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he said to the companions renew your

faith they said Allah how do we renew

our faith he said keep saying

now what's the meaning of

obviously in simple terms we say there

is no God besides Allah

but the actual meaning

is that there is no deity worthy of

worship or unconditional obedience

except Allah

it is a statement that includes both

negation and affirmation so think of

negation and affirmation

there is no God except for Allah

is negation and you think of Surah

kafirun as an elaboration of that


is affirmation and you think of Allah

as an elaboration of the affirmation of


there is no God no deity worthy of

worship or unconditional obedience

except for Allah and the prophet

sallallahu alaihi wasallam said

the best form of remembrance is

now you might remember this narration

the best

the best

he beautifully summarizes this by saying

that every narma every blessing that you

get you pay for that blessing by saying

alhamdulillah but as for Jannah you pay

for it by saying

is the key to entering into Jannah and

alhamdulillah is how you pay for the

blessings that are given to you and of

course we would never be able to thank

Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala enough

it's how you enter Islam

it's how you enter into Jannah

is the phrase that the prophet salallahu

said those straight to the throne of


is what the prophet saws you need to

gain his intercession on the day of


is the card the prophet saws that on the

day of judgment would be placed in your

scale and would send all of your sins

flying on the other side and every


becomes even that much more powerful so

what do I mean by that

alone is the key to Jama right but the

prophet saws whoever does will do it

properly and then says

literally opens up all eight Gates of

Jannah so you think about how you take

and then you build on both in terms of

the atgar that come as a result of it as

well as the great meanings that are

embedded in those now what's the daily

usage of Allah you'll find it for the

most simple things such as warding off


you'll also find it for renewing our

intention for anything that we do and of

course as we said we say this throughout

the day anything that reminds you of


when you see anything that reminds you

of Allah's unlimited capacity and your

limited capacity

when you see that Allah has fulfilled a

promise to you you say

this is the promise of Allah come true

and you'll notice that it is used as

part of the sequence of our lowest

points and our highest points so the

prophet salallahu alaihi wasallam said

the best Dua for hardship is

there is no God but you how perfect are

you I was from the wrongdoers and so

this is when a person is in hardship and

the prophet saws said no one says this

Dura seeking Allah azzawajada's

alleviation of a hardship except that

Allah will grant that to them then he

says that the best

that has been made is the durat that I

and the prophets have said on the day of


so this

he is one he has no Partners

to him belongs all possession and all

praise and he has power over all things

he said sallallahu Islam that this is

the best Dua on the day of arafah now on

a daily basis he says

that if a person says this Dua 10 times

in the morning and 10 times in the

evening it is like freeing four slaves

from the children of Ismael so you think

about that ten times between Fajr and

sunrise 10 times between Assad and

Maghrib and it's as if you have freed

four people from slavery from the

children of Ismael and what's the reward

of that the prophet saws said that

whoever frees a slave from captivity

Allah azzawajal will free every part of

them from the Hellfire so that's just

for saying it 10 times he said in

another narration that whoever says it

100 times it's as if they have freed 10

sleeps and Allah will write down for

them 100 special good deeds and Allah

will erase 100 sins and Allah will grant

that person

a shield from the shaytan and no one has

anything better unless they do even more

than that meaning they say it even more

than a hundred times you say this

Thicket after the prayer after you

finish saying subhanallah

33 times

you also say this prayer before you

sleep and you even say this prayer when

you enter into the marketplace this Dura

is known as

the only thing that has been added in

this Dura is


Right Allah gives life and death and

Allah is ever living and he does not die

and one of the wisdoms of that is that

when you walk into the marketplace and

you see the materials of this life you

remind yourself

there is no life except for eternal life

the true life exists not in this Dunya

but in the Hereafter

that whoever says this Dira upon

entering into the marketplace Allah will

write down for them

a thousand by a thousand which is one

million hasanat and removed from them

one million and raise them by one

million dollar one million degrees and

Allah will build them a home in Paradise

how many palaces how many degrees how

many Deeds how many that we have missed

out on just by failing to say on a

consistent basis and in every single

situation and we ask Allah

allow us to be able to utter

at the time of our death

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