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The pie charts demonstrate 5 distinct origins of global electricity manufacuring

in 2010 and the prediction in the next ten years of these. From an overall view, there
was only one exception depicting an upward trend throughout the given period, two
out of four remaining branches stayed at the same percentage, otherwise saw a
downward one.

The largest source in 2010 was gas and oil which comprised around 40 perent
of the graph, nevertheless, according to the prediction ten years later, this majority
only be left half of them in the past. In contrast, going ahead at the lowesr rate in the
first timestamp, Reneables tendency saw a dramatic increase and occupied around 40
percent in 2020. Nuclear and Hydropower fount of energy began at 25 percent and 11
percent respectively and stabilized at this level after ten years. The left one branch was
coal that illustated a similar tendency togas and oil, especially, it decreased by exactly
12 percent differ from the initial state.

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