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Legalization of Marijuana

There has been a debate about this topic. Marijuana is good for the health,
specially if you have a stomach pain, just boil an couple leaves of it, then drink
the boiled water with marijuana leaves and it will help to ease the pain in your
tummy. But for some reason. Many people used this as a comfort drugs. They
are using this to forget their problems in many case, this plant gives a user an
effect in their attitude. Some used to laugh even if the story is not happy or it
is sad moment. Some effects are the user are looking for food, even the rotten
fruits they will eat it, because of the effect of marijuana.

In my opinion, I’m agree with the legalization of marijuana, provided that the
government will control the distribution of this drugs. It can be bought only in
the public hospitals for medical use only.It cannot distribute to the market
since it has a negative effect on the attitude of the user or consumer.
Manufacturer should limit the distribution of marijuana to the public hospitals
only. And that their employee is free from drugs also.

Legalization of marijuana can be good if it is controlled or regulated properly.

But if this will be legalized for the interest of some groups then maybe forget
this topic and proceed for some important details of this plant.

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