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2015-11-25 - Version 2.

* Cleaned up the PHP notice messages
* Updated the Facebook widget to use the latest changes and features
* Removed the <title> meta tag from the header.php, since it is deprecated in WP
4.4 and it is recommended to use the add_theme_support( 'title-tag' );
* PHP 7 compatiblity fixes
* Fixed slider not displaying in the full width page template

* Upgrading Instructions:
1. Re-upload all the files in the 'lib/widgets' folder from the new version to
your current theme's 'lib/widgets' folder
2. Re-upload the following files from the new version to your current theme's
- lib/Themater.php
- lib/Admin.php
- lib/default-admin-options.php
- includes/featuredposts/featuredposts.php
- includes/featuredposts/template.php
- includes/social_profiles.php (if exists)
- includes/aboutus.php (if exists)
3. Edit your header.php and remove the <title> meta tag: <title><?php $theme-
>meta_title(); ?></title>
4. Re-upload page-template-full.php from the new version to your curren theme's
Or edit page-template-full.php and add the below code immediately after <div
<?php $theme->hook("main_before"); $theme->hook("content_before"); ?>
5. Edit your style.css and update the version number with the new version number
you are seeing for this update

2015-01-01 - Version 2.5

As of Jan 01, 2015 this theme is mainined and supported by Only
the theme meta data was updtaed therefore upgrading from the previous version is
not required.

2014-05-10 - Version 2.4

As WordPress version 3.9 shortcodes are not working because of the new way of
displaying the buttons in the post/page editor. Therefore, the shortcodes features
is removed from our themes.
Upgrading instructions: Upgrading is not necessary and the theme should work with
no problem, but you can follow the below steps to remove the shortcodes from your
theme and keep your theme instalation up to date. We made also some improvements.
Updated files are mentioned in the below upgrading instructions.
* Re-upload the following files from the new version to your current theme folder:
functions.php, lib/Admin.php, lib/Themater.php, lib/default-admin-options.php,
lib/widgets/facebook.php, includes/aboutus.php (if exists),
includes/social_profiles.php (if exists), includes/featuredposts/featuredposts.php
(if exists)
* Edit your style.css and update the version number to the current you are seeing
* Delete the following folder: lib/shortcodes/

2014-04-08 - Version 2.3

* Fixed all the included custom widgets to work properly with the live widget
customizer, a feature to be included in the upcoming version 3.9 of WordPress.
* Upgrading instructions: Just re-upload all the files in the following folder:
2013-08-13 - Version 2.2
* Fixed featured posts (slider) options page where it will not save the link and
title fields when adding a new slide.
* Upgrading instructions: Just re-upload the following file:

2013-05-08 - Version 2.1

* Fixed shortcodes buttons for the visual editor, where buttons from the third
party plugins were blocked.
* Upgrading instructions: Just re-upload the following file:

2013-03-19 - Version 2.0

This is a major update that adds new features to the theme. Updating instructions
are below.
* Added responsive design support
* Added Shortcodes
* Added support for WooCommerce Shopping Cart
* Added an option to display the featured posts in front page, when a static page
is set as front page (homepage) from the wp-admin / Settings / Reading page
* Removed the Twitter widget. Twitter stopped support for the API version 1.0 and
this widget is unusable now
* Upgrading instructions
1. Upload the 'lib/shortcodes' folder from the new version to your current
theme's 'lib/shortcodes' folder
2. Upload the 'lib/menu-primary.php' file from the new version to your
current theme's 'lib' folder (Overwrite if already exists)
3. Upload the 'lib/menu-secondary.php' file from the new version to your
current theme's 'lib' folder (Overwrite if already exists)
4. Upload the 'lib/js/jquery.mobilemenu.js' file from the new version to your
current theme's 'lib/js' folder
5. Upload the 'lib/Themater.php' file from the new version to your current
theme's 'lib' folder (Overwrite if already exists)
6. Upload the 'lib/default-admin-options.php' file from the new version to your
current theme's 'lib' folder (Overwrite if already exists)
7. Upload the 'woocommerce.php' file from the new version to your current
theme's folder (Overwrite if already exists)
8. Upload the 'includes/featuredposts/featuredposts.php' file from the new
version to your current theme's 'includes/featuredposts' folder (Overwrite if
already exists)
9. Delete the 'lib/widgets/tweets.php' file from your current theme's folder.
Twitter stopped support for the API version 1.0 and this widget is unusable now.
Check out our support forum for an alternative solution for displaying tweets in
your website.
10. Open header.php and after </title> add the below code in a new line:
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"/>
11. Open the style.css file from the new theme, find and copy the codes after
/* =RESPONSIVE block and paste them at the end of your current themes's style.css

2012-06-16 - Version 1.1

* Fixed the featured posts slider not working after the WordPress 3.4 update. You
can check out our support forum for a quick fix

2012-04-15 - Version 1.0

* Initial theme release!

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