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Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Stress Level in Teenagers Total points 0/0

This survey aims to examine the stress levels experienced by teenagers in various aspects of their
lives. We are interested in understanding the factors contributing to stress, the common symptoms
exhibited, and the coping strategies employed. The survey will consist of questions related to
academic pressure, social relationships, family dynamics, extracurricular activities, and personal
well-being. Participants' responses will remain confidential, and the data collected will be used for
research purposes only. By gaining insights into the stressors faced by teenagers, we hope to identify
areas for intervention and support, ultimately promoting their mental health and well-being.

This survey is completely anonymous, so feel free to express yourself!

0 of 0 points

What grade are you currently in? *


On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall stress level? *

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Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

What stream have you chosen? (only for grades 11 and 12) *



Physics, chemistry, biology

Physics chemistry maths


Do you attend other classes outside of school? *


No…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 2 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Which of the following factors contribute to your stress the most? 

Academic pressure

Social pressure

Family Expectations

Time management

Peer pressure

Personal appearance/body image

Financial concerns


Triggers of Stress 0 of 0 points

Have you ever experienced any physical symptoms as a result of stress? *


No…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 3 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

 How do you feel academic stress a"ects your personal life? *

being irritable and unconsciously ruining your relationships

getting stressed over small things

falling sick

missing classes

unable to balance personal and academic life

unable to spend quality time with loved ones


How do you feel stress a"ects your academic performance? *


lack of concentration

lack of motivation

unable to work well under pressure

unable to perform well in exams

getting distracted easily

motivates you to study hard with focus

all of the above- mostly distracted, lack of motivation, anxiety and procrastination…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 4 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Are there any specific situations or events that tend to trigger stress for you? If yes, please

How would you describe your family situation and how does it contribute to your stress

high expectations

no expectations




Other: supportive to a certain extent and have expectations

Do you feel that being part of an external institution (e.g., sports team, club, community
organization) adds to your stress? If yes, please explain how.

Yes, the work keeps getting piled up and it’s hard to meet the deadlines

Yes, the amount of pressure from the extracurricular activities I do are both, mentally and
physically exerting

No, it’s relaxing more than stressful

No, it’s helpful and it’s a form of therapy…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 5 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Are there any external responsibilities or commitments (e.g., part-time job, caring for siblings,
volunteering) that contribute to your stress? If so, please describe.





How does your current relationship status (e.g., single, dating, in a relationship) impact your *
stress levels? Please explain.

single, don't feel pressured as a teenager to date

single, facing commitment issues

in a relationship but causal factors added stress

in a relationship but no stress

idk really.. but seeing everyone around me in a relationship causes feelings of isolation
and loneliness

How did the transition to a new school or being in a new friend group a"ect your stress
levels? Please share your experience.

Yes, sometimes the conflicts and opposing thoughts between me and my new friend group
caused me stress, hurt and anger.…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 6 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Have you experienced any external health situations (e.g., chronic illness, disabilities) that
have impacted your stress levels? If yes, please describe how it a"ects you in various aspects of
your life.


How does the pressure to choose a future career, especially one that may be perceived as more
stressful or demanding, contribute to your stress levels? Please share your thoughts.

Yes, everything feels dependent on this decision that I would be making now

Do you feel that social media contributes to insecurities or stress in your life? If yes, please
describe how it a"ects you.

not really active on social media

feeling major fomo

social media sets up highly unrealistic beauty standards that trigger insecurities and lead to

developing insecurities that hinder your personal development


How does peer pressure impact your stress levels? Please share any specific situations or

No peer pressure as such I know of…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 7 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Coping Mechanisms 0 of 0 points

 How do you typically cope with stress? (Select all that apply) *

Physical exercise

Talking to friends or family

Listening to music

Engaging in hobbies or activities

Mindfulness or meditation

Seeking professional help


Do you feel comfortable discussing your stress or mental health concerns with your *




I don't know…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 8 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

Are you aware of any support systems or resources available to you for managing stress? *
(e.g., school counselors, helplines, online resources) If yes, please specify

School counsellors



online resources


Have you ever sought help from a mental health professional for stress or related issues? If *
yes, how helpful was it?

yes once, was for a short period of time so did not see any change…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 9 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

What changes, if any, would you suggest to your school or educational institution to better *
support students in managing stress?

personalized feedback in private

approachable counsellors

creating a separate class for students in need of help

mental health awareness workshops

having a safe and inclusive environment

reducing academic pressure

peer support programs

Collaborating with families


Do you think there is enough awareness and education about stress management for *
students your age?




Not sure…jhHUQo4BheMfvajopE3CrvpTF6HyhObwBDDNWn-UqsXMTT6xJaahsLSwQ Page 10 of 11
Stress Level in Teenagers 08/08/23, 7:57 PM

How would you prefer to receive information or support regarding stress management? *
(Select all that apply)

Workshops or Presentations at School

Online articles or blogs

Mobile apps or digital resources

Support groups or counseling sessions

Peer-led discussions or activities


Do you have a reliable emotional support system (e.g., friends, family, mentors) that helps *
you manage stress? If yes, please describe how they support you.

Friends- easy to talk to, available, talk from my perspective

Is there anything else you would like to share about your experience with stress in relation *
to any of the mentioned topics?


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