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Date: 8th March, 2023

Minutes of Meeting: Institutional Meeting vide “Notice – Ref.No.NNC/Dean-PO/23/384
Institution: Narayan Nursing College
Venue: Board Room Time: 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

Chairperson: Prof. Dr. K. Latha

Dean cum Principal Narayan Nursing College,
Gopal Narayan Singh University Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar.

Minutes Secretary: Mr. Imran Khan

Associate Professor
Department of Medical Surgical
Nursing Narayan Nursing College,
Gopal Narayan Singh University Jamuhar, Rohtas, Bihar.

The following faculty attending the meeting (Annexure-1)

o Prof. Dr. Shaveta Sharma – Vice Principal, NNC
o Prof. Lisy Joseph – HOD Nursing Research Department
o Dr.Jamuna.J – Assistant Professor
o Ms. Nandini Bhumij – Assistant Professor
o Ms. Nikee Minz – Assistant Professor
o Ms. Khundrakapm Sarita Devi – Assistant Professor
o Ms. Elizabeth Pushpa Rani – Assistant Professor
o Mr Mohammed Rafi– Assistant Professor
o Mr Mohit Kumar Gupta – Nursing Tutor
o Mr. Mohammad Umar – Nursing Tutor
o Ms. Shweta Kumari – Nursing Tutor
o Ms. Jyoti Kumari – Nursing Tutor
o Ms. Anju Singh – Nursing Tutor
o Mr. Rupesh Kumar Yadav – Nursing Tutor
o Mr. Dipu Kumar – Nursing Tutor
o Mr. Anupam Singh – Nursing Tutor
o Ms. Vibha Kumari – Nursing Tutor
o Mrs.Shashika Tripathi- Nursing Tutor
o Mrs.Arfi Yamin- Nursing Tutor
o Mr.Biplab Dinda- Nursing Tutor
o Mr.Tejpal Singh- Nursing Tutor
o Ms.Vibha Kumari- Nursing Tutor
The following agenda’s were discussed in the meeting.
1. Prayer
2. Welcome address – Dean cum Principal
3. Minutes of the previous meeting – Minutes Secretary
4. Matters arising from the previous meeting
5. Change in the minuting secretary-Mr.ImranKhan to Dr.Jamuna.J
6. GNSU examination report-Ms.Nandhini,Assistant Professor
7. Notice board-Ms.Vibha –Report
8. Faculty Resignation-Ms.Mangalam,Ms.Vibha
9. New Faculty Recruitment-Dr.Jamuna,Mr.Biplab,Mr.Tejpal Singh,Mrs.Shashika Tripathi
10. Change of Speciality-Mr.Rupesh
11. Mewer Univeristy Competition Report-Ms.Mangalam
12. World birth defect day celebration report-Mrs.Saritha
13. Ph.D Entrance Examination-March 2023
14. Msc (N) –New Admission-Ms.Arfi
15. Long leave rules and regulations
16. Rules in availing Special CL
17. Hepatitis B vaccination follow up of the (N)- II sem & IV year
18. Log book Signature- Students should be accompanied by the class co-ordinator
19. Annual Students-2nd internal assessment-Dr.Lisy
20. NUID details of the students-Mr.Rafi
21. External class lecture- payment
22. Module for III semester plan- Class Coordinator
23. II Sem and IV sem academic planning
24. 2nd convocation meeting-Responsibilities by our faculty
25. WHO day celebration and World autism Day celebration
26. I Year Research problem selection and critiquing dates
27. CNE –program organization-certificates and trophies
28. Any others

The meeting was scheduled by the chairperson on 8th March, 2023 at 2pm to 3.30 pm, vide
notice Ref.No.NNC/Dean-PO/23/384. The meeting time was postponed to 2.30 pm due to the
time extension of WHO celebration in NNC till 1.50 pm followed by lunch. The chairperson
started the meeting by greeting all the faculties; the chair – dean cum Principal Prof. Dr. K.
Latha, addressed the meeting by welcoming all the faculties to the meeting, the dean asked any
volunteer faculty, to start the meeting with prayer.

I – Prayer by – Mr.Anupam Singh-Tutor

II – Welcome address by – Prof. Dr. K. Latha – Chairperson

III – Change in the minuting secretary- The chair person announced the change in the minuting
secretary from Mr.ImranKhan to Dr.Jamuna.J
IV –Minutes of Previous meeting by – Dr.Jamuna.J– Minutes Secretary
Minutes of meeting was read by the minutes secretary.It was passed by Mr.Mohammed
Rafi and seconded by Mr.Mohammed Umar

V –Matters arising from previous meeting

 The Dean stated that a greater reduction in the number of students who regularly
come lately to college has been noticed after implementing first level of
disciplinary action. The next level of disciplinary action will be implemented soon
for the late comers
 Proper grooming of the student must be monitored daily by the respective class
coordinator (e.g: clean shave,ID card,shoes,Uniform tidy etc)
 As complaints regarding Nursing Faculty absence inside college during working
hours has been noticed, Faculties were instructed to get permission from our dean
cum principal mam to go out of the college for any purpose during working hours
and to report back while entering the NNC. Further disciplinary actions will be
implemented if found not abiding to rules and regulations.

VI – GNSU Examination Report

Ms.Nandhini,Assistant professor reported

VII -Notice Board:

Ms.Vibha reported the completion and remainig work of notice board.The chair
instructed to complete the pending work at the earliest.

VIII Faculty Resignation:

Nursing Tutors- Ms. Mangalam, (N) & Ms.Vibha Kumari (N) has
officially given their resignation letter and their last working date will be 15th April 2023 &
12th April 2023 respectively.

IX New Faculty Recruitment–

The Chair introduced the newly Joined faculties ,Assistant Professor Dr.Jamuna.J &
Nursing Tutors, Mrs.Shashika Tripathi (N),Mr.Tejpal Singh M.Sc (Nurse practitioner in
critical care),Mr.Biplab B.Sc(N) in the meeting and a brief self introduction were given by
each of them.

X Change of Speciality:
Mr.Rupesh 1st year student changed his specialization from Community Health
Nursing to Child Health Nursing. The chair strictly announced that the change of speciality
will not be granted in the upcoming years in GNSU

XI Mewer University Competition Report:

Dr.Jamuna.J who took the recent incharge of SNAI Advisor on 05.04.2023 presented
on behalf of Ms.Mangalam (Former SNAI Advisor-NNC).In Brief,four students attended the
debate competition held at mewer university on 2nd and 3rd March and received participation
certificate & shield. The students travel and food expenditure exceeded the granted amount
due to lavishness. The chair warned not to encourage those activities in the future and to held
self-discipline & responsiblity while handling sponsors money too.

XII World Birth Defect Day Celebration:

The Chair congratulated Ms.K.H Sarita & MRS.Sashika Tripathi who took initiative &
efforts to conduct World birth defect day on successfully.The report has been attached.

XIII Ph.D Entrance Examination-March 2023

 The Chair stated that the Ph.D Entrance Examination held successfully on March
2023and 6 students were qualified out of 13 students. The interview date will be decided
soon by the panel. Prof Dr.K.Latha (Dean cum Principal),Prof Dr.Shavetha Sharma (vice
principal),Prof.Dr.Lisy Joseph will be guiding two students each respectively.
 The Chair also emphasized regarding failure to allot seats for the faculties who
approached late to block the seats for Ph.d Nursing ,despite being informed one month
earlier in the previous meeting held on 11th Feb 2023 to block the seats.

XIV Msc (N) –New Admission

Mrs.Arfi Yamin has joined lately as a student in Msc Nursing First year in OBG
department and the seat was allotted on special grounds from GNSU.

XV Long Leave Rules and Regulation

The Chair instructed to abide with the leave policy and long leave will be provided
under special circumstances.

XVI Rules in availing Special CL

The Chair noticed the clash in the ERP and special CL which is granted for female
faculty (2 special leave per month)as well as in-coordination of the

Social Media incharge – NNC website update

Ms. Nikee Minz will be incharge of NNC website update and maintenance, all the
cultural programs or college programs conducted under the supervision of concerned
departmental heads should provide Photos and details of the events so that those
concerned programs are uploaded in the social media concerning to Narayan Nursing
College, GNSU.

VIII. Faculty Recruitment – new

The chair stated in the meeting that efforts are being taken by the management to recruit the
required faculty for the Narayan Nursing College, interviews are taken up and various steps
are taken up to make sure the faculty join as early as possible.
IX. Ms. Kushboo Kumari – GNM 1st year – Discontinued due to health reason
GNM – 1st year student Ms. Kushboo Kumari has discontinued her admission in NNC, due
to health issues

X. March 2023 examination – eligible students for examination, Last date of IA submission –
Dr. Lisy, Professor, Model examination and last date – (Annexure – 2)

XI. Fixed days for – staff meeting, curriculum meeting and NRMC meeting
2nd Saturdays were fixed for faculty meeting
3rd Saturdays were fixed for NRMC meeting
4th Saturday of every month is fixed for Curriculum meeting

XII. Departmental activities conduction and report of the activities

Departmental activity report – leprosy day – HOD incharge – Mohd. Rafi – (submitted)
Departmental activity report – cancer day – HOD incharge – Imran Khan – (submitted)

XIII. Report – Republic Day Celebration – Ms. Nikee Minz, Assistant Professor – (enclosed)
Saraswathi Pooja – Ms. Sabina Kujur, Assistant Professor –

XIV. Disciplinary Committee – NNC – (pending)

XV. Internal and External examiners remuneration – September – 2022 examination

The chair suggested all the previous faculty to submit their pending dues and it was carried out

XVI. Leave reporting by the faculty – watts app

The chair instructed the faculty to inform the dean cum principal regarding their leaves to
keep information updated

XVII. Faculty Notice Period – appointment order

The chair instructed the faculty to check their appointment order before they approach
HR for relieving – new faculties are given 60 days of relieving period

XVIII. Commencement of classes on time – faculty responsibility

The faculties were asked to report to their classes on time and take appropriate classes

XIX. SNA – Report till Date

SNA report by Ms. Manglam Kumari - 1st general body meeting (Pending)

XX. NUID – M.Sc. (N) and PBBSc (N)

The chair instructed the students of M.Sc. and PBBSc to complete the process of NUID

XXI. Faculty Feedback

The chair asked the faculty to give their feedback regarding the progress of the
management and necessary recommendations would be adapted

XXII. Faculty – Proper permission for moving in and out of college and clinicals
The chair instructed the faculty needs proper permission before going and after moving
of the college campus, by informing the concerned authorities.

XXIII. Notice board redoing – Ms. Vibha Kumari

The chair instructed Ms. Vibha Kumari to rearrange the notice boards in dean office and
the other official notice boards

XXIV. Lab incharge – New Lab Equipments list submission before – 15.2.2023
The chair instructed the lab incharge to submit their requirements to the dean office for
necessary procruitement

XXV. Any others

- Guidelines for clinicals will be prepared by Ms Elizabeth
- Guidelines for college will be prepared by Dean cum Principal – Prof. Dr. K Latha
- Male Faculties grooming and ID cards use was promoted
- HOD’s and Incharge HOD’s to give 5 names of external faculty for practical exams
- Prof. Dr. Lisy instructed to finish the second semester exam paper evaluation at the
- Model Exam evaluation subject in-charges will be pulled out 2 hours completely for
paper evaluation
- Cumulative marks were pending for 3rd semester and 1st semester need to be
- Microbiology continuous assessment pending
- Suggestion for separate no-dues form from NNC was suggested
- Development of Generic Banner for the department of Community Health Nursing
Department was suggested by Mohd. Rafi, Incharge HOD CoHN
- ERP issues to be solved by Prof. Dr. Shaveta Sharma Vice Principal, NNC
- All faculties need to submit basic information about themselves in a format provided
by Mr Neeraj – office staff
- Model exams from 20th Feb 2023
- Cumulative assessment finalization by 15th Feb
- Submit TCR, FEM proforma in time before 5th of every month
- GNM exams need to be seen and updated regularly
- Post Basic B.Sc. Nursing student interested is attending class was allowed to sit in 3rd
year B.Sc. Nursing.
- Hospital NMCH meeting (Annexure – 3)
- University Exams schedule (Annexure – 4)
- Bio-metric attendance office order (Annexure – 5)
- Post – Basic 2nd Internal Exam (Annexure – 6)
- M.Sc. Nursing 2nd Internal Exam (Annexure – 7)
- BNRC, GNM Exams (Annexure – 9)
- Notices for 4th Year and 3rd Year B.Sc. Nursing Research completion and
submission (Annexure – 11)
- GNM Research completion report – (Annexure 12)
- GNM exam results were finalized (Annexure – 13)
- Report on world birth defects Day (Annexure – 14)
Closing Note – Vice Principal, Prof. Dr. Shaveta Sharma, Madam, summarized the meeting
Finally Madam concluded the meeting by thank giving and regularizing the agenda by the
concerned faculty

Clinical supervision of the students – clinical area complaints – Ms. Elizabeth, Assistant
a. Ms. Elizabeth and Mr. Mohit Kumar, will be clinical in-charges till further notice
b. The faculty going to clinical area to be more vigilant
c. Students should not be allowed to sit on bed
d. Proper grooming should be followed
e. Clinical teachers are responsible to teach students regarding procedures, health talk,
case studies, case presentations
f. Indiscipline and irregular students should be identified and action will be taken on such

Signature of the Minuting secretary Signature of the Dean cum Principal

Copy to: Vice principal,

NNC. Research -HOD department,
M.Sc. academic incharge,
B.Sc. academic incharge and
GNM academic incharge

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