PSIR 33 - Daily Classnotes - (UPSC Optional PSIR (HINGLISH) )

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Political Science & International

Lecture - 33


Social background of Marxian views

Marx was expelled out of Germany, then France, then Belgium because of his anti-

governmental activities. Then he moved to England which political asylum. In England,

Marx made his Friedrich Fried Engel who went on to become his closest friend. Engels

was a capitalist.It depends on the prevailing social and intellectual conditions. So even

Marxian views were inspired by social, conditions that prevailed in Europe at that point

of time.

During this period, capitalism was the dominant theme.Capitalism is an ideology which

propounds a particular type of economic arrangements. In this type of economic

arrangement forces of production that is a factory system is owned by capitalists and

maximization of profit becomes main objective of capitalist and this arrangement

Exploitation of workers become obvious. Marx himself witnessing of this exploration hence

the Marxian view term Das reaction against this Exploitation of working class i.e., those

working in the factories becomes obvious.

Views of Karl Marx can be termed as a reaction to capitalist system.Marx propounded his

concept of communism which is another type of economic arrangement.In this type of

economic arrangement the forces of production. i.e., the factory system, is not owned by

individual.They are owned by entire community and resources are equally distributed.

Since the resources are equally distributed among all and there is no income disparity

hence there is to large division.A communist society is an egalitarian society.Marx believed

that a communist society will be established with the help of working class revolution.

Capitalism will be over thrown and even the state will wither away leading to the rule of

working class.

Even though working-class revolution to place a number of societies but egalitarian

society could never be achieved.A number of leaders, like Lenin who endorsed Marxian

view and they tried to mobilize working class.They advocated the idea of socialism ,which

advocates that forces of production are owned by state.The state will ensure equitable

distribution of resources leading to the establishment of an communist society in future.

From the ideas of socialism there emerge the concept of Fabián socialism and guild

socialism.According to fabian socialism the forces of production can be owed by the state

but this state should bd democratically constituted. It means the goal of socialism will be

achieved through democratic means. According to guild socialism the forces of production

that is factory system will be owed by state and management will be into the hands pf


Note: India adopted fabian brand of socialism

Historical Materialism (Materialistic interpretation of history)

The term historical materialism was coined by Georgi Plekhanov who was Lenin's mentor.

Marx never used this term in his own writings. However, the concept of historical

materialism was given in order to explain the Marxian view of human history. The

concept was explained in a systematic manner by Engels in his book Socialism - Utopian

and Scientific.

Here historical refers to the history of human society, On the other hand, the term

materialism refers to the process of production of material things i.e., economic

activities.According to Engels, historical materialism is that view every major of human

history which associates event in human society with the economic activities.

The concept of historical materialism was propounded in order to explain the Marxian

view of human history.According to Marx, when man came to this earth he was left on

his own to survive. He was able to survive only because of his ability to produce material

things such as food, shelter and clothing, etc. Hence Marx associated existence of human

beings with economic activities.

According to Marx, even society came into existence with economic objectives. When man

realized that man in association can produce more as compared to the man in

isolation.Therefore, He associated with each other’s, and hence society came into

existence. Through Society men comparted with each other’s in order to produce more

and more. Hence society came into existence only because of economic reasons.

According to Marx, even family came into existence because of economic factors. Initially

even human beings were like animals’ Sexual relationship was free for all without any

restrictions, gradually when male members in the society started accumulating wealth,

they started thinking that their properly, should be inherited only by their own children.

For this purpose, it was essential to determine paternity for his children, Because of this

family was created in order to curtail sexual Freedom of women got restricted.

According to Marx, classes in society came into existence mainly because of economic

disparity.Those who accumulated more wealth acquired a higher position as compared to


According to Marx, because of economic reasons class division in society takes place and

the struggle between different classes takes places results into Social change.Hence, it can

be said that Marx has associated every major event in human history with economic



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