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Chapter 1: Introduction 1

1.0 Basic Concepts of Computer Architecture 2

1.1 Why Assembly Language 3
1.2 Brief History of Computer Technologies 4
1.2.1 Generation 0 : Mechanical and Electromechanical Era (Pre – 1946) 4
1.2.2 Generation 1 : Vacuum Tube Era (1946 – 1957) 5
1.2.3 Generation 2 : Transistor Era (1958 – 1964) 6
1.2.4 Generation 3 : Integrated Circuit Era (1965 – 1971) 6
1.2.5 Generation 4 : VLSI Era (1972 – Present) 7

Chapter 2: The 8086/8088 Microprocessors 8

2.0 Introduction 9
2.1 Address Bus / Data Bus / Control Bus 9
2.2 Bus Cycles 10
2.3 8086/8088 Microprocessor Hardware Configuration 10
2.4 Internal Architecture of the 8088 Microprocessor 11
2.5 Software Architecture of the 8088 Microprocessor 12
2.6 Memory Address Space 13
2.7 Segment Register and Memory Segmentation 15
2.8 Instruction Pointer 18
2.9 Pointer Register 19
2.10 Index Registers 19
2.11 Data Registers 19
2.12 Status Registers 20
More Points to Ponder 22

Chapter 3: 8088 Addressing Mode 23

3.0 Introduction 24
3.1 Register Addressing Mode 25
3.2 Immediate Addressing Mode 25
3.3 Direct Addressing Mode 26
3.4 Register Indirect Addressing Mode 28
3.5 Based Addressing Mode 29
3.6 Indexed Addressing Mode 30
3.7 Based Indexed Addressing Mode 31
More Points to Ponder 34

Chapter 4: The 8088 Instruction Set I – Data Transfer Instruction 36

4.0 Introduction 37
4.1 Data Transfer Instructions 37
4.1.1 MOV 37
4.1.2 XCHG 39
4.1.3 LEA 41
4.1.4 XLAT 42

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 1

4.1.5 LDS 44
4.1.6 LES 45
4.2 Using Data Transfer Instructions in Assembly Language Program 46
More Points to Ponder 48

Chapter 5: The 8088 Instruction Set II – Arithmetic Instructions 50

5.0 Introduction 51
5.1 Unsigned Integer 51
5.2 Signed Integer 51
5.3 Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD) 52
5.4 Packed Decimal (or Packed BCD) 53
5.5 Unpacked Decimal (or Unpacked BCD) 53
5.6 Overflow Flag 53
5.7 Checking for Overflow for Unsigned and Singed Integer 54
5.8 Sign Extension 55
5.9 Addition Instructions 55
5.9.1 ADD 57
5.9.2 ADC 58
5.9.3 DAA 59
5.9.4 AAA 60
5.10 Subtraction Instructions 61
5.10.1 SUB 61
5.10.2 SBB 62
5.10.3 DEC 63
5.10.4 NEG 64
5.10.5 DAS 65
5.10.6 AAS 66
5.11 Multiplication Instructions 68
5.11.1 MUL 68
5.11.2 IMUL 69
5.11.3 AAM 70
5.12 Division Instructions 70
5.12.1 CBW 70
5.12.2 CWD 71
5.12.3 DIV 72
5.12.4 IDIV 73
5.12.5 AAD 74
5.13 Using Arithmetic Instructions in Assembly Language Program 75
More Points to Ponder 78

Chapter 6: The 8088 Instruction Set III – Control Transfer Instructions 80

6.0 Introduction 81
6.1 Compare Instruction 81
6.1.1 CMP 81
6.2 Unconditional Transfer 82
6.2.1 JMP 82
6.3 Conditional Transfer 86
6.3.1 JCC 86
6.4 Iteration Controls 88
6.4.1 LOOP 88

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 2

6.4.2 LOOPE / LOOPZ 89
6.4.3 LOOPNE / LOOPNZ 91
6.4.4 JCXZ 92
6.5 Stack Instructions 92
6.5.1 PUSH 92
6.5.2 POP 93
6.6 Subroutine and Subroutine Handling Instructions 94
6.6.1 CALL 94
6.6.2 RET 96
6.6.3 Subroutine 97
6.7 Using Control Transfer Instructions in Assembly Language Program 100
More Points to Ponder 104

Chapter 7: The 8088 Instruction Set IV – Flag Control Instructions 107

7.0 Introduction 108

7.1 LAHF 108
7.2 SAHF 109
7.3 CLC 109
7.4 STC 109
7.5 CMC 110
7.6 CLI 110
7.7 STI 111
7.8 CLD 111
7.9 STD 111
7.10 PUSHF 112
7.11 POPF 112
7.12 Using Flag Control Instructions in Assembly Language Program 112
More Points to Ponder 113

Chapter 8: The 8088 Instruction Set V – Logic Instructions 114

8.0 Introduction 115

8.1 Concept of AND 115
8.2 Concept of OR 115
8.3 Concept of Exclusive OR (XOR) 116
8.4 Concept of NOT 116
8.5 AND 117
8.6 OR 118
8.7 XOR 119
8.8 NOT 120
8.9 TEST 121
8.10 Using Flag Control and Logic Instructions in Assembly Language Program 122
More Points to Ponder 123

Chapter 9: The 8088 Instruction Set VI – Shift Instructions 124

9.0 Introduction 125

9.1 SHL / SAL 125
9.2 SHR 127
9.3 SAR 129
9.4 Using Shift Instructions in Assembly Language Program 131

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Chapter 10: The 8088 Instruction Set VII – Rotate Instructions 132

10.0 Introduction 133

10.1 ROL 133
10.2 ROR 135
10.3 RCL 137
10.4 RCR 139
10.5 Using Shift and Rotate Instructions in Assembly Language 141
More Points to Ponder 143

Chapter 11: The 8088 Instruction Set VIII – String Instructions 145

11.0 Introduction 146

11.1 String Prefix 146
11.1.1 REP 146
11.1.2 REPE / REPZ 147
11.1.3 REPNE / REPNZ 147
11.2 Data Movement Group 148
11.2.1 STOS (STOSB / STOSW) 148
11.2.2 LODS (LODSB / LODSW) 149
11.2.3 MOVS (MOVSB / MOVSW) 150
11.3 Data Scanning and Comparison Group 151
11.3.1 SCAS (SCASB / SCASW) 151
11.3.2 CMPS (CMPSB / CMPSW) 153
11.4 Using String Instructions in Assembly Language Program 154
More Points to Ponder 156

Chapter 12: Basic Concepts of Interrupt and ROM BIOS 158

12.1 Interrupt 159

12.2 ROM BIOS 160
12.3 DOS Interrupt 161

Chapter 13: Basic Concepts of Memory Resident Programming 162

13.0 Introduction 163

13.1 Basic Concepts of Memory Resident Programming 163
13.2 An Example of a Memory Resident Program 163

Appendix A Review of Number Systems 165

Appendix B 8088 Assembly Language – Pascal Equivalence 170

Appendix C Turbo Assembler Primer 176

Appendix D DOS Debug Command Summary 185

Appendix E Answer to More Points to Ponder 190

Bibliography and List of References 198

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 4

Chapter 1
This chapter discusses the basic concepts of computer architecture. The justification of why assembly language
programming is still being used is presented, and a brief evolution of computer technologies is also discussed.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 5

1.0 Basic Concepts of Computer Architecture
Computer Architecture is the design of computers, including their instruction sets, hardware components, and
system organization.

Most of the computers that we are familiar with use the Von Neumann Architecture. Sometimes it is called
the Stored Program Architecture or Fetch, Decode, and Execute Architecture. The Von Neumann Architecture has the
following characteristics:

a. It has three basic hardware subsystems:

 A Microprocessor Unit (MPU)
 A Main Memory Unit
 An I/O System

These three basic hardware subsystems are interconnected by three buses – the Address Bus, Data Bus, and
the Control Bus.

Figure 1.1 illustrate these three subsystems.

b. Program and data are stored in the main memory and not in the CPU. That is why it is also called Stored
Program Architecture.

c. Instructions in the main memory are fetched, decoded and executed sequentially.

Address bus Address bus


Data bus Data bus

Control bus Control bus

Figure 1.1
Von Neumann Architecture

Not all computers use the Von Neumann Architecture. Some of the non-Von Neumann Architecture are
processor array architecture, multiprocessor architecture, dataflow architecture and neutral network architecture.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 6

1.1 Why Assembly Language

Assembly Language was once the only language available for computers. But currently, there are many high-
level languages (e.g. Pascal, Visual Basic, etc.) and more and more people are using them. Be that as it may, assembly
language is still very much alive. This is because of its following advantages over high-level language:

a. Compact Code.
Programs are executed in their native machine language format. Programs written in high-level
language should still be compiled and translated to machine language. But most compilers are not optimized
to generate compact code. Also, most of the pre-defined functions are compiled together with the program
even though only one function is needed.

In assembly language, each instruction (called mnemonic) has its equivalent machine language code
(called opcode). Each mnemonic is translated directly into its opcode equivalent resulting in a more compact

b. Speed.
This is directly related to compact code. The shorter the code, the shorter the execution time of the

c. Flexible.
Assembly language does not constrain the programmer to follow a certain programming convention
(i.e., modularity) nor a rigid coding constraint (i.e., the called routine should be placed before the calling

On the other hand, high-level language has the following advantages over assembly language:

a. Easy to learn.
Assembly language mnemonics are more cryptic than high-level language instructions.

b. Predefined Functions.
Most high-level languages provide many predefined functions and subroutines, thereby simplifying
programming tasks.

c. Portability.
Assembly Language is specific towards a certain processor. As an example, an assembly language-based
program written in Apple Macintosh using a Motorola 69030 processor cannot be ported directly to an IBM PC
using Intel 80386 processor.

Application programs are becoming more and more complex and are now pushing the high-level language to
its limit. High-level language programmers currently use assembly language-based subroutines to augment the
capabilities of the high-level language.

Figure 1.2 illustrates the Pascal program of “Hello, World!”, while Figure 1.3 illustrates its assembly language

Program Hello:
writeIn (‘Hello, World!’);

Figure 1.2
Pascal program equivalent of “Hello, World!”
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 7
title Hello
.model SMALL
.stack 100h
GREET db ‘Hello, World!’, 13,10,’$’
mov ax,@data
mov ds, ax
mov es, ax
lea dx, [GREET]
mov ah, 09h
int 21h
mov al, 00h
mov ah, 4Ch
int 21h

Figure 1.3
Intel 8088 based assembly language program
Equivalent of “Hello, World!”

1.2 Brief History of Computer Technologies

Each new generation of computer is spurred by the advancement of hardware technology – from the primitive
mechanical devices to the complex Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) chip. Figure 1.4 illustrates the computer

Generation Approximate Year Technology

0 Pre – 1946 Mechanical & Electromechanical Devices
1 1946 – 1957 Vacuum Tube
2 1958 – 1964 Transistor
3 1965 – 1971 Integrated Circuit
4 1972 - Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI)

Figure 1.4
Computer Generations

1.2.1 Generation 0: Mechanical and Electromechanical Era (Pre – 1946)

The history of the electronic digital computer can be traced back as early as the 17th century. During those
times, “computers” were constructed using mechanisms like gears, levels, and pulleys. Some of the highlights during
this era were as follows.

a) The earliest mechanical calculator was built by Blaise Pascal, a French philosopher and scientist, in 1642. It was
essentially a mechanical counter which performed addition and subtraction “automatically”. His machine
included technical innovations such as representing negative numbers in complement and automatic carry

b) In 1671, a German philosopher and mathematician named Gottfried Leibniz built a mechanical calculator that
performed multiplication and division, as well as addition and subtraction. His machine was the forerunner of
the four-function calculators.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 8

c) The next major development did not occur until the 19th century. An Englishman named Charles Babbage,
considered as the grandfather of the modern computer, designed two computers – the Difference Engine and
the Analytical Engine. The Difference Engine, built in 1822, perform addition and subtraction only. But the
machine used a mathematical technique known as finite differences to increase its functionality. This
technique allowed a number of useful formulas, such as the computation of trigonometric functions (i.e., sine
function) to be solved using addition only. In 1834, Charles Babbage envisioned a general-purpose device
capable of performing any mathematical operation automatically. This device, known as the Analytical Engine,
was never completed.

d) After Babbage, the next major break-through in digital computers was in the 1930s. A German engineer, named
Zuse, built the Z3 in 1941, while an American physicist and mathematics professor at the Harvard University,
named Howard Aiken, built the Mark I in 1944. Both computers were the first operational general-purpose

1.2.2 Generation 1: Vacuum Tube Era (1946 – 1957)

Some of the disadvantages of using mechanical and electromechanical devices in computers were as follows:

a) Limited computing speed due to mechanical parts.

b) The movement of data by mechanical means (i.e., gears, levers) was cumbersome and unreliable.

What was needed was a device that performed switching functions with no moving parts. This was where the
vacuum tube came in.

The Vacuum tube was invented by Dr. Lee De Forest in 1906. This device ushered in the first generation of
computers. Some of the highlights during this era were as follows:

a) A British mathematician named Alan Turing designed a general-purpose digital computer, known as Automatic
Computer Engine (ACE), in 1950.

b) John Vincent Atanasoff, an Associate Professor of Physics and Mathematics at the Iowa State College, and his
student, Clifford Berry, designed and built a computer known as the Atanasoff-Berry Computer (ABC) in 1939.

c) Professor Atanasoff never filed a patent for his machine. That is why the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical
Integrator and Computer) became the first electronic general-purpose digital computer. ENIAC was designed
and built by John W. Mauchly and John Presper Eckert of University of Pennsylvania. The machine was
completed in 1946.

d) John Von Nuemann, a Hungarian mathematician and a consultant of the ENIAC computer, proposed the stored
program concept. This concept was incorporated in the EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer)
machine which was designed and built in 1945.

e) In 1946, Von Nuemann and his colleagues designed the IAS (Institute of Advanced Study) computer at the
Princeton Institute of Advanced Studies. The IAS computer became the prototype of all subsequent general-
purpose computers.

f) The year 1950 saw the birth of the computer industry. At that time two companies, IBM and Sperry, dominated
the market.

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g) IBM, which helped build the Mark I, introduced its first electronic stored-program computer in 1951. The
machine, called 701, was primarily for scientific applications. In 1955, the 702 was introduced and was used
primarily for business applications.

h) In 1947, John W. Mauchly and John Presper Eckert formed the Eckert-Mauchly Computer Corporation and
introduced the UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer). Their company was later absorbed by Sperry-Rand
Corporation and became the company’s UNIVAC division.

1.2.3 Generation 2: Transistor Era (1958 – 1964)

Some of the disadvantages of using vacuum tubes in computers were as follows:

a) Vacuum tubes were very bulky.

b) Vacuum tubes dissipated a lot of heat.

What was needed was a device that was smaller, dissipated less heat than a vacuum tube, but functioned in
the same way. This was where the transistor came in.

The transistor was invented in 1947 at the AT&T Bell Laboratories by William Shockley, John Bardeen, and
Walter H. Brattain. It was a solid-state device because it was made from silicon. This device ushered in the second
generation of computers. Some of the highlights during this era were as follows:

a) The TX-0, an experimental transistor-based computer, was built at the Lincoln Laboratory of MIT in 1953.

b) In 1957, the Digital Electronic Computer (DEC) was formed and it delivered its first computer, the PDP-1. DEC
later on introduced the concept of the minicomputer.

c) Second generation computers ushered in the concept of the computer system. This meant that a number of
computer peripherals (i.e., I/O devices, memory units) could vary in different installations even though the
same basic computer was used. The concept of the computer system was first used in IBM 7094.

1.2.4 Generation 3: Integrated Circuit Era (1965 – 1971)

Some of the disadvantages of using transistors in computers were as follows:

a) Transistors were discrete rather than integrated. This meant that the entire manufacturing process of placing
transistors onto the circuit board was expensive, cumbersome, and error-prone.

b) Designing a more powerful computer was becoming more difficult since the number of transistor used was
growing exponentially.

This was where the Integrated Circuits (IC) came in. The IC was invented by Jack S. Kilby of Texas Instrument
and Robert S. Noyce of Fairchild in 1958. The IC concept was an extension of the solid-state concept of the transistor.
In IC, many transistor components could be packed inside a silicon chip whose size was no longer than a fingernail. This
device ushered in the third generation of computers. Some of the highlights during this era were as follows:

a) In 1964, DEC introduced the PDP-8, the industry’s first minicomputer. Minicomputers were essentially much
cheaper and smaller than mainframes.

b) In 1964, IBM, through its System/360, introduced the concept of the family of computers. This meant that each
model within the family ran the same programs but they differed in memory size and speed.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 10

1.2.5 Generation 4: VLSI Era (1972 - )

With the advancement of integrated circuits technology, more and more transistor components can be packed
inside an IC. ICs are classified as follows:

a) SSI (Small Scale Integrated) – from 1 to 100 transistor components.

b) MSI (Medium Scale Integrated) – from 100 to 1,000 transistor components.
c) LSI (Large Scale Integrated) – from 1,000 to 10,000 transistor components.
d) VLSI (Very Large Scale Integrated) – up to 100,000 transistor components.
e) ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integrated) – up to 100,000,000 transistor components.
f) GSL (Giga Scale Integrated) – up to 10,000,000,000 transistor components.

The highlight of this era was the development of the microprocessor. In 1971, Marcian E. “Ted” Hoff,Jr. of the
Intel Corporation developed the 4004 – the industry’s first microprocessor. A microprocessor is basically a CPU, but
with all its components placed in a single chip. With the advent of the microprocessor, the microprocessor was born.
Microcomputers are computers that utilize the microprocessor as CPU.

The evolution of the microprocessor can be seen through the number of bits that it processes at one time.
Figure 1.5 illustrates the genealogy of the Intel family of microprocessors.

Year Microprocessor Highlight

1971 4004 First microprocessor introduced;

4-bit microprocessor
1972 8008 First 8-bit microprocessor
1974 8080 First general-purpose microprocessor
1978 8086 General-purpose 16-bit microprocessor
1979 8088 8-bit data bus version of 8086
IBM incorporated this microprocessor in their first personal computer
1982 80286 General-purpose 16-bit microprocessor;
6 times the speed of 8086
1985 80386DX General-purpose 32-bit microprocessor
1988 80386SX 16-bit data bus version of 80386DX
1989 486DX Math co-processor integrated in the microprocessor
1991 486SX the same as 486DX but with Math co-processor disabled
1992 486DX2 Twice the speed of 486DX
1993 Pentium General-purpose 64-bit microprocessor
1994 486DX4 Thrice the speed of 486DX

Figure 1.5
Genealogy of Intel Microprocessor

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 11

Chapter 2
The 8086/8088 Microprocessors
This chapter gives an overview of the 8086/8088 microprocessor. The internal, as well as the software,
architecture is presented. The different components of the software architecture (registers, memory address space,
etc.) are discussed in detail since these are the concerns of assembly language programmers. Concepts such as memory
segmentation, multiplexed pin layout, bus cycles and other related concepts are also discussed.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 12

2.0 Introduction
A microprocessor system, such as the IBM PC, is composed of three functional units. These are the
microprocessing unit (MPU), the memory, and the input/output devices. Figure 2.1 illustrates the block diagram of a
microcomputer system.

Address bus Address bus


Data bus Data bus

Control bus Control bus

Figure 2.1
Microcomputer system block diagram

The heart of the microcomputer system is the MPU. The term MPU is sometimes used interchangeably with
the term CPU. But there is a difference between the two. The CPU is usually implemented on a board level where the
components are discrete rather than integrated. This means that it is possible for the arithmetic logic unit (ALU) to be
placed on one circuit board. Whereas the MPU is implemented on a single VLSI chip. Thus, the ALU, CPU, register, and
other components are all packed inside one integrated circuit. That is why the MPU is sometimes referred to as CPU-

A microprocessor is a general-purpose processing unit built into a single integrated circuit.

For the IBM PC, it uses the Intel Corporation’s 8088 as its microprocessor.

2.1 Address Bus / Data Bus / Control Bus

A microprocessor communicates externally (i.e., with the memory or I/O devices) via a bus. A bus is a set of
parallel wires or lines. There are three types of bus: address bus, data bus, and control bus.

The address bus is used to select the desired memory or I/O devices by providing a unique address that
corresponds to one of the memory or I/O devices. It is unidirectional (i.e., from the microprocessor to the external
devices). If a microprocessor has 20 address bus, it means that it could access up to 1,048,576 (2^20) possible address

The data bus is used to transfer data to and from the memory or I/O devices. It is bidirectional.

The control bus is used to carry control signals to and from the memory or I/O devices. For example, some
microprocessors use the RD’ signal to request data either from the memory or from the I/O devices (i.e., memory read
or I/O read). It is bidirectional.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 13

2.2 Bus Cycles

All activities in the microprocessor are synchronized via bus cycles (or machine cycles). During each bus cycle,
an instance of an activity is being performed. For example, the microprocessor needs three bus cycles to fetch a data
from the memory. During the first cycle, the microprocessor sends the address to the address bus. On the second cycle,
the microprocessor sends the read signal to the control bus, and on the third cycle, the memory sends data to the data

How long is one cycle? The length of a bus cycle is relative to the clock rate of the microprocessor. If a
microprocessor has a clock rate of 5MHz, this means that it can handle 5,000,000 bus cycles in one second. Thus, each
bus cycle is 200 nanoseconds long (i.e., 1/5,000,000).

A nanosecond is a billionth of a second (i.e., 10^9). How fast is a nanosecond? Just imagine that an
electrical signal travels the distance of 11.8 inches in one nanosecond!

In the previous example, a microprocessor with a clock rate of 5MHz will take up 600 nanoseconds to fetch a
data from the memory (i.e., 3 bus cycles * 200 nanoseconds).

Points to ponder

In the example above, if the clock rate of the microprocessor is increased to 66MHz, how long will it take to
fetch a data from the memory?

2.3 8086/8088 Microprocessor Hardware Configuration

The 8086 microprocessor is a general purpose 16-bit microprocessor. This means that it could directly process
16-bit data at one time (i.e., internal registers of 8086 are 16-bits in length). Externally, it communicates with memory
and I/O devices via 16-bit data bus. Thus, it could send and receive data of 16-bits at one time.

Registers are temporary storage areas for instructions or data. They are found inside the MPU.

The address bus of the 8086 microprocessor is 20 bits in length. This means that it is capable of accessing up to
1,048,576 (2^20) possible address locations.

The 8088 microprocessor is the same as the 8086 microprocessor except for one aspect. For the 8088, it only
has an 8-bit data bus. This means that it communicates with memory or I/O devices 8 bits of data at one time. That is
why the 8088 is also known as the 8-bit external bus version of the Intel’s 8086 family of 16-bit microprocessors.

The implication of having an 8-bit data bus means that, in order for the 8088 to process 16 bits of data, it needs
to fetch the (16 bit) data twice. Whereas, for the 8086, it needs to fetch that (16 bit) data only once.

The idea of introducing an 8-bit external bus version of 8086 is to provide compatibility with existing I/O
devices. This is because the majority of the I/O devices during time could only support 8-bit data.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 14

Word width is defined as the width of a register within a microprocessor. Even though the 8088 microprocessor
has an 8-bit data bus, it is still considered as a 16-bit microprocessor since the internal registers of the 8088 are 16 bits
in length.

The technical name for the 8088 microprocessor is iAPX88 (Intel Advanced Processor Architecture 88). It is
manufactured using High Performance Metal Oxide Semiconductor (HMOS) technology. It has more than 29,000
transistor components, making it a VLSI chip. The 8088 utilizes a 40-pin Dual Inline package (DIP) and a multiplexed pin
layout scheme (see Figure 2.2).

The multiplexed pin layout scheme is a scheme in which a pin carries one type of signal during one time period
and a different signal during another. Though the 8088 needs 20 pins for address bus, 8 pins for data bus, 30 pins for
control bus and 3 pins for power (61 pins total), it is packaged with 40 pins only. But, with the multiplexed pin layout
scheme, it is possible for the 8088 microprocessor to accommodate 61 pins into the 40-pin package.

In Figure 2.2, AD7 is a multiplexed pin. At one point, it functions as an address bus and, at other times,
it functions as a data bus.

GND 1 40 Vcc
A14 2 39 A15
A13 3 38 A16/S3
A12 4 37 A17/S4
A11 5 36 A18/S5
A10 6 35 A19/S6
A9 7 34 SS0’/HIGH
A8 8 33 Mn/Mx
AD7 9 32 RD
AD6 10 31 HOLD (RQ’/GT0’)
AD5 11 30 HLDA (RQ’/GT1’)
AD4 12 29 WR’ (LOCK’)
AD3 13 28 IO/M’ (S2’)
AD2 14 27 DT/R’ (S1’)
AD1 15 26 DEN’ (S0’)
AD0 16 25 ALE (QS0)
NMI 17 24 INTA’ (QS1)
INTR 18 23 TEST’

Figure 2.2
Pin layout of the 8088 microprocessor

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 15

2.4 Internal Architecture of the 8088 Microprocessor
Internally, the 8086/8088 microprocessor is divided into two independent functional units (see Figure 2.3).
These are the Bus Interface Unit (BIU) and the Execution Unit (EU).

The task of the BIU is to fetch instructions or data from the memory and transfer data from the internal registers
to the memory. On the other hand, the task of the EU is to decode the instructions and execute them.

8086 and 8088 differ only in the BIU. The BIU of the 8086 works on a 16-bit address bus, while that of
the 8088 on an 8-bit address bus.

Since the BIU and the EU function independently of each other, it is possible for the EU to decode and execute
the current instruction, while the BIU is already fetching the next instruction. In fact, an instruction pre-fetch queue is
used in conjunction with BIU. An instruction pre-fetch queue is a first-in-first-out (FIFO) storage area that allows from
4 bytes (8088) to 6 bytes (8086) of instructions to be pre-fetched. Thus, fetch and execute phases can overlap, thereby
speeding up execution. This technique is called pipelining.

2.5 Software Architecture of the 8088 Microprocessor

The assembly language programmer need to know all the hardware configurations as well as the internal
architecture of the 8088 in order to program. What is more important is the software architecture of the 8088
microprocessor – looking at it from the software’s point of view. Thus, the concern of the programmer is to understand
the functions and limitations of the various internal registers, the organization of the memory, and how memory is
addressed in order to obtain instructions and data.

The software architecture of the 8088 is illustrated using the software model (see Figure 2.4). In this model,
the 8088 is viewed in terms of internal registers and their relationship with the external memory.

All address in the memory are expressed in hexadecimal unless stated otherwise.

The 8088 microprocessor has fourteen internal registers. These include:

1. Four Data Register (AX, BX, CX, DX)

2. Two Pointer Registers (BP, SP)
3. Two Index Register (SI, DI)
4. Four Segment Registers (CS, DS, SS, ES)
5. Instruction Pointer (IP)
6. Status Register (SR)

The model also includes the external memory, which is viewed as 1,048,576 bytes (00000h to FFFFFh) of
memory address space.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 16

Figure 2.3
Internal Architecture of the 8088 microprocessor

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 17

Figure 2.4
Software model of the 8088 microprocessor

The meaning of the various register acronyms are as follows:

* AX - Accumulator * CS - Code Segment

* BX - Base * DS - Data Segment
* CX - Count * SS - Stack Segment
* DX - Data * ES - Extra Segment
* SP - Stack Pointer * SI - Source Index
* BP - Base Pointer * DI - Destination Index
* IP - Instruction Pointer * SR - Status Register

The succeeding sections discuss the different elements of the software model in detail.

2.6 Memory Address Space

The 8088 microprocessor views the memory as an 8-bit byte and not as a 16-bit word. However, it can access
any two consecutive bytes as a word of data (see Figure 2.5). The lower-addressed byte is the Least Significant Byte
(LSB) while the higher-addressed byte is the Most Significant Byte (MSB).

A word can be stored at even or odd address boundaries. The Least Significant Bit (LSb) of the address
determines the type of word boundary. If this bit is 0, then the word is at an even-address boundary.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 18

Figure 2.5
8088 address space


The word data 5502h is located at address 00724. The LSB of the word data, 02h, is located at a lower address
(00724), while the MSB of the word data, 55h, is located at a higher address (00725). Since the LSb of the address is 0
(i.e., 00724 in binary is 0000 0000 0111 0010 0100), the word data is located at an even-address boundary.

Besides byte and word data, the 8088 could also handle double words. A double word consists of four
consecutive bytes of data. The lower-addressed byte is the Least Significant Byte (LSB) of the double word, while the
higher-address byte is the Most Significant Byte (MSB). As with a word, a double word can also be stored at an even
or odd address boundary. Double words are usually used as b (i.e., address).


The double word data 3B4C0065h is located at address 01125. The LSB of the double word data, 65h, is located
at a lower address (01125), while the MSB of the double word data, 3Bh, is located at a higher address (01128). Since
the LSb of the address is 1 (i.e., 01125 in binary is 0000 0001 0001 0010 0101), the double word is located at an odd-
address boundary.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 19

2.7 Segment Registers and Memory Segmentation
Some registers are used as pointer (i.e., address) to the external memory. Since registers are 16-bit in length,
this means that it could only access up to 65,536 (i.e., 2^16) memory locations. But the external memory is addressable
up to 1-Mbyte of memory locations. How then could the 8088 access the rest of the memory locations?

This problem is resolved using memory segmentation. In this scheme, programs views memory space as
composed of many logical partitions called segments. A segment is defined as a logical unit of memory that is 64-kbytes
(65,536 bytes) long. Each of this 64-kbytes segment should be in contiguous memory locations. Each segment is
assigned a base address that identifies its starting point (the segment’s lowest-address memory location) and an offset
address to point to memory locations within the segment.

The offset address is relative to the base address. Therefore, it could only point to memory locations within a
segment. To access the next segment, the base address should be modified to point to the next segment. By combining
the base address and the offset address, it is now possible to access the entire 1-Mbyte of memory locations.

All segments should start on a 16-byte address boundary (i.e., paragraph boundary). This means that the last
hexadecimal digit of the physical address should be 0. Segments maybe adjacent, disjoint, partially overlapped, or fully

Figure 2.6 illustrates the concept of segmentation.

There are a total of 65,536 (64-kbytes) of possible segments in the 1-Mbyte memory space.

There are a total of 16 contiguous segments in a 1-Mbyte memory space.

Points to Ponder

Based on Figure 2.6, give the relationship of segments A, B, C, D, E, F, and G to one another.

Explain why there are 65,536 (64 Kbytes) possible segments in the 1-Mbyte memory space.

Explain why there are 16 contiguous segments in the 1-Mbyte memory space.

Only four of the segments can be active at one time. Active segment means that the MPU could access
instructions or data in that segment. These four active segments are the code segment, stack segment, data segment,
and extra segment. Code segment contains the program code (instruction), stack segment contains the stack, data
segment, and extra segment contain the data. Segment registers contain the base address of the active segments. Thus,
CS register contains the base address of the code segment, DS register contains the base address of the data segment,
SS register contains the base address of the stack segment, and the ES register contains the base address of the extra
segment. By changing the value of the segment register, the MPU can access instruction or data in other segments.

Since a segment always starts at a paragraph boundary, the segment register automatically represents
the paragraph boundary already. This means that if SS register contains the value of 1234h, it
automatically refers to address 12340h.

In Figure 2.7, the SS register points to base address of 05000, both DS and SS register point to base address
16000 while CS register points to base address 21450. One could also observe that the data segment and the extra
segment fully overlapped each other.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 20

Offset register which contain the offset address are used to access data within a segment. For the code
segment, the offset register is the IP. For the data and extra segment, the offset register are BX, SI, and DI. For the stack
segment, the offset registers are SP and BP. For example, if the current CS value is 2145 and the IP value is 0002, the
instruction to be fetched is 2 bytes away from the base address of 21450.

Segment G starts at address

B1000 and ends at C0FFF

Segment G is disjoint with

Segments A, B, C, D, E, and F

Segment E and F fully overlap

Each other since both segments
Start at address 97250 and end
At A724F

Segment D start at address

56780 and ends at 6677F
Segment C and D partially
Overlap each other

Segment C starts at address

500010 and ends at 6000F

Segment B starts at address

20000 and ends at 2FFFF

Segment A and B are

Contiguous to each other

Segment A starts at address

10000 and ends at 1FFFF

Figure 2.6
Memory Segmentation

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 21

Figure 2.7
Relationship of segment registers and memory space

The programmer uses the logical address notation instead of the physical address notation. A physical address
is a 20-bit value that identifies the individual byte locations in the memory space. Whereas, a logical address consists
of a segment base value (the segment register) and an offset value (the offset register). The format of the logical address
is XXXX:YYYY, where XXXX is the value of the segment register and YYYY is the value of the offset register. In the
previous example, the logical address is 2145:0002 (i.e., CS:IP).

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 22

During actual programming, segment registers are rarely modified. Thus, programmers represent the
logical address by its offset part only (i.e., the value of the offset register). If the current SP register value is 0009 and
the value of the SS register is not known, this means that the data to be accessed is 9 bytes away from the current stack

To convert a logical address into its equivalent physical address, just append a 0 on the segment register value,
then add the offset register value. The value should all be in hexadecimal. As stated earlier, since the segment register
value already represents the paragraph boundary, a 0 is just appended to the segment register value.


What is the physical address equivalent of the logical address 1234:0004?

1234 <- append a 0 to the segment register value

+ 0004 <- add the offset value
12344 <- the equivalent physical address

Answer: 12344

What would be the offset value required to map to physical address location 01128 if the segment
address is 0100?

01000 <- append a 0 to the segment register value

+ X <- solve for the offset value
01128 <- the target physical address

X = 01128 – 01000 = 0128

Answer: 0128

Note that many logical address can be mapped to the same physical address location in the memory. For
example: 0100:0128, 0000:1128, 0001:1118, 0002:1108, 0101:0118 all map to physical address 01128.

Point to Ponder

Give some more logical address that will map to physical address 01128.

2.8 Instruction Pointer

The instruction pointer (IP) contains the address of the next instruction to be fetched. It is the offset register
of CS. IP is combined with CS to form the program counter.
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 23
2.9 Pointer Registers
Two pointer registers, the stack pointer (SP) and the base pointer (BP), are the offset register of the SS register.
The value of the stack pointer always to the top of the stack (i.e., the next stack location to be accessed). Whereas, the
base pointer is used to access data within the stack segment and not necessarily the top of the stack.

SP and BP usually contain offset address but it can also be viewed as data used in most arithmetic and
logic operations.

2.10 Index Registers

The two index registers, the source index (SI) and the destination index (DI), are the offset registers of the DS
and ES registers. The SI register is used to point to the source operand, while the DI register is used to point to the
destination operand.

SI and DI usually contain offset address but it can also be viewed as data used in most arithmetic and
logic operations.

2.11 Data Registers

There are four general-purpose data register, namely AX, BX, CX, and DX. These registers are usually used as
temporary storage of intermediate results. Each data register could be accessed as one 16-bit register or as two 8-bit
registers. Referencing it as 16-bit register is identified by an X suffix after the register letter (i.e., AX, BX, CX, and DX).
On the other hand, reference to an 8-bit register is identified by the H (High-order byte of the 16-bit register) or the L
(Low-order byte of the 16-bit register) suffix after the register letter. Thus, AH means the high-order byte of AX, while
AL means the low-order byte of AX. Figure 2.8 illustrates the four general purpose data registers, while Figure 2.9
illustrates the dedicated register functions.

The four data registers are used in arithmetic and logic operations but the BX register is also used as
offset register for DS and ES registers (i.e., BX contains an offset address).


Figure 2.8
General-purpose Data Register

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 24

Register Operations
AX Word multiply, word divide, word I/O
AL Byte multiply, byte divide, byte I/O, translate, decimal arithmetic
AH Byte multiply, byte divide
BX Translate
CX String Operation, loops
CL Variable shift
DX Word multiply, word divide, indirect I/O

Figure 2.9
Dedicated Register Functions

2.12 Status Register

The status register is also called the Flag Register. This register is viewed as 16 one-bit data (i.e., Boolean).
However, out of the 16-bits, only 9 are used. Out of the 9 bits, 6 are used as Status Flags, while the remaining 3 are
used as Control Flags.

/ / / / OF DF IF TF SF ZF / AF / PF / CF
15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Figure 2.10
Status Register

Status Flags indicate the conditions that are produced as a result of executing an arithmetic or logic instruction.
Thus, these flags are set (1) or reset (0) upon the completion of execution of the instruction.

The following are the status flags, as well as their individual characteristics:

a. Carry Flag (CF). CF is set of there is a carry-out from the most significant bit of the result, or a
borrow-in to the most significant bit of one operand, during the execution of an arithmetic
instruction. Otherwise, CF is reset.

b. Parity Flag (PF). PF is set if the result produced has even parity (i.e., even number of 1’s).
Otherwise, if the result produced has an odd parity, PF is reset.

Only the lower byte (i.e., the LSB) is tested.

c. Auxiliary Carry Flag (AF). This is also known as Half-Carry Flag. AF is set if there is a carry-out
from the low nibble to the high nibble of the result, or a borrow-in from the high-nibble to the
low-nibble of one operand. Otherwise, AF is reset.

Only the lower byte (i.e., the LSB) is tested.

d. Zero Flag (ZF). ZF is set if the result of the operation is zero. Otherwise, ZF is reset.

e. Sign Flag (SF). The most significant bit of the result is copied to SF. This means that SF is set if
the result is a negative number and reset if the result is a positive number.
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 25
f. Overflow Flag (OF). OF is set if the signed result is out of range. Otherwise, OF is reset.

The following operations will not result in out of range:

a. A positive number added to another positive number and the result yielded a positive

b. A negative number added to another negative number and the result yielded a negative

c. A positive number added to a negative number.


25h = 0010 0101

+ 25h = 0010 0101
___________ __________
4Ah 0100 1010

CF = 0 ZF = 0
PF = 0 SF = 0
AF = 0 OF = 0

Control Flag are used to control the function of the 8088. The following are the control flags and their

a. Trap Flag (TF). If TF is set, the 8088 goes into the single-step mode for debugging.

b. Interrupt Flag (IF). If the IF is set, the 8088 can recognize external maskable interrupt requests.

c. Direction Flag (DF). The value of DF determines the direction in which the string operations will
occur. If DF is set, the string instruction automatically decrements the address. If DF is reset,
the string instruction automatically increments the address.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 26

Name: __________________________________________ Score: __________________
Course & Section: __________________

Chapter 2: The 8086/8088 Microprocessors

More Points to Ponder

I. Identification

1. What is the highest address in the 8088’s memory address space? (in hex)

2. What is the lowest address in the 8088’s memory address space? (in hex)

3. The contents of memory location 12724h is 1Fh and that at 12725h is 10h. What is the even-
addressed data word stored at address 12724h?

4. Show how the double word 12345678h will be stored in memory, starting at address 1ABCDh.

5. How much of the 8088’s active memory is available as general-purpose data storage memory?

6. What would be the value of the status flags after this operation: 4Ah + 2Ch?

7. What would be the value of the status flags after this operation: 02h + FEh?

8. If the current values in the code segment register and the instruction pointer are 1234h and 5678h,
respectively, what is the physical address of the next instruction?

9. A data segment is to be located from address D0000h to DFFFFh. What value must be loaded to DS?

10. If the data segment register contains the value found in problem 9, what value must be loaded to DI if
it is to point to a destination operand stored at address D1234h in memory?

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 27

Chapter 3
8088 Addressing Modes
This chapter discusses in detail the different 8088 addressing modes. These include the register addressing
mode, immediate addressing mode, and the five memory addressing modes.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 28

3.0 Introduction
In the 8088n microprocessor, an instruction is composed of two parts: mnemonic and operand. A mnemonic
is an instruction that performs a specific function on the operands. Operands are data on which instructions are
performed. Operands could be found or stored in the following locations:

a. Internal Registers
b. Part of the Instruction
c. Memory

Figure 3.1 illustrates an 8088 instruction.



Figure 3.1
An Example of an 8088 Instruction

Addressing Mode refers to how the 8088 accesses the operands. The seven types of addressing modes are:

a. Register Addressing Mode e. Based Addressing Mode

b. Immediate Addressing Mode f. Indexed Addressing Mode

c. Direct Addressing Mode g. Based Indexed Addressing Mode

d. Register Indirect Addressing Mode

There are actually two more other types of addressing mode: String Addressing Mode and Port Addressing
Mode. These two addressing modes will not be discussed in this text.

For the register addressing mode, operands are stored in the registers. For the immediate addressing mode,
operands are stored as part of the instruction. For the rest of the addressing modes, the operands are stored in memory.

For the succeeding sections, all examples will be based on the MOV instruction. The syntax of MOV is: MOV
destination, source (i.e., destination <- source). In Pascal, it is equivalent to destination:=source.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 29

3.1 Register Addressing Mode
In register addressing mode, the operand to be accessed is specified as residing in the register of the 8088.

Example: (refer to Figure 3.2)


Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 4567

Q: What will BX contain after execution?

A: 4567

In the example given, the source operand is stored in register BX. The contents of register BX is moved to
register AX (i.e., the destination operand). After execution, the contents of register AX is 4567. Note that the contents
of the source operand remains the same after execution.

3.2 Immediate Addressing Mode

In the immediate addressing mode, the operand is part of the instruction. The immediate operand can either
be a byte or word. The immediate addressing mode has two limitations:

a. Operand in the immediate addressing mode could only be used as source operand.

b. Operand in the immediate addressing mode should be a constant value.

The instruction MOV 1234, AX is considered invalid since the immediate addressing mode is used as the
destination operand.

Figure 3.2

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 30

Example: (refer to Figure 3.3)

MOV AX, 2234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 2234

Q: What is the effective (i.e., offset) address of the source operand?

A: 0002

The opcode for MOV AX, 2234 is located at CS:0000 or physical address 01000. The source operand is part of
the instruction and is located 2 bytes away from the opcode (i.e., CS:0002 or physical address 10002). Thus, the effective
address of the source operand is 0002.

The source operand which contains the immediate data 2234 is moved to register AX. After execution, the
register AX contains a value 2234.

3.3 Direct Addressing Mode

In the direct addressing mode, the operand contains the effective address (EA). EA is the 16-bit offset of the
storage location of the operand from the location specified by the current value in the DS register.

For example, in the instruction MOV AX,[0008], the source operand contains the effective address 0008. This
means that the operand is stored at 8 bytes away from the DS register.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 31

Sometimes, the effective address could be given as label. Labels are just substitute names for a memory
location usually in the data segment. An example of a label is:


For labels, the bracket around it is optional

Example: (refer to Figure 3.4)

MOV CX, [1234]

Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?

A: 1234

Q: What will CX contain after execution?


In the example given, the source operand contains the effective address. Thus, the EA of the source operand is
1234. This means that the source operand is located at address DS:1234. That value is then moved to register CX. After
execution, the contents of register CX is BEED.

Example: (refer to Figure 3.4)


Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?

A: 1234

Q: What will CX contain after execution?


Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 32

In the example given, the source operand is given as label (i.e., BETA). BETA is required with physical address
03234. Since register DS has a value of 0200, the effective address is therefore, 1234 (i.e., DS:BETA = 03234).

Memory location BETA contains a value of BEED. This value is then copied to register CX. After execution, the
contents of register CX is BEED.

Points to Ponder

Is MOV CX, 1234 = MOV CX, [1234]?

3.4 Register Indirect Addressing Mode

The register indirect addressing mode is the same as the direct addressing mode except that the EA resides in
either a base register or an index register (i.e., SI, DI, BX, BP).

If the effective address is stored in BP, it is with respect to the SS register, for the rest (i.e., SI, DI, BX), it is with
respect to the DS register.

Example: (refer to Figure 3.5)


Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?

A: 1234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?


Q: What will SI contain after execution?

A: 1234

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 33

In the example given above, register SI contains the effective address of the source operand and it is with
respect to DS. Since register SI has a value of 1234, the EA of the source operand is, therefore, 1234. The source operand
is located at address 0200:1234 (or physical address 03234). The source operand is then moved to register AX. After
execution, the contents of register AX has a value of BEED. Note that after execution, the value of register SI remains
the same.

Points to Ponder


3.5 Based Addressing Mode

In based addressing mode, the operand consists of either a displacement value or a label and either register
BX or BP. The effective address of the operand is computer as the sum of the displacement value or the “effective
address” of the label and the contents of either register BX or BP. On the other hand, the physical address of the
operand is obtained by adding the effective address of the operand with either the current value in register DS (for BX)
or SS (for BP).

Example: (refer to Figure 3.6)


Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 34

Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?
A: 2234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?


Q: What will register BX contain after execution?

A: 1000

In the example given, the source operand consists of a label and register BX. The effective address of the label
is computed to be 1234h (i.e., DS:BETA = 03234). The effective address of the source operand is computed to be 2234
(i.e., the sum of the effective address of the label, 1234, and register BX, 1000). Since register BX is used, the effective
address of the source operand is relative to the data segment. The physical address is therefore computed to be 04234
(i.e., DS:2234). The source operand is then moved to register AX. After execution, the contents of register AX is BEED.
Note that after execution, the value of register BX remains the same.

In other literatures, the notation foe based addressing mode could be nay of the following:

* MOV AX, BETA[BX] * MOV AX, 1234[BX]

* MOV AX, [BETA+BX] * MOV AX, [1234+BX]
* MOV AX, [BX+BETA] * MOV AX, [BX+1234]
* MOV AX, BX[BETA] * MOV AX, BX[1234]

3.6 Indexed Addressing Mode

In indexed addressing mode, the operand consists of either a displacement value or a label and either register
SI or DI. The effective address of the operand is computed as the sum of the displacement value or the “effective
address” of the label and the contents of either register SI or DI. On the other hand, the physical address of the operand
is obtained by adding the effective address of the operand with the current value in register DS.

Example: (refer to Figure 3.7)


Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?

A: 2234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?


Q: What will register SI contain after execution?

A: 1000

In the example given, the source operand consists of a label and register SI. The effective address of the label
is computed to be 1234h (i.e., DS:BETA = 03234). The effective address of the source operand is computed to be 2234
(i.e., the sum of the effective address of the label, 1234, and register SI, 1000). Since the effective address of the source
operand is relative to the data segment, the physical address is therefore computer to be 04234 (i.e., DS:2234). The
source operand is then moved to register AX. After execution, the contents of register AX is BEED. Note that after
execution, the value of register SI remains the same.
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 35
In other literatures, the notation for indexed addressing mode could be any of the following:

* MOV AX, BETA[SI] * MOV AX, 1234[SI]

* MOV AX, [BETA+SI] * MOV AX, [1234+SI]
* MOV AX, [SI+BETA] * MOV AX, [SI+1234]
* MOV AX, SI[BETA] * MOV AX, SI[1234]

3.7 Based Indexed Addressing Mode

In based indexed addressing mode, the operand consists of either a displacement value or a label, either
register SI or DI and either register BX or BP. The effective address of the operand is computed as the sum of the
displacement value or the “effective address” of the label, the contents of either register SI or DI and the contents of
either register BX or BP. On the other hand, the physical address of the operand is obtained by adding the effective
address of the source operand with either the current value in register DS(for BX) or SS(for BP).

Example: (refer to Figure 3.8)


Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 36

Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?
A: 4234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?


Q: What will register BX contain after execution?

A: 1000

Q: What will register SI contain after execution?


In the example given, the source operand consists of a label, register BX and register SI. The effective address
of the label is computed to be 1234h (i.e., DS:BETA = 03234). The effective address of the source operand is computed
to be 4234 (i.e., the sum of the effective address of the label, 1234, register BX, 1000, and register SI, 2000). Since
register BX is used, the effective address of the source operand is relative to the data segment. The physical address is
therefore computed to be 06234 (i.e., DS:4234). The source operand is then moved to register AX. After execution, the
contents of register AX is BEED. Note that after execution, the value of register SI remains the same.

In other literature, the notation for based indexed addressing mode could be any of the following

* MOV AX, BETA[SI][BX] * MOV AX, 1234[SI][BX]

* MOV AX, BETA[BX][SI] * MOV AX, 1234[BX][SI]

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 37

Name: __________________________________________ Score: __________________
Course & Section: __________________

I. Tracing

The initial contents of the 8088 CPU register and some memory locations are shown below. Each set of
questions is independent of the others, so always refer back to the initial state. All values are in hexadecimal notation.
Your answer should also be in hexadecimal. If there is an invalid syntax in the instruction then write “ERROR”. If answers
cannot be obtained due to lack of given, then write “N/A”.

AX: 1994 SP: 000F CS: 0000 OF: 0

BX: 000A BP: 1214 DS: CADE ZF: 0
CX: 0129 SI: 0006 ES: 5000 SF: 0
DX: 0725 DI: 000E SS: 8200 PF: 0
IP: 0000 CF: 0
AF: 0


1. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

2. What will SI contain after execution?
3. What will DX contain after execution?

B. MOV BX, 1128

4. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

5. What will BL contain after execution?
6. What is the effective address of the source operand assuming that opcodes occupy two (2) bytes?

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 38

C. MOV AX, [0005]

7. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

8. What is the effective address of the source operand?
9. What will AX contain after execution?


10. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

11. What is the effective address of the source operand?
12. What will DI contain after execution?
13. What will BX contain after execution?


14. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

15. What is the effective address of the source operand?
16. What will CX contains after execution?


17. What is the addressing mode of the source operand?

18. What is the effective address of the source operand?
19. What will DX contain after execution?


20. What is the effective address of the destination operand?


21. What is the effective address of the source operand?

22. What will DI contain after execution?


23. What will BX contain after execution?

24. What is the addressing mode of the destination operand?


25. What will BX contain after execution?

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 39

Chapter 4
The 8088 Instruction Set I – Data Transfer Instructions
This chapter starts the detailed discussion of the 8088 Instruction set. Particularly, this chapter will concentrate
on the Data Transfer instructions. These are the MOV, XCHG, LEA, XLAT, LDS, and LES instructions.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 40

4.0 Introduction
The instruction set of a microprocessor defines the basic operations that a programmer can make it perform.
There are around 117 basic instructions, but each instruction can be viewed as several “instructions” since each can be
expanded via the combination of the addressing modes in the operand field.

In this text, the discussion of the instruction set will be organized into groups of functionally related
instructions. For this chapter, the discussion will concentrate on data transfer instructions. The remaining instrucitons
will be discussed in the succeeding chapters.

4.1 Data Transfer Instructions

Data transfer instructions are groups of instructions that are provided to move data either between the internal
registers or between an internal register and external memory. Data transfer instructions do not affect the status flags.
This group includes the following instructions: MOV, XCHG, LEA, XLAT, LDS, and LES.

4.1.1 MOV

The MOV instruction transfer a byte or a word from the source operand to the destination
operand. Figure 4.1 illustrates the definition of MOV instruction, while Figure 4.2 illustrates the allowed
operands for it.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

MOV Move MOV D, S (D) <---- (S) None

Figure 4.1
MOV Instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the MOV instruction. These are as follows:

a. The MOV instruction does not allow both source and destination operands to be of memory addressing
mode at the same time (i.e., no memory to memory transfer). For example, MOV BETA,[SI] is invalid.

b. If the destination operand is a memory addressing mode and the source operand is an immediate
addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be appended after the MOV instruction to
denote the data size of the immediate operand. Use byte ptr to denote a byte-sized data and word
ptr to denote a word-sized data.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 41


MOV byte ptr BETA, 12

MOV word ptr BETA, 1234

Destination Source Example

Memory Register MOV BETA, BX
Register Memory MOV DX, BETA
Register Register MOV AX, CX
Register Immediate MOV SI, 1234
Memory Immediate MOV byte ptr BETA, 12
Seg-Reg Reg16 MOV ES, CX
Reg16 Seg-Reg MOV CX, ES
Seg-Reg Mem16 MOV DS, BETA
Memory Seg-Reg MOV BETA, DS

Register = AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, SP,
Reg16 = AX, BX, CX, DX, SI, DI, BP, SP
Seg-Reg = CS, DS, ES, SS (as source operand);
DS, ES, SS (as destination operand)
Memory = Displacement value or label + [BX/BP] + [SI/DI]

Figure 4.2
Allowed operands for MOV instruction

The following are considered invalid:

a. MOV byte ptr BETA, 1234

Since source operand is a word, word ptr should be used instead of byte ptr.

b. MOV word ptr BETA, 12

Since source operand is a byte, byte ptr should be used instead of word ptr.

c. Both source and destination operands should be of the same data size. Thus, MOV AX, CL is invalid
since the source operand is a byte while destination operand is a word.

d. Immediate addressing mode cannot be used as the destination operand.

e. Note: Register CS cannot be used as destination operand.

Example: (refer to Figure 4.3)


Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 1234

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 42

Q: What is the effective address of the destination operand?
A: 0008

Q: What will memory location BETA contain after execution?

A: 1234

In the example given, memory location BETA is the destination operand. This means that the original
value will be overwritten by the source operand (i.e., register AX). After execution, memory location BETA will have a
value of 1234. Note that the source operand remains unaffected after execution (i.e., AX still retains the value of 1234).

4.1.2 XCHG

The XCHG instruction swaps the contents of the source and destination operands. Figure 4.4 illustrates
the definition of XCHG instruction, while Figure 4.5 illustrates the allowed operands for the XCHG instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

XCHG Exchange XCHG D, S (D) << (S) None

Figure 4.4
XCHG instruction

Destination Source Example

Memory Register XCHG BETA, BX
Register Register XCHG AX, BX

Figure 4.5
Allowed operands for XCHG instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 43

There are some important facts to remember about the XCHG instruction. These are as follows:

a. Immediate addressing mode cannot be used with this instruction. This is because the source operand
is also the destination operand and vice versa. Thus, XCHG AX, 1234 is invalid.

b. XCHG instruction does not allow both source and destination operand to be of memory addressing
mode at the same time (i.e., no memory to memory exchange). This means that XCHG BETA, [BX] is

c. Both source and destination operands should be of the same data size. The instruction XCHG, AX CL is,
therefore, invalid since the source operand is a byte while the destination operand is a word data.

Example: (refer to Figure 4.6)


Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 1128

Q: What is the effective address of the destination operand?

A: 0008

Q: What will memory location BETA contain after execution?

A: 1234

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 44

In the example given, the value of memory location BETA is exchanged with register AX. Therefore, the contents
of register AX after execution is 1128, while the contents of memory location BETA is 1234.

4.1.3 LEA

The LEA instruction is used to transfer the effective address of the source operand to the destination operand.
Compare this with the MOV instruction in which data is transferred from source operand to destination operand. Figure
4.7 illustrate the definition of LEA instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

LEA Load Effective Address LEA Reg16, EA (Reg16) ¬ (EA) None

Figure 4.7
LEA instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the LEA instruction. These are as follows:

a. The source operand should always be one of the memory addressing modes, while the destination operand
should always be a 16-bit register.

b. In LEA instruction, the effective address is moved to the destination operand. Therefore, one could view
the destination operand as a pointer.

c. It is recommended, though not necessary, to use register BX, SI, DI, or BP as the destination operand since
these 4 registers could be used as offset register or pointers.

d. The LEA instruction is synonymous to the instruction MOV offset Reg16, EA (example: MOV offset SI,

Example: (refer to Figure 4.8)


Q: What is the effective address of the source operand?

A: 0008

Q: What will SI contain after execution?

A: 0008

In the example given, the LEA instruction will transfer the effective address of the source operand to register
SI. Therefore, register SI will now contain a value of 0008 after execution.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 45

4.1.4 XLAT

The XLAT instruction is provided to simplify the implementation of the user-defined look-up table
operation. Figure 4.9 illustrate the definition of XLAT instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

XLAT Translate XLAT (AL)  [DS:(BX+AL)] None

Figure 4.9
XLAT instruction
There are some important facts to remember about the XLAT instruction. These are as follows:

a. Before using the XLAT instruction, register BX should point to the beginning of the table while register
AL contains the index to the table. The programming pattern for XLAT is as follows:

LEA BX, _____  fill in the based address of the table

MOV AL, _____  fill in the index value

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 46

b. After execution, AL is replaced by the byte at the offset of the translation table.
c. The user-defined look-up table has a maximum size of up to 256 bytes only.

Example: (refer to Figure 4.10)


MOV AL, 02

Q: What will BX contain after execution?

A: 0008

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 72

In the example given, register BX now points to the start of the translation table (i.e., memory location
BETA), while register AL is the index or the offset value of the translation table. By execution the XLAT instruction,
register AL will now be replaced by the data located at the memory location BETA offset by register AL. After execution,
register AL will have a value of 72.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 47

4.1.5 LDS

The LDS instruction transfers a 32-bit pointer from the source operand to the destination operand and
register DS. Figure 4.11 illustrates the definition of LDS instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

(Reg16) <- (Mem32)
LDS Load register and DS LDS Reg16, Mem32 None
(DS) <- (Mem32 + 2)

Figure 4.11
LDS instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the LDS instruction. These are as follows:

a. LDS instruction transfer a 32-bit pointer stored in the memory to the 16-bit register and register DS.
This means that the source operand should be one of the memory addressing modes. The destination
operand is composed of a 16-bit register and register DS.
b. The least significant word of the 32-bit pointer is stored in the 16-bit register, while the most significant
word is stored in the DS register.

Example: (refer to Figure 4.12)

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 48


Q: What will DS contain after execution?

A: 1972

Q: What will SI contain after execution?

A: 1128

In the example given, the 32-bit pointer (i.e., 19721128) is located at memory location BETA. The least
significant word, 1128, is stored in register SI, while the most significant word, 1972, is stored in register DS.

4.1.6 LES

The LES instruction transfers a 32-bit pointer from the source operand to the destination operand and
register ES. Figure 4.13 illustrate the definition of LES instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

(Reg16)  (Mem32)
LES Load register and ES LES Reg16, Mem32 None
(ES)  (Mem32+2)

Figure 4.13
LES instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the LES instruction. These are as follows:

a. LES instruction transfer a 32-bit pointer stored in the memory to the 16-bit register and register ES. This means
that the source operand should be one of the memory addressing modes. The destination operand is composed
of a 16-bit register and register ES.
b. The least significant word of the 32-bit pointer is stored in the 16-bit register, while the most significant word
is stored in the ES register.
c. LES instruction is almost the same as LDS instruction. The only difference lies in the segment register. For LES,
register ES is used, while LDS, register DS is used.

Example: (refer to Figure 4.14)


Q: What will ES contain after execution?

A: 1972

Q: What will SI contain after execution?

A: 1128

In the example given, the 32-bit pointer (i.e., 19721128) is located at memory location BETA. The least significant word,
1128, is stored in register SI, while the most significant word, 1972, is stored in register ES.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 49

4.2 Using Data Transfer Instructions in Assembly Language Program

This section will discuss how data transfer instructions are used in assembly language programming

4.2.1 Write an assembly language program that exchanges the contents of byte memory location ALPHA with
byte memory location BETA. Assume register AL is available as temporary register.

*** Version 1 ***



Since memory to memory exchange is not possible, a temporary register is needed to facilitate the
exchange. In line 1, the contents of memory location ALPHA is transferred to AL. In line 2, the value of
AL, which originally contains the value of ALPHA, is exchange with BETA. Line 3 is needed since memory
location ALPHA has yet to be updated. The value of AL, which now contains the value BETA, is
transferred to ALPHA.

*** Version 2 ***


(3) MOV AL, [SI]
(4) XCHG AL, [DI]
(5) MOV [SI], AL

In this version, instruction LEA is used to initialize register SI and DI as pointers to memory locations
ALPHA and BETA, respectively. This means that [SI] is used to refer to the contents of memory location
ALPHA, while [DI] is used to refer to the contents of memory location BETA. Line 3, 4, and 5 of version
2 are the same of lines 1, 2, and 3 of version 1.
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 50
Name: __________________________________________ Score: __________________
Course & Section: __________________

I. Tracing

The initial contents of the 8088 CPU register and some memory locations are shown below. Each set of
questions is independent of the others, so always refer back to the initial state. All values are in
hexadecimal notation. Your answer should also be in hexadecimal. If there is an invalid syntax in the
instruction, then write “ERROR”. If answer cannot be obtained due to lack of givens, then write “N/A”.

* All flag values are assumed to be 0.


01. What will SI contain after execution?


02. What will SI contain after execution?


03. What will SI contain after execution?
04. What will ES contain after execution?


05. What will SI contain after execution?

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 51

E. MOV SI, 0001
MOV AL, 02
06. What will BX contain after execution?
07. What will AL contain after execution?


08. What will DS contain after execution?
09. What will DI contain after execution?

G. MOV byte ptr ALPHA, 12

10. What will memory location ALPHA contain after execution?

II. Programming

Write an assembly language program to exchange a byte memory location 4 bytes away from memory
location ALPHA, with a byte memory location 3 bytes away from memory location BETA. Assume register BL is
available as temporary register.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 52

Chapter 5
The 8088 Instruction Set II – Arithmetic Instructions
In this chapter, different arithmetic instructions will be discussed in detail. Related concepts, such as integer
and Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD), will be presented as well.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 53

5.0 Introduction
The arithmetic instructions cover the four basic arithmetic operations – addition, subtraction, multiplication,
and division. These operations can be performed on four types of numbers: unsigned, integer, signed integer, packed
decimal (packed BCD), and unpacked decimal (unpacked BCD). Unlike the data transfer instructions, arithmetic
instructions will affect the status flags.

Various concepts related to arithmetic operands will be discussed first, after which different arithmetic
instructions will be discussed in detail.

5.1 Unsigned Integer

In 8088, unsigned integer may either be 8 bits or 16 bits in length. Unsigned integers are viewed as positive
numbers only. This means that all bits are considered in determining the magnitude of a number. The value range of
an unsigned integer is from 0 to 2n-1 – 1. For 8 bits, the range is from 0 to 255, while for 16 bits, the range is from 0 to


Decimal Number 8-bit unsigned integer 16-bit unsigned integer

25 0001 1001 0000 0000 0001 1001
150 1001 0110 0000 0000 1001 0110
255 1111 1111 0000 0000 1111 1111
1,000 Overflow 0000 0011 1110 1000
34,000 Overflow 1000 0100 1101 0000
65,535 Overflow 1111 1111 1111 1111

5.2 Signed Integer

In 8088, signed integers may either be 8 bits or 16 bits in length. Signed integers are viewed as either positive
or negative numbers. Because of this, the most significant bit is viewed as a sign bit (0 representing positive number
and 1 representing negative number). The value range of a signed integer is from -2n-1 to 2n-1 – 1. For 8 bits, range is
from -128 to +127, while for 16 bits, the range is from -32,768 to +32,767. The value of zero (0) is considered as a
positive number. Negative numbers are represented in two’s complement notation.

Decimal Number 8-bit unsigned integer 16-bit unsigned integer
+25 0001 1001 0000 0000 0001 1001
-25 1110 0111 1111 1111 1110 0111
+128 Overflow 0000 0000 1000 0000
-128 1000 0000 1111 1111 1000 0000
+150 Overflow 0000 0000 1001 0110
-150 Overflow 1111 1111 0110 1010
+32768 Overflow Overflow
-32768 Overflow 1000 0000 0000 0000

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 54

5.3 Binary-Coded Decimal (BCD)
In binary coded decimal (BCD), each decimal digit is represented in one nibble (see Figure 5.1). For example,
decimal 99 is represented as 1001 1001 in BCD. Comparing this with binary, 99 is represented as 0110 0011.

BCD uses only 10 out of 16 possible combinations. The following 6 combinations are never used:
1010, 1011, 1100, 1101, 1110,1111.

There are some situations in which arithmetic operations on BCD numbers require some adjustments. This
happens if the result of the operation falls into one of the six unused combinations. The adjustment is done by adding
six to the previous result in order to get the final result.

8088 already provides adjustment instructions for BCD-based arithmetic operations.

Decimal digit BCD notation

0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001

Figure 5.1
BCD equivalent of decimal digits

*24 (decimal) + 45 (decimal) = 69 (decimal)

In BCD: 0010 0100 (24 in BCD)

+ 0100 0101 (45 in BCD)
0110 1001 (69 in BCD)

Since none of the nibble in the result has an invalid combinations, the result is correct already.

* 28 (decimal) + 27 (decimal) = 55 (decimal)

In BCD: 0010 1000 (28 in BCD)

+ 0010 0111 (27 in BCD)
0100 1111  intermediate result
+ 0000 0110
0101 0101 (55 in BCD)

In this case, the intermediate result contains an invalid combination. Thus, 6 is added to the intermediate
result as part of the adjustment.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 55

5.4 Packed Decimal (or Packed BCD)
In packed decimal, two BCD digits could be packed into one byte. These type of numbers are always viewed
as positive numbers. The value range of packed decimals is from 0 to 99. Adjustment instructions are provided for
addition and subtraction operations but are not provided for multiplication and division.

5.5 Unpacked Decimal (or Unpacked BCD)

In unpacked decimal, one BCD digit is represented in one byte. The BCD digit is represented in the least
significant nibble, while the most significant nibble may be 0 (for multiplication and division operation) or any value
(for addition and subtraction). These types of numbers are always viewed as positive numbers. The value range of
unpacked decimals is from 0 to 9. Adjustment instructions are provided for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and

For addition and subtraction, it is preferred that the most significant nibble has a value of 3. This because
addition and subtraction operations view unpacked decimals as ASCII numbers (American Standard Code for
Information Interchange).

5.6 Overflow Flag

As defined in the previous chapter, the overflow flag is set if the signed result is out of range. Otherwise, it is
reset. An alternative definition of overflow flag is follows:

The overflow flag is set on the following situations:

a. There is a carry from the 2nd to the last bit to the most significant bit but no carry from the most
significant bit to the carry flag bit (i.e., “carry, no carry”).
b. There is no carry from the 2nd to the last bit to the most significant bit but there is a carry from the
most significant bit to the carry flag bit (i.e., “no carry, carry”).

Otherwise, overflow flag is reset.


a) 40h = 0100 0000

+ 41h = 0100 0001
_________ __________
81h 1000 0001 OV = 1

In this example, overflow flag is set since there is a carry from the 2nd to the last bit to the most significant
bit but no carry from the most significant bit to the carry flag bit (carry, no carry).

b) C0h = 1100 0000

+ 81h = 1000 0001
_________ __________
41h 0100 0001 OV = 1

In this example, overflow flag is set since there is no carry from the 2nd to the last bit to the most significant
bit but there is a carry from the most significant bit to the carry flag bit (no carry, carry).

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 56

c) 40h = 0100 0000
+ 21h = 0010 0001
_________ __________
41h 0100 0001 OV = 0

In this example, overflow flag is reset since there is no carry from the 2nd to the last bit to the most significant
bit and there is no carry from the most significant bit to the carry flag bit (no carry, no carry).

5.7 Checking for Overflow for Unsigned and Signed Integer

For unsigned integers, the result is considered as an “overflow” if the carry flag is set. For signed integer, the
result is considered as an “overflow” if the overflow flag is set.

8088 views numbers as raw binary data. It is up the programmers to interpret the numbers as signed or
unsigned integers.


a) C0h = 1100 0000

+ C0h = 1100 0000
__________ ___________
80h 1000 0000 OF = 0
CF = 1

In the given example, if the numbers are viewed as signed integers, then the result is not an overflow since
the overflow flag is reset. If the numbers are viewed as unsigned integers, then the result is an overflow since the carry
flag is reset.

Points to Ponder
Why is it that for unsigned integers, carry flag is used to check for “overflow”, while for signed integers,
overflow flag is used to check for “overflow”?

5.8 Sign Extension

To sign extend means to replicate the sign bit. Since the value of the sign bit is either 0 or 1, sign extension
could only have a value of 00h or FFh, respectively.


Q: What is the sign extension of 24h?

A: Since the sign bit of 24h is 0, the sign extension is, therefore, 00. One could say that 0024h is the sign
extended version of 24h.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 57

5.9 Addition Instructions
5.9.1 ADD

In the ADD instruction, the source operand is added to the destination operand and the result replaces
the destination operand. Figure 5.2 illustrates the definition of the ADD instruction, while Figure 5.3 illustrate the
allowed operands for the ADD instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flag Affected

ADD Addition ADD D, S (D)  (S) + (D) All status flags
(CF)  carry-out

Figure 5.2
ADD instruction

Destination Source Example

Memory Register ADD BETA, BX
Register Memory ADD DX, BETA
Register Register ADD AX, CX
Register Immediate ADD SI, 1234
Memory Immediate ADD byte ptr BETA, 12

Figure 5.3
Allowed operands for ADD and ADC instructions

There are some important facts to remember about the ADD instruction. These are as follows:

a. ADD instruction does not allow both source and destination operands to be of memory addressing
mode at the same time (i.e., no memory to memory addition). For example, ADD BETA, ALPHA is
b. As with the MOV instruction, if the destination operand is a memory addressing mode and the source
operand is an immediate addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be appended after
the ADD instruction to denote the data size of the immediate operand.
c. Both source and destination operands should be of the same data size. For example, ADD CX, DL is
d. All status flags are affected after execution.

Example: (refer to Figure 5.4)

MOV AX, 1111

MOV BC, 2222

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 3333

Q: What will BX contain after execution?

A: 2222

Q: What will be the value of the different status flags after execution?
A: CF = 0, OF = 0, PF = 1, ZF = 0, AF = 0, SF = 0
Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 58
AX = 0001 0001 0001 0001
BX = 0010 0010 0010 0010
0011 0011 0011 0011

Example: (refer to Figure 5.4)

ADD word ptr [BETA], 1234

Q: What will memory location BETA contain after execution?

A: 7889

The original contents of memory location BETA is 6655. Add this value to the immediate data 1234. The result
is stored back to memory location BETA.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 59

5.9.2 ADC

In the ADC instruction, the source operand, the destination operand, and the value of carry flag are
added together and the result replaces the destination operand. Figure 5.5 illustrates the definition of the ADC
instruction, while Figure 5.3 illustrates the allowed operands for the ADC instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

ADC Add with Carry ADC D, S (D)  (S) + (D) + (CF) All status flags
(CF)  carry-out

Figure 5.5
ADC instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the ADC instruction. These are as follows:

a. In ADC instruction, the current value of the carry flag (i.e., add 1 if carry flag is set and 0 if carry flag
is reset) is added together with the source and the destination operand.
b. ADC instruction can be used to write routines to add numbers longer than 16 bits.
c. All important facts mentioned in the ADD instruction also apply for the ADC instruction.


MOV AX, 0001

ADC AX, 0001

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0003

The initial value of register AX is 0001. After executing the 2nd instruction, register AX contains a value of
0002, and the carry flag is 0. After the 3rd instruction, register AX now contains a value of 0003 (destination operand is
0002, source operand is 0001, and carry flag is 0).

5.9.3 INC

The INC instruction adds 1 to the destination operand. Figure 5.6 illustrates the definition of INC
instruction, while Figure 5.7 illustrates the allowed operands for the INC instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

INC Increment by 1 INC D (D) ¬ (D) + 1 AF, OF, PF, SF, ZF

Figure 5.6
INC instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 60

Destination Example
Register INC AX
Memory INC byte ptr BETA

Figure 5.7
Allowed operands for INC instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the INC instruction. These are as follows:

a. In INC instruction, the destination operand is viewed as unsigned integer

b. INC instruction does not affect the carry flag
c. If the destination operand is a memory addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be
append after the INC instruction to denote the data size of the destination operand.




Q: What will aX contain after execution?

A: 1100

Q: What will be the value of the different status flags after execution?
A: ZF = 1, AF = 1, SF = 0, OF = 0, PF = 1, CF remains unchanged

In this example, register AH is not affected since only register AL is incremented. AH still retains the value of
11, while AL now has a value of 00 (FF + 1).

5.9.4 DAA

The DAA instruction adjust the result of a previous addition of two valid packed decimal operands.
Figure 5.8 illustrates the definition of the DAA instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

Decimal Adjust for AF, CF, PF, SF, ZF, OF
Addition is undefined

Figure 5.8
DAA instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the DAA instruction. These are as follows:

a. The result of the previous operation should be in register AL

b. OF is undefined after execution
c. DAA should be executed immediately after ADD, ADC, or INC instruction
d. The instruction will adjust the result as follows:

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 61

If the lower nibble is greater than 9 or AF = 1 then
AL  AL + 06h
AF  1

If the upper nibble is greater than 9 or CF = 1 then

AL  AL + 60h
CF  1


MOV AL, 15
MOV BL, 15

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 30

In the example, the values of AL and BL are viewed as BCD (i.e., packed decimal). Since DAA instruction will
be used to adjust the addition operation, the destination operand of the ADD instruction should be in AL. Prior to DAA,
the value of AL is adjusted to 30h. The operation is as follows:

15h = 0001 0101

15h = 0001 0101
0010 1010
+ 0110
0011 0000

Since the lower nibble of the intermediate result is greater than 9, DAA adjust the result by adding 6 to the
lower nibble.

5.9.5 AAA

The AAA instruction adjust the result of a previous addition of two valid unpacked decimal operands.
Figure 5.9 illustrates the definition of the AAA instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

ASCII adjust for AF, CF
addition PF, SF, ZF, OF are undefined

Figure 5.9
AAA instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 62

There are some important facts to remember about the AAA instruction. These are as follows:

a. The result of the previous operation should be in register AL

b. OF, PF, SF and ZF are undefined after execution
c. The instruction will adjust the result as follows: if the least significant nibble is greater than 9 or AF =
1, then 6 is added to AL, and 1 is added to AH
d. Regardless of the value of the least significant nibble, the most significant nibble is always zeroed out
e. If an adjustment occurs, AF is set to 1
f. Regardless if there is an adjustment or not, carry flag is equal to auxiliary flag (i.e., CF = AF)
g. AAA should be executed immediately after ADD, ADC, or INC instruction.


MOV AL, 35 ; AL contains the ASCII value of 5

MOV BL, 34 ; BL contains the ASCII value of 4

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 09

In this example, the values of AL and BL are viewed as ASCII numbers (i.e., unpacked decimal). Since the AAA
instruction will be used to adjust the operation, the destination operand of the ADD instruction should be in AL. Prior
to AAA, the value of AL is 6Ah. After the AAA instruction, the value of AL is adjusted to 09h. The operation is as follows:

35h = 0011 0101

34h = 0011 0100
0110 1001

Since the least significant nibble is not greater than 9 nor the AF = 1, the only adjustment needed is to zero
out the most significant nibble.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 63

5.10 Subtraction Instructions
5.10.1 SUB

In the SUB instruction, the source operand is subtracted from the destination operand and the result
replaces the destination operand. Figure 5.10 illustrates the destination of SUB instruction, while Figure 5.11 illustrates
the allowed operands for the sub instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

(D)  (D) – (S)
SUB Subtraction SUB D, S All status flag
(CF)  borrow

Figure 5.10
SUB instruction

Destination Source Example

Memory Register SUB BETA, BX
Register Memory SUB DX, BETA
Register Register SUB AX, CX
Register Immediate SUB SI, 1234
Memory Immediate SUB byte ptr BETA, 12

Figure 5.11
Allowed operands for SUB and SBB instructions

There are some facts to remember about the SUB instruction. These are as follows:

a. The SUB instruction does not allow both source and destination operands to be of memory
addressing mode at the same time (i.e., no memory to memory subtraction). For example, SUB BETA,
ALPHA is invalid.
b. As with the MOV instruction, if the destination operand is a memory addressing mode and the source
operand is an immediate addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be appended after
the SUB instruction to denote the data size of the immediate operand.
c. Both source and destination operands should be of the same data size. For example, SUB CX, DL is
d. All status flags are affected after execution.

MOV AX, 3333
MOV BX, 2222

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 1111

Q: What will BX contain after execution?

A: 2222

Q: What will be the value of the different status flags after execution?
A: CF = 0, OF = 0, PF = 1, ZF = 0, AF = 0, SF = 0

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 64

AX = 0011 0011 0011 0011
BX = 0010 0010 0010 0010
0001 0001 0001 0001

5.10.2 SBB

The SBB instruction subtracts the source operand and the carry flag from the destination operand.
Figure 5.12 illustrates the definition of the SBB instruction, while Figure 5.11 illustrates the allowed operands for the
SBB instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

Subtract with (D)  (D) – (S) – (CF)
SBB SBB D, S All status flags
Borrow (CF)  borrow

Figure 5.12
SBB instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the SBB instruction. These are as follows:

a. In the SBB instruction, the current value of the carry flag (i.e., subtract 1 if carry flag is set and subtract
0 if carry flag is reset) is subtracted together with the source and destination operand.
b. The SBB instruction can be used to write routines to subtract numbers longer than 16 bits.
c. All important facts mentioned in the SUB instruction also apply to the SBB instruction.

MOV AX, 0002
SUB AX, 0001
SBB AX, 0000

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0001

The initial value of register AX is 0002. After executing the 2nd instruction, register AX contains a value of 0001
and the CF is 0. After the 3rd instruction, register AX contains a value of 0001 (destination operand is 0001, source
operand is 0000, and carry flag is 0).

5.10.3 DEC

DEC instruction subtracts 1 from the destination operand. Figure 5.13 illustrates the definition of DEC
instruction, while Figure 5.14 illustrates the allowed operands for the DEC instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

DEC Decrement by 1 Dec D (D)  (D) – 1 AF, OF, PF, SF, ZF

Figure 5.13
DEC instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 65

Destination Example
Register DEC AX
Memory DEC byte ptr BETA

Figure 5.14
Allowed operands for DEC instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the DEC instruction. These are as follows:

a. In the DEC instruction, the destination operand is viewed as an unsigned integer.

b. DEC instruction does not affected the carry flag.
c. If the destination operand is a memory addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be
appended after the DEC instruction to denote the data size of the destination operand.

MOV AX, 0055

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: FF55

Q: What will be the value of the different status flags after execution?
A: ZF = 0, AF = 1, SF = 1, OF = 0, PF = 1, carry flag remains unchanged

In this example, register AL is not affected since only register AH is decremented. AL still retains the value of
55, while AH now has a value of FF (00-1).

5.10.4 NEG

The NEG instruction converts the specified operand to its 2’s complement equivalent and the result is
returned to the operand location. This is, in effect, reversing the sign of an integer. Figure 5.15 illustrates the definition
of NEG instruction, while Figure 5.16 illustrates the allowed operands for the NEG instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

NEG Negate NEG D (D)  0 – (D) All status flags

Figure 5.15
NEG instruction

Destination Example
Register NEG AX
Memory NEG byte ptr BETA

Figure 5.15
Allowed operands for NEG instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 66

There are some important facts to remember about the NEG instruction. These are as follows:

a. Attempting to negate an operand having a value of zero causes no change to the operand and resets
the carry flag (i.e., CF = 0), else the carry flag is set (i.e., CF = 1).
b. Attempting to negate an operand having a value of either 80h (-128 decimal) or 8000h (-32768)
causes no change to the operand and sets the overflow flag (i.e., OF = 1), else the overflow is reset
(i.e., OF = 0).
c. If the destination operand is a memory addressing mode, the prefix byte ptr or word ptr should be
appended after the NEG instruction to denote the data size of the destination operand.

MOV AL, 00

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 00

Q: What will be the value of the carry flag and overflow flag after execution?
A: OF = 0, CF = 0

In this example, the operand is zero. Therefore, the operand is not changed (i.e., register AL still has a
value of 0) and the carry flag is reset. The operand is either 80h or 8000h, so the overflow flag value is 0.

MOV BL, 09

Q: What will BL contain after execution?

A: F7

Q: What will be the value of the carry flag and overflow flag after execution?
A: OF = 0, CF = 1

In this example, the 2’s complement of 09 is F7 (or -9 in decimal). The operand is either 0 nor 80h nor 8000h,
therefore, the carry flag is set and the overflow flag is reset.

MOV SI, 8000

Q: What will SI contain after execution?

A: 8000

Q: What will be the value of the carry flag and overflow flag after execution?
A: OF = 1, CF = 1

In this example, the operand is 8000, thus, the operand is not changed (i.e., register SI still has a value of
8000) and the overflow flag is set. Since the operand is not zero, the carry flag value is set.

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5.10.5 DAS

The DAS instruction adjust the result of a previous subtraction of two valid packed decimal operands. Figure
5.17 illustrates the definition of DAS instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

DAS Decimal adjust for DAS OF is undefined AF, CF, PF, SF, ZF

Figure 5.17
DAS instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the DAS instruction. These are as follows:

a. The result of the previous operation should be in register AL.

b. OF is undefined after execution
c. DAS should be executed immediately after SUB, SBB, or DEC instruction
d. The instruction will adjust the result as follows:

If the largest significant nibble is greater than 0 or AF = 1 then

AL  AL – 06h
AF  1

If the most significant nibble is greater than 9 or CF = 1 then

AL  AL – 60h
CF  1

MOV AL, 34
MOV BL, 19

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 15

In the example, the values of AL and BL are viewed as BCD (i.e., packed decimal). Since DAS instruction
will be used to adjust the subtraction operation, the destination operand should be in AL. Prior to the DAS instruction,
the value of AL is 1Bh. After the DAS instruction, the value of register AL is adjust to 15. The Operation is as follows:

34h = 0011 0100

19h = 0001 1001
0001 1011
- 0110
0001 0101

Since the lower nibble of the intermediate result is greater than 9, DAS adjust the result by subtracting 6 to
the lower nibble.

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5.10.6 AAS

The ASS instruction adjust the result of a previous subtraction of two valid unpacked decimal operands.
Figure 5.18 illustrates the definition of the AAS instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

ASCII adjust for AF, CF
subtraction PF, SF, ZF, OF, are undefined

Figure 5.18
AAS instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the AAS instruction. These are as follows:

a. The destination operand should be in register AL.

b. OF, PF, SF and ZF are undefined after execution.
c. The instruction will adjust the result as follows: if the least significant nibble is greater than 9 or AF
= 1, then 6 is subtracted from AL, and 1 is subtracted from AH.
d. Regardless of the value of the least significant nibble, the most significant nibble is always zeroed
e. If an adjustment occurs, AF is set to 1.
f. Regardless if there is an adjustment or not, carry flag is equal to auxiliary flag (i.e., CF = AF).
g. AAS should be executed immediately after SUB, SBB, or DEC instruction.

MOV AL, 39 ; AL contains the ASCII value of 9
MOV BL, 34 ; BL contains the ASCII value of 4

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 05

In this example, the values of register AL and BL are viewed as ASCII numbers (i.e., unpacked decimal).
Since the AAS instruction will be used to adjust the operation, the destination operand of the SUB instruction should
be in register AL. Prior to AAS, the value of AL is 05. After the AAS instruction, the value of register AL is adjusted to 05.
The operation is as follows:

39h = 0011 1001

34 = 0011 0100
0000 0101

Since the least significant nibble is not greater than 9, thus the only adjustment needed is to zero out the
most significant nibble.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 69

5.11 Multiplication Instructions

5.11.1 MUL

The MUL instruction performs an unsigned multiplication of the source operand and the accumulator.
Figure 5.19 illustrates the definition of MUL instruction, while Figure 5.20 illustrates the allowed operands for the MUL

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

Unsigned AX  AL * S8 CF, OF
Multiplication DX, AX  AX * S16 ZF, SF, PF, AF are undefined

Figure 5.19
MUL instruction

Destination Example
Register MUL AX
Memory MUL byte ptr BETA

Figure 5.20
Allowed operands for MUL and IMUL instructions

There are some important facts to remember about the MUL instruction. These are as follows:

a. If the source operand is a byte, it is multiplied by register AL and the result is returned to register AX.
b. If the source operand is a word, it is multiplied by register AX and the result is returned to register
DX (most significant word) and AX (least significant word).
c. In the MUL instruction, operands are viewed as unsigned integers.
d. If the upper half of the result (register AH for byte source, register DX for word source) is zero, CF
and OF are reset; otherwise, they are set.
e. AF, PF, SF, and ZF are undefined after execution.

MOV AX, 0002
MOV BX, 0005

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 000A

Q: What will be the value of the carry flag and overflow flag after execution?
A: CF = 0, OF = 0

In the given example, the source operand of the MUL instruction is a byte. This means that it is
multiplied with AL. The operation is, therefore, AX  02 * 05. After execution, register AX will have a value of 000A.
Since the upper half of the result is zero, both carry flag and overflow flag are reset.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 70

5.11.2 IMUL

The IMUL instruction performs a signed multiplication of the source operand and the accumulator.
Figure 5.21 illustrates the definition of IMUL instruction, while Figure 5.20 illustrates the allowed operands for the IMUL

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

AX  AL * S8 CF, OF
IMUL Signed Multiplication IMUL S
DX, AX  AX * S16 ZF, SF, PF, AF are undefined

Figure 5.21
IMUL instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the IMUL instruction. These are as follows:

a. If the source operand is a byte, it is multiplied by register AL and the result is returned to AX
b. If the source operand is a word, it is multiplied by register AX and the result is returned to register
DX (most significant word) and AX (least significant word).
c. In the IMUL instruction, operands are viewed as signed integers.
d. If the upper half of the result (AH for byte source, DX for word source) is the sign extension of the
lower half of the result, CF and OF are reset; otherwise, they are set.
e. AF, PF, SF, and ZF are undefined after execution.


Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0004

Q: What will be the value of the carry flag and overflow flag after execution?
A: CF = 0, OF = 0

In the example, since the source operand of the IMUL instruction is a byte, it is automatically multiplied
with AL. The operation is, therefore, AX  (-2) * (-2), (i.e., in the IMUL instruction, operands are viewed as signed
integers). After execution, register AX will have a value of 0004. Since the upper half of the result is the signed extension
of the lower half of the result, both carry flag and overflow flag are reset.

5.11.3 AAM

The AAM instruction adjust the result of a previous multiplication of two valid unpacked decimal
operands. Figure 5.22 illustrates the definition of AAM instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

ASCII adjust for AH  AL / 0Ah SF, ZF, PF
multiplication AL  AL mod 0Ah CF, AF, OF are undefined

Figure 5.22
AAM instruction

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 71

There are some important facts to remember about AAM instruction. These are as follows:

a. The most significant nibble of an operand should be zero. This can be compared with addition and
subtraction in which operands are viewed as ASCII (i.e., most significant nibble is a 3).
b. The result of the previous operation should be in register AX.
c. The instruction will adjust the result as follows: the value of register AL is divided with 0Ah and the
quotient is placed in AH, while the remainder is placed in AL.
d. OF, CF, and AF are undefined after execution.
e. AAM should be executed immediately after MUL or IMUL instruction.

MOV AL, 05
MOV BL, 03

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0105

After execution the MUL instruction, AX has a value of 000F. (Equivalent to decimal 15). After the AAM
instruction, thus, AH now contains 01h (i.e., 000F / 0Ah) while AL now contains 05h (i.e., 000F mod 0Ah). AX now
contains the adjusted unpacked decimal value of the previous result (i.e., 0105 is the unpacked BCD equivalent of 15)

5.12 Division Instruction

5.12.1 CBW

The CBW instruction sign extends the byte data in register AL to register AH. Figure 5.23 illustrates the
definition of CBW instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

CBW Convert byte to word CBW AH  MSB of AL None

Figure 5.23
CBW instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the CBW instruction. These are as follows:

a. CBW works with register AL only

b. After execution, register AH contains the sign extension of register AL.

MOV AX, 1234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0034

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 72

The sign bit (most significant bit) of register AL is 0. The sign extension is, therefore, 00 and is stored in
register AH.

MOV AX, 8088

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: FF88

The sign bit (most significant bit) of register AL is 1. The sign extension is, therefore, FF and is stored in
register AH.

5.12.2 CWD

The CWD instruction sign extends the word data in register AX to register DX. Figure 5.24 illustrates the
definition of CWD instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

CWD Convert word to double word CWD DX  MSB of AX None

Figure 5.24
CWD instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the CWD instruction. These are as follows:

a. CWD works with register AX only.

b. After execution, register DX contains the sign extension of register AX.

MOV AX, 1234

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 1234

Q: What will DX contain after execution?

A: 0000

The sign bit (most significant bit) to register AX is 0. The sign extension is , therefore, 0000 and is stored
in register DX.

MOV AX, 8088

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 8088

Q: What will DX contain after execution?

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 73
The sign bit (most significant bit) to register AX is 1. The sign extension is, therefore, FFFF and is stored
in register AX.

5.12.3 DIV

The DIV instruction performs an unsigned division of the accumulator by the source operand. Figure
5.25 illustrates the definition of DIV instruction, while Figure 5.26 illustrates the allowed operands for the DIV

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

AL  AX div S8
All flags are
Unsigned AH  AX mod S8
DIV DIV S undefined after
Division AX  DX, AX div S16
DX  DX, AX mod S16

Figure 5.25
DIV instruction

Destination Example
Register DIV AX
Memory DIV byte ptr BETA

Figure 5.26
Allowed operands for DIV and IDIV instructions

There are some important facts to remember about the DIV instruction. These are as follows:
a. If the source operand is a byte, register AX is divided by this byte-sized source operand, with the
results returned in register AL and the remainder in register AH.
b. If the source operand is a word, register pair DX, AX is divided by this word-sized source operand,
with the results returned in register AX and the remainder in register DX.
c. In the DIV instruction, operands are viewed as unsigned integers.
d. If the quotient exceeds the capacity of the destination register (i.e., FFh for byte source, FFFFh for
word source), the quotient and remainder are undefined, and an INT 0 is generated.
e. Non-integral quotients are truncated.
f. All status flags are undefined after execution.

MOV AX, 0005
MOV BX, 0002

Q: What will AL contain after execution?

A: 02

Q: What will AH contain after execution?

A: 01

In the example above, the source operand of the DIV instruction is a byte. This means that register AX
is divided by register BL. The operation is, therefore, AL – 05 div 02 and AH – 05 mod 02.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 74

5.12.4 IDIV

The IDIV instruction performs a signed division of the accumulator by the source operand. Figure 5.27
illustrates the definition of IDIV instruction, while Figure 5.26 illustrates the allowed operands for the IDIV instruction.

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected

AL  AL div S8
Signed AH  AX mod S8 All flags are undefined after
Division AX  DX, AX div S16 execution
DX  DX, AX mod S16

Figure 5.27
IDIV instruction

There are some important facts to remember about the IDIV instruction. These are as follows:
a. If the source operand is a byte, register AX is divided by this byte-sized source operand, with the
results returned in register AL and the remainder in register AH.
b. If the source operand is a word, register pair DX, AX is divided by this word-sized source operand,
with the results returned in register AX and the remainder in register DX.
c. In the IDIV instruction, operands are viewed as signed integers
d. If the source operand is a byte, the maximum positive quotient is 7Fh, and the minimum negative
quotient is 81h.
e. If the source operand is a word, the maximum positive quotient is 7FFFh, and the minimum negative
quotient is 8001h.
f. If the quotient exceeds the maximum (positive) or the minimum (negative), the quotient and
remainder are undefined, and an INT 0 is generated.
g. Non-integral quotients are truncated.
h. The remainder has the same sign as the dividend
i. All status flags are undefined after execution.


Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0001

Q: What will DX contain after execution?

A: 0000

In the example, the source operand of the IDIV instruction is a word. This means that register DX, AX is
divided by register BL. The operation is, therefore, AX  (-2) div (-2) and DX  (-2) mod (-2).

5.12.5 AAD

The AAD instruction modifies the numerator in register AL before dividing two valid unpacked decimal
operands. Figure 5.28 illustrates the definition of AAD instruction.

Computer System Organization w/ Assembly Language 75

Mnemonic Meaning Format Operation Flags Affected
ASCII adjust for AL  AH * 0Ah + AL PF, SF, ZF
division AH  0 AF, CF, OF are undefined

Figure 5.28
AAD instruction

There are some important facts to remember about AAD instruction. These are as follows:
a. AAD instruction should be executed before issuing the DIV instruction when dividing two valid
unpacked decimal operands.
b. The instruction will adjust the operand (i.e., register AL) as follows: the value of register AH is
multiplied with 0Ah and added with the value of the register AL. The result is placed in register AL.
AH is zeroed out after adjustment.
c. AF, CF, OF are undefined after execution.
d. AAD instruction works hand in hand with DIV instruction only.

MOV AX, 0105
MOV BL, 02

Q: What will AX contain after execution?

A: 0107

In the example, after execution the AAD instruction, register AX now has a value of 000Fh. This value
is then divided by BL.

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