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Reading tips:

A) true, false, not given

 step1: choose a key word, scan it in the text, check the words after and before of the key word
to be assured that found it.
 step2: for answering a question we must have a purpose of that question and focused on it.
You should add a “wh” questions and look after that in order to answer it.

 True: a document parallel of the purpose.
 False: a document opposite of the purpose.
 Not given: don’t find anything about the purpose.

 Important note: be careful about such words like_ only, all, almost, max, min, first, er, most, est,
some, every, many, total, as-as.

B) Summary questions:
 Check the grammar of the sentences which what sort of words are match in the gap.
 check the words in the box and organize them (adjectives, verbs, nouns)
 Guess any words in which you can write in the gap.
 Important note: don’t put the synonyms in the gap, while, you must pay attention to the words
that are equal concept with the sentences.

C) classification:

step1: find the names in the text.

step2: highlight the names.

step3: translate the keywords very short.

step4: keep the words in your mind.

step5: it is better to read short paragraphs and the names that was repeated
fewer first.
 Important note: pay more attention to the synonyms.
D) Ending:
 step1: find the key words
 step2: be sure about that in the text
 step3:find it in the text

‫ محدوده کلمات را پیدا میکنیم و از نقطه قبل تا بعد اسلش میزنیم و هرکدام از گزینه ها را که در آن‬
.‫محدوده دیدیم به احتمال زیاد جواب است‬
.‫ ممکن است در آن محدوده دو گزینه را ببینیم که بین آنها باید تشخیص دهیم و انتخاب کنیم‬

E) Filling the gap:

 step1: choose key words
 step2: scan it
 step3: slash the sentence in the text that was found the key words
 Note: when found the key words in the text, you must guess an example for the gap that what
words (grammar, meaning) you must look for.

‫ موقع خوندن جمله مربوط را پیدا میکنید دور لغاتی که فکر میکنی میتونه جواب باشه خط میکشی و‬

.‫آخر تصمیم میگیری‬

F) list of options:
 you must read the question with all of the answers
 the synonyms are very important
 there is no order in these kind of questions

 important note: synonym for solutions: advice, suggested that, should, could,
solve problem, it is helpful, beneficial
G) headings:
 step1: read the sentences in the box carefully
 step2: don’t choose the repletion words as a key words
 step3:translate the sentences in the box very short and keep it in your mind
 step4: the first example must be omitted
 step5:synonyms are very important

 You can guess the location of the answers from the sentences in the box. For example: if
you see something about conclusion, you must look for it in the last 2 paragraph while if
you see something about the history of that you can search in the first paragraph.
 It is better to read those paragraphs that are more general. (without any details or

Listening tips:

 listen for 7 times in order to:

1. to understand main idea (focus on key words, no pause)
2. to understand every words (pause and remind allowed)
3. for stress of the words
4. for NOT(aren’t, isn’t, don’t, weren’t, wasn’t, wont, aint)
5. for linkages (firstly, second, also, finally)
6. for verb tenses
7. for “BUT” and “SO” and the synonyms of that

 Notes:
 in spelling the numbers you should not thing about that
 you must just repeat that numbers
 be careful about letters that are similar pronunciation and also difficult to
distinguish; such as “B,V,D,E” , “N,M” and “X,Z”
 pay more attention to pronunciation of “H” ‫ اچ – هیچ‬- ‫ایچ‬
 most of the time “R” is pronounced “‫”آ‬
 sometimes we heard “S” instead of “X”
 thir’teen _’thirty
 In Ielts listening, the word “measure = commit” and use for solution of
 Be careful about the tenses of the question and answer it by that time that
mention in the question.
 Spelling of words ‘government, attitudes, environment, museum, shells,
council’ are very important.
 for the maps in section 2 these following words are so important: left, right,
top, up, above, bottom, bellow, under, across from, cross, along, in front of,
behind, back, turn right, take the first right, go past, apposite, beside, next to,
roundabout, northern, southern, east, west, eastern western.
 should : advice, recommend

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