FEP RateCalculator

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Monthly Expenses Extra Expenses

Item Cost Item Cost

Rent/Mortage 1800 Holiday 3000
Utilities 130 House Insurance 800
Internet 50 Health Insurance 1700
Phone Bill 30 Car Service 300
Car Payment 95 Car Insurance
Local Tax 120 Travel Insurance 450
Life Insurance 50 Waste Services $80
Groceries 500 Clothing 1000
Fuel 300 Apps 90
Streaming Subs 20
Misc 200

Monthly Subtotal ₱3,295 Extra Subtotal ₱7,420

Schedule Preferences
How many days a week do I want to work 4

How much vacation would I like to be able to take 20

How much do I need to earn per day 249.787234

Expense Summary
Avg Monthly Total 3913.333333

Annual Total 46960

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