CRC Lesson 5

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Lesson 6

Lesson Title: The Creation – Noah and the Ark

Bible Verses: Genesis 1-9

Emphasis or Theme: Disobedience and its consequences

Welcome 1. Open the floor for one of the children to open in

and First
2. Ask children to say memory from last week

Introducing the Story: Tell children that we are going to recap all the lessons that
was done thus far. Lesson objectives and memory verses
will be re-done.

Using Pictures or PowerPoint Presentation, students will

Tell the Story:
describe the events that took place in each story.
(Write an outline
here. Describe the 1) The Creation
2) Adam and Eve
method you will use.
3) Cain and Abel
Examples may
4) Noah and the Ark
include showing
pictures, drawing,
using puppets,
costumes, drama or
others. Make it
Learning Activities: 1. Students will repeat each memory verse according
(Games, crafts, to the lesson.
artwork, songs,
2. Using pictures from the story recap- students will
memory verses or
other activities that stick important even from each story
will help the
3. Colouring Pages will be used for students who
understand the
cannot complete sticking activity.
Points to Reiterate:
1. Remind children about the importance of obedience
2. Rules and guidelines are made to help us

Conclusion: Say a Prayer, Sing over Sunday School Chorus of the

(Prayer, last song…) week.
Preparation: Gather Craft Items
(What I need to do Large Pictures to Stick on the Whiteboard ( If
and items to gather Powerpoint is not being used.)
before I begin to
teach) Picture and Event Worksheet – 15 Copies
Coloring Pages -5 Copies
Colour Pencils
The Creation to Noah and the Ark
Answer Sheet

God created the world in 6 Days

God made man on the 6th Day

God rested on the 7th Day

God made Adam from dust

God gave Adam a job to take care of the Garden

God made Eve from Adams Rib.

Adam and Ever Disobeyed God

They were put out of the garden Eden

Adam and Eve had two sons

God was pleased with his sacrifice

The Rainbow is a reminder of my promise

The animals went in 2 by 2

It rained for 40 days and 40 nights

Abel gave his best to God

Cain was angry and jealous

The Lord was sad he made man

Memory Verses

Week 1 – The Creation

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth."

Genesis 1:1

Week 2 – Adam and Eve

And God Said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness

Genesis 1:27

Week 3-Cain and Abel

God loves a cheerful giver

2 Corinthians 9:7

Week 3-Noah

For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous and his ears are attentive to their
1 Peter 3:12

Week 4-Gods Promise

"I have set my rainbow in the clouds, and it will be the sign of the covenant between me
and the earth."
Genesis 9:13

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