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poe MEMORANDUM AND ARTICLES OF ASSOCIATION 25 ina TRATION ee “Mens randum of Association ae _= Memorandumn_means MoA a company ariginally Geamed ae aad gun dimete dg, - Jt determine its opetahon + _Model of Mos Enlai ‘se 7 : oom _—____Content of Mog _—_1_Name clause 7 . 2. Address clause | (etal dice clauye ——4:.Ohjeck Clause 3 .— = > nt ES ape elo OT 7 6. Subsuiphion clause a ere com. cy Ss iC pisTboge tl f. eae [stame. clause iene prs resemble na early ya" be such that is. earn constitute at | l= Name chall_ns’ sia .o—that — _ flame ony Unique —") : note: 1. Rejistarbegaealluning hen mudd— toa) 8 ) nal be mi. leadi prelioinasy enguiri es that nam: 0. Caust cab ass the ardek_41 change the namea Company hatter cours cannot direcHy Jel) Roca eh c the nome- 5 tale Lid. ¥- Seas — _ = (2 | Re $ aed aie ce at ag —————~ os sry then ame af slate in-ablch_cejsteted_offie | which helps 4n determine the juridiehion i of Roc. ! |. Point, affix its name £ adress an the tubside of ean | a o =plame.addreas .farx na.. website . email id shal} print Object Clause _ =k specity iny the ahi ect fee phich the company i =Speelyy main abject incidental abject and_ather abject in obi = Any At ak beyonnd che abiect_o the earnpany shall be La bility clause _ i unlionited tosnpany Capital slouse i — =—Tt pect, the maximum capital che} _esenpany can L_ awning jel Rubigel sede ing peck ieee fen ae Mae ec e Tp riapany san ealie eaetbals bapa its -andhased capital G.l|_ subscription Clause ubscnibing - Each subscriber mus} take at leaut 4 share and uirite opposite. his name, the numberof shader he is subscribing — Arhicles o4 Associa ton, - Article ns AoA a the company as_originally framed and altered rom time te time- = Th contain the = Vink Regishnbon oy ak fet les : ep ay Mal and AoA duly signed by all | Alignmest_q AOA aiith Companies Nel Provision oy dhis Act. sshall_hoste ey eit slebuiihaloai any thing 4» ibe eontary cantained if tah fy daha —— |_teso]ution or_agreement ta any _prestisia ___ po fehctaskagmemenk—ceaaluhen which 2 to a I companies Ack «shall be atid eat a t Entrenchment provision = AoA ona contain prea ion gag Entrenchment fe eres = Entrenchment din ishalt b made either : = Al the Hime} inescporation, oe — hy amending on = Give nohice ds RaC about the entrenchment in a SPICE + of Mg T-14 . 1 Mena Z = Mah aod AeA shall be binding oo member - Each_memlbek abe bound he the-ceinpan} _ Member must observed the prosisian.of fan: = Member Could not enter tnto teahich_is_— or _intonsistaod with AeA ; - perruck et his shates — [ nsuld be —ssold_at pricey xed hy director» I ‘n_such Cate. — | | membet is bound to pl aa _ _ oa | | Member. hound ta Member. Member inteh ss haund_by th precision of hah & mon. however Mal §. Aah daed nat create express “canteact the arkicle to ibs. Coon pany oot bound “to Oubsidek. = Oubsider ‘eneans other than member = MoA 8 AoA aroul 7 otra ii i again. + the company e.g. Aah proides that Solickror would nat le remased_peatn —§ p_mistcandue! haurevek company cemnated_such — olce 2 Key Pee oti Solicitne Canno} i i ai Lerause Aah did ont boastitute “any contract behwero company — and ions ely : Altexq Han af AOA Tt fneludes ca). Adophiac oy, Dew set a) arhcle uy ad ikon J taser hin op oC (cy \ clause. (A) arsend ine nds 04 a5 cleude ce) ub. stiduhinn 6, pecs Aye cand ean || Centra) goxeknment orde l pre alhera kan Limitahon on Power - Altetahon must oat oq der article exceed the ‘ . q = Must oot he in i ‘i Pievek—geleo_to_tag entrenchment }. valle th —teenpanies Act baeser a pais anyihing-sabich Ls gal or appaed ds pul Policw —Aierahsn cust be bana fide tthe heneiit a can — must not onnctitite ube a tequd on moinasily Ly aa it t . Cannot cone oho hy emia a tt — mae—shoey = Canna} escape id, fanteachal obligation. Cannot aut ab gue keel yan Pro nl han} DB = Hald Taped meebing Juan Approve th. wopasal ot alteration a AoA ys the Ootce tn call Genttal_mecting - eee . — —___@|__foard meet eased eaten Qi batd seta meiny pais pei aun >file MgT=15 to Rot withia aa days Fann Special Reyeluban— al mon (0) Copy oy pecial Resalubon with e plenaky stabement @! ch) slo ) 1 cc) Ubi - Fallow Caompanres Act dod MaoA . Alera ban ay MoeAsA shall ‘not diglale dhe Taf and Companies Act Appconal ay Central gaaternment - GOhtaln Central cgiseznment_ap-peeatal _in—caie_—ay Const et ian —— = Na stomp duly on alteration of AoA Etteat 4 Alteted arhele 2 7 Company cod_megnkeh 4o the same extent ai arkele “ociginally STacorporaction Cantack— pre_incosparat lay Company. fo_tie sting by by oud bused ceyolubian- 2, lnplinn opps aintaspacahinn Contract he company = Artic 4 Assaciahan hall give pauitt tn_adirettnc ta adapt uth Contract - i oard and. pants board £046. hao To adap} Suh eal ile: Company Can not acquire shares priec_te its inearpsrabion Alt eka tion p | ee Qac) No Seem Tree au! sidhin Sa Spee Resoluch'or [= eas_ leper sla chapge Taam ange suggest the ackaity” chen __ plame-; «Sn Revenue shall he from _aahiity sag yeated_undeb_eleur oR ! t r = Effect of chappe tala in lame. = no 6 N gah i fo Change ioe slame be i in_ths a: shank Register Gthice. j aod — Prvide exif oa dis: senha shareholdes by l Co) _9. | Hol Pevia) ¢erdlubion = ies pesial eee ett abt Whasing mace hon a00_membe® ot snmp money am gules} Ji hosing tio Hiboed aennunls 3 | public Ady erk cement g Exit appartubity 9 qublic_aduietisement in one English nesaspapet J ane in teglanal language and alsa give exit oppartuhiy ty Ai ic v dee i 4. Bigg Rec = file MGT -lu by Rec_alang with alluning _al4achen ent (ay Copy —ay special eesalubionalang cibith x planalary skatemen, : ; i) tied Mg f: Registatian af alteration, - Ric Shall” ce th - haage thin periad a Bo days = ftratin 1+ Lebilty auue = Poss special RawluHog - Pos magt=ly 4 Qe Within Ao days Std ee eae eee Ce) Caneel Kans akish hea nabheen_taben by any- posi 9 Co) Ns need ts dihalo lel —appactal_eseg\_thange_ta sohng 9. = Cpy aT regalution shall he ied with Rac tarthin3n days S-ll Gling with ae a0 - \ TMoah- ul Pee shal! check the dacument 4 dpouse the Inteaje in Outhorised Capita). ay Aah Hho po ; sphia al = aie oe iy te Alt istered office lowe : (a) ‘aye within the | : a Gdine Pac = pols hoard oe Retslubian thetuch pastal ballot [eves dfn Merling! Board Resin Cc) =Takimahion ta Qec within Sa days i = Bile Marq ty pi —tojyeeon The 99 col tay Aiterehh.0 9c Jameaetole) i ile) Change uithin the <5: £ < = Baard_reeding - Reordewlution ss 2) |= Apparel fron Reginnal disecle Process ——Hsla Ba (og and pars Paard Remlubign | = Hold Genera! i ‘0 plication. to Regisnal director in farm. tnc-2 clang | ___|| = Ape’ ica ho with Eliade eta et Ch) Nhat os dejoult io workmen dues. creditars and_hodahbain — Concent ot —prtai : (c) Si in_juridiehan pending litgakan 10. 2 io (d) state that employee’ Lotereut is not a -tetuly —abfetled (e) Regi OL L a : Ahi uf fF . : en, (e) File testiged copy af accion of Regional dletlar—la RAC to — from such ardet. farrn_ INC -28 within $0 day —— | cha i. 6 Regional Director . rom_ane stale 4 another ¢ ss —_ acd ae Hey > Board aueluon Ee a E 19 ~ Special Resolution Aporoval_ yom centr) _goveroment- —~ pre yun tang : Process 5 ; ‘ r |= Approve nahce $6 General Mesking = = | ting: J 5 vv = = Publish dhe native ch Cara (Eka asdinags Genstal Metios) = t in nouds papel - ; = H = 2. || Genera! Meshing - Special Resolution L . - fle MGT- lu in QC Within 3a days | = = Tahal hia 24 hewbt y1am_conlusion— = oy GM - D + a ae hoviled ee ee : ok edits 3 debenture halders — — ———~ |= Atqidatt fram dice etne tha} Ao_emplayee shal) | sehen ched — a —s Cc) | _ ——}=Ghlain—tonsent_oy creditors debenture hsldet ox discharge the debt. Gling 61 advethsement = mloF mote than 0 days prise do BM ANo -9 ginte public adteriisement in “sem Thesae h Palish and +l! Objertion Cunhinon 06 reject th application within Go days_fracm fling. J ff Oider with Condition ~ Order i , i , sysue— sh allowed if-any enquiry. thseectian is pending Eltect1e dale : ~ Ete f Le : ‘ ; - | S Ril Form TNe- 99 ' : =Abher order i t , tn Rac ‘ . i be « C0) Copy op deed ov tase adrerenent (b) weal es ‘! om_ouinet. . at 4. ll Bile 7 : fs ‘us Rac. adit sl pe neal aplasia =

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