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A. Grammar & Vocabulary

Exercise 1. Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 My brother stores/ streams his files on his computer but doesn’t back them up.
2 You can connect a series of computers together on a network/ website.
3 I prefer to use a desktop/ laptop computer as I can work from anywhere.
4 Stop playing games! Crash/ shut down your computer right now!
5 I don’t like paying a lot of money for apps/ attachments, but it can cause problems if you only
backup/ download them for free.

Exercise 2. Match the definitions with the words in the box.

attachment backup crash device stream website

1 A set of pages of information on the Internet about a particular subject: website

2 A copy of the files from your computer that you keep in a particular place: backup
3 A machine, like a smartphone, that can connect to the Internet: device
4 A file, like an essay, that you add to an email before sending it: attachment
5 When your computer suddenly stops working: crash
6 Music or video that you watch on the Internet without downloading it first: stream

Exercise 3. Complete the interview with will or won’t and the verbs in brackets. The first one
has been done for you.

A: How will people travel (How people travel) around in the future?
B: In cars that don’t have anybody driving.
A: Isn’t that dangerous?
B: No, cars will communicate (communicate) with each other and make sure they all have enough
space on the road.
A: That’s amazing!
B: Yes, it is. There won’t be (are not) any crashes ever again.
A: Will the cars be able to fly?
B: Maybe – I can certainly imagine a car that flies.
A: And food – what will people eat (what people eat)?

UNIT 10 _ KEY 1

B: Similar meals to the ones we eat today, but with a lot mess meat.
A: Why is that?
B: Well, in the future, if we want to continue to eat as much as meat as we do now, we will
definitely need (need definitely) more space for animals than we actually have on the planet.
A: I see. May be we could build farms on the moon?
B: Hmmm … I’m not sure that will be (be) possible.
A: Why not? It’s a great idea!
B: Well, how will the animals breathe (how the animals breathe) when they are on the moon?
A: That’s a good point.
Exercise 4. Look at Line A of the graph. Match the sentence halves.

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Line A Line B

1 It increase from 10% to 40% ● ● between 2010 and 2015

2 It decreased by 15% ● ● between 2015 and 2020

3 It decreased by 15% ● ● between 2020 and 2025

4 It will finish on 65% ● ● in 2030.

5 It went down by 5% ● ● from 2005 to 2010.

Exercise 5. Look at the graph. Complete the description of the changes to Line B with the
words in the box.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 2

2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2030
Line A Line B

2005 2020 55% fall increased rise started went

After it increased from 30% in 2005 to 55% in 2010, line B went up by another 20% between 2010
and 2015. This was its highest point. It started to decreased in 2015, going down to 40% in 2020. It
will rise to 50% in 2025 and then will fall to 45% in 2030.

Exercise 6. Choose the best summary for the graph

○Both lines went up and down a lot. Line A changed much more than Line B.
●The biggest changes for Line A wull happen in the last ten years of the graph, between 2020 and
2030. However, Line B had its own most important chages earlier in the graph, between 2005 and

○Line A went up to 40% in 2010, then down to 20% by 2020, and then up to 75% in 2015 and back
down to 65%, so there was a lot of change. Line B increased to 75% in 2015, then went down to 40%
in 2020, so a lot of change there as well. It didn’t change much after that, only up by 10% an d then
down by 5%.

Exercise 7. Read the email. Choose the correct answers

Hello Richard,
I have some news – I’m going to/ I going to/ I will buy a smartphone. Your mum told me that you
have the late model/ later modern/ latest model, but I don’t need anything that good. In fact, I don’t
mind if it’s a bit out of date/ out of order/ out of time – I’ll be happy with something a bit older, like
me! I see a lot of advertisements for phones with great devices/ features/ websites but I don’t need
most of them. I just want to make calls and play some card games. It will be strange to play cards by

UNIT 10 _ KEY 3

swapping/ sweeping/swiping a case/ charger/ screen. Your mum also said that your smartphone has
a lot of memories/ memory/ memory. What does that mean? Let me guess – I think it probably means
that you have a lot of space to shop/ stand/ store apps and files and things. Anyway, I know your
phone has a silver battery/ case/ screen but I would prefer mine in black.
Can you help me to look online and find one?
B. Language Builder

Exercise 1. Match the weather with the pictures. Use the sentences in the box.
It’s a foggy morning. It’s a windy day. It’s icy today. It’s raining.
It’s snowing. The sun is shining. There’s a storm.

1 It’s raining. 2 There’s a storm. 3 The sun is shining.

4 It’s a windy day. 5 It’s snowing. 6 It’s a foggy morning.

7 It’s icy today.

Exercise 2. Choose the correct words to match the pictures.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 4

raincoat/ shirt/ suit boots/ shoes/ trainers skirt/ T-shirt/ trousers

umbrella/ tie/ wallet bag/ belt/ scarf gloves/ glasses/ tights

handbag/ hat/ watch cap/ jacket/ jumper dress/ shorts/ skirt

Exercise 3. Match the clothes with the sentences about the weather.

1 umbrella
● ● They wear these when the sun’s shining.

2 scarf
● ● He wears these when it’s hot.

3 raincoat
● ● I put this on to keep me dry if the weather is wet.

4 hat
● ● I wear this on my head when I feel cold.

5 gloves
● ● I wear this round my neck when it’s very cold.

6 sunglasses
● ● We carry this when it’s raining.

7 boots
● ● I wear these to keep my feet warm when it’s snowing.

8 shorts
● ● She wears these on her hands when it’s an icy day.

Exercise 4. Put the words in the correct order to complete the sentences.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 5

1 Railway she’s to travelling with sister her station the.

 She’s travelling with her sister to the railway station.

2 At the airport park the from phoning car they’re .

 They’re phoning from the car park at the airport.

3A nice café. breakfast having I’m in

 I’m having breakfast in a nice café.

4 Reading at he’s moment online the the news .

 He’s reading the news online at the moment.

5 I’m phoning my tell you Spain holiday to about in

 I’m phoning to tell you about my holiday in Spain.

6 The Madrid in you are ringing to ask weather

about ?
 Are you ringing to ask about the weather in Madrid?

7 It isn’t and it today cold much isn’t raining very .

 It isn’t cold today and it isn’t raining very much.

8 And a scarf your winter are you wearing boots ?

 Are you wearing your winter boots and a scarf?

Exercise 5. Write sentences and questions in the present continuous in column B using the
words in column A. Use short forms where possible.

1 It/ rain/ today/ . It’s raining today.
2 What/ you/ do/ at the moment/? What are you doing at the moment?
3 We/ are/ not/ study/ today/. We aren’t studying today.
4 I// not/ work/ at home/ now. I’m not working at home now.
5 You/ go/ to the airport/? Are you going to the airport?
6 She/ finish/ her project/ this evening/? Is she finishing her project this evening?
7 What/ he/ wear/ this morning/? What’s he wearing this morning?
8 The/ sun/ shine/ this afternoon/. The sun’s shining this afternoon.

Exercise 6. Correct the underlined mistakes in each sentence.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 6

1 It’s rains at the moment.  raining
2 Are you go to the airport now?  going
3 Is she wear her scarf and hat?  wearing
4 Do you taking your umbrella to work every day?  take
5 Does the sun shining a lot in the winter?  shine
6 ‘Is it cold outside?’ ‘Yes, it’s snow.’  snowing

C. Reading and Writing

Exercise 1. Match the sentence halves.

1 I often send ● ● a lot of games on her phone.

2 I am going to make ● ● text messages to my friends.

3 I usually watch ● ● some new software and apps.

4 My father listens to ● ● the radio every morning.

5 Yesterday I downloaded ● ● a phone call to my cousin today.

6 I use my smartphone to surf ● ● my phone and send them to you/.

7 My sister plays ● ● TV or videos on my laptop.

8 I will take some photos on ● ● the internet.

Exercise 2. Read an email from Mustafa to his friend, Tom. Then complete the exercise.
Hi Tom,

I hope you’re well. I’m writitng this email on my new tablet. I ordered it online last Friday and it
arrived on Wednesday. I’m very happy with it. I can use to surf the Internet and send emails from
anywhere. I can also watch videos and play games on it. I use it to watch videos when I travel to and
from college on the bus, and I play games online with my friends evry night.

It is not only good for entertainment, though. I also use it to help me with my homework. The online
dictionary helps me when I’m writing essays, and I have downloaded some useful apps to help me to
study better. I have even downloaded an app to help me study French. It includes games for leaning
new words in French, which I think will really help me, as I have a French exam next month. After
that I think I might download the app to learn Spanish.

My favorite thing about my new tablet is that I can make video calls to my friends and family. Last
night I talked to my cousins in Dubai for one hour. It is so much better than talking on the phone,
because I can see them and their house. Maybe I can make a video call to you one day this week.
Look forward to seeing you soon.
Best whishes,

Choose True, False or Not Given

True False Not

UNIT 10 _ KEY 7

1 Mustafa got his new tablet computer last Friday. ○ ● ○
2 He watches videos with his friends very night. ○ ● ○
3 He only uses his tablet for entertainment. ○ ● ○
4 At the moment, he is using an app to help him learn French. ● ○ ○
5 The app Mustafa downloads cost a lot of money. ○ ○ ●
6 Mustafa talked in the phone to his cousins for an hour last night. ○ ● ○
7 Mustafa want s to have a video call with Tom. ● ○ ○
Exercise 3. Read the text and complete the summary. Use one word or a number from the text
in each gap.

A new study has found that young people are reading less than they did in the past. The study
asked young people to say how long they spend doing different activities, such as reading books,
watching television, playing computer games and surfing the internet. Of these activities, playing
computer games and surfing the internet were the most popular. In contrast, the number of young
people who said they like to read books fell by nearly 50% between 2007 and 2017.

Some people are worried about the results of this study. They think that if young people do not
read books often, they will not be able to learn good reading and writing skills. However, other
people think that young people can use the internet to find out new information on websites.
They think that the internet can help them to improve their reading skills, and to teach
themselves new information.


The study found that young people are not reading as much as they did before. They prefer to spend
time on other activities, such as surfing the internet. In fact, the number of young people who said
they enjoy reading books fell by almost 50 percent between 2007 and 2017. Some people worry that
young people will not be good at reading and writing in the future. However, others think that they
can find out new information from reading things on websites.

Exercise 4. Read a review of a new mobile phone. Then complete the exercise.

The new Dragon 5 smartphone is going to be in the shops next week. It’s already for sale online.
UNIT 10 _ KEY 8

It is much bigger than the Dragon 4. It has a 15 cm screen, so it better for surfing the internet and
watching videos than the Dragon 4. It is made of metal and plastic, and the screen is made of
extra strong glass, so it will not break easily. Furthermore, you can still buy the Dragon 5,
including the same games and maps as the Dragon 4 and some new apps including study tools..
There are a lot of useful apps on the Dragon 5, including the same games and maps as the
Dragon 4 and some new apps including study tools. You can take great photos with the new
camera, and you can make video calls to your friends and family. There is a lot more space to
store photos, music and videos than there was on the Dragon 4. However, there are two possible
problems with the Dragon 5. Firstly, some people think that it is a bit too heavy bit I don’t think
so. Secondly, it is more expensive than the Dragon 4, but again I think the price will go down
soon. To sum up, the Dragon 5 is a great new phone which is going to be very popular. Make
sure you buy one quickly before they sell out!

Choose the correct answers to complete the sentences.

1 You can buy a Dragon 5 Smartphone in shops now/ online now/ online from next week.
2 The Dragon 5 is bigger than/ smaller than/ the same size as the Dragon 4.
3 You can buy a Dragon 5 Smartphone in 2/ 3/ 5 different colors.
4 A new app for the Dragon 5 is games/ maps/ study tools.
5 The price of the Dragon 5 will go up/ go down/ stay the same.
6 In general, the writer thinks that the Dragon 5 is great/ too heavy/ too expensive.

Exercise 5. Read a report about how people keep in touch with their friends and family. Then
complete the exercise.

A These days, just as in the past, it is important for people to stay in contact with each other.
Nowadays, however, more young people are travelling to other countries to go on holiday or to work
or study and, of course, they want to keep in contact with their friends and family. In this study, we
spoke to three different groups of people. The first group was aged 18–24, the second group
was aged 25–39 and the third group was aged 40–60. We asked the three age groups how they prefer
to stay in contact with people. We asked if they preferred to write letters, talk on the telephone, use
email, send messages on social networks or make video calls.

B The study showed that people in all three groups preferred to use the internet to stay in contact
with their friends and families. 70% of the 18–24 age group preferred to use text messages to contact
their friends and family, and 65% preferred to make video calls. Similarly, 68% of the 25–39 age
group preferred to send messages on social media and 62% preferred to send email. For the 40–60
age group, 72% preferred to send email, and 58% sent messages on social media. For many people
the internet makes keeping in contact much quicker and easier. It is also popular because it is even
possible to see the person you are talking to on a video call and to share photos and video files in just
a few seconds.

C The study also showed that making telephone calls and writing letters were less popular with all
age groups. Only 32% of all of the people in the study preferred to make telephone calls and only
16% preferred to write letters. There are several possible reasons why telephone calls and letters are
less popular today than they were in the past. Firstly, letters can take a long time to arrive, especially
if you send them from abroad. Many people want to communicate with their friends and family
UNIT 10 _ KEY 9

much more quickly than this. Secondly, telephone calls can be expensive, especially if you make
them to someone in another country.

D In conclusion, the study showed that people of all ages prefer to use the internet or their
smartphones to keep in contact with their friends and families. Younger people prefer to send
messages using social networks, while older people prefer to use email. In contrast making telephone
calls and writing letters are now less popular for all age groups. In the future, it is likely that people
will continue to keep in contact with each other online.

Match the information to the correct paragraph.

1 Which paragraph gives a number for the least popular way to stay in
contact? ○ ○ ● ○
2 Which paragraph gives reasons why the internet is popular with all
ages? ○ ● ○ ○
3 Which paragraph sums up the main ideas in the study? ○ ○ ○ ●
4 Which paragraph introduces the people in the study? ● ○ ○ ○
5 Which paragraph talks about the most popular way for the youngest
age group to stay in contact? ○ ● ○ ○
6 Which paragraph talks about the different questions that the study
asked people? ● ○ ○ ○
7 Which paragraph talks about how people will stay in contact in the
future? ○ ○ ○ ●
8 Which paragraph gives reasons why letters and hone calls are now less
popular? ○ ○ ● ○
Exercise 6. Look at the chart below. Complete the sentences with the correct answers.

The most popular entertainment devices for teenagers, 2002

- 2015
2000 2005 2010 2015

Radio Televison
Computer Mobile phone
1 The number of teenagers who watched television fell/ went up between 2000 and 2010.
2 There was a big decrease/ big increase in the number of teenagers who used mobile phones for
entertainment between 2005 and 2010.
UNIT 10 _ KEY 10

3 The number of teenagers who used computers for entertainment decreased/ grew a little between
2010 and 2015.
4 There was a fall/ rise in the number of teenagers who listened to the radio between 2000 and 2015.
5 In 2000, the most popular devices for entertainment were television and radio. However, these
numbers rose/ went down between 2000 and 2015.
6 The use of mobile phones for entertainment by teenagers fell/ went up a lot between 2000 and
Exercise 7. Read the description of the chart. Then answer the questions.

A This line chart shows the devices that teenagers used for entertainment between 2000 and 2015. It
shows the use of radio, television, computers, and mobile phones. From the chart, we can see that the
devices teenagers used for entertainment changed a lot between 2000 and 2015.

B In 2000, most teenagers used the television and the radio for entertainment. However, the number
of teenagers who watched television and listened to the radio fell between 2000 and 2015. In
contrast, the number of teenagers who used computers for entertainment increased a little between
these years.

C The biggest change in teenagers’ entertainment was the use of mobile phones. In 2000, only a
small number of teenagers used their mobile phones for entertainment. However, this number
increased a lot between 2005 and 2010, and a little between 2010 and 2015. In 2015, the most
popular devices that teenagers’ used for entertainment were computers and mobile phones and this is
the same today.

1 Which paragraph says what the most popular devices for entertainment are
now? ○ ○ ●
2 Which paragraph talks about devices that were used in the past? ○ ● ○
3 Which paragraph introduces what the chart shows? ● ○ ○
4 Which paragraph talks about the device used for entertainment a little more
2015 than in 2000? ○ ● ○
5 Which paragraph tells us what the most important change was over the
period of time? ○ ○ ●
6 Which paragraph talks about the general change of people who watches
television and listened to the radio? ○ ● ○

Exercise 8. Read the paragraph describing the chart. Choose the correct form of the verbs to
complete the sentences.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 11

The most popular entertainment devices for teenagers, 2002 - 2015






2000 2005 2010 2015

Radio Televison Computer Mobile phone

The chart shows/ is going to show/ will show the changing ways that adults will get news between
2015 and 2030. The results are for radio, newspapers, television and the internet. The way that
people get their news are going to/ going to/ is going to change a lot in the future.

In 2015, most adults prefer/ preferred/ will prefer watching the news on television and reading
newspapers. However, we can see from the chart that these ways of getting the news are going to
become/ becoming/ became less popular in the future. Furthermore, the chart suggests that the
number of adults who listen to the news on the radio falling/ fell/ will fall between now and 2030. By
2030, listening to the radio will be/ being/ is the least popular way for adults to get the news.

The biggest change that we can see in the chart is online news becoming a lot more popular in the
future. Firstly, we can see that in 2015, online news is/ was/ will be less popular than radio,
newspapers and television. We can also see that only 50% of adults uses/ used/ will use the internet
for their news at that time. However, the number of adults who read the news online increase/
increased/ is going to increase a lot between now and 2030. By 2030, 90% of adults will get their
news online and this will be the most popular way for adults to get their news.

Exercise 9. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

1 2000 used 2015 the devices that teenagers for

entertainment and shows the chart between .
UNIT 10 _ KEY 12

 The chart shows the devices that teenagers used for entertainment between 2000 and 2015.

2 The use of biggest change is the going mobile phones

to be .
 The biggest change is going to be the use of mobile phones.

3 Prefer today, the news watching most people online

 Today, most people prefer watching the news online.

4 Will the internet using an increase there people in

be in the future, .
 In the future, there will be an increase in people using the Internet.

5 Of adults TV the number fell watching the chart

that suggests furthermore, .
 Furthermore, the chart suggests that the number of adults watching TV fell.

6 Read change that people the news the way is

going to .
 The way that people read the news is going to change.

7 Less see we listening to can become the

popular radio that will .
 We can see that listening to the radio will become less popular.

8 2030 internet use to some by big changes

to sum up, are there going be in .
 To sum up, there are going to be some big changes in internet use by 2030.

Exercise 10. Look at the graph showing changes in the use of the internet for different activities
in the future. Write a description of the main changes that the graph shows. Use the Notes to
help you.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 13

Changes in the use of the internet in the future







2015 2020 2025 2030

Downloading films Sending emails

Shopping Studying online courses

Write 3 paragraphs:
1 In the first paragraph, give some general information about what the chart shows.
2 In the second paragraph, describe some of the biggest increases.
3 In the third paragraph, describe some of the biggest decreases.
4 End with a summary of the main points.

D. Listening and Speaking

Exercise 1. Match the speakers with the pictures. (Tracks 10.1 – 10.6)

1 _________________ 2 _________________ 3 _________________

4 _________________ 5 _________________ 6 _________________

1. Speaker 5
2. Speaker 2
3. Speaker 3
4. Speaker 6 UNIT 10 _ KEY 14
5. Speaker 4
6. Speaker 1

Exercise 2. Listen and choose the correct information on the graphs, A, B or C


Sales (millions)
May Jun Jul Aug Sep

(Track 10.7): A / B/ C

Quarterly sales
Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3 Quarter 4


Track 10.8): A / B/ C

UNIT 10 _ KEY 15

Monthly sales
Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


(Track 10.9): A / B/ C







Quarter 1 Quarter 2 Quarter 3


(Track 10.10): A / B/ C

UNIT 10 _ KEY 16

Annual sales
Jan - Mar April - Jun Jul - Sep Oct - Dec


(Track 10.11): A / B/ C

Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4


(Track 10.12): A / B/ C

Exercise 3. Listen to two students, Angela and Ben, talking about technology devices. Choose
the correct answers, True or False. (Track 10.13)

UNIT 10 _ KEY 17

True False
1 Angela’s favorite device is her tablet. ○ ●
2 Ben’s favorite device is his smartphone. ○ ●
3 Ben says that sales of smartphones went up last year. ● ○
4 Angela thinks that there might not be any tablets in the future. ● ○
5 Ben agrees that soon people won’t be able to buy desktops. ○ ●
6 Angela thinks people are working to make a new device. ● ○
Exercise 4. Complete the sentences with the verbs from the box.

creates deletes downloads open stores stream

1 I don’t buy DVD anymore, I stream the films I watch.

2 I never open an attachment from somebody I don’t know.
3 The company I work for automatically creates backup files at the end of the day.
4 She downloads most of her music from the internet.
5 He’s not very up to date, he still stores photos on a disk.
6 She deletes the spam in her mailbox two or three times a day.

Exercise 5. Listen to a phone conversation between Ben and Mona. Choose True or False.
(Track 10.14)

True False
1 Ben’s at the airport. ○ ●
2 He’s catching a plane today. ● ○
3 The sun’s shinning in Málaga. ● ○
4 It isn’t raining in Bristol. ○ ●
5 Mona’s wearing warm clothes. ● ○
6 She’s using her umbrella. ○ ●
7 Ben’s staying in a hotel near the sea. ● ○

Exercise 6. Listen to the two answerphone messages. Choose the correct words to complete the

UNIT 10 _ KEY 18

Message 1 (Track 10.15)

1 Rachel’s ringing about Isabelle’s visit at nine o’clock/ today/ tomorrow.
2 Rachel’s waiting in a café/ shop/ swimming pool.
3 Rachel’s brother is drinking mango juice/ running/ walking.
4 Rachel and her friends are wearing boots/ gloves/ summer clothes.

Message 2 (Track 10.16)

1 Ton’s working at home/ in a village/ in college.
2 Ton says it’s hot/ raining/ sunny today.
3 Ton says everybody’s wearing raincoats/ shorts/ sunglasses.
4 Ton’s friend lives in France/ the Philippines/ the UK.

Exercise 7. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. Practice saying the sentences.

1 My model most up to date smartphone is the .

 My smartphone is the most up to date model.

2 The it’s thin, display easy to read light, and is .

 It’s thin, light and the display is easy to read.

3 Lots of got memory it’s .

 It’s got lots of memory.

4 Has it the features latest all .

 It has all the latest features.

5 The swipe appear the when apps screen I .

 The apps appear when I swipe the screen.

6 Of soon it out be date very will .

 It will be out of date very soon.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 19

Exercise 3.
Ben: What’s your favourite device Angela?
Angela: That’s a good question. Maybe my laptop … but no, I think it’s my smartphone.
Ben: Really? Why?
Angela: I suppose there are lots of reasons. It’s very easy to carry around. I can keep it in my bag or my
Ben: Hmm. Yes, I agree.
Angela: And I can use it for lots of things. It’s not just a phone. I can take photos, connect to the internet…
Ben: That’s why it’s called a smartphone!
Angela: Yes, of course! But what’s your favourite device, Ben?
Ben: I like my smartphone as well, but I think my favourite device is my tablet.
Angela: I’m surprised because they’re not as popular as they were. I read that for the first time sales of tablets
fell last year.
Ben: Yes I know, and sales of smartphones went up. But for me, I still prefer tablets. They’re just easier to
use because they’re bigger.
Angela: OK.
Ben: And I like to take it to class, to take notes.
Angela: Yes, it’s good for that. But maybe there won’t be any tablets in a couple of years’ time.
Ben: I think there will be tablets for the next ten years or so but there will probably only be professional
cameras – not everyday ones. In fact, that’s already happening because, like you, most people use their phone
to take photos.
Angela: And I’m sure that soon we won’t be able to buy desktops.
Ben: I don’t think you’re right about that. It’s true that there was a big fall in sales last year, but there’ll still
be a big market because companies will continue to use them.
Angela: Yes, that’s probably right. But what do you think about the future? What do you think will be the
most popular devices in ten years’ time?
Ben: That’s a very difficult question. I don’t know. Technology is changing all the time and very quickly.
Angela: Yes it is. I think there might be something that we don’t know about yet, something which designers
are inventing at the moment.
Ben: Yes, something which they’re working on right now. You know, I think you’re probably right.

Exercise 5.
Mona: Hello?
Ben: Hello, Mona. It’s Ben.
Mona: Hi, Ben. Where are you?
Ben: I’m on the train.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 20

Mona: On the train? Where are you going?

Ben: I’m travelling to the airport.
Mona: Really?
Ben: Yes, I’m flying to Spain. I’m having a week’s holiday in the south near the sea in Málaga. The weather
there is great at the moment. I read online that the sun’s shining and it’s very hot. It’s around 30 degrees.
Mona: Wow! And here in Bristol it’s raining and I’m wearing a scarf, a hat, a raincoat and my winter boots.
And I can’t even use my umbrella because the wind is so strong! You’re lucky. Are you staying near the
beach, by the way?
Ben: Yes, the hotel has its own beach.
Mona: OK then, so enjoy your flight and have a good holiday.
Ben: Thanks. See you later.

Exercise 6.
Message 1
Please leave your message after the beep.
Hi, Isabelle. It’s Rachel here. It’s nine o’clock and I’m ringing you about your visit tomorrow. I’m sitting with
some friends in a nice café in the shopping centre. I think you’ve been here once before. We‘re waiting for the
swimming pool to open. We‘re drinking your favourite mango juice, by the way. My brother said he was
coming as well, but he’s not here yet. No, wait! I can see him now. He‘s running! You know he never likes to
be late. Isabelle, I wanted to tell you that the weather today is fantastic. The sun’s shining and we’re all
wearing summer clothes. So pack the right things to wear. Don’t bring any gloves or boots! I’m going now.
See you tomorrow. Bye.

Message 2

Please leave your message after the beep.

Hi, Danilo. It’s Ton here. How are you? I hope you are feeling better now. I’m really looking forward to
seeing you tomorrow. I’m working at home today. I’m finishing a Geography project for college. It’s about
village life in the UK. The weather today is terrible, by the way. It’s cold and it’s raining. Please remember to
bring some warm clothes with you. Everybody here is wearing raincoats and carrying umbrellas. Don’t bring
your sunglasses and shorts! Remember, I don’t live in the Philippines like you! See you soon then. Bye.

UNIT 10 _ KEY 21

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