

But Killian personally took those tears away.

“So that’s what you said, but I want to increase the time we spend together in
the future.”


“In order to get to know each other, it’s only natural that, first of all, we need to
increase the amount of time we spend together. I don’t want to miss any of your
little habits.”

Uh... So, to put it a little differently, it’s surveillance or obsession.

“Is there anything wrong with that?”

“Oh, no! It can’t be.”

I smiled quickly before his gaze turned back to doubt.

I didn’t know yet whether increasing the time I spent with Killian would be
poison or medicine for me, but the die had already been cast.

‘Yes, let’s think positively. If I do this, he’ll at least get attached to me.’
So the ‘observation period’ that started must have been ‘effort’ for Killian, but it
was also difficult for me to get used to.

“I bought a strawberry tart from <Peridot>. Would you like to eat together?”

Killian resumed making offers I had rejected.

This time, of course, I couldn’t refuse. It was also the strawberry tart from
<Peridot> that I missed once.

“This... That’s awesome!”

The famous tart was, as rumored, incredibly delicious.

I don’t know how the tart’s filling was made, but it tasted like a mixture of
strawberries, vanilla whipped cream, and even cheese, so I felt like I could keep
eating it without getting tired of it.

“Where the hell did you learn that?”

“Oh! Was it too rude expression? But it’s just so delicious that it can’t be
expressed in words!”

“I didn’t know you would like it this much. <Peridot> sells several types of tarts
besides these, but if you want something to eat, I will order it.”

“Anything is fine except for the peach tart!”

Killian paused at the words I spat without thinking, and raised his head.
“As soon as I get the word out, I ask, but that peach pie?”

“Peach pie? Ah, yes.”

“Really... Didn’t you poison it and eat it?”

“Of course! Are you going to poison me because I’m crazy? I hate being sick.”

The pain that felt like squeezing my insides made me feel like I would break
into a cold sweat even thinking about it now.

Killian looked down at the teacup and asked again quietly.

“I really don’t think so, and I don’t think so... If... Was it the maid?”

I stopped cutting the tart into pieces.

Killian seems to be grasping something, but I was anxious because I didn’t

know how this would come back later.

However, regardless of the flow of the story, in order for me to live, it was the
most advantageous thing to inform my situation. So it must have prevented them
from speaking until they met the third-level exception condition.

‘I think it’s too late to say no now.’

I cut only the tart into pieces in a positive way.

I wanted to nod my head, but because of the restrictions, my head couldn’t move
at all up and down.

“Why on earth do you protect your family after being treated like that? Is it
because you think I can’t protect you alone?”

I don’t even want you to protect me. Don’t cut my throat.

A sigh came out, but I didn’t want to make the atmosphere heavy here.

I said in a light voice.

“I never covered it.”


“Think about it, Killian. I never did.”

Killian’s eyes turned slightly to the side, stayed there as if reminiscing about the
past, and then turned back towards me.

“Then tell me openly.”

“There are some things that cannot be said. Sometimes you have to wait.”

From Killian’s point of view, it would be so stuffy that the outfit would explode.
But no matter how frustrated he is, I should only do it.

Fortunately, Killian didn’t force me to answer more and gave a shallow nod.
“The time will come when we will know the answer someday.”

“Thanks for understanding.”

“I can’t torture my wife for wanting to know.”

Please... Did you have to make that analogy? Make my sister tremble.

“Don’t be nervous. I’m not a man so insignificant that I can only rely on the
words that come out of your mouth.”

“Are you saying that you will actively investigate the background?”

“If you are confident, there will be no problem.”

“...Of course.”

Killian and I laughed at each other and drank tea.

The next day, Killian, who said he was leaving for work, stopped by my room a
little before 3pm.

“The wind has been cool for the first time in a while, let’s take a walk together.”

“Killian? Didn’t you say you had a job?”

“Oh, sorry for the late greeting. I’m back, ma’am.”

When Killian greeted me with an eye smile, I had no choice but to avoid his
gaze because I felt like I would go blind.
I hope you turn on the blinker and come in when you hit someone’s heart.

“Then can I ask you to go for a walk now?”

“Ah, well, yes, that, that’s it.”

I stuttered and placed my hand on his outstretched arm.

Although the wind was cool, the sun was still stinging, probably because it was
the end of summer. But a cool breeze blew in the shade of the trees.

If I had been in my previous life, I would still be unable to live without an air
conditioner, but the weather here was definitely cooler than in Seoul.

“Do you still go for a walk every morning?”

“Yes, I tend to do it unless it’s a bad day or when I’m not feeling well.”

After Sophia’s assault I was feeling unwell, I was taking my morning walk
again. After taking a walk, I was able to start the day with a light heart.

But what Killian wanted to ask was not the walk itself.

“...Are you still spying on me?”

100 million! Turn on the blinkers!

“That... Mmm, I’m sorry if I offended you.”

“Rather than... If you want to see my body, can’t you just look at it instead of

There was a playful smile on Killian’s lips.

Ha, that is right. The guy who was a virgin before me dares to make fun of
experienced people, right?

“But this and that are different.”

“What is different?”

“Killian when swinging the sword... There is a different beauty than in the bed.”

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 60



I whispered in his ear from the ‘in the bed’ part, and then Killian’s ear lobe
started to turn red.

“The back and shoulder and arm muscles that move when holding, extending,
and swinging the sword are really cool. I can feel that you have been training
hard for a long time.”
Even though his face seemed to be heating up, I wonder if he didn’t want to hear
it, Killian didn’t bother to stop me.

However, he did not want to lose, so he was sarcastic.

“You seem to have a certain set of standards for observing the male body.”

“Yes. Just as Killian has his own taste for observing a woman’s body.”

Killian tended to obsess over the ‘voluptuous’ part of my body, unbecoming

someone who loved the delicate Liese.

As if he was aware of that, Killian’s face was now so red that he couldn’t even
say it was okay with empty words.

Even though he’s sloppy when he provokes him, he’s surprisingly naive when
you see him like this.

Suddenly, however, he stiffened his face and asked.

“But if you’ve been spying on me... You must have seen Cliff too?”

“Oh, because you both always train together.”

“Did you also scan Cliff’s body like that?”

“You can’t make the visible invisible.”

Killian’s eyes widened.

Why did this guy who said he liked Liese show his jealousy even to me and
make a fuss?

However, ending this date with hurting his feelings would put the future at risk,
so he needed to be moderately relaxed.

“Of course, my preference is yours. I like round and strong muscles.”

“...To be honest, Cliff’s muscles are more toned. I tend to gain weight even if
I’m a little lazy.”

“But Killian’s butt is a bit tighter...”


Ugh, I fell for selfish talk without realizing it. Why did you drag the topic of
conversation to the lower half of your body?

I quietly lowered my raised hands as if to grab something.

“I thought I liked my breasts, but was it the hips? Ha... To be lewd...”

“What, what, what! Part, part...”

He raised his head pretending to be shameless, but Killian’s eyes were shining
completely different from before.

“Married couple... You’re right. We are a couple. You can confidently look at
someone’s chest or butt.”
“Ha ha ha. That... That’s right.”

Now the heat rose to the nape of my neck as well. I want you to stop talking
about this topic...

“The wind has become cooler, but summer is summer.”

“I know, right. It’s a little hot...”

I thought it was fortunate that the topic of conversation had changed and I was
flapping my fan, but Killian grabbed me by the waist and pulled me in a

“Wash some sweat. Together...”


While I was perplexed, he called a maid from a distance and ordered her to
prepare the bath water quickly.

And while the maid ran away, he continued our walk, hugging me around the
waist as if nothing had happened.

But that was exactly 15 minutes. By the time the maids had prepared the bath

“Should we go do something more like a couples do now?”

Killian grabbed me by the waist and turned me toward the mansion.

This is why my husband’s demands seem to cross the line day by day.

Personally, I am very grateful.


Killian has changed. And he was changing more and more.

The moment I realized that clearly was the moment Killian came to take me to
Liese’s tea time.

“I decided to drink tea outside today. Let’s go together.”

“Uh? If... Is it tea time with Liese and Cliff?”


Killian replied lightly, as if it was nothing, but I was surprised that he had come
to take me to their tea time.

Wasn’t Liese the one who had to make a sad face?

I even warned Liese to be careful with her words.

While feeling both shock and emotion at the change, I remembered that the tea
time in the past had also been invited by Liese.

“I didn’t get an invite today.”

“I told her beforehand. There’s no way Liese would oppose your going, right?”

Umm... Of course, considering the character Liese, I couldn’t erase the awkward

‘How is Liese accepting Killian’s change?’

Of course, she wouldn’t know that she was the main character of this world, and
she wouldn’t even know that Killian was a ‘sub male lead’.

However, you should know that Cliff and Killian were always around her and
gave it only for her.

How would it feel to see a man who always looked out for me become kind to a
woman who had always said no to her?

‘Originally, a sub male lead is a bit lacking for me to have, but that’s why it’s a
waste to give it to others.’

In the original work, there was a scene in which Liese asked Killian and Edith to
be nice to her, but I don’t know if that was sincere or just tongue-in-cheek.

I went out into the garden with Killian a bit nervous.

An elegant tea table was prepared in the shade of the tree, and Liese and Cliff
were already seated.

They were laughing and laughing at what they were talking about.

‘Killian... Will it be all right?’

Because of the friendly atmosphere between the two of them, I was worried
about Killian and looked at him.

But Killian was looking down at me.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to bring something to wear?”

“Oh, no. Summer isn’t over yet.”

“It’s because I’m afraid you’ll catch a cold and bother myself.”

“If I catch a cold, I won’t bother you.”

I replied with a chuckle, and Killian frowned.

“Really. I won’t let you know that I have a cold, so don’t worry...”

“Sounds funny.”


“If you hide the pain one more time, I will never let you go, so know that.”

“Ha, but... You say it’s annoying?”

“...I was speechless. Are you offended?”

“No, that...”
I was choosing an answer, wondering why he was doing this again, but luckily
Liese stepped in and cut off our awkwardness.

“Long time no see, Edith!”

“Ah, Liese! It’s been a while. Is your body okay now?”

“Yes! I gained weight just by lying down and eating delicious food.”

Liese put out her lips cutely and pinched her side with her hand.

I barely caught on though.

“Liese. How many times have I told you that you need to gain more weight?”

Cliff laughed and scolded Liese, and Killian nodded as if agreeing.

Then Liese looked at me with envy and said.

“No matter how much I eat, it’s impossible to have an adult body like Edith. I
just stretch my sides.”

“Edith has her own charm, and you have your own charm. You are pretty

“Thank you, Cliff. But sometimes I envy Edith. Even from Killian’s point of
view, Edith is better, isn’t it?”

Hmm? Something... Is it because I am sensitive that the story seems to flow

Why are you suddenly comparing yourself to me?

‘What am I to do if you ask me that? Of course Killian will be on your side.’

I laughed hard while clenching my teeth.

Liese is all good, but the problem is that she doesn’t notice too much.

However, Killian spoke nonchalantly with a slightly stiff face.

“I don’t want to talk about my wife’s body in front of other men.”

But that answer seemed funny to Cliff.

He continued to shake his shoulders and laugh beside Liese, who apologized.



“No, keukkeuk, sorry, sorry.”

“Don’t laugh badly and talk.”

Killian continued to stare at Cliff, but Cliff smiled and said, unaffected.

“Do you think you and sister-in-law have a good relationship these days?”
Killian’s eyebrows crumpled even more at the way he spoke, whether it was
mockery or praise.

“What are you talking about?”

“No, nothing. Sister-in-law is in trouble. Let’s have some tea.”

“I made it difficult...”

Seeing Liese’s troubled face, Killian kept his mouth shut, but I seemed to know
what Cliff was talking about.

If it had been the original story, no, even a few months ago, without going to the
original plot, Killian would have given an answer praising Liese.

But the answer earlier was closer to enveloping me.

As if even seeing Cliff offended me...

And I, who had been observing Liese’s expression from earlier, noticed that
Liese was also surprised by Killian’s answer.

‘Could it be that you said that knowing that Killian would definitely lift you

Even knowing that I would be humiliated here? Or not... Was he trying to check
Killian’s heart?

However, Liese, who quickly erased her surprised expression, smiled brightly as
if she were happy.
“You two look so good. Like a real couple...!”

Seeing her blushing cheeks, I thought I could roughly guess what Liese was
talking about as a ‘real couple’.

Seeing that, I let out a sigh of relief.

‘That’s right, Liese couldn’t have said it with such an insidious thought. It’s
because he’s a bit ignorant, he’s a good boy.’

This is a fact that is clearly stated in the original work. Liese Sinclair is bright,
kind, and righteous.

There was no way that Liese would purposely try to fuck me.

“Edith. There are mandarin black tea and strawberry black tea. Which do you

I put aside my thoughts and smiled brightly at Liese’s voice asking how I like

“My strawberry black tea.”

“She likes strawberry tarts, so it seems she likes strawberries.”

Killian spoke to me again. Once again, Liese and Cliff’s slightly surprised gazes
turned to us.

Of course, I don’t have to be afraid.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 61



“Raw strawberries are a bit sour. I like the sweet processed side or the one with
only the strawberry scent.”

“The perfume smells like roses, not strawberries.”

“I prefer the smell of flowers rather than the smell of food.”

Killian nodded with a face that acquired new information, then leaned toward
me and smelled the scent.

“Not bad.”

Ugh, why is he like this today?

Uh? For a moment... Is this, by any chance, trying to arouse Liese’s jealousy?
Should I help with this?

It was a bit complicated, but I didn’t have time to think it over.

For now, I decided to pretend to be on good terms with Killian. Even if it’s a
mistake, there’s nothing wrong with pretending to be friendly.
“Not bad... Are you saying it’s not good?”

When I lowered my voice as if slightly flirting, Killian stared at me and

answered again.

“Better thing... Same.”

“I’m glad that the scent I always wear also appeals to Killian.”

Liese and Cliff’s gazes were stinging, but I stubbornly pretended not to know
and only looked at Killian.

Killian also smiled softly, keeping his eyes fixed on me.

At that time, as if to refresh the atmosphere, Liese started pouring tea into a

“This is the strawberry black tea I bought from <Martinez>. I don’t know if it
will suit Edith’s taste.”

“The tea you gave me the other day was also delicious. Liese’s taste is

When I praised Liese, it was only then that Liese’s laughter began to be heard

With him, the four of us chatted lightly and enjoyed tea and tea food leisurely.

Even in the middle of it, I was complicated in my head thinking about how the
story would flow.
‘There are things that don’t appear in the original story... Doesn’t the existence
of the three-step exception condition mean that the ending of the original work
itself will not change unless the higher steps are met?’

If I can not die without meeting the 3rd level condition, there is no reason for the
existence of the 3rd level exception condition itself.

While I was thinking about that, Liese spoke to Killian in an apologetic voice.

“By the way, Killian. Excuse me, but could you please go to Rue Le Belle-
Marie with me next Friday? I received a call saying that the shoes I had ordered
with Killian in the past were completed.”

“Ah! It’s already been that long.”

“Yes. It’s okay if you’re busy...”

“No, no. Let’s go together, whatever.”

Killian lightly accepted, and Liese smiled brightly.

And I was conscious of myself a step later.

“Ah! If Edith is offended, Killian doesn’t have to go with him! Ho, I can go

It was cute to see them hurriedly waving their hands.

But I found her attitude strangely awkward.

Before making this proposal, I had seen Liese and Cliff meet eyes, so why did I
ask Killian and not Cliff to go with me?

Even though it’s the shoes you ordered with Killian, you don’t have to go with
them when you look for them, right?

‘Strange... Liese Sinclair... I mean, every time I see it, I can’t figure it out. Or
am I really weird?’

Now, I couldn’t even tell whether it was because of Liese’s strange behavior that
I had these thoughts, or whether it was because I had an inferiority complex
towards Liese.

The bigger problem is, not too long ago, he patted Killian on the back and said,
‘Okay, let’s have a good time with Liese!’ I could have done it, but now I can’t.

‘Why are you so upset...’

Killian didn’t seem to attach much importance to going out with Liese. I know

I know, but I feel a little depressed.

It broke my heart to think that Killian would treat Liese kindly like when he
went out to see the opera with me, no, even more than that.

‘Me... I guess it’s a big deal...’

There’s nothing you can do about being jealous of Liese, and if you seduce
Killian, you might end up being treated like a prostitute again.
I can’t do this or that, so I just have to wait for Killian to dispose of me.

That was bittersweet.


It was three days after the outdoor tea time that an uneasy harbinger began to
loom over the strange happiness she was enjoying recently.

This is because Count Sinclair and his eldest son Damien Sinclair, who should
hardly appear in volume 4 of <The House and Envoy>, visited Duke Ludwig.

‘How did this happen? Why does the Count Sinclair appear all of a sudden?’

In the interim, the Count Sinclair and the close extras touched her temper, but I
didn’t expect it to appear so directly.

‘Duke Ludwig didn’t make a meeting with Count Sinclair even because of
Liese, what the hell was going on?’

I was curious, but I couldn’t come forward and ask what was going on.

Then Anna came and informed me that the guests were leaving, and then I
pretended to be calm and went down to the lobby on the first floor.

In the lobby, Cliff and Killian, as well as the Duchess, were standing together to
see Count Sinclair off.

“Please drop by again sometime. My wife is waiting for the day when she will
take care of the Duke and her wife. Ha ha ha!”
The slim man, who must have been quite handsome in his youth, smiled softly at
Duke Ludwig.

Her eyes looked similar to Liese’s, but her image was completely different.

If Liesee thought of a bright sunlight or an innocent blonde angel, Count Sinclair

just reminded him of a cripple or a rat.

“I will definitely stop by when the time is right. Thank you for visiting today.”

Duke Ludwig didn’t look too upset.

No, on the contrary, it seemed a little harmful.

I quietly walked over to Killian’s side. Liese looked around, wondering if she
hadn’t come down, and at that moment, her eyes met Damian Sinclair.

‘Huh? Are you glaring at me now?’

It was momentary, but Damian gave me a very unpleasant look.

‘Are you admitting that the nobility of this world are good if they don’t have
manners? Why is everyone like this?’

I want to run right away, catch him by the collar, and then yell at him to take
good care of his eyes.

However, it was clear that I would be attacked again if I showed off a bad mood
“Good bye.”


In the end, I held back my arrogance and smiled. Of course, it was irresistible
for Damian to have a crooked gaze.

As they rode away, I tugged at the end of Killian’s sleeve and asked in a low

“Why did you come?”

Killian listened to my question, pretended not to know, looked around, took me

to my room, and answered slowly.

“I think you or the Rigelhoff family will get into some trouble.”

The start isn’t very good.

“It looks like the Sinclair family will sign a distribution rights contract with a
northern iron ore mine owner soon. It seems that the behind-the-scenes work has
already been completed.”

I thought what it had to do with them having the right to distribute iron ore, and
the reason why I was able to marry Killian suddenly came to my mind.

‘It was thanks to Count Rigelhoff’s family having distribution rights for
southern iron ore, indeed.’
If it were just a wealthy county, Duke Ludwig wouldn’t have cared too much
whether the Rigelhoffs sided with Prince Langston or not.

However, Count Rigelhoff was almost the only family with a stable supply of
iron ore, and it was a difficult opponent for Duke Ludwig, who was also active
in making new weapons.

It would have been unsettling for such a family to turn to the Grand Duke.

‘That’s why I’m turning a blind eye to what Count Rigelhoff is doing, but if
Count Sinclair suddenly gets the right to distribute iron ore...!’

Needless to say at length, I owe my life to a duck egg in the Nakdonggang


However, it seemed that there was something more besides the superficial

“By the way, you’re saying that you’re already talking about the iron ore
distribution rights you haven’t had yet?”

Killian opened my door, pushed me in first, and then quietly closed the door.

“The Sinclairs are plotting to take the place of the Rigelhoffs.”

“...Then, in their eyes, I must be very intrusive, but didn’t you talk about me?”

“I would have thought it was not the time to do it yet. But eventually you will.”

Seeing Killian talking about other people’s business, I became a bit bitter.
‘Well, what’s wrong with him?’

I became more and more anxious about Killian’s reaction to this incident, along
with accepting Liese’s offer to go out casually.

“Edith. Why is your expression like that?”

“No, it’s nothing. Damien Sinclair looked at me a little badly earlier.”

“Were you even thinking of getting revenge?”

Killian asked playfully.

“I would do it whenever I could.”

“I look forward to that day.”

How nice it would be if I could live with Killian and joke like this.

‘I can’t just trust Killian.’

He was the one who accepted my marriage even though he loved Liese. How
easy it would be for her to play with me she doesn’t even love and then throw it

While smiling brightly at Killian as he returned, I pondered the bleak thoughts


I tend not to let myself get depressed.

It’s a habit I’ve developed since my sophomore year of middle school when I
realized that even if I was depressed, no one would look after me.

I still remember the day this habit was formed.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 62



Adolescent girls’ emotions run through you several times a day.

It is a law to be very happy even in small occasions, but also to be greatly sad.

However, at that time, I was not in a relaxed situation to the point of being
swayed by small opportunities.

“Ah, leukemia! Mr. Hai, there is no money in the house, but the kid got a
strange disease.”
The day I went home after being diagnosed with leukemia, my dad got annoyed
by talking to someone on the phone. In front of me too.

I was suffering from inexplicable headaches and dizziness. I went to the

infirmary because my head hurt, and the nurse told me to go to the hospital, so I
found out it was leukemia.

My whole body hurts, but my mom and dad only sighed deeply while frowning,
and it didn’t ease the fear and anxiety I felt.

Feeling like a sinner, I was quietly hospitalized, fighting the disease, and
receiving my brother’s bone marrow transplant. I was depressed and sad all the

To be honest, I don’t know how many times I’ve wished I was dead.

I wasn’t happy when I found out that my brother’s marrow matched mine.

“Oh no! That’s fucking painful!”

“He’s your brother anyway. What will you do?”

“Ah, just say it’s over!”

“Ha... Soo-chan, just do this and I’ll buy you the laptop or whatever you

“...Really? Is it real?”

“Draw, draw.”
Even though I was by my side, my brother’s voice telling me to just die would
come to life in a corner of my head every time I saw him.

After a bone marrow transplant traded for a gaming laptop and several
treatments, there was no one by my side as I was exhausted.

My parents were standing next to my older brother who donated bone marrow,
complimenting me on how wonderful I was and how good I worked, and I was
lying alone looking at the white ceiling.

I was so sad and depressed that I burst into tears, and at that moment I thought I
was crying to get my parents’ attention.

‘It’s all useless anyway, so why are you crying?’

Even when I cried, they didn’t look back at me. I was lucky if I didn’t get
scolded for being salty.

After I realized that, even if I felt depressed, I felt that the feeling itself was
useless, so I was able to get out of it quickly.

The realization of that previous life is still useful now.

‘This is no time to be depressed. In a situation where I don’t know whether

Killian will give me his heart, it’s dangerous to trust only Killian.’

In the meantime, I’ve been working hard to get the extras’ favor, and thanks to
that, the number of servants pretending to know me has increased, but I needed
to make more practical preparations.

‘Money! I need to raise more money!’

I still had only nine million senna in my coffers at the Central Bank of Malen.

It wasn’t a small amount of money by the standards of the common people in

this world, but it was far from enough to prepare for an unknown future.

I jumped up and started pulling out the jewels I had at my disposal.

‘Sell everything you took off the dress, and the accessories you brought with
you when you got married... Well, let’s sell anything I don’t like.’

I searched all the drawers and accessory cases to find something to sell, but
there weren’t as many jewelry to sell as I thought.

The large jewels that adorned the dress were colored minerals that looked like
rubies or sapphires, and although they were jewelry, they did not command
much money.

‘Let’s even sell dresses we don’t wear!’

Aristocratic dresses were also expensive.

I wondered if someone would buy a dress that I was wearing once or twice, but
the used dress market seemed to be booming as there were people who never
wore a dress once or twice.

Among the dresses I brought with me when I got married, I sorted out the flashy
and erotic dresses that I had left in fear that they would look weird if they were

Well, it was only three suits.

“Anna! Could you please visit the dress buyer?”

“All right.”

It was good that Anna didn’t ask.

There was no need to rush into inventing nonsense reasons.

Anna, an example of a capable maid, brought in one later that afternoon.

It seemed that she was the owner of a pretty popular dress shop on Le Belle-
Marie Street.

After exchanging brief greetings, I brought out the three dresses I had removed
beforehand in front of him.

“I want to sell these three suits.”

“Oh, it is in very good condition. How many times have you worn it?”

“I’ve probably worn this one once, the other two never.”

“Yes? Selling a new dress second-hand? Wear it at least once and sell it. Even if
it is brand new, when I buy it, it is unconditionally used, isn’t it too much of a

He seemed to have a conscience for a merchant.

“Not worth it. It’s a pity, but... I don’t want to wear any more dresses that could
damage the dignity of the Ludwig family.”
“It hurts your dignity. These dresses must look very good on you. These days,
this level of exposure is nothing.”

know. A dress that would be absolutely beautiful if I wore it.

Isn’t this a design that must have been chosen after careful consideration to
make Edith stand out the most in the family of Count Rigelhoff? It was a bit of a
problem how I tried to stand out.

“Thank you for saying that, but I probably won’t wear it in the future. So, I want
to sell it before it goes out of fashion.”

“If you have to, I understand. So this dress is 300,000 senna, this... I’ll give you
400,000 senna, and this one 180,000 senna.”

Dresses that were likely to be close to a million senna at the time of production
are down to less than half price.

“Can’t you hit me a little more? No matter how used, these are like new...”

“Actually, I would like to do that too, but there are few people who can wear a
dress with such an unconventional design, so it is difficult to sell it...”

After listening to it, I understood what the merchant was saying. Not many
people can wear a design like this.

Unfortunately, I accepted his offer and disposed of the dress.

The next day, I took Anna to the jewelry store on Darsus Street.
This time, I went straight to <Amabile> without comparing several places.

It was because I had dealt with them before, so I thought they would hit me a
little better.

But when the jewelry store owner took a closer look at the jewels I had taken, I
was nervous inside.

“Um... I will give you 10,000 senna for each diamond bead. Topaz is 30,000
senna, tourmaline is 50,000 senna, and garnet is 30,000 senna...”

With a serious face, he calmly sorted the jewels and counted while flicking the

Apparently, the price of semi-precious stones has dropped a lot even if the eggs
are large. The diamond beads that I had left just in case got a good price.

I’m a little disappointed, but the jewelry store owner’s voice brightens slightly
as he checks the accessories I’ve brought.

“It is a good emerald. Hmm... At this rate, I think we can buy it for 3 million

A necklace made of emeralds and diamonds that was too flashy was 3 million
senna, a ruby earring so splendid that it hurt the eyes was 1.5 million senna, and
a bracelet with diamonds and semi-precious stones was 1.8 million senna.

“Then do it all... He must be 6.91 million senna.”

He turned the bill over to me and showed it to me.

I bargained a bit more, but the jewelry store owner repeated that it was difficult
to do more than that.

“Okay. Dispose of it like that.”

“Thank you for coming with good things every time.”

The shopkeeper put on the jewels with a satisfied look on his face and handed
me the cash right away.

A total of 7.79 million senna was earned from selling the dress and jewelry.

‘Even if you add all the money in the safe, it’s 16.79 million senna... It’s not

It wasn’t enough to run away and live, and even if I tried to bribe the people
around me, it wasn’t enough money.

I didn’t know if I could escape the flow of the story or not, but I needed a lot
more money to try anything.

‘Even if you’re the daughter-in-law of a powerful man, a woman can’t get a lot
of money.’

Of course, I was grateful that I wasn’t possessed by a poor commoner, but I was
a bit bitter that I didn’t have as much money as I had hoped.

But when I got home and was resting, Killian came to visit me. Looking at the
fine wrinkles between his eyebrows, it seemed like he had come to nag.

“Killian. I’m a bit tired right now...”

“What are you up to?”


“I heard that you sold the jewelry and the dress.”



Anna’s mouth was also controlled and people were called secretly, but within a
day, Killian heard it.

Well, it’s probably because he might have put a guard around me.

“I just disposed of useless things.”

“Haven’t you thought about how it would look in the eyes of others if you sold
off your things, even if they were worthless?”

Oh, does that happen again?

Killian seemed to think I had cut the face of the Ludwigs.

But I can’t help it.

“Sorry. I hadn’t even thought about that. I didn’t have the cash to spend, so I
only sold useless things...”
“No cash?”


Killian had a puzzled expression.

“Don’t you have money coming out every month?”

“What? I’ve never heard of that.”

“No, definitely when we get married... Ah!”

Killian, who was trying to explain something, suddenly put his hand on his

“This... Sorry. I should have set your deposit, but I seem to have forgotten.”


Are you saying you didn’t give me the money you should have given me? Oops,
blood pressure rises!

Killian, you idiot! There is nothing else to forget! I thought he was a smart

“I’m really sorry. I will give you all at once what I have not been able to give
you until now.”

...Also Killian. Because I became a person.

I quickly regained my peace of mind.

I Thought It Was Common Possession— Chapter 63



“Oh, thanks, Killian.”

“If you want, I will buy back what I sold.”

“No! The things I sold are things I really don’t need.”

If they were going to buy it, I would like them to buy something else or give it
with money, but it was really difficult to even say that.

“It would have been nice if you had spoken to me before selling.”

Killian looked quite upset, probably because he thought I was short of money
enough to throw away my aristocratic pride.

I just want to comfort you.

“Anyway, when I go down to the manor with you later, these are all things I
should have disposed of. You become a burden for no reason.”


Oh, did I say anything wrong?

Well, for Killian, he have to leave behind his beloved Liese and go far away, but
I may have been too insensitive.

“I didn’t know you were already thinking that way.”

“Ah, that...”

What if I said it was off topic?

If someone gives you a face for saying that they will take you away, even if it’s
me, I think my heart will hurt...

“No, on the contrary, I was too carefree. Even though it was time to prepare to
go down to the manor, he seems to have been distracted.”

“Yeah, that can’t be.”

“I’m glad you dispose of your stuff under the concept of organizing, but the
truth is there’s a lot more to buy here. The Ryzen territory itself is not a bad
place, but the castle we will be staying in lacks a lot of items.”

Uh? Surprisingly, it goes without incident!

But why are your cheeks blushing? Is it because it is thrilling to be given

“All the furniture is crude, and there is nothing to decorate the castle. There is
no luxury goods manufacturing place nearby, so you have to buy them all here.”

“Ah... Okay.”

“It would be better to order the furniture in advance. It will take time to make it

“You can use what you have...”

“No, you have to order everything, starting with the bowls and candlesticks.
You will have to change everything according to your taste as the hostess.”

I was about to say that I could use what I had, but I was so moved by the word
‘hostess’ that I was speechless.

Killian Ludwig, who was looking at me with eyes eager to throw me away, went
through the word ‘my wife’ and finally called me ‘hostess’! I can’t be so moved!

The hard work of the past few months seemed to pass before my eyes.

But the excitement did not last long. This is because the common sense in my
head quickly pounded the calculator.

Impressive is emotionless, and money is wasteful.

“I just want to do what I can write.”

“It will all be clunky.”

“It just needs to function properly.”

“If that’s the case, are you saying it doesn’t matter if it’s a commoner’s

“As long as it’s not inconvenient.”

Killian frowned as if he didn’t understand.

“Why the hell are you doing that?”

“It’s not worth the money.”

His eyes widened again.

I wondered if he was a person with such a variety of expressions.

“...I will pay my deposit to you as soon as possible. So please forgive me.”

He seemed to think that I was sarcastic when I said I was wasting money on him
for forgetting my money.

It’s not like that...

But I didn’t have to stop him from giving me money, so I just nodded.

A few days later, a really huge amount of money came down to me.

“My parents also asked me to tell them they’re sorry.”

Killian apologized once more, and I tried my best to keep my mouth from
opening wide.

“I don’t think you did it on purpose, what. Thanks, Killian.”

I gracefully thanked him and looked down at the money in front of me as soon
as Killian left.

“How much is all this...”

As the daughter-in-law of this family, the amount she could receive per month
was 2 million senna. A total of 18 million senna is in front of me, including what
I did not receive in the past 8 months and what I received this month.

“And... Money is easy...”

I was happy to receive a large amount of money, but somehow I was a bit

Money that is so easy to get for some is so difficult for others.

It reminded me of the time when my older brother took money out of my

emergency fund account the month he stole my salary.

It felt like I was gradually reducing the size of my parachute while on a plane
that was about to crash.
I thought about how suffocating it was, several times every time I withdrew
money, and my hand that pressed the ‘withdrawal’ button always trembled.

In her previous life, Choi Soo-na lived far away because money was difficult,
but now...

‘Well, even if the money is piled up now, it’s fate that you don’t know if your
head will be cut sooner or later... No, no. Let’s not think like this.’

I emptied my mind of being depressed again.

Between Choi Soo-na, who worked hard for a penny, and Edith, who
accumulated money but might die miserably sooner or later, what should we do?

Right now, I had to focus on making a living.

“Anna! Let’s go out to play!”

I got ready to go to the bank on Darsus Street.

And it was just the moment I was about to get on the carriage.

“Oh my, Edith! Is Edith going out too?”

I heard Liese’s clear voice.

At that moment I realized that today is Friday. The day Liese and Killian go out
“Liese! You said you were going to Le Belle-Marie Street today, right?”

“Yes. I’m excited because it’s been a long time since I’ve been out.”

Liese looked so innocent as if she had no intentions.

Standing behind her, Killian was looking at me with a strange expression.

“You seem to go to Darsus Street often.”

“There are a lot of really good dessert shops there, right? <Perdot> is also on
Darsus Street, right?”

“It is, but...”

Killian seemed to be suspicious of my going out again, but Liese didn’t give
Killian time to think deeply.

“Killian. I think I will be late.”

“Oh yeah. Then... I’ll be back.”

Killian looked at me and said goodbye.

It could have been a courtesy greeting, but I was thrilled because it sounded like
he was going to come back to me.

“Bye. I will come too.”

He nodded slightly and rode away with Liese in the carriage.

I watched the back of the carriage blankly, and only after the carriage had
completely disappeared, I sighed and climbed into the carriage.

The errands in Darsus Street were soon over.

I put everything in the safe except for the emergency fund, and the balance of 32
million tax made me happy.

It was a bit of a waste to pay the safe deposit fee, but at this level, it was a
decent amount to plan anything.

“Now that we’re here, shall we eat some cake?”

A generous balance creates a generous heart.

I took her to <Peridot> to make the excuse I gave to Killian true, and to pay
back a little bit to Anna, who has always been with me.

Like a famous bakery, the inside was also luxurious.

“Do you have a party?”

“No. I am looking for a place for the two of you, my maid and I.”

“I’m sorry if you are accompanied by a maid, but the second floor is difficult,
and only seats on the first floor are available.”

“It doesn’t matter. Let me guide you.”

It was very uncomfortable for me as a member of the Eastern Courtesy Bureau
to have to squeak at an employee the age of my grandfather, but I couldn’t help
it because it was a town where I would get caught again if I didn’t.

Anna and I were shown to a seat by the window, where the sunlight was bright.

Apparently, it was expensive food for commoners to eat, so most of the halls on
the first floor were filled with noble ladies accompanied by maids.

The second floor seemed to be reserved only for nobles.

“Wow, this is so cool.”

“I know, right. It’s the first time I’ve been in here.”

Anna, who seemed to know everything, looked around curiously.

After thinking about it for a while, we ordered three kinds of dacquoise, a

strawberry shortcake and a mild black tea without flavoring.

Perhaps it was because the weather had turned cooler, a sip of hot black tea
warmed my body, and my heart softened.

Besides, I liked Anna even more because she looked happy without expression.

“Oh my god! This is my first time eating something so delicious!”

“I know! Absolutely delicious!”

Me and Anna couldn’t help but admire the moist strawberry cake.
The store’s signature strawberry tart was delicious, but the strawberry cake was
no less.

In fact, if you like something soft, you might prefer the strawberry cake.

The dacquoise was equally delicious.

The small size and wicked prices reminded me of the dessert cafes I couldn’t
enter in my previous life.

‘Now I can buy and eat these as much as I want! I’m rich!’

I briefly thought that it was petit bourgeois to feel that I am rich in a place like
this, but what is it?

I was having a satisfying tea time with Anna, and Anna also said something she
wouldn’t normally say, to see if she was relieved.

“By the way, lady.”


“This... I may be presumptuous, but...”

“Are you okay. Say it.”

Anna hesitated as she looked down at the teacup before opening her mouth.

“Didn’t you love Master Killian?”


“Sorry. I’m not afraid to tell you...”

“Oh no! It’s not like that, it’s because I’m surprised. Why were you curious
about that?”

Anna seemed to be a bit troubled between her position as a maid and her

However, I was glad that Anna had finally said this to me, so I quietly calmed
her down.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 64



“It seemed that the young lady loved the young master, and I was happy that the
relationship between the two of them had improved recently... Today, I saw only
the two of you, Miss Liese and Master Killian, going out...”

“Why... Did you send only the two of you?”

I felt even greater joy in the fact that Anna was delighted with the improved
relationship between me and Killian.

However, seeing that Liese and Killian went out alone today, it seems that Anna
became anxious again.

“What can I say...”

“But the young lady is Master Killian’s wife, and no matter how much they live
like brother and sister, Lady Liese is a man with a wife... No, no. Pretend you
didn’t hear it.”

I felt a little comforted because I thought that was how Anna looked.

“Killian... I am not one to commit irresponsible things. He may be in love with

Liese, but as long as he continues his marital relationship with me, at least he
won’t cause a scandal with Liese.”

“It’s not that I don’t trust Master Killian. Rather... I can’t understand her.”

It was worth it.

From Anna’s point of view, what a strange owner I am.

“Anyway, to you, I must be frustrated and strange. But in the end... I am doing
this to live.”

I just chuckled.
Anna’s gaze at me looked complicated.

“Do you love Master Killian?”

“...Huh. Love you.”

It may be something I couldn’t confess to Killian.

“How could you not love me?”

A man who is completely unknown.

However, a man who was secretly considerate and protective of me even though
he spoke cold words.

The man who was dazzlingly beautiful, awakened the passion within me that I
had not known, and called me, the daughter of a political opponent, ‘my wife’.

Perhaps even if someone other than me possessed Edith, they would have no
choice but to fall for him like Edith in the original work.

“Then why do you yield to Lady Liese?”

“It is not concession. Concession is a word used when the other side also covets


“Liese doesn’t want Killian. If so, I would have clung to him already when the
talk of me and Killian’s marriage came out. Even if I had only seen one drop of
tear in front of Killian, Killian would have defeated anyone, including the Duke,
and tried to get Liese.”

But Liese blessed Killian and my marriage.

Because the male lead given to her was Cliff, not Killian.

“Cliff... You must be a young master.”

Anna nodded as well, probably reading my thoughts. However, he soon smiled

and murmured.

“Then, why is Lady Liese looking for Master Killian these days…?”


“Oh no!”

“No, I won’t be angry, so tell me.”

It was clear that Anna, who was relieved of tension, was resentful of me now.

However, it was impossible to pick up the words that had already been spat out,
so Anna hesitated and mumbled.

“It’s strange these days, Lady Liese seems to be nice to Master Killian.”

“Liese, you used to be like that.”

“Yeah, that’s true, but lately, I’ve been visiting Master Killian often. Of course,
there’s no way the Young Master will do anything dishonest!”

A look of dismay appeared on Anna’s face. She probably considers it a mistake

to say such a thing out of her mouth.

Maybe the effort I put into the extras was finally paying off.

“Of course. By the way, when did the ‘these days’ you just mentioned start?”

“That is... That... It must have been since the day the young lady and the boy
went to see the opera.”

It feels strange that it was the day after the second stage exception conditions
were met.

“May I ask why you thought that?”

“In fact... That night Miss Liese visited Master Killian’s room. She didn’t stay
long, but it’s kind of strange that she stopped by at that time dressed in a spit...”

If you have something to say, you can do it the next morning. If it was an urgent
matter, he would have called a maid.

It was a little strange that he had to visit Killian at night.

“And from that day on, I think I started to see the two of them together often.
We used to see each other often, but unlike before, Miss Liese recently came to
visit the young boy.”

Is something going on?

Or is it because of her setting to have Killian as a sub male lead, preventing
Killian from escaping from her fishery?

“I am... I thought that if the young lady loved the young master, she would stop
only Lady Liese and her from going out.”

I laughed a little at that.

“Anna. As you know, I have no right to do that.”

“But lately, Master Killian has changed!”

“It’s true that Killian has been visiting me often lately. But she’s not sure if it’s
because she has a crush on me or if he’s spying on me. Well, it’s me, I don’t
care either way.”

It really was.

I would appreciate it if he had a crush on me, but it was okay to be a watcher. It

just felt good to be able to see him.

“Thanks for telling me anyway, Anna. You must have had a lot of trouble
whether to tell me or not.”

Anna’s face immediately turned red.

It was quite significant that Anna, whom I had only thought of as a member of
the Ludwig family, gave me information that only she knew.

Because it meant Anna finally became my maid.


Anna was a girl living in a baron family that had fallen.

Her uncle, Baron Sorrell, was a man of decent character who took pity on his
brother’s daughter who died violently after falling into a gambling addiction, but
he was not good at making money.

Thanks to his upright personality and diligence, he participated in the count’s

business and received a monthly salary, but since Baron Sorel and his wife
already had five children, it was very difficult for the entire baron family to live
on that money.

Thanks to her father who was addicted to gambling, Anna, who grew up seeing
all sorts of things from an early age, was an expressionless child, but was quick
to notice.

“Great mother. I’m sorry, but could the noble find a place for her maid?”

As soon as Anna turned fourteen, she decided to get a job as a maid. Since she
had taken care of her housework since she was a child, there was no objection to
her work as a maid.

But Baron Sorel objected.

“No matter what, you are the blood of the baron family. Not a maid, not a

Baron Sorel, who had taught a noble lady the knowledge she needed to possess
without discriminating against her own children, loudly proclaimed that he
would marry Anna too.
But Anna knew.

If this happens, everyone will fall into the pit.

She called her troubled aunt aside and asked her again.

“Thank you so much for raising me all this time. I will leave a letter for my
uncle, so please find a place for her maid.”

“...Thank you, Anna.”

Anna went that way as a maid to a countess her aunt had introduced her to.

The life of a maid was hard, but Anna quickly gained a good reputation for
quietly doing the hard work.

Anna lived faithfully, sending part of her salary to Baron Sorel and saving the
other part.

As a result, he was able to come to the Ludwig family.

And the Duke and Duchess Ludwig also quite liked Anna, who was quiet,
sincere, quick-witted, and had the right values.

“Starting today, take care of Liese. She is a child with a deep wound in her
heart, so she may not be able to speak even if she is a little uncomfortable, so
please take a good look at her and help her.”

When a dazzlingly beautiful girl named Liese Sinclair came to live in the duchy,
Anna was also chosen as her first maid.
“Didn’t I say no? Nice to meet you. I’m Liese Liese Sinclair.”

“It’s an honor to meet you, Miss Liese.”

Liese, who smiled like sunlight at me as I greeted her, was so beautiful that
words cannot describe it.

Anna, as she always did, took care of Liese delicately and served as an
exemplary maid who prepared in advance before she felt uncomfortable.

However, she noticed that Liese was overly lucky because of her ‘careful’ life.

I wasn’t talking about an illegitimate son who was almost abandoned even by
his father, who fell in the eyes of the Duke and married couple and lived in the
Duke’s house.

Liese was literally just lucky.

The weather was always nice on the day she went out, the things she wanted
were always there, and the circumstances were unusually favorable to her.

‘A little... Strange. How could a person be this lucky?’

Around the time I was thinking about that, Anna was suddenly assigned to a
different location.

“Sorry for the sudden change, Anna. But it’s something I’ve done before, so it
won’t be difficult, right?”

“Yes, madam.”
Anna worked as one of the Duchess’s maids, just as she had done before
becoming Liese’s maid.

There was no regret that things had changed, but oddly enough, I had a strange
sense of distance from Liese.

It was like Anna’s instinct, who had experienced various misfortunes since
childhood. Because she had never seen anyone as lucky as Liese.

After spending several years at the duchy, Anna was assigned as a maid for
Edith, who would become Killian’s wife.

“Anna. Trusting you is what I entrust to you. If Edith seems to have plans or
does something strange, come and tell me right away. Even if Edith acts evil on
you, be sure to report it.”

Duke Ludwig made a solemn statement as if sending his beloved knight to the

Anna was not very impressed, but as always, she quietly lowered her head.

Contrary to the Duke’s fear, Edith was a very ordinary person.

She had a glamorous appearance and had a pretty loud gossip, but she was quiet
inside the Duke’s mansion.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 65



It seemed that he was enjoying his own peace by reading a book, going for a
walk, basking in the sun, or drinking tea.

If there was a difference between her and the other young ladies, she did not
have a ‘line’ to draw when dealing with her subordinates.

All servants dealing with nobles feel it.

They do not consider commoners to be ‘people’ like themselves.

No matter how generous and merciful a person was, that was the case. They
always drew the line.

But it wasn’t Edith.

“Let’s eat together.”

The first time she went out to Darsus Street, Edith did not hesitate to share food
with Anna at the restaurant where they had lunch.

Eating from the same plate as a servant would be frightening to a noble.

“Why don’t you eat, Anna? Do you hate this?”

“Oh, no, not that... How can I eat your food?”

“Uh? So how can I eat all of this by myself? I want to try this, and I want to try
that too, but I can’t eat it all by myself... It would be nice to eat together.”

“Aren’t you offended?”

“Huh? Why me?”

Looking at Edith with a frown and wide eyes, Anna realized that there is no such
thing as ‘good’ for this young lady.

“If you’re fine, I’m fine too.”

“...I’m not sick Even if you eat with me, you won’t get sick.”

The owner who was worried that the servants would turn away from him was
the type of aristocrat whom even Anna, who had been working as a maid for 10
years, had never seen before.

I just thought that was unusual...

“Miss... Why didn’t you say anything until this happened?”

I still can’t forget the shock of the day I saw Edith’s bruised back.

Her back, which should have been white and smooth as if milk had been
released, was stained in a ghastly mess.

That, too, was probably because of the maid sent by her parents.
“How do you say that?”

With a voice mixed with a dejected smile, Edith said as if it was nothing.

‘It’s my fault... No matter how much he didn’t show it, how could he not know
until he became like this!’

The pride she had built up over 10 years as a maid collapsed.

I managed to suppress the surge of unknown emotions and applied the medicine
to her back, but only then did Edith’s shoulders tremble slightly.


Edith, who was said to be a villainess, was rather just a person who loved a quiet
daily life, weaker than anyone else Anna had ever served and who only put up
with it.

And unlike Liese, he’s really unlucky...

It was then that Anna patted Edith’s hand for the first time. She might have been
called arrogant on the subject of a maid, but she was a sincere consolation.

And Edith didn’t get angry or cry out loud, just let out a trembling breath.

After that, Anna erased the line she had drawn on Edith.

To her, Edith has established herself as a weak person she needs to protect.
Because of that, I was happy that Edith and Killian’s relationship was getting
better, and I hoped that Edith would be able to continue a happy married life.

However, at this critical time, Liese started looking for Killian.

‘I pretended not to know Master Killian’s love until now, why now...!’

So even though I knew it was presumptuous meddling, I told Edith about Liese’s
affairs, but Edith smiled bitterly and said,

“You know, but I don’t have the right to do that.”

The words ‘You know it too’ hurt Anna’s heart.

“Thanks for telling me anyway, Anna. You must have had a lot of trouble
whether to tell me or not.”

Seeing Edith put the maid’s heart ahead of her own pain, Anna made up her
mind once again.

‘I’ll help you as much as I can!’

Anna, who lived without much inspiration from anyone, accepted Edith as her
master from that day on.


After enjoying tea and dessert in <Peridot>, a maid I hadn’t seen before came to
visit me.
“Mister Cliff wants to see you for a while.”

“What about Cliff? me?”

“Yes, lady.”

It was an unexpected development.

But with no reason or excuse to refuse, I followed the maid to Cliff’s study
without changing my clothes.

“You are here.”

Cliff greeted me more cordially than I expected.

‘Why is this guy suddenly like this?’

He didn’t seem to have very good feelings for me, and I couldn’t figure out why.

“Don’t be nervous with such a suspicious look on your face, please sit down.”

Did I tease too much?

A smile appeared on Cliff’s face as he looked at me.

“I’m sorry if it seemed that way. Honestly, it’s so unexpected.”

“It’s a family, but it seems like we spent too much time together.”
He was calm, as if he understood my embarrassment. Although that laid-back
attitude had bothered him from before, he was certainly a capable human being.

“You seem to have a much better relationship with Killian these days.”

He poured tea into my teacup and said.

The strong scent of black tea spread.

“It seems that Killian is trying to do something for me, but only for a few days.
You never know what will happen in the future.”

“You’re right. It’s an interest that may cool down quickly.”

Who is this kidding now?

Feeling slightly upset, I tried to think of words to counterattack, but Cliff

lowered his voice and pulled himself toward me.

“I hope Killian’s interest will stay with you.”

“Yes? Why?”

“You and I seem to agree. Is not it?”

Cliff’s appearance as he drank the tea was extremely elegant, but the young
curiosity and sympathy in his eyes were hard to ignore.

“What do you want?”

“You don’t have to pretend you don’t know. You want Killian, and I want Liese.
Are you going to object?”

“Rather than refutation, I don’t think there is any need to be nervous. I’m
already Killian’s wife. And I don’t think Liese has any reason to seduce

“That’s true, but I’m uncomfortable with Liese now focusing her attention on
something else.”

Oh, I forgot.

This man was a gentle madman.

Regarding Liese, the one with no middle ground was Cliff Ludwig...

“So what do you want me to do?”

“Let me give you some tips on what Killian likes. It is up to you to decide how
you will use the tip.”

“It’s annoying...”

“Well. Would you like to bet with me? Whether you take my advice or not...”

unlucky guy.

Cliff must have noticed that I had fallen for Killian.

Where the hell did you get that obvious?

“Well, I’ll listen to what you say and think about it.”

When I took a step back and built up my pride, Cliff laughed as if he was having
fun, then spoke in a serious voice.

“Killian enjoys sailing on the lake. But I couldn’t have it this summer. I used to
go with Liese every year, but this year Killian became a married man.”

“You can just go and come...”

“It’s because there is someone else’s attention. A newlywed man said he went
boating alone with another woman. How would that look in the eyes of others?”

“Ah, that’s right.”

It’s even funnier that someone who cared about such things pushed through this

It was a well-known fact that Killian loved Liese.

Well, rather than ‘love’, people believed that Liese was bewitched by that face.

“I also like to appreciate art. It would be nice to actively use the Sistine Hall in
the mansion, and it would be nice to go see other families’ artworks.”

Killian, who despised me in the Sistine Hall, suddenly came to mind.

“That one is already ruined.”

“Oh, have you tried it already?”

“Well, unintentionally.”

Cliff saw my confused expression and giggled again before continuing.

“When you’re with Killian, it’s good to give him a lot of compliments. He
always has a complex about being second place behind me, so he likes to be

It’s not Cliff’s fault that he won first place, but it’s also sarcastic to say it that

Even though he was aware of his brother’s relative deprivation, he didn’t seem
to be very considerate.

‘Well, he didn’t look like a friendly brother.’

The two would join forces at once if something happened to their families, but
they weren’t people they would get along with.

Until now, if it wasn’t for Liese, I wouldn’t have seen her face often.

“By the way, Mr. Cliff.”

“Yes, Miss Edith.”

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden? It hasn’t been a day or two since
Liesee has been kind to Killian.”
Cliff’s smile was also playful as I looked at him with the smile in my eyes.

“There are two reasons.”

“What about the first one?”

“The point is that Killian is just starting to open up to you. In the past, even if I
gave you these tips, it would have been of no use.”

I have already confirmed that in the Sistine Hall, so I admit it.

“So, what about the second one?”

“...It seems like Liese is suddenly paying attention to Killian.”


“You wouldn’t know, would you? Didn’t the two of you go out today?”

I feel like I’m being pointed out many times about that issue...

“I know. But is that something that has never happened before?”

“It’s not like that, but the problem is that Liese asked first. Liese never asked
first before.”

“...Is it so?”

That’s definitely a subtle thing.

After all, I’m going to look for finished shoes, but I wonder if I really need to go
with them.

But Cliff also feels strange. He was completely convinced that Liese was paying
attention to Killian.

When it comes to Liese, Cliff’s words are trustworthy.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 66



‘Why is Liese suddenly doing this? Could it really have something to do with
me meeting the stage 2 exception condition?’

I was lost in that thought when suddenly Cliff said something different.

“Ah! Do you know her maid named Sabina?”

“Yes? Who?”

“No. It’s the first name I’ve heard. What do you look like?”

“...She is a slightly skinny maid with mixed blonde and chestnut hair. She
mainly hauled laundry.”

“Um... Sorry. Any laundry that goes in or out of my room was taken care of by
Anna or Sofia, so I can’t remember. But what about the maid? What’s going

Cliff smiled slightly when I asked. It was something that felt very

“Okay. It would have been better if I had known.”


“Ah, I was thinking of getting him a promotion if he has a good reputation.”

“I see. Sorry. I still don’t know all the names of the maids in the mansion.”

“Well, that’s fine.”

Cliff finished his tea with a strange smile.

“Anyway, don’t forget what I said, give it a try. If it goes well, wouldn’t it be
good for you and me too?”

“Ha... Will it be so?”

I wasn’t expecting much. I was just worried that it might end up stimulating the
memories I had with Liese.

However, there is not much time left until the episode where the hair is blown

All you can do is try to do it.


“Look at that, Killian! So cute!”

Liese, who had been out together for the first time in a while, smiled as she
pointed to the show window of a common general store on Le Belle-Marie

In the show window, there were music boxes and glass crafts that were imported
from abroad.

“Cute. Shall I buy it for you?”

From Killian’s point of view, they were expensive and pretty garbage, but when
Liese said they were pretty, he just thought it was because of it.

“No. I just said it because it’s cute.”

However, Killian took Liese and bought the things she pointed out.

A music box made by one of the world’s top three artisans cost 200,000 senna,
and a rabbit-shaped glass ornament said to be imported from a famous glass
producer cost 18,000 senna.
“I’m really fine...”

Liese, who had been embarrassed the whole time Killian was paying the price,
received the gift and raised her eyebrows again.

“I just bought it because I wanted to buy it. Because there aren’t many days left
before I can buy you something like this?”

“Yes? Killian, where are you going?”

“Sooner or later, I will have to go down to the manor.”

“Uh, when are you going?”

“Well... Maybe early next year?”

Killian smiled slightly at Liese’s regret for breaking up with him.

“Edith too?”

So the question was a bit odd.

Asking the obvious was like that, and the nuance that seemed impossible was
also like that.

“Isn’t that obvious? Of course, Edith will miss life in the capital, but the lord’s
wife has no choice but to follow suit.”

“Yeah, that’s right...”

“What’s the matter?”

“It’s because I’m sorry, what. Because I don’t have many friends...”

The strange atmosphere quickly dissipated.

Killian remembered that Liese didn’t have many friends his age, and thought he
would regret it.

As we talked, we quickly arrived at our destination.

“Ah, everything is here.”

The two went into a high-end shoe store together.

“Welcome! Ah! You’re here for shoes!”


The shop owner immediately remembered the two dazzlingly beautiful people.

Then he took one of the boxes off the shelf and opened it in front of them.

“It is out of shape very well. Try it on.”

Liese smiled shyly, sat down, and stuck out her dainty feet.
The shoes were lined in cream satin and decorated with ribbons and diamond
buckles at the insteps.

Killian remembered the day he came to get these shoes tailored.

It was a few days before the fake document leak incident.

Edith had come out to comfort Liese, who smiled sadly, saying that she was
much smarter and better at work than she had never learned.

Perhaps that day, Edith also said that she was going out with the maid.

“They say good shoes take you to good places.”

I bought it while saying that.

They were words to comfort Liese, but they were also words to say goodbye to

Originally, he wanted to be a ‘good place’ for Liese, but he was saddened by his
situation of not being able to hold Liese in his arms anymore, and these were the
shoes he bought with that in mind.

But how cunning is the human mind.

The heart that was heartbroken at the time was nothing now.

‘My love is only this much, so Cliff probably pushed me.’

Come to think of it, Cliff put everything he had into Liese.

It was terrifying to see at times.

Perhaps even letting Killian fall in love with Liese was a smoke screen operation
to slowly make Liese her own.

“As long as you live, things will get better, Killian. I think you and Edith are a
good match.”

I remembered the words of my mother, who once heard and was angry.

At the time, I thought it would never happen, but now I just confirmed that
nothing my mother said was wrong.

‘What is Edith trying to do today...’

The image of Edith standing in front of the carriage with only the maid kept
flickering in front of her eyes.

‘Before we go down to the manor, Edith’s shoes and boots should be adjusted a
bit more. Come to think of it, I don’t have much time, do I?’

I couldn’t even remember what kind of shoes she was wearing.

Killian blamed himself for being indifferent and said to the shoemaker who
repeatedly praised Liese.

“Soon I will visit again with my wife. I think I will have to order two or three
pairs of shoes and boots. How long will it take to make them?”
“If you two each have two or three pairs, well... I think it will take three months
no matter what. I guess orders for winter shoes will be pouring in soon.”

“I should come as soon as possible. I see.”

I nodded, but Liese was looking up at him with a strange face.

“Why is that, Liese?”

“Oh, no. However... I think we should consider Edith’s taste as well.”

“Edith’s taste?”

“Edith seems to like things a little more flashy.”

Killian laughed at that.

“I thought she was like that too, but after getting married, it seems like her tastes
have changed a lot. I didn’t know she was such a pragmatist.”

“Is that so?”

“Perhaps the shoes here are too luxurious and expensive,” he said.

“Really? I misunderstood because I heard that all the dresses she has are
gorgeous, and even hearing from the side that I like flashy styles. However,
Edith looks good with flashy styles...”

“Well, that’s right. The dress she wore on the wedding day was a bit
embarrassing, but it suited her well.”
It was embarrassing to even think of the dress that exposed her bulging
breastbone, but I thought she would like to try it on again in a place where no
one was around.

‘I’ll probably peel it off soon.’

Killian tried hard to control the leaking mouth.

After leaving the shoes packed in the shoe store with the servant who followed
them, the two decided to look around Lebelmari Street again.

Just as he was about to take his step, Killian turned to the side at the unfamiliar
sensation he felt on his forearm.

“Huh? Why?”

Liese was hanging on my arm with her arms crossed.

It was the first time Liese crossed her arms.

“Oh, no... Nothing.”

Killian was a little embarrassed, but it wasn’t something to be serious about, so

he just let it be.

‘It must have been a good feeling since Liese came out after a long time.’

He considered himself lucky.

Maybe today was the last day to go out with Liese.

As I was walking down a street full of cute shops with Liese and young girls in
pretty dresses, I suddenly remembered Edith and the street we had walked after
watching an opera.

It was connected to Darsus Street, but it was a little shabby than that.

A street with a cheap candy seller, a girl who picks and sells wild flowers, and a
clown who doesn’t even get a few coins for tricks all day long.

It was a place I would never have been to if I hadn’t chosen to go out the back
door because of the crowds at the front door of the Opera House.

It was a place I didn’t even think Edith would like.

However, unlike someone who was born and raised as an aristocrat, Edith did
not hesitate to contact commoners.

In addition, she smiled happily even after receiving shabby things.

‘Come to think of it, there’s nothing left of the things I bought back then...’

The candy was all eaten before he returned, and the flowers must have withered
in less than two days. Zergling caliber also had nothing materially left.

‘Shouldn’t have bought me something.’

So I belatedly came to the idea that Edith should have made it possible for her to
remember that day whenever she saw it.
“Killian. Look over there. It seems to be a new store.”


Killian, engrossed in thoughts about Edith and startled, turned his gaze to the
direction Liese pointed.

It was a shop full of pink that you might want to pass by.

I didn’t want to go that far because I’d been stared at by people passing by, but
Liese seemed to want to stop by.

‘Now that we’re out, I’m going to have to look at everything I want to see
before going in.’

Killian entered the pink shop with Liese.

When I went in, it was an accessory store that sold things like ribbons,
headbands, corsages and lace.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 67


“Oh my God! Welcome! It is an honor to have you visit our store.”

The shop owner, a young woman, made a fuss as if she knew Killian and Liese.

Looking around the store, I saw that there were fancy faux chandeliers hanging
from the ceiling, romantic decorations everywhere, and the pink carpets of the
counters were sparkling with accessories suitable for girls.

“Oh my, you are cute.”

“Isn’t it cute? If you wrap it around your head once like this and put this corsage
next to it...”

“And! So pretty! Killian, this...!”

Killian, who was looking outside the window instead of inside the shop, quickly
turned his gaze to Liese.


“Ah! Is that pretty?”

When Killian saw Liese, he immediately called her pretty, but it was a
completely different reaction from before, when he always only looked at Liese.
Even Killian himself felt it.

“Isn’t it pretty to look at, sir? This kind of decoration, no one can digest. It’s
okay. It makes me look childish when people who are not good at it. The true
value of this corsage and ribbon can be displayed only when it is worn by a
beauty equivalent to that of Miss Liese.”
The shop owner praised Liese’s appearance until her mouth was dry.

Killian listened without showing any signs of being bothered, and then asked
him to count all the things Liese said were pretty.

Because of the store owner’s flattery and praise, when I finally left the store, the
bag I was holding in my hand contained quite a lot of things.

“I-I didn’t mean to live this long...”

“Are you okay. It doesn’t come out often, so it’s not bad to buy it all at once
when it comes out.”

“I’m sorry, Killian.”

“I’m sorry. My house won’t go down like this, so buy more.”

Killian encouraged Liese to spend more money, who was still feeling sorry
whenever she spent money.

Then I moved to the store I had looked out of the window earlier.

“Liese, I’m sorry, but let’s stop over there for a while.”

“Yes, I like it! Are you buying something, too?”


Liese, who had been apologetic since she had been buying only her own things,
seemed happy.
However, the store where Killian entered was a store that sold women’s
accessories, just like the store Liese stopped by earlier. Although the atmosphere
was completely different from that store before.

“Killian... Well, um...”

“Huh? Why?”

“The atmosphere is very different from the places I’ve been to before.”

“Huh. Yes. I’m going to buy some Edith gifts here.”

“Yes? Edith?”


“Ah... Come to think of it, it’s an atmosphere that suits Edith.”


Killian didn’t notice Liese, who was a little flustered. It would have been
ridiculous if it was like before, but now I was concentrating on finding
something that would suit Edith.

“Do you want Edith to buy it for you?”

“No. It’s not like that, but I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything fancy
“Is it? I think Killian took good care of Edith... You bought me a necklace

I don’t know if it’s a memory that Liese brought out to comfort Killian, but
Killian’s conscience stung.

“...You mean the day Cliff gave you all the rest of the jewels?”


“Honestly, the Cliff was severe that day. At least you should have allowed Edith
to choose. You didn’t even think about my face, and I made you in trouble.”

To be honest, I didn’t think much of it at the time, but as time went on, I became
more and more embarrassed about what happened that day.

All kinds of precious jewelry were in front of Liese, but Edith put on a ruby
necklace smaller than a pea and smiled brightly at me.

I really like it, I will keep it well, revealing that white and dazzling nape...

And as she said, she wore the necklace every day.

I felt guilty every time I saw it.

“Sorry. Then I had to say no...”

“Why is it your fault? Cliff’s fault. It was fortunate that you chose the Edith
necklace as well. Me too at that time... Because I can’t take care of it well.”
Killian sighed and looked around the store, looking for something that would
suit Edith.

“Is it Garnet? It’s less than Ruby, but it would be nice to have something like

He pointed to a hairpin made of garnet, and the shopkeeper following him

placed it on a silver tray.

“Women like to wear hair ornaments like that.”

His fingers ran through the various corsage headdresses. The shopkeeper busily
picked them up.

“You also have to have several colored satin ribbons...”

Expensive ribbons made of imported fabrics were lined up on silver trays.

“Ah, I think this will suit you well... Are you saying it’s too flashy?”

He pointed to the white and black gloves made of delicate and colorful lace and
pondered for a while, but eventually decided to buy them too.

When I thought of Edith, I saw an endless number of things that would suit her.

At the pink shop earlier, there was nothing that would suit Edith, but this place,
which had many elegant and sensuous designs, had many items that would suit

“Shall we do this?”
After wandering around the store for a while, Killian followed him and looked at
the store owner who was putting what he was pointing to on a silver tray.

There were heaps of items on the silver tray.

Liese, who was watching that, said as if she was a little upset.

“Killian... I think Edith will scold me.”

“Hmm... Is it?”

But no matter how I looked at it, there was nothing to subtract from it.

“If I go down to the manor anyway, I won’t be able to buy it even if I try, so this
is good enough.”

“When you go down to the manor, there’s no party hall to do these things.”

“You can do it in the castle. You will be able to show the dignity and grace of a

“Count... Ma’am?”

“Ah, I heard that the title to be given to me is Count.”

Killian thought about it a little longer, fearing that he would really get scolded
by Edith, but in the end he chose to buy them all.

The price came out a little more than Liese’s accessories, but since I hadn’t
bought anything before, it didn’t feel expensive.
After leaving the store, Liese suddenly said that she was tired and wanted to go

Killian honestly didn’t like Le Belle Marie Street that much, so he returned to
the mansion feeling fortunate.

After having the maid move Liese’s things into her room, Killian knocked on
her door with a paper bag full of Edith’s presents.

“Uh? Killian!”

Edith’s light brown eyes shone as she greeted him.

In the past, I thought it was a really normal eye color compared to Liese’s deep
blue eyes, but recently, these comfortable and warm colored eyes felt quite
elegant. Besides, how attractive it is when you mix a arrogant look over there...

“I stopped by to see your face.”

“Come on in.”

Killian sat down at the seat Edith suggested.

“Today... Did you enjoy going out?”

“Yes! I went inside <Peridot> and ate black tea and dessert. Did you know that
strawberry cake there is also very delicious?”

“Is it still a strawberry?”

“Uh? Is that so? I guess I really like strawberries.”

Her smiling face was pretty as if he had finally realized it.

Killian laughed at her involuntarily and awkwardly handed over the bag in his

“This... Please take it.”

“Huh? What’s this?”

“No big deal. Just because you’re out.”

Edith tilted her head with round eyes and carefully unfolded the items in the

“Oh my god...! What is all this?”

“If you don’t like it, you can go and change it to something else.”

“No. They are all really pretty. Who picked this one?”

“I am... I chose them. Do you like them?”

“You chose them?”

Edith’s eyes widened.

Then, she put the hair ornament from the box she had just opened around her

Thanks to Anna’s help, the satin ribbon decorated with pearls was beautifully
pinned to Edith’s hair.

“What do you think?”

“...It suits you well.”

“I think it suits me well as well. It’s surprising that you had such keen eyes,

“My eye for good things has been trained since childhood.”

“Is that so? I like everything. Even if I were to choose, I wouldn’t be able to
choose something as pretty as this. Thanks, Killian.”

There was no sign of sorry or pretense on Edith’s face, who smiled brightly at

She was really just delighted with the gift I gave her.

It was a bit of a refreshing experience for Killian, who always heard that Liese
was sorry whenever he gave something to her as a present.

Up until now, I had thought that Liese’s modesty was very pretty, but to be
honest, from the point of view of giving the gift, I was much happier with
Edith’s reaction.
“I’m glad you like it. If I had known you would like it this much, I would have
bought more.”

“No, it’s not like that. There are too many of these. Just...”


“It’s just that I’m more happy that you were thinking about me and choosing
things outside. Thank you, Killian.”

Killian felt a pang in his stomach as she received the modest gift he bought to
erase his guilt and Edith thanked him for thinking about her.

‘This woman knows how to arouse people’s feelings of guilt.’

Killian, who was clearing his throat for no reason, said as if it was no big deal
that he would buy her this much.

“Next time... Let’s go together. I still have to order shoes and boots before going
down to the manor. I have already told the shoe store today.”

“Is it so. I always have time, so please tell me when it’s convenient for you.”

“I see. Then... That’s it.”

“Yes. Thanks for the gift, Killian. Rest well.”

Killian got up from his seat and hugged Edith, holding her waist, who was
coming along to see him off, and kissed her lightly.
Edith naturally accepted his kiss and smiled softly.

“You too may rest well.”


Killian, who took a regretful step, went back to his room and twitched the
corners of his mouth without realizing it.

I casually told Edith to go out together. She seemed to take it with ease, too.

The symptoms of being stabbed in the chest also improved, and more than
anything, the thought of going out with her seemed to excite me.

He wasn’t in the least bit thinking about Liese, whom he went out with today,
but Killian, whose head was filled with thoughts about Edith, couldn’t even
think of that fact.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 68



“Wow, what is all this?”


Cliff feigned admiration as he entered the room full of unopened boxes.

Liese, who had returned home today with a huge pile of presents, was staring
out the window blankly, not even thinking about unpacking the package.

“You look tired.”

“I guess I overworked myself a little without realizing it.”

Sitting in front of Liese, who responded with a weak smile, Killian examined the
pile of presents.

“Doesn’t Killian try hard today to court you?”

“It’s not like that. In Killian’s mind, there’s only Edith, so don’t misunderstand.”


“Sure! I thought I would just go out alone today. I feel like I’ve bothered Killian
for nothing...”

With a tired expression on her face, Liese turned her head again and looked out
the window at the setting darkness.

Cliff hugged Liese from behind and patted the nape of her neck with his lips.

“Yes, Cliff.”

“Do you care about Killian?”

“I always care about Killian and Cliff. Of course I can’t do anything...”

“You know that’s not the case. I mean, can’t the only one of you be me?”

It was a friendly voice.

However, Liese was well aware of the hidden desire for exclusivity and lust that
she was trying to suppress so that it would not boil over.

“What do you mean, Cliff? You know very well that I love you.”

“Know. I know...”

Cliff’s golden eyes grew cold like moonlight on a winter night.

“I want you to fully believe in me and only lean on me, Liese.”

“I am.”

“No. Right now, you feel a bit sad about Killian.”

Cliff whispered as he lightly bit Liese’s ear lobe with his lips.

Liese shrugged her shoulders in embarrassment, but her expression didn’t

change much.
“Sorrow? Why i...”

“I mean Sabina. Aren’t you sad because Killian didn’t care about Sabina?”

Cliff suddenly brought up the word about the maid who had recently been
telling the maids around her that Edith had tried to kill Liese.

“Sabina, she said, she must have seen it. I saw with my own eyes that Edith was
poisoning the embroidery thread that she was giving to Lady Liese.”

“Why did you just say that now?”

“That’s it, I don’t know. The child suddenly disappeared...”

The maid who had come to report Sabina’s whereabouts wheezed that Edith
must have been involved in her disappearance.

However, before doubting Edith, Sabina’s behavior was strange.

He kept his mouth shut when he investigated the inside and outside of the
mansion to find the culprit, but only started talking about it now that the incident
was completely buried.

Besides, when and where he saw it, how did Edith know that what he was
wearing was poison, or no, how he knew that the thing he was applying
something on was an embroidery thread that belonged to Liese.

“I really don’t understand the maid’s story. Why did you suddenly appear
Although Liese pretended to tell Killian about Sabina secretly, it was almost
impossible for Liese to do something without Cliff’s knowledge.

“It’s not certain yet. I’m currently investigating the maids around Sabina who
heard about it...”

Cliff hugged the confused Liese a little tighter.

“Cliff. I’m really fine. It’s something I’ve already covered. Of course she will
have to find the maid, but she doesn’t want to break Killian’s heart by accusing
her Edith of being her culprit.”

Cliff thought that Liese was heartbroken over Killian.

It wasn’t a very pleasant feeling to see that Liesee had little lingering feelings
for Killian, but it would have been more enjoyable if she could definitely take
her mind off of her through this process.

“By the way, what did Cliff do today?”

Liese asked as if changing the topic.

“Did you ever wonder what I did today?”

“Sure. Even when I went out, I kept thinking of you. I would have been better
off going out with you.”

“Of course. Am I the same as a married man who is indifferent and indifferent?”

Liese laughed and shook her shoulders.

Cliff kissed him on the shoulder and said.

“I drank tea with my sister-in-law who came in early.”

“Are you Edithing?”

Liese looked back in surprise.

However, Cliff continued to press his smiling lips onto Liese’s shoulder and

“In the hope that my younger brother and his wife will be happy, I told him a
few ways to win Killian’s favor...”

“So what?”

“Well. Whether or not to try, that is something I do not know.”

Because it was completely dark outside, Liese and Cliff were reflected in the

There were shadows on their faces, but their eyes shone brightly, reflecting the

“What did you tell me?”

“That Killian likes to go yachting on the lake. He told me he also likes to look at
art, but I think he’s already tried that.”

“A yacht on the lake...”

While Liese was pondering his words, Cliff quietly added again.

“Liese. I am the one who exists only for you Whatever you desire, I will give

Liese looked at Cliff at the meaningful tone.

He was still wearing a twinkling smile.

Liese looked into his eyes and said.

“Really... For me?”

“Of course. I will always adore you My spring goddess.”

Cliff raised Liese’s hand and kissed the back of her hand.

Liese did not avoid Cliff’s gaze as he persistently looked at her.

“I love you, Cliff. Please look at me too.”

“More than this? Then it would be a bit dangerous...”

Cliff, who was smiling mischievously, kissed Liese slowly.

It was a kiss with unknown passion and meaning.

Killian even bought me a present, which gave me a little more courage.

It was a very important change that I thought of myself not only when I could
see it, but also when I couldn’t see it.

‘Okay. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with following Cliff’s advice.’

Killian was trying to figure out what I liked, so I felt like I would have to go to
the trouble of doing what he liked too.

I cautiously opened my words to Killian, who was eating with me.

“Come to think of it, I haven’t even been to Lake Everton this summer.”

“Okay. I couldn’t go this year either.”

“I also wanted to try boating on the lake...”

As soon as he threw the bait, Killian’s eyes flashed.

But basically, Killian, who tends to be a tsundere, never gets over it easily from
the beginning.

“You said you never went to see an opera, have you ever played on a boat?”

“Yes. I think I’ve done that a few times.”

I answered while going through Edith’s vague memories.

I think she went boating a few times with the men who were courting her, but
they always drove them to a secluded spot and then played with Edith’s thin

Each time, after replying flirtatiously, ‘I don’t like being on a boat because it’s
scary,’ I took the necessary information from him and returned to the dock.

To the dismay of those expecting a hot night, Edith was immediately captured
by the Rigelhoffs’ knights and forced to return home.

As he recalled those memories, Killian’s gaze grew cold.

“Well, it’s a popular game for lovers. Even though it’s small, only the two of us
can be left in a confined space.”

Ooh, are you jealous again?

No, thank you for being jealous, but how do I get rid of this?

I’ll have to move the topic to the yacht soon.

“It’s not just for lovers. Who doesn’t like to float a boat on the lake on a nice
day? Of course, the small boat was a bit scary, but...”

“Small boats with oars are dangerous. It is likely to lead to an accident.

Accidents of drowning in the lake happen every year.”

“That’s right. So she was always nervous.”

As the topic of conversation gradually began to lead to ‘ship’, Killian’s

expression became strangely confident.
“I have a yacht, so I have never had an accident like that before.”

“A yacht? You have a yacht?”

It seems that Cliff wasn’t lying when he said that Killian liked yachts.

Killian quickly opened his eyes and explained the specifications of his yacht.

When, where, and who made it, how high-quality materials were used, how
meticulously it was finished, who rode it and what praise it received.

It was a feast for pretending to be proud, but after hearing the story, I started to
get excited a little bit.

“And... If it’s a yacht like that, I really want to try it.”

“What... Then... Would you like to go for a ride?”

“Uh? Really?”

Killian pretended to be a nuisance but immediately suggested that we go on a


I did my best to show that I was very happy, and Killian gave the order to the
yacht manager by having a servant with a very satisfied expression.

“I’m going to ride tomorrow, so tell them to make sure there are no deficiencies
in the maintenance of the yacht.”
“Yes, I understand.”

The servant quickly ran to the yacht manager with a quick attitude.

At first, it was started to win Killian’s favor, but the more the work progressed,
the more my heart pounded.

I had never even been on a duck boat, let alone a cruise on the Han River, in my
previous life.

I thought I would ride a boat across the Jordan River when I died, but I thought I
would ride a yacht here.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 69



“The weather should be fine tomorrow. What kind of clothes should I wear?
Maybe a simple outdoor dress would be better, right? Ah! Shall we pack a lunch
too? Eating outside tastes better. Should I bring a parasol? Would the wind make
it rather uncomfortable?”

Even though I was full of anticipation and making this and that, Killian listened
without showing any signs of being annoying.
“I like clothes that are easy to move. For lunch, whatever you want, it would be
better to wear a hat than a parasol.”

“That would be great!”

Excited like a child the day before the picnic, I prepared everything I would
wear the next day before dinner.

And the next day, fortunately, the weather was very fine. It was perfect weather
for yachting.

“Did you sleep well?”

“Yes! Actually, it took me quite a while to fall asleep, but I slept well.”

“You’re not a child, what are you so excited about?”

“Who, who? Just... It feels good to go to the lake after a long time.”

As soon as I wake up in the morning, ‘Let’s go get some yogurt.’ It is a secret

between Anna and I that we even hummed her hum.

In fact, I forgot that Anna was there and hummed it, but Anna’s expression was
also quite good to see.

While the wagon was loaded and Killian briefly went in to retrieve something he
had forgotten, Liese appeared while strolling through the garden picking

She greeted me standing in front of the carriage.

“Uh? Where are you going?”

“Ah... Some on the lake...”

“Lake? Oh, are you going yachting with Killian?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

To be honest, I didn’t want to tell you where we were going.

Even if it wasn’t Anna or Cliff’s story, Liese wasn’t happy with Killian

But Liese seemed to have no idea what I was thinking.

“Killian’s yacht isn’t big, but it’s really beautiful. I went for a few rides and
really enjoyed it.”

“Is it so? I’m still looking forward to it.”

“You went fishing when you went with me, but are you fishing today?”

“Oh, no. That’s not it.”

“Sorry. Fishing is really fun too... Be sure to try fishing later.”


Even then, Liese, who had not left her seat, spoke to herself with a somewhat
stiff face.
“Sounds fun...”

Haa, when you say such a lonely line with such a pretty face, the listener feels
very sorry...

Killian came down just as I was not knowing what to do and laughing lightly.

“I’m sorry to keep you waiting. Let’s go... Ah, Liese.”

He also discovered Liese.

Liese greeted Killian with a smile as fresh as the pink rose in her hand.

“I heard you’re going yachting on Lake Everton?”

“Huh. Edith said she had never been on a yacht before.”

“It will be fun. It seems like it’s been a while since I’ve been on a yacht.”

“Hmm? Didn’t you go riding Cliff’s yacht in early summer?”

“That’s Cliff’s yacht.”

What Liese wanted to say was so clear that it was difficult to ignore.

‘I want to go too.’
But I don’t know if this is my qualifications, but I thought it was an awkward
reaction for the character Liese Sinclair to do, as I felt before.

‘Liese Sinclair, who has already had feelings for Cliff, wants to join Killian and
me on an outing...?’

While I questioned Liese’s behavior, Killian grinned and stroked Liese’s head.

“Let’s go together next time.”

That was a clear rejection of Liese’s request.

I was shocked inside and just looked at the two of them alternately, but Liese
smiled casually and nodded.

“Really? I think it would be so much fun even if the four of us went together.”

“I know. Come on in. I will catch a cold.”

“Yes. Then... Edith has fun too. Take care of yourself.”

“Thank you, Liese. I’ll be back.”

I forcibly smiled brightly and waved at her, and Killian saw Liese turn around
before heading towards me.

“Let’s go.”

“Ah yes...”
Escorted by Killian, I climbed into the carriage.

It’s subtle, but everything is different from the beginning of the wedding.

The time Liese and Killian make eye contact, the nuances of their conversation,
the time they look at the other person’s back when they turn around, the
temperature of their gaze... Nothing was the same as before.

Are Liese and Killian aware of that?

I thought about the change that I might be able to rejoice in peace for a while,
but as soon as I saw Lake Everton out of the carriage window, all the thoughts in
my mind were blown away.

“Killian! It’s a lake!”

“Yes, I know.”

“Oh my god! And...! There are many ships!”

“Because most of the nobles’ yachts are moored here.”

“Some people are already on yachts!”

“When I go on a yacht, I usually come early. It hurts. Don’t pull yourself out.”

Killian pulled me, ready to jump out of the wagon window.

And from then on, Killian held my hand tightly like a new father with a child
I was distracted from looking around. If Killian hadn’t been holding my hand,
I’m sure he would have fallen over and over again.

“Oh! Aren’t you the second son of the Ludwig family?”

“Right. Long time no see, Killian.”

People who recognized Killian greeted him instead of boarding the yacht.
Thanks to that, I held onto my spirit to scatter in all directions and showed a
smile befitting a daughter-in-law of the Ludwig family.

There was no doubt that the eyes looking at me with Killian’s arms crossed had
an aura of ‘exploration’.

Yes, it’s surprising that Killian brought only me and not Liese. I’m curious too

We made our way through the greetings of the people around us and finally
reached the yacht.

“Wow...! Cool...!”

Killian’s boasting about his yacht wasn’t bluffing.

There were several yachts larger than his, but none seemed more beautiful.

The white and dark wood color of the yacht looked very sturdy. In addition, it
must have been well maintained, and there was no place where the paint peeled
off or rusted.
“When you get on board, you have to be alert. If you don’t do it wrong, you may
fall into the water.”

“All right.”

“...I’m not trustworthy at all.”

“If I’m not trustworthy, you catch me. Then it will work.”

I laughed at him as if teasing him and climbed onto the yacht as he guided me.

“Are you here, lady?”

On the yacht, the yacht manager, Samuel, was on board.

He was a man in his mid-50s, with a shaggy beard, but a very good impression.

“Isn’t the yacht all right?”

Killian, who followed me, asked Samuel. Samuel nodded his head with a very
proud face.

“Sure. Yesterday, I checked every little thing, and there was nothing wrong.
This guy must have been impatient because he wanted to run for a long time. Ha
ha ha!”

I could tell from Samuel’s expression that he loved his job as a yacht manager.

“Then let’s go.”

At Killian’s command, Samuel bowed confidently and entered the cockpit.

And after a while, the yacht began to move gracefully like a swan on the surface
of the calm Lake Everton.

“Uh! Move! Move, Killian!”

“Since we have been ordered to depart, it is only natural that we move.”


It was a windless day, but I could feel the cool breeze on the moving yacht.

The panoramic view of Lake Everton, where the forest that has not yet turned
leaves meets the blue water surface, was beautiful, and the laughter of people
enjoying boating in the distance decorated the happy time.

I leaned on the boat with Killian and stared blankly at the beautiful sight.

I never imagined that I would be able to capture such a beautiful scenery with
my eyes.

“It is so beautiful.”

“I’m glad you liked it.”

Killian wrapped his jacket around my shoulders and gave me a little hug.

I didn’t know because I was excited, but the air was a bit full, and the jacket
with his body heat left over felt very warm.
I turned to Killian and he was looking at me.

‘Uh... For some reason, it seems like the right time to kiss...’

Beautiful nature, time tinged with happiness, and a man and a woman close

Isn’t it just a good picture?

I quietly closed my eyes right in front of his face.

Then, right above my head, an absurd laugh rang out.

“What are you doing?”

This. I think it was the right timing to kiss, but I guess it wasn’t Killian.

But it was too embarrassing to open my eyes like this.

I whispered with my eyes closed.

“Don’t break the mood and do it quickly.”

“What do you mean?”

“A man who doesn’t know what to do with a woman with her eyes closed in his
arms is really...”
Before I could finish my words, Killian pressed his lips over mine.

Our lips were hot, so I just squeezed the hem of his shirt.

Killian also held on to my shoulders and waist and only caressed me.

Maybe it’s because it’s been a long time since we’ve kissed, so I was ecstatic as
if I was about to lose my mind.

But we were sitting on a yacht, and even Samuel was with us.

We barely parted our lips, which were still trying to cling to each other.

“Don’t forget this. We will go home and continue.”

Killian said softly as he pecked a short kiss on my lips as if he was sorry.

I smiled and nodded lightly.

Really, it was a perfect day.

We stopped the yacht in the middle of the lake and invited Samuel over for

Sandwiches and fruit juice in baskets were perfect for a light lunch.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 70



“Shall we go around the lake?”

“I will.”

As usual, Samuel and Killian suggested going around the lake on a yacht.

I enjoyed a relaxed mood and watched the blue water surface where the sunlight

Occasionally small fish popped up on the surface.

“Look there, Killian! Uh! Also!”

“Don’t stick out too much. It is dangerous.”

But there was no wind, and the yacht did not tilt in the slightest. That’s why
Killian didn’t actively stop me.

There was no way one woman would tip the boat.

I reached for the fish that jumped out of the boat.

There was no way he could reach the fish, but just feeling the cool water felt

Killian watched me with a smile, then wrapped up the rope hanging on the floor
and tidied it up.

And then it was.


Sleep seemed to suddenly come before my eyes. It was only then that I realized
that my body was tilted.



I could hear Killian’s urgent voice from afar, but there’s no way I could defy

Time seemed to pass so slowly that I wondered if this was real, and soon I fell
into the cold lake.

“Puff! Coke, Coke! Ki, Killian...!”

What kind of nonsense is this?

Even back then, I was just worried about getting hurt by Killian.
I had no idea how the hell I had fallen into the water, but I thought he might be
nagging because I hadn’t properly listened to his caution not to pull myself out
too far.

“Edith! Hold on to this!”

I saw Killian throwing a rope towards me.

And the moment I reached out and swung my legs there, the hem of the dress
caught on the heel of my shoe and got tangled.


Suddenly the dress felt heavy and I sank.

I struggled on my limbs, but the more I did, the more I got away from the yacht.

“Edith! Edith!”

The water kept blocking my view.

The lake water ran over my nose and mouth, suffocating me, and a cold fear
overtook me.

‘Let’s stay calm! I can’t die here Killian is the one who will kill me, so there’s
no way I’ll die here!’

I thought about it and tried not to panic.

In the distance, Killian could be seen taking off his vest. He seemed to be about
to jump into the water.

‘No! It’s dangerous!’

I had to stop Killian from coming.

I remember learning that when rescuing a drowning person, you shouldn’t rush
into it.

I have to throw the rope or tube towards me first... But why is the yacht so far

I barely took off my shoes and my feet were free, but I was getting more and
more dazed, perhaps because the water was cold.

I felt the strength drain from my struggling limbs and my body sinking.

I was out of breath.

It must have been completely submerged in the water, so it was quiet all around.

And it was also at that time that I heard announcer’s voice.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

I understood the words, but it was a beat late to grasp the meaning.

‘What? What the hell are you talking about! Where is this!’
It was an unfair game in the first place, but the rules themselves suddenly

I wanted to grab someone by the collar and shook.

’Why did you suddenly change? Was it originally a game without even rules?

Was I complacent?

I came to my senses and tried to swim, but the water-soaked clothes were
heavier than I imagined, and my head, which couldn’t breathe, went paralyzed.

And the water surface I was supposed to head for was getting farther and farther

‘If I were to die, I’d rather be killed by Killian...’

Even with my fading consciousness, I wanted to see Killian. And that kind of
myself felt a little funny.

If I die, will Killian take care of my empty seat?

No, it can’t be.

It can’t be...


[...]...Is collapsing...]
What do you mean?

I seem to hear the voice of a TV announcer somewhere.

Is it a bedroom? Did you fall asleep with the TV on?

Why does my throat and nose hurt so much? Did you catch a cold?

As I blankly assessed my condition, I thought I had heard the announcer’s voice


[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original plot was further damaged. The original
author’s dominance is weakening.]

A voice flowing indifferently.

I realized the identity of that voice belatedly.

‘Ah! Didn’t I possess Edith after I died?’

With that thought, I became more and more conscious.

Not only my nose and throat hurt, my speed hurt, my ribs hurt, and it felt like I
had been beaten all over my body.

‘For sure... Yacht... Yeah, I went yachting... I fell into the water...?’
Seeing that he was still able to think this way, it seemed fortunate that he hadn’t

I blinked my stinging eyes little by little, trying to come to my senses.

As my blurry vision became clearer, I was able to recognize who was looking at
me next to me.

But he was the first to pretend to know.

“Edith? Edith! Are you awake?”


“Oh, thank you God. Ha...”

Killian held my hand tightly and thanked God.

“How... How did...”

I wanted to ask what happened, but my voice didn’t come out properly. Perhaps
it was my misunderstanding that I came to my senses, and my eyes quickly
became dizzy.

“Shh... Get some more sleep. It’s okay now. Because it’s okay...”

Are you okay?

Ah, anyway, I survived and Killian seems to be all right. I was very fortunate.
I was relieved and fell asleep again.


I woke up from a sound sleep without dreaming, but it was midday again.


I called out to him in a small way, but it was Anna who hurriedly approached

“My lady, are you awake?”

“Not... Me...”

“Can I get you some water?”


Unlike before, where I wasn’t sick, I’m a little better now.

I finished the glass of warm water Anna offered me and slowly looked around.

I knew I had fallen into the water, but looking inside this peaceful bedroom, I
couldn’t fathom what had happened.

“Anna... Me, what happened?”

Anna sat down next to my bed and answered, holding my hand.

“When the lady was at the boat, the yacht suddenly tipped over and fell into the
water. Master Killian saved you.”

“Killian...? You mean he jumped into the water after me?”


“Stupid! Then what if something big happens...!”

I raised my voice a little, and my throat hurt.

I coughed lightly and grabbed Anna’s sleeve again.

“Killian, is he okay? Is he not hurt?”

“Yes. Young master is fine. But... He’s really shocked...”

“Ha... Thank god. What kind of disgrace is this... You will listen when I tell you
not to stick out from the side of the boat.”

I wiped my face and mumbled.

Then Anna brushed my shoulder and spoke hesitantly.

“You didn’t fall for it by mistake, lady.”

“Huh? Then?”
“It is said that the yacht’s steering wheel malfunctioned at that time. Suddenly, it
turned around and the boat tilted and moved in a strange direction.”

I didn’t swim much, but the reason the boat moved away must have been
because the boat was moving.

But it was strange.

Apparently, Samuel said that he checked the yacht the day before, and there was
nothing wrong...

“So where is Killian now?”

“That is... He is interrogating Uncle Samuel.”


“Uncle Samuel is not the kind of person who would make such a mistake. It has
never been like this while managing the Duke’s yachts. Besides, you’re a really
nice person. He couldn’t have intentionally tried to hurt her.”

Even if Anna didn’t appeal to me, I believed Samuel had nothing to do with it.

The person who shone with pride in his job could not have tarnished his
reputation by deliberately causing the ship to malfunction.

Besides, the voice in the dream told me what had happened.

[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention.]
The original author who played with me broke the rules of the game and tried to
kill me by intervening in the original work.

At first, I doubted that the rule itself had disappeared, but I was convinced after
hearing that the original work was destroyed by the intervention of the original

‘I must have been nervous because I met the second-level exception condition...’

The fact that he did so at the risk of weakening the authority of the original
author probably means that he was cornered that much.

‘Then, the third-level exception condition is highly likely to be the last


I almost died, but instead of being afraid, I tried to laugh.

I was very happy that I could go beyond the cursed setting of the original work
as long as the three-step exception conditions were met.

But this situation, which was pleasing to me, would be disastrous for Samuel.

I had no intention of leaving Samuel, who was only used by the original author,
to be unfairly punished.

“Anna. Go tell Killian I’m awake. I’m looking for Killian a lot...”


Anna seemed to have a personal relationship with Samuel, and unlike usual, she
seemed urgent.
And not long after Anna left, there was a sound of hasty footsteps outside and
Killian rushed in.



Killian’s complexion was noticeably unwell. The bottom of his eyes were black,
and even the light in his eyes was moldy.

“Killian... Are you okay?”

“Are you worried about me as soon as you open your eyes? Did you know you
almost died?”

I know very well. A voice told me to count down.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 71



“I’m fine. But your complexion is too bad.”

“You’re wandering between life and death, do you think I’ll be able to get

I’m impressed. Do you really think you have a heart for me?

I gently brushed his bobbed hair in order, trying not to make it too obvious that I
liked it too much.

“How long have I been sleeping?”

“Three days, Edith. You just opened your eyes after three days.”

“What? Three days?”

My eyes were wide open.

I didn’t feel like I slept that long...

In any case, I had to fix the situation quickly.

“Killian. What the hell happened? I heard that the ship has malfunctioned.”

“We are investigating now. Examination of the yacht revealed that important
screws on the steering wheel had come loose. I believe that Samuel neglected
my work or was instigated by someone.”

“I don’t think so, Killian.”

He’s an extra that probably wasn’t even mentioned in the original work, but he’s
already earned the name ‘Samuel’ in my world.

I didn’t want such a person to die in vain at the play of the original author.

“Why did you do something that would be discovered so quickly? Even he was
on the same boat. He probably took a closer look.”

Killian sighed and hugged me. Then he whispered in a voice that only I could

“I also think so. This is just a warning to the unknown culprit.”


“Of course, we are not neglecting the investigation of Samuel. But there are no
clues yet.”

The frustration of having to investigate a crime for which no evidence was left
was evident in his voice.

However, as long as the original author, who is like a god, intervenes, it will be
impossible to find evidence.

“The culprit of this incident will not be caught so easily. Conversely, it also
means that the other side was very determined and used their hands.”

“If you intend... Intending to kill you...?”

“I think so. Killian, are you good at swimming?”

Killian nodded. He knew it.

“So maybe... It must have been aimed at me.”

“But why...”

“If you know who did it, you’ll know why...”

Killian nodded and hugged me tighter.

“For now, just focus on taking care of yourself.”

In his firm embrace, I too let out a sigh of relief for the first time.

“I’m late, but thanks for saving me.”

“I am, thank you for being alive.”

I raised my head after enjoying Killian’s arms for a while longer.

“Don’t punish Samuel. There must be a separate culprit, but it is not fair for an
innocent person to suffer.”

“I know he didn’t intentionally break things or hurt you. But that day, it was his
fault for not checking the yacht once more, so he should be punished too.”

“Everyone overlooks the mistakes of nobles. But why are you so ruthless about
the mistakes of commoners?”
Killian wrinkled his brow and answered with a sigh.

“Because the uneducated need a solid education.”

But I couldn’t agree with that.

“I understand that you have to correct your mistakes and realize your mistakes.
But those who haven’t learned should be more forgiving. Whose sin is greater:
those who make mistakes despite learning, or those who make mistakes because
they haven’t learned?”

My voice got louder for no reason because it reminded me of the master’s

graduates I met when I was at the company. They were the ones who
sarcastically said, ‘This is why bachelor degrees can’t be like this’ only for the
mistakes of other employees while making mistakes themselves, but the
aristocrats here looked just like those graduates at that time.

“You sometimes... You don’t look like an aristocrat.”

“I just want to be human.”

Killian looked at me with a disapproving face, but held my hand tightly.

“If you really think... All right.”

“Thank you, Killian.”

He told me to get some more rest and laid me down.

I was tired again and just wanted to lie down.

“By the way, Killian.”

“Yes, please.”

“What are Liese and Cliff doing?”

“Why are Liese and Cliff suddenly asking?”

“I think you must have been very surprised.”

Killian was quiet.

He seemed to sense that I was having strange feelings for them.

I pretended not to notice his agitation and closed my eyes.

‘But I can’t help but doubt it.’

Cliff, who invited me to go boating, and Liese, who wanted to follow me on the
morning of the boating...

Of course, both of them were characters set up as ‘just.’

‘Since the original plot is already collapsing...’

I fell back to sleep with a sigh of relief.

Thinking back on it, it was terrifying.

Killian got goosebumps whenever he remembered everything that had happened

from the moment Edith fell into the water.

Edith said that the clear weather, the fresh wind, the yacht that sailed smoothly
to the middle of the lake, and the fish swimming in the calm water were cute.

Killian felt a small but happy feeling then.

And as if he had waited until he felt happy, his stomach suddenly tilted.


At the moment when I couldn’t believe the situation and said something stupid,
Edith fell into the blue lake with a sharp scream.


On the yacht, which suddenly seemed to move wildly, Killian struggled to throw
the rope he was holding in his hand towards Edith.

However, when Edith’s head, which was bouncing up and down on the surface,
became invisible, Killian took off his vest and shoes without thinking twice and
jumped into the lake. His one hand was holding the rope tightly.

Then, when he found Edith sinking into the abyss from the lake he jumped into,
Killian felt his heart freeze.

I couldn’t even remember how I had managed to swim all the way there to
rescue Edith.
When I came to my senses, I was swimming toward the yacht, shouting to the
unconscious Edith to wake up.


Just thinking about it made my heart beat terribly, and even my breathing was

Pressing Edith’s chest, who was pale as a corpse and not breathing, Killian
prayed to God over and over again to save Edith.

“No, Edith, please! Live please! Open your eyes! If you die like this, I will never
forgive you!”

I didn’t even know what to say, but I kept shouting at Edith.

Fortunately, Edith started to breathe again, and after being treated by the doctor,
she opened her eyes normally, but the experience of Edith almost dying did not
go away.

When Edith collapsed from the poison of the peach pie, I must have thought it
was just annoying, but now, just thinking about Edith’s wet, pale face made me
feel like I would get goosebumps.

No, the peach pie incident was only feeling horrific in hindsight.

‘They must have been aimed at Edith.’

It was something I could have known even if Edith hadn’t said it. He was such a
good swimmer that he could swim out quickly even if he fell into the water.
But with Edith, it’s a different story. Because of the hem of the already heavy
dress and uncomfortable shoes, aren’t women always in danger whenever
boating accidents happen?

So, anyone who touched the steering wheel of the yacht would have hoped that
Edith would be in danger.

But who, why the hell...?

‘Count Rigelhoff, who took offense at Edith? Or the Count Sinclair, who hates
Liese and the Rigelhoff family? Or, another force...?’

It was the Rigelhoffs’ maid who poisoned the peach pie, but it wasn’t the maid
who poisoned the embroidery thread.

Even the suspect has not yet been able to find out who stole the documents.

All three cases pointed to Edith only to the extent that it was difficult to point to
a suspect other than Edith, but that made it even more suspicious.

However, a completely new family was on the verge of joining.

‘I hope Liese... No, no. It can’t be.’

It was Liese who protected Edith every time she was accused of being the

Besides, Liese was also the one who would marry Cliff and get the title of
Just as Edith had no reason to hurt Liese, Liese had no reason to hurt Edith.

However, the more he denied it, the more he cared about Liese’s attitude, which
had subtly changed recently.

‘Why did Liese suddenly change?’

Before, Liese had obviously given him and Cliff equal affection, but a few
months before he married Edith, she felt her affection for Cliff grow stronger.

In fact, that’s why I accepted the marriage with Edith.

‘Didn’t you have feelings for Cliff? Why on earth now...!’

Liese, who hadn’t changed even after marrying Edith, had changed recently,
around the time Killian started dating Edith.

A seduction so subtle that it can be frightening if you know it...

And from the moment he felt it, a fearful assumption was rising in Killian’s

‘In addition to the peach pie incident, in the cases Edith was accused of being
the culprit, there was another person who could be considered a suspect.’

That was Liese.

During the document leak incident, the person who was able to touch the
document and draw a table, albeit clumsily, was Liese.
Liese, the person who was able to apply poison directly to the embroidery

After thinking about it like that, everything Liese told me about Edith also
became suspicious.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 72




I was trying to recall the past when a headache came over me.

It was the most intense pain I had felt in a long time.

Killian hurriedly took out a headache pill from his desk drawer and ate it.

And just then, someone knocked on his door.

“Who are you?”

“Young master. Samuel wants to see you.”


It hasn’t been long since Edith told me to let Samuel go.

Why does he want to see you again?

“Let it in.”

As the pain reliever slowly spread, the headache gradually subsided.

And Samuel came in hesitantly from outside.

“Sit down.”

“Oh, no. Precious furniture gets dirty.”

Killian sighed and slumped back into his chair.

“Have you anything more to say?”

“That, that...”

“I don’t like procrastination very much. I think you know.”

“Sin, sorry! I swear it wasn’t me who loosened the screws on the cockpit. I
definitely checked all the parts the day before and went back.”

“You’re not here to repeat what you said for three days, are you?”
“Yeah, but... Looking back, I suddenly remembered one thing...”

Only then did Killian’s eyes turn bright.


“The night before the accident... Master Cliff has come to visit me. He said he
had something to take out from inside the boy’s yacht, so I followed him out,
but in the meantime, I left my cabin unlocked.”

Samuel lived alone in his cabin near Lake Everton, and all the keys to the
Ludwig family’s yacht were kept in it.

“It’s hard to believe that someone stole the key and tampered with my yacht’s
steering wheel during that time... Well, how do I know you’ll be away like that.”

“Yeah, that’s right. Just... She remembered that she hadn’t talked about it...
That, but it’s my fault for not properly locking the door and not checking before
departure. I am really sorry.”

Samuel, who had confessed his sin, was trembling on his knees on the floor.

“But why are you confessing that? If she had kept her mouth shut, she would
have passed on.”

Edith said she would forgive and let Samuel go, so if he had kept his mouth
shut, he wouldn’t have been so scared.

“Eh, sorry Miss Edith, I couldn’t stand it. She is such a kind and merciful
person... I am... Because I did something stupid... Sigh... Sorry...”
A man in his 50s begged for a mistake while shedding tears. Saying sorry to

Edith’s forgiveness brought out the ‘memories’ that could not be brought out
even with caning and threats.

Killian smiled lightly, thinking of Edith, who insisted that commoners are the
same, and that uneducated people should rather be forgiven.

“Wake up, Samuel.”

“Hey, hehe...”

“Edith believed you couldn’t have done anything bad or been bribed on purpose.
So... I will believe you.”

“Young master...!”

“Three days of torture will replace the punishment for your mistakes.”

“Go, thank you!”

“Ah, but...”

Feeling strange, Killian belatedly asked one more question.

“What did Cliff bring from the yacht?”

“He’s been looking for something for a long time, but it’s not there, and I think I
was mistaken, so I just passed away.”

“Okay? ...Okay Go in and rest.”

Samuel thanked him several times as if he was about to hit his head on the floor,
and then went back.

Seeing that, Killian was convinced that he didn’t do it on purpose.

However, the newly acquired information was belatedly creating a strange


‘Cliff stopped by the lake the night before... He spent a lot of time on the yacht
and went back without finding anything...’

I had a strange feeling.

Although he and Cliff had quarreled because of Liese, their relationship was not

They were brothers who supported each other.

So he wouldn’t have deliberately touched the control stick hoping that he or

Edith would die.

‘But... It’s definitely strange to pass it up.’

If you ask Cliff, there’s no way he’ll get an answer.

But it kept coming back to him that Liese Sinclair was the only one who could
wield the upright and rational Cliff Ludwig.

Even though he thought it couldn’t be, the smoke of disbelief was rising in
Killian’s heart.


My nose, throat, and stomach hurt for a few days after I fell into the water, but I
improved faster than I thought.

But Killian couldn’t easily shake off the memory of the moment I stopped

It gave me the luxury of reclining on the bed and tasting the dessert he brought.

“Samuel came late and told me that he had gone out the night before with the
door unlocked. It looks like someone stole the key and broke into my yacht’s
control stick... Anyway, Samuel told me to tell you he’s sorry.”

“You didn’t punish him, did you?”

“I decided to follow your will this time.”

“Thank you.”

I ate the canelé he served with a fork.

At first, I was going to eat it myself, but after cutting the canelé in half and
missing the knife, Killian cut it into bite-sized pieces and put it in my mouth.
Crispy outside and moist inside, the sweet canelé is like Killian, and I feel better
every time I take a bite.

However, Killian’s expression was not good the whole time.

This is because even though it was an accident caused by someone’s malicious

intent, no evidence could be found.

“Killian. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

“I don’t like that ‘cannot be helped.’”

Who to blame.

In an era where fingerprint matching is unimaginable, only the testimony of

eyewitnesses and the evidence left at the scene can support the investigation, but
this time there were no eyewitnesses or evidence.

From Samuel’s testimony that he briefly mismanaged the key, he could only
guess that someone had stolen the key and gone into hiding.

‘Well, that’s a bit odd. How did Samuel know how to empty the cabin at that
time and wait?’

It was a story that would not benefit Samuel.

But he preferred to confess rather than keep his mouth shut, so I ruled him out as
a suspect.

However, Killian added a nasty story.

“By the way, strangely... It was Cliff who visited Samuel the night before.”

“Yes? Are you Cliff?”

“They say they have something to look for on their yacht. She and Samuel
searched for something on the yacht for a long time, and she just went back
saying that she was mistaken.”

Dry spittle dripped from his throat.

“If that’s the case, I’m sure... It must not have been a lack of time for someone
to commit a crime.”

“But Cliff wouldn’t have wanted me or you dead...”

Next to Killian, who was deep in thought, I remembered the voice I heard when
I lost consciousness.

[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original story has been further damaged. The
original author’s dominance is weakening.]

The original author said that he intervened ‘excessively’, but what kind of
format was that?

Could it be that the character was moved while ignoring the original plot

Seeing that there is no attempt to kill me directly, it seems that the characters are
‘If that happened, there would have been a big problem with probability, so it’s
understandable that part of the flow of the original work was broken.
Fortunately for me, this incident has weakened the original author’s dominance.’

Apparently the original author gambled. And he failed at that.

‘It should also be noted that the character the original author moved was Cliff,
not Killian right next to me. Maybe Killian... It seems to have deviated
considerably from the original author’s control.’

I thought while looking sideways at Killian.

Killian has been showing behavior that is quite different from the original work.

Killian feeding Edith a canelé cut in half.

‘If this is the case... I can buy...!’

Even as the original author, there was no way to have multiple incidents that
were burdensome.

I cried out to myself that I could live once again. Then, he grabbed Killian’s
hand as he tried to cut the canelé in half.

“Killian. Thank you for protecting me.”

Killian hesitated at the unexpected greeting, then gradually reddened his ear

“Keep it. I should have stayed closer to you... I was sorry the whole time
because I thought you were drowning because I was careless.”
“It was an accident. No one could have done anything. But Killian.”

“Yes, Edith.”

“The next time something like this happens again, you can’t just jump into the
water to save me. Either way, we’ll both die.”

It was a word that concerned him, but Killian frowned at once.

“Then, are you saying I should just watch you drown?”

“Then will you die with me?”

“...I won’t let you die. In the future.”

ah! This is the declaration I was hoping for.

Please don’t change your mind...!

I was so thrilled that I was about to shed a few tears when Anna announced that
a customer was visiting.

“You’re Master Cliff.”

My eyes met Killian’s.

I nodded at Anna and adjusted my hair.

And Killian watched it, then pulled out the blanket and covered it up to my

“Did I interrupt our intimate time with Killian?”

Cliff approached with a playful greeting in a voice thicker and warmer than

In his hand was a large bouquet of flowers.

I just smiled, but Killian was open-mouthed.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 73



“Isn’t it natural that I, as a husband, take care of a person who could have been
in big trouble?”

“Usually it is.”

On Cliff’s grinning face, it was hard to find a hint that he had done something

“What are you doing?”

“What is it? I came to visit you because you thought you were hurt because of

Cliff gently shook the bouquet in his hand before handing it to Anna.

“You were hurt because of your brother, what do you mean?”

Killian looked at his brother with sharp eyes.

“Actually, I recommended the yacht to Edith. I mean, it’s what you like.”


“Ah, hey, hey, Mr. Cliff!”

Hey, why are you talking about that now? Killian is by my side, what’s my

“What? Did you two meet separately? What are you talking about, tell me

Killian wrinkled his face more, as if he was offended that there was something
only he didn’t know about, and Cliff shrugged at me, who was flustered with
embarrassment, and said,

“I was very far away. I just lightly told you a little bit about your taste in the
hope that you and sister-in-law would get better. He likes to ride yachts and look
at art.”

Killian looked at me.

My face flushed as if I had become a woman who had even gotten information
from Cliff to buy Killian’s heart.

But surprisingly, Killian didn’t look bad.

“Is that so?”

“No, what... Me, I’ve never been on a yacht, so I was curious...”

I’m not guilty, so why am I so ashamed?

Even without looking in the mirror, I know that my face is red.

Killian couldn’t answer well and looked at Cliff as he laughed as he watched me

flapping his hands.

“By the way, I heard that brother also went to the yacht the night before? Why
did you go?”

“Ah... To find something.”

“Why did you lose something and go to the lakeside at night? Dangerously. You
can come with us the next morning.”

Killian asked in a laughing voice, but I noticed a sharp energy in his eyes.

“Actually, it was because Liese lost her precious earring. She said she must have
lost it the last time she went out on her yacht.”

“Huh. It’s something I cherish very much, but I was upset that I couldn’t find it
no matter how much I searched for it. But it wasn’t there.”

Maybe if Killian’s brain was working properly, he’d be thinking the same thing
as me.

‘Perhaps, Liese...?’

Liese herself would not have moved. I would have bought someone

‘But I guess I didn’t think to crack down on Cliff’s mouth.’

Well, it would be enough if he just said that he lost his earring. He didn’t even
ask to find it right away, because Cliff was overly loyal and just went out and
looked for it at that time.

‘If it’s Liese’s doing, it’s a really meticulous calculation. I thought Cliff would
take care of it just by throwing a clue, so it’s a great trust.’

Looking at Cliff, who changed the topic and started talking about something
else, I exchanged lightly and smiled casually.

And a while after Cliff left, Liese came to visit.

Killian, who was just about to stand up, met eyes with me when he heard that
Liese was visiting, and sat down again.

Liese, who approached with a worried face as if about to burst into tears, was
still dazzlingly beautiful.

To see Liesera’s sincerity, it would be better to be blinded, her appearance was

at the level of diluting any doubts about her.

I was a little worried that Killian wouldn’t be swayed by that, but I, who risked
my life, alerted myself.

“Are you okay now? I thought I was very sick because I had been refused
hospital visits until now.”

The choice of words was a little dick.

If someone hears that you are being rejected, you will know that you have been

In addition, in ‘I thought I was very sick’ after that, I felt even reprimanded that
I had refused to visit him without being seriously ill. Is it a sense of entitlement?

But for me, it was a bit embarrassing.

“Yes? You were denied a hospital visit?”

I’ve never refused...

Then, Liese looked at Killian in embarrassment, and Killian finally confessed.

“You weren’t in very good condition to receive a hospital visit, were you? But I
don’t think you can refuse well, so I declined in my line.”
...said the person who had been visiting the hospital for several days.

“Ah, Killian... That’s it.”

Liese replied in a flirtatious manner, and I was a bit taken aback.

However, there is no need to break the alliance with Killian here.

I said it with the most apologetic expression.

“You must have been looking for it, but you were disappointed. I’m sorry,

“Oh no! Edith’s health is more important. Are you really okay now?”

“Yes. For a few days, it hurt a little here and there, but now it’s much better. I
think I will be able to get out of bed sooner or later.”

“I’m so glad.”

Liese was relieved like an angel with tears welling up again.

I was just going to laugh and pass it off, but suddenly I wanted to try a little bit
of Liese.

“I was very fortunate. Killian jumped into the water to save me without
hesitation. If it wasn’t for this person, by now I’d be...”

“Edith. Don’t talk like that. Just imagining it gives me goosebumps.”

Thanks to Killian helping out by his side, I could clearly see the change in
Liese’s expression.

‘For a moment, my face hardened.’

In my previous life, I had seen an American drama in which the main character
was a scientist who studies minute expressions.

I am not well versed in such psychology, but even if I saw it, the expression on
my face at that moment was clearly close to negative emotions.

‘There’s definitely something.’

Is Liese the character that reflects the will of the original author the most?

“Yes, Edith. Please don’t have such horrible dreams. I am so glad you are so

Liese smiled with a benevolent face, as if asking when she had been serious, and
I also responded with a smile.

“By the way, Killian. It’s fortunate that both of them are safe, but they say it’s
dangerous to jump into the water blindly. Killian could have been in trouble too.
I was worried.”

Liese started attacking Killian with a worried face, as if she had finished her
business with me.

And I slowly got the hang of it.

‘Liese... Are you really trying to get Killian back?’

Liese was trying to get her sub male lead back.

He is trying to change Killian’s mind even by breaking away from the basic
personality set for Liese Sinclair.

I was oddly happy about that fact.

It was like proof that I was doing it right.

“You sound the same as Edith. But you can’t be her husband and just watch her
wife die.”

Well done, my husband!

Why are you so cold inside?

As much as I felt cool inside, Liese felt like her insides were twisted.

‘Yes, if you laugh, you’re not laughing.’

‘That’s true,’ he said, extending his tail cutely, but Liese definitely seemed

Killian saved me, for taking my side.

Thanks to that, Liese’s hospital visit ended quickly.

“It looks like it will be a nuisance to Edith if she sits for too long. I’ll just get up
and see.”
“Thank you for visiting the hospital, Liese.”

Seeing her off with a smile, I lay down on the pillow.

Though I felt refreshed at the thought of Liese, my backbone felt like it was
pulling. Of course, it wasn’t clear that Liese was trying to kill me.

All of this is heartbreaking... The problem was that it was a fairly strong heart


Killian seemed to feel the same way, and called me in a quiet voice.

“Yes, Killian.”

“Still, I guess you were glad that I saved you? I pretended not to...”

Huh? Were you talking about that?

Anyway, men... Why are you so hung up on praise?

Yes, yes. Yep, praise!

“Of course. Do you mean that? I thought you wouldn’t care if I disappeared, but
my husband risked his life to save me. How touching is that?”

It contained a playfulness, but I said it was a compliment, but Killian’s eyes

were a little strange.
He looked at me quietly and then said a word.

“I will not let you disappear.”


“How do you know where to go and what to do when you disappear? I’d rather
keep it by my side and watch it.”

Alas, yes.

I giggled and started laughing, and Killian turned his head and smiled.

I was still satisfied with this relationship.

To be honest, even this level of comfort was too sweet for me.


A few days later, fully recovered, I headed to Linnon’s office for the first time in
a while.

I wanted to finally get my normal days back, but there was an unexpected

“Hello, lady.”

“Are you feeling okay?”

“Oh, can I get up already? Wouldn’t it be better to get some rest?”

As I passed by, the servants of the mansion greeted me with a friendly smile.

It wasn’t just one or two.

‘Why is everyone suddenly like this?’

I was in a good mood, but I was dumbfounded, but when there were no people
around, Anna, who was beside me, whispered.

“Everyone who uses the mansion treats Uncle Samuel like a father or close
friend. There is no one who has not owed money to Uncle Samuel at least once.”

“Okay? Even if you live separately in a cabin by the lake?”

“My uncle works back and forth between the mansion and the cabin. He had
been working for a long time, and he had good personal connections here and
there, so he helped the workers a lot.”

“Ah, that’s right...”

I guess that warm and benevolent impression wasn’t just created.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 74



“And rumors spread that Uncle Samuel was able to be safe thanks to the lady, so
everyone is grateful to the lady.”

“What? Me, really?”

Anna smiled and nodded her head.

Well, she also tried to convince me that Samuel couldn’t have had a bad heart.

Then Anna looked around, grabbed my arm, and headed for a more obscure

Then he whispered in a quieter voice.

“Actually, a maid named Sabina disappeared not too long ago.”

“What? Live?”

The name Sabina was somehow familiar, but it was a name I heard from Cliff a
while ago.

At that time, he said that if he had a good reputation, he would promote him...!

“What do you mean disappeared?”

“It is literally. I have all my luggage, but only people are gone.”

“Oh my god... Still haven’t found it?”

“Yes. But more importantly, they say that a few days before the child
disappeared, they said that they had seen Lady Edith poisoning Miss Liese’s
embroidery thread.”


I was so surprised that I screamed involuntarily, and Anna urgently blocked my


“And he said he would tell Cliff sometime soon, but he suddenly disappeared.
So everyone was talking about Miss Edith having something to do with her

It was absurd.

So, did Cliff ask me to try?

“That, so? Has anything changed now?”

“Yes. It seems that the lady who saved Uncle Samuel even when her life was in
danger changed her mind, saying that there was no way she would have done
anything with the babbling maid.”

I just nodded my head slightly, not even thinking about closing my gaping
“Just in case, I don’t even know what that maid named Sabina looked like. I also
heard her name from Lord Cliff for the first time.”

“I was almost always by her side, and there is no way she would have gotten rid
of the maid without me noticing.”

“Can you say that to Lord Cliff?”

“...I already told him.”

“Thank you.”

I sighed deeply and entered Chuck Linnon’s office again, unconcerned.

“Welcome, lady. Long time no see.”

Linnon greeted me with a still emotionless voice.

“Long time no see, Linnon. I have no face to see Linnon because he often gets
into it while helping out.”

“I heard that you almost drowned this time. There are no windy days.”

“I mean.”

Another sigh came out.

I’m not doing this because I really want to.

“Actually, until now, I have only heard about the reason why the lady couldn’t
come out. Would you like to hear more about it?”

Linnon, it looks like you’re holding back your anger...

Well, from the point of view of the boss at work, it was something to be pissed
off about.

I put in a parachute as a newcomer from the top, but on a fictitious day, if I miss
work for various excuses, I can’t find a new person, and it’s like doing twice as
much work.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, I told her what had happened. I tried my best to
convey only the facts without putting my feelings in it, but somehow I felt like I
was the culprit.

‘Isn’t this why even Linnon looks at me strangely?’

While I was worried about that, Linnon nodded heavily and then suddenly tilted
her head.

“It is a strange thing.”

“Well, it was a strange incident.”

“It’s not the incident itself, it’s because I don’t understand the Duke’s actions.”

“Huh? What about it?”

My eyes widened as I couldn’t understand more when Linnon, an old vassal of

the Ludwig family, said that Ludwig couldn’t understand people.
“Why didn’t everyone think of Miss Liese as a suspect?”


“In all of these cases, Lady Liese could have been the culprit. Could it be that
Lady Edith didn’t know?”

I hurriedly looked around the office in case anyone heard.

“Linnon. Is that what Linnon thinks too?”

“Of course. No, no matter who thinks, I think so.”

“...Thank you.”

“I didn’t mean you to say thank you to me.”

“I know.”

Again, Linnon seemed less influenced by the original author thanks to the
unnamed extras.

This simple assumption, which no one in the Ludwig family could easily accept,
was coming to Linnon’s mind at once.

Conversely, wouldn’t it be that the people of the duchy were dominated by the
original author because they were close to the main characters?
“Linnon isn’t the kind of person to be, but it’s better not to talk about this here
and there. As long as you’re a vassal of the duchy, there’s nothing good about
hating Cliff or the Duke.”

Linnon listened to my words and gave a shocked look for a moment, then burst
into a dejected laugh.

“That lady of the House of Sinclair wields great power in this mansion.”

“Because you don’t say things like that.”

I was nervous that I might hear bad things about Linnon because of me.

“There’s no way Cliff or Killian couldn’t have thought of that. But... There is no
proof that Liese is the culprit.”

“So you think you’re innocent?”

“Right, what.”

“Why didn’t the principle of being innocent unless there was clear evidence
apply to the young lady?”

That’s what I mean.

There are people who can talk, so it seems like it’s all over the inside, but it’s
impossible to show that.

“There were circumstances that seemed to point to me as the culprit, even if the
evidence was flimsy. So... I think it’s easy.”
I smiled shyly at Linnon.

However, the rational and logical Linnon shook his head as if he didn’t quite
understand this situation.

“Linnon. Don’t be silly. The Sinclairs could be the culprits, maybe... My own
family could be the culprit.”

“Do not worry. I have no interest in anything other than my comfort.”

“Thank god. Then, shall we begin today’s work?”

I smiled and accepted the job from him.

It was nice to see the papers after a long time.

“Originally, I was going to ask you from the other day, but it was delayed due to
various things happening. From now on, please check the documents related to
the Ryzen estate.”


“Yes. This is where Master Killian and Lady Edith will go. It’s a bit far from the
big city, but it’s a pretty decent estate.”

When I heard that it was a place for me and Killian to go, a sudden affection for
the papers welled up.

“What can I do?”

“You just need to figure out the tax and product situation for the past 10 years
and organize them. You can see this as something you know in advance for the
lady herself.”

“All right. Thank you, Linnon.”

I opened the 10 thickly folded files one by one and figured out the situation of
the territory where Killian and I would live.

In the meantime, I have seen the tax receipts of some territories, so I can see that
Ryzen’s production capacity is not bad.

When I think of Korea in the 21st century, especially Seoul, the population is a
bit disappointing, but when I look at the population distribution by age, sex
ratio, and productivity by population, I smile naturally.

‘This is the territory that Killian and I need to grow...’

My heart skipped a beat at the thought.

In my previous life, I should have played some kind of Gongji nurturing game.
No, it’s no use

In any case, we will continue to nurture this estate, which has great potential for
development but is still underdeveloped.

I was proud and motivated just by imagining it.

Using the memories of my previous life, I might be able to raise Ryzen as the
best territory in the empire.
‘So please, I hope I can survive safely and leave for Ryzen with Killian.’

I silently prayed inwardly.


In the Count Sinclair’s family, which has been trying to expand their power
recently, the count’s tea party was in full swing today.

And Layla, who was there, unexpectedly heard the exciting news.

“Did you hear that? Edith Rigelhoff almost drowned in the lake!”

“Oh my, my! What are you doing?”

“The yacht malfunctioned. It was an accident that happened in an instant.”

Up to that point, what followed was a story I was very much looking forward to.

However, the wife who was spreading the rumor continued a very disappointing

“But Killian jumped into the lake and saved Miss Edith. That was so cool!”

“Oh my god...! All of his sons are brave like Duke Ludwig!”

Layla’s face crumpled with anticipation.

But she didn’t give up hope and carefully intervened in the story.
“So, how is Miss Edith doing now?”

She had hoped to hear that she was on the verge of death, but this time her hopes
were shattered.

“Oh wow, I almost got in trouble! When he first got it, he wasn’t even breathing.
He said he woke up after three days, but fortunately he is fine now.”

Layla unknowingly clutched at the fan.

‘It would be nice if I could just die without having to wait until the end of the

His breath quivered with anger, but he couldn’t show it.

However, an interesting story has been told.

“But, you know, the yacht malfunctioned, that... It was because someone
deliberately tinkered with the control stick.”

“Oh! Who is trying to harm Killian?”

“No. Killian is good at swimming. Who usually dies in boating accidents?”

The tea party table went silent for a moment at the voice that seemed to be
giving a light quiz.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 75



“No way...”

“That’s right. Someone was trying to kill Miss Edith.”

“Oh my, that is terrible.”

It’s terrible.

Layla felt rather blissful.

‘If the steering wheel of the yacht belonging to the Ludwig family was modified,
it means that there is a force within the Duke family who wants to eliminate

Who else could have broken into Killian’s yacht if not the Duke?

Then I went one step further and made a hopeful assumption.

‘Could it be that Killian tried to kill Edith...?’

Edith said she was not breathing when she was pulled out of the water.
‘I pretended to save her to make an excuse for Count Rigelhoff, but that girl
with a strong silk thread survived. He had eyes to see, so he couldn’t have killed
him again...’

Rumors of a feud between Killian and Edith have already spread to the social

By the way, the two of you went on a yacht?

It’s already weird from there.

‘As expected, Killian is trying to get away from that woman!’

Layla was sure.

Thanks to that, even when the story about Liese came out, I was able to stay
calm without getting angry.

“However... Do you know anything about Miss Liese?”

“Yes? What are you talking about?”

“No, that... Miss Liese is being treated as a future Duchess in the Ludwig

At that, Layla and Count Sinclair snorted at the same time. In particular, the
count actively refuted.

“This is nonsense. He was, to put it mildly, sold to the house.”


“I kept my mouth shut because it was embarrassing for my family, but it seems
that rumors are spreading. The illegitimate child was bought by the Ludwig
family with money. She probably works as a maid there.”

The wife who had mentioned Liese tilted her head and made eye contact with
the wife who came with me.

But the count said it confidently.

“As the Duke Ludwig and my family were doing business together, we
borrowed some money from the Duke. It is common in business.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

“By the way, it seems that His Excellency Duke Ludwig, who came to our house
for a short visit, was in need of a maid. And then she said she would take him
instead of exercising her bond.”

“But... If it was Duke Ludwig’s family, he could have saved her maid without
having to do that...”

“How do you know what to use him for?”

It was only then that some of the wives who understood the words blushed and
rolled their eyes.

“But... Ms. Liese was quite smooth.”

“It’s half and half. She resembles my lascivious mother, and is a girl who can’t
use a man. I don’t even want to talk more.”

The Countess frowned in displeasure and flapped her fan.

The quick-witted wives then cursed Liese and her mother in front of them,
which made Layla and the Countess feel better too.

But it wasn’t Liese that Layla cared about. After all, I wasn’t interested in things
like menial things.

All she cared about was Killian and Edith.

As soon as the tea party was over, Leyla headed to the study on the first floor
where Damian and Anton were playing pool.

“Layla! You seem to be in a good mood today?”

“I know. Didn’t the talkative ladies talk a lot about getting married today?”

Despite Anton’s sarcastic grin, Layla smiled and sat down on the sofa.

“Your brother was right.”

“I mean, always right. But which of them?”

“It seems that the Ludwig family has no intention of keeping Edith Rigelhoff
alive for long.”
In the stimulating rush, Damian and Anton stopped playing pool and sat down
on the pool table, looking at Layla.

“What did you hear?”

“Edith said she almost drowned while out on a yacht with Killian. By the way,
who has ever touched the steering wheel of a yacht?”


“You know that rumors of a feud between the two have spread, right? But isn’t
it strange that the two of them rode a yacht?”


When Damian nodded, Layla became even more excited.

“I think yes. Killian tried to kill Edith by pretending to be an accident, but he

actually saved Edith by pretending to save him.”

Anton laughed frivolously at Layla’s guess.

“Puha! If that was true, Killian’s expression would have been worth seeing?”

“But it makes no sense otherwise. I heard that Killian Ludwig’s wife almost
died, but the case just went to shreds. What could that mean?”

At those words, Damian also smiled in satisfaction.

“Layla. You know that the founding festival will be held soon, right?”
“Then. I already ordered a dress.”

“That’s your chance. Don’t forget that the end of the year is approaching.”

Layla’s eyes lit up.

The end of the year, when Count Rigelhoff’s family would fall, was
approaching, and Killian was so upset that he wanted to kill Edith.

In order to preempt Killian, who will divorce or bereaved next year, he had to
capture him at the founding festival.

“I’ll try my best.”

A blush filled with excitement ran across Layla’s cheeks.


My yacht accident ended up as a simple happening.

And a few days later, the body of a maid named Sabina was found in the forest
to the east of the capital.

He said that he was hit in the head with something like a club and that he died

Of course, I was nervous because it was close to the place where Count
Rigelhoff’s house was located, but thanks to Rigelhoff’s people descending into
the manor, I was able to pass without much suspicion.
In addition, it was later revealed that Sabina borrowed money from various
places around her and gave it to a certain man.

Thanks to that, rumors circulated that the story that she had pointed me to as the
culprit was also a ploy to extort money from me.

‘But an eighteen-year-old girl was killed by a blunt instrument... Is everyone


Ironically, the only one who cared about the maid’s circumstances was me, who
almost got framed because of her.

In this world, the circumstances of extras are so light that they can be described
in just one or two lines, so even those who whispered at first acted as if they had
forgotten everything the next day.

‘Even if I die... Everyone will forget it the next day, right?’

I couldn’t help but think about it.

But I also couldn’t keep thinking about Sabina for long.

Because the original plot setting didn’t wait until I felt better, and immediately
announced the start of the next episode.

“The founding festival is already a month away.”

Duke Ludwig made the founding festival a topic of discussion at a meal with the
whole family after a long time.
“This time, the atmosphere on the side of ArchDuke Langston was unusual.”

Even though it seems like it should be serious, Cliff said it with a faint smile as
if it was nothing.

No one was taken aback by the story of ArchDuke Langston following the
founding festival, probably because everyone was aware of it.

“He will try to show off his power. Since he is foolish and greedy, he probably
still believes that the throne should be his.”

I quickly recognized that ArchDuke Langston was a human not very different
from Count Rigelhoff.

Count Rigelhoff also believes that the Dukedom of the Ludwig family should
have been his.

‘It’s probably the episode of the ball that appears in the second half of volume 4,
the construction festival featuring ArchDuke Langston. There really isn’t much

I got goosebumps.

After this ball, there will be events that put Edith’s life on the line.

After the meal, I returned to my room and thought about the future. I realized
that this episode of the founding festival was going differently from the original

‘Come to think of it, the original Edith was on probation, so she couldn’t go to
the foundation festival!’
And Edith, who was left at the mansion, seems to have plotted something with

‘It’s unclear what Edith did because the narrative was centered on Liese and
Cliff... That was one of the reasons Edith later died...’

After the ball at the foundation festival, a fight breaks out between the
Rigelhoffs and the Ludwigs, during which Shane attacks the Ludwig mansion.

Maybe Edith and Sophia made a plan to help Shane?

‘But now Sophia is gone, and I’m also going to the founding festival. Then this
would be a good change for me, right?’

There were a lot of twists and turns, but somehow my heart was pounding with
the feeling that I was heading towards a better future.

‘Besides, you’ll be going to Romance Fantacy’s ball! Oh my god!’

Isn’t it the ball in the imperial palace that I always go to when I read romance

Magnificent palaces, colorful dresses, thrilling waltz, and romance!

‘I think it would be fun just to watch other people!’

I smirked to myself as I recalled the countless prom episodes I had read on the

Perhaps in this episode of the founding festival, Liese will be in the spotlight,
and Grand Duchess of Langston will come out.
All I have to do is watch the situation wearing 3D glasses and feeling like eating

It spread in such a leisurely mood, but from the next day, the Duke’s family
became busier.

“Anna, what’s going on outside? I think it’s kind of noisy...”

Waking up at the same time as usual, washing the same clothes, drinking tea,
and reading <The Secret Seduction of Mrs.

“Mister Cliff called the dressing room for Lady Liese.”

“Is Madame Royal here?”

“No. She said she called the <Dwell Robe> dressing room used by Her
Highness the Princess. It is twice as expensive as the Royal Dressing Room.”

“Double? The Royal Dressing Room wasn’t too expensive, right?”

The Duchess was not an extravagant person, but <Royal Dressing Room> was
also quite expensive.

If it is twice the price there, it means that it is a place that even aristocratic
families can call with a big heart.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 76



“It looks like Master Cliff has decided on something?”

Anna smiled slightly at my words and asked.

“Doesn’t the lady prepare a dress for the Konkukje Festival?”

“Oh, I’m going to wear what I have.”

It seems that Edith in the past was famous for never wearing a dress once worn,
but I can’t afford that luxury.

Besides, the dresses in my closet right now were only worn by Edith in the past,
and the current Edith, possessed by Soo-na Choi, never wore them.

‘There are many dresses I haven’t tried on yet.’

Among them, I was thinking of choosing a moderately inconspicuous one to


However, I was the only one who had such an idle thought, and Killian came as
soon as lunchtime had passed.

“Come out with me.”

“Yes? Where are you?”


“Will you match the clothes I will wear to the foundation festival?”

I was excited to see if I could watch Killian tailoring his clothes, but he
answered while slightly avoiding my gaze.

“As I match mine, I will match yours too.”

“I just need to wear what I have.”

“This is the first event we’ve been out together since we became a couple. I
want to put an end to the rumors of our discord and go out wearing matching

It’s rumored to be discord, so it’s like I’ve become a celebrity.

Honestly, I wonder what that’s important, but seeing that the nobles here live
and die for their reputation, well, following Killian’s opinion, I didn’t think
there would be anything bad.

“Great. Song. But can I go without making a reservation?”

“That’s what a Duke’s prestige is.”

“Ah, yes, you would.”

Me and Killian exchanged light jokes and briefly prepared for the outing.

When I came out of the room, there was something fuss about Liese’s room.

‘When I see you suddenly asked to go to the dressing room... Do you think it’s
still painful to see Liese and Cliff doing that together?’

Killian seemed to be pretending nothing was wrong, but I got a little fed up with

Of course, I love him, and although his attitude towards me has changed quite
positively lately, it won’t be easy to give up on an old crush anytime soon.

I decided to be the California Sunshine version of Edith to cheer Killian up.

Even today, the weather is gloomy, so Killian’s mood may sink even more.

“Where are we going? Is it the Royal Dressing Room?”

“Madame Royal’s skills are impeccable, but today I’m going somewhere else.”

“Oh, are you excited?”

As the carriage carrying us pulled out of the Duke’s me, I wiggled my hands and
slipped close to Killian’s side.

Stares as if asking what they were doing flew right in, but California Sunshine
doesn’t flinch at this.

“It’s cold. No?”

“...There is nothing that can’t be done.”

Originally, when a person is cold, he thinks more lonely and lonely thoughts.

I clung to Killian’s body and warmed him up, following the initial line to
comfort Killian’s heart.

For some reason, it seemed like an act to satisfy my selfishness, but my intention
itself was pure. Really!

Fortunately, my sincerity seemed to work, and Killian did not push me away and
stayed still.

And he quietly opened his mouth.

“If you go to the founding festival this time... You may feel a little offended.”


“There are some rumors about you... It’s not getting better.”

“When was it good, what.”

It was natural for me, but Killian burst into laughter.

“Did you know?”

“Unfortunately, my ears are fine.”

Killian chuckled a little more, then calmed down and continued.

“I know you know, but before you were extravagant, vain, promiscuous,

“Yes, yes, let’s talk about the past.”

“Ugh! Yes. If that was the case anyway, now the bad news has gone in a slightly
different direction.”

“What did you say?”

“The relationship between the two of us is so bad that it can’t get any worse, and
you’re jealous of Liese and you’re doing bad things...”


It is the same as the original story.

Even though I thought I had overcome the flow of the original work, the outside
of the Ludwig family was still flowing as the original plot.

“It is my fault.”


“Since I rarely talked about you outside, and even after we got married, I went
out with Liese quite often... Maybe the rumor itself was because of me. Sorry.”

I never expected to hear such an apology from Killian, but it was surprising.
“Such rumors will soon disappear. Because it’s not true. Yes?”

“...It will.”

The way Killian looks at me is quite friendly.

“Sure. We’re on our way to get our banquet dresses tailored too.”

I smiled as if I had become a bright character without any countermeasures.

After doing that, I felt really good, like everything was going to be okay.

There is also a research result that says that if you force yourself to smile, your
mood improves as well, but it seems to be true.

Seeing that Killian looked at me and raised the corner of his mouth, it seems that
Operation California Sunshine wasn’t bad.

The place the carriage landed was in front of a grand-looking building.

On the wall of the building, there was a small sign that said <Moffett Dahlia>.

“I was introduced to this place by someone I know, but I thought this would suit
you better than the Royal Dressing Room.”

“Is it so?”

The inside of the dressing room, which I entered with curiosity, was more
luxurious than when I saw it from the outside.
The dress samples lined up around her were much more colorful than what she
had seen in the design book of the Royal Dressing Room.

“This style... Didn’t you like it very much?”

“I think it’s okay as long as it fits. ...It shouldn’t be too revealing, though.”

While we were talking about that, the owner of the clothing store, a male
designer, approached.

“Oh my, oh my, my God! Who is this! It’s such an honor to have you come to
my humble store!”

The man, who looked to be in his thirties, had a slim body like a fashion
designer, and was dressed smartly, but he was a little high-tension.

He brought out a variety of dress samples and design books, and the staff also
brought out fabrics and subsidiary materials that were supposed to be new

There was no fuss like this.

“Killian. Are you okay?”

Fearing that his mood would go down again, I put it in his ear and asked softly.

Killian shrugged his shoulders a little, as if it was itchy from my snoring, then
cleared his throat a few times.
“Still, it’s a pretty prestigious clothing store. It seems to me... I think this might
suit you...”

Killian pointed to one of the design books he had been flipping through.

I thought you were just pretending to see.

“Excellent choice! It’s that design that I’ve been contemplating whether or not
to recommend to my wife. If you want a more daring style than this one, this one
is fine, and vice versa.”

Moffett Dahlia, the owner of the dressing room, said excitedly. The surname
‘Dahlia’ was obviously a pseudonym, but I seemed to know what he was aiming
for. It will never be pure and simple like a violet.

Anyway, he flipped through the design book and showed me, and I didn’t think
much of it, so I decided to try on the dress with Killian as he recommended.

However, when I put on the dress Killian pointed out, I realized once again that
he had a high eye.

‘You have good eyesight?’

The dress he chose was an off-the-shoulder dress in a combination of yellow and

gold. It looked splendid, but it didn’t look vulgar because the decorations were
unified in gold.

In addition, it went well with my spring warm tone skin color and reddish brown

‘I wonder if it’s okay to look at Killian.’

I stood in front of Killian again with a slightly embarrassed face.

“Uh, how are you? Do you look okay?”

Killian’s gaze flew straight to me and stuck.

Why was that so embarrassing? I couldn’t look directly at him, so I looked down
at the hem of my skirt or looked around.

But for a while he said nothing.

‘Star theory...?’

Why, if the clothes aren’t good, I have to think for a long time to talk around so
that the other person won’t get hurt.

But after a while, Killian spat out just one word.

“It’s fine.”

Not sure if I was really okay or not, I looked up and met Killian’s eyes.


Killian was laughing.

It was that smile that made my heart drop.

That smile that only Liese, who was blessed to be the protagonist, thought
would be able to see.
A fever suddenly rose to the nape of his neck.

“This dress has finally found its owner! I’m not bragging, but there were quite a
few people who coveted this dress. However, in my opinion, none of them fit
perfectly, so I politely suggested a different design. To be honest, it felt like
everyone was buried in the dress. However, the wife is digesting the splendor of
this dress in an elegant and dignified way...”

The owner of the dressing room continued to praise me for a long time, but
those words did not reach my ears.

It was because he had been making eye contact with Killian for a long time.

‘I’ve been married for almost 10 months, why is my heart beating so fast...’

At this rate, it seemed that her face would turn red.

“That... I’m going to do it with this, so will you look at my husband’s clothes

As for what I said, the owner of the dressing room gave a happy smile while
holding his hands tightly and twisting his body.

This dressing room, the clothes are fine, but I don’t think I’ll be able to come
here often because the shop owner is a bit burdensome.
I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 77



“What style would you recommend to Young Master?”

“I want it to match my wife’s dress...”

“Oh, be romantic!”

“...Is it.”

Seeing Killian’s face stiffen at the snort of the dressing room owner, I was
convinced that he was of the same opinion as mine.

However, as if the rumor that it was a famous dressing room was not false, the
owner of the dressing room skillfully and seriously recommended Killian’s
banquet suit.

It was a style that looked more glamorous than what Killian usually wore, using
dark blue fabric and gold thread decorations on the lapels and cuffs.

However, when put together with my dress, it was a banquet suit that subtly
looked like a couple, so both I and Killian liked it.

“Do it with this.”

“You made a really good choice. It’s a pity that I can’t see you two wearing
these clothes to the banquet. You must be very beautiful.”

He looked at us with twinkling eyes, as if imagining it.

‘It’s also burdensome...’

Thinking about that, I looked at Killian, and he had the same expression as

We all laughed at the same time, lowered our heads and giggled, then came out
with all the staff in the dressing room seeing us off.

“It seems like it was decided too soon. I wish I could try on a few more...”

“No. I really liked that dress. Honestly, I thought you had a good eye for it.”

“Well, I’ve heard a lot about having a good eye.”

“Ah, yes yes. You must be.”

We joked and giggled again.

“I’m going to match the boots and shoes while I’m out.”

“Oh right! Did you decide to do that?”

“I should have gone earlier...”

Killian’s complexion looked bad again, probably thinking about how I almost

I mustered up the courage to put my arms around his arm first.

“Come on!”

Killian looked at me and my crossed arms, then smiled and nodded.

Since the street where the clothing store was located was close to Le Belle Marie
Street, we headed to the shoe store on foot.


When I set foot on the street of Rebel Marie, a ‘wow’ that had been quiet for a
while came out.

Darsus Street was also a street of nobles, so it was luxurious and had a lot to see,
but Rebel Marie Street really seemed to be a street specialized for women.

There were many cute and cute shops, and there were also many feminine and
elegant shops.

The cafes seemed to pay more attention to their appearance than the cafes on
Darsus Street.

It is said that there was a lot of eye candy.

But what I liked better than looking around the streets of Le Belle-Marie was the
apologetic voice of Killian.
“If I knew you would like it this much, I would have come out more often.”

I know, and Killian knows, that we weren’t meant to be together.

Is there anyway to say something like that?

Instead of answering, I smiled broadly and entered the shoe store with him.

“Welcome! Ah! You are the Young Master of the Ludwig family. This one...?”

“As I said before, she is my wife. I’m thinking of ordering two pairs of boots
and a pair of shoes.”

“I see. Please sit over here. I’ll bring you the original yard paper right away.”

The shop owner warmly greeted us and prepared for shoe making.

“I have one of my boots, so can’t I just match one?”

“Ryzen is colder than here and it snows a lot. We need to make boots that are
waterproof and warm for the winter.”

When I heard about Ryzen, my heart pounded again. If there was a lot of snow,
it would be a big deal to prepare for the winter, but that meant that there would
be quite a bit of precipitation in the winter.

‘Besides, the winter scenery will be beautiful, so I think it would be nice to grow
it as a tourist destination. By planning Ryzen’s own winter festival...’
While I was laughing to myself as I spread my imagination, the shoemaker put a
piece of thick paper under my feet and began to imitate the shape of my feet.

I was embarrassed to see Killian staring at my feet and ankles with my skirt
slightly raised.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“Your ankle is really...”


“Oh, no, nothing.”

Killian was about to say something, but he shook his head and muttered, but the
redness on his cheeks made him think of something strange.

It’s kind of self-praise, but Edith’s slender ankles and slender calves were so
pretty that even I could salivate.

I gestured to Killian. Then I whispered into Killian’s ear as he leaned over to me

with a puzzled look on his face.

“I think it’s you who is obscene, not me.”

It was so much fun to watch Killian get up again and look bewildered.

We wanted to play more, but the shoemaker held our spirits.

“While imitating the foot, choose the design you like.”

A boy who seemed to be his pupil handed over an old catalog, and Killian and I
laughed and picked out boots and shoe designs together.

For winter boots, I chose a design that was quite similar, so it seemed like it was
purposely tailored for a couple.

After matching shoes and boots, we walked through the chilly streets and
entered a high-end cafe to drink hot tea together.

‘I never thought this day would come while living as Edith...’

Compared to the early days of Bing, when my husband decided to give up, I
thought he was really successful.

Enjoying a happy mood, we quietly sipped his tea, but suddenly Killian’s
expression began to harden.

And at the same time, I heard the story of the table behind us.

“Who will Cliff Ludwig marry? His brother is already married.”

“Isn’t that Sinclair an illegitimate child? The two brothers are mad at the fox.”

My ears perked up at the familiar name.

“Ah, please. Mrs. Sinclair certainly did. She said she sold her illegitimate
daughter to the Ludwigs in that house. It seems that the Sinclair family
borrowed some money from the Ludwig family.”

“You mean they gave their daughter instead of that money?”

“As a daughter, that is. She’s an illegitimate child. Where do you treat an
illegitimate child as a child?”

I hoped their chatter would end here. Because it was true so far.

But they crossed the river of no return.

“She said she was pretty. But even if the Ludwig family were sane, she wouldn’t
hand down the Duchess to someone like an illegitimate daughter.”

“It’s ridiculous that she’s a Duchess. Instead, she’ll heat the bedrooms of the
men in the house.”

Some middle-aged wives giggled, not knowing that one of the sons of the
Ludwigs family was sitting right behind them.

‘I’ve been trying to cheer him up all day, but those ladies ruin everything.’

I didn’t want to think about what Liese and Cliff were doing alone, so I couldn’t
say anything bad in front of the people who came out.

As if the sound of their laughter was annoying, Killian’s face became stern
every minute.

I got up from my seat before Killian exploded and walked slowly in front of the

Killian’s surprised gaze followed me.

“Oh, that is a very interesting story. Could you please join me too?”
Duke Ludwig and his two sons, debating whose ‘it’ was the tallest, looked at me
in amazement.

“Who, who...?”

“Me? Don’t you know me?”

You must be a crazy year.

I didn’t expect anything special from people who were not ashamed of others
and talked about low-level gossip in public, but I should have known at least the
faces of the people they chewed on and their families. Tsk tsk.

“I share a bedroom with one of the men you just mentioned.”

Even though I showed them the ring I was wearing on the ring finger of my left
hand, they couldn’t remember who I was.

Then one of them spotted Killian sitting behind me and let out an inner scream
and swatted the woman sitting next to me on the arm.

It was only then that the other wives found Killian and covered their mouths in

“Elegance... I accidentally overheard a conversation that was far from elegant,

but I wanted to point out one thing.”

I said, holding the teapot in the middle of their table and pouring tea into their
“Do I look like someone who will live in the same house as the woman who
sleeps with my husband? Ah! You said you didn’t know who I was? If I say
Edith Ludwig, no, Edith Rigelhoff, would you know it?”

The tea water overflowed the teacup and flowed over the saucer.

And all the wives were surprised by the name ‘Edith Riegelhoff’.

Even though my face wasn’t known much, it seems that my notoriety was as
high as it was.

“I-I-I-I-I’m sorry, Miss Edith. Hey, that’s what we heard too!”

The lady who seemed to be the organizer of this meeting managed to excuse
herself, but I kept my arrogant expression on my face — and this also required a
lot of patience — and started pouring tea over her teacup as well.

“Who didn’t say that it’s better not to talk about rumors that they can’t handle?”

The area around the table became so quiet that I could hear only the sound of the
tea being poured.

I put the teapot on the table only after it was empty.

The table was littered with spilled tea.

“Be careful in the future.”

The wives, unable to move even though the skirts of their dresses were getting
wet from the tea spilled on the table, barely nodded.
As I turned around, I pushed my face out in front of them again and whispered.

“I don’t know, but I think my husband’s is the biggest.”

Then I smiled and returned to my seat.

Actually, the last words were to make Killian feel better.

As long as this is the world in <Home/Emissary>, Cliff must be at the top of all
specs. Maybe.

When I returned to my seat and sat down, the women sitting behind us hurriedly
got up and left.

And only then did Killian burst out laughing.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 78




The people in the cafe looked surprised at his laughter.

Actually, I’ve been getting attention ever since I misbehaved with my wives, but
the impact of me being corrupt and the world view second — the first for me —
the smile of a handsome man will be different.

“Did everyone laugh?”

“Aha... Haha, ah... I don’t know how long it’s been since I laughed like this.”

Killian continued to wipe his eyes, realizing that he had tears from laughing.

Fortunately, there was no more displeasure on his face.

“When I heard rumors that the woman who would become my wife was a
wicked woman, I thought that a disaster had befallen my life.”

“That’s why it’s said that it’s something to live for a long time and see.”

“Do you agree that it was an open class?”

“Let’s just say it’s a difference of perspective.”

Killian shook his shoulders again, then finally calmed down and drank the cold

“As you may have heard before, the lesser-minded people of Count Sinclair’s
family are anxious not to speak ill of Liese. They are spreading such ridiculous
rumors. Muddy water will splash on you too.”

“Originally, the more famous and successful you are, the more you suffer from
rumors like that. And don’t worry too much. Such low-level nonsense will soon
Right now, the Count Sinclair family is doing that because they don’t know.

When they see Liese, who took Cliff’s side at the founding festival, they will
realize what kind of cards they abandoned and bitterly regret it.

And they will shovel together and destroy themselves.

“You are so... The more I look at you, the more amazing you are.”


“If it were someone else, when they heard the same rumors earlier, they would
have been angry with me or tried to harm Liese.”


“Because I... I loved Liese.”

Killian admits his love for the first time.

It didn’t look painful, but there was a hint of bitterness.

“That’s a bit different from the rumors the wives were talking about earlier.”

“It doesn’t matter to normal people. They would think that the fact that they
acted to create such rumors was a problem in itself.”

Then, Killian smirked and shrugged.

“No, you didn’t love me, so it didn’t really matter much?”

He was smiling, but for some reason he looked more bitter than before.

Did he feel that he was not loved even by a supporting actor like me?

“Killian, I...”

I opened my mouth to comfort him somehow, but Killian didn’t hear me and
called the cafe staff to ask for the bill.

Maybe it was a good thing.

Even if I told him I love him here, it would be difficult to deal with it.


After a rather enjoyable outing, they returned to the mansion, but the tumultuous
atmosphere in the mansion was still the same.

‘Haven’t the people from the dressing room returned yet?’

It was pretty late for that, though.

However, after hearing something whispered by a servant close to him, Killian

hardened his face slightly and took my arm and headed for the Duchess’s room.

In her room, the Duchess, Cliff, and Liese were sitting together creating a
friendly atmosphere.
“Everyone is here. We just got back.”

Killian calmly greeted us, and the Duchess, Cliff, and Liese greeted us warmly.

However, I didn’t miss the embarrassing light on the faces of the Duchess.

‘Why are you like that?’

At the same time as I wondered, I noticed something dazzling on the table.

Killian said calmly, as if he had been watching it from the beginning.

“By the way, why did you bring out the ‘Light of Lorraine’?”

It was a necklace of seven large blue sapphires and hundreds of diamonds.

And I know why that necklace with a grandiose name appeared.

‘Oh, that scene! The episode where the Duke couple allowed Liese to do it at the
time of the founding of the Duke’s most precious jewel!’

The ‘Light of Lorraine’ was a historical and great necklace that symbolized the
ducal family. Wearing such a necklace on Liese at the time of her giving was an
announcement that the Duke had accepted Liese as a member of her Ludwig
family, and meant that her attack on her would be regarded as an attack on her
Ludwig family.

I just had that level of appreciation, but Killian’s eyes were somehow cold.

“Ah, Liese decided to wear this necklace for the founding festival.”
Cliff seemed to already be aware of Killian’s low mood, but he answered in a
pleasant voice without any hesitation.

“Okay? Then what will you give her daughter-in-law Edith?”

When Killian grinned, everyone in the room, including me, was surprised.

‘Why is he doing this again?’

Is it because you don’t want to lose to Cliff?

But why are you tripping over me?

It was clear that the Duke and Duchess were as puzzled as I was, exchanging
glances at each other, who were always relaxed and dignified.

Then the Duchess managed to regain her smile and said,

“How about Edith pick out? Because anything is fine.”

“Ah, that would be nice. Edith. How about that necklace?”

“Yes? Me, that one?”

“It is the treasure of the Ludwig family. You’ll probably have priority. How
about going out wearing that necklace at the foundation festival?”

Why is he so angry?
Killian, wake up! The person who will wear that necklace is Liese!

While I was messing around, Cliff’s eyes hardened, and Liese looked like she
was about to cry in embarrassment.

‘I’m going to fight here. No, why is he rushing out of here?’

No matter how much I thought about it, there was nothing good about going
against the planting of the male and female protagonists.

I didn’t even want to wear a huge necklace like that, and it seemed that if I wore
it out, it would be stolen or lost.

“It is a very beautiful and precious jewel, but I will politely decline this time.
Besides, I think it would suit Liese, who has blue eyes, better than me.”


“And if you’re discerning, you’ll know that the dress I made today doesn’t
match that necklace.”

Killian gritted his molars and barely nodded.

“Then let’s go to the jewelry showroom now. Pick one that matches the dress
you picked out today. Is that all right, mother?”

As the startled Duchess nodded with an awkward smile, Killian wrapped her
arms around my shoulder and left the Duchess’s room and began to head
towards the jewelry room for real.

“Ki... Killian! Wait. Why are you so angry?”

I looked around and whispered a question, and Killian stood tall and looked
down at me.

“Are you not angry?”

“What? I am... Why?”

Today I bought an expensive dress, matched my shoes and boots, drank

delicious tea, and had a good time playing around. What is there to be angry

“It is customary for daughters-in-law of our family to wear the ‘Light of

Lorraine’ at their first event after marriage. It means that this person became a
member of the Ludwig family. But you first allowed that necklace to Liese,
which you, the official daughter-in-law, had never been allowed before. If Liese
goes to the foundation festival wearing that necklace, can you imagine what you
will hear from behind?”

Ah, only then did I understand.

I’ve never worn that necklace since I got married.

But at the official event where everyone in the Duke family went out together,
Liese, who was neither a real daughter-in-law nor anything, wore that necklace
before me and went out.

It was clear that I would be treated as a worse daughter-in-law than Liese, who
was a guest of the family.

‘But that’s the idea of someone who doesn’t know anything.’

Even if it wasn’t for that necklace, Liese would completely impress herself as a
member of the Ludwig family at the founding festival.

She will establish herself as Cliff’s parther and an aide to the princess, and will
flatten the nose of Count Sinclair and emerge as a goddess of society.

If I had Liese by my side and I wore that necklace, what would it mean?

“Killian. I don’t care about that.”

“I’ve been thinking you don’t care too much about reputation management, but
that’s another matter!”

“Liese will soon marry Master Cliff. You know, I know, and everyone knows.
The future Duchess only wore that necklace a little bit first, so what’s wrong
with that? Rather, wouldn’t it be rude for me, her second daughter-in-law, to do
it first?”


After all, at the foundation festival, everyone will only talk about Liese.

It would be more embarrassing to stand idly by Liese while wearing a necklace

that seemed like it would create a wall just by wearing it around her neck.

“And the dress I picked out today. The dress itself is so gorgeous that I think it
would be better not to wear jewelry like that. Since you are a discerning person,
I mean, do you understand?”

After my logically argument, Killian finally gave up amd let out a big sigh.
“I didn’t know you were such a greedy person.”

“You are too generous to say that the woman who took over Killian Ludwig is
not greedy.”

Fortunately, the words he uttered as a blow of conversion seemed to have

properly built up his pride.

He suddenly said ‘Ha, really.’ I laughed out loud and laughed several times.

The clown will be fired.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 79



“I’m going to wear only this ruby necklace with the dress I made today.”

“You only do that? I’m sure you don’t care about other people, but I’m sure
someone will pick a fight.”

“They say that they always wear a piece of my husband’s heart around their
necks. What treasure could there be more precious than that?”
Killian’s face reddened quickly.

“I am not ashamed to say such a thing...”

Hehehe, if you say something like that while giving off a pleasant feeling, it’s
not persuasive at all.

Killian looked around and muttered softly while clearing his throat.

“I call a jeweler once before going down to the manor. Then... You can buy
anything you want.”

All I want from Killian is to leave my neck safe before bailing, but for now I
nod my head so as not to break the mood.

It wasn’t bad, no, it was a pretty good day.


“Liese! Long time no see.”

“It’s been a while, Her Highness the Princess!”

Liese was facing Princess Catherine Iberia in the sunny parlor of the imperial
palace, where preparations for the founding festival were in full swing.

Catherine, who has had a crush on Cliff since childhood, was jealous of Liese,
who was loved by Cliff, and at one time tried to harm him.
However, at some point, he was influenced by Liese’s innocent and kind
personality, and became jealous of Cliff, who is now in love with Liese.

“Cliff, is that idiot being nice to you?”

“Everyone in the Ludwig family is kind to me. As I said before, every day is like
a dream when I come to the ducal family.”

“You deserve more than that. If you really don’t like it, you can come and live in
the imperial palace as my lady-in-waiting.”

However, Liese shook her head with an embarrassing smile.

“Because I don’t want to leave the side of Duke Ludwig and his wife. To me,
they are my parents.”

“Hmm... It can’t be beat. It’s as if Duke Ludwig saved you.”

Liese was the most beautiful and kind person Catherine had ever seen.

The one who warmly embraced himself who insulted her with a twisted heart.

If it wasn’t for Liese, Catherine would still be living as a troublemaker in the

imperial palace.

‘I won’t let those who don’t recognize and harass such an angel.’

The starting point to practice that promise was the Count Sinclair.
Count Sinclair, who made an illegitimate child by recklessly teasing her lower
body and registered it only on the family register, was indifferent to it, or the
countess and her children, who bullied Liese for not recognizing them as family,
Catherine always intended to scold her.

And she had planned that day as the founding day of the year.

“How’s the movement of the fort Sinclairs?”

“Float or tremble.”

Liese said with an embarrassing smile.

“Brother Damian seems to be helping his father with his successor training, and
sister Layla...”

“Who asked about that? I’m not doing anything strange to you.”

“Oh no! No such thing...”


Liese, who had waved her hand in denial, suddenly stopped moving and blurted
out her words, and Catherine’s eyes sharpened.

“What happened? Yes?”

“Ah, that, that... No, nothing.”

But it wasn’t Catherine who would pretend she didn’t know.

“Liese. What’s the matter? Are you going to make me worry like this?”

Catherine persuaded Liese by even acting cute that she wouldn’t do in front of
other people.

Liese chewed her lips carefully before opening her mouth.

“I still don’t know who did it... In fact, there was a reason she couldn’t accept
Her Highness’ invitation last time.”

“What? What happened?”

“That is... Who... They poisoned my embroidery thread.”


Catherine’s eyes widened and then began to burn with rage.

“Isn’t Duke Ludwig incompetent? How could someone get poisoned and still
can’t find the culprit?”

“There... there was no evidence anywhere.”

“No! I will listen and judge. Tell me in detail from one to ten exactly what

Liese let out a deep sigh and then stuttered, reluctantly, explaining what had
And after hearing the story, Catherine gnashed her teeth.

“Are Cliff and Killian idiots? Anyone can see that Edith Rigelhoff is

“Everyone thought so at first. However, Edith had no reason to do so, and Edith
herself strongly insisted on her innocence, and there was no clear evidence...”

“The maid who said she saw her poison the embroidery thread was found dead?
Surely she wasn’t killed by that woman?”

“But it would be unfair to accuse Edith of being the culprit based on that
circumstance alone...”

Catherine grabbed the back of my neck and let out a rough breath.

“You’re too nice to wear, Liese. There are people like beasts in this world that
you can’t cover up with your good heart!”

Liese laughed bitterly.

“If you live thinking that way, you will only become suspicious and afraid of
people. I don’t believe that the Sinclair brothers or Edith did such a terrible

“This is the answer!”

Catherine looked at Liese, who smiled brightly again, and hit her chest.

‘Liesee can’t stand the fact that someone will be punished because of me. Even I
have to punish Liese without knowing!’
As Liese said, it is impossible to kill someone when there is no clear evidence.

But there are plenty of opportunities to flatten their noses.

‘I’ll take this opportunity to teach them clearly that they have to bow their heads
under Liese’s feet.’

Catherine smiled nonchalantly at Liese, but deep down, she was making a list of
people to look after at the founding festival.

Edith Rigelhoff was newly added to the top, but he didn’t bother telling Liese.


The long-awaited day of the founding day has dawned.

I couldn’t sleep the night before, excited with the anticipation that I would
finally be able to see Romance Fantacy novel’s ball in person.

Plus, I really liked the dress that arrived three days ago. My dress was pretty too,
but Killian’s banquet dress was truly speechless.

No, hangers are good.

“If you’re ready, let’s go down.”

Killian, who had come to escort me, gave me an arm with a nice smile.
Feeling like a princess from a fairy tale, I put my hand on his arm and lightly
grabbed the hem of his skirt as I went down to the lobby on the first floor.


“You are so beautiful, my lady!”

In the meantime, several maids who had learned their faces covered their
mouths in admiration.

‘You’ve got the spirit to praise me instead of Killian, you’re doing well in

I smiled at them and nodded slightly, then stood at the front door and waited for
the rest of the family.

Cliff and Liese came down after us.

“Oh my, Edith! It is so very pretty!”

...The most beautiful woman in the world said.

I looked back at her and my jaw dropped at the visual shock I hadn’t felt in a
long time.

“Oh my god...! Liese is so pretty that it’s unbelievable!”

Regardless of what you thought of Liese, it was an undeniable fact that she was
The dress made in that expensive dressing room was beautiful to match the

The hem of the light blue dress was gently embroidered with silver thread and
diamonds, so it shimmered like a star whenever it caught the light, and the
sleeves that started from the shoulder end were made of a sky-high material that
was transparent and looked romantic.

In addition, when the white and thin nape of the neck was exposed with natural
buns, the ‘light of Lorraine’ stood out even more.

“If anyone sees it, they will know that you have a crush on Liese.”

As I stared blankly at Liese, Killian whispered as he closed my chin.

Maybe I’m really lucky I didn’t drool.

However, today’s best-dressed person I picked was neither Killian nor Liese, but
the Duchess.

“Everyone is so beautiful and wonderful today!”

The wife who appeared with Duke Ludwig gave the same amount of glances
toward Cliff, Liese, Killian, and me and said proudly.

And I was stunned by the dress she was wearing.

“Uh? That...!”

It was the same dress I had picked out when I came back from the Royal
Dressing Room.
The brown silk and dark purple underdress looked glamorous, yet weighty and

“I thought it would suit you well!”

I clapped my hands for the look that suits me much better than I imagined.

“Thanks to you, I am trying on a dress like this. Thank you, Edith.”

The Duchess also smiled happily, as if she seemed to like the way she looked in
the dress.

But it was me who was grateful.

Wearing the dress I chose for the most important event, the founding festival,
was unheard of in the original work.

“Did you choose?”

Killian asked in my ear.

“Yes. It’s a design I picked out when I came back from the Royal Dressing

Also, I answered cautiously, fearing that he would grumble about his taste, but
he nodded with a face like a parent with a first-class child in the whole school.

“Hmm... The eye itself is not bad.”

Oh my God, to hear from someone who said I was vulgar that I don’t have bad
eyesight, my life has been so successful.

Even Killian looked at me sideways and said indifferently.

“You are quite beautiful today, though not as much as my mother.”

Liese is right in front of you, and she even gives me lip service like this!

I hadn’t even set foot in the ballroom yet, but I felt like I was already at the top
of the sky.

Of course, from an objective point of view, Liese is probably the most beautiful.

It was explained that way in the original work, and Liese is the main character.

However, compared to what was described as ‘When she appeared, not only
Killian but also the Duchess were mesmerized by her beauty.’

To some extent, Duke Ludwig, who was only friendly to Liese, praised me for
being beautiful as well.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 80


“...Edith looks very beautiful today too.”

I liked the fact that he hesitated a little before speaking.

I could have passed without saying anything, but it meant that he had the
courage to give me a compliment.

“Father is really cool today too. Shouldn’t the two sons be very nervous?”

At my reply, the Duke burst out laughing and we were able to head to the
imperial palace in a good mood.

The Ludwig family rode in two carriages and headed to the imperial palace, but
I, Killian, Liese, and Cliff went together in one carriage.

It was autumn in full swing, and the air was getting colder.

The autumn leaves decorating both sides of the main road leading to the
imperial palace were as beautiful as the bright spring flowers, and all the nobles
who headed to the biggest ball of the year seemed happy.

I was looking out of the wagon window with a thrilled heart at the same time,
when Killian lightly poked me in the side and said.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to bring a shawl?”

“Yes? Me?”
Killian looked at my exposed shoulder and forearm and nodded.

“This is fine. It’s not even walking around outside, well.”

“Then if you catch a cold...”

“Because it’s okay. Everyone is dressed like this. Liese is not much different
from me.”

Although Liese’s dress had sleeves, it was see-through, but it was okay.

Killian, who had been silent there, looked at me again after a while and tapped
my foot.

As they got closer to the imperial palace, they were driven slowly by carriages,
but they seemed to be playing a joke because they couldn’t stand it.

I was surprised and cute that he was playing a prank on me, so I tapped his foot

This childish prank was going on under my wide skirt, so Cliff or Liese
wouldn’t know.


Killian pretended to clear his throat and laughed, then tapped my foot again.

From the third time, I needed quick and light footwork and acting skills to
pretend that nothing was wrong.
I pretended to look out the window and moved my feet.

Killian and I played childish pranks, biting our lips tightly to keep from bursting
into laughter.

However, our prank ended earlier than expected.

“Don’t you think there’s a strange noise coming from?”

It was because Liese, who was tilting her head, asked Cliff with a worried face.

“It won’t be a big deal, Liese.”

“But it might be the noise of a broken carriage somewhere.”

“Um... Well, rather than... Maybe two friendly canaries are pecking at the


Liese frowned between her brows and looked at me and Killian for the next

“Uh... I’m sorry if I’ve caused you concern. I’m surprised?”

“Are you really worried that the wagon will break?”

When Killian and I asked with embarrassing smiles, Liese laughed, saying she
was surprised.
“Don’t be nervous, Liese. Today you will be the star of the prom.”

Cliff must have assumed that Liese was becoming sensitive due to nervousness,
so he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and lightly kissed her on the

I was nervous to see Cliff unreservedly showing affection in front of Killian, but
Killian only slightly averted his gaze, but his face did not stiffen or look sad.

Rather, Liese slightly shrugged her shoulders as if she was trying to get away
from Cliff.

Maybe it was embarrassing to do that in front of us.

While doing so, we finally arrived at the imperial palace.

‘And...! It’s not a joke.’

Befitting the founding festival, which is the biggest event of the year, there was
a festive atmosphere inside and outside the palace.

We entered the huge banquet hall as the imperial palace attendants guided us.

“Oh! It’s the Ludwig duchy!”

“Oh my god! Look over there!”

“Hmm? That... The Sinclair family...!”

Gossips were heard everywhere.

Originally, it is natural to whisper such a story quietly, but in the romantic
world, you have to shout it out so that the parties can hear it.

‘Yes, I should be surprised that Liese appeared holding Cliff’s hand.’

I took a quick look around, enjoying the joy of seeing the highlights of the 4th
volume of <The House and the Envoy> right in front of my eyes.

And seeing a young man and woman in amazement with Damien Sinclair
nearby, he was convinced that they were the children of the Sinclair family.

It seemed that their eyes passed Liese and stuck to me, but it was probably an

‘But it’s still too early for you guys to be surprised.’

I knew the event their faces would become contemplative.

Now is the time to step out...


“Oh! Princess Catherine!”

finally came out

Princess Catherine Iberia.

Originally, she was a spoiled princess of the imperial family who had a crush on
Cliff, but after various episodes, she became friends with Liese.

However, it was revealed for the first time today that the two are close, so
everyone was surprised.

“Why did the princess take that illegitimate child...!”

“Do you think you two are close?”

“Didn’t you say that lady was sold as a maid or something from the Sinclair
family to the Ludwig family?”

Everyone giggled, as if embarrassed.

Thanks to Sinclair, people’s faces were becoming more and more earthy.

‘Is this where the cider revenge begins?’

However, the sights were not limited to the people of the Count Sinclair family.

The girls who clearly had a crush on Cliff couldn’t take their eyes off Liese and
Cliff with shocked faces.

“That necklace...”

“Is that right? The Duke’s treasure...”

“The fact that you gave that up means that that woman is Lord Cliff’s bride-to-
They trembled as if they did not know that they would lose to an illegitimate

It was so interesting that it made me want to eat some popcorn if there was one

“There are a lot of people, so don’t get away from me.”

Killian whispered in my ear, excited to see people.

Ugh, the line that melts the eardrum.

“All right.”

I was in a good mood, and I replied with a smile, but at that moment I met Count
Rigelhoff’s eyes.


I hadn’t been paying attention until now, but it was only natural that the people
of Count Rigelhoff’s family would come to the biggest ball held in the imperial

Count Rigelhoff, the Countess, and Shane were staring at us with astonished

‘Aha! Well, it’s as if he abandoned me at the same time he took Sophia, but he
couldn’t have imagined that I would be escorted by Killian.’

Looking at their frozen faces, I felt a thrill of pleasure.

‘Shall I surprise you a little more?’

I clung to Killian’s forearm, trying not to laugh too hard.

“I’m sorry, Killian. My feet hurt a little... I will lean on you for a bit.”

At this level, from over there, Killian and I would look quite friendly.

Just imagining that would kill me with excitement, but Killian suddenly hugged
my waist and bowed his head toward me.

“Are your shoes uncomfortable? I haven’t greeted His Majesty the Emperor yet,
so I can’t sit still... Are you okay?”

Oh! From this angle, from the other side, it would look like they were kissing!

Even if my feet really hurt, I would have forgotten about them when I saw
Killian’s face on this street.

“Okay, it’s okay. It was because I stumbled a little earlier.”

“Then I’m glad... If you have any difficulties, tell me right away.”

Killian seems to be getting more and more affectionate lately, but today he’s
even sweeter.

‘Why are you doing this? It’s good, but it’s hard on the heart.’
My face seemed to relax to the point where I didn’t even know if I was
controlling my expression or not.

But then I realized that there were quite a lot of people staring at us.

‘Oh right! Didn’t he say there was a rumor between him and me?’

Obviously, the reason for matching the dress was ‘to put an end to discord’.

I don’t know what the rumor was and how much it was inflated, but Killian
seemed to have judged that the rumor was not beneficial to the Ludwig family.

‘Oh, I almost mistaken it without even noticing. So you’re saying that all of this
is an act to get rid of rumors of discord between us? OK, reception complete!’

Killian has been good to me lately, so I had to live up to his expectations. In the
end, it will all be for my comfort.

“Thank you, Killian.”

I smiled and whispered in his ear.

From a distance, they will look like a newlywed couple whispering love!

Again, people’s eyes widened.

Good good! It would look more plausible if we continued talking about

something... Hmm? By the way, Killian, he’s about to catch a cold?
“Killian, why are your ears so red? Ah! Is it because you suddenly came into a
warm place?”

“Maybe... It looks like that.”

“Ugh. You should have taken the shawl, not me. What if I catch a cold?”

“You’ll be fine soon.”

He flung his gaze into the air, unable to make eye contact with me, as if he was
ashamed to find out that he was weaker to the cold than me with his bare
shoulders exposed.

‘No! Then you don’t look friendly!’

I quickly wrapped my hands around Killian’s cheeks and made him look at me.

“Um... I don’t think I have a fever...”

Fortunately, Killian also stared at me as if he had noticed my meaning.

Although his neck went up and down a lot, he tolerated the lingering dislike of
me and the embarrassment of the situation quite well.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 81



‘Be patient, Killian. I’m almost done!’

I glanced around, raised my chin proudly, and crossed Killian’s arms again.

Count Rigelhoff froze with his mouth wide open, some of the people covered
their mouths with fans and chatted with the people next to them, and some of the
girls were pale.

I realized it belatedly, but since Killian was as popular as Cliff, it seemed that
the girls who were aiming for Killian’s ‘post-divorce’ were taken aback by the
good looks of Killian and me.

‘But why is Layla Sinclair flirting with me from earlier?’

It was strange.

He said that he was more surprised that I was crossing Killian’s arms than Liese
was crossing Cliff’s.

‘Well, the Sinclair Counts don’t have a good relationship with the Rigelhoffs, so
I’m going to point them out.’

Perhaps the main character of the incident in which Liese’s embroidery thread
was poisoned was Count Sinclair, so he may have wondered why I was fine
when I should have been accused of being a criminal and in trouble.
‘To be able to put down the rumors of discord with Killian and at the same time
fuck a lot of nasty people. This is killing two birds with one stone, no, killing
many birds with one stone!’

If I think back to my previous life, where I was always stabbed in the back, how
much progress I have really made now!

Leaving behind those in shock and horror, we followed the Duke and Duchess

“Your Excellency, Duke Ludwig! Long time no see!”

“It’s been a while, Mrs.!”

We were quickly surrounded by people trying to say hello to Duchess and

Duchess Ludwig.

“Your wife’s dress stood out from afar. You look so good together.”

“I thought so too! I’m too scared to try a new style, but how did your wife take
on such a bold style? Be great.”

“I bet you! Sooner or later your dress will be fashionable in society.”

Fortunately, the Duchess’s dress received favorable reviews.

Well, since she’s the Duchess, no matter what she’s wearing, she’ll pour out

“I am also very scared. This was chosen by my daughter-in-law, Edith.”

The Duchess turned to me as she talked about me, then stretched out her arm in
my direction.

And I moved towards her as Killian pushed me forward.

“Is there anyone you haven’t said hello to yet? This is Edith, my daughter-in-law
who married our second Killian. Edith, say hello. This is Countess Etelman, and
this is Viscount Krause.”

‘First... See you. This is Edith Ludwig.”

I slightly bent my knees and greeted the elderly ladies.

“Oh, my! Ho ho ho! Hello? Cecil Ethelman.”

“I am Larissa Krause. Nice to meet you.”

They couldn’t hide their surprised expressions, but they responded skillfully to
my greetings.

I also thought that the Duchess would evolve the rumors of a feud between me
and Killian.

In that state, I continued to say hello to dozens of wives, and I was able to get
out of the place just as the dance music resounded in the hall.

“Thank you for your effort.”

Killian pulled me out of the spot and stood close to me, putting his hand on my
By that time, I already wanted to run away from this ball.

I thought it was just a dating scene for young men and women, but there were
far more old nobles, and how long it took to be introduced one by one!

I’d forget to tell you his name, so why should I know whose cousin he is and
what territory he belongs to!

“I can’t remember any of the names of the people I was introduced to earlier.”

As I started dancing with Killian and confessed in a weary voice, Killian

chuckled and laughed.

“These are people who don’t mind forgetting. You can just remember the steps
for now.”

He must have been afraid that I would step on his feet.

But in my head, there was a lot of dance knowledge. It seems that Count
Rigelhoff taught the dance very harshly.

I wondered what would happen if my head and body moved separately, but
fortunately I was able to dance convincingly.

“Do not worry. I am good at dancing.”

“Would you mind?”

I wasn’t sure if he was sarcastic or joking, but I decided to think it was all right.
The fact that Killian’s gaze at me feels a little hot is probably because of my
‘super’ positive mindset.

The problem is, when I started thinking about it, I felt a little hotter.

‘Dancing is, I mean, subtly erotic.’

The act of a man and a woman moving while hugging each other, or moving
only the upper body while the lower body is almost facing each other, is quite
meaningful, and even requires constant eye contact.

Even if I dance with a normal-looking person, I think my heart will be pounding

for some reason, but if I do it with a handsome guy like him, something will

“It’s not an exaggeration to say that you dance well.”

As I leaned back and went back to him, Killian said admiringly.

“I was a little nervous because it’s been a while, but, well, it’s not bad.”

I pretended to be arrogant, but I could feel the heat rushing to my face.

“Well, isn’t it a skill that you’ve developed by dancing with all sorts of men?”

He smiled and hugged me tightly and took a step to the side.

“A man who brings out every single thing in the past and is jealous is not
Stepping along with him, I slightly bruised and then quietly brushed the forearm
of Killian, who only raised one corner of his mouth as if he was dumbfounded.

It was a seduction technique in Edith’s memory, but even Killian, who seemed
not to be able to overcome it at all, flinched at the sudden provocation.

Then he spoke in a low voice that only I could hear.

“Stop being obscene.”

If it was the same in the past, I would have thought it was because he hated me
and hated me, but now it was a little different.

I could feel the strange aura in his eyes.

It was both fun and thrilling, so I secretly touched Killian’s forearm and chest
throughout the dance.

But the moment I stepped out of the hall, breathing lightly after the dance, I saw
Count Rigelhoff walking toward me.

I hurriedly pulled on the end of Killian’s jacket.

“Killian. You can’t fall from my side.”

“Why are you doing this all of a sudden?”

“That, just. There are too many people, and if I miss you, it will be difficult to
find you again...”
As I hesitantly stepped back and made strange excuses, Killian smiled again and

“You’re not even a kid, really...”

And almost at the same time, Count Rigelhoff greeted me.

“It’s been a while, Edith.”

Only then did Killian notice the existence of Count Rigelhoff.

I was still holding onto the edge of Killian’s jacket.

“I see.”

I didn’t want to say hello to Count Rigelhoff.

Even if you didn’t bother to look into Edith’s past memories, he was a human
being whose name was a waste.

He sent Sophia to assault me, trying to subdue me, only caring for Sophia’s
safety, expecting me to get into trouble at the Ludwig family, but taking no

What feelings do you have for such a person?

But he looked at me with an expression dripping with affection and asked

Killian for his understanding.
“I’d like to talk to Edith separately for a moment, but Killian, I’d appreciate it if
you would move away.”

I was very tense inside.

There wouldn’t be many sons-in-law who would refuse such a request from their
father-in-law, and no one seemed to doubt Count Rigelhoff’s expression.

But Killian wasn’t usually cheap.

“That is a bit odd. What the hell are you talking about, are you trying to leave
me out? Suspiciously...”

“That’s kind of the case. Since I haven’t seen her daughter in a while, I’m just
trying to say hello to her.”

“Then is there any reason why I should step aside?”

Killian, fighting!

I was rooting for Killian in my heart, but Count Rigelhoff furrowed his brow as
if he didn’t like that kind of Killian or me who kept his mouth shut and didn’t let
him go.

“That’s rude. Anyway, I’m your father-in-law, but you ignored my request like

“By the way.”

Killian boldly cut off Count Rigelhoff’s backside and glared at him with cool
“Is the maid doing well?”

“Huh, what?”

“The maid who assaulted my wife and you asked for her limbs to be returned. I
was so angry that I slapped them a few times, but as you said, didn’t you put all
your limbs on and put them on the wagon sent from your house?”

At the mention of Sophia, Count Rigelhoff’s mouth fell shut.

“I still don’t understand. How could someone who cared so much for her
daughter make such a decision?”

“That, that’s it... She is a maid who has worked in our house for a long time...”

“What a great servant love. Enough to make it seem that the maid is treated
better than your daughter.”

I thought I could hear Count Rigelhoff grinding his teeth.

And at the same time, I realized that Killian knew pretty much everything about

But even Count Rigelhoff was not an easy man.

“Ha... As you know, our daughter is a bit, aren’t the rumors bad? To straighten
out my daughter’s conduct, I had to have someone by my side who yelled at me
fiercely. Sophia is like a tutor.”

Killian and I burst out laughing briefly at the same time.

That’s what I mean, fart.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 82



“My, I just want to talk to my daughter about that matter. It’s been a while since
I’ve seen my daughter, so I’m curious about her current situation...”

“That makes me even more suspicious. It seems like the two of you made a pact
with each other to share information about our family, don’t you?”

“What, what does that mean? Haha!”

When Killian came out and looked at him alternately with cold eyes, Count
Rigelhoff let out a light laugh in embarrassment, but Killian did not relax his
expression at all.

“I want to know what Edith is up to, but why do we have to talk to the two of us
separately? What the hell do you want to know?”
“Oh, that’s not what I meant...”

Count Rigelhoff was at a loss as he couldn’t even find a profit. Even so, he
seemed to keep commanding me with his glances.

Maybe, you meant to do something.

However, it would be a big deal if Killian really doubted me again, so I quickly

informed him of my current situation there.

“I am doing very well. More than ever since I was born. So... Do not worry too

In all my dealings with him, I never once called him ‘father’.

Because I couldn’t call him father anymore.

Count Rigelhoff’s face stiffened for a moment, perhaps realizing that I had
decided to completely ignore his orders, but quickly nodded with a big smile.

“That, yes. Got it, Edith. Then... See you next time.”

And after saying goodbye to Killian very politely, he left.

‘You damn bastard. They still think they can wield me as they please.’

I read the contempt and anger in the eyes that looked at me clearly. The red half
and the lower half are oily resins too!
But what makes me even more resentful than that is that I was trembling without
even realizing it.

Edith’s old memories of waking up late were stained with abuse.

The physical and mental abuse that has been going on since childhood has
entangled my body even though I did not suffer it myself.

The hands holding Killian’s jacket were damp with sweat, and his throat was

‘What’s the reason to tremble now! Like a fool!’

It was embarrassing that, instead of showing a dignified appearance in front of

that human, he held on to Killian’s clothes and trembled.

I shamelessly held my head up even after being hit by Sofia, so why am I getting
nervous now...

“Edith...? Are you okay?”

Killian called me.

“Ki, Killian...”

“Why are you so nervous?”

“No, that...”

No, I know the truth.

That I was never okay until now.

I just gritted my teeth and endured, and I wasn’t okay at all.

“Let’s go get some fresh air.”

Killian took me, who couldn’t even answer properly, and went out to the
outdoor balcony.

And his decision was very good.

When the cold wind hit my cheek, I was able to calm myself down from panic.

I was able to move my stiff mouth only after taking a long deep breath.

“No, are you surprised? I’m sorry for acting like an idiot.”

“Looks like you’re okay now. What the hell is going on?”

“Yes? What, what?”

When he asked what was going on, I couldn’t answer anything.

The damn restrictions were still in effect, so I couldn’t explain why I was having
a hard time or what that human Count Rigelhoff had done to Edith.

Killian looked down at me and then suddenly closed the door between the
balcony and the hallway.
“Who was afraid to listen? You may speak now.”

Certainly, closing the door left us alone in our own space.

‘What can I do? What do you say? Why are you so stiff...!’

Now that I can’t tell the truth about the fear of Count Rigelhoff, I don’t know if
I’ll get some strange misunderstanding again if I hesitate to answer.

I blamed myself for not reacting aloofly, but I couldn’t undo what had already

Looking for an excuse, I thought about the situation earlier, and suddenly
remembered the time when I danced with Killian.

Then he came up with an excuse that was a bit forced, but worth pushing

“Ugh! Hmm! Promise me you will listen and not despise me.”

Killian’s brow furrowed even more.

What the hell are you trying to say?

Actually, I’m also worried that I’m self-destructing.

“...We try our best.”

Yeah, well, that wasn’t the point, so let’s compromise and be brave at this point.
I took a deep breath and babbled.

“In fact... I am so embarrassed.”

“Your father, why are you embarrassed?”

“That is...”

“Edith. Be honest.”

I gulped again.

“In fact... Dancing with you... Little... I was excited...”

For a moment, silence lingered between the two of us.

“What is that...”

“With you... The moment I thought I wanted to kiss you, I was so embarrassed.
Why, there is such a thing. I think I was caught trying to do something bad.”


Yeah, that would be crazy.

I’m also dumbfounded when I’m talking, kid.

“Is that why?”

“Anyway, you too... I thought you might be feeling it... Wasn’t it? Not if it

I was rubbing my reddened neck while Killian saw it and suddenly turned

‘Are you leaving me because you’re in a bad mood?’

He hate people being clingy, so that must be the case.

But he took out a dagger for self-defense from his bosom and inserted it between
the two handles of the balcony door. It’s like locking a bolt.


I couldn’t figure out the reason for that action, so I called him in a daze, but
Killian approached me threateningly and growled.

“I warned you to stop doing lewd things...”

Then he lightly squeezed my cheek and brought my lips together.

A hot breath hit my cheek, which had been cooled by the cold air.


Confused, I closed my mouth and opened my eyes wide, then he grabbed my

chin and forced my mouth open.
And as soon as my lips parted, his tongue, which still had the scent of
champagne, came in, intertwined my tongue and sucked it in.


As if I was being sucked out of my mind, I flinched from the wild kiss and
quickly got trapped between the pillars on the balcony and Killian.

Then, as if he had waited, Killian hugged me tightly and touched my shoulder

and back seductively.


My mouth was blocked by the deep kiss, so I had no choice but to let out a
snort-like moan.

As I began to flinch at his stimulation, Killian parted his lips.

“Haha! Ki... Killian! This is the imperial palace!”

“And you were excited in the imperial palace. Thanks to that, I got caught up in
it too.”

Killian stimulated me by stroking my body as if he wanted to eat me right away.

‘Why is this body so weak against stimuli!’

Even though I thought I had to wake up, my body was steadily heating up in
Killian’s hands.
“How excited are you?”

Killian put his lips on the nape of my neck and whispered.

What do you mean by answering that?

“That, it’s not like that.”

“Isn’t it different from before?”

“Before, just, just, a little...”

“Your mouth often tells lies, so I should ask your honest body.”

As if teasing me, Killian sucked my lips and bit my earlobe, then kissed my
neck with a clicking sound.

Then, suddenly, he licked the nape of my neck.


Even with that amount of stimulation, I wanted Killian to give me more


‘This body is messed up! It’s wrong!’

I never thought of stopping Killian.

Even if the balcony door was locked, someone passing by from outside could
have seen us.
‘More... More...’

And as if reading my thoughts, Killian continued to stimulate me.

My legs trembled, and chills ran down my spine, and I couldn’t think of

I had no choice but to cling to Killian’s forearm, breathing heavily.

“To be so excited, you really...”

“Huh... Yes...”

“You’re begging me to do more right now?”

“Oh, no... Hey...”

“If you could see the look on your face, you wouldn’t say that.”

Killian kissed me again.

But it wasn’t a rough kiss like before, it was a slow and light kiss that made fun
of me.

Fortunately for that light caress, I was able to calm down my excitement by
slowly catching my breath.

Then suddenly, I was worried about Killian.

‘Killian must have been pretty hot, can we go out like this...? That... How do I
get it down?’

While I looked around and thought about what to do, Killian was tidying up my

“Ki, Killian...”

“You’re not satisfied, I understand, but it’s a bit dangerous here... When we get
home, I’ll do as much as you want.”

It’s a very thankful proposal, and it’s a proposal I’ll gladly accept, but that’s not
what I’m worried about right now, is it?

“You are... Are you okay?”

“What do you mean?”

“Therefore... That...”

I was embarrassed to speak, so I salivated.

“I’m worried about whether it’s okay to go out like this...”

Killian, who was staring at me, suddenly burst into laughter.

He kept his voice down for fear of being overheard by those around him, but it
was a laugh that conveyed his happy mood.

“Were you concerned about my predicament?”

“Well, that’s it... If it doesn’t work out, it’s... It doesn’t sink.”

At that, Killian laughed again. It was nice to hear that it was a boyish laugh, but
I was still worried about his underside, which must have been embarrassing to

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 83



“Haa, really, you sometimes make fun of me by saying things I never thought

“Is that so? But...”

Suddenly, Killian hugged me tightly around the waist.

And I realized that he wasn’t unexpectedly in trouble.

“Uh, how...?”

“Puff! Mmm! I didn’t expect you to be so surprised so much. Do not worry.

Because in most situations, there is a way to quench the desire at once.”
Is it the national anthem? National anthem? Oh, but did this country have a
national anthem?

I was wondering about that sort of thing, but Killian whispered in my ear as if

“I’ll finish it later when we go home, so don’t relax.”

I nodded while blushing.

Come to think of it, something happened when I came out on the balcony, what
was it?

Ah! Count Rigelhoff!

...Why did I get so serious about that little squid face? I don’t remember at all.


Killian hugged Edith, who was still exhaled, and rubbed her back.

I didn’t know that the corner of my mouth that curved pleasantly would come

‘Naughty, wacky, cute...’

Who would have known that I would have such an impression on Edith?
I thought it was just a cute provocation when she touched my arms and chest
while dancing, but I didn’t know that she would directly say that she was

At that time, Killian had no choice but to forget about Count Rigelhoff and rush
to Edith.

If it wasn’t for the imperial palace, he would have eaten Edith somehow.

However, he couldn’t do anything unsavory in the imperial palace, so he

managed to suppress his lust by recalling the funeral ode that was played at his
grandfather’s funeral.

“Have you calmed down a bit?”


As Edith’s shivering shoulders calmed down, Killian, worried that her body
temperature would drop, took off his coat and put it on her.

“If you step back into the banquet hall, Count Rigelhoff might hang around you
again. Are you okay?”

“Yes. I am okay. But I don’t want to see my father separately. Will you stay by
my side?”


Killian continued to worry about Edith’s reaction in front of Count Rigelhoff.

Earlier, it was an excuse to be excited, but Edith must have had a painful past
that she didn’t want to talk about.

Isn’t this a family that took care of the maid who assaulted Edith so much that
her back was stained with all sorts of bruises?

‘Edith is definitely trying to keep her distance from Count Rigelhoff. I don’t
know why the family abused Edith...’

It was regrettable that Edith had a painful past, but it would be nice if she cut
ties with Count Rigelhoff because of it.

Unlike the past when I had no intention of continuing this marriage life for a
long time, now I wanted to go down to the Ryzen estate with Edith if possible.

‘Wouldn’t it be possible to live as a good couple if this is the case?’

I don’t know when I started thinking like this.

She was a woman who was suspicious and nasty in everything until not long
ago, but at some point, just looking at those hateful lips made my mouth water.

In fact, even before leaving the mansion today, I couldn’t take my eyes off

Even when Liese appeared in dazzling beauty, rather than admiring her beauty, I
was busy checking whether Edith was saddened by the ‘light of Lorraine’ that
was allowed to Liese in advance.

Besides, Edith was just as beautiful as Liese.

‘As expected, something a little flashy suits Edith.’

In the past, I thought that what Edith wore was unconditionally vulgar.
However, putting aside my prejudice, Edith was just a look that looked good
with something flashy.

I felt guilty thinking that I had spoken mean things to her and made her wear
only plain dresses all these years.

‘I didn’t mean to be coercive...’

It didn’t seem to break his nose in the slightest, so he hadn’t paid attention to it
yet, but Edith was secretly trying to infiltrate into the Ludwig family.

Even so, he felt sad at the thought of her not wanting his help, but she asked for
it for the first time.

“Will you stay by my side?”

It was an awkward yet regrettable request.

It was a small request, but Killian felt a sense of responsibility.

No matter how you look at it, you, as a husband, had to protect your wife, who
felt rejected by her father.

I had to protect Edith, who would have endured alone until now.

While he pondered that thought, in the banquet hall inside the balcony door,
various eyes and opinions were exchanged over Killian and Edith, who had
disappeared alone.

“How the hell did this happen?”

Damian Sinclair asked Layla, who was trembling with her hand clenched to the

“Do I know that?”

“You did! Killian Ludwig tried to kill Edith Rigelhoff! Is that the expression on
the face of the person you tried to kill? It was dripping with honey.”

“What honey is missing? It’s something we don’t know yet. Didn’t you see
Count Rigelhoff’s expression earlier? It looked like I was going to stab you to
death right away!”

“...It was.”

It was confusing.

Killian’s expression as he looked at Count Rigelhoff was obviously ferocious.

However, since he appeared at this party with Edith by his side, Killian and
Edith were showing a friendly side while clinging to each other.

At that time, Anton also frowned and added words.

“It’s not just Killian that’s strange. Edith. That girl... Your impression has
changed from before.”

“In the past, he looked ferocious and somehow dark just by looking at it, but
now she just looks a bit arrogant, she looks very bright.”

“Okay... That must be the feeling of incongruity I felt from that woman from

Damian, who clearly remembered Edith when he was beaten by his father, said
with a serious face.

At those words, Layla became even more indignant.

“How the hell is it going? Liese Why is that girl next to Her Highness, the
princess, with that necklace hanging around her neck!”

Everything was unexpected.

Liese, who thought she would have been sold to the Ludwig family and became
a plaything for the men of that family, came out confidently wearing the ‘Light
of Lorraine’ around her neck as if she had become Cliff’s wife, and even that
wasn’t enough, she was right next to Princess Catherine.

In addition, Killian and Edith, who had been rumored to have a discord, did not
separate from each other from the moment they entered the banquet hall, and
they whispered secretly to each other in their ears.

Didn’t they even do a sticky-looking dance and then go out to the balcony alone
and close the door?

‘What the hell are you doing in there!’

I was so angry that I stamped my feet without realizing it.

It was all the more so because Killian’s appearance today was breathtakingly

‘You must be my man! I’m a good fit for Killian Ludwig!’

Layla couldn’t keep her senses because it seemed that the pink dream of
Konkukje, which she had dreamed of for nearly a month, was shattered.

While she was in such a whirlwind of anger and confusion, Count Rigelhoff also
gnashed his teeth and burst into anger.

“Edith, that girl really betrayed me! Killian stuck to him and didn’t even treat
me like a father.”

“What did I say? Because he has changed completely.”

Shane also agreed with his father’s words, remembering Edith who had been
rude to me.

“Are you going to let the traitor of the Rigelhoffs go?”

“Are you crazy? Now Ludwig can’t forgive that girl more than they do. I saved
her dying life and raised her until now, but she doesn’t even know the grace!”

Count Rigelhoff muttered lowly as he glared in the direction where Killian and
Edith had disappeared.
“Since Ludwig seems to have become a human now, we should bury that year
along with Ludwig.”

Beside him, Shane nodded as if he was right.

Just then, ArchDuke Langston approached them.

“How are you, Count Rigelhoff?”

“Ah! Your Excellency the Grand Duke!”

Count Rigelhoff immediately smiled cheerfully, as if he had never been in a

threatening atmosphere.

“I thought it would be good to talk about it now.”

ArchDuke Langston said lightly as he looked around the banquet hall where the
atmosphere was ripe.

Today was the day they decided to reveal their power.

It could have been dangerous, but it was because he thought that if he did
something today, when the most nobles gather, he would be able to reverse the
situation in which he was inferior.

“I will bring people who agree with me soon.”

Count Rigelhoff spoke in a solemn tone and then quietly disappeared into a
corner of the banquet hall with Shane.

We kissed and talked for a long time even after the heat had subsided, and
finally opened the balcony door and came out only when the air became
extremely cool.

A sudden burst of hot air seemed to heat up his cheeks.

Or maybe it’s because I came out of a place where there were so many people
and did something dirty just across the door.

Me and Killian made eye contact, then laughed and averted our gaze, and then
our eyes met again.

Is this a ‘summary’ ride? A thrill that I had never felt in my previous life shook
my heart.

“Ah, Killian!”

Then Cliff approached and called Killian.

“I have been looking for a long time. Where are you going?”

“Ah, what... It was too hot inside the banquet hall, so I came to get some fresh
air. Why?”

However, Cliff gave a meaningful smile and whispered while covering his
mouth with his hand.

“You seem to have something around your mouth.”

At that moment, Killian and I raised our hands to cover our mouths without even
realizing it.

‘I cleaned it well, but did the rouge stain remain?’

I was so embarrassed.

But Cliff smiled mischievously and said to me.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 84



“It was a joke. But it’s strange. You buried it in Killian’s mouth, but why is
sister-in-law covering her mouth?”

Oh... Caught...

Killian’s face reddened as well, probably embarrassed.

“Don’t you think there is nothing to do? A useless joke...”

“Since you came here, you couldn’t take your eyes off of sister-in-law, so I
wanted to tease you once. Haha!”
Cliff laughed lightly and then whispered into Killian’s ear.

“ArchDuke Langston is here. Right now, supporters of the archDuke are

flocking around him, and Count Rigelhoff is among them. Take good care of

The joke quickly faded, and Cliff’s and Killian’s faces took on a bitter look.


“Her Highness, the princess, took it away and won’t give it back.”

“What about the Count Sinclair?”

“Still not fat. But strangely, it seemed that he looked more carefully at you and
sister-in-law than Liese.”

Oh, I wasn’t the only one who felt that way.

It becomes more suspicious whether the Sinclair family is the real culprit in the
embroidery thread incident?

“Okay. Brother, take good care of Liese.”

“Be good to you.”

Cliff patted Killian on the shoulder and walked away.

‘It’s very strange that Cliff walks around alone without Liese. Didn’t you say
that the princess took Liese? Is that episode then?’
I wondered and snooped around, and it seemed that an episode from the original
story was in progress at the banquet hall.

Princess Catherine was greeted by the other young ladies with Liese at her side.

‘As expected. An episode that brought together all the young ladies who had
dismissed Liese as an illegitimate child and made them bow their heads!’

They were bowing to the princess, but at the same time bowing to Liese.

But no one could say anything. Originally, it was the law for a young lady who
accompanied the princess not to bow her head to anyone other than someone
higher than the princess.

Besides, this was also a metaphor.

Liese, who would soon become Cliff’s wife, would not have to bow her head to
any of those young ladies.

‘It was a cider event where Liese escaped her natural limits.’

From now on, all that is left for Liese is popping the cider.

‘One of them is Count Rigelhoff, and my head is cut off.’

I felt the tension as if my heart was getting chewy.

But then Killian suddenly wrapped his arms around me.

“Don’t be alarmed. As long as you stay by my side, no one will harm you.”

The warm body temperature comes through the fabric.

And it wasn’t just the body temperature that was transmitted.

My stomach, which seemed to be trembling until just now, calmed down.

“Thank you, Killian.”

I took a deep breath and entered the banquet hall with him.

Princess Catherine put Liesee by her side and made the other girls taste
humiliation, then gave Liese back to Cliff, who approached them, as if she
didn’t like it but couldn’t help it.

The fact that the princess, who had a crush on Cliff before, fights with Cliff over
Liese was also quite a fun spectacle.

“It seems that Liese has suffered quite a bit from Her Highness, the princess.
Fall down there.”

When I worried about Liese, Killian looked at me strangely and asked me in my


“If you want to greet Her Highness, I can ask you.”

“Yes? Oh no! Absolutely not!”

Did I look like I was jealous of Liese? I don’t think it’s time to be relieved that
my sincerity has been communicated.

However, the moment I was waving my hands, my gaze met with Princess
Catherine’s gaze.

And the princess with a subtle smile walked straight towards me.

‘Uh, huh? What’s happening!’

I fluttered in embarrassment, then hurriedly greeted him as Killian did.

“It’s been a while, the second son of the Ludwig family.”

“How are you, Your Highness?”

“Okay, this one?”

Since Catherine grew up like a friend from childhood with Cliff and Killian, she
will not have much ill feelings toward Killian.

Still, if you see that my voice is so cold, it must be that you don’t like me.

“This is my wife, Edith Ludwig.”

“It is an honor to meet you, Your Highness. This is Edith Ludwig.”

I bowed on my knees at Killian’s introduction, but Catherine’s clear hostility did

not disappear.
“Huh... Was it the daughter of the Rigelhoffs?”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

It was there that she spoke to me.

After that, Catherine turned to Killian and completely excluded me and only
talked to him.

“The marriage itself was an unreasonable demand from the Rigelhoff family,
right? That house is so shameless...”

“Your Highness...!”

“Oh! I’ve heard that too I heard that Liese was poisoned a while ago? Knowing
how close Liese and I are, why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s Liese...”

“Because your wife is a suspect?”

Killian and I both inhaled.

‘What are you talking about all of a sudden? Why is Princess Catherine doing
this to me?’

In the original work, Edith didn’t attend the founding festival, so maybe I took it
too lightly.
The original author, or the project to create the original Edith Villain, is not over

“No. We tentatively concluded that Edith was not the culprit. And that thing
Liese wanted to be buried. If not, would Cliff have stayed still?”

Killian took my side unexpectedly strongly.

Princess Catherine’s eyes widened, perhaps in surprise.

“Funny, Killian. As if you never loved Liese...”

It was strange.

It was a fact that I already knew that Killian loved Liese, but those words were
like stabbing a knife into my heart.

I’m sure Killian has nothing to say...

“Just as Your Highness gave up her feelings for Cliff because he loves Liese, so
do I. Isn’t Liese bad for clinging to a hopeless love?”


I was dazed for a moment.

In the original story, Killian, who gave off the nuance that he would never be
with anyone because of his love for Liese, gave up his feelings for Liese...

‘Ki... should I be happy...?’

Giving up his feelings for Liese would mean that he really started to accept me,
so it would be a good thing for my survival.

Then I should be happy, but strangely, my heart hurt.

‘How painful was it to fold that big heart? No, it must be painful now, right?’

I can feel the sadness of the sub male lead.

I think it will be hard for me to give up this feeling after facing Killian for only
10 months, but I keep imagining how difficult it must be for Killian who has
been looking at Liese for 5 years.

The story that she had given up her feelings for Liese was shocking, and perhaps
Catherine was the same.

“Ha! Killian Ludwig, you’ve changed so much. Is this woman that important?
She’s a girl you’ll have to get rid of sooner or later anyway.”

Yes? Huh, what?

Why do you say such scary things! What did I do?

My heart, which had flowed sentimentally, was so shocked that I burst into

However, those who were not allowed to speak by the princess were not allowed
to interfere in the conversation. I just have to trust Killian and wait.
“Your Highness, Princess. Can you take full responsibility for what you are
saying now?”


“You’re ‘getting rid of’ my wife? Who said that? If my wife is being removed,
will you be getting rid of me too?”

“No, not like that!”

“Or are you saying that you want to take my wife’s place in the imperial family?
Do you think her imperial family can wield the Ludwig family at will?”

“Killian! That’s not what I meant!”

“Then what! I’m planning to go down to the estate next year with Edith, but
didn’t Your Highness say that Edith would be ‘get rid’? Then whose will is

I’m not just saying, Killian seemed really upset.

It might be a bit serious since even Catherine, who has a nasty personality, is

“Killian. Calm down.”

“Calm? You haven’t even received an apology, so why am I calming down?”

Aww! Killian’s fierce gaze reached me. Shrimp back explodes in whale fight.
Then, a bright voice came from somewhere.

“Your Highness! Killian! What are you doing?”

It was Liese who appeared at the right time.

“No, I just wanted to reveal the truth about your addiction...”

Catherine was quick to excuse herself, but Killian was not in the mood to let go.

“Liese. Did you tell Her Highness about that incident?”

At Killian’s question, both Catherine and Liese flinched at the same time.

“My, I just asked!”

Catherine defended Liese, but Liese muttered with a face that looked like she
was about to cry.

“I’m sorry. While explaining why she couldn’t accept Her Highness’s
invitation... But why?”

“I don’t know how you explained the incident, but it was because Her Highness
accused Edith of being the culprit.”

“I never said Edith was the culprit!”

Liese was quite taken aback, and Catherine also waved her hand, saying that
Liese was right.
“Then why did you insult my wife like that? I know that there are all sorts of
malicious rumors about my wife, but I thought that Your Wise Highness
wouldn’t believe them straight away...”

Wow, this place is really uncomfortable.

I’m going to be away for a while, so can’t you guys take care of it yourself?

But, as if Killian had sensed my desire to run away, he suddenly put his hand on
my shoulder and grabbed me.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 85



“I don’t know how I look on the outside, but I’m a soft person on the inside. No,
even if it’s not, Her Highness, Ludwig shouldn’t do this to people. Isn’t it?”

As Killian maintained his tough attitude, Catherine seemed to be getting more

and more frustrated.

However, as if he couldn’t refute Killian’s words, he kept his molars tightly

closed before speaking in a really reluctant tone.
“Yes, I am sorry. I hope Miss Edith will forgive my rudeness.”

Oh, to accept the princess’s apology for my subject, what a disaster!

“I-I’m fine, Your Highness! I know that my past conduct has not been very
wise, and I believe that Your Majesty deserves to be misunderstood. Actually,
because of me, even Killian hears this and that... I guess Lee has become a bit
sensitive. Sorry.”

I said, lowering my body as much as possible, hoping that this situation would
end well.

“Do you really think so?”

“...Yes, Your Highness.”

“If you think of Killian that much, why don’t you stop your father?”

“Your Highness...!”

The moment Killian was about to scream again, I tried to spit out a sound that
barely caught the limit.

“I tried to convince myself, but...”

Oh! This level seemed to be unrestricted.

At my reply, Catherine’s expression, which seemed to be sarcastic, turned into

“You really tried to stop Count Rigelhoff from sticking with the Duke
Langston? Did I understand you correctly?”

However, I couldn’t answer ‘yes’ or nod my head to this question. The question
was specific, so it seemed like a restriction was triggered.

But now I knew how to communicate my intentions to the other person without
any active action.

I glanced at Count Rigelhoff, then turned to Catherine and smiled sadly.

The expression of the eyes drooping as if all energy was lost and the corners of
the mouth forcibly raised.

Then, this time, Killian became something shocked.

“Could that be why the Rigelhofs sent that damn maid?”

Finally, it seems that Killian has roughly grasped my inner circumstances.

I was proud of myself for having made it this far without ever having to tell my
truth out of my own mouth.

I was so excited, but I managed my expression until the end, lowered my eyes
and let out a small sigh.

“What do you mean by that?”

“...There is such a thing. I can tell you that my wife is completely separate from
the Rigelhoffs.”
Killian’s determined attitude seemed to clear Catherine’s misunderstanding
about me.

“That, is it? I must have misunderstood.”

Uncharacteristically for a princess, Catherine scratched the back of her head and

“Um... Sorry. I thought Killian was living on her leash in a marriage that was
pushed through with cowardly measures, and I thought that Liese was being

“Ah, haha.”

If it was original work, it would have been.

And if that were the case, even if Edith of the original work could have come to
the foundation festival, it is obvious that he would not have been able to return
after enjoying the banquet. Catherine must have worked it out very well with

However, unlike Edith in the original work, I was a person who had no intention
of helping my parents or being jealous of Liese, and the hot-tempered Catherine
quickly admitted her mistakes.

Because of this cool personality, Catherine was able to become a friend of Liese
rather than a villain.

“I’m sorry for saying hurtful things. I’m sorry about Killian. I’m sorry for
bothering Liese.”
Catherine even apologized to me, Killian, and Liese.

Liese just comforted her by saying, “No, Your Highness!” but Killian nodded
once and accepted her apology.

“I’m glad you cleared up the misunderstanding. Actually, my wife wanted to go

to greet Her Highness earlier, but she was timid and was hesitant to even do

“Uh? Really? I don’t have to. Haha!”

Catherine, who quickly threw off her downcast appearance, grabbed my hand
with a hearty laugh.

“In addition to being Killian’s wife, she is also my friend if she is Liese’s sister-
in-law. She shouldn’t be difficult from now on, and she often visits the imperial
palace with Liese. Understand?”

“Ah, thank you, Your Highness.”

“How embarrassing! Haha!”

Catherine accepted me with such a refreshing expression that I wondered if the

conflict could be resolved so suddenly.

And I felt the people around me stare in amazement at the fact that I was the one
who invited the princess to hang out often, not enough of holding hands.

‘But it’s a bit strange... Wasn’t Liese the one who was in the spotlight today
because of her friendship with the princess?’
Of course, the episode where the princess took Liese and made the other ladies
bow their heads went normally, but now this situation is a bit...

‘No, let’s think positively. The hope of my life is getting bigger and bigger!’

If things don’t go well, I can at least pray to Catherine.

As I looked at Catherine’s back, who was moving away from Liese again, I
prayed that the favor of this world, which had only been directed towards Liese,
would fall on me just a little bit.

But I couldn’t dwell on the matter for long.

Count Rigelhoff had begun to show up.

Ugh, there are a lot of things to be done in the episode of the founding festival,
so I’m distracted.

“Originally, the former emperor cared for his younger brother, the Grand Duke
of Langston. He was told that from an early age he was so fraternal. Ha ha ha!”

Count Rigelhoff, who had been praising the former emperor to those around
him, suddenly raised his voice and inserted the story of ArchDuke Langston.

“Oops, am yo! In the imperial family, where all sorts of strife raged, could there
be anyone as trustworthy as one’s own lineage? Isn’t it?”

A man who looked like a windswept next to me came out with another cheer.

The nobles around him nodded their heads as if they had realized a great truth.
‘That must be the Duke of Langston. Seeing what they’re doing here, it seems
they have the strength to stand against the emperor.’

What they meant was clear.

It is to question the origin of the current emperor, and to claim that ArchDuke
Langston is the legitimate heir to the throne.

‘In order to ascend the throne anyway, I have to be recognized as pureblood at

the temple, but does that mean anything?’

From an early age, the current emperor, who looked so different from the
previous emperor, was constantly suspected of being the emperor’s seed.

However, in order to ascend the throne here, he had to undergo pure blood
verification at the temple, and the current emperor also passed that verification,
so he ascended the throne.

So, everything they said was nothing more than reproducing malicious rumors.

However, Duke Ludwig, the strongest sword of the current emperor, could not
stand by.

“Bloodline is the most reliable. Isn’t ArchDuke Langston also the Emperor’s
uncle and most loyal subject? Ha ha ha!”

“I heard that you are very wary of fleeting greed because you grew up watching
the imperial family’s strife. He is truly an adult in the imperial family who sets
an example for others.”

Oh, Duke Ludwig’s way better.

Even though it was ArchDuke Langston who was about to start the royal family
fight, it would be difficult to directly refute the compliment of being a loyalist in
a place like this.

Then someone on the side of ArchDuke Langston said as if to change the


“Anyway, when it’s the founding day, His Majesty the Sun Emperor comes to
mind. How good were the days when His Majesty the Sun Emperor reigned. I
miss you even now.”

As expected, it is a remark that reverses the current emperor’s reign.

Originally, everything in the past felt good, but even if that was not the case, it
would be difficult to dare to refute the saying that the time of Emperor Sun was

Now, what kind of counterattack will come out!

“You are right! His Majesty the Sun Emperor was indeed a wise man. Also,
didn’t His Majesty the Sun Emperor thoroughly educate His Highness the
Crown Prince to continue the unfinished business?”

“Sure. He was so thorough that even the ArchDuke Langston, whom he

cherished so much, was not allowed to participate in the succession class!”

“That’s why they say that there is no one who can carry on the will of the
previous emperor except for the present emperor!”

and... It feels like a linguistic art because even turning it around has become this
With generous smiles, they exchanged words that hid sharp daggers as if they
were fighting a duel with invisible rapiers.

‘The biggest drawback of this banquet hall is that there is no popcorn. At least,
if there was butter-grilled squid, this sighting would be much more fun...’

Originally, he said that watching someone else’s house, watching a fight, was
the most fun.

If it’s not my job, it’s so much fun!

I watched the two camps fight with Killian with excitement, but for some reason
the side of my face stung.


I looked to the side, thinking, but many of the young ladies who were looking at
me secretly turned their heads or looked away. It was kind of surprising to have
Layla Sinclair in between.

‘Aha! Is everyone glancing at Killian? I didn’t know that even Layla Sinclair
liked Killian.’

The second view of the world—the first for me—was a handsome man nearby,
so it was only natural that he looked at him.

As a woman, I could fully understand.

But after a while, a young lady passed by us and shed her eyes at me, not at
It was no coincidence.

I stared at her in surprise, but she didn’t look away.

‘What? Were you looking at me?’

Doing such a wasteful thing!

If you’re like me, you’ll see a little bit more of Killian during the time you see

While I was quietly clicking my tongue, Killian touched me and said quietly.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 86



“I will bring you something to drink while Count Rigelhoff is hectic. I’ll be back
soon, so don’t move from here.”

“All right. Thanks, Killian.”

“Scream if someone tries to drag you away by force. I’ll take responsibility for
whatever commotion happens.”

Even with such a request, Killian looked back several times as if leaving a child

It was so cute, I stood alone and covered my mouth with the back of my hand
and smiled.

It was then that I heard a small but annoying voice.

“Pretending to be cute...”

For a moment, I thought he was sarcastic when he saw Killian.

But when I turned my head, the young lady who had been glaring at me earlier,
Liese Sinclair, and several other young ladies were looking at me and hardening
their faces.

‘What? Jealousy...? Are you jealous of me?’

My God, jealous!

It was a very fresh experience for me, who had never been jealous in my life.

It wasn’t something of my own, but I was jealous only because of Killian, but
this is somewhere!

For no reason, I felt as if my chin went up and the bridge of my nose got 3mm
“They will try to survive even if it means fawning over them. It seems that the
Count Rigelhoff has completely turned to His Excellency Langston.”

“They said it was no different from a hostage in the first place. Seeing what has
happened, it seems that Rigelhoff has also decided to throw it away.”

Uh? Even if I don’t tell you, everyone knows my situation well! I don’t think
you need to meet the 3rd step exception condition?

‘But being in a good mood and hurting the honor of me and the Ludwig family
are different things.’

Thank you for being jealous, so I thought about letting it go, but on this floor,
they said that if you keep your mouth shut, you will be protected.

I said with a sigh.

“I know, right. There is no bumble hill, and you are like a hostage.”

It’s not wrong, so I’ll admit it.

Then everyone laughed behind the fan.

“How long will that marriage last?”

“How can I feel sorry for getting divorced at a young age?”

I responded with a look as if there was nothing I could do about it.

“What the heck? She becomes the woman who used to marry Killian Ludwig,
what. Is there anything wrong?”

The laughing women erased their smiles one by one.

“They say that if you divorce, you will receive alimony and a small mansion.
Then, living in that mansion, I would live on huge alimony or digging into
metallurgy. But am I pretty and have a good body? Then maybe you can live
with a few decent lovers. If you don’t mind having a lover, you’ll remarry.
There’s really nothing wrong with that. Yes?”

Then Leyla Sinclair fired a furious shot at him.

“After all, you’re nothing more than a leech attached to the Ludwig family.”

“Oh! Isn’t that how you live? Before marriage, you are proud of your father, and
after marriage, you use the name of your husband. That’s why I also hung out
there a little bit...”

Actually, it must be a structural problem in this society that prevents women

from doing anything other than men and family, and Edith Rigelhoff before I
became possessed would have been no different, but anyway, they are not in a
position to call me a leech.

However, they quickly turned red and opened their ax eyes.

“We are different from you!”

“Oh, of course it is different. I’ll at least be the woman who married Killian
Ludwig. The man you admire so much.”

And just as Killian returned with two glasses of champagne.

They seemed to be resentful of not being able to refute me more, but that’s not
what I know.

“Thank you, Killian.”

“It was nothing.”

“By the way, Killian. I just want to ask you something.”

“What is it?”

I glanced at the young ladies staring at me with burning eyes before asking

“You think I’m fawning over you?”


At the word ‘blarney’, Killian made an expression of absurdity.

“If you know how to fawn, try trembling. You’re not doing that in front of
anyone other than me, are you?”

“No. Someone told me to fawn in front of you, so I thought I had mastered such
an advanced skill without even realizing it.”

Killian snorted again.

Then he leaned close to my ear and whispered lowly.

“The physical temptation is substantial.”

hmm. In most cases, it’s your misunderstanding, but I feel good, so I won’t
bother to refute it.

And thanks to you talking so close to me, those girls are so excited to break their

I smiled contentedly and playfully tapped Killian’s forearm.

Killian also chuckled and drank champagne.

To anyone’s eyes, it would be the appearance of a couple having a good time.

‘Actually, my life depends on the alert.’

Looking at the atmosphere right now, no one would imagine that Killian would
slit my throat.

Although I’m trying to prevent that future from coming...

Anyway, although I unexpectedly received some attention, the rest of the

episode in which Liese became the main character progressed steadily.

It was more shocking that Liese, an illegitimate son, was the closest aide to the
princess than that I, the daughter of a count, had been favored by the princess. In
particular, Liese’s dazzling beauty caught everyone’s attention.

It was also fun to watch how men who fell in love with Liese’s beauty glanced
at her, but didn’t even dare to approach her because of Cliff by Liese’s side.
‘How nice it would be to be able to live while enjoying this interesting romantic

But always the problem is Count Rigelhoff.

‘Sooner or later they’ll start working...’

It reminded me of a mid-air line that I had not seen in person in my previous

life, but only watched parody memes or clip videos several times.

‘Winter is coming.’

In the original work, it was a very cold winter when the heads of Count
Rigelhoff, including Edith, fell.

There was also a terrible expression that steam rose from the blood that spurted
out when their heads were cut.

It’s still autumn, but Count Rigelhoff seems to be starting his engine, so it’s
probably sooner or later.

‘Let’s stay alert!’

It wasn’t just for the future of surviving and enjoying wealth and glory.

I sincerely wanted to live well with Killian.

I also wanted to be greedy.



In Layla’s room, there was another cracking and crashing sound.

Damian, who came back from the founding festival, sighed and watched Layla’s

“Everything I was afraid of has become a reality.”

Anton said with a groan.

“I know. When he heard that Liese had bewitched the sons of the family, he
thought he was just being treated like a mistress...”

“She was pretty, but she was really pretty.”

“Do you know that being a Duke’s hostess is only because she has a pretty face?
If she is a girl who has not learned anything and cannot borrow the power of her
parents, no matter how pretty her face is, she cannot even become the daughter-
in-law of a viscount.”

“Looks pretty enough to surpass that.”

Anton joked back, but Damian’s expression didn’t improve.

“Besides, I think the rumors of a feud between Killian Ludwig and Edith
Rigelhoff were just rumors...”
“Ah, sure. Edith: Didn’t that woman also go easy on her? Seeing my father end
up on the other side of the Ludwig family didn’t make me flinch at all.”

Everything was unexpected.

The fact that Liese showed off his friendship with Princess Catherine by
appearing with Cliff’s arms folded, and that Edith did not hide her affection for
Killian, and that Killian had no intention of abandoning her.

“It seems that Edith Rigelhoff was more of a shock to Lady Layla than Liese.”

When Anton chuckled, Damian frowned.

“Even so, what if she spreads all the rumors that the Rigelhoffs are abandoned? I
told you to crack down on your mouth that much, tsk.”


Layla screamed at Damian.

“Who is at fault and where are you screaming? You’re so restless and impatient,
that’s why you’re like this!”

“Do not be ridiculous! Count Rigelhoff was revealing everything on the spot
that he was on the side of ArchDuke Langston, but do you think others don’t
even know that much? Do you know that only brother is good?”

“Seriously, it’s such a short thought. Yes, if you are that good, find a place for

Damian sighed coldly and left.

Anton looked back and forth at his older brother and sister, then sighed and left
as well.

Leyla, left alone, stammered for a while more, breaking things and locking
herself in her bedroom.

‘The Duke Ludwig is crazy! Why on earth did he carry that kind of stuff around
with him!’

The one Layla didn’t understand was Killian.

Liese could say it was because she was so pretty that even men couldn’t help but
Edith wasn’t that pretty.

‘Besides, Count Rigelhoff has become a complete traitor now. Still, he’s going
to live with that woman? Nonsense!’

Layla was grinding her teeth and brooding over her anger.

There was a ‘tock tok’ sound somewhere.

‘Huh? What? Will it rain?’

At first, I ignored it, wondering if raindrops were falling, but the sound of ‘tok-
tok’ was heard more clearly than before.

Only then did Layla tense up and get up.

The sound was coming from the outermost window of the bedroom.
‘What, what! Thief? Robbery? Assassination?’

As Layla sneaked toward it, wondering if she should scream, something crawled
under the window sill, and the figure fluttering outside the window quickly

Layla stood still for a long time, but she didn’t hear another strange sound or see
a human shadow.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 87



‘What is that?’

Layla slowly walked over to the window and carefully picked up the envelope
that had been pushed through the window frame.

— To Ms. Layla Sinclair.

I don’t know who sent it, but I’m pretty sure the recipient was me.

Layla, half worried and half excited, opened the envelope and unfolded the letter
— Dear Miss Layla.

...Layla, who was looking at Killian Ludwig at the foundation festival today,
looked quite embarrassed.

In fact, I too felt rage beyond absurdity when I saw Edith Rigelhoff’s shameless

Should we just let Killian fall for such a bullying trick?

I have a very good plan to get rid of Edith Riegelhoff, but I can’t do it alone.

If Miss Leyla is also feeling resentful towards her, please come to the address
below tomorrow.

In the letter I read, skipping all the formal greetings, the proposal to get rid of
Edith together was written in a polite tone.

Ordinary people would have suspected the sender of the letter first, but Layla,
who had been burning with anger at Edith all day, was rather delighted.

‘As expected, I wasn’t the only one who hated that woman!’

It felt like his anger was justified.

Layla was then able to calm down and go to sleep.

The next day Layla, accompanied by a maid and a knight, went to the address
written in the letter.
It was one of the many alleys that ran on both sides of Rue Lebel-Marie.

“Is it here?”

Layla checked the address over and over again by matching the address on the
letter with the number on the building.

And before she could knock, the door creaked open.

“Come in, Lady Sinclair.”

It was a knight with an expressionless face.

The Sinclair family knight escorting Layla was nervous as he grabbed the handle
of his sword, but the knight who came out of the building was very polite.

Layla raised her hand to calm her escort and looked around before entering the

The old red brick building looked gloomy from the outside and was dark inside.

“Why is it so dark?”

Contrary to the shabby exterior, the inside of the building was decorated like a
house for a wealthy commoner.

However, unlike the clean, dust-free state, this house did not feel human warmth
at all.
“Sorry. Since it was a secret meeting, I was taken to a place that did not suit
Lady Sinclair. We ask for your kind understanding.”

Layla’s heart softened at the still respectful attitude of the knight.

The knight led Layla to the second floor of the building, and in the drawing
room on the second floor he opened, a calm-looking woman in her mid-twenties
was waiting for her.

“Welcome, Lady Sinclair.”

Not knowing the rank or position of the opponent, Layla nodded slightly and sat
down on the couch as she suggested.

“I want you to reveal the identity of the person who sent the letter to me first.”

Layla lifted her chin and said, and the woman across from her smiled lightly.

“I can’t tell you who it is, but... That should give you an idea.”

The woman lifted her outer coat slightly to reveal a small badge on her left

It was a badge worn by servants of the Ludwig family.

“Then... You and that knight are both from the Ludwig family?”

“That’s right.”

“Lu, why did Ludwig ask me...!”

“Why did you call the young lady? Didn’t you finish reading the letter?”

“In the letter, let’s hit Edith Rigelhoff... Ah...!”

Layla’s eyes widened as if she realized something.

“You want to get rid of Edith Rigelhoff in the Ludwig family too, right? Yes?”

Then the woman on the other side smiled again.

“We only move as our master tells us, and we cannot make fun of our
judgments. Our master’s intention is the same as the contents of the letter you

Layla smiled brightly, feeling a sudden jump in her heart.

‘The Ludwig family was also looking for an opportunity to get rid of that
woman! But the fact that she called me on that...!’

Hope bloomed in a lump.

Along with that, I also wanted to give Damian a shot at ignoring me.

“Okay, what do you want from me?”

“It is not difficult. Does the lady know the Viscount of Sicily, right?”

“Young Viscount from Sicily... Ah! The man who was crazy about Edith
“Yes, that’s right. All you have to do is give him a small word.”

“By the way, wasn’t that person kicked out of the house?”

Youngsik, Viscount Sicily, or Fred Sicily, was a man who had followed Edith
around to the point of being annoying about the year before last.

Edith had seduced him to get information about the railway construction
business that the Sicilian Viscount was involved in, but Fred, who had never
seen such a pretty woman seduce him, completely fell in love with Edith.

However, Fred, who gave away all the information, was abandoned in a good
way, and he obsessed with Edith for a long time and followed him until he was
thrown into the manor by his father.

“He said he came up to the capital recently.”

“Looks like you’ve finally been forgiven by Viscount Sicily, right? But if all
you have to do is contact Fred, why bother borrowing my hand?”

“My master wanted it to look natural, down to the smallest details. So that later
everything can be seen as just an ‘accident’.”

“That, is it?”

“Yes. You must have received an invitation to the tea party tomorrow at the
Viscount’s in Sicily, right?”

“It is, but...”

“Lady, you only need to attend the meeting and pass on one piece of information
to Sicily’s Youngshik.”

The young Ludwig family handed Layla another small note.

It contained information that Layla had to convey.

“Really... Can I just do this?”

“It’s not that the Ludwig family doesn’t have enough ability to put a heavy
burden on the young lady. Just give me this amount, and the rest will take care
of itself.”

I was a little bewildered, but the execution itself wasn’t difficult at all.

Besides, it seemed that no matter what happened, the investigation would not
extend to me.

All I had to do was spill a tiny piece of information.

‘It’s nothing to lose.’

Layla nodded slowly.

“However... I want you to tell me what’s going to happen after this, as much as
the plan. Because I don’t want to be taken advantage of without knowing what’s
behind it.”

“Nothing. We’re going to have Edith Riegelhoff meet Cicily Youngsik. In a

very dark place.”
“Well, then... How is it going?”

“Well. That’s what Sicilian Youngsik will do on that day. What do you think
will happen in Lady Sinclair’s opinion?”

Layla, who had been staring blankly at the young woman, began to laugh

“I know... I don’t know what will happen, but I’m very excited.”

Then the young woman smiled and asked.

“Would you accept this job?”

“Of course.”

Layla reached out to the young woman, and she too clasped hers tightly.

It was a moment when something very simple, but something that might have
dire consequences was planned.


After returning from the Konkukje, Killian and I stayed up all night doing the
unfinished deed on the balcony.

And the next day I had to rest in bed almost all day.

‘It’s beastly stamina, really...’

It was to the point where I hated Killian for some reason because I was gossip
like this.

However, when he warmly kissed me after suffering through the night, covered
me with a blanket, and told me to call him right away if I felt any discomfort, I
felt so good that I wondered if this was the feeling of being loved.

Fortunately, Edith was very healthy, unlike me in my previous life, so the next
day I was able to wake up feeling refreshed as well.

And as if waiting for me to wake up, Liese invited me to tea time.


“Thank you for inviting me to drink tea with you, Liese.”

“You’re welcome.”

Looking at Liese with a flawless smile on her face made me smile.

“But today... Is it just the two of us?”

Cliff and Killian, who were always together during Liese’s tea time, were
nowhere to be seen.

I naturally assumed that they would be there too...

“Today, I deliberately didn’t invite Edith and I to drink together.”

Then he laughed hee hee and he was so cute that his heart would burst.
Okay, let’s play together with my sister, oh gu oh gu... No, let’s stay alert!

Liese poured tea for me and put delicious tea food towards me and said lightly.

“As soon as the foundation festival passes, the street is in a year-end mood.
They said it would be decorated very pretty soon.”

“Already... It’s the end of the year.”

For me, the image of the word year-end has long since changed from a warm
and happy feeling to a nervous and fearful feeling.

Year-end... Winter is coming...

But Liese had no way of knowing what I was thinking.

With a slightly shy expression, she quietly floated her rhyme.

“Coming to think of it, I don’t think the two of us ever went out together,

“Um, I see.”

“I like Le Belle-Marie Street, how about Edith?”

“Uh... I’ve been to Le Belle Marie a few times. It’s a nice street for her to hang
out with her girlfriends. I’ve only been to Darsus Street a few times.”
“Oh, really? There are so many pretty things on Le Belle Marie Street... When
won’t you come and play with me? If you go down to the manor with Killian,
you won’t really have a chance to buy or look at pretty things.”

Umm... Could this be a precursor to something else?

There is absolutely no episode about Edith going out with Liese to play alone.

Edith in the original work would have tried to kill her if only the two of them
had to go out together, and Cliff and Killian in the original story wouldn’t have
let only the two of them go out.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 88



‘Is it because the flow of the original story has weakened and the relationship
between me and Liese is becoming more and more like an ordinary East-West

Is this too optimistic?

‘Or is it Liese’s conspiracy?’

Again, this seems like an overthinking. What could they do to me on that bling-
bling street...

While I was in a whirlpool of confusion and doubt, Liese added with a smile.

“Actually, His Excellency Duke Ludwig asked me. Before Edith goes down to
the manor, take her to downtown and let Edith buy whatever she wants...”

“Me, really?”

“Yes. Actually, I was going to tell you after shopping, but Sir Ludwig is very
sorry to Edith. It seems that it is still difficult to tell Edith directly about it.
Please understand your Excellency a little.”

It was amazing.

To think that blunt Duke Ludwig felt sorry for me.

Well, didn’t he give me a compliment even during the founding festival!

‘The original work has really changed a lot! I thought it would be harder to
change my mind than Killian.’

It was also understandable that he asked Liese, not Killian.

If Killian took me out shopping, it was as if Killian bought it for me.

But if Liese takes me out and does some shopping, I’ll know right away that the
money came from Duke Ludwig’s pocket.
‘And he must have hoped that I would notice that and open his heart to me.’

Thinking that the tiger-like man must have been nervous, his lips relaxed in an

‘It’s something that Duke Ludwig ordered me to do, right?’

If the two of us go out, the knights of Duke Ludwig will be in charge of our
escort, and we will play under their ‘watch’, so it seemed that nothing big would

‘I wanted to see Le Belle Marie Street...’

I stopped by for a short time when I matched boots with Killian, but I didn’t get
to see the streets of Revelmarie properly.

There are so many cute and pretty shops, so I was curious because it seemed like
it would be really romantic.

“So, is that so?”

“Really? Wow, exciting!”

Liese held her hands together and smiled brightly as if she was really happy.



“When we go out that day, me, Liese, and who else is going?”
“My maid and one of my knights.”

Mmm, that’s dangerous.

I feel like I don’t have enough people to testify that I didn’t do anything.

“I would like to take one more of my maid and knight. If something happens,
the two knights will need to be there.”

Then Liese tilted her head.

“What if? Le Belle-Marie Street is a very safe place. So no one takes a knight

oh! Does talking about ‘what if’ make it look like I’m plotting something again?

“Oh, that, is it? Then... I’ll only take Anna, well.”

“Is it so. I need someone to lift my burden.”

We promised to leave in two days and sold out.

And that night, Killian, who had been to the imperial palace, stopped by my
room and asked how my day was.

‘For Killian to ask about my daily life, it would seem like a newlywed couple
who are deeply in love with each other.’

Even though I was smiling, I told him about the day’s work.
“The day after tomorrow, I decided to visit Liese and Le Belle Marie Street to
play. What did His Excellency ask Liese for? He told me to buy everything I


“Yes. You said you were sorry for me all this time.”

At that, Killian laughed.

It was a look of great satisfaction.

“So, who is going with you?”

“Liese and me.”

“Liese and... Just the two of us...?”

“I’m going with two maids and a knight.”

I thought it was good, but Killian’s expression was strange.


“Is it okay, that...”

“Did you forget already? That Liese was the one who asked Cliff to find her
earrings during the yacht accident.”

I was surprised.

Can I forget that fact? But I didn’t know that he would even remember Killian,
and that he would doubt or keep Liese in check.

“I think that is too strange, but there is no confirmation that Liese is the culprit.
It’s not like you can stay away from Liese forever just with a heart attack.”

“It is.”

“Isn’t it similar to the case where I was accused of harming Liese in the past?
But even then, Liese treated me like nothing. So I should too.”


“Besides, it’s a request from the Duke.”

There’s no way I wouldn’t have suspected it was me.

However, she couldn’t live forever avoiding the things she was doing with
Liese, and she had no good reason to reject Liese’s offer.

However, Killian’s attitude was suspicious.

By now, it would have sounded like ‘actually, Liese couldn’t have done that’,
but Killian was just thinking hard about something, not defending Liese.
‘It really did change.’

Killian was no longer the original man. As much as I want to be like this.

“Well, there are maids and knights, so I don’t think it will be a big deal... Never
do anything stupid. Do you understand?”

“What do you think I am doing wrong?”

“I really don’t know what you think.”

Killian looked at me with an open gaze. I felt like I was being questioned for
some reason, so I secretly averted my gaze.


The day I went out with Liese was cloudy, but not too cold.

Liese and I, Anna and Liese’s maid rode in the carriage, followed by a knight on

“I’m going to buy some knitting yarn and winter gloves today. What will Edith

“Hmm, first I’d like to buy some underwear. The ones I had were worn out and

“Good for you! There’s even a really pretty underwear shop on Le Belle-Marie
Street! And what else would you like to buy?”
“Uh... This, for now, I’m going to go and think about it. I don’t know what’s on
Le Belle-Marie Street...”

“Ah, I see! There are many accessory shops and jewelry stores on Le Belle
Marie street, and there are also many pretty cafes. There are many dressing
rooms to the north of the street...”

Liese kindly explained to me where and what was on Le Belle-Marie Street.

Doing this made me feel like I was just a friend my age.

‘Okay... Liese is not the problem, the original author is the problem. Whether
it’s Lieseden or Cliff, they only move according to the will of the original
author, and I don’t have any direct ill feelings towards them.’

The opponent who is playing the game with me is the ‘original author’ to the

He has dominance in this world, and I think that might be the force that moves
the characters.

You can see it when you look at Killian, who is gradually acting out of the
original work.

‘It was said that the original author’s dominance was weakened due to the
failure of the yacht incident last time, so maybe it’s not impossible for Liese and
I to get close.’

I have already reduced the authority of the original author by meeting the
second-level exception conditions, and the original author lost more power
because of the yacht incident.
perhaps... The original author may have already reached the point where he can
hardly use his power.

‘I’ll find out after today.’

With a heart full of challenge spirit, I entered the streets of Le Belle Marie with


The last time I stopped by, exclamations came out, and the streets of Le Belle-
Marie, dressed in a year-end atmosphere, drew exclamations from me once

Korea in the 21st century has lost the splendid and thrilling feeling of the end of
the year as each year goes by, but this place is charming and sparkling like
winter in a fairy tale.

“That’s the shoe store where Killian bought my shoes the other day. I heard you
go with Edith, did you go?”

“Yes. I ordered a pair of sturdy shoes and two pairs of winter boots.”

“The shoes in that store are really comfortable and sturdy. It will come out very

Liese said with a smile.

Even though I was alone with Killian, Liese didn’t seem upset at all.
It was quite a different look from a while ago when it seemed like he was trying
to regain the sub male lead.

“Have you ordered winter gloves? If you ordered boots, I think you should also
get furry gloves to go with them.”

“Killian said we should order together next time...”

“How about ordering while it’s out? I’m going to buy fur gloves too.”

Liese seemed to be making an offer as a favor.

But I shook my head, thinking of Killian, who looked happy as he put the shoes

“Still, Killian suggested we order together, so I’ll come back with Killian later.
If I were the only one who ordered first, that pout might get angry again.”

“Poop! Ahaha! Ahahaha!”

It’s a surprise. Is that so funny.

Liese laughed so much that the words that the bread burst came to mind.

It’s hard to understand the sense of gag in this world.

“Haha, I really don’t know how long it’s been since I’ve laughed like this. Edith
is really great. No one ever says that to Killian. Pooh!”
That, so? Well, in the eyes of others, Killian must be the perfect male figure
along with Cliff.

But he’s right.

Liese laughed heartily and introduced me to the most popular shops on Le Belle-
Marie Street.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 89



“<Moonlight Bookstore> receives new popular romance novels the fastest, and
<Fiance> sells a lot of really pretty bonnets and parasols. <Pink Cake> sells a lot
of cute accessories...”

Liese was surprisingly quick about Lebelmari Street. She had been around a lot
and she had a surprisingly lucky story of hers.

“The Lebel Marie Magazine is published every three months. I’m just
memorizing the introduction of the shop there. Someday, if I ever make a friend,
I’ll definitely go there...”

My heart groaned in pain.

Everyone praises Liese when she goes out in social circles under the protection
of the Duchess or Cliff. In particular, the elderly wives treat Liese quite well.

But it wasn’t the girls my age.

To them, Liese was just ‘a lowly girl who possessed Mr. Cliff and Mr. Killian as
an illegitimate child’.

‘How much I wished I had a friend.’

No matter how much it was Duke Ludwig’s request, it was me who ‘stole’ his
sub male lead.

It was something I felt earlier, but Liese seemed to have abandoned the idea of
retrieving Killian. In fact, it is unclear whether the things that seemed to seduce
Killian were Liese’s own thoughts or the original author’s trick.

“Liese! Let’s go over there.”

I took Liese’s hand and headed to <Fiance> together.

Liese seemed a little taken aback, but I tried on things and found a bonnet that
suited her best, and I opened a parasol in front of her and looked around.

Liese’s expression gradually loosened up, and later she clung to my arm and
laughed with a clear voice.

‘A little... Are you in a good mood?’

Come to think of it, I also had vague memories of having friends my age.
I was definitely there until college, but as I went to work, I got farther away one
by one.

I couldn’t help it. Unlike my school days, when I could only meet people at
school, I needed money to meet friends after graduation, and I didn’t have that

But now I was able to spend money to my heart’s content with Liese. That’s the
Duke’s money!

‘Once again, long live the aristocratic possession!’

While I was enjoying my life with money and friends for a long time, Liese,
who was looking around, whispered in my ear.

“Edith. By any chance, do you like romance novels that are a bit weird?”

“Oh no, I can’t read it because I don’t have it. Have you read The Secret
Seduction of Mrs. Graham?”

“Oh! Did Edith read that too?”

“Anna recommended it. I heard she is very hot?”

Liese and I giggled again.

“Actually, <Moonlight Bookstore>, which I mentioned earlier, is famous as a

romance novel, but <Milane Bookstore> is more famous for quirky romance
novels. Would you like to go with me?”

“This is really useful information, Liese. Let’s go quickly.”

I nodded my head with the force of snorting.

In fact, <The Secret Temptation of Mrs. Graham>, which I read last time, was a
19-karat gold romance novel that was so interesting that I thought it would be a
hit even if it was published in Korea in the 21st century.

In this era, there is no 19 gold rule, so the scene part is very... It was very hot.

“That... It’s a bit embarrassing for the maids to know, so we go alone. If Cliff
gets this news, I’ll be in trouble.”

Liese was embarrassed and held her hands together.

Heh really, Cliff’s son, although it’s a character expressed as having a strong
monopoly and obsession, are you jealous that your girlfriend is reading a 19-
karat gold romance novel?

However, if women from aristocratic families who have to live at home all day
cannot even read 19-karat gold romance, that is too much!

“Great. I’ll tell Anna.”

I called Anna and gave her some pocket money, saying, ‘I need to go buy some
interesting books, so take Liese’s maid and look around.’

“Aren’t you in danger?”

“It’s a bookstore a little further down the alley, so what’s the danger? Liese’s
position is a bit embarrassing, so Anna takes her to kill time.”
“All right. Don’t go into places that are too dark.”

“Yea, I got it.”

Just like that, Liese and I walked towards <Milain Bookstore> alone.

<Milane Bookstore> was not located on the main street of Revelmarie Street,
but in an alley that stretched to the side.

“Anyway, the books sold are a bit like that...”

Liese winked her eyes as if she didn’t know well, and I also nodded and stepped

Inside the bookstore, several girls wearing scarves were carefully selecting

‘19 Passion for gold doesn’t discriminate between times and places.’

If they encounter the 21st century Korean e-book market, they will probably roll
their eyes. I would have stayed up all night for several nights if there was no
limit on my pocket money. Cancer.

“Then, if we look around the bookstore and pick out a book to buy, we’ll meet
in front of the cash register.”

Liese asked to be torn apart for a while as if embarrassed.

“All right.”
It must be difficult to share one’s 19 gold taste with someone who has just
become friends.

I understood Liese, who was calm and bashful.

Looking at Liese’s back as she walked away to the bookshelf over there, I also
looked through the bookshelf with a pounding heart.

‘It’s inconvenient because there is no keyword system here. Everything is

arranged in order of author name.’

Frowning my brows, I took out the book I saw in front of me and slurped it. I
raised my head and looked around a little, then looked down.

— ...Erpia couldn’t stand the heat of her body.

“Ah, a little more...!”

“You look innocent and like to be roughed up, princess.”

Escort knight Raphael mocked Elfia, then grabbed her by the waist and moved


After reading that far, I swallowed my saliva once.

‘I’ll have to buy this.’

I felt destiny in the first book I picked up.

I took out the <Downfall Series 3 — The Princess and the Escort Knight> and
put it on my side.

‘Shall we see something else?’

I browsed the bookshelves, looking for a title I liked, and picked up <The Secret
Affairs of Serah the Maid>.

‘As expected, the story of the night between the maid and the master.’

It felt a bit boring, but I liked it because the male lead was portrayed so sexy.

Besides, it was a single ticket, so there was no burden.

The book was also caught in my side, and I slowly turned around the shelves

Had an hour passed like that?

‘If I stay too long and leave, Anna will be in trouble, so shall we go back?’

At my side were four books with obscure titles. Actually, I wanted to buy more,
but I was afraid to buy more because I was afraid that Killian or others would

I took the books, approached the checkout counter, put them on, and looked for
Liese in the bookstore.

‘Huh? Where are you?’

The bookshelves in the bookstore were crowded and it was like a maze, but it
wasn’t to the extent that I couldn’t find a single person.

But no matter where he looked, Liese was nowhere to be seen.

‘What? Where did you go?’

The bookstore owner, who looked at me with strange eyes as I walked around
the store, asked curtly.

“Is this all true?”

“Ah, that, yes. Calculate it for once. But, by any chance, did the lady who came
with me pay first and leave?”

“Who is the lady who came with you?”

“Uh... Just by looking at it, there must have been a very pretty girl. Blonde hair,
blue eyes, and pretty anyway.”

“Well. Among the people who have bought books in the last hour, not a single
one is so conspicuously beautiful.”

If Liese paid for the book, there’s no way that blunt cashier wouldn’t remember
it. Because she is the most beautiful woman in the world.

‘I think Liese went back first, but why did she leave without saying anything?’
Did Cliff show up on Le Belle-Marie Street by any chance? So Liese’s maid
hurriedly found Liese, and Liese might have left me alone because I was too

Anyway, there was no problem because Anna would be waiting for me when I
went out to Le Belle-Marie Street.

I paid for four books and left the slightly dim <Milan Bookstore>.

It was a bit bleak outside the bookstore.

‘When I came with Liese earlier, I didn’t know it was such a lonely place...’

The street looked even more gloomy because of the overcast weather, so I
moved my legs a little faster towards the main street of Le Belle-Marie Street.

However, just before the end of the alley was left, a man suddenly appeared and
blocked my way.

“Oh my god... Are you really there?”

A plump figure, a face that was pale and greasy, and, as expected, thick brown
hair... He was a man in his mid-to-late twenties, but he seemed to be aristocratic.

“What, what is it?”

“It’s been a while, Edith.”

Even at a glance, he seemed to have lost his taste somehow, but he seemed to
know me.

‘Flaw... Hehe... You must have forgotten me No matter how broken I am

because of you.”

“Yes? No, I mean, who are you?”

People were passing by a few steps away, so I became a little bold.

There was also a calculation that if you raised your voice, someone would look
at you.

But the man didn’t seem to have the spirit to realize that.

“This is Fred Cicily. A Sicilian Viscount, the man you threw away as soon as
you got all the information about the Armov region railroad construction.”


I ran my head furiously and searched for Fred Sicily in Edith’s memories.

‘Oh, my God.’

Fortunately, I was able to find it in my memory, but it was not a very hopeful
memory for me.

Fred Cicily wasn’t a very attractive man, as you see now, and even timid.

A man like that couldn’t have been popular with women.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 90



‘A man like that was possessed by Edith Rigelhoff. Shit!’

How thrilled and happy this man must have been when a woman he had never
dared to look at touched him with a charming smile.

Fred Cicily almost became Edith’s dog.

He gave Edith all the information he had about the railroad-laying business.

Not only that, but it seemed that he gave a lot of presents.

But as soon as he got all the information he needed, Edith cut off contact with

Fred, who was addicted to drug-like love, almost went mad, and he persistently
appealed for his love, following Edith.

‘Then he is a person who went down to the manor by the Viscount Sicily’s
order... Why are you here?’
It sounded like I was sweating, but I spoke as calmly as possible.

“I heard that you went down to the manor. When did you come?”

“I just got out of probation a while ago. You let me go because I pretended to
completely forget you in front of my father? If I knew it would be like this, I
would lie and say that I forgot about you sooner. Haha.”

I’m not in a good mood.

“I’m sorry, but I’m a bit busy right now. If you have something to say, please
put a request to visit Ludwig Street. Well then.”

I smiled and tried to pass him.

“I always put in a request for a visit, but it was rejected.”

A sultry voice came from right next to him as his arm grabbed his chin.

“Leave this!”

“No, Edith. I will never miss you this time.”


I screamed as soon as I was sure he was going to do something dangerous to me.

People are coming and going right in front of you, so someone will look this
And I met eyes with a man who glanced this way.


However, as soon as I screamed, Fred violently covered my mouth, and the man
who met my eyes pretended not to know and went on his way.

Even if it wasn’t for that man, there’s no doubt my screams couldn’t have been
heard all the way out there, but everyone didn’t even look this way.

‘What, what is it? can this be Did the original author intervene again?’

I was confused as I tried to free Fred’s hand.

But Fred kindly explained why no one was paying attention to my voice.

“Don’t get involved in what’s going on in the dark alleys. That’s the unwritten
rule in this country. Hehehe.”

What? Where is that!!

But Edith’s memory reminded him of similar advice.

“If you are walking down the street and see something going on in an alley and
not on the main street, never interfere.”

“If I interfered, the young lady would not be able to take responsibility for it.
I’m telling you not to become a burden to the family by touching useless

It seems that when I was young, someone like a tutor asked me to do that.

‘Why is that only coming to mind now!’

If I had thought of it beforehand, I wouldn’t have come to such a dark alley

without an escort knight in the first place!

Then, Fred suppressed the struggling me with terrifying power and dragged me
somewhere in the alley.

Seeing my struggle, no one stopped Fred.

‘How can a place called the capital of an empire be such a mess?’

As long as I can safely go to Ryzen and live with Killian, I will pour all my
energy into strengthening Ryzen’s security! I swear!

However, my thoughts were of no help in the current situation.

Even if Edith was healthier than Choi Soo-na in her previous life, she couldn’t
resist the power of an adult man while wearing an uncomfortable dress.

I kicked Fred in the shin and struggled, and then he wrapped me around me and
went into an empty house in the back alley.

He locked the door of the empty house and blocked the front with something
like a chair before turning to face me.
“I missed you, Edith.”

“Ha ha ha, did you kidnap me just now?”

“Your answer will determine whether it will be kidnapping, love flight, or


The word ‘murder’ seemed to distract me, but I immediately focused on the fact
that he had other options in mind as well.

‘Yes, that means there is room for persuasion.’

I thought back to a part-time job at a call center in my previous life.

All kinds of crazy people call, but most of them will calm down if you listen to
them calmly and sympathize with them.

Of course, there were some guys who called me just to vent their anger, but I
prayed that Fred wasn’t the worst.

“Fred. If you show up after a few years, kidnap people and say scary things like
that, what the hell are you asking me to do?”

When I raised my eyebrows and said something about to cry, Fred was
momentarily taken aback and scratched the back of his head.

“Uh, sorry about that. I’m really excited to meet you...”

I found a strange nuance in his words.

Come to think of it, when he first met me, he was surprised and said, ‘You really
are?’ As if someone had explained my location.

“Who told you that you could meet me here?”

“Oh, no, I just overheard.”


“The day before yesterday my sister had a tea party at her house. I heard
someone say it there.”

“I am... Will you be here?”

Fred nodded meekly.

But it was a really strange story.

It was only two days ago that I decided to go out to Le Belle-Marie Street. How
could that have been unraveled as information at the tea party that was supposed
to be at noon that day?

‘Unless the person who proposed it told me in advance...’

The thought of Fred was more chilling than anything in front of him.

“Fred. Do you remember who said that?”

“Why? Does it matter?”

“Yes. It’s important.”

“Then you have to pay me for telling you that information. Wasn’t that your

Fred grinned.

Goosebumps ran up to the top of my head again, but I clenched my molars and
endured it.

“Fred. It’s a crime. Aren’t you the heir to the Sicilian Viscount? You have to
think about how much trouble you will bring to your family if you commit such
a crime!”

“You sound like my father. However, I am not a person who values family
duties. Actually, I didn’t even know until I met you...”

As he said that, he pulled out a dagger from his bosom.

“As it turns out, I am a romanticist who lives and dies for love.”

“What, what?”

“I made a promise when I came back to the capital. I can’t live without you, my
life is to gain you or die with you... It’s just one of them.”

I thought my eyes were gone, but I thought I would have really gone crazy.

“Fred. I am already married. Do you know?”

“When I heard the news, I thought I was going crazy. But didn’t Duke Ludwig
hold you hostage anyway? Sooner or later you’ll be kicked out. So... How about
you come to me before then?”

I’ll correct two mistakes in your words.

First off, you’re already crazy.

And I’m no longer a hostage!

“You got it wrong, Fred. I am the true daughter-in-law of the Ludwig family,
and I am the wife of Killian Ludwig.”

“Shut up!”

Fred momentarily swung his sword and I staggered back.

At that time, a familiar voice came out in my head.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

Damn...! Did the author intervene again?

No Killian to save me this time, but only 3 minutes left?

My heart started beating terribly. No, it was scary from a while ago, but as the
time until my death materialized, it felt more realistic and my heart pounded.

I deliberately called his name more calmly to calm my heart that was draining
the last blood of my life.

Then he, too, bit the knife as if his excitement had subsided a little.

“Sorry, sorry, Edith. I’m so excited. It wouldn’t even be a marriage you wanted.

I felt compelled by the words that asked back, ‘Isn’t it?’ The pressure that you
must answer yes, so that you can live.

But it couldn’t be that simple answer was all this man wanted.

And while I was rolling my head to answer well without provoking this man, I
remembered one fact.

‘It’s not like you’re going to die unconditionally after three minutes. You lived
last time.’

Yes. The last time I heard it while drowning, I lived.

‘Yes, I can buy it.’

I swallowed dry saliva, took a deep breath, and answered calmly again.

“Fred. First of all, I apologize for what happened three years ago. I am really
sorry for hurting you.”
“No no! You don’t have to. Because I will unconditionally become one with you
today, nothing about the past...”

“If the past is not sealed properly, the present and the future cannot be okay.
Sorry for using your heart.”

It wasn’t my fault, but I could understand Fred’s feelings as I had been treated
like a hoe by my ex-boyfriends.

The first thing I wished for in the past was a sincere apology from my ex-
boyfriend who treated me like a hogu and treated me carelessly.

However, Fred’s expression became strange.

“Edith...? What’s your intention this time? You’re not the one to apologize. Ah!
Are you going to pretend to apologize and run away?”

That was half true, but I was a bit offended.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 91


“Fred. You have no obligation to accept my apology. But to say to me, ‘I’m not
the one to apologize’ sounds like something I should apologize for.”


Fred was really puzzled. What on earth do you not understand?

“You were always a proud woman looking down on others. It was the reigning
goblin. Are you apologizing? Nonsense.”

Ah... Fred.

If you didn’t look like a squid, I would have rejected you.

“Then you must mean that you talked about true love without even knowing me
very well.”


“Fred. You don’t know how much I’ve suffered from men like you. Everyone
just looked at my appearance and family and rushed at me. Do you know how
terrible those greedy eyes were?”

My stomach was boiling.

But in the middle of that, I heard a voice in my head again.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]
Yes! Time to death extended by 3 minutes!

I don’t know how long it can be extended, but I have to endure it as much as I

“At first, I thought you were different. But in the end you whispered the same
thing as the other men. Do you remember?”

“What, what are you saying...”

“I said, ‘When are you going to give me you?’ As if it wasn’t enough if I

brought you this much information and gave you a present...”

“Isn’t that natural?”

“Therefore... It means that my body was the purpose from the beginning. You
can’t just add the word ‘love’ to it.”

Fred’s breathing hardened.

I wondered if it was provoking him, but I needed to properly calibrate his


The distorted memory of that man who considered himself only a pitiful victim.

“I was really disappointed there. That’s why I cut off contact. I sometimes
wondered if I might have misunderstood you, but listening to what you say
today, it seems I didn’t misunderstand you.”

Fred didn’t seem to know exactly what he had done wrong, but his previous
ferocity had been tempered.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t live up to your expectations, but I’m a completely different
person from the nicknames of the goblin and Rigelhoff’s flower snake. Just a
normal woman.”

“Then why do you do that to men? Pretending to give your heart, you used men
and then threw them away!”

“I’m the only one bothered by men. When you approached me, I whispered that
I loved my true self, but in the end, I wanted my body. I just turned it down!”

“Oh, that can’t be...!”

“After getting married, I can live the way I want. The only party I attended this
year was the Konje Festival. I am not interested in places where people gather
and I live a peaceful life reading books. Are you bored?”

I smiled at Fred and walked slowly. The window was so dusty that I couldn’t see
outside, but I walked over to the window and looked outside, pretending to be
lost in thought.

I was pretty nervous because I was pretending to be calm with a knife-bearer

behind my back.

“Even if you stay with me, I bet you’ll get tired of it in half a year. I am not the
woman who lives in your fantasy.”

“No... No...! My Edith is...!”

“The Edith you imagined would probably be a woman who seduces men and
makes them fall at their feet like a witch, while giving her sweet skin at night,
There was no answer from Fred. He must have been hit in the head.

“You know what book I read recently? Yes. I was impressed by the chapter on
distinguishing between old and old beans. And today, I just came to buy new
stockings with a hole in the toe side of the stockings I usually wear. Recently, I
have been constipated, and I have gas in my stomach...”

“Stop it! Do not say! Don’t destroy my Edith!”

Again, he was just trying to fit me into the woman he had created in his

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

Another 3 minutes was extended.

Whoa, this really hits my heart.

“Fred. I’m not the woman you wanted I’m just a meaningless being on which
you projected your illusions. Isn’t it too futile to end a life with such a
meaningless existence? I mean, your life is not pitiful.”

If I had prepared a presentation with all my might like this in my previous life,
my status in the company would have risen considerably.

Well, it’s a game where you die if you can’t convince your opponent, so you
have to do everything in your power.

“That... I am... I am...”

“I know, Fred. You were thirsty for love, and just in time I seemed like the
woman you wanted. I was too young back then... Even though I knew it, I
pretended not to know it. It felt good to have your passionate gaze.”

Fred immediately started sniffing.

“Me... Have you ever loved at all?”

“If I were only thinking about my comfort right now, I could lie. But I’ll be
honest for you. The feelings at that time were not ripe for love. Curiosity,
likeability, self-satisfaction.”

Fred bowed his head in despair.

I was afraid that he would turn a blind eye and run at me at any moment.

‘Anna! Anna! Please notice that I’m gone!’

There was only one entrance to this damn building, the one from earlier, so there
was no way for me to escape.

I have to convince Fred to go out on my own, or I have to hope that Anna, who
has noticed that I’m gone, will come and find me.

The problem was that neither of them felt that the prospect of living was too

“Sorry... Do.”

“I also realized this while going down to the manor and recuperating, but I like a
woman who tramples on me.”

Ha, what a taste... No. Your preferences should be respected.

“You are far from me.”

“I guess... I think I misunderstood you.”

I nodded benevolently, hoping that he would come to his senses, while trying to
give him hope.

“I overheard at a party that men of your taste are rare, and the queen-type
women you like are always in short supply. So have hope, Fred.”

Fred smiled faintly and nodded.

“Forgive me once, and I will never appear before you again.”

“As an apology for my past, I will forget about today as well.”

“Thank you. Ah, this is the luggage you carried earlier... Huh...?”

Load? What load?

Uh...? Wait a minute!

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]
At the same time as I heard that sound, Fred’s glistening eyes with a sly smile
turned to me.

In his hand was a book called <The Countess’s Pet Dog> among the books I had
bought at the bookstore earlier.

The cover picture shows a man lying flat on the floor wearing a dog leash and
being stepped on by a woman wearing high heels.

“Heh heh heh heh heh... I almost fell for you stupidly again, Edith. My Edith!”

Holy shit!

Why not put that book in!

“Oh, misunderstanding, Fred! All other books aren’t like that!”

“Did you hate me enough to lie so painstakingly? Why? I can be your faithful
pet dog. Why!”

He drew the dagger again.

“Am I ugly? Yes? I know very well what women say to me. Because it’s
impossible for me to be good-looking... I hope you become ugly.”

What the hell is that logic!

But it seemed difficult to figure it out now.

The sharp end of the dagger was already pointed at my face.

“Fred, calm down.”

“Don’t worry, Edith. I will definitely follow you I promise you.”

And Fred ran towards me.

“Calm down!”

I lifted the chair I had been resting on and slammed it at him.

With a crackling sound, Fred rolled across the floor.

‘Omg! Are you dead?’

However, he seemed to be lacking in strength, and he stood up again with a

surprised face, holding onto the forearm that had been hit by the chair.

I unintentionally threw my first chair shot in my life, but the situation was not
very good.

Unlike before, when he approached her defenselessly, thinking that she was a
powerless woman, now he looks like an armed robber in front of him.

“Even my father never hit me...”

Ah, is that so? So the kid is like this.

“Fred. Don’t do anything stupid.”

“Even if I die, I will forever serve you as my queen, Edith. So... Please stop
loving me now.”

He lunged at me again and I swung my chair again.

But he pretended to wield a knife, then grabbed the leg of the chair and dragged
it roughly.

I was almost dragged along by a chair, but I quickly let go of the chair and ran
behind a large table.

After that, a chase and chase battle took place in the not wide room.

‘And if I get caught here, then I really die.’

Even while I was running away, I looked around for something that could be
used as a weapon, but there were no pokers left in the abandoned building.


As I looked around, Fred suddenly screamed and jumped up on the table and
attacked me.


There was a loud crashing sound and my vision flipped.

I fell to the floor and Fred, holding a knife, climbed on top of me and gave me a
maniacal laugh.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 92



“Hahaha! Edith! Now we are one forever! Forever...!”

“Whoever wants!”

A familiar voice growled at Fred.

And the next moment, something knocked Fred out. I think I heard a pop.

“Give me Edith!”

Fred’s glowing voice disappeared with another ‘puck’.

And a familiar face popped up above me.

“Edith! Edith, can you see me?”

“Ki... Killian...”

“Ha... Thank you God...”

It was Killian.

Killian saved me again.

‘How did you know this place?’

Even in the middle of my mind, I was curious about that. But I didn’t have the
strength left to ask that.

Killian ordered the knights who came with me to bind Fred, and Anna, who
followed me later, shed tears as she saw me.


“I’m sorry, Anna...”

“No! I was wrong. I am...”

“No... Don’t blame you And I’m sorry... Take care of my luggage over there.”

I asked Anna to pick up the 19 gold romance books while Killian was distracted
from binding Fred.

If Killian found out about that, I would be humiliated on the spot.

I looked out of the corner of my eye as Anna packed my things, then stood up as
Killian turned to me.

But he picked me up as if he wouldn’t let my feet touch the ground.

“Aren’t you dizzy or nauseous?”

“No, I don’t know.”

It looks like Fred bumped his head when he fell over. But right now, I’m out of
my mind, so it’s hard to objectively figure out what my condition is.

“What the hell is this all about!”

“Me... He was the man he was chasing.”

“This is all your karma for poking this guy and that guy! When men have bad
feelings, a weak woman like you can’t stand it! Why on earth would you touch
such a gloomy man...”

He was pretending to be rational, but Killian seemed flustered and frantic as


He was more incoherent than usually and his voice was too loud.

Even though he was bruising me, the moment I felt his body and body
temperature, my tension was relieved.

“Killian... Thank you...”

The moment I realized that the tension had been released, my whole body was
losing strength ridiculously quickly, and I barely managed to say a word of
thanks to Killian before passing out.

‘When I read the romance novels, I wondered why the female protagonists
collapsed like that, but the characters in the romance world are themselves
extreme jobs.’

Even with my clouded mind, I mumbled my displeasure.

It’s unfair that I was sick enough to die from poisoning, but I almost died after
buying a yacht, I almost died from some crazy stalker... Isn’t this really too

And when I was half awake in a state of unconsciousness like this, the voice of
the announcer came out...

[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original story has been further damaged. The
original author’s dominance is seriously weakening.]

This sister can’t be a nobleman either.

It’s a voice that tells me that I’m not dead yet in this world, so I’m even glad to
see it now.

However, the guidance that came out this time was different from the previous

‘The original author’s dominance is seriously weakening?’

Haha! It’s a pain!

Perhaps the original author thought he could kill me this time.

The last time he fell into the water right in front of Killian’s eyes, but this time
he was dragged without knowing him.

‘I don’t know how Killian knew and came to rescue me, but it must have been
an unexpected interruption for the original author. If the original author’s
dominance was severely weakened, it would be difficult to do something like
this again.’

As days passed, Killian became farther away from the original character, and
now he had almost given up on Liese.

Perhaps other characters are also escaping from the control of the original

‘It’s not long until the episode where my neck falls off. So... The original author
won’t do anything more than this.’

There was a high probability that I would try hard not to meet the third-level
exception condition rather than overdoing it.

‘I’m at a disadvantage because I still have to catch rats while the cow steps
backwards. But seeing that the original author tried to kill me despite knowing
that, the range of conditions that the original author can put forward is getting
narrower and narrower.’

It wasn’t a 100% sure idea, but I’ve always defined the author and my game that
way, and it mostly fits.

Besides, since I can’t know the exact thing from my point of view, I had to make
a guess in this way and move forward.
Yes, moving forward without stopping.

That was the only way I could beat the original plot in this game.


[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original story has been further damaged. The
original author’s dominance is seriously weakening.]

An inorganic yet friendly voice kindly guided me through the current situation.

Of course, it was something K knew all about.

‘How could this be? Nonsense. How could I live in that situation!’

K. had not the slightest idea that this work would fail.

Being driven into a corner, it was a situation in which he had squeezed out all
the possibilities he could squeeze out.

Edith had attracted Duke Ludwig without any suspicion, and also cleverly
designated the location of <Milan Bookstore>.

The character of Fred also took the setting of being one of the men Edith
possessed, and gave it a new setting of a blind man who worships her arrogant
The reason he didn’t appear in the meantime was because he was in recuperation
in the manor, and the reason he came back was that he lied to his father with the
intention of dying with Edith.

It was a character that was suddenly pulled out, so I felt that the original work
was twisting with a squeaking sound.

‘Seeing that Killian has appeared there, he is now becoming the male lead for

The original work was getting damaged day by day, and now this story was
diverging into the story of Liese Sinclair and the story of Edith Ludwig.

It was a situation that only K, the original author, could know, but that made K
even more afraid.

‘To think Killian is becoming the male lead for Edith! Who the hell made up
this story!’

It was the first time that the story he had created was out of his control.

The biggest change was that Killian, who should have been a sub male lead,
gradually became a male lead by the 13th Edith.

He instinctively sensed Edith’s danger and ran at all costs to save her.

‘Now it’s too late to change Killian back to Liese’s sub male lead. He is swayed
by Edith, and after Edith dies, he is devastated.

It was a character with affection, but if it was a character that would shake the
world in which Liese was the female lead, she had to tear it down.
But the problem is, to create such a situation, Edith must first die.

‘I never thought that Edith would persuade Fred with words.’

I thought I was going to die from panicking, but it was an unexpected action.

Her calm response persuaded the most powerful force that allowed this world to
flow, ‘probability’, and thanks to this, she was able to postpone her death for
some time.

‘I didn’t know that Killian would find Edith in those few minutes. I was

Killian, who heard that Edith had decided to go to Le Belle Marie Street with
Liese, felt uneasy about it the whole time.

And today, he came to Le Belle Marie Street without Edith and Liese’s
knowledge to find them.

“Liese? Why are you alone? What about Edith?”

K was also surprised by Killian who suddenly appeared and asked Liese about
Edith’s whereabouts. However, he thought that it would not change the ending
of Edith’s death.

“I was also looking for Edith. Edith suddenly disappeared...”

K, who made Liese speak that level of lines, had no intention of telling Edith
where he had disappeared.

So it was relaxing.
It was after I heard the announcement that Edith would die within 3 minutes.

‘How can I search this wide Revelmarie Street in 3 minutes? Ah, there must be
less than two minutes left.’

While K was grinning inwardly, Anna suddenly jumped out and grabbed Killian
and appealed.

“The ladies went to the bookstore in the back alley, but Miss Liese came out
alone! I heard that Lady Edith has disappeared, and even though we were
standing around here, Lady Edith has never left that alley!”

Hearing that, Killian searched the alley with the two knights and found Edith in
less than 10 minutes.

In the end, it was Anna who saved Edith’s life.

Because she has greatly narrowed the scope of finding Edith.

‘I was caught off guard!’

She had no idea when Anna had become such a loyal maid to Edith.

The extras, who didn’t even have names in the original work, couldn’t be
bothered to take care of how much they influenced Edith.

That was the patch of the day.

‘In addition, it’s because of ignoring the fact that Edith’s narrative has already
been the supply of mistresses.’
The male lead appearing and saving the female lead at the moment of crisis is
unrealistically realistic, but in the world of Romance, it was an acceptable

However, this is a luck that is only allowed for the female lead.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 93



It’s a luck that would be absolutely impossible if Edith was still a ‘villain
supporting role’.

‘When the hell did you get so big? Shit!’

You should have noticed when you saw Edith come back to life during the
yachting incident last time.

I only thought that Killian was able to save it because it was an accident that
happened right in front of Killian’s eyes.

No, I didn’t want to admit that a heroine other than Liese had been born in this
‘It’s really dangerous now.’

It was no longer the time to be proud.

Due to this failure, K’s control over Killian converged to 0, and the other
characters fell to about 30%.

If he put all his energy into it, he could have tried to kill Edith one more time,
but the risk of failing to do so was too great.

‘All I have to trust now is the 3rd level exception condition. I can’t let Edith
meet that condition.’

Things got tough.

It was because I couldn’t make Edith meet the 3rd stage conditions while
continuing to drive her as a villainess.

But seeing as Edith struggles to resist Fred and survive, it seemed like he could
do it.

‘Edith is a human after all. A man would never be able to meet that condition.’

K managed to grin.


My eyes slowly brightened.

But I didn’t wake up.

‘It’s a dream.’

I was having a lucid dream.

There was a dark colored door in front of me. Looking around, it looked like an
aristocratic mansion.

‘Where is this?’

While I was thinking blankly, someone was coming this way.

‘Count Rigelhoff...?’

It was Count Rigelhoff, who looked much younger than now.

He came up to me, took a key out of his pocket, opened the door I was looking
at, and entered.

In the meantime, I followed him into the room.

“Did you reflect enough?”

“Yes... I’m sorry, father...”


It was a scene I didn’t want to see.

Little Edith, who must have been only 12 or 13 years old, was weeping with
swollen cheeks and black bruises on her eyes.

“Please forgive me. I won’t do that again.”

As soon as he saw Count Rigelhoff, he knelt on the floor and prayed while
rubbing his hands together.

I was sure that no matter what wrong a girl this age did, she wouldn’t be beaten
that way.

However, this family was strict only with Edith, and they severely beat Edith for
even the slightest mistake.

Count Rigelhoff, who had been looking down at the trembling and crying Edith
for a while, scolded Edith with a voice mixed with annoyance.

“Edith. I wasn’t asking you to sell your body, I was just asking you to do
something cute. What’s so embarrassing that I missed my chance!”

“Sorry... Sorry.”

“The nobleman said he liked a young girl, so he deliberately created a place and
an opportunity. A missed opportunity never comes back!”


“Tsk. It is useless.”
When asked what the hell he was trying to catch a child for, it seems that he
asked him to act cute in front of a pedophile.

Edith, who was young and naive, must have froze because she was ashamed and
scared of the situation.

‘That trash bastard! What did you do to your daughter!’

I couldn’t believe it.

No matter how much women are treated as family property, this is the level of
not being treated as a child at all!

While I was raging, the scene in front of my eyes changed.

Edith, who appeared to be in her late teens, was walking in the garden with a
man who appeared to be in her late twenties.

The man continued to look Edith up and down.

“Would you like to sit over there for a while?”

The man pointed to the bench under the wisteria tree and smiled sinisterly.

Edith smiled at him and nodded to the escort knight who was following him
from 10 paces away, but the man seemed very displeased with the escort knight
following him.

Anyway, the two of them sat down on a bench under a wisteria tree, and the
escort knight was watching the surroundings from some distance away.
“Ms. Edith looks more mature than her age. It is rare to see a young lady at this
age who has matured so well.”

“I am still immature.”

“What if you don’t have a little iron? Aren’t you old enough to be cute? Ha ha

The man said ‘it’s okay to be cute’ and tapped Edith’s butt like a joke.

However, even after he finished speaking, he did not remove his hand from his

On the contrary, he grabbed Edith a little tighter and pulled him towards him.

“Hey, Valentine’s Youngsik. I have eyes to see.”

Edith quietly pulled away and glanced at her escort knight.

The man licked his lips in regret.

“Next time we meet, let’s meet without an escort knight. It’s frustrating to see
this every time.”

“If you do, my father will scold you. You are so sensitive to my safety.”

“Count Rigelhoff is overprotective of his daughter.”

“Because I am still young.”

Edith laughed cutely, then slowly changed the topic and looked at the current
status of Count Valentine’s family.

Then, as if she thought she had all the information she needed to obtain, she left,
saying that she had to go back, and Edith’s escort knight put her in a carriage
and returned to the count’s house.

However, in the carriage, Edith was trembling all over and was wiping the bare
skin that the man had touched with a handkerchief.

“Dirty... Dirty...”

Her appearance was not normal by any means.

I broke out in a cold sweat, couldn’t stay still for a moment, and wiped myself

However, the moment the carriage stopped and the door opened, Edith got off as
the count’s expressionless and elegant daughter-in-law.

‘Count Rigelhoff, this human completely ruined the child!’

Even when I saw what might have happened only in a novel, my heart ached as
if it would break.

Strangely, very strangely, Edith’s appearance kept reminding me of my previous


Choi Soo-na, who trembled with all kinds of anxiety, fear, and self-loathing
when alone, but pretended to be normal in front of others, was overlapped with
the original Edith Rigelhoff.
‘They say it was Count Rigelhoff who broke Edith, but who ruined Choi Soo-

I felt like I was going to cry all the time.

And the scene changed again.

This time, Edith, who had grown almost the same as the current me, was
fidgeting with her hands.

‘Uh? This is... Is this my room?’

The place she was sitting was the same room I was living in now.

‘Then it must be Edith after already marrying Killian.’

Naturally, if so, she didn’t look happy at all.

Her cheeks were sunken and her eyes were dark. Her empty-looking eyes
wandered in the air, and her lips were dry and brittle.

Next to her was a letter of unknown origin. No matter how many times she had
taken it out, the four corners of the paper were bluntly worn.

I went over to him and looked at the letter.

— See Edith.
Sooner or later, our family will declare a land war against the Ludwig family. Of
course we’ll win, but there’s one thing at odds, so we plan to raid Duke
Ludwig’s residence as well.

All you have to do is stay calm and put a simple device on the back door of the
mansion on the day I signal.

The method can be easily seen by looking at the picture in the next chapter.

It’s not difficult, so you won’t make mistakes, right?

The letter was from Shane, and she held something black and small in her hand.

‘That must be the simple device Shane talked about.’

The device was to be inserted into the hole on the door frame side where the
door lock went into.

And in front of my eyes, scenes that seemed to be Edith’s memories quickly

passed by.

Killian who always looked at her with contempt, Killian who smiled kindly only
at Liese, and when Count Rigelhoff declared a land war, Killian started
pretending not to see her at all...

A tear ran down Edith’s cheek.

“It’s your fault...”

In a voice that seemed to go out, Edith resented Killian.

After that, Edith, who had been sitting still and biting her lips for a while, got up
like a ghost when the darkness fell and came out of the room.

Edith, who was walking along the darkness, opened the back door of the
mansion slightly, put in the black thing from earlier, and closed the door again.

From the outside, the door appeared well locked.

Then, suddenly, the scene changed again.

Bangs, bangs, something breaking, screams and shouts were intertwined, and
Shane with a sword was dragging the rebellious Liese out.


At his word, the men in black who had occupied the Ludwig family quickly
escaped through the back door.

Edith also hurriedly ran after him, but suddenly turned around and looked at

Unlike the ones who hadn’t recognized me before, Edith was looking straight at

“Edith! What are you doing!”

Then, startled by Shane’s shout, he turned around and disappeared.

The dream was so blurry.

‘This... It must have been that night I didn’t remember.’

This is what happened in the original story. And that was the decisive reason
why Killian got angry and cut Edith’s neck.

‘But it wasn’t something Edith wanted to do.’

The look in Edith’s eyes when he looked back at me at the end was so clear.

It was clearly a cry for help. It was a desperate and sad plea.

‘Don’t worry, Edith. I’m not going to do anything. I won’t die this time.’

I sent condolences to poor Edith who was unable to move under the pressure of
the power that suppressed her.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 94



My eyelids were heavy, but I was slowly waking up.

Edith’s eyes, which were looking at me in the afterimage of the dream that was
scattered, held on to me until the end.


At the same time as I let out a small moan, I felt a sense of reality and opened
my eyes.

For a while, I couldn’t think of anything. Only the chest of the man in front of
my eyes felt strange.

‘What happened?’

Rolling my sore eyes from side to side, I searched for memories and recalled the
moment when I was almost killed by some crazy man.

‘How much time has passed since then?’

As I moved my body, which had seemed stiff for a while, the arms on top of
mine hugged me tighter.



Killian’s deep voice called my name.

‘Ah, it must have been Killian.’

The realization that I was being held by Killian flooded me with a great sense of

“Edith. Are you feeling better?”


“Do not worry. This is the mansion, and you are all right. It’s okay now...”

Killian’s large hand patted my back.

“How long have I slept?”

“You slept half a day. Thankfully, you didn’t seem to have a concussion, you
just passed out because you was relaxed.”

“No matter what, sleeping with someone who has fainted.”

I bruised Killian a bit, but he looked rather confident.

“You didn’t let me go.”

“Uh? Really?”

“Even when you passed out, you were holding on to my clothes, and you kept
looking for me like you were talking in his sleep.”

Killian It wasn’t even a dream, but it was a strange thing.

“Yeah, that’s right... Sorry.”

“I’m sorry. I’m going to ask you to find me like that in the future. If you call
someone else’s name, you’ll be in big trouble, so you’d better think of me even
in your dreams.”

Guess who wasn’t an obsessive sub male lead, he has a really steady personality.

Anyway, he kept patting and sweeping my back, trying to reassure me.

I was just enjoying his soothing childlike pats. It really seemed to make my
mind more stable.

“Yesterday... What happened?”

That was the only thing he could say when he opened his mouth.

No matter what I said, I needed to know what happened first.

“What should I say?”

“Um... From how you found me...?”

Killian let out a long sigh and spoke slowly as he rubbed my back.

“When you said you were going out alone with Liese... For some reason, I didn’t
feel good about it.”

“...How amazing. Do you have a good sense of touch?”

“That’s something I don’t know. Actually, yesterday, Liese asked about my
schedule for today.”

“So what?”

“I lied that I had to leave in the morning.”

I was momentarily speechless.

To think that Killian, the sub male lead, was so suspicious of Liese that he even

It seemed that this world was no longer in the story of <House·Envoy>.

“Anyway, I pretended to go to the imperial palace in the morning, then came

back and took two knights to Revelmari Street. I tried to pretend we met by

“Do you think it could be called ‘coincidence’ that three grown men came to Le
Belle-Marie Street?”

“It didn’t matter what it was.”

I laughed like a sigh and nodded.

“Please keep talking.”

“It was easy to find Liese on Le Belle-Marie Street. You just have to go where
people are glancing at you.”
After all, the dignity of the best beauty in the world!

“But as we got closer, something was a little strange. I can see Liese and Liese’s
maid... You and your maid are nowhere to be seen. When I asked Liese where
you were, she replied that she had been looking for you because you suddenly

It felt like my fingertips were getting cold.

The statement that I suddenly disappeared was obviously a lie.

No matter how crowded the inside of the bookstore was, it wouldn’t have been
difficult for Liese to find me. Besides, I didn’t leave the book where I first broke
up with Liese.

But why did Liese lie like that?

“So dizzy, your maid came running and pointed out an alley, saying you had
never been out there. Thanks to that, I was able to quickly search the alley, and
found you and the madman in an abandoned house at the far end of the alley.”

“I see...”

“If it wasn’t for that maid, I would have been in big trouble... No, let’s not talk
about this. Because it’s terrible.”

I nodded again.

“Can I ask you this time?”

“How the hell did you end up like that there?”

“Ha... I know, right. It’s long to say, but first of all, I have to tell you why I went
to that alley so there will be no misunderstandings.”

Although Liese had requested that Cliff be in trouble if he found out, I didn’t
think I would have to keep that secret while she lied about my whereabouts.

I calmly listened to the story of how the two of us went into the bookstore
recommended by Liese and picked out books for about an hour, the story of how
I went out alone and met the man, and how no one helped me even though I was
dragged along by him. Laid out.

Killian didn’t say anything the whole time I was talking. He didn’t even put a

He just listened to me without breathing.

“That’s all there is to the surface story about my situation with that man in the
abandoned house.”

“...You talk as if there is something else under the surface.”

“That’s right. It’s kind of strange how the man ended up there.”

I was still looking at Killian’s chest bone, but somehow I felt his sharp gaze.

“Tell me.”
“When I asked how he knew I was here, he said he overheard someone talking
at the tea party. But that was two days ago. It was only two days ago that I
decided to go out with Liese.”

“Who said that?”

“They asked me what I would give them in return if I let them know. So I
couldn’t ask any more.”

There was the sound of Killian biting his teeth.

“Whoever it was, it’s a really strange thing. Doesn’t that mean that someone
knew in advance before you even decided to go to Le Belle-Marie Street?”

“I mean. But... Yes, this is just speculation, but... Couldn’t there be another
person who could have predicted that?”

“...That’s Liese’s word.”

I didn’t answer.

Killian also just hugged me without saying anything. Even I can’t believe it, so
Killian will be confused too.

“What happened to that man?”

“I don’t know if this is good news or bad news, but Fred Sicily, who was
rampaging in prison... He committed suicide two hours ago.”

I raised my head in surprise.

Killian also looked down at me and made a complicated expression.

“It’s good that the madman can’t harm you again... It is a pity that the
opportunity to uncover the truth of the case has also been lost.”

“You will never know who he overheard at the tea party.”

Killian nodded. And after hesitating for a moment, he spoke calmly.

“At that time... I’m sorry that I blamed you too. I was so surprised and nervous
that I didn’t know... No, no. I was just wrong.”

I remembered how the man who lifted me up into the arms of the princess was
angry, saying that this was all karma for any man.

I was about to say it was okay, but Killian continued.

“I don’t know why only hateful words come out in front of you. It seems that
blaming you has become a habit. I’m sorry.”

I chuckled.

Not too long ago, I cleared up a misunderstanding about Killian.

Because I think I know why he did it.

“It’s not your fault, Killian.”

“Of course, the people who made and spread false rumors about you are the
worst, but I was also wrong about you by believing in those rumors.”

No. You were just being swayed by the original author. How can a single
character stand up to its creator?

And maybe now it’s almost left to the original author. Of course, it’s all thanks
to me.

But I couldn’t explain this, so I just nodded.

Suddenly, Killian playfully wrapped my hair around his fingers and started
twisting it.

“By the way.”

Hmm. It’s an ominous beginning for some reason...

“Because your maid checked your ‘baggage’.”


“I didn’t know you would like such a stimulating book.”

“Haha... That is... Mmm! Therefore...”

“My tastes are very diverse. There is a story of a princess being beaten by her
escort knight, and a story of a countess who makes men kneel under her feet...”

“That, that... I don’t know what type you’ll like!”

I can’t say I’m an omnivore who chews on everything I like, so I said anything,
but the hand twisting my hair stopped.

“So you mean... To refer to when spending the night with me... You mean you
bought those books?”

“That, what is it, data research? Yes, data research...!”

Then, Killian started to chuckle and laugh.

“You are surprisingly the academic type. I like it. However...”

His large hand, which had been brushing my back, slowly moved down.

“I’m the type who values actual combat...”

Rather, my whole body tensed at the hands that slowly kneaded my body.

“I hope you get well soon. I want to put the theory you have learned into

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 95


I’m fine right now, but if I say that, would it seem too revealing? It’s a bit like a
person who almost died becomes sticky as soon as he opens his eyes... Right?

I suppressed my regret and nodded again.

Killian must have noticed my feelings as well, and secretly lowered his head
towards me and kissed me.

“You don’t know now, but when you wake up, your whole body will probably
ache. I also got a bump on my head from a fall, so I need to be careful for the
time being. I want to too, but...”

“Who, who, who said what...”

“Because you look so sad.”

Killian laughed mischievously again.

If this is the case, don’t provoke me. Sigh.


“Aagh! Nothing really happens!”

Layla couldn’t beat herself and was jumping up and down.

He threw everything he could get his hands on, crushed all the flowers he had
put out in the morning, and stabbed the maids.

Every time Layla went crazy, the maids had no choice but to look for Damian
with tears.

It wasn’t fun even for Damien, who was dragged along every time, but the
maids kept quitting if I let it go, so I couldn’t help it.

“Why again!”

Damian shouted in an annoyed voice, and Layla, her hair uncharacteristically

disheveled for a noblewoman, turned to him.

“Edith, what about that bitch... It looks like they are using magic or something.”

“What novel nonsense is this?”

“If not, how could you be so lucky?”

“So, can you tell me what happened?”

Only then did Layla calm down and slump down on the couch.

In the meantime, the maids started cleaning Layla’s messy room.

“Did you know that Edith Rigelhoff almost died?”

“She almost drowned?”

“Don’t do that. Recently.”

“No. Are you hearing this for the first time?”

Layla gulped down the iced tea the maid had given her and continued her

“Because the man who was crazy about her almost killed Edith.”

Leyla confided everything to Damian, who became more puzzled.

From receiving a letter from an unknown sender on the night I went to the
foundation festival, to the plan to ‘kill Edith’ conveyed by the servants of the
Duke Ludwig on behalf of others.

“She almost died this time, but my God... Killian showed up again and saved
her. Does that make sense?”

Damian frowned as he watched Layla shake her head with a dejected laugh.

“So after all, you don’t know exactly who sent you the letter?”

“Is that important now?”

“Of course it matters, you fool! What if it was a trap!”

Damian scolded Layla harshly.

It’s a shame because it was a plan for the real Edith, because if it was a trap to
catch Layla, it would have been a big disaster.
But Layla didn’t listen to her brother’s advice.

“Anyway, that’s what you said. And I didn’t do anything great either. All I said
was that the Viscount of Sicily attended a tea party and spilled a few words next
to that disgusting man.”

“What did you say to spill?”

“Edith said that in two days, around noon, he would stop by <Milan Bookstore>
on Rue Belle-Marie.”

Damian carefully reviewed Layla’s description of the situation before asking


“What happened to that Fred Cicily?”

“He committed suicide.”

“Suicide? Is there any possibility that he tried his hand over there?”

“I thought that too at first, but this man is much crazier than I thought. He said
that if he killed himself, Edith would remember him forever, so he killed


Damian also shook his head at the absurd story.

“Anyway, are you sure the people who came to tell you are the Ludwig family?”
“Huh. It was a badge worn by Dukes and servants. The knight’s uniform also
belonged to the Ludwig family.”

“It could be fake.”

“What if it’s fake? Anyway, the information they gave was solid, and Edith
almost died. It bothered me that only they knew who I was, but it was an offer I
couldn’t refuse.”

Well, it seemed that no one would dare to pretend to be the Duke Ludwig while
doing such a thing.

“Then... Surprisingly, the person who bought you a job could be a bigwig?”


“Cliff isn’t interested in her, and Killian doesn’t seem to hate her enough to kill
her right away. But it’s different when it comes to Duke Ludwig.”

At the mention of Duke Ludwig, Layla’s eyes began to twinkle.

“You remember me and my father talking about the iron ore distribution rights?”


“Maybe Duke Ludwig wanted to get rid of Edith Rigelhoff. Because I don’t
need it anymore.”

“It’s expected, but isn’t it quite plausible? Who would most like to get rid of
Edith Rigelhoff at this point?”

Count Rigelhoff, who openly showed admiration for ArchDuke Langston at the
founding festival, iron ore distribution rights that he no longer regrets, Edith
Rigelhoff, who is useless.

“My brother is right. As Duke Ludwig, there is no need to have Edith with you

“Rather, if Count Rigelhoff joins the rebellion, protecting Edith itself would be
embarrassing. So this seems like a very good thing for you.”

Then, Layla was delighted for a moment, then stamped her foot again, as if

“It would have been so much better if that bitch Edith had died!”

“There is nothing to be gained by arguing over the past. Sooner or later, if we

preoccupy the distribution rights for iron ore, we will report back to the Ludwig
family, so let’s go together and get your face stamped at that time.”

“Good! Then, should I take good care of my skin until then?”

Damian smiled at his younger sister, who immediately felt better.

Since they were taking away the things that Count Rigelhoff enjoyed, one by
one, they could also take away the wifeship of Killian Ludwig.
‘It would have been better if I had been Cliff’s wife... There is a high probability
that Liese will occupy it. But it’s only a matter of time before the Duke Ludwig
becomes our family’s best ally.’

Damian clenched his fists, imagining a future where the Sinclair family would
enjoy the greatest prestige among the counts.


I think I’m a bit young to say that I’ll live a long life and see things, but for the
first time since I fell into this world, Liese and I were reversed.

Liese was questioned because of what happened on Lebelmari Street.

It’s really something to live for a long time to see.

“What did Liese say?”

I was genuinely curious.

Pure curiosity took precedence over Liese’s hatred or resentment.

I was curious about what kind of setting the original author had instilled in Liese
so that the kind Liese drove me to death.

“Liese says she couldn’t find you in the bookstore.”

“It can’t be. Although the bookshelves were complicated, the bookstore itself
was not that large. It’s not like I moved all over the place. You can ask the
owner of the bookstore about this.”
“The bookstore owner has already done research. She also remembers you
clearly. As she was checking out the books, she asked if she hadn’t seen the
other lady who had come with her.”

“That’s right. I really couldn’t find Liese.”

Killian smiled bitterly and nodded.

“Liese went to the bookstore and looked for books, but thought it was strange
and wanted to leave. He said he could have been so impatient with the guilt that
he didn’t look for you.”

“What, what? Are you shy and guilty? Nonsense! The person who told me about
the bookstore was Liese...!”

“Maybe he said that because he was in front of Cliff. Cliff seems to be

displeased with Liese even reading romance novels.”

“I’m saying this because it’s between us, but I think that’s a bit too much.”

“I agree. Cliff is a madman. It won’t be much different from the guy who
attacked you.”

It’s been a while since we agreed, but you’re tough too, Killian.

“My father is blaming himself, and Liese is also crying, saying it is her fault.
She completely stopped eating. Cliff said you... It seemed he was hoping to
reassure his father and Liese.”

“I’m about to die, so I have to go comfort them?”

“Cliff asked so much, so I told him, but I don’t want to force you to do
something you don’t like. If you don’t like it, just say it. I’ll take care of it on
my own.”

It was a bit embarrassing.

I was thinking that Duke Ludwig or Liese were involved in this incident.

Then it would be like me comforting the person who was trying to kill me when
I almost died... Does that make sense?

‘But if I refuse, they’ll say something bad about me again. Almost certainly.’

Now I must have gotten used to the system of this world to some extent, I can
see the circumstances going roughly.

It was clear that this was the original author’s trick to erode my reputation.

“Ha... If I don’t go, people will say that I did too much, so what can I do? Now
that this has happened, I should go and ask Liese.”

As soon as the words came out, I put in a message that I would go to Duke
Ludwig and Liese.

Although it was a little funny that we live in the same house and put in a
message every time we visit.

And 10 minutes later, I faced Duke Ludwig with a sad expression.

“Are you feeling well?”

“Yes, Your Excellency. Thank you for your concern. I am very sorry that His
Excellency deliberately put his heart into this.”

“No matter what others say, I should have sent more escort knights, but I was
too complacent.”

He seemed really sorry, he couldn’t even look me in the eye.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 96



“By the way, Your Excellency. If... Have you ever told me somewhere else that
Liese and I would go out?”

“Who would I say such a thing to?”

Well, it was hard to imagine that the Duke like that tiger would hold on to the
people around him and talk about his daughters-in-law.

‘Besides, it was Liese who took me directly to <Milain Bookstore>... No, no.
The two may be accomplices.’

I observed the Duke carefully until the end, bowed politely and withdrew.
After that, I went to see Liese lying on the bed with a paler face than me.

“Eh, Edith!”

Liese, whose big eyes were filled with tears, greeted me with a guilty face.

And next to her stood Cliff, who seemed to have a little bit of strength between
his eyebrows.

“Are you okay, Liese?”

“I-I’m fine. Because of me, Edith... Hehe... Sorry. I really didn’t know that
would happen.”

“Who would have predicted such an accident? Isn’t it? Although there are some
strange parts.”

I wiped Liese’s forehead, which was drenched in cold sweat, with the
handkerchief next to me and smiled brightly.

Really, anyone who sees it would think that the person who almost died was

In fact, it’s not that it wasn’t, but Liese looked very bad somewhere.

‘Was it that shocking that I almost died? Well, I’m usually surprised if the
person I went out with almost got killed by a stalker.’

I decided to be generous with it, as it would of course come as a shock to an

ordinary person.
But still, doubts remain.

“Liese. Did Liese plan to go to Le Belle-Marie Street with me in advance?”

“No! No. It was just a thought that came to my mind when the Duke told me to
go shopping with Edith. Because the only place I know is Le Belle-Marie

“Is it so?”

Cliff’s gaze at me was getting colder and colder.

The mouth has been wearing a smooth smile since earlier, but the eyes seem to
have thin ice.

“You mean something you haven’t told anyone?”

“Of course.”

“All right. I’m not hurt, and the person who did this committed suicide while
going on a rampage... Hurry up and get up, Liese.”

I lightly stroked Liese’s shoulder and stood up.

Liese stood up with a face as if this was the end.

“Edith... Really... Are you okay?”

“Um... The fear of dying doesn’t go away anytime soon, but because Killian is
by my side... I am trying to overcome it.”

“Huh... Sorry.”

“Liese. Do not cry. Liese didn’t do it intentionally, so there’s no need to feel so

guilty. So, drop!”

I said it jokingly, but I thought that if Liese was the culprit, or if the original
author who was creating all of this was watching, he would have noticed the
meaning behind it.

‘It must mean that you’re crying for a reason of your own.’

I was about to get up after finishing the conversation, but Cliff glared at me
without even a polite smile.

“It’s as if Liese put you in danger on purpose.”

“When am I?”

“Every word you said was like that. Can’t you just say that while looking at
Liese, who is trembling with guilt over a trivial thing, the fact that you went to
the bookstore together and came out first without finding you?”

As expected, Cliff will become a knight who protects Liese until the end, just
like the male lead.

So, even in this suspicious situation, Liese is glaring at me like this.

“Cliff! Don’t do that! Please don’t do that! Whoa...”

Liese grabbed Cliff and almost prayed to stop him.

It was a sight I couldn’t understand at all.

Rather than Cliff defending Liese, Liese overreacted to such and such a thing.

It was as if he was doing everything in his power to make himself look like a
victim. If it’s not that, you know something and you’re trembling in fear.

But first I have to shoot Cliff first.

“Is Cliff really the only one who can talk like that? I’m about to die! Today is
the first time I’ve seen Master Cliff since that incident, didn’t you say anything
good to me?”

Cliff widened his eyes as if surprised by the unexpected counterattack.

Then it hit me again.

“Think of the cases you have been accused of! Liese has never once blamed

“I didn’t blame Liese either. And that can be argued against Liese and me, and it
cannot be an excuse for Master Cliff’s rude attitude!”

Only then did Cliff shut up. Of course, he didn’t even apologize to me.

“It seems that even now they think of me as a rumored villain, but I have no ill
feelings towards Master Cliff or Liese. Asking Liese was not to accuse Liese of
being the culprit, but to find out how that man could have appeared there.”
Even if I say this, Cliff will not stop being suspicious and wary of me. Cliff was
like that from the beginning.

On the outside, she pretended to be flirtatious and generous, but on the inside,
she was wary of anyone who could harm Liese’s comfort. Because it’s south

I gave up on Cliff and appeased Liese.

“Liese. You must be more surprised that I almost died twice in a short period of
time, but don’t worry too much. I don’t think this will happen again.”


Liese, whose cheeks were wet with tears, looked at me with a bewildered gaze.
Cliff was glaring at me, wary of what else I might say to hurt Liese.

But I was just stating my guess.

“Just. It doesn’t make sense that this often happens.”

Because I wonder how much power the original author has left to control this
situation, no, whether he did.

“So don’t worry too much and take care of yourself. Master Cliff is so worried.”

“Yes... Thanks, Edith. Thank you.”

Liese wiped her cheeks and smiled lightly.

Yes, your smile is pretty.

So smile like an angel and stay calm. Please.


The incident where I was almost killed by Fred Cicily was quietly buried thanks
to Killian’s efforts.

It seems that Fred had to crack down on the mouths of the soldiers guarding the
prison because of the riots in the prison before his death.

Since Fred had become a troublemaker for the family because of Edith, it hadn’t
even happened for a day or two, so the Viscount Sicily guessed that Fred had
acted on his own this time as well, so he handed the money to the soldiers and
kept his mouth shut.

‘Well, it’s not wrong.’

If rumors spread, the Viscount Sicily would suffer more damage than the Duke
Ludwig, so the Viscount Sicily would not have had time to mourn his son’s

Maybe he thinks it’s good that he died.

‘It’s really unfortunate that there is no way to confirm who came out after

The most suspicious was Liese, but considering that this was the original
author’s trick, the number of suspects increases.
It is not only the Counts Sinclair and Counts Rigelhoff who are always

Thinking of the young ladies who glared at me during the founding festival, I
couldn’t count on both hands the number of people who wanted me dead.

Maybe the original author made it sound like an auditory hallucination in Fred
Sicily’s ears.

Even while speculation about who informed me of my outing was lost in the
labyrinth, the situation changed quickly.

At the time of the founding, the Count Rigelhoff, who had been the Grand Duke
Langston, completely reversed her position as an ally of the imperial family and
the Ludwig family. Now, the Counts of Rigelhoff were representative of the
Grand Duke of Langston.

And he began to file small complaints with the Duke Ludwig, with whom he
had been closely involved in business.

‘Am I finally heading towards catastrophe?’

After this point of confrontation with the Ludwig family, the Rigelhoff family
crosses a river of no return.

‘A train bound for Nether without brakes.’

Whether or not you guys passionately burn your short lives is fine, but I don’t
want to get on that train.

However, my will did not have any effect on the flow of the story.
That night, when he saw that a letter with a reluctance like a 1st class express
ticket to Hwangcheon arrived.

‘Me, me, what is that!’

I woke up from a light sleep at the strange noise of crackling, crackling,

crackling, crackling, and watching the dark shadow outside the window pushing
something through the window sill in my room and disappearing, then came to
my senses.

‘Was there an episode like this in the original story?’

While thinking about the original work, I found a point where I thought there
must have been a similar episode.

‘A letter from Shane to Edith... It could be.’

Haven’t you seen it in your dreams?

I still remember the letter from Shane, who sent a strange device to install on the
back door of the mansion.

That letter from which I had no concern for my sister’s well-being.

I took a deep breath and slowly walked over to the window and picked up the
letter that had fallen on the floor.

Then, without a letter knife, I just tore open the envelope and took out the letter
inside to read it.

— Sooner or later you will be abandoned at the Ludwig family.

It’s all your fault for not playing your role properly and for betraying the family,
but since you’re also of Rigelhoff’s blood, I’ll give you one last chance.

If you want to come back to Edith Rigelhoff, hang a yellow ribbon from the

For those who do not know how to reflect, there is only death.

It was a letter without a sender, but it was obvious who sent it.

‘It must be Shane who received orders from Count Rigelhoff.’

Line after line of the letter is full of lies, gaslighting and deceit.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 97



‘Why is it my fault that I was abandoned here? It’s your fault for sending me
here! Damn bastards.’
Edith in the original work would have grown up receiving such brainwashing
throughout her life.

What I am thankful for to my parents in my previous life is that they were rather
indifferent to me.

If you hold on to me, you have to take care of your brother, you have to help the
house, otherwise you are an ungrateful human being, and if you brainwashed
me, I would have lived a much more miserable life.

‘If that’s the case, even after possessing Edith, I would have lived being swayed
by Count Rigelhoff.’

Just imagining it gave me goosebumps.

I went to the fireplace with the letter and skimmed the ashes with my poker.

There was still a fire, so I put a letter on it and used it as firewood.

‘It was a letter that would have been better used as firewood.’

It wasn’t enough to confirm that the letter was completely burnt, so I hit it
several times with a poker and completely reduced it to ashes. I gave a long
yawn and went back to bed.

While thinking about how to avoid suspicion when he said that the defenses on
the window side of the mansion should be strengthened.

But the next day, while the letter from the Rigelhoffs was also in a bad mood,
even an unwelcome guest announced that they would visit the Ludwig family.
“The Count Sinclair said they would visit this Friday.”

Killian, who was delivering the news, also frowned as if displeased.

“Why the Count Sinclair?”

“He said he would like to meet his father and talk about his business next year,
probably because of the iron ore distribution rights. But again I don’t know.
Liese got attention at the founding festival, so maybe that’s why.”

Well, it seems to have been like this in the original plot.

Liese, who attended the founding ceremony as Cliff’s partner with the Duke’s
treasure around her neck, emerges as a hot potato in the social world thanks to
Catherine’s supportive fire.

And when Count Sinclair realized that the value of Liese, which he thought he
had sold well, was much greater than they thought, he quietly approached Duke
Ludwig to claim parental rights.

‘Of course, it was a nonsensical sound.’

It is Count Sinclair who has already signed that he will give up all rights to Liese
when he hands it over to the Duke Ludwig in exchange for a debt of 30 million

Duke Ludwig is not an easygoing person, but there is no way he will be fooled
by the sound of ‘parent-child relationships’.

“What is Liese doing?”

Even on her last visit, Liese must have been trembling in her room.

This time, he must have been more afraid because he had met them at the
founding festival.

“I say it’s okay, but can it be okay? My complexion was not very good. Now,
Cliff is beside me and comforting me.”

In the original story, Killian also became Liese’s guardian and stopped the
bullshit of Count Sinclair, but now Killian is by my side, not Liese.

Although I’m glad this reality has changed from the original work, I still
couldn’t let go of the thought that my life was like a lantern in the wind.

‘I shouldn’t cut off Killian’s good feelings until the last minute.’

I sincerely prayed that I would be able to greet next spring after the coming


“It’s been a while, Your Excellency Duke.”

Count Sinclair, who visited Duke Ludwig, greeted Duke Ludwig.

The brown-haired, skinny man looked younger than his age, but still somehow

‘Just looking at it, I can’t believe he’s Liese’s biological father.’

Duke Axel Ludwig cleared his throat, thinking of Liese, who had died like an

“It’s been a while since the count didn’t come to the founding festival.”

“Yes, I was inevitably absent from the founding ceremony this time because I
had something to do with the territory. Did our kids say hello at the Konkukje?”

“Of course, hehe.”

The Duke glanced at the children of the house that the Count Sinclair had

It was understandable that he brought his firstborn, Damian, but bringing his
daughter, Layla, was strange.

To be honest, it was the Count Sinclair and his children who harassed Liese, and
among them Layla was particularly severe, so Duke Ludwig was not very happy
that Leyla came.

But Layla was smiling at Duke Ludwig. It was to the point where anyone would
mistakenly believe that the Duke and Layla were already close friends.

“However... What are you here for today?”

Duke Ludwig cut the salutation that was about to get long and got to the point.

Then Count Sinclair smiled and drank tea.

“I’m worried about what kind of story I should start with so I don’t get
misunderstood. First of all, um... Shall we start with Count Rigelhoff?”
“Yes? Why are you suddenly bringing up the story of Count Rigelhoff?”

“I know why the Duke married Killian-kun to the daughter of the Rigelhoff
family. Is it because of the iron ore distribution rights?”

There were many small reasons attached to it, but the most important reason was
the right to distribute iron ore.

It was because it would be difficult if Count Rigelhoff, who had the largest
distribution rights for raw materials for making cutlery, joined the ArchDuke of

However, the external reason was simply ‘strengthening the alliance’, so Duke
Ludwig could not carelessly nod.

“It’s not just that...”

“I’m not here to find out why. Rather, the Duke came to lighten the burden.”

Count Sinclair’s face was overflowing with confidence.

“When we visited last time, we just said that we were going to get iron ore
distribution rights, but now that is almost confirmed.”

“Where is the iron ore?”

“This is Latis of the North. Do you know that iron ore was found there?”

“I know. However, it seems that it will take quite a while for the mine to be
“No. Count Morento, the lord of Latis, lied. I was afraid that Latis would
become a battlefield.”

Duke Ludwig stopped drinking tea and looked at the Count Sinclair with a
surprised face.


“Even though the conditions put forward by the Count of Morento were
difficult, for 10 years from next year, the Count Sinclair will have the right to
distribute Latisse iron ore.”

Latisse iron ore was already rumored to be of good quality, so having the right
to distribute the latisse iron ore from the Count Sinclair family was a major
event that changed the status of the Sinclair family.

In particular, it was better for the count family to have iron ore-related interests,
rather than the right to mine or distribute gems, as the count family was closely
related to the Ludwig Dukedom, which was close to the Mughal family.

‘But where did the money come from in the Sinclair family...?’

As far as Duke Ludwig knew, the financial situation of the Count Sinclair was
not much better than before.

Count Sinclair let out an embarrassing laugh, probably noticing Duke Ludwig’s
suspicious expression.

“Of course, I received a little loan from the imperial treasury, but I’m not
cheating the Duke. The distribution rights were obtained because we decided to
hand over 30% of the distribution profits to Count Morento.”
If it was 30% of the distribution profit, it was a huge price.

For the Count of Morento, it was like sitting still and making money.

“Congratulations on preoccupying the iron ore distribution rights in Latisse, not

elsewhere. But why are you telling me that?”

Duke Ludwig asked again in a calm manner.

However, the reason why Count Sinclair brought up the idea that he had
obtained the right to distribute iron ore by mentioning Count Rigelhoff was self-

No, now I thought I knew why Layla Sinclair was here.

“Your Excellency the Duke. The Counts of Rigelhoff can no longer be called the
imperial faction. He is not an ally of the Ludwig family.”


Duke Ludwig agreed to that. Probably all the aristocrats who attended the
founding ceremony knew that fact.

“Count Rigelhoff, only His Excellency the Duke and Killian suffered great
damage from that man’s trick. How dare you marry Rigelhoff’s wife with
Killian if you didn’t talk about it as an alliance or fidelity?”

“Ha, that...”
Duke Ludwig hadn’t been able to say anything since before. Everything was as
Count Sinclair said.

“My foolish judgment made Killian suffer a lot.”

“You must have known that Count Rigelhoff was cunning, but who would have
known that he would betray me even after taking my daughter hostage? Besides,
you pretended to care very much for my daughter outside.”

“I mean.”

Duke Ludwig shook his head and drank again. It felt like my stomach was

“So that’s what you say.”

Count Sinclair leaned forward and lowered his voice a little.

“How long are you going to keep the worthless hostage?”

I thought that was the story too.

“They are already married, so what should we do?”

“This is not the time to insist on such good thoughts, Your Excellency.
Wouldn’t that make it look like you’re being tricked by Count Rigelhoff?”

Count Sinclair was poking at Duke Ludwig’s sore spot.

“Isn’t it the Count Rigelhoffs who will one day be defeated together with
ArchDuke Langston? By the way, are you leaving Edith Rigelhoff with the
Duke? Would that be a proper cut?”

As Count Sinclair went over the area he was worried about, a deep gap formed
between Duke Ludwig’s brows as well.

Then Layla intervened.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 98

Episode 98

‘Why is it my fault that I was abandoned here? It’s your fault for sending me
here! Damn bastards.’

Edith in the original work would have grown up receiving such brainwashing
throughout her life.

What I am thankful for to my parents in my previous life is that they were rather
indifferent to me.

If you hold on to me, you have to take care of your brother, you have to help the
house, otherwise you are an ungrateful human being, and if you brainwashed
me, I would have lived a much more miserable life.

‘If that’s the case, even after possessing Edith, I would have lived being swayed
by Count Rigelhoff.’

Just imagining it gave me goosebumps.

I went to the fireplace with the letter and skimmed the ashes with my poker.

There was still a fire, so I put a letter on it and used it as firewood.

‘It was a letter that would have been better used as firewood.’

It wasn’t enough to confirm that the letter was completely burnt, so I hit it
several times with a poker and completely reduced it to ashes. I gave a long
yawn and went back to bed.

While thinking about how to avoid suspicion when he said that the defenses on
the window side of the mansion should be strengthened.

But the next day, while the letter from the Rigelhoffs was also in a bad mood,
even an unwelcome guest announced that they would visit the Ludwig family.

“The Count Sinclair said they would visit this Friday.”

Killian, who was delivering the news, also frowned as if displeased.

“Why the Count Sinclair?”

“He said he would like to meet his father and talk about his business next year,
probably because of the iron ore distribution rights. But again I don’t know.
Liese got attention at the founding festival, so maybe that’s why.”

Well, it seems to have been like this in the original story.

Liese, who attended the founding ceremony as Cliff’s partner with the Duke’s
treasure around her neck, emerges as a hot potato in the social world thanks to
Catherine’s supportive fire.
And when Count Sinclair realized that the value of Liese, which he thought he
had sold well, was much greater than they thought, he quietly approached Duke
Ludwig to claim parental rights.

‘Of course, it was a nonsensical sound.’

It is Count Sinclair who has already signed that he will give up all rights to Liese
when he hands it over to the Duke Ludwig in exchange for a debt of 30 million

Duke Ludwig is not an easygoing person, but there is no way he will be fooled
by the sound of ‘parent-child relationships’.

“What is Liese doing?”

Even on her last visit, Liese must have been trembling in her room.

This time, he must have been more afraid because he had met them at the
founding festival.

“I say it’s okay, but can it be okay? My complexion was not very good. Now,
Cliff is beside me and comforting me.”

In the original story, Killian also became Liese’s guardian and stopped the
bullshit of Count Sinclair, but now Killian is by my side, not Liese.

Although I’m glad this reality has changed from the original work, I still
couldn’t let go of the thought that my life was like a lantern in the wind.

‘I shouldn’t cut off Killian’s good feelings until the last minute.’
I sincerely prayed that I would be able to greet next spring after the coming


“It’s been a while, Your Excellency Duke.”

Count Sinclair, who visited Duke Ludwig, greeted Duke Ludwig.

The brown-haired, skinny man looked younger than his age, but still somehow

‘Just looking at it, I can’t believe he’s Liese’s biological father.’

Duke Axel Ludwig cleared his throat, thinking of Liese, who had died like an

“It’s been a while since the count didn’t come to the founding festival.”

“Yes, I was inevitably absent from the founding ceremony this time because I
had something to do with the territory. Did our kids say hello at the Konkukje?”

“Of course, hehe.”

The Duke glanced at the children of the house that the Count Sinclair had

It was understandable that he brought his firstborn, Damian, but bringing his
daughter, Layla, was strange.
To be honest, it was the Count Sinclair and her children who harassed Liese, and
among them Layla was particularly severe, so Duke Ludwig was not very happy
that Leyla came.

But Layla was smiling at Duke Ludwig. It was to the point where anyone would
mistakenly believe that the Duke and Layla were already close friends.

“However... What are you here for today?”

Duke Ludwig cut the salutation that was about to get long and got to the point.

Then Count Sinclair smiled and drank tea.

“I’m worried about what kind of story I should start with so I don’t get
misunderstood. First of all, um... Shall we start with Count Rigelhoff?”

“Yes? Why are you suddenly bringing up the story of Count Rigelhoff?”

“I know why the Duke married Lord Killian to the daughter of the Rigelhoff
family. Is it because of the iron ore distribution rights?”

There were many small reasons attached to it, but the most important reason was
the right to distribute iron ore.

It was because it would be difficult if Count Rigelhoff, who had the largest
distribution rights for raw materials for making cutlery, joined the ArchDuke of

However, the external reason was simply ‘strengthening the alliance’, so Duke
Ludwig could not carelessly nod.
“It’s not just that...”

“I’m not here to find out why. Rather, the Duke came to lighten the burden.”

Count Sinclair’s face was overflowing with confidence.

“When we visited last time, we just said that we were going to get iron ore
distribution rights, but now that is almost confirmed.”

“Where is the iron ore?”

“This is Latis of the North. Do you know that iron ore was found there?”

“I know. However, it seems that it will take quite a while for the mine to be

“No. Count Morento, the lord of Latis, lied. I was afraid that Latis would
become a battlefield.”

Duke Ludwig stopped drinking tea and looked at the Count Sinclair with a
surprised face.


“Even though the conditions put forward by the Count of Morento were
difficult, for 10 years from next year, the Count Sinclair will have the right to
distribute Latisse iron ore.”
Latisse iron ore was already rumored to be of good quality, so having the right
to distribute the latisse iron ore from the Count Sinclair family was a major
event that changed the status of the Sinclair family.

In particular, it was better for the count family to have iron ore-related interests,
rather than the right to mine or distribute gems, as the count family was closely
related to the Ludwig Dukedom, which was close to the Mughal family.

‘But where did the money come from in the Sinclair family...?’

As far as Duke Ludwig knew, the financial situation of the Count Sinclair was
not much better than before.

Count Sinclair let out an embarrassing laugh, probably noticing Duke Ludwig’s
suspicious expression.

“Of course, I received a little loan from the imperial treasury, but I’m not
cheating the Duke. The distribution rights were obtained because we decided to
hand over 30% of the distribution profits to Count Morento.”

If it was 30% of the distribution profit, it was a huge price.

For the Count of Morento, it was like sitting still and making money.

“Congratulations on preoccupying the iron ore distribution rights in Latisse, not

elsewhere. But why are you telling me that?”

Duke Ludwig asked again in a calm manner.

However, the reason why Count Sinclair brought up the idea that he had
obtained the right to distribute iron ore by mentioning Count Rigelhoff was self-
No, now I thought I knew why Layla Sinclair was here.

“Your Excellency the Duke. The Counts of Rigelhoff can no longer be called the
imperial faction. He is not an ally of the Ludwig family.”


Duke Ludwig agreed to that. Probably all the aristocrats who attended the
founding ceremony knew that fact.

“Count Rigelhoff, only His Excellency the Duke and Killian suffered great
damage from that man’s trick. How dare you marry Rigelhoff’s wife with
Killian if you didn’t talk about it as an alliance or fidelity?”

“Ha, that...”

Duke Ludwig hadn’t been able to say anything since before. Everything was as
Count Sinclair said.

“My foolish judgment made Killian suffer a lot.”

“You must have known that Count Rigelhoff was cunning, but who would have
known that he would betray me even after taking my daughter hostage? Besides,
you pretended to care very much for my daughter outside.”

“I mean.”

Duke Ludwig shook his head and drank again. It felt like my stomach was
“So that’s what you say.”

Count Sinclair leaned forward and lowered his voice a little.

“How long are you going to keep the worthless hostage?”

I thought that was the story too.

“They are already married, so what should we do?”

“This is not the time to insist on such good thoughts, Your Excellency.
Wouldn’t that make it look like you’re being tricked by Count Rigelhoff?”

Count Sinclair was poking at Duke Ludwig’s sore spot.

“Isn’t it the Count Rigelhoffs who will one day be defeated together with
ArchDuke Langston? By the way, are you leaving Edith Rigelhoff with the
Duke? Would that be a proper cut?”

As Count Sinclair went over the area he was worried about, a deep gap formed
between Duke Ludwig’s brows as well.

Then Layla intervened.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 98



“Besides, Edith Rigelhoff seems to think of the Ludwig family as his own
wallet. She said that even if she divorces Killian, she will receive a large
mansion and a large amount of money as alimony, so she will not regret it.”


“This is a story that Edith herself said at the last founding festival. Many other
people have heard of it, so you can do some research.”

If I cut off everything before and after and listened to only the contents, it
sounded as if Edith was spreading such rumors here and there.

Duke Ludwig had recently been apologetic towards Edith, but hearing such
words at a time when he was still having trouble with Count Rigelhoff’s family
made him feel betrayed and clenched his teeth.

However, he did not reveal his feelings in a hurry.

“...That’s not wrong. It is clearly stated in the contract that was written at the
time of marriage.”

The Count Sinclair stepped out again.

“How long will you put up with being cunning and arrogant like my father?
Count Rigelhof has already left. And I can provide you with a reliable iron ore
distribution network. You don’t know what this means, do you?”
The marriage was concluded for the iron ore distribution rights and alliance
anyway, but since those two conditions have already lost their meaning, it is
only natural that the marriage should be broken.


Even so, when Duke Ludwig spared his words, Layla hesitantly opened her
mouth with a sorrowful expression.

“Liese... Is it because In the past, I was mean to Liese...”

At those words, which accurately pointed out the part of Duke Ludwig’s
hesitation, the Duke looked at Layla.

“At that time, I was too young and immature. I was jealous because Liese was
pretty... But not now. Anyway, Liese is my younger sister.”

Layla pretended to reflect on her past with a pitiful expression, but Duke
Ludwig did not react to it either.

It was because Duke Ludwig knew that Layla Sinclair was the source of the
vicious rumors about Liese that had been circulating steadily until recently.

‘But it’s also true that an iron ore distribution network is needed. Sooner or later,
another large-scale order for weapons such as swords and spears has to be

Of course, the empire’s iron ore wasn’t dominated by just two families, but the
closest distribution chain was the Counts of Rigelhoff and the Counts of

Thinking about that, I was concerned about Killian’s attitude recently.

‘Still, it seems like you’re trying to attach affection to Edith... Should I tell them
to let go of their feelings now?’

As the Duke, who did not know the details of what was going on in the mansion,
he did not know exactly about Killian’s feelings.

However, he believed that Killian did not love Edith. Compared to Killian when
she loved Liese, the current Killian was closer to Edith’s bluntness.

“Hmm. It is premature to talk about this. It’s not that Count Rigelhoff
completely betrayed me, and it’s not like I can control Killian’s marriage at will.
But I understood what the Count wanted to say.”

Count Sinclair decided to step back from this point, even though it was a little

“Of course, I didn’t mean to ask you to decide the matter of Killian’s marriage
right now. Rather, we’ve definitely got the right to distribute the iron ore, so the
Duke just stopped by to tell us not to worry too much.”

“Thank you. Thanks to that, I think I will be able to respond to the Langston
anti-aircraft wave without impatientness.”

“Ha ha ha! I’m glad it helped.”

They ended their conversation in a friendly atmosphere.


Hearing that he was from Count Sinclair’s family, Cliff deliberately took Liese
out of the house, and Killian and I guarded the drawing room with the Duchess.
“I’ll probably come out here after the time to be alone and talk for a while
before going back.”

The Duchess also did not like the visit of the Count Sinclair.

Well, since it was a family that had been harassing Liese, who thought of her
like a daughter, no, even now, she was constantly creating malicious rumors and
harassing her, so it couldn’t be nice.

Same with Killian.

“I don’t know how thick the faces of shameless people are. I would like you to
take off the skin and check it out.”

It was a casual tone, but it gave me goosebumps to know that he was someone
who could really do that if he put his mind to it.

‘Come to think of it, even in the original work, cutting Edith’s head and killing
him at once was a pretty merciful disposition. He didn’t torture her.’

Come to think of it, it was.

Maybe the original Killian felt a bit of sympathy for Edith.

...Maybe Rigelhoff just didn’t have time because he had to kill all the humans.

While I was chewing on the idea of zero productivity, Duke Ludwig entered the
drawing room with Sinclair and humans.
The Duchess, who had been making a disgruntled expression until just now,
greeted them with a bright and benevolent smile as if she had never done that

“You have been talking for a long time. I hope you didn’t drink too much tea. I
prepared a lot of tea food.”

At the glance of the Duchess, the waiting maids set tea and refreshments on the

The sunset-colored black tea smoked fragrant seaweed, and the freshly baked
scones with clotted cream and strawberry jam were also delicious.

However, Layla, who was seated across from her, seemed to be more busy
looking at Killian than eating delicious refreshments.

Of course the heart understands.

Even if it were me, I would only watch Killian the whole time I was here and
then go back. It’s not worth the time to blink.

The atmosphere at tea time was not bad.

Killian was expressionless throughout, but the Duke and his wife were more
sociable people than him, so they kept their dignity and led the conversation.

But I felt that I was left out of this conversation.

I don’t know if it’s on purpose or it can’t be helped, but it’s because the topics of
conversation were all things in the past that I didn’t know about.
I don’t think it would help if I interrupted anyway, so I was drinking tea with a
smile on my face when I accidentally met Layla’s eyes.

Contrary to what I expected to glance at me, Layla smiled and spoke to me.

“I’m sorry, Edith, but... I want to wash my hands.”

I must have been in a hurry to the bathroom.

I could have called the maid to take her away, but it seemed like she had
something to say to me, so I got up.

“Come over here.”

“Thank you.”

Layla followed me with a completely different look than she did during the
founding day.

And as soon as I entered the hallway leading to the bathroom, I put on a smile as
if I wanted to hear it.

“Are you really killing your personality in the duchy?”

When did you argue or wait, me.

“I’ve been thinking about it since the other day, but I think it would be better for
Layla to look at herself before talking to others.”

“Sigh...! What are you talking about?”

“‘Lady Edith, I’m sorry, but I want to wash my hands.’”

I even copied Layla’s trembling expression and repeated what she said.

Layla quickly turned red and bluish, then managed to raise her nose.

“We’ll see how long you can go on with that arrogant attitude. Oh! Did you hear
that my family preoccupied the northern iron ore distribution rights?”

“Well. I am not interested.”

“It seems that they are not so interested in the world. You know that the reason
you were able to marry Killian was because of the iron ore distribution rights of
the Rigelhoffs, right?”

You were very excited. How could I have endured all this time because I wanted
to brag about that to me?

“From next year, my family will have the right to distribute iron ore in the north.
It means that until then is the validity period for you to keep the position.”

“You are talking about an expiration date...”

Leyla also raised her eyes and confronted my slurred tone.

“It is. The Ludwig family had no choice but to take you as their daughter-in-law
because of the alliance and the iron ore distribution rights, but the alliance has
already been broken, so what use is the Rigelhoff family’s iron ore distribution
rights? But my family, a friend of the Ludwig family, obtained the right to
distribute iron ore. What does this mean, I really don’t know?”
I let out a long sigh.

“What is Killian’s opinion?”

“Poop! Oh my gosh, Edith. How can you say that? You who ignored Killian’s
wishes and pushed for marriage with him!”

“So, are you going to do it this time?”

I felt like I could understand a little bit of Killian when he first married me.

How disgusting was the position of his wife who was traded in this way.

Moreover, giving up love for Liese was a prerequisite...

“The bathroom is over there. Aren’t you stupid enough to get lost on your way
back to the drawing room?”

I insincerely pointed to the end of the hallway.

As if she didn’t like my casual attitude, Layla glared at me with the ferocious
eyes she had during the founding festival and smirked.

“Would Killian be happy to divorce you?”

“Maybe. But that doesn’t mean he’ll accept marrying you.”

“That’s something you never know.”

“No. I know it. Don’t underestimate Killian Ludwig.”

Don’t look down on the time I went through to change his mind!

“Then, I need to rest.”

Without looking at Layla, I waved and walked toward the drawing room.

Without looking back, Layla was grinding her teeth right in front of her eyes.

However, turning away from her, my heart wasn’t very clear either.

‘In the end it turns like this...’

A sigh came out of my mouth.

At the same time, it was also a bit embarrassing.

‘No matter how much, Count Sinclair’s family is Liese’s main enemy, so can it
be twisted like this?’

In the original work, Duke Ludwig cruelly tramples on Count Sinclair, who
realized the value of Liese belatedly and clung to him and talked about Liese’s
parental rights.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 99



Layla, who continued to spread malicious rumors about Liese, is also disgraced
and buried in the social world.

Then, for some reason, they suddenly recognized Liese as Cliff’s wife and
instead targeted Killian.

While pondering that thought, I realized a certain fact belatedly.

‘Ah! Edith in the original work was not even in a position to be attacked, oh!
Both Cliff and Killian were only looking at Liese, so Liese became the target of
attack until the end!’

But now it’s different.

He must have thought that it would be easier to attack me, who seemed to have
no hills, and occupy the seat next to Killian than to touch Liese, who seemed to
be protected by the ducal family.

‘Then it must be a matter of probability now.’

And, unfortunately, the conditions the Sinclairs had brought in were creating a
great probability of knocking me out.

‘Even if I were a Duke, he would think that Layla would be better than me.’

There was nothing more to be gained from the Rigelhoffs.

Edith Riegelhoff’s value has already hit the bottom and has not been able to
break through.

‘Besides, if the Rigelhoffs do something sooner or later... I think the offer from
the Sinclairs will be very attractive.’

Back bone pulled.

‘It means that you can get a divorce even if Killian doesn’t cut my throat.’

Nothing goes easily.

It’s not all about saving lives anymore.

Of course, even if you get divorced, you can live without worrying about
money. As I said at the founding ceremony, I will be provided with a decent
mansion and generous alimony.


I took a deep breath and went back into the living room.

Killian, who didn’t even look at me until I approached, leaned in my direction as

I sat down and whispered.

“Are you saying you can’t even go to the bathroom by yourself? Shouldn’t she
have hired me as a maid?”

“...After all, she is a guest.”

“Anyway, I’ve been subtly kind.”

Killian grinned and muttered something he didn’t know if it was a bruise or a


The sly smile on his lips was sweet.

Watching that, I realized that I was very greedy.

‘Now more than mansions and money... Killian wants it.’

Where will the survival period of the wicked woman possessing water, which is
out of principle, flow?

‘I’m curious too, really.’

I gulped down the tea to stop the sigh that came out.


Count Rigelhoff, who had been quiet since the founding, suddenly declared a
territory war against the Ludwig duchy.

When Killian stopped by my room and told me the news with a puzzled look, I
expected it, but my spine went cold.

‘Oh, finally...’

The moment I feared had come.

The Battle of Territories was an event that was tantamount to the Rigelhoff
family digging their own grave.

How could a count’s family, at least with some money, think of declaring war
on a samurai family that is said to be a hero of saving the country...

‘He probably believes in the knights of ArchDuke Langston, but behind the
Duke Ludwig is the royal family, you idiots!’

Of course, if a land war breaks out between nobles, the imperial family must
remain neutral.

But look at all the history of the East and the West. Where is the imperial family
that kept perfect neutrality?

‘Besides, even if it’s not the imperial family, the Ludwig family’s firepower is
no joke.’

I have never seen it with my own eyes, but the artist fully explained it in <I
Refuse Obsession>. How messed up the Rigelhoff family was in the Battle of

The Battle of Territories was also a preliminary action to make ArchDuke

Langston emperor, so in the end he was exterminated without being able to
escape the stigma of being a traitor.

“Why did they declare the Battle of Territories?”

To my question about their ‘superficial reason’, Killian shrugged his shoulders

and replied.

“I heard they hit the price of iron ore?”

“Did they?”

“Please. Rather, the price of iron ore was lowered by Count Rigelhoff. But they
said that we had no choice but to cut it because we put pressure on it.”

“Do you have a contract or something?”

“Of course it is. It is insisting on something that can never be justified on


“Well, I guess so.”

I shook my head.

Count Rigelhoff was really lost in his own thoughts and was driving his family
into danger.

With that level of self-pity and pride, how the hell did Count Rigelhoff raise his

“...Are you okay?”

“Huh? What?”

Killian made a bitter face and stared at me.

It was only belatedly that I remembered that the human who declared the Battle
of Territories was the person set up as my father.
“Ah, what... Isn’t it inevitable? With this, it seems that the Rigelhoffs and I have
completely become strangers.”

“Thank you if you think so. But you’ll have to be a bit more mindful. Depending
on the outcome of the war, Count Rigelhoff...”

“I know.”

Killian seemed surprised by my calm answer.

Well, no matter how hateful the father is, it must be a bit surprising that I am as
insensitive as I am while expecting my father to die.

But should I treat him like a father? A man who abused his young daughter and
tricked a man into stealing information?

Besides, I definitely stopped him.

It was the man who brought about his ruin.

“Your father stepped into treason. Yes?”


“My father is too greedy. He can’t see himself and his family objectively. I’ve
tried to stop him, but...”

I pretended to be the victim as much as possible and tried to make a pitiful face.
Fortunately, Killian sighed as I did and came over my shoulder as if to comfort

I paused for a moment, feeling his warm hand, then asked with a sigh.

“What is the reaction of the imperial family?”

“I’m still pretending not to know that ArchDuke Langston has come out as if it
has nothing to do with him, but I think this Battle of Territories will be the
starting point of the treason.”

“ArchDuke Langston is also bold. What the hell did he believe in doing this...”

There is a degree to blindfolding and screaming.

Count Rigelhoff, who had served as the pawn of ArchDuke Langston and had
constantly touched imperial aristocrats, declared a land war against the right-
hand man of the emperor, Duke Ludwig. How could that be a mere family

“It’s obvious what ArchDuke Langston believes in. After Taehwang. Because
Empress Dowager Taehwang believes that Her Majesty the Emperor is not the
son of His Majesty the predecessor.”

“Nonsense. The temple already recognized pure blood 27 years ago. That’s why
I was able to ascend the throne.”

“The Empress Dowager thinks that the recognition of the temple at the time was
also pressured by Her Majesty’s Saga.”

“Then, why is His Majesty the Emperor at this point, 30 years after he ascended
the throne?”
“It’s disrespectful, but... Her Majesty’s mind seems to be unstable. You are 98
years old.”

Empress Taehwang lived too long.

Her husband and eldest son had already left long ago, and she had been living in
her own little world, occupying the back room alone, and seemed to be showing
signs of dementia for several years.

“You must mean that ArchDuke Langston took advantage of that.”


ArchDuke Langston was also a great man to seduce an old man who
remembered the events of 30 years ago more vividly than the day before
yesterday with subtle words to achieve his ambition for the throne.

“Treason that has been waiting for 30 years, should I say this is amazing...”

“He must have tried to give up the throne at first. But not Dane, the son of the
ArchDuke. It was probably Dane who seduced Empress Dowager Taehwang.”

It was said that it was treason to give the position of emperor to his son.

‘At least Count Rigelhoff is better than that human.’

It’s much better than a person who uses his children as hostages and easily
throws them away when he’s no longer needed, cancer.

“You are the one I am worried about.”

Huh. I’m worried about me, too.

“There may be humans who will attack you just because you are the daughter of
Count Rigelhoff.”

“It’s not your fault. And now I am Edith Ludwig, not Edith Riegelhoff.”

“You know that. Arm yourself with that thought. Whatever anyone says, just
refute it that way.”

“Is there anything difficult, what? I’m just worried about you getting hurt.”

“Did you have that much affection for me?”

“I don’t want to be a widow already at my age.”

Then Killian laughed.

“Well, I heard that young widows attract flies like that. I will never see that

“So take good care of your life.”

I said it mischievously, wrinkling the tip of my nose, and Killian approached me

and kissed me deeply.

The sweet breath and the stimulation of the hot tip of my tongue melted away
my anxiety little by little.
Killian softly opened his mouth with a ticking sound, looked down at me with
his mysterious gray eyes and whispered.

“I will take this opportunity to show you what a great man your husband is.”

“I hope it’s not bluffing.”

We laughed lightly and kissed lightly several times.

It was a warm moment that made me think he might be in love with me.

‘Please, nothing should happen.’

Killian and I were trying to playfully overcome this situation, but in fact, it
wasn’t a very happy atmosphere.

You can tell by looking at Duke Ludwig, who hasn’t even looked at me since
Count Rigelhoff declared a Battle of Territories.

Maybe Killian was in a very difficult situation in the middle.

Suddenly, I thought of Layla Sinclair, who had been cursing me to make the
most of the seats that were about to expire.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 100


‘I’m Killian who accepted marriage talks with Count Rigelhoff despite having
Liese whom I love so much. At least I could easily be replaced by Layla

Without realizing it, a sigh leaked out.

Killian looked at me closely and then wrapped his arms around my shoulders
and said.

“I’m thinking of going down to Ryzen as soon as the situation in the capital is
stabilized after the Battle of Territories. What do you think?”

“I agree. If you are in the capital, you will suffer from gossip...”

“It might be a little boring going down because it’s an ordinary manor, but for
the time being, treat yourself as if you’re recuperating.”

I was really looking forward to going to the manor, but Killian seemed to think
that I had no choice but to go because I didn’t want to go.

I was arguing about it, so I just nodded.

I sincerely hoped that the day to go down to the manor with Killian would come
as soon as possible.

“The Rigelhoff family has been in a hurry. It’s annoying, but it worked out
better. I really need to root it out this time.”

Duke Ludwig said while looking through the current status report handed to him
by his aide.

Cliff and Killian, who sat together in the office, nodded without saying

No one was taken aback by the sudden announcement of Battle of Territories.

Although the provocation was a bit earlier than they expected, it was also
expected considering Count Rigelhoff’s behavior at the founding festival.

“Wasn’t His Majesty the Emperor angry?”

Duke Ludwig smiled at Cliff’s question.

“Why not? It seems that you will take this opportunity to slay Grand Duke
Langston, who climbs up without knowing where he is going, and Her Majesty,
Empress Dowager Taehwang, who never treated Her Majesty as an emperor.”

“At last!”

Killian replied as if he was cool.

“You have been patient. Honestly, to the point where people watching from the
side burst into tears.”

“His Majesty must have been waiting for a day like this. There has never been a
justification for purging, and no one will be able to refute this time.”
Cliff nodded, but this time he lowered his voice a bit.

“Have you finished writing the murder record?”

It was to find out the families involved in the treason and ask if the level of
punishment was determined.

“Looks like it’s over. The Grand Duchess of Langston, the Counts of Rigelhoff,
and the Counts of Islet will not be able to escape extinction.”

At the same time as ‘Count Rigelhoff’ was mentioned, the eyes of Duke Ludwig
and Cliff turned to Killian.

“As for Edith... Do you feel anything strange?”

At the Duke’s question, Killian’s forehead crumpled for an instant.

“Edith thinks the relationship with the Rigelhoffs has already been cut off.
Actually isn’t it? Because she declared war without even half a word,
completely ignoring the welfare of her daughter, whom she entrusted to her as a

“I’m glad if that child really thinks so...”

While nodding his head, Duke Ludwig looked as if he didn’t like Killian’s

It was frustrating, but Killian couldn’t say anything more.

‘I need to go down to Ryzen as soon as possible after the Battle of Territories. If
the Rigelhoff family were to perish, how many more harsh words would be
poured out on Edith...’

Killian didn’t want to see Edith enduring any more wounds and pain.

After living quietly and diligently in Ryzen for several years, people will forget
Edith’s past and the last name Rigelhoff.

People’s curiosity boils at once, but the tableware cools down just as quickly.

“I am leaving in a week. Cliff, you take the Knights side, and Killian, you take
the weapons side, prepare to depart without a hitch in a week.”

“Yes, I understand.”

When the meeting broke down, Duke Ludwig headed back to the imperial
family, and Cliff and Killian were busy preparing their duties thoroughly.

After the sun went down, Killian, who had finally found time to relax and had
dinner with Edith, returned to his room with a feeling of regret because he had to
document the situation of the arsenal he had grasped today.

However, while working on the document, I couldn’t get rid of the thought of
Edith in the corner of my head.

‘I’ve been eating less... Even if I pretend it’s not, I’m sure you’re worried.’

Edith, who always exclaimed and ate happily, started leaving food a few days
It was so absurd that Anna, who was about to clear the table, asked, ‘Is it true
that you have finished eating?’

‘Edith should have endured well until the Battle of Territories is over...’

It was when I was just sorting through the documents with a low sigh.

I heard a knocking sound.

It was too late for anyone to come, but Killian walked slowly to the door, feeling
a strange déjà vu.

‘It can’t be Edith.’

Edith had never come to me first, except for that night when she secretly tried to
kiss me.

Killian quietly opened the door.

And the person standing outside the door, as I guessed for no reason, was Liese.

She was wearing acupuncture like when she came to tell the story of the missing
maid, but unlike the acupuncture she always wore, it had a design that left her
shoulders exposed, like Edith’s.

‘Is this type of acupuncture in vogue these days? But I don’t think it suits
Liese... It looks like a child stole her mother’s bedding.’

When Edith wore it, it was bewitching and dazzling, but when the slender Liese
wore it, I was nervous because it seemed like it would flow down any moment.
“What is it, at this hour?”

Killian asked Liese, offering a seat.

“It’s so hard to see Killian’s face these days. I came because I wanted to be here
at this hour.”

There was a bright smile on his face that he had been accustomed to seeing for
the past five years.

Killian just grinned and sat across from her.

“Isn’t Cliff playing around?”

“Cliff is Cliff, and Killian is Killian. Are you busy and did I interrupt you?”

“No, no. Come to think of it, I haven’t been able to take care of you lately.”

“I didn’t mean that. Killian is busy, I know that well.”

Liese wiggled her fingers and added.

“Just... I’m worried because he said he’s leaving soon... I want to say hello...”

“Where am I going to die? Both you and Edith worry too much. Heck, maybe
it’s because he didn’t see Cliff and me fighting on the battlefield.”

said Killian, pretending to be proud.

Liese laughed, but her pretty water blue eyes seemed somehow sad.
“Killian. Do you remember that? When I first came to the mansion... He was
walking around the garden and his hair got caught in the twigs of the garden
trees and he was stuck.”

“Ah! Haha! I don’t remember. At that time, you were very embarrassed.”

“That’s right. Unlike Sinclair Street, I was really excited because I was able to
see the garden on my own. Then, I was embarrassed that my hair got tangled in
the tree, but I was even more embarrassed when the second boy found out about
it. I thought I might get hit by a few.”

Killian and Liese recalled the past five years ago.


It was an early summer day when Liese, who had been almost rescued from the
house of Count Sinclair, was just starting to get a taste of freedom.

Liesee, who had been wandering around the garden of the Ludwig family, which
was bigger and more beautiful than the garden of the Count Sinclair, had her
hair caught in a tree because of the wind that day was a little harsh.

“Ah! Ouch... How did this happen?”

I reached out and tried to fumble, but I couldn’t figure out how the hair got

As I was contemplating whether I should scream and call someone or not, I

heard a rustle from behind.

“Ah, ah, hello, how are you?”

Killian with a cold expression stood with a book in his hand.

Twenty-year-old Killian was a little colder, sharper, and more sensitive than he
is now, so Liese was trying to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Liese made a desperate excuse while trembling.

“I-I didn’t do this on purpose, because the wind blew, I really didn’t expect it to
happen like this... I’m sorry I didn’t tie her hair neatly. Sorry.”

Killian looked at Liese, who was afraid of me for no reason, and handed the
book he was holding to Liese.

Liese accepted the book in bewilderment, and with both hands he freed Liese’s
hair from the tree.

I had no choice but to use a knife to cut off the parts that got tangled even worse
as Liese whimpered.

The garden tree, after all its hair had been removed, had dazzling blond hair
intertwined in places.

“Your blonde hair is pretty, so I guess he wanted to touch him a little too.”

Killian put his pocket knife in and said while taking the book that was in Liese’s
It was the first time the two of them had talked since the Duke and Duchess
Ludwig introduced Liese to their sons.


“I was sure then. They say that this person is actually a kind person...”

Killian, who recalled the past, also smiled.

“I never meant to scare you.”

It really was.

He didn’t like the illegitimate son of the Sinclair family, whom his parents had
suddenly brought in, but he had no intention of frightening him.

It was just a little annoying, and at the same time, a little annoying.

I don’t know when that started to turn into love.

At some point, when I heard Liese’s clear laughter, my heart raced, and when I
saw Liese’s tears, my heart sank.

When Liese looked at Cliff, I felt jealous and impatience, and when Liese
looked at me, I felt happy that my whole body would melt.

It’s all over now, but...

“In fact...”

“I knew Killian’s heart.”

Killian’s mouth, which had been laughing happily, hardened in an instant.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 101



“My heart...?”


Silence lingered between the two for a while.

Killian also assumed that Liese knew my heart. But saying it out loud was an
entirely different matter.

Liese had a calm, yet somewhat sad face.

“I couldn’t pretend to know. I’m an illegitimate child... Because I had nothing to

give to Killian.”

Killian was dazed.

‘Lee also... Did you like me...?’

If this is true, Killian has become so unfairly married.

“But you... Cliff and...”

“I am grateful that Master Cliff loves me. It’s a bit scary at times, but...”


Killian covered his forehead with his hand as his mind seemed to be jumbled.

Numerous moments that could have been Liese’s sign passed before his eyes.

“If I hadn’t been an illegitimate child... Could something have been different?”

Killian didn’t know what to do at the question, which seemed to be soaked with
sadness, and just stiffened.

Really, if Liese wasn’t an illegitimate child and didn’t have a sense of

qualifications, so if she was able to accept his love more honestly, would
anything have changed?

“I’m worried you’ll get hurt by going out to Battle of Territories.”

“It’s not a big deal enough to call it a war. Don’t worry.”

“But if you get hurt at all... I am...”

The tears in the eyes were full of sorrow.

But at that moment, Edith appeared in Killian’s mind.

“I don’t want to be a widow already at my age.”

Edith, who said she was worried about me, but gave a mischievous reason.

However, Killian thought that Edith’s playful expression was more relevant than
Liese’s tearful concern.

And at the same time, the memories of the past replayed in my head.

There were many moments when I was mistaken by myself that Liese might be
in love with me, but there were more moments when I realized that it was an

The smile she gave to Cliff was brighter than the one he smiled at me, the two of
them were much closer without me, and sometimes felt alienated even in the
presence of the three.

‘But you loved me? That’s kind of weird...’

Then Killian realized he had guessed again.

Liese didn’t tell me that she loved me. She just said, ‘I knew your heart.’

‘I almost made another stupid mistake. No, did Liese intend this kind of
Killian frowned slightly and shook his head.

However, the moment Liese approached, even the cold-hearted Killian couldn’t
help but be taken aback.


“Before you leave, can you kiss me just once?”

It was an irresistible temptation.

The moist eyes, the exposed shoulder, the hand on Killian’s forearm, everything
of Liese was tempting Killian.

For the first time, the fragments of sunlight he had longed for for the past five
years were shining towards him. He wanted her.


If Liese had approached half a year earlier, Killian would have kissed Liese
without thinking twice.

However, Killian of today is not Killian of the past.

He smiled and tapped Liese’s forehead with his fingertips.


“You don’t have to do it like sending someone to die like that, you fool.”
With that alone, the strange atmosphere that had been hanging between them
was scattered in an instant.

“I’ll bet you. It would take less than a month to win or lose the Battle of
Territories. The reason why this Battle of Territories happened in the first place
was because my father thoroughly hid our power. I was waiting for them to
provoke me like this first.”


“You and Edith, it seems like you’re too nervous when you say war.”

Disappointment hung over Liese’s face at Killian’s expression, which had no

regrets, and the name ‘Edith’.

Killian noticed it, but pretended not to know.

“Don’t worry, get some sleep. Let’s go, I’ll see you.”

“Oh, no. I will go back alone.”

Killian would have offered him one or two more times if Liese had refused, but
he thought that Liese might feel embarrassed when he refused to kiss him, so he
said yes.

“Good night, Killian.”

“You sleep well too.”

Unlike usual, Killian, who said goodbye without even a kiss on the forehead,
was lost in thought as he looked at the door that Liese had left behind.
‘Why is Liese suddenly acting like that?’

I had been thinking for some time that Liese seemed to be subtly seducing me.

But today was a pretty bold provocation.

Too bold for that nice, innocent Liese Sinclair...

‘No matter how you think about it, Liese definitely had feelings for Cliff. Why
did I say it as if it was Cliff’s one-sided mind?’

Right after hearing the words ‘I knew your feelings’ or ‘Would it have been
different if I hadn’t been an illegitimate child’, I almost mistaken it for a
moment with shock and embarrassment, but if I calmly think back on my
memories, Liese is definitely Cliff. Was close to loving.

That’s why I accepted the marriage with Edith, and until then, Liese was close to
supporting me and Edith.

‘Why are you trying to shake my heart now?’

No matter how much I thought about it, it was difficult to find the reason.

However, one more surprising thing was that even after hearing Liese’s words,
he did not waver.

‘Edith reminded me...’

It’s not just because of the responsibility of ‘like it or not, Edith is my wife’.
He felt more comfortable with Edith and felt more desire for her.

Instead of Liese, who was bright, clear, and kind like the sun, who blamed
herself for anything that happened and was cautious that she would break up any
minute, Edith, who was careless, brazen, confident, and never lost a word, had
taken over his heart from some point on.

‘With the Battle of Territories ahead, Liese only felt confused about her feelings.
Let’s forget it.’

Killian sighed and smiled at the same time, then suddenly stopped touching the

‘If Edith was like this, she would have assumed that she was trying to seduce me
to hide something about herself...? Then... Shouldn’t we have the same question
towards Liese?’

Thinking like that made me realize how absurdly suspicious I had been towards
Edith in the past, and how partial I was.

And finally, I came to question whether Liese is really ‘kind and innocent’.

The truth about the day Edith was almost killed was still unknown, and the most
suspicious person was Liese.

Killian immediately called a servant and told him to bring Anna, Edith’s maid.

And he lowered her voice and secretly commanded Anna, who had come
running in a month.
“Never take your eyes off Edith while I’m gone. Do your best to protect Edith’s

“All right.”

“I am sorry to burden you so much, but you are the only one I can trust.”

“No. Originally, that was my job.”

Anna replied confidently and quietly withdrew, but Killian’s eyebrows hardly

‘Liese... What the hell are you thinking?’

It seemed that the beautiful memories of the past five years spent with Liese
were shining brightly to protect her, but Killian feared that something was
hidden under that light.



The sound of weak footsteps echoed in the deserted hallway.

And just as the sound of footsteps became more frequent, a low, soft voice came
from the darkness.

“You look like something is not right.”

Cliff, who was waiting for Liese in front of her door, smiled and spread his arms
toward her.

Liese embraced him in his arms as if she was used to it.

Cliff’s cold shoulders seemed to warm them up.

“It’s late. Where are you going?”

“Ah... I couldn’t sleep, so I walked for a while.”

“It’s so dark...? Dangerous.”

Having locked Liese in his arms, Cliff opened Liese’s door and went inside

“Sorry. The thought of the Battle of Territories is making me nervous...”

“Because there is nothing to worry about. This Battle of Territories is no

different from what my father caused. That’s why everything is prepared.”

Cliff gave a similar answer to Killian’s.

Even though Liese had heard it over and over again, her shoulders trembled like
an aspen tree.

Cliff hugged Liese tightly again and stroked her back.

“Instead of worrying about me or Killian, watch over Edith while we’re gone.”

His trembling shoulders stopped, and his puzzled eyes stared at Cliff.

“I’m hoping it’s Ki-woo, too, but you never know. You have to keep a close eye
on Edith to see if there’s anything strange going on.”

“If... What should I do if it looks strange?”

“Send the hawk. I will tell the guy who manages Jeon Seo-eung in advance.”

Liese timidly nodded.

Cliff pressed his lips to Liese’s forehead and whispered kindly.

“For your safety, I’ll come running right away. I swear.”

“Thank you, Cliff.”

Rejected by Killian, Liese regained stability and composure in Cliff’s arms.


The colder the day, the harder it is to get out of the blanket.

But it wasn’t just the cold that made it hard to get out of the blankets today.

“After all, it has become morning.”

I muttered to Killian, who had just opened his eyes, having stayed up all night
without a sigh of sleep.

Killian, who held me warmly last night, blinked his thick double eyelids, then
shook his body and laughed.

“Is it too bad that you won’t see me for a few days?”

“How do you know if it will be days or months?”

“It sounds like you’re sorry.”

Killian grinned mischievously.

If it was like before, he would have sarcastically said that he was overly self-
conscious and that it was an illness if he was misunderstood, but he couldn’t do
that this morning.

“...Yes. I think I might miss you.”

You will miss it. Maybe desperate.

It was ironic that the man destined to cut my throat was the only one I could turn
to, but for now, Killian was the only one to protect me.

Who would protect me now, the daughter of Count Rigelhoff, who dared to
declare a fief war against the Ludwig family?
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 102




Killian called me by name and hugged me.

His body odor, a mixture of alluring musk and the scent of tree bark, always
thrilled my heart.

“It won’t take long. You only need to wait for a month or so. Do not go out of
the mansion as much as possible, and do not write to others.”

“I was afraid that I would go outside just because I was excited about this yard
where my father walked to Battle of Territories toward my in-laws’ house?”

As I grumbled dissatisfiedly, Killian laughed again.

“Not that... It means that you have to put up with the occasional outings in the
city. I’m sorry about you.”

The pat on the back was kind enough to bring tears to my eyes.
“Cheese... Do you know who is young? Be careful not to get hit by either you or
the blind arrows.”

Even though he said it in a playful way, it reminded me of the scene where he

was hit by an arrow flying from somewhere, and I got goosebumps.

‘Different thoughts! Think different! It’s like a dead flag!’

I jumped up to vent my anxious feelings.

“Oh! I have something made for you.”

“For me...?”

I put on the shawl I had by my side and opened the chest of drawers.

As soon as I heard that the Battle of Territories had been declared, a pair of
finished handkerchief, which had just been completed yesterday, were lying
quietly in a clumsy look.

It was floated in a cylindrical shape, but it is impressive that it twisted like a

whirlwind on my own.

I pulled it in the opposite direction to correct it, but the whirlwind shape stayed
the same and only stretched in the opposite direction.

In a word, it is a total difficulty, but it is expected that there will be a warming

effect once you wear it because you use a good thread... It was said to be a
“Um... It’s not very pretty, but I think it’s just a belief in relief... No, just throw
it away when it gets dirty.”

I put on an embarrassed face and handed the tattered thing to Killian.

Killian, who approached me in a gown, looked like a muscular 21st-century

American male model, and the woolen pouch in his hand added a sense of
reality to his unrealistic figure. Too much.


Yes, that would be funny. It’s funny even to me.

Killian’s eyes widened as he turned the handkerchief I gave him back and forth,
then raised his head.

“I’ve been thinking about it since the bazaar’s embroidered handkerchief, but
you’re not good with your hands.”

“Oh, did you see that too?”

“I bought all three because I was afraid someone would see them.”

“I asked who bought it and it was you! Thank you. In fact, I was nervous
because I was afraid that it would not sell until the end.”


It was nice to hear his cheerful laugh.

Even so, he did not let go of the handkerchief I gave him and continued to play
with it.

“Anyway, it looks pretty warm.”

“Actually, I wrote something good. Maybe it’s because I’m not good at it, so I
started investing in materials.”

“...I will use it well. Thinking of you.”

It’s a bit of a foul to say things like that with a face that says you’re going to die
of joy.

I was momentarily dazed and at a loss for words.

And Killian didn’t miss that gap, grabbed me by my nape and kissed me.

His lips, still smiling, moved playfully on top of my lips and then slipped into
each other, and the dry lips parted in the gap and stuck their tongues out, making
a sloppy noise.

“Haa, Killian...!”

“Ugh, one more time...”

Killian held on tighter to me as he pushed me away and led me back to the bed.

“Ki, Killian, you’re going to be late.”

“I’ll do it just once. Huh?”

I can’t get over it when a person who used to use honorifics every time treats me
with such short words.

“Yes... I can’t...”

The typical ‘No, no, no... It was the scene of’.

We glanced at the brightening window, nervously but quickly throwing off our
bedclothes, and horrified by the cold air, seeking each other’s body heat.

My body, remembering the heat of the previous night, quickly heated up, and
Killian and I impatiently put our bodies together.

‘It’s okay to say that Killian only wants my body. I think I’ll be happy living
like this.’

I know it sounds like low self-esteem, but Killian is kind and charming enough
to bring that thought to mind.

It was a person.

Even though he hated me so much, he made an effort to accept me as his wife

anyway, and he is still placating me to fulfill that responsibility.

If the original Edith had been a little more relaxed, she would not have suffered
such a catastrophe. Killian wasn’t the kind of person who could ruthlessly cut
off the person clinging to him.

‘If only this Battle of Territories ends well... If only I could greet Killian without
anything happening... I can avoid the ending of the original plot!’
The third-stage exception was something I couldn’t figure out, and now I
couldn’t be relieved just by avoiding the ending of the original story, but I could
accomplish my first goal of surviving anyway.

“Haha... We, if we don’t stop here, it will be really late.”

After one climax, I held onto Killian’s shoulder as he licked my lips again and
stopped me.

Killian glanced at the alarm clock on my dressing table and clicked his tongue in

“I’m already getting annoyed at the thought of not being able to do this for a

“It’s the same with other knights, but you shouldn’t be like this.”

“Should I break the atmosphere by talking right to the end?”

“Otherwise, I don’t think your momentum will slow down.”

Killian nodded, shaking his head and finally pulling himself away from me.

After that, I had to hurry like a mother who wants to send her child to a daycare

He hurried Anna to get some water, washed her up, and put on his clothes.
While I was dressing her, she asked Anna to shave Killian.

Fortunately, Duke Ludwig came down belatedly.

Duke Ludwig, who was on his way out, looked around the family and servants
gathered in the hall and said in a firm voice.

“Jocelyn. While I’m gone, I’ll give you full control of this mansion. Philip! I
want you to help Jocelyn and keep the mansion intact.”

“I understand, Your Excellency.”

“Sir Gordon. I will entrust you with the defense of this mansion during the
Battle of Territories.”

“I will protect it without leaking water!”

“Mrs Luigi. As the head maid, I ask you to help Jocelyn and Philip keep the
house safe and sound.”

“Yes, Master.”

Starting with Philip the butler, Duke Ludwig asked the captain of the mansion
escort knights and one of the main servants what to do.

And his gaze turned towards us.

“And Liese. Best regards Jocelyn. Don’t worry too much.”

“Yes, Your Excellency.”

“Then... I will go out now.”

Duke Ludwig uttered the last word resolutely, then turned around and went

There was no word of encouragement for me at all.

Probably everyone in the room noticed that fact. Killian’s face hardened in an

“Killian. You should go now.”


Killian, whose molars were clenched tightly, seemed to be struggling to contain

the rage that welled up in him.

Anyone who sees it will think that Killian was ignored, not me.

“...I’m sorry, Edith. When I come back, sure... Let’s go to Ryzen.”

“Yes. And I’m fine, so don’t worry too much about it. Right now, His
Excellency the Duke must be in a complicated state of mind. I am the enemy’s

“No. You are not an enemy’s daughter, but Duke Ludwig’s daughter-in-law and
my wife. Don’t forget that your name is Edith Ludwig.”

I’ve never forgotten it’s the last bastion I can beg for my life.

But I just smiled and held his hand one last time.
The tip of the yarn ball touched my fingertips.

I was grateful to him for insisting on wearing the sloppy pajamas I had woven.

“Don’t get hurt and come back. I will remember that brag about how great you


Killian kissed me one last time and followed Duke Ludwig out.

Finally, the beginning of the episode that could be Edith’s last has risen.


When the Battle of Territories started, newspapers in the capital became busy.

Everyone must have been interested because it was a fight between Count
Rigelhoff, who was said to have the most wealth among the counts, and Duke
Ludwig, the right-hand man of the emperor.

— The reason for the Battle of Territories was the Ludwig family’s unfair iron
ore price pressure! The truth?

— Is it a simple family fight or the beginning of a rebellion?

— The silent imperial family. What is His Majesty’s true heart?

Headlines like those seen in beauty salon magazines decorated the front pages of
Even in the midst of this, the temperature difference between the newspapers
influenced by the ArchDuke Langston or the Count Rigelhoffs and the
newspapers that paid attention to the imperial family was clearly felt.

‘The imperial family is too quiet. It’s probably that the people who joined the
rebellion are waiting for them to reveal themselves.’

It also appeared in <House·Delegation>. The current emperor, Byron Iberia,

took this opportunity to purify the impure elements.

Ever since he ascended the throne at the young age of 18, he has had to confront
those who have ignored and belittled him.

But he was never a good person.

He grew up seeing all sorts of dirty things from a young age, and he was the one
who kept his position in the middle of the rugged power struggle.

‘But humans who are intoxicated with a handful of their own power can’t see

The Ludwig family has also been hiding their powers. That, too, was the will of
the emperor.

Sooner or later, Count Rigelhoff will say, ‘Those swindlers! You tricked us!’ It
seemed as if the figure was drawn in front of my eyes.

But that’s for the future.

Right now, in the social world of the capital, it seemed that there were already
people who were predicting the victory of ArchDuke Langston and thinking of
joining them.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 103



“It is said that the Grand Duchess of Langston is constantly shaping public
opinion by attending banquets large and small.”

Princess Catherine, who stopped by the Ludwig family avoiding the eyes of
others, said annoyedly while drinking tea provided by the Duchess.

“I’ve been avoiding attending banquets in fear of hearing rumors that I’m
overpowering, but that seems to have been an excuse for them to catch the pod.”

The Duchess shook her head.

Because of the sudden fame and power, the Ludwig family was afraid to cause
any inconvenience to the imperial family.

However, no matter how careful this side was with good intentions, those who
wanted to criticize somehow twisted and interpreted it in a bad way.
“I don’t think we should be intimidated, Mother. But... I’m worried that there
will be people who will get angry if they get swept up in the momentary
atmosphere and join the anti-communist faction.”

I expressed my opinion calmly.

To those who don’t know my true story, it would be funny for me, the daughter
of Count Rigelhoff, to say such a thing.

“I’m surprised, Miss Edith.”

As expected, Princess Catherine spoke in a playful voice.

“For Miss Edith, wouldn’t it be better if more people joined the anti-communist

“Why do you think so, Your Highness?”

“Does that increase the chances of the Rigelhoff family surviving?”

Princess Catherine had no ill will toward me. She just wants to see the inside of

Of course, my position was firmly established long ago.

‘Even if Count Rigelhoff wins, I’m just a traitor to them.’

But in the eyes of others, it won’t be.

Everyone will know that I have completely cut ties with the Rigelhoffs after the
Battle of Territories is over anyway, but those who curse me will somehow
catch the pod.

‘It’s certain that the Ludwig family will win. If they regret it even a little, they
will accuse me of being a traitor, and if they are happy, they will point their
fingers at me as a bitch who abandoned my parents and siblings. It’s obvious,

If you’re going to get criticized somehow, the latter is better. You have to save
your life! I want to see the people who abused me fall!

“Her Highness. People do not have only one position. Her Highness, the
princess, may also experience conflicts between the position of being the
princess and the position of being someone’s wife. Then what should I do?”

“Well. We should prioritize the more important ones.”

“Who decides what is important?”

“Um... Father or...”

Although she was a princess who was said to be selfish, it was felt that she was
still confined to the boundaries of traditional education at times like this.

I shook my head and replied.

“What if His Highness’s life was at stake? Can you still make excuses for
listening to what others have to say? In the end, it’s up to you to choose.”

“Uh... Huh...”
“I too have chosen. Even after marrying me into the Ludwig family, my parents
who caused a fiasco without consulting me, and my in-laws who have protected
me so far. No matter what the outcome, I will take responsibility for my choice,
and I will not regret it even if someone criticizes it.”

It was a choice without a choice for me, but those people won’t know that, so I
hope they just consider it special.

“Miss Edith... It is unexpectedly strong.”

“Are you surprised?”

“Sorry, yes, yes. Actually, when I saw you in the past, I had the impression that
you were being swayed by Count Rigelhoff. Everyone else said that Count
Rigelhoff raised you, but in my opinion... It seemed like you were constantly
watching your father.”

It seems that even the princess is not doing just anyone. Everyone else was
fooled, but to see through it?

“At that time, I was young and immature.”

And there was no place to return to except Rigelhoff.

If there was at least one place to escape to, Edith in the original story wouldn’t
have lived like that.

“Well, it’s not like I’m going to come back and bruise what I did back then.
Just... I mean, it looks much better now. I’m not good at talking, so I apologize
if I offended you.”

“No. Thank you for being honest.”

If everyone were honest like Catherine, I wouldn’t have to worry about it like

Catherine, who nodded and smiled, turned her gaze to the Duchess again.

“Oh, and there was a word that His Majesty had to convey. It won’t be a big
deal, but just in case, I’ll send some imperial troops to the Ludwig family.”

Oh, that’s a very solid offer!

If the imperial troops protect this area, they will be able to sufficiently prevent
Shane’s attack, which occurred in the original story.

However, the Duchess shook her head.

“No. Can you bother the emperor with something like this? There are enough
troops guarding the mansion, so tell them not to worry too much.”

I was like, ‘No, why?’ looked at the Duchess with a smile on her face.

Catherine also frowned and persuaded her again.

“On the contrary, your wife’s refusal increases His Majesty’s anxiety. It
happened to punish the group of traitors, and it is right for His Majesty the
Emperor to bear the responsibility.”

That’s right!

But the Duchess shook her head again.

“If the Battle of Territories takes place, the imperial family must maintain

“Of course, they won’t be sent rumored to be imperial troops. I’ll dress up like a
mercenary and send it off...”

“If rumors spread by any chance, it’s like giving ArchDuke Langston another

The superficial reason for this Battle of Territories was always the discord
between the two families, and for that reason, the royal family appearing to take
one side in the Battle of Territories might be the picture that the other side

‘But that’s only a problem when the Battle of Territories is long. By the time it’s
revealed that the Imperial Knights guarding Ludwig’s mansion are revealed, all
the rebels will be slain.’

Of course, this is my opinion knowing the original work, so it might be a matter

for the Duchess to be cautious.

In the end, Catherine also sighed and accepted the Duchess’s opinion.

Suddenly, the Duchess took out a handkerchief from her bosom and put it
around Liese’s mouth, startled.


“Oh, Liese! Are you okay?”

Liese was bleeding from her nose.

“I’m sorry. Why is this all of a sudden...”

Liese also stopped the bleeding with a puzzled face. The white handkerchief the
Duchess handed over quickly turned red.

“Anyway, Liese seems to be very nervous because of the Battle of Territories.”

At my words, the Duchess hurriedly called Liese’s maid. It seems that such
delicate children are pouring out nosebleeds just from such tension or worry.

In the end, the tea time ended earlier than expected because of Liese, who went
back to her room with the help of a maid.

As I returned from seeing Catherine off, I asked the Duchess subtly.

“Still, wouldn’t it be much safer if the Imperial Knights help defend the

“Um... It doesn’t.”

“Then why did you decline? Is it really because of the imperial family’s duty of

“Anyway, the reason is big, but...”

The wife’s demeanor was strangely flustered.

But after a while, the wife tilted her head and muttered.
“Why did I do that?”


Huh? What reaction is this?

The Duchess was regretting her actions, as if she had become a completely
different person from just half an hour ago.

“No. If you’ve been rejected, what will you do? It’s not that there aren’t too
many troops to defend the mansion, so there’s nothing to worry about.”

“Yeah, that’s right.”

No, I wrote it. This was not enough to stand against Shane’s mercenaries.

‘Is the Duchess’ strange behavior also due to the flow of the original story?
Even in the original work, there is no mention that the Imperial Knights guarded
the mansion. That’s why Shane’s mercenaries attacked...’

Because I met the 2nd stage exception conditions and overcame the original
author’s intervention twice, the flow of the original work was greatly weakened,
but it did not completely disappear.

‘Anyway, it’s the most important event in which I, the villain, will die, so I think
it’s progressing according to the original story rather than a minor episode.’

But I couldn’t just sit still and watch it.

‘I can’t give them any excuse to raid the mansion.’

I clenched my fists.


From that day on, I toured the mansion every evening to see if there was
anything unusual.

It was a mansion with many escorts and servants, but I couldn’t shake my

‘Are you going to use the sleeping incense again?’

The reason why Shane was able to raid so many mansions was that, in addition
to the unlocked back door of the mansion, he also smoked sleeping incense
everywhere that put so many people to sleep or made them feel drowsy.

Of course, in the original work, the role was played by Sophia and the spy
planted in the mansion in advance.

‘Maybe I didn’t install Sleep Incense without Sophia, but I don’t know...’

I didn’t know who the spy was planted in this mansion beforehand.

Maybe the author didn’t set it up properly either.

So, I also had to look around the mansion, avoiding the eyes of an unknown spy.

‘First of all, I’ll have to check the back door every day.’
The flow of the original work, which made it impossible to use me, might use a
spy to unlock the back door.

I checked the door lock with Anna, then got near the back door and had Anna
check the other side.

In the unlikely event that a strange device comes out, it will be difficult if you
doubt me about how I expected this.

However, I ran into the person I didn’t want to run into the most.

“Uh...? What are you doing?”

Liese stood holding the doorknob of the back door.

And Liese, feeling my presence, turned around in amazement.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 104



“Ah, Liese. What are you doing there?”

“I was checking the door lock. Why is Edith at this time...”

“I was also checking the door lock. We are very nervous.”

I laughed lightly.

I was a little surprised to see Liese in the place where Edith in the previous life
had put an anti-lock device, but Liese was just locking the door.

‘Is this what a thief says makes my feet go numb?’

I approached Liese, locked the back door, grabbed the doorknob, and shook it a
few times.

The door was properly locked.

“Looks good here. Me and Anna checked the eastern hallway. I’m thinking of
going to the west hallway now.”

“I came after checking the west corridor...”

“Then, now Liese should check the eastern hallway and I should check the
western hallway. It will be more accurate if you check it twice.”

“I guess so.”

I waved to Liese, who was still pale, and walked with Anna toward the west
‘Nothing’s going to happen. Nothing...’

I memorized the words over and over again as if it were a spell.

He refused the Rigelhoff family’s last notice to cooperate with the family, and
he would not do any strange devices at the back door.

Every day, I would go around the mansion to see if there was anything like
sleeping incense, and if there was no sleeping incense, the mansion wouldn’t be
easily occupied.

It was the night of the week since I checked the door of the mansion, repeating
that I would be fine alone.

As usual, I checked the back door while Anna checked the aisle toward the


After hearing the usual clicking sound, I felt that the back door, which was
locked tightly, sounded like it was not locked well.

‘No way...!’

Suddenly, my heart started beating fast.

After confirming that Anna hadn’t come out of the shed aisle yet, I opened the
back door and groped inside the hole for the lock.

Something square and heterogeneous in texture was touched.

‘No, it can’t be...’

Though I thought that couldn’t be the case, I pulled out the ‘something’ with my
fingernails, put it in my pocket, and closed the back door again.


There was the same sound as usual and the back door was locked tightly.

Along with the chilling sensation, it seemed that my back was wet with cold


“Uh! Uh huh?”

I thought it was Anna, but one of the maids who was taking the laundry was
looking at me strangely.

“What are you doing there?”

“Mae, every night I check the door lock. You... It’s late. Are you still working?”

“No. This is just my personal laundry.”

“I see... It’s late, so hurry up and get some rest.”

“Yes, then...”
The maid bowed to me and disappeared into the darkness.



“Uh! Everyone, have you been?”

Just as I was about to catch my breath, I was startled by Anna’s voice calling me
again, so I stuttered involuntarily.

Even that, I was afraid that Anna would look at it strangely.

But Anna didn’t say anything and we moved on to check the door lock again.

‘Why do I have to tremble because of something I didn’t do!’

It’s a shame because it’s dark, but if it had been bright, my complexion would
have looked strangely pale to anyone’s eyes.

I must have been glistening with a cold sweat.

But I couldn’t. The device that Edith put in the back door in the original work
was now in my pocket.

‘If I hadn’t removed it, I’d probably be accused of doing it again.’

But the fact that the device was still in my pocket didn’t feel too good.
I kept imagining how suddenly someone would dig through my clothes and find
this device and accuse me of being a spy for the Rigelhoffs.

‘Isn’t this enough trauma?’

I swallowed dry saliva and checked the door lock, then I hurriedly lay down on
the bed, making the excuse that I was tired today.

‘Who did it?’

The first person to suspect was a spy from the Rigelhoffs, who must have been
in the family.

Maybe he’s the real culprit behind some unidentified cases.

‘No matter how much I search Edith’s memories, I can’t figure out who it is.’

Count Rigelhoff sent Edith alone into the enemy’s lair, but he didn’t believe it
all, so he didn’t even tell Edith who the spy he planted was.

‘I don’t know who it is, but it’s clear that he’s as competent as Sophia just
because he hasn’t been caught so far.’

When the sound of Anna walking around outside the bedroom disappeared, I
quietly took out the device I had hidden under the pillow and examined it.

It was hard to see with the small lamp lit by the head of the bed, but it was a
simple device with a spring in the middle.

‘How do I throw this away?’

Even if I had it, it would only serve as proof that I was a spy.

But since it’s made of metal, it won’t burn, and going far to throw it away seems

‘I’m going to throw it away somewhere while taking a walk in the garden

Even after thinking that, all sorts of bad imaginations arose one after another.

While I was doing that, I suddenly remembered the original author who was
looking down at me and smiling at me.

‘How fun would it be to see myself shivering and getting neurotic?’

In an instant, the heat rose.

‘What did I do wrong? What crime did I commit in my previous life to do this to

The more I thought about it, the more my anger boiled over.

There was a time when I thought this possession was luck, but now all I can
think of is that I was caught by an unlucky mad god.

The imagination of a child trapping an ant in a labyrinth and looking down on it

with pleasure rose up.

‘X feet! Do you think I’ll be obedient?’

Rather than trembling with anxiety, I resolved to face it more aggressively.

‘If this device was installed, there is a high probability that the sleeping incense
was also hidden. I have to find all of them at least in the direction of sleep.’

I decided to go through the mansion the next day.

I will never let Shane raid this mansion.


“Hello, Linnon.”

“Hello, lady.”

Even in the middle of the Battle of Territories, the work of the Duke’s servants
continued as usual.

In other words, I was also going to work at Linnon’s office as usual.

“Did you not sleep well last night?”

“Yes? Why, why?”

“You don’t seem to have a very good complexion.”

The complexion was already pointed out by Anna in the morning.

I could barely sleep because I was grinding my teeth all night thinking about
how to mess with the original author.
What’s more unfair is that I couldn’t sleep and thought about it, but I couldn’t
come up with a sharp number.

‘I have no choice but to do my best in the immediate task.’

It’s a textbook conclusion, but that was the only thing I could do now.

“Today, you can take care of the documents of the Ryzen estate. You worked so
hard that there aren’t many papers left anymore.”

“I know, right. I’m so excited to think of it as Battle of Territories that I will

grow with Killian in the future...”

I smiled awkwardly and received the documents for the Ryzen estate from

“How do you want to grow Ryzen?”

“From a macroscopic point of view, from a microscopic point of view?”

“First, I would like to hear from a macro perspective.”

As I put the papers on the desk, I thought of Ryzen in my imagination.

“It’s a matter that needs to be discussed with Killian, but if I ask for my own
opinion, I want to develop it into a commercial and recreational city.”

“A commercial city? But Ryzen is a bit of an isolated terrain.”

“If you look at it on a map, it is. But without Mount Philiac, you can connect to
the port city of Dryburn across it.”

“How are you going to get rid of Mount Philiac?”

I unfolded the map of the Ryzen territory plugged into one side of my desk.

Mt. Philiak was not very high, and it was a thankful mountain that provided
various forest products to the people of Ryzen.

However, because of this mountain, Ryzen was treated as an isolated rural area,
disconnected from small and medium-sized cities across the mountain.

“You don’t have to push all the mountains. Because Mt. Philiak is definitely a
valuable resource for the people of Ryzen.”


“Can’t we just make one road?”

“The way?”

It would be difficult to drill a tunnel in this era, but it would be worth trying to
find the flattest and shortest road, build a mountain road, and organize the
surrounding vegetation.

Maybe there are mountain roads that people still go on.

“Ryzen will change completely if we pave the way to connect to small and
medium-sized cities beyond Mount Philiac and equip the auxiliary facilities for
merchants to use.”
“Hmm. I guess so.”

“In addition, don’t you think it would be quite okay to build a villa for nobles
near Mount Philiac as long as the amenities are well equipped? It will become a
city with convenience while enjoying nature.”

Listening to my explanation, Linnon seemed a little surprised, then nodded.

“I think Ryzen will revive even if it only takes 10 years.”

“So I hope Killian will come back safely.”

“Um... Even so...”

Even with that expressionless face, Linnon showed a little worried expression
and asked cautiously.

“The Rigelhoff family might go bankrupt, are you okay?”

It must have been a question that everyone wanted to ask me, but couldn’t bear
to ask directly.

I took a deep breath and answered.

“Are you okay.”

“The fact that you left me here and provoked the Ludwig family means that the
ties between me and my family have been severed. I don’t want to be loyal to a
family that told me to die, even giving my life.”

However, in this world, family honor was considered more important than life.

Perhaps the way I severely sever ties with my parents might look vulgar in the
eyes of nobles who live and die in honor.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 105



“From Linnon’s point of view, I may seem like a person who doesn’t know the
kindness of my parents and family and betrays me like flipping the palm of my

“No. To be honest, I think you are the one who has the courage to turn your
back on your family. How many women are treated as tools because they lack
that courage. That is wrong.”

If I hadn’t met Killian first, I would have liked Linnon.

A sincere man who talks kindly with an expressionless face. He has less impact
than male leads and sub-leaders, but what a good person to marry and live with!
“...Linnon is a good person.”

“This is the first time such an evaluation has been made.”

“It’s because other people don’t know Linnon’s true identity. I wish I could
make a connection with a really nice lady.”

“Thank you for thinking so.”

Linnon greeted indifferently, without a hint of embarrassment.

I was immersed in the imagination of Killian and I managing Ryzen together

while organizing the papers of the Ryzen estate again.

It was such a heart-pounding imagination that I couldn’t help but smile.


Tricia, where the Battle of Territories is taking place, is an area sandwiched

between Ravenna, the Ludwig family’s fief, and Pizarro, the Rigelhoff family’s

The lord of Tricia, who had to give up his territory as a battlefield for a crime
against the Rigelhoff family, was drying up his blood, but unfortunately for him,
the charter had been tilted toward the Ludwig family from the beginning.

“This time, the ironclad cavalry and infantry divisions appeared from behind
Mount Roseto and struck the flanks of our troops, resulting in a heavy defeat.”

“Duke Ludwig must be the strongest in the Empire when it comes to tactics.”
“Cliff Ludwig and Killian Ludwig were knights who surpassed my father. It’s so
bold that it’s hard to believe that he’s never been to war.”

As desperate reports came one after another, a gloomy atmosphere drifted in the
camp of Count Rigelhoff.

Count Rigelhoff’s hair, which was always neatly arranged, was disheveled, and
a few strands fell between his frowning brows.

“Fucking bastards. You’ve fooled us thoroughly so far! Is this the way you treat
your friends!”

Count Rigelhoff vented indignation at the fact that the Ludwig family had been
hiding their firepower while I, too, had been deceiving them.

Even though he had to blame himself for being self-confident that he fully
grasped the current state of the Duke Ludwig prior to the Battle of Territories.

Shane was surprised as well.

He had always been dissatisfied with Cliff, who was just lucky enough to
become the Duke’s heir, and had thought that Cliff and I were no different.

However, the Cliff he encountered during the Battle of Territories was truly a

Rumors that he resembled Duke Ludwig of the previous generation, who led the
war against the Kingdom of Janoch to victory, did not seem to be false.

‘Damn it, damn it, damn it!’

Realizing the gap between himself and Cliff as the days went by was not a
pleasant experience at all.

Even Cliff’s younger brother Killian was far superior to Shane.

In particular, in the battle not too long ago, the troops guarding Shane’s front
collapsed under Killian’s horse’s hooves.

“This is Edith’s brother? I can’t believe it.”

Killian’s contemptuous voice, which came right in front of me, still lingered in
my ears like a nightmare.

‘Cheaky bastards...! I will bring you to your knees no matter what!’

Shane grinded his teeth together with Count Rigelhoff.

And just then, a letter from Sophia arrived.

— Lady Edith doesn’t seem to have any intention of cooperating until the end. I
guess it’s better to trust that unidentified helper.

His Excellency, ArchDuke Langston, has finished preparations for his rebellion
in the capital.

Sooner or later, the imperial family will fall into the hands of His Excellency
Langston, so you asked for a little more strength.

After reading the letter, Count Rigelhoff’s eyes shone insidiously.

“It looks like there is nothing more we can find out about the helpers in the
Ludwig family.”

“It looks like that. Since Duncan has also been kicked out, it is even more
difficult to determine his identity.”

They were still thinking about an unknown person who contacted them saying
they would help them not long before the declaration of the Battle of Territories.

Duncan, the spy planted in the Ludwig family, was discovered as soon as the
Rigelhoff family declared a land war, and was severely beaten and kicked out.

It was a response as if he already knew his identity.

Even Edith rejected the last offer, so I was thinking about what to do, but a
secret letter suddenly arrived.

— This is the person who works at Duke Ludwig’s residence. If you’re trying to
destroy the Ludwig family, I’d like to add a little bit of strength.

I cannot reveal my identity, but you’d probably rather trust me than trust your

I was suspicious of his identity at first because he had sent me such a letter.

But the other person seemed to be sincere.

He wrote and sent details such as the remaining troops and the number of
employees in the Ludwig family, and said that he would install a sleeping
incense burner and a door lock prevention device.
Although it was said that the anti-locking device was discovered and removed
by someone from the Ludwig family in the middle.

“Even ArchDuke Langston is ready, so I can’t put off work any longer. I have
no choice but to trust Lee.”

“All right. Then I will go up to the capital tonight under cover of darkness.”

“I get it. You must never fail, okay?”

“Don’t worry!”

Shane secretly headed to the capital that night, keeping it a secret from the
Knights, accompanied by only one of his closest aides.

Unlike the restless and gloomy Rigelhoff camp, Ludwig’s camp had a relaxed

“You worked hard today too.”

“Is there anything to be desired? They’re so lousy, they’re trying to get a little

“Don’t be careless.”

“Yes! All right.”

After congratulating the knights under his command and returning to his
barracks, Cliff took off his heavy armor and warmed up lightly.
Then, holding his breath, he looked around to see if there were any people
around him, then swept his hand under his bed.

Then he pulled out an envelope that was stuck in his fingertips.

“You arrived safely.”

It was an envelope containing the report of Cliff’s hired investigator and a letter
from Liese.

Cliff opened Liese’s letter first.

— Cliff I want to see.

How are you? No matter how good the story of Battle of Territories is, it makes
me anxious.

You’re not really hurt, right?

I always wish you good health and victory.

The mansion is peaceful.

The Duchess is resolutely leading the ducal family, and the butler and the knight
commander are not neglecting the management and defense of the mansion.

Edith and I check the doors of the mansion every night.

When I first met Edith, I was a bit surprised because it was unexpected, but now
it’s a daily routine.

Edith seems to be very anxious, and in addition to locking down the door, he
goes around the mansion and checks for anything strange.

After reading Liese’s letter, Cliff immediately opened the investigator’s report.

Detected that Sofia, who was Shane Rigelhoff’s closest aide and Edith
Rigelhoff’s maid, signed a contract with a mercenary unit under an assumed

It is expected to move within the capital, and it is speculated that Shane

Rigelhoff will step up to lead the mercenaries.

Suspicious movements are also seen on the side of ArchDuke Langston. The
target is the Imperial Palace.

“For some reason, he said he couldn’t see Shane since the other day.”

Cliff secretly visited Duke Ludwig’s barracks late at night with the two letters in
his arms.

The Duke waited for Cliff with the brightness of his lamp reduced because he
had contacted him saying he would visit him in advance.

“What is it, Cliff?”

“First, let’s look at this.”

Cliff first showed the investigator’s report to the Duke.

Upon seeing the report that Shane was plotting things, the Duke’s eyes quickly
turned ugly.

“Do you think this mercenary unit outnumbers the mansion’s defense

“Shane isn’t too stupid either, so he probably signed a contract with a fairly
large mercenary force, but he’s 50 at least. There are a total of 70 knights left in
the mansion, and there are quite a few servants, so we should be able to block
them enough. ...However, if there are collaborators inside the mansion, the story
is different.”

Cliff also handed over the letter he had received from Liese to the Duke.

“Liese doesn’t seem suspicious, but isn’t Edith a bit strange? The part about
wandering around the mansion.”

“It sure is...”

“It looks like they’re trying to hit the mansion.”

At Cliff’s guess, the Duke bit his teeth.

“Nasty things. You don’t even know the honor of being an aristocrat, and you’re
trying to do something that only wild dogs do.”

“It was wrong from the beginning that the right to distribute iron ore was in the
hands of such people.”
Duke Ludwig, who originally had a bad relationship with the Rigelhoffs, kept an
eye on the Rigelhoffs from the time they obtained the right to distribute iron ore
from the Rigelhoffs.

They deliberately treated them as friends and kept them by their side to monitor
them, and skillfully manipulated the surrounding forces so that they would not
abuse their power.

Even so, the Rigelhoffs succeeded in every investment they made and amassed
an enormous fortune.

“Edith has contributed a lot to the growth of the Rigelhoff family.”

“It was all thanks to the information Edith obtained that made their investment

“Do you know how I felt when I pushed a child who must have already been
worn out as Killian’s bride and pushed it in front of him? I probably won’t be
able to erase that guilt until I die. Still, spilled water, I tried to accept the child,
but betrayed us like this...”

Cliff didn’t bother to mention that Killian was surprisingly getting along with

It was something I had to cut out anyway, but I couldn’t let my father’s decision

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 106



“I will go up. If you send Killian, you can be swayed by small emotions.”

“Well, Killian has a soft heart. Even if she is the daughter of an enemy, she will
pity her.”

The Duke nodded and agreed to Cliff’s request.

“Anyway, the Battle of Territories will end soon. This will be their final push, so
don’t let your guard down. A cornered mouse bites a cat.”

“All right. Don’t talk about this with Killian.”

“I get it. Don’t tell me that I sent it because I thought there would be a problem
with the imperial family. Leave quietly, even tonight.”

“Yes. See you later in the capital.”

After Cliff had a secret conversation with Duke Ludwig, he quietly left for the
capital with one of his troops.


News about the Battle of Territories was different for each newspaper, so it was
difficult to know the exact situation, but it seemed certain that the Ludwig
family had an advantage.
However, this did not mean that all public opinion in the social world was
concentrated in favor of the emperor.

There were quite a few demagogues on the side of Prince Langston, too.

“I didn’t expect this to be the reason for going to a party after a long time.”

The Duchess let out a low sigh as she headed for today’s party, the Count

As Princess Catherine had said, people felt closer to the Counts of Rigelhoff and
the Grand Duchess of Langston, who showed their faces here and there, than to
the Ludwig family, who rarely showed themselves in social circles.

Because of that, people who claimed to be neutral began to waver, and in the
end, the Duchess, I, and Liese decided to attend the party.

“The Count Sinclair will also be here today. So Liese, don’t leave my side.”

“Yes, madam.”

Liese was obviously nervous, but she was trying hard to pretend to be calm.

“Edith is... Really, are you okay?”

Even before leaving the house, the Duchess kept asking if she was okay.

“Both camps will attack you.”

It wasn’t something I didn’t know.

“The more I hide, the more people will look down on me. As long as I am the
daughter of the Rigelhoffs and the daughter-in-law of the Ludwigs, sooner or
later it is something I have to face.”

I had to repeat what I said yesterday. The reason the Duchess keeps asking even
after hearing the same answer is probably because she herself is also anxious.

To be honest, I don’t even want to go.

Would I enjoy being in front of people who would bite me because I was crazy?

‘But it’s time for Shane to show up.’

I didn’t want to be alone in the mansion and run into Shane.

If I did, they would surely suspect me of opening the door to the mansion.

‘It feels like escaping a tiger and entering a fox’s den.’

I braced myself, barely holding back a sigh.

Normally, I wasn’t the type to just get over it when someone got into a fight, but
today I hope you come up with a more plausible answer.

When I arrived at Count Wyndham’s residence, the hall was full.

Everyone seemed to crawl out when they heard that Duchess Ludwig was
“It’s an honor to find you, Duchess Ludwig.”

Social misfortune is not a disaster for all members of society.

The Count Wyndham, who had been chosen to attend a party hosted by Duchess
Ludwig, seemed very happy as the emperor and his uncle were fighting for
power and war was raging somewhere in the empire.

“Thank you for your willingness to attend despite the sudden notice, Countess

The Duchess expressed her gratitude without being arrogant at all while
maintaining dignity and dignity.

When the Duchess appeared, the Count’s hall became somewhat bustling.

It seemed that the families who had not yet attached themselves to either side
were paying attention.

However, it seems that I, who followed her, stood out more than the Duchess to
the family members who had already established camps.

“Oh my God, you bring Edith Rigelhoff...!”

“What does that mean? Are you saying you want to take the Rigelhoff family
with you to the end?”

“It can’t be. I’ve become a complete enemy...”

I forgot that in the romantic world, gossip is used to reach the ears of the person

I couldn’t help but smile calmly even though I thought this evening was going to
be really eventful.

But unlike what Duchess Ludwig had been worried about when she came here,
she didn’t pay attention to the noise.

Rather, it stood proudly with me and Liese standing on either side, and it
became the focal point for the supporters to gather.

“You must be worried about your husband and sons.”

“I didn’t go out to fight a big war, what. I think it will be an opportunity for the
kids to learn the real battle.”

The surrounding aristocrats clicked their tongues at the nonchalant answer, as if

they had sent their sons on a field trip.

And at the bold appearance of the Duchess, the forces following Duke Ludwig
seemed quite relieved.

‘It’s about time someone catches the pod...’

Enjoying such a peaceful banquet, I naturally thought of that.

And as if waiting for me to think this way, someone pretended to know me.

“Oh, long time no see, Miss Edith.”

According to Edith’s memories, she was the daughter of a Mo Viscount who
was close to the Rigelhof family.

“Ah... Long time no see, Miss Clara.”

“Why haven’t you been to the party like this? He declined all invitations... Are
you sure you were locked up?”

It was a question thrown like a joke, but it had bones.

“It can’t be. Since I got married to the Duke Ludwig, not anywhere else, I
realized that I lacked a lot. So, I was busy learning this and that, so I didn’t have
time to spare.”

“That’s right. Anyway, nice to meet you. Since we haven’t seen each other in a
while, would you like to say hello to her old friends? Everyone is waiting for
Miss Edith over there.”

At the place she pointed with her hand, the young people from the families on
the side of Prince Langston gathered and smiled in that direction.

‘A smiling face can feel so creepy.’

Unlike the smiling mouth, the eyes were full of hostility.

Besides, even though they were old friends, they were all just a bunch of people
who came together out of necessity, and no matter how much they searched
Edith’s memories, they had little knowledge about them.

“Thank you for saying hello first, Miss Clara.”

“You’re welcome. Now go over there...”

“As you may know, this is my mother-in-law, Duchess Ludwig.”

I gave Clara no room to drag me along, and I greeted her straight away to the

“Ah, that, yes. It is an honor to meet you, madam.”

“Are you Edith’s friend?”

“Yes. She’s a friend I used to hang out with when I was a girl. Ah! Come to
think of it, you live nearby with Viscount Boris over there, right? Come this
way. Let me introduce you to Viscount Boris.”

“Oh no, I...!”

I didn’t even listen to Clara’s protests and dragged her in front of Viscount

Viscount Boris was an ardent follower of the Duchess, and as soon as I took
Clara with me, I glared at her fiercely.

“No, who is this?”

“Hello, Mrs. Boris. This is my old friend, the daughter of Viscount Clara
Sheldon. Since you’re near Viscount Sheldon’s house, you might already be

Clara’s complexion had already turned pale as she was about to lead me towards
the Duke of Langston.
And Viscount Boris, realizing my intentions, looked me over with her eyes as if
she were quite right, then grinned at Clara.

“Yes, yes. Because they are neighbors. Right, Miss Clara?”

“That, yes... Joe...”

After giving Clara a bright smile, I said to Mrs. Boris.

“I have to take care of my mother, so I can’t afford it. How about Mrs. Boris
introducing Miss Clara to the other wives?”

“I-I’m fine!”

Clara rebelled, but Mrs. Boris and I pretended not to hear.

“Oh, is that so? Then Miss Clara. Follow me. Let me personally introduce you
to the ‘really’ dignified and cultured ladies.”

“An opportunity like this is rare, Miss Clara. Don’t forget to say thank you to
Mrs. Boris.”

I lightly dodged Clara’s hand that was trying to grab me, waved at her, and went
back to the Duchess.

When Clara glanced in the direction of the group that was trying to take me,
they were quite perplexed.

‘Did you think I would be dragged away?’

Perhaps he was trying to annoy the Duchess or advertise that Edith, the
daughter-in-law of the Duke Ludwig, was on the side of the Duke of Langston,
but it was too shallow.

After the children failed, the older nobles stepped in.

“Oh dear. Edith, it looks like you’ve been through a lot. To be so skinny in one

A warm-hearted gentleman approached me, looked at me pitifully, and held my


According to Edith’s memories, he was a close viscount with Count Rigelhoff,

and at the same time, he was a person who had been anxious about not being
able to touch Edith.

“Thank you for your concern, but you shouldn’t grab my hand like this, as I’m
already another man’s wife, Viscount Bartlett.”

I laughed as if it were a joke, but I resolutely pulled the old man’s hand away.

He seemed surprised for a moment, but then said he didn’t know anything.

“Oops, it looks like you’re paying attention to Mrs. Ludwig. But how many
years have I known you? Your wife knows very well that you treat her like a

Isn’t it that you’re trying to hold my hand again and again? He even tried to put
his hand on my waist.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 107



‘Wherever you go, there are beasts that don’t deserve your age.’

It was the work of the ‘elderly men’ who had encountered many times in
previous lives.

The excuses were always the same.

Like a joke, like a daughter, or like a niece...

Even this person was trying to lower the prestige of the Ludwig family by
harassing me in front of Mrs. Ludwig.

‘Isn’t this a double blood?’

I grabbed Viscount Bartlett’s wrist, which had come close to my waist.

“If you notice me once, you should take care of yourself, Viscount Bartlett.
Have you become deaf lately?”

“Eh, Edith!”
“Or, since Duke Ludwig and his sons are not here, did you think it was time?
You dare to touch the Duke’s daughter-in-law. Do you want to cut off your
wrists too?”

“What do you mean! Can you really do this to me, who is like an uncle you have
known for a long time?”

“My father doesn’t even touch me. What’s more, my uncle. You are shameless.”

I was careful not to raise my voice even as we clashed head-on.

If I shout for no reason, they will surely accuse me of making a fuss.

Instead, I tried to speak firmly and straight, while lowering my voice.

Perhaps the people around could clearly see what had happened.

And the Duchess did not ignore my difficulties.

“Viscount Bartlett.”

A dignified voice that clearly reveals that he is one level above me.

“Hey, Duchess. You misunderstood!”

“It’s a misunderstanding. Don’t worry, I’m not misunderstanding you in the

“Ah, I’m glad. Since Edith was a little bit mentally unstable, there were times
when she made a fuss.”

There’s nothing this man can’t do.

I was about to say something, but the Duchess held out her hand in front of me
to block my words.

“You are misunderstanding, Viscount. I meant to say that since I saw what you
did earlier, I knew why Edith was angry.”

“Why is the Duchess like this? These days, women are not allowed to joke

“Viscount Bartlett... Did you have some fun with milling?”

The Duchess, who always looked dignified and gentle, began to exude alpha

I quickly answered from the side.

“We own large mills in the Bartlett estate and in the capital. We are getting
wheat from the Magpie estate.”

“Hmm... Magpie Manor has some money borrowed from us... What if the reason
for not being able to extend repayment was Viscount Bartlett?”

The size of the threat is different. It’s not just about destroying one opponent,
it’s about destroying the other person’s family, territory, and even the business
partners. Alpha girls are always right.
“That, sin, sin, sorry. It seems I’ve been drinking a little too much. Ha ha ha...”

Viscount Bartlett stepped back, sweating profusely.

The Duchess, who did not take her eyes off him until the end, looked at me with
pity when he disappeared completely and said,

“There shouldn’t have been one or two people like that...”

I just let out a low sigh and smiled bitterly.

Today is the first time I’ve been personally victimized, but how much
harassment did Edith of the original work experience?

Even then, I couldn’t say a word.

If something like this happened, Edith would have been accused of being

‘But from now on, I will never be taken care of.’

Not just for myself, but for the sad Edith of the original story, I decided to
become stronger.

Fortunately, following the failure of the young lady, even the seasoned viscount
withdrew and resigned, so the ArchDuke of Langston could not recklessly
extend their grip on me.

Instead, I could feel some members of the same imperial faction staring at me
with disapproving eyes.
“Oh my god. To think of coming out with the Duchess, must have been

And here. There was one young lady who decided to fight directly.

“...Hello, Lady Sinclair.”


Layla Sinclair, who passed by arguing so that only I could hear it, approached
the Duchess with a bright smile.

Then he greeted the Duchess with the utmost courtesy and asked how he was
doing. It was like I couldn’t even see it.

‘But I’m never going to get over it. Because she’s a woman who’s looking for
my place.’

It seemed that Layla would endure the humiliation of bowing her head to Liese
for the sake of Killian’s side.

“It’s been a while, Liese.”

She greeted Liese, who was standing by the Duchess’s side.

“...Long time no see, Layla.”

“Liese. It seems too late, but even now I want to ask for your forgiveness. I
know I’ve been too mean to you.”
Of course you know. I was determined to be mean and behave meanly, but I
can’t help but be unaware of that!


“At that time, I was too young and immature. And I was afraid that I would lose
my father’s love to you.”

Layla took out a handkerchief and pressed it to her eyes. If you press so
ignorantly, tears will come out.

“I won’t ask you to forgive me right away. It’s fine even if it’s little by little...
We are still sisters.”

Liese looked at the Duchess as if worried, then nodded slightly.

Well, in a situation like this, it would be difficult to shake your head in


‘Surprisingly clever, Layla.’

Maybe it’s because there’s a melody that has been bothering Liese for a long
time, so she’s good at handling Liese.

“But maybe...”

I was thinking about Leyla, but she glanced in my direction and asked Liese
again, looking concerned.

“Are you okay? I don’t know if it’s too late to say hello, but I’ve heard rumors
that someone caused you to do this or that.”
“Yes? Who... Yo. This?”

Liese tilted her head, unable to understand at once.

Then, Layla took a step closer to Liese and whispered something into her ear.

Only then did Liese’s gaze reach me and then move away.

‘You decided to attack Liese in order to get rid of me? This, isn’t the original
plot too twisted?’

To think that the Count Sinclair family, who remained enemies to Liese until the
end, changed their stance so quickly in this way.

I couldn’t say anything and just kept biting my molars, but the Duchess came
forward for me again.

“Miss Layla. Where did you hear that?”


“I think I got it wrong.”

“Yeah, that can’t be. She said that Liese almost died because of Miss Edith.
Although she has forgotten where she heard it.”

“If that’s true, it’s a secret affair that happened within our family, and it
wouldn’t even reach Miss Layla’s ears. That doesn’t make any sense unless
someone plants her spy.”
Leyla was speechless when the Duchess said as if she had heard a funny joke.

‘The Duchess looks very nice today.’

I said, ‘Where did you get that nonsense from? It’s cute too.’ She gave Layla a
smile on her face.

Layla’s face, which had been laughing proudly as if she had won just now,
contorted in an instant.

‘Take care of your face. Being able to see through everything transparently is
very first grade, first grade.’

But, as if my speed showed on my face, Layla sneered and attacked again.

“I know, right. It seems that such rumors have arisen because the daughter of the
Rigelhof family is in a place where she does not fit in.”

It is clear that he said it in a slightly louder voice on purpose so that people

around him could hear it.

The people who had been looking at me with disapproving eyes nodded as if in

‘Isn’t this an atmosphere that even the Duchess can’t carelessly embrace?’

It wasn’t just against one person, it was because the eyes of many aristocrats of
the imperial faction were focused on this side.

But then, a savior appeared.

“I’m sorry for telling you nonsense. Isn’t it right to apologize to Miss Edith

It was Princess Catherine.

“Wow, Her Highness the Princess...!”

“It’s a rumor I’ve heard, but from what I’ve confirmed, someone said it was
done to frame Miss Edith?”

“Is that so?”

“Besides, Miss Edith, Rigelhoff is no longer a person. It’s Edith Ludwig. Is not

Layla didn’t answer that question. Her molars clenched together, she just
lowered her gaze.

However, Princess Catherine’s personality was not affectionate enough to

carefully consider other people’s feelings.

“Miss Layla Sinclair. Didn’t you hear me? Should I ask again?”

“Oh, no. Her Highness is right.”

It was a voice that no one could hear.

Catherine snorted at Layla’s arrogance and moved closer to her.

“I heard that there is a force that disrupts the solidarity within the fortress
emperor faction... Are you the Count Sinclair?”

“Yes? Oh no! Absolutely not, Your Highness!”

“Then don’t be greedy in vain. Killian Ludwig is not a man you can handle.”

Catherine, who already knew that Layla was aiming for the seat next to Killian,
was about to say hello to Liese and me after finishing that, but Layla suddenly

“Is Killian Ludwig an easy man to deal with Edith Rigelhoff?”

It seemed that rebelliousness and pride had overcome fear.

And to answer that question, no, not an easy man for me either. So it won’t be
any easier for you.

But Catherine gave me a very interesting answer, perhaps to take my side.

“Can’t you see? Killian has a crush on Edith. I’ve been friends with that human
for 18 years, but you’re surprised every time I see you?”

No matter how much you took my side, it’s too... It’s so embarrassing. That too,
in front of Killian’s old crush, Liese, and Killian’s mother...!
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 108



‘What is Killian obsessed with? He just feels like a body for me!’

Because I’m his first woman, I’m the partner of all his first experiences, he just
feels a bit of responsibility for his harsh personality.

It’s probably the first time in Killian’s life that he’s doing this, so it’s
understandable to some extent that Catherine misunderstands him like that... To
be embarrassed is to be embarrassed.

“Yes? Are you hooked?”

Hearing Layla’s absurd voice, I involuntarily looked at her, and then met
Liese’s, who looked puzzled.

Liese, please pretend you don’t know...

“Why? Don’t you think? Do you think Miss Layla knows Killian better than I

“It’s not like that...”

“Do you know how dirty his personality is? Oh, my God, the Duchess was there
“It’s okay. Killian’s personality, I know that well.”

What the hell did the Duchess know?

“I’m glad the Duchess knows too. Anyway, even if she’s his wife, he’s not the
kind to be around someone he doesn’t like. Did he say that he hates me even as
the princess?”

Catherine shook her head and said.

“A person like that rushed to defend her, saying that the princess had beaten his
wife a bit. Do you know what this means?”

I could see Layla’s clenched fists shaking.

I’m suing, but I want you to notice that one of the characters in the story is
standing right next to you.

But Catherine suddenly turned her head this way.

“Why are you silent, Edith?”

When I think about something, the story proceeds as if I’ve been waiting for it.
Why is this? Embarrassing people.

“Don’t pretend you don’t know and tell me. How hot you and Killian are.”

What are you talking about? What’s hot?

Catherine has started calling me friendly, but I’m a bit confused about whether
or not she’s on my side.

“Ha ha ha... It’s because my self-esteem isn’t low enough that I have to talk
about it.”

“What? Ahahahaha!”

Catherine grinned, holding her belly button at what was so funny.

Beside him, Liese looked at the surroundings with an embarrassed smile, and
Layla was trembling with anger. It looked like a trio creating a perfect

“I’ve been thinking about it since the other day, Edith, I really like it. A person,
even a woman, should have the guts and arrogance like you.”

Catherine continued giggling, then suddenly opened her eyes wide and said:

“Ah! Is that why Killian fell in love for you?”

Well. Ask that person when you meet them, and I hope you will stop saying that
you are infatuated with him now.

“Whether Lord Killian fell for her or not, shouldn’t we definitely draw a line
now that we are facing Count Rigelhoff?”

When Layla, who was about to attack me, couldn’t even make it and was about
to leave, Damian finally took the mound.
“This is Sinclair. But you know what? Historically, aristocratic families have
had countless marriages, and when families fought, the woman always belonged
to her husband’s side. If that’s the case, Edith is already a member of the
Ludwig family.”

It’s the first time that old-fashioned family relationships are so nice.

But Damian did not give up.

“The arranged marriage itself was made when there was something to be gained
from each other. But what more can the Ludwig family and we the Imperial
faction have to gain from the Rigelhoff family? Rather, it is something that
needs to be cleared before it becomes more complex.”

Really... There’s nothing I can’t say in person.

And I wasn’t the only one thinking that.

The Duchess frowned for the first time today.

“Damian Sinclair. How much more are you going to cross the line now? I am
here, my daughter-in-law is here, who cleans whom?”

“Oh, sorry. It was meant to refer to Count Rigelhoff. I had no intention of

hurting her.”

He bowed before the Duchess like a docile sheep.

However, it was clear that it was a great help to Layla.

Layla, who had been trembling until just now, was glaring at me with a
ferocious gaze again.

‘I’m a bit envious of having an older brother like him even though he’s a

At least Layla could lean on her brother.

‘Someone was pushed down the stairs while extorting money from my brother
and died. Besides, even though I possessed someone else, my brother was trash.

For some reason, the swelling was dense.

“You treat people completely like tools or means. Since last time, I’ve been told
that I’m a hostage, that the expiration date is short, and that I need to get rid of

“Ha! I have no intention of hurting the Duchess, but I have to say something and
go. If you didn’t even have that value, how could you have become the
daughter-in-law of Duke Ludwig?”

“Aha! That’s why you were able to be so cruel to the lovely Liese, right?
Because you thought it was worthless?”

“That, that...!”

Damian panicked as if he had been attacked unexpectedly.

And I had no intention of missing the opportunity.

“Is it so. Let’s pretend I’m a hostage, as you say. Let’s pretend it’s no longer
worth it to me. But whether or not I get kicked out is a matter for Killian to
decide. It’s not something you guys should publicize in front of people like

“The Ludwig family is the focal point of the imperial faction! Some

“Can you say that directly to Killian?”

In an instant, the place became quiet.

It was clear that everyone was thinking of the cold, sharp figure of Killian.

Killian, who had never smiled at anyone other than Liese at any banquet, and
whose sword skills were on par with Cliff’s.

“Killian is a bit picky, but he is quite wise and cool-headed. Trust his judgment.
I am giving you advice for your comfort.”

Damian glared at me, then gave one last bite.

“Yes. So... I look forward to the day when he will make a wise decision.”

After that, Damien and I giggled and clinked champagne glasses, as if we had
never stared at each other.

Only then did the people around him breathe out and start chatting.

The music flowing in the banquet hall seemed to be heard properly now.
“As expected, she’s the woman Killian chose.”

Catherine came over to me, still giggling.

‘Weren’t you close with Liese? Why are you doing this to me?’

Sweating inside, I smiled at her and thanked her for helping.

“The Sinclairs are mean to you, for obvious reasons.”

“...Killian is a very attractive man.”

“That stupid Layla Sinclair might only have her eyes on Killian’s skin, but
Count Sinclair and Damian Sinclair aren’t just targeting Killian. The Ludwig
family itself.”

As expected, the pattern alone wasn’t the princess. Catherine was a lumberjack
who knew how to grasp the situation coolly, despite her rough appearance.

“The Duke Ludwig is not so easygoing.”

“I know. All I’m saying is the Sinclair family’s delusion. If Layla takes Killian
and Liese marries Cliff, then she will suddenly reveal her paternal love for Liese
as his daughter.”

I nodded without speaking.

Actually, that’s not incorrect. After all, Liese was the daughter of Count
“So I expect you to hold on to Killian. I won’t let those people who persecuted
Liese live benefiting from Liese.”

“Let’s try.”

Catherine and I looked at each other and smiled.

“By the way, why not come to the imperial palace to play?”

It was at this moment that Catherine was about to bring up a more intimate

Suddenly, the banquet hall door burst open, and the imperial trumpeter blew

But it wasn’t the sound of someone coming and going.

“Stop the banquet!”

With someone’s shout, the Imperial Knights rushed into the banquet hall and
surrounded them on all sides.

Then, a man who looked like an official of the imperial family ran in and
reported to Princess Catherine.

“An attempted assassination of His Majesty has just occurred in the imperial

Not only Catherine, but everyone around us was astonished.

“Who is the culprit? Did you catch it?”

Then the man whispered in her ear so that only Catherine could hear it, and
Catherine’s expression turned cold.

“I get it. I must go back to the imperial palace right now.”

The banquet hall was in chaos in an instant, but the imperial knights quickly
organized the banquet hall and checked the identity of the people attending the
banquet by writing a list.

Then, everyone was instructed to return home and wait until further instructions
were given.

“Uh, what happened?”

Liese asked in an anxious voice as she clung to the Duchess’s arm.

The Duchess also had a serious expression.

“Everything will be fine. Anyway, since it’s an attempted attempt, that means
the assassination attempt failed, and since Her Highness Princess Catherine
wasn’t in a hurry, Her Majesty doesn’t seem seriously injured.”

I nodded too.

‘Rather, they should have caught the evidence that ArchDuke Langston was
plotting treason.’
Also appeared in the original work.

In this attempted assassination case, the long tail of ArchDuke Langston was
caught, and as long as the evidence of treason was caught, the extinction of the
Count Rigelhoff family became natural.

‘In the original work, the attempted assassination of the emperor and Shane’s
raid on Duke Ludwig’s residence occurred at the same time... Still, you
prevented the kidnapping of the Duchess and Liese. Thank god.’

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 109



Perhaps, as in the original story, Shane might have attacked the Duke’s
residence, but since the Duchess and Liese weren’t kidnapped, my head
wouldn’t be blown off.

I was relieved alone while everyone was nervous and anxious.

We were guided by the Knights, quickly identified ourselves, and boarded the

I was even more relieved because the engineer sent to the mansion confirmed
that there was nothing wrong with the mansion during the identity check.
‘Then... What’s the future?’

I’ve passed the worst, but I haven’t yet heard a voice say that I’ve met the 3rd
stage exception conditions.

It meant that I didn’t know yet if I could be sure of my life.

“Edith. Don’t worry too much. Everything will be fine.”

The Duchess soothed me, as if my expression looked uneasy.

I smiled awkwardly and nodded.

The wagon we rode in was speeding along the dark night road.

Because he was a Duke, he was able to leave the banquet hall faster than others,
so the way back to the mansion was quiet.

She told me not to worry, but the Duchess didn’t say anything about whether she
could stop worrying, and Liese chewed her lips carefully and trembled with

The inside of the carriage was very quiet, except for the loud sound of the
wheels rolling.

‘It’s strange. Somehow, it seems too quiet...’

I wish I could get rid of the thoughts.

Why did I think that when I noticed that when I think about something, an
episode follows it?

“Who, who are you!”

The carriage shuddered loudly with the shouts of the escort knights and the long
neighing of the horses.


“What, what’s going on!”

Liese and the Duchess shouted and hugged each other.

I, who was sitting across from him, tried to look out the window, leaning against
the wall of the wagon so as not to fall.

The sharp noise of clashing swords hit my ears, and it became clear that
something was not right.

‘No way...!’

I wrapped my arms around the Duchess and Liese, who were embracing each

And then, the carriage door burst open.

“It’s been a while, Edith.”

All kinds of swear words were mixed in my head.

The one who greeted me was, of course, Shane Rigelhoff.

Even with the mask on, I couldn’t mistake those sinister eyes or eerie voice.

‘No matter how hard I try, if I don’t meet the 3rd stage exception conditions,
important episodes just happen...!’

It was hopeless.

And in the meantime, Shane grabbed Liese’s arm, not anyone else’s.

“Come on!”


Then the carriage door on the other side of Shane’s entrance opened, and
masked men dragged the Duchess and me down.

“Liese! Liese!”

The Duchess stretched out her hand toward Liese, who was being dragged away
by Shane, but the older wife couldn’t beat the strength of the trained mercenary.

“Let go of that hand! Mother!”

I shouted at the Duchess, who was violently dragged away by the mercenaries.
“Let Liese go! Liese! Liese!”

However, the Duchess only looked for Liese, not me. It seemed to her that she
could only see her Liese.

No, maybe he thought I couldn’t get hurt because he noticed that it was Shane.

‘You can’t make me think I’m with bastard Shane!’

I screamed as I resisted the mercenary holding me.

“Aren’t you afraid of the aftermath of dragging the Duchess along! Let go of
that hand right now!”

Then I saw Liese collapse. She didn’t think Shane hit her, but she probably
passed out from fear.

“What are you doing! Liese has nothing to do with it! Let Liese go!”

“Quietly follow me!”

As the wife screamed and struggled, one of the mercenaries who was dragging
her away hit her on the back of the neck hard, causing the Duchess to collapse


My screams didn’t reach her. Rather, it only angered Shane, who was dragging
her Liese away.
“Mother? Haha! Have you forgotten who your mother is? You ungrateful

It turned its head with a groan.

It was deafening and it felt like lightning had struck in front of my eyes.

Taking advantage of my stumble, Shane’s mercenary band tried to get us into

their hidden wagon.

At that time, I saw a group of knights running from afar.

“Stop there!”

They were definitely knights of the Ludwig family.

“Help! Let go of this, you destined to hell!”

I struggled with every last bit of strength to gain a little time.

There was only one mercenary holding me, and he let go of my arm as if he was
flustered by my sudden struggle.

But instead of running away, I pulled the Duchess, who was almost pulled up
into the carriage.

“This year, until the end...!”

Even in the dark, I could see Shane’s eyes burning with rage.
He pushed Liese into the carriage and immediately ran towards me and punched
me in the face.

“100 million!”

I made a strange noise and fell to the floor.

Shane kicked me in the stomach as if he really wanted to kill me right here, and
I blacked out in excruciating pain.

Before losing consciousness, someone called ‘Lady!’ from afar. I thought I

heard a voice calling.


Somewhere in a very uncomfortable and stuffy feeling, I slowly opened my


As soon as I woke up, I felt pain all over my body.

“Eww... Ugh...”

It hurt so much that I couldn’t help but groan.

But I immediately stopped screaming. It was because I felt popular by my side.

“You are finally awake. I was thinking of sprinkling some water on it.”

My vision was blurry, but I could tell who the person next to me was. Can you
forget that voice
“Cow... Pia...”

“Did you remember me? I thought you completely forgot about me because you
completely betrayed your family.”

“To forget... I mean, it’s so impressive...”


Sophia laughed in a more pleasant voice than ever before. No, it was the first
time I had ever seen Sophia show her emotions like she is now. It was the sound
of laughter she had heard before, but now I could feel her ecstasy in its fullness
to the point of giving goosebumps.

“Please wait a minute. When the surroundings are cleaned up, I will personally
treat the lady with all my heart.”

I didn’t want to receive the ‘treat’ that Sofia offered me. Now that even the
restriction of striking only the part covered by clothes was removed, it was
probably a treat that would surely break or bleed.

‘Please, I hope it takes a little longer to clean up the surroundings.’

I just rolled my eyes and looked around.

The surroundings were dark, but the surrounding objects were not completely
indistinguishable. Through the small window, I could see the dawning sky.

‘Did you stay up all night...? Where the hell is this place?’
It had a high ceiling and was made of stone on all sides, making it look like a

It was obvious, but it wasn’t the place inside Count Rigelhoff’s residence.

It was like a prison inside the castle, so it might be the castle of the nobles of the
Grand Duchy of Langston who have estates around the capital.

‘If it’s not that, I don’t know if it’s a building borrowed for the purpose of this
kidnapping... Well, Cliff will find it anyway.’

If the episode in which Liese and the Duchess were kidnapped had occurred, the
ending in which Cliff came to the rescue would also happen without distortion.

So Liese and the Duchess weren’t too worried.

‘I’m not worried.’

A chill seemed to seep into his bones. The shoulder that touched the floor wasn’t
hurting from being hit, but was only feeling pain from the coldness of the floor.

The Duchess and Liese were still not coming to their senses, and I had my hands

It was only that they were lying on an old blanket, not on the floor, perhaps
because they were worthy of being held hostages.

‘One, two, three... Six to Sofia...’

However, the group that attacked the wagon was clearly more than six.
The rest might have been guarding the outside of the building.


Even when I moved my body a little, I could hear the music. White breath
bloomed in the dark air and then disappeared.

I struggled to get into a more comfortable position, but no matter how I turned,
it still hurt.

And just then, the door burst open and Shane appeared.

“Is Liese not awake?”

His insidious gaze was directed at Liese.

“The Duchess and Miss Liese haven’t woken up yet, but our young lady has.”

As Sophia made an announcement of my condition, Shane turned his head and

looked at me.

“Sophia. Be careful with your words. How could that be ‘my lady’? That’s just a

“I made a big mistake. Sorry.”

“In our family, that deserves a lower treatment than a laundry maid. And that
year’s education, as always, I believe you will take care of it.”

“Please leave it to me. Oh, but... At what level?”

“It doesn’t matter if I die or not. But please make me regret it before I die.”

Shit. ruined.

Originally, torture is a more severe punishment than killing at once.

‘Cliff! Cliff, when the hell are you coming!’

It seems that Cliff has never been as desperate as he is now since he possessed

Until now, what happened when I thought about it, why are you silent now? Is it
because it’s not yet time?

While I was wriggling like an earthworm on the floor, Shane knelt down in front
of Liese, grabbed her chin and lifted her slightly.

I heard a sigh of satisfaction.

“It’s finally in my hands.”

The touch he touched Liese’s cheek was not the feeling of treating a simple

‘What, what is it? Did Shane like Liese?’

That fact alone was no different than Shane’s plan to kill him.
It was Shane who had a decent look but never thought he was handsome because
his expression was always bad, but he smiled happily for the first time.

‘Hmm. He doesn’t look very handsome even when he smiles.’

A smiling face is also a smiling face.

It’s a creepy smile that makes you feel like you’re about to do something bad.

Then I heard someone approaching from outside.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 110



“The surroundings have been cleaned up.”

Oh, that’s not good news for me at all.

“Good. Lock the Duchess in the first room. You’re a precious hostage, so be
careful not to get hurt.”

“Are you going to lock her up separately?”

A man who looked like a mercenary pointed at Liese and asked.

“Ah, Liese is not a hostage. It is my spoils.”

Mmm. How did Cliff cut Shane? Did he simply cut his throat, or did he cut it in
half lengthwise...?

It’s a lot of things, but if you go that state, it’s confirmed to be half vertically.

No, now is not the time for me to think about these things.

From now on, Sophia is going to get beaten up by that ignorant woman.

“What about this woman?”

The mercenary pointed at me.

“Ah, that girl goes to the basement. It’s a headache if you can hear the loud
shouting around you.”

It was cold and I had goosebumps all over my body, but I felt like I would get
goosebumps again.

From now on, <House·Envoy> was supposed to be a horror or thriller rather

than a romance fantasy.

“Move quickly.”

At Shane’s command, the men around me carried me out and left.

After leaving the stone room, I was able to look around clearly.

‘It’s not a castle. Probably an old villa on the outskirts of the capital...’

It seems that there was a time when it was fashionable for aristocrats who had
never soiled their hands and longed for rural life to build a villa in the form of a

It looked like a villa built at that time, but for an abandoned one, traces of people
were visible everywhere.

‘I must have bought an abandoned villa and slept and fed the mercenaries here.’

If it hadn’t been noticed yet, there was a good chance that this place was quite
remote or unexpected.

Will Cliff come before I break somewhere?

A sigh came out of my mouth.

‘No. The look in Shane’s eyes when he looked at Liese earlier made it look like
he was about to do something. But isn’t this floor rule for the male lead to
appear right before the female lead suffers something terrible?’

That means Cliff will come here sooner or later.

‘You just have to hold on for a little while...!’

I calmed my nerves as I descended the stairs to the basement with the

mercenary’s shoulder strapped to me.
There was a window at the top of the basement floor, but it was dark because it
was still dawn.

The mercenary in the lead walked forward holding a lantern and opened the
door to what appeared to be a warehouse.

And while he placed a lantern nearby, the mercenary who had attached me sat
me down in a chair.

It was a hard wooden chair with the worst seating comfort.

“Oh, ouch! A little bit... Please tie it gently. Anyway, I’m so sick I can’t even

With tears in my eyes, I asked the mercenary.

I thought it was a failure because there was no change in expression on his

nonchalant face, but he licked his lips once and tied it up much more gently than

Of course, it wasn’t a lie to say I couldn’t move.

My shoulders hurt so much from how roughly I was treated with my hands tied
behind my back. It felt like all my joints were out of alignment.

But it was not the time to whine about being sick.

“I’m not as good as the woman the captain took earlier, but this woman is pretty
good too, isn’t it?”
The mercenary who gently tied me up grabbed my chin and turned me to the left
and right while laughing.

My appreciation for him quickly faded.

‘What should I do in this situation?’

I’ve never had the thought of being raped. It would be only the main character
who would avoid such bad luck, but what did I believe and think complacently?

“Ha ha ha... No way Her husband doesn’t even look at her.”

“Why, do you think your husband has many lovers? Or is that great beauty just
her husband’s lover?”

“Oh, I wasn’t a lover...”

I had a crush on her.

“I don’t know if people of high rank can afford to grumble about side dishes, but
guys like us pick up and eat anything unless it’s very spoiled.”

His hands groped my neck and ears more and more densely. Creepy goose
bumps ran down his spine.

But the person watching the watch suddenly asked.

“By the way, do you know what kind of woman the captain ordered you to be?”

“Yes? Are you Sofia?”

“Is your name Sophia? She’s that dark-haired, rather scary-looking woman.”

“Yes. This is Sophia.”

“What are you doing? She speaks in a very straightforward and commanding
tone when it comes to women, but it doesn’t look like she’s a noble.”

I was alert, hoping that the topic of Sofia would be an opportunity to escape this

“Does Sophia direct you?”

“The commander is in charge. Oh, by the way, what’s your relationship with the

“...He is my brother.”


The men were astonished. The mercenary who groped me quickly withdrew his

“If it’s an older brother, is it a real older brother?”


“Huh... No, why did you hate your brother and how did you end up like this?”

I wanted it to be this time, so I bit my lip and squeezed out the tears.
“Could you... Do you have any siblings?”

The two men looked at each other, then nodded insincerely.

“Are you close?”

“Well, not bad.”

“I’m feeding them.”

Every time I do this, I envy others and at the same time get angry.

The mercenaries who treat people’s lives at the cost of their own lives are good
older brothers to my younger siblings, but why am I the only one like this?

“You two must be strong older brothers and sisters. I am envious of your two
younger siblings. I am... Whoa...”

More tears came to my eyes when I thought of my older brother who was
anxious about not being able to pay my salary in my previous life.

“That Sophia from earlier is a maid in our family. But, have you seen it? Being
nicer to that maid than to me.”

The mercenaries shook their heads.

“Yeah, that was a bit odd. But it didn’t seem like the two of you were like that.”
“Sofia has a crush on my brother. And while she’s a maid... She is also a

The two men let out sarcastic laughter at the same time.

“What, then, did a girl who wasn’t much different from us act so arrogant?”

“Ah, this pisses me off. When we caught the women earlier, he used his chin to
command people, saying, “Move here or there,” as if he had become a unit

The mercenaries didn’t seem to have very good feelings for Sophia.

I wept pitifully, hoping to buy their sympathy.

“Since I was little, Sophia has been bullying me so much. Seeing that my
brother hated me, I harassed him with peace of mind. You don’t know how
envious I was when I saw the trustworthy older brothers from other houses.”

I didn’t get a stiff tongue or hear tinnitus, even though I was going to reveal the
story of my past.

I don’t know if it’s because they’re insignificant extras, or because I’m half-
making up the story, but it was a green light anyway. It was because the
mercenaries’ gaze was slightly pitiful.

“No, what’s wrong with such a pretty little sister...”

“My older brother has grown up a little. He must have been through it, so you
know, so he only knows himself. Didn’t I say something harsh to you?”
“Ah, that’s what I got used to before.”

“It’s something we do for money, too, but it’s a bit unpleasant.”

Yes! A consensus has finally been reached!

“My older brother didn’t treat me well as a younger brother. I got married for
the sake of my family, but my in-laws and my parents suddenly fell out. Then
they made unreasonable demands, such as asking me to get information about
my in-laws or installing something in the mansion.”

I sniffed once and checked the mood of the mercenaries. Fortunately, the
mercenaries were immersed in my story.

“By the way, would the Duke’s defenses be lax? So when I failed, I was told
that I was a traitor, that I was a worthless bitch... Hehe... Now I see you’re trying
to kill me. What is this person called brother like?”

“I know. I think the captain did something wrong...”

Even those whose job it was to kill people seemed to have sympathy at the level
of an average person.

“Sophia is coming to kill me. She is bound like this and she will be brutally
beaten to death. Too... It’s so unfair.”

As I shed endless tears, they looked at each other and seemed to be thinking
about something.

Then the person with the lantern started to look outside, and another person
loosened the rope that tied me a little more. If he struggled hard, he seemed to be
able to pull his hand through the gap in the rope.
“You know we can’t do anything great either, right? Even if I let her go now,
she will tie me even tighter when that woman who knows her as Sophia comes.”

“If you’re lucky enough to survive, loosen the rope and run. This is Wellesley in
the south of the capital, so if you leave, run north unconditionally.”

The mercenaries, at least, were far more forgiving than Shane or Sofia, even
though they were briefly tempted to rape me.

“Thank you. Thank you very much. So let me tell you one thing.”


“In a little while, the knights of the Duke Ludwig will come. So, as soon as you
get out of here, run away immediately.”

At my advice, the two laughed.

“Hey, lady. I know how desperate you are, but the Dukes don’t even know that
the captain is here, do they?”

“The Duke’s knights chased after us earlier, but they lost us in the middle.”

I shook my head at them.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 111



“No. They’re already coming this way. Don’t take my word lightly, if you want
to save your life, please run away. I’m saying this because I’m thinking of the
younger siblings who only believe in you. Cliff Ludwig... I’m not going to spare
anyone here, no one.”

“But you don’t get paid until the job is done. We still only received the down

The impatience is gone. At this rate, even those who did small favors to me
would perish under Cliff’s cruel blade.

Whether in my previous life or in my present life, there were really few people
who were kind to me, so I really wanted to save them.

‘Something worth making money for me now...’

It wasn’t a dress with jewels, and the hair ornament was a corsage and ribbon, so
it was unlikely to be money.

I paused as I looked at what I was wearing. It reminded me of the ruby necklace

hanging around my neck.

It was as if she hadn’t been taken away yet thanks to her neck-length dress.
It was a bit of a waste because it was the necklace Killian bought me, but if I
lose my mind anyway, Sofia might take it.

I’d rather give it to these people than give it to that bad bitch.

“Hey. On my neck... There is a necklace hanging on it.”


“It’s a quality ruby and gold string. If you bring it and sell it, it will make a lot
of money, so take it and run away.”

The two men looked at each other again and hesitated.

“When Sophia comes, it will be over. Hurry!”

At my urging, the man who tied me carefully removed the neck of my dress and
removed the necklace.

“Take it and run away. I don’t want the people who did me a favor to die. Come
on. Stop fighting over each other!”

They nodded coldly and put the necklaces in their pockets.

And before leaving the room, he looked back at me once.

“I-over there...”

“Kuhm... Good luck.”

I smiled lightly at the greeting, which seemed even shy.

A nameless extra that would not have even been mentioned in the original work.

But I know they have siblings they get along with, and I have received a favor
that could possibly save my life.

“I wish you both good luck.”

And as soon as they left, someone else’s voice was heard in the distance.

Unfortunately, it was a female voice.

“Why the hell is it taking so long to drop a girl in?”

Hearing Sofia’s openly disrespecting mercenaries, I could understand why those

two had a crush on me earlier.

‘It’s easy to form a consensus if there is a public enemy.’

I guess it’s something I should thank Sophia for.

“Ah, ahaha! Don’t be harsh. The aristocratic lady was so pretty that I was
looking around for a bit.”

“What makes a fuss about being pretty? Guess who isn’t a country boy.”

Even if I was a mercenary, I think I would have felt bad.

Anyway, the two men quickly disappeared without making Sophia angry, as if
they were thinking of me.

I prayed that they would run straight down this road.

And after a while, the wooden door burst open.

“Whoops. You look good. So when Shane gave us the last chance, we should
have taken it. Stupid thing.”

Perhaps because of Shane’s order to treat me as inferior to the count’s laundry

maid, Sofia didn’t treat me with respect, even as a joke.

‘Anyway, I have to make the most of my time.’

Cliff will come in soon. So, if I took my time well, it could have ended without
much hit.

I chewed my lips carefully, took a deep breath, and asked.

“Now that this has happened, let’s ask one thing.”


“Me... Why did you hate me so much?”

Sophia’s lips hardened at my question. I brought it up to make it less hit, but did
it really offend Sophia?
But then she laughed like a snort.

“I mean, I grew up hearing only praise from a young age.”

Uh! Suddenly, Sofia’s narrative began. I’m not too curious...

“In a commoner family of 3 boys and 4 girls, the 5th halfway child was loved
the most by his parents.”

Suddenly, the atmosphere self-introduction...?

“I thought I could achieve anything if I tried. It is said that money buys a title of
nobility, so I tried to become a noble someday and live proudly. I was

He is a passionate and enterprising talent that people in the 21st century Korea
would really like.

yes, yes OK so stop...

“But as I grew up, I realized that there are more important factors to success
than brilliance.”

I just asked you to tell me why you hate me. How long do you have to listen to
this? Of course, it serves the purpose of wasting time.

At that moment, Sophia pointed a finger at me and asked if she had noticed that
I was lost in my thoughts.

“Do you know what it is?”

“Uh... That, well... Maybe, luck or background?”

Since the intention of the questioner does not seem to want a textbook answer, I
spit out a self-help answer for the 21st century Korea.

Those who work hard can’t beat those who enjoy, those who enjoy can’t beat
those who are lucky, and those who are lucky can’t beat those who are 100

“Ha! Doesn’t that stupid bitch think a little bit?”

Uh? Is it correct?

“That’s right. Luck and background, or bloodline. I’m much better than you, but
I’m only your maid, and you’re much more stupid and useless than me, but
you’re lucky enough to become the countess’s daughter.”

“What if I was born like this?”

“No. You were originally in a position to be abandoned. You are an illegitimate

child and an orphan.”


I asked again, wondering if I had heard it wrong.

“Oh, you didn’t know? Your mother is Count Rigelhoff’s deceased sister, and
you don’t even know who your father is.”

Sophia looked quite amused, perhaps assuming that I was mentally shocked to
learn of the cruel truth.
But I was just relieved to know a little bit about why Edith was abused.

‘It’s not Count Rigelhoff’s illegitimate son, he was the son of his sister. That’s
why he was able to act like a stranger!’

It was because of that that I was able to say ‘Family’s favor’ to me. From their
point of view, it was to show favor to the ‘family disgrace’ that deserved to be
thrown away, and let them be admitted into the Rigelhoff family.

Anyway, there was nothing good for Sophia to know that I was fine. I put on a
shocked expression.

“Well, then... My father and older brother beat me, and my mother was
indifferent to me... You mean that’s why?”

“I can’t blame Master and Shane. They are the ones who made you, who should
have been abandoned in an orphanage, into the count’s daughter. You were right
only because you were incompetent. Okay?”

“I was beaten before I was five or six! What kind of competence did you want
from such a child?”

“At that time, maybe it was because I thought of your mother who died giving
birth to you.”

Sophia laughed like she was having fun. Then, her face suddenly hardened, and
the difference in temperature was so great that I wondered if Sofia had gone a
little crazy.

“If I had been the Count’s daughter, I would have been able to benefit Count
Rigelhoff much more. It’s much more than you who can’t understand words.”
“It wasn’t my decision to be enrolled as Count Rigelhoff. Is that a reason to hate
me? It’s not my fault!”

At that, Sophia, who had been looking down at me coldly, slapped me on the

He hit so hard that the corsage from his headdress fell off.

“If you were competent, wouldn’t I have to feel this way?”

I smiled dejectedly as I turned my head back.

“Do not be ridiculous. If that was the case, there would be no reason to hate
Liese. You just needed someone to vent your anger on for what you didn’t have.
Why are you rationalizing now?”

Sophia gritted her teeth, as if she didn’t know that she would find out that she
hated Liese.

“Either you or that girl are sitting in a seat that doesn’t fit the subject of being
born dirty, so it’s cheap to be hated!”

A burning pain rose up in my cheek again. Perhaps because I was hit in the same
place consecutively, my nose broke out and I tasted blood in my mouth.

‘Mr. Ai, hit me alternately.’

My ears were deaf and my eyes were bursting with tears.

However, it was clear that the beating in earnest was about to begin.
Sure enough, Sophia rolled up her arms and picked up a short horsewhip.

“Master Shane, such a vulgar girl is not suitable. A prostitute who bewitches
men believing that her face is smooth...!”

“Then... Who hangs out?”

I raised my tear-soaked eyelashes and asked in a snoring voice.

“You know the noble ladies well. Which of them would you approve of
becoming Shane’s bride?”

Sophia’s hand holding the whip trembled.

“If it is difficult to decide on one person, call a candidate.”

“Shut up!”

The horsewhip made a whistling sound and struck my forearm.

It really hurt a lot, but I gritted my teeth. If I screamed that I was sick and
stopped talking, from then on, I would just be beaten without saying a word.

“There is no way I can answer that. Is not it? That’s what love is originally. No
matter how bad I am, I don’t want to see someone take over my loved one
instead of me. Yes?”

“I don’t know what the hell you are talking about. This dirty bitch...!”
“You don’t love Shane? can i swear to god She’s okay with Shane being
completely someone else’s is this?”

Even though the room was dark, I could feel the light in Sophia’s eyes.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 112



“You talk nonsense. It doesn’t matter what I want to do.”

“Have you ever confessed? But he’s Shane, who’s been by your side for a long

“Because I’m not stupid enough to do something I know the outcome of.”

“Isn’t love a joyous thing just by confessing it to the other person? To you, is
everything worthless if you don’t succeed? It’s disappointing if you really think
so, Sophia.”

It was a story to buy time, but the more I talked about it, the more I felt sick to
my stomach.
“But... It’s not easy. I haven’t confessed yet either. I should have done it before I

“Then it’s not okay. You will die here today.”

“Well... Anyway, before you die, at least make a confession. Because that would
be the path that leaves no regrets behind.”

The figure of Killian kept flickering in front of his eyes.

From the way he showed me nothing but contemptuous eyes, to the way he was
sarcastic and sarcastic, to the way he was angry and engulfed in impulse, to the
way he gently smiled at me...

‘I should have confessed that I love you.’

I also had no courage.

I always took a step back just because I knew the original work. Edith in her
original novel appealed for her love and she was coldly dumped, so she assumed
that I would be the same.

Killian is no longer the original Killian...

‘If we get rescued from here, so if we meet Killian again... Let’s confess then
even if I get rejected, conveying my feelings is meaningful in itself.’

I’ve dated a few times in my previous life, but I’ve never confessed my love.

Of course. It wasn’t because I met men because I loved them, but because I met
them because I needed them.
It was a life where I was complacent that they liked me, and I drew a line in
advance not knowing when that heart would leave.

For the first time in my life, I felt the urge to confess.

“By the way, even if you have a chance, I think it would be better not to

Sophia, who seems to have regained her composure, said with a vicious smile.

“Aren’t you mistaken that Killian Ludwig was a little nice to you? It’s all a play.
Didn’t she know?”


“I advertised around me that I was good to the daughter of the Rigelhoff family.
That way, when fighting the Rigelhoffs, you’ll be able to stick out your flippers,
saying you had no choice.”

“Killian is not like that! Of course I don’t expect him to love me...”

“I guess you were fooled. Guess who isn’t an idiot.”

Sophia giggled and laughed. It was a laugh that I could clearly sense that he
wanted to hurt me.

“We have already completed the background investigation. The person who
used the billboard called you the best was Killian Ludwig.”

Sophia clicked her tongue as if she felt sorry for me.

“Well, isn’t he a handsome enough man to want to be fooled? What is the result
of betraying the family because of just that kind of lust? Do you like it?”

“No. Killian...”

“I still haven’t come to my senses. You always have to be right to come to your

And suddenly the whip flew.

The other forearm tingled along with a squeaking sound.


I screamed involuntarily, but before the pain was over, the whip started hitting
me again.


“If only you hadn’t betrayed me, Shane wouldn’t have been this hard!”

A burning pain rose in my forearms and thighs along with nonsensical noises.

‘Cliff! Please come quickly!’

Cliff had never wanted to see him so much.

But the moment I remembered Cliff intensely, the outside became noisy.
The sound of something crackling, something like people’s footsteps rumbling,
could be heard from the ceiling.

And the door burst open.

“Sophia! It’s a big deal!”

The whipping, which did not stop despite the commotion upstairs, finally

Sophia was just about to get excited, but she must have felt bad about being
interrupted, and even the man who called her was irritated.

“I told you not to call me for anything else! What the hell is going on?”

“They are raiding!”

“What? Are they bastards?”

“The Ludwig Duchess!”

I felt that I was finally here, and my nervous heart was relieved.

‘It seems my wind and timing were perfect this time. Thank god.’

While I was brooding over such idle thoughts, Sophia managed to control her
absurd expression.

“What are you talking about! How do you know where to go!”
“I-I don’t know!”

“Damn it! What about Shane?”

“Mo, I don’t know. I’m here to see Sophia... Another guy went to get Shane.”

“We must protect Shane! Hurry!”

Sophia groaned and tried to follow him, but suddenly looked back at me.

“You don’t have to like it because I only delayed dying a little bit, Edith. Hang
in there. After I kill Ludwig, I’ll kill you too.”

Then he hit me hard in the face.

It seemed as if a light flashed in front of my eyes, then it was covered in



Wellsley is a rare place among the outskirts of the capital.

In the past, when the romance of rural life swept the social world, a few villas
modeled after farmhouses were built, but since the trend passed, it has been
virtually deserted.

And the cottage that Cliff was now looking out through his telescope was also a
plain old fashioned one, and it seemed to have been abandoned for quite some
However, the road in front of the villa, which should have been covered with
fallen leaves and bushes, was as clean as if someone had cleaned it.

“I guess I thought I wouldn’t be able to find it because it was so remote.”

“It’s not easy.”

Cliff suppressed the desire to attack immediately and waited for the scout’s

‘I should have come to the capital a day earlier... No, if only it was an hour

Cliff had already berated himself several times that he should have been quicker
to come up to the capital.

Upon arriving at the mansion, news awaited them that the Duchess, Liese, and
Edith had been kidnapped.

Linnon and some of the soldiers who went to rescue them missed the kidnappers
due to the difference in numbers, and Linnon was even seriously injured and

I immediately bought informants, released them all over the capital, and waited
for them. Three hours later, a report came up about the suspicious place.

After leading the knights and following where they were headed, they came to

They said that they couldn’t help something that had already happened, but they
had to hurry up and save Liese’s mother before something happened.
“The scout is back!”

Fortunately, the nimble and skilled scout quickly identified the enemy’s
situation and returned without being caught.

“The building seems to have been built with two floors above ground and an
attic, and there are quite a few people gathered inside the building. There are
about 40 to 50 mercenaries.”

“What about weapons?”

“Mostly swords.”

“Is there anyone who looks like a knight?”

“There is nothing I have confirmed. We lost a lot of knights in the Battle of

Territories, so we probably didn’t have the energy to bring them all the way

After checking the enemy’s strength, Cliff asked what he was most curious

“What about the hostages?”

“It was like locking them into different rooms. However...”


“The movements of the Duchess and Lady Liese were captured, but Lady Edith
was not.”
“Are you sure?”

“Yes. Those who stayed in the storage room on the first floor came out carrying
their wife and Miss Liese on their back, but none of them carried Lady Edith on
their back.”


Cliff clenched his fists.

“I didn’t believe her. She said she was suspicious, but she was...!”

It felt like it was turning inside out, but now wasn’t the time to be arguing about

“We shouldn’t give them a chance to steal the hostages. They might try to
secure an escape route by threatening the lives of their mother or Liese. So
speed is of the utmost importance.”

Cliff selected one person who was the most skillful and skilled in ambush in the

“You will save my mother.”

“I will risk my life to save the Duchess!”

“Thank you. I will bring Liese out.”

Then he turned his head towards the knights around him.

“Unconditionally start the raid five minutes after we depart.”


Cliff and another knight were dressed in black, similar to Shane’s mercenaries,
with hoods covering their heads and faces.

I was rather grateful that they covered me.

“Let’s go.”

Cliff quickly ran into the dark woods behind the villa, and the remaining knights
began counting the time nervously from then on.


At that time, Shane was delighted as he looked at Liese, who finally came into
his hands.

“Don’t do this. You will be punished.”

Liese, who came to her senses right after Edith was dragged underground, did
not scream or cry even though she was frightened.

Shane’s stomach tickled at the sight of those big, blue eyes quivering.

“It’s a beauty that doesn’t get boring just by looking at it.”

As if her languid smile was creepy, Liese pushed herself further into the corner.
But Shane looked at her carefully and said with a relaxed mind.

“The Ludwig family are the ones who stole the Dukedom that our family should
have received. So Cliff is just a lucky guy who became the Duke’s heir.
Everything he enjoys should have been mine...”

The contents that Count Rigelhoff had instilled since childhood combined with
Shane’s inferiority complex became the reason for rationalizing all his evil

And it created a little monster called Shane Rigelhoff.

“The most coveted of them all was you. The most beautiful woman in the
capital, Liese Sinclair.”

Liese shook her head while crouching.

Shane laughed, haha, because even that figure was lovely.

“I love you, Liese.”

Liese shook her head vigorously again.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 113



“You don’t love me. I’m just coveting my appearance. What do you know about
me that you love me?”

“I’m sure Cliff fell for your looks anyway, so what are you denying so much?”

“Cliff is different! Cliff knows who I am. He is someone who loves me even
though he knows my weakest and ugliest side.”

Shane shrugged and laughed at Liese.

“Whatever it is, it doesn’t matter. You will be mine today, and then Cliff will
have no choice but to give you up.”

Then he got up from his seat and approached Liese.

“Oh, don’t come!”

“I apologize if the place doesn’t suit you because it’s a little urgent to make you
mine. Please be patient with me today.”

It was the moment Liese turned white as she saw the hand reaching out to her.


Someone knocked on the door.

Shane, who was about to snatch Liese’s forearm, turned to the door with a

“Who is this!”

“I’ve run into a bit of a problem. I think you should come out for a while.”

Someone outside said urgently.

Shane clicked his tongue and turned away from Liese and went towards the

“What’s the matter?”

And the moment he opened the door, the man standing outside punched Shane
hard in the face.


At the same time as Shane was knocked out, the man outside quickly entered the
room, locked the door, and struck Shane in the head as he was crawling on the
floor, knocking him out.

“Hey, Cliff...?”

Liese, who had been trembling in a curled up position in the corner, raised her

“Sorry for being late, Liese!”

Cliff lowered the mask that was covering his face, ran to Liese and hugged her
delicate body.

“Cliff! Cliff!”

Only then did Liese burst into tears and cling to Cliff. His body was trembling.

Cliff brushed Liese’s back, blaming Count Rigelhoff, Shane, and himself.

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“Oh no! But the Duchess...!”

“Your mother will be fine too.”

“Then what about Edith?”

“Well. I wonder if her safety has ever been threatened.”


Then, ‘Bang!’ It suddenly became noisy with a noise.

“Right now, getting out of here is the first priority. Can you walk?”


Liese barely stood up clinging to Cliff’s arm. He was so nervous that his legs
seemed to squeak, but Liese eased his stiff body by walking in place.
Cliff tore off Shane’s cape, made a string, and tied his hands together.

“It must be awful to be with this guy, but bear with it.”

Then, standing by the doorway and listening to the sounds outside, he opened
the door and ran out.

Outside the closed door, the sound of metal clashing, the sound of desperate
screams, the sound of something bluntly hitting the floor, and the sound of
shouting were entwined noisily.

And when the noise died down, the door opened again.

“Sorry. Were you scared?”

He was still a friendly Cliff.

But the smell of blood wafted around him.

After that, when a man like a knight from the Ludwig family came in, Cliff
clapped his chin at Shane who was lying on the floor, and the knight
immediately raised Shane up and grabbed him.

“Let’s go, Liese.”


Liese closed her eyes tightly as Cliff told her to, and embraced him.
Cliff walked outside through the hallway littered with corpses while holding
Liese in his arms.

The soldiers who had finished their work grabbed the corpses by the backs and
dragged them outside, while a knight carrying a Duchess was approaching from
the other side, protected by other soldiers.

“Rest of it?”

“Maybe because they were mercenaries, the charter was unfavorable, so they
quickly ran away. I caught a certain woman, but I don’t know what she is

Cliff glanced at the woman who was said to have been captured, then frowned.
Because she remembered that she was the maid Edith had with her.

“Don’t be alarmed. She’s like a maid that Count Rigelhoff cares for quite a bit.”

Cliff came out and dropped Liese off at a safe place, then suddenly approached

Then he asked the woman who was glaring at him ferociously.

“Where did you take Edith Rigelhoff away?”

Sophia laughed bitterly.


“Did you bring them here?”

“Hmph! Do you think our young lady would fit in with a place like this?”

“Wherever you stole it, I will find it and kill it. With her brother.”

“Hey, you filthy bastards! Let the master go! Master! Master!”

“What a great loyalty. Or maybe it’s a love affair.”

Cliff cut his attention from Sophia, who was again screaming.

“You must have kept the people to be interrogated separately, right?”

“Yes! It was strange that they dispersed so quickly, so I tried to fool one, but he
said something strange.”

“What are you talking about?”

“Some two guys got away before we hit. After learning that he had been kicked
out without receiving any money, there were rumors among them that he had to
withdraw quickly.”

“Only the smart ones survived.”

When Cliff saw the Duchess come to her senses after laughing, she quickly
approached her.

“Mother! Mother! Are you awake?”

“Nice... Cliff...?”
“Yes. Rest assured now.”

“Oh, Cliff!”

The Duchess hugged Cliff with tears in her eyes.

“I’m going back to the mansion now. Is there any place where you feel

“I’m okay. What about Liese and Edith?”

“Liese was safely rescued.”

“Edith is...?”

The Duchess looked back at Cliff with a worried look on her face.

But Cliff gave her a low sigh and said,

“That woman... I think she was a spy.”

“No way!”

“In the first place, she wasn’t even imprisoned like her mother or Liese. It looks
like they stole it somewhere else while they were here.”

“Ah, no, that can’t be!”

The Duchess clearly remembered Edith, who was screaming and rebelling for
her at the time of the attack.
But at that time, Liese, who was by her side, added in a melancholy voice.

“Come to think of it, when I first woke up from where I was being held, there
were only me and my wife there.”

The Duchess covered her mouth with her hand as if shocked.

“Let’s go to the mansion and talk. The weather is cold. You might be hurt

Cliff helped the Duchess, who had lost her words in shock, and ordered the
knights to stand up.

“I will return! Be very careful lest the captives escape!”

That’s how Shane’s kidnapping came to an end quickly.


‘Oh, it’s cold...’

It was bone-chillingly cold.

I slowly opened my eyes to the fierce cold and somehow bleak feeling.

Even though I opened my eyes, it was still dark, so I was startled to think that I
was blind.
However, he was relieved when he noticed the faint light leaking through the
crack in the door.

‘Looks like the lights are off.’

If that amount of time had passed, no matter how badly I did, it seems like five
or six hours have passed. Why am I still here?

‘Why is it so quiet?’

I held my breath and listened to the sounds around me, but I didn’t feel any

“Oh, ouch!”

Because I had been neglected for a long time, I moved my stiff body and made
all sorts of sounds.

My shoulder was so painful that I wondered if it might have been dislocated,

and the same was true of my tied wrists and my back or neck that had been bent
for a long time.

Of course, the places where Sofia hit me, such as my face, both arms and thighs,
also tingled and throbbed, giving me sharp pains every time I moved.

I endured all the pain and struggled to free my hands from the ropes that bound
my wrists.

Thanks to the mercenary who tied me up quite loosely, I was able to get my
hand out without being rubbed too hard.
‘I’m dying, really. Should I go out first?’

I got up on my chair and trembled and barely got up.

However, even stepping one step was a tremendous pain.

As expected, when she beat me at the mansion, Sophia wasn’t using all her

I limped up to the door, assessed the presence outside, and opened it slowly only
after I was sure that no one seemed to be around.

It was a relief that Sophia didn’t have time to lock the door.

The villa was a two-story building seen from the entrance side, but three or two
and a half stories from the other side.

Thanks to that, even in the basement there was a window at the top of the wall,
through which bright sunlight was seeping in.

It was around dawn when I was brought here, so it seemed like five or six hours
had really passed.

‘But why am I still here!’

I limped up the stairs to the upper floor one by one.

As soon as he reached the ground, the fishy smell of blood stung his nostrils.

My body felt stiff for a moment, but I gritted my teeth and continued to rise.
And the situation on the first floor they faced was miserable.

‘Cliff... It seems to have come and gone...’

As if the corpses had been dragged out, the floor was littered with bloodstains
from something that had been dragged out, and bloodstains were scattered on
the walls as if it had been splashed during the fierce battle.

I carefully stepped between the bloodstains drawn on the floor, checked my

surroundings, and slowly came out.

The dirt floor in front of the cottage was strewn with horseshoe prints, and
corpses lay neatly on the right side of the cottage.

After all the work was done, it looked like it had been cleaned up.

“No way...”

I muttered as I blankly looked around.

“Me... Are you abandoned?”

Even when I said it out loud, it didn’t feel very realistic.

‘No, in this case... How’s the story going?’

In the original story, Edith stays with Shane’s gang who raided the mansion and
is captured by Cliff who came to rescue Liese. With Shane and Sofia, of course.
But this time, I was the only one left here, no, abandoned.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 114



‘Therefore... Did you leave me to die trapped there?’

A dejected laugh came out.

No matter how much I thought about it, I couldn’t understand.

If you considered me a member of the Rigelhoffs, you should have dragged me

and cut my throat, otherwise you should have rescued me.

‘I don’t think I took part in this, but I didn’t want to spare him...?’

He saw me tied up like a prisoner and beaten up, and he left me behind, so I
couldn’t think of anything else.

If they left me there and caught me for not knowing, the Ludwig family would
not be held accountable for my death.
‘Killian... Is this something you agreed on too?’

In the original story, Cliff’s rescue operation was known to both Duke Ludwig
and Killian. It was because Cliff decided to go after careful planning.

‘Then Killian must know about this operation, and I’m sure about my

Recalling the original work, I stood there for a long time, blankly looking up at
the sky half-covered with light gray clouds.

‘It’s winter again... She was like this when she married Killian... It’s been
exactly one year since Edith appeared.’

It seems that many things happened during that year, but even when I tried to
think of those things, I kept thinking only of Killian’s face.

“...The person who used the billboard called you the best was Killian Ludwig.”

Sophia’s words made a mess in my head.

The fact that Killian was good to me was an act to show the people around me...
Did you already finish the background investigation?

‘Was he being nice to me even when others weren’t looking, was it to fool me

I wanted to believe it wasn’t, but the negative imagination happened after biting
the tail after tail.
If Killian really accepted me as his wife, Cliff couldn’t have abandoned me no
matter how much he hated me. Because he wasn’t the older brother defying his
brother’s will.

But it was clear what it meant to be abandoned in this way.

‘Therefore... Are you saying you don’t need me anymore?’

I suddenly collapsed as I remembered myself trying so hard to capture a piece of

Killian’s heart.

However, even in despair and despair, humans were animals that felt hunger and

“Oh, it’s cold.”

I thought about what to do as my aching body trembled here and there.

‘Let’s think positively, positively. Are you still alive anyway?’

The ‘Plan B’ of being kind to the extras was like saving my life in the end.

If it weren’t for the mercenaries who loosened the rope, I would have died of
starvation or freezing in that dark underground warehouse.

‘Now I can spend the money I deposited in the bank.’

Because of this, I had to find the money quickly before the Ludwigs family
blocked the withdrawal from my safe.
Although he opened the safe using a pseudonym, it seemed like he could easily
find out everything if he was the Duke Ludwig.

“If you’re lucky enough to survive, loosen the rope and run. This is Wellesley in
the south of the capital, so if you leave, run north unconditionally.”

I remembered what the mercenary had told me.

I looked at the sun hidden by the hazy clouds and my blurry shadow, and after
roughly choosing the north, I started walking aimlessly.

Even going from here to the center of the capital wasn’t safe right now, so I was
determined to concentrate on that.


The results of the land war between Duke Ludwig and Count Rigelhoff came
out faster than people expected.

It was a great victory for the Ludwig family.

Even those who expected the Ludwig family to win did not expect it to end so

“I was too proud of ArchDuke Langston, Count Rigelhoff, Duke Ludwig, and
His Majesty the Emperor.”

“To attack the enemy without grasping it properly is foolish...”

“Don’t say anything you don’t know. It’s not that ArchDuke Langston and
Count Rigelhoff were sloppy, it’s that Duke Ludwig and His Majesty the
Emperor were thoroughly hiding it.”

Those who had supported ArchDuke Langston in the social world had
disappeared, and changed their words as if they had supported the emperor and
the Ludwig family from the beginning.

That’s also true, because all the representative families that supported ArchDuke
Langston were in danger of extinction.

“Attempting to assassinate His Majesty the Emperor... Isn’t this treason so you
can’t even take anything out of it?”

“Not even ArchDuke Langston. I heard that it was your son who did it.”

“Hey, watch your words. No matter how much my son did it, I couldn’t believe
the grand Duke didn’t know about it?”

As soon as the assassination attempt failed, the imperial family arrested the
Grand Duke of Langston and all the families of the five families that supported
him as if they had been waiting. Those who escaped were wanted, but the family
head and heirs were all caught, so extinction was almost certain.

In particular, the Ludwig family was allowed to dispose of Count Rigelhoff’s

family, which first provoked the Battle of Territories and even staged a

While Rigelhoff took the prisoners and prepared for execution in the prison
outside the Duke’s mansion, Cliff and Duke Ludwig and Killian returned to the
capital, receiving a welcome like a victory ceremony.

“Thank you for your hard work, Father. You worked hard, Killian.”
Cliff, who was waiting at the mansion, greeted his father and brother who had

As soon as Duke Ludwig got off his horse, he strode without a word and hugged
the Duchess, who was standing behind Cliff, supported by a maid.

“Sorry for the trouble, Jocelyn.”

“I’m OK. Don’t worry, honey.”

Killian, who was watching the passionate reunion between his father and
mother, looked around as he got off his horse.

It seems like everyone in the Ludwig family has gathered, but no matter how
much he looks, he can’t find the face he’s looking for.

“Brother. Where is Edith?”

Killian asked, looking for Edith’s reddish-brown hair.

But there was no answer from Cliff.


“Killian. That woman helped kidnap her mother and Liese.”


As Killian asked back, Duke Ludwig’s head swung back.

“Are you sure? Explain in detail, Cliff.”

“It looks like they originally intended to raid the mansion. She said she looked
suspicious as the woman moved around her mansion.”

The Duke knew about it, but Killian had never heard of it. His brow furrowed

“Does it look suspicious? What did you do?”

“I heard that he went around the mansion every night to check the door lock, but
it seems he was trying to do something to the back door of the mansion. There’s
a maid I saw opening the door in front of him and fiddling with the lock.”

“It’s just a guess, right? Or, do you have any evidence?”

“Not only that! They say you’ve been wandering around places where there’s no
door to crack down on. That’s all over the place.”

Cliff said it as if it were some kind of great evidence, but Killian snorted.

“You can’t just be suspicious of something like that, can you?”


“And who’s seen Edith looking at every nook and cranny like that?”

“Liese saw it.”

“So you’re saying that Liese wandered around every nook and cranny like
Edith? But you don’t doubt Liese. Yes?”

Not to mention Cliff and even Liese put on a surprised expression.

“Liese is like our family.”

“Edith is our family too! It’s been almost a year since I got married, how long
are you going to treat her like someone else?”

Killian could understand a little bit of the resentment and frustration Edith must
have felt living in this family.

Just because she was the daughter of the Rigelhoffs, it was assumed that all her
actions were for some conspiracy.

But this time, Cliff was also stubborn.

“Edith wasn’t there when we went to get him. It looks like they stole it in the
middle, but they haven’t answered properly where they stole it.”

At that time, Liese cautiously opened her mouth.

“When I woke up there, it was just me, the Duchess, and those people. I haven’t
seen Edith since she was taken, Killian.”

“The housemaid also said that Edith was stolen.”

Killian’s eyes flashed at Cliff’s additional explanation.

“The housemaid? Are you talking about that maid named Sophia?”

“Okay. The maid that Edith had.”

Killian felt a subtle sense of incongruity there.

“Tell me more about what the maid said.”

“Did you ask my lady if a place like this would suit you?”

“Is that all?”

“Okay. Need another word?”

Cliff’s meaning is ‘Does anything else need to be said to prove that Edith is the
spy over there?’ It must have been, but Killian felt something strange.

‘Sophia, the maid tried to save Edith? She was glaring at Edith, is she the

The maid named Sophia was close to hating Edith.

Edith’s back, mottled and bruised from Sophia’s beating, was still vivid in her

Even if Edith decided to be loyal to her family again, Sofia didn’t seem loyal
enough to her to let Edith escape alone.

“Killian. I understand the feeling of not wanting to believe. But this is not
something that can be forgiven out of pity or affection.”

Then, Duke Ludwig, who had been listening to Cliff’s words, stepped forward.

“So, did anyone solve it?”

“Yes. I haven’t been able to solve much for the mansion’s defense, but since the
knights have all returned, I’m thinking of increasing the number of searchers.”

Cliff and the Duke seemed to believe that Edith must have helped Shane, but
Killian couldn’t.

Anyway, even if Edith really betrayed the Duke Ludwig, no, Killian, and turned
around, I wanted to hear from her directly.

Killian said with a cold face.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 115



“I also have to find Edith. It cannot be denied that she is my wife, even if she is
her spy.”
“Killian! Are you saying you want to prioritize your personal feelings over

“If Edith really did commit a crime, she should be punished. But even if you kill
her, I will kill her myself!”

Killian’s atmosphere was brutal, as if he were about to pull out his sword.

He headed straight for the knights guarding the mansion.

“I’m going to check the scene where Mother and Liese were kidnapped right
now! Leonard! Select ten people and prepare!”

However, Cliff’s anger, which almost lost Liese, was also formidable.

“Father. I will release more people. Find Edith Rigelhoff and bring her to my

At the mention of ‘Edith Rigelhoff’, Killian glared at Cliff fiercely.

But unfortunately, I couldn’t afford to argue about Edith’s name.

Killian ran straight to Wellesley’s abandoned villa, ignoring the welcome dinner
prepared for them after they returned from the war.

“Don’t get hurt and come back. I will remember that brag about how great you

Edith, who had been steadfastly smiling despite being ignored by Duke Ludwig,
kept coming back to that last smile.
No, in fact, not only at this moment, but throughout the entire Battle of
Territories exhibition, I endured, thinking of that smile, warm eyes, and the
dizzying scent of roses.

He thought of Edith, who must have been working hard to weave the sloppy
blanket she made for him every night. It was the only genuine laugh of the day.

‘Edith! Where are you now!’

By any chance, if she was really a spy for the Rigelhoffs, I had to find her first.

‘I have to find it first and keep her safe. If I secretly take her to Ryzen and have
a child, my father and older brother won’t be able to object.’

The cold wind hit his cheek, but Killian didn’t slow down a bit, and thanks to
that, he was able to reach Wellesley in no time.

“There it is!”

Cliff and the knight who went on the hostage rescue operation led Killian to the
villa where the incident took place.

There was still the smell of something rotting around, but Killian didn’t care and
entered the villa.

Bloodstains on the floor and walls gave a rough idea of what had happened there
that day.

“The Duchess was at the other end of the room, and Lady Liese was at the other
end of the room.”
“Did you search every nook and cranny?”

“That, that... At that time, the Duchess was not in a good condition and had to
return quickly...”

Killian didn’t even listen to the knight’s answer and ordered the knights behind
him to search each room.

And he himself went to the storage room on the first floor where Liese first
woke up.

“Turn on more lights!”

It was a place where the light did not come in well, so I turned on two more
lights and lay flat on the bare floor of the warehouse.

“Do, young master...?”

The other knights were perplexed, not knowing why Killian was doing this, but
Killian scanned every nook and cranny of the floor with his back.

“Did you say all the mercenaries were wearing hoods?”


“Shane is blonde, and the maid is black?”

“Yes, it is, but...”

“Then... Whose is this red-brown hair?”

A few strands of long brown hair were held in Killian’s hand.

“Edith was here.”

Killian jumped up and went outside. The knights searched each room, but no
one found anything in particular.

“Where did they take Edith?”

Killian imagined this place in his head that day.

When Liese opened her eyes, she said that Edith was not there. If so, Edith
would have been taken somewhere earlier.

And Count Rigelhoff or Shane would not have immediately forgiven Edith for
betraying their family.

‘Rather, he would have tried to kill me before anyone else in my family.’

Killian took a good look around and his eyes landed on a dark passageway in the
corner opposite the warehouse.

“What is that?”

Killian pointed with his hand, but the knight who had come with Cliff had a
surprised face as if he had never seen it there.

“G-stairs to the basement... I guess?”

“Have you checked the basement?”

“I’m sorry. At that time, fighting in this narrow place...”

Killian thought it would be better to check for himself than to hear more
frustrating answers, so he went straight down to the basement.

It was underground, but it was not very deep.

When I opened the door leading to the basement floor, a hallway appeared that
was underground but not underground.

“It seems to have been used as a servant’s quarters or a wine cellar.”

Ignoring the further explanation of the knight who followed him, Killian went
straight to one of the rooms.

I went there for one reason.

Among the rooms that lined the corridor, it was the only one with an open door.


Killian, who was shining his back into the room with the door open, made a
sound without even realizing it.

There, someone was trapped.

A heavy wooden chair was placed in the middle of the cold stone room, behind
which lay an unknotted bundle of rope.

A lamp with a burnt wick smoked on a shabby wooden table, and a black
horsewhip was lying haphazardly in front of it.

But what caught Killian’s attention more than anything else was the blood on
the floor and the corsage he had bought for him.


Edith was here.

And I left here alone.

In this cold weather, where and how far could the injured woman in a banquet
dress and satin shoes move?

“We have to find... Must find...”

Killian gripped the corsage tightly and clenched his trembling molars.

You shouldn’t be flustered and shaken here. I had to move right away for Edith,
who was trembling somewhere.


Killian assigned the job to Leonard, the only knight who knew that Edith had
been assaulted by Sofia.

“Go to the mercenary guild right now and buy seekers. Scour the capital. He
probably hasn’t left the capital yet.”


“I’m going to skim around here.”

At that, Leonard paused and spoke cautiously.

“Why don’t you go back to the mansion and get rid of travel poisoning first?
You haven’t been able to rest for too long.”

But Killian shook his head.

“If it were you, would you be able to rest even if you lost your wife?”

Then he immediately turned around and went upstairs.

“Follow Leonard, the two of you head to the capital, and search for the rest from

The knights who looked at Killian curiously noticed something when they saw
the corsage in Killian’s hand and Leonard’s heavy aura following him.

Above all, Killian’s eyes were more desperate than ever.

“Yes! All right!”

The knights who were inspecting the villa all at once ran out and got on their

Killian looked resentfully at the sky, where even light snowflakes began to fly,
then gnashed his teeth and got on the horse.


It was luck to meet a kind-hearted baron and couple while walking north from

“You look like an aristocratic lady no matter how you look at it, but why are you
walking alone?”

“Oh my god! The face...!”

Fortunately, they didn’t know who I was and didn’t run away even after seeing
my miserable face.

I took it as a heaven-sent opportunity and clung to them.

“Help! I was kidnapped by robbers and barely escaped!”

It’s not even a lie.

And the baron and his wife also believed me.

“I hear there are a lot of kidnappings for ransom these days! Come on, come on,
get in the carriage!”
I gladly accepted their favor.

Baron Ruben and his wife, who had just come up from the countryside to meet
relatives in the capital, were good people, as if they had never done anything bad
in their lives.

Not only did they take me, who looked suspicious at first glance, into the
carriage, but they also gave me water.

Thanks to that, I was able to avoid passing out from exhaustion.

“Which family are you from? We will take you home!”

“The favor is truly appreciated. But there are things I need to do before that.
Please forgive me for not being able to explain in detail as it is a serious matter
for my family.”

I played the young lady with a lot of stories and wiped my face with the
handkerchief the baroness gave me.

The dried blood did not come off well, so I had to wipe it off with a
handkerchief soaked in water for a long time.

‘Thank god. Even if he managed to get to the capital, he would have been
immediately arrested by the National Security Agency.’

I promised the baron and couple that I would repay the favor someday, and left
them worried and headed to Darsus Street where the bank was.

I wish I could cover my face a little, but I didn’t have any money on hand.
Fortunately, the bank gatekeeper didn’t stop me.

“I’m here to get the money.”

As soon as I sat down, the woman who showed up with a huge bruise on her
face, asking for money, must have looked very strange.

The bank clerk forgot to put on a hospitality smile and stared at me with his
mouth wide open before whispering lowly.

“Shall I put you in touch?”

“No! Can’t you see my face now? I left the house after fighting with her
husband, so why am I going in there?”


At that word, the employee quickly nodded as if he understood everything and

handed over the documents for withdrawal.

I was looking for a lot of money, so there were a lot of paperwork to fill out.

I quickly filled out the paperwork while glancing at the front door of the bank,
fearing that someone looking for me might come in at any moment.

If I hadn’t had the experience of helping Linnon work, I would have been lost
for a while.

“Are you going to find the full amount?”

“That’s right. It would be nice to give it in bills that are easy to carry. Divide the
large and small bills as I wrote in the document.”

Thanks to the pseudonym I used to open the safe, the bank teller didn’t seem to
notice that Ludwig was a person.

You wouldn’t have imagined that the person who appeared with such a messed
up face was Ludwig’s daughter-in-law.

I received the bill minus the safe deposit fee, divided it in half, and put it in both

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 116



‘It’s really fortunate that the dress has pockets.’

I hurried out of the bank, feeling my pockets suddenly heavy.

‘I have to move quickly.’

After finding some money at the bank, I bought some plain clothes and a scarf
on a commoner’s street, then stopped at an inn to change clothes.

It couldn’t have been so fortunate that it was a cold winter. Even when her face
was wrapped in a scarf, no one suspected it.

I went straight out of there, completely different from before, and went back to a
more shabby-looking inn.

“Come on! Are you alone?”

“Yes. I want you to eat and stay overnight.”

“It’s 3,500 senna for dinner and a room.”

I was nervous inside that the innkeeper might look at me strangely, but he took
my money without question and gave me the rest.

And only then could I fill my hungry stomach.

After starving for two full days, I was so hungry that my stomach hurt.

I wanted to eat meat, but I thought it would be a headache if I had a

stomachache, so I ate soft cream stew and bread.

‘Ah, I think I’m finally going to live.’

After quickly finishing a bowl of hot stew, I went into a shabby single-person
room, locked the door, and was able to rest my aching body.
However, perhaps because I was too tired, my mind wandered and my anxiety
and worries rose.

‘Who wouldn’t recognize me?’

When I came out of the inn I stopped by earlier, I thoroughly covered my face,
but I kept thinking about whether my behavior was awkward without my

‘I can’t get caught before I get out of the capital.’

He hadn’t completely escaped death yet. Cliff, who couldn’t find my body,
might be looking for me.

And if caught by them, it seemed that death would be inevitable this time around
as in the original story.

‘If I don’t meet the 3rd level exception condition, is it useless no matter how
much I struggle?’

If so, this means that my efforts to escape outside the capital are futile.

However, the only things I had met the exceptional conditions up until now were
those I got while trying to live somehow, so I couldn’t help but make these

‘But where should I run to? I don’t know anything about the provinces outside
of the capital... No, let’s get some sleep first. And tomorrow I’ll buy a map and
some things I need for the trip...’
There was no end to her worries, but perhaps her energy was completely
discharged, and at that point, she lost her mind and fell asleep as if a fuse had

After a deep, dreamless sleep, my back hurt, so when I opened my eyes, the
room was already bright.

Gently rubbing my swollen eyes, I looked outside and saw that it was already

‘Still, it’s better to wake up after a good night’s sleep.’

It was still painful and painful, but I didn’t think I would get any more sleep.

I gave some coins to the inn errand boy and got some water to wash my face.

But the bruises and wounds from being beaten by Shane or Sofia were still
terrible, so I had to cover my face with a scarf even indoors.

I went down to the first floor, paid for an extra night, and asked where I could
get a map.

“A map of the capital?”

“No. A map of the entire empire.”

“That would be a bit expensive... If you go out and go all the way to the right,
you will come to a crossroad where you meet a main road. You can live there.”

It was fortunate that the innkeeper did not ask more about my personal
I covered my head with a shawl once more and went outside.

I bought a cheap coat because I was wearing commoner clothes, and the cold
wind permeated me.

‘I have to be alert.’

I was confused whether it was my skin or my heart that was the cold wind. With
her shoulders shrunken, I too walked hard, mingling with the people who often

And at the crossroads that meet the main road, I raised the collar of my coat
pretending to be shivering in the cold.

It was because he saw the knights of the Ludwig family on the street.

‘Did they release someone to catch me?’

My mind was impatient.

But I didn’t want to look suspicious to them, so I mustered up as much patience

as I could and walked at the same pace as the others.

And it was only when I reached the <Kindra Manmulsang> that I could barely

The owner of the store was an elderly man, and he, too, paid for things like an
empire map, a leather travel bag, a portable lamp, a flint, a candle, a utility
knife, a first aid kit, and a money belt without asking my circumstances.
The luggage was a little heavy, but I bought underwear, a woolen cardigan, a
thick skirt, and winter stockings.

‘Now, all I have to do is pack up and leave.’

Returning to the inn with a whimper, I packed my little belongings into my bag
and jumped up.

‘Shouldn’t I go to the carriage station right now?’

Since the search team was dispatched, someone might already be at the carriage

I thought about going back and forth between the rooms and decided to rest for
one more night.

‘I paid for one night anyway...’

Picking up such an excuse, I ate again at the inn and lay down on the bed to rest.

But the next day I paid the innkeeper for an extra night.

because it rained

‘I don’t even have an umbrella, and I’ll catch a cold if I go out. It’s dangerous to
catch a cold at this point.’

At the same time, I borrowed an umbrella from the inn, bought two books from
a bookstore on the main road, and bought a piece of whipped cream cake from a
nearby bakery.
Then I locked myself in my room and read a book while cutting off a piece of
what might be the last cake.

And the next day I had a little fever, the next day it was too cold, and the next
day I delayed my departure date because I wanted to eat one more cake.

It was a peaceful time, but a corner of my heart was still uncomfortable.

It was because only I knew why I was so lazy.

‘If I leave like this, I won’t be able to see Killian again, right?’

Every time I thought about it, I felt sick to my stomach.

Looking back on my life, including my previous life, there was no one who gave
me as much excitement and joy as Killian.

At first, it was simply because of his appearance, but as time went on, it was
difficult not to love him who believed in me and tried to protect me.

I still don’t want to believe Sophia’s story that he used me as a billboard,

completely abandoned at the Ludwig family. It was hard to let go of the small
hope that Killian would come looking for me.

But that evening, while eating in the inn’s dining room, I realized I couldn’t hold
back any longer.

“The Ludwig family is going crazy looking for someone?”

“I heard that you are from the family that fought for the territory last time? The
entire family was captured, but only one escaped. A daughter or a daughter-in-

“You’re good at it.”

The two men eagerly ate and continued talking.

“Did you get a bounty?”

“Not yet, but I think it will happen sooner or later.”

“As long as there are wanted flyers, we will catch them soon. The aristocratic
lady must have escaped.”

It may have been a topic they consumed insignificantly, but it was frightening
news to me, who was listening behind them.

‘Wanted... As expected, I was also abandoned by the Ludwig family...’

If you were looking for me, Killian’s wife, you wouldn’t be looking for
‘someone from the family that fought the land war’, but rumors would have
spread that you were looking for ‘the Ludwig family’s daughter-in-law’.

‘I have to escape before the bounty is attached.’

I returned to my room with half of my dinner left.

As my hopes that Killian would visit me were shattered, it suddenly felt like the
whole world went dark.
‘What kind of happy ending is there in my life... You have to hope for what you

But even in the midst of that, I couldn’t hate Killian. In the end, he was rather
grateful that he had treated the person he was about to throw away so kindly.

‘Everything happened, but... Still, the past year has been like a dream. Yes?’

I laughed hard.

Just the fact that I was able to spend time with Killian made me happy. In the 28
years she lived as Soo-na Choi, she enjoyed a joy in her life that she had never
felt before.

I decided to erase the painful memories and leave with only the thrilling

But I didn’t sleep well at night.


“To Driven, to Driven, the wagon! We leave in 30 minutes!”

“The carriage to Appentus leaves in 40 minutes!”

The carriage station near the south gate of the capital, where they arrived with
heavy steps, was much more cluttered than they had imagined.

The long-distance carriages lined up side by side were like a roofed cart, as
Anna had said, and both the knight and the passengers screamed loudly.
It was fortunate that the weather was getting colder, so I could wrap my scarf
and shawl tightly over my face, but it was still cold even with the scarf and
shawl wrapped around me, and my toes froze.

‘Where should we go? Driven? Apentus?’

It was a candidate that I narrowed down after a few days of consideration.

Dryburn was a port city where people and work flocked. There were many
opportunities to earn money here, and in case of emergency, you could get on a
boat and escape to a foreign country.

Apentus was also a city the size of Dryburn, but it was also said that there were
many shops run by women because it was also a place where commerce was
developed and consciousness was more awake than in the capital.

However, there was one thing these two places had in common, and that was
that they were close to Ryzen.

‘Wouldn’t there be a chance to see Killian someday, even from afar?’

It was a place where I could not give up such tattered hope and decided on it.

“Drivon row! We’re leaving soon! If you haven’t ridden yet, hurry up!”

The driver of the carriage to Driven wandered around and shouted noisily.

I sat on a bench at the carriage station and chewed my lips carefully,


Then, finally, the carriage to Driven departed.

And after a while, the coachman of the carriage to Appentus began to shout:

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 117



“Wagon to Appentus, leaving in five minutes! It will be full soon, so hurry up!”

I missed the trip to Dryburn, so I had to take the trip to Appentus. He knew it in
his head.

But for some reason, my feet didn’t come off.

‘What can I do? Really?’

While I stood up, sat down again, and wiggled my feet nervously, someone
managed to take the last seat in the carriage bound for Appentus, and when it
was full, the carriage departed without further delay.

I sighed, staring blankly at the empty seats left by the carriage to Appentus.

‘Tomorrow... Make sure to take the carriage to Appentus tomorrow.’

Thinking about such a weak promise, I got a room at an inn close to the train

But the next day, I couldn’t even get on the carriage.

Sitting on the same bench as yesterday, I nervously tapped the floor with my
feet, then missed both the carriages bound for Dryburn and Appentus, got up
again, and left the carriage station.

Even from that evening, I had a fever, so I had to spend another three days in

‘I’m going to get caught like this.’

Impatient, I headed for the carriage station as soon as the fever went down. This
time, it was a cold day as if my body was freezing.

While waiting for the carriage under the roof of a shabby carriage station
avoiding the snow, she heard conversations with people around her.

“Did you see the wanted list from the Ludwig family?”

“Ah, I saw the flyers posted on the way back. She’s a pretty girl, isn’t she?”

“The bounty is substantial, too.”

“Wouldn’t the Ludwig Knights come here sooner or later? They seemed to be
looking to see if they were mixed among the people going down to the
“Ah, even if I die soon, I’m still a noble lady, so would you ride a carriage in a
place like this? He must have borrowed a carriage from an acquaintance and

Here is a noble lady who is about to die.

‘It’s really the last.’

The choices and decisions that had been sluggishly postponed could no longer
be postponed.

The carriage to Dryburn left ten minutes later, and the carriage to Appentus left
twenty minutes later.

‘Don’t be stubborn, don’t hold back... Let’s go to Dryburn.’

With that in mind, I bought three freshly baked potatoes at the kiosk at the train

If you hold it, it will be warm, and since you haven’t had breakfast, it’ll be fine
as a meal replacement.

The canteen was filled with water, so this should be enough to hold on to
Ramolo, the first stop.

The moment I turned around to head for the carriage to Driven, thinking about
that calculation, my feet stopped without realizing it.

The other passengers seated in silence, cowering, the coachman smoking a

cigarette with a nonchalant look, the breath scattering white whenever the horses
purr... Seeing such an achromatic carriage station scene suddenly made my heart
ache like crazy.

I realized as if I had received a revelation from God. I was lonely.

I had never thought of this even though I was living Choi Soo-na’s life, where
every moment of my life was lonely, but I felt like I learned about loneliness
properly only after meeting Killian, who taught me excitement.

‘Is there any reason to continue living like this...?’

The sigh that leaked out like a sob turned into white breath and clouded his eyes.
No, I didn’t even know that there were tears.

The life of struggling not to die was now too difficult.

Even after I ran away, I would always be conscious and nervous that I hadn’t
met the 3rd stage exception condition, and I would never forget Killian in the

‘Maybe I can meet someone else and set up a house. You might be able to live
like a moderately good couple. But that... Is this the life I want?’

I had a chance to live for me, so why throw it away?

The child who was lying next to me in the leukemia ward, who eventually
closed his eyes while I was undergoing a bone marrow transplant.

But now, even thinking about that child, I didn’t feel much of an obligation to
Like an old lamp that has burned down every last drop of oil, I am so exhausted.

‘Perhaps my mission in this world is to be killed by Killian. That’s how the

narrative is complete.’

If there was anything that had a positive effect because of my presence, it was
the part that Killian seemed to have escaped from his blind love for Liese.

‘If I die, Killian will be able to love others with peace of mind.’

I sat back on the bench with a hot potato wrapped in a paper bag in my arms.

And I watched quietly as the carriages to Dryburn and the carriages to Appentus

Even when I saw the empty seats left by the carriage, I didn’t feel so anxious or
sad anymore.

It was when the potatoes in their arms were almost cooled when the knights
wearing the Ludwig family’s insignia came to the carriage station.

“There will be a check-up for a while! All you have to do is check the face, so
don’t panic or be afraid and follow the orders of the Knights!”

While people were confused by the sudden, unintentional check, I put the paper
bag containing the cooled potatoes in the bag and adjusted my clothes.

His face was still bruised from how hard he had been beaten by Sophia, and he
was a little worried that Killian would look at him with disgust.

‘Me too. In the yard of death, useless worries...’

They say that the late wind is scary, and he is determined to get rid of the liver
and gallbladder of his first love that he only fell for after dying once. No, did
you already take it out?

I laughed and slowly took off the shawl and scarf that had wrapped my head and

And I waited for the knights to approach me.

“Uh... Uh...?”

The knight, who had routinely glanced at my face, turned around and then
turned his head again and made a strange noise.

“Uh... Excuse me...”

“You are late.”


The knight that said they came to catch me somehow seemed even more

“Why, what happened?”

A person who seemed to be the commander of the knights asked the knight
standing in front of me.

“Oh, no, that... I guess... I think I found her...”


I slowly turned my head and looked at the knight commander, and the knight
captain was also surprised with an ‘Ouch!’ sound.

“I waited. Go now.”

I got up from my seat trying to smile.

However, perhaps because I had been sitting in the cold for a long time, my legs
were stiff and staggered.

Fortunately, the knight in front of me held me back, but I had no choice but to
scream in pain as he held my whipped forearm hard.

“Evil! Oh, it hurts!”

The knights let go of their hands in surprise, and the field exhaled as I held on to
the pillar next to me.

I managed to stand on my own, but my legs kept shaking and I couldn’t walk

“I’m sorry about the wanted criminal subject, but can you help me a little? My
legs don’t move very well...”

According to the rules, I had to walk to the Duke’s place on foot while being
tied to a rope.
The knight commander seemed to be thinking about something, and then called
another knight.

“You two support her from both sides.”

“That... Will you come back like this?”

“You can just let them walk alone from near the mansion.”

I expressed my gratitude to the Knight Commander for his decision.

‘Now, I’m going to see Killian!’

Even though I was on my way to death, I laughed for some reason.


It was great luck that Killian ran into some guy snooping around Wellesley’s

“I was snooping around this deserted place as if I knew it well! Like looking for

“If you know this place well, there’s a good chance you were one of the
mercenaries who got away!”

When the knights who caught the man told him, the man fell flat on the floor
and trembled.
However, Killian knelt down in front of the man with the feeling of grabbing a
straw, grabbed his hand and asked.

“Do you know the brown-haired woman who was caught here? With reddish
brown hair, she was about this tall and her eyes were brown... She will not hold
you guilty if you tell me a little about her whereabouts.”

At those words, the man couldn’t make eye contact as if he was embarrassed,
and he barely opened his mouth while restless.

“Are you going to catch him?”

“I am desperately looking for you. We must find them!”

“That, that woman... She said she was the captain’s sister, but she had nothing to
do with them! She was a good person!”

Hearing the words of a man who knew and supported Edith, Killian felt as if a
light had shone.

“Yes, that’s right! She’s not guilty of anything! Did she ever see her? Please tell
me something! I am her husband!”

Then the man continued the story as if greatly relieved.

“Yes, actually... I am a mercenary who has been ordered to lock him up in an

underground warehouse. But when I heard about his situation, I felt sympathy. I
couldn’t be of much help though... All I had to do was loosen the ropes that
bound him.”

It was only then that Killian realized how Edith had been able to untangle the
rope and get out of there by herself.
“Then he thanked me and gave me and my colleague the last ruby necklace he
had. Then he told me to run away, that the Duke’s knights would come soon. If I
hadn’t run away at that time, I and my comrades would have been dead too.”

“I guess you were one of the first mercenaries who ran away without taking any

“Yes. After that, I found out who the captain who bought us was and who the
people we kidnapped were, but no matter how much she listened to her, she
didn’t seem to hear about her, so she came here in a hurry.”

Killian squeezed the man’s hand tighter and thanked him several times. A
mercenary hired by Shane helped Edith, who he himself could not help at all.
What a valuable help to Edith.

He even gave me a very important clue.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 118



“I told him, if he survived, he must flee to the north. I told you that this is
Wellesley in the south of the capital.”
“North? Yes, you did! Thank you!”

The man who was a mercenary caught him again as he immediately got up and
was about to run towards the north.

“That, and this...”

In his hand was the ruby necklace he had bought for Edith the other day.

“I gave money to my colleague and I received it... After he found out who he
was, he kept it because he felt hesitant to sell it. I-I will give you this, so please
forgive me just once.”

Killian was about to shed tears because of the man he didn’t know the name of.

When he was handed a ruby necklace, he tore off all the gold buttons on his
uniform and forcibly gave it to the man who was reluctantly refusing.

“My wife must be alive. She’s usually not a smart girl. But the reason she was
able to live must be because of you. So she said you deserve this.”

Then they gathered the knights scattered all over Wellesley’s house and headed

‘If I had headed north, there would have been a big road, and I would have met
other people and asked for help.’

Thinking that it must have been so, that Edith will be safe, hope and anxiety
intersect, Killian continued to look around.
The knights who followed him were also suffering because of Killian, who did
not rest from dawn until late at night, except during the time when it was
completely dark, but seeing Killian whose eyes were becoming more and more
gloomy day by day, they could not help but pick up their dissatisfaction.

“I heard that Uriya was resting at the mansion, but Master Killian hasn’t been
able to rest since the battlefield?”

“Yeah, what. Seeing that he is desperately looking for her, he must really loves

“But is she really still alive? If the woman in the dress had been walking down
the street, she would have been a prey for robbers...”

“Be careful with your words. If the Young Master hears it, he won’t let you go.”

There was talk of this and that among the knights, but Killian was only focusing
on finding Edith.

“It is night soon. Please get some rest!”

“You must have been badly hurt... I would have had no money, no water...
When it gets dark, wild beasts or robbers may appear...”

The oldest among the knights tried to stop Killian, but Killian didn’t listen to the
advice, muttering strange things like a man out of his mind.

It had already been several days since he had searched for Edith. Even if it
wasn’t for the knights’ gossip, all sorts of ‘worst case scenarios’ were already
unfolding in his head.

And as time passed, it was regret and guilt that occupied Killian’s heart.
‘It’s all my fault. I should have protected Edith even if I bought a mercenary...’

No one expected that the Duchess, Liese, and Edith would attend the banquet of
the Countess Wyndham. That’s why she recruited only her Anna to help her in
her mansion, but when it came to this situation, she just thought that she had
done everything wrong.

‘Edith... It’s my fault. I... I did everything wrong, so please stay alive. Please...’

All the way back to the capital after overtaxing his body in the Battle of
Territories, Killian couldn’t rest properly because he was taking care of the

After leading such a body for several days without a break, his steel-like stamina
was inevitably running out.

Still, I couldn’t stop searching.

Edith would be trembling, hurt and hungry, anxiously searching for me


I felt so resentful of myself for not being able to stand by her side when she was
most afraid and in pain, so Killian wanted to cut his chest with a knife.


When I was daze from exhaustion, I heard Edith’s voice calling me like an

“Edith? Edith!”
“What are you doing all of a sudden, Young Master!”

“I just heard Edith’s voice! It’s around here!”


If a woman’s voice could be heard in the quiet outdoors, the other knights
couldn’t have heard it.

Seeing him absentmindedly looking around and calling Edith, the knights
worried that he might be crazy.

And just as he doubted that his worries had become reality, a messenger from
the Ludwig family came to Killian.

“The knights dispatched by Master Cliff have found Lady Edith.”

At the news like a thunderbolt from the sky, Killian got on the horse without he
had time to say anything else.

I had to run and protect Edith before anything happened.


It was early in the morning when I was caught, but it was well past noon when I
arrived at the Duke’s residence. It was because my physical condition was not
good and my walking speed was slow.

Even so, I was grateful for the consideration of the knight commander who did
not rush me.
The scale of Duke Ludwig’s residence, which I had not yet looked back on, was

There is a gymnasium behind the mansion, and behind it is a forest, with

mysterious buildings in the forest.

One of them was the prison and execution ground used privately by the ducal

It’s the place where Edith ended his life, so I’ve been curious about what it
would look like before, but I finally got to see the inside.

Perhaps because today was the execution day, the area around the prison was
heavily guarded by knights and soldiers.

‘It doesn’t deviate in the slightest from the original work. Even if he was caught,
how could Rigelhoff be caught on the day of execution?’

I smiled lightly and walked behind the knight who had taken me in, but
suddenly someone came running from the other side.


It was Liese.

She tried to cling to me with a pale face, but Cliff, who had followed,
fortunately caught her.

“Edith! Why, why did you do that?”


I didn’t really know what she was asking, so I asked back, but Cliff glared at me

“I can’t seem to decide whether you’re asking about helping Shane from the
inside to make it easier to raid the mansion, or helping him with the

It was absurd.

I thought Cliff had left me at the villa after seeing me, but he didn’t even come
down there to look for me.

And at the same time, he believed that I had helped Shane with my guesswork.

“It’s really like the original plot...”


“No, that’s all right.”

No matter what I tried, in the end, it reminded me of the early days of Bing,
when the episodes flowed according to the original story.

In the meantime, I thought it had changed a little, but in the end, the road is the
starting point.

‘I don’t care anymore.’

I was tired of refuting endless suspicions and false accusations one by one.

I was about to ignore Cliff and ask to go again, but Liese stepped in again.

“I ask for help, Edith! I beg you that it was a mistake, that you sincerely regret
it! Killian is a person with a deep heart, so there is no way he ignores Edith!”

Liese was clinging to me as if she were my own family.

She looked desperate, as if something big would happen if I died.

“That must be difficult, Liese. I am innocent.”

“If this is a misunderstanding, please explain it!”

“I think I’ve already been branded as a sinner, but who will believe me?”

“No, Edith! Don’t give up!”

As Liese was getting annoyed, Cliff pulled Liese.

“Liese. That woman is not worth your concern. Don’t worry about it and come

He looked at me with contempt, but it didn’t do me any harm.

I was more worried that I would have to go into that prison and face the scornful
gaze of Killian who would kill me.

I laughed as I watched Cliff take Liese, who kept shouting at me not to give up.
‘Eat well and live well with the main characters. Don’t worry, I’m going to
finish clean here.’

When I started walking again, my eyes were momentarily dizzy.

For two or three days, I couldn’t eat properly and couldn’t sleep.

‘You just have to hold out for a little while. It’s over soon.’

Soon, Edith’s narrative ends.

In the original story, Edith clung to Killian, who was about to kill her, and
begged him to save her, but in fact, I didn’t even have the confidence to look at
his face.

Even though I wanted to see him so much, I didn’t want to leave his face
looking at me with disgust as my last memory.

‘If Killian cuts at once like in the original work, the pain won’t be great. Let’s
not be nervous. Let’s not remain ugly in Killian’s memory.’

I clasped my trembling hands and went to finish my last episode.


The Duke’s spacious prison had never been used since the succession of the
current Duke, Axel Ludwig.
However, just as the storm did not last forever just because the weather was
good for a few days, the ducal family, who had been tolerant of the opposition
for a while, did not forgive their insidious attempts forever.

At the kidnapping of his family and nothing else, Duke Ludwig’s anger

“Bring out all the sinners.”

He stood on the platform of the execution hall on the first floor of the prison and
ordered all the Rigelhoffs to be pulled out.

Moments later, those imprisoned were dragged out with low groans.

At that time, Cliff came over and whispered in the Duke’s ear.

“Edith Rigelhoff will be arriving soon.”

“In the end, you got caught.”

“The news that Edith has been captured says that Killian has just returned. He
will come this way right away.”

At that sound, the Duke nodded heavily.

Cliff looked alternately at the door where Edith would soon enter and at Liese,
who strangely hoped for Edith’s life, then asked.

‘Father. What do you plan to do?”

“What do you mean?”

“Edith’s disposition.”

The story of cutting the heads of the Rigelhoff family had already been decided,
but Edith was still undecided.

This is because Killian, who must have an opinion on her punishment, has been
away from home while looking for Edith.

When the Duke kept his mouth shut and didn’t answer, Cliff said in frustration.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 119



“It seems that Killian has a crush on that woman, but the punishment of the
ducal family should not be shaken by just such a thing!”

“Even though Killian has a deeper heart than he looks, he is not a guy who will
ruin the important family history with trivial emotions.”

“You look a little emotional right now. Liese has returned safely, so don’t get
excited about her. It only irritates Killian more.”

In the end, Cliff couldn’t push his opinion any further and took a step back.

And while the Rigelhoff family and their aides were kneeling in the middle of
the execution site, Killian entered the execution site and the Duke and Cliff
approached the line.

“Did you come?”

The Duke hit Killian with a heavy voice.

Killian’s appearance, which returned after a few days, was not very good at first

He had shadows under his eyes, and his beard was unkempt. In the meantime, as
if he had lost weight, his cheekbones and jawline became more prominent.

“Where is Edith?”

“She will be back soon.”

Just then, one door of the execution ground opened and Edith walked in
following the knights.

At the same time, Killian’s shoulder twitched when he saw Edith.

Due to the distance and being hidden among the knights, I couldn’t properly
check her condition, but seeing her staggering body as if walking properly was
beyond her strength, it seemed that her body was badly damaged.

Edith must have been assaulted or tortured since Wellesley’s villa, so it might be
surprising to stand on her own now.

Killian wanted to know right away that Edith had been assaulted by those
Rigelhoff humans, but the atmosphere at the execution ground ahead of the
execution was so heavy that Killian couldn’t recklessly step out.

The Duke said to the kneeling Count Rigelhoff family.

“If it had ended with the Battle of Territories, I wouldn’t have bothered to kill
you guys with my own hands.”

If that were the case, the ducal family would not have been given the right to
dispose of the Rigelhoff family. It was the emperor’s authority to deal with the
family involved in treason.

However, they tried to kidnap vulnerable women and use them as hostages.

And for that very reason, the emperor exceptionally granted the right to dispose
of it to the duchy.

“Those who know the honor of nobles cowardly kidnap women? Do you still
have the right to complain that you have been deprived of the duchy?”

The sword was pulled out of Duke Ludwig’s scabbard with a thud.

“I will slit the throat of anything that bears the name of Rigelhoff! Send the
severed heads to the imperial palace to be hung on the walls and the necks of
other traitors, and throw the remaining corpses into the mountains to be eaten by

When a thunderbolt-like order was issued, the executioners standing on one side
of the execution hall grabbed new sharpened axes, and screams and cries broke
out among the sitting prisoners.

The Duke, who had been looking down, turned his gaze to Killian and made one

“However, I will leave Edith’s disposition to Killian. It is true that Edith is a

sinner, but it is also true that she is Killian’s wife.”

At that, Cliff again shouted ‘Father!’ and called low.

The Duke looked back and forth at Cliff, who looked displeased, and Killian,
who looked cold.

“It seems disrespectful to Killian for someone else to decide Edith’s disposition.
If Killian decides to save Edith, I will respect that. Of course, Killian should be
responsible for that as well.”

And the Duke took a step back and gave way to Killian.

Killian slowly approached Edith with his sword handle tightly gripped.

As if they had been waiting for this moment, the knights who had brought Edith
knelt down on the spot.

Naturally, he seemed to believe that Killian would cut Edith’s head.

And it was only then that Killian saw Edith properly. She was dressed in shabby
clothes like commoners would wear, and her hair and face were roughly
wrapped in a cheap scarf.

Only her forehead, eyes and nose were visible from the scarf, but I could tell
that her complexion was pale.


He called Edith, but Edith didn’t look at him.

Neither crying nor laughing, she gazed into the air with a nonchalant expression
on her face, gathering the hair that had fallen out of her scarf to one side,
revealing the white nape of her neck.

Her resolute appearance did not look like someone who was about to die. He
had been ridiculing her for being vulgar or lascivious, but at this moment his
Edith was such a noble lady.

“Edith! Say no! Say it’s a misunderstanding! Please speak up!”

As Killian approached Edith one step at a time, Liese, who had been watching
while stamping her feet nearby, desperately urged Edith again.

But Edith didn’t even flinch.

Seeing her not expecting anything, Killian’s stomach was boiling and bursting.

‘Why don’t you cling to me?’

Edith has always been like this.

Even though Killian was the only one who could save her, she didn’t ask him to
help her.

‘Am I still that unreliable? You still don’t trust me that much? You don’t want
anything from me?’

Every time I thought about it, I felt like I was about to explode.

I felt so sorry for Edith, who was only letting the pain go inside, and I felt sorry
for her who couldn’t even ask for help, so I felt like I was going crazy.

“Edith! Ask for help! Please, Edith!”


When Liese shouted Edith’s name again, Duke Ludwig stopped Liese, which
was rare.

In the midst of that, Killian opened his mouth, looking at Edith who was

“All of the Rigelhoffs who took part in the treason, as well as committed acts of
wrath, deserve to be punished.”

Duke Ludwig nodded in satisfaction, and Edith... She smiled lightly.

Killian was more upset and his stomach turned even more at the faint smile that
only he noticed.

So, as if to catch Edith off guard, he continued.

“But my wife’s name has been Edith Ludwig ever since she got married here.
Edith being Rigelhoff, that’s an insult to the Duke Ludwig. Isn’t it?”


Cliff yelled, but Killian didn’t back down.

“What’s wrong, bro? If you don’t believe me, can you bring and show us the
wedding vows that we wrote when we got married?”

Then, this time, Duke Ludwig spoke in a heavy voice.

“Are you able to take responsibility for your actions?”

“Dad, why aren’t you taking responsibility? When are you forced to ask me for
this marriage, and now are you going to take it away?”

Killian was new to himself even after spitting out the words.

My father pushed ahead with the marriage that he did not want to do so much
under the pretext of ‘for the sake of the family and the emperor’, and the
wedding vows that nailed the marriage were still left in the archives of the
Duke’s residence and in the aristocratic circles of the imperial family.

And there it was stated that Edith Riegelhoff’s name would henceforth be Edith

He had nothing to shy away from.

“Why are you on your knees like a sinner? Stand up, Edith Ludwig, if you don’t
want to dishonor me and my family.”

Only then did Edith’s gaze turn to Killian.

‘I can’t do this.’ It was the look in her eyes that made Killian almost burst into

It was then.

“If you want to kill us, you have to kill her too!”

Count Rigelhoff, who was sitting devastated, shouted as if screaming.

Then Shane, who was sitting next to him, shouted along.

“That’s right! If you want to kill all the Rigelhoffs, kill her too!”

Everyone in the room except for Killian and Edith was surprised by their
desperate attitude.

Killian was vaguely aware that Edith was not the beloved daughter, but to the
rest, she was still Count Rigelhoff’s person, who was famous for being a
‘daughter fool’.

No matter how rumors spread that he had abandoned Edith, the sight of Count
Rigelhoff struggling as if an enemy had lost was completely unexpected.

Even the rest of the family sitting behind Count Rigelhoff were staring at Edith
with vicious eyes.
Only then did Duke Ludwig think something was wrong.

“Shut up! It seems that you haven’t realized the reality yet. Whose decision do
death row inmates dare to disobey?”

Duke Ludwig, speaking in a high-pitched voice, looked in the direction of Edith

and then ordered.

“I will respect Killian’s decision. But there is an interrogation about the

kidnapping case, so put Edith in the dungeon for now.”


Killian yelled at the Duke.


‘How the hell is it going?’

I looked back and forth between Duke Ludwig and Killian, trying to understand
the situation.

“I will leave Edith’s disposition to Killian.”

The Duke’s lines were the same as those in the original story.

Until I was brought to my knees by the knights and Killian approached me, I
thought that everything that was allowed to me was finally over.
In case the sword didn’t work well because of the hair and it would be painful, I
quickly removed my hair and put my neck out.

I didn’t even look in that direction because I was afraid that my heart would be
shaken when I saw Killian’s face.

‘If I die here, where will I wake up next? Or, will everything end like this?’

Thinking about that, I was waiting for Killian to kill me without pain at once,
but Killian made a very different statement from the original story.

“...All of the Rigelhoffs deserve to be punished.”

Yes, it was just like the original work until there.

Now, the line should have been ‘Including Edith Rigelhoff, who has never been

“But my wife’s name has been Edith Ludwig ever since she got married here.”

At first I thought I had heard something wrong. After that, I wondered if there
was something I forgot in the original story.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 120


But right away, Count Rigelhoff and Shane went mad, saying they would kill
me too.

It is also a scene that did not exist in the original story, of course. In the original
story, Edith’s head fell off before this scene happened.

‘What? Why did this happen all of a sudden?’

I was so surprised that I looked at Killian without realizing it, but the eyes of the
guy who said he would save me somehow seemed to burn more than he was
trying to kill me.

I wondered if Duke Ludwig would try to keep me alive, but he said he would
respect Killian’s decision again, and Killian was getting angry again when he
was told to take me to prison for interrogation.

‘Anyway... Edith’s ending has changed...?’

I was a little confused as I thought I was going to die.

But whether I was confused or not, the knights under Duke Ludwig’s order held
me from both sides and raised me up.

Seeing that, Killian got angry again.

“Let go of that hand!”

Thanks to this, the knight to my right side raised his hand in embarrassment, but
my scarf got caught on the sleeve button of his coat and came off as well.


It was a cheap scarf, but it was still chilling and cold when a layer that was
blocking the cold air came off.

I was trembling and embarrassed, so I glanced at Killian again, but his

expression was very strange.

No, not only Killian, but also the expressions of Duke Ludwig, Cliff, and the
people around him became strange.

It’s like seeing something very absurd...

“Your face...”

Killian couldn’t speak and clenched his teeth. But just that word made me
realize what they were surprised to see.

‘Ah, by the way, my face was a mess...’

My face, which had been hit twice by Shane during the abduction and three
times by Sophia in the cellar of Wellesley’s house, was so disfigured that it was
fortunate that my nose hadn’t sunk or my jaw hadn’t turned.

It was only natural that the Baron and his wife Ruben, who had helped me when
I came up to the capital, and the knights who were here and there when I was
walking around, did not recognize me.
Because my face was swollen and bruised, it wouldn’t have looked like mine.

There’s no way the face like that could have healed in just ten days.

The area around my cheekbones was still brightly colored with purple and green

It was Duke Ludwig who opened his mouth first.

“Who did this! Was there any harsh behavior during the arrest?”

Then, the knights who had been escorting me shook their heads quickly in

“No! It was already like this at the time of arrest!”

“Then what happened? Are you saying that she was beaten by some bully while
running away?”

At that time, Killian, who was staring blankly at me, spoke without turning his

“At Wellesley’s villa where mother and Liese were kidnapped, Edith was also
held. I guess that’s when she got hit.”

“What? Cliff! Didn’t you say there was no Edith at the villa?”

Cliff seemed a little taken aback by the Duke’s questioning. It’s a rare sight to
see the male lead bewildered.
“No, of course! I searched every room in the two-story villa, but Edith was
nowhere to be found. Besides, Edith’s maid also stated that she wasn’t there!”

Killian laughed at that answer.

“Did you look for the basement?”


“In that villa, there was also an underground passage. You did not know it?”

Cliff froze, and Liese, who was standing next to him, looked very pale even
from a distance.

“Leonard. Explain how you went down to Wellesley’s basement.”

At Killian’s command, the knight who had accompanied Killian when he kicked
Anna out stepped forward and said in a nonchalant voice.

“When I opened the door to the basement, there were several doors on one side
of the long hallway, and only one door was open. There was a chair in the
middle of the room that someone had been tied to, and on the floor was a
horsewhip, bloodstains, and... A part of Lady Edith’s hair ornament fell off.”

Immediately, Killian’s fierce gaze flew to Sophia.

“It must have been four years since you tied Edith up and tortured her there,
Sophia. And to kill Edith until the end, you would have said that Edith wasn’t

Then Sophia giggled and started laughing.

“The name line is long. How the hell did you get out of there?”

Maybe it was because it was a cold execution ground, so Sophia’s giggling was
grotesque enough to be creepy.

‘Isn’t Sophia the most evil woman in this story?’

A person who took delight in tormenting Edith for having something she didn’t

“I can’t delay any longer, so put Edith in jail for now.”

Thinking of something, the Duke ordered me to be imprisoned again in a softer

voice than before.

Killian tried to protest again, but Duke Ludwig resolutely turned his head away
from Killian.

I started walking into the dungeon while being held back by the knights.

My relaxed legs faltered, but the dragging didn’t happen because the knights
were much more polite than before.

The knights who put me in the prison rushed out again, and I was a little dazed
in the place where it was so quiet that I could hear the sound of burning torches.

‘What will become of me now?’

In the original story, the story after this is mostly centered on Liese and Cliff.
Even if I knew it, it was said that it would not be of any help to me now.
“Oh, it’s really cold in here.”

Before, I didn’t even feel the cold, probably because I thought I was going to die
soon, but now it’s so cold that I wonder how I couldn’t feel the chill.

The pain in my whole body that I had forgotten about for a while came back.

I trembled with the windy coat pulled tight.

Then, screams began to be heard in the distance.

‘It looks like the execution has begun.’

Even though people’s throats were being cut, there wasn’t much inspiration.
Maybe it’s because they know they’re going to die at this point.

To be honest, I thought I was being punished.

‘Ah, sleepy.’

I didn’t mean to do it while hearing other people die, but the aftermath of not
sleeping for days was finally coming. I was so tired and so sleepy.

‘If you fall asleep in a place like this, your mouth will return...’

While thinking about that, I fell asleep as if I had lost my mind.

However, a strangely familiar darkness spread before my eyes. The feeling of

floating in lukewarm water and the darkness as if looking at the universe...
‘Uh? This... Isn’t that what it is?’

As soon as I thought that, I heard a voice that I even missed.

[Step 3 exception conditions met. An exception has been made and the original
author’s rights have been completely lost. Stage 3 exception conditions will

It was the message that the three-step exception condition was satisfied so much.

But this time, huge question marks flooded my mind.

‘What, what is it? What the hell was the exception this time?’

It was so absurd that I couldn’t even ask politely like before. However, manners
were not an important issue, and a voice like an announcer answered.

[Step 3 exception condition: Do not resist death.]


I was dazed and asked again.

‘What did you just say?’

[Step 3 exception condition: Resist the fate of death...]

‘No, I didn’t really ask to say it twice, what the hell did that mean!’
[It means giving up the will to live when in danger of dying.]

‘Ah, so just like I did earlier, I see someone coming to kill me and offer my head
to ask for a pretty cut... Is that so?’

[You’re right.]

It’s even more annoying when a voice like crazy AI answers clearly.

Even though I was dreaming, I stayed blank for a long time. It was funny that I
felt that way, but it was anyway.

And only after a while came a tremendous anger.

‘This damn author!’

Nix, cyx, what did you just say? This XX, are you playing with people’s lives
right now?

Every swear word I knew quickly flashed through my mind, replaying my anger.

Whether the original author is a human or a beast, he must be a crazy


This was a game that was neither fair nor fun.

Because the exceptional condition is the same as telling me to die!

‘Don’t resist the fate of death means to make up your mind to die!’
If you are a human, no, if you are a living being, that is almost impossible.

‘And I did the impossible? It really hits the target.’

Even in Wellesley’s subterranean villa, while walking endlessly on the way up

to the capital, and hiding with a face covered upon arrival, I only thought about

And that’s what brought me to the execution site.

‘Even if I rode a long-distance carriage, the knights would have chased and
captured me, right?’

A dejected laugh kept leaking out.

However, it seemed that the business of the unlucky voice was not over yet.

I thought there was some kind of crackling noise, and then another
announcement came out.

[Congratulations on your survival. The original scenario set for Edith Ludwig
has disappeared. Since the original flow has become extremely weak, the force
that supports this world is changed from ‘original flow’ to ‘probability’.]

Although I was disappointed, I won the fight against the original author anyway.

All the efforts of the original author to kill me as a villainess were in vain thanks
to my great luck.

‘What you said to Sophia was half right. Those who work hard can’t beat the
lucky ones... I’ve never wished for honor like this, but...’
Only then could I comfortably fall into ‘real sleep’.


‘Why did this happen? Why...?’

Liese came out of the execution site at the attention of the Duke and Cliff, who
told her not to watch the terrible scene of the execution.

However, Liese’s hand, wearing a warm fox fur coat, was still shaking.

‘For me to lose, that’s ridiculous!’

Liese chewed on her fingertips and walked recklessly back and forth outside the
execution site.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 121



‘Does it make sense that the original author loses!’

Liese, no, K, the original author, screamed in her heart.

I had never thought of such a result. So, I didn’t know what to do next.

K was a writer whose first article she wrote for fun was a hit.

K, who grew up receiving only compliments because he was good at studies,

was depressed after successive failures in finding a job. To forget reality, he
started reading romance novels and started writing with the thought, ‘I can write
this much too.’ did.

He created the heroine ‘Liese Sinclair’ with all his longings to the point where
he could forget all the gloomy reality, and created the male protagonist ‘Cliff
Ludwig’ with all his desires.

In addition, <Obsession Refuses> was the first work I wrote by properly mixing
Romance clichés.

The number of people who read the article, which I wondered if someone would
laugh at it, increased day by day, and soon after, a major publisher came in to
publish it.

And the work that was published in the middle of the day recorded a huge hit as
soon as it was launched.

In an instant, a fandom was created, and readers who claimed to be fans of K

praised him in the novel community and cafes.

Thanks to this, K regained his confidence at once. A bit too much...

‘Well, how many books have I read since I was young and how many things do
I know? It’s different from what those kids wrote.’
K, who quickly fell in love with the role of a ‘successful writer’, looked at the
works pouring out every day with a cynical gaze and posted malicious
comments pretending to be a reader.

— Overall, the characters are flat and the content seems childish. It looks like
the author wrote it without hesitation.

— There are so many parts that remind me of <jjch is sj>. Did the writer sell his

— Why pay money to read this? I only watch until the free minute and get off.
Because my coin is precious.

At first, he revealed why he didn’t like it, but later it was at the level of writing
malicious comments for the sake of malicious comments.

But K. didn’t feel guilty at all.

‘I’m saving readers money. Please read better works during the time you spend
reading such rubbish.’

Meanwhile, I created a writers association with writers I met on the Internet.

Of course, there was no better writer than K in the union.

And K evaluated the works of the members once a month in the name of the
development of the association members.

“It seems that the number of words used is too small. Read more books.”
“Isn’t the situation too contrived? Even though it’s a dead end, if the probability
is broken to this extent, I’m cursed.”

“I don’t think I have the skills to write yet.”

K’s criticism was harsh, but the members of the Writers’ Union thanked him,
saying that he was sobered up by his sharp advice.

That’s why K had nothing to be humble about.

In the meantime, an incident occurred.

A work written by one of the members of the Writers Union was a huge hit. It
was a success that surpassed <House·Delegation>.

Then, the members of the association congratulated the member and asked him
to evaluate his work.

‘What? It’s a hit thanks to the good promotion, but it’s cocky.’

K was furious with the member who stole her seat.

And right away, he started leaving bad comments in the comment section of the

He blamed the writer by putting all kinds of malicious interpretations on his

mother, father, and younger brother’s ID, and in the end, he even left malicious
comments telling the writer to write desperately.

However, whether the tail was long or the degree was excessive, the writer sued
And the writer who faced K in court was furious when he learned that K was the
president of the Writers Union, and went so far as to expose the fact to the
Writers Union and all kinds of communities.

K eventually had to abandon his original pen name and write his works under a
new one.

However, the second work, written under a pen name, tasted a miserable failure.

From then on, K crashed again.

I couldn’t write properly because of the pressure to be as successful as <The

House and the Envoy>, and my feelings of anxiety and depression got worse day
by day.

She got into a big fight with her parents who recommended counseling and
treatment, and as she fell, she became obsessed with <House/Envoy>.

I enjoyed reading <Home and Envoy> several times, and especially my

affection for the main character, Liese Sinclair, grew bigger day by day.

‘I wish it was Liese.’ From one day, the wish changed to the idea of ‘Liese is a
character born with me as a model’, and in the end, one thought ate into K’s

‘I’m Liese.’

K’s mind, which had been gradually eroded over the years, could not distinguish
between reality and delusion, and one day K decided to return to where he
should be.
In a small studio with no one to stop him, K took a handful of sleeping pills and
didn’t hesitate at all.

And in the end, K woke up as the Liese Sinclair of a certain universe, just as he
had hoped so much.

As a female lead and original author.

At that moment, K felt great joy.

All the inferiority feelings I felt in my previous life were resolved at once, and I
was happy every day.

Moreover, there was no crisis in her life because she was able to manipulate the
main characters with her ability as the original author and tweak the settings as
long as they did not deviate from the original work. There is only the beginning
of an incident that looks like a crisis.

‘It’s kind of boring after repeating this a few times.’

K, who has been through such a life several times, decided to add a little thrill to
his life instead of admitting that the same life over and over again is hell.

That’s why I chose ‘Edith Possession’. Edith, who is a one-time villain who
appears briefly in the middle and then disappears, but who directly clashes with
Liese and acts evil, was the most easygoing character.

The result was as expected. You don’t know how fresh the villain who doesn’t
move according to the original story was.
His life, which was about to fall into mannerisms, had new vitality, and every
time he won a confrontation with a human possessed by Edith, his whole body
was thrilled.

It had to be that way forever.

It should have been like that forever, but I really never imagined that it would be
blocked by the 13th Edith.

‘What’s going on now?’

The 3rd stage exception condition, which was thought to be impossible to meet,
was satisfied in the 13th Edith.

Even though she persuaded her to ‘help Killian save her life’, Edith didn’t even
listen, as if she had completely given up on life.

[Step 3 exception conditions met. An exception has been made and the original
author’s rights have been completely lost. Stage 3 exception conditions will

The guidance echoing in my head was terrifying. I didn’t know who was talking,
but I wanted to run right away and shut his mouth.

However, the god of this world was not on the side of the original author.

[The original scenario set for Edith Ludwig has disappeared. Since the original
flow has become extremely weak, the force that supports this world is changed
from ‘original flow’ to ‘probability’.]

It was like a thunderclap.

Now, K has nothing left to wield in this world.

In addition, the flow of the original work has also weakened, so the future
success of Liese, which was planned in the future, has also become an uncertain

“No... No...!”

As she trembled and was a little startled, a nearby knight cleared her throat and
comforted her.

“Lady Liese has a delicate heart, so it must be hard to just listen to her voice, but
there is an order in the world that needs to be followed even with such drastic

At that moment, Liese’s trembling stopped.

“Lady Liese...?”

The knight looked at Liese’s complexion anxiously, but Liese showed a gentle
smile as if she had never shivered.

“...That’s right. To keep order... There must be something that can’t be helped.”

The knight was proud inside that he had soothed Liese well. And Liese was truly
grateful to that knight.

The knight’s advice reminded her of what she had to do.

How long have I been sleeping.

I woke up from the deathly cold.

Seeing that the screams of the execution site could still be heard, it didn’t seem
like he had been asleep for as long as he thought.

I trembled and pressed lightly on the numb cheek.

The crack in the mouth had healed to some extent, but even the slightest
pressure on the bruised area felt a dull pain.

‘How long do I have to stay here?’

If you’re going to save me, I’d like you to put me in a better place than this.
Because I think I’m going to freeze to death here.

Perhaps because of that thought, I soon heard the sound of someone opening the
prison door and coming down.

I couldn’t hear the sound of footsteps, so I didn’t think it was a knight or Killian.


“Uh? Liese...!”

It was Liese with something in her arms.

“Isn’t it cold? I brought a hot water bath to warm you up.”

oh! After all, it’s the main character’s heart!

I raised my creaking body and moved closer to the grate.

“Thank you, Liese. It was so cold that I thought I would freeze to death.”

Then Liese’s smile hardened a little.

“If you didn’t want to die that much, why didn’t you say a word to Killian


“You were going to die earlier. I told Killian to ask for help, but he didn’t
pretend to hear...”

For some reason, Liese’s tone of voice felt a bit different from the original

Besides, I couldn’t understand why the moment when I fell into despair and
gave up even the will to live was to be criticized in this way.

“Thank you for worrying about me. But earlier really... I thought that life had no
meaning. No matter what I said, you wouldn’t believe me. Liesee thought I
helped Shane. Yes?”

Liese kept her mouth shut and said nothing.

Since everything is fine, I wish I could hand over the hot water bottle first, but I
felt a bit embarrassed to even say that.
I let out a deep sigh.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 122



“I am so tired. Claiming my innocence, being branded as a liar...”

“But now you want to live again?”

I don’t know if it’s because I wanted to die, or if it’s because I wanted to live.

Something was strange, but I answered steadily. Because I had to get a hot tub.

“Because Killian trusted me.”

“Killian... Yeah, Killian was the problem, always...”


It was just really weird.

It was a way of speaking and remarks that were not like Liese, enough to give

“But what? You will be denounced as a liar and suspected as a criminal.”


“So, just think about dying. You must die here today.”

What the hell does this mean?

Why does Liese say such strange things?

No, why did you suddenly take the dagger out of your pocket and make a fuss!

“Liese, why, why is that?”

As I pushed my body behind the bars, Liese cut her arm with a dagger and


Then he threw the dagger he was holding into the cage where I was.

‘Why are you giving me that when you ask for hot water?’

I didn’t feel like this situation was real at all, so I just stared blankly at it.

‘Am I still sleeping in Sangtan? Is this a lucid dream?’

Rather, it was a more plausible guess. For the good and righteous Liese Sinclair
to openly try to frame me like this, it was tantamount to turning the world inside
the story of <The House and the Envoy> upside down.

However, contrary to my vain wishes, Liese started playing the victim without

“Calm down, Edith! Why are you doing this!”

“Oh no, there...”

As I was stumbling around, not knowing what to say, Cliff, Killian, and a few
knights rushed in as if they had been waiting.

“What’s up, Liese!”

Cliff, like a male lead, quickly wrapped his arms around Liese and asked.

Then, he found clothes that had been cut off with a knife and Liese’s forearm,
which was lightly cut and bleeding.

At that moment, I thought Cliff’s eyes were sparking.

“Eh, Edith suddenly tried to stab me. I was just trying to add hot water...”

Liese, who was welling up with tears, looked like she was seriously hurt.

I was almost stunned by his incredible acting skills.

“I am... I’m not. I didn’t...”

I’m talking about stereotypical sounds from time to time.

At that time, Killian, who was watching this scene from the side, stole the key
from the knight who had the key to the prison and opened the prison door where
I was locked up and came in.

It’s Killian I’ve been wanting to see so much, but I’m afraid that he’ll be
disappointed in me, and I’m afraid that the small favor he’s been harboring for
me will fade.

If I had known this was going to happen, I would have been better off just

Killian, who entered the prison, did not pretend to look at me and picked up the
dagger that had fallen on the floor.

After examining it back and forth, he gave it to Cliff after having the knights
guarding the prison touch it.

Cliff took the dagger and gnashed his teeth at me.

‘I know for sure that he wants to stab me with that.’

I was just staring blankly at him with my mouth half open, when Killian strode
towards me and took my hand.


“It’s cold.”
Of course. Can’t you come down here and take a look? Not only my hands, but
my entire body is said to be in a field of ice.

I was thinking about that, but I just shrugged my shoulders.

What more can I do?

“Brother. How about that dagger? Isn’t it too warm?”


“I tried holding it, but the blade and handle were all hot. Higher than human
body temperature.”

“Come to think of it...”

“Edith’s hands are as cold as ice. If the hand that just held the dagger was this
cold, how could the dagger be so warm?”

And before Cliff could say anything back, Killian’s hand slipped inside my coat.

“Ki, Killian! What are you doing!”

I was so surprised that I screamed, but my voice didn’t come out loud because I
had no strength.

“Even the clothes that Edith is wearing do not have any warming function, so
the body... Too cold. It’s not the knife this person had, that’s it.”
And Killian’s gaze turned to Liese.

“But if it’s Liese’s arms holding the hot water bottle, it’s understandable that the
sword is so warm. Is not it?”


This time, Liese screamed Killian’s name like a cry.

However, no one in the seat responded to Liese’s cry. Even Cliff’s eyes froze in

“Edith. You tell me. What happened?”

Killian gave me a chance to defend myself. I was so thrilled that I gasped, but I
took a deep breath and told the truth.

“Liese... She said she came to deliver hot water... She asked why I wanted to die
earlier, but she suddenly said that I had to die here... She took the dagger from
her bosom, cut her arm, and threw it over the bars. And she screamed... You and
Cliff came right away.”

“It’s a lie!”

Liese screamed again.

Then, Killian asked Liese with a dry gaze.

“Then can you explain what happened, Liese?”

“I came to hand over the hot water bottle to Edith, and Edith pulled out the
dagger and stabbed me...!”

“Then why is the dagger so warm? You can tell by touching it, but the dagger is
too warm.”

“That, that’s...”

“And there was one more important mistake, Liese.”

Killian seemed to have concluded that Liese was the culprit.

It was a bit unexpected, but after seeing the actions of Killian who was handed
the dagger back to Cliff, I realized that he realized that Liese was the culprit the
moment he came down here.

“Look at this, Liese. Even I can’t cut your arm that deep.”

As Killian stretched out his arms and stumbled through the bars, both Cliff and
the knights standing next to him realized ‘Ah!’

There were several rows of bars running across the barbed wire, about the same
height as Liese and I.

It was hard for my arm, clad in a winter coat and winter wool cardigan, to slip
through the cracks in the lattice.

It was difficult for me to extend the hand holding the dagger outside, so Liese
could have pulled back in the gap, and even if I had quickly reached out, the gap
between the bars was so narrow that only wrist strength would have been
enough to move the dagger.
With that kind of force, how many layers of winter clothes did you cut through
and even scar her bare skin? That was nonsense.

‘It must have been a crucial mistake to cut her arm with too much force to draw

I admired Killian for seeing the truth in a way I never expected.

Taken aback, Liese only opened her mouth, and Cliff looked flustered.

And Killian asked again with a cold face.

“Liese. Why did you try to frame Edith?”

But Liese cried and insisted.

“Why don’t you believe me? I’m sure Edith tried to kill me.”

“If you feel unfair, explain what happened so that we can understand it, Liese.
At least Edith, whenever something happened in the mansion, she tried to prove
it wasn’t her fault! Shouldn’t you put in the same amount of effort?”

At those words, it felt like a ‘thump’ came from my chest, not Liese’s.

‘That... You’ve been remembering everything, Killian.’

I was so happy and grateful that my body was shaking.

But, as if Killian was more angry than me, he pushed Liese fiercely.
“Edith has endured such resentment! While the stupid Ludwig family, including
myself, protect you like fragile glass, Edith has endured without even saying that
she is sick!”

“Killian. Since Liese is scared, be quiet...!”

“The same goes for you, brother!”

Killian’s arrow quickly headed to Cliff.

“You didn’t even take a good look at Wellesley’s villa, and you just nailed Edith
as cooperating with Shane! If Edith hadn’t untied herself and escaped, Edith
could have frozen to death or become unable to use his limbs there!”

“That... I was wrong.”

“What’s so urgent that you couldn’t afford to go to the basement? Was it

because of Liese, right?”

Cliff couldn’t answer even though Killian shot at him sarcastically. Because it
would have been true.

“Brother, you know what? When Liese is involved, you becomes a bit of an
idiot. I don’t care about other things, but if the price of my brother’s stupidity is
the death of my woman, my wife... You must be prepared to turn me into an
enemy. Or, am I complacent?”

Seeing how hard Killian was clenching his fists, his bones turned white and
Every word from Killian made me feel better, but I felt like I had to stop him. It
is said that the colder it is in the winter, the more one should be careful of rising
blood pressure.

“Killian... Stop now. That’s enough.”

As I carefully held his hand, his watery gaze reached me.

Many emotions were mixed in his gray eyes, like the cloudy winter sky, but I
noticed that he was feeling the most guilt among all of his senses.

“Edith... What can I do? Don’t stop me, rather rather beat me up. Please, do me
a favor!”

It was a thank you.

But in this place, everything I wanted came true.

The blame for something I didn’t even do was cleared. That too, I was worried
that Killian’s heart might have left me.

The knights also witnessed all of this, so neither Liese nor Cliff will distort the

And I found out who the main character who drove me to be a villainess was.
It’s kind of funny that I was literally the main character.

TXT viewer control

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 123


“I’m very tired. I’m so tired of claiming my innocence, only to be accused of

being a liar...”

“However, don’t you want to live again?” Liese asked, a face full of strange

(A face full of earnestness — Liese explain in her POV, later on, that she tried to
elicit Edith’s will to live so that she will fail the third condition: To accept death
calmly and patiently. But Edith already accepted it calmly, so it is cleared in the
previous chapter. If Liese make her say she wants to live within the day, she can
revert the third restriction.)

I’m not sure if I’m feeling unhappy because I was willing to die or if I’m feeling
unhappy because I wanted to live. I didn’t want to say it, I felt it was too much
to say in front of Liese, the heroine.

Something was off with Liese, but I answered steadily. I had to get the hot onion
soup that Liese is holding, no matter what.

I feel my limbs freezing over.

“Because Killian believed in me.”

Liese stepped back, bowing her head and muttering.

“Killian... Yes, he was the problem, always...”

“Liese...?” I asked, feeling the chills rising up, not from the cold, but how
uncanny Liese was. Like a ghost, almost like a phantom that was planning to
terrorize me in my sleep.

It was really strange just now.

“But what shall we do about this situation? You will be soon accused of being a
traitor and suspected of being a criminal.” Her speech and remarks were so
unlike Liese’s. Cold and callous like a rusted knife.

This is Liese...? The heroine?

“Liz—!” I cried, shock and fear came to me as she met my eyes.

“So, if you’re thinking of dying. You must die here today.”

What the hell does this mean? Why is Liese saying such weird things? Why...

Why... Are you suddenly taking the dagger out of your arms?

“Liese, what’s wrong?”

I inched forward, but I was held back by the barbed wire in front of me. As I
stopped a feet away from her, Liese slashed her arm with a dagger and
screamed. Her blood began to bleed freely, yet as she screamed, she didn’t
flinch or move an inch.

“Oh my god!”

Then she threw the dagger she was holding into the cage where I was. It landed
a little far off but within my reach.
I asked for a warm soup, but why are you suddenly performing a new scene for

I felt like this situation was too absurd, so unreal, so I just stared blankly at
Liese. I don’t know what I should I do.

Am I still asleep?

Is this lucid dream?

However, it would be easier to conclude a theory I have kept buried in my mind.

The fact that Liese Sinclair, who was the ever good and righteous heroine, was
accusing me openly. It felt like the world turning upside down like in the story
of the House and the Envoy*.

(The House and the Envoy — a Korean film that depicted a political battle
where the main protagonist, who was the stereotypical righteous heroic lead,
was the hidden villain all along. The lead betrayed his comrades to which caused
the opposing force to win. This movie title is often used to describe when the
person you knew to be good suddenly flips their image and plays the victim to
hide their true status as the villain. Similar but not quite to a ‘Pick Me Girl’.)

But contrary to my vain wishes, hoping that this was all a dream, Liese did not
hesitate to play the victim, sobbing and crying, finally moving from her place.

“Wake up, Edith! What’s wrong with you?” Liese cried.

“Oh, no, there’s...” As I was stuttering, wondering what to say — Cliff, Killian
and some knights rushed in, as if they were waiting outside.
“What’s the matter, Liese?” Cliff, like the main character, quickly wrapped his
arms around Liese and asked. He soon discovered the cut-off clothes and the
thin cut of Liese’s arm, which dripped blood.

At that moment, I thought a laser beam would come out of Cliff’s eyes.

“Well, Edith suddenly tried to stab me. I was just trying to give her the spring
onion soup...”

Liese, who even teared up, looked deeply hurt.

The tremendous performance almost drove me crazy.

“I’m not... I’m not. I didn’t do that...”

I kept saying these stereotypical dialogue. I really felt like the villainess.

Soon Killian, who was watching the scene from the side in shock, took the key
from the corrections officer and opened the door of the prison where I had been

It was Killian, whom I had longed to see so much, that I was afraid would be
disappointed with me. Maybe the little affection he had showed me would fade

If I knew this would happen, I would have just died earlier...

When Killian came into the prison, he picked up a dagger that had fallen on the
floor without looking at me. Then he examined it back and forth. He gave the
knights who guarded the prison, a chance to touch it once, before handing it to
Cliff took the dagger and grinded his teeth at me.

I’m pretty sure you want to stab me with that dagger now.

I was staring blankly at him with my mouth half open, and Killian strode
towards me and took my hand. I looked at him, ashamed of my appearance.


“It’s cold, isn’t it?” He said, softly. No anger, no sadness. Only warmth that
flowed from his hands.

What is he...

Of course. Can’t you see after close to me? Not only my hands, but my whole
body is frozen. I will turn to ice sooner than later.

I kept my thoughts and I just shrugged my shoulders.

What else can I do in this unfavorable situation?

“What about the dagger?”

“Isn’t it too warm?” Killian replied, looking at me.


“I held it, and the blades and handles were all warm. Warmer than normal
human body temperature.”
“Now that’s not what I’m saying—”

“Edith’s hands are as cold as ice. How can the dagger be so warm if the hand
I’m holding is so cold?”

And before Cliff could refute what he said, Killian’s hand took off his own
jacket and covered me. I felt his familiar warmth from his familiar scent. I
suddenly felt at home.

“Ki, Killian! What the hell are you doing?”

I was so surprised that I tried to scream, but my voice was too weak to speak
loudly. I sounded like a child, croaking from a sickness.

“Besides, Edith’s clothes don’t keep her warm at all, and her body is... It’s too
cold. It’s not the temperature that the offender would have.”

Then Killian’s gaze turned to Liese.

“But in the hands of Liese, who was carrying a hot spring onion soup, it would
be understandable that the sword was so warm. Don’t you think so?”

“Killian!” This time Liese screamed out the name of Killian. But no one there
reacted to Liese’s cry. Even Cliff, who was always on Liese’s side, froze with
shocked eyes. Everyone was shocked with news.

“Edith, you tell me, what really happened?”

Killian gave me a chance to defend myself. Somehow I was overwhelmed with

emotion, but I took a deep breath and told only the truth, speaking as clearly as I
“Liese came to deliver hot onion soup to me.. I was wondering why you were
asking me if I wanted to die earlier... And suddenly she said I had to die here...
She called me traitor... She took the dagger out of her arms, sliced herself and
threw it over the bars.” I breathed deeply, gasping in pain. “...And then she
shouted and cried... Then you and Cliff came soon after.”

“It’s a lie!” cried Liese again.

Killian asked Liese with deadpanned eyes. “Then explain to me what happened,

“I came to give Edith the hot soup, and Edith took out her dagger and said to me

“Then why is the handle so warm? You’ll realize quickly when you touch it
yourself, but its too warm.”

“Well, that’s—!”

“However, there was one more glaring problem, Liese.”

Killian had already concluded that Liese was the culprit.

It was a bit of a surprise, but when I saw Killian, who handed the dagger to Cliff
earlier, he quickly noticed that Liese had been the culprit as soon as he came
inside to be with me.

“Look, Liese. I can’t even slice your arm so deeply from inside.”

As Killian stretched his arm through the bars and the barbed wire, Cliff and the
knights nearby looked as if they had realized, “Ah!”
There were several bars across and along the prison around the height of Liese
and I.

It was difficult for my arms in winter coats and winter wool cardigans to escape
through the lattice. Even Killian, who warn lighter and luxurious clothes, could
not reach all the way through.

It was difficult for me to reach out for a dagger, so not only could Liese have
stepped back in time, but even if I attacked swiftly, the gap between the bars
was narrow. Only my wrist could’ve passed and willed the dagger expertly.

I am untrained, so it’s impossible for me...

How many layers of winter clothing was Liese wearing? How strong must I be
to be able to slice through the layers and reach her skin. That didn’t make any

“It was a decisive plan to injure youself in an effort to bleed.”

I admired Killian, who had seen through the truth in the most unexpected way.
Liese was caught off guard, and Cliff looked bewildered.

Killian again, with a cold look in his eyes. “Liese, why did you try to frame

But Liese wept and insisted. “Why don’t you believe me? Edith tried to kill

“If you’re upset over something, explain it to me so that I can understand what
happened, Liese. At least Edith, when something terrible occurred in the
mansion and she was suspected, she proved that it wasn’t her fault! Don’t you
think you should make that much effort as well?”
It seemed to me that there was a thump in my heart, moved by the realization
that Killian saw me as an innocent person for a long time. I’m sure Liese can’t
say the same.

“You remembered eveything, Killian.” I was so happy and grateful that my body

But Killian, grew angrier than before, pestering Liese violently.

“Edith endured all this time in the midst of such injustice! Edith couldn’t even
say that she was sick! She’s been holding on, while my foolish Ludwig family,
including myself, protected you as if you were fragile glass!”

“Killian, Liese is afraid, so be quiet—!”

“The same goes for you!”

Killian’s target shifted to Cliff swiftly.

“You didn’t even look inside Wesley’s Villa thoroughly! Everyone was cursing
Edith as if she was cooperating with Shane! If Edith hadn’t escaped from the
rope herself, she might have frozen to death, god forbid, she could’ve been

“That’s... I’m sorry.” Cliff hung his head low. Unable to meet Killian’s blazing

“Why? Are you so impatient that you couldn’t look in the cellar? Liese said
something, didn’t she? She conspired another ploy against my wife!”

Cliff could not answer. It seems like Liese must’ve said something.
Killian snapped sarcastically.

“You know what? When Liese is involved, you turn into an idiot. I don’t care
what you do, but if the price of my brother’s foolishness is the death of my
woman, my wife... You must’ve been prepared to become my sworn nemesis!*
Or am I too easy for you to care about?”

(Killian uses the word ‘my eternal nemesis’ a deep Korean often used in
historical dramas which means a person you’ve loathed due to an unforgiveable
sin done to you. In English, there is no exact equivalent except enemy, so I used
sworn nemesis.)

Killian clenched his fist, his knuckles turning white, trembling harder as the
silence grows longer.

Every word of Killian made me feel better, but I wanted to stop him. It is said
that the colder the winter, the more aware you need to be of the size of your

(Size of the plate — derived from how much you can place on your plate.
Similar to the saying, ‘biting off more than you can chew’. Often referring to the
condition and healthiness of a person in Korea. A strong porcelain plate is strong
but often fragile, a plastic plate is weak but durable, a small plate gets sick often
and a large plate is super healthy.)

“Killian... That’s enough.”

I held his hand carefully, and that biting stare my eyes.

His gray eyes, like the cloudy winter sky, were mixed with emotions, but I
noticed his eyes held the most guilt within them, as though he was the sinner.
“Edith... What can I do for you? Don’t just stop me and let them paint you as the
bully again. Please, try to ask me a favor! I will do anything!”

It was a very grateful sound and dialogue. Everything I wanted came true right

I cleared of the suspicion for something I didn’t do. By the anxious Killian, who
I was afraid lost his mind as soon as he saw me in my tattered attire.

Knights were key witnesses of it all, so Liese and Cliff can’t distort the story as
they please.

And I found out who was the character who had schemed the role of a
‘villainess’ onto me.

It’s funny that she was literally the main character.



“Thank you for your words. Then I will ask you one favor.”

“It’s nice to hear that.”

“Li, can you give me the hot water bottle that Liese brought? It’s too cold...”
Maybe it was because I was so moved that I shed tears, but now I even have a
runny nose.

And Killian seemed to have realized my condition only then.

“Wear that, but take off the mana coat! No matter how much I tried to
camouflage it, where did that happen...!”

Killian told me to take off my coat and then took off the fur coat he was

Then, as he put it on me, he grabbed my forearm to hold me as I stumbled.


A scream came out without my knowledge. It was the place where Sophia
whipped me, so it was the most painful place.

I was gasping for pain to the point of breaking into a cold sweat, but it seemed
that Killian’s complexion was worse than mine.

“Go ahead and call the doctor! Hurry!”

At his scream, the youngest of the knights standing at a distance rushed outside
in a hurry.

Liese, who was watching this, was staring at Killian with a tear-stained face as if
it were absurd.

Well, it’s self-inflicted, but she was also in a state of blood.

“Liese, you should go and show it to the doctor.”

Cliff hugged her and spoke as if to soothe her, but Liese’s devastated expression
did not improve.

But all of a sudden, my eyes seemed to turn upside down, and I felt dizzy.

It was Killian hugging me.

“Where the hell did you get hurt...”

His voice, indistinguishable from his complaints or worries, could only be heard
that far.

It was because I felt like my whole body was sinking to the floor, and then I lost
consciousness again.

But unlike before, I felt comfortable.

While I was losing my mind, I was certain that Killian would protect me.

I fell comfortably into a deep sleep.


Killian had to suffer from severe regret and remorse while carrying the fallen
Edith out of prison and laying her down in his room.

‘I was so stupid. I’m the stupidest in the Ludwig family!’

I was so angry at myself for being so ignorant of Edith’s situation that I wanted
to beat myself up.

There was also anger in Liese.

I couldn’t understand why Liese tried to frame Edith, but if Edith hadn’t cleared
the frame then Edith could have been dragged back to the execution ground.

No, if it was Cliff who believed that Liese almost suffered terrible things
because of Edith, he would have done anything to slit Edith’s throat.

I was staring at Edith’s pale face in devastated thoughts when one of the knights
who had arrested Edith came in with a cheap leather bag.

“This is the bag Lady Edith had when I found it at the carriage station.”

“Who followed you?”

“No. I brought it as is.”

“I get it. Leave it behind.”

When the knight said goodbye and left, the room fell silent again.

Killian glanced at Edith once and carefully opened the bag.

And the moment he checked the objects revealed between them, he let out a

“Oh, my God...!”
Tears fell uncontrollably.

At the top of the luggage in the bag were three small, cooled potatoes wrapped
in paper.

Even Killian, who was unfamiliar with the lives of commoners, knew that these
were the potatoes sold at carriage stations for snacks.

“Did you take this as a meal? Just this...?”

It felt like my heart was breaking.

A person suffering from merciless violence and cold, could not even eat a proper
meal because she was afraid of being caught.

I choked at the thought of her carrying cheap potatoes in a paper bag that people
wandering the streets would have warmed their hands with.


When Edith looked at the things in her bag, her heart ached even more.

In order not to be seen, it contained rough clothes that commoners would wear
and traveling tools such as a portable lantern, flint, and utility knife.

All of them were flimsy items, and it was clear that Edith would have suffered
beyond words if she had started a long-distance trip relying only on these things.

‘How did Edith feel about packing this bag?’

It seemed like I knew it without thinking for a long time. Perhaps, she was
lonely enough to die.

So she would have chosen to go to the long-distance carriage station and return
there to die.

Imagining Edith’s cold and sad heart, Killian squeezed his chest tightly. My
heart ached so much.

‘There was no one on Edith’s side in this world. Isn’t her family trying to kill
her, because I, who is her husband, always pushed her to take the side of another

There is nothing to criticize the Rigelhoffs for. The same goes for her Ludwig
family, who did what they couldn’t do to her.

Was there ever a time when they took care of their daughter-in-law Edith more
than Liese? No, on the contrary, they ware busy questioning everything.

Since the owner’s family was like that, there were reports that even the servants
of the mansion kept their distance from Edith. Even back then, it was all thought
to be Edith’s own business. Really stupid...

But at that moment, Anna suddenly came to mind.

“...In the meantime, Master Cliff interrogated all the servants in the mansion.
The atmosphere was so bloody that everyone had no choice but to say what
Master Cliff wanted to hear or to say they didn’t know. Ah! Only one, Lady
Edith’s maid, Miss Anna, was said to have sided with the lady until the end.”

According to the report of the warden, who overheard Edith while taking Edith
out of prison, Anna was interrogated for several days because she was Edith’s
maid, but she stood by Edith until the end. She was faithfully carrying out her
orders, which he had given before he set out on her territory, in her own way.

“Call Anna.”

Killian urgently ordered the servant waiting outside.

It was Anna who was called here and there for several days for interrogation and
even received a probation for not testifying against Edith(?).

I wanted to let her rest, but for now, there was no one he could safely entrust his
Ediths to, Anna.

After a while, Anna came running, neatly dressed as always in a maid’s uniform.

“Did you call, Young Master?”

She was probably pretending nothing was wrong, but her sunken cheeks spoke
for her hardships.

“I’m sorry for calling you so suddenly, but this time I have something I can only
entrust to you.”

“Please tell me.”


Anna raised her head involuntarily at the name ‘Edith’.

“My lady? Is the lady here?”

Seeing those anxious eyes, Killian thought that he was no better than Anna to

“Okay. I have to show her to the doctor soon, but her body is very hurt. I think
she need to change her clothes and do some cleaning...”

“I will be ready soon. Previously... Can I see her for a minute?”

Killian nodded and allowed Anna to come closer to the bed.

Anna approached with a nervous face and covered her mouth with her hand as
she drew in her breath at the sight of Edith sleeping with a bruised and
emaciated face.

“That bitch, Sofia, tried to kill Edith. Then she shouldn’t have just been kicked
out, she should have been crippled somewhere...”

Killian murmured, full of regret, and Anna bit her molars to suppress her rising

“I will bring her a bed linen and a towel to wipe her body.”

“Please, do so.”

Anna rushed outside, and Killian carefully stroked Edith’s cheek, who had
closed her eyes.

Her body was so cold that I wanted to massage her limbs, but when I thought of
the reaction when I grabbed her forearms, I couldn’t carelessly touch her
because I thought there were many scars all over her body.
And that prediction unfortunately came true.

The moment he and Anna took off Edith’s clothes, both his and Anna’s eyes
became bright as lightning at the same time.

“She should have been torn to pieces! I should have ripped her to death rather
than beheading her!”

There were wide purple bruises on Edith’s forearms and thighs.

Her forearm, which had been whipped particularly badly, was covered in flesh
from the cold, in addition to a wound that had not yet fully healed, and her feet,
which must have been walking for a long time in uncomfortable shoes, had
about two toenails dangling.

“How... How could this... Miss...!”

Even Anna, who is famous for not changing her expression in the mansion, was
unable to touch Edith’s body as she shed tears.

Killian was also going crazy.

It was like seeing the weight of life that Edith’s slender body was enduring.

I don’t know why it’s all so clear now. Why now...!

‘I drove Edith to hell. I didn’t even make an effort to find out more about her
because she seemed unconcerned, so no wonder his Edith didn’t lean on me!’

Killian felt the pain as if his heart were being crushed.

He failed to fulfill his responsibilities as a husband and hurt Edith by judging
only what he saw.

At the same time, he thought he knew everything, and boasted that he was
smarter than Edith.

‘I’m disgusted with myself! Horrible!’

Killian continued to curse himself inside and wiped Edith’s body with Anna.

It was an extremely cautious touch, like wiping a newborn baby, fearing that
Edith would get hurt if I exerted even the slightest effort.

And after I managed to get Edith to wear acupuncture needles, I heard the news
that a doctor had arrived.

“Bring him here right now. If Cliff tries to take the doctor first, tell him I’ll kill

In the unprecedentedly bloody atmosphere of Killian, the servants ran with their
eyebrows flying and brought the doctor.

And as soon as a doctor who had been almost arrested saw Edith’s condition, he
looked back at Killian with a shocked face.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 124


“Thank you for asking me kindly. If it isn’t a bother, could you do me a favor?”

“It’s good to hear you say that. What is it?”

“Liz— Um, can I have the hot onion soup that Liese brought? It’s so cold...”

Perhaps because I was so moved by Killian earlier that teared up, my eyes felt
stiff and my nose began to sting from the cold.

It was only then that Killian seemed to have taken in my condition.

“I’ll take off another coat. No matter how much someone tries to disguise
themselves. How could you wear so thinly..!”

Killian asked me to take off my thin coat and took off the thick fur coat he was
wearing himself. He made sure to secure it firmly on my thin, cold body.

Then he stood up and grabbed my forearm gently. He held on as I staggered up,

trembling like a newborn.
“Ouch!” I couldn’t help screaming. It was the place where Sophia had been
whipped me days ago, and it was the most painful area of my body.

He breathed quickly to shake off his cold sweat*. Killian seemed to look worse
as second pass as he looked at my condition. He looked worse than I did.

(Cold sweat — a word to term feeling so nervous or anxious about something

that your body begins to feel cold but you begin to sweat harder. Implying
someone is suddenly in deep stress.)

“I want you to call a Doctor* right away! Come on!”

(Doctor — a person with deep and extensive knowledge in medicine. Used for
pharmacists and herbalist during the Joseon Period. Closest similar is doctor.
Not a physician this time.)

One of the knights standing far away heard his cry, seemingly the youngest and
began sprinting outside of the prison. The other knight lingered, looking at us
with mixed gazes.

Liese, who was looking the commotion, looked at Kylian with a tearful face.
Well, despite being self-inflicted, she was bleeding, too.

“Liese, you should go and show the Duchal physician*.”

(Physician — person with knowledge on medicine. In this case, Liese’s injuries

are lighter compared to Edith’s, so Edith needs a Doctor while Liese needs a

Cliff circled his arms around her and said to her soothingly but Liese’s stunned
face did not waver.
As time went by, I grew dizzier as if my eyes were turning upside down. Killian
held me in his arms as I slowly layed on the bed, his warm hands were my only

“Where and how much have you been hurt?” I could only hear his voice, which
I was hard to decipher if he was complaining about my mishaps or worried
about my condition. I don’t have the luxury to think deeply about it.

This is because I felt as if my whole body was falling to the floor and my soul
was slowly escaping.

However, unlike before, I felt at ease.

While I was fading from consciousness, I was convinced that Killian would
protect me, no matter what.

I fell into a deep sleep in peacefully.


As he went out of prison with Edith in his arms and settled her down in his
room, Killian had to suffer from endless and terrible regret constantly.

“I was so foolish, I’m the true idiot in the Ludwig Duchy!”

I’m furious with myself for being so ignorant of Edith’s situation. I wanted to
beat myself to the bone!

I’m furious with Liese, too.

I don’t understand why Liese tried to frame Edith.

If I hadn’t been cleared the suspicion earlier, Edith could’ve been brought back
to the execution ground.

No, if Cliff believed Liese would do something drastic because of Edith, no

matter how suspicious Liese was, Cliff would’ve done anything to cut Edith’s
throat for Liese.

I was staring at Edith’s pale face miserably. Soon, one of the knights who
arrested Edith came in with a cheap, ratty leather bag.

“This is Miss Edith’s bag while she was on the run. We found it at the
Commoner’s Transport Hub*.”

(Commoners Transport Hub — Community Transportation — the novel used

the word ‘carriage station’ but in English this could be implied as everyone’s
station (including nobles) but the story has mentioned she was on the run as a
commoner and used commoners means to hide. So I changed it here.)

“Who search for her bag? Did she leave it to someone else?”

“No, we searched the area when Lady Edith surrendered. We came upon the
carriage she was boarding, her bag was left there.”

“I see. Leave it and go.”

The knight bid goodbye and left. The room became quiet yet again.

Killian glanced at Edith and carefully opened her bag. He felt like he was
invading her privacy, much like when he browsed her diary. He took a peak of
what was revealed inside.
Killian breathed out sharply, shocked.

“Oh, my God—!”

My feels overflowed. Tears fell out of my eyes.

At the top of the bag was three small potatoes wrapped around newspapers.

Despite Killian, who has never lived the life of a commoner, knew that these
potatoes were sold as snacks at the Commoner’s Transport Hub. It was a cheap
snack, meant to eaten when food was scarce during long commutes.

“Was this your meal? It’s nothing but..?”

My heart is breaking.

She suffered from merciless assault and was so cold from escaping from the
Villa. Edith probably couldn’t eat properly because she was nervous about her

I felt breathless. To think that those traveling or those who ate cheap potatoes
wrapped in paper to ease hunger and seek warmth... To think that was how Edith
lived, for the couple of days where she felt like she was truly alone. To think her
situation was far worse than being terribly assaulted*.

(Assaulted means being treated roughly or beated. But it can be implied in

different ways in English. In Korean, I will translate ‘assault’ with no
specifications i.e verbal assault, s**ual assault. Unless specified, it just means
someone got beat up really bad.)

“What the—!”
When Killian looked through the things she packed in her bag, his heart ached
even more.

In order to hide, there were ratty and rough clothes that ordinary people would
wear. She had packed portable lanterns, flints, and travel tools like multipurpose
knives and handy axes.

It was clear that Edith would’ve suffered beyond words if they were sloppy
while she survived on these in her long journey.

What were Edith’s emotions like these past few days?

I didn’t want to think about it any longer.

I’m afraid I would get so trapped in my depressing emotions that I could die.

Edith surrendered at the Commoner’s Transport Hub and chose to come home.
She must’ve given up and resolved to die in the Duchy.

She would’ve never surrendered unless she resolved to kill herself... She knew
what her situation would be like if she came home.

I imagined Edith’s desolate and depressing emotions. How tormented she

must’ve felt in those days.

I squeezed my chest.

My heart aches so much.

“There was nobody in the world on her side. She must’ve thought that her old
and new family were trying to kill her. Despite being her husband, I’ve always
turned a blind eye for another woman... I’ve been pushing her away for a long
time... It was only recently that I’ve been able to stand by her, but did she think I
stood by Liese? Not by her side?”

Why did I stand by Liese?

I knew my feelings for Edith not long ago yet how could I be so be so blind
about Liese...?

Didn’t I do the obvious?

How dare I curse of Rigeinhoff when Ludwig family is no better?

Have my parents ever held their daughter-in-law, Edith, above the house guest,

I began to doubt everything. As if I unlocked a chest that granted me reason and

wisdom, I began to regret my action, feeling uncomfortable by how pliant I was

How much was I affection stricken for Liese that I changed?

Did I change myself... To this pathetic man I am now?

Did I change because of Liese...?

The Lord’s family received reports that everyone was distancing themselves
from Edith.

At that time, I blamed Edith’s personality and rumors.

How foolish I was...

I knew her personality yet why did I blame her endlessly?

I grew frustrated about the Edith’s circumstances. I reached my boiling when,

suddenly, a knight came inside. His blurry words getting clearer as I regained

“...So far, Master Cliff has questioned everyone. The atmosphere was so vicious
that everyone spoke their versions of the truth hurriedly. They didn’t know what
he wanted to hear and spoke what they knew to ease Lord Cliff. They recently
released a maid, Anna, who is close to Lady Edith.”


It was the only maid of Edith, Miss Anna.

She stayed by Edith’s until the end.

According to the report by the guard, once suspicions against Edith were known,
Anna was brought in for interrogation. She was questions for days because she
was Edith’s only maid. She was her only trusted servant.

It was said that Anna defended her endlessly. Anna was even confined in her
room for being unable to testify against Edith.

Anna was faithfully carrying out the orders she’s been given before the Battle of
Territories broke out. It was odd that she, who was the closes to Edith in her
daily life, had nothing to say about her master. Yet those, who have never served
Edith once, had much to say.

“Call Anna.” Killian ordered another knight, who was waiting outside his room.
I wanted to give her a break from her own problems, but for now, Anna was the
only other person I could trust to serve Edith, with confidence.

After a while, Anna, dressed in her maid uniform as usual, came running inside.

“Did you call me, Young Master?*”

(Anna uses a Korean title given to the offspring of high ranking Lords. There
isn’t an exact equivalent in English, so I will use Young Master.)

She pretended to be calm and composed, but her rough cheeks represented her
hard work. It seems the interrogation grew rough, despite that, Anna never
cursed Edith.

Anna kept her head low. She didn’t see Edith’s thin form on my bed.

“I apologize for calling you suddenly, but you’re the only person I can trust with
this sensitive matter.”

“What is your command, Young Master?”

“It’s about my wife, Edith—”

Anna raised her head unconsciously when I mentioned Edith. She looked down,
unable to meet my eyes.

“Madam? Is she here?”

The anxious look on her face made Killian think that he was worse compared to
Anna. She had done more for Edith and silently stood by her.
“Yes, the Doctor is on his way, but my wife very sick. I think its best if she can
change into better clothes and have her cleaned before the examination. I don’t
want her condition to worsen suddenly.”

“I’ll do so in a minute. Before that... Young Master, may I see the Madam for a

Killian nodded and allowed Anna come closer, near the bedside where Edith lay.

Anna approached nervously, an anxious look present on her usually blank face.
She lat her sights on Edith’s bruised and thin face. Anna breathed in sharply and
covered her mouth with her hands.

“The maid from before, Sophia, tortured Edith. Sophia was trying to kill Edith
while Mother and Liese were captured. Edith, fortunately escaped... I shouldn’t
have stopped in banishing her, I should have crippled and tortured her...”

Killian murmured with regret. Anna clenched her jaw, suppressing her own
surge of emotion.

“I’ll bring you some ointments and towels to wipe Madam’s body with. I will
excuse myself.”

“Please do so.”

Anna rushed out.

Killian carefully swept Edith’s cheek. Her eyes remained closed.

Even when she is in this state, my wife is the most lovable woman in the world.
I must do her right... I need to undo the negative change within me. I will change
for the better...

For my wife...

I want to massage her limbs because her temperature was still too cold for my
liking. Considering her reaction when she tried to standing while holding onto
my forearms, that seemed to be a terrible idea. She must’ve slept restlessly since
she was bruised heavily. I hope she is only bruised, I hope nothing worse will be

Despite my earnest prayers, unfortunately, my hunch was spot on.

As soon as I removed Edith’s clothes with Anna’s assistance, our eyes grew
round like dinner plates.

I should have beaten her!

I should’ve killed her!

Once she is to be executed, I will have torn apart to shreds!

There were numerous wide and deep bruises on Edith’s forearms and thighs.

In addition to the unhealed wounds, the arms, which were particularly beaten,
were covered with slices and marks from a sharp tool. Her feet, which travelled
for a long time in uncomfortable shoes, were red and bruised, various sores and

“How could— How could— Madam!” Anna sobbed, clutching her damp towel
as she contained her words.
I couldn’t touch Edith’s body. Myself, who is known to have a cold and
unchanging expression within the mansion, thawed. My eyes grew moist again
and I let my own tears fall, clenching my hands.

I’m losing my mind.

Her body was a testament to the life she endured the past couple of days.

I didn’t know why everything seems so clear now.

Why now...!

“I made Edith’s life hellish.”

I didn’t make an effort to know more about her because she ignored me. No
wonder Edith never relied on me!

Killian experience an agonizing pain as though his heart was being crushed

As her husband, I failed to fulfill my responsibilities and, instead, I hurt Edith by

judging her with what I saw.

Killian thought he knew everything. He was conceited, thinking he was

outsmarting Edith.

I’m disgusted with myself!

I’m terrible!!
Killian cursed himself endlessly. He began wiping Edith’s body with Anna.

His touch was extremely careful. As if he were cleaning an extremely brittle

glass woman, in fear that Edith would be in pain if he applied too much

Not long after they finished cleaning her. They managed to get Edith dressed
warmly and comfortably.

Soon, I heard the announcement that the Doctor has arrived.

“Bring him here at once! If Cliff dares to steal the Doctor, I will kill him.”

It was unprecedented, how brutal Killian’s atmosphere was. The servant who
announced the Doctor’s arrival ran quickly and brought the Doctor immediately
to Killian’s room.

Almost immediately, the Doctor was taken aback. The Doctor looked back at
Killian with astonishment as soon as he finished checking Edith’s condition.



“You don’t do this, do you, Young Master?”

“You treat me as a human being, less than an animal.”

“Well, if not, I’m glad. How the hell did this...!”

“Don’t try to know the whole story. You should value your life.”

“Ah, yes...”

The slightly startled doctor sat down and examined Edith’s body.

“Fortunately, there are no broken bones. From now on, please apply warm
compresses frequently and apply the ointment I prepare and send to you
morning and night.”

“Is that okay? Shouldn’t she be taking some medicine or something?”

“We will decide whether to take the medicine after the lady wakes up and I will
examines her. And since she don’t seem to have been able to rest or eat
properly, she should absolutely rest for the time being.”

“I see.”

Twice more he was told that the bruise itself was not a big deal, only that it
looked bad on the outside, but Killian asked the doctor to wait at the mansion.

He sighed like that, but after a while, Duke Ludwig called Killian and Cliff to
confirm what happened inside the prison.

Killian gnashed his teeth and rose from his seat.

“Please take good care of Edith while I am away, Anna.”

“Don’t worry and go. If you need my testimony, I can speak for hours, so please
call me.”


Killian went to the Duke’s office, feeling a sense of comradeship with the maid,
in whom he had not been interested in yet before.

Upon entering the office, the Duke was wiping his blood-splattered hand with a
wet towel.

It seemed that all of Rigelhoff’s small puppets had been executed.

“Sit down.”

As soon as Killian sat down, Cliff arrived.

Sensing the cool atmosphere of the two sons, the Duke sighed deeply and sat

“Who should I ask...”

When the Duke muttered something in trouble, Killian didn’t even look at his

“Concerning the matter earlier, does your brother have anything to say?”

“I will tell you, Father. I’m a little excited, so I might say something radical, but
my brother will correct that later.”

“I get it.”

For the first time, the Duke gave Killian the right to speak, not Cliff.

And in the Duke’s office that day, the story about the truth that they didn’t know
continued for a long time.


It was warm.

I no longer felt the coldness and frigidness that had been chilled to the bone, that
I felt sick of even though I only experienced it for a short time.

‘Me... I live...’

I opened my eyes slowly, sweeping the soft bedding surface under my palm.

As my blurry vision became clearer, I was momentarily stiff at unfamiliar

surroundings, but I immediately realized that this was Killian’s room.

‘Where’s Killian?’

It seemed to creak at the slightest movement, so I got up and looked around.

But, let alone Killian, no one was there.

‘I am scared...’
Suddenly I wondered if I might be dead, and I got goosebumps.

I whimpered and got out of bed.

It was cold because I had nothing to put on my bed, but I wanted to find
someone else besides me.


I opened the door between the bedroom and the drawing room, calling for
Killian in a voice of no confidence.

The gazes of the three people who were sitting at the table in the parlor were
simultaneously looking at me.

It was Killian, Anna, and a man who appeared to be a doctor.


Surprised, Killian jumped up and strode toward me. But he struggled with his
arms and hands without even holding me or hugging me.

“Why did it happen? You body has not fully recovered yet.”

Eventually, Killian, who wrapped my shoulders very carefully, examined my

complexion in a low voice and said.

Only then did I feel the anxiety that had risen within me ease.
“I’m scared because there’s no one there. I... I thought I was dead.”

At those words, Killian stiffened like a paused video and only stared at me.

“I’m sorry. Someone should have stayed by your side...”

“No. It’s just that I didn’t get enough sleep, so I had some weird thoughts.”

“I’m sorry. I’m sorry I left you scared alone.”

Killian gave me a light hug.

It seemed that he was extremely careful not to press hard somewhere on my


Wondering why he was so affectionate, I realized that he couldn’t touch my

forearm in particular.

‘You must have seen me hurt.’

It must have been quite shocking. The first time I changed my clothes, even
though it was my own body, it was so unfamiliar that it was so intense that I was

Looking at the dark purple bruises on my forearms and thighs, I was a little
worried that these would go back to flesh color.

“Lie down again. Because I will be by your side.”

Killian soothed me with a kind voice that made my stomach tickle, and after
asking Anna, who stayed behind, to write down the rest of the story, he took me
back to the bedroom.

“Killian. What day is it today? How long have I slept?”

“Do not worry. You only slept for about three days.”

“Is that ‘only’?”

“You even woke up in the middle. You don’t seem to remember.”

“Uh? Is it so?”

As Killian said, I had no memory of waking up in the middle.

“You ate soup once in between and drank some water. You even went to the
bathroom once.”

“I don’t remember at all.”

“It seemed so. It looked like you was half asleep.”

I blankly nodded.

“I am... Can I lie down here?”

“What does that mean?”

“I think you just brought me out of prison. I was wondering if the Duke wasn’t

I asked because I was really worried, but Killian’s expression seemed to hold
back his anger.

“You don’t have to look at my father or older brother anymore. Rather, they will
have to look at you.”

“What happened?”

Killian looked me in the eye for a long time, let out a long sigh, and told me
what had happened.


When Edith was imprisoned in the dungeon and the execution of the Rigelhoff
family began, Count Rigelhoff was the first to kneel.

“Do you have any last words?”

Duke Ludwig asked with the last mercy.

However, Count Rigelhoff, who was already gripped by anger, fear, and
madness, glared at Duke Ludwig with bloodshot eyes and smirked.

“If I die, please also kill my daughter Edith. It is dishonorable for us all to die,
and she survives alone.”

It was Killian who answered that.

“Funny. She is my wife, not your daughter.”

“Puhaha! When did you say that you cared for that child so much?”

“I don’t know why you’re finally looking for the daughter you abandoned.”

“But when did I abandon her?”

“If you don’t remember abandoning her, it must mean that you never considered
her a daughter in the first place.”

Count Rigelhoff’s expression hardened strangely at those words.

It was stabbed once, but when he realized that it was close to the correct answer,
Killian felt worse.

“A traitor is never spared. That is the iron rule of the Rigelhoff family!”

As Count Rigelhoff screamed, Duke Ludwig, who was listening by, looked at
him with a twisted look and then said, bored.

“That’s right, Rigelhoff is the case.”

“He doesn’t even know how to respect the traditions of other families...!”

“Your last words were too long. Execute your sentence.”

Then the knight who was out to be executed raised a well-edged axe.

“Kyaaaagh! Argh!”

The screams of the Rigelhoffs echoed loudly throughout the execution grounds.

The moment the ax cut through the freezing cold air, the two eyes that were
staring at Duke Ludwig went blank, and hot blood splattered into the air.

The end of a human who let envy and jealousy corrode my life was miserable.

After Count Riegelhoff was executed, the rest of the family were executed one
after another.

In particular, Cliff slashed Shane’s neck ‘slowly’ himself.

Even while the execution site was filled with screams of terrible agony, Killian’s
nerves were on Edith, who was trembling underground.

‘I can take Edith to the mansion! Is my father still suspicious of Edith? Don’t
they believe me?’

I couldn’t understand the Duke who ordered Edith to be imprisoned in the

dungeon, even though he said that Edith was locked in the basement of
Wellesley’s villa and almost died.

As time passed, Sophia’s turn came to assault Edith while she was getting more
and more nervous.

“That bitch...!”

Killian turned on the light in his eyes and took a step forward.
But then, a soldier guarding the entrance to the execution ground ran and
informed the Duke.

“Dismissal! Sir Linnon Filch says he has something to say to you!”

“Linnon? Is he awake?”

“It seems that he came running this way as soon as he woke up.”

It was Linnon, who lost consciousness after being hit in the head by a
mercenary’s group while trying to stop a kidnapping.

It must have been a very important message for him, who was usually not
embarrassed or impatient, but to the extent that he came running as soon as he
woke up.

“Bring him.”

And Linnon, who came to the execution site at the Duke’s order, with a bandage
on his head, looked at the few remaining criminals with an urgent face.

“Linnon. What’s going on?”

“Where is Miss Edith?”

“Edith? Why are you looking for Edith?”

“I heard that the young lady was caught and brought to the place of execution.”

“My lady is innocent! No way, she’s already been executed...!”

He raised his voice, and Linnon stumbled, resting his head on his temple.

Killian supported him.

“Linnon! Do you know something?”

Killian was very happy and desperate to see the appearance of someone who
insisted on Edith’s innocence.

Seeing that Killian was still calm, Linnon had a hunch that Edith was not dead

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 125



“She did not help the Rigelhoffs in their sordid crimes. I saw it clearly with my
own two eyes. Rather, Miss Edith was the one who was assaulted the most by
Duke Ludwig had already heard Killian’s testimony and felt his own
misunderstanding, but on the day of the abduction, he wanted to hear more
about Linnon, who ran ahead of the knights.

“Tell me in detail.”

“On that day, I heard the news that there was an assassination attempt on His
Majesty the Emperor at the Imperial Palace, and that all parties in the capital
were suspended because of it. For some reason I didn’t feel very well, so I told
Lord Gordon that I’d better go see the Duchess. I was in a hurry, so I left first.”

It was the same thing I heard from Gordon, the knight commander guarding the

“From a distance, three women in dresses were seen being dragged away by
black-clad men. Two of them had already passed out and were being loaded
onto the wagon, but one resisted to the end. The woman who succeeded in
dropping the man who held her, she did not run away, but she clung to the
Duchess, who was being pulled up into a carriage, to dismount.”

Linnon recalled that moment with a sad expression. The moment he felt so

“Our knights were approaching quickly, so if she had held out a little longer, the
abduction would not have happened so easily. However, one of her goons got
out of her carriage and beat her mercilessly. Her fallen woman was her dark
colored hair, and the man who hit her must be... It was Shane Rigelhoff.”


“I swear on my honor.”

A look of bewilderment flashed across the Duke’s face.

If that were true, he wouldn’t treat Edith as a criminal, but rather as a hero.

But to Killian, who was listening by his side, the more important issue was how
and where Edith was injured.

“Do you remember where and how Shane hit Edith?”

“Slap her face with his fist, her belly with his foot...”

“He hit a weak woman like that? Isn’s she his sister?”

Not only Killian but also the Duke were surprised and asked back.

“I was very surprised and ran, but the number of mercenaries was greater than
expected and I was quickly surrounded. While I was struggling with them,
Shane ran away with Lady Edith in a wagon.”


Killian gritted his teeth.

I couldn’t even guess where or how much Edith had been hurt.

“Why on earth was she treated so harshly? No matter how bloody...”

“I think the reason is that Miss Edith completely turned her back on the
Rigelhoffs. The lady was very much looking forward to going down to the
manor and was swollen with dreams of developing the manor. There’s no way
someone like that would have betrayed the Ludwig family.”
“You mean that...”

The Duke regretted it belatedly, and Killian’s heart seemed to be breaking down.

I wonder how long Edith must have been waiting for that day as she pondered
over the plan to develop the estate.

But I felt so foolish that I didn’t know that kind of heart and thought only what
would happen if she went down and whined about being cold.

“So, did you run as soon as Edith got up because you was afraid of her being

When Killian asked with a faint smile, Linnon nodded with a blunt yet
somewhat embarrassed face.

“Do you think I would let my wife die? But thank you, Linnon. Thanks to that,
my father seems to finally believe me.”

At that time, hysterical laughter was heard from the middle of the execution

Everyone’s eyes turned to Sophia at that eerie sound.

“Everyone seems to be very moved by Lady Edith. She is a noble daughter-in-

law who abandons her own family and devotes allegiance to her in-laws... It is

As Shane screamed to death, Sophia, who had been screaming more painfully
than him, already looked half insane.
As if she was going to get revenge, she grinned with burning eyes before
revealing Edith’s secret.

“But what? The wife of the son of the great Duke Ludwig is actually not the
count’s daughter, but an illegitimate daughter who doesn’t know who she is.

At those words, everyone caught their breath and looked at Killian and the

But Killian wasn’t surprised by that. Rather, it felt like the puzzle had finally
been put together.

“Is that why you abused Edith?”

“If a dog doesn’t even know the owner’s grace for reaping what it deserves to be
abandoned, you should make it come to its senses even by hitting it.”


“Yes! Edith was the dog of Count Rigelhoff. If you release a bitch in heat, male
dogs with valuable information will flock to you.”

Everyone was shocked by Sophia’s attitude of referring to the woman who was
her owner as a ‘dog’. No, it would be accurate to say that Edith had never been
Sophia’s owner in the first place.

“She was quite useful until marriage, but after marriage, isn’t it that you don’t
recognize the owner and repeat stupid things? If it hadn’t been for that bitch’s
betrayal, you would have been sitting on the execution ground now.”
Sophia was sarcastic, but Killian fired the truth in a cold voice.

“That means Edith was the most important person in the Rigelhoff family. If I
had known that the family would fall like this without Edith, I would have
rushed to get married.”

Then he went down to the execution site, grabbed the ax from the executioner’s
hand, and ordered Sophia’s hands tied to the frame.

“I have to personally slaughter Rigelhoff’s dog that was harassing my wife. First
of all, the two hands that dared to hit my wife.”

The two hands that were clenched in the mold fell to the floor with a ‘thump’
along with the ax blade.


“How noisy. My wife was the woman who proudly held her chin in front of me
even after being beaten by you. If you want to be cocky, why don’t you learn a
little from Edith?”

Killian grinned and laughed.

“Well, you’re too stupid to learn from Edith... It was too late.”

Then, with a big swing of the axe, he cut off the head that was crying loudly at

“If Edith is a dog, then you are no different than dog fleas who survived thanks
to that dog.”
Killian spat out his last words at Sophia’s steaming corpse as if spitting with
contempt, handed the ax to the executioner, returned to his place, and spoke to
the Duke.

“I will take Edith to the mansion right now and call the doctor. Even if there is
something to interrogate Edith, treatment comes first.”

The Duke nodded his head without making any more harsh noises.

But then the soldier standing next to him whispered.

“Anyway, Lady Liese just went down with a hot water bottle.”

His expression seemed to tell him not to worry, as if Liese wasn’t very proud.

But at that moment, Killian felt a strange uneasiness.

It was the same anxiety I felt when I heard that Edith was going out to play with

“Just now?”

“Yes. I saw her go down earlier... ”

As soon as he heard that sound, Killian headed towards the prison. It was Cliff
who caught Killian.

“The execution is not over yet. Liese went to deliver the hot water, so keep your
“No. It’s because I’m worried that Liese went.”


As Killian headed towards the dungeon, Cliff followed him, frowning.

And when they stood in front of the stairs leading down to the dungeon, Liese’s
screams were heard from the dungeon.

Killian and Cliff ran down the stairs of the dungeon without asking anyone first.


“After that, I think you will remember. Liese tried to frame you.”

Listening to Killian’s story, I nodded slightly.

“I don’t think I will ever forget Liese’s expression at that time for a long time to
come. It didn’t seem like the Liese I knew. Or maybe I’ve been
misunderstanding Liese for a long time... ”

Killian seemed to place more weight on the fact that he misunderstood Liese.

“What is Liese doing?”

“She is locked in her room. I don’t even remember what happened to you.
According to the doctor, it seems that she was shocked by the terrible
appearance of the execution site and showed destructive behavior without
knowing it... ”

“That sounds funny. I know, you know, maybe Cliff or Dad knows. But that’s
what it means to bury it roughly like that.”

Killian, who smiled crookedly, came closer to me and asked in a low voice.

“But that is what they think. What would you like to do? Be honest and be

“Why? Will you make it happen if I want it?”


“Even if I ask you to kill Liese?”


... What had happened to him in the meantime that made him change so much?

Hey, Liese is the woman you had a crush on.

My absurdity must have been clearly revealed in my expression, and Killian

smiled bitterly.

“I know I will feel shameless. It might be a pity to try to pretend to be your

husband now. But... I’m serious. I want to be your reliable husband from now

Killian held my hand a little harder.

“I don’t know why everything about you is now clear to me. I’m regretting why
I didn’t understand your pain earlier. I’m sorry, Edith.”

“Why are you acting strange all of a sudden? It is not like you.”

He looked so serious and distressed, so I asked half-playfully.

But he didn’t laugh.

“It must be difficult for you to accept my change right away. Doubt as much as
you like, criticize as much as you like. I will wait forever until your heart is

There was a feeling of overdoing it a little, but I could tell that he was sincere.

But in fact, it wasn’t his own fault that Killian had ever been suspicious of me
and tried to distance himself.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 126



“Don’t beat yourself up too much, Killian.”

“This will be the guilt I will carry with me until I die.”

“No, you really don’t have to blame yourself...”

He was just a character in this novel, so he couldn’t go against the flow of the
original plot.

The reason he can see all of this now is because I met the 3rd stage exception
condition and the flow of the original work has become extremely weak.

Not only Killian, but perhaps Cliff and the Duck are also affected by this.

So the future is more important.

‘From now on, probability, not the flow of the original work, will be the main
force supporting this world, right?’

Just because the original causal relationship has disappeared doesn’t mean I
suddenly become the main character of this world.

Rather, what will happen from now on is that even if I have read the original
work and come, I will not be able to know the future.

But I wasn’t afraid.

‘In other words, now I can finally make my own life!’

For me, this is the beginning of the main story!

But before that, I had to confess everything I hadn’t been able to tell Killian.

I wanted to let him know about me without hiding anything from him. So, as a
complete me, I wanted to be understood and loved by him.

“It’s a bit late, but I have something to tell you.”

I took my hand out of his hand and placed it on the back of his hand.

And this time I held his hand tightly.

“I don’t know if you’ve already guessed, but I, Edith Rigelhoff...”

“You are Edith Ludwig.”

Oh wow, look at that shit. Would you like a hit?

“Yes, after all, I grew up in the Riegelhoffs and was abused from an early age.
All the swearing I did at the party were all forced by someone called my father.”

“Why didn’t you tell me beforehand?”

“There are two reasons for that. First, I wasn’t sure if you and the Ludwigs
would accept me after knowing the truth about me. I was a hostage for the
loyalty of the Rigelhoff family, but if you knew that I was an empty chaff that
couldn’t function...”


Killian looked sad. Because he wouldn’t be able to refute my words.

But now it didn’t matter anyway. More important and more elusive was the
second reason.

“And the second reason...”

Until this moment, I was thinking about whether it was okay to reveal my truth,
and if so, how to explain it.


He raised his head, perhaps wondering why I suddenly called him while I was

“Do you believe in the supernatural?”

“Why are you asking that all of a sudden?”

“Because that’s the second reason I haven’t revealed everything about myself to

“Please speak so I can understand.”

I took a deep breath.

“I have all the memories of Edith. And at the same time... I also has human
memories of Choi Soo-na.”

“Chei... What?”
I laughed briefly at his pronunciation.

“No. Choi, Soo, and Na. I was a 28-year-old woman living in a country called
South Korea. My parents farmed in the countryside, and I earned money while
working in the capital city, but I have no money to gather because my brother
who is like a bitch keeps stealing money, and in addition, I suffered from a
serious illness when I was young, so I am not healthy... It was a rough life. Still,
I did my best to look as if I lived as well as others.”

Just a year ago, I was Choi Soo-na. But it already felt like something in the
distant past. Could this be a side effect of possessing?

“Actually, it was a life that was not much different from Edith. My parents were
her biological parents, but you know what? Even real parents can stop loving
their children. My parents did. They didn’t hit her, but they pretty much left me
or her brother unattended. And my brother was worse than Shane Rigelhoff.”

From the time I brought up the name ‘Choi Soo-nara’, Killian couldn’t control
his gaping mouth and listened in a daze.

“Do you think I am crazy?”

When I asked with a smile, Killian closed his mouth and shook his head.

“No. Not at all.”

“I’m glad I still look fine. I have to tell you more strange things from now on...”


As soon as I coughed, Killian poured water from the water bottle on the bedside
and handed it to me.
The attitude of listening is very good.

“I possessed Edith a week before I married you. The original me died in an

accident in a different world than here.”


“Yes. Another soul enters a person’s body and becomes the owner of that body.
It is said to be a ghost...”

“You... Are you saying you’re a witch?”

“Oh, oh, no! There’s no such thing as too much power! Just... It was like this
when I opened my eyes. It’s not even what I wanted.”

Did you just talk?

<House/Emissary> is also a world where witch hunts and burning exist...?

While I was nervous, Killian stared into the air for a long time before sighing
and changing the topic.

“What kind of accident was it? The accident that killed you.”

“Uh... My brother was waiting for me drunk. I went home after work, and he
was in front of the door.”

The memory was still as clear as that.

A narrow stairway in an old multi-family house that smelled of dampness.

Every time I left work, I often imagined that an unfamiliar robber might be
waiting for me on the stairs.

I didn’t know that robber would become my brother...

“He asked me to give him money that day too. But I wasn’t in a good mood that
day. So I stretched out saying I couldn’t give it to him.”

“So what?”

“Then... Brother... He slapped me hard on the cheek.”

For a moment, Killian’s fists tightened.

“Unluckily, I had just finished climbing the stairs... I was slapped on the cheek
and fell back. I think I fell down the stairs... I passed out from the shock as if I
had been hit in the head hard somewhere, and when I opened my eyes, it was
Edith’s body.”

Killian opened his mouth again.


I added childish sound effects as I stretched out my arms from side to side like a
magician doing a successful magic trick.

“Anyway, that’s why I was a bit reluctant to expose Edith’s past as if it were my
own experience. I wonder if I have the right to sell someone else’s misfortune.”

Killian let out a sound that I couldn’t tell if it was a laugh or a sigh.

In fact, even if I wanted to expose Edith’s hidden settings, there were

restrictions that prevented me from doing so, but to talk about it, I had to explain
that this world is a book and that the god-like original author put some
restrictions on me.

But I decided not to talk about it there. It seemed that Killian would get too
confused, and it was difficult to say that he was in the book anyway.

“It’s okay if you don’t believe me. Since I started living as Edith, I’m just Edith,
and my mysterious experiences like this aren’t important. I just didn’t want to
hide anything from you.”

“To be honest...”

Killian was still in thought for a long time after he opened his mouth.

I understand. It’s the first time he’s ever heard of something like this.

All sorts of thoughts will come to mind: is he crazy, is he having realistic

dreams and confuses them with reality, or is he making fun of me or scolding

I waited patiently for him.

“I don’t believe everything you say. But it’s too specific to disbelieve, and
there’s no reason for you to fool me with such a story.”
“I don’t mean to confuse you. But... Get down to Ryzen and let me help you
with your work. Choi Soo-nara’s memory will be quite helpful to you. The
world I’ve lived in is a bit more advanced than where I am now.”

“You said you were full of dreams of developing Ryzen, and that was true.”

Killian finally smiled like his self.

He doesn’t understand everything, and he can’t believe everything, but it

seemed like he was trying to respect my story.

He carefully took my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

A tickling feeling ran from the back of the hand, through the arm, straight to the

“Do not worry. I’ll listen to whatever you say now. I’ll try to understand, and if I
don’t understand, I’ll keep talking. I don’t want to make the same mistake

“Even if I say something that seems absurd?”

“Even if you say that a soul from another world has possessed you.”

Maybe what I wanted to hear from Killian wasn’t blindly saying that he loved
me or that he would do whatever I asked for, but that he would try to understand

That’s why I’m so satisfied and reassured right now.

“Oh. Then... Are all misunderstandings about me cleared up? The Duke and
Lord Cliff...?”

“Mostly, yes. Especially my father is very sorry for you.”

“What... As the head of this family, His Excellency the Duke must have been
careful about every little thing. I understand.”

“You shouldn’t give indulgences so easily. When we go down to the territory,

you will receive it firmly, so please know that.”

I giggled with Killian and then we talked more about small things.

That this morning, at the execution site of the Imperial Palace, the heads of those
involved in the treason conspiracy, such as the Langston family and the
Rigelhoff family, were hanged; The Duchess had just woken up yesterday, and
Linnon had another week to recuperate, and so on.

Killian, who was talking about that, said as if to conclude.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 127



“Once you feel better, let’s go straight to Ryzen. To a land where you can no
longer be hurt, and we will grow together.”

“Are you really going to be okay with me?”

“I don’t know what you are asking. The lord is taking his wife to the manor, do I
have to meet another criteria?”

“No, well, that’s fine.”

As for me, I gave Killian plenty of chances.

Even if he regrets it later, it’s still Killian’s fault.


A long sigh came from one side of the dark room.

It wasn’t because the sun had set that the room was dark. It was because Liese,
who seemed to have a nervous breakdown, told her to draw all the curtains.

“I don’t know if I should have asked before, Liese. Why are you... Did you try
to get rid of Edith?”

Cliff, the main character of the sigh, asked Liese, who was hiding in it, using the
blanket as a cocoon.

“...You don’t understand.”

At the end of Liese’s words, which barely answered, the water was wet again.

Cliff sighed deeply again.

It had already been a week since Liese had been confined to her room.
Regarding what happened in the dungeon, he complained why he didn’t believe
him, and later trembled, saying he didn’t know why I did it. Then, when he
came to the Duke and asked, he changed his words, saying he didn’t remember.

Liese’s actions were suspicious to anyone, and the people of the Ludwig family,
who were no longer dominated by the flow of the original story, did not protect
her unconditionally like before.

The suspicions that had been directed at Edith so far spilled over to Liese, and
Liese was unable to properly answer the questioning.

Duke Ludwig, who cared for Liese like a daughter and unconditionally trusted
her words, felt betrayed and shocked. For fear of collapsing from shock, he
couldn’t even talk to the Duchess.

However, Cliff was an ardent believer in Liese no matter how the order of this
world was reorganized.

“I don’t need understanding for you. If I had only known you wanted it, I would
have been happy to help. Why didn’t you tell me too?”

The whimpering sound died down.

“If you knew what I wanted, would you have loved and cared for me?”

“Of course. The night before Edith fell into the lake, do you really think I went
all the way there without knowing anything?”

At that sound, Liese’s head finally came out of the futon.

“Know... Was there?”

He believed that it was all in his power to send Cliff there to catch the
caretaker’s gaze while sending men to break the steering wheel of Killian’s

“All of a sudden, the night before Killian and Edith went boating, they say it
seems like you accidentally spilled an earring on my yacht, but even if I was an
idiot, I would have guessed what you were up to.”

Liese was stunned.

However, Cliff’s confession did not end there.

“Actually, I proposed to Edith to go boating, and I told you that it was all... It
was to find out what you were thinking.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Of course I didn’t know you wanted to kill Edith, but I expected something to

No one would be surprised to hear that the opponent he thought he had been
playing with had, on the contrary, known his intentions and was willing to
match them.

“Then why didn’t you tell me anything?”

“If I do, I’m afraid you’ll completely hide yourself from me.”

Seeing that Liese refused to reveal her truth to me even though Liese made
everything she wished for, Cliff thought that she was like a bird always ready to
run away.
When it feels like it, it pretends to be weak and naive and sings brightly on your
shoulder, but it is a clever and beautiful bird that will fly away even if you feel
the slightest sense of danger.

“I knew from the moment I met you that you were different from others. It
seemed to anticipate and act on everything. Even your unhappiness makes me
feel like you created it.”

Whenever she was framed or faced with unknown threats, Liese always turned
the crisis to her advantage.

Even if Liese didn’t do it herself, someone around her would help, or luckily
coincidence overlapped.

“At first, I simply thought you were lucky. After that, I thought I had a good
relationship with a good person. However, without a single exception, the
coincidence and fate are repeated, and you take the result for granted... From
then on, I thought you were special.”

Liese was surprised that Cliff had been seeing through her for a long time.

Up until now, I thought that I was in a position similar to that of God, and that
everyone, including Cliff, was just a creature created by myself and unable to
surpass me...

‘You mean I didn’t know all the characters I created, and I didn’t have complete
control over them! I am... Then what was I?’

As Liese covered her mouth with her hand and struggled from the slow shock,
Cliff cautiously approached her and held her in his arms.
“I don’t care who you are or what you do. I just want you, Liese. Can’t you just
lean on me from now on?”

“I am... You will grow old and grow old. It will get ugly and fall apart.”

“Isn’t it natural for people to get older and get old? I want to grow old with

“I can’t even predict what will happen to me in the future. The luck that you
thought was strange until now won’t happen in the future. I am no longer

“I will be with you. I will be your sword and shield. If there’s anything you
want, I’ll be happy to put it at your feet.”

Liese shook her head at Cliff’s oath. He couldn’t believe that it was okay to look
old and ugly or to fall into failure. Who can love a human being who is neither
beautiful nor successful?

Liese dismissed his oath as just a sound to pass this moment.

“Don’t tell me easily. If I trust you and lean on you and then get dumped later,
who will take care of me?”

Liese, who knew how to look only at her own wounds, did not know that she
was hurting Cliff even when she hurt him.

However, Cliff, who was so infatuated with Liese that he was called half-crazy,
loved even this selfish side of Liese.

“If you want, I can even write a contract for you. I’ll put my leash on you You
will become a special person who can control Cliff Ludwig at will.”
Liese, who is the incarnation of severe narcissism, felt the limits drawn to her by
Cliff’s confession and oath that she loved her.

That she can no longer be special on her own.

‘Cliff doesn’t want me to stand out as Liese Sinclair. He only wants to be special
as his lover and wife. Cliff is selfish!’

However, Liese had no intention of working hard and struggling like Edith to
become special as she was.

As if he was a genius, as if he had been chosen by heaven, he only hoped to

shine without any wrinkles.

‘My golden days don’t come back anymore. If I die after living this life, will I
be able to open my eyes again at the beginning of the story?’

Liese, who only wanted glory without a price, decided to accept Cliff’s offer in
the end, feeling like she would suffer a great loss.

She didn’t even realize that it was the limit that Liese herself had drawn for

[The story of Edith Ludwig, separated from the story of Liese Sinclair, begins.
The end of this story has not been decided.]

A few days after the announcement that the three-step exception conditions were
met, the announcer’s voice was heard.

As usual, I was having a lucid dream, and at that moment I felt completely
confirmed that I had won the battle against the ‘original author’.
‘My life is no longer a side story for Liese Sinclair. It became my own story!’

When I opened my eyes intoxicated with such a pleasant sense of victory, I felt
the body temperature of Killian who was sleeping hugging me from behind and
smiled proudly once again.

‘The most handsome man I’ve ever seen in my life is really my husband.’

It seems like I’m losing a little if I think of the cost of dying miserably and the
cost of all the hardships I possessed as a villain, but if I were to include the
territory I’m about to get, well, I think it’s okay.

As I was smirking alone, the hand that was holding my belly moved slowly and
began to rub my skin.

“Are you awake?”


The voice was locked, as if it hadn’t broken yet.

“Today... How are you?”

The same question he asks every morning as soon as I wake up. How is my

“Just like your question is the same every day, my answer seems to be the same
every day... It’s better than yesterday.”
Not just an answer to reassure him, I was quickly getting back to my senses and

Originally, Edith’s body was much healthier than Soo-na Choi’s, but I felt like it
was recovering faster than when Sophia hit me before.

‘Is this because I became the main character in my life?’

It was fine even if it was an illusion.

I decided to live believing that I was the main character of this story.

It seemed like it would be atonement and consolation for my previous life,

where I always cared about other people’s eyes and didn’t live my life properly.

“I have to get well soon so I can start with Ryzen...”

“This is also getting better quickly. You eat everything that is good for your
body. Because I want to gain weight.”

“The journey will be difficult. So please put on some more weight.”

Killian gave me a light kiss on my neck, shoulder, and cheek before I got up
from the bed.

After lightly doing gymnastics with his bare hands, Killian put on his clothes
and called Anna. Then, Anna immediately appeared with warm water and a
towel and wiped my face and body together with Killian.

Now, even if I could, they never backed down.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 128



“No matter how hard you try, I told you to be careful for a month. Please think
comfortably and leave your body.”

Anna said in a businesslike voice as she skillfully removed my clothes.

But I know the sincerity hidden in that businesslike voice.

When everyone was saying bad things about me or saying that I didn’t know or
that I hadn’t seen them, Anna stood by me while enduring the harsh

‘When I go to Ryzen, I’ll keep her as a maid close to me for a few years and
then promote her to head maid.’

Since she was still young, it seemed that she would feel burdened if she was
already entrusted with the role of head maid. But since she’s smart and quick-
witted, it’s only a matter of time before Anna becomes the head maid.
After wiping me down, Anna immediately went to prepare my breakfast.
Originally, it is normal to have breakfast and lunch between 11 and 12, but
Killian insisted on inserting a light soup breakfast.

Of course, the soup was also ‘light’, and there were many times when Killian
put in rare ingredients obtained by asking around.

“Today’s is a soup with minced mushrooms and beef.”

Just listening to Anna’s story, it sounds like the ‘X Totogi Soup’ that I
sometimes made in my previous life, but the beef in this dish was premium
quality beef from a famous production area, and the mushrooms must have been
more expensive mushrooms than beef.

“I will eat well.”

When I manage to dry what Anna is trying to feed me and I take a spoonful at a
time, Killian then goes to the bathroom to wash herself and change clothes.

And while Killian did what he had to do that day, Anna stood by my side, and
when Killian came back and stuck by my side, Anna did other things only after
that.Same thing was going on.

But today, when he came back a little earlier than usual and had lunch with me,
Killian’s expression was not very good.

“What’s going on?”

“It’s nothing. Just...”

Killian, who had been making a more complicated expression for a while,
sighed deeply and said.

“I thought that I was a human being who had no eyes to see people and could
not be objectified.”

“What do you mean all of a sudden?”

“I don’t know how I thought Liese was like an angel. Besides, I thought my
father and older brother were morally flawless people. I’m not even a kid,

That’s because you had to follow the flow of the original work...

That said, I couldn’t say this to Killian, so I just laughed.

“Why are you doing this again?”

“Liese is still oblivious to what happened that day. Even with so many
witnesses... And mother and Cliff feel sorry for Liese.”

Looking back, Killian seemed pretty upset. It seems that his expression looked
complicated because he deliberately killed his temper just because he was in
front of me.

“My father keeps a distance from Liese, but Cliff seems to have coaxed my
mother, who doesn’t know everything. To that... He asked if we could forgive
Liese just once. I got angry that it wasn’t my decision, and I told you... He asked
me to ask you once.”

I nodded.
Cliff aside, it wasn’t that he couldn’t understand Duchess Ludwig’s heart.

No matter how sorry she felt for me, her relationship with me had only lasted
one year, and Liese had been like her daughter for the past six years.

If I think of Liese in the original work, it was clear that she must have been such
a kind, bright and supportive person before I came into this house.

Moreover, since the wife does not know the truth about everything that
happened at the execution site and the past, even if Liese did something strange,
as if she was possessed by something, she couldn’t hate Liese enough to kick
her out of the house.

So, if I said I couldn’t forgive Liese, it would only hurt their feelings.

“Killian. Just like the Duchess and Master Cliff said, let’s just pretend it didn’t
happen. On the surface.”

“I knew you would say that. That’s why I didn’t want to ask.”

Killian gritted his teeth.

“It is so heinous that I cannot forgive it. I don’t know how Liese came to you
and asked you to forgive those who deceived us until now, even though it’s not
empty. I can’t even forgive myself!”

Ugh, I can’t get used to the person who once wanted to kick me out the most.

Of course, I understand Killian’s feelings just as much as I understand the

Duchess or Cliff.
In the first place, Cliff had a slight sense of madness, and he was a person who
would use a certain amount of infidelity or conspiracy as a means for his own

However, unlike his tough-looking appearance, Killian had a rather innocent


He didn’t have anything to say that he was sophomore, but he hated unclean
things as much as he had high pride in the name Ludwig.

‘But as long as Cliff is obsessed with Liese, we can’t kick Liese out anyway. If I
stretch out for no reason, only Killian will get stuck in my hatred.’

Of course, I also hated Liese.

When I think of how they deceived me with an angelic smile and tried to kill
me, I get chills up my spine and become angry enough to make each hair stand
on end.

But there are understandable circumstances. That she is the ‘main character’
who will be influenced the most by the original author.

In the end, rather than defending my pride by fighting for nothing, I decided to
take this opportunity to take a pragmatic route.

“Do we really have to kick out the person who has been a good daughter to your
mother for the past six years? Besides, he has nowhere else to go.”

“It is, but...”

“And no matter how we get out, Master Cliff will marry Liese. She’s going to be
your sister-in-law anyway.”
Killian clenched his fists.

“If only I had been born as a twin with my older brother...”

“Are you going to take the place of the successor? Then you wouldn’t marry

“Um... That’s not allowed...”

I don’t know if it’s because I wanted to hear it, but I burst into laughter at the
spoiled tone.

“To be honest, I also felt jealous of Liese. Maybe Liese did that, I don’t know.
Maybe I just wanted to get your attention back from her.”

“You say you love your brother, why?”

“Because there are many people who think that money and love are the best.”

Killian still looked incomprehensible, but he didn’t seem to rebel against my


I smiled at him who seemed dissatisfied and made a condition.


“On the surface, it can be assumed that nothing happened, but I would like to
have a conversation with the person responsible. If you want to end it quietly,
tell me not to refuse this.”

Killian smiled as if he was relieved.

“I definitely like that look down on you.”

“You have a dangerous taste.”

Seeing them face to face like this makes them look like couple fraudsters or

But this is the victim! It’s also kind-hearted!


The evening after Killian delivered my words, Liese, who had drawn on Cliff,
came to Killian’s room where I was lying.

“It’s been a while, both of you.”

He smiled as brightly as he could and said hello.

Of course, they weren’t naive enough to understand that this was sarcastic.

“Sorry for coming late.”

The person who should be sorry for me was avoiding my gaze, and Cliff
apologized on her behalf.
“First of all, I misunderstood Miss Edith...”


I boldly cut off Cliff’s words. I didn’t want to waste time sluggishly talking
about obvious things.

“I’m sorry, but I don’t have that many questions about Master Cliff. I want to
talk with Liese just the two of us.”

Then, both Cliff and Killian made worried faces at the same time.

Cliff must have been worried about Liese, but Killian was of course worried
about me.

Because Liese was already someone who tried to harm me.

“It’s okay, Killian. Hopefully the same thing won’t happen twice. Right, Liese?”

Liese reluctantly nodded with an extremely anxious expression.

Anyway, in the end, only Liese and I were left in the bedroom.

Just in case, Killian and Cliff decided to wait right outside the bedroom.

In the bedroom that became quiet after Killian and Cliff had disappeared, I
looked at Liese for a while.
She was still a woman of dazzling beauty, but the brilliance I felt when I first
saw her was no longer felt.

It wasn’t because I was used to Liese’s beauty.

She lost her own light.

“No one will hear the conversations we have here. So, let’s be honest.”

“...This is what happened anyway, yes, let’s do that.”

Liese’s tone of voice was hard to see from her before.

I even felt my heart pounding at the feeling of finally knowing Liese’s true self.

“I will ask you one by one. First of all, should we start with the document leak
case from about a year ago? Did you forge my handwriting?”

Liese sighed heavily and nodded.

I should have guessed, but the answer that came out without any resistance was
a bit absurd.

“Then maybe the embroidery thread was poisoned... Did you do it yourself?”

This time too, Liese nodded lightly.

“He said he applied the poison and put it in his mouth...?”

“It is not difficult.”

“I thought I couldn’t... It’s poisonous.”

I shook my head.

But suddenly someone came to mind.

“No way... The maid... Killing the maid who saw me smearing her poison on the
embroidery thread... Is it you?”

He nodded easily this time.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 129



“Are you crazy?”

“I did it because I wasn’t crazy.”

The first consonant of a harsh curse was about to jump out of my mouth, but I
tried my best not to get excited.
“The yacht incident must be you, too, then?”

As expected, Liese nodded.

Answering so meekly, I rather lost my pulse.

“Let’s talk calmly. Why the hell did you do that? Why is it me?”

I asked her with a half-hearted smile. She’s probably manipulated by her author,
hoping she’ll give me something more plausible.

But Liese, who was just staring at the floor, suddenly smiled.

“Among the Ediths I dealt with, you were the best. I didn’t know I would lose


Since Liese spoke softly, I also spoke softly, but something is a little strange.


“You are the 13th Edith.”


I was confused by her strange expression.

What are you talking about? Did I possess 13 times without my knowledge?

“No, before talking about ‘Ediths’, tell me about yourself. Who are you?”

With a foreboding and strange feeling, I suddenly asked about Liese’s identity.
Somehow it felt like it had to be.

And my hunch was not wrong.

“I am the original author of <I refuse to obsess>. I was possessed like you. To
the main character of the novel I wrote.”

It seems that the reflex condition is that when you are too startled, your eyes
widen and your mouth opens. When I see you making that expression without
even realizing it.

“The original author? The existence of the original author who tried to kill me
by turning me into a villain until now, was you?”


Liese replied casually, as if asking what it was.

“Why... Why did you do that?”

“Why did you do that? It was because I had to be the main character of this
world forever, and you had to be the villain who was jealous and obstructed me
and died. Isn’t that the original content?”

Because he answered so shamelessly, he rather said, ‘Oh, is that so?’ I even

heard the thought.
However, I pressed once on my forearm, which was still bruised, and regained
my senses.

“Earlier, I said the 13th Edith, right? So, you mean there were more Ediths
besides me?”

“There were 12 more in front of you.”

“Uh, how...?”

“I possessed it.”

It was hard to hold on to Liese’s shocking confession. This kind of possession

was not accidental, but intentional!


When I asked in a trembling voice, Liese answered rather brazenly.

“A life that died anyway, shouldn’t you be grateful to me for giving me another
chance to live?”

“Who asked that? You ask me why I possessed you, now!”

As my voice rose, Killian knocked on the door from outside.

“Are you okay, Edith?”

“Whoa... Are you okay. Don’t come in.”

While I managed to calm down my excitement, Liese looked toward the door
and made a sad expression before answering meekly.

“I’ve been living this story ever since I possessed Liese. It was fun. But it was
kind of boring because the same content was repeated over and over again.”

When I heard that far, I seemed to know the reason why I was possessed.

However, Liese didn’t even look at me and continued to speak nonchalantly.

“So after thinking about it, I got Edith to possess the reader of my book. So, as
my life was full of thrills and the story itself became very rich, I stood out more.
That was until you became possessed.”

“Then please... Are you saying that all 12 people in front of me died just like the
original Edith?”


It was a ‘yes’ that seemed so natural that I didn’t feel any guilt.

“Sigh...! I live and live and see all these crazy bitches.”

“What are you talking about?”

“So you think you’re normal now? You mean you drove other people to
miserable deaths for your own satisfaction!”

“They are dead anyway. I’m going to die after living a bonus life as a supporting
character in an interesting novel, but I should rather be thanked.”
“If you put it that way, you’re already dead, too, and if you’re living the same
life over and over again in Liese’s body, you’ll be grateful for that. Why did you
look for a thrill?”

“That, that... I’m different from you! Am I the original author?”

My blood pressure is rising and I’m about to die. Should I call Killian?

However, Liese let out an even more enraged sound, as if she was really aiming
for my cerebral blood vessels.

“In addition, you provided a device for Edith to win. That’s an exception.
Thanks to that, you are still alive.”

“Ah, that condition where you have to expect to catch a mouse with a cow
walking backwards? If that’s a fair game, would you do the opposite? I set the
conditions, and you meet them. Risking your life, of course. How is it?”

The eyes that were glaring at me as if they would fight me at any moment
quickly run away to the side.

I spoke in a firm voice as if I was passing judgment.

“You are the same as me in the first place. The same goes for the last 12 Ediths.
Such people, you took advantage of a little advantage and abused them like a
joke, then brutally killed them.”

“Do not be ridiculous! I’m different! I was like a god here!”

It’s at the level of a child being abused.

A person like this is the author of a novel that I enjoyed reading. Suddenly,
Hyunta comes.

“God? Yes, the proud god gentleman. So what can you do now?”

At my sarcasm, Liese’s face quickly turned red.

“If it wasn’t for you, I would still be perfect! Everyone in this world would be
happy! Because of you, I have no idea how this story will go now! How will you
take responsibility?”

The back bone was throbbing.

How could such a monster be born?

I got out of bed slowly.

Liese hesitated and stepped back, but I firmly grabbed Liese’s forearms.

“Originally, this is normal, Liese. Life is not knowing the future, and living a
life like this is human!”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

“Don’t be silly! Everyone else is living an unknown time day by day! The same
goes for the characters in this novel. If you already knew the future, you would
have laughed at them, but you know what?”

I turned Liese in front of the mirror on my dressing table.

“You, who have already forgotten how to fight the unknown future, may have
the mental strength of the insignificant extras in this novel, but everyone but you
is used to it. Everyone knows that there is no set ending.”

Liese’s eyes trembled wildly.

“It’s unfortunate... This is what I wrote...! That means I’m the main character!”

“Since I took the test called life while looking at the answer sheet, I must have
thought that way. I’m sorry to sprinkle cold water on that illusion, but I was the
main character of my life from the beginning. Not an extra for you!”

Thoughts that Choi Soo-na in her previous life couldn’t have come out of her
mouth now.

How nice it would have been if I had been able to do this even then.

If that was the case, I wouldn’t have kept my mouth shut even after being
unfairly treated at the company, I would have cursed at my ex-boyfriends who
betrayed me, and I would have been able to dump my brother coldly.

‘I don’t know if I became possessed by Edith because I lived my life carelessly.’

At the same time as feeling guilty, it was the reason why he couldn’t even drive
Liese away.

If it wasn’t for Liese, if it weren’t for my experience as Edith, I would have

taken even my own death seriously.

I faced Liese again.

She was an old child who stubbornly tried to deny this reality.

““The House and the Envoy” was, of course, an interesting novel. But this world
won’t end just because the ending you decided doesn’t come. Rather, a more fun
and happy ending might come to you.”

“Do not be ridiculous! There can’t be a happier ending than the ending of the
original work. Besides, I’m going to be old and ugly from now on! It’s all your

“Are you getting old?”


“Are you saying that when you look old?”

Liese reflexively shook her head.

“Then stop talking like that already. I intend to have fun even when I am old.”

“But with a wrinkled, ugly face...”

“It will look forever beautiful to Cliff. Unless you continue to be greedy to be
‘everyone’s lover’ in this way. If you can’t give up that greed in the end, you...
Far from being everyone’s lover, you’ll even miss Cliff.”

I let go of the hand holding Liese’s arm.

“You said you were a writer? Then think about a happier ending. That’s all the
advice I can give you.”
My blood pressure rose and I talked a lot, so I was pretty tired.


At my call, Killian immediately opened the bedroom door.

“Liese says she is going back now. Goodbye, Liese.”

I smiled brightly at Liese who gritted her teeth as if she would cry at any

Liese, I know I’m being sarcastic right now, but I hoped she’d come to her
senses and get on with real life.


After Edith calmed down to some extent and Liese was able to pretend to be
calm, Duke Ludwig finally opened the door to the mansion.

The Duke Ludwig, who had won the Battle of Territories and became the closest
aide to the emperor both in name and reality, was flooded with all sorts of gifts,
invitations, and requests for visits.

Among them, the Count Sinclair was allowed to visit the Duke fairly early.

That alone made Sinclair’s nose soar that the siblings didn’t know how high it

“Congratulations on your victory in the Battle of Territories, Your Excellency

Duke. Both of your sons did a splendid job!”
Count Sinclair greeted Duke Ludwig with a wide smile.

At the greeting that praised his two sons more than himself, Duke Ludwig
looked at Cliff and Killian sitting next to him admirably and nodded.

“These guys have had a hard time.”

Taking a moment to look at Duke Ludwig looking proud, Count Sinclair

deliberately brought up a story that would offend the Duke.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 130



“I heard that the Duchess almost got into trouble because of the cowardly tricks
of the Rigelhoffs in the middle. How could the so-called nobility do such a dirty
joke! Like shameless bastards!”

Although he was putting on a serious expression, in fact, Count Sinclair was

delighted when he heard the news.

‘This is good news for us!’

His predictions fit nicely.

Because of that incident, the emperor gave the right to dispose of the Rigelhoff
family to the Ludwig family, and I had heard that all members of the Rigelhoff
family had their heads cut off and were hanged in the imperial palace.

He was trying not to laugh too much right now.

“Well, it’s not a very pleasant memory, so I’d like to talk about that.”

“Oops, sorry. I was so angry that I couldn’t fathom your feelings.”

Although he restrained himself as if he was very happy, the Count Sinclair

thought things were going very well.

He whispered about the distribution rights for northern iron ore, which he had
recently acquired completely, and winked at Layla, who was with him.

Layla glanced at Killian and quickly pretended to be modest at her father’s


“By the way, Your Excellency. Have you thought about that story?”

“Are you talking about that time?”

“Killian’s... It is a matter of marriage.”

At those words, Killian’s eyes widened at once.

“What do you mean?”

Count Sinclair made a benevolent yet sympathetic expression as if he

understood everything.

“I heard that you had a lot of trouble marrying a girl of the Rigelhoffs for

“Where did you hear about that?”

“It doesn’t matter where I heard it. Isn’t it true that the Rigelhoffs brought his
daughter to you in exchange for iron ore distribution rights and loyalty to the

“That’s true, but...”

“Rufus Rigelhoff, that man has been so wicked since ancient times!”

Count Sinclair interrupted Killian when he tried to say something more, and
went on with his own words.

“Finally all of the Rigelhoffs have been dealt with, so you should get a new wife
too. That’s why I recommended my daughter, Layla, to the Duke before.”

Layla dyed her cheeks and made eye contact with Killian, then lowered her head

He tried to hold back, but a happy smile spread.

But Killian wasn’t like that at all.

He crumpled his brow and slowly looked back at Duke Ludwig.

“Father. Is this story true now?”

“It is true that I received such an offer.”

“Did you just listen to that? I already have a wife.”

Then the Count Sinclair stepped out again.

“I think you might not like an arranged marriage. However, more than half of
marriages between aristocrats are arranged marriages, and aren’t you especially
the son of a Duke? The interests of the family should come first.”

“Are you saying that my feelings are of no use to anyone?”

“Oh, that can’t be! It seems that our Layla has been admiring you for a long
time. She will make a wonderful wife who will faithfully support you. She can’t
compare to that prostitute from Rigelhof!”

Count Sinclair, meanwhile, used bad words to bring down the Rigelhoffs, who
were enemies of the Ludwig family, but Killian’s mood was worse than ever.

Watching Count Sinclair, who had no time to stop, Duke Ludwig put his hand
on his forehead.

“Does the Count Sinclair dare to insult the daughter-in-law of the Ludwig

Count Sinclair and Layla were taken aback by Killian’s aggravated mood.
“Suddenly why, Killian. Isn’t she already dead!”

“Who dies, who dies! Edith Ludwig, who is still alive, no, now to Countess
Ryzen, what? Prostitute?”

Killian’s fists were shaking.

It was only then that Count Sinclair realized that Edith had not died and was still
Killian’s wife.

But he couldn’t go back like this.

“Well, first of all, excuse me. I never intended to insult the Ludwig family. But,
Killian, think carefully.”

“What do you want me to think about?”

“You are the second son of the Ludwig family, but you will soon become a
faithful servant of His Majesty the Emperor and the new count. Does it make
sense that you have the daughter of a treasonous thief as his wife?”

Killian felt like he would be relieved if he pulled out a sword right here and cut
off this human’s head.

“Killian. Be patient. In any case, he is a friend of our family and a loyal subject
of His Majesty the Emperor.”

Cliff’s hand covered Killian’s hand, which was resting on the handle of the
Killian let out a long breath that melted his anger and spoke in an infinitely
heavy and cool voice.

“I love Edith very much. I’m crazy about her. She is my only wife.”

“Huh, what?”

“Since you don’t seem to have grasped the atmosphere yet, I will be very
generous and close my eyes just this once. If you say such nonsense one more
time... You must be prepared to turn me against you, Count Sinclair.”

It seemed that a subtle life was emanating from Killian.

Only then did Duke Ludwig sigh and shrug his shoulders.

“I’m sorry, but, well, it’s come to this, so we’ll have to end the conversation

It was a great disappointment for Count Sinclair and Layla.

But the bad news didn’t end there.

“Oh, and that. I don’t think we’ll bother Count Sinclair for the iron ore
distribution rights.”


“His Majesty the Emperor confiscated the southern iron ore distribution rights
they possessed when the Rigelhoffs were executed, but fortunately, they gave it
to us.”
It was the worst situation for the Sinclair family.

It was because he had the right to distribute iron ore in the north even at a great
loss in order to attach himself to the Ludwig family.

‘If the biggest iron ore buyer disappears, even holding the right to distribute iron
ore will be useless!’

This time Count Sinclair’s hands began to tremble.

Since this happened, I had to hold on to something.

“Yeah, that’s right. By the way, Your Excellency. I wanted to tell you before,

“What is it?”

“No matter how much the contract is written, the relationship between parents
and children is a natural law. Please return Liese now.”

And that was the worst move the Count Sinclair could have made.

“Now... Are you kidding me?”

An incomparably heavier life force flowed from the Duke than Killian.

“Your contract with the duchy looks very funny.”

“But there is no law in the world to take away a child?”

“Isn’t that what a man who willingly handed over his children in lieu of debt
would say, Count?”

While the Duke was coldly responding, this time Killian held Cliff’s hand and

“Patience, brother. He said it would be difficult to kill him.”

Cliff’s hand was holding the letter knife on the table.

Count Sinclair and Layla, who thought he was just playing with the letter knife,
backed off after hearing Killian’s words.

In the end, Count Sinclair, who had to return without getting anything, became

It was then that I found Liese sitting in the drawing room on the first floor
warming up by the fireplace on the way out of the Duke’s drawing room.

Count Sinclair took notice and then quickly ran towards Liese.

“Liese! Liese!”

At his urgent call, Liese turned around with a puzzled face.

“Liese, come back home now. No matter what anyone says, you are my
daughter! The family should live together!”

“Family... What?”
“Yes, family! Your family is us, not bloodless people! Forget the things of your
childhood. From now on, this father...”


Since Liese is naive, Count Sinclair, who had decided to seduce her by
appealing to her emotions, was shocked to see her clearly ridiculing her and was

“It’s not enough that you arbitrarily gave birth to me, took me away from my
mother, and abused me as you please.


“It’s a family now... Yes, as the Count said, let’s call it a family. Then you will
have to pay off the debt you owe to the duchy again, have you prepared 30
million senna?”

The talk of money made Count Sinclair’s mouth shut.

Liese smiled crookedly as if she knew that.

“Listen carefully. Humans like you, even if they’re not Ludwig, can’t be
recognized as my family.”

Count Sinclair’s eyes widened at the completely uncharacteristic words of

Liesee, and he hesitated.

“Just because the end you decided doesn’t come, this world won’t end. Rather, a
more fun and happy ending might come to you.”
Liese was remembering what Edith had said.

It was embarrassing, but it was something I had no choice but to accept.

And having decided to do so, Liese decided to say goodbye to the past days,
when she lived a frustrating life pretending to be nice.

I pretended to be nice, so I always trembled and cried in front of Count Sinclair,

but in fact, I always wanted to cut myself into words like this.

“Li, Liese...! Oh my God, he lived here and completely abandoned his


“What kind of rude remark is that to someone else’s fiancee?”

Cliff, who had been chasing after Count Sinclair, spoke in a murderous voice.

“Hey, fiancee?”

“That’s right. She is my fiancee, not your daughter.”

“Then I will soon become your father-in-law. Ha ha ha!”

“Should I show you the contract again? You cannot claim any right or
connection to Liese.”

Count Sinclair, who was furious at those words, exposed Liese’s words and
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 131



“You are being fooled by this child’s mask! Do you know what she said to me

Then, Cliff looked at Liese and asked softly.

“Liese. What did you say to this person?”

“As long as you swing your lower back and give birth, everyone asked if you
were the father. Even if I’m not from the Ludwig family, I can’t accept this kind
of human being as my father.”

Cliff did not even raise an eyebrow in spite of his more intensified expression.

“Liese seems to have only said the right things, but what’s the problem?”

Count Sinclair snorted and hissed.

“Then don’t use the last name Sinclair!”

“Ah, I’m going to do that anyway. The temple finally gave permission to
abandon the castle.”
Liese replied as if she had been waiting.

The reason she still took the surname Sinclair was because the temple did not
allow her to be separated from the family. There is a contract that says you can’t
claim a connection, but religion is a separate issue.

But even religion can’t keep one’s feet out of reality.

It was difficult to withstand the pressure from the Ludwig family, who had
become close to the empire’s highest power, in the temple, and Liese was finally
able to part with the last name Sinclair.

“Then, goodbye, Count Sinclair.”

Liese smiled that angelic smile, crossed Cliff’s arms, and headed for her room.


And at the same time, Layla bumped into Edith, who was walking slowly while
holding on to the railing.

The Duke and Killian did not pay much attention to Count Sinclair, who ran
towards Liese, and Cliff, who slowly followed him.

Thanks to that, Layla also became a little bolder. In fact, she couldn’t see
anything in her eyes because the plan she had been dreaming of had collapsed.

“Oh my, who is this? Isn’t that ‘The Survivor’?”

“Ah, it’s Lady Sinclair.”

Only then did Killian send a sharp gaze towards her, but Edith waved her hand
as if not to mind.

“I’ve thought about it before, but it’s amazing mental strength. Even though all
my blood relatives died and you survived alone, I can’t see any guilt or fear at
all. You were a bit brazen at first, but...”

Even while watching Layla openly arguing with her, Edith just smiled.

“I thought you came to take my place now that my validity period is over, but
there is no such word? Did you fail?”

Edith, who tilted her head to the side, looked extremely amused and arrogant.

Layla clenched her teeth and trembled, but Edith erased the smile on her face in
an instant and said.

“I told you not to look down on my husband. Not a good person.”

Then she slowly walked over to Layla and lifted her chin with the tip of his
index finger.

“And my husband, eyes high. There’s nothing wrong with having this much.”

As soon as she finished speaking, she swiped her fingers aside, causing Layla’s
head to turn limply in that direction and quickly return to its original position.

“This, such rude...!”

“‘Disrespect’ refers to a countess doing this to me, Countess Ryzen.”

In response to Edith’s remarks, which went even further than before, Layla
couldn’t reply.

It was as if Edith, who had just been casual before, now had a knife hidden
behind her back.

Thinking that if I crossed the line just a little longer, I would stab myself in the
heart, so Layla eventually hesitated and stepped back.

“It would be nice to go back with your father as soon as possible. If that’s how
you buy His Excellency’s anger... There is no answer then.”

Edith, smiling grinning and pointing the tip of her chin at Count Sinclair, who
stood stunned on the first floor, looked like an enchanting witch.

And Cliff, who was taking Liese upstairs, saw Edith and shook his head.

“I don’t think it will be long before Ludwig’s daughters-in-law will be rumored

to be wicked women.”

“Isn’t that bad? It’s because it seems like we’ve been taking it easy.”

Killian responded to Cliff’s words, and Edith grinned once more as she looked
at Liese, who looked away.


“I heard that Cliff asked Liese to hold a wedding. I guess I have to go see her
wedding, is that okay?”
“They got engaged a while ago, but they’re already married?”

“Cliff seems to be in a hurry.”

It was a sudden news that I heard while Killian and I were preparing to go down
to the manor.

It was surprising that the heir of the Duke suddenly announced the engagement
without a grand ceremony, but there was a feeling that he was in too much of a
hurry to beg to have a wedding in less than two months after that.

“Well, that’s rather good. Going back and forth is also work, but if you finish it
all at once and go down, you’ll be able to focus on the manor for the time

I said that because I really thought about it, but Killian must have been watching
me for a while, and suddenly came up behind me and hugged me and put his lips
on my neck.

“Thank you for understanding.”

What are you even thankful for? Compared to the past, it’s really impressive.

“But you’re so nice that I sometimes worry about you.”

And I feel like they’re using bean pods against me at a very rapid rate...

“When did you say that you’re going to be known as the Ludwig family’s

“No, I was told to be like that. You are too soft-hearted.”

“Am I?”

“I would have slapped Layla Sinclair in the face.”

Killian still seemed upset about the incident, which had been going on for two

“Did I spread such rumors in the social world because my response was
unsatisfying? That’s what you did, right?”

After Count Sinclair and Layla passed away, far from malicious rumors about
Nana and Liese in the capital’s social circles, rather mocking rumors about
Leyla spread.

Layla Sinclair tried to seduce a married man, and even failed miserably...
Rumors that aren’t so much a lie.

“Well. I don’t really know because I’m not really interested in gossip in the
social world.”

“You know my rumors well...”

“I guess I’ve been interested in you since then.”

“You speak well.”

We exchanged a light kiss and sat face to face again to check the list of items to
be prepared for estate’s castle.
I was excited because I felt like I was getting married and moving into a new

“I think we are almost done with the furniture for the bedroom and parlor. I
heard that some of them departed for Ryzen the other day.”

“How about silverware and candle holders?”

“That would be almost done. But will it be just that amount?”

“That’s enough garage! Honestly, if it wasn’t for the hospitality, I wouldn’t have
bought silverware that is difficult to maintain.”

I still remember my hands trembling as I commissioned the production of

expensive silverware.

“You say they don’t like expensive tapestries and carpets, you don’t buy
ornaments, and you prepare minimal furniture... You don’t want to stay in
Ryzen Castle for long?”

“It’s because that’s enough. If you go and need something, you can order it

“I want to beg you to be extravagant...”

Killian shook his head.

He scrambled with me with all kinds of ‘coma’ items, and even went so far as to
call all the famous jewelers in the capital to see what he didn’t like, but the ruby
necklace he brought back was enough for me.
The assurance that a piece of his heart was always with me was enough.

Because what determines the happiness of Killian and me won’t be the number
of items in the castle or the number of jewels I own.


And half a year later, Cliff and Liese’s wedding was held in the hall of Duke
Ludwig’s residence.

‘Looks like the main characters’ wedding.’

True, that seemed grand at the time, but everything about Killian and my
marriage was on a simplified scale. The atmosphere of the guests on both sides
was not good, so the reception ended quickly.

But maybe it was because Cliff was the heir to the Duke, or maybe because they
were the main characters in the original story, this wedding felt like everything
the Duke could do was poured out.

‘I’m glad it wasn’t a wedding like this. By evening, the bride dies.’

But Liese, who likes to be in the spotlight, might like a wedding like this.

However, even though the original author’s powers were all gone, whether the
privilege still remained, and despite the fact that the full story of what Liese had
done to me in the past was revealed, she was still Cliff’s lover and bride, and she
did not receive any ‘punishment’.

It was a bit unfair for me, who almost got punished without committing any
crime, but if Liese died or disappeared and Cliff turned black, it would be a bit
of a headache for me and Killian, so I decided to think positively.
Contrary to what I thought, however, in the past half a year, the relationship
between Cliff and Liese has become a bit delicate.

Liese, who had lost the power of the original author, made all sorts of demands
to Cliff, as if she somehow wanted to be in the same spotlight as the original
Liese, and Cliff, who met all her demands at first, also treated her with a rather
tired face around the time of the wedding. There was.

‘I don’t know how the hell he took my advice, no, she accepted it.’

It’s okay to quit the old angel table play, but for some reason Liese’s eyes,
which became fiercer by the day, were a little uneasy.

Whether it was only me who felt that, even the Duchess, who used to adore her,
said that she hadn’t been looking for her lately.

The Duke was even skeptical about Cliff and Liese’s marriage, but the past that
had given Liese the ‘light of Lorraine’ held him back.

Perhaps Cliff hastened the marriage because of the Duke’s attitude.

‘Maybe this is the punishment given to Liese. That mobster still doesn’t know
how great it is to lose the people who loved her.’

If Liese doesn’t change, then from now on, she will live her life watching the
love of others she held in her hands and the luck based on their love disappear
like sand.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 132



‘Well, Cliff and the Duke and Duchess of Liese should live well on their own.
I’ll live my life caring only about my own happiness.’

I was thinking about such leisurely things, but how did he misunderstand my
expression as I looked around the wedding hall? Killian said something scary.

“If... If you want to do another wedding...”

“Are you crazy?”

“...There’s no such thing as crazy, right?”

“I’m sorry for being harsh, but it was really hard for me to endure our wedding.
Have you ever endured a day wearing a dress that seemed to show off your
breasts even if you bowed down a little, and even wearing high heels?”

Just talking about it makes me sweat cold.

“At that time... I thought you liked to dress like that.”

“I told you. All the actions that I would be criticized for were all done by ‘the
person whose name I cannot tell’. I thought my spine would break on our
wedding day.”
At my tired voice, Killian chuckled and started laughing.

At that time, the guests started to come in and Killian and I stood at the entrance
with the Duchess to greet them.

“Oh my God, Edith! No, you’re Countess Ryzen now, right? It’s late, but I heard
you. They said you suffered a lot.”

An elderly woman I don’t know her face comforted me by holding my hands


In the meantime, rumors circulating in the social world were not limited to

The story of how I fell out of favor with the family while trying to stop Count
Rigelhoff’s conspiracy to treason, and because of that, suffered a lot, evoked
sympathy from many people.

“Thank you for your concern, madam. I’m fine now thanks to Killian and my
parents-in-law’s taking good care of me. I hope you have a good time today.”

I smiled brightly and sent the wife into the ceremony hall.

I didn’t know how many more times I would have to say hello like this, but
since it’s my duty, I have no choice but to do my best until my facial muscles

‘Still, if it was like before, there wouldn’t have been such a friendly
atmosphere... Is it because the flow of the original work has disappeared?’

It was not even rumored that I was the illegitimate child of Count Rigelhoff’s
At the execution site, Sophia screamed loudly as if she were taking revenge for
the last time and revealed the secret of my birth. In fact, many illegitimate
children like me were born in other families, and married brothers often hid
them by adopting them, so it wasn’t such a big revelation.

Still, it was a fact that I was of the Rigelhoff family, but people were
unexpectedly looking at me as a victim.

‘That’s why the flow of the original story has been bullying me so far.’

Once again, while I was fortunate that I had won the game against the original
author, I also felt somewhat discouraged.


“...Ah! Sorry. Did you call?”

“If you feel unwell...”

“No! I am okay.”

I smiled wholeheartedly at Killian, who looked at me with a worried look.

Now I have Killian by my side.

Just having the person I love next to me made it possible for me to shake off
even a minor sense of discouragement.

I feel like I have grown to a higher level as a human being.

As the reception of the guests was almost over, a middle-aged couple was
looking around and hesitating as they checked their invitations several times.

They seemed to be wearing the best clothes they had, but since it was a wedding
attended by high-ranking nobles, they looked relatively shabby.

I greeted them with a broad smile.

“Baron Ruben! Baroness!”

Their faces were startled when they heard them calling.

“Oh, how are you? Excuse me... We came after receiving the invitation, but I’m
sorry, but actually we don’t have connections in the capital... I don’t know who
greeted you.”

You will probably be embarrassed.

It wasn’t enough to suddenly send a wedding invitation from a ducal family they
didn’t know at all, and said he would provide all the expenses for the trip and a
place to stay.

But they deserved all of this and more.

“Don’t you know me?”

“I’m sorry.”

“You did good to a woman whose identity was unknown and her face was
beaten in a mess, and gave her a carriage ride. I am that woman then.”

As expected, they stared at me with even more surprise than before.

I introduced the Baroness Ruben and his wife to Killian.

“When I ran away from Wellesley’s cottage, they drove me to the center of the
capital in a carriage. If it wasn’t for these people, I might have died on the road.”

“You have been my wife’s lifesavers! I’m sorry I couldn’t figure it out. I am
Killian, the second son of the Ludwig family and Count Ryzen.”

“Then... This, this one...”

“This is my wife, Edith Ryzen. At the time you helped my wife, the opposition
family kidnapped her.”

Baron Ruben and his wife were perplexed, not knowing what to do.

I said while holding the hands of Baron Ruben and his wife.

“I told you I would definitely repay the favor. First of all, I’d like to introduce
you to people who can help Baron Ruben at today’s wedding.”

I had already done my research on them.

Olives were mainly grown in the small estate of Baron Ruben, but he, who was
not very good at commerce, was not getting the right price even though he was a
good quality olive.
I deliberately put them next to Viscount Mo, who is running a big fruit
distribution business.

Of course, he greeted them both.

‘Because he’s a quick-witted person, he’ll quickly figure out why I introduced
him to the country baron.’

Besides, I won’t overcharge the person I introduced.

Of course, I didn’t mean to be condescending to this extent.

Since they were interested in their children’s education, their children would be
able to attend the capital’s academy with the support of the Ryzen family.

Of course, as long as the Baron Ruben family did not change their mind in the
middle, they would always be friends with the Ryzen family.

‘I’m glad I could repay the favor.’

Seeing the bewildered but happy Baron and his wife Ruben, I also found
comfort in my heart.


Cliff and Liese’s wedding has begun.

When the orchestra played a splendid song that was incomparably larger than at
Killian and Edith’s wedding, Cliff, dressed in a white suit, held the hand of the
dazzlingly beautiful Liese and proceeded to the altar together.
“Oh my god... She is so pretty.”

“Miss Liese’s beauty has been famous since before. She just looked young
before, but now she looks like an adult?”

People were still friendly to Liese.

It seemed that rumors had not yet spread that she had completely halved the line
of her good-natured life.

‘Anyway, it doesn’t matter that I like you, well.’

Killian pondered.

Even though he was once in love, her wedding was uneventful.

If there was any sentiment, it was the part called Liese’s ‘wedding’, not Liese’s

He kept thinking of his and Edith’s wedding.

‘You were pretty, Edith...’

The dizzying cleavage of her voluptuous breasts was openly visible through the
dress, so people’s eyes were directed only there, but in fact, Edith that day was
really beautiful.

Her reddish-brown hair was intricately braided up, and the white nape of her
neck was smooth enough to bite.
Despite the not-so-good wedding atmosphere, Edith was proud without being
intimidated in the slightest.

‘I was nasty and I did something childish... Now that I think about it, I feel
ashamed to death.’

Killian’s face turned red as he recalled the rudeness he had committed the
moment he shared his wedding ring.

I didn’t even hold Edith’s outstretched hand and put the ring on using only two
fingers. I snatched the ring I was going to wear before Edith did and put it on

‘Even then, Edith didn’t show any signs of getting angry or offended.’

Unlike me, who behaved childishly, she affectionately kissed the children who
brought the ring so that they would not panic. Again, her caring heart touched

In any case, at the wedding where everything went badly, Killian’s impression
of Edith was, in one word, ‘vulgar.’

But on the other hand, I couldn’t deny that she was beautiful and enchanting.

You don’t know how embarrassed I was when I was forced to enter the bridal
chamber at Liese’s suggestion.

On the empty bed, there was only the bed linen that the priest had thrown off.

And as he followed the escaping steam behind the veil, he momentarily stopped
The strange figure of Edith, who had been sleeping naked in a large bathtub,
ignited his dormant lust.

“Why are you laughing so hard?”

Edith poked his side from the side.

He seemed to smile involuntarily as he recalled the image of Edith waking up

and not yielding to my provocation and asking casually, “So, are you going to

The priest’s officiating ceremony continued boringly. It was clear that Edith was
bored and stabbed him.

“Because I realized how stupid I was.”

“What do you mean?”

“It’s nothing.”

Killian lightly kissed Edith’s eyes.

Before the wedding, I heard rumors that Edith was bragging about her marriage
to me.

So, naturally, Edith had high expectations from this marriage and I thought that
she liked me.

However, seeing the Edith that was so different from what I expected, I
remembered how embarrassed I was.
Of course, according to Edith, Edith, who was rumored to be getting married to
me, and Edith on the day of the wedding were two different souls, so it was only
natural that the atmosphere between the two was completely different.

But if I really wasn’t interested in Edith, I shouldn’t have cared how she turned

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 133



‘At that time, I had already fallen for Edith. On that subject, I wanted to believe
that I was different from other men.’

I was stupid, childish and arrogant.

‘It would have been better had I had a more serious conversation with Edith
back then... I think I’ve hurt Edith too much. She is such a nice woman...’

Killian let out a long sigh as he watched Edith congratulate the woman who tried
to hurt her.
‘If you leave this woman alone, she will definitely act smart and spread it out to
others. It can’t be, she’ll be protected by me.’

She held her chin up and said everything she had to say, but in the end, she was
a woman who embraced him generously.

“Today’s Liese is really beautiful. It’s kind of embarrassing.”

“You are prettier.”

Killian lowered his face into Edith’s ear as he was clapping and whispering,
pretending to answer her, then kissed her cute earlobe and bit her it lightly.

The ears were a particularly weak area for Edith.

“Oops! Killian!”

Just looking at Edith, who was flinching, made his dry saliva go down.

“How long will the wedding be today?”

“I don’t know, but the reception will last until midnight.”


Edith laughed as she watched Killian swear lowly.

“Does the bride know how delicious it is to die?”

“Should I be the only one who can’t undress you right now?”
Edith, who was shaking her shoulders at the voice of Killian whispering lewd
pushes, glanced playfully at Killian and slapped his forearm.

Then, quietly, she whispered in Killian’s ear.

“We could disappear for an hour after lunch and no one would know.”

“It is nice to hear that. Your room? Or my room?”

“...Or, a balcony on the third floor where no one comes?”

“Ha... Seriously, you were determined to torture me.”

“I remember my grandfather’s funeral, Killian. Oh! It’s our turn to clap.”

Killian and Edith clapped together with the others with the dignified expressions
of a count couple again, but inside they were just a hot-blooded newlyweds who
had just fallen in love.


Killian’s acquisition of the title of Count Ryzen had already been decided while
I was recuperating.

At that time, Killian was in the mood to go down to Ryzen right away, so Duke
Ludwig hurriedly reported to the imperial family, and from then on, Killian was
Count Ryzen.
Although the trip to estate was delayed a little because of Cliff and Liese’s
marriage, we didn’t neglect our preparations, so we were able to head straight to
territory shortly after Cliff and Liese’s wedding.

“Take care of yourself.”

“Mother and father, please stay healthy. I will post a letter as soon as I arrive.”

On the day we left the Ludwig Mansion, Duchess Ludwig couldn’t hide her
tears, and Duke Ludwig was clearly saddened.

However, since Cliff had already been chosen as the successor, it was natural for
the second son to receive a different title and leave for the estate.

“To my jealousy, you are one step ahead of me.”

Cliff also shook hands with Killian with a sad expression on his face.

“Come to think of it, it is. I think it started when I got Edith.”

“Who would have known that you would end up like this?”

That’s how it is.

Killian was making people feel ashamed by bragging about me everywhere.

But if you think about it, isn’t it Cliff who said that he had a complex because
Killian never defeated him?
Whether it’s thanks to me or not, I’m happy if Killian is at least a little bit out of
the complex about his older brother.

After a long exchange of greetings, our party hurriedly departed the capital.
Time was running out to reach the village that would be our stopover before

“Okay then, let’s go!”

At Killian’s command to depart, the carriage I rode in began to move with a jolt.

I grabbed Anna’s hand as she sat next to me.

“Are you nervous?”

“I get nervous... You can look forward to it.”

I gave Anna a nervous smile.

But I wasn’t afraid or anxious.

All of this felt very good.

“A lot will change, Anna. Not just me or Killian, but you too.”

“Thank you for this opportunity, madam.”

“It’s very awkward to be called Mrs.”

I laughed out loud with Anna.

However, the journey to Ryzen was not easy.

My body was agitated enough to give me a headache from having to go by

carriage on an unmaintained road, and the darkening under my eyes seemed to
be getting darker as the days went by because I had to do errands in the grass
and it was difficult to wash properly.

However, such fatigue disappeared as if it had been washed off as soon as we

arrived at Ryzen.

“Here... It’s Ryzen!”

“How is it? It is still a simple rural area, but the potential for future development
is endless.”

“So good. Really.”

While our hearts were pounding at the panoramic view of Ryzen through the
carriage’s window, the carriage carrying us entered the castle of Lord Ryzen.

“Ryzen has a new owner. My name is Vincent, the butler of the castle.”

Butler Vincent, who had been managing the castle, looked a little younger than
Philip of Ludwig Mansion.

However, it may be as good as the first hair, the castle that had not been owned
in the meantime was very neat.

In addition, the furniture and items I ordered and sent in advance were put in
their places, so I thought I would have to organize my luggage as soon as I
“What... It may be lacking in many ways compared to Duke Ludwig’s residence,

“I like it.”

There’s no way I wouldn’t like the things I chose and ordered after consulting
with Killian one by one.

However, it seemed that Killian felt that even that was not enough.

“If you need anything, don’t worry. I will place an order right away.”

I wonder if Ti, a boy who grew up not knowing what he was lacking from a
young age, is like this.

Good things are filling the castle, so what else to buy?

“No. For living, this is enough. If you need anything, buy it with my permission.
You tend to waste some money.”


“Sure. You got mad at me for selling things I didn’t need.”

“It wasn’t that I was angry...!”

“To develop the territory, we must tighten our belts from now on.”
When I said it with my fists clenched, Killian tried to refute something, but
ended up laughing.

“Somehow, it seems that the role has changed from what I thought... I’ll have to
push myself to keep up with you.”

“Of course! If you’re lazy, she won’t look after you because she’s your husband.
I will be very angry!”

“Ha ha ha! Even if you’re scared, you’ll have to do your best.”

Are you laughing now?

Will it be able to follow the schedule of Korean office workers who are trained
to work overtime?

Even though I had a dark heart to exploit workers, I smiled at Killian at the
interview like a boss who smiles with a good impression.

There’s no need to scare you already.

After looking around the castle, we took a bath, changed into simple clothes, and
went up to the fortress wall to get some fresh air.

A cool breeze blew and dried her still damp hair.

“It is beautiful.”

“It was the most beautiful place among the estates my father had.”
Mountains that were not too steep surrounded the territory, and wheat and barley
grew in the wide fields.

There seemed to be some orchards in the distance, and there were quite a few
private houses.

“The market has been growing since a few years ago.”

“If you give us a way to go through Mount Philiac more comfortably, Ryzen
will grow explosively.”

“Before that, we need to strengthen security and develop from the roads within
the territory.”

“Oh, and we need doctors and schools! There must be a clinic where commoners
can go when they are sick or injured, so the population of the territory will
increase, and thieves and beggars will decrease if children are properly taught.”

“You’re right. Then we need to find competent doctors and teachers. To pay
their labor... I’ll have to tighten my belt like you said.”

We talked for a long time about what was needed for Ryzen’s development, and
then took a deep breath for a while.

It wasn’t because I didn’t have anything to say.

My heart was so full that I needed to calm myself down a bit.

Originally, there was almost no fine dust in this world, but Ryzen boasted even
cleaner air than the capital city.
Then I laughed and said.

“But the body is scary.”


“Actually, I didn’t know you would bring me this far. Thank you.”

“If I don’t bring you... Who am I bringing?”

“Like the Count inclair said, you could have divorced me properly and
remarried to a woman from a really decent family.”

I expressed my gratitude in my own way, but Killian’s expression was getting

more stern every minute. The eyes staring at me seemed to be burning with fire.


“That’s why I gave up my realistic interests and brought you... It’s because of
the ‘body’...?”


“Body? Body? Sigh...! This woman is really...!”

I didn’t know what mistake I had made, so I was lingering around when Killian
suddenly hugged me tightly around the waist and gave me an ominous smile.

“I have to pay the price for downgrading Killian Ryzen’s love to my body. Is not
“Yes? Wh, what?”

“You stupid woman! I love! I say I love you!”

At that moment, I was a little dazed. I wonder what I just heard from Killian...

Meanwhile, Killian lifted me up.

“Kyaaak! Killian!”

“Save your neck, Edith. You have to keep screaming in bed from now until
tomorrow morning.”

It was too late to find out why Killian was offended, but it was too late.

I was so ashamed to see the servants around me wide open their eyes and lower
their heads urgently that I buried my face in my hands.

Of course, there was no way I would hate this situation that my husband, whom
I had acquired, would love me for.


I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 134 (Complete)


SPECIAL STORY 1. Manor Life Starting From Zero

As punishment for lowering Killian’s love to body, I had to suffer from his back
for days.

During the day, whenever someone said something, he would put on a lonely
expression, saying ‘We live for our bodies’, and at night...

‘Why are you confirming with your body that Killian’s love is not about your
body? It doesn’t match!’

I was chewing on those thoughts even as I reached my climax in Killian’s arms

pushing me.

“Because there is no other way to show it. Even if you try to buy me a present, I
all refuse...”

To the words I threw as a joke, Killian replied again dissatisfied.

Killian was impatient to buy me anything, but I really didn’t need anything

Choi Soo-na, who used to write down household accounts in an old studio,
became the owner of a large castle, what would be regretful?

“You already bought me this and that when I came down from the capital.”
The ruby necklace I gave away to the mercenaries is still hanging around my
neck thanks to Killian’s recovery, and my jewelry box is full of jewelry of my

The dressing room was also filled with practical and pretty dresses, and there
was no shortage of other accessories, cosmetics, and shoes.

“No, those were of course necessary. What... Music boxes, glass dolls, high-end
scented candles... Don’t you like that?”

“Do you get something like that?”


Killian seemed to be missing the ‘pretty trash’ that Liese coveted, but I wanted
to save that money and fix the road to estate rather than spend money on things
like that.

‘But first, I’ll have to take care of the castle.’

I wasn’t talking about the household items or furnishings in the castle. They are
already plentiful.

The problem I encountered was the hierarchical problem with the servants.

Servants who had been without owners for a long time had strong personalities
at best, and arrogant at worst.

Killian treated me with a respectful attitude, while I looked like an outsider for a
Maybe the rumors about me were bad.

‘It takes a long time for rumors of the capital to spread in the countryside, so
they’ll still think I’m a villainess here.’

It was obvious even if I hadn’t heard of my rumors here.

Innocent Killian had no choice but to marry a lustful villainess due to the
Rigelhoff family’s scheme, and the kind-hearted Killian killed all the Rigelhoffs
but couldn’t even kill his own wife, so he brought her.

It’s probably because they don’t know how immature Killian is yet.

“Anyway, the attitude of the servants is a bit problematic. If Killian finds out, it
will be a big mess.”

“Maybe... I guess so.”

Anna answered like a sigh.

“The maids here are naive and diligent, but on the other hand, they seem proud
and stubborn.”

“It seemed so. They say hello to me, but their expressions are really bad.”

While I was walking down the hallway thinking about how to do this, two maids
just happened to pass by from the opposite side.

They just passed by, averting their gaze and nodding their heads in a very
careless manner.
Seeing that, Anna’s complexion was worse than mine.

“I will give them a tingling soul.”

“No. If you do, Anna will be left out among her maids. Leave it alone for now.”

“But, madam.”

“The human heart cannot be forced to move.”

Actually, I was helpless too, but I didn’t want to forcefully create a hierarchy by
beating or punishing the servants.

Fortunately, the clue to solving the problem was given by Killian.

“Something troubling has happened.”

“What is it?”

“The craftsman we commissioned the tapestry for... He died of old age.”

Even so, I was a little anxious from the time I left it.

I was worried that we would be able to weave a tapestry of the size we requested
before we died, but as expected...

“But don’t worry. I’ll find another place soon and ask for it.”

Killian seemed worried that I would be disappointed, but I didn’t really think
much of it.
Honestly, I’m not even sure why he would pay so much money for a tapestry
hanging on a castle wall...

‘For a moment. But why pay that much money to the artisan of the capital?
There are too many people who need money in our territory!’

It felt like a light bulb was turning on in my head.

“It worked out better.”

“You mean your father-in-law is dead?”

“No! It’s a pity, but now that I think about it, I wonder if it’s really necessary to
entrust the tapestry to the artisans of the capital.”

Killian tilted his head.

“However, local workshops are not very skilled. When weaving tapestries, we
employ the women of the neighborhood with our own hands.”

“Exactly, Killian!”

“...Do you want to do 20 questions with me?”

I said with a smile.

“The production cost of one large tapestry was 5 million senna. If you entrust it
to the tapestry craftsmen of our estate, wouldn’t it be possible to make one large
and one medium tapestry?”
“We could make more than that. But...”

“Good for you! Then, let the local artisan supervise the weaving of the tapestry,
and we will also use the women of our estate!”

“But the quality won’t be very good.”

“It’s just a decoration hanging on the wall. Wouldn’t it be more meaningful if

the villagers during the off-farm season could earn income with it?”

Killian was silent for a moment.

From the perspective of Killian, who was born and lived as a great aristocrat in
the capital, it must have been because my attitude was too sloppy, but Killian
hesitantly opened his mouth.

“Thank you, Edith.”

“Huh? What, what?”

“For thinking of the locals even when buying luxury items.”

Then Killian took my hand and kissed the back of my hand.

“I consider myself lucky to have a wife as kind and wise as you.”

Wow, chicken...
I thought the modifier ‘beautiful and wise’ had disappeared since Shin

“Killian. You often seem to forget, just as you are the lord of the land, I am the
wife of the lord of the land. It’s only natural that I think of our estate.”

Then Killian grinned.

“Well, it seems that you have more ambitions for developing the territory than I

“Sure! Someday, I will make it the best territory of the empire. Everyone wants
to come and live in Ryzen.”

After that day’s conversation, I met with the tapestry artisans in the estate to
discuss their opinions on tapestry production, and signed a contract to produce
the tapestry after the fall harvest.

However, this work received an unexpectedly good response.

“The maids in the castle are asking about the madam these days.”

“Uh? Suddenly?”

“I think it’s because of the tapestry job.”


According to Anna, people in Ryzen always think there is not enough work.
Especially when the harvest is over and winter comes, from then on, they have
to live by eating what they have accumulated, but since the winter is cold and
long, it is said that when spring comes, there is nothing left in hand.

“That’s why I’m grateful that the castle’s luxuries are given to the women of the
territory as part of their work, rather than commissioned by the capital’s

“Then I’m really glad.”

I didn’t do anything great, but I felt proud that I was helping people’s lives.

And at the same time, I came to think about the meaning of living while ruling

‘If I’d been living in the capital and received news of the territory, I wouldn’t
have known any of these details.’

I wanted to know how people survive the winter, what they need in spring, what
the bad habits of land are, and what kind of help people really need.

So from the next day, I personally visited places that did odd jobs.

“No, madam!”

“What’s going on here...”

When I appeared, the people who were covered in soot stood up in surprise.
They were the people who cut and burned firewood to heat the castle.

“It’s a lot of work. I’m here to check the workplace for a bit.”
“Oh, to such a shabby place...”

“Are there any shortages of equipment needed for cutting wood and chopping

“That, that’s it, I’ll just write what’s there.”

“How much of what?”

I went down just in case, and sure enough, all of the axes, saws, pokers, and ash
barrels were old.

“Tell me what you need.”

At my words, the workers noticed the butler behind me first.

“Tell me when I’m there so I can buy what you really need.”

Then they exchanged glances with each other and then opened their mouths with

“The axes are all worn out, but...”

“There is a limit to sharpening the blade...”

After all, it seems that they were not comfortable with the old ax either.

“Vincent. Did you hear?”

“Yes, madam. But what I am writing now is still useful.”

“It’s usable, but it’s not at a comfortable level for work. Let’s raise the
efficiency a bit. Take good care of what they used and share it with those in
need in the village.”

“All right.”

“And add a first aid kit and leather work gloves. There is always a risk of getting
hurt, so something like that is absolutely necessary.”

“Yes, madam.”

I was greeted by the workers and headed to the laundry room.

There, too, was as busy and poor as the woodcutting place, and everyone was
surprised to the point where their eyes popped out when I appeared.

“No, madam!”

I looked down at them as they bowed down, thinking they had done something
wrong, and then I looked around the entire laundry room.

‘This... Where do I start to make it right?’

A dark room, damp air mixed with the smell of water mold, hands with eczema
from always washing clothes with wet hands...

I could understand why the laundry maid is the lowest rank among maids.

“Yes, madam.”

“Let’s change the laundry room.”


“If they continue to work here, it is natural that they will get sick. I should move
the laundry room to a place that is well ventilated and sunny.”

“There is no such place on the first floor of the castle.”

“If it doesn’t exist, I’ll make it.”

Vincent involuntarily opened his eyes wide and opened his mouth.

“I have to make it properly, so come to my room tomorrow with the two best
laundry maids and a designer.”

“Ah, I see.”

Vincent’s voice was trembling, but the facial expressions of the laundry room
maids brightened.

In that way, I toured the kitchen, the bedroom, the wine cellar and food storage,
the servants’ quarters, and so on.

Vincent was getting the maximum result with the minimum investment, but I
didn’t want the comfort of replacing others like that.
I wanted to live happily with everyone here.

‘I never thought the day would come when I would be considered lucky that I
was in the lower class of the labor market in my previous life.’

Killian, a ruler to the bone, will lead Ryzen well, but I, a petit bourgeois to the
bone, will need to pull his reins.

Tomorrow’s Ryzen will definitely be a different place than today’s Ryzen.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 135 (Special Story)


SPECIAL STORY 2. The Lord’s Wife

Killian and I decided to inspect the estate before winter came.

The hierarchy in the castle was getting better and better, and I was quite used to
life in Ryzen, so it was a good time to inspect.

If only Killian had gone out, I would have looked around on horseback, but I
really wanted to look around every corner of the estate with my own eyes.
I wonder if Killian didn’t intend to leave me alone, an open car to ride with me...
Instead, an open wagon (?) was produced.

We looked around the estate in a small wagon with a hole in the top and front.

“Right now wheat sowing and autumn vegetable harvest are in full swing.”

“The largest product of the territory is wheat. The quality is pretty good.”

Killian’s aide explained each time we passed through the manor.

The appearance of the well-organized land after sowing and the grown vegetable
garden with fine grains was beautiful.

In some places, villagers gathered to harvest pumpkins and carrots, and children
who were not yet of working age were playing around and laughing.

As we passed, the locals who were working took off their hats and bowed in

‘Huh? What is that...?’

I found something that bothered me, but I kept my mouth shut because I hadn’t
looked around the territory yet.

The carriage passed through a wide field and entered the town of the manor,
where private houses were gathered.

Although it was an urban area, it was not as densely populated with buildings as
in the capital city, and the market was a bit sloppy.
However, although it was lax, the size of the market was not small.

“Fifty percent of the population of the territory live in Mazuka Street, which can
be called the main city center of the territory.”

As the aide introduced, the streets were quite crowded and lively.

Just looking at it seemed like it would make me smile.

Merchants shouting to buy goods in a loud voice, people negotiating and paying
the price, which is like a fight, steamy snack stands and children wandering in
front of them, neighbors greeting them warmly as they pass by...

But I also found something troubling there.

‘Why are you doing that?’

In the fields busy with harvesting and planting, in this noisy market, I saw
children sitting in wooden boxes with a lethargic look on their faces.

The people who seemed to be the children’s mothers glanced at her from time to
time, but they were busy with work and couldn’t really pay attention.

“Hey, Sir Altens. What are those kids? I’ve seen people putting their children in
boxes like that from earlier...”

At first, I thought it was made as a substitute for a crib when the children were
young, but when I looked closer, the children inside the box were of different
The children were looking enviously at the other children who were playing, and
they just seemed to have no idea.

“These children are sick children. These days, during the busy farming season,
even the children in the family have to work, so there was no one to take care of
them, so I had no choice but to bring them out.”


“It is not an epidemic. There have been no reports of contagious diseases in the
territory yet. They are probably born with some kind of crippling disease, like
Crosoe’s disease, which has no known cause or cure.”

It was only then that I felt like I knew why my eyes went to those children.

Their expressions must... It was because I resembled the expressions of the

children I saw in the pediatric cancer ward in my previous life.

“Is there any hospital that locals can go to?”

“A hospital? Are you talking about the doctor?”

“Yes. Doctor. Or at least a pharmacist...”

Killian’s aide, Lord Altens, answered my question with a look of regret.

“The doctor is too expensive for commoners to use. All they have to do is go to
the apothecary who handles herbs.”

“But the medicines the pharmacists prescribe aren’t going to be enough to cure
those children’s illnesses, right?”
“...It is difficult not only for Ryzen, but for the common people of the entire
empire to find a doctor. I don’t know about the wealthy commoners in the

I nodded.

It wasn’t Sir Altense’s fault that the villagers couldn’t go to the doctor.

Killian just stared at me like that, then smiled.

“Looks like you have a lot to say to me when you get back to the castle.”

“You are surprisingly quick-witted.”

“It feels strange to hear someone complimenting me for being quick-witted by

someone as ignorant as you.”

I wanted to refute it, but if you say something, ‘I dismissed my love as a body.’ I
kept my mouth shut because I thought I was going to say something like that.

And as soon as we returned to the castle, I grabbed Killian and started a


“We really need a treatment center that the locals can use. In order for estate to
grow, the population must increase, and what is more important than increasing
the birth rate is to increase the survival rate of children and mothers who have
already given birth.”

“I agree. However, as Lord Altens said earlier, building a treatment center does
not mean that the territories can use it. Treatment at the clinic is expensive.”
“So the lord should support us.”

I was thinking about national health insurance.

It was thanks to Korea’s medical insurance that I was able to continue my life
despite living in poverty and sickness.

Of course, it was impossible to introduce the system as it is here. People here

would rather buy an extra loaf of bread than pay insurance premiums that feel
like they’re running out of money.

“I said I remember my past life, right? In my previous life, there was something
called ‘National Health Insurance’. All citizens pay a certain amount as ‘medical
insurance’ according to their income level. Those with more money get more
money, and those with less money get less money.”

“Are you saying that you save money and use it when you are sick?”

“There are many more complicated things, but to put it simply, yes. The state
made a profit by investing with the collected insurance premiums, and people
could use hospitals with little money when they were sick.”

Of course, this was possible only when the number of health insurance
subscribers was large. It also required the cooperation of doctors.

However, I really wanted to establish a similar system in Ryzen.

“Ryzen people won’t have the money to pay insurance premiums right away.
So, doing public service is a substitute for paying medical bills. And 70% of the
medical expenses are supported by the lord.”
Killian groaned and rubbed his chin.

“But when people flock to the doctor, they can’t afford it all.”

“No. You didn’t forget that we had to pave the way to Mount Philiac, right?
Considering the wages of those workers, it is not a business that is losing
money. Besides, since 30% is the person’s burden, no one will go to the clinic
even though they are not sick.”

I was waiting for something to mobilize people anyway. And paying their wages
all at once was a burden even for Killian.

If we call it ‘medical insurance payment’ and use people for free, and then spend
it step by step with medical expenses support when they go to the hospital, we
could do both things at the same time without a big hit to our financial situation.

“Hmm... Sounds plausible. Then we should think about bringing a doctor.”

“We need to design the system in more detail, so we need competent

administrators. And we need to quickly spread this system to the local people.
That way, when they start working, they will minimize the backlash.”

Killian raised an eyebrow.

“My wife, as it turned out, was the goose that laid the golden eggs.”

“Please don’t open the stomach.”

“Come here, Edith.”

I always couldn’t resist when Killian suddenly called out to me in plain

Originally honorific words when a male character is sexy, it’s when he suddenly
speaks rudely.

Killian hugged me as I hesitated and then sneaked up to me. Then he sat me on

his lap and kissed me all over the place.

On my lips, on the tip of my nose, on my cheeks and forehead...

Will there come a day when I can naturally accept Killian’s overflowing
expressions of affection and do something for him?

While I was enjoying his warm embrace, Killian asked quietly.

“Past life... Eh, maybe... Were you very sick?”

Killian hasn’t yet accepted all the stories about my past life, but he’s still trying
to believe me anyway.

“Um... I had the kind of disease that would have me dying here.”

Killian just swallowed his saliva without answering.

“I was 15 years old, I had health insurance, I had high medical skills, and I was
lucky enough to be able to extract the right bodily fluid from my brother’s body,
so I saved my life. But then... I didn’t want to live that long.”

“My parents didn’t bother me that I was sick, and my brother told me to die.”

Killian’s hand on his shoulder trembled.

“Was Shane your brother in a previous life?”

“It’s not like that, but to be honest, when I first possessed Edith, I was horrified
because Shane was just as bad as my older brother in my previous life.”

Killian gently stroked my shoulders and back.

It was a warm touch, as if comforting Soo-na Choi in her previous life, who had
never properly said the word that she was sick.

“Come to think of it, it was him who saved me, and it was him who killed me.
He always told me to know that I was alive thanks to him.”

“If I had been with you in my previous life, I would have cut off that brother’s

“Haha! In the country where I lived, beheading someone in private, no matter

how wrong they were, was a serious crime. No matter how high a person is,
that’s not possible.”

“...It seems like a bit of an absurd world.”

I giggled and told him more about law and order from my previous life.

Killian was curious, but couldn’t agree with the story that executions were rarely
carried out.
I also talked more about health insurance and the health care system.

Killian kept asking, ’Is it magic?’, but was at a loss for words when I explained
that it was just human knowledge and technology, not magic or anything.

“So, I was a person who owed such medical technology and medical insurance,
and I was someone who knew how sad and unhappy it was to be sick. So I want
to give some hope to the sick people here.”

Killian nodded and hugged me tightly again.

“Every time I hear about your past life, it hurts me so much that I couldn’t be

“Thank you for hurting me. In my previous life, no one would have cared about
my disappearance, but since you comforted me here, nothing has gone wrong.”

It was sincere.

At one time, I felt sick thinking that someone would take care of my empty seat,
but now it’s okay.

Because there is a person next to me who cares about the vacant seat that he has
never seen and hurts his heart.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 136



From the year after coming down to the territory, we enthusiastically embarked
on the development of the territory.

Throughout the winter, the tapestries that village women worked hard on were
hung in the main hall and corridors of the castle, making the castle even more

There were many times when servants came up to me and talked to me or gave
me something.

“Lady! This, this...”

“Good morning, Theodore. But what is it?”

Anna, who was by my side, took the handing over from my servant, Theo,
instead of me.

“Oh, oh, I bought this morning, I went to the mountain to cut wood, I went, the
dog picked it up, I dug it...”

Theo was a servant who cut wood and chopped firewood, a shy and stuttering
man who was often nice to me.

Actually, I couldn’t understand what he was saying, but I did my best to laugh.

“Oh my, this!”

Opening the cloth wrapped in a cotton towel, Anna took a small admiration and
looked into it. There were two small lumps of earth lying there.

“What’s this?”

“It’s a truffle, madam. It’s hard to pick up, so it’s precious...”

“Uh? Are these the truffles?”

It was amazing.

In my previous life, I had eaten ‘truffle stuff potato chips’ with about 0.00001%
truffle oil, but it was the first time I saw real truffles.

“I can’t just accept something this precious! I’ll make this one from you.”

“Ah, ah, no! Just, as a gift... I want to give...”

Theo said so vaguely that he ran away.

‘To be able to really taste something that I couldn’t even smell properly in my
previous life, it’s worth possessing at least once.’

After smelling the unusual scent of truffles rising up, I passed it on to the
kitchen and told them to use it for dinner.

And that evening, Killian was the first to notice the truffles on the veal.

“It’s a truffle. Did the mushroom seller visit the castle?”

“No! This is what Theo dug up. He went to the mountain to pick up a tree, but
the dog I took with me suddenly started digging at the root of the tree. So you
cut two loaves, and you gave them as a gift for me to eat?”


Killian’s eyes narrowed.

“Yes. Theodore. He is a servant when chopping and burning firewood in our


“Is he a young man?”

“Uh... Around the late twenties?”

Killian’s hand gripped the fork with a lot of strength.

“Killian? What’s wrong? Doesn’t it fit in your mouth?”

“No... It’s nothing. Great.”

Killian suddenly asked while eating with a displeased face.

“Does this happen often?”

“What is this? What’s going on?”

“No, what... Servants give gifts...”

“Oh wow, this is all the fruit of my hard work!”

“Hard work...?”

Killian’s expression grew even weirder, but I raised my chin proudly inside and

“When I first came to the castle, I didn’t actually tell you, but the castle servants
had a crush on me.”

“I beg your pardon? Why didn’t you tell me that?”

“I was afraid you would get this excited.”

Killian made an embarrassed expression, perhaps not knowing that he would be

pointed out.

“It must have been embarrassing to suddenly have a new owner. I didn’t want to
force them into loyalty. So I went around the castle and created a good
environment for people to work.”

“Ah, like the new laundry room.”

“That’s right. As a result, my relationship with the servants improved, and there
were people who brought me gifts like this.”

To be honest, I’ve never felt a sense of belonging, either in a previous life or in

this one.

So it was even more gratifying.

“But the boys...”

“Is there anything that makes you happy?”


“I... In my previous life, I was on the outside at work. Do you know what it was
like at Duke Ludwig’s residence after being possessed? It makes me really,
really happy to see the employees greet me, smile sincerely, and even give me
gifts like this.”


Killian didn’t say anything as if he was sorry, as if he remembered the events in

the Ludwig family.

“What were you trying to say? I think I cut off halfway through...”

“Oh, no, nothing. I even eat. Theo... It’s a precious gift from him.”


I was delighted with my delicious dinner that evening.

Thanks to the people who work in the castle, that wasn’t the only happy thing.

“All, turn left! Stab it forward!”

Training was in full swing at the gymnasium every day.

The Ryzen Knights, which Killian has carefully maintained since last year, now
have a fairly plausible appearance.

Looking down from the castle to see Killian commanding the knights, I went
down to the gymnasium out of curiosity.


“Edith? Did something happen?”

“No. I just want to see the knights training up close.”

I may seem a little spoiled, but the lord’s wife also had to put her eyes on the
knights of the castle properly.

Because I am among the people they will protect.

“Meet the Countess!”

The knight commander approached me, got down on one knee, and asked for
my hand. When I held out my hand, they kissed me lightly on the back of my
hand, bowed once more, and withdrew.

And in line with his command, the entire Knights shouted loudly.

“Loyalty! For the glory of Ryzen!”

As they raised their swords and spears high in unison, and then knelt down on
the floor, their hearts suddenly pounded.
‘Me and Killian’s Knights!’

The thought that they were our knights who would protect us made me feel

“Everyone is having a lot of trouble. I think Killian is training too hard, but if
anything is too hard for you to bear, let me know.”

“Thank you for your words, ma’am.”

The knight commander who raised his head trembled with humility, but the
knights and soldiers behind him laughed at Killian and the knight commander.

“Anyone who visits my wife’s office in private will be hung upside down from a

The atmosphere would have been great if Killian hadn’t been so intimidating. It
was a joke, of course.

I glanced at Killian, greeted the knights, and returned to the castle.

My heart was pounding as I thought of the endless things I had to do in the



Killian was revisiting what a socialite scandal-maker his wife had been lately.

‘Theo... Theodore... Who is that?’

The day after Killian ate roast truffle calf, he found a worker named Theodore.

He guessed that the low-paid firewood chopper gave him a gift of a rare
mushroom that could earn about 150,000 senna at a time, and it wasn’t just out
of loyalty.

“Boo, boo, did you call, master?”

“...Was your name, Theodore?”

“Yes, that, it is.”

Killian let out a sigh.

Theo was a man Killian knew.

He was a bit late, having suffered from a fever as a child and then stuttering.

However, because of his good-natured and diligent character, Killian also liked
him. He even already had his wife and children, who were also simple and kind.

‘Theo wouldn’t covet Edith.’

Killian, a little embarrassed that he hadn’t even known his name yet, gave him
two gold coins worth 100,000 senna.

He declined several times, but Killian forced the gold coin into his hand.

“It’s you who suffered, but shouldn’t we be good with our mouths? Go and buy
your wife and children something tasty.”
At those words, Theo greeted him several times with a thrilled face and then
went back.

‘Am I overreacting? Well, there’s no way all the men in the world covet Edith...’

It was two days ago that I smiled and passed it over.

However, Killian brought back his doubts when he saw Edith being warmly
welcomed by the knights.

‘Where are those bastards looking now? Should I tell them to cover their eyes?’

Killian was dissatisfied with his wife who suddenly came down to the gym.

‘Why are you wearing a dress that reveals your neck like that today?’

Even though she was dressed naturally in the warm weather, Killian was very
concerned about the eyes of the knights staring at her.

Besides, he didn’t want Edith to give her hand just because the knight
commander was kneeling.

I didn’t like the fact that the knight commander put his snout on it.

‘You dare to put your mouth on my wife’s hand while I’m watching with my
eyes wide open?’

Even though it’s a greeting that all noble ladies do, Killian felt like a thousand
dollars were welling up inside.
“Everyone is having a lot of trouble. I think Killian is training too hard, but if
anything is too hard for you to bear, let me know.”

It was dazzling to see Edith smiling brightly like a spring breeze and
encouraging the knights and soldiers.

It was clear that Killian wasn’t alone in thinking that.

All the eyes of the guys lined up at the gymnasium were fixed on Edith.

And Killian realized at that moment.

‘Edith was originally as beautiful and kind as this. I just wasn’t aware of it...’

When Edith first entered Duke Ludwig’s mansion, he had no idea that she was
beautiful. No, he was consciously trying not to think about it.

But Edith was always beautiful from then until now, and even while Killian
himself didn’t realize that beauty, there must have been many eyes attached to

‘Because she was always talked about by men at social clubs.’

I know now that all their lewd words back then were bluffs, but their desires
probably weren’t lies.

Killian looked at Edith, who flinched at him because of the threats he had
uttered at the knights.

The sullen eyes and lips were so lovely.

‘Isn’t it natural to think that I don’t want to see such a lovely woman in front of

However, at the same time as thinking that, I also thought that if I did that, I
would be hated by Edith.

Frustrated, Killian drove Edith to the climax that night more violently than

I was upset and nervous, and I was afraid that Edith would give attention to a
man other than me, so I pushed her as if imprinting myself on her.

“Ki... Killian! Please stop...!”

“No... I don’t want to let you go...”

“Killian... What are you so afraid of? I’m always by your side...”

Burying his face in Edith’s chest, who saw through his feelings at once, Killian
made a small confession.

“I think I’m crazy. I’m jealous of every man in the world, I want to hide you.”

“Oh my God, Killian.”

Edith’s soft hands caressed his back and the back of his head.

“I love you.”
“Tell me one more time.”

“I love you, Killian. Do not forget that the reason I came back from the long-
distance carriage station was to die at your hands rather than live without you.”

In an instant, in Killian’s mind, Edith, who was sitting without an expression on

the cold execution ground, exposing her white neck, came to mind.

At that time, I was sad because I thought she didn’t want anything from me, but
when I found out that what she wanted was to face the end while looking at me,
I don’t know how heartbreaking it was.

There was no reason to doubt her.

“I’m sorry. I’ve been acting like an idiot again.”

“It is alright. If you’re anxious, you can doubt it. I’ll let you know whenever.
How much I love you.”

Killian hugged Edith’s soft body tightly.

“I love you, Edith.”

When a satisfied smile came out of Edith, Killian was finally able to put his
mind down.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 137

SPECIAL STORY 4. In Front of a Warm Fire

After a busy year without blinking an eye, winter has returned, when we have to
dig through the things we have accumulated over the past year.

You don’t know how long I’ve waited for winter since the wind got chilly.

This is because sweet potatoes were planted in a small field in Estate Castle this

The plump ripe sweet potatoes were dried well and then stacked in the

“It’s snowing a lot.”

Even though it was morning, Killian turned on the lamp in the dark room, pulled
the curtains and looked out for a while before saying.

“Because I feel like I’ve been tricked by my father. He said that it snows ‘a
little’ a lot, but this isn’t ‘a little’ level.”

Mount Philiac, which had already turned into a snowy white mountain, was
faintly visible through the misty blizzard.

“At this point, everyone is resting, well.”

I stretched, got up and called Anna.

After wiping our faces with the water Anna brought us and roughly wiping our
bodies with wet towels, we changed into warm and comfortable clothes and
looked around the castle.

It is to check that there is no snow in the castle, that there are no frozen food
materials stored, that there are no problems with heating, and that no one is sick
or suffering.

“Thankfully, there are no problems today.”

“It would be nice if the snow only came and stopped.”

I always had to pay attention to whether there would be any problems due to
heavy snowfall in the village, but since I had done quite a bit of construction for
winter facilities this year, it seemed that there would be no major accidents.

“Let’s eat sweet potatoes or roast them.”

“So be it.”

I sat in front of the large fireplace in the drawing room on the first floor of the
castle, gently skimming the ashes from under the burning firewood.

Then I buried some dried sweet potatoes.

“Hehe. You seem to be obsessed with roasted sweet potatoes now.”

“In fact, rather than eating sweet potatoes, I prefer sitting and talking with you
like this.”

“Eating sweet potatoes is too delicious for that.”

“...I’m not saying sweet potatoes taste bad.”

When I first started roasting sweet potatoes, Killian used to wonder why the
Countess was digging through the ashes.

Of course, the fuss subsided when I handed him a piping hot roasted sweet
potato in his mouth.

“How on earth did you know how to grow sweet potatoes? Is that also the
knowledge you knew from your previous life?”

“Oh, no. That... I learned it from reading agricultural books in the library of the
Ludwig Mansion.”

Killian, who was well covering the ash with a poker, turned to me.

“What did the future countess do to know how to grow sweet potatoes?”

“That is... I thought that someday I might have to run away at night. Then, I
didn’t know if I would have to grow something to make a living, so I learned
how to grow it, focusing on dry crops.”

Killian’s hand stopped.

“Run away at night?”

“Yes. I’m saying it now, but back then it was really serious. The Rigelhoffs
were in a mood to do something even if I stopped them, and the Ludwigs kept
doubting me.”
Killian’s expression hardened again.

But I didn’t mean to make him feel guilty.

“I didn’t resent you or the Ludwig family. At that time, I was just reading
agricultural books, thinking that I might be able to use them someday...”

“I’m sorry to you, but no matter what happened, you wouldn’t have succeeded
in escaping at night.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Because I would have chased after you and caught you.”

Ah, it seems that the hardening of Killian’s face earlier was not because of guilt,
but because of anger.

Anyway, the ‘obsessed man’ setting is still the same.

“But if I hadn’t changed my mind at the end, I might be in Dryburn or Appentus

by now.”

“No, I would have searched all the way there to find you, and you would have
been here right now, next to me, even if you hadn’t changed your mind there.”

“Ah... Yes, well, whatever.”

For some reason, it seems that the obsession that should have been directed
towards Liese has completely passed over to me.
I was approaching the fireplace to check if the sweet potatoes were done,
giggling at Killian’s affectionate threats.


As I was crawling on the floor, I suddenly felt a pain in my stomach.

‘I ate a lot of sweet potatoes, so I think my intestines are very active.’

Isn’t sweet potato a good crop for constipation?

Thanks to that, I’m going to the bathroom well these days, but sometimes my
stomach hurts because of too active bowel activity.

‘Still, I can’t give up on roasted sweet potatoes.’

Wearing thick gloves, I took out a well-baked sweet potato and put it on a plate.

Then, after peeling off the skin with a barrage of ’attoo!’, I shared it with Killian

Killian, who ate the baked sweet potato without noticing that there was soot on
his cheek, was quite cute.


After a long winter, the spring breeze slowly began to blow in Ryzen as well.

“The roasted sweet potato season is over. Now it feels like an undeniable
Others say that spring has arrived, but I was a little sad that winter was gone
after enjoying roasted sweet potatoes and a fireplace all winter long.

Killian made a shocking noise as he hugged me from behind saying such


“After eating roasted sweet potatoes as a snack in addition to meals throughout

the winter, you seem to have gained a little belly too.”

“Uh? Is it so?”

“It was a continuous life of eating, sleeping, eating and sleeping, almost like a
bear, wasn’t it? It is natural to gain weight.”

“Eww... I didn’t know.”

“Don’t starve just because you’re losing weight. Because you are still so pretty.”

Killian jokingly said, rubbing my belly fat.

For some reason, I slammed his hand down because I was angry, but Killian
rather kissed my cheek and lips like that without hesitation.

“Today, we need to check the southern part of the territory. I’ll be back soon, so
you’re resting.”

“Don’t just think about coming soon, take a close look without missing

“Ha... You seem to love our estate more than me.”

I finally kissed Killian, who was pretending to be sullen, and sent him away.

After confirming that he had left the castle gate, I called Anna.

“Anna. Bring the doctor.”

“Yes? My lady. Have you ever felt uncomfortable?”

“I’ll have to check that out, so don’t let anyone know and bring the doctor

The only thing Anna, who doesn’t respond to orders, asked back was about my

She ran away like the wind with a nervous expression on her face.

It’s not me, but I was lost in thought as I touched my soft, fleshy belly.

‘Come to think of it, I haven’t had my period for four months, how did I pass it
without knowing?’

Killian and I, who were busy throughout last year, solved the regrets of not
being able to be together last winter.

We stayed together all day, reading books, eating roasted sweet potatoes,
talking, and watching the snowy scenery.

It was so much fun that I must have forgotten that I hadn’t had my period for
four months.
And it wasn’t until this morning, when Killian told me that I felt a little bloated,
that he noticed it.

‘Haven’t you eaten anything strange in the meantime?’

It felt like I drank a sip or two of wine at dinner sometimes, so I felt anxious for
no reason.

‘No. I really could have gained weight because of roasted sweet potatoes.
Menstruation was originally a bit irregular.’

Even so, it was about two months delayed, but it could have gotten worse
because I pushed myself a little last year.

As I waited impatiently, Anna quickly brought a doctor.

“Where are you uncomfortable, ma’am?”

“It’s not that it’s uncomfortable... I want you to confirm that I am pregnant.”

At those words, the eyes of the doctor and Anna widened at the same time.

“No, madam!”

“Don’t make a fuss yet, Anna. It could just be a menstrual irregularity.”

Fearing that Anna would be disappointed, I quickly shattered my expectations

and started.
However, the doctor who examined me carefully smiled brightly and informed
me of the good news.

“Congratulations. You are pregnant. It seems like quite a while.”

“I menstruated... I haven’t done it in about four months. But I have a little

menstrual irregularity...”

“Excuse me, but I will touch the belly for a moment.”

After placing a thin towel on my belly, the doctor carefully touched my belly,
asked various questions, and nodded.

“Three months seems to be enough for you. Good news will spread throughout
the estate by this summer.”

I was relieved then and was able to laugh.

“Your baby is a filial son. I didn’t even give her morning sickness so that her
mother wouldn’t be tired.”

“Come to think of it, no matter how much I like sweet potatoes, I felt like I ate
too much. Was it morning sickness? Why, I heard there is such a thing as eating

“Maybe. But aren’t you tired?”

“It seems so. I didn’t have much to do, so I ate and slept, ate and slept.”

The doctor seemed happy, but Anna’s shoulders drooped.

“I have no face. Even though I am a maid close to her, I didn’t even know that
the lady is pregnant.”

“Why is it Anna’s fault? Neither I nor Killian knew. I guess she’s a little quiet
Anne, well.”

I calmed Anna down and waited for Killian to return with a mixture of
anticipation and nervousness.

Killian returned to the castle before dinnertime, as he had said he would come

As always, we set the table in the room and ate dinner in peace.

“Is the south of the territory okay?”

“Yes. One of the bridges across the stream looked like it would need some work,
but no major problems.”

“Thank god.”

Killian nodded, took a sip of his wine, looked at me and smiled.

“What’s wrong?”

“Just... I’m so happy with my life right now. Sometimes I feel so unbelievably

I was rather happy that I made Killian happy.

But pretending to be in trouble, I furrowed my eyebrows.

“What, Killian? Maybe soon... I think your happy life is about to collapse.”

Killian’s face suddenly stiffened like someone who had been stabbed in the

“What is it, Edith?”

Just by looking at his face, I could tell that he was thinking of the worst.

I decided to tell him the truth before he gets too serious.

“Therefore... I mean I’m fat...”

“That is not fat. I was speechless. I was wrong.”

“Oh, no. It’s not... I called the doctor and asked...”

Hearing that I had called the doctor, even the cutlery Killian was holding in his
hand dropped. Then he came up to me, knelt down, and held my hand tightly.

“Edith... Whatever happens, I’ll be there for you. Don’t be afraid. No matter
what, I’ll get you any medicine...”

“No, not that... I said we have a child.”

Everyone should have seen Killian’s expression at that moment.

I’ve never seen Killian look so stupid.

“Is that true?”

“Yes. He ssaid it is.”

“Really, I mean, you’re having a baby?”

“Because it is.”

Suddenly, tears streamed down his cheeks.


“Thank you... Thanks, Edith... Thank you...”

He continued to thank me as he knelt down and kissed the back of my hand.

At the same time, my eyes grew hot and I cried along with him.

But the excitement ended there. From the next day, I was treated as glass that
would break at any moment, and I was half confined.

I wasn’t looking down on the obsessive male lead...

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 138

SPECIAL STORY 5. The Diary of Linnon Filch

For those of us who needed talented people, the news that Linnon was about to
quit working at the Duke Ludwig was good news.

Me and Killian succeeded in enlisting Ryzen by promising the best treatment we

could and emphasizing Ryzen’s potential.

And after finishing the Duke’s work, we finally met Linnon, who had come
down to Ryzen, and had a long-awaited meeting.

“It’s a good thing for us, but wasn’t Linnonn sad about quitting the Duchy?
Unless you’re in the imperial palace, there’s no other place that pays you that
kind of salary.”

“Well. I don’t know if it’s because I’ve already saved up quite a bit, but money
wasn’t the main issue.”

Linnon was still stingy with his emotions, but the moment he said it, he looked

“Why, is something happening to the duchy?”

When Killian asked anxiously, he pondered and took out his diary from his bag
and handed it to Killian.

“It would be long if I explained each one individually, so it would be quicker to

check it with the contents of my diary.”

Killian and I were taken aback by Linnon’s behavior of taking out his diary as if
it were a report, but he seemed unconcerned.
We started looking through his diaries from the day we left Duke Ludwig.


「— September 15, 1825

As soon as Master Cliff’s wedding was over, Master Killian and Lady Edith left
for Ryzen. Taking Anna with them, it feels as if all traces of the two of them
have disappeared from the house.

At first, I didn’t think much of it, but after the two left, the atmosphere at the
Duke’s residence changed a lot.

It seems that the relationship between the Duke and his wife, who had always
been so friendly before, and Lady Liese have become somewhat inconsistent.

The Duchess also doesn’t look for Lady Liese very well, and His Excellency the
Duke seems to be sighing and drinking.

At the wedding not too long ago, Master Killian and his wife were there, so the
atmosphere was good on the outside, but now I can’t say it looks good with
empty words.

Master Cliff began to take steps for succession in earnest.

— November 10, 1825

Lady Liese, who used to be quiet in her room, has recently been revealing
He felt like attending the party, and as the days went by, he dressed more and
more, and this time he declared that he would prepare for the year-end party in

It seems that Master Cliff and Master Cliff have become a little more vocal
about that issue, but it seems that Lady Liese has decided to prepare for a party
in December anyway.

The Duchess is still correcting it, but there are many rumors that the daughter-
in-law is already trying to play the role of the family’s hostess.

The Duchess also seemed to be uncomfortable with her words.

My heart is not the same as before. Is it time to prepare to leave here?

— December 31, 1825

The Duke’s year-end party yesterday and today was the most luxurious and
luxurious since I’ve been working here.

According to Lady Liese, the prestige of the Ludwig family, who became the
emperor’s closest aide, should be properly displayed, but... Even without this
pretense, the Ludwig family was the best family in the empire.

The Duke and Duchess seemed relaxed and unconcerned as always, but seeing
that the housekeeper sighed deeply after escorting them to their room late at
night, it seems that the two of them were not very happy.

But, on the other hand, Miss Liese looked very happy.

Because Her Highness Catherine also attended and made the event shine, and
was introduced as the host of the party and received a lot of attention.
Miss Liese danced with men other than Master Cliff several times, but as each
session went on, Master Cliff’s expression got worse, and I was all nervous.

In the end, I also left early and came back and abandoned it.

Am I the only one who misses the gentle and dignified Duke Ludwig?

— January 15, 1826

Even though the new year is bright, it’s already been 15 days.

At the beginning of the month, after sending an official letter requesting the
submission of tax collection details for the second half of last year to each
territory, it is a free time for a while.

So, while drinking tea, I read Miss Edith’s letter from yesterday.

Lady Edith sent New Year’s greetings not only to the Dukes, but also to the
servants she was close with.

He said that the lady and Master Killian get along very well.

It seems that you are thinking about various development plans while inspecting
the estate, and I am very curious about the future of Ryzen that the two will

Miss Anna also sent a letter of regards, and I was able to learn more about the
hardships that Edith hadn’t told me about.
In the evening, I took out a letter after a long time and wrote a reply, secretly
leaking the story of wanting to change jobs.

I hope Miss Edith will notice my feelings.

— February 5, 1826

I’m tired.

In all my years of working at the Duke’s residence, I think this is the first time
I’ve ever felt so tired.

It would be better if the work piled up.

The beginning was definitely the day I went to the post office.

While going out, he ran into Lady Liese, and when asked where he was going,
he simply replied, ‘I’m going to send a letter.’

And then, how sharp did Lady Liese’s eyes become...

It seems that he noticed that the letter I was sending was going to Ryzen.

I didn’t know that Miss Liese still had feelings for Lady Edith.

No, you are not the perpetrator.

Edith was rather lenient, but I don’t understand why Lady Liese hates Edith.
Anyway, after that, I take on tasks that are not my business, or suddenly burst
into the office and argue over trivial matters.

It wasn’t something I couldn’t solve on my own, but it’s true that I’m a bit
worried about the days ahead.

— March 1, 1826

Even in the midst of the chilly feeling of spring, the cold wind of midwinter is
still blowing in the Ludwig Mansion.

He was anxious, but the Duke’s anger finally exploded yesterday.

Not too long ago, Lady Liese came to meet His Highness the Crown Prince
without saying anything to the Excellency or Master Cliff.

He said it was for the Ludwig family, but His Majesty the Emperor was still
correcting it, so it was already seen as trying to connect with His Highness the
Crown Prince.

Indeed, His Majesty the Emperor also summoned the Duke and asked what he
was up to.

In the end, it is said that His Excellency the Duke severely scolded Lady Liese,
but instead of reflecting, Lady Liese said she went out after blaspheming Her

It seems that Master Cliff is caught in the middle and hears hateful voices from
both sides.
There’s no way that the Ludwig Duke family would collapse over just this, but I
can’t help but feel bittersweet as I recall the past when I was strong inside and

— March 26, 1826

Lady Liese was put on probation for slapping the cheek of a young viscount.

In the past, I would have said that the angelic Liese lady could not have done
such a thing, but now no one doubts that.

As I was passing through the hallway to see the Duchess, I heard the sound of
Master Cliff and Lady Liese fighting.

Lady Liese shouted, ‘You’re a liar’, and Master Cliff was disgusted, saying,
‘Please do it in moderation.’

I don’t know about the secret circumstances of the two of you, but if it’s enough
to fight like that in front of the servants, I wonder if the love between the two
has already ended.

— May 2, 1826

I decided to quit my job soon.

I got a letter from Lady Edith, and she said that if it’s okay with me, she wants
to hire me as Ryzen’s budget manager. I am just grateful that you noticed my

I told the Duke and his wife about it and asked for their understanding, but the
two of them felt sorry for me, but they gladly blessed my future, saying that it
would be better for me.
But Master Cliff and Lady Liese were not.

Master Cliff caught me once more, mentioning the honor of being a vassal of the
duchy and the large salary.

But my thoughts are different.

Even if the salary is reduced, I would rather do a comfortable, enjoyable and

rewarding job.

Lady Liese’s reaction was more speculative.

You must have wanted to kick me out for helping Lady Edith in the past, but
perhaps you didn’t know that I would really go to Ryzen, and raised suspicions
that I was trying to steal information from the Duke’s family into the Ryzen
Count family.

However, the Duke did not listen to Lady Liese’s words.

Lady Edith should have seen Miss Liese’s expression at that time...

I don’t think Miss Liese is beautiful anymore.

It hurts my heart to think that a family that has devoted passion and loyalty for a
long time is being destroyed because of one person.」


“To think these things had happened...”

After reading the diary, Killian muttered in a mixed tone.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you the good news.”

“Why is it your fault? They are all faults in our family.”

Killian, who once thought that his parents and sibling had no moral flaws and
that Liese was just like an angel, smiled dejectedly, perhaps because she was

I patted Killian’s hand and thanked Linnon again.

“Even so, it would have been difficult for you to give up your life in the capital
and your status as a ducal vassal, but thank you for choosing us, Linnon. Things
were escalating, and we desperately needed a competent budget manager.”

“As I wrote in my diary, I wanted to come to Ryzen from before. I thank you for
inviting me, Countess.”

“I promise you that working here will be fun.”

Looking at Linnon with the same expression as before, I pictured the

composition of the administrative offices of Ryzen Castle in my head.

I was worried about my pregnancy and lack of manpower, but how fortunate it
was that Linnon came just in time.

Since there were already several talented people recruited, it would be perfect to
appoint Linnon as the manager.
‘By the way, the Duke’s situation isn’t as serious as Linnon thought...?’

It was pitiful that Liese was still awake, and I thought that this was all due to the
Ludwig family’s own income, but anyway, I was a little worried because the
Duke’s family was Killian’s family.

‘No way... It will be fine. What a Duke.’

I took it lightly and moved on.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 139



Since I was pregnant, my sleep has improved and I have a lot of dreams.

But even so, it was rare to remember dreams, but one day when the mountain
months approached, I had a really vivid dream.

‘Uh? This smell...’

There was a smell I had long forgotten about, but I couldn’t completely forget.

It was the damp, damp smell that emanated from the stair landing of an old
multi-family house.

“Cx, oh, really, CxR!”

Someone was muttering

And somehow I thought I knew who it was.

“Are you really dead? Oh, how crazy!”

After all, it was my brother.

Every time he opened his mouth, the smell of alcohol wafted out.

My brother came down the stairs, put his hand under my nose on the floor, then
went up the stairs again and walked around.

“Calm down, calm down. For now... I have to run away.”

It was then that my older brother, who was looking around to see if there were
any witnesses, turned to my bag that had fallen to the floor.

‘I can’t just go.’

I was looking down from above as my brother rummaged through my bag, as if

watching what was about to happen.

My brother, trembling, found my wallet, put it in his bosom, and ran away.

I didn’t feel the slightest bit of affection as a blood relative.

But, as expected, my brother was quickly caught.

I received cash advances with my card everywhere, so there was no way my tail
wouldn’t be stepped on. My brother was filmed on every CCTV at the
convenience store where the CD machine was installed.

Even after being addicted to gambling all night, he even bought cigarettes with
my card at a nearby convenience store at dawn...

‘Aww, that idiot.’

My brother ran away from the approaching police, but after he was caught, he
was taken away as if he had given up everything.

The scene changed and a familiar place unfolded before my eyes. It was the
company I worked for.

“What is this really about? It’s the first time in my life that I’ve been around an
incident on the news.”

One mate whispered to another mate. However, the expressions on their faces
were closer to interest and curiosity than pity or sadness.

Rather, Ahn Young-eun, who hit me in the back of the head, and Park, who was
annoyed with me, had worse complexions.

“I feel so bad. The day Soo-na died, I did something really mean to Soo-na.”

“What? What happened?”

“There is something like that. But I didn’t know that would be the last time with
“Hey, it’s already past, so even if you regret it, it won’t come back. Forget it
right now.”

Ahn Young-eun sighed while exchanging stories with someone through the
company messenger.

At that time, Manager Park hung up the phone call with someone and slowly got
up from his seat and looked around.

“Hey, after work today, I want only two or three people to go to Soo-na’s
funeral... Anyone, anyone to go?”

Then Ahn Young-eun raised her hand.

“I’ll go.”

“Oh, yes, Mr. Young-eun. Then, me and Youngeun... Who else is there to go?”

But everyone looked at them and didn’t raise their hands.

In the end, a newcomer who didn’t even know me joined the ranks of

‘This is funny too. None of the people I thought I was close with came.’

I half expected it, but seeing it with my own eyes gave me a sense of collapse.

They didn’t say anything all the way to my mortuary.

Then Manager Park opened his mouth heavily.

“Why was I so irritable that day?”

“Huh? When is the manager?”

The newcomer who didn’t know anything seemed to be trying to please the
manager by paying attention to him.

“The day Choi Soo-na died... I got really angry over something that wasn’t
really a big deal. Even though I can see that the child is just flustered, I was
annoyed at that time...”


Ahn Young-eun, who was sitting next to me, was chewing on her lips, unable to
say that she had blamed me.

“Did you really know it was going to go like this... Ha... Still, that was the last
thing I said to someone who had been working diligently since joining the
company. ...I’m so sorry.”

Manager Park’s face looked really complex. Then, I heard a whimper next to

Ahn Young-eun was about to burst into tears.

“Me too... I also feel very sorry for Soo-na... Whoa...”

Manager Park nodded as if he understood everything and tapped Ahn Young-

eun on the shoulder a couple of times, leaving only the newcomer with no idea.
As expected, there were not many guests at my funeral home. I didn’t have
many friends, so most of the mourners were relatives.

Dad was smoking a cigarette, and Mom was crying and complaining to her aunt.

“I don’t know why my arm is so ferocious. There are only two children, one of
whom has been sick since she was young and has been upset about it, and the
other has been upset because of reckless behavior... Oh, it’s really good for me,

“Ugh... Soo-na, don’t call me a child who has already left, but what about Su-

“They say that if the family pleads for mercy, the sentence will be reduced a
little, how much...”

No one said that my brother killed me. She was just concerned about my brother
awaiting trial.

‘I wasn’t expecting anything great, but... It’s bittersweet.’

As I sighed, the scene in front of me faded to reveal another familiar place. It

was my room.

As if the funeral was already over, Mom and Dad were sorting out my

“Oh, it’s Soo-na... It’s Soo-na...”

“This embarrassing thing...!”

Suddenly, I wondered why, but my mom was crying while looking at my
household account book, and my dad was blushing as he opened my closet.

In the household account book, it was written when and how much money was
taken from her brother, and how much money was split and spent. On the days
when I couldn’t stand the urge and ate something, I emphasized it by putting an
asterisk because of the guilt...

“Uhhh... Is the only thing you buy outside food once a month is a pizza that
costs 10,000 won per plate, bitch...!”

Mom wiped her face with a handkerchief and cried.

There were several pieces of my clothes hanging in my closet that Dad was

“This damn girl... When the hell did I buy this and still...”

Dad cried while looking at the coat he bought for my middle school graduation.

‘Come to think of it, she’s been wearing that for over 10 years...’

The khaki coat, which I deliberately bought in a generous size because he

thought it would be bigger, was something I wore with care and care.

At that time, it was the first and last expensive clothes my dad bought with great

It was a coat that wasn’t awkward even now because it was a decent design, but
the shiny sleeve hem and the hips looked a bit sloppy.
“Oh, Soo-na, I’m sorry! I’m sorry that I couldn’t be a mother, Soo-na!”

My mother cried bitterly as she hit the floor, and my father also covered his eyes
with his hands and turned his head.

My parents seemed to finally feel my vacancy.

Seeing that, I felt rather at ease.

‘Thank god. Still I... It wasn’t a meaningless existence.’

I felt sorry for my parents, but I felt like the resentment of my previous life was
finally resolved.

As I smiled with a satisfied heart, the scene in front of my eyes changed again.


It was my ex-boyfriend who broke up with me just before I died.

He sat blankly in his room with a somewhat bewildered expression on his face.

His phone kept spitting out messages.

“Hey! Miss C, who lives in ○○-dong, died. Doesn’t your girlfriend also live in
○○-dong? Isn’t that your girlfriend?”

“She was killed by her brother. But didn’t your girlfriend have a brother? It’s a
little creepy.”
“Hey, what are you doing today? You say you’re out of business?”

His friends joked about the story of ‘Miss C who was murdered by her older
brother’ that spread on the Internet.

It was as if he hadn’t imagined that Miss C was me.

But my ex-boyfriend seemed to be slowly realizing that it was me.

“Soo-na... Please pick up the phone, please...”

He picked up his cell phone again and called me.

At first glance, the screen read “Choi Soo-na (42).” He must have called me 42

[The phone is turned off, so it connects to voicemail...]

After hearing the announcement voice he had heard several times, he hung up
and opened the last message I sent.

「Darling~ I’m confirmed to work overtime and weekends today ㅠㅗㅠ I’m
sorry. See you next week. I’ll buy you something delicious♡ (6:08 pm)」

「Pretty girl♥Soo-na: Ung-woong, okay. I’m fine so don’t push yourself too
hard. (6:09 p.m.)」

“Yes. Thanks for understanding. (6:09 p.m.)」

「Pretty girl♥Soo-na: I heard that you work overtime, so the girl you hang out
with is your boss at work? It seemed like the two of you were really working
hard. Bury the bones in the rectum. Do not contact me in the future. (7:42

Drops of water fell on it.

“Soo-na, I’m sorry, I’m sorry... I was really wrong... It’s Soo-na... Ugh, what
should I do, what should I do, Soo-na?...”

He shook his body and cried while holding his phone tightly.

I’ve never seen him cry so much.

Well, if I had gone on a date with him that day as planned, I might have avoided
the fate of dying at the hands of my brother for a while. He seemed to blame him
for my death.

However, it would have happened at any time unless my brother came to his

I stood there for a while, listening to him constantly apologize.

‘Thank you for being sorry. I’m doing well, so you can forget about me and live

Somehow I cried, but I know.

These people will eventually overcome the sadness of this moment and live.

Like I do.
When I woke up and opened my stiff eyes, Killian was asleep next to me.

He massages my limbs and feet until I fall asleep, which won’t be easy after a
tiring day.

But Killian gave me a massage every single day.

‘Okay. This person is my male lead.’

Perhaps, had it not been for the experiences and memories of my previous life, I
might have missed this person too.

An ecstatic love that I never dreamed of in my previous life.

Having obtained this kind of love, I now have nothing left in my previous life.

I lightly kissed the sleeping Killian on the cheek.

“Hmm...? Edith...?”

Killian, who called me with a deep voice, was lovely.

“I love you, Killian.”

“I really love you, Edith.”

Killian didn’t even wake up, told me he loved me and hugged me warmly.
‘I will live this life without any regrets. Even the highest number or share of the
previous life, without regret.’

Feeling overwhelmed, I made a firm commitment.

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 140


SPECIAL STORY 7. Ryzen Castle Full of Love

In early August of that year, I gave birth to a child while thinking, ‘Is this life
over here?’

I really thought I was going to die.

Fortunately, thanks to Edith’s body type with a wide pelvis, I was able to give
birth easily (though it was never easy in my opinion).

By the way, that day, Killian cried again.

“Good work, Edith. It was a lot of work... Thank you. Thanks, Edith. I love

Even though I was exhausted, I managed to move my lips and said.

“What a crybaby...”

Killian burst into laughter even as he cried at those words.

It was the first time I had ever seen such a happy smile.

It seems that I gave him even greater happiness.

The baby was born as a boy, and we chose name ‘Erdin’ as the best match for
the child among the name candidates we had chosen in advance, and gave him a

Erdin was a very pretty kid who inherited Killian’s black hair and my light
brown eyes.

“The beauty of the Ludwig family doesn’t go anywhere. How can he be so


“He’s pretty just like you. The eyes have completely taken you out.”

“But here you are. His lips are all yours? Oh my, oh my! Look at that lip

“Are you hungry?”

“Mamma ate as much as she could. He must be sucking milk in his dream.”

We looked around Erdin without realizing the time was passing.

He was a baby who couldn’t even control his limbs and had his whole body
wrapped up tightly, and he made a fuss about moving his lips, laughing, and
yawning enough to make dimples appear on his cheeks.
In fact, in my previous life, it was so difficult to take care of my own body, so I
didn’t even think about getting married, let alone having a child, but after giving
birth to a child, my heart was so full that I felt that my happiness was finally

Of course, this is because there is a nanny to look after the child.

‘If I was single parenting, I would have raised both hands and feet.’

Before the 100 Days Miracle happened, it wasn’t hell parenting where mom and
dad hardly slept.

Thanks to having a nanny, I got a good night’s sleep and ate healthy food to
keep myself in shape.

Erdin didn’t give me morning sickness and was a quiet big kid, so even after he
was born, he was on the quiet side compared to other babies.

The bigger Erdin gets, the more I think the baby resembles Killian, but Killian
says he looks like me every time he sees Erdin, so it was funny.

“You two are half and half alike. When you look at it this way, he resembles the
Count, and when you look at it that way, he resembles the lady.”

Ever since Erdin was born, Anna, who has shown affection for Erdin as much as
me and the nanny, said with a happy face today.

And every time I saw Anna like that, I felt pity, sorry, and a sense of
responsibility all at once.

“Anna... Don’t you want to get married?”

Anna was already twenty-six.

In Korea in the 21st century, she would still be in the prime of her youth, but in
this world, she was at an age where she would be labeled an old woman.

“Are you married alone? And don’t worry, madam, I’m quite satisfied with my
life now.”

Anna seemed really happy, not empty words, but I felt uncomfortable when I
thought that when Anna returned to her room after carrying my help all day,
there would be only silence to greet her.

Of course, that doesn’t mean being single is bad.

Maybe this feeling itself was the sympathy I had for Anna.

But there is one thing at all.

‘It doesn’t matter if Anna is really happy living alone, but if she feels lonely
after losing her youth because of me...’

If so, I will have a hard time shaking off the guilt. Although I will support her
through the rest of her life, there are parts that her money alone cannot fill.

After thinking about it, I decided to arrange a seat for Anna.

‘Maybe Anna is still alone because she hasn’t had a chance to meet a man.’

There is a huge difference between meeting someone but not seeing them and
giving up without ever meeting them.
Besides, you have to look at the sky to find the stars, and you have to meet a
man to know if you want to date or get married.

If Anna wants to be single even after meeting a decent man, then I can
comfortably support her singleness.

That evening, I put my head together with Killian and started thinking about it.

“If it were the capital, I would have been able to find some candidates, but in
Ryzen, it is difficult to find a man who can match Anna. Besides, they tend to
get married earlier than in the capital...”

“That said, it is also possible to connect a divorced or widowed man with Anna.
Honestly, where else can we find a bride like Anna in Ryzen?”

After shaking our heads for a long time while citing the candidates that came to
mind one by one, we were able to narrow down two candidates.

Of course, I didn’t like either of them, but if Anna met them in person, they
might be different.

I was taking a breather, but this time Killian said with a troubled face.

“Not even Anna, but Linnon is also a problem. Linnon is already over 30.”

“Linnon... Is he thinking of getting married?”

When I think of Linnon, whose expression never changes, I can’t imagine him
meeting a woman, falling in love, and starting a family.

It feels like Linnon will always exist by itself.

“Looks like none. Even during his life as a Duke’s manager, his mother tried to
introduce him to her lady several times, but he refused every time.”

I knew it.

“His father, Sir Theo Filch, must be very upset.”

“There is no doubt that the letter to be delivered to Linnon is also full of stories
about marriage.”

The other day I received a letter from Lord Filch addressed to Killian, and it
contained a small letter asking him to pass it on to his son.

I smiled, imagining that Linnon would be indifferent to the letter.

“If he hates himself that much, there’s nothing we can do about it.”

“Well, Linnon also rejects women, but conversely, no woman will like him. He
is a dull man who only cares about work.”

We let out a worried sigh, nodded, and went to bed.

And the next day, I persuaded Anna in advance before asking the two men who
were selected as candidates, which doctor Killian would face.

“Anna said that she would live as a single person, but I was wondering if you
should still have a chance to meet a man.”

“Madam, I...”
“I know, I know. You are satisfied with what you are doing now and you are not
worried about your old age because you are working hard on saving money. I
know everything, but why don’t you meet up just for experience? If you don’t
like it, I’ll decline in my line.”

Even though Anna put on a puzzled expression, she finally nodded.

At that time, Linnon stopped by my room to report.

I was comfortable in many ways thanks to Linnon, who helped me to do my part

while I was taking care of Erdin and getting myself in shape.

“The total winter wheat harvested in spring and summer is 5,000 tons. Spring
wheat, which will be harvested soon, will have a slightly lower yield than this,
but there will be no problem with winter food supply.”

“What about other fruit trees and vegetables?”

“Similar to last year. However, since the business of growing various fruit tree
seedlings has begun, in just a few years, different fruits will be filled with
different fruits every season.”

Linnon handed Anna a document with all the data neatly organized.

Anna was also acting as my secretary, so it was natural.

“Would you like to take a look at the crop production situation in the
surrounding territories?”

“Oh, that’s good! Do you have anything organized?”

“Yes. It’s just that I didn’t bring it now...”

Anna stepped out as Linnon kept quiet.

“If you don’t mind, madam, I’ll go to the administrative office and get it. Sir
Filch is busy.”

“Then would you?”

Anna gave a light smile and a light nod and followed Linnon, who greeted me.

The two people, with similar attitudes, facial expressions, and tone of voice,
seemed to be the same person with only the sexes differentiated into male and

‘It’s a blessing, a blessing, to have talented people who work well and are
sincere like that.’

With a proud heart, I watched their backs disappear and felt sorry for them.
Because I forgot to give him a letter from Linnon’s father.

‘I forgot that I was giving it to Linnon when he came today. I forgot a lot after
having a baby.’

Anna wasn’t there, so I searched the desk drawer for the letter myself, then went
after Linnon and Anna.

In the distance they could be seen rounding the corner.

It was a time when I couldn’t bear to run because of my position as a countess,
and I barely reached the corner by treading with my feet.

“So, who did she ask you to meet?”

Linnon’s voice sounded a bit nervous, coming from around the corner.

‘Huh? What are you talking about?’

I unknowingly hid in a corner and pricked up my ears. It was rare to hear

Linnon’s voice so emotional.

“The butler’s nephew and the knight of the knights. You’ve said it’s okay
several times, but since the madam is always worried about your situation...”

At Anna’s words, Linnon let out a long sigh and said regretfully.

“Even so, this morning the Count asked me insinuatingly about my intention to
marry. If I had known it was Miss Anna, I would have said it...”

Anna laughed pushily.

I swear I’ve never seen Anna smile so shyly. Not even once!

“Should I talk to the ma’am again?”

“No. I will go and tell her. I was going to tell her at the end of the year when
you’re free...”

“I am sorry. Miss Anna must have been in trouble because of me.”

Linnon smiled and gently caressed Anna’s cheek.

Anna’s cheeks turned red in an instant, and Linnon, taken aback by it, quickly
removed his hand.

There was no one watching (except me), but the two of them were busy
pretending nothing was wrong while making hmm-hmm sounds.

‘Oh my god...! Didn’t the two of them know how to date?’

I laughed proudly from behind the corner and began to tease my feet toward
Killian’s office, lest I forget again.

Because we have to cancel all these plans before Killian takes his place.

‘I wasn’t worried about competent people either. It’s just a nuisance.’

No, I don’t even know if I poured oil on a small burning ember. Whoop whoop.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 141


SPECIAL STORY 8. Flashback [1]

How did it become like this?

Liese leaned against the cold stone walls of the imperial palace and tried to
understand the still unbelievable situation.

Although she had lived this life over and over again as Liese Sinclair and Liese
Ludwig, she had never visited the imperial prison. She had to do that in her life
as well.

However, the shady air I felt on my cheeks was too terrifying to be a dream, and
my forearms that had been grabbed by the guards were still tingling.

‘What have I missed? Why the hell did this happen?’

Tears streamed down her cheeks and dripped onto her dress.

But Liese didn’t even know she was crying.

She just shook her head, trying desperately to figure out what was wrong.

‘Yeah, no matter how much I think about it, it’s only since that damned Edith

At the time, that day was so thrilling and exciting, but looking back, that day
was the beginning of all misfortune...
Liese blankly began to grope about things from ‘that day’.


The magnificent melody of the pipe organ spread as if drawing concentric


Although it was simplified, Edith, the daughter of Count Rigelhoff, walked

slowly out of the middle of the hall, which was formal and dignified as befits a
Duke’s wedding.

‘It’s finally started.’

Liese, who was watching the wedding ceremony from the side of the Duchess,
smiled inwardly.

The 13th Edith finally intervened in Liese’s narrative.

‘How will this Edith go wild and entertain me?’

It was already the 13th time that Edith possessed someone else’s soul, but this
moment was always a mixture of tension and anticipation.

And every time I felt this thrill, I felt that I was alive.

‘This Edith also started out similar to other Ediths.’

The 13th Edith also quickly accepted the fact that she was possessed by
Romance Fantacy novel, and was moving in the opposite direction to the
original plot in order to avoid Edith’s evil deeds.
Seeing that at the dinner a week ago, he had accepted Liese pretending to be
kind and declared that he would not bring a maid from the Rigelhoff family to
the Ludwig family.

‘Still, on average, I think it’s a bit bold. There were some kids in the Rigelhoff
family who realized Edith’s hidden plot and couldn’t move.’

Liese’s heart was pounding because she didn’t think this round would end with a
bland game.

The wedding went without much fuss.

Killian openly expressed his dislike of Edith, and the reception ended quickly.

‘It holds up pretty well. As expected, this Edith will be fun.’

Seeing Edith, who was not embarrassed by Killian’s rudeness and coped with it
well, and did a good job as a bride without losing her smile throughout the chilly
reception, she was even admirable.

It was the most fun to see such a resolute human struggling and collapsing.

“Liese. The wedding reception is coming to an end soon, so would you like to
escort Edith to her room?”

“Yes, madam.”

Liese approached Edith at the request of the Duchess.

“Ms. Edith. Now we are going to go to the bride’s room. Let me guide you.”
“Oh, God, thank you, no, ho ho ho, go, thank you, Miss Liese.”

After almost throwing away her mask, Liese took Edith to the bride’s room and
changed her dress.

“Today... I apologize for Killian’s rude behavior towards Miss Edith. I hope you
don’t hate him too much.”

This scene, in which she looks more like a bride than a priest and asks Killian to
Killian’s bride, was good for understanding Edith’s tendency.

Edith, who felt uncomfortable with Liese, frowned or answered briefly, and
Edith, who was determined to impress Liese, was overly sympathetic.

And this Edith...

“I fully understand. Killian was forced into a marriage he didn’t want to do, and
he’s probably offended. But that doesn’t mean I hate Killian. After all, he is the
one who became my husband.”

As expected, it seemed to be trying to escape the villain character.

Since you’ve read the original work, you should know that this is the dress
Killian bought while thinking of ‘The Bride’, but seeing that she even praised
Liese’s dress.

Seeing Edith answer with a gentle smile, Liese smiled again.

‘It looks like I’m going to look at my eyes. There is a high probability that you
will be swung as you swing.’
Imagining that he would be frightened or wag his tail at every word he said, I
felt like I would burst into laughter already.

However, it seems that such a thought was too early.

It was expected that Killian, who had been sent into the bride’s room, would
come out early, but his answer was unexpected.

“They didn’t have any expectations for tonight either. Although I was a little

“What are you talking about? A while ago obviously...”

“I heard you’re already dozing off in the bathtub by yourself?”


This Edith was the first.

’13th Edith... Quite interesting from the start, isn’t it?’

Although she was a little surprised by that kind attitude, Liese quickly regained
her composure.

The game started, and Liese had to use the new Edith to create a situation where
she could stand out the most. And that was what Liese did best.

“Why is that, Liese?”

“No, that... After listening to Killian’s words, I wondered if Miss Edith was
angry with me earlier...”


Liese raised her eyebrows and bit her lips as if in trouble. ‘I really didn’t want to
tell you this’ was his expression that appealed the most.

Then, when Edith slightly twisted the words that she complimented her on the
dress, Killian quickly got angry thinking that Edith was making fun of Liese.

‘Okay. It’s just fun, nothing difficult. It’s a game I’ll win in the end.’

Seeing Killian’s back as he tried to kiss me but failed, Liese smiled lightly.

And that night, Liese set the first stage exception condition.

It was the same condition as the last 12 Ediths.

[Step 1 exception conditions have been set. Step 1 Exception Condition: Follow
the original editing method that failed.]

It was a friendly voice and a familiar guide.

‘Now, is it really possible to pass even the first stage of this Edith?’

Liese happily waited for another story in which she would be the main character.

As expected, Edith tried to score points with Liese and other key characters.

It was like that when he was diligently choosing dresses for the Duchess and
Liese, but didn’t match his own, and so was his behavior during tea time with
Liese, Cliff, and Killian.

It was highly appreciated that he didn’t look flustered or servile, but there were
several Ediths who chose this route.

‘He must have thought that he could avoid death if he avoided the evil done by
Edith in the original work and be kind.’

Unfortunately, this wasn’t such a simple game.

‘The flow of the original work’ is the most powerful force that pulls this world.
That’s why, before Edith met the three-step exception conditions, the story was
supposed to flow according to her original story no matter what she did.

In particular, this Edith was walking the opposite path, like a person who
decided not to follow the original Edith at all.

‘If I continue like this, I will die without even meeting the first stage exception

However, Edith did not go as smoothly as expected.

It was on the night of tea time that I realized she wasn’t blind.

That night, Liese was at ease when she found Killian looking out from the
moonlit balcony.
It was clear that Killian was saddened by his situation of being pushed back by
Cliff, and Liese thought it would be a good thing to comfort him and increase
his affection for her.

“Killian? What are you doing there?”

“Ah, Liese...”

“What’s going on?”

Liese asked anxiously, expecting Killian to look at me affectionately.

However, the existence that occupied his head was not Liese.

“It’s not even worth your attention.”

“If... Is it Edith?”

No way, I asked, but Killian didn’t deny it.

Killian, who had said that Edith was intrusive and disliked him in words, was
furious when he said Edith didn’t talk about him at all.

‘Already such a change! How the hell did you create probability?’

Liese admired Edith.

The most powerful force supporting this world was the ‘flow of the original
work’, but in the line where the original story was not damaged, I was able to
create a favorable situation for myself using probability.
I don’t know if Edith knows about it or not, but I don’t think I’ll be dragged by
the original work anyway.

‘Good. I’ll have to deal with it properly.’

While telling the story of calling the dressing room, Liese cleverly accused
Edith of being a villainess.

Of course, I packaged myself as if I was weak-willed and kind.

“There are various ways to raise people’s medicine. It must be someone’s


As planned, Killian seemed to hate Edith again.

However, Liese did not know exactly about the changes taking place inside

Like it or not, it was because he underestimated the fact that the existence of
Edith had taken root in Killian’s mind.


“Is this the beginning of a full-scale incident?”

On the morning of the day she went out to help the Duchess, Liese muttered to
herself while looking in the mirror.

Today was the day Edith obtained the ‘fake document’.

And from this incident, Edith’s full-scale ‘evil woman narrative’ begins.

‘Indeed, what kind of reaction will this Edith show?’

Liese went to the Duchess’s office with high expectations and observed Edith.

“From today, all we have to do is categorize the documents there by type and
organize the items we need to purchase, the quantity, and price in a nice way.”

When the Duchess naturally handed over the document in question to Edith,
Edith, who was looking through the document, smiled proudly.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 142


SPECIAL STORY 9. Flashback [2]

‘I seem to know what it means to be in charge of weapons papers, but I don’t

think I’ve noticed that this is the first part of an episode that will strangle me.’

Liese, who was keenly aware of Edith’s psychology, glanced at Edith while
pretending not to.

I thought about it before, but Edith was good at work.

She was not taken aback by the important paperwork she was suddenly entrusted
with, and with just one glance, she quickly classified the documents by their

‘What the hell did you do in your previous life?’

Liese tried hard to hide her discomfort with Edith, who looked more competent
than herself.

But then, Edith’s behavior caught Liese’s attention.

Edith was organizing the information by drawing a table that was not found in
other documents.

‘Uh? Yes, that’s it!’

At that moment, Liese came up with a way to make sure Edith was the culprit in
this leaked document case.

‘Because the original work never mentioned the creation of documents using

Liese hurriedly gave this world the setting of ‘do not use tables for formatting’.

Since everyone was ignorant of the concept of ‘tables’, it was clear that Edith
would be accused of the culprit if documents organized using tables were found
on Rigelhoff’s side.

However, Edith, unaware of Liese’s ulterior motives, completely ignored

Liese’s words, “I was helping because I was not used to the job,” and even
appealed to the Duchess with her abilities, further ruining Liese’s mood.
‘You seem to have done something just because you did such a simple thing? I
didn’t even know that it would hold me back.’

Liese smiled innocently at Edith, but inside she sharpened her sword.

‘Sooner or later, the Rigelhoffs will send a letter to Edith telling them to steal
the documents.’

Liese took out the documents Edith had arranged at the time, made a copy by
forging her handwriting, and sent it to the Rigelhoff family.

It was so easy, so simple.

And just like in the original story, Edith was immediately accused of being the
culprit in this case.

‘What he didn’t even do happened exactly like the original work. Now, what am
I going to do?’

Liese panicked and waited for Edith’s reaction.

However, Edith seemed to be quiet, so Cliff and Ludwig began to investigate

Liese’s range of behavior and alibi.

This was something that had never happened before.

‘What? Why are Cliff and Killian investigating me? You have to interrogate
Edith while you investigate me!’

It was embarrassing, but Liese pretended not to know anything until the end.
After waiting for a few days, the flow of the original work put the document that
Liese had sent to Rigelhoff into the hands of Duke Ludwig. Of course, that was
‘proof that Edith was the culprit’.

‘You can’t even protest now, can you? How crazy would that be?’

This episode was the first obstacle that most edits collapsed on.

Liese responded to the Duke’s call, expecting that this edit would also collapse

The atmosphere in the office where she was called as a ‘witness’ was as
expected serious, and Liese looked at Edith’s expression as if she was surprised.

‘Are you still fine?’

But it was about to collapse.

Liese answered the Duke’s questions and steadily drove Edith like a criminal.

But Edith, far from being frightened, was ridiculed.

I looked back to the end, wondering if I had seen it wrong, but Edith still raised
her arrogant chin.

‘What the hell are you thinking? Aren’t you afraid of sitting as a criminal in
front of the Duke?’
Liese was so curious about it that she waited for her in front of Edith’s room.
When her edit was taken by her knight and her maid, she feigned concern and
intended to come up with her thoughts.

But it wasn’t the knight and the maid who brought Edith.


“Ah! Killian... Edith...!”

Liese was so surprised that she almost made another strange expression.

However, Liese skillfully disguised a worried face and looked at them.

Edith looked more relaxed than before, but for someone who was about to be
kicked out of this family, she seemed quite calm.

It was not only Edith that was strange.

“Liese. Let’s not talk about this any more.”


“Don’t dig into what’s done. Forget it. Understand?”

Killian didn’t get excited when he heard the story that could drive Edith away.

Rather, he asked Liese to forget about it.

Edith hadn’t even met the first stage exception condition yet, but Killian was
already having a change of heart towards Edith.

‘How did this happen? Isn’t the character’s change threatening the flow of the
original story? Edith Rigelhoff! What are you doing?’

Liese felt chills down her spine for the first time.


‘This is not the time to believe only in the exceptional conditions and flow of the
original work. I have to crack down on Killian.’

While Liese was thinking about that, news came that Edith had collapsed. With
the news that Killian ran right away and hugged Edith.

When I ran to the front of Edith’s room, I was sure to find Killian with a
complicated expression.

Liese held his hand.

It was possible to grasp Killian’s ‘contamination level’ from the hand he held.

‘It’s so different from Killian at this point in the original work!’

He was feeling guilty about the now fallen Edith.

For Killian Ludwig to feel guilty about Edith Rigelhoff, K had never written
anything like this.
Because of that, Killian was suffering from severe headaches due to the
influence of the separation from the original work.

“Killian. It’s not your fault.”

Liese comforted Killian and instilled strength as the original author.

It was a way to reinforce the character’s setting, reduce his headache, and
subconsciously make him lean on himself.

However, Killian’s repulsive power was unexpectedly great.

“Edith seems to have a softer heart rather than a look. She was trembling with
anxiety enough to collapse...”

“I was innocent, but I could have been deeply hurt because no one believed me.”

It seems that he still hates Edith, but somehow Killian was defending Edith.

‘I’ve never had anything like this before...’

A cold feeling of uneasiness hung over me.

And that uneasiness showed itself within a few days.

[Step 1 exception conditions met. Exceptions have been made and the author’s
rights have been reduced. Stage 1 exception conditions will expire.]

Liese, who had been sleeping for a long time, was shocked to hear the
announcement in her dream.
‘What? Already?’

In the meantime, there have been many edits that have met the first-level
exception condition, but it has never been at this point.

‘Which part of the original story did you follow?’

In response to Liese’s question, the system of this world showed her a part of the
original work as an image in her dream.

It was the part where Edith, cornered by the leaked documents, went into
Killian’s bedroom in the middle of the night and seduced him.

‘You copied this part?’

Liese hurriedly checked the events of the night.

<Obsession Refuses: The 13th Revised Edition> unfolded before my eyes. It is

being revised in real time, so the back part was a blank book.

Liese hurriedly turned the page to find the scene from the night before.

However, I had no choice but to close the book before reading half of the
contents that were forcibly corrected by Edith.

It was because the contents of 19 gold that he had never written before were

‘Unbelievable... Nonsense!’
It was unimaginable that Killian and Edith had a physical relationship.

It was as if Killian, who had never been Liese’s sub male lead, had completely
given up on Liese and accepted Edith.

Until now, even if the exception conditions were met, such a huge thing had
never happened.

‘How on earth...!’

It was absurd, but I couldn’t figure out where to start fixing it.


For a while, Liese observed Edith and tried to deepen her relationship with her.

Fortunately, Edith didn’t hate Liese despite the alienation from Sinclair’s side.

On the contrary, Edith occasionally considered Liese like her ward.

It was the same when he bumped into Countess Bryn, who regarded Liese as a
thorn in her eye at the bazaar of Countess Ermenia.

In front of Countess Bryn, who was sarcastic at Liese in a cold, high-pitched

voice, Edith hid Liese behind her back and stepped forward.

“I can’t adapt to the social world these days. A countryman or something like
that stirs up the bazaar.”
That guts surprised Liese as well.

Edith, who had been dealing with Countess Bryn’s group for a long time, glared
at them, who were moving away with Cliff’s appearance, and whispered to

“Are you okay?”

There was sincere concern in those eyes.

‘I can’t figure it out.’

No matter how much he knew the original story and said he had to show it well
to the main characters, Edith saved Liese without hesitation.

It was a type that was hard to understand for K, who couldn’t stand people who
were better than me.

That said, if Edith was a stupid fool with no countermeasures, that wasn’t the
case either.

Edith was always proud, and he didn’t show any attitude to please Killian.

I didn’t know what part of the edit was causing the change in Killian, but even at
the bazaar, Killian showed a very different attitude from the original story.

Liese greeted her first, but her eyes were on Edith.

“Did anything happen in the meantime?”

“What’s the big deal? Just a little... I was bored.”

“Why. Without me?”

“Ha! What the... Aren’t you overly self-conscious?”

Edith and Killian weren’t aware of it, but a subtle pink air was already flowing
between them.

Their eyes briefly met and then turned away, but a smile spread across their
mouths, they pretended to be looking elsewhere and peeked at each other,
clearing their throats to cover the smiles that spilled out...

If Edith did not fully meet the 3rd stage exception conditions, the flow of the
original work would maintain its power, but no one knew what the ending would
be if the narrative between the two was solidly completed.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 143


SPECIAL STORY 10. Flashback (3)

‘I can’t do it. It’s a bit early, but I need to introduce Sophia.’

Nervous, Liese slightly twisted the original plot and made Edith and Shane
As expected, Edith rebelled against Shane, and a few days later, Shane led Sofia
into the Duke’s mansion.

‘Since Sofia will never let you go if you rebel, you will definitely help the
Rigelhoff family’s conspiracy just like Edith in the original story.’

There has never been an Edith who has not succumbed in the face of violence.

So, I tried to save Sophia’s appearance until the very end, but I had no choice
but to make it appear earlier because Killian’s emotional change was so great
than expected.

But surprisingly, Edith did not give in to Sophia either.

‘Aren’t you crazy?’

Liese was greatly shocked by Edith, who was beaten by Sofia and rebelled even
to the point of starvation.

‘What on earth are you doing that for?’

He was suffering so much, but it wasn’t that Edith was trying to reveal his

In front of Killian, Edith was always arrogant.

‘Hmph! That doesn’t change the original work.’

Liese smiled like an angel as she watched the starving Edith stare blankly at the
peach pie.
The ‘dog cake self-play incident’ that appeared in the original work was quickly
transformed into the ‘dog pie self-play incident’.

Edith, who woke up after drinking poison, stopped Sophia, saying that she was
just pretending to avoid the situation somehow, but the episode that had already
begun did not stop.

As in the original story, Cliff searched the room and found a bottle of poison,
and Edith was suspected of committing a play.

‘Now, give up, Edith.’

Liese expected Edith to despair at the situation that did not change from the
original story while saving Edith wearing the mask of an angel.

I hope she despairs of her situation even though she meets the exception
conditions for the first stage.

So when Edith brought the ‘embroidery thread’ as a gift, Liese thought it was
poisoned like in the original story. Of course, I was soon disappointed.

‘I know you’re trying, I’m sorry, but it’s no use. You will die as a villain, and I
will remain as the protagonist forever.’

Liese, who internally laughed at Edith, poisoned the embroidery thread and
embroidered it in front of the maids who would act as witnesses.

Cliff as well as Duke Ludwig were very angry, believing that it was Edith’s
conspiracy, but Killian ran to Edith first.

Although she was saddened by Killian’s change of heart, who had never looked
at a woman other than me, Liese thought that Killian would return to her soon.
But another miracle happened.

“Edith is strongly insisting that he is not the culprit. In fact, it’s also a pretty
credible refutation.”

Cliff returned from the meeting about this incident and said with a bitter face.

“It’s ‘revenge’ that happened so immediately after the dog pie incident, but
that’s rather strange. Because Edith knows very well that she is in the most
suspicious situation.”

In the original work, Edith was still suspected, but the logical attitude that the
13th Edith had maintained while insisting on her innocence so far moved
people’s hearts with Ludwig.

“Furthermore, Edith asked for a maid from our family to be assigned as a

watchman to help prove her innocence. Killian immediately reassigned Anna as
Edith’s maid. Seeing as she goes so far as to protest, I don’t think she’s her

Edith even went so far as to find a way to stop Sophia’s assault.

‘This is the only way I’ve ever eaten poison!’

Thanks to the power of the original author, the pain was greatly alleviated, but
the radius of action was greatly reduced, which was a loss to Liese in many

A few days later, the Duke, Cliff, and Killian tentatively concluded that Edith
was not the culprit.
The Count Sinclair, who should not have come out yet, was even pointed out as
the mastermind, so Liese had no choice but to bury this incident in order to
prevent the original story from becoming more distorted.


After the first stage exception conditions were met, I couldn’t figure out what
happened between Killian and Edith, but what the hell happened, Killian kicked
Sofia out of the Rigelhoffs.

Seeing that there was no resistance from the Rigelhoff family, it seemed that
Killian had caught the right pod.

In addition, as if noticing that minor supporting roles are less affected by the
original work, Edith began recruiting extras.

It wasn’t just that he was nervous.

[Please specify the exception condition for step 2. If not specified within the
deadline, Edith Ludwig is automatically considered to have met the 3rd stage
exception conditions.]

For some time now, the warnings of the system have been going on.

For this Edith, it was impossible to arbitrarily set the conditions for the second
stage, so Liese held out until the end of the deadline.

Liese clenched her teeth while shaking her hands lightly.

‘Fun... Yeah, this is an interesting situation.’

Liese, who pretended not to know the fear at all, thought about the condition that
Edith could never fulfill, and at the end of her thoughts, she remembered Killian.

‘Edith’s greatest weakness... It must be that she loves Killian.’

Liese set the second stage condition with a smile of repentance.

[Step 2 exception condition: Reject Killian Ludwig’s proposal ten times.]

It was a condition she had never specified before, but Liese was confident.

Because no one can refuse a sweet offer from a loved one.

Then, he asked Killian, who stopped by to deliver the news that Sophia had been
thrown out.

“Please take good care of Edith.”


“Like when he comforted me, we drank tea together, took a walk, talked...”

Killian, who thought he might be taken aback, nodded surprisingly easily.

Although he didn’t like that change, Edith could never satisfy the second stage
thanks to it, and he would continue to act contrary to the conditions while
strengthening the flow of the original story.

Liese sent condolences in advance to Edith, who was supposed to be happy with
Killian thanks to her.
However, things did not go as Liese intended.

“I think Edith is avoiding me these days.”

Killian, who came to visit the hospital, muttered with a bitter face.

“What is it, Killian? Edith avoiding Killian?”

“As you said, I’ve been recommending this and that to Edith.”

“Yes. What about it?”

“...They all got rejected.”


Liese was so surprised that she almost jumped up.

‘Nonsense. How the hell did he recommend it!’

Liese gently coaxed Killian into figuring out how he recommended Edith.

All of them were ‘suggestions for the sake of suggestions’.

“Killian. A woman’s heart is delicate. Edith must have thought that Killian
hadn’t meant it.”

“What? Why?”
“Think of the suggestions Killian made. I don’t feel Killian wanting to be with
Edith at all.”

“...Is it so?”

“I have never been offered anything like that. Never.”

Killian seemed to be in shock.

“Suggest something with the feeling that you really want to be with Edith, not
with the thought ‘I’ll hang out with you.’”

“Um... Okay. Thanks for the advice, Liese.”

Killian returned with an embarrassed face.

‘Phew. It would have been a big deal. No, this is not the time to be at ease. I
need to call Edith and talk.’

Liese hurriedly called Edith as well.

Edith came running with no hesitation and was concerned about Liese’s health.

Liese just smiled at Edith’s incomprehensible joke, then secretly looked at


“By the way, Edith. By any chance, did you feel sorry for Killian... No, of
course there must have been. There might have been...”
“Oh no! I’m sorry for Killian, I don’t have a fingernail.”

When asked if he was sorry for Killian, Edith wrapped his hand around Killian.

“Killian is a pitiful man... In the end, even making me this or that offer would be
forced because of his position.”

However, Liese thought that Edith had been seriously angry with Killian.

‘You’re pretending to be nice. Killian, who made me feel sad, has suggested
various things on the contrary, so he must be taking this opportunity to get

I could understand the desire to bounce, but it was difficult to do this.

Liese held Edith’s hand and persuaded her.

“It’s not like that, Edith. Killian is opening up to Edith. And he’s trying to be
friendly with Edith.”

Edith seemed halfway taken over by Liese’s persuasive persuasion.

However, Liese’s efforts, instead of reaping results, brought about the worst

[Step 2 exception conditions met. Exceptions are made and the author’s rights
are reduced. Stage 2 exception conditions will expire.]

It was faster than expected.

In the first place, Edith, who thought he would never be able to refuse Killian’s
offer, turned down 10 times, wondering what he was thinking.

‘Killian is also Killian, what if I keep suggesting it without stopping!’

Liese tried blaming Killian, but in this situation, it was meaningless to cover the

Rather, it was a more serious problem that the second stage exception condition
was met for the first time since K possessed Liese, and Killian was about 70%
free from Liese’s control.

The probability of ‘headache’, which he had set as an obstacle whenever he tried

to get away from the original work, also decreased dramatically.

‘No. I have to be the main character here until the end. I won’t let the story I
wrote collapse!’

Liese clenched her fists and made a promise.

From now on, it was a fight without any room.

Not only did Edith set the 3rd stage exception conditions that could never be
fulfilled, but Liese had to intervene herself and twist the story so that Edith
could die as a villain.

‘Conditions that Edith will never be able to fulfill...’

Liese struggled for a long time.

It was a long agony to explore this system, the characters, and even the being
possessed by it.

Eventually, at the tip of that thought, Liese realized that what she believed in
was not coincidence or luck, but the nature of existence.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 144


SPECIAL STORY 11. Flashback [4]

‘You’re dead once and you’rea possessed soul, but you’re a living person in this
world anyway. If it is a living being, it will instinctively avoid death...’

After thinking hard, Liese slowly decided on the third stage exception condition.

[Step 3 exception conditions have been set. Stage 3 exception condition: Do not
resist death.]

If you try to live, you die, and if you try to die, you live. It was a terrible

‘The only problem is that Edith can give up at the very last moment...’
I wanted to put a condition that made no sense, such as ‘I accept death happily’,
but this ‘condition’ had limitations.

That was exactly what it meant to be out of probability.

The fact that the condition of not resisting death was accepted because there was
even a slight possibility that Edith would give up in the story.

So, there was just that much risk probability.

‘But I can’t think of a stronger condition than this.’

Liese felt compelled and vowed that she would try to kill Edith herself from now


However, Killian, who was greatly out of Liese’s control, moved like a
character who exists to love Edith.

Killian, who brought Edith to the tea time spot, was no longer a ‘sub male lead
who has a crush on Liese Sinclair’.

His gaze was fixed on Edith the whole time.

As if they didn’t even care about Liese and Cliff, the two pushed each other and
exchanged secret glances.

At that time, Liese asked Killian with an innocent face.

“By the way, Killian. I’m sorry, but could you go to Rue Lebel-Marie with me
next Friday? I received a call saying that the shoes I had ordered with Killian in
the past were completed.”

“Ah! It’s already been that long.”

“Yes. It’s okay if you’re busy...”

“No, no. Let’s go together, whatever.”

Killian answered lightly, not paying attention to Edith.

‘Yes, there is still room to bring Killian back.’

It didn’t seem that the 30% or so remaining dominance was completely useless.

Liese smiled in repentance as she looked at Edith, who was trying hard to hide
her disappointment.

But a few days later, the Count Sinclair family suddenly came to the mansion.
That’s because he was aiming for Edith’s position.

‘Why is Count Sinclair becoming Edith’s enemy, not mine?’

This was a pretty bad sign.

In order for Liese to become the main character, clear villains had to attack
Liese, but that power is weakening.
The fact that it changed to target Edith also meant that Edith was becoming the
main character.

Liese suppressed her sense of urgency and waited for her outing with Killian.

Because I had to return Killian’s heart that day.

Liese urged Killian, who kept wandering in front of Edith, and headed to Le
Belle Marie Street, giving him a smile and a lot of charms that she didn’t usually
show him.

“Look at that, Killian! So cute!”

“Cute. Shall I buy it for you?”

Killian differed from the male lead, Cliff, in this respect.

Cliff said, ‘Shall I buy one?’ I didn’t ask. He just smiled and nodded, and later
sent all the things Liese pointed out to Liese’s room as gifts.

But now, Killian’s attitude wasn’t bad either. I’m sure he’s never bought a
present for Edith like this before.

However, as the date at Le Belle Marie continued, Liese began to annoy Killian
with his words and actions.

I didn’t like the thought of going down to the manor with Edith already, and it
made me feel bad when the shoe store said, ‘I’ll stop by with my wife soon.’

‘What? I’m trying on shoes right now. Then you should focus on me!’
Liese, who was in a very bad mood, tried to find fault with it.

“But I think we should consider Edith’s taste as well. Edith probably likes
something a bit flashier.”

“I thought she was like that too, but after getting married, it seems like her tastes
have changed a lot. I didn’t know she was such a pragmatist.”

Killian’s expression, smiling at the thought of Edith, was somewhat different

from the one he smiled at Liese earlier.

In the end, Liese was heartbroken and even crossed arms with Killian.

However, Killian only looked down at Liese with his arms crossed, and there
was no reaction.

Rather, he spoiled Liese’s mood even more by showing off his boredom even at
the accessory shop he entered for Liese.

Then, when Killian suddenly asked to stop by somewhere, he was quite happy,
and what he chose was Edith’s gift, not Liese’s.

“Do you want Edith to buy it for you?”

“No. It’s not like that, but I don’t think I’ve ever bought anything fancy

“Is it? I think Killian took good care of Edith... You bought her a necklace

“...You mean the day Cliff gave you all the rest of the jewels?”
Liese did not expect to receive an attack like this from Killian.

Of course, he seemed to think that what happened that day was Cliff’s fault, not
Liese’s, but if he had been the old Killian, he wouldn’t have even remembered
what happened.

Tired of enduring and enduring, Liese eventually returned home with the excuse
that she was tired.

Even after Killian returned, he didn’t take Liese to the room, but instead headed
to Edith’s room with Edith’s gift.

‘How could it change like this?’

Liese could no longer say that she knew about the character Killian.

He was a complete stranger.

However, Liese had a reliable ally by her side.

“Wow, what is all this?”



Cliff, the male lead, was a character only for Liese.

He seemed to be upset with the fact that Liese went out with Killian, and oddly,
he had a foreshadowing of an incident that could have killed Edith.

“In the hope that my younger brother and his wife will be happy, I told her
several ways to win Killian’s favor...”

“What did you tell her?”

“That Killian likes to sail on the lake.”

“A yacht on the lake...”

In Liese’s mind, the episode of the ‘yacht overturning accident’ quickly


Cliff whispered to Liese.

“Liese. I am the one who exists only for you Whatever you desire, I will give

“Really... For me?”

“Of course. I will always adore you My spring goddess.”

Liese smiled as she kissed Cliff, but deep inside she pondered a bleak thought.

‘Know. Because you are the character I created that way.’

That’s why I didn’t like Killian more, who moved against her will as the creator.

The day before Killian went on a yacht with Edith, Liese slowly put the plan
into action as it got dark outside.

“Oh my, where did that go?”

“Why is that, Liese?”

“Ah, Cliff! Came?”

Liese sat Cliff at the table, who had come to drink tea, and continued searching
every nook and cranny of the dressing table.

“What are you looking for?”

“Ah, that... My favorite earrings are gone.”


“Yes. It’s a pearl earring that my wife bought for me...”

Cliff began to show interest in Liese, who seemed nervous and anxious.

“When was the last time you wore it?”

“When was it... Ah! It was the last time we went yachting!”

“You mean the day I was on my yacht?”

“Yes. Did you spill it there...”

Liese was restless and pulled out another jewelry box that she had already
searched through before.

“I’ll go to the yacht and look for it.”

“Oh no! It was too late...”

“Are you okay.”

Liese thanked Cliff several times before sending the mercenary she had bought.

He would know what screws to loosen, so the job seemed unlikely to fail.

And the next morning, Liese showed signs of wanting to go boating. If I could
just follow him, I would be able to kill Edith even more surely.

But Killian clearly drew the line.

“Let’s go together next time.”

Liese was a bit disappointed, but smiled calmly and waved her hand.

‘But, well, there’s no way you can survive. Hello, 13th Edith.’

I hoped that the corpse would be found later, and that it would be a very
swollen, terrifying figure.
And Liese spent the morning leisurely waiting for the news of Edith’s death.

As noon approached, Liese’s head heard an announcement from the system.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

‘As planned.’

Liese looked out the window with a smile on her face.

The weather was nice.

It was a perfectly fitting day for Liese Sinclair to get back on track as a


[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Five minutes until her death.]

‘Huh? Why is there an announcement again?’

It must have been about 3 minutes since the announcement came out earlier. In
addition, the time to death was also increased.

‘Something... You’re interfering with Edith’s death...!’

I didn’t have to look to see what that ‘something’ was.


Once an ardent admirer of Liese, he was now struggling to save Edith.

And after a while, an unexpected announcement came.

[Edith Ludwig survives.]

‘What? ...Oh, no!’

[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original work was further damaged. The original
author’s dominance is weakening.]

It was a terrible story.

Even though the third stage exception conditions were not met because she
poured her strength into it without knowing that this work would fail, Liese’s
dominance was already weakening.

Soon there was an uproar in the mansion.

Killian, who was soaked wet, came back carrying Edith, who had lost
consciousness, but was alive.

“Call the doctor right now! Right now!”

Killian desperately screaming while holding a woman who wasn’t her was really
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 145


SPECIAL STORY 12. Flashback (5)

‘Killian... It’s too far away from the original story.’

Liese swallowed dry saliva.

I had never been in a situation like this before, so I didn’t know what to do, but I
had to do something.

‘I have to save the power of the original author. So, let’s use the extras that
haven’t been contaminated yet.’

Liese decided to use Princess Catherine to get Edith into trouble and prepared
for the founding festival.

The preparations for the founding festival flowed similarly to the original work,
so Liese found a sense of stability.

Cliff called the most expensive clothing store in the capital and ordered a
beautiful dress, and the Duchess Ludwig brought out the ‘Light of Lorraine’ for
‘Yes, I am the main character!’

But as soon as she thought that, the door to the Duchess’s office opened and
Killian and Edith entered.

“Everyone is here. We just got back.”

Killian was laughing, but Liese noticed that he was very angry, and his gaze was
fixed on Lorraine’s light.

“What will you give your daughter-in-law, Edith?”

The Duchess was perplexed by his sad blue eyes and answered.

“How about Edith pick out? Because anything is fine.”

“Ah, that would be nice. Edith. How about that necklace?”

“Yes? Me, that one?”

“It is the treasure of the Ludwig family. You’ll probably have priority. How
about going out wearing that necklace at the foundation festival?”

It was absurd.

Liese lived through <Home and Envoy> several times, but this was the first time
she was in danger of losing the ‘Light of Lorraine’.

But Edith rather calmed Killian down.

“It is a very beautiful and precious jewel, but I will politely decline this time.
Besides, I think it would suit Liese, who has blue eyes, better than me.”


“And if you’re discerning, you’ll know that the dress I made today doesn’t
match that necklace.”

In the end, Killian took a step back from Edith’s calmly admonishing attitude.

But Liese felt a sense of defeat.

‘To think that I was protecting Lorraine’s light with a sympathy like Edith’s...’

The one looking down from above should always be herself. It was a word that
she, the creator and protagonist of this world, should not be pushed aside by a
mere possessed human.

Liese, whose pride was severely damaged, brought up the ‘poison embroidery
thread incident’ as a topic when she went to meet Princess Catherine.

As Liese expected, Catherine was suspicious of Edith.

‘If this is enough, at least she’ll be embarrassed at the founding festival.’

Liese waited for the founding festival, expecting Edith to be embarrassed in

front of everyone.


Knock knock.

Inside the carriage heading to the Imperial Palace to attend the founding

Liese had been paying attention to the strange sound she had heard from
somewhere earlier.

‘What is this sound? Could it be that the story is twisted?’

She looked around nervously and eventually asked Cliff.

“Don’t you think there’s a strange noise coming from?”

But Cliff seemed to already know what that sound was.

“Maybe two friendly canaries are pecking at the wagon.”


Liese was shocked to see Edith and Killian finally apologizing.

‘You dare to show affection in front of me?’

Although there had been signs of this before, it was now evident that the two
were in love and could not hide it.
‘Damn. If I had a little more strength, I would have done the work at the
foundation festival...’

Unfortunately, Liese’s remaining power wasn’t very comfortable. It was

because she had to reserve some power in case of an emergency.

In the end, Liese believed only in Princess Catherine and entered the imperial

Princess Catherine led the episode just like the original story so that Liese could
stand out.

Seeing Liese being greeted by the other ladies following the princess, the
siblings of the Count Sinclair’s family also turned earthy.

‘Yes, Count Sinclair is still a villain for me.’

Behind the princess, Liese was calculating various things while putting on an
extremely pure and humble expression.

On the surface, this episode of the founding festival seemed to flow similarly to
the original story, but in fact, if you examine it in detail, the narrative for Edith
was flowing separately.

It was like that when the Duchess came wearing the dress Edith had chosen for

‘She wore the dress I picked out to a bazaar, but to wear the dress Edith picked
out to the founding festival makes me feel like I’m behind.’

Both were well received by the people, but the scale of the event was different,
so in the end the confrontation was tantamount to Edith’s victory.
Not only that, but Killian and Edith showed more affection than me and Cliff, so
they caught people’s attention.

It wasn’t enough that they did a dance that was so hot that it drew attention to
themselves, and the two of them threw Count Rigelhoff off and went out onto
the balcony.

Since the young ladies who had unrequited love for Killian were only looking at
them the whole time, their interest in Liese was less than in the original work.

Even Layla Sinclair’s jealousy, which should have been towards Liese, seemed
to lean towards Edith.

‘But Princess Catherine will take good care of her. Catherine hasn’t met Edith
yet, and there’s no room for contamination.’

That’s how Liese only trusted Catherine.

Sure enough, Catherine walked straight towards Edith, who met my eyes, and
insulted Edith right in the face.

“Was it the daughter of the Rigelhoffs? Wasn’t the marriage itself an

unreasonable demand from the Rigelhoff family? That house is so shameless...”

“Her Highness...!”

“Oh! I’ve heard that too I heard that Liese was poisoned a while ago? Knowing
how close Liese and I are, why didn’t you tell me?”

“That’s Liese...”
“Because your wife is a suspect?”

Liese cheered Catherine, measuring the point at which she had to approach.

But this time, the ambush was Killian.

When Catherine insulted Edith, Killian became angry and actively defended

“Funny, Killian. As if you never loved Liese...”

“Just as Her Highness gave up her feelings for Cliff because he loves Liese, so
do I. Isn’t Liese bad for clinging to a hopeless love?”

That was the first ‘declaration of giving up’ that came out of Killian’s mouth.

Liese felt even more impatient when she saw Killian who had completely lost
his position as sub male lead.

So, I had no choice but to intervene in an episode that I originally intended to

leave only to Catherine. It was because it seemed like something much bigger
would happen if she left the angry Killian alone.

However, even Liese was not enough to calm Killian’s anger.

“Liese. Did you tell Her Highness about that incident?”

Liese felt chills running down her spine at Killian’s cold gaze, which she had
never seen before.
‘Why the hell did this happen? Was it a problem to leave it to Catherine’s hot-
tempered personality?’

Killian continued to protest against Catherine despite Liese’s presence, and in

the end, Catherine had no choice but to grit her teeth and apologize to Killian
and Edith.

It would have been better had it ended there.

“If you think of Killian that much, why don’t you stop my father?”

“I tried to convince myself, but...”

“You really tried to stop Count Rigelhoff from sticking with the Duke of
Langston? Did you understand me correctly?”

Edith lowered her eyebrows and smiled faintly. She deftly evaded her
restrictions and revealed her situation.

Then even Catherine began to change her attitude.

“Um... Sorry. I thought Killian was living on her leash in a marriage that was
pushed through with cowardly measures, and I thought that Liese was being

After apologizing like that, Catherine burst into a hearty laugh when she heard
that Edith wanted to go say hello to her, but was hesitant because she was timid.

At that smile, the faces of the aristocrats who had been glancing at me from
earlier turned into a look of surprise.
Liese realized that the title of ‘The Princess’ Entourage’, which should have
belonged only to her, was divided in half.

‘Edith is becoming more and more the main character! Before the heroization
makes it harder to kill, I have to try something.’

Although the original author didn’t have much power left, Liese planned the
assassination case of Edith feeling cornered.

It was a relief that I wrote down a line in the novel about the man who followed

Liese gave him the name ‘Fred Sicily’ and added that he was half-mad with

Her power leaked out like water when she rushed to create a setting that didn’t

After gathering all the probabilities she could draw, and using Leila Sinclair and
Duke Ludwig as well, Liese herself took Edith to the scene of the incident.

It was after confirming that Killian was going out that morning.

‘There won’t be anyone around who can help Edith, so this time I’ll succeed.’

Edith, completely unaware of this situation, treated Liese like a close friend.

Liese would have had a pretty good time if it wasn’t for the person who came to
ruin her story.
However, what was important to Liese was the world in which she was the main

Liese cast the bait in a coy voice.

“Edith. By any chance, do you like romance novels that are a bit weird?”

Edith snapped at the bait as if he had seized the opportunity to become friendly.

“When it comes to quirky romance novels, <Milain Bookstore> is more famous.

Would you like to go with me?”

Not knowing that it was a guide to death, Edith accepted Liese’s offer and set
foot in a dark alley.

The time was getting closer to noon.

‘Sooner or later, Fred Sicily will appear.’

Fred Cicily hadn’t slept properly for two days after picking up the information
Layla deliberately leaked at a tea party at her house the day before yesterday.

“Edith Rigelhoff is going to the Milleine Bookstore near Lebelmarie Street the
day after tomorrow around noon. That she uses a bookstore that sells lewd books
like that, she deserves to know her level.”

That amount of information was enough to make the twisted desire stalker set
out to find Edith.
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 146


SPECIAL STORY 13. Flashback [6]

And about an hour later, a sharp scream from a woman rang out near <Milan
Bookstore> and quickly disappeared.

Of course, no one paid attention to those who did not want to get involved in
troublesome matters.

‘Now that’s it. Ha... Please die soon...’

To Anna, who asked, ’Where is Miss Edith?’, Liese said that she was also
looking for Edith, and then stomped her feet on the spot.

Feeling impatient, Anna ran to the back of the alley where <Milan Bookstore>
was located, but Anna’s strength alone would not be able to stop Fred Sicily.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

This was the guide I had been waiting for so long.

And as soon as Liese heard that guidance, Killian appeared in front of her.

‘How did this happen? Why is Killian here?’

Liese was surprised, but Killian was even more surprised.

“Liese? Why are you alone? What about Edith?”

“I-I was also looking for Edith. Edith suddenly disappeared...”

Although she was surprised, Liese responded with a relaxed mind. Edith will die
soon, and the dead don’t talk.

At that time, Anna, who was searching in the alley, jumped out and grabbed

“Miss Edith has never been out of that alley!”

At the same time, the systems of this world repeated ominous guidance.

[When Edith Ludwig dies as a villain, the story returns to its original trajectory.
Three minutes until her death.]

The time until death is extended.

It was like a déjà vu during a yacht accident.

‘How on earth did he buy his time?’

While Liese opened her eyes wide in surprise, Killian quickly started searching
the alley.

While Liese prayed for Edith to die quickly, and Killian and Anna prayed for
Edith to endure even a little longer, the time until death was extended twice

And finally, a loud bang echoed through the alley.

Killian and the knights ran into the abandoned house at the end of the alley.


Liese groaned, but the system mercilessly declared defeat to Liese.

[Part of the flow of the original work has collapsed due to the original author’s
excessive intervention. The original work was further damaged. The original
author’s dominance is seriously weakening.]

Liese’s pulse went numb.

After listening to the guidance of the system, it’s not that it’s not, but the
dominance that can be extended to the characters has decreased by about 30%.

If you recall how selfish Killian with 30% control was, he had that much
control, but it was mana.

After returning to the mansion with a broken heart and listening to the story
behind it, Edith seemed to have persuaded Fred Sicily with ‘words’.

‘This is a luck that won’t happen to extras.’

In reality, Edith would have died without being able to resist properly.

However, this was the world in romance novels, and the clichés of romance
dramas do not allow the main characters to die easily.

It was proof that Edith’s ‘characterization’ was accelerating.

‘There can’t be two female leads in one work...’

At that thought, Liese’s hand trembled.

‘I have to kill her before reaching the 3rd stage condition. Certainly!’

Liese started preparing for the final episode, the Battle of Territories and the
kidnapping case, feeling like a knife had been stabbed into her throat.

Just before declaring the Battle of Territories, Shane wrote a letter to Edith
saying he would give her one last chance, but Edith refused.

In addition, as soon as the Battle of Territories was declared, the spy of the
Rigelhoff family was kicked out after being trampled on and beaten.

The spy was the one who remained in the mansion until the end in the original
work and conspired with Sophia, but this time it was discovered because Edith
had met the second stage conditions.

So now, raiding the mansion is left to Shane alone.

‘I can’t just trust Shane.’

They were also unsuccessful in the original work, but now that Edith’s narrative
has become stronger, the Rigelhoffs have become unreliable.

Liese sent a secret letter to the Rigelhoff family with an unknown sender.

「He is someone who works at Duke Ludwig’s residence. If you are trying to
destroy the Ludwig family, I would like to contribute even a little.”

Count Rigelhoff and Shane were doubtful, but would have been forced to accept
the offer.

Liese, who had arranged the work up to that point, tried to cast the bait of
temptation for the last time to Killian before the campaign.

I deliberately visited him in the middle of the night wearing an off-the-shoulder

apron that Edith would wear, but Killian frowned at her round, white shoulders.

‘What? Didn’t you like this?’

Although she was momentarily taken aback, Liese summoned memories of the
past that would have been beautifully glorified, formed a consensus, and slowly
approached Killian.

“In fact... I knew Killian’s heart.”

Of course, Killian looked surprised.

Liese, who had been tempting with a sad smile for a while, spoke with the
intention of completely shaking Killian.
“Before you leave, can’t you kiss me just once?”

Killian paused.

Liese was sure that Killian would not refuse this request.

However, instead of covering her cheek, Killian’s hand, which was approaching
Liese, flicked the tips of his fingers and tapped her on the forehead.


“You don’t have to do it like sending someone to die like that, you fool.”

Killian smiled pleasantly with a face that was not young at all. Seeing that, Liese

‘Killian... It’s not mine anymore...’

Even the tiniest part of him was no longer Liese’s.

As if she had been abandoned by the character she had created, Liese returned to
a depressed mood.

Cliff was standing in front of the room.

“You look like something isn’t right.”


He seemed to already know where Liese was going.

And yet he did not scold her or openly show his displeasure.

‘Yes, I still have Cliff.’

Cliff kept trying to open up Liese’s feelings in a coy tone, but Liese couldn’t
reveal her true feelings even to her ardent followers.

‘If you knew what I was thinking, you would abandon me too. Yes?’

In the end, Liese sent them to the place where the Battle of Territories was
taking place, showing only a delicate and weak appearance in front of Cliff.

Edith didn’t even get a greeting from Duke Ludwig, which made her feel sorry
for her, but she couldn’t afford to be happy with such a simple thing.

Princess Catherine came and offered to send the unsolicited imperial knights,
and Liese gathered what little power she had left and made the Duchess reject
the offer.

Liese’s strength was weakened to the point that she had to rest for a while
because her nosebleeds dripped after she exerted herself.

‘Now, I can’t use the power of the original author.’

After losing the power that seemed omnipotent, Liese had no choice but to move
on her own. But even that didn’t turn out so easily.

To make raiding the Rigelhoff family’s mansion easier, sleep incense was
provided and an antilock device was installed, but Edith found all of them and
put them away like someone suffering from obsessive compulsive disorder.
In the end, Liese wrote a letter to Cliff saying that Edith’s behavior while
looking for it was strange.

‘The mansion raid can’t succeed in this state. I have to change my method.’

While thinking about it, Liese wrote a letter to Count Rigelhoff.

“The mansion’s defenses are too strict. Edith is particularly disturbing.

It looks like you need to change your method.

The Duchess and Miss Liese will be attending the party at the Count
Wyndham’s house on the day that ArchDuke Langston causes an uproar.

Aim for that way home.”

As expected, Count Rigelhoff and Shane decided to follow Liese’s advice.

Liese faced Layla, who apologized to me at a party in Wyndham Street, but

waited for the moment when the banquet ended when the assassination of the
emperor failed.

And when the knights of the imperial palace finally rushed into the carriage,
Liese chewed her lips involuntarily, fearing that she would fail again.

‘I must be successful this time. I don’t know anything else, but Edith has to
Since Edith had been emphasizing in her letters that she had completely
abandoned the Rigelhoff family, there was no way Shane or Sofia would leave
her alone.

Suddenly, the voice of the escort knight and the neighing of the horses were
heard, and the carriage shook.


Even as Liese screamed, she sang joy inside.

But instead of killing Edith right away, Shane bursts into the carriage and drags
all three to Wellesley’s abandoned cottage.

Even there, Edith was confined separately to pass the time.

‘You fools! Why don’t you kill Edith? Kill her quickly!’

Cliff would come in after a while, so until then, I had to kill Edith.

Liese was only thinking about that while dealing with Shane who was trying to
rape her.

That’s why when someone knocks on the door and Shane tumbles on an
outstretched fist from outside, I get a little annoyed.

‘It’s too early... What happened to Edith?’

Of course, while I was thinking about that, I didn’t forget to cry and cling to
Cliff who entered with an urgent face.
However, Sophia was on Liese’s side until the end.

While she was caught and dragged away, she did not reveal Edith’s location.

“Hmph! Do you think our young lady would fit in with a place like this?”

Contrary to her words that seemed to hide Edith at first glance, her eyes were
filled with malice like miasma.

‘Yes, if I stay trapped in this kind of weather, I’ll freeze to death or starve to

Liese encouraged the knights to hurry back by saying ‘When I woke up, Edith
was not there’ to the Duchess, who shouted that Edith couldn’t have betrayed

However, even as time passed, the voice of the system was not heard.

By this time, it would be possible to hear an announcement that Edith had a few
minutes left to live, but there was no such announcement until the Duke and
Killian returned to the capital.

‘Edith Riegelhoff! Where the hell are you and what are you doing!’
I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 147


SPECIAL STORY 14. Flashback [7]

While Liese chewed on his fingertips, Killian led the knights to find Edith, and
Cliff also increased the number of knights looking for Edith.

It was clear that Edith would be arrested sooner or later.

‘Then you’re saying there’s only three exceptions to believe?’

Liese couldn’t kill Edith even with the last operation.

If that was the case, Edith would have to beg for Killian’s life until the very end.

Liese was drying up day by day until the day of the execution of the Rigelhoffs.

‘If... If the conditions for step 3 are met, then what will happen?’

Liese wasn’t dying.

It wasn’t that any major catastrophe was about to happen.

It was just that the future that Liese knew disappeared and time continued to
However, the unknown future approaching, and getting old and ugly was
tantamount to disaster for Liese.

‘I hate that! What the hell should I do?’

For the first time in her life as Liese, she felt helpless. An existence like that of
soldiers standing at the execution ground.

“Edith Rigelhoff has been caught!”

“Now they are being taken this way!”

Fortunately or unfortunately, Edith was first captured by Cliff’s knight, not


‘Please struggle and get caught... Please...’

Liese wanted Edith to make a final effort, but as always since the 13th Edith was
possessed, her wish didn’t come true.

Edith’s expression, as she staggered along behind the knights, showed no will to

Liese hurriedly ran to Edith.

“Edith! Why, why did you do that?”


Edith was really puzzled.

“Please save me, Edith! I beg you that it was a mistake, that you sincerely regret
it! Killian is a person with a deep heart, so there is no way he ignores Edith!”

Liese had never appealed so earnestly before.

I earnestly prayed that Edith would resist death even a little.

However, Edith shook her head.

Edith, who had been ignoring Liese’s appeal to clear up the misunderstanding,
eventually revealed her white and thin neck in front of Killian, who had the right
to dispose of her.

‘No! No way!’

The moment Liese let out an inner scream, the voice of the system was heard.

[Step 3 exception conditions met. An exception has been made and the original
author’s rights have been completely lost. Stage 3 exception conditions will

Liese sat down on the spot.

“All of the Rigelhoffs who took part in the treason, as well as committed acts of
wrath, deserve to be punished.”

Killian, who opened his mouth as if he was going to cut Edith’s throat at any
moment, added with a light smile.
“But my wife’s name has been Edith Ludwig ever since she got married here.
Edith being Rigelhoff, that’s an insult to the Duke Ludwig. Isn’t it?”

Liese was dazed by the ‘exceptional situation’ caused by the fulfillment of the
third stage exception condition.

‘To think that Killian saved Edith, who everyone was trying to kill...’

The last 12 Ediths lost their lives under Killian’s sword right now, right here.

There was not a single exception.

Liese was the first to see this exceptional situation.

‘No, everything about the 13th Edith was new to me.’

When the execution of the Rigelhoff family began, Liese came out and bit her
lip as she moved back and forth nervously.

‘For me to lose, it’s ridiculous.’

It was the disappearance of the meaning of existence in this world. Because this
was a world where Liese Sinclair had to be the main character.

At that time, one of the knights by his side came to meddling widely.

“Lady Liese has a delicate heart, so it must be difficult to just listen to the sound,
but there is an order in the world that must be followed even with such drastic
Hearing those words, Liese’s head seemed to brighten.

‘Yes, in order to keep order, I have to use radical methods.’

She couldn’t admit she had lost.

‘It’s just that the third-level exception conditions have been met. As long as
Edith dies, Liese’s narrative can be revived!’

When Edith dies, the stories that differentiated into Edith’s narrative will
disappear, and the things that hinder Liese will disappear.

Even though Liese didn’t have character control, it was a life she had lived
several times, and she was able to fully control changes within the permissible

‘Edith must die. Right here, as a villainess.’

Liese thanked the knight who advised me and ran to the mansion to get a hot
water bottle. A sharp-edged dagger was also with them.

“Liese, there’s nothing nice to see.”

Cliff stopped Liese from entering the execution ground.

“I don’t mean to watch the execution... I’m going to bring Edith some hot

“It will be cold. It was decided not to execute Edith anyway. So please allow me
this much, Cliff.”

The soldiers nearby made faces as if they were moved by Liese’s warm heart.

Eventually, Cliff sighed and nodded.

Liese held the hot water bottle and dagger tightly in her arms and went down to
the dungeon where Edith was being held.

I had to hurry because I didn’t know how Killian might interfere.

When I went down, I saw Edith, who had turned blue from the cold, and was

Rejoicing at the fact that she couldn’t refuse the hot water bottle, Liese called to
Edith in a bright voice.


“Uh? Liese...!”

“Isn’t it cold? I brought a hot water bath to warm you up.”

However, at Edith’s answer that followed, Liese hardened her face involuntarily.

“Thank you, Liese. It was so cold that I thought I would freeze to death.”
Liese was dumbfounded at the sight of a woman who had even removed her hair
before ordering her to cut her head, now happily accepting the hot water bath,
saying that she would die from the cold.

“If you didn’t want to die that much, why didn’t you say a word to Killian

Edith, of course, seemed to be looking at Liese’s attitude strangely. Even so, it

was funny that Liese answered every question.

“By the way, do you want to come back and live again?”

Edith’s last reply was simple, saying that she had given up hope because she
didn’t think anyone would believe her, and that she was tired of claiming
innocence or being branded a liar.

“Because Killian trusted me.”

Liese finally seemed to know where she went wrong.

“Killian... Yeah, Killian was the problem, always...”

In the meantime, I was so concerned about Edith’s behavior that I looked at

Killian’s change too lightly. That was the cause of all these failures.

‘I should have held on to Killian from the start. If I did, he wouldn’t have come
this far...’

Liese felt Killian run out of 50,000 tablets, took out her dagger and cut her
forearm hard.
The feeling of the sharp blade slicing through the skin was unpleasant, but it was
a cheap price to say that everything was recovered with just that amount of


Liese threw the dagger into the cage and screamed, and Cliff and Killian came
down as if they had been waiting.

‘Now that’s it. Aone!’

Liese pretended to be frightened and cried, but was relieved. If she was injured
while they alone, the culprit would surely be determined by Edith.

Until Killian picked up the dagger and handed it back to Cliff, Liese had no
doubts that Edith would be dragged away again.

However, the target Killian was suspicious of was Liese, not Edith.

“Brother. How about that dagger? Isn’t it too warm?”


“I tried holding it, but the blade and handle were all warm. Higher than human
body temperature.”

“Come to think of it...”

At that moment, Liese realized her mistake. However, she couldn’t think of
anything to excuse because it was an unexpected mistake.
She had no choice but to repeat that Edith’s words were lies and that she had
only come to hand over the hot water bottle.

But Killian’s eyes grew colder.

“And there was one more important mistake, Liese.”

He reached out through the bars and swung the dagger.

The dagger couldn’t make a deep cut with a hand that couldn’t get out properly
through the lattice bars.

“Liese. Why did you try to frame Edith?”

“Why don’t you believe me? Are you sure Edith tried to kill me?”

Liese, who had never been driven into a corner this far, cried out with a really
unfair feeling.

However, Killian blamed her even more, and even criticized Cliff for protecting

It was Edith who calmed the excited Killian.

“Killian... Stop now.”

It was just a calm voice, devoid of anger, resentment, or superiority.

‘What! Why is she more like a main character and making a fuss!’
Liese had no choice but to watch as Edith left the dungeon in the arms of
Killian, shedding tears of resentment.


What happened after that was horrifying to even think about.

Even when Liese was admonished by Edith, she couldn’t even refute a word,
and Duke Ludwig, who had been on Liese’s side until now, turned away, saying
he was greatly disappointed.

It was the first time in a long time that I had to realize what it was like to live as
an ordinary human being, not as a main character, when the Duke and Duchess
Ludwig gave Edith a box of gold bars, furs, and huge jewels because they were

Edith smiling brightly under the spotlight in the middle of the stage and myself
standing outside the light and clapping hands...

The memory of the previous life is already faint, but only the sense of the time
when he abandoned the pen name K and was forgotten by everyone and fell was

‘I will never go back to that crappy life.’

A life praised by everyone is addictive, and even taking one step away from it
was followed by an unbearable sense of deprivation.

In order to escape from that sense of deprivation, and to overturn the reality of
being left behind by Edith, Liese first prepared a dazzlingly gorgeous wedding.
However, in the original work, the things that happened even if Liese did not ask
for them were fulfilled only when Liese requested them from one to ten after the
original work’s power disappeared.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 148


SPECIAL STORY 15. Flashback [8]

In the weddings of their past life, which they have experienced many times, the
flowers that filled their wedding hall were the finest white roses without a single

However, the decorative flower written on the budget that Cliff had brought was
a white hydrangea.

The flowers were so large that it would look rich even without a few flowers,
but that kind of ‘efficiency’ was far from the ‘heroic quality’ that Liese wanted.

“The flowers for the ceremony are white roses. Even the petals you sprinkle.”
“But that amount of white roses is difficult these days. White hydrangeas are
also popular as ceremonial flowers...”

“Cliff. Could it be that you are ignoring me too?”

“There’s no way that’s the case, Liese!”

“Then do as I say. Can you please?”

Liese suppressed her irritation and smiled brightly.

“...Yes, if that’s what you want.”

Cliff also accepted her request, but Liese was unbearably uncomfortable with
the small sigh that followed his answer.

‘Sometimes I’m ready to sacrifice the empire under my feet.’

Throughout his life as Liese, Cliff longed for a handful of her affection, and
gave her what she wanted before Liese could even speak.

However, as the conversation related to the wedding went on, the number of
conflicting opinions increased, and Cliff’s sighs increased as well.

Of course, that didn’t mean Liese would step down, but the ambush was the
Duchess, who was managing the family’s budget.

“Liese. Let’s talk for a minute.”

Liese’s words were that the Duchess had died, so Liesee thought it was better.
Because she thought she couldn’t deny her own demands.

But the words that came out of her mouth were unexpected.

“Cliff has been planning a wedding, but I think it’s a little off.”

“Yes? How did you weave it?”

“He seemed very excited to hear that he was marrying you. They put all the
luxuries in it.”

The Duchess shook her head and showed Liese the wedding plan and budget
written by Cliff.

It contained everything Liese requested.

“If the ceremony goes on like this, rumors will spread that the ducal family is
cheating. Cliff loves you. It’s not unknown, but it’s so different from Killian’s
wedding, Won...”

She seemed to have no doubts that this plan all stemmed from Cliff’s excessive
affection, and that Liese would frugally revamp it all.

‘Originally, you guys have to hold a wedding like this even if I stop it!’

Liese answered with a tearful voice, barely swallowing her anger.

“Does your wife regret spending this much on my budget?”

“Lee, Liese...?”

“Yes, I am an illegitimate and insignificant girl. But what about Cliff? It’s the
wedding of Cliff, the heir to the Duke, and it shouldn’t be shabby than other
nobles’ weddings.”

The Duchess was speechless with her eyes wide open in surprise.

In the end, the wedding went as Liese wanted, but in return, Liese could not
spend time with the Duchess as before.

However, Liese did not regret it in the slightest.

‘There’s no benefit to me from flirting around with extras.’

In fact, what bothered me more than the Duke and his wife who distanced
themselves from me was Edith’s attitude.

Maybe she didn’t have a belly button, or she didn’t care about Liese anymore,
Edith was smiling brightly and applauding at the wedding of the person who
tried to kill her.

To the point that Killian and Edith look much happier than the main characters
of the day, Cliff and Liese.

Liese couldn’t be so displeased with that.

One of the purposes of this splendid wedding was to arouse Edith’s envy and
However, when Edith with Killian left for Ryzen, Liese’s displeasure felt a little

‘Yes, Edith is gone now. From now on, I’m going to create a new narrative for

There seemed to be a glimmer of hope.

Besides, there was nothing to stop her, who was certain to be the next Duchess.

It must have been a godsend to sign a contract with Cliff before marriage.

「Cliff Ludwig will never ask Liese Ludwig for a divorce.」

「Cliff Ludwig will defend and protect Liese Ludwig no matter what.」

These two clauses alone were tantamount to not only holding Cliff’s leash, but
also obtaining an indulgence for everything.

‘Nothing difficult. After all, I’m the next Duchess Ludwig.’

But there was one thing she was missing.

Even though she vowed to create a ‘better future than the original work’, what
fills her head is the success and glory of the original story.

Rather than pioneering a new path, it seemed more certain to walk the path I
already knew. Even if it is the path of the original plot that has already
That’s why I was anxious if the original episode I knew didn’t happen.

‘Why aren’t the invitations coming?’

In the original work, Liese, who married Cliff, received dozens of invitations a

Of course, several invitations came this time as well. However, the number was
less than in her original work, and above all, there was no invitation she wanted.

‘The invitations didn’t come from the people who should be extras for the next

However, it was impossible to send a letter asking for an invitation.

‘I’ll have to make friends with them by attending many parties.’

Liese couldn’t let the original episodes disappear.

And if you were going to attend a party, you had to stand out more than anyone

There were a lot of dresses that the Duchess or Cliff had bought for her, but
frankly, not many of them exactly matched Liese’s taste.

It was because she always chose a simple and innocent dress rather than her own
taste in order to fit the character of Liese, who is kind and sorry for being

‘Because I don’t have to look at it like that anymore...’

Liese started ordering a fancy and voluptuous dress that the original Edith would

‘In the first place, when I was making Liese’s character, I should have made her
breasts as big as Edith’s.’

I created a slender and innocent Liese to contrast with the sensuous body and
dumb-haired villainess, but now I’m a bit dissatisfied with that.

Even though I wore the same bed linen that exposed my shoulders, I still can’t
forget that Killian’s gaze was completely different.

However, Liese strengthened her confidence by looking at her beautiful self in

the mirror.

Because she was still the most beautiful woman in the world.


‘Why doesn’t it go back to the original flow?’

Even though she knew that the power of the original work had already
disappeared, Liese chewed on that thought like a habit.

This is because it was more difficult than expected to get close to the characters
needed for the original episode.

‘In the original work, the humans who first sent an invitation and begged to
My pride did not allow me to approach those people first and pretend to be close
to them.

They managed to move the people around them cleverly and open their faces,
but the relationship did not progress beyond that.

‘I can’t do it. I have to create a situation where they have to come up to me and
say hello.’

Liese pondered over several options, and eventually planned the one that would
attract the most attention.

It was decided to be the organizer of the annual year-end party.

When the weather started to get chilly and the year-end party started to come
out, Liese said with a bright smile at the dinner table.

“I want to prepare the year-end party for this year.”

However, contrary to what they thought would come easily, the expressions of
the Duke and Cliff hardened a little.

“It will still be too much for you. Watch what Joslyn does and learn from it, then
start hosting it yourself in about five years.”

Duke Ludwig warned with a gentle face, but Liese had to do it this year.
Because the original episode had to happen early next year.

“I have seen and learned what my wife prepares for the past five years. This
year, when I married Cliff, I really want to take over.”

“Does the Duke know that there are still many people who laugh at me as a
lowly illegitimate child? And there are people who laugh at Cliff who married
me like that.”

A sigh came out of the Duke’s and Cliff’s mouths at the same time.

Because that bastard’s ‘illegal position’ was already an excuse that Liese used
several times.

However, Liese pretended not to hear their sighs.

“The hostess position at the year-end party will prove that I have become a
member of the Ludwig family.”

Duke Ludwig tried to say another word, but the Duchess stopped him.

“Yes, Liese. Do whatever you want.”

“Thank you, Mother.”

Unlike Liese who thought ‘I won’, Cliff seemed to have a broken heart.

That evening, Liese shouted in unison to Cliff, who raised his voice, saying,
“My mother still corrected me!”

“How long do I have to hide behind you?”

“Everything I do is for the ducal family, so you shouldn’t treat me as an
ornament any more.”

Liese turned away from Cliff, who was shocked by her remark that drew the line
by saying ‘you guys’.

‘I should have set that human to be more submissive to Liese.’

As the days passed, Cliff became more and more irritated.

Cliff’s appearance was no longer special to Liese, who lived the same life over
and over again.

No, sometimes it was even boring. Enough to dream of breaking away from
other characters.

‘So, at this year-end party, I’m going to meet the heir to Count Lieberman, be
introduced to the Crown Prince, and start dating!’

In the original work, Count Lieberman’s successor was an extra who fell in love
with Liese’s beauty and first invited her to his ‘Celebrity Club’ and constantly
appealed for her charm, but was frustrated because she couldn’t move the heart
of Liese, who was single-minded with Cliff.

However, as he is the main character of an episode, his appearance was set up

fairly well.

Besides, the already married crown prince was also described as handsome and
captivated by Liese’s beauty.
In her marriage to Cliff, which was the same every time, and this time even
more disappointing, such good-looking men were enough to stimulate Liese’s
deviant psychology.

‘Since ancient times, the more men who love me, the better.’

Liese was moved by her gesture and started preparing for the year-end party,
imagining other men to kneel.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 149


SPECIAL STORY 16. Flashback [9]

The Duke’s year-end party was prepared completely differently than before.

Crystal chandeliers, the finest champagne, expensive gifts and food made with
rare ingredients...

The budget was enough for three previous year-end parties.

Cliff and the Duchess tried to stop it several times, but Liese said rather as if
they were frustrated.
“We have to take this opportunity to properly show the prestige of the Ludwig
family, who have become His Majesty’s closest aides. There will never again be
a family that makes up its mind like the Rigelhoffs.”

It was an excuse she added because she wanted to put Edith down, but contrary
to her intentions, the Duchess sighed as she recalled Edith, who was thrifty and

Anyway, the year-end party was as luxurious and luxurious as Liese’s planned.

Liese was introduced as a hostess who successfully prepared a large banquet in

the first year of her marriage, and even Princess Catherine attended to enhance
her status.

‘Yes, this is it!’

Seeing people’s admiration and envy in their eyes after a long time, Liese
seemed to finally be able to breathe.

No one would think of Edith at this place.

She was even able to become more intimate with Youngsik, Countess
Lieberman, who could be said to have been the purpose of the year-end party.

“Would you like to dance with me this time, lady?”

Seeing him suggest a dance with a somewhat trembling voice, Liese sang joy

Dancing with him and sharing a glass of champagne made my heart flutter for
the first time in a while.
Cliff’s expression hardened moment by moment, but Liese completely ignored

‘It’s a fish I caught anyway, so what?’

On that day, Liese had no doubt that her life would bloom brightly like the
original work.

It was because the successor to Count Lieberman brought up the story of the
crown prince to her like the original story.

“Did I tell you that I studied alumni with His Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Yes? With His Highness the Crown Prince?”

“Yes. Actually, my father was His Highness’s history teacher. Haha!”

Even his tone, which was slightly arrogant, was welcome.

“Awesome. I’ve only seen Her Highness the Crown Prince from afar.”

“Is that so? Then, when will you go to the prince’s palace with me? His
Highness, the Crown Prince, will also be pleased with his wife’s visit.”

“Really... May I go?”

“Sure! Let me tell you. Ha ha ha!”

Liese felt relieved when she saw her smiling face as if she had fallen in love
with her.

‘Also! No matter how much the power of the original work has weakened, big
events still happen!’

Now, if she met the crown prince and solved his troubles, and then even found
the emperor’s lost nephew, Liese would be able to win the emperor’s favor.

I was happy to anticipate the future that would continue like the original story,
but a few days later, something happened to catch that mood.

“Edith. Ah, no, a New Year’s greetings letter from Countess Ryzen!”

The butler, Philip, gave the letter from Edith to the Duchess, Cliff, and Linnon
with a happy face. Even Philip, the head butler, the gardener and the yacht
manager seemed to have received a letter.

It felt like the atmosphere of the mansion, which had been somewhat heavy
lately, suddenly brightened up with that letter.

Even Cliff smiled brightly and handed the letter he had read to Liese.

“Sister-in-law also asked about your well-being, Liese.”

The letter I received without hesitation was full of details about the busy life in
Ryzen, the worthwhile life, and their well-being.

「...How’s Liese doing? After marrying Master Cliff, she must have helped her
mother more with her work, but I’m worried that it might be too much for her
delicate body.
I was confident in my stamina, but I felt that my body was getting tired after
playing the role of a countess here.

Liese won’t gain weight no matter how much she eats, so I hope she eats better
and takes better care of her health...」

It was as if she was worried about her best sister-in-law.

However, Liese couldn’t take those words straight away.

‘This is sarcastic, right?’

The teeth were gritted.

Because Edith met all the conditions, she lost the power of the original story, but
Edith was having a happy time in Ryzen.

Even the people in the Duke’s residence, who were only on my side in the
original work, acted as if they missed Edith.

“Where are you going, Linnon?”

Rarely, seeing Linnon going out, Liese asked lightly to say hello, and the answer
from Linnon’s mouth sharpened her nerves.

“I’m going to the post office to mail a letter.”

Several letters were tied with string in his hand.

Given the different types of envelopes, it was not likely written by one person,
and if you were to send letters written by several people to one place, it was
clear that the destination would be Ryzen.

“...Is it so. Come back safely.”

Liese had no time to care about my expression or my voice.

‘Yeah, you said Linnon helped save Edith, right? I won’t let you go.’

A burning hatred extended to Linnon.

From that day on, Liese started to fault Linnon for every little thing. Of course,
not once did Linnon panic or succumb.

However, Liese was not discouraged either. Because soon the prince will be on
her side.


Could it be that we shouldn’t have predicted success too early?

‘There’s nothing going on.’

In the carriage on the way home from the prince’s palace, Liese nervously bit
her lip.

Until the introduction of the crown prince to the successor of Count Lieberman,
it went smoothly like the original plot.
The prince I met today should have bounced a little in front of Liese, but then he
fell in love with her personality and wisdom and expressed his liking.

However, the prince’s attitude was a little different from the original story.

“I heard from Isaac. In fact, even if it wasn’t for Isaac, I could hear the story of
his wife, the most beautiful woman in society, everywhere.”

The face of the crown prince with a smile felt a subtle difference from the one
set in the original work.

‘You mean you heard something about me?’

In words, it was the story of her ‘most beautiful woman’, but the slightly
crooked smile seemed to contain a hint of mockery.

‘Am I oversensitive?’

He tried to think that way and move on, but by the time he got up from his seat,
the prince, who had to promise the next meeting, said nothing.

“See you next time, if you have a chance.”

That was it.

In the original work, he invited her to his social gathering with a look of regret...

‘If this happens, I won’t be able to be introduced to the prince’s aides!’

In the original work, Liese communicates with the crown prince and his aides
and appeals to his wisdom.

It was an opportunity for the nobles, who were still repelled by the fact that she
was an illegitimate child, to change their attitude toward her in favor.

‘No. Let’s not think too anxiously. Changing the attitude of the nobles is
possible in other ways.’

A few days had passed since Liese felt uncomfortable with the episode that did
not go the way she had hoped and looked for another way.

However, the anxiety that had plagued Liese the whole time took shape around
noon one day.

“Call Liese!”

Duke Ludwig, who returned from visiting the imperial palace, issued a
disobedience with an angry face.

It was the first time he had called Liese in such an angry state.

And when the bewildered Liese entered his office, the Duke asked without even
looking at Liese.

“Have you ever met His Highness the Crown Prince?”

The day Liese went to meet the crown prince, she kept the schedule a secret.

That way, when she gains the support of the Crown Prince, the Duke’s people
will be more surprised by her hidden ability.
But the Duke seemed to already know everything.

“Yes. Not long ago, with the introduction of Count Lieberman’s successor...”

“You mean you didn’t say a word to me or Cliff on the way to meet the imperial

At those words, Liese’s eyebrows were slightly wrinkled.

“It was a meeting that took place thanks to the favor of the successor of Count
Lieberman. I just drank a cup of tea or something. Do I have to report every
detail of my trip to tea?”

“It might have been tea time with other wives or young girls, but it was with the
royal family! Have you never thought about what that would look like in the
eyes of His Majesty the Emperor?”

No way. I met the crown prince aiming for that.

Liese became more puzzling.

“I don’t know what the hell you mean.”

“While His Majesty was still correcting it, the eldest daughter-in-law of the
Duke Ludwig came out after chatting in the palace of the crown prince. It’s just
perfect for others to misunderstand that the Ludwig family is already lining up
for the crown prince.”

“It’s not like His Highness the Crown Prince hasn’t met anyone personally, isn’t
that a drastic leap?”
At Liese’s resistance, Duke Ludwig let out a long sigh as if letting out his
boiling anger.

“The problem is that Ludwig is a person, not another person. Because you held
last year’s year-end party so splendid that everyone in the empire knew about it,
everyone thought that our family had finally entered the political arena!”


Duke Ludwig personally told me that the emperor called him and asked, ‘What
was the intention of skipping me and meeting the crown prince?’

Along with the words that he began to worry that the Ludwig family, who had
given power with their own hands, might point the sword at the emperor

“I did it for the Ludwig family! I didn’t expect His Majesty the Emperor to
accept it with such a misinterpretation!”

Even though Liese was angry with the red flag, she was embarrassed on the

‘It wasn’t like this in the original plot...?’

It was dark before my eyes.

From then on, Liese lost her reason for a while.

Even though he knew that the original work had already collapsed, when the
reality went differently than he expected, a fear he had never felt before
engulfed his whole body.
Liese became sharper, as if sharp thorns were tightly set up.

At a party, I slapped the cheek of a young lady who seemed to be ignoring me,
and I got into a big fight with Cliff because I was resentful of Cliff for allowing
me to be put on probation.

Everything was a mess.

In the meantime, Linnon, who was a thorn in the eye, quit his ducal job and left
for Ryzen.

Liese felt like she was going crazy because everything seemed to revolve around

I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 150


SPECIAL STORY 17. Flashback [10]

‘This is your last chance. If even this thing goes wrong, I...’
One day in the fourth year of my marriage to Cliff.

Even though Liese felt herself going crazy, she had been waiting for this day.

The last episode of the original story where Liese wins the favor of the imperial
family, the day that episode takes place.


“Wherever I went, didn’t you decide not to care?”

I was also sick of Cliff’s expressionless face and mechanically asking questions.
He seemed to have only a small obligation left in the prenuptial agreement.

Liese closed the carriage door as if to erase Cliff’s dry face, and ordered them to

‘A month before the founding festival, a slave auction on the outskirts of the

In the original story, Liese tries to give presents to the Duke and Duchess on the
occasion of the founding day, but misunderstands a store and ends up in a slave
auction, where she searches for the lost lineage of the imperial family.

Of course, I didn’t bring it knowingly.

I just impulsively brought him because I felt sorry for the boy who seemed to be
proud of himself being treated harshly.

The boy says he can’t remember his past, but he is unexpectedly knowledgeable
and smart about aristocratic etiquette.
Liese, who is proud of such a boy, makes him her errand boy, but Princess
Catherine, who just came to the mansion to play, is surprised to see the boy.

‘Because the fact that the emperor’s nephew was kidnapped was a top secret.’

Recognizing her cousin at a glance, Catherine invites Liese and the boy to the
palace together, and the boy’s mother, whom Catherine had called in advance,
has a touching reunion with her lost son on the spot.

The ending of the original story was that Liese, who found the lost bloodline of
the imperial family, immediately became favored by the imperial family, and
that she lived happily with Cliff.

‘I don’t want to lose any more. I must succeed this time.’

Even though the weather was still hot, Liese’s shoulders trembled.

When I think of the things I’ve lost over the past few years, I don’t think I’ll feel
refreshed even if I drink Edith.

It was only after she had completely lost the affection between the Duke and her
husband that she thought she didn’t need it anymore, until she realized how
warm and comfortable it was, and Cliff’s love, which she thought was boring,
could not be replaced by anyone else’s love.

There were many men who confessed their love to Liese, but they all coveted
Liese’s appearance and the position of ‘Duchess Ludwig’.

The more she heard other people’s confessions of love, the more Liese’s heart
became empty.
‘If I win the favor of the imperial family, everyone will love me again. It has to

Liese squeezed her trembling hands tightly and headed for the outskirts of the

Then, after putting on a hooded cloak prepared in advance and covering his face
with a fan, he waited for the boy’s turn at the slave auction.

I was nervous as if it was the first time even though it was something that I had
repeated several times in my life of Liese.

‘This is the last auction. Will he appear this time?’

Liese held the bidding board in her hand and did not take her eyes off the stage.

“Now, the last auction of the day! This time, it is a rare handsome boy! Thirteen
years old! In my 15 years of slave auction, I have never seen such a pretty guy!”

The comment of the man conducting the auction was the same as the original

However, Liese’s hand, which was urgently trying to raise the bid board, was

‘What, what!’

The boy who came on stage was a handsome boy with fair skin and dazzling
blonde hair, just like in the original story. But he was a different child from the
emperor’s nephew.
Standing there was not a boy who held his head high and clenched his teeth
because of his pride even at a young age, but a boy trembling with fear and
looking at his surroundings anxiously.

Liese’s pulse went numb.

‘The original plot... It’s not left anywhere.’

I felt like my life was over.

‘At this rate, you’re going to grow old as a Duchess who can’t even receive love
from her husband?’

It was terrible. Isn’t it the life of an extra whose name is not even mentioned in
the novel?

The moment Liese was about to panic, she suddenly heard the auctioneer’s

“5 million pesos! Up to 5 Million Persons! Hehe, this level of beauty must have
many uses. Is there anyone who would care more?”

At the word ‘used’, a plan quickly passed through Liese’s mind.

And Liese hurriedly raised the bidding plate.

“8 million personos are out! 8 million! Are there any more?”

Ironically, like the original work, which no longer exists, Liese was able to win
the bid for the 8 million Persona boy.

“Name is?”

“Pe-I was called Peril, Master.”

“No, from now on your name is John.”

“Yo, yo, John?”

Liese frowned at the boy who kept staring at him and stuttering.

“Okay. John. Get rid of the stuttering habit quickly.”


“And you don’t remember anything before last year. Got it? I only remember
your name, John.”

At the sudden request, Peril, no, the boy who has now become John widened his

“No matter what anyone asks, they say they don’t remember. Isn’t it difficult?”

“Yes, that... I will.”

“Good. Then, starting tomorrow, I will assign you a teacher, so learn the
manners and manners of aristocrats. Even in the smallest of actions, you have to
be perfect to show off your aristocracy.”
Yohan seemed to be lacking in confidence, but Liese knew very well that
humans could do anything if pushed to their limits.

If you think about what the last 12 Ediths did until the end.

Liese called a servant and told her to wash the child well and gave one secret

“Take sleeping pills with your child’s dinner. And while he’s asleep, tattoo a
butterfly on her collarbone.”

The red butterfly-shaped mole on her collarbone was decisive proof that she was
the emperor’s nephew.

Since the kidnapping of the child had already happened five years ago, if there
were so many resemblances to the lost child, the emperor or the child’s parents
would be fooled.

‘Yes, if the original work doesn’t help, I can pioneer it myself.’

From that day on, Liese managed John’s every move and thoroughly
transformed him into the ‘lost nephew of the emperor’.

Because of that, he had another big fight with Cliff.

“What did you even buy slaves for again this time?”

“I need an errand boy for me.”

“What else do you need an errand boy for? The maids do it all.”
“What do you think you know?”

“Isn’t it because you don’t know what will happen if you, who are still young,
put a pretty boy as your engine?”

“You are good too!”

After such a big fight, I closed the door and locked it.

Annoyance and anger were intense, but Liese tried to regain her reason. He was
like this and he couldn’t afford to be angry.

‘I have to hit it first before Edith goes up to the capital.’

To celebrate the founding of the country, Killian and Edith were scheduled to
come up to the capital with their children.

Before that, he had to regain his place as the main character.


“It’s been a while, Liese.”

“Thank you for inviting me, Your Highness.”

Liese greeted Catherine, who invited her to the palace after a long time.

Catherine, who used to send invitations saying that a day is a long way off, has
also been missing from sometime.
However, perhaps thanks to the fact that she managed her personal connections
outside the Ludwig family better than inside, Catherine welcomed Liese without
much difference from before.

And as Liese intended, she looked at Liese’s boots.

“Who is he?”

“Ah, this is the child I have as a boot. I felt sorry for her situation, but
surprisingly, she knows noble etiquette well and is clever.”


Catherine furrowed her brow as she carefully scanned the well-dressed boy.

Then, suddenly, he got up and walked towards the boy.

“What is your name?”

“My name is John.”


Upon hearing the name, Catherine’s expression became more serious.

Then Liese stepped out.

“Princess, do you have any problems? This child I got from a slave auction
house, but unfortunately, he says he doesn’t remember the past very well.”
“No, slave? Oh my god...!”

“I only remember a few things, John, what was it?”

To Liese’s question, Yohan lowered his head and answered.

“When I was young... I remember living in a very big and nice house. I don’t
know what I was doing in that house. I remember that there was something like
a rug hanging on the wall with the sun painted in the middle.”

“That and?”

Catherine asked, her hands trembling.

“I only remember that a beautiful woman with the same hair color as mine
called me John, John, that I had a white dog with black spots, and that the dog’s
name was Othello.”

Catherine, pale as if fainting, urgently called for her maid.

“Call Aunt Sierra! Hurry! Tell me you think you found John!”

The ladies-in-waiting became busy with Catherine’s urgent order, and Liese
looked at Catherine with a bewildered expression.

“Your Highness...? Suddenly, what is this...”

“Liese! Where, uh, did you find this child?”

“A slave auction house on the outskirts of the capital. I mistakenly entered the
store... By the way, why are you like that?”

Catherine held Liese’s hands tightly and shed tears.

“You saved John.”


“Anyway, this child looks like my cousin John, whom I lost five years ago.”


Liese feigned surprise and opened her eyes wide.

But on the other hand, I was grateful to the sky.

‘It’s okay! It’s worthwhile to please Catherine.’

It seemed that all the hardships of the past had been compensated in an instant.

Moments later, Catherine’s door burst open without knocking, and a woman,
looking devastated, rushed in. Behind her were the Emperor and the Marquis of
Theroux, the Emperor’s younger brother and the woman’s husband.


The woman rushed into the room, stood tall as soon as she saw the boy, and
slowly approached the boy and knelt down in front of him. Then she studied her
boy’s face, as if searching for something.
Her face was already full of tears.

“John. Do you recognize who I am?”

The boy glanced at Liese once, then awkwardly shook his head.

“They say they don’t remember the past very well. But I remembered the
tapestry hanging in the Marquis House and Othello, the dog I had as a child. It’s
something you’ll never remember unless it’s John.”

At Catherine’s explanation, the woman shed tears again.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 151


SPECIAL STORY 18. Flashback [11]

However, the Marquis of Theroux’s tears were premature.

She nearly fainted when told that the boy had been found at a slave auction and
that he must have suffered a great deal.
“This is going to be a big deal for Sierra. First of all, I’ll call a doctor to see if
John’s health is okay, and I’ll have to calm him down a bit.”

The emperor looked at Liese while soothing his sister and wife who were
looking for their lost son.

“So, you say that you found Johann Mrs. Ludwig?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. It is said that he accidentally found it at a slave auction

where he entered the wrong place. Liese saved John!”

Catherine tried to give Liese a boost, but Liese waved her hand.

“It was really accidental, and I just reaped it because I felt sorry for the child. I
didn’t know any of this.”

“Well, you wouldn’t know. It was a matter of utmost secrecy.”

The Emperor smiled and nodded his head.

“It may be sudden, but your boots look like my nephew. When I return home, I
will decide on a reasonable compensation and contact you.”

“Congratulations, Your Majesty.”

Liese was embarrassed, but after bowing politely, she returned to the Duke’s

‘Good. It’s going according to the original story, so I’ll be announced as a

recipient of the Imperial Order before Edith comes up.’
If that were the case, Liese firmly believed that the Duke and his wife, who had
closed their hearts to me, and Cliff would return again.


Five years ago, the emperor’s youngest brother, the Marquis Theroux, and his
wife, Sierra, suffered a painful event, such as having their limbs ripped off.

At an outdoor banquet held at the imperial palace, their lovely youngest son
John disappeared.

At first, thinking that the child must have wandered and got the wrong way, he
focused on freeing people to find the inside of the palace.

However, when the soldiers searching the garden came up with only Johann’s
shoes and clothes and a note saying ‘If you talk about this, I will kill the child’,
they realized that this was a kidnapping case.

I anxiously waited for the kidnappers to contact me, but to my dismay, there was
no contact for over a week.

From then on, the Marquis of Theroux and the imperial family released people
to find John, but they couldn’t find a clue about the lost child anywhere.

John’s disappearance was kept a secret, fearing that ill-wishers might commit
fraud or that the gang that kidnapped John might harm him.

Even then, the child she hadn’t found for five years, Liese, came from the slave
auction house.
Marquis Theroux was as light as if the stone that had been weighing down his
heart had disappeared.

“Young Master is in good health. I don’t remember the past, I think it’s because
of the shock at the time of the kidnapping rather than his head injury. Besides,
five years is a long time for children to forget the past.”

Although I felt sorry for the words of the doctor who finished the examination, I
decided to be grateful that my body was still healthy.


“Madam is talking with Master John.”

“Yes, because that person suffered the most.”

How must it have felt for a mother who lost her eight-year-old son?

Marquis Theroux enjoyed a comfortable and happy heart after a long time.

However, Sierra’s expression after returning to the room after talking with John
was not very bright. So much so that she knew right away that something was


“Honey. Something is strange.”

“Is it strange?”
Sierra, who was staring into the air as if she was persistently recalling some
memory, spoke after a while.

“You remember John had a butterfly-shaped mark on his neck, right?”

“Of course. Why? No dots?”

“No. I had a mole on my neck.”


Sierra said, slowly making eye contact with Marquis Theroux.

“The location is different.”

“What? Uh, that can’t be...! If that child isn’t John, how can he remember the
tapestry hanging in the mansion or Othello?”

“That is what I mean.”


“It’s been a long time since I’ve been to the capital, so it feels new for some

Edith said while looking out the window of the running carriage.

Killian, who had grown up holding Erdin on the other side, smiled at Edith, who
looked somewhat excited.
“I feel like it was only yesterday that we left for Ryzen. I’ve been so busy I
don’t know how the time went by.”

“I know, right. Are you all doing well?”

“Is there anything special?”

The conversation and smiles shared in the lightly rocking carriage were as calm
as usual.

But then, suddenly, the carriage shook violently.


“Edith! Calm down! No big deal.”

After Shane’s kidnapping, Killian urgently soothed Edith, who was startled
whenever the carriage stopped suddenly.

Edith rubbed his chest with an embarrassing smile, and Killian opened the
carriage door.

“What’s going on!”

“Sorry! Some kid ran in front of me...”

At the escort knight’s answer, Edith poked her head out the door.

“Isn’t the child hurt?”

“Yes! The child is safe, but it seems that he deliberately jumped in to beg. I will
kick you out right away.”

The knight seemed to be running at any moment, but Edith stopped him.

“No. Please bring me some money.”

“But ma’am...”


After Edith gave birth to a child, she couldn’t pass by beggar children on the

Even if the money she gives goes to the leader of the beggars, that child will be
able to get by without being beaten for just one day.

After a while, the knight caught the scruffy-looking boy and brought him along.

“Leave this! I can walk on my own feet too!”

“A guy with no quirks! What kind of safety are you being arrogant!”

The boy, who did not hide his dissatisfaction even in front of a knight from an
aristocratic family, bowed his head roughly when he stood in front of Edith.

“I am sorry for stopping the carriage of the noble sir. I tripped on a rock and

“Are you hurt anywhere?”

“My knees are a little skinned, but this is fine.”

The child’s pants had holes in them, and blood was oozing from his knees, as if
he had been rubbed against the stone floor, but the child did not feel any pain.

Edith felt sorry for him and took out an ample coin and handed it to the boy.

But when he saw Edith trying to give me money, the boy suddenly made an

“I didn’t mean to beg!”

It was quite arrogant for a boy who looked like a beggar to anyone to say in
front of money.

“I don’t give it to you for that reason, buy some medicine and apply it.”

“It is better to leave it alone. Then I’m done.”

The boy bowed modestly, as a noble would do to a lady, and tried to turn
around. If Edith hadn’t caught on.

“Hey! Wait for a sec. Do you have somewhere to go?”

“You go wherever your feet take you, well.”

I could see clearly that the child, who seemed to be in his early teens at best, was
trying hard not to flinch in front of the adults.
Looking at the shabby outfit or the upright body, it didn’t seem like there were
parents or adults taking care of them.

Edith felt rather sorry for the child who pretended to be tough to survive in the
rough alley.

“I am busy because I have to find a job by the end of today! Good bye!”

“That’s fine, then. I think I can give you a job.”

The boy who was about to turn around turned his head.


Killian, who was across from Edith, also asked, narrowing his eyes.


However, Edith told the boy to get into the driver’s seat of the carriage and
ordered them to leave.


Edith washed the boy and fed him to his stomach at the inn where he stayed
overnight before entering the capital. He was a fair-skinned, fair-haired kid.

Then he sat across from the boy, whose expression had softened slightly, and
asked him a few questions.

“What is your name?”

“...Just call me whatever you want to call it.”

“Aren’t your parents home?”


Edith asked where he had lived, if there were any colleagues he had been with,
and how he had managed to eat and live in the meantime, but the boy only gave
vague answers.

Then the boy tightened his eyes and said.

“Are you really giving me a job? If you’re thinking of selling me somewhere,

you’d better stop. Because I am the body that escaped from the vicious slave

“You must have suffered a lot.”

Edith’s comforting reply was unexpected, and the boy flinched.

“I am Countess Ryzen. Right now, I’m on my way to my hometown in the

capital city to celebrate the foundation day.”

“So what?”

“If you have nowhere else to go, would you like to go and work with us at
Ryzen? Our castle is always short of workers.”

The boy, frowning and pondering something, asked in a much more polite
“What am I going to do?”

“The most passable would be a servant in the castle. But if you want to wield a
sword, you can grow up as a knights soldier, or if you are interested in learning,
you can work as an assistant in the administrative office.”

The boy’s eyes brightened a bit. However, at the same time, there was a look of
embarrassment in his face.

“That, by the way. Ryzen is... Is it very far from the capital?”

“It’s about ten days away by carriage. Why?”

The boy said while hesitating, rubbing his palms on his pants.

“It’s nothing. I will follow you.”

Edith noticed that the boy had some circumstances he couldn’t tell, but she
didn’t rush to ask.

“I will stay in the capital during the fall and winter. I will introduce you as the
boot of me and my husband, so you can stand by us and run small errands.”

“All right.”

The boy erased his grumbling expression and answered confidently.

And Edith had been watching the boy’s actions ever since.
‘Unlike a kid who grew up on the street, I’m somehow cute. Could he be a
descendant of a fallen noble?’

The greeting he gave me in front of the carriage was too formal to be said to be
imitating nobles.

His attitude is rough, but he has never used slang or profanity.

Seeing that the firearms were young in the pupils, it seemed that he would soon
learn the job.

‘If I leave it to Linnon, a very competent employee might be born.’

Edith gave him the name ‘Daniel’, remembering the future of the boy who
would follow and learn work as Linnon’s assistant.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 152


SPECIAL STORY 19. Flashback [12]

After a ten-day carriage ride, Killian and Edith arrived at Duke Ludwig’s

However, contrary to what he expected to say goodbye to after a long time, the
mansion was cluttered.

“Killian! Edith!”

Only the Duchess greeted them, and she was not happy to see her long-awaited

It was natural.

In this situation where the Imperial Knights were occupying the mansion and
searching every room.

“Mother! Is there a problem?”

“Huh... I don’t even know how this happened, Killian.”

She finally let out the tears she had been holding back.

“Liese... She was arrested for scorning the imperial family.”

“Yes? What do you mean?”

“Did you know that Marquis Theroux lost his youngest son five years ago?”

“If you are the youngest son of the Marquis of Theroux, didn’t you say that you
were raised in the estate from a young age because your body was weak?”
The Duchess shook her head.

“Everyone knew that, but in fact, they said he was kidnapped. It was kept secret
for one reason or another, but Liese... They said they found him and brought him

“Then you have to pay the prize. Why is it a crime of contempt for the imperial

“Huh... The child... Because he was fake.”


Killian, as well as Edith, seemed to have been hit hard in the back of the head.

“No, how the hell is that...”

“I knew that the child Liese brought was a child of the Marquis of Theroux or
otherwise, but that was all Liese taught me.”


“How the hell did Liese know that... So now your father and older brother have
been taken to the imperial palace, and the imperial family is inspecting the

This was a huge event that made the Duke stumble.

At that moment, something quickly flashed through Edith’s mind.

‘Come to think of it, the last episode of the original story was about finding the
lost child of the imperial family, right? Could it be that they were forcibly fitted

It reminded me of the last episode of <I refuse to obsess> that I had forgotten for
a while.

However, as long as the power of the original work was almost all gone, the
story could not flow as it was.

That was confirmed after hearing from Linnon about Liese’s meeting with the
crown prince.

In the original story, Liese’s status changed dramatically thanks to the prince
who met Liese and introduced her to his people.

However, this time, the crown prince did not introduce his people to Liese, and
he said that he was scolded by Duke Ludwig for that.

‘That’s enough to know that the original work has already collapsed. Didn’t you
let go of your obsession with the original work?’

Edith grabbed the back of the neck unconsciously.

‘You fool! You should have thought about what kind of suspicion you would get
if things failed!’

She knew everything that was kept secret in the imperial family, and she boldly
pushed a fake.
Of course, the imperial family would think that Liese had something to do with
the kidnapping.

“It is my fault. All of this is my fault.”

“Mother! Why do you say that!”

“I didn’t raise Liese that way. I just gave her everything out of pity, and I thinks
it ruined her.”

The Duchess shuddered in agony.

But Edith knew she couldn’t. Because they were people who existed to give
everything to Liese.

Of course, there were regrets.

Liese’s dominance over them must have weakened while she was fulfilling the
exceptional conditions, but why didn’t she notice Liese’s strangeness at that

‘Well, even I didn’t know he was the original author until the end, so who are
you blaming?’

A sigh came out of my mouth.

It’s easy to evaluate after everything has happened. However, it will not be easy
to doubt the object that you loved as much as your family, who lived with each
At that time, another carriage came and stopped outside. Since it was a carriage
with the imperial crest on it, the imperial knights who were monitoring the
exterior of the mansion moved in perfect order and opened the carriage door.

And the people who got off the carriage were the Marquis of Theroux with a
cold, hard face and Princess Catherine with a puzzled expression.

“Mrs. Theroux!”

The Duchess hastily wiped away her tears and greeted her, but Sierra’s face was

“I ended up supervising the investigation of the Duke’s residence. Of course,

would you excuse me?”

“Of course. But are you okay? I heard you’re not feeling well.”

“I think a vase will fly if I just lie down.”

Her lean fists clenched tightly.

“Does it make sense that Duke Ludwig or the Duke’s heir didn’t know what
Miss Liese knew? No, I don’t know if your wife knew.”

“I swear to God, we didn’t know. But... It is our fault that Liese did not know
anything to do such a thing. I’m sorry, ma’am.”

Upon receiving an apology from Duchess Ludwig, whose complexion was as

pale as herself, Sierra clenched her teeth and trembled, unable to utter more
harsh words.
At that time, a servant unloading the carriage approached Edith and asked what
to do.

Edith came out of the mansion and approached the carriage to check the
situation. Fortunately, it wasn’t a heavy load.

“Until the investigation by the Imperial Knights is over, stop for now.”

While the servants, who had heard her order, put some of the luggage they had
unloaded back onto the wagon, Edith approached Daniel, who was standing
blankly next to the wagon.

“I’m sorry you had to go through this as soon as you came to the capital, Daniel.
Are you okay?”

Edith thought that Daniel was surprised by the power of the Imperial Knights,
but Daniel just shook his head.

“No. Rather... I fulfilled my wish. Thank you, ma’am.”

“Your wish?”

“Before leaving for Ryzen, there is someone I really wanted to see. That’s it. I
can leave for Ryzen with peace of mind.”

At that, Edith looked around.

The imperial knights and servants of the mansion were wandering around
countless times, so it was impossible to know who Daniel was talking about.

“If you tell me who it is, I will arrange a meeting for you.”
“No. She won’t want to see me. So it’s done.”

Sadness dwelled deep in the boy’s eyes, which had only been strong enough to
turn back.

“I get it. I won’t ask more. There’s nothing to do right now anyway, so let’s go
in and get something to eat. Follow me.”

Edith took Daniel, who was about to shed tears, and went into the mansion.

As they entered, Killian, who was standing by the Marquis and Duchess,

“Why Daniel?”

“Unloading has stopped anyway, and Daniel looks very tired. I’d like some
warm milk and some cookies.”

“Well, he must have been surprised.”

Seeing Daniel’s stiff head bent, Killian also felt sorry for him. He is a boy who
used to live on the streets, so he must be afraid of the Templars too.

Killian nodded and Edith was about to take Daniel back.

“For a moment. What else is that child?”

Sierra reacted sharply.

It seemed that the fact that the boy Liese had brought with her, and that he was a
blond boy, aroused Sierra’s suspicions.

“This child is our errand boy. I’m going to give him some warm milk because he
seems surprised by the knights.”

However, despite Edith’s explanation, Sierra approached Edith and the boy as if
she couldn’t shake her suspicions.

As she approached, Daniel lowered his head further and hid behind Edith.

“Did you tell this child about the Marquis of Theroux?”

“Huh? It can’t be. It was yesterday that we met Daniel.”


“Yes. He almost got hit by our wagon, but he said he had nowhere to go and he
had to find a job, so we tried to take him to Ryzen... Hold on, madam!”

Edith hurriedly stopped her, but Sierra pulled the collar of his shirt behind
Daniel’s neck as he lowered his head. On the nape of Daniel’s neck was a small
red dot that at first glance looked like a butterfly.

“This child is scared! This kid has nothing to do with this!”

Edith protected Daniel, who was trying to hide more while holding on to the
hem of her skirt, by locking him in her arms.

But Sierra’s expression was strange.

“Stop, please... John? No, it can’t be...”

“I am... This is Daniel.”

The boy answered quietly without raising his head.

“Your name is Daniel?”

“He didn’t give me a name, so I gave it to him.”

Edith said, still hiding Daniel in her arms.

Daniel, assuming that Edith’s arms were safe, finally turned his head and
glanced at the marquise.

“No, no! That spot on the nape of the neck...!”


Sierra suddenly jumped at the boy and cupped the boy’s cheek.

“John! John, is that right?”

Edith tried to stop Sierra, but how did such a delicate body come out with such
strength? She faced Daniel without backing down at all.

“I-I... It’s not John. This is Daniel.”

Daniel protested, freeing himself from Sierra’s grip on me.

However, Sierra’s eyes stared at Daniel’s face, as if surprised by something.


Tears welled up in her eyes. But she couldn’t say anything more, and Sierra

“Ma’am! Wake up, madam!”

And after Edith let go of him and supported Sierra’s body, Daniel turned his
gaze back to Sierra.

Then, looking at Sierra, who had lost her mind, he screamed in surprise.


Killian, the Duchess, and Catherine, who had rushed to Sierra’s collapse,
widened their eyes at the sound.

However, Daniel clung to Sierra as if he couldn’t see anything around him.

“Mom! I’m sorry, Mom! Ugh, Mom...”

Even that wasn’t enough, Daniel grabbed Edith’s cuffs and begged.

“Please save my mother! I’ll do anything, so save my mother!”

Edith seemed to be losing her mind.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 153


SPECIAL STORY 20. Flashback [13]

While Sierra was being treated by the doctor in the guest room of the Duke’s
residence, Edith, Killian, the Duchess and Princess Catherine heard a startling
story from the sobbing Daniel.

“So, you mean John?”


“You also recognized the Marquis of Theroux. Yes?”


“But why did you pretend not to know at first?”

John sniffed and wiggled his hands before finally opening his mouth.
“I heard that my mother abandoned me. She secretly threw me away because I
was useless... But I’m afraid I’ll be hated even more if she finds out I’m here...”

At that, Catherine burst into anger.

“Who! Who said that?”

“Hey, my aunt...”


John clearly remembered what happened five years ago.


On the day of an outdoor banquet at the imperial family, John was playing in the
garden with his cousins.

The weather was nice, food was plentiful, and it was the happiest day of having
fun with peers I hadn’t seen in a long time.

But over there, Avery, my aunt, beckoned.


“It’s been a while, John.”

She smiled, picked him up, and walked further into the garden.

“Auntie, where are you going?”

“Yeah, my mom asked my aunt to do something, so I’m taking John with me.”

When his mother told him to, John clung to her without suspecting anything.
Because she was her aunt who often came to visit and became friends with the
writer after The Lux.

However, in the secluded garden she entered with John in her arms, a man was
waiting for them with a shabby commoner boy’s clothes and wig.

“Change your clothes.”


“It’s a disguise game. You’re playing hide-and-seek with a disguise.”

“Wow, that sounds like fun!”

Yohan got excited and changed his clothes and put on a wig.

“How are you, aunt? No one knows who I am, right?”

“Yes. I won’t be noticed.”

Avery’s smile was a little strange, but John thought so.

But this time, the man who had been waiting there picked up John, looked
around, and dropped him into a carriage.

“Uh? Why are you riding the carriage?”

“Listen, John. What her mother asked her aunt, was to abandon you. You are of
no use to your mother.”


“Think about it. There are already two more healthy sons above you, so there is
no reason your mother should raise you.”

“Yeah, but!”

Avery took a pouch from her bosom and shook it.

“Look at this. It’s the money I got from your mother for cleaning you up. Do
you remember this silk pouch?”

Every remember because that was one of John’s gifts to his mom for Mother’s
Day this year.

“He said he didn’t need it and gave it to me. In the meantime, your mother had a
hard time raising you. Because you don’t look like your father, I was even
suspected of having an affair.”

As John lost his words and hesitated, the man who rode with him in the carriage

“If you don’t want to be a nuisance to your mother, you’d better follow me
quietly. Your mom will get in more trouble if you mess up.”

Then he slammed the carriage door.

John, who suddenly fell from the midst of happiness into the abyss of misery,
could not come to his senses.

I tried crying and struggling later, but I was only beaten by a man.

And the man who took John somewhere in the province sold him to the owner
of an inn.


“To think the culprit was Aunt Sierra’s sister...!”

Catherine covered her mouth.

John was smart enough to remember all this, but he was only eight years old at
the time.

And when the rumor that the Marquis of Theroux did not hear that he was
looking for him, John believed Avery’s words.

“No, John! I was afraid that the kidnappers might harm you if I spread rumors
that they are looking for you. Your parents did everything they could to find

Catherine cried and hugged John.

And then, there was the sound of something crashing behind them.

When everyone looked back in surprise, there was Sierra with a bewildered face
sitting there, trembling.

“Uh, Mom...”

“My baby, since the day I lost you, there has never been a moment I haven’t
thought about you. I lived because I couldn’t die yet because of the hope that
you would be alive.”


John jumped up and ran to Sierra.

The mother and child who met after 5 years hugged each other and shed tears.

The moment everyone was thrilled to see it, only Edith was shaken.

‘It’s a good thing, but... Why did I find him?’

In the original story, Liese found the boy, but this time he found something,
which made him uncomfortable.

It was a bonus to feel like the talented person I could see was taken away.

Anyway, judging from the memory of the original work, the Emperor will soon
call her and offer to do something in return.

‘Tsk. No matter how much you hate it, you have to save people’s lives, right?’

Of course, it was unknown whether the emperor would really forgive Liese.
There was a high probability that Duke Ludwig or Cliff, who had nothing to do
with this, would be released, but hanging was being discussed for Liese, who
dared to bring a fake and inflicted even greater pain on the Marquis Theroux.


The news that the real John had been found this time caused an uproar in the
imperial family.

Sierra’s sister, Avery, was urgently arrested and an interrogation team was set
up to indict her.

The innkeeper who bought John and the man who sold him were arrested and

“My sister always pretended to be noble and elegant while having everything!
She wished she had seen that face contorted at least once!”

She always thought she was prettier and more popular than her sister. However,
the Marquis of Theroux chose Sierra as his bride, and she was shocked.

The more my sister started a happy family, the more her hatred for her grew, and
she kidnapped her youngest son, whom she cherished so much, in the hope that
her happiness would be ruined.

The kidnapping of the youngest son, which had put Marquis Theroux and his
wife in pain for five years, ended in a happy but bittersweet way.

And the emperor called Killian and Edith without deciding what to do with the
Ludwig family.
“It really happened by accident enough to be called a god’s prank, but it is true
that you saved John and kept him safe. If it wasn’t for you, my younger sister
and his wife would probably have been in pain until they died.”

“Thank you very much.”

“I heard that the countess was the one who saved John? So Edith Ryzen. Say
what you want. I will award you on behalf of the Marquis Theroux.”

Edith, who had been lowering her head, took a deep breath and mustered

“Since His Majesty’s castle is already enjoying a life that is not lacking, the
Ryzen family has nothing more to ask for. But if I dare to ask, please forgive my
sister-in-law Liese Ludwig just once.”


The emperor’s brow twitched.

“You saving John is different from Liese Ludwig bringing a fake and scorning
the imperial family.”

“I know. But if it hadn’t happened, Mrs. Sirlux would never have come to the
Duke’s house, and she wouldn’t have recognized John. We would have taken
John to Ryzen without knowing anything.”

It seemed that a groan came from the emperor’s throat.

“Isn’t all of this God’s arrangement to return the son to the Marquis Theroux
and his wife? Think of that and forgive my sister-in-law just once.”
After thinking about it for a long time, the emperor finally let out a long sigh
and came to an undesirable conclusion.

“Speaking of that, I am at a loss for an answer. I get it. I will spare the life of
her, Liese Ludwig.”

That meant that Liese avoided the worst, but it didn’t mean that she was
completely acquitted.

“In exchange for sparing the life she deserves to die, she deprives Liese Ludwig
of her nobility status and orders her to serve in a monastery for the rest of her
life and repent for her sins. As of today, her marriage to Cliff Ludwig is also

The Emperor’s decision left everyone in the Ludwig family speechless for a
while. However, it was unreasonable to ask for greater forgiveness from the

Liese, who tried to keep her status as ‘Duchess Ludwig’ by even writing a
prenuptial agreement to Cliff, was eventually stripped of her position as Cliff’s
wife by order of the emperor.


‘Yeah, everything got messed up when Edith appeared. Why did it take
something like that...’

Recalling the past leaning against the cold stone wall of the prison, Liese
regretted it over and over again. At that time, he said that he wasn’t going to
make that human possess Edith, no, he wasn’t ignoring Killian’s change.

But now it was all useless.

‘What am I going to do now?’

The urgent thing right now was to find ‘fake John’. I didn’t know that the
location of the dot, which was set as ‘above the collarbone’ in the original work,
had changed.

The crime of scorning the imperial family was the second most serious crime
after treason. He could have been executed or imprisoned forever.

Until now, while drawing the villain’s words, he had never paid attention to the
villain’s fear or pain, so Liese couldn’t think of what to do in this situation.

At that time, an imperial administrator suddenly came in.

“Criminal Liese Ludwig, accept His Majesty’s orders!”

Liese felt that her execution had finally been decided, and her mind went blank.
However, the emperor’s name was a bit different from what was expected.

“I will spare your life, but I am ordering you to take away the name Ludwig and
the position of nobility, and to serve in the monastery for the rest of your life to
repent of your sins!”

Before he had time to panic at the unexpected notification, Liese had to hear
more shocking news.

“You took good care of your sister-in-law. Countess Ryzen found the real
Master Johann, and asked His Majesty the Emperor to help you save him.”

“Edith? Edith found Johann?”

“Yes. She found the real Master John, not a fake one. As soon as you finish the
release process, you leave for Rodante Monastery. Please wait a moment.”

The administrator looked down at Liese with dry eyes and then went outside.

However, despite the news that her life was saved, Liese felt complete despair.

It was clear what it meant that she had met an end worthy of a villain.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 154


SPECIAL STORY 21. What Goes by Goes by Itself

A rich fall and a cold winter have passed.

In the meantime, the Ludwig family has been a hot potato in the social world,
but we fell into an inexplicable sense of emptiness and spent the entire fall and
winter in deaf silence.

We did not attend the founding festival and rejected all kinds of invitations.
But it was impossible to stay like that forever.

Around the time buds sprouted everywhere and bees flapped their wings near
the flowers that were just blooming, the Ludwig family slowly shook off their
pain and began to rise.

It was Erdin who supported the Duke and Duchess.


“Yes, yes. I am your grandfather. Heh heh heh!”


Every time the Duke hugged and flirted with him, Erdin was so excited that he
even drool, but the Duke didn’t mind getting his high-end cravat or jacket wet
with Erdin’s saliva.

“Erdin! Look at this!”

Beside him, the Duchess rocked all sorts of rattles and dolls.

Then, Erdin struggled to hold it and his eyes twinkled, but the Duke and his wife
said it was cute too and died.

Thanks to that, Erdin’s luggage to be brought to Ryzen was increasing day by


In fact, the person I was more worried about than the Duke was Cliff.
“Thank you so much for saving Liese’s life.”

I can’t forget Cliff’s face as he greeted me with a terribly lonely face as he

watched the convict wagon carrying Liese leave.

No matter how long they had been apart, it would have been difficult for him to
easily shake off his feelings for Liese.

In fact, last fall and winter, he rarely came out of his room unless absolutely

But even Cliff seemed to have made up his mind when spring came.

“My brother invited me to tea time.”

“Are you Cliff? Do you think you’re okay now?”

“On the outside, it doesn’t look any different from before. I don’t know how the
inside must have been rubbed.”

Killian said with a bitter smile.

Even the place he invited for tea time was the balcony of the Great Hall, where
he, Killian, and Liese often drank tea.

On the spot, under the warm sun, Cliff was waiting for us with quality
refreshments prepared.

“The tea smells good. Thank you for inviting me to tea time, Mr. Cliff.”
“Welcome. It’s not a big deal, but I’m embarrassed to say thank you. Haha!”

As Killian said, he was smiling confidently and relaxed like before.

But I noticed by his thin cheeks, his rough skin, and his slightly shrunken
physique that he was in great pain.

I don’t think he’s eaten properly, but I guess I slept properly.

And what were the thoughts that engulfed his sleepless head all through the
quiet winter night?

Remorse, regret, sadness... Wouldn’t he have been tempted to let go of

everything in that feeling?

I roughly guessed how hard he must have been, but smiled brightly as if I didn’t
know anything. Like he does.

“When is Erdin’s baptism?”

“I will do it on March 20th, St. Rufello’s Day.”

“It’s too soon. Are you going to go back right after the baptism?”

“I thought so, but I think I still need Erdin by my mother and father’s side, so
I’m going to stay for one more month.”

“Good idea. Thank you, Killian. Thank you, sister-in-law.”

He greeted us with a sad look again.

However, Killian took this opportunity to ask Cliff with the momentum to get a
definite answer.

“What are you thinking about, brother? You can’t go on living like this.”


I stabbed him in the side, but Killian wouldn’t back down.

And Cliff did not evade the answer either.

“You are right. I can’t live like this forever. Because I am the eldest son of the
Ludwig family.”

“It’s not just a sense of duty to stand up. I want my brother to be happy.”

Cliff seemed a little surprised, but then smiled.


Then, after looking down at the courtyard for a while, he slowly opened his

“But do I have a right to be happy?”

“What nonsense is that? Did you eat something wrong this morning?”
Killian tried to break the heavy sinking atmosphere with a joke, but Cliff
continued in a heavy voice.

“Meantime... I looked back on the relationship itself with Liese. I blindly only
thought of Liese, and would not hesitate to do anything for Liese. Because of
that, I put you and sister-in-law in danger.”

There was a hint of guilt in his eyes.

“To stand on the side of the person you love unconditionally, to give, to
overflow... I thought that was love. But now that this has happened, I can’t get
rid of the thought that it was I who made Liese that way. So I deserve to pay for
my sins.”


Killian and I tried to comfort him, but it was difficult to find anything to comfort
him. Seriously, if you think about it, he was right.

Cliff turned his gaze to me, then lowered his head to apologize.

“Before, it seems that I was so busy protecting Liese that I couldn’t properly
apologize. I’m so sorry, Edith.”

“Hey, don’t do this. It’s all in the past.”

“No matter how in the past, it doesn’t change the fact that I did something

He sighed.
“Now that I think about it, Liese’s relationship with me was very abnormal... I
don’t know why I didn’t think of that at the time.”

I suddenly wondered if Cliff had finally escaped the control of the original

Well, if the emotions that were so intense for a person disappear in an instant
just because the author escaped from the control of the original author, that
might be a violation of probability.

“When you’re buried in your emotions, you don’t even know you’re buried in
them. It wasn’t until you got out that everything looked right.”

Killian glanced at me as he spoke in a remorseful voice.

Because he too was harsh with me because of his feelings for Liese.

But I had no feelings for Cliff or Killian.

On the contrary, because of Liese, I was also suffering from an inexplicable

sense of futility.

Now, on the main stage of <The House and the Envoy>, there was no one
possessed like me.

‘Maybe that’s why I was generous to Liese.’

When I found out that Liese was behind everything that tried to harm me, I
might have been able to kick Liese out if I had only tried to get revenge.

But somehow I didn’t want to.

If she, like me, who knows that this is a world in a novel disappears, I’m afraid
I’ll feel like I’m left alone in this world.

However, as Killian said, he couldn’t stay in this mood forever.

“Even if we regret and hurt our hearts, we must look ahead and move on. There
are many things we have to overcome to get stuck in the past.”

I didn’t even know what I was saying was something I was supposed to hear.

Cliff nodded, then put down the teacup and said.

“So... I also thought about my future. It is not a lie to say that you will pay for
your sins.”

“What are you trying to say? Uneasy...”

“The heir to the ducal family is more like me, who has a lot of flaws, than you,

“Shut up!”

Killian covered Cliff’s mouth in a huff before he could finish his sentence.

“It’s not just a sound. You already gave birth to an heir...”

“Brother, is changing my life at will is the punishment you are talking about?
Do you think that the effort that Edith and I are putting into Ryzen is not so
great that it should be replaced with just one of your sentimental thoughts?”
“...I didn’t mean that.”

Killian took a deep breath to calm himself down. And I agree with Killian’s

Ryzen is just taking the first step of change, and if we suddenly leave, our
efforts will be lost without seeing the light of day.

“We know very well what Cliff meant. However, if Cliff feels responsible for
Liese-related matters, he should rather succeed. Please take responsibility and
raise the Ludwig family like before, no, stronger than before.”

Instead of giving up and running away, it is more painful to stand and endure. If
that’s the case, I didn’t even know that Killian and I were being cruel to him.

But if Cliff really wanted to pay for his crimes, he had to.

Cliff’s brow twisted in pain, but he finally nodded.

“Once again, I almost acted like an idiot. Sorry, Edith. I’m sorry, Killian.”

“Be strong for the sake of the Duke and his wife, as well as Cliff himself.”

“Edith is right. It’s a bit early, but think about getting married.”

At Killian’s comment, a faint smile appeared on Cliff’s lips, both embarrassed

and bitter.

It was certainly flawed that the heir to the Ludwig family would grow old
without a wife or children, but that did not make it easy for him.
“It should be. If my marriage and the production of an heir are delayed, it will be
a burden to my parents and you.”

As is typical of Romance male leads, Cliff’s first and only love was Liese.

To him, marrying another woman would be like changing the whole world. And
in this world we live in, it meant that the contents of <House·Envoy> would
completely disappear.

However, in this world that has already become a reality, it is impossible to live
by picking up the crumbs of a vanished novel.

I decided to support his decision.

“I sincerely hope that you will get out of Liese’s shadow. I hope we can have a
warm family, not just a marriage out of a sense of duty.”

“I will remember your advice. I don’t know if I can be as happy as Killian and

We didn’t laugh out loud or pretend to be amused. I just had warm tea, hoping
that the day would come when I could look back on this as a memory.

I Thought It Was Common Possession-Chapter 155


SPECIAL STORY 22. This Is a Common Isekai Story

“Ha...! Ryzen is also good.”

After Erdin’s baptism, we stayed in the capital for another month before
returning to Ryzen.

Breathing in the fresh air from Mount Philiac, I felt like I was back home.

There were all kinds of convenient things in the capital, and I could buy various
things, but the place I and Killian truly felt attached to was Ryzen.

However, it was not only the refreshing breeze of Mount Philiac that awaited us.

“I expected it, but... It’s a lot of work.”

“Because we stayed in the capital longer than expected.”

Killian and I let out a small sigh, but we had no intention of procrastinating.
Because we were in a hurry to go.

We also worked hard to publicize medical insurance and accelerated the Philiac
Mountain Trail development project.

For security within the territory, police stations were set up in each village, and
clinics and nurses were also recruited for the treatment centers that residents of
the territory could use.

At first, people who were dissatisfied with the young lord couple doing useless
things began to have hope for the manor life getting better and better.

Although everything was still in the infancy stage, I was blissfully happy every
day as I felt like I was getting closer to the things I dreamed of.
I will probably never forget what happened when I went to check out the
growing clinic.

“Thank you, my lord.”

A skinny girl held out to me a yellow flower that looked like it had just been
picked on the street. It was a weed that looked like a rape flower, but it was as
pretty as the girl’s smile.

“Oh my, it is pretty. Are you giving it to me?”

The child shyly nodded.

Anyone could see that the sickness was evident, but the girl’s large eyes had a
bright light. It occurred to me that she must have seen such clear, pretty eyes

“Thank you. I’ll put it in a vase.”

At that, the child twisted her body in shame and then ran to her mother behind

While I was watching it with satisfaction, my aide, Lord Altense, spoke quietly
from the side.

“This is a child who was dying of Crosoe’s disease. Thanks to the parents of that
child who actively participated in the airspace for medical insurance, the child
was able to receive treatment as soon as the clinic was built.”

“It is too early to say that she is completely cured, but it is true that she has
improved a lot. And seeing the case of that child, people around her are also
responding positively to health insurance.”

The child’s mother bowed her head and greeted with a trembling voice, as if she
had heard Sir Altense’s explanation at first glance.

“This child is the reason my husband and I live. But if it wasn’t for medical
insurance, we wouldn’t have been able to pay for the treatment. I will never
forget the grace of the lord and the lord’s wife.”

Those words made me feel like crying.

And then I remembered where I had seen those pretty eyes of a child.

From behind the width of my mother’s skirt, the child peeking out her head and
smiling, I watched over the image of the child who died envying me receiving
my brother’s bone marrow transplant.

“Edith? What’s wrong? Why are you crying...!”

Killian, who came belatedly by my side, saw me and asked in surprise. It looked
like I had shed some real tears.

But I was more than happy.

I felt like I could finally ease some of my old guilt.

“Mom! Lillia keeps...!”


When you have two children, there is no quiet day in the house. It’s the same
today as we are busy preparing to leave for the capital.

Erdin, who was docile from the inside out, grew up to be a gentle and
affectionate son.

But who the hell does Lillia, the second daughter, look like? Even before she
finishes talking, she feels the energy of a tomboy.

Behold, Erdin, who was tormented by his younger sister who had just started
running, came running with a sad face today.

“Why Lillia?”

“Lillia keeps climbing on my back and pulling my hair! Here, even her spittle!
These are new clothes...”

Erdin frowned as if he was about to cry and pointed to his damp shoulder.

Erdin’s hair, which had been neatly combed in the morning, was as messy as a
bird’s nest, and the shoulder area of the light green jacket was the size of the
palm of his hand and had a dark color.

There were also scratches from fingernails on his cheeks.

It was Erdin’s kind and kind side that, despite being beaten like that, he ran
slowly to match his sister’s running speed.
“Lillia seems to like her brother too much. So every day, only her brother
follows her.”

“Yeah, but...”

Erdin had no way to relieve his frustration, so he stomped to his feet.

Erdin was five years old and Lillia was three years old. In a castle with no peers,
Erdin and Lillia had no choice but to play with each other.

Normally, I would have to worry about my daughter getting hurt because of the
strength difference, but in our case, it was the exact opposite.

Lillia, always full of energy, often bothered Erdin by clinging to Erdin, who
likes to read books and play quietly.

Erdin was usually able to play with his younger sister and put up with it, but as
the days went by, Lillia’s pranks got worse, and recently, he came running to me
with a face that looked like he was about to cry.

Erdin’s face was so cute as he cried, thinking what if his mother didn’t take his
side, but if I left it like this, he might really cry. I didn’t want to teach her to
accept her brother’s life unconditionally.

I hugged Lillia with a stern face.

“Lily. No matter how good your brother is, you can’t do this! Your brother is
having a hard time.”
Lillia, realizing that it was an atmosphere of scolding herself, closed her mouth
that had been babbling loudly until just now, and began fidgeting with the
buttons on my dress. Her expression of ignorance was that of a pure angel.

But I’m not fooled there.

“Lillia Ryzen! Didn’t you suddenly forget mywords?”

“Ugh... Nanu and Gunyang are bored...”

Killian, not me, answered Lillia’s short tongue.

“When you go to the capital, you will have many friends your age, Lillia.”

“When did we come?”

Killian, who went to meet the knight commander, entered the room without a

“Just now. It seems that Erdin lost 1 to Lillia today.”

“I didn’t lose! Because Lillia is a baby and I am an older brother-!”

“Yes, well done, Erdin. You should be more careful and behave like a
gentleman, especially with those who are weaker than you.”

Killian gently stroked the top of Erdin’s head, who reacted in a huff, and tidied
up his messy hair.
Erdin seemed to have eased his mood again, and a smile leaked out between his
tightly closed lips.

Of course, it wasn’t just because of Killian’s praise that Erdin laughed.

We’re leaving for the capital’s mansion today, and Erdin is excited about the
fact that he’ll be able to meet many of his peers.

“For some reason, having to live both capital and Ryzen life is a bit daunting.”

“But most nobles are like that. As for the education of our children, we cannot
ignore the social world altogether.”

In the capital, we intended to live in a newly acquired mansion. A pretty nice

mansion had been left without an owner for a long time, but we bought it and
fixed it in and out over the past year.

It wasn’t too far from Duke Ludwig’s residence, so it wouldn’t be difficult to

take the children to see the Duke and his wife.

Then, upon hearing that the preparations were complete, we headed to the
capital, receiving farewells from the town servants and local residents who had
come to see us.

The ten-day ascetic practice must have been burdensome, but the children were
all excited. What is this, what is that, me and Killian were more exhausted by
the constant barrage of questions.

But I was also a little excited. The weather was nice, and outdoor meals are
always delicious.

“Has it been two years since Cliff’s wedding?”

“That’s it. They went with Lillia’s christening.”

“Are they doing well?”

“I think they are doing well. It was like that when I saw him at the wedding, and
I felt that he became more comfortable in the letters that came after that.”

I nodded.

Cliff married a completely different type of girl from Liese. She was the
daughter of a viscount, with dark brown hair, clear green eyes, and a round face
with a soft expression.

She was neither a great beauty nor eye-catching, so it seems that there were
quite a few rumors about the marriage between the two at the time of marriage.

But after I met her and exchanged a few words, I quickly realized why they were
getting married.

She had an easy-going personality and was very wise. She loved Cliff more than
anything. Not as an heir to the Ludwig family, but as a man named Cliff.

Cliff, too, was deeply in love with her.

It wasn’t love that burned like Liese’s time, but that’s why I thought ‘I’ll be
happy for a long time.’


“Is there any news from Rodante Monastery?”

“Yes. Liese seems to be more comfortable now.”

Liese, who had been behaving strangely as if she had lost her mind for a while,
calmed down after hearing the news of Cliff’s marriage.

According to the letter sent by the abbot, it was a face that had laid down all the
burdens of the world.

I prayed that her soul might also be saved. Even if it’s by a god we don’t believe

“Mom-mom! I can see the village here!”

Lost in my thoughts, I came to my senses at Erdin’s cry.

Two children hanging from the window with twinkling eyes, Killian leaning
halfway over there to prevent them from getting hurt, the refreshing spring
breeze, and the brilliant sunlight.

Suddenly, a laugh came out.

“Killian. This... I think it’s a common isekai story.”

“What do you mean?”

Killian, who was looking at the children, tilted his head and looked at me.

“...No, there is such a thing.”

A common isekai story of overcoming the trials of the original work and
eventually obtaining happiness with the male lead.

It may be an obvious cliché to readers, but it is neither obvious nor common to

him. A life like gold, achieved by risking one’s life.

I will continue to live hard for the happiness of me and my people here.

Even beyond the word ‘Complete’, until the day our breath stops, forever.


I Thought It Was Common Possession - Chapter 156 (Side Story Series


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