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 Robert Diem. For personal, non-commercial use only. September 21, 2005

Note: “they/their” is often used in place of “he/she/his/her” in order to express the neuter pronoun.

Lesson 1 An Introduction to the Podcast and Idioms.

The Daily Idiom is a podcast lesson for learners of English at the intermediate to advanced level. Each lesson
focuses on one idiom or slang expression. If you are a beginner, I recommend that you instead focus on basic
grammar, key expressions, and vocabulary rather than learning idioms and slang. Once you get a solid
foundation in English, then you can come back and study with us.

So what exactly are idioms? Good question. I actually didn't know what the term 'idiom' meant until I became a
teacher, although of course, I had been using them in my speech all the time. An idiom then, is an expression,
often slang, often very colorful, that has a non-literal meaning. When I say non-literal, I mean that you cannot
understand the meaning of the expression from the individual words themselves. For example, if say: Today's
English test was a "piece of cake", I don't mean that the test was actually a "piece of cake". That would be silly
and absurd. What I mean is, the test was really easy. "Piece of cake", in this situation, does not mean, 'dessert'; it
has a non-literal meaning - it means "easy", "simple".

If you're still confused about this, then I recommend that you look up 'idiom' in your dictionary.
Idioms are very common in the English language, but difficult to master. Even among native English speakers,
idioms are often confusing, because each English speaking country, region or group tends to use their own
unique expressions.

Now, let's talk about using idioms and slang in your speech. Idioms and slang are very useful; however, you
should be careful about overusing them. I recommend that you learn idioms so that you can understand them in
conversation, in your reading, and also in the media, such as movies and TV shows. Of course, you can also try
to use them in your speech sometimes as well, just don't use them too much, or people will start thinking you're
strange, or worse, annoying. Also, remember that because you are not a native English speaker, your idioms
might sounds a bit.... unnatural - especially if your pronunciation is not very good. Okay?

Besides getting better at understanding what's around you, learning idioms is also important if you want to
improve your score on some of the popular proficiency and diagnostic exams, such as TOIEC and TOEFL.
Lesson 37 A breeze.
Transcript: I thought the math test was going to be difficult, but it turned out to be a breeze. A breeze. My new
job is great - my boss is never around and I just sit around and watch TV. It's such a breeze. A breeze. What
does it mean?

If something is a breeze, it means it's easy or requires little effort. I hope this podcast was a breeze for you.

Review questions:
Do you sometimes wear off the wall clothes?
Answer: “Off the wall” means strange or wacky.
How often do you stay up round-the-clock?
Answer: “Round-the-clock” means 24 hours.
Lesson 22 A drop in the bucket.
Transcript. My friend Kim gets depressed sometimes, because she really wants to make the world a better place,
but she feels whatever she does is just a drop in the bucket. A drop in the bucket. I thought I had a lot of money
saved for college, but when I saw the price of tuition, I realized it was just a drop in the bucket. A drop in a
bucket. What does it mean?
A drop in the bucket is something that is insignificant because it’s so small. For example, my problems are just
a drop in the bucket compared to all the other hardships in the world.
Review questions:
You make a mistake and let other people down. What do you drop?
Answer: You drop the ball.
Will your boss be happy if you go the extra mile at work?
Answer: Yes, because when you go the extra mile you make an extra effort.
Lesson 84 A low blow.
Transcript. It's one thing for my wife to be upset with me, but to compare me with her old boyfriend is really a
low blow. A low blow. Arguing rationally with someone is perfectly fair; attacking who they are as a person is a
low blow. A low blow. What does it mean?

A low blow comes from the boxing world. When you hit someone below the belt, it's called a low blow.
Likewise, when you say something that is unfair, mean and hurtful to another person, it's called a low blow.

Review questions:
Somebody doesn't want to do something; what do they drag?
Answer: They drag their feet.
If someone beats around the bush, are they being direct or evasive?
Answer: They are being evasive.
Lesson 78 A snap
Installing the new software was a snap - it took only a minute or two. A snap. For most people, remembering a
person's name for a minute or two after meeting them is a snap. Remembering after a week, however, is a little
more difficult. A snap. What does it mean?

A snap means something is easy and requires very little effort. Most adults, for example, find riding a bicycle a

Review questions:
Do you get a good night's sleep when pulling an all-nighter?
Answer: No, an all-nighter means you stay up all night.
What do you say to encourage someone to overcome a difficult situation. It starts with "Hang.."
Answer: Hang in there.
Lesson 19 Against the grain.
Transcript: I'm a doctor, and two of my sons went on to become doctors as well, but my third son went against
the grain and became a ballet dancer. Went against the grain. Sometimes it's important in life to be yourself and
go against the grain, even if other people don't like it. Go against the grain. What does it mean?

When someone goes against the grain, they go against the wishes or conventions of a person or group of people.
This expression comes from cutting wood - it's generally best when you cut wood to go with the grain, not
against it. In this case, "the grain" represents people's wishes and standards.

Review questions:
When you joke with someone by lying, what part of them do you pull
Answer: You pull their leg.
If your lunch date kicks the bucket, will lunch have to be canceled?
Answer: Yes, because your lunch date has died.
Lesson 10 All bark and no bite.
Transcript. My father always threatens to punish me, but he never does, so I think he's all bark and no bite. All
bark and no bite. After the Vietnam war, some people thought that America's military was all bark and no bite.
The U.S could threaten force, but it was ultimately afraid to use it. All bark and no bite. What does it mean?

All bark and no bite means that you are not as scary or threatening as you sound. Some dogs, for example, bark
a lot, but they never bite. A person that threatens a lot, but never goes through with the threat, is all bark and no

Review questions:
When you overdo it in your life and work too hard, what are you burning at both ends?
Answer: You are burning the candle at both ends.
Someone or something that bothers you is a pain in the what?
Answer: A pain in the neck.

Lesson 29 An arm and a leg.

Transcript. Madonna’s concert is this weekend, but if you want front row seats you’re going to have to pay an
arm and a leg for the tickets. Pay an arm and a leg. My wife’s wedding ring is indeed beautiful, but it cost me an
arm and leg. I’ll be paying it off for the next ten years. Cost me an arm and a leg. What does it mean?

An arm and a leg means to cost a lot. You pay an arm and leg, or something costs and arm and leg. Basically
something costs you so much that in addition to any money you have you also have to pay with your arm and
your leg. Obviously this is only a figure of speech – you don’t really have to cut off your arm and your leg.

Review questions:
In competition, is it good or bad to have an edge?
Answer: It’s good. Having an edge means you have an advantage.
When you accidentally tell a secret, what kind of animal do you let out of the bag?
Answer: You let the cat out of the bag.
Lesson 12 Ax to grind.
Transcript. I've really got an ax to grind with my brother - I asked him to feed my dog while I was on vacation
and he completely forgot. An ax to grind. Kim thinks she can spread rumors about me - well, I've got an ax to
grind with her. I'm really upset. Ax to grind. What does it mean?

If you have an ax to grind with somebody, it means you're angry and you plan to confront them to express your
anger. You will probably have a heated discussion with that person.

Review questions:
You’re not feeling very well. What are you under?
Answer: You’re feeling under the weather.
What do you say about someone who always does more than expected at work.
Answer: They go the extra mile.


Lesson 53 Bad-mouth
Transcript. You need to be careful about trusting Julie, because she likes to bad-mouth people behind their
backs. Bad-mouth. It’s one thing to criticize my proposal, but to just bad-mouth it without offering any of your
own suggestions is very unfair. Bad-mouth. What does it mean?

To bad-mouth means to talk badly about somebody or something, usually behind the person’s back. A person
who bad-mouths a lot has a negative personality and likes to complain. Bad-mouthing is very unproductive.

Review questions.
Should you keep an eye on children around fire?
Answer: Yes. Keeping an eye on someone means watching them.
If you want something bad enough, what two body parts are you willing to give?
Answer: An arm and a leg.
Lesson 92 Beat a dead horse
Transcript. Even though Jim's boss explained to him several times why he was being transfered, Jim kept
wanting to discuss it, until finally his boss told him to stop beating a dead horse. Beating a dead horse. I realize
you want to try to change your friend's mind about politics, but don't you think you're just beating a dead horse?
Beating a dead horse. What does it mean?

Beating a dead horse means to continue to pursue a cause that has no hope of success, like trying to convince
your dad to buy you a new car when you know he never will. You can also use the idiom to to mean to dwell
tiresomely on a matter that has already been decided upon. Your boss, for example. assigns you to do a
presentation, and you continue to object, even though the decision has already been made. Even if you beat a
dead horse, it won't get up and run - in otherwords. there's nothing you can do to change the situation.
Review questions:
What's it called when you study really hard right before an exam?
Answer: Cramming.
If you are resistant to doing something, what do you drag?
Answer: You drag your feet.
Lesson 58 Beat around the bush.
Transcript. I wanted my daughter to tell me what was bothering her, but she kept beating around the bush.
Beating around the bush. It was difficult for me to propose to my girlfriend. I was so scared of being rejected. I
must have beat around the bush for an hour before finally asking her. Beat around the bush. What does it mean?

To beat around the bush means to avoid talking about something. People beat around the bush when they find it
difficult to come out directly and say something.

Review questions:
Can a broke person afford to buy a luxury car?
Answer: No, “broke” means having no money.
If you have something on your mind, are you worry free?
Answer: No.
Lesson 98 Bite the dust.
Transcript. In the end, it wasn't surprising that the climber bit the dust: he was attempting to scale a 1000-foot
cliff in a storm without any ropes. Bit the dust. My mom always warned me that the quickest way to bite the
dust is to drink and drive. Bite the dust. What does it mean?

"Bite the dust" means to die, especially in a voilent way. It comes from the fact that many poeple are buried
when they die - hence, bite the dust, or "dirt".

Review questions:
You want to help strangers get to know each other at a party. What do you need to break?
Answer: You need to break the ice.
What's idiom do you use to mean a person is very talented at something, such as playing the piano.
Answer: Have a gift for. For example: She has a gift for playing the piano.
Lesson 59 Blow one’s top.
Transcript. When my father heard that I crashed his car, he blew his top and started screaming. Blew his top. It
might feel good to blow your top when you get angry, but generally it’s better to take a deep breath and try to
remain calm. Blow your top. What does it mean?

To blow your top means to explode with anger. Imagine a kettle of water that gets so hot that it blows the lid, or
top, off.

Review questions:
If you beat around the bush, are you being direct?
Answer: No, you’re being evasive.
If it’s raining cats and dogs, is it raining hard or lightly?
Answer: It’s raining hard.
Lesson 61 Break one’s heart.
Transcript. When my father left my mother for another women, it really broke her heart. Broke her heart. Sticks
and stones may break a person's bones, but words will break their heart. Break their heart. What does it mean?
To break a person's heart means to hurt a person emotionally who cares for you. A person who has a broken
heart is heartbroken. For example, after Sally's best friend betrayed her, Sally was heartbroken.

Review questions:
Do you think a person who has multiple one night stands without using condoms is engaging in risky behavior?
Answer: I would say so.
If you hate doing something, do you get a kick out of doing it?
Answer: No, “get a kick out of” means to enjoy something.
Lesson 40 Break the ice
Transcript: When I met my girlfriend's parents for the first time last week it took awhile to break the ice, but
after a few glasses of wine, everyone started feeling social. Break the ice. On the first day of teaching a new
English class, the students don't know each other, so it's important to break the ice by doing an "ice breaker"
type of activity, such as telling a few jokes. Break the ice. What does it mean?

Break the ice means to overcome the first awkward shyness when meeting someone. Sometimes too much
silence can be uncomfortable, so by breaking the ice you get people to relax and talk more.

Review questions:
Do you consider yourself a laid-back person?
Answer: Laid-back means relaxed or easygoing.
If you have an ax to grind with somebody, are you happy with them?
Answer: No, you are angry.
Lesson 57 Broke
Transcript. I went to Las Vegas with lots of money and dreams of riches; I left broke. Broke. Some financial
advisors say investing in commodities is a good way to go broke. Go broke. What does it mean?

If you're broke, it means you have no money. If you go broke, it means you had money, but you lost it all. A
related idiom is "break the bank", which means to cause someone else to go broke or bankrupt. For example, if
you break the bank at a casino, it means you won all of the casino's money.

Review questions:
Can you trust a two-faced person?
Answer: No, because they have “two-faces”.
If you're really happy, what cloud are you on?
Answer: Cloud-nine.
Lesson 66 Brown-nose
Transcript. If you want to get along at this company, you’ll have to brown nose the boss and pretend that you
like him. Brown nose. Timmy tried to brown nose his teacher with compliments and praise, but he still failed
math. Brown nose. What does it mean?

To brown nose means to try to curry favor with someone by acting servile or obsequious. Brown-nosing comes
from the expression “to kiss someone’s ass”; if you kiss someone’s ass, then you’ll have a brown nose.
Surprisingly, the term brown-nose is not considered vulgar.

Review questions:
Is putting your money where your mouth is a sign of commitment?
Answer: Yes, it is.
You won a million dollars in the lottery! Are you broke?
Answer: No, you’re rich.
Lesson 9 Burning the candle at both ends.
Transcript. I’m a little worried that my brother is burning the candle at both ends. He’s been working three
weeks straight without any days off. Burning the candle at both ends. University students often find themselves
burning the candle at both ends during exam week. Burning the candle at both ends. What does it mean?
Burning the candle at both ends means working long hours without any rest. Like a candle burning at both ends,
your reserves of energy and well-being are quickly being depleted.
Review questions:
You hear a song so much that you start to hate it. You are sick to…what?
Answer: You are sick to death of the song..
You keep making your boss angry. What are you skating on?
Answer: You’re skating on thin ice.
Lesson 97 Bury the hatchet.
Transcript. Kim and I were really angry with each other, but now that we've buried the hatchet I feel so much
better. Buried the hatchet. Even though it's difficult, usually it's better to bury the hatchet with someone you're
mad at rather then harbor resentment. Bury the hatchet. What does it mean?

If you bury the hatchet, you make peace with someone and stop arguing or fighting. Native Americans used to
bury weapons to show they were no longer at war.

Review questions:
You want to make peace with someone. What do you bury?
Answer: You bury the hatchet.
What idiom means zero or none?
Answer: Zilch.
Lesson 72 Catch one's eye
Something in the photograph of the crime scene caught the detective's eye - was that a person standing in the
alleyway or just a shadow? Caught the detective's eye. I can remember the first time I saw my wife, how her
beauty caught my eye across the crowded room. Caught my eye.
What does it mean?

To catch someone's eye means to attract another person's attention or get them to notice something.

Review questions:
When you are doing something really boring, is it easy to lose track of the time?
Answer: No. Time goes slowly.
You can't decide on which pants to wear to the party tonight. What can't you make up?
Answer: You can’t make up your mind.
Lesson 20 Chip on one’s shoulder.
Hi, this is the Daily Idiom. Sally really seems to have chip on her shoulder - she's always angry and short-
tempered with people. Chip on her shoulder. My grandpa had a difficult upbringing, so he's got a bit of a chip
on his shoulder - he can be gruff and ornery sometimes. Chip on his shoulder. What does it mean?

If someone has a chip on their shoulder, it means that they are angry or hold a grudge about something that
happened in the past. If someone has a chip on their shoulder, they easily get into arguments or fights. They can
be combative, ornery and cantankerous.

Review questions:
If you want to postpone a date, what kind of check do you take?
Answer: A rain check.
Is it honest to try to pull the wool over someone's eyes?
Answer: No, it’s dishonest.
Lesson 99 Close shave.
Transcript. Yesterday I really had a close shave when a tree fell over and nearly landed on me. A close shave.
That was really a close shave for Jim today when boss almost caught him sleeping at his desk. Close shave.
What does it mean?

A close shave means someone comes extremely close to disaster or a very unpleasant situation, but in the end
manages to avoid it. This idiom comes from shaving: if a man shaves his face to closely, he risks injuring

Review questions:
If you get a kick out of a movie, do you enjoy it?
Answer: Yes, "get a kick out" of means to enjoy something.
A person likes to make loud threats but never carries through on them. The person is all bark and no...what?
Answer: All bark and no bite.
Lesson 6 Cloud nine.
Transcript. Hi, this is the Daily Idiom. I remember the time when I was promoted to manager - I got a new
office and a pay raise. I was on cloud nine. Cloud nine. After Sue's boyfriend proposed to her, she was on cloud
nine - I never saw her so happy. Cloud nine - what does is mean?

Cloud nine means you are very happy. Another idiom with a similar meaning is "on top of the world". Example:
After winning the world series, the players were on top of the world; they were on cloud nine.

Review questions:
What do you say when you want to postpone an invitation?
Answer: You want to “take a rain check”.
Is listening to your favorite music a pain in the neck?
Answer: No, something that is a “pain in the neck” is not enjoyable.


Lesson 51 Cram.
Transcript. I had a late night cram session with my classmates before the big exam. Cram session. My teacher
says that rather than cramming before the final exam, it's better to study little bit every day over the entire
semester. Cramming before the final exam. What does it mean?

Cramming means to study hard right before a test. Cramming comes from the verb "to cram", which means to
stuff into, such as stuff a pillow into a pillow case. In this case, you're stuffing knowledge and facts into your
brain for a test.

Review questions:
If someone tells you to "cut it out", should you continue doing it?
Answer: No, you should stop.
Will going against the grain make you stand out among others?
Answer: Yes, “going against the grain” means to stand out from the crowd.
Lesson 50 Cut it out.
Transcript. When Timmy pulled his little sister's hair, she started to cry and screamed "cut it out!". Cut it out. If
my neighbor's teenage kids don't cut out their late night parties, I'm going to call the police. Cut out.

"Cut out" or "cut it out" , as illustrated in the previous examples, means to stop doing an action, particularly
one that is annoying to another person. It's often used as a strong command - such as "Cut it out!" Another
variation of this idiom is "knock if off", which basically means the same thing at "cut it out".

Review questions:
Do you think former boxing heavy weight champion of the world, Mike Tyson, is over the hill?
Answer: “Over the hill” means past one’s prime.
When you get dressed in the morning, is it easy to make up your mind about what to wear?
Answer: “Make up your mind” means to decide.
Lesson 85 Down in the dumps.
I'm worried about Tom; he's been down in the dumps ever since his girlfriend broke up with him . Down in the
dumps. After being fired from his job, Jim felt so down in the dumps that he thought of committing suicide.
Down in the dumps. What does it mean?

When someone is down in the dumps they feel sad, dejected or depressed. A dump is a pit where you throw
away garbage, so being "down in the dumps" means you're blue or unhappy.

Review questions:
Someone says something to you that is unfair and hurtful. What kind of blow is it?
Answer: A low blow.
If you "get" what someone is trying to say, can you comprehend them?
Answer: Yes, you can.
Lesson 83 Drag one's feet.
Transcript. It's very important that we update our computer software, but our computer department seems to be
dragging it's feet - it's been two months now and nothing has been done. Dragging it's feet. I'm not sure if Carol
really wants to get married; she seems to be dragging her feet when it comes to the wedding preparations.
Dragging her feet. What does it mean?

To drag one's feet means to move slowly to avoid doing something, like the way a prisoner might drag his feet
while being escorted to his execution. If you drag your feet on a work project, your lack of effort or cooperation
delays or stalls its completion.

Review questions:
If something is a snap, is it easy or difficult?
Answer: It’s easy.
If something catches your attention, what body part does it catch?
Answer: It catches your eye.

Lesson 21 Drop the ball.

Transcript: Man, I really drop the ball when I forgot my lines during the final scene of the play. Dropped the
ball. Before an important sales presentation last Friday, my boss came up to me beforehand and told me not to
drop the ball. Drop the ball. What does it mean?

Dropping the ball means to make a big mistake, especially one that lets another person or persons down. This
idiom comes from the sports world - to drop the ball is a huge blunder, especially if it causes your team to lose.

Review questions:
If you do what everyone else does, are you going against the grain?
Answer: No, you’re being different.
If you are always angry at people, what do you have on your shoulder?
Answer: You have a chip on your shoulder.
Lesson 95 Face the music.
Transcript. Rob never saved money, and now that he's getting old he'll have to face the music. Face the music.
Now that my son has been arrested for shoplifting, he'll just have to face the music and suffer the consequences.
Face the music. What does it mean?

If you have to face the music, it means you must accept the negative consequences for something you have done
wrong. For example, if you smoke a lot, you'll have to face the music if you get lung cancer.

Review questions:
You do something in an excessive manner, such eating nothing but carrots to lose weight. Where have you
Answer: You’ve gone overboard.
If the voters are "up in arms", what does it mean?
Answer: It means they are really angry.

Lesson 43 Get a kick out of.
Transcript. I really get a kick out of playing with my son after I come home from work. Get a kick out of. My
sister doesn't like internet chat rooms, but I really get a kick out of meeting people on-line. Get a kick out of.
What does it mean?

"Get a kick out of" means to enjoy something. It can also mean to get a laugh out of something, such as, "I
really got a kick out of that hilarious movie".

Review questions:
You think something is wonderful? It's out of ......?
Answer: Sight.
If something annoys or bothers you, where do you feel a pain?
Answer: A pain in the neck.


Lesson 64 Get it.

Transcript. No matter how many times her teacher explained the math problem, Mary still could not get it. Get
it. You just don’t get it, do you? If you treat people badly, you can’t expect them to want to do you favors, can
you? Get it. What does it mean?

To “get it” means to understand or comprehend. When you tell a joke, it’s important that your audience gets it,
or they won’t laugh.

Review questions:
Does it bug you when someone repeatedly mispronounces your name?
Answer: “To bug” means to bother.
If your child does something that is out of line, is she or she behaving well?
Answer: No, “out of line” means bad behavior.
Lesson 41 Get the ax.
Transcript. After my co-worker was caught stealing company property, he got the ax. Got the ax. It's one thing
to be laid-off, but to get the ax for no good reason in a time of record profits is really demoralizing. Get the ax.
What does it mean?

To get the ax means to be fired from a job. Imagine an ax chopping someone's head off, and you"ll get the idea.

Review questions:
If a group of people are awkwardly silent, what do you need to break?
Answer: You need to break the ice.
If something is really easy, what sort of wind is it?
Answer: It’s a breeze.

Lesson 13 Get up on the wrong side of the bed.

Transcript: Man, I think I got up on the wrong side of the bed this morning - I just can't seem to smile today.
Get up on the wrong side of the bed. My boss was really irritable today. He must have gotten up on the wrong
side of the bed. Gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. What does it mean?

To get up on the wrong side of the bed means you've been having a bad day since waking up. You are in a bad
mood, or things in general aren't going well.

Review questions:
If you are angry at someone and you want to have a talk with them, what do you have to grind?
Answer: You have an ax to grind.
If you are working too hard, what are you burning at both ends?
Answer: You’re burning the candle at both ends.
Lesson 90 Go overboard.
Transcript: It's one thing to be angry with your mother, but telling her you never want to see her again is going a
bit overboard, don't you think? Going a bit overboard. When Joe drinks he tends to go overboard - last week,
for example, he got completely drunk and took all his clothes off in the bar. Go overboard. What does it mean?

To go overboard means to do something in an excessive manner. Going overboard a ship is not a good thing,
and neither is going overboard when you do anything else.

Review questions:
If someone asks you to "cut it out", do they want you to stop or continue doing something?
Answer: They want you to stop.
Your boss gives you an important assignment and you mess it up. What have you dropped?
Answer: You've dropped the ball.
Lesson 11 Go the extra mile.
Transcript. I really like the new teacher on staff, because she always goes the extra mile. She meets with her
students after school, she volunteers on Sundays, and so on. Goes the extra mile. If you want to take the gold
medal in the Olympics, you’ll have to go the extra mile in your training. Go the extra mile. What does itmean?
Going the extra mile means that a person has gone above and beyond what is required. If your boss asks you to
take out the garbage, and you not only do that, but you also clean the entire office, you’ve gone the extra mile.
Review questions:
Should you take an umbrella when it’s raining cats and dogs.
Answer: Yes, because it’s raining very hard.
Someone always threatens but never carries through on their threats. What is worse than their bite?
Answer: Their bark is worse than their bite.
Lesson 38 Hang in there.
Transcript: When my friend was sick in the hospital, I told him to "hang in there" and get well quickly. Hang in
there. When starting your own business, you'll likely experience many problems at first, but it's important to
hang in there and not give up. Hang in there. What does it mean?

Hang in there means 'don't give up'. Imagine someone hanging from a cliff - if you didn't want them to give up
and let go, you'd say "hang in there!". Of course, this is an idiomatic expression, so we don't mean it literally.

Review questions:
Do you find math a breeze?
Answer: “A breeze” means easy.
Would you be happy if you had it made?
Answer: Yes, “having it made” means you’re life is good.
Lesson 33 Have a gift for.
Transcript: Some people say I have a gift for music, because I can listen to any song and tell what key it's in.
Have a gift for. My friend Paul has a gift for languages - he can speak 6 languages fluently, including Chinese
and Russian. Has a gift for. What does it mean?

If you have a gift , it means you have a special talent or aptitude for something. Your unique ability can be
looked at as a present, or gift, given to you by nature or God. All of us have special gifts - sometimes the hard
part is just figuring out what they are.

Review questions:
If you are sure what the outcome of a situation is, would you say it's touch and go?
Answer: No, “touch and go” means uncertain.
If you're a very honest person, do you like to pull the wool over people's eyes?
Answer: No, “pulling the wool” over someone’s eyes is dishonest.
Lesson 28 Have an edge.
Transcript: It's hard to say who will win the basketball game this Saturday, but I think our team has the edge,
seeing as we are playing at home. Has the edge. There are a lot of people applying for the position, but I know
someone in management, so I think I have the edge. Have the edge. What does it mean?

To have an edge means to have an advantage over someone or something, or likewise, to be superior in a
particular area. For example, if you were born into a rich, loving family, you would definitely have an edge in
life over many people.

Review questions:
If you're old, what are you over?
Answer: You’re over the hill.
If you always threaten but don't carry through, what is worse than your bite?
Answer: Your bark is worse than your bite.
Lesson 26 Have it made.
Transcript: After my friend won the 50 million dollar jackpot, he jumped for joy and screamed, “I’ve got it
made!” Got it made. What a life. I have a wonderful family, a job I love, and I live in one of the best places in
the world. Boy, I really have it made. Have it made. What does it mean?

If someone has it made, it means they are sure of being happy and successful. Often this is related to work,
money, and quality of life. Any variation of this idiom is “got it made”. Wow, I got the executive chef position
at the restaurant – I’ve got it made!

Review questions:
What’s the best way to land after losing your job?
Answer: On your feet.
Someone or something that annoys you is a pain in the what?
Answer: A pain in the neck.

Lesson 17 Head over hills.

Transcript: My daughter is head over heels in love with her boyfriend - she thinks of no one but him. Head over
heels. I was head over heels in love with Nancy, so when we split up, I was really depressed. Head over heels.
What does it mean?

Head over heels in love means to be passionately and uncontrollably in love.

Review questions:
You are bored with your life. You're in a.....what?
Answer: You're in a rut.
Danger. Be careful. What are you skating on?
Answer: You're skating on thin ice.
Lesson 16 In a rut.
Transcript: Lately I feel like I've been in a rut - I've been doing the same job for years, I come home and do the
same things; I'm just bored with my life. In a rut. I used to like Britney Spears, but lately her albums have been
mediocre. I think she's in a rut. In a rut. What does it mean?

If someone is in a rut, they are stagnating - they are not growing or improving in any way. Trying new things
and changing routines in your life will keep you from getting into a rut.

Review questions:
If someone is extremely happy, what cloud are they on?
Answer: They’re on cloud-nine.
When a person dies, what do they kick?
Answer: They kick the bucket.
Lesson 47 In over one’s head.
Transcript. It was pretty obvious after the first round of the boxing match that the challenger was in over his
head - he was bleeding profusely and looked dazed and confused. In over his head. I thought my managerial
experience would be enough, but after being promoted to regional sales manager I quickly realized I was in
over my head. In over my head. What does it mean?

In over one's head means that a person is overwhelmed and lacks the ability to cope with a difficult challenge or
situation. Picture an unskilled swimmer falling into water over their head, and you can see where this idiom
comes from.

Review questions:
Your co-worker screamed at you for no reason at all. He was out of... what?
Answer: He’s out of line.
You're passionately in love with someone. Where is your head?
Answer: You’re “head over hills” in love..

Lesson 91 Jump all over someone

Transcript. After Ted forgot to turn off the lights at work, his boss jumped all over him. Jumped all over him.
I'm sorry I was late for our meeting, but I'm not sure if that gives you the right to jump all over me. Jump all
over me. What does it mean?

To "jump all over" means to harshly rebuke or scold a person, usually more than what is necessary. Being angry
with someone is a normal reaction, but jumping all over someone implies your anger is excessive.

Review questions:
If someone is constantly bothering you, where are they a pain?
Answer: A pain in the neck.
Is it easy to forget about the time if you keep your eye on it?
Answer: No, it isn't. When you keep you eye on something you pay attention to it.
Lesson 49 Jump the gun.
Jump the gun. They say that Jim really jumped the gun when he sent out invitations to his wedding, before he
even proposed to his girlfriend. Jumped the gun. By submitting the proposal before getting our feedback, Tom
really jumped the gun. Jumped the gun. What does it mean?

Jump the gun means to prematurely carry out an action. This idiom comes from the sports world. In the 100
meter dash, if you start before the gun sounds, you have jumped the gun. Likewise, if you do something too
early, such as buy a wedding gift before you've been invited to the wedding, you have jumped the gun.

Review questions:
When you get dressed in the morning, is it easy to make up your mind about what to wear?
Answer: “Make up your mind” means to decide.
You want to encourage someone who is struggling with a problem. Where do you tell them to hang?
Answer: You tell them to “hang in there”.
Lesson 45 Junk mail.
Transcript. I seem to be getting a lot more junk mail now, especially catalogues and credit card offers. Junk
mail. Be careful of companies that well sell your data to mailing lists, because you'll start getting junk mail.
Junk mail. What does it mean?

Junk mail is any sort of unsolicited advertisement or flyer that you get in your mail box. If you get junk mail in
your email box, it's called spam. The term "spam" comes from a brand of canned meat, which has a reputation
for low quality.

Review questions:
If you aced an exam, would you be happy?
Answer: Yes, “to ace” means to get the highest grade.
If you get up on the wrong side of the bed, are you going to have a great day
Answer: No, you’re probably not going to have a good day.
Lesson 52 Keep an eye on
Transcript. I needed to use the bathroom at the local swimming pool, so I asked the lifeguard to keep an eye on
my child while I was gone. Keep an eye on. You might want to keep an eye on your wallet around here - there
are a lot of pickpockets. Keep an eye on. What does it mean?

To keep an eye on something means to watch it carefully. A ship's captain, for example, always keeps an eye on
the weather while at sea.

Review questions:
Do you think cramming is the best way to ace a test?
Answer: “Cramming” means to study really hard right before a test.
Does a conservative dresser wear off the wall clothes?
Answer: Usually not.
Lesson 94 Keep one's chin up.
Transcript: Hey, I know your depressed about being unemployed, but try to keep your chin up, okay? Keep
your chin up. When life's hardships get you down, you can either sulk and make it worse or keep your chin up
and persevere. Keep your chin up. What does it mean?

Keep one's chin up means to stay resolved during difficult times. When a person sulks, they tend to look down;
by keeping your chin up, it shows your willing to face your difficulties. When someone is having a hard time
because of an illness or another sort of trail in their life, we will often say: "keep your chin up", which is meant
to encourage the person. The idiom "Hang in there" can be used in place of "keep your chin up.

Review questions:
When someone dies, what do they kick?
Answer: They kick the bucket.
Is a rich person broke?
Answer: No, because a broke person has no money.
Lesson 86 Keep one's fingers crossed.
Transcript. Well, they're going to try to land the plane in the blizzard after all - let's keep our fingers crossed.
Keep our fingers crossed. Tom is really keeping his fingers crossed that his boss won't find out he interviewed
with another company. Keeping his fingers crossed. What does it mean?

Crossing your middle and index fingers is a superstitious gesture that is supposed to bring good luck. Therefore,
when we say "Cross your fingers" or "keep your fingers crossed", it means to wish or hold out for a fortunate

Review questions:
If you are extremely happy, what cloud are you on?
Answer: Cloud-nine.
You've been having a bad day. What side of the bed did you get up on?
Answer: The wrong side of the bed.

Lesson 15 Kick the bucket.

Transcript: Last year my grandpa kicked the bucket, so it's been a tough year for my grandmother. Kick the
bucket. Life is a bit ironic: no matter how much we learn or strive to improve, in the end, we all kick the bucket.
Kick the bucket. What does it mean?

Kick the bucket means to die. It's a slang expression, so you should not use it in a serious situation. For
example, don't express your sympathy by saying, "I'm sorry your mother kicked the bucket." That would be
totally inappropriate. Instead, you would say something like, "I'm sorry for your loss."

Review questions:
You’ve been having a bad day since you woke up. Where did you get up?
Answer: You got up on the wrong side of the bed.
You have to eat oatmeal for breakfast for 100 days straight. After awhile, you'll probably want to use this
idiom: Sick...(fill in the blank)
Answer: Sick to death.
Lesson 39 Laid-back.
Transcript: Some people say I'm a laid-back person, because I'm always relaxed and casual. Laid-back. This
new job of mine is really laid-back - we hardly ever have meetings, and most of the time I just play around on
the internet. Laid-back. What does it mean?

Laid-back means having a relaxed, stress-free atmosphere or character. Laid-back people are generally pleasant
to be around, because they're easygoing.

Review questions:
What would you say to someone who is going through a lot of difficulties. It starts with "Hang.."
Answer: Hang in there.
When it rains really hard, what kinds of animals are falling from the sky?
Answer: Cat and dogs.
Lesson 25 Land on one’s feet.
Transcript: It was tough when I lost my job, but luckily I landed on my feet and found new employment right
away. Landed on my feet. Julie just went through a messy divorce, but she seems to have landed on her feet and
is now dating again. Landed on her feet. What does it mean?

Landing on your feet means that you’re able to recover after a setback, such as losing your job. If you fall from
a tree, for example, it's important that you try to land on your feet, not on your head. The same goes for setbacks
in general.

Review questions:
If you have something on your mind, are you relaxed and carefree?
Answer: No, you’re worried.
Letting someone down means you drop what?
Answer: It means you drop the ball.
Lesson 23 Let sleeping dogs lie.
My friend was very angry after his girlfriend broke up with him, and I wanted to ask him about it, but I thought
I would let sleeping dogs lie and not say anything. Let sleeping dogs lie. After arguing with my father about my
future, I decided to let sleeping dogs lie and not talk about it for awhile. Let sleeping dogs lie. What does it

To let sleeping dogs lie means to avoid conflict. By not waking up a sleeping dog, you are trying not to create
problems. Sometimes these conflicts or problems can be older issues that you don't want to revisit.

Review questions:
My classmates were counting on me to help them with the project, but I completely forgot to do my part. What
did I drop?
Answer: You dropped the ball.
The amount of pollution one car creates compared to all the pollution in the world in really just a drop in what?
Answer: A drop in the bucket.
Lesson 24 Let the cat out of the bag.
Transcript: Kim and I were planning to keep our engagement a secret, but my friend Frank let the cat out of the
bag, so now everyone knows. Let the cat out of the bag. My sister didn't want mom and dad to know she was
living with her boyfriend, but I accidentally let the cat out of the bag, so now she's a bit angry with me. Let the
cat out of the bag. What does it mean?

To let the cat out of the bag means to accidentally reveal a secret. The cat is the secret, and once it's released, it
can go wherever it wants.

Review questions:
If you don't want to stir up trouble by bringing up a particular issue with someone, what kind of sleeping animal
do you let lie?
Answer: You let sleeping dogs lie.
If something is really easy, it's a piece of what?
Answer: It’s a piece of cake.
Lesson 71 Lose track of
Transcript. I was so busy today I totally lost track of the time and forgot to make dinner. Lost track of the time.
Bill has so many girlfriends that he often loses track of their names. Loses track of their names. What does it

To lose track means to fail to notice the progress or passing of something. For example, you can lose track of
the time, the route you're traveling on, or even your friendships. In other words, you get distracted by something
and forget the important details.

Review questions:
What do you call someone who is stingy with their money?
Answer: A tightwad.
What does a con-man try to pull over your eyes?
Answer: The wool.
Lesson 48 Make up one’s mind.
My wife asked me whether I wanted fish or chicken for dinner, but I couldn't make up my mind. Make up my
mind. Often it takes college students a couple years to make up their minds before they decide on a major.
Make up their minds. What does it mean?

To make up your mind means to decide on something. A person who frequently can't make up their mind is
called indecisive.

Review questions:
Bill only plays poker as a hobby, so when he found himself in a high stakes game with the best poker players in
the world, he felt he was in over his ...what?
Answer: In over his head.
Which is better, to ace or fail an exam?
Answer: To ace.
Lesson 68 March to a different drum
Transcript. Terry without a doubt marches to a different drum: after finishing medical school, she decided to
work on a fishing boat for a year. Marches to a different drum. “Just because I’ve always told you to march to a
different drum doesn’t mean I think it’s okay for you to drop out of college,” said my father in an exasperated
voice. March to a different drum. What does it mean?

To march to a different drum means to be an individual, to live your life in your own unique way rather than
conforming to others’ expectations. You can also say, “march to the BEAT of a different drum”.
Review questions:
How would you describe a product that uses the newest, most advanced technology?
Answer: State of the art.
You want someone to stop bothering you. What would you say? It’s starts with “Cut…”
Answer: Cut it out.


Lesson 82 Mumbo jumbo

Transcript. I hate all that mumbo jumbo talk about computers; I don't understand a thing! Mumbo jumbo. Even
though I've studied Russian for 3 years, whenever I listen to people speak, it all sounds like mumbo jumbo to
me. Mumbo jumbo. What does it mean?

Mumbo jumbo is incomprehensible language or gibberish. For example, when my 1-year old son speaks, it
sounds like mumbo jumbo to me.

Review questions:
If you stay up all night cramming for a test, what do you pull?
Answer: You pull an all-nighter.
Something happens suddenly and unexpectedly. It comes out of the ...what?
Answer: It comes out of the blue.
Lesson 87 Nitty-gritty.
Transcript: In order to solve this problem, we need to get to the nitty-gritty of it. Nitty-gritty. The public learned
all the nitty-gritty of the mayor's affair with a prostitute through the evening tabloids. Nitty gritty. What does it

The nitty-gritty is the essential elements or important details of a particular matter. To get to the nitty-gritty
means to focus on the most important or serious issues of a problem or situation.

Review questions:
If you're busy is it easy to lose track of the time?
Answer: Yes, it is.
An individual marches to a different...what?
Answer: Marches to a different drum.
Lesson 36 Off the wall.
Transcript: My new co-worker Jim is really off the wall - he likes to wear purple pants and a bright yellow tie,
and every day at lunch he meditates at his desk. Off the wall. Some people say my approach to learning English
conversation is very off the wall, because I call up total strangers on the phone and try to talk to them. Off the
wall. What does it mean?

Off the wall can mean unconventional, eccentric, strange or wacky. People and things that are off the wall may
be odd, but they certainly make life more interesting.

Review questions:
Can you trust someone who is on the level?
Answer: Yes, you can.
Should you worry about a person's health if it's touch and go?
Answer: Yes, “ touch and go” means uncertain.


Lesson 35 On the level.

Transcript: When buying diamonds wholesale, it's important to make sure the sellers are on the level, or you
could end up getting fake stones. On the level. I bought a used car last week, but it turns out the dealer wasn't on
the level - the car is in much worse shape than he said. On the level. What does it mean?

On the level means trustworthy, honest or genuine. When you do business, it's important to work with people
who are on the level.

Review questions:
If you want to decide where to eat for dinner, should you leave it up to someone else?
Answer: No. “Leave it up to” means to let someone else decide.
During a competition, is it good to have an edge?
Answer: Yes, it is.
Lesson 93 On the road
Transcript. Being a famous singer isn't necessarily an easy, glamorous life, because you have to spend a lot of
time living on the road. On the road. Bill enjoys being a truck driver, because he's always on the road and meets
new people. On the road. What does it mean?

"On the road" means traveling and living away from home. For example, airline pilots are often on the road.
The famous author Jack Kerouac wrote a novel about two guys traveling around the U.S. and Mexico and called
it "On the Road".

Review questions:
If a student's behavior is out of line, is the student behaving well or being rude?
Answer: The student is being rude.
What do you call a surprise quiz?
Answer: A pop quiz.
Lesson 60 One-night stand
Transcript. My friend Sara prefers one-night stands with men rather than long-term relationship. One-night
stands. After having a one-night stand with the women he met at the bar, Tom felt a bit empty inside. One-night
stand. What does it mean?

A one-night stand is sexual encounter limited to one occasion, with someone you meet for the first time, such as
meeting a person at a bar and having sex with him or her that night. People who frequently have one-night
stands are considered promiscuous.

Review questions:
Do you think a person who blow’s his or her top all the top is more likely to have a heart attack?
Answer: Probably. Blowing your top means to get angry.
If you work round- the- clock, are you going to feel tired?
Answer: Most likely.


Lesson 46 Out of line.

Transcript. A student who looks through a teacher's personal belongings without asking is completely out of
line. Out of line. Tom used company funds to pay for his vacation and daughter's tuition; it was out of line and
he should be fired. Out of line. What does it mean?

When someone is out of line, their behavior is unacceptable or impudent. They have clearly crossed the
boundary, or line, of proper behavior.

Review questions:
What do you call advertisements that you get in your mail box?
Answer: Junk mail.
Your boss was counting on you to do a great sales presentation, but you messed everything up. What did you
Answer: You dropped the ball.
Lesson 42 Out of sight.
Transcript: That new art exhibit at the museum is really out of sight; they have paintings from all over the
world, including one of Van Gogh's. Out of sight. The dinner my girlfriend made last night was out of sight -
she even cooked up a lobster for me. Out of sight.

Out of sight can mean extraordinary, incredible, wonderful or excellent. If you attended an incredibly fun party,
for example, you could say the party was "out of sight". Anything wonderful can be described as "out of sight".

Out of sight is a slang expression that is used by mostly younger and middle aged people.

Review questions:
Would you be happy if you got the ax at work?
Answer: No! Getting the ax means losing your job.
What do you call an easy going, relaxed person? It starts with an "L".
Answer: Laid-back.
Lesson 62 Out of the blue
Transcript. I had a terrible morning - I was walking down the street and out of the blue some guy walked up and
stuck a gun in my face. Out of the blue. I thought it was strange when, out of the blue, Tina asked John if he had
ever robbed a bank. Out of the blue. What does it mean?

Out of the blue means something happens suddenly and unexpectedly. When something happens out of the blue
it’s always a surprise.

Review questions:
Have you ever had your heart broken by someone?
Answer: To have your heart broken means to be hurt emotionally.
What do you call the flyers and advertisements you get in your mailbox? How about in your email box?
Answer: Junk mail.


Lesson 27 Over the hill.

Transcript: After I turned 60 and had to get hip replacement surgery, I started to feel a bit over the hill. Over the
hill. Olympic gymnasts are usually in their prime while teenagers and over hill by the age of 30. Over the hill.
What does it mean?

Over the hill means to be past your prime or peak, or to be too old for something. When people no longer feel
young anymore, they might say that they're over the hill. In sports, no longer being able to compete because of
age means you're over the hill.

Review questions:
If someone has it made, are they usually successful?
Answer: Yes, they are.
You are working too hard. What are you burning at both ends?
Answer: You’re burning the candle at both ends.
Lesson 2 Pain in the neck.
Transcript: My mother-in-law is a real pain in the neck, because she’s always complaining to my wife about me.
It’s annoying. Pain in the neck. What a pain in the neck this new software is – it never works correctly. Pain in
the neck. What does it mean?

Pain in the neck means annoying or bothersome. A person can be a pain in the neck, like my mother-in-law.
Things can be a pain in the neck, like computer software that doesn’t workAnother way to say pain in the neck
is “pain in the ass”, as in your butt. This is vulgar though, so please don’t use it.

Review questions:
Was today’s podcast a piece of cake?
Answer: Piece of cake means easy.
Was learning to use a computer the first time a piece of cake or a pain in the neck?
Answer: “Pain in the neck” means difficult or a hassle.
Lesson 54 Play it by ear.
Transcript: I’m not sure what my schedule is next week, so as far as our meeting time, can we play it by ear?
Play it by ear. My girlfriend hates having a travel itinerary when she’s on vacation; she prefers to play
everything by ear. Play everything by ear. What does it mean?

Play it by ear means to decide on things at a later date as events unfold. This idiom comes from playing a
musical instrument by ear. Rather than using sheet music, the playing is more flexible and not planned ahead of

Review questions:
Do you enjoy being badmouthed by other people?
Answer: Probably not. Bad-mouthed means to talk bad about someone behind their bacl.
Your boss always has a chip on his shoulder. Is he a fun person to be around?
Answer: No. Someone who has a chip on their shoulder hold a grudge and is often angry.
Lesson 74 Pop quiz
Teachers encourage students to study regularly by giving pop quizzes. Pop quizzes. The one night I didn't study
and the next day the teacher gives a pop quiz! I'm so unlucky. Pop quiz. What does it mean?

A pop quiz is a short test that is unexpected. Some teachers feel that without giving pop quizzes students will
not study regularly.

Review questions:
Will people like you if you rub them the wrong way?
Answer: No. “Rubbing people the wrong way” upsets them.
If something is a piece of cake, is it easy or difficult?
Answer: It’s easy.
Lesson 77 Pull an all-nighter
After hitting the bars and pulling an all-nighter, Tom came home and slept until dinner. Pulling an all-nighter.
After I pulled an all-nighter studying for my history final, I could barely concentrate the next day. Pulled an all-
nighter. What does it mean?

To pull an all-nighter means to stay up the entire night without going to bed. You can pull an all-nighter
studying, working or partying.

Review questions:
If you tell a lie for a good cause, what color is the lie?
Answer: White.
You don't want to bring up an issue that might create trouble with someone. What kind of animal do you let lie?
Answer: Sleeping dogs.
Lesson 18 Pull one’s leg.
Transcript: Yesterday I told my friend that I was an undercover spy working for the CIA, and he actually
believed me. Of course, I was just pulling his leg. Pulling his leg. Parents pull their children’s legs by telling
them that a man named Santa Claus gives them presents at Christmas time. Pull their children’s legs. What does
it mean?

When you pull someone’s leg, you joke with them by lying. You want to trick the person into believing what
you say is true. If you friend lies to you, for example, by telling you that he has won the lottery, and you believe
him, well, he has pulled your leg.
Review questions:
When you’re madly in love, what is over your heels?
Answer: You’re head over heels in love.
How do you feel if you feel under the weather?
Answer: Sick.


Lesson 14 Pull the wool over one’s eyes.

Hi, this is the Daily Idiom. A student of mine tried to pull the wool over my eyes - he told me he was late for
class because he had an accident. I later found out he was late because he was talking with friends. Pull the
wool over my eyes. If someone tries to sell you the Golden Gate Bridge, you should be careful - they're
probably trying to pull the wool over your eyes. Pull the wool over your eyes. What does it mean?

Pulling the wool over someone's eyes means you try to deceive or cheat them. For example, a con-artist is
usually very good at pulling the wool over people's eyes.

Review questions:
You got up on the wrong side of the bed. Are you going to have a good morning?
Answer: No. When you get up on the wrong side of the bed, you start the day in a bad mood.
When someone asks you for a favor, do you usually go the extra mile?
Answer: Do you do more than what’s necessary? Do you give 110%?

Lesson 65 Put your money where your mouth is

Transcript. If you really think you can win the election, then put your money where your mouth is and announce
you are going to run for office. Put your money where your mouth is. If you really want to invest with Tom,
then you need to put your money where your mouth is and show him the money. Put your money where your
mouth is. What does it mean?

To put your money where your mouth is means to back up your words with action. Rather than just talking
about doing something, it means actually making the commitment and doing it.

Review questions: If you don’t understand something, do you get it?

Answer: No, you don’t get it.
Does a company prefer a worker who gives an arm and a leg on the job?
Answer: Yes, “giving an arm and a leg’ means to sacrifice for something.
Lesson 55 R and R.
Transcript. After a year overseas the tired soldiers returned home for some well-deserved R and R. R and R.
Since most of my business trips take me to Hawaii, I tend to think of them as half work and half R and R. R and
R. What does it mean?

R and R is an abbreviation of "rest and relaxation". If you get stressed out and tired from working too much, a
little R and R is necessary to replenish your energy.

Review questions: Do you usually prefer to plan ahead of time, or play things by ear?
Answer: "To play things by ear" means to decide at a later date as events unfold.
You need a little R and R because you've been working too hard. What have you been burning at both ends?
Answer: The candle. You've been burning the candle at both ends.

Lesson 3 Raining cats and dogs.
Transcript: Today I got really lucky. I went out for a walk, and just as I got home, it started raining cats and
dogs. Raining cats and dogs. Often, when a typhoon moves through the area, the rain comes down like cats and
dogs. Cats and dogs. What does it mean?

This is a very popular idiom, and you probably guessed the meaning from the context. It means to rain very
hard, as in a downpour. If it rains cats and dogs, you do not want to be outside, unless of course, you love
getting soaked. Cats and dogs have a reputation for not liking each other. If you put several cats and dogs in a
room together, there would be a loud commotion as they fought, like a downpour of heavy rain,

Review questions:
Is learning to play the cello a piece of cake?
Answer: Not unless you’re a musical genius.
Do you think children are a pain in the neck?
Answer: A “pain in the neck” means a hassle or bothersome.
Lesson 100 Read between the lines.
Transcript. The Governor's speech seemed pretty benign on the surface, but if you read between the lines it was
obvious that he plans on cutting funding for a lot of social programs. Read between the lines. Mary says she still
cares for me and wants to be friends, but when I read between the lines, it's pretty clear she doesn't really want
me around anymore. Read between the lines. What does it mean?

If you "read between the lines" you guess or infer someone's real thoughts, feelings, or intentions from what you
hear or read. Reading between the lines often allows you to see someone's hidden agenda or true motive, even
though you aren't given the details. This idiom comes from reading between the lines of text on a page.

Review questions:
Can you trust someone who is "on the level"?
Answer: Yes, someone who is on the level is genuine and trustworthy.
When you disrupt the harmony of a group, what do you rock?
Answer: You rock the boat.
Lesson 101 Rock the boat.
Transcript. The new player on the team really rocked the boat with her constant complaints about the coach.
Rocked the boat. I know you think it's important to change the system at work, but please don't rock the boat
and make it harder for everyone. Don't rock the boat. What does it mean?

"Rock the boat" means doing something that goes against tradition or upsetting the harmony among a group. A
person's motive for "rocking the boat" may be benign or selfish. This idiom is easy to understand if you imagine
someone rocking a small boat and disturbing the other passengers.

Review questions:
If something is "state of the art", is it new or old?
Answer: New
Would you be happy if you aced an exam?
Answer: Yes. "To ace" means to get a perfect score.
Lesson 30 Round-the-clock.
Transcript: A lot of supermarkets in America are now open round-the-clock. Round-the-clock. During the
terrorist attacks on America on 9-11, the media had round-the-clock coverage of the event. Round-the-clock.
What does it mean?

Round-the-clock means 24 hours, or continuous. If the hour hand goes around the clock once, then that equals
24 hours. Often the news media will say they provide "round-the-clock coverage" of a big news story.

Review questions:
Do you pay an arm and a leg for inexpensive things?
Answer: No, when you “pay and arm and a leg” you spend a lot for something.
Do most teenagers consider themselves over the hill?
Answer: No way! Over the hill means past one’s prime.
Lesson 73 Rub someone the wrong way
Transcript. That guy really rubs me the wrong way - he seems to talk to everyone in a haughty way. Rubs me
the wrong way. You know, Frank, when you laughed at Sara's misfortune like that it really rubbed everyone the
wrong way. Rubbed everyone the wrong way. What does it mean?

To rub someone the wrong way means to annoy or irritate another person, often unintentionally.

Review questions:
Will a sudden explosion in the night sky catch your eye?
Answer: Yes. “ Catch your eye” means to get your attention.
If something is a breeze, is it easy or difficult?
Answer: It’s easy.
Lesson 80 Ruffle someone's feathers
Transcript. Tom really ruffled my feathers when he kept intentionally misprouncing my last name. Ruffled my
feathers. I was hoping to get a bonus this year, but after ruffling my boss's feathers, I'm hoping to just keep my
job. Ruffling my boss's feathers.

To ruffle someone's feathers means to do something to annoy or upset a person. Imagine a dog chasing a
chicken. The chicken is in a panic trying to escape and its feathers get ruffled. The dog has upset the chicken.
When you upset a person then, you can say you ruffled their feathers.

Review questions:
Do tell a white lie to hurt someone?
Answer: No. A white lie is told in order to make someone feel better.
Does a tightwad like to spend money on people?
Answer: No. A tightwad is stingy.
Lesson 8 Sick to death.
Transcript. Hi, this is the Daily Idiom. After the U.S. presidential elections, I was sick to death of hearing about
politics. Sick to death. Tom told me he was sick to death of his job - he really wanted to find something
different. Sick to death. What does it mean?

Sick to death means you are tired of something, that you wish for a change. For example, if you ate potatoes for
breakfast, lunch and dinner every day, you would soon be sick to death of eating potatoes.

Review questions:
Have you ever skated on thin ice at work or school?
Answer: “Skating on thin ice” means to put yourself in a risky situation.
If you're on cloud nine, are you happy or sad?
Answer: You’re happy.
Lesson 7 Skating on thin ice
Transcript. Hi, this is the Daily Idiom. I had a student the other day, he had missed 8 classes and was in danger
of failing my course, so I told him he was skating on thin ice. Skating on thin ice. When Jimmy came home late
again, his father told him he was skating on thin ice - the next time, he would be in big trouble. Skating on thin
ice. What does it mean?

Skating on thin ice means a person puts him or herself in a risky situation, although it doesn't necessarily have
to be a physically risky situation. When you ice skate on thin ice in real life, you could fall through the ice.and
die; as an idiom, however, it means you risk hurting yourself in others ways, such as failing a class, or getting in
trouble with your parents.

Review questions:
If someone takes a rain check, to they accept your invitation?
Answer: No, taking a rain check means the person wants to postpone the invitation.
Do you enjoy something that is a pain in the neck.
Answer: No, because something that is a pain in the neck is annoying or bothersome.
Lesson 31 Something on one’s mind.
Transcript: Lately I've had a lot on my mind - my job has been really stressful, my kids are doing poorly in
school and my wife is angry at me for some reason. A lot on my mind. If you have something on your mind, it
can often help to talk with someone about it. Something on your mind. What does it mean?

Having something on your mind means that you are preoccupied or worried about something. If you have a lot
on your mind, you feel burdened by worries or problems. You might feel stressed, or you might not be your
usual self.

Review questions:
If you accidentally tell a secret, what kind of animal do you let out of the bag?
Answer: A cat.
If you've been having a bad day, how did you get up this morning?
Answer: You got up on the wrong side of the bed.
Lesson 67 State of the art
Transcript. This is one of the best schools in the country; not only are the teachers top quality, but the facilities
are state of the art. State of the art. My friend’s home is very energy efficient because he used state of the art
building materials. State of the art. What does it mean?

State of the art means the best, most advanced technology available. If you need an organ transplant, for
example. you’ll have to go to a hospital with state of the art facilities and medicine.

Review questions:
If you flatter someone because you want their approval, what color is your nose?
Answer: Brown.
You have a lot on your mind. Do you feel worried or at peace?
Answer: You feel worried.
Lesson 5 Take a rain check.
Transcript: Recently I was invited by a co-worker to have a drink after work, but unfortunately, I was busy, so I
had to take a rain check. Take a rain check. This girl who I really like, when I asked her out on a date, she said
she'd have to take a rain check, although I think she was just being nice; she really doesn't want to go out with
me. Take a rain check. What does it mean?

If you take a rain check, it means that you would like to postpone an invitation to a later, unspecified date. It's
kind of like saying, "I'd like to do that, but I can't now, so let's do it later, okay?" The original meaning of rain
check was a ticket that people would receive when an event was rained out or postponed, like a baseball game.
"Check", meant "ticket".

Review questions:
Do you enjoy feeling under the weather?
Answer: “Feeling under the weather” means you don’t feel well.
Have you ever been rained on cats and dogs?
Answer: If it rains cats and dogs, it rains very hard.
Lesson 81 Ticked off.
Transcript. Boy, am I ever ticked off! How dare you bad mouth me behind my back! Ticked off. You really
don't want to tick Mike off - he's a lot bigger than you and he has a black belt in Karate. Tick Mike off. What
does it mean?

To tick someone off means to make them very angry. Likewise, if you are ticked off, someone or something has
made you angry. A variation of "ticked off" is "pissed off", which is bit vulgar and should not be used in

Review questions:
If you want to postpone an invitation you've received, what kind of check do you take?
Answer: A rain check.
Are you honest if you try to pull the wool over someone's eyes?
Answer: No, you’re dishonest.
Lesson 70 Tightwad
Jim is such a tightwad - all he bought his girlfriend for her birthday was a cheap, plastic clock. Tightwad.
Anyone that leaves less than a 10% tip at such a nice restaurant is a not just being frugal - their being a
tightwad. Tightwad. What does it mean?
A tightwad is a person who is very stingy with their money. This idiom comes from the wad of cash in your
pocket - if it's rolled up too tightly, then you won't be able to peel any dollar bills away. Hence the term
Review questions:
What's another way to say that something is functional?
Answer: Up and running.
If someone has an edge in a game are they at an advantage or a disadvantage?
Answer: They are at an advantage.
Lesson 44 To ace.
Transcript. This morning I aced my math exam; I'm so happy. Aced my math exam. If all the students ace a
teacher's exam, then perhaps the test was too easy. Ace a teacher's exam. What does it mean?

To ace an exam or test means to get the highest grade. Usually in America, the highest grade is called an A;
"aced" is a verb derived from this.

Review questions:
Do you get a kick out of playing jokes on people?
Answer: “Get a kick out of” means to enjoy.
Do you have a gift for math?
Answer: “Have a gift” means to be talented at something.
Lesson 63 To bug.
Transcript. Every time I visit my mother she starts bugging me about my eating habits. Bugging me. When Jim
told Dana that she looked plump I could see that his comment really bugged her. Bugged her. What does it

To bug means to bother, worry or annoy. Think of a bug, such as a mosquito, that flies around your head and
bothers you. This is where the idiom comes from.

Review questions:
If something happens out of the blue, were you expecting it?
Answer: No. “Out of the blue” means suddenly.
You’ve been in a bad mood since you woke up. Which side of the bed did you get up on?
Answer: The wrong side of the bed.
Lesson 32 Touch and go.
Transcript: During my mother's illness it was touch and go at times, but in the end she pulled though and
recovered. Touch and go. For the defending New York Yankees, the final game of the playoffs was touch and
go at times, but they ended up winning it in the final inning. Touch and go. What does it mean?

If something is touch and go, it means the outcome is uncertain, or even precarious. If your marriage isn't
strong, for example, it might be touch and go at times. Or, if a work project might not succeed, it too can be
touch and go.

Review questions:
Do you enjoy working round-the clock?
Answer: Around-the-clock means 24 hours.
If someone asks you to dinner, but you want to postpone the invitation, what kind of check should you take?
Answer: A rain check.
Lesson 96 Turn over a new leaf
Transcript. After being arrested for robbery, Matt decided to turn over a new leaf and become a Catholic priest.
Turn over a new leaf. I'm tired of being a slob all the time. From now on I'm going to turn over a new leaf and
start exercising and eating better. Turn over a new leaf. What does it mean?

Turning over a new leaf means taking a different course in your life for the better. Leaf is another term for
"paper" or "page" - like turning the page in a book and starting a new chapter in your life.

Review questions:
What's an idiom that means something or someone annoys you?
Answer: To bug. For example, my sister really bugs me.
How would you describe someone who acts nice to your face, but talks bad about you when you're not around?
Answer: Two-faced. That sort of person is two-faced.
Lesson 56 Two-faced.
Transcript. John is so two-faced - he'll act all nice to your face, but then bad-mouth you when you're not around.
Two-faced. I find some politicians to be two-faced hypocrites - they talk about how evil marijuana is, even
though they've often smoked it themselves. Two-faced. What does it mean?

If a person is two-faced, it means that they have two faces - that is, their behavior and attitude change depending
on who they are with. It's hard to trust a person who is two-faced, because you never know if they are being
sincere with you are not.
Review questions:
What do the R's in "R and R" mean?
Answer: Rest and relaxation.
If a situation is touch and go, is the outcome certain?
Answer: It’s uncertain.

Lesson 4 Under the weather.
Transcript: Hi, welcome to the Daily Idiom lesson. Today I'm feeling a bit under the weather - I don't have
much energy and my nose is stuffed up. Under the weather. Tom said he was feeling a bit under the weather, so
he went to bed early. Under the weather. What does it mean?

"Under the weather" means that you feel a little sick. We often associate weather with illness - for example,
people tend to catch more colds in the winter - so if someone is under the weather, they might have caught a
mild cold or flu, or just feel ill in general. Under the weather, however, is not used to describe serious illnesses,
such as cancer.

Review questions:
Do you think Christmas shopping is a pain in the neck?
Answer: “A pain in the neck” means something is bothersome.
Is it more likely to rain cats and dogs during a storm?
Answer: Yes. When it rains cats and dogs, it rains heavily.
Lesson 75 Until hell freezes over
Transcript. When I asked Bob if he could ever forgive his wife for cheating on him, he said "until hell freezes
over." Until hell freezes over. Once I made a commitment to become a doctor, I told myself I wouldn't give up
until freezes over. Until hell freezes over. What does it mean?

The expression "until hell freezes over" is a very emphatic way of saying "never". Hell is traditionally thought
of as a place of fire, so waiting for hell to freeze over is like waiting forever. In other words, it will never

Review questions:
If your net worth is zilch, are you rich?
Answer: No. Zilch means zero.
What is the term for having sex with someone on only one occasion?
Answer: A one-night stand.
Lesson 69 Up and running.
Transcript. Frank doesn't have much money now, but once he gets his new business up and running, he should
be able to start saving more. Up and running. Only a week after the factory was bombed, it was up and running
again at full capacity. Up and running. What does it mean?

Up and running means that something is working well and functioning, such as a business, a system, a machine
or even a person after an illness.

Review questions:
If someone goes against the crowd, they march to a different...what?
Answer: They march to a different drum.
Would you rather work with a laid-back or short-tempered person?
Answer: Laid-back means relaxed and easygoing.


Lesson 88 Up in arms
Transcript. The village people were up in arms after the local government raised taxes again. Up in arms. After
hearing about the security breach at the bank, the shareholders were up in arms and demanded the bank
president resign. Up in arms. What does it mean?

Up in arms means to be very angry, usually because of a perceived injustice. The original meaning of up in
arms comes from people raising arms, or weapons, over their heads in anger.

Review questions:
Is is good to rub your boss the wrong way?
Answer: No. Rubbing someone the wrong way means to make them angry.
You don't feel well. What are you under?
Answer: The weather. You’re feeling under the weather.
Lesson 34 Up to.
Transcript: My wife asked me whether I wanted to buy blue or green curtains for the living room, but I told her
it was up to her. Up to her. While friends and family are very important, ultimately, achieving success in life is
up to you. Up to you. What does it mean?

If something is up to you, it means it's your decision or in your control. Often a person who doesn't want to
make a decision will leave it up to somebody else to do the deciding.

Review questions:
Do you have a gift for anything?
Answer: “Have a gift for” means to be talented at something.
Does a wealthy, healthy, wise and happy person have it made?
Answer: Yes. “Have it made” means to have everything you need in life.
Lesson 76 White lie
Transcript. When Bob told Sandy her haircut looked nice, I knew he was telling a white lie. Telling a white lie.
Sometimes it's necessary to tell white lies to children in order to make them feel better. Tell white lies. What
does it mean?

A white lie is a an untruth that is said so that you don't upset a person. Being completely honest at all times
would make relationships very difficult.

Review questions:
If you want to say "never", you wait until what freezes over?
Answer: You wait until hell freezes over.
You've been in a rut lately. Is your life interesting or boring?
Answer: Boring. To be in a rut means to stagnate.
Lesson 89 Wishy-washy
Transcript. People say Tom is wishy-washy because he is always changing his opinions based on what's
popular. Wishy-washy. I think Martin Luther King was a great leader, because unlike most people, he was not
wishy-washy. Wishy-washy. What does it mean?

Wishy-washy means lacking resolve or strength of character. If someone is uncommitted or changes their mind
a lot, they are said to be wishy-washy.

Review questions:
If you’re angry with someone and you want to confront them, what do you have to grind
Answer: You have an ax to grind.?
If you're sick to death of cleaning up after your husband, do you enjoy cleaning up after him?
Answer: No. “Sick to death” means you’ve done something so much that you start to hate it.

Lesson 79 Zilch.
Transcript. After spending an hour at the casino, Tim had zilch money left. Zilch. Even though I was upset that I
failed my final exam, in the end there was zilch I could do about it. Zilch. What does it mean?

Zilch is a very informal way of saying "zero", "nothing" or "none". If, for example, your English teacher calls
you stupid and tells you you're the worst English speaker ever, you're likely to have zilch confidence afterwards.

Review questions:
If something is easy, is it a snap or difficult?
Answer: It’s a snap.
Is a pop quiz unexpected?
Answer: Yes. A pop quiz is unannounced.

Robert Diem. For personal, non-commercial use only. September 21, 2005

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