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Course Outline

Software Engineering

Eng Adnan Mohamed 1

Course / SE Objectives
• This course is designed to give students an introduction to an engineering
approach in the development of high-quality software systems.
• It will discuss the important software engineering concepts in the
various types of the common software process models.
• After finishing the course studenst will equib practical and theoratical
knowladge of engineering different systems.

Eng Adnan Mohamed 2

Chapter 1: Introduction to Software
Software definition, software engineering Software Enginering
Importance and Phases ,Attributes of Good Software
types of software, SE project Phases Plan Design Implement
Testinng and Miantianing SE Project Failuire.

Eng Adnan Mohamed 3

Chapter 2: Software Process Model
Plan Driven or Agile Process Model, general software process model waterfall,
incremental, reuse oriented, software process model which cope with change
spiral model and Rational Unified Process.
1. Waterfall model
2. V model
3. Incremental model
4. RAD model
5. Agile model
6. Iterative model
7. Prototype model
8. Spiral model
Eng Adnan Mohamed 4
Chapter 3: Agile Software

• Agile methods,
• Stassfication
• simpilicity
• Agile development techniques
• XP
• Pair Programming, Scrum
Eng Adnan Mohamed 5
Chapter 4: Requirements Engineering
Requirment Introduction Requirment Engineering Process
• Functional and Non-functional requirements • Requirements elicitation
User & system requirements, requirement
specification techniques. • Requirements specification

• Software Engineering project – problem • Requirements verification and validation

formulation • Requirements management
• Identify project context and content, identify • Requirements Analysis
process model (Plan driven/Agile, planning
• use case modelling with extend and uses
the schedule of the project.
relationships, activity and sequence diagram.
Tools Involving
• observation report
• Questionnaire ( survey , poll )
• Use cases
• Requirement workshop
Eng Adnan Mohamed 6
• Prototyping
Chapter 5: System Modelling
• Context models
• Interaction models
• Structural models
• Behavioral models
• Model-driven engineering

Eng Adnan Mohamed 7

Chapter 6: Architecture Design

• Architecture Design Decision,

• Differenct Architecture pattern Styles
• MVC, layered
• Repository
• Client server and
• pipe filter

Eng Adnan Mohamed 8

Chapter 7: Design and Impelementation
• Object-oriented design using the UML
• Identifying classes, identifying object relationships,
attributes and methods, component diagram and its
relation to Architecture design
• Installing and Integeration the new product
• Open source development
• Implementation issues
• Realizing design as Prodect
• Architectural Design using Package Diagram,
component diagram and class diagram
Eng Adnan Mohamed 9
Chapter 8: Software verification,
validation and testing
• Introduction to verification and validation, verification
and validation planning, software inspections.
• System testing, Component testing, Test case design,
Test Case Design using Black-box and white box testing
• System overal testing like perfomance, network ,
secuirity etc.

Eng Adnan Mohamed 10

Software Engineering project – Test
case design
• Students to Design test case based on software testing
• Error Guessing
• Inspection
• walkthrough
• peer review

Eng Adnan Mohamed 11

Thank U

Eng Adnan Mohamed 12

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