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The falling raindrop: Variations on a theme of Newton KS. Krane ef Phy Oregon Site Unvera, Cal, Oregon 97331 Depormen (Received 3 Ape 194 cpt 2434) 1980) The ger problem of mas ston ya fling though clo of epi plied nerdy or nemedte metbance. The iematie SanSC tte ling dopo deduced any of mechan of ms oon, ‘and some special limiting conditions are discussed. 1. INTRODUCTION ‘A standard feature of the discussion of Newton's sec- ‘ond law in the form F = dp di, as presented in many in termediate-level mechanics texts, isthe so-called variable ‘mass problem (which might more accurately be termed a ‘mas redistribution” problem). The problem is usually cast inthe form of computing the thrusting force generated by a rocket which burns is fuel in order to eject mass at a specified rate and exkaust velocity (the rocket problem). ‘Although the rocket problem does provide anilustration ofthe general principle the usual assumptions, that both ddmfdt andthe relative exhaust velocity are constant, limit. ‘the padagogic usefulnes ofthis lustration as an application ‘of ageneral technique? ‘The reverse problem circumvents this difficulty, and the variations which can be introduced are many. The general ‘problem (the raindrop problem) is as follows: A raindrop falls through a stationary cloud of water droplets in the Earth's gravitational feld> As it falls, it aceretes mass as. the droplets are absorbed into the raindrop via completely inelatie collisions; the mass accretion cates specified. The problem isto compute the altitude and velocity ofthe drop 8s functions ofthe time. Among the variations which can be introduced are those which specify various functional forms of dm/dt and those which involve switching the ‘ravitational field off! ‘The raindrop problem provides several advantages over the rocket problem. First, although not necessarily most important, is its applicability, with suitable modifications, disciplines In these times of emphasis on in Fy applications of physics, itis indeed gratifying to find a problem which can not only be of intrest to our colleagues in the atmospheric sciences, but ean also be ‘modified to interes astrophysicsts ("An object passes ‘through interstellar matter .-."), oceanographers ("An ‘object falling through the sea ..."; here dmydr can be postive or negative), nuclear physicists ("A nucleus falls through nuclear matter ...") chemists (“A crystal falls through a saturated solution of sts matter iquor-."), a so forth, A second benefit ofthe use af the raindrop problem isits applicability to difering levels of student mathematical Sophistication. Although the problem is ocasionally found in more advanced tests, Ihave used variations in our in- {roductory caleulus-based physics course, with generally successful results. Many of the brighter students were Stimulated by the problem and produced their own vari tions, and some of the puzzling aspects of the problem provided ground for discussions which may have been beneficial to the students In the fllowing sections, we discuss the variations ofthis problem, first in an elementary application which suitable 13 Am Phy 902), 181 102.950 810201130850 90 for introductory presentations and then in more detailed Tashion UL RAINDROP PROBLEM WITH mp = 19 = 0 Let us pose the problem in terms ofa drop falling inthe Earth’ uniform gravitational field. We assume that the

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