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Inspection &QC Important Questions for External exam:

1. What is Inspection? What are the different types of Inspection?

2. What is interchangeability? What are its advantages?

3. What is the Factors Influencing the Quality of Manufacture?

4. What are the different types of Standards for Measurement?

5. Difference between Line Standard and End Standard?

6. Define Basic size, Actual size, true size and Exact Size?

7. What is TQM? What are their functions?

8. Write a short note on 5S principle in detail?

9. Explain about Average Outgoing Quality (AOQ)?

10. What are the differences between Quality planning and Quality control?

11. Explain about Kaizen and kairyo systems?

12. Classify different types of sampling methods?

13. Classify different types of measuring instruments? Explain any 2?

14. What is statistical Quality control? What are its General Activities? What are the benefits of SQC?
15. Classify Different types of measuring instruments? Explain any 2 types OF Direct measuring Instruments?
16. A single sampling plan uses a sample size of 15mm and acceptance number 1.Using hyper geometric
probabilities, compute the probability of acceptance of lots of 50 articles 2% defective.

17. What is ISO 9000? Explain the Benefits by becoming ISO: 9000 certified company?

18. How are sampling Plans are classified? Explain any 2 in Detail with examples?
19. What is TQM? What are six identifiable phases to achieve TQM?

20. The following table shows the averages and ranges of the spindle diameters in milliliters for 30 subgroups
of 5 items each. For the first 20 samples set up an X chart and an R chart. Plot the next 10 samples on these
charts to see if the process continues “under control” both as to average and range. Also find the process

−¿ −¿ −¿
45.020 0.375 45.600 0.275 45.260 0.150
45.950 0.450 45.020 0.175 45.650 0.200
45.480 0.450 45.320 0.200 45.620 0.400
45.320 0.150 45.560 0.425 45.480 0.225
45.280 0.200 45.140 0.250 45.380 0.125
45.820 0.250 45.620 0.375 45.660 0.350
45.580 0.275 45.800 0.475 45.460 0.225
45.400 0.475 45.500 0.200 45.640 0.375
45.660 0.475 45.780 0.275 45.390 0.650
45.680 0.275 45.640 0.225 45.290 0.350

1. What is Inspection? What are the different types of Inspection? Explain any two types of Inspection?
2. Explain in detail about Planning of Inspection?

3.In a capability study of a lathe used in turning a shaft to a diameter of 23±0.1mm a sample of 6 consecutive
pieces was taken each day for 8 days. The diameters of these shafts are given below
1St Day 2nd day 3rd Day 4th Day 5th Day 6th Day 7th Day 8th Day
23.77 23.80 23.77 23.79 23.75 23.78 23.76 23.76
23.80 23.78 23.78 23.76 23.78 23.76 23.78 23.79
23.78 23.76 23.77 23.79 23.78 23.73 23.75 23.77
23.73 23.70 23.77 23.74 23.77 23.76 23.76 23.72
23.76 23.81 23.80 23.82 23.76 23.74 23.81 23.78
23.75 23.77 23.74 23.76 23.79 23.75 23.80 23.78
Construct the X and R chart find out the process capability for the machine.

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