Supermarket Website

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Slide 1:

- Project Scope and Objectives:

- Scope:

- Develop a website for a supermarket to allow customers to shop for groceries online.

- Provide an easy-to-use platform for customers to browse and buy products.

- Ensure secure authentication and payment processing.

- Create a system for supermarket administrators to manage inventory.

- Objectives:

- Make shopping more convenient and accessible for customers.

- Increase supermarket sales and revenue.

- Improve the overall shopping experience.

Slide 2:

- Descriptive Model: Client-Server Model:

- Definition:

- The website follows a client-server model.

- A central server stores inventory, customer data, and handles orders.

- Customers interact with the website through web browsers or mobile apps.

- Benefits:

- The system can handle a large number of users.

- Real-time updates for inventory and order tracking.

Slide 3:

- Existing Software System Requirements:

- User Requirements:

- Easy-to-use interface for navigation.

- Browsing, searching, and detailed information about products.

- Secure authentication and payment processing.

- Simple inventory management for administrators.

- System Requirements:

- User-friendly and visually appealing website design.

- Modern web technologies and frameworks.

- Integration with a secure payment gateway.

- Reliable inventory management for administrators.

- Ability to handle many users at once.

- Proper error handling and validation.

Slide 4:

- User Reviews and Feedback:

- Positive Feedback:

- Convenient and user-friendly platform for online grocery shopping.

- Easy navigation and product browsing.

- Secure payment processing and order confirmation.

- Accessible on different devices.

- Constructive Feedback:

- Some users experienced slow loading times during busy periods.

- Suggestions for improving search functionality and filtering options.

- Requests for additional payment options.

- Desire for improved customer support and response time.

Slide 5:

- Conclusion and Continuous Improvement:

- The supermarket website successfully achieved its goals of convenience, increased sales, and an
improved shopping experience.

- User feedback provides valuable insights for further improvements.

- Continuous updates and enhancements will be made to address feedback and ensure a user-friendly
and competitive website.
Remember to use appropriate visuals and bullet points to enhance the clarity and engagement of the


1. Introduction to proposed system design:

The proposed system design is a Supermarket Website, aimed at providing an online platform for
customers to browse and purchase products from the supermarket. The website will offer a user-
friendly interface with various features such as product categories, search functionality, shopping cart,
order tracking, and secure payment options. The system will be designed to enhance the shopping
experience and convenience for customers.

2. The context model of the system:

The context model of the Supermarket Website includes the following key components:

- Customers: Individuals who visit the website to browse and purchase products.

- Supermarket Staff: Administrators and employees responsible for managing the website, updating
product information, and handling customer orders.

- Payment Gateway: External service provider responsible for processing online payments securely.

- Product Database: Database that stores information about the supermarket's products, including
details such as name, price, description, and availability.

- Order Management System: System responsible for managing and tracking customer orders, including
order processing and fulfillment.

3. Different system perspectives being viewed and models applied:

a) Interaction Models with example of at least Two-Use Cases:

- User Registration: A use case where a new customer registers an account on the Supermarket Website,
providing necessary information such as name, email, and password.

- Product Purchase: A use case where a customer selects products, adds them to the shopping cart,
proceeds to checkout, and completes the purchase by providing payment details.
b) Structural Models and class diagram include classes relationships and their attributes:

- Class Diagram: The class diagram will include classes such as Customer, Product, Shopping Cart, Order,
Payment, and User Interface. Relationships between these classes will be depicted, such as the
association between Customer and Order, and the attributes of each class will be defined.

c) System data and event-driven with state diagram and activity diagrams examples:

- State Diagram: A state diagram can be created to represent the different states of an order, such as
"Pending," "Processing," "Shipped," and "Delivered."

- Activity Diagram: An activity diagram can illustrate the flow of activities involved in the purchase
process, starting from product selection to order completion.

4. The following Architectural pattern type being used and why:

a) Model View Controller (MVC): The MVC architectural pattern can be used for the Supermarket
Website. It provides a clear separation between the data model (product information, customer details),
the presentation layer (user interface), and the business logic (shopping cart, order processing). This
separation allows for modularity, maintainability, and ease of testing.

5. Provide DFD and ERD designs plus sample of user Interface Design screenshots:

- Data Flow Diagram (DFD): A DFD can be created to illustrate the flow of data within the Supermarket
Website, such as data flows between the customer, shopping cart, order management system, and
product database.

- Entity-Relationship Diagram (ERD): An ERD can be designed to represent the entities (e.g., Customer,
Product, Order) and their relationships within the Supermarket Website.

Sample User Interface Design screenshots can be created to showcase the layout, navigation, and visual
elements of the website, including the home page, product listing page, product details page, shopping
cart, and checkout process.

6. Conclusion and Feedback:

In the conclusion, the presentation can summarize the key points discussed, highlight the benefits of the
Supermarket Website, and emphasize how it fulfills the software engineering practices. Feedback can be
provided on the content, organization, visuals, and impact of the presentation, evaluating the clarity of
the information, effectiveness of the slides, and the overall engagement of the audience.

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