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and Automation Letters

The Invariant Rauch-Tung-Striebel Smoother

Niels van der Laan1 , Mitchell Cohen2 , Jonathan Arsenault3 and James Richard Forbes4

Abstract—This paper presents an invariant Rauch-Tung- the IEKF as interpreted as an observer possesses asymptotic
Striebel (IRTS) smoother applicable to systems with states that convergence properties. Moreover, the Jacobians associated
are an element of a matrix Lie group. In particular, the extended with the IEKF, when treated as an observer, are state-estimate
Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother is adapted to work within
a matrix Lie group framework. The main advantage of the independent. As such, the IEKF has enhanced performance
invariant RTS (IRTS) smoother is that the linearization of the properties when compared to the EKF or MEKF [3]–[5].
process and measurement models is independent of the state Unlike the Kalman filter and its nonlinear variants, the
estimate resulting in state-estimate-independent Jacobians when Rauch-Tung-Striebel (RTS) smoother uses all available mea-
certain technical requirements are met. A sample problem is surements in a batch estimation framework to compute state
considered that involves estimation of the three dimensional
pose of a rigid body on SE(3), along with sensor biases. The estimates using a forward pass followed by a backward pass.
multiplicative RTS (MRTS) smoother is also reviewed and is used In [6] an RTS smoother for systems with states that are an
as a direct comparison to the proposed IRTS smoother using element of a matrix Lie group is presented, but the invariant
experimental data. Both smoothing methods are also compared framework is not leveraged. Batch estimation in an invariant
to invariant and multiplicative versions of the Gauss-Newton framework is considered in [7], with additional details and
approach to solving the batch state estimation problem.
extensions given in [8], leading to an invariant Gauss-Newton
Index Terms—Localization, autonomous vehicle navigation, (IGN) algorithm. Invariant sliding window filtering is also
sensor fusion. considered in [9] in the context of attitude and bias estima-
tion. Applying the invariant framework to the simultaneous
I. I NTRODUCTION localization and mapping problem in a batch framework is
considered in [5]. The advantage of the invariant framework
T He need to estimate states using incomplete and noisy
data arises in many engineering problems. In robotics
applications, where states of interest are often elements of a
is the fact that the Jacobians are state-estimate independent.
Motivated by this fact, this paper considers the derivation of an
invariant RTS (IRTS) smoother for systems with states that are
matrix Lie group, a popular state estimator is the extended
elements of a matrix Lie group. Like the IEKF and IGN, the
Kalman filter (EKF), or rather the multiplicative extended
IRTS smoother has state-independent Jacobians when certain
Kalman filter (MEKF), a variant of the EKF [1]. The EKF
technical requirements are met.
is an approximation to the Bayes filter that uses linearization
To assess the performance of the IRTS smoother relative to
to compute a state estimate [2, Sec. 4.2]. The prediction and
a multiplicative RTS (MRTS) smoother, IGN, as well as multi-
correction steps of the EKF use process and measurement
plicative GN (MGN), a state estimation problem is considered
model Jacobians, respectively, that are evaluated at the most
that involves estimating the position and attitude of a rigid
recent state estimate. If the most recent state estimate is poor,
body. Two interoceptive sensor measurements, as well as two
the Jacobians are inaccurate.
exteroceptive measurements, are available. Angular velocity
The invariant EKF (IEKF) is a state estimator that is specific
and translational velocity measurements are the interoceptive
to systems with states that are an element of a matrix Lie
measurements, while both left-invariant and right-invariant
group. It was shown in [3], [4] that when the process model is
measurements from a GPS receiver and a stereo camera are the
group affine, the measurements are left invariant (right invari-
exteroceptive measurements. In addition, biases on the angular
ant), and a left-invariant error (right-invariant error) is used,
and translational velocity sensors are also estimated. Due to the
Manuscript received: February 24th, 2020; Revised May 13th, 2020; inclusion of sensor biases, the state estimation problem does
Accepted June 8th, 2020. not satisfy the exact requirements of the invariant framework,
This paper was recommended for publication by Editor Sven Behnke upon
evaluation of the Associate Editor and Reviewers’ comments. This work was
that being a group-affine process model. However, leveraging
supported by the Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD) and the the invariant framework still leads to Jacobians that depend
National Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) of Canada. less on the state estimates as compared to the multiplicative
1 Research Trainee, Group for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD),
Montreal, QC, H3T 1J4, Canada. Email:
framework [5]. The IRTS smoother, MRTS smoother, IGN,
2 M.Eng. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering, and MGN are tested and compared using the Starry Night
McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C3, Canada. Email: dataset [10]. The IRTS smoother outperforms MRTS smooth- ing, IGN and MGN when initial errors are large. The enhanced
3 Ph.D. Candidate, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C3, Canada. Email: performance of the IRTS smoother stems from the fact that the Jacobians associated with the IRTS smoother are less state-
4 Associate Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, estimate-dependent than those used in MRTS smoothing, IGN
McGill University, Montreal, QC, H3A 0C3, Canada. Email: and MGN, and during the forward-backward passes of the
Digital Object Identifier (DOI): see top of this page. IRTS smoother the Jacobians are updated at each step.

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Nota- The predicted state estimate and covariance are found using
tion and preliminaries are presented in Section II. In Section III [13, Sec. 8.2]
the standard RTS smoother is reviewed. An extended RTS
smoother applicable to systems with states that are an element x̌f,k = Ak−1 x̂f,k−1 + Bk−1 uk−1 , (5)
of matrix Lie group, the MRTS smoother, is presented in P̌f,k = Ak−1 P̂f,k−1 AT + Lk−1 Qk−1 LT
k−1 k−1 , (6)
Section IV. Finally, the invariant framework is brought to bear
on the RTS smoothing problem in Section V. Section VI for- where wk ∼ N (0, Qk ), x̌f,k is the a priori forward state
mulates the SE(3) with bias state estimation problem, while estimate, x̂f,k is the a posteriori forward state estimate, P̌f,k
section VII presents experimental results comparing the IRTS is the a priori forward covariance estimate, P̂f,k is the a
and MRTS smoothers, as well as IGN and MGN. The paper is posteriori forward covariance estimate, and k = 0, . . . , N .
drawn to a close in Section VIII. This paper’s contributions are The Kalman gain Kf,k is computed using [13, Sec. 8.2]
the IRTS smoother derivation in Section V and its evaluation
and comparison to three other batch estimation methods using Kf,k = P̌f,k HT T T
k Hk P̌f,k Hk + Mk Rk Mk , (7)
experimental data in Section VII.
where vk ∼ N (0, Rk ). The predicted estimates are then
II. P RELIMINARIES corrected using [14, Sec. 9.4]
A. Matrix Lie Groups x̂f,k = x̌f,k + Kf,k (yk − Hk x̌f,k ) , (8)
Consider the matrix Lie group G, which is composed of P̂f,k = (1 − Kf,k Hk ) P̌f,k (1 − Kf,k Hk )
n×n matrices with m degrees of freedom, that is closed under
matrix multiplication [11]. The matrix Lie algebra associated + Kf,k Mk Rk MT T
k Kf,k . (9)
with G, denoted by g, is the tangent space of G at the identity
element 1, denoted as T1 G. The matrix Lie algebra can be After the forward pass is complete, the backward smooth-
mapped to the matrix Lie group using the exponential map, ing pass is initialized using x̂f,N and P̂f,N . The smoothing
exp (·) : g → G. The inverse map uses the matrix natural equations [13, Sec. 8.2]

logarithm, log (·) : G → g. The linear operator (·) : Rm → g −1
Ks,k = P̂f,k AT
k P̌f,k+1 , (10)
maps an m dimension column matrix to the matrix Lie algebra.
∨ x̂s,k = x̂f,k + Ks,k (x̂s,k+1 − x̌f,k+1 ) , (11)
The inverse map is (·) : g → Rm . Let Ad(·) denote the matrix
representation of the adjoint operator, where (Ad(X)ξ)∧ =
P̂s,k = P̂f,k − Ks,k P̌f,k+1 − P̂s,k+1 KT s,k , (12)
Xξ ∧ X−1 for X ∈ G and ξ ∈ Rm .
Definition 1 (Group Affine [3]): The function F (X, u) is are then used for k = N −1, . . . , 0, where Ks,k is the smoother
said to be group affine if for X1 , X2 ∈ G it satisfies gain, x̂s,k is the smoother estimate, and P̂s,k is the smoother
F (X1 X2 , u) = X1 F (X2 , u) + F (X1 , u) X2 − X1 F (1, u) X2 . covariance.
Definition 2 (Left- and Right-Invariant Error [3]): Consider
X, X̂ ∈ G. The left-invariant error between X and X̂ is given
by δXL = X−1 X̂ and the right-invariant error between X and The extended RTS smoother is used for nonlinear systems
X̂ is δXR = X̂X−1 . and has many variations, an example of which is discussed
in [13]. Consider the nonlinear continuous-time process and
III. RTS S MOOTHING discrete-time measurement models
Consider the linear system Ẋ(t) = F (X(t), x(t), u(t), w(t)) , (13)
ẋ(t) = Ax(t) + Bu(t) + Lw(t), (2) ẋ(t) = f (X(t), x(t), u(t), w(t)) , (14)
yk = Hk xk + Mk vk , (3) yk = gk (Xk , xk , vk ) , (15)
where k denotes the time steps such that xk = x(tk ), x(t) ∈ where X ∈ G is an element of a matrix Lie group while
Rm is the state, u(t) is an interoceptive measurement, yk is the x ∈ Rnx , and both compose the state. For a process model
exteroceptive measurement, w(t) is process noise, and vk is of the form given by (13) and (14), the MRTS smoother can
measurement noise. Unless required for clarity, the argument be used for state estimation. A similar multiplicative approach
(t) will be omitted for brevity. The discrete-time process model to smoothing is taken in [6], [15]. The MRTS smoother can be
can be found in several ways [12] resulting in the discrete-time viewed as an extension of the extended RTS smoother in the
process model same way the multiplicative extended Kalman Filter (MEKF)
xk = Ak−1 xk−1 + Bk−1 uk−1 + Lk−1 wk−1 . (4) is an extension of the standard EKF. Owing to the popularity
of the EKF, and the use of the MEKF as the benchmark
The RTS smoother consists of a forward pass, equivalent to when assessing the benefits of the IEKF, the MRTS smoother
the Kalman filter, that goes forward in time and a backward will be compared to the proposed IRTS smoother derived in
smoothing pass that goes backward in time. Section V.

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

As is done in many Kalman filter variants, the MRTS the state and process noise in (25) is necessary since matrix
smoother requires linearization of the process and measure- Lie groups are closed under multiplication but not under
ment models. Combining and linearizing (13) and (14), and addition. The argument (t) will once again be omitted for
also linearizing (15), results in brevity. Given the true state X and the state estimate X̂, the
error can be defined as a left-invariant error or right-invariant
δ ẋ = Aδx + Lδw, (16)
error. Additionally, when the process model (excluding noise)
δyk = Hk δxk + Mk δvk , (17) is group affine, the error dynamics are state-independent, as
where δw = w̄ + w and δvk = v̄k + vk , A and L are the stated in Theorem 1.
process model Jacobians, and Hk and Mk are the measurement Theorem 1 (State-independent error dynamics [3]): If the
model Jacobians. The error definitions used to perform the function F (X(t), u(t)) is group affine and the error is either
linearization are [16] left- or right-invariant, then the error propagation will be state
log(X−1 X̂)∨

δx = . (18) The choice of using a left- or right-invariant error depends
x̂ − x on the left- or right-invariant form of the measurements, as
The error in the state defined on G is multiplicative because defined next.
G is not closed under addition. Also, this is just one error Definition 3 (Left- and right-invariant measurement model):
definition; alternative definitions can be used as well. Left- and right-invariant measurements are
The forward filter is the known MEKF [1], [15]. The yLk = Xk bk + vk , (26)
prediction step is performed by integrating (13) and (14) from
time tk−1 to time tk using the expected value of the process yR
k = X−1
k bk + vk , (27)
noise, which is zero. The predicted covariance is given by respectively, where bk is some known column matrix of
(6) and the Kalman gain is given by (7). The state estimate appropriate dimension.
correction is given by When confronted with a left-invariant (right-invariant) mea-
surement model and a group affine process model, a left-
= Kf,k zk , (19) invariant error (right-invariant error) should be used [3], [4].
The error dynamics are linearized using δX = exp δξ ∧ ≈

X̂f,k = X̌f,k exp −δχ1 ∧ ,

1 + δξ ∧ , where δξ ∈ Rm is the state of the linearized system,
x̂f,k = x̌f,k − δχ2 , (21) and the superscript for left or right has been dropped here.
where zk = yk − y̌k and the corrected covariance is given by The linearized process model is
(9). Note that δχ∧ 1 is an element of the Lie algebra associated δ ξ̇ = Aδξ + Lδw. (28)
with G.
The backward smoothing is initialized using the state esti- The prediction step in the forward filter from Xk−1 to Xk
mate and covariance output of the forward filter. The Kalman is performed by integrating (25) from time tk−1 to tk . The
gain for the smoother is given by (10) and the smoother covari- predicted covariance is given by (6).
ance update is given by (12). The smoother state innovation
and smoother state update are given by A. L-IRTS Smoothing
∨ #
 1  "  −1
zs,k A detailed explanation of left-IRTS (L-IRTS) smoothing
log X̂s,k+1 X̌f,k+1
= , (22) is provided here. Because L-IRTS smoothing and right-IRTS
z2s,k x̂s,k+1 − x̌f,k+1
 smoothing (R-IRTS) smoothing are required in the sample
X̂s,k = X̂f,k exp − Ks,k z1s,k , (23) problem presented in Section VI, the equivalent equations for
R-IRTS smoothing are provided in Section V-B.
x̂s,k = x̂f,k − Ks,k z2s,k . (24) The left-invariant error δXf,k = X̂−1 f,k X̌f,k is the error
between the predicted and the corrected state. Rearranging the
V. I NVARIANT RTS S MOOTHING error definition results in an expression for the corrected state
The invariant extended Kalman filter (IEKF) [3] can be given by
considered a variant of the extended Kalman filter (EKF),  ∧ 
but specific to estimation problems with particular proper- X̂f,k = X̌f,k δX−1
f,k , = X̌f,k exp − Kf,k z L
f,k , (29)
ties. Here, the invariant filtering framework is leveraged to where the left-innovation is given by
introduce the invariant RTS (IRTS) smoother. Similar to tradi-
tional RTS and MRTS smoothing, the forward filter in IRTS zLf,k = X̌−1
f,k (yk − y̌k ) , (30)
smoothing is the IEKF. Subsequently, a backward smoothing
and the Kalman gain is given by (7), y̌k = X̌f,k bk , and
step is performed. The IEKF and proposed IRTS smoother are
the negative sign in the exponent is a result of the inverse
applicable to process models of the form
operation. To find the Jacobians Hk and Mk the innovation
Ẋ(t) = F (X(t), u(t)) + X(t)W(t), (25) must be linearized. To do so, substitute (26) into the innovation
expression and use the definition of the error, which results in
where X(t) ∈ G is the state and W(t) ∈ g is process noise
where w(t) = W(t)∨ ∈ Rm . The multiplication between δzLf,k = Hk δ ξ̌ f,k + Mk δvk . (31)

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

After the forward-filter pass, the backward smoothing is ini- Consider noisy, biased, angular velocity measurements pro-
tialized with the corrected state estimate X̂f,N and covariance vided by a rate gyro of the form
P̂f,N . The Kalman gain used in the backward smoothing is 1
u1b = ω ba 1
b − β b − wb , (40)
given by (10) and the covariance update is given by (12).
where w1b ∼ N 0, Q1 , and β 1b is the measurement bias.

To find an expression describing the smoothed state estimate,
the error between X̂s,k+1 and X̌f,k+1 must be defined. In the Additionally, consider noisy, biased, translational velocity
traditional RTS smoother there is the x̂s,k+1 − x̌f,k+1 term measurements given by
which can be seen as a δx term or as a smoother innovation
term. The equivalent error in the present context, when the u2b = CT zw/a
ab va − β 2b − w2b , (41)
state is an element of the matrix Lie group G and a left- 2
2 2

where wb ∼ N 0, Q , and β b is sensor bias. Both biases
invariant error is employed, is 1 2
are random walk  processes where β̇ b = w3b , β̇ b = w4b , and
δXs,k = X̂−1
s,k+1 X̌f,k+1 , (32) w3b ∼ N 0, Q3 , w3b ∼ N 0, Q4 . The states of interest for
estimation are the attitude Cab , position rzw a , and sensor biases
where exp δξ ∧

s,k = δXs,k . Using the definition of δξ s,k , an β 1b and β 2b . Similarly to [18], these states can be cast into an
expression for the left smoother-state innovation zLs,k is element of a matrix Lie group G as
Cab rzw
  
zLs,k = δξ s,k = log X̂−1
s,k+1 X̌f,k+1 . (33) a
 1 
1 2
 
Given that the smoother-state innovation has been defined, an X=  1 β b β b  ∈ G. (42)
expression for the smoother state estimate update can now be  1 
found. The left-invariant IRTS smoother update is then 1
∧  Details pertaining to the matrix Lie group G are presented in

X̂s,k = X̂f,k exp − Ks,k zLs,k . (34)
the Appendix.
The kinematics of the problem are given by
B. R-IRTS Smoothing ×
Ċab = Cab ω ba
b , ṙzw zw/a
a = va , (43)
The right-invariant error associated with the filter is
where (·) : R3 → so(3) is the linear operator that maps
δXf,k = X̌f,k X̂−1
f,k , (35)
a three dimensional column matrix to the matrix Lie algebra
which justifies the form of the state correction, so(3). The continuous-time process model is then given by
∧  × 1
Ċab = Cab u1b + β 1b + w1b , β̇ b = w3b ,

X̂f,k = exp − Kf,k zR f,k X̌f,k , (36) (44)
2 2
ṙzw 2 2 4

where the right-innovation is given by a = Cab ub + β b + wb , β̇ b = wb . (45)
The inclusion of sensor biases in the problem violates the
f,k = X̌k (yk − y̌k ). (37)
group affine properties required by the invariant framework,
The innovation and state-estimate update used in the smooth- meaning the kinematics do not satisfy (1). However, the use
ing phase are of the invariant error in the linearization leads to Jacobians
 ∨ that are less state-estimate dependent than Jacobians computed
s,k = log X̌f,k+1 X̂s,k+1 , (38) using a multiplicative error definition.
 A position measurement resolved in Fa , such as a global
X̂s,k = exp − Kk zR

s,k X̂f,k . (39) positioning system (GPS) measurement, provides
ya,k = rzak w + va,k , (46)
A. Problem Formulation where va,k ∼ N 0, Rk , which can also be written as a
function of the state Xk ,
Consider a rigid body free to rotate and translate in three-      
dimensional space. Let Fa be an inertial frame composed ya,k 0 va,k
of three orthonormal physical basis vectors [17] and Fb be  1  = Xk 1 +  0  , (47)
a frame that rotates with the body. The orientation of Fa 0 0 0
relative to Fb is described by a direction cosine matrix (DCM) where the matrices 0 are of appropriate size. The position
Cab ∈ SO(3). A physical vector → −v can be resolved in Fa as measurement is left-invariant because it is of the form given
a column matrix va or in Fb as vb , where va = Cab vb and in (26). In addition, landmark measurements resolved in Fb ,
va , vb ∈ R3 . Point w is a datum point, and point z is fixed to from a LIDAR or stereo camera, for example, are available.
the body. The position of point z relative to point w resolved Denote point pı to be the ıth landmark. The position of the
in Fa is denoted as rzw 3
a ∈ R . The velocity of z relative to ıth landmark relative to w resolved in Fa is given by rapı w .
w with respect to Fa is denoted as ṙzw a = va and the The landmark sensor measures
angular velocity of Fb relative to Fa resolved in Fb is given
by ω ba 3 yıbk = CT pı w
abk (ra − rzak w ) + vıbk , (48)
b ∈R .

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

where v2bk ∼ N (0, Rık ), which can alternatively be written Linearizing the process model using the left-invariant error
 ı   p w  ı  definition leads to
ybk raı vbk
 1  = X−1  1  +  0  (49) δ ξ̇ = Aδξ + Lδw, (51)
0 0 0
The landmark sensor measurement is right-invariant because  
it is of the form given in (27). −(u1 + β̂ b )× 0 1 0
  b 2 ×
  1 ×
− u2b + β̂ b − u1b + β̂ b 0 1 , L = −1,
 
B. Using both Left- and Right-Invariant Measurements 
 0 0

0 0
Generally, the choice of the left- or right-invariant error is 0 0 0 0
dictated by the left- or right-invariant form of the exteroceptive (52)
measurements, as described in Section V. For instance, given h iT
only a left-invariant measurement, such as GPS, the L-IRTS T T 1T 2T
and δξ = δξ φ δξ r δξ β δξ β . Notice that A
smoothing approach of Section V-A would be employed. 1 2
depends on the measurements ub and ub , the bias estimates
However, when both left- and right-invariant measurements 1 2
are available, such as in this paper, in order to maintain β̂ b and β̂ b , but not on any other state estimates.
innovation Jacobians in the forward pass that are state-estimate The continuous-time process model can then be discretized
independent, an error representation transformation (ERT) using any desired discretization scheme. In this paper, a
between left- and right-invariant errors is done, as discussed forward Euler discretization scheme is chosen for simplicity.
in [19]. Nominally, a left-invariant correction, given by (29),
and covariance computation, given by (9), are computed in
the forward pass of the smoother. When a right-invariant D. Linearization of the Measurement Model
measurement is available, the left-invariant covariance, P̌Lk , is For the left-invariant measurements the innovation term
mapped to the right-invariant covariance, P̌Rk , using the matrix is given by (30), and for the right-invariant measurements
representation of the adjoint operator, the innovation term is given by (37). To find the Jacobians
T associated with the position measurements, the innovation
P̌Rk = Ad X̌k P̌Lk Ad X̌k .

(50) zLf,k is linearized using the left-invariant error definition.
Similarly, to find the Jacobians associated with the landmark
The right-invariant measurement is then used within a right-
measurements, the innovation zR f,k is linearized using the right-
invariant correction step, given by (36), and covariance cor-
rection, again using (9) but with the appropriate right-invariant invariant error definition. Linearizing the innovation zLf,k leads
Jacobians. The corrected covariance in right-invariant form is to measurement model Jacobians of the form
then mapped back to a covariance in left-invariant form using
HLk = 0 −1 0 0 , MLk = ČT
abk . (53)
an analogous version of (50). This ERT of the covariance be-
tween left-and right-invariant forms ensures that the Jacobians For each of the m landmarks, linearizing the innovation zR f,k
used within the correction step and covariance computation (9) using the right-invariant error definition leads to measurement
are state-estimate independent. model Jacobians of the form
When solving the batch state estimation problem with both h i
left- and right-invariant measurement using IGN the measure- HR,ı row −rpaı w
k = ı=1,...,m 1 0 0 , (54)
ments are not processed sequentially. Rather, all measure-

ments, both left- and right-invariant, are used simultaneously. k = diag Čabk , . . . , Čabk . (55)
Therefore, when using a left-invariant error and innovation,
although the Jacobians associated with the left-invariant mea- Note that the Jacobians HLk and HR,ık are constant and do
surement will be state-estimate independent, the Jacobians not depend on the state, as the position of the landmarks rapı w
associated with the right-invariant measurement will depend are known.
on the state estimate. As such, an advantage of the IRTS
smoother over IGN is that the ERT allows for computation of
Jacobians that are consistent with the left- or right-invariant E. Jacobians using MRTS smoothing
form of the measurement. To implement the MRTS smoother, attitude error is taken to
be multiplicative, while position and bias errors are taken to
C. Error Propagation be additive. The error definitions for the MRTS smoother used
in the linearization of the process and measurement model are
To derive the error propagation in the IRTS, a left-invariant given by
error of the form δX = X−1 X̂ is chosen. For this particular
problem, the use of a left-invariant error leads to process model δC = CT
ab Ĉab , δrzw zw zw
a = r̂a − ra , (56)
Jacobians that are less state-estimate dependent than when a 1 2
right-invariant error is used. δβ 1b = β̂ b − β 1b , δβ 2b = β̂ b − β 2b . (57)

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

The Jacobians associated with MRTS smoother, denoted by both low and high initialization errors. Figure 1 shows
the (·) , are given by the root mean square error (RMSE) in each state for 100
 1
 Monte-Carlo simulations using the IRTS and the MRTS
−(u1b + β̂ b )× 0 1 0 smoothers with a low initialization error. The initial error
2 ×
   

− Ĉ u2
+ β̂ 0 0 Ĉ
 for each Monte-Carlo simulation is sampled from the distri-
A =  ab b b ab , (58)
0 0 0 0 
 bution δξ 0 ∼ N (m, P), with the initial mean error set to

m = mφ 1T T T
0 0 0 0 1:3 mr 11:3 mβ1 11:3 mβ2 11:3 , where 11:3 =
  [1 1 1]T , mφ = 12 π
rad, mr = 0.1 m, mβ1 = 0.005 rad s−1 ,
L = −diag 1, Ĉab , 1, 1 . (59) and mβ2 = 0.005 m s−1 . The covariance on the initial er-
The measurement model Jacobians for the MRTS smoother ror distribution is set to P = diag σφ2 1, σr2 1, σβ2 0 1, σβ2 0 1 ,
1 2
are derived by linearizing the innovation zf,k = yk − y̌k using where σφ = 36 π
rad, σr = 0.1 m, σβ10 = 0.005 rad s−1 ,
the error definitions given by (56). The position measurement and σβ20 = 0.005 m s−1 . In addition, for each Monte-Carlo
Jacobians are given by trial, new realizations of the artificial biases and artificial
? ? position measurements are generated. The initial state estimate
H1k = 0 −1 0 0 , M1k = 1.
for the IRTS smoother is generated using the left-invariant
The Jacobians corresponding to the landmark sensor measure- error definition, while the initial state estimate for the MRTS
ments for the MRTS smoother are given by smoother is generated using the multiplicative error definitions
h i given by (56). The lower bounds of the error bars in Figure 1,
H2,ı zk w ×
pı w
k = row − Čabk (ra − řa ) Čabk 0 0 , and all forthcoming figures, are set to a percentile of 2.5 and
(61) the upper bounds of the error bars are set to a percentile of
= 1. (62) 97.5, meaning the results of 95% of the trials lie within the
error bars.
Notice that the process model Jacobians derived using the
error definitions for the MRTS smoother, (58) and (59), depend
on the attitude estimate Ĉab , and not just the bias estimates
like the Jacobians used in the IRTS smoother ?
in (52). In
addition, the measurement model Jacobian H2,ı k given in (61)
depends on the attitude estimate and the position estimate,
while the Jacobian for the IRTS smoother, HR,ık given in (54),
is constant.


The MRTS and the IRTS smoothers were first tested using
simulated data, demonstrating encouraging results. To test
the smoothers on a real-life problem, the IRTS and MRTS
smoothers were compared using the Starry Night dataset [10].
The Starry Night dataset provides angular and translational
velocity sensor measurements at approximately 100 Hz, and Fig. 1: Mean RMSEs for the IRTS and MRTS smoothers on
stereo image pairs logged at approximately 15 Hz. The camera experimental data with low initialization error.
measurements are preprocessed as in [5] to obtain a right-
invariant measurement model of the form (49). These pre- With a low initialization error, Figure 1 indicates that the
processed camera measurements are used in both the IRTS performance of the IRTS and MRTS smoothers are compa-
and MRTS smoothers. The angular and translational velocity rable, with the IRTS smoother performing slightly better on
sensor data provided in the dataset are unbiased. To add average. The advantage of the IRTS smoother lies in the case
complexity to the experiments, large artificial biases are added of poor initialization, as the Jacobians of the IRTS smoother
to the angular and translational
 velocity sensor data. The initial are less state-estimate dependent and are therefore more ac-
biases are set to β 1b,0 = 0.05 0.05 0.05 rad s−1 and curate even when the state estimate is poor. To demonstrate
β 2b,0 = 0.04 −0.03 0.06 m s−1 . For all experiments,

this, both filters were tested for a large initialization error in
the standard deviation on the bias random walks are both set all states. The mean initial errors for each state are set to
to σβ1 = σβ2 = 0.005 with appropriate units. In addition, mφ = π3 rad, mr = 1 m, mβ1 = 0.03 rad s−1 , and mβ2 =
artificial position measurements of the form (47) are generated 0.03 m s−1 . Figure 2 presents the results of 100 Monte-Carlo
using ground truth data at approximately 10 Hz. The same simulations. Figure 2 demonstrates that when the smoothers
standard deviation of σR1 = 0.5 m is used for the artificial are poorly initialized, the IRTS smoother outperforms the
position measurements in all subsequent experiments. MRTS smoother by a large margin.
A 20 second window of the Starry Night dataset is cho- The IRTS and MRTS smoothers are batch state estimators,
sen to test the smoothers. The smoothers are tested for which in turn motivates a comparison to IGN and MGN, for

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

Fig. 2: Mean RMSEs for the IRTS and MRTS smoothers on

experimental data with high initialization error.
Fig. 3: Mean RMSEs for each smoother and Gauss-Newton
algorithms for each iteration.
one and more iterations. The nonlinear least squares problem
associated with a maximum a posteriori (MAP) formulation
was noted that using a lower initialization error leads to a less
of the state estimation problem is solved via GN optimization
drastic difference between one iteration of the smoothers and
[2]. Within the IGN framework, a left-invariant error and
one iteration of GN approaches because the Jacobians used in
innovation are employed with left-invariant measurements,
the first iteration of the GN approaches are more accurate, and
while a left-invariant error and standard innovation is used with
the solution converges faster.
right-invariant measurements. Within the MGN framework, the
There are further notable advantages to the IRTS smoother
multiplicative errors defined in (56) and a standard innovation
over IGN. For example, the covariance computation is straight-
are used for all measurements.
forward in the IRTS smoother. In the forward pass, the
Next, a comparison of the IRTS and MRTS smoothers to
covariance is computed using (9), and in the backward pass,
both IGN and MGN is provided. One iteration of either the
the covariance is computed using (12). On the other hand, ex-
IRTS or the MRTS smoothers is defined as one forward pass
tracting the covariance associated with each state at each time
followed by one backwards pass of the smoothing algorithm.
step is cumbersome in IGN and MGN because a large, sparse,
One iteration of a smoothing algorithm is almost, but not
matrix must be inverted. Additionally, in a problem with both
exactly, equivalent to one iteration of GN [20]. For every
left- and right-invariant measurements, such as the problem
subsequent iteration of the smoothers, the forward filter is
presented in this paper, the ERT can be used, as discussed in
then re-initialized with the new initial state and covariance
Section VI-B. This leads to a correction step in the forward
estimates from the previous backwards pass. Both IGN and
pass that is always consistent with the measurement type (i.e.,
MGN are initialized using dead reckoning. The mean RMSEs
consistent left- or right-invariant measurements). In an IGN
after each iteration of the smoothers and GN estimators are
framework, the innovation is fixed and cannot be changed,
compared over 100 Monte-Carlo trials in Figure 3. In each
ultimately leading to Jacobians in the IGN framework that
Monte-Carlo simulation, a high initialization error is tested
are state-estimate dependent in a problem with both left- and
with the same parameters used previously.
right-invariant measurements.
The results in Figure 3 demonstrate that one iteration
of either smoothers far outperforms one iteration of either
of the GN algorithms. The reason is that the Jacobians in VIII. C ONCLUSIONS
the smoothers are computed using the best available state The main purpose of this paper is to present the IRTS
estimate in both the forward and backwards passes, meaning smoother and benchmark it using experimental data relative
the Jacobians used in the smoothers are more accurate as to the MRTS smoother, IGN, and MGN. The IRTS smoother
the forward and backward passes are executed step by step. is essentially an application of the invariant filtering of [3],
In both IGN and MGN, all Jacobians are evaluated using [4] where left- or right-invariant error definitions, group-
the state estimate from the previous least-squares solution. affine process models, and left- or right-invariant measurement
The Jacobians in the first iteration of each GN algorithm models are leveraged to give state-independent Jacobians. The
are inaccurate due to their computation using dead-reckoning IRTS and MRTS smoother were compared on an SE(3)
starting from a large initial error. Even after 5 iterations of problem where the attitude and position of a body, and sensor
both IGN and MGN, there is still large variability in the mean biases, are estimated using angular velocity data, translational
RMSEs, as shown by the top of the error bars in Figure 3. Both velocity data, stereo camera data, and GPS measurements
of the smoothers show significantly smaller mean RMSEs after simulated from ground-truth data. The IRTS smoother per-
one iteration, but also much lower variability in the results. It formance is quite good, performing as well or better than all

2377-3766 (c) 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/LRA.2020.3005132, IEEE Robotics
and Automation Letters

other algorithms. Specifically, when the initialization is poor, The adjoint operator for the group G is given by
the IRTS smoother provides significantly better performance  
than the MRTS smoother. Furthermore, several iterations of r× C C 
IGN and MGN were required to match the performance of Ad (X) =  . (68)
 1 
the IRTS smoother.

SE(3) WITH B IAS The authors graciously acknowledge funding from Group
Three dimensional pose and two sensor biases can be cast for Research in Decision Analysis (GERAD) and the Na-
into a matrix Lie group G of the form tional Science and Engineering Research Council (NSERC)
  of Canada.
C r
 1 
 1 2
X=  1 β b β b  ∈ G, (63)
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Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Exeter. Downloaded on June 27,2020 at 15:01:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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